#i need to think about xyx too god!!!!!
questmic · 1 year
ok i have so many thoughts and I would love to come up with quest headcanons, pls hmu
but in the meantime. some thought spillage while im still fresh off the game (leaning on quest and xyx)
honestly i love how quest is. just doing his best. he's in a "deadend" job and he knows it but thats ok. he's making do. sometimes you just gotta keep going, and the fact that he’s already reached that level of calm and acceptance despite all the shit in his life is inspiring
……….….i still want to see him breaking down to pieces while talking to nightowl and toasty worrying about MC and how the rest see him post-leak though
is xyx’s bad end just amplified by MC’s flirting and him not being able to process his emotions/fear of commitment?? (aka how he’s miserable that he can’t even admit how he feels about you at the end) Because goddamn if that’s not a painful ending. The fact that pushing xyx or even nightowl to change (before they’re ready, or just generally trying to “fix” them) just. pushes them away from you……… god
im also very much here for quest pinging toasty for help on figuring out how to meet MC without triggering the filters, and just being like expressive and Head in Hands, yknow? xyx probably listening on call from toasty’s bedroom being like. ‘yeah why don’t you guys just use a cipher or something. break it into specific seconds on the hour. eventually it has to work right?’
‘or do a stupid meme poem. five horses and five cars and 3 dogs live in 1 house.’
quest’s jaw just. dropping. “that’s. actually really smart.” Toasty going like. “yeahhhhhhhhh. that. can’t believe MC hadn’t thought of it first....”
and quest having to admit that, no, he had in fact not asked MC yet… if they would even like to meet or if they’d even consider it – despite that being the only thing on his mind for the past few weeks. he was just trying his best to. give them space, and time on their own terms. and he wanted them to be sure they were choosing him.
and the fact that it’s just been MC’s voice just. carrying quest through his day, everyday. since the first call. “your eyes looked like they were glowing” ...… like yeah we believe you man
what a simp, he just straight up calls MC AT his work place. probably keeps them in a small square on his screen, and smiles stupidly at his screen a few times, and his colleagues start to sincerely wonder why he’s so goddamn happy despite getting lugged with double late shifts.
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robobarbie · 6 months
Hello hellooooooo! We recently had a banner contest in the discord server, and I wanted to show y'all the awesome entries that didn't win. They're all really cool in their own ways, so I wanted to give them each a lil moment.
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(by @/jestie)
Love the focus on xyx!! He reminds me almost of what I'd think teenage him would look like. Very chill, sporty, and out with friends on a beautiful spring day. The linework in this feels really soft as well -- especially on those hat details. AND THERE'S CAT!! CAT!!!
All other submissions under the cut!
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(by @/hunddenseje)
I like the details in the flowers a lot for this one. The way people draw roses and how they choose those inner patterns is always neat. And the little plants and mushrooms on his shoulders are fun!! They go well with that striped shirt pattern!!!
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(by @/stintsy)
The way this artist circled the boys with that pink rosy pattern will stick in my brain for a while. It's v pretty, and it's like they opened a bush and found us in there for some reason. "Hello! Happy Spring!" Thanks boys please close it back up!!! It's my cry hour in the bush!!!!
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(by @/emmascient)
This person's artstyle is so unique and full of life. The little spots of light coming through the trees just adds to whole thing, too. And I really like seeing fanart of owl with textured hair!!! Also check out xyx's fucking biceps holy fucking sh-
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(by @/.mewo.)
Just a bunch of bros on their lunch break bayBEEEEEEEEEE!!! I like the detail of toast's coat tied around their waist and the fucking anti-societyboy shirt quest is wearing LMFAO. Also cat is ADORABLE in this. God. More cat art. Always need more cat art!!
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(by @/c1nnadoll)
Every time nightowl is drawn in a croptop, two months is added to my life. I just know it's true. God bless that cute ass flower crown and the perfect little peace sign. Man looks so stable and happy. I hope he had a nice day after this picture!!!
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(by @/fluffydeer21)
Toast and Quest look so content and cute with their flowers. And there's another neat rose with a lil interior pattern! Held, of course, by this artist's fave LI. Xyx looks pretty good with gold jewelry, I cannot lie. I have no idea why I made them green in game. LMFAO
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(by @/noneivly)
I like how this feels like a painting. Like those brush strokes and even the palette choice just look like something you'd see hung on a wall? It's really cool. Also the little detail of the chibi picnic boys in the background makes me giggle. Small!!!!! So fucking small!!!
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(by @/kiki_221)
The energy in this is excellent. You can almost hear them laughing together at Toast's expense (deserved I'm sure). I'd like to imagine they're all relaxing at a park after a big lunch. I hope they got to discuss all the good things that happened to them this week.
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(by @/01noxxie10)
Another excellent chillin in the grass pic! Purple actually looks really good on Quest. I don't think I've ever drawn him in that color before? So this image made me think about that a LOT. Also look at fuckin chill ass xyx. Calm beautiful motherfucker. Fuck you!!! Fuck you!!!
There's two more images, but those are the discord banner winner and the one I chose for my twitter! If you want to see those excellent drawings, check out my twitter here or join the discord server here!
Thank you everyone for all the submissions! I treasure them deeply!!
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ilycove · 1 year
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Xyx’s hair tickled the base of your neck, his arms slithering around your waist and gripping like a vice. “I think the odds are in my favor today.”
You refused to acknowledge him for the time being. You’d asked the receptionist at the hotel you were staying very politely that you needed two beds, and here you were. In his arms. Which was nice, you loved him and he loved you and he was really warm, but it would be even nicer if he wasn’t being such a smug asshole about all of this. “This is only something that happens in bad fanfiction.”
