#i need to take 6-7 business days to process this information
so-i-did-this-thing · 2 years
Especially if you are on HRT!
HB1421 is a bill that severely affects access to gender affirming care, including for adults. It outlines goals to:
1) Prohibit changing gender markers on birth certificates
2) Require that gender affirming care only come from physicians (not nurse practioners) who take on liability insurance for 30 YEARS after they provide care to a patient
3) Require informed consent forms at every single appointment, including distributing literature to dissuade patients
4) Ban transition care completely for minors
5) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot provide gender affirming services (this is the big one that stands to affect anyone who takes medicare/aid, is a university, etc.).
6) Make it so providers who accept state funds cannot reimburse for gender affirming services.
We are facing a return to the Harry Benjamin days, or worse, an effective ban unless you are fortunate/wealthy enough to find a willing provider.
If it passes, this bill would take effect July 1, 2023. That is not a lot of time.
I would not count on any Rx or refill request to be honored after this date if the prescribing and dispensing sources no longer are allowed to grant care or decide to drop care because of the penalties.
July 1, 2023. Unless we hear otherwise, that is your clock.
This sucks, but there is comfort in seeing a clear date to plan around and the worst case is no longer completely unknown. It begins July 1.
1) Get any and all your HRT appointments in now, including picking up your meds and doing bloodwork promptly.
2) If you think you will be living in FL come July, start looking now for providers where physicians - not NPs - provide the care. Get an appointment on the books for July. Be prepared to go in person for everything after July 1, because I believe telemed will also be shit-canned. Here is a map of informed consent providers.
3) If you are an old like me, also dig up your HRT permission slip from your therapist. Fuck, make a packet of all your transition documents, including Rx history.
4) If you are on private insurance, start budgeting now to prepare to pay out of pocket.
5) Create a simple spreadsheet of all your HRT dates (pls forgive, my experience is with shots on a 2 week cycle, so this is pretty easy for me to do) and plan out how long your current supply will last. Then, forecast how long all your upcoming refills before July 1 will last. Update it every time you pick up and take your meds. Refer to it for decisions like moving or finding backup providers.
6) Subscribe to the bill to get notified of changes asap
7) Follow this site to keep tabs on other very scary bills happening in Florida, including a bathroom ban and a child custody bill that is effectively kidnapping
8) If you need to change your birth certificate, do it now, pay the rush fees and write RUSH on the envelope. The Department of Health has the most up-to-date forms. Processing time for rush I last saw was around 18 business days.
9) Now that your own oxygen mask is on, so they say, boost mutual aid and recruit allies to assist in any way possible.
Do try to continue seeing your current provider as long as possible, as they likely will need your support. Talk to them frankly about their plans if the bill passes.
Now. I am just a little guy and not a legal expert, but the aggressive enactment date on this bill makes me feel like everyone should plan now instead of waiting to see if it passes.
Be safe, plan, and then get a little rest. Do not lose hope - this bill could still fail.
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it-was-funeral-grey · 10 months
Moving nowhere (Al Haitham x F!Reader)
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Masterlist Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Summary: you’re finally back home, so things should be back to normal, right?
Warnings: reader's parents (mother and father), anxious reader, a scream, blood, death (not F!reader or al haitham)
Word count: <3.4k
Inspired by: -
Author's note: i'm back! i'm thinking of setting up a writing schedule, and make writing a habit again.
Please give criticism! Also, if i missed any warnings, do tell me so i can add them!
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Up until a month ago, owning books for personal use was against the Akademiya's rules. So, things like storybooks and guidebooks weren't a thing that most people grew up with. Books were considered items only used by Akademiya students or teachers (and record keepers)- untouchable and unnecessary for the common folk. Who needed books, anyway? The Akasha Terminal had everything, after all.
Oh, but you were different. And so much better off for it, so you'd like to believe.
Your mother was a trader- a rather adventurous one, at that. Instead of trading by Port Ormos, waiting for business to come her way, she'd set sail with her wares to the seven nations. And when she came home, she brought back all sorts of souvenirs.
One day, after a particularly long trip to Liyue, she came home carrying a mysterious brown squarish thing. 
"They call this a book," your mother had told you, gently placing the item in your hands as she closed the door behind her. "Open it and take a look!"
Taking the item from your mother, you slowly turned it in your hands, running a finger along its unbound side- the concaved, pressed pages bound by leather. 
"Records of... Jun- no, Jui-"
"Records of Jueyun," your mother corrected. "It's a storybook."
"What's that?"
"Why don't you open it?"
You cautiously pulled the hardcover and were greeted by pages upon pages of writing. But these writings were different from the passages you had to read at the village school. 
Words- both new and familiar, were placed together in ways you have never seen before, creating beautiful pictures in your mind. 
"...The merciful Geo Archon granted their request and made them as such. The end."
"Wait! That's it?!" you exclaim, desperately trying to find another page to turn. But all there was the brown, empty book cover. "That's all?"
"This is only the first volume," Your mother chuckled, patting your head gently as she took the book back. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll try to bring the next one another time, alright?"
"...Alright, but can I keep it?" you reached out, trying to take the book.
There was a pause from your mother as she pulled the book away from your reaching hands.
"Only if you promise to keep this a secret, alright?" Your mother squatted to your eye level, her tone serious. "You have to keep this book a secret, ok? No one can know that we have this."
"Yes! I will!" 
