#i only noticed bc i wanted to find 2 moon picture and it was NOWHERE
its-just-a-theory · 2 months
Of the two moons.
Have you noticed how in Marionetta universe there are two moons?
No? — That's alright, I've got you covered.
Yes?... Well, have you noticed it appeared only twice, both situations focusing on Kamille and her struggles with romance?
So well, let's get to the basics first.
One things that is rather obvious in moon's symbolism — it's associated with femininity. Female energy, as an opposition to male energy — the sun.
It's often we get to see sun and moon as a metaphor for heterosexual relationship (Daenerys and Drogo is the only example I can remember rn XD).
What's the metaphor for homosexual relationship between two women then? It's not like any of the girls display any manly features whatsoever, so sun and moon parallels don't exactly work well here.
So — it could be that the two moons paired together symbolise their relationship (and if it's not Ramille in it's essense, it surely does reflect Kamille's orientation).
Let's see the exact scenes the moons appeared
I think it portrays Kamille's intuition and connection to inner self very well, somehow. And as it may seem a bit (very) far-fetched, it all does suit together (imo).
So yeah... Did you know that each phase of the moon has its own meaning?
Me neither, but for some reason i googled it. lol.
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The first situation is when Kamille is forced to choose a marriage partner and doesn't know what to do about it. Eventually, she proceeds to go to sleep as she notices it's late and she's unable to solve her problem right now (episode 8).
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I honestly don't think it's a coincidence. It's well planned to smallest detail work. Also quite good example of foreshadowing, because there's no way we'd know she's a lesbian back then, and no way we'd figure it out.
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The second one is the 'senpai noticed me' moment Kamille gets to experience with Rainah when she complements her flower crown. She gets to convince Rainah to make her become her assistant, so that they could spend more time together. She is happy she managed to accomplish her mission (episode 16).
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So yeah, Kamille is surely grateful she gets to spend more time with Rainah later on.
I do honestly believe the big moon symbolises Rainah, and the smaller one is Kamille. It's kind of cute idea, if you ask me tbh.
Visual storytelling
I like how moons are kinda exclusive to Ramille in the story (if my suspicions are correct). There's no need for the moons to be drawn in any other scene. It wouldn't have any function in the story anyway, we know it's night if it's dark outside. It's about the visual storytelling. If it does it's job, it's done right.
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lightskinrry · 5 years
the one where you and Harry are trapped in your apartment and you can’t escape the apartment nor your feelings (part four of Pivot)
A/N: Well I don’t know if this is the last part but here she is; part four of Pivot!! Just so you know if you’re a new reader this part is a stand alone you don’t need to read the other parts if you don’t want to!! (but i advise you to do it bc they’re great lmaofdkj)
Also when the time comes, I linked something for you, please, PLEASE, click and listen.
Word Count: 4.5k
TW: well i hope you have nothing against HARDCORE FLUFF.
thank you to my darling @belladonna-styles for reading it over!
Read Part One! Read Part Two! Read Part Three!
Is there a best way to get over your feelings for someone you’re not supposed to have feelings for, other than being trapped with them in a half empty apartment with no signal and no light?
Yes. Yes, there’s definitely a better way. And you wished you knew what it was because right now you were just on the verge of a mental breakdown. You spent weeks trying to tell Harry about your feelings, every try ending with you brushing it off as a joke or him being too oblivious to understand.
You tried to tell him when he came back from his date for movie night and ended up saying nothing and daydreaming about him for hours.
You told him that you liked him like more than a friend while going out for lunch once and when he gave you the weirdest look, you just blatantly said “I like you like my best friend! That’s what I meant!” and his dumb ass bought it!
You tried slick moves like getting more physical, hugging him longer, kissing his cheek lower, holding his hand randomly. And what? After two weeks of being the most affectionate towards him, he set you up on a date with one of his friends… Telling you that he “noticed you needed some attention lately”. God, he was so obnoxious. And still, you could only see how sweet of him it was to try to make you feel better. Because you’re his friend.
You ran out of ideas to tell him subtly but you just couldn’t get yourself to be upfront about it. Last time you tried he almost choked on his food and gave you a look that screamed “Please tell me this is a joke.” So you didn’t really want to try that again.
But if anything could help, being locked inside of your apartment while the courant is off and there’s no signal, was definitely not the way to go.
They cut off the electricity in Bexley for a few hours and you didn’t know when it would be back. After Harry picked you up from work, you dropped by your apartment and invited him up, in a last hope of getting him to fall in love with you, maybe.