“Oh, don’t act like that doll. You love me.”
You covered up the fond smile that was growing on your face by rolling your eyes. “Some days. Now I’m wondering why we’re even together.”
"So what I'm hearing is," he grabs your jaw with gentle fingers and places kisses where your jaw and neck meet, more smile than lips. "You admit that you love me? That you're sooo obsessed with me?"
"Oh my god," You feel laughter bubbling up in your throat and the faux scowl that once covered your face has been replaced with something more genuine. "You suck."
You feel Xyx's teeth against your skin. "And you're in love with me. What does that make you?"
"A fool."
He hums, closing his eyes and chuckling. His smirk is nothing but mischievous, you don't dare to trust him. "I was going for mental, or deranged even, but sure."
"I'm gonna punch you." You roll your eyes again and make an attempt to move your hands, but they're pinned to the side of your head before you can even go that far.
Xyx's eyes are now open and cunning. Like a devil, you think. Like a really pretty devil. "With what hands?"
Your guard is let down and you barely notice him leaning towards your face, pressing angel-like kisses all over your face. You sigh. "You suck."
"You've said that before. Are you just so in love with me you can't think right now?"
You kick him in the shin and give him a quick kiss to his lips. "Don't push it too much."
Xyx laughs and you swear to everything that is righteous and holy that it's the most beautiful thing you've ever heard. Your limbs are entangled and you could swear you hated him a minute ago, but when he's this pretty you forget why.
You push a strand of hair away from his eyes and he leans into your touch, kissing your palm softly. His laughter starts up again and his demonic smile returns. "Eww. You're being cringe right now."
You shove him off the bed. You remembered why you hate him.
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fuckentoastybitch · 2 years
Phone Call
A NakedToaster x reader drabble. GN reader but reader's server username is defaulted to LovelyLola.
This is my first fic here. I wouldn't call myself a writer per se, I haven't written in a long time and tbh I don't brush up my skills often so my writings are usually very simple, the same could be said about this one but I think it's nice enough
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"I don't mind at all. Take your time."
Bloombot thanked you and you left the call, leaving her with Toasty to discuss their matters in private. You were being truthful that you didn't mind leaving them. Needing some time to process your thoughts, Toasty's love declaration from a moment ago was still ringing in your head.
"Fuck it, I love you."
They really said it, holy shit.
You look down and remembered the pink note in your hand where you had hastily scribble down his phone number, but you realized the note is now folded in a few places.
Fuck, you must've crumpled it in your excitement when you asked Toasty for their name.
Before Bloombot interrupted, that is.
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God, you're such a lovesick dork. Your phone was right there next to the monitor and yet you chose to grab a PINK NOTE out of all things and wrote down the number like some swooning high schooler. A grin formed at your lips regardless as you read the number in your head again and again. You're so smitten it's ridiculous.
You wondered about Toaster's real name once again when a familiar sound effect rang from your computer and you look up to see xyx had messaged the general channel. The server is back up! Everyone flooded the channel with hellos, clearly happy to see each other again. You know you are too. It's almost unbelievable you somehow had managed to persuade a bot to not bring and end to your one source of happiness in this moment.
If Bloombot had really shut down the server…
Ugh, you don't even want to think about it. Especially not right after you and Toasty had just being honest about your feelings. You found such a special person in such a short amount of time but you cared for him too much to lose them in the matter of seconds.
The #juicy-gamers channel lit up and you already knew it was Toasty.
NakedToaster: I just want to tell you again
i love you
a lot
FUCK, they're so affectionate now?! How the hell will you be able to handle this?
NakedToaster: text me tomorrow?
Oh, no. Bloombot's shut down yesterday gave you too much of a fright. You decided you need to call him now.
LovelyLola: how about i call you?
NakedToaster: now?
LovelyLola: no toasty, next year
jk lol
yes now
please, yesterday scared me
i want to hear you again
NakedToaster: fsjgdjdfh
xyx: disgustang
LovelyLola: LMAO
NakedToaster: LMAO
xyx: get out of my christian server NOW
Your palms were a little sweaty mom's spaghetti so you wipe them down on your pants before dialing his number. The first ring didn't even finish before they picked up. Someone's eager.
Not that you can blame them.
"Hel- oh fuck-"
You hear a thud on the other end followed by the sound of someone clambering under what you assumed to be his chair, a string of curses tailing their noises.
Yep. You really love them.
"Sorry, my hand was uh…"
"Mhm?" You hum innocently, just to tease him a little.
"The.. the phone slipped, " an awkward chuckle buzzes through your speaker.
"I heard."
"Shut up," his voice was exasperated but affectionate. "Fuck, is this really how we're starting our first phone call?" You both laughed.
"Seems like it."
"Hm. I thought a it'd be kinda similar to the vc but this is… different. I mean, in a nice way!" he fumbled. "It feels more personal."
A moment of silence passes you both, but the silence is comforting. It feels almost as if they're really there with you. God, you want them to be there with you.
"Anyways," you hear him taking a breath. "Hi."
You smile.
"Hi, Toasty."
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Playing matchmaker with Our Life and Blooming Panic love interests: a study.
There are obviously major differences between all the characters, but I do think there are some similarities between them too!
