#i only have Paarthurnax to finish...
kagedbird · 10 months
TESSDE AU (+ Lucia :]) (Lucia part 7)
Davidicus: *having finished several scrolls of art of Odahviing, massaging the cramps from his hands with a pleased smile* The others at the Arcane University will never be the same when I show them these.
Lucien: *smiling wide* You'll certainly be the talk of the whole building!
Davidicus: *chuckles* So it would seem. I must thank you, and Allora, for allowing me this grand opportunity.
Lucien: Ah, it's all Allora really. She's wonderful. *smiles over at his partner and Lucia, who were finally getting off Odahviing*
Davidicus: Have you two... discussed things?
Lucien: *pouts* Yes father, we talked things over.
Davidicus: And all is well?
Lucien: *flushes, remembering their kisses- quite a few of them before a guard cleared his throat at them and made them scurry away* P- ah, perfectly well!
Davidicus: *chuckles, patting his son on the shoulder* It warms my heart to hear it, Lucien. I'm glad you've found someone. I can all ready see the changes she's made in you.
Lucien: *cocks his head* Changes? I mean, I've certainly changed in my skills, and she's helped me grow stronger as well, but-
Lucia: *running over to Lucien and giggles as she near tackle hugs him* Did you see me, papa? Did you?
Lucien: *almost bowled over in her excitement, wheezing* -I! Did! Oof. So excitable. *adjusts her to sit on his lap before pulling up his completed flower crown on her head with a smile* You mentioned you wanted one for Odahviing, but I thought you mind enjoy one for yourself as well!
Lucia: *squeals, hugging him tightly* I love it! Thanks papa!
Lucien: *teary eyed from her strength, wheezing a bit and patting her head* N-no problem!
Davidicus: *smiles as he watches his son and granddaughter, stealthily taking an empty section of parchment and drawing the two together, both wearing flower crowns with flower petals around them*
Allora: *petting Odahviing's snout* We'll alert the others that you aren't to be harmed. Thanks for letting us pester you.
Odahviing: *rumbles, gently pressing his snout against her* Your existence is built to "pester" this one, as you say. Only am I so thankful it is with kindness and heart, instead of nax, cruelty.
Allora: *hugs him and kisses his head* Love you, Odahviing. Be safe.
Odahviing: And you, Krein Monah.
Allora: *grumbles and lightly flicks his head* Stop.
Lyra: *slowly approaching the two, hesitant, but firm* ...Hello.
Odahviing: *tilts his head* Drem Yol Lok. Greetings. What can this one do for you, jul?
Lyra: I... wanted to thank you for helping out my son and Allora- and the others- for saving us against Alduin. And... to apologize for being so wary of you.
Odahviing: *rumbles, sitting up* Nunon mey bo strun voqostiid naal sov. Only a fool flies in a storm and is surprised by the shock. You do well to remain wary of dragons. Not all are loyal to Allora-Monah as I and Paarthurnax.
Allora: And Durnehviir. And Mirmulnir. And Sahloknir. And Nahagliiv.
Odahviing: *chortles* Of course.
Lyra: *smiles, feeling at ease at their comraderie* Even so, thank you for proving my fears that you would hurt us wrong. I am grateful to you. And you, Allora.
Allora: *flushes, scuffing her foot on the ground* Ah, it's nothing.
Kaidan: *walking over and pulling her into a hug from behind, sighing* You literally save the world, befriend dragons, and changed so many lives. It's not nothin', love. *kisses her cheek*
Allora: *grumbles, leaning into the affection as Lyra laughs* Yeah whatever...
Lucia: Mama! Do we have to go?
Taliesin: *scoops up Lucia from Lucien's lap* Absolutely, young lady, it's about your nap time.
Inigo: Hehehe.
Taliesin: *squints* I will... do something about you. Later.
Inigo: Oh no. I think Kaidan would be more appropriate for that. I am very flattered though.
Kaidan: *flushes, growling as Allora wheezes in his arm* Oi! I'll kick yer behind in archery when we get back to their home!
Inigo: Now that is something I can get behind! You are on!
Allora: *snickering* Get behind... classic.
Kaidan: *pinches her cheek* Enough outta you. Or you're next.
Allora: *flushes, grinning* For archery or a "nap"?
Kaidan: *gives her a heated stare, pulling her along to the cart* ...
Allora: *laughing as she's dragged away, waving to Odahviing* Pruzah wundunne, Odahviing!
Odahviing: *chortles as he turns to return to his cave* Pruzah wundunne, Allora-Monah ahrk fron.
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bretongirlwrites · 1 year
tagged by @sheirukitriesfandom for this tag game... tagging anyone who wants to participate :) i've delved into the entire julienne canon for this
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
‘I’m a forester,’ said he, ‘a local forester: and I’ve seen you gallivanting about the place, evaporating trolls and what-not: and the city guard’s always short of people who can… evaporate trolls. And what-not.’
(i didn’t know how to finish this line so i put the last bit as a placeholder and now it’s stuck)
A line from your fic that makes you sad
Malborn possessed, was so perfectly not him, that I did not at first see him, nor want to see him. Malborn at the Earth-stone with the others, with their voice, – 
(from this fic)
A line from your fic you're proud of
‘Keep your secrets,’ I cried, trampling some volume which overreaching, had gone diving into the ink, ‘keep your damp soggy books, keep your damn Seekers,’ head still spinning from one, which having got in Apocrypha more legs than sense, had fallen wriggling to the same fate as all its knowledge, ‘keep this, for I already have one!’ throwing a first-edition Waughin Jarth almost directly upwards; and half regretting it when it fell spine cracked before me, – ‘oh! whatever can you see in me! only tell me the Word, and let me go!’