And when he was about to leave, it seemed that the universe told him to fuck off and stay. Your key didn’t work anymore. You couldn’t open the door and the sun was setting. No light, no signal and locked inside. You thought it would only be the matter of a few minutes, but it has been an hour, already.
You heard Harry’s voice from the hallway that leads to the bathroom.
“I can’t find a flashlight!”
“Well yeah, duh. We’re not in 2007 anymore and I’m not a dad.”
You turned on the flash of your phone. You had less than 10% battery left and Harry’s phone was dead. A nightmare. You lit up the issue of the hallway, the light following Harry’s steps.
He faked a laugh. “You know, you’re a funny girl, Y/N? Did you know that?”
You slapped his arm slightly and rolled your eyes. “I know.”
“Well, looks like we’re trapped.” He looked around him, squinting in the darkness that surrounded the both of you.
“I can’t believe the door won’t open.”
Harry placed his arms in front of him and stepped carefully to the door, trying to pull on the knob.
“Maybe I should try to knock it down?”
“Yeah sure, Bambi. Break your shoulder against my apartment door. Sounds like a great idea.”
He grimaced at you while you held the light of your phone in his face.
“I’m strong enough.”
You smiled at him and cupped his arms with your hands and pressed them. “Oh, I’m sure you are, Bambi. But it’s a steel door. Unless you want your shoulder on the floor. Don’t try anything silly.”
He groaned before perambulating inside the apartment. He was so cute when he was in a helpless situation. He just wanted to do good. You watched him stroll around carefully not wanting to fall. You lit up his figure with the flash of your phone, watching his socked feet roaming around on the wooden floor, his hands playing with the strings of his spice world hoodie and his light jeans slightly cuffed on his ankles. He looked in a deep reflection. You chuckled to yourself as you watched him.
“The courant should be back any minute now and we’ll call my landlord to open the door from the other side.”
You wished the situation would be different; not much to do with the courant being back or the signal on your phone. You wished he would relax and turn this into something romantic; kissing in the dark, dancing in the moonlight, having sex on the floor. You squeezed your thighs to the thought of his hands wandering over your bare skin, his fingertips dancing on your lips before one of his finger slipped into your mouth; his hand slightly grabbing your jaw, bringing your face to his, just so he could bite your lower lip...
You might have moaned a little bit because Harry looked at you from the side with an odd look on his face. You couldn’t even daydream in peace, now.
“I… I’m gonna look for some candles, okay?”
He walked up to you. “Yeah, good idea. How much battery left on your phone?”
You clicked the button on your phone and showed him the screen. It read 5%. Damn Iphones and their nice designs but stupidly short batteries.
You saw Harry smirked. “I didn’t know I was your lock screen, Milkie.”
You pinched your lips before bringing your phone back to you. “Well… I like this picture...”
How would you not? His white cream suit, the tiny tank top, the pink sunglasses, he looked scrumptious in this picture. Everything in this picture screamed ‘SEX’. And not that you never thought of him that way before, there was always pictures that made you clench your jaw and bite your lip but never that triggered a daydream or… made you moan his name while masturbating. It was your thing lately. Moaning and screaming his name while getting off. You’d feel shameful and guilty once you’re done because you never wanted him this way. But now, you just accept your fate, you want him this way. You tell him or you get over it. No other options.
You roamed around the room, looking for candles, you always had some scented ones for your sunday baths, you looked around quickly since your phone could shut down any minute now. You grabbed the ones in the drawer in the bathroom, the one in the cabinet and the ones on your bedside and brought them to the living-room.
Harry already gathered the ones that were on the counter on the floor. It looked like the two of you were about to perform some Ouija. It could be fun. But Harry’s a wimp, he wouldn’t be into it.
You placed yours on the floor, and scattered them around the room. You checked the battery on your phone; 2% left and you still needed to find the lighter. The tension was at its peak. Will you make it?
You looked through the drawer in the kitchen. You always hide your lighter in case your mom makes a surprise pop out. She didn’t need to know that sometimes you lit up a joint by the window. But it wasn’t in the drawer. You felt Harry pressing his chest against your back.
“No lighter?”
He looked in the next drawer. Where the hell did you leave that lighter? You tried remembering the last time you used it… Harry came by and you two smoked a blunt while getting into one of your terrible analyses of your favorite albums. This time it was Hejira by Joni Mitchell. You could remember sitting by the window and watching the rain pour as he passed you the joint but the memory of the lighter was nowhere to be found.
It’s the moment when you looked outside the windows and saw the crescent moon that the memory struck you. It apparently struck Harry at the same time because the two of you turned around in a rush at the same moment and hit each other.
“In the pencil case!”