So imagine Derek and Quest together. They are both precious angels — and of course Quest would call Derek “Angel” — but Quest also has that little naughty streak that would leave Derek so flustered. Big muscley men can fall in love, go to the gym together, talk about their trauma then kiss. 10/10
Baxter and xyx, come on. Baxter used to be as flirty and playful as xyx is, but he repressed it because trauma. But xyx helps it come out again. He flirts with Baxter in a way that makes his old smirk come back, and it's so strange for him to see it again, that side of himself, but it's so welcome. After they finally meet in person, it's full steam ahead -- picture Baxter on the back of xyx's bike (?!?!!??!?!!!!!) just smiling, content for the first time, maybe ever. During one visit, Baxter very carefully takes xyx's measurements, and he jokes around the whole time but he's fighting off a blush (and a boner, let's be real) so hard he's having a hard time breathing. Baxter just takes it in stride, and weeks later xyx is back home and gets a package -- Baxter had a suit custom made for him that he can wear in court, because that's one of Baxter's love languages. Eventually Baxter moves to Australia, because they have weddings there too and nothing is keeping him in the US. Happily ever after, of course.
Cove and Toasty, oh my GOD, two very tall idiots in love who have absolutely no idea what they're doing but they just want to do it together. This needs no elaboration, that's just what it is.
(Nightowl remains canceled. He knows what he did.)
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Blooming Panic MC plays suggestive songs for the boys
Ok, so hear me out. Your boyfriend is doing their own thing. Maybe Quest is reading or writing, nightowl's on his phone, Toasty is maybe trying out a new hobby, or maybe playing a game that DOESN'T require headphones, Xyx is definitely reading (fucking nerd). You decide that you want to tease the boyfriend, just a little bit. So you set up a playlist, wander into the room and just hang out for a bit. Just long enough so that no one gets suspicious, then ask if they can turn on some music. Of course, your boyfriend agrees, no he doesn't have any suggestions. feel free to play whatever you want.
First song is Don't stop me now. Good song.
Next song is Genie in a bottle. I bet nightowl sings along to that one.
Next up is Whistle. Then Boom Boom Boom. Then CANDY SHOP.
The songs just get more and more suggestive, until their not suggestive they're just actually telling you boyfriend what you want to do.
So the question is... who breaks first?
So I think nightowl catches on pretty quick. He's a smart boy, and damn if he's not eager. It doesn't take more than a couple songs for him to drag you away.
The only reason Toasty doesn't break first is because he doesn't realize what's going on. Like, he's paying attention: he knows your playing music, and when he looks back at you, you seem to be enjoying the songs, so whatever. Hell, it's not even that he doesn't know the songs are about sex, he just doesn't really register it. But one of the times he glances back from his computer to look at you, you just give him a Look, and it clicks. and he breaks instantly. And I mean he BREAKS. Turns bright red, starts stuttering, isn't able to look you in the eye anymore. YOu have to check on him to make sure he's actually breathing, cause he just. stops. And once he's at least breathing again,you ask if he wants to stop playing his game and go do something else. He just nods and follows you.
Xyx and Quest are difficult. I'm honestly not sure who would last the longest. Quest definetly recognizes the songs, but at first, I think he would be a lot like Toasty. He just thinks that you must really like these songs, no matter what they're about. But it doens't take him nearly as long to cotton on to the fact that you're trying to get a reaction. And then it goes one of two ways. He's either going to realize what's going on, finish up where he's at in his book, set it down and sweeps you of your feet. OR. He becomes a little shit. I swear, I think that when Quest is in a teasing mood, he could put Xyx to shame. So he waits, and waits. maybe he even hums along when one he listened to when he was a kid comes on. But he just waits, watching you get frustrated. and when it become visible, he asks if your ok. Need something, Angel? Well just say the word, and it's yours. He can't deny you, but he can't read your mind. All you have to do is ask. As soon as you do, he breaks. He really can't deny you something if you really want it, and he doesn't want to be too mean. He is a gentleman after all.
Xyx starts cracking jokes from the first song. By the second song, he mentions that if you want him that badly, you should just say something. Half an hour later, Pony comes on, and he's doing a terrible magic mike impression. And you want to be mad, because you were supposed to be messing with him, dammit. But he's so damn funny that you're laughing and joking right along with him. Eventually, when the playlist runs out, he's offering up suggestions, songs you've never heard of, but god are they obscene. And now you can't be mad at him because you don't even really remember why you started listening to these stupid songs anyway. The nature of the songs change, and soon their not sexual, they're just weird. Stupid mashups that kill you. Children's songs that are just so fucking weird. parodies. And before long, you realize it's late, you both have to be somewhere in the afternoon, and you mention that you both should probably head to bed. But he grabs your hand and stops you pulling you close. You think he's going to kiss you, but he stops, just a breath from your mouth. They say that the more someone makes you laugh, the better they'll make you feel, he tells you. And you've been laughing an awful lot tonight, doll. Don't you want to put the second part of that theory to the test? That was why you were doing this, wasn't it? He laughs when you pout, but finally kisses you, and pulls you away to your bedroom.
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Blooming Panic hcs because I have literal brain rot but barely any of these are serious and you can tell who are my favs
- has no idea what a grilled cheese sandwich is
- like you and Toasty were talking about having them for lunch or something and he goes “what the fuck is a grilled cheese sandwich. Do you,,,,do you grill two slices of cheese and eat it???? Is it just burnt cheese?????”