(from this fic)
A line for your fic you think could have been better
(idk since i’m at a point where i can pretty much edit any line i want hehe. currently going through old fics and rewriting them into my headcanon... lines aren't the problem, whole paragraphs are)
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
And Ulfric Stormcloak himself, who had hardly dealt a blow yesterday, picked up his carving-knife as if it were his finest sword; and cut flesh.
(that man is not a warrior. he only thinks he is because he's big and ginger. from this fic)
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
Looked quite directly at me: the books all forgotten: they had been special, but this must be special.  ‘Is that, – is that an Amulet of Mara?’
(from this fic)
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
In my vigilance I wondered if I had got it all wrong, if I were not even the Dragonborn, – if the heroine required by the age, and so loved by profiteering bards, would not come like me, like a mouse; but would rather burst through a door she was too tall for, and Shout so loudly for something so trivial as a drink, that all glasses but the one steadied by her hand trembled almost onto the floor.
(don't really know what's meant by symbolism here. this is more about julienne than anything else... from this fic)
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
‘The green ray!’ I cried: ‘you saw the green ray. I do not know what it is. People are superstitious about it, –’ and recalling the superstitions, thought I had better not press the issue. 
(it’s not much of one but it’s the most overt jules verne reference in a fic thus far)
A line from your fic that's shocking
[...] where I had before seen it addressed to Julienne, – imagined it! – read only: Dragonborn.
(delphine gives julienne an ultimatum about paarthurnax. idk how much of this will end up in the final canon... from this fic)
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
(idk what this is supposed to be about. there are no lines in particular, more paragraphs and fics)
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globofhoney · 1 year
Red mountain flowers
In my latest playthrouh, when my late game snow elf mage dragonborn blast him with her ice magic until Alduin can no longer take anymore hits, i noticed that the place Alduin died has small patches of mountain flowers nearby, but the place where he chock on his own blood before perish...is the bush of red mountain flowers.
It's been...almost a century after Alduin's demise, The dragonborn renounced herself from worldly affairs decades ago, and became just a myth for people to weaves their native tales about.
Some assumed that she may died long ago in the wilderness of Skyrim, all because the lack of her mighty presence and influence, but those people couldn't be more wrong. After all...she lives, elves naturally have long lifespan especially with magic in her blood, she would probably exist for at least a millennia. Like Paarthurnax said, she has a lot more to write upon the 'Veniisetiid' the current of time. But...past decades, all she did and has always been since that faithful day in Sovngarde, is mourning him.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry....i should have done more to release you from your past rage and grievances"
In a long pure white dress she wears, the pale maiden walks up the hill of Rorikstead with a basket that full of red mountain flowers.
The sebre cat up the hill runs away when a silverine cold stare of a Dov in mortal flesh pierced through its soul, open a path to a tiny church that house shrine of Akatosh, all created by herself in younger days.
"if you chose more compassionate path and let the people be, i would certainly save you a place in this world...to stay beside me, and i yours"
Her tears has been long dried up and turned into ice, scattered to the glacial wind of Skyrim. But she keeps mourning anyway, knowing full well that one day he will returned to end the this Kalpa, as lord father, Akatosh, intended.
"Now, all of that is but only a wishful dream"
The mage then removed the wilted flowers and put them in the ever burning tall braziers that stand on both sides of the decorated shrine as a fuel for the flames, before she begins to cast her spell on the flowers she brought, and arranged them in their places.
"The thought of what you might have been is adding more pain to my soul, Alduin"
After all...even the mighty dragonborn has to kneel on the ground in the presence, or image of the dragon God.
"I trust father will ease your pain and cleanse your festering desire of desolation with his purifying flame, only then...you can heal and be free, brother..."
After she finish pouring pure spring water from a golden jug, she placed a shiny gold goblet on a same coloured platter that contains valuable gems and gold. Finally she can pray for the eldest firstborn of Akatosh.
A hymn of song rings from her...once again, after a long year of silence.
...Bo Amativ Voth Revak Yol...
...Ag Fin Vul Do Gein Sos...
...Voth Aaz Ahrk Dun...
Father Akatosh
Father Akatosh
Come forward with holy fire.
Burn the dark of one's blood.
With mercy and grace
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zuutiomi · 8 months
For the Dragonborn Ask Meme: 3, 9, 17, 24, 29!
3. How do they feel about being Dragonborn- does they identity feel right for them and did they embrace it immediately? Do they consider themselves a true dragon?
for Mikayla it was rather supprise that she was chosen to be dragonborn. However she doesn't feel right to be one,I mean power and dragon language is cool but also it bring responsiblity. She want to protect people and seeing someone dies after dragons attack ,makes her like she didn't have done enough to save anyone. But she sometimes like to chat with dragons friends (especially she loves to talk with Paarthurnax) too ,it's also some way of relief tho from main stuff.
9. Whether they are magical or not- if they were to invent a spell for their own uses, that does not already exist in Skyrim, what kind of spell would they come up with?
hmm...It's hard to tell ,she would rather modify all spells a little but the spells that she would want to invent would be some new to prank Ancano
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
Mikayla doesn't really like to wear any armour ,it's too heavy even if she wear light armor. She prefer robes they are very comfortable for her,here is her average day to day clothing.
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24. How did they respond to Miraak and what do they feel about him? Do they regret killing him? Did they spare him?
Ohhh this one ,when Mikayla first time arrive on Solstheim and learn more about what Miraak has done to people ,she was upset of it. However the things got worse when the Storn Crag-Strider got killed by Hermaeus Mora. If only Miraak show some repentance she would give him second chance. Also when she first time met Miraak she said to him this "There's no way you're sane, are you right in the head? you're actually make me vomit here." (inspirated by shinobu kocho's words to douma heheh)
29. What do they do post-Skyrim, once all the main quests are finished? What happens to them in the aftermath?
Oh yea after all this stuff ,she would probably stayed in apocrypha since she replace Miraak and become new Hermaeus Mora's champion.
