#i never knew someone could shred on a ukulele
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diet-funny · 4 months ago
Music Review: A Night At The Opera by Queen
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This album is now one of my personal top 10 albums. On this record Queen presents their talents in making many different types of music, all of which containing soul and emotion, but in a fun way. There are regular ballads like "I'm In Love With My Car" and "Love of My life." There are ragtime inspired song like "Seaside Rondevouz" and "Lazing On a Sunday Afternoon." All of the songs are cerified bangers except for "Sweet Lady," which is an unorganized yet generic 70s Rock Song
As of listening to this record, My top 10 albums are as follows:
Spirit Phone - Lemon Demon
good kid m.A.A.d city - Kendrick Lamar
Why Can't We Be Friends - War
DAMN. - Kendrick Lamar
Discovery - Daft Punk
Ghost - Diljit Dosanjh
Genesis - Genesis
A Night At The Opera - Queen
Fashion Nugget - CAKE
I've ranked A Night At The Opera above Fashion Nugget because it has displayed a mestery over more different sounds than Fashion Nugget. I've Ranked it Below Genesis becuase Genesis is mixed better, because Phil Collins voice is less intense than Mercury's, and because it still has some variety haing both ballads and regular pop songs.
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smile-files · 4 years ago
melon’s comprehensive kinlist!
including name of character, source, image, short personality description, mbti, and then why i kin them! take your time to read, or don’t. i get it if you don’t want to scroll through an entire page just to psychoanalyze me lmao, have a good time
1. wirt (over the garden wall)
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an angsty, socially awkward dweebus who nerds out over interior design and plays the clarinet. fears death. infp.
my first kin! for a month after rewatching otgw i desperately wanted to be him. to be like him. anything!! it eventually wore away but i still feel that urge sometimes - the urge to write r/im14andthisisdeep poetry and to distance one’s self from their siblings... and heck - his tape for sara is indeed just as awkward as he is but let me assure you that his poetry and clarinet are actually pretty cool. 9/10 i need to see him more. give me more otgw comics. ok thanks.
2. snufkin (moomins)
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a philosophical vagabond of vague age. acts stoic all the time but can and will leave every social situation whether or not it’s humanly possible. infp.
after watching some 90s moomin (and later on moominvalley) i realized how much i liked him and how much i was like him; i soon daydreamed of myself, as snufkin, venting to someone. it made me very happy. i vibe with his general demeanor and ideals (minus his gripes about rules, i follow those by the book) and i love psychoanalyzing him. so fun. so fun.
3. arnold perlstein (the magic school bus)
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overly-anxious jewish kid and certified expert on rocks and panicking. owns a pair of fire-proof pyjamas in a lovely shade of green. isfj.
you all saw this one coming. my early childhood lives in my mind rent free and such i can’t help but revisit arn and his character. i’ve always loved him (even in, and quite possibly especially in, the reboot) and i’ve always loved psychoanalyzing every single little thing he does (remember that one time he said he was traumatized? me too). i soon realized a lot of it was me projecting! so sue me. actually, sue miss frizzle. either one of them. i mean, if arnold really didn’t like the field trips he could’ve just filed a restraining order! ...just saying.
4. fluttershy (my little pony)
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anxious pastel butterfly baby child. probably loves animals more than she loves herself. cries upon impact. isfj.
the pony i’d mentally point to and think “me”. i had like 10 fluttershy-related things growing up, like plushies or funko pops or that sdcc guardians of harmony thing. while not shy in the same manner, it was nice having a character i could relate to about so much! i cosplayed as her equestria girls form for my first comic con as well, so that’s pretty cool. in addition, me being a little lepidopterist means i was bound to love her. it was destiny~
5. lammy lamb (um jammer lammy)
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socially anxious and generally anxious rock star who thinks literally everything is a guitar. has an emotional support girlfriend. infp.
man!! she embodies the feeling when you have to go to the eye doctor by yourself to get your glasses fixed or when you have to call someone over the phone... that sheer tension. the panic. the feeling of ‘i want to throw my entire being into the trash can’. but lammy has a bunch of friends to support her, so she’s cool. died by slipping on a banana peel! same, sister. and man would i like to shred on my ukulele now...