- you and Toasty are confused too but not with the same thing
- despite being a lawyer, he doesn’t actually know a lot of basic things
- “wdym I cant put white clothes and coloured clothes in the washer together, they’re both clothes” “…how are you almost 30”
- the eyeliner he’s wearing is actually the same eyeliner he applied 2 years ago
- you know how some ppl go for the crusty emo look?? Yeah, he perfected it
- has never been in the closet, he came out the second he knew so he could make even more jokes
- he wears a fairly large shoe size so he constantly says shit like “well u know what they say about men with big feet😏” “Xyx I’m in the middle of a raid SHUT THE FUCK UP”
- dislikes ham for no reason in particular, he just thinks it’s weird
- used to play the knife game a lot. Like a concerning amount
- hates hair gel cause it makes his hair Crunchy but he has to clean up nicely for work so he sits there and wants to wash his hair so bad but he can’t cause then he just has a weird mullet thing
- has a tongue piercing
- even though he uses “lawyer” words and makes lawyer puns constantly, no one knew his career until he outright told them
- “yeah so im a lawyer” “YOURE A WHAT?? HOW ?!??” “WHO THE FUCK USES THE WORDS PERJURY AND LIBEL IN NORMAL CONVERSATIONS???” “IDK ONION??” “okay fair u got me with that one”
- because only you and Toasty (started having voice calls after Xyx shared his face) have heard his voice, no one else in the server has any idea he’s Not American so they assume he’s American
- likes fairy bread. Like a lot. Maybe too much.
- no literally sometimes it’s all he eats for days. Every single meal it’s just. Fairy bread.
- he flusters so easy whenever someone is being genuine like you can say you want to peg him or smthin and he’ll flirt right back but if you tell him you want to cup his face oh so gently and kiss him slowly he breaks
- well actually if you say you wanna peg him he’ll probably get flustered too but ignore that
- he’s double jointed
- eats whipped cream right out of the can
- has extra teeth from when he was younger and his teeth are also Very Sharp
- makes fun of Toasty for having a peanut allergy
- “I thought u were fruity Toast, why can’t u handle nut?“ “for the love of god please stop” “…do u need to bring an epipen when u suck someone off” “STOP OMG WHAT IS WITH U TODAY” “wdym I’m like this everyday”
- always uses the perfect amount of cologne it’s terrifying, it’s never too much or too little
- got his appendix removed and needed his tonsils removed too but he wanted to keep them so they had to sedate him
- he was Not pleased
- as implied earlier, they are allergic to peanuts
- he thinks they’re gross anyways so he doesn’t care really
- forgets that they’re really tall sometimes and smacks his head on shit constantly
- “hey, have you seen m- FUCKING SHIT. OW” “…u good???” “Yea sorry I threw my noggin’ into my doorframe again”
- references vines to an unhealthy extent. Even the rare ones that only he seems to know about
- they say the reference out loud and laugh but since no one else knows it they think they’ve just gone fucking crazy
- “ya know, like that one vine?” “No, no we don’t know”
- likes cheez-its but only after 1 am
- half Polish, 1/4 Estonian, 1/4 Russian
- why? Because they look so slavic it hurts and because I said so, fuck you
- likes cheese so fucking much it’s actually disgusting
- lactose intolerant
- only instrument he knows how to play is the fucking accordion but he doesn’t want to admit that so they just say they don’t know how to play any instruments
- avid reptile enjoyer, active amphibian hater
- stoner
- it just makes him feel weightless and warm and dizzy in such a good way so they smoke often but they prefer edibles, especially sweet ones
- gets super soft spoken and cuddly and sweet when high like the best way I can describe it is like subspace and it’s the cutest thing the World
- fairly good singer, often does little duets with Xyx when it’s late and they’re both inebriated in some way
- little spoon (I’m right about this)
- will wear the cat ears he bought as a joke for $20 or more
- probably plays League and mains Machine Herald
- “haha funny machine Russian man says the funny machine Russian man things that’s so silly of him”
- easiest person to fluster, you can say anything to them and he will turn bright red and stutter
- “your hair looks so cute today toasty :)” “hhhhhhhhthank u…”
- favourite drink is apple juice or warm apple cider
- actually has three monitors not two but the third one is only used to display a picture of big Marty at all times
- first time you saw it you broke down laughing and worried him because you looked like you weren’t properly breathing
- they probably have asthma
- got pneumonia once because he was too focused on final fantasy to take care of himself
- Toasty is actually autistic, this is true they told me himself
- can be worse than even Xyx when it comes to dirty jokes, but most of the time he doesn’t even realize he made such jokes
- puts someone random in the JAIL role every Tuesday depending on how badly behaved you are during the week in the server
- Xyx and Nightowl get this role the most
- likes to paint on skin like he really enjoys painting things like landscapes on someone’s forearm or back or stomach
- has accidentally drunk paint water several times
- whenever he gets a cut or he’s bleeding somewhere, he sucks all the blood off and thinks its a little bit tasty
- “no wonder I get so many mosquito bites, I taste delicious :^D” “what did u just type…”
- hates graham crackers for literally no reason
- takes gym mirror pics and sends them in general chat because everyone thinks he’s really hot
- even BIGLADY keysmashes over the pics
- Quest knows what he’s doing with those okay, but he likes to act completely oblivious
“[pic sent] finished my workout for today! :^) a bit sweaty but feeling pretty good” “ALSJSJSHSHS daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry.” “???? I know I’m like the server dad but what does that have to do with this??”
- good at poker, absolute garbage at blackjack
- only one other than Xyx to beat Onion at chess
- likes celery because of how crunchy it is he just munches on it all day long practically
- the other sever members make fun of him for it because they do not particularly favour celery
- his glasses are always so dirty
- doesn’t drink all that often but when he does it’s almost guaranteed he’ll get blackout drunk. Why?