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coltenisafreak · 10 months
( ⚠ this is kinda a coping scenario. Plus since Finney is my persona and he is transgender there is a bit of discrimination to him by some storm cloaks. And there is mentioning about ptsd. So if your not okay with that do not continue! ⚠)
Finney had just finished off a ruins that took him many exhausting hours to finally complete. He felt his blood rushing from the thrill of battling a boss and collecting items. On his way out he encountered couple storm cloaks. They gave him those stares that Finney usually gets. Until they started blurting out things that a typical Nord would say when seeing someone that's different from there norm. Finney turned his head slightly at them and raised a brow under the green mask as he then said. " what did you say? Mind trying that again." He said as his tone got more harsh. His fist clenched up as they continued on with there derogatories. Finney felt his anger start to well up and get worse the more they moved there lips to make words that were just utterly wrong.
" You know, you should really think about what you say, sometimes just words could actually kill someone. " he said gritting his teeth, trying everything he could to stay calm. He felt his heart pounding faster and his body tensing while he clenched his fists tighter. Of course the two didn't listen. Finney took in a deep breath. They were playing with strings and pulling it apart causing Finney to possibly snap at any second. Then, the moment they were about to open their mouths again Finney lowered his hand gripping his dagger as his eyes fully shot open. He swiftly pulled them out clenching the black handle with beautiful white lining on it. " You both are seconds away from me using this to spread you both up untill your nothing but mush. " he spat as his tone was much more harsh. He then realized how much they had control by getting under his skin. He realed back and took a deep breath as he put his daggers away and just walked off not saying another word.
Finney decided to talk to one of his closer friends. He went up the seven thousand steps and maybe some more untill his spotted a particular dragon, Paarthurnax. He smiled slightly when paarthurnax turned his head to spot the bosmer and gave him a soft smile. " Greetings Dovahkiin. " he said. Finney walked over and sat down against the wall that paarthurnax was currently on. Paarthurnax senced that Finney was tense, he gave an almost concerned look as he watched Finn take off his mask and was breathing more heavy then usual. " I sence that you're feeling angry, would you like to tell me what's wrong? " the dragon spoke softly as he looked down at the elf. Finney glanced up at him as he took a deep breath. " a couple storm cloaks were trying to get under my skin. And I almost let my anger get completely out of hand. " he said as he brought his legs together in an almost huddled position. Paarthurnax noddeda nodded he then asked " could it be from past trauma from what you have felt before from the storm cloaks? Before you ended up almost dying in helgen? "
paarthurnax is one of the only people finney actually trusts with telling about his past. So he knows about Finney being transgender. Finney nodded slightly as he then said " I think so.. And I hate how angry I do get. " he said as he clenched his fists again. His ears slowly lowered as a sign that he feels guilt. Paarthurnax watched him close. He then said " I want you to do something. I want you to close your eyes, don't think of anything. Let your mind relax. "Finney looked up at him, then he shut his eyes loosely and was taking slow deep breaths. He began to feel him coming out from being Tensed up. He was starting to relax as his hands opened up and his breathing had slowed down fully. After a what seemed like hours paarthurnax saw that Finney had finally calmed down as he then said " okay, slowly open your eyes, tell me how your feeling now. " Finney slowly opened his eyes again seeing the dragon. " I.. Feel much calmer. Almost safe? " he said with a soft smile. Paarthurnax nodded as he then said " you are more then welcome to come here and do this when you need to relax. It doesn't matter what time it is, even if it's just a nightmare of your past. You may always come to me when you need it. " Finney stood up and nodded. " thank you so much! " he said as he grabbed his mask. Paarthurnax then got down from the wall in front of Finney as he lowered his head to meet Finney's as he he wrapped his arms around petting his snout. Then paarthurnax raised his head and nodded again. Finney put his mask back on and he walked off but before he was not seen he turned back to paarthurnax and waved good bye, For now.
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fallen-chances · 2 years
Blisterwort for the Skyrim ask
Blisterwort: Have you ever killed Paarthurnax?
never!! only ever got that far uh. twice. (I love side quests side quests are my best friend I've finished the MQ only twice.) and I will not kill dragon grandpa :(
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gleefully-macabre · 1 year
I worked SO HARD to remain a neutral party in this stupid conflict between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks (I think both sides are idiots, war is stupid, and holy wars are especially stupid).
Now I have everyone at the peace council, and freaking Esbern keeps bugging out! I already can’t get anyone to sit down so they’re just standing around sniping at one another and I have to wait for Delphine to speak up and call all of them pissbabies on my behalf (thank you Delphine; I’m still not going to kill Paarthurnax).
Since I’m on the Switch, I can’t use console commands. I can’t find any way to fix this bug. Waiting doesn’t work. In game “waiting” doesn’t work. Starting the council over doesn’t work. My last attempt is to leave before negotiations start, try and finish the Aetherium Forge quest (the Guardians aren’t activating and I want that crown!!).
If this doesn’t work, I’m going to have to pick a side. The half-cocked racists who staged a coup without securing the necessary political support that would have made it stick, or the militants allied with a fantasy Third Reich.
I want the Thalimor out as much as anyone, but don’t think Ulrick has the political savvy to make it as High King. The rural areas definitely don’t have the numbers or the firepower force the Thailmor out, and in all likelihood, antagonistic Jarls could still support the Thalimor if only to save their own skin.