6. loser (bfb)
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humble (screw bfb 21), supportive, well-loved cube dude who’s voice is like that of an angel. has an entire fanclub in his honor. enfj.
okay, no, i was never a cool kid or ‘popular’, really, but in school i was never bullied for whatever reason and was generally well-liked; i hung out with a squad of weirdos and yet the cool kids would often talk to me? and try to engage me?? despite my very apparent self-deprecation and awkwardness??? either way i feel like it’s such a blessing to me, that i have so many friends! i often feel like i don’t deserve it, but hey. it’s nice! and heck, back when i was on scratch i had a little fanclub myself :0
7. fan (inanimate insanity)
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nerdy, friendly aspie boyo who subliminally vents via blogging. longs for stability in his life; was best friends with an egg. entp.
ever since i noted his aspergers-like behavior i became super attached to him - whether or not it was intentional, i found it nice having a character i can relate those feelings with. he’s really sweet and dorky and i love how he gets along with test tube, paintbrush, and lightbulb! it makes me really happy to see him whenever i do. it made me really sad when he was eliminated. what the heck. yeah i dunno i don’t kin him super strongly but i love him to bits.
8. spinel (steven universe the movie)
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emotionally unstable clown girl who stood in a garden for thousands of years. patience of a saint. edge like an 11-year-old me. esfp.
uhh um uh totally wasn’t completely disturbed by how much i related to spinel after watching steven universe the movie... totally wasn’t reminded about how and why i hated middle school... totally didn’t rethink my life that day... that’s it. this is all i’m saying.
9. molly blyndeff (epithet erased)
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innocent child who has a terrible father and a wonderful demeanor. teddy bear who needs a hug and a criminal as her new dad. infp.
epithet erased is adorable okay?? i knew molly was infp in the first few minutes... more precisely, i knew she was me. man!! i don’t relate directly to her angst but i still feel it. i can replicate her voice so accurately it’s scary. also, i coined a new thing -  ‘molly cake’! you have a chocolate cake, preferably with chocolate chips inside. use chocolate frosting and add little pastel star sprinkles! on top! my mom would make this cake for us anyway but then i realized it was literally just molly in cake form. and it’s just as sweet!
10. tommy coolatta (hlvrai)
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a 30-something-year-old child who rocks a propeller hat. chose his last name off of a dunkin donuts menu despite the fact that he has a father. infp.
everyone loves tommy. he’s so sweet? and funny and loveable?? often times when i say something funny but bizarre, i just remember that tommy has said ‘soda helps you see faster’ and it makes me happy. if i’m going to be a weirdo i want to be the wholesome weirdo who loves soda and has a .png for a dog! also i legally have to kin tommy. i took a test for it (and i’m not complaining! i find it quite flattering).
11. twyla (monster high)
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the daughter of the boogeyman; would very much like to boogey out of here, if you know what i mean. avoids people like the plague. infj.
seeing her role in the show and in the movies, i really love twyla? first of all, her voice is my new favorite thing. it’s like... gravelly? and soft? she’s the type of person who would very much like to disappear when in a crowd; thankfully, she literally can. i am drawn to any sarcastic, self-deprecating introvert who takes care of their bonkers extrovert friend (in this case howleen), as i often act as such myself. also the phrase ‘boogey sand’ will never leave my mind now :)
12. lapis lazuli (steven universe)
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water gem who wants you to leave. cynical as all heck, sensitive as all hell. is there such thing as a gem therapist? just asking. infp.
in a similar way to twyla, i vibe with lapis’ sarcasm and wit as well as her emotional side. it can be kind of addicting, isolating one’s self. anywho, me and my sister used to do this routine of yelling up to each other this certain dialogue between lapis and peridot when peri was leaving for something (in which lapis replied to everything she said with dry ‘yeah’s); i would always do lapis’ part. i do reply a lot with ‘okay’ or ‘yeah’ or ‘cool’ to things people tell me, as i never really know what to say.