- he’s a fucking lightweight. And it’s kinda sad how little it takes for him to get absolutely fucking hammered
- thinks fish are very interesting
- likes frogs :)
- this has lead to arguments between him and Toasty, the resident amphibian hater
- “frogs are awesome!! Theyre so cute and little!!” “Are u prepared to die for those opinions? Because frogs are dogshit and I stand by that” “@NakedToaster has been timed out for 5 hours”
- will have quiet/silent calls with Nightowl with some quiet lofi music in the background where Quest does his work and Nightowl does him homework
- Quest loves lofi music and I will die on this hill
- throughly enjoys building 3D models of things
- probably the reason half the server has a praise kink and it’s completely by accident
- somehow always wins at Rock Paper Scissors??? No one knows how he does it
- has mild deuteranomaly (red green colourblindness type where they can usually see most shades of green)
- it’s not usually an issue though tbh and it doesn’t come up much for him in his day to day life
- hates apples and but loves apple slices
- uses kid toothpaste because he hates minty toothpaste
- used to have braces and would change the colour of the bands literally every appointment
- sucks at chess but dominates at checkers like he’s so fucking good at checkers
- has eaten a glass marble once and hasn’t seen it since
- has hundreds of tiktok drafts and most of them are thirst traps
- once super glued his hand to a wall and the fire department was in fact called
- has bpd but has never gotten treatment because he doesn’t know what it is and his mom talks shit about mental health stuff so he never even thought about going to therapy
- owns an Xbox 360 and plays it frequently
- has a massive scar on his thigh from attempting and failing at climbing a tree when he was younger
- is the reason why there is a “horny jail” role on the server
- listens to Kpop and tries to get the others into it the way Toasty tries to get ppl to play final fantasy
- tried sharpening his teeth with a nail file before and his dentist has been suspicious of him ever since
- “your teeth look sharper than they did the last time you were here” “haha that’s crazy…anyway-“ “🤨”
- has dyed his hair every colour of the rainbow but eventually got too tired of the upkeep and stopped
- his favourite snack are gushers
- has an Instagram account where he posts his art and has like 200K+ followers on it
- he wants an eyebrow piercing so bad but thinks it would look weird on him but the second that anyone would suggest it he would cave immediately and get one
- likes bang energy drinks, favourite is the cotton candy flavour
- has mixed bang with vodka once and lets just say he never did it again
- surprisingly steady hands
- really good with kids!!! He loves them so so much and they love him back!!! Used to babysit for family friends and family
- kind of a picky eater
- likes to dip his fingers in candle wax to make a little wax tower and then when it gets to be pretty tall he pops it off, lets it melt, and does it again
- he’s god at math but he’s kinda bad at reading because he’s severely dyslexic
- wears gold shimmer eyeshadow and puts on eyeliner everyday no matter what
- uses tone tags and has learned to ask for clarification when he’s confused about the tone of a sever message
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quinnthemagi · 3 years
Xyx get's in his own way
The front door slams as your hot on xyx’s heels striding into the apartment the tension growing between the both of you. Xyx suddenly turns towards you the irritation clear on his face as he begins to pull at his hair with his hands.
“I don’t know what you want from me! I’m doing my fucking best here doll.” His voice was raised, and he could barely look at you, he couldn’t stand this tightness in his chest and the way it felt unbearable to breath.
“I want you to communicate for fuck’s sake! Talk to me! Is that so god damn hard?” he can hear the frustration in your voice and he wished he could just laugh it off. It was too late for that now; he’d avoided the topic entirely for months without giving a single explanation even though he knew you’d been so patient with him. It all came to a head earlier that night at dinner, you’d brought up moving in together again and he made witty joke quickly dismissing the idea. That was the last straw for you and had pressed the issue to which he had deflected saying that it wasn’t the right time to discuss it. That’s where xyx knew he’d said the wrong thing as you had left the restaurant entirely and xyx quickly paid for the meal and chased after you. You’d driven home still arguing in the car the entire way here xyx doing his best to keep his cool.
“What is there to talk about?” Xyx huffed avoiding your eyes trying to steer the conversation unwilling to budge an inch about this. He knew they needed to talk about it, but he couldn’t bring himself to have the conversation.
“Don’t you dare try to change the subject on me, again, you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve tried to be patient and I can understand that it would be a scary thing for you but damn it xyx you can’t just avoid it! You can’t keep avoiding me.”
Xyx watched as tears started streaming down your face and he wanted nothing more than to rush over and wipe them from your face. He hated seeing you like this, he hated being like this, but moving in together? Xyx liked the relationship you had with him now, it was safe and comfortable, and you would sometimes stay the night here, but moving in together was a huge step. Still afraid that you would leave at moment’s notice xyx couldn’t even imagine the idea of you living with him just to leave one night after finally realizing what a mess he was.
“Love… I just can’t do it.” His throat tightened. “You can’t move in with me.” He was whispering now defeated god he couldn’t even look at you. It was like he was rooted to the floor unable to move from the spot he stood in as he waited with bated breath for you say something.
“Do you think we could move in together in the future.” Your voice was shaky, and he could just imagine how hurt you must have been. Why couldn’t he just be good to you, why couldn’t he be the good guy that you thought he was.
“I can’t make you any promises doll.” Xyx’s fists were clenched nails digging into his flesh.
“Xyx, look at me.” There was a short period of silence before he lifted his head to meet your eyes. The look you gave him was like a punch to the gut as the disappointment on your face sank in.
“I can’t wait for you anymore. If there’s no future for us…” You stifled a sob standing rigid and xyx’s heart was pounding out of his chest his whole body frozen and a lump in his throat.
“Then this is it for us. I love you xyx but I can’t put my life on pause for you to figure out if this is what you want or not.” The silence was deafening as xyx was keeping himself together he could feel his hands shaking his whole being screaming to tell you that he loved you. That he would do anything to change, to make this work, he’d even go to that stupid therapist you’d recommended, hell you could move in tomorrow. He would do it all if it meant you would stay.
Instead, he watched you silently pack a small bag, tears streaming down your face as you finally kissed him gently caressing his face whispering a soft goodbye before walking towards the door. Xyx’s feet couldn’t move.
Turn around.
He heard you slip your shoes on and the jingling of keys.