If I just had some indication that the Imperials were working the long-con. Playing nice, gathering intel, stocking up supplies, training fighters, and building a trap to spring around the Embassies… that I could get behind!
Probably not in line with the whole “honorable rules of engagement” or whatever.
But I can’t utilize my third option! 😭
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oceanpiner · 2 years
Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute
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#Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute professional
The Blades killed them all centuries ago.
Sven was supposed to have another dialogue option, "Do you know any old ballads about Dragons?" The option never shows up, however, so Sven's response will never be heard in-game: "There's the one about Tiber Septim and the dragon Nafaalilargus.
While attacking Riverwood, he will help fight the town's residents, but will refuse to attack his mother Hilde. He will not object if he is currently a follower, but will refuse to re-join after he is dismissed.
Sven can no longer be recruited if the Dragonborn attacks Riverwood.
And I've got better things to do than listen to your fantasies." Hilde "You'll see! It was a dragon! It'll kill us all and then you'll believe me!" Trivia It flew right over the Barrow!" Sven "Dragons, now, is it? You keep on like this and everyone in town will think you're crazy. Hilde "A dragon! I saw a dragon!" Sven "What? What is it now, mother?" Hilde " It was as big as the mountain and as black as night. Low level characters or those that rely on their followers in combat may find it difficult to use Sven, as he won't be as efficient in battle as other followers would. As a result, his health is somewhat lower than that of other followers, and his primary skills are non-combat related ones.
#Ultima 4 quest of the avatar flute professional
Additionally, along with Roggi Knot-Beard and Adelaisa Vendicci, Sven is one of only three followers who has a civilian job class instead of a professional combat-oriented one. Sven's level cap is 20, tying him with Roggi Knot-Beard for the lowest follower level cap in the game. Likewise, his skill in one-handed weapons, two-handed weapons, and archery are all roughly on par with each other, and all relatively low. He benefits from Light Armor slightly more than Heavy Armor, but the difference is not too significant as his skills with both are relatively low. His tertiary skills are Light Armor, Sneak, and Speechcraft. His secondary skills are Archery, One-Handed, and Two-Handed. Sven's primary skills are Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing. With the Hearthfire add-on installed, Sven can become a steward in one of the Dragonborn's homesteads. Tale of the Tongues (upon completion of the main questline).If Sven dies after siding with him during "A Lovely Letter," a Letter of Inheritance will be received.Īs a Bard, Sven will sing the following songs on request for no fee: He can also be recruited into the Blades when the Dragonborn needs to recruit followers for Delphine, provided the Dragonborn is already Sven's friend and if they have killed Paarthurnax during the quest " Paarthurnax." It is possible to recruit Sven as a follower if the quest "A Lovely Letter" is finished in his favor. Sven is competing with Faendal for the heart of Camilla Valerius and asks the Dragonborn to sway things in his favor. Sven can generally be found inside the Sleeping Giant Inn playing his lute, since he is a graduate from the Bards College.
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shapelytimber · 2 years
Soooo... I might have begun a tarot deck (only the major arcana tho-) and it's Elder Scrolls themed
Since the first two were chosen at random (for a school exercise), might as well do the rest not in order as well
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XV - THE DEVIL (Molag Bal ft. Vivec)
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V - THE HIEROPHANT (Paarthurnax)
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(Part 1/7) (if I ever finish it) (if I do not you're welcome to point and laught)
PS : These are up as stickers on my redbubble :D
PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 6 - PART 7 - PART 8
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nemhaine42 · 2 years
Paarthurnax stands atop the mountain, the wind and snow whipping around his weathered scales, with the setting sun blazing behind him, and speaks, "you would not come all this way for tinvaak with an old dovah."
And I, the player, who only booted up the game as a way to kill time while waiting for The Sims 4 to finish updating, find myself awash with unexpected emotion. Because, yes, having lost patience with the fishing mechanism, I did in fact make the tretcherous climb to High Hrothgar and the peak of the Throat of the World simply for tinvaak.
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lurbukthebard · 5 years
Times when Skyrim’s writing actually hits hard:
None of that “Arrow in the knee” or “Sworn to carry your burdens” stuff.
"But I cannot celebrate his fall. Zu'u tiiraaz ahst ok mah. He was my brother once. This world will never be the same." - Paarthurnax
“I was one of the few who escaped. For a long time, all I cared about was staying alive, and taking revenge on the Thalmor when I could.” - Delphine
"Look around you. Don't you know what their little war is about? They want all non-Nords out of Skyrim. That means you and me." - Ambarys Rendar
“Do you ever wonder if it hurts? To have one's soul ripped out like that?" - Miraak
“Child, my life ended long before you were born!" - Arch-Curate Vyrthur
“Whiterun's walls are tall, but they are old and crumbling, like the Empire whose Legion lines them.” - Galmar Stone-Fist
“Tell me, Vignar. Was all this worth it? How many of those corpses lining our streets wear the faces of men who once called you friend? What about their families?" - Jarl Balgruuf the Greater
“My father doesn't know anything about me. But I know about him. And about the war. More than he might think.“ - Nelkir
“They live here too, my Jarl. That's what I'm telling you." - Raerek
“For I have dwelt among the rocks, My city carved from rugged stone. So in that burrow I will creep, And warm the soul which makes my home” - Yngvar the Singer 
“Well, well. Look at you. The Nords have turned you into an animal. A wild beast caged up and left to go mad. So, my fellow beast, what do you want?” - Madanach
“I swore I was going to just give up, for my child's sake, but it's like my father's ghost is haunting me. Asking me ‘Why?’” - Eltrys
“I've been playing this game for almost 20 years. Sending the young to their deaths. All in the name of the Forsworn. And I'm tired. So tired.” - Nepos The Nose
“You and I have a date with destiny, it would seem. But so it is with assassins and emperors.” - Titus Mede II
“You killed my son! All of you! And now you'll pay the price. Kill them. And make sure there's nothing left to bury." - Commander Maro
"I'll follow you 'til I'm dust in the breeze. You do realize that?" - Nazir
“The Dark Brotherhood? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You think this is the first contract I've had on my life? I'm a pirate, sweetie.” - Safia
“The only anger I can justify is my own. But every family in the Reach has a story like mine. There are no innocent onlookers in this struggle. Just the guilty, and the dead." - Braig
"Sometimes you just do what needs to be done. You don't have to hate a man to kill him. Though, admittedly... it helps." - Captain Aldis
“Well look at us. Like two gray specks in the snow." - Mithorpa Nasyal
“I'm finished little cub, run for it." - Torolf 
Feel free to add more lines that you think were really good. 
