#i never got as many spin butterflies with this man until i watched SatSR
shadowiie · 2 years
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like Sonic's IDW characterization, he comes off as too naive and never learns his lessons, despite knowing what disastrous consequences his blind "kindness" can have. And people say this is the best Sonic? Don't make me laugh.
People are allowed to have their own personal preferences, but MAN is IDW Sonic not my personal preference
its weird too, because this sort of blind kindness is something Sonic just. doesn't do in the games?
The guy who trapped Erazor into a lamp for a thousand years (something notable because of how much Sonic values freedom), erased Solaris from existence, doomed Camelot to end, not to mention constantly foils Eggman plot after Eggman plot, is not someone who blindly chooses kindness for every answer.
Part of his appeal for me is that he DOESN'T do that. He doesn't ask others to change or become good, and if someone isn't going to listen to any of the words he says, why would he bother wasting his breath trying to convince them? Sonic just stops talking and fights!
It doesn't matter what's morally "good" or "evil" to him, he does what he wants! Place all your bets on the one you think is right :P
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