Why aren’t you stopping them?
The sound of the doorknob turning and a hesitation.
You fucking idiot go after them! Hold them tight and ask them to stay.
“I wish you’d at least try to stop me.”
Xyx finally whipped around only to watch the front door shut and hear the footsteps dissipate down the hallway. Dropping to his knees he began to mutter curses before letting the waves of sorrow pour out of him. He couldn’t stop the tears the heaving sobs that caused his chest to ache as he slumped over his hands on the floor. Xyx pounded on the apartment floor as he began to scream before finally fully collapsing to the floor.
You were gone and he was alone again.
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heavensickness · 3 years
When would hg realize that she likes the LIs??
oh, it would be a different process for each LI... the most clear moment would be with Quest, though. (that's why his part is the longest anfkajdja)
She already thinks that Quest is adorable and just so... soft and trustworthy. She is not used to having men like him in her life, so she feels strange when she is talking to him. Especially strange about the feeling of safety this man gives him even from her computer screen. After sb finds her again, violating the only safe space she currently has, she is silently freaking out and she is just so ashamed. She can't even bear to look at the messages coming from nightowl and two2. She needs to talk to Quest. She knows that his gentle voice will calm her down. He will make her feel safe again, and he won't judge her for being so fucking stupid and so desparate for dating someone like sb.
She feels the knot in her chest unraveling when Quest tells her that he also made mistakes that he is paying for, everyday of his life. The silence between them stretches as Quest avoids her eyes. She recognizes shame in his blue eyes, a mirror to hers, bringing the realization. So this was why she felt so safe while talking to him, and how she instinctively knew that this man wouldn't judge her for anything she has ever done. That she would be more than happy to do the same for him in return, listen to him talking about all the mistakes he's done, all the things he regrets, and to make him feel as safe as he makes her feel. She also wants to kiss him. Like, right now.
The moment she realizes that what she feels is much more than a simple crush hits her like a brick, and it seals the deal when Quest tells her that she needs to forgive herself. That she didn't know better back then; the person she used to be and whom she hates so much has already suffered enough for her choices. She feels a strange tenderness for both her younger self and for the man on the screen, tackling God knows which demons everyday. She wants to know him more. She wants so much more than just getting to know him. She can barely sleep that night.
With Toasty, she would develop a crush when she notices that they have been asking about her job. She didn't think that anyone would... Care about that? She only talked about her job once, and somehow they were so quick to grasp that it was such a huge burden on her. Also they are just so funny, so smart, and she loves their voice and their hair too. But she doesn't even think that she has a chance with them since Toasty is this super successful, smart person and he is not very openly affectionate unlike her. So these idiots would just crush on each other for the longest time while not noticing how obvious they are being LMAO. xyx is GAGGING over there and they are both still like "ok but do they LIKE like me." The moment she says "oh shit i REALLY REALLY like this person" would be when Toasty digs up the author of bloomic for her. She shoots her shot by asking if he is doing this for HER and when Toasty gets all flustered and confirms it, she is just giddy like a high schooler who got her first crush. It would be SO CUTE overall, augh 💚
With nightowl it's more angsty LMFAO. She knows that she is into him and she likes flirting with him etc. She would definitely initiate something if they met irl instead. But she is not sure if she actually likes him, or it is because she is starving for attention and affection which nightowl happily provides. The moment she realizes that her feelings for him are not something shallow or just physical attraction is when he lashes out in the server and tells her that she is just like everybody else. And calls her a dumbass. Normally, that would get her furious but she is just... So heart broken instead. So heart broken that he doesn't see how much she cares about him, and how careful she is not to say or do anything to hurt him whereas he pushed her away in an instant. She silently cries all night, cursing herself for falling for someone so easily like that. She promises herself that she won't ever talk to him again but alas, the heart wants what it wants and her hands shake when he comes online the next day. You know the rest
xyx... Like Toasty, she doesn't think that she has a chance with xyx but this time it is because she can feel that he is emotionally unavailable. That falling for him would almost certainly break her heart in the end. Despite this, between all LIs, she would fall easiest and hardest for him, and she can't even tell why. Is it his cat? His freckles? His accent? The way talking to him feels like talking to a dear childhood friend, and somehow every expression on his face and every word he chooses to use feels so familiar to her as if she knew him in their previous lives; but also so brand new and exciting like walking down the streets of a foreign city at the same time? Nah, it is probably because of his snake bites. That shit is hot. So in her mind, she settles for a friendship while reaching denial levels that are not even possible lmfao. The "oh, shit" moment is when she tells him that she likes him too much just to fluster him (not because she wants to see how adorable he is with his freckled cheeks all red!!! it is just to fuck with him ok!!!) but it comes out... Too sincere and truthful than she expected. She tries to laugh along with him but there is a knot in her throat and a stinging feeling in her chest. She just... wants to cry, and she doesn't even know why. After he gives her a light hearted promise and logs off, she immediately lays down on her bed in fetal position without even taking her clothes off. She knows that she can't lie to herself anymore; love and smoke can't be concealed, after all.