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teamhawkeye · 3 years
1,4,5,10,16,18,20,26,29 and 31 for the Dragonborn asks please!
Thank you! I only have one Dragonborn, Lyra, so these will all be for her!
1.) What is their background and backstory, summarised into a paragraph?
- Lyra is a Nord with mysterious heritage: she doesn’t know for the longest time that she is in fact the descendant of Martin Septim, last Emperor of the Septim line, and Vesper, Hero of Kvatch and Champion of Cyrodiil (and now current avatar for Sheogorath...). She was a mercenary pre-Helgen who was being taken to the executioner’s block for the charge of murder and given a new lease on life by Alduin’s intervention. Lyra is proficient in most forms of combat, but prefers a great sword or axe and to be in the thick of a fight. Her greatest weaknesses are her impatience and desire for power and knowledge, all of which she is forced to confront and temper throughout the course of her journey. Her greatest strengths are her physical and combat prowess, and her honor and willingness to go the extra mile to help those weaker than her and taken advantage of by others.
4.) At present, how are they perceived by the people of Skyrim? By the general population, and by different factions?
- Lyra is fairly well regarded by most people, known as being fierce but honorable. She can be a bit grumpy about taking on services without payment rendered, but she is a decent woman who will help those in dire need without asking.
5.) How were they perceived before their Dragonborn identity became widely known?
- Lyra was known for being a mercenary whose services could mostly be bought. She had a strict policy of not involving children, families, or innocents that eventually was violated - unknowingly on her part - and her murder of her contractor was what had her headed for the executioner’s block in Helgen
10.) Which factions are they aligned with? Including civil war sides, Thalmor, guilds etc.
- The Greybeards, the Companions, The College of Winterhold, and the Dawnguard. She starts off on the side of the Stormcloaks at the start of the civil war, but becomes disillusioned with both sides and wants no part in their war, especially as she becomes most focused on the greatest threats to Skyrim and all of Tamriel, such as Alduin and Harkon.
16.) Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home?
- She initially takes up residence in Whiterun when it’s most convenient for her, but she eventually commissions the construction of Lakeside Manor to have a bit of solitude and a place for the numerous orphans she takes under her wing. Eventually, her travels take her to Solstheim and she falls in love with the island and decides to permanently relocate there after game events
18.) Your Dragonborn is now an actual dragon- what do they look like? Do they possess any unique features or abilities?
- She would have silver scales, to match her instantly recognizable silver hair, and golden eyes.
20.) Which NPC have they killed and absolutely NOT regretted it (excluding the major villains)?
- Grelod the Kind comes first to mind. She also killed Astrid when taken to the abandoned shack for the Dark Brotherhood initiation and never looked back
26.) Which follower(s) would they never go anywhere without? On a personal level, what is their relationship with the follower(s) in question like and why do they stick with them?
- Lyra is very close with her fellow companions Farkas, Vilkas, and Aela and travels a great deal with them at the start of her personal journey as Dragonborn. They were all part of the Inner Circle and werewolves together, and while Aela eventually is the only one who retains her lycanthropy, the four of them are still tightly knit and brothers and sisters in arms. After meeting Serana, Lyra would rather not be without her (in both the universe where they’re romantically linked and the one where they’re not) as the two of them have been through so much together and help each other overcome their lycanthropy and vampirism
29.) What do they do post-Skyrim, once all the main quests are finished? What happens to them in the aftermath?
- When Paarthurnax departs in search of other dragons to teach the Way of the Voice, Lyra is lonely and disillusioned with the civil war still waging and the Blades still attempting to manipulate her. Her heart leads her back to Solstheim, where she felt most at home during the events of the “Dragonborn” DLC and spends the rest of her days there...or at least until Hermaeus Mora comes to collect his champion...
31.) VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
- Bran and Sceolang! The huskies from Dawnguard! <3
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grimmhorizen01 · 3 years
As I weaved through the cloud ridden sky, high above the wooded forest that rested below me, the distinct scent of ash and smoke became almost tangible, as a large plume of smoke rose in the distance.
As I neared my destination, I dove down to the ground and landed in a burnt clearing. In the distance sat a village aloof with fire, while burnt corpses laid strewn around the surrounding fields.
In the sky, circling the small village was a dragon, his underbelly coated with arrows as blood drain slowly from them.
His red hide, blending well with the dark crimson blood that that adorned his claws and teeth.
As he circled the village once more a man could be seen leaving a building, his armor covered in dent marks and scars and on his hip, sat secured to it was a sword that pulsed with a eerie red glow the mans armored fist clenching to its hilt
The sword soon came out of its sheath and was held within both of the warriors hands, who took a familiar stance.
As I peered through the tree line, I watched the sword pulsate and remembered the almost identical sword that almost kill me all those years ago.