"Alright, now go put the book at the bottom of your toy box. And then let's go help Daddy cook some dinner!"
At that time, your enthusiasm distracted you from the seriousness in your mother's tone. As a young child, you didn't think about why you weren't allowed to tell anyone about your new possession- or why your mother had removed her Akasha Terminal when she spoke of the book. All you could think of were brave stone beasts and a magical land called "Liyue".
As tough as it was, you managed to keep the secret until the Matra barged into your home many years later (though the Personal Books Act was abolished by then). In those years, however, your obsession with books only grew- and was wholly encouraged by your parents. You learned how to read and to learn through reading. As a result, the Akasha Terminal you had received from the Akademiya when you turned 18 had been useless to you- what could it tell you that your precious books could not? The information you wanted was sometimes beyond what your credentials allowed you anyway. Besides, you loved the process of reading and reading and reading even more before you finally found what you wanted to know. What was the point of having information beamed into your mind when you could learn that and way more through books and research? 
"The world doesn't just consist of Sumeru," your mother had told you two years later on the day you moved out with your secret massive (and illegal) collection of books. "Go, look further than Vimara Village. Explore! Your books can only tell you so much."
"I know, Mum," your voice strains as you place a crate packed with books shrouded in cloth into your new home. In the interest of saving money, you hadn't moved far- just about a kilometre from your parents' house. It's a little bigger than your family home, which means more places for you to store (hide) your books. "But Liyue's Law School is expensive, and I want to save up as much as I can for it."
"You're an intelligent young woman," your father dusts off his hands. "I'm sure there are bursaries and scholarships that you can apply for. And if money is an issue-"
"Thank you, Dad, but it's fine. I want to be able to go there using my own money- if I don't learn to save and make my own Mora, when will I ever learn how to?"
"We understand, dear," your mother sighs, looking at you. "We just don't want you to waste your youth away toiling away when you could go to Liyue and learn and enjoy yourself now. You'll have all the time in Teyvat to work when you're older."
"And what I want is for the two of you to enjoy your retirement and explore Teyvat," you smile at your mother. "Don't worry about me! I'll learn lots from the work experience! It's like you always say, Mum..."
"Book learning alone is not enough to cultivate intelligence. All those scholars from the Akademiya are prime examples."  
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If you're being honest, you don't want to leave your house. But if you don't head out now, you'll miss the only opportunity to buy groceries from Bahram until tomorrow morning. You don't think the onion (half an onion- Al Haitham ate the other half) from yesterday can sustain you till then.
You shut the door again, sighing as you stretched your sprained ankle. It doesn't hurt as much as yesterday, thankfully. But your stomach does, as it growls yet again.
One more minute. One more minute, and you'll head out.
You stare at your feet as you clutch your door handle, pulling it slightly open again. 60, 59, 58…
Your heart pounds. For some reason, the sounds outside your door seem sharper now. You hear every footstep, every laugh, every shuffle-
40, 39, 38…
There are people outside. So, so many people.
The moment you step out, you know you'll be under fire. Everyone thinks you had kidnapped the Acting Grand Sage, after all.
What are they saying about you now?
30, 29, 28…
Your reputation is probably in shambles right now. Getting arrested was pretty much social suicide. Falsely accused or not, it doesn't matter. The village gossipers don't care.
Maybe it's better to stay at home. No one can see you here. You can't hear the things they'll say about you here.
They'll all stare at you if you go out. Angry, disgusted stares. All pointed at you.
20, 19, 18…
Yeah. Home doesn't sound too bad. Food? Technically, paper is made from trees, yes? And trees are kind of like vegetables. You'll have a damn healthy diet if you eat your books. Thankfully, you have no shortage of them.
10, 9, 8…
Yep. Home is where the heart is, and your bookshelf can be your new food pantry.
5, 4, 3…
You remove your hand from the handle. One light push and your door will close- shutting you from the world.
You'll be safe.
You'll be alone.
You place your hand back on the handle, ready to push.
2, 1-
But just as you are about to push, fingers wrap around the edge of the open door and push back against you, forcing the door wide open.
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Al Haitham was supposed to head back immediately after settling things with Dilawar. That was the plan. He had no time to waste hanging around anywhere other than his office.
That was the plan. 
Thanks to her directions, he managed to find Dilawar's house not long after he left her home. He had pounded on the man's door relentlessly till he opened up.
And when he finally did, Al Haitham went off.
Al Haitham had let him know the full extent of his frustrations regarding the lack of response to his letters. And let Dilawar know how appalled he was when he came to the port to find it completely deserted- how could he, the main trade supervisor, let that happen?
"But Acting Grand Sage Al Haitham, be reasonable! There was nothing for the workers to do-"
"It is one thing to cut down on staff. It is a whole other thing to call it quits the moment things go south and lay everyone off," Al Haitham ranted. "I sent the first letter three months ago a day after the Port Ormos crash. The fact that I heard nothing back- and that I found that letter completely unread and on your desk alongside the others in your office shows that you immediately abandoned your post," Al Haithan sighed heavily. "According to the reports I received, merchant ships were still coming in when the Wikala Funduq shut down. Trade could have still gone on- however inefficiently- had you and Ms Gauhar not caved."
It wasn't like Al Haitham to go on and on like this about things that have already happened and cannot be changed. But he can't help it. The Port Ormos issue has been one of his biggest headaches that has been going on for three months now. And all because two flimsy trade supervisors can't do their job right the moment their Akasha Terminals couldn't help them. The reason for the Port Ormos Crash was internal- which made him all the more upset.