13. brad meltzer (xavier riddle and the secret museum)
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shy jewish butterfly kid who absolutely hates time travel. attracted to people who know how to socialize like a normal human being. infp(?).
okay okay so... combine everything from arnold and everything from fluttershy and that’s basically what brad is to me. a jewish socially anxious nerd who loves butterflies and drawing. badabing badaboom, there i am. that’s it.
and boom! all of the kins i can think of, of course not including comfort characters like will byers from stranger things or isabelle from animal crossing. if you have any kins to suggest to me, i would love it! thank you for taking your time to read this, friend! have a fantastic day :)
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magicrobins · 8 years ago
How about the word prompt "routine" for something with your Ryder babe?
A Day In The Life Of A Pathfinder
Julian Ryder. Mass Effect Dual AU. 1,413 words. Mentions @bxtgrl‘s Gabby & Sara Ryder. More under the cut. AO3.
Sorry this took so long! Julian’s my first character with Asperger Syndrome so I’ve been doing research into it ‘cause I want to properly represent it with Julian. Thanks for sending in the prompt btws!
Julian was awake long before anyone else on the Tempest. He usually didn’t get much sleep – it wasn’t his choice, but it did allow him to get more done than others. A few times SAM had offered to help him get more sleep, but he continued to turn the offer down. Insomnia wasn’t new to him, though the idea that SAM could help with that was. He didn’t particularly like having insomnia, but it did allow him to get a lot done.
Mostly he read. SAM, being an AI, never had to sleep. He read through every codex entry they had logged, sometimes having discussions with SAM about the information. He liked discussing things intellectually. Discussions that involved emotions were… hard for him. He had trouble expressing his emotions and reading the emotions of others. Facts were easier to understand and process than emotions.
He did often read up on emotions, how they were often displayed, and the tones that usually go hand in hand with them, in an attempt to get better – to better the conversations he had with his crewmates and squadmates. He didn’t know what they thought when they talked to him. He didn’t know if they thought he was cold and distant, but it wouldn’t be the first time those words were used to describe him.
Sometimes when there was nothing new to read, he would listen to music or watch a movie by himself. Music calmed him, soothed him. Sometimes it lulled him to sleep but that wasn’t often. Despite often already being awake, he had requested an alarm of sorts from SAM. It was rare for him to lose track of time, but not impossible.
A routine for him was necessary. It comforted him, and it made him uncomfortable anytime that routine was interrupted. Becoming Pathfinder didn’t help him keep his routine, instead it threw obstacles that he would trip over. Thankfully his sister, Gabby, was usually there to catch him – as he attempted to catch her anytime she tripped or fell. He wasn’t as good at catching as she was, but he liked to think he still didn’t let her fall.
Once the alarm went off, the first thing he did was take a shower, get dressed, brush his teeth – the usual things he thought everyone did. Occasionally he would pause briefly when a question popped into his head – did Angara have to bathe? – but he would just store the question away and give it more thought later.
Then came looking over his room. He liked to be organized, to know where everything was at all time. He checked his room twice to see if anything was out of order. The second time was to make sure he hadn’t missed any detail, though he rarely missed something. He then turned to make his bed because he liked the way it looked when it was made. Smooth, neat, perfect. He may not be able to control Andromeda, but he could control the way his bed looked.
Next he left his room to get food. He used to like to read or listen to music while he ate, but now he usually ran into someone who wanted to talk. Sometimes people were still in their pajamas, sometimes they were dressed casually like him. Mostly he ran into Liam, who liked sitting down with him while Julian ate cereal. Gabby always ate with him, if she wasn’t eating in her room. He liked to think if Scott and Sara were awake, they’d be eating with him and Gabby too. He liked having family meals. It was comforting, a sense of safety, familiarity.
The rest of the day was spent rereading mission reports to make sure he hadn’t missed anything, interacting with his squadmates and crewmates – especially Gil and Jaal. He didn’t think he was picking favorites, but he really liked talking to those two and occasionally throwing in some awkward flirting on his part. And of course any mission he and Gabby had to go on, as Pathfinders. After all paths wouldn’t find themselves. He’d said that once and remembered Liam had laughed.
There wasn’t much of a routine for lunch. He ate whenever he had the time, usually a few quick snacks here and there to keep him going. He often tried to eat dinner with Gabby and whoever else wanted to join them, perhaps clinging to that sense of familiarity, of safety that being around his sister gave him. Andromeda, after all, was many things, but he wouldn’t use safe to describe it.