The dragon soon settled in place amongst the clouds, looking upon the brave warrior with disgust, and soon dove toward them.
‘Mhm’ I felt my blacken heart racing with anticipation as my adrenaline slowly began pumping throughout my body at the mere thought of a fight, the evil within me demanded for their blood to be spilled, but my patience soon overcoming the want for blood as I waited for the victor.
As the dragon dove for the warrior, the man dove forward underneath the dragons wings as they came near the ground, stabbing upwards into the flesh and dragging the blade through it as it tore a bleeding line through it until it exited it.
The dragon soon tumbled as its right wing was almost cut in half, as soon as it struck the ground its body soon flipped upside down and he soon laid there in pure agony.
Though upside down the dragon sent a flurry of fire towards the warrior as well as trying to right himself.
Unfortunately, this did nothing but anger the warrior as he sprinted forward through the fire and as he neared the dragons mouth he dived as another breath of fire shot out of the dragons mouth.
Once upon the dragon the warrior climbed upon his throat and violently stabbed the dragons throat, practically silencing the dragons as its lungs soon drowned in its own blood.
The man didn’t stop there as he stepped onto its chest and cut open its stomach and stabbed at its now visible beating heart, which caused the dragons body to convulse violently as it drew it final breath.
As the man stood atop its body, the scales soon began burning as the skin designated, as its body did, its soul soon rose out of its skin and slowly was drawn towards the mans skin as it seeped into every open gap of the armor.
‘It was him, finally I found you’ a toothy smile soon appeared upon my face.
It had been 150 years since our final battle upon the heavens, as I steered at the man, he soon looked towards the forest as he saw a pair of pure crimson eyes peering back at him.
As we looked at each other my heart soon began to race as anticipated flooded my mind.
Before it could drown out any other thought, however I leapt towards the sky and with renewed strength and skyrocket toward the clouds, making my way back to the clearing, staying in clear view of him.
Once finally landing in the clearing, I slowly lowered myself as I turned towards the direction of the village, and soon waited for him to arrive.
All I could think about was him, even if it had been 150 years since I had seen him, I still heard about his exploits and his tragedies.
I only hoped he still feels the same as all those years ago, for I have finally come to a conclusion myself .
It took less than a hour for him to step into the clearing, his sword drawn in his hands as he ready himself for a battle.
As I waited, all he did was hold his sword and stayed where he was, conflict raging through his mind.
“Have you come to finish the job?” I slowly rose and moved towards him.
His previous conviction soon drained away from his body as his knuckles gripped his sword, gulping down a lump and stepping back, “have you come to kill me?” He asked in return.
As I grew closer, I stopped an shook my head an soon began circling him, his grip on his sword increasing once I was behind him.
As I stood I front of him I looked him up and down, I sighed before speaking, “I have come for you”.
He seemed confused by this and stepped back, his grip faltering, “what do you mean?” His voice held suspicion and dripped with distrust.
Once again I began circling him, this time however, I stopped when I was behind him. “Do you remember what you said that day, 150 years ago?”
He stared at me, his eyes squinted and soon opened, after which he sighed before nodding and reluctantly putting the sword away, “I remember what I said”, he turned to me and took his helmet showing me his face, it was just like I remember it.
He had even gained a few more scars.
“I’ve come with an answer” was all I said as I moved closer to him which seem to make him tense up.
“And?” He tensed up as I rubbed his side, my tail brushing up against him, he flinched away before slowly resting his hand against my scales.
I stopped in front of him and ready myself.
“Do you ..... still ..... love me?” I tensed up, waiting for his answer, as I stopped and looked at him.
His eyes stared at me peering into my soul as I awaited his answer, as he looked at me, he cleared his throat, “I will always love you”, his voice was like a whisp of wind barely being heard but still there.
I mentally sighed as I moved around him once more, before stopping infront of him, “good” was all I said as I pushed him down onto the ground.
Startled, he instinctively reached for his sword, but stopped when he looked up to see my dark crimson eyes peering down at him.
“What are you doing?” He was hyperventilating, as I looked down at him I felt my heart pump with adrenaline as I stared at him his eyes questioning me as they peered up at me , I soon showed him what I was going to do.
As peered at him I lowered my head and licked his face, as I did he leaned as far back as he could as my tongue made contact with his skin.
He could easily smell the death and decay that followed with my breath.
I stared at him and watched him blink saliva away from his eyelids as I kept my head right above his, staring into his eyes, I could see his pain, his anguish, but I could see something else.
His eyes held compassion, locked away behind the pain and the anger that now ruled his every action.
“Have no fear, I will not eat you” I jokingly spoke and leaned back and allowing him to stand back up.
“Come, Dragonborn, we have much to talk about” as I spoke I lowered my neck allowing a spot for him to sit.
I could hear him trying to steady his breathing as he walked forward and grasped one of my horns, as he grasped them I felt him run his hand up and down it, quickly stopping when I huffed and soon climb over my neck trying to find a good part to sit.
When he did, I felt him run a hand against my scales with a certain fondness and care, he acted as if every scale on me was a frigile rose that with the slightest pull could easily come off.
After a second of him doing that, I took that as him being ready and leaped up to the sky’s, as I peered down at the ground I saw in the distance the cave I called home.
As I flew us there I felt his grip tighten around my horns, “we are almost there” I spoke, which seem to reassure him.
As my lair grew closer, to the point of being easily seen, he spoke “are there others here?”
As I began our descent, I answer him, “No, no one else knows that I’m alive thoughts who did, are dead”.
When we landed, he quickly jumped off and looked around and examined every little detail that he could.
“Suspicious? You have nothing to fear” I made my way towards the cave and entered with the Dragonborn slowly following.