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By the time Al Haitham finished dealing with Dilawar, night had fallen. He was exhausted- but not so much that he would have taken Dilawar's guest room. All he wants is to recharge in peace. Alone. In silence.
Turning the noise cancellation on his earpieces, he slowly walked out of Dilawar's house and turned towards the village dock. But just as he looked ahead to see where he was going, he saw something glowing softly below in the distance.
Squinting his eyes, Al Haitham took a step forward- what in Teyvat is that? Now that he thinks about it, won't this direction head towards her home? All he'll have to do is take the slope back down, and she'll be right there.
Ah, wait. That is her home- and if he focuses hard enough, he can see that whatever is glowing is coming from her home. The pieces start to click- it's candlelight. She's lighting candles around her home. The Matra destroyed everything- even her lanterns. 
Peering over the ledge, Al Haitham silently observes a single, flickering orange orb float from one end of her home to another- slowly illuminating room by room in a gentle glow. It's so much easier on the eye than the other houses with obnoxiously bright white lanterns.
Through the now backlit curtains, he sees her silhouette- and he watches her as she blows out the candle in her hand. He watches her graceful movements as she slowly makes her way across the room, running her hands along what he recalls to be one of her bookshelves- the one where she told him to place her law books. 
She runs a finger slowly down the spine of one of her books, and Al Haitham feels a shiver go down his- snapping him out of whatever trance he was stuck in. 
Archons, he must be exhausted. What is he, a creep? Staring at someone in their own home??
Gathering himself, he looks around. It's 15-minute walk back to the dock. With no guarantee that there's anyone still awake to take him back to Sumeru City.
Might as well spend the night here. The more he entertained the thought, the more appealing it sounded.
Oh, whatever, Al Haitham caves. He's too tired, and the ambience is too comfortable to resist. Finding what seems to be a nice tree, he settles himself down, leaning his head against the solid wooden bark as he watches the gentle glow of the distant candlelights lull him to sleep. 
And if his eyes ever drifted to the woman still picking out a book to read? Well, that'll be a secret between him and imaginary Kaveh (unfortunately).
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"Are you alright?"
Out of anyone who you thought would bust into your house today, he wasn't one of them. You were expecting more of an angry mob- or one of those angry-Acting-Grand-Sage-fanatic that had missed the notice that you were innocent and was going to kill you in revenge for kidnapping the Acting Grand Sage (yeah, you've read too many Mondstadt romance novels).
"Al Haitham?" you stabilise yourself, taking a step towards him. "What are you doing here?"
"Can I come in?"
"Ah, of course," you say, realising at that moment that the now fully open door left you fully exposed to the outside world. "Come on in!" You invite, before promptly shutting the door behind him.
He's carrying something, you notice as you turn back to face him. Alongside his overnight bag, he's got a paper bag filled with stuff.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes," he replies calmly, looking around your home- his eyes lingering along a candlestand attached to your wall. "I just came by to pass you these," he hands over the paper bag to you. "Some groceries."
"Oh, you shouldn't have-"
"If I haven't, would you have gone out to get them yourself?" Al Haitham interrupts. "I saw you hover your door for over an hour."
"Ah, you saw that," you respond sheepishly. 
"I did. You opened the door just to close it every time."
"What are you afraid of?" Al Haitham cocks his head towards the door. "Your neighbours?"
When you don't reply, Al Haitham sighs.
"How's your ankle?" He changes the subject, motioning for you to sit on the couch.
"It's much better than yesterday! Just a bit of aching, but I'm fine," you reply hastily, grateful for the subject change. You don't want to talk about what could be awaiting you outside your door.
"That's good," Al Haitham sits opposite you, glancing at the book you've left on the armrest. "'Sumeru Law 203". I'm impressed you managed to get ahold of an Akademiya textbook."
"Oh!" Now this, you want to want to talk about. You've never had anyone to enthuse with about your book collection before. "I bought it from an Akademiya student passing by Port Ormos a couple of years ago! He kept saying that he wanted to quit and was throwing a whole fit at the docks!" you chuckle, remembering the scene. You had tried to calm him and encourage him, but it seemed his mind was made up, so you offered to buy the book from him. It took quite a bit of convincing since it was very illegal for Akademiya-associated individuals to sell their books to non-Akademiya individuals. But when you showed the student that you were willing to pay quite the sum, his determination wavered and eventually gave in.
"You're very lucky the Matra found you after the Personal Book Act was abolished," Al Haitham looks at your packed bookshelves as he flips to a page in the textbook. "All these books would have given you... at least a fifteen-year sentence- and your textbooks," he gives the one he holds a little shake in your direction while glancing at you, "would have been a separate sentence- easily ten years per book and-"
"The sentences would have been ordered to run consecutively, not concurrently," you finish his line. He looks up from the book, and you think he almost looks impressed. "I have seven Akademiya textbooks. In total, I would have sat in jail for no less than eighty-five years."
"...That's right."
"I could have spent an entire lifetime behind bars."
"You could have."
"Do you think I was stupid, then? To take a risk just to read books when I could have asked the Akasha Terminal and have all the knowledge beamed into my head instead?"
Al Haitham shuts the book gently and hands it back to you. His response is almost immediate.
"No. If anything, I think you are all the more brilliant for doing so."
