#i now want him to dance with ur muses l.obotomy- no; in fact- they ARE dancing now
darabeatha · 8 months
can that lil person with a blonde bob dance for our entertainment. I got buckled shoes for them
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❝ Ehhhh ? Really ? That saves a lot of trouble ! you see, these shoes are all for the show but they aren't all that practical, even servants can get blisters ! .. Sometimes, not all that shines is gold, but us faeries enjoy that sort of extravagance even if it makes our feet bleed. I've seen it, some have been so into fashion they have cut their toes to make their new shoes fit in ! Back in the land where I was a king, I would often do big performances and dance until the sun settled!
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or well, until tea time hit the clock..
―But enough of that! with new gear, I'm now....
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.... pumped up !!! ❞
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