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dewshoney · 2 years
Cherry - Nakedtoaster / MC
idk why i like breaking nakedtoaster i just do
summary: nakedtoaster left you. for reasons that you didn't even know. but now you're talking to xyx and the public displays of affection are getting to toast.
warnings: mentions of self-harm (no traditional forms of self-harm are done, but mentions of it are indeed in here. read with caution)
a/n: first, i wasn't intending on this looking like a part 2 to my recent work, but that's just how the cookie crumbled (does a really cool dance). second, this was originally going to be a songfic to Cherry by Harry Styles but it kind of went off track. I will still keep the title as it is because that's what the inspiration was.
is it technically self-harm to watch xyx be happy with you? there’s much healthier ways to cope with this. not that there’s anything to cope with, i’m the one at fault. i’m the one that drove you away. and i should be happy for xyx! so why does this hurt so much?
these thoughts are on replay, like a shitty song in a dingy nightclub, in nakedtoaster’s head. he doesn’t even know if you and xyx are together, nobody can really tell. at least him and onionthief can’t. he confided in onionthief after you and them broke up, and has been getting considerably closer to him. at any rate, you and xyx meme around about being in love so much nobody can tell if it’s a joke. like right now;
literally make out with me right now
on the way to the airport, darling
goddamn, did he really have to use the petname that toast used on you? rubbing salt in the wound, just a little. 
How did you figure out lovelylola’s address?
used an old trick in the book
stole their ip from a website i made
ok, now that’s just cruel. using toast’s trick to woo you? but toast didn’t need to be reading this. but, just like what was said before, it’s his form of self-harm. it’s toast’s way of keeping themself in check, still punishing themself for hurting you. 
I feel like that’s a bit far, xyx.
Even for you.
toast gets a ping from a different channel, named study-sesh. it’s a channel that was made for chatting between onion, quest, salo, and them. 
That was not “Nice”, @Nakedtoaster. At all. 
well, what were you expecting me to do? 
you laid it on too thick with that “Even for you” shit. 
I stand by what I said. I’m happy to help you figure out what’s going on between lovelylola and xyx, but I’m not going to bypass my moral code.
they’re joking around
he didn’t find their address
god, didn’t know you could be a dumbass.
— Quest is online —
Everything ok?
/mute @Nakedtoaster
User has been muted for 10 minutes.
I was going to keep this a secret, but now that the server is becoming a battlefield, I’m afraid I can’t keep it for much longer.
suddenly, toast got access to a new channel. juicier-gamers. couldn’t even come up with a more clever name? whatever. nakedtoaster scrolled up a bit in the chat until something caught their eye.
you’re the best, xyx
anything to help you out love
was this some divine punishment from quest? did he finally snap, was he done with toast’s shit too? he read further.
was that too far
i don’t think so?? 
toast’s mad
i didnt want it to get this far
i mean
we have to keep the act up now, right?
oh god onion’s online
hes bought into what were doing
i dont see a problem with him being online
but him and toast are close! do you think he’s just pretending?
i dont think onion would pretend
you’re right, moral code or whatever
oh god
i’m sorry, xyx
its fine he cant hurt me
xyx, you’re really bad at lying when words hurt you.
what the fuck does nice mean? what onion said wasn’t nice
trying to soften the blow of what onion said
Toast knows.
how did he find out
@Nakedtoaster, you are still muted for 1 minute 32 seconds.
@Nakedtoaster, you are still muted for 1 minute 30 seconds.
@Nakedtoaster, you are still muted for 1 minute 27 seconds.
/unmute @Nakedtoaster
what the fuck is this?
I wouldn’t be so upset, Toast. They have access to your channel now. 
your channel?
Yes, your plan for jealousy backfired. I’m tired of having to look after the two groups, and it all came to a head today. I’m sorry for keeping my own act up for so long, but there’s no more act.
im sorry 
i didnt mean for it to get this far
i don’t think any of us did, honestly. 
i wasn’t thinking, i just wanted to make you upset.
well, it fucking worked.
not in the way i intended!
what was the intention? to make me feel shittier than i was making myself feel?
don’t even fucking start, xyx
how could you keep this from me?
mate, they still love you.
then why did they leave me?
you fucking left me!! not the other way around!!!
i thought your ex took you back or something
toast took a step from his phone before they threw it against the wall. if anything, a loss of communication would make this worse. how could you think that shitty person would even look at toast again? they’re out of his league, and you are too. 
he still has them blocked there would be no way for that to happen
then why did you leave, toast?
because i’m not good enough for you.
and this is enough proof. 
toast, you’re making shit up again
you know you’re enough for me.
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galpalaven · 2 years
i was writing this out on a reblog but i realized that no one asked so its just a post on its own lol
Noa's Canon* Bloomic Relationships
*Canon meaning a world where all of the events from each route play out in the server over a few months
i think as far as Noa goes she relates to Nightowl a lot w/ the following what your korean parent tells you to do and ending up miserable, so they're very close but she's older than him so that's more of a baby brother relationship fjkdsl
Xyx is hot and a sweetheart, but she's not an adventurous person by nature so they'd be real good friends for sure. She also likes his cat.
QUEST - Quest. She wasn't really that interested but the "Good Girl" hit her like a freight train. Hello?? She also likes that he makes her feel safe after what happens with her ex - who she absolutely argues with him in the server like "oh youre a fucking joke how can you be on a high horse about fuck all when i have a restraining order on your ass because you threw a bottle at my face and i nearly lost my eye" and when Quest is trying to run off she's just like "call. now." and when theyre in there she's just like listen the past is in the past. i dont care. you did your time and you are a perfectly pleasant person now. do not let that piece of trash ruin you like this man.
LIKE he's really hot and she's definitely very attached but i dont think that they'd end up together. I think if she went with him she'd also stay in her dead end job and be.... happy but not as happy as she could be.
Toasty, however... Their sense of humor and hobbies are very similar and it's so easy to be around him. She also wanted to be a writer before she went into finance - dreamed of being a publisher or an editor or a journalist or something with a flourishing novelist career on the side. She loves the game thing and the way they like stories and he's so smart - and they are absolutely the person who is gonna look at her and be like. Hey. It's not too late to do what you love. Let's go for it. I'll help you. And god that is exactly what she needed.