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Al Haitham spends the rest of the morning chatting with her about books. He gave his honest comments on those he had read before and took note of the ones she recommended. It was refreshing, to say the least.
This was the first time he'd ever spoken to someone so enthusiastic about reading. Any reader he had come across before this were all Akademiya students- who mostly did read begrudgingly just so they could say they fulfilled their book annotation coursework in the House of Daena. The only other person who even had the slightest chance of matching her current enthusiasm was Kaveh- and he didn't even like reading as much as he liked spewing out his opinions in whatever architecture book he was annotating.
But her- she enjoyed it, reading. She liked getting confused by the words, and looking them up in a (Al Haitham hardly gets surprised by anything, but this did) actual, paper dictionary. She likes jumping back pages to re-read that one sentence she did not understand, but they referenced it later so she has to. She liked finding out that one book said this, and the other said that- so she could think about both and try to figure out which made more sense to her.
The effort. The focus. The occasional paper cut. She loved all of it.
It was a whole experience watching her talk about what she had read. Hearing what she thought about it- telling her what he thought about it- pushing each other's horizons just that little bit further.
He loved it.
"I mean, I think it's valid for Risha to think like that," she states, pointing out a passage in a novel. They had moved on from non-fiction to fiction- from the bookshelf near the main door to the one at the back wall. "But her reaction wasn't justified- Ona doesn't deserve that at all! She didn't know!"
"I agree," Al Haitham prepares to rebut. "But-"
A shrill scream pierces through the calm atmosphere, and she nearly falls out of her seat.
"What happened?!"
"It sounds like it's coming from the houses above," Al Haitham hears a flurry of footsteps leading towards the slope. "Let's go."
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By the time you reach the top of the slope, you're not far behind Al Haitham. Panting, you look up. Everyone's gathered around Mr Dilawar's house- and is someone crying?
"Get behind me," Al Haitham whispers to you. "Is your ankle-"
"My ankle's fine. I'm just- just out of shape," you pant. "That's Mr Dilawar's house."
"I met him there yesterday," Al Haitham slowly pushes past the crowd. "I stayed with him till the late evening, before I-"
You've suddenly spun around, facing away from the house.
"Al Haitham?! What are you-" You turn your head to face back, but he blocks your vision with a quick step.
"How comfortable are you with blood?"
"Blood? What do you mean-"
"Human blood. In large quantities."
A shiver goes down your spine.
"Al Haitham, what happened to Mr Dilawar?"
Just as Al Haitham was about to reply, a loud voice from the house yelled at the crowd to give way. You step aside, guided by Al Haitham, as a makeshift stretcher quickly carries something covered by a red-stained tarp away from his house. The smell is unmistakable- it's blood.
You turn to face the house, and this time Al Haitham doesn't block you. You're instantly greeted by a world of red- which you're sure extends further into his house if only you have the guts to check. 
"Who was the last person to see him?" A man sobs- Mr Azmas. "That must be who killed my brother! Find him now! Get the Matra!"
"I met him there yesterday," Al Haitham had pushed past the crowd. "I stayed with him till the late evening, before I-"
You have a bad feeling about this. A shiver, now threatening to break into full-blown trembling threatens to take over your body as you turn to face the green-clad man slowly.
"Al Haitham, what happened with Mr Dilawar?"
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgment Chapter 7: The Drive and an Explanation (Poly Judgment Day Fic)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6. Part 7.
Nessa just drops her bag there at the door once it is closed, clasping her trembling hands together as she tries to control her breathing. After a few minutes of trying to ground herself, she shakes her hands out to control the trembling and picks up her bag and purse putting it with her full-size luggage. She absentmindedly grabs a change of clothes while processing the conversation she just had with Damien.
Once she is changed she plugs in her phone and gets into bed, scrolling through various websites researching more information on poly relationships, and trying to find some history on the other three members of the judgment day she doesn't really know. She doesn't realize how long she has been researching, taking notes, and saving websites to reference later. She finally decides she has had enough and needs to sleep when she yawns for the fourth consecutive time in a few minutes. She sets her phone down and snuggles into the covers, not noticing how bright the room has been getting when there is a knock on the door.
She looks at the alarm clock on the nightstand and groans, "Fuck." The knock at the door comes again, this time louder.
"Give me a moment please," She calls out, having a good idea who is at the door. She shuffles to the door and opens it. Not surprised to see Dominik standing there looking towards the ground rubbing the back of his neck.
"We didn't agree on a time and I figured..." He trails off as he looks up and sees the state she is in. He steps in and closes the door placing his hands on her shoulders and looking into her eyes.
"Nessa, what happened are you ok? Did he do something? Did something happen?" His eyes go to the slight bruise on her wrist from the taping last night and his expression darkens.
She shrugs off his hands and takes a step back rubbing her eyes. "Nothing happened, no he didn't, he was a perfect gentleman last night. I just apparently didn't sleep because I was too busy researching." She yawns at the end.
"Researching what Nessa?" He asks sitting on the armchair in the corner to give her space.
"Researching more answers to my questions I didn't ask last night Dom." She answers as she digs through her suitcase for a change of clothes.
"Maybe I could answer your questions mi.... Nes, sorry." He catches himself. "I might ask some questions but Dom, I would like to research this on my own so I can come to my own understanding and then ask if I am understanding things right. I know Luis talked to you all last night about our conversation." Nessa heads towards the bathroom.