As we made our way to the back of the cave, there sat a rudimentary made nest and a spring in the back.
It wasn’t the first nest nor the best and it wouldn’t be the last if I had any say in it.
Once we finally made it to the back of the cave I watched him look at everything and inspect every detail.
“Why have you brought me here?”he asked quietly.
I looked at him and laided down, as I did he sat in front of me, “I wish to live in peace with the world and I have no one who would stay with me, no one but you”
He stared at me and smiled but slowly frowned, “Are you sure you could live in peace? Your a dovah, even Paarthurnax who has lived in seclusion isn’t free from the disire to rule the world”.
I stared back at him and lowered my head onto the ground and sighed heavily, “I understand, but look at you”
He looked down at himself and looked back at me, “You, yourself have the soul of a dovah inside of you, even you must feel it’s temptation, if you were with me I know you’d steer me in the right direction”.
He sighed and moved closer to my head until my chin was practically in his lap, “I do feel it’s temptation, but I can only imagine how more tempting it is for a being like yourself”.
He placed a hand on my head and gently rubbed it up and down, “you are such a magnificent being” he whispered.
His words, stroke a the roaring fire that was inside of me, he didn’t stop as he rubbed my head with his hands having removed his gloves once we entered the cave.
“Such a being like yourself, will never truly be able to know true peace and tranquillity”, he sighed and soon continued talking “you and I both now this, even with me beside you, you will feel the need to destroy pull sharply against your very soul”.
As he spoke he peered down at me I locked eyes with him and felt him trace a multitude of scars on my head, most caused by him.
“If you are beside me I know you can guide me in the right direction”, was all I said as I nuzzled his chest with my snout.
“Then I shall stay with you”, As he spoke he leaned down and soon I felt his lips upon my head.
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lord-rosenth0rne · 5 years
Skyrim 'Should Haves’
How the Dragonborn reacts during Season Unending: Oh, yeah, sure. I’ll help you arrange a treaty and listen to you whine back and forth about who has what then get my ass chewed out later by either side I choose for the Civil War for the stuff you loss during this time. Righty-o!
How the Dragonborn should have reacted: Do you like Nirn? Do you like living and breathing right now? Yes? Then cease all the damn fighting and let me do my Divine-Damn job! At this point in time, I don’t care who has what! I should be out there finding where the hell that bitch ass Alduin went but I can’t do that with you two piss babies at each other’s throats! Now, either all fighting stops now- NO WE ARE NOT GOING TO EXCHANGE ANYTHING. There will be an immediate cease fire until further notice or so help me, if you so much as breathe in each other’s direction while I am dealing with Alduin, I will line each and every one of you up on the edge of this mountain and blast you all the way to Elsweyr! Do I make myself clear? There won’t be a Skyrim, Empire, or Civil War if Alduin continues his rampage!  Elewen, continue to side-eye me and you’ll kiss the sky now. Try me. *the Dragonborn then gets up to leave* Do what I want or deal with dragons killing your men until no one is left. I don’t have to get rid of the dragons or kill Alduin, you know. Now, I’ve got to go give whoever the hell the Jarl of Whiterun is a massive wedgie to get him to let me use his house as a dragon trap.
How the Dragonborn reacts during Paarthurnax: A. Oh yeah, I’ll kill dergen for the Blade’s assistance, dergen is bad, or B. No, I won’t kill dergen for Blades assistance cuz dergen is helpful and the Blades will continue to refuse to help me. I totally don’t down dragons at a faster rate than mortals so I need them more than they need me.
How the Dragonborn should react if they chose B: Excuse me? Who the hell are you giving ultimatums to? Last I checked, I was the motherfucking DRAGONBORN and according to your history, the Blades serve ME, not the other way around. YOU are the one who needs to make a decision whether or not you’re going to follow me or not. Killing Paarthurnax would be the equivalent of me handing you over to the Thalmor. You ARE considered a criminal in someone’s eyes. Paarthurnax stays alive. He was a lot more helpful in my quest to destroy Alduin than you were and actively battled him beside me. You may have started my quest, but he helped me finish it. I can take him down if he turns against me, just like I can do to you. You either stay and help, or go and I will gather my own followers. If Miraak can do it, so can I. Oh, and I’m taking control of the Sky Temple. This place is too cool to be in the hands of some absolute prudes.  What’s that? You’re going to gather an army to stop me? Dude, the only one at this point that could probably stand a chance in a fight with me is Ulfric Stormcloak (realistically due to the use of the voice and the fact the dude is a war vet whether you like him or not) because the Greybeards are pansies- I mean, pacifists. You’re welcome to try though. 
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nekoprankster218 · 4 years
Just Wanted to Do 10 Fandoms, 10 Characters
Nobody tagged me but I saw one while scrolling and just felt the want to gush about 10 different characters (plus it said anyone who wanted to who wasn’t tag could, so that’s enough of an invitation for me!). In no particular order:
1. Arbiter Thel ‘Vadam from Halo
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I love a bunch of Sangheili characters, and if the rule wasn’t “10 different fandoms”, half the list would just be them. But there’s one that just rises above the rest (funny, given he’s actually shorter).
2. Penny Polendina from RWBY
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Ever since Volume 7, Penny’s quickly become my favorite RWBY character. Maybe it’s because of everything that happened in that volume, or starting a found family crossover fic with her as the focus, or something else. Either way - four episodes in, and I’m already worried about what the writers have planned for her this volume!
3. Entrapta from She-Ra: Princesses of Power
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Probably the most recent favorite out of everyone on the list - she’s half the reason I finally started watching She-Ra (the only half was Catradora)! Not finished with the show (last I had time to binge, I finished season 3) yet, but I doubt anyone’s gonna take the “favorite character” medal away from her. Probably biased, because I am autistic and firmly believe she’s at least coded.