You went through the case looking for the lighter, holding your phone tighter as if it would prevent it from shutting off. You grabbed the lighter and rushed to the first candle to finally light it up. And as you placed it back on the ground, your phone shut down.
Every candle was lit. Each at a place in the apartment to bathe everything in a dim light. You made space on the floor and placed the cushions and plaids on the ground, surrounding them with a few cierges. You opened the windows, the sound of the traffic outside slightly resounding inside of the apartment. It was only you and Harry, with the moon and the traffic sounds in the background. The orange and red beams of the candlelights filling the space.
You stood behind the counter and poured two glasses of wine and carefully made your way to the little nest of cushions where Harry was seated, tuning his guitar. He left one here the last time he came, just in case. You eyed him with fondness, following his fingers moving on the instrument’s heads and stroking the chords.
“What are you going to play?”
He grinned at you before getting his focus back on his guitar. “You’ll see.”
The rain started pouring outside, and a light breeze filled the room through the windows, not strong enough to blow the candles but soft enough to make Harry’s hair dance a little bit in the air. You could hear the traffic from outside and the rain hitting your window.
Harry started playing the first notes and you recognized the song immediately. It was Tiny Dancer by Elton John. He played the intro before he started to sing. His voice filled the room, like a warm embrace, you felt it vibrate around you.
You sipped on your glass of wine, your eyes tracing Harry’s face and body. His floppy hair falling softly on his forehead, his mouth opening wider to hit higher notes, his jaw clenching, the veins of his neck, his shoulders tensing and relaxing as his arms carried the guitar, and his hands playing the chords; his fingers pinching and stroking them.
“Hold me closer tiny dancer, count the headlights on the highway.”
His eyes moved from his guitar to glance at your features. He was singing to you, now.
“Lay me down in sheets of linen. You had a busy day today.”
How intimate was that? He was in your apartment, sitting on the floor with you, serenading you. You wished he would kiss you once the song was done. You wished he would make love to you to the sound of the world crashing outside, to the melody of the rain hitting against the windows, to the raw silence of the room. You wanted to fill the air with muffled breathes and giggles, with noises of skin slamming and bites, moans and screams, a cry maybe, just sounds of love. You wanted to fill the air with love.
“You had a busy day today.”
Harry stroked the last note before placing his guitar next to him and taking a sip of wine.
“That was incredible. Your voice, Bambi, it’s… Wonderful.”
You cheered as you brought your drink to your lips.
“Thanks, Milkie. That’s really sweet.”
You gazed at him in utter admiration. Everything about him made you swoon. He was so beautiful in the candle light.
“You know I never get why you call me Bambi? I mean… I like it, but I always thought it was like… a Scrubs reference, you know?”
“Oh it definitely is.” You chuckled a little bit, Carla would always call J.D ‘Bambi’ and you might have picked it up from there, but there was more to it. “I think it fits you well, though. It’s because you’re really soft. You’re cute and I want to squish you and protect you and boop your nose, and kiss you. You’re Bambi. My Bambi, you know?”
You realised as soon as the words left your mouth that your glass was almost empty. Harry’s cheeks were painted that pretty shade of red and he couldn’t hide his smile.
“I like it…”
You grinned widely before re-adjusting yourself on the pillows beneath you. You watched Harry look around the room before his gaze laid on you again.
“It’s a pretty romantic setting, don’t you think?”
You choked a little bit on your gulp. “What?”
He giggled for a second. “I said it’s a romantic setting. Are you okay?”
You coughed while nodding along to answer him. It was romantic. The setting, of course. Not your relationship. Sadly.
“Yeah… The candles… The moon… The plaids on the floor. It’s all about setting the mood...”
He raised his eyebrows at you. “Setting the mood for?”
You blushed a little bit and hid it behind a giggle. “The mood for sex.”
He gave you a smug smile and shrugged. “Definitely.”
An awkward silence installed as you watched him sip on his wine. What did he mean ‘definitely’? Was he in the mood? Was he just being a tease? Are you trying to read too much into his words, again?
You stood up to go for a refill. You walked to the counter and poured some more wine in your glass.
“So… What about Lucas? Still in the flirting phase?” You asked Harry from the counter as you closed the bottle.
“No… We’re… Too different, it seems. Just didn’t work out.”
They went out a few times, and you stopped getting updates about two weeks ago. You thought they might have drifted apart. Harry was never too keen on talking about his relationships. He would tell you about the first date or if he liked someone but then you’d just get random updates when he’s telling you about his day and brings it up. You never pushed it on him.
You tried to hide your smile as you walked back to your seat, your glass in one hand and the bottle in the other so neither of you would have to get up for a refill again.