"Actually not exactly. He gave us the gist of the conversation. Said he would elaborate when we are in Seattle. He was more focused on me apparently not treating you right," he calls out as she changes in the bathroom. She yanks the door open, her nightclothes in her hand, and stomps over to her luggage.
"I didn't say you didn't treat me right, just that I would open my own car door, and other doors occasionally because you didn't fight me as much on it." She shoves her clothes in the bag and zips it up.
"Well, I am under orders..." He draws out the s sound as she glares at him. He remains sitting and holds up his hands in surrender. "It's what we know, how we were raised." He begins his explanation only to be cut off by Nessa, "It shows respect to women..."
"Yes I know he said the same thing last night," she snaps and immediately feels guilty. "I'm sorry Dom, it's not your fault. I didn't mean to snap at you. I've been doing that a lot the last two days."
"It's ok Nes, both times you just woke up or in this case didn't sleep at all. You are tired so let's get started. A quick breakfast on the way and you can sleep on the way and we can have our talk when you are feeling better and ready." He stands up and grabs her bag to no argument this time, only her silently nodding in agreement and following him to the door and falling back into the rhythm they had when they were together, he opens the door and she steps through with him following behind and closing it then wraps his free arm around her shoulders allowing her to lean into him. If she wasn't so tired she would push away from him but it feels familiar, it feels right.
In the short elevator ride down she falls asleep on his shoulder and he glances down at her, smiling sadly at how he fucked up something, but he is filled with hope. He gently nudges her awake and they exit the elevator and head to the checkout counter before heading to Dom's rental car, Nessa still half asleep doesn't realize he has opened the car door for her, she just gets in and buckles up and leans her head against the window once the door is closed. She is asleep before he even gets in the car.
Dominik grabs his jacket from the back seat and gently tosses it over Nessa. He studies her face and admires how her nose scrunched up when a strand of her hair tickled it. He gently brushes it out of the way so as to not disturb her. He takes another moment to study her, having not had the privilege of seeing her so vulnerable for a long time, how her lips slightly parted and her face truly relaxed. He smiles to himself as he starts the car and pulls out for the long drive to Seattle.
Nessa jerks awake when her forehead smacks against the window as Dominik runs over a bump. "Ow fuck" she exclaims rubbing her forehead.
"I'm sorry Nes, go back to sleep if you can. I'll be more careful," He calls out to her. She groans as she checks the time, she had been asleep for only two hours but she felt wide awake. She sits up, Dominik's jacket falling onto her lap.
Nessa stares at the jacket, her hand gripping the edge of it. "Thank you." She almost whispers a blush creeping up her cheeks.
"Of course, I didn't want you to get cold. You needed sleep. Still do by the looks of you." He comments and Nessa glares at him and sticks out her tongue.
"I can't sleep anymore it seems, at least yet." She leans her head back on the headrest rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Well let's take a break and get some food, I'm starving." He offers as he gets off at the next exit on the highway. Nessa is filled with guilt realizing he didn't eat because he let her sleep. Dominik glances at her and sees her expression. "Don't even think about apologizing. I had snacks that held me over and you clearly needed sleep. You fell asleep on me in the elevator. I am fine, it was only two hours so now we can eat."
"But-" She starts and Dominik cuts her off.
"No buts, we are going to get some food and we can talk about whatever you want. Ask what you need and I will answer anything." He pulls into a Mcdonald's drive-thru.
"Are you allowed to eat this?" Nessa asks, knowing he has a meal plan.
"I can, it depends on what I order. You still get the same thing?" He asks as they inch closer to the speaker.
"Yeah." She reaches down to grab her purse and she panics for a second not seeing it.
"Calm down, Nes it is in the trunk with your bags, I got it this time. I know how you are. You can get it next time." Nessa rolls her eyes knowing next time will be the same. They get their food and Nessa holds the food until they are on the highway, the radio on quietly to fill the silence that was between them. "Alright Nes, divvy up the food" He holds his hand out for his burger and she hands it over, placing his fries on the center console between them, stealing a few and shoving them in her mouth before Dom could see.
"You have your own fries, why did you steal some of mine," He complains before taking a bite of his burger.
"Because yours are better!" She muffles with her mouthful of fries. At that, both of them snicker, trying not to choke on their food, the atmosphere no longer awkward. "Ok we still have half the way to go still so let's start this while we finish eating Dom." She smiles, her mood is better after some food and sleep.
Dominik swallows nervously, "Do you want my explanation first then ask questions, or do you want to ask questions first then I explain?" She sips her drink before answering.
"Explain please."
"In hindsight, it was a completely idiotic reason and I should have just talked with you. Especially knowing you are at least considering our dynamic," He starts and takes a shaky breath. "During Covid, I rarely got to see you, and I was so afraid of losing you and I was so glad when restrictions got lifted and I could see you more. But that also made me realize what my dad was saying all along, it got in my head. It is unfair for you to be working, to be alone, and me on the road all the time barely having time to see you." He pauses to gauge her reaction. She wants to say something but instead wrings her hands. "You deserve better than what I was giving you and thought you were beginning to resent me like I resent my dad. And I now know that is so stupid. You have been nothing but loyal and supportive for years and I hurt you. When I broke up with you I immediately wanted to take it back. I didn't immediately join the dynamic either. It was weeks after I joined them."
"Yeah, Demi told me as much," Nessa comments sadly, glancing out the window.