He took another shower before bed, brushed his teeth, and got in bed though he knew he wouldn’t get much sleep. He slept in his boxers, finding it easier putting just those on after a shower than a whole set of pajamas. It wasn’t long before he sat up and tried to think of something to keep him busy while everyone else slept. His eyes swept over his room and the items he’d taken with him to make their new home feel, well, feel like home. Not everything in the room was his. Some of the items belonged to Scott, others belonged to Sara. He’d wanted to make sure his siblings’ belongings stayed intact; keeping them in his room had seemed like the best way to accomplish that.
Whenever he looked at one of the items, such as Scott’s guitar, he told himself that one day his siblings would wake up, and he would return what was theirs to them. He told himself one day Scott would pick up that guitar and ask him to grab his ukulele so they could play together like they used to. Julian’s gaze drifted to the ukulele which he had propped against a bookshelf. It was a smooth black color with clumsy, basic little yellow stars Sara had painted on it when they’d been kids. Like Scott’s guitar, it had been a gift from his parents, though he had a feeling his mother had been the one to pick the instruments out.
He got up now and scooped the small instrument up, running his fingers over the strings. He brought it back to his bed where he sat cross-legged. It had been a while since he’d last played – over six-hundred years, if he counted those he spent in cryo. But he remembered how to play – he always remembered. As far as he was aware, he had never forgotten anything before. Once he knew it, he would always remember it. It was forever implanted in his mind.
The hard part was choosing a song to play first. Choosing between songs, he thought, felt to him like it must have felt for a parent to choose between their children. Usually one of his siblings would request a song, but two were in a coma and one was most likely asleep. So he just started strumming, random chords that memory told him would sound pretty when put together. It wasn’t part of his routine. It brought back memories of playing a song with Scott, of times when his older brother would turn to him and ask him to sing some lyrics. Those memories hurt now, but as he played the song, he told himself that one day they wouldn’t hurt. One day Scott and Sara would be awake. One day they would find a new home. And one day he would make new memories with his family, including the friends he had made on the Tempest and in places like Kadara.
He had to believe that one day when he sat down for breakfast, he’d look across the table and see all three of his siblings. One day Scott would accidentally interrupt his routine only to apologize and swear he hadn’t done it on purpose. One day Scott and Sara would be joining them for movie nights. Scott would insist on starting up a karaoke or music night just so the Tempest crew members could learn what a good singer his little brother was.
He told himself that one day his family would be together again, and things would be like they had been before they had left the Milky Way. He told himself all of that so he could keep a grasp on whatever shred of hope he could. Hope was familiar, and like his routine, anything familiar gave him a sense of comfort, a sense of safety. And lately, he needed that more than he’d ever needed it before.
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ethicallysourcedhumanmeat · 8 years ago
Practically Impractical
part 6
Strange to find such peace with such an outlandish idea but sitting in his chair watching Amelia play guitar while Saeyoung made adjustments to his security system brought about a sense of calm he had not expected to experience since Jihyun had passed. Much like the first night things had progressed faster than any of them had expected and Jumin found himself considering Saeyoung in ways he had not previously thought himself to be interested.
Amelia made eye contact as she sang an American folk song, she smiled between breaths and he smiled back. He’d made arrangements for her to perform at C&R events, an offer Hyun had turned down, and he enjoyed the way she always seemed to stand out, even dressed in modest black and white meant to blend with the band, but in moments like this, it seemed she sang for him.
A feeling she could evoke sitting down at a piano in his father’s home, or simply singing along to the radio in his car. She had, of late, a way of making him feel like the only person in the room. Yet here he was, considering altering that arrangement.
“I work better when you play the Uke,” Saeyoung complained from the kitchen.
“I don’t think Jumin has a Ukulele,” she shrugged. “I didn’t know he had this beautiful fucking guitar though so who knows what he’s hiding in here.”
“Is it a nice guitar?” Jumin asks, surprised by her reverence. He’d assumed her excitement when he’d given it to her had simply been appreciation of a gift. “A client gave it to me last Christmas.”
“It’s a 3000$ Martin, Jumin. I mean maybe more now, it’s a special edition.”
“I’m glad it’s made you happy.”