“Ah… That’s too bad. Do you… Are you… seeing someone else, lately?”
“No…” He scrunched his nose. “I’m a bit off, romantically talking…”
You raised your eyebrows at him and watch him laugh softly.
“I don’t know… I feel like I want to be in a relationship but at the same time I don’t. And the dating world is scary. You never know if you can trust someone, you know?”
“Yeah I understand. But sometimes what you’re looking for is right under your nose and you’re just too blind to see…Or too stupid.” You pinched your lips in a smile as you looked at him directly in the eyes. A sign he’s going to be completely oblivious to, again.
“It’s true. Sometimes, it’s like that. It’s like when you write. You spend so much time with your work, you have to let it go for a bit and do something else. So when you get back to it, you see it for what it is and you can understand it better and work on it again.”
It’s absolutely not what you meant. He got it all wrong, his stupid ass really can’t get signals. You want to throw a pillow at him, because he fucking deserves it. You sighed as you tried to compose yourself and not throw that pillow.
“Yeah… It’s like that…”
He takes another sip of his wine. “What about you? I don’t have any updates on your love life lately? Where’s my little Milkie-Casanova?”
She’s dying over here, thirsting for you but you don’t see it because you’re a boy and boys are stupid. Or you’re pretending like you don’t see it because you don’t want to hurt her feelings. Either way, she’s dying.
“She’s chilling. Not really interested in relationships lately. Kinda have somebody in mind… But it seems, it’s a one-way thing.”
He looked at you with a compassionate smile. “Well… Did you tell them about it?”
“Yes. I tried a hundred times. But you, you, you, are too fucking dumb!” You screamed internally. You grinned before scratching your head.
“No… Not really. I tried but… It didn’t really work.”
“You should tell them, Milkie. You’ll never know if you never try.”
You felt your blood boiling inside of your veins. You waited for him to delicately place his glass on the ground and hit him with the pillow.
“Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.” You were muttering under your breath while hitting Harry softly with the pillow. Of course for him it was just a little game you picked randomly and way too spontaneously. But for you, it was bearing all your frustration.
Harry was trying to stop you in between laughs. “Hey! Milkie! Ouch! You…!”
He grabbed the pillow and pulled it so hard out of your hands that you fell on top of him. Your chest was resting against his. He softly wrapped his arms around you to make sure you wouldn’t slip away from your spot. You raised your head to look at him.
“What are you doing Bambi?”
“I’m playing your game.”
“What game?”
“The ‘who’s gonna be the most annoying’ game.”
He laughed in your face. He reached out one arm to pull a pillow and place it beneath his head while his other arm was secured around your waist. You rested your elbows on his chest and placed your face between your hands, and whispered, “You won.”
He smiled at you, his dimples popping out, he did his tongue thing, where he licks the corner of his mouth while he grins. And you felt a wave of heat running over your body.
“Did I?”
Only a nervous laugh fell from your lips. You were so close to him. He was single now. And this entire setting was the most romantic shit ever. Good moment to tell him how you feel.
Your hair fell in your face but your hands were busy cupping your cheeks so you didn’t try to pull it back.  You felt Harry’s hands slither on your sides to finally reach your face and stroke your hair away, plucking them behind your ears, caressing your head and then your shoulders; just to go back exactly where they were on your waist.
“I think you did.”
You looked away for a second. His gaze was so intense, you couldn’t look him in the eyes. “You always win, Harry.”
You heard him chuckle but you still didn’t look at his face. You raised your legs up and crossed them in the air. You felt one of Harry’s hands go from your waist to your face, touching your cheek softly. He gently grabbed your chin to make you look at him and whispered, “Why won’t you look at me?”
“I don’t want to…” You let a giggle escape from your lips, trying hard to avoid his gaze.
“Why?” He squealed in a laugh. “I thought you found me pretty!”
You rolled your eyes at him before smiling in a stupid way. A way that said “Yes I think you’re pretty. I think about kissing you. Every. Damn. Day.”
“You’re pretty, Bambi. The fairest of them all.”
He squished your face with his hand. “Just like you, Milkie.”
You tried to smile between his fingers and when he let go of your face, he just booped your nose. A little silence installed between the two of you as you took comfort in staying on top of him. You looked in the distance for a moment. Bathing in the strangely affectionate atmosphere, remembering the conversation you left before you started hitting him with the pillow.
“So… You think I should… Tell the person I like them?”
He looked at you intently. “Yes. Definitely. Gotta be bloody dumb to not like you back.”
You raise your eyebrows at him in a smug expression. “You think? Some people are dumb, you know.”