"When they first started approaching me it was to help me break off from dad, to help me grow my career, and dating Rhea was just going to be a storyline. She was going to contact you to explain it. But I didn't want to put you through that with all I thought I was already putting you through, so I thought a clean break would be best. Like I said I immediately regretted it. I didn't want you to suffer as Mom did. I was hoping you would move on and find someone better than me."
Nessa clenches and unclenches her fist. She waits a moment to see if he will continue. He doesn't so she asks her first question, "Then why didn't you respond to any of my messages or calls, or from your sister or anyone regarding me? Do you know how much that hurts? Just throwing everything down the drain, those years. I was ready to marry you. I can't find someone better because there is no one better. I would have understood. If you would have just explained it to me in the first place Dom." Tears well up in her eyes and starts spilling down her cheeks which she hastily tries to swipe away with the sleeve of her jacket.
"I was embarrassed, and knew I fucked up and didn't know how to fix it, I didn't and still don't really know how to face you. You have been so fiercely loyal to me and I don't deserve it like I don't deserve your forgiveness. I would have understood if you supported Dad at WrestleMania." He wipes away his own tears his words catching in his throat.
"I would have found a way to make it work Dom, I was trying to become part of medical for the WWE, I would have done what you wanted, I would have quit just to travel with you if you wanted." She sniffles and Dominik lets out a sound like he was being strangled.
"I know and it is unfair how much you would have done for me and I couldn't return it. I never wanted to hurt you only protect you. Yet that is exactly what I did and I can't forgive myself for that." He tries to take a deep breath but it is shaky. Nessa rubs her palm to her chest to ease the tightness and pain forming there remembering the heartbreak he caused, They remain like that trying to control their emotions for a few minutes. Nessa wipes the tears away again, her lips trembling as she asks the next question that is burning at her,
"How did you end up joining their dynamic and why didn't you just ask me if I would consider it?"
"I had already broken up with you the day I told them I would join them. It wasn't until they asked what was wrong with me because my mood was all over the place. I told them I broke up with you but no specifics. Finn slapped me upside the head because that was an idiotic thing to do. They explained what and how they were, and that they were open to new members for the dynamic and I was welcome to join and to ask you but I don't think that would have gone over well having already broken up with you." He grips the steering wheel as he answers.
"No, it would not, if we were still together I would have been receptive to the Idea and considered it." She responds so quietly he almost doesn't hear it. She brings her feet to the seat and hugs her knees, placing her chin there and staring out the windshield.
"I know you are hurt, I know I hurt you and I will do anything to make it right. Words can not describe how sorry I am and how much I wish to take it back and get the last six months back." He glances at her sadly, hoping the sincerity in his voice helps comfort her.
Nessa sniffles and wipes her nose on her sleeve before responding, "If you were thinking that way why did you give me the bracelet knowing what it meant." She lays her cheek on her knee to look at Dom to read his expression. He chews his lip while he thinks.
"Because I did, still do want to spend my life with you as selfish as that sounds, I want you to be with me with us now. I love you Mi Vida and I always will and if you let me I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you." He clenches the steering wheel, keeping himself from reaching out to her.
Nessa turns her head to stare out the windshield again. "Thank you for telling me, Dom. I uh need to process... that..." She pauses at the end unable to find the words, unable to even glance at Dom trying to just process everything he told her.
"Yeah Nes, take your time." His eyes flick to her figure, his heart breaking even more being the one to put her in that state. He opens his mouth intent to say something to make her feel better but thinks better of it, not knowing what to say. Instead, he hits play on her playlist he has saved on his phone for her. He glances at her as the first song starts and sees the corner of her mouth twitch like she wanted to smile and he quietly sighs in relief. The rest of the ride is silent between them only the music filling the silence and Nessa nodding off again.
Nessa is sound asleep against the window again when Dominik pulls into the hotel parking lot. He sees Damien, Finn, and Rhea leaning against the other rental car waiting on them. He pulls into the empty parking spot next to them and gently nudges Nessa.
"Nessa wake up we are at the hotel." She groans and pulls his jacket tighter around her snuggling into it. "Nes come on, you can sleep in the hotel room in a bed." He gently shakes her shoulder and she pushes his hand off of it still not aware.
Rhea gets impatient and walks over to the passenger side where Nessa's head is against the window and sharply knocks startling her awake. "Wake up sleeping beauty we need to check in" Rhea calls into the car as Nessa finally wakes up and collects her surroundings. Rhea returns to standing between Damien and Finn leaning against the car.
Nessa turns to Dominik, "Uh sorry Dom," She rubs her eyes with one hand and tries to hand Dominik the jacket with the other one. He tosses it into the back seat muttering,
"It's ok Nes," Before getting out of the car and trying to jog to the other side to open the door for her which she beat him to and stepped out. Damien crosses his arms and clears his throat. Nessa ignores him and closes the door and walks around to the trunk where their luggage is already out and sitting on the ground. Dominik comes over and hands Nessa her purse before grabbing both luggage and begins heading towards the entrance of the hotel, Finn following closely behind with Rhea's luggage.
Damien and Rhea step over to where Nessa is, clearly still tired and half looking like death.
"Mamita, what happened are you ok?" Damien asks and Rhea turns Nessa to face her and studies her face.
"Christ love did you sleep at all last night?" She frets over Nessa who shrugs and then scratches the back of her head avoiding eye contact.