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robobarbie · 3 years
omg idk if this has been done but how do you think the LIs would react if like they overheard you talking abt how frustrated you were about someone but they misunderstood and thought you were talking about them ?? tqsm if you answer this btw ilysm <3
Xyx approaches the bedroom door where he can hear you on the phone. Just as he lifts his hand to knock, he pauses as you raise your voice.
"Just ONCE. Just once I'd like him to help me out around here. But he's always out just doing God knows what with whatever idiot of the night. I'm so irritated."
He retracts his hand and blinks. Huh? Are you... talking about him?
His shoulders sag and he backs away from the door. When he glances around the house, he can't help but wince -- it is getting a little messy in here. And, sure, he's been taking on maybe too many cases lately and getting home late, but...
I didn't know, doll. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs forlornly. Has he gone and disappointed you then? Even though he was trying to pull those extra cases to earn a bit more the honeymoon you both dreamed of?
He shrugs his coat off and turns towards the sink full of dishes. As he rolls up his sleeves, you open your door and he turns with a small smile.
"Hey, there. Had a good chat?"
"Hey -- not really. What are you doing?" You creep up to his side and gasp. "Dishes??"
He winces internally at your shock. "Ha ha. Yeah. I'm sorry for not helping out more."
"Huh? No need to apologize." He's a bit put off by your confused expression that he's sure is feigned, but pats your head.
"I'll be better." He kisses your forehead before turning back to the sink, leaving you wondering what's gotten into him.
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6okuto · 3 years
NIA. ur thoughts about the bloomic LI's 🤲🤲
yeaass got the good endings 4 for 4 first try like god i am so good at gaming😍😘‼️
spoiler warning ofc!! stated fave to least fave but they Barely switch around. (btw i did owl > xyx > quest > toasty)
voice: toasty, owl, xyx, quest (love all the va's i think they did quite a good job the calls were vry cute <3)
toasty had like, the most natural laughs and that was one of the things i Rlly rlly zoned in on. the first time he laughed i actually said oh my god
quest has a nice voice. smooth... smth abt the ?intonation? threw me off a little?? him and owl were a little Anime Protag to me... nothing's Wrong w it !! just not my favourite cup of coffee (srry i don't like tea)
xyx picking love as the pet name was gonna make me throw my mouse at the wall. that's all i can say. idk australian accents throw me off SORRYEBDH all i think of are felix/bang chan and 5sos which is problematic for my health /hj (i was 11 as a 5sos fan ok. not again...)
story: toasty/owl, quest, xyx
got to love that true ending flavour. sorry this might also be toasty favoritism but i rlly do think it was interesting. blooming panini was a highlight
Genuinely fucking Gasped when owl's whole thing happened. my hand was over my mouth and everything. but i Empathize and his call after was sooo.. nguh. he had some of my fave calls tbh!! i think they could have added some warnings for others tho...?
was a little shocked to see the ex for quest too like wow. that icon too. can't believe i turned into a discord kitten HELPRHEJ and like :(( being called a monster??? that hurt Me :/
Also empathize w xyx...i get the funny friend thing and not wanting to do something :/ i'm vry lucky to have such good friends and they're unlucky w me always talking /hj but man . that could've been me in another life. also i Do love him and cat 😚
who i'd text irl (one on one): owl/toasty, xyx, quest
owl's got the balance of texting how me and my friends do and also me not having to be worried of sounding awkward. sorry that is not the other characters' fault but i'm comparing them to ppl i have actually texted. whew
BUT toasty + xyx gc is the best thing ever. i know i'd make a fool of myself easily but witnessing it is fun
i'd rather text toasty one on one tho . love xyx i am just not charismatic/funny . i'm sure he'd like how easily flustered/awkward i get but it'd also probably get old fast and i feel bad lolol
quest. i think if i went "omhogfi litelrauj cnats ee myscfrne im ggoncry hydo allmyfaov irt cjarates due" i'd feel the worst for him. very lovely but he doesn't need to see me incoherently sobbing over manga 😔 let me be the best for u
overall + random thoughts: toasty, owl, quest/xyx
i love !!! all their development !!! i think it was done super well and everything in each of their routes tied together...and like they were all so different u know?
the texting felt rlly natural too. i think one thing that'd get to me for like, mysmes was my text choices and stuff . ofc there were personally unnatural moments but that's a given LOL
OWL'S EPILOGUE PHOTO. there's a video on my ig spam bc i wanted to record it unblurring as my first ending photo,, the noise and shocked laugh i let out. hooo my god
when xyx was like let's do tongue twisters / no wrong answer just dumb ones or smth . as someone with anxiety and rejection sensitivity i would have an anxiety attack and die. BUT as a GC Friend he'd be very fun his sense of humor is pretty similar to mine i think...
when societyboy showed up and quest brought me to the other channel and he said "i'd love to angel" i was done. i was gone. /pos quest had such cute lines i'm devastated. like yeah spoil me hahahhahah please. [gets discord kitten'd] HELDPFJ
not kidding about toasty and xyx being the best thing ever. when they said "onion aren't you comp sci / yeah drop out" i giggled. that's so me
is it bad i was saying x-y-x in my head until i heard toasty say xyx. HELP
my godddd toasty. when he gets back in the server and says ur name 3 times i was kicking my feet. when he said i was so fucking worried fuck this. call? i was crying. WHEN GE SAID I love you. a lot. text me in the morning? I WAS PUNCHIGN THEA IR I EAS SILENTLY SCREAMING INTO MY PILLOW
Tumblr media
the first thing i said when i first saw him btw. i could probably make a whole post just for how i relate to him and owl . anyway
who would i date fr?! evidently toasty or owl . not sure which one ,, probably toasty but i think they both fit the general criteria for who i like :0
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