“You wouldn’t like someone who’s dumb.” He smiled at you in a complacent way. He was right, you wouldn’t like someone who’s dumb but he was still the dumbest of them all for not noticing he was the one you liked.
“You wouldn’t know.”
He raised his head a little bit, and gave you that face he makes when you hurt his ego a little bit. “I’m sure I could guess easily.”
“Guess what?”
He poked your cheek with his finger. “Who you like.”
You burst into laughter. He definitely could not. And it’s not like you haven’t tried to make him guess, already.
“What? You think I can’t? I know you well, Milkie!”
You laughed again, wiping a tear at the corner of your eyes in a dramatic gesture. “No you can’t.”
He gasped like a drama queen before a pout formed at the corner of his lips. “Try me.”
You sighed, “Fine. You have three guesses.”
“Can I have a clue?” His hands were playing on your back, pulling on the fabric of your t-shirt.
You looked at him and faked a deep reflection before letting out your clue. “The someone I like is a ‘he’.”
He furrowed in eyebrows in concentration and stared at you as if he was trying telekinesis. “I think…. I think….”
You cut him off with a chuckle. “You think?”
“I think…” He wrapped his arms around you and rolled you over so that he was on top of you. His face was inches away from yours and his body was slightly resting on yours as his elbow held him up. He ran his hand on your face, taking your hair out of your eyes.
“I think it’s a guy called Harry. Might be wrong.”
You felt your heart beat so fast inside of your chest it might have jumped out of it as well. You tried biting your tongue to wake you up from your daydream because there was no way he was really saying this. You bit hard and closed your eyes a second.
When you opened them, Harry was still on top of you, a smirk plastered on his face and his hand stroking your cheek.
“Am I wrong, Y/N?”
“N-.. Yes. Wrong, all wrong. I don’t know where you got this information from. It’s fake news.”
He chuckled a little bit and brought his face even closer to yours. “Really?”
You nodded slightly and blinked twice to be sure you were not dreaming. “I call him Bambi. It’s fake news.”
Harry giggled a little bit. You didn’t know if you wanted to break everything down now or if you just wanted him to kiss you.
“I like you too.”
You laughed nervously. He likes you too? Thanks! That’s definitely not what you were asking for!
“You like me like… your friend? Because when I say I like you. I mean like… I want you to kiss me… and do other shit with me. I won’t be explicit. I don’t know. I feel inappropriate right now.”
He snickered at your comment and his gaze traced your face. “I like you like I want to kiss you.”
He brought his face so close to yours that now, your lips were barely touching. He whispered against your lips, “I also want to do other shit with you, too.”
You could feel his giggle vibrate on your skin and now you were literally melting. You waited for this for ages. You’ve been yearning for this, longing for this, pining for this. And now he was so close.
You raised your head up to him and kissed the corner of his lips. You just couldn’t let the moment slip away. He looked at you passionately before grabbing your jaw and pulling your lips to his. Your noses brushed against each other, his hands were resting on your cheeks until they slid to your jaw and grabbed it. Your lips were still tied, he let his hand wrap around your throat tight enough that you let out a little moan. And he separated his lips from yours for an instant to let you breath.
You looked at him for a second; his eyes glistening and his lips softly swollen, pink, and wet. You just wanted to kiss him again. You grabbed his face tenderly and connected your lips again, slightly opening them so your tongues could dance together a romantic ballet to the sound of your muffled breaths.
When you finally broke from the kiss, he just looked at you all dazed. Your hand was running through his hair and his was resting on your cheek.
“I love…”
The room suddenly lit up in a bright light, cutting him off in his track. He looked around seeing the apartment in a clear light. The candles and cushions and plaids and most importantly; you underneath him. You were craving to hear him finish his sentence. What do you love Bambi? Who do you love Bambi? You just wanted to know.
He smiled at you tenderly before placing a small kiss on your lips and he got up and walked towards the door, you were so confused and you could feel a gulp forming in your throat as if you were about to cry.
He turned the lights off and came back to you, placing himself exactly where he was, caressing your face with his fingertips.
“Love you Milkie.”
You reached for his face again to kiss him, and his voice stopped you. “Like my best friend.” He winked at you before laughing.
You shook your head at him. “You’re awful Bambi!”
He grabbed your face and kissed you tenderly again, muttering against your lips, “I know.”
You looked at him for a second, a stunned look in your eyes. “I love you too.”
His lips pressed against yours in a gentle move as you felt his hands roam through your hair. It turned out that being trapped in your apartment with him was eventually the best way. You definitely didn’t want to escape.
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