"I was researching some things and lost track of time. I slept most of the way here though?" Nessa tries to make it sound better.
"Yeah, that's still not ok. I was going to see if you wanted to go out with us for lunch but I think sleep would be better." Damien chimes in eyeing Nessa worriedly.
"No, it's better if I stay up at this point and sleep tonight, If I sleep now I probably won't be able to sleep tonight." She yawns, not helping her argument, and begins to head toward the entrance where Dominik and Finn are waiting
"Whatever you say. How about a compromise? You nap until we have to go train. Then tonight we can go out and have some fun. As friends that is." Rhea offers and clarifies at the end.
"Yeah, I like that." Nessa agrees letting out another yawn as they approach the door that is being held open by Dominik and Finn. She stops in front of them and gives Dominik a small smile to show him she isn't upset with him. He watches as she steps ahead and shakes his head to keep his emotions in check.
Finn mouths, "Are you ok?" Dominik nods once allowing Rhea and Damien to pass in front of them before he and Finn follow behind with the bags.
They all get their key cards and file into the elevator and go to their rooms in relative silence, feeding off the awkward energy between Dominik and Nessa. Before too long they reach their respective rooms, Rhea swipes the key card and opens the door. Nessa is so tired she doesn't even common, instead just leans against the closest person to her. She feels his chest shake in laughter. She glances up to see she is leaning on Damien.
"Go on Mamita, you need more sleep. I'll see you in a few hours." He ushers her through the door into the room.
"Go on guys, I am going to unpack and I'll meet you in a few I want to make sure Nessa is ok." Rhea dismisses the boys and closes the door before turning to Nessa who is sitting on the edge of the bed rubbing her eyes. "Before you sleep I just want to know if you are ok, give me the gist of what happened on that car ride." Rhea sits down next to Nessa and grabs her hand and holds it.
"I'll be ok Demi, it is a lot to process. I need to figure out how I feel and how to go forward from that. I won't take back my forgiveness." Nessa admits and Rhea squeezes her hand.
"Let me guess it was a stupid idiotic reason." Rhea comments and Nessa nods and starts laughing at Rhea rolling her eyes.
"The dumbest reason." Nessa goes on to explain to Rhea what Dominik said in the car, venting her hurt and frustration. Once she is done venting Rhea looks incredulous.
"He is more of an idiot than I thought. Look, I admire how open you are to even consider being with us and how you forgave Dom Dom without even knowing the whole story. And the fact that after hearing his idiotic reason." She praises Nessa who smiles bashfully and averts her gaze, red creeping up her cheeks. Rhea pulls her into a hug which she returns needing the physical comfort knowing that there are no expectations between them.
"Get some sleep I'll wake you up in a few hours after I go have a talk with Dom and the others yeah." Rhea gets up and Nessa snuggles into the bed asleep before Rhea is even out of the room.
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sumeru-academy · 2 years
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M.U.S.E. Event Case 008. Ayaka Kamisato X Female Reader.
◇ Report submitted by: Moderator Chewie on ▇▇▇▇.
mention of malnutrition, vomit, gore.
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CASE FILE.        MUSE-008
SEVERITY.         7 / 10
DESCRIPTION. ▇▇▇▇ was killed today. The potent smell of blood had been hanging in the air for quite some time now, ▇▇▇▇ had become immune to the despair which hung over them.
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You were unable to tell if the emotion you were feeling was raw excitement or anxiety so strong it was enough to skin you alive. Feeling worms crawl under your skin in a comforting way. Either way, you waited in front of the main office in anticipation, General Gorou had instructed you to come to the Inazuman Headquarters for your first assignment. You’d been stuck doing grunt work for a good year and a half. All the ruthless bootcamp training, the taste of mud still slimed its way into your tastebuds whenever you thought about it.
With a slight huff, you slid the shoji door. The general waited there in a formal hakama, eyes ahead to the empty space in front of him at the low table. A neatly folded piece of paper presented in front of you, your assignment. You shakily seated yourself in front of him with a determined, nervous, smile. He bowed to you, his eyes never wavering. You swallowed and bowed back. No words were exchanged when he slid the piece of paper over to you and stared into your eyes.
Quivering hands, the paper found its way to your fingers. You stood up and left the room.
You wanted to vomit out of fear and piss yourself from the excitement which mixed in your veins. As soon as you left the premises you couldn’t help but happily tap your feet against the floor in a tiny dance. A squeal left your lips as you danced around.
The worst thing about this entire experience was the fact you had to walk all the way there on your own, your poor two feet. It wasn’t all that far, perhaps only a couple days if you took minimal breaks.
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You had walked through a grand total of 6 different villages. Each riddled with poverty and death, your chest aches in pity once you reach your destination. Mud huts are built with roofs made of straw and leaves of rice plants. Like most villages of poor wealth, the population consisted of a majority of women and young boys. Men were usually the first to die of over exhaustion in the fields and providing food. However, this village had one characteristic that made your stomach queasy, the place was swamped with the shogunate’s samurai.
Samurai never scared you particularly, you’d just needed to show them your identification as a MUSE soldier, and they would cause little trouble.
“Please let her go, she didn’t mean any harm!” one of the women screamed, a smaller girl with white hair trapped within the first of a much larger man covered in traditional armor.
Your mind raced, before you could process the information you were already standing in front of the pair. Legs apart with your stance clearly ready to take arms.