Sometimes when she came to his penthouse she would be dressed for him, even with Saeyoung in tow. She might wear a wig that hides her asymmetrical hair cut, or simply a pattern or colour she knows he’s fond of, but today she was simply herself. A look that he may have in the past referred to as Saeyoung’s but now forced to think of their relationship in broader terms he knows that is simply her.
Amelia, or Callie, whatever anyone called her made no difference; she was most comfortable in torn jeans and well worn sweaters, and despite an appreciation for delicate shoes he knew, should he care to look, there would be a pair of big clunky boots next to Saeyoung’s sneakers.
“Ok, fine, it’s a nice guitar,” Seven concedes. “But can it really shred like your Uke?”
“I regret ever teaching myself to play Metalica on a Ukulele,” she groans.
“Never, ever, regret that,” he says seriously. “That was your biggest accomplishment to date.”
“Right at this moment I think my greatest accomplishment would be not letting your brother kill you.”
Jumin chuckles despite himself.
“This guitar will never shred,” she says hugging it to her chest reverently. “This guitar will play only the finest of songs that make you want to braid flowers into your hair, and wear pretty cotton sundresses.”
“That’s a very interesting visual,” Jumin muses.
Jumin’s text had stated he wanted to see her right away, even though there was clearly someone in his office right now. She pauses for a moment in front of Jaehee’s desk but she only smiles at her so Callie takes a breath, corrects her posture and steps past the threshold.
“Still Mr. Han,” the woman in front of Jumin speaks harshly, “you have to admit it’s more than a little hypocritical that C&R talks a big talk in keeping their hiring practices local while you invest in your American girlfriend’s company.”
She steps around the reporter to stand with Jumin behind his desk and the woman has the sense to look a little embarrassed. Callie doesn’t step too close to Jumin, she doesn’t even bend for his usual kiss on the cheek.
“Jumin,” she asks, ignoring the woman in front of them. “I thought C&R didn’t interview with gossip magazines.”
He suppresses a smirk. “I’m sorry, we were supposed to meet for lunch to discuss the event this weekend,” he pats her hand. “I’m running a little late, I assumed a publication of this calibre would send someone with a better researched questionnaire.”
“What Mr. Han means is that your concerns are superficial. You were aware, I’m sure, that our relationship, whatever it may be, is not open for discussion, however I have been a duel citizen since my birth, and I’ve lived in the area for the majority of my life. Which is exactly the reason my employer sent me rather than one of our more experienced correspondents.”
“You should also be aware,” Jumin chimed in. “That C&R holds stock only in their Korean sister station.”
“They are two separate entities,” Amelia clarifies.
“And you met Miss. Miller, establishing this business relationship, through your charity organization.”
They nod.
“How did Miss. Miller become involved with the RFA. I certainly do not see any other American connections within that organization.”
“Oh,” Amelia chuckles. Jumin glances at her with an eyebrow slightly quirked. “Yoosung Kim.”
“Yoosung Kim?” she parrots.
“He’s the organizations youngest member, and apparently a fan of my broadcasting personality, Callie Cannibal. He approached me and offered me membership on a trial basis.”
“I was actually against it,” Jumin adds.
“I admit I only accepted Mr. Kim’s offer as a way to fill my spare time. I hadn’t intended at that time to take the position that would move me here permanently—” Callie is interrupted by Jaehee who is followed into Jumin’s office by two of C&R’s security guards.
“I’m sorry Mr. Han, the magazine just called and let us know their correspondent would not be able to make your interview.”
The woman in front of them throws herself at Jaehee, who side steps, she’s caught by the guards and escorted out of the building. Jaehee and Amelia kneel down to gather the things she lost, her phone, an earring and a shoe.
“At least she won’t have her interview,” Jumin sighs.
“I’m sorry, her press badge was legitimate Mr. Han. I will be contacting the magazine—”
“Don’t worry about it Jaehee,” Callie smiles at her. “I’ll give her phone to Saeyoung, he’ll deal with it.”
“That’s not necessary,” Jumin says, taking her hand and placing a quick kiss to her cheek. “Assistant Kang is very capable in dealing with these people.”
“I am sure she is Jumin but she is also very busy and Luciel is bored.”
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