4. Paarthurnax from Skyrim
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I like several named dragons from Skyrim, but Paarthurnax gets the honor of being on the list. Is it maybe convenient that a lot of his story arc mirrors Thel? Perhaps. I also attached to Sissel’s dialogue about her dragon dream immensely, despite knowing it probably meant nothing to Bethesda.
5. Sachiko Shinozaki from Corpse Party
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I have a soft spot for ghost kids in horror stories, and Sachiko’s probably the epitome of that. She’s fun as a villain, has a nice balance between childish and mature that I like to see played around with, although you also can’t help but feel bad she ended up that way. You can tell she’s one of my favorites because she’s one of my go-to characters in multi-fandom crossovers (Thel also being one!).
6. Gajeel Redfox from Fairy Tail
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Pretty sure Gajeel was the first time it really hit me that I liked reformed antagonists. I can’t even explain why he became my favorite (same for some of the other characters on this list, actually). It was just nice to see his arc develop over the series - his personal growth, his budding romance, his dynamics with others. (Also yes, I liked Fairy Tail, dunno why that’s such a controversial opinion in the anime community.)
7. Rattlesnake Jake from Rango
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Speaking of antagonists! I know I just said I really like reformed antagonists, but villains without a redemption arc are good, too. Especially in Jake’s case, where you see he still has his own code; it’s just that, his own code. And let’s be honest. Rattlesnake with a gattling gun on his tail? He has only 10 minutes of screen time and he stole the whole damn movie. If they never make Rango 2, I really hope they at least make a Rattlesnake Jake spin-off.
8. Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy
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Looking through the entries on this list, starting to think I just find intense/deep character arcs pretty neat. Rocket’s an a-hole, and usually I do not like a-holes, but he’s also a really interesting case. The MCU has yet to really say much about Rocket’s backstory, but the little crumbs it has given speaks volumes, so when Rocket’s doing his self-sabotaging behavior or talking out his mouth...only negative emotion I really feel is sadness. He tries to act tough, but he probably needs more therapy than Volume 8!Penny or Red!Sachiko.
9. Hakase from Nichijou
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If I could put the whole Shinonome household, I would. Their segments were always my favorite part of the episodes just because kid scientist, big sister robot, and talking dad cat. You know how Ouran Host just got a second season announced? Can that happen to Nichijou? Just, please, there’s more manga to cover!
10. Godzilla from the MonsterVerse
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‘Nuff said.
And that’s my 10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms, in no particular order and certainly missing plenty of characters from the same fandoms and different ones. Also tried to keep it varied. Kinda weird actually that I never once brought up-
11. TouHou Project
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I. COULDN’T. DECIDE. There are so many good Touhou characters! I really couldn’t narrow it down to one! This is probably a promise that I’m gonna do a 10 favorites post just for TouHou Project.
Anyway, usually people tag 10 others, but I really don’t have the confidence to tag 10. So, uh... @katthescalie​ show me what you got (if you want).
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Fandom ask for Skyrim? c:
I used to get Asks like this, but then I took an arrow in the knee. 
Favorite character - Only the snarkiest, most down-to-earth vampire bae of all time. Serena is so ride-or-die for the Dragonborn that she’ll straight up bleed on arrows for them. But only elven arrows. She does have standards.
Second favorite character - I think I’m gonna have to go with my grey-bearded grandad, Paarthurnax. Like most fans of this game, I simply adore him. Honorable mentions include Ulfric. Love him or hate him, can we all agree that’s he’s a fascinating character?
Least favorite character - For this, we must journey to Whiterun and visit a condescending man of higher status, who frequents the Cloud District...oh, Nazeem? No, honestly, he doesn’t really bug me. He amuses me more than anything else. I’m talking about Farangar Secret-Fire. God I hate him...
The character I’m most like - There’s an apprentice Blacksmith in Markarth who is constantly berated by his boss. He tries his best but he’s basically a screw-up. I don’t remember his name, but he’s an Imperial, I think? And she’s an Orc. If you know who I mean. Just...I relate to his well-meaning, anxious uselessness. That is me in any real life situation. 
Favorite pairing - I’ve sung the praises of Dragonborn/Serana, but actually my favorite ship in Skyrim is probably Karliah and Gallus. You can really feel her loyalty to him, and when we meet his ghost and they’re temporarily reunited, the devotion between them is so real and sincere. They’re adorable.
Least favorite pairing - I suppose I’ve never really cared for Camilla Valerius ending up with either of her gentleman callers, as both are willing to stoop to lying about each other to sabotage what should be her choice. Faendall is at least nice on a regular basis compared to Sven, but I really feel like Camilla deserves better. And I’ve never even married her! It’s not that. But she and her brother have a special place in my heart. 
Favorite moment - There are. So. Many. Confronting Titus Mede II is a scene with so many layers. The arrival at Sovngarde gives me chills every time. Paarthurnax’s response to finding out the Blades want him dead. Gallus’ reunion with Karliah. The final battle with Harkon. Frea becoming the Shaman of her Village. I could easily go on. Y’know what, I think I’m gonna go with the final scene between Paarthurnax and the Dragonborn when the latter returns from Sovngarde. Literally the perfect ending to the story. 
Rating out of 10 - It’s such a beautiful game with infinite possibilities and potential. Whenever you’re not tripping over a skull and dying, or getting stuck in the middle of a quest with no way to finish it, or finding that your follower is attacking you for no reason, or...any one of a hundred other bugs. Mods may fix these, but I’m one of the Skyrim players who cannot get mods, so that holds it back for me. Still, I love it. Gonna give it a strong 7/10. 
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