“Would you be so kind as to let the young woman go?” Your hushed voice was hardly above a whisper, but it was enough to get the attention of the woman and the samurai manhandling her.
He spat at you, “You lot are always getting in somebody else's business, I really hate you M.U.S.E dogs. Why don’t you do us all a favor and behead this woman here, she’s just as much of a monster as what you’re used to slaying.”
You unsheathed the longsword presented on your back, “I’m allowed to hurt you if you interfere with my job. I need to interview this woman regarding the strange events happening here, please step aside.”
Deep down, you knew you weren’t physically capable to take him on, nothing but the organization’s name to use against him. The samurai realized that this was more trouble than it was worth, with a scoff, he shoved the woman to the floor and walked away from the scene.
“Ayaka!” the bystander rushed to the young woman’s side, her hand resting on her back as she regained her posture.
“Miss Chisato…” the woman dubbed Ayaka whispered.
Her attention was directed towards you. Acidic bile spilled from your lips and onto the dirt road, your legs shook violently you could hardly stand. The two women rushed to your side.
“Ma’am? Are you okay?” Ayaka asked, you used your knees as stands for your hands.
You shook your head, “No, but… It’ll be fine. I just have to wait for this anxiety to subside.”
“Please let me treat you to tea at my home, it’s the least I could do,” Ayaka insisted with a hand on your shoulder, “I-I really think you should get some food in you, you’re clearly malnourished.”
This was the perfect opportunity to get more information about your assignment, although you felt bad for taking up this poor young woman’s time, you needed to start somewhere.
Your assignment was Futakuchi-Onna, an Inazuman yokai which married girls and young adults. The yokai shall possess the victim's head, creating a mouth upon the back of the scalp, and eat an ungodly amount of food. All of the food consumed by the victim goes directly into feeding the demon, the victim will slowly starve to death. The only way to truly purge the yokai is to kill the victim before it finishes the cycle of death.
Which means, soon enough, human blood would taint your hands.
Chisato bared her goodbyes with a small bow, and Ayaka led her to her humble estate.
“Have you heard anything about the food supply dropping dramatically? I’m here to investigate the cause,” you openly admitted, “You see, this is my very first real assignment, and I’m nervous out of my mind.”
Ayaka was too beautiful to describe with English words. Hair as white as snow, sparkling with a blue hue in the sunlight with dazzling navy eyes which pulled you into her world. Her smile was welcoming and made your stomach churn with excitement. You felt like vomiting again. Her home was… Charming. It was one of the larger huts, she stated because it was her brother who was the head of the rice planting farmers. The kanji for Kamisato was engraved into the flat wooden plank outside the gates of their property. The house was one of the few houses made of wood and bamboo. Ayaka welcomed you into her estate and brewed your tea.
“Tell me,” You started, watching her light the fire to the furnace, “Your brother is the head of the farmers here correct? Why don’t you move to one of the wealthier villages instead?”
She didn’t answer you right away, not until the flame had ignited and began to eat the fuel.
A sigh escaped from her pale lips, “Why would we? We have everything we want here.”
Her hands shook as she handled the iron kettle atop the furnace, her thin wrist peeking out of her worn kimono. It was obvious she was malnourished. You never answered her, instead you patiently wanted for her to prepare you tea.
“Why was the samurai treating you so harshly?” Ayaka visibly flinched when you asked her the question.
You were both sitting at her low table, with no pillows present. You sat on your knees and slowly consumed the tea she had presented you with.
She looked to the ground and traced shapes into the worn tatami mats, “Well, my brother is in debt to the family who sent the samurai to the village. He was meant to pay his dues today, but because he’s been working in the fields so much, he hasn’t been able to make an appearance lately…”
That’s strange, you didn’t recall seeing any rice patties near the location. The fields couldn’t be as large to be keeping a man overnight working, especially if there’s other men working out there. Her story didn’t add up, but you nodded and played along anyways. You left the area with your kind regards to Ayaka and slept under a tree right outside the village.
Still unable to see the rice fields that Ayaka spoke of.
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You woke up hardly able to breathe, having to chew and swallow the humid air. It had begun to rain early that afternoon. You met with Ayaka once again, heart racing more than usual, your jaw clenched when she spoke to you.
“You’ll get a cold if you stay in the rain for too long, come join me under my umbrella. There’s plenty of room,” Ayaka told you, lifting up her blue paper umbrella and offering some space towards you without getting wet herself.
“As a M.U.S.E employee, I am trained to tolerate this sort of weather. Please don’t worry about it.”
“Nonsense, your face is getting all red, I’ll run you a bath at my home…”
Her insistence was adorable, your cheeks red as they burned with embarrassment. You found yourself getting off a small high when you caught her flowery smell once you had stood next to her under the sunshade. Your heart raced, but your chest never hurt like anxiety had made it ache. Your hands trembled but you were comfortable.
She escorted you to her home and ran you a bath, just as she said she would. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a bath, the warm water sunk into your skin as if you were a sponge. When you had gotten out, she’d lent you a nicer kimono that was a little too big for you.
“You see, you’re much larger than me, this is a kimono that my brother had grown out of. You may wear it,” she insisted, her hands peeking through the shoji screen which separated the bathroom to a hallway.
The kimono was uncomfortable, clearly low-quality silk but you were in no position to complain. For some ungodly reason, the brief smell of iron was presented upon the fabric. It made your stomach hurt unreasonably, the smell of blood bringing back the memories of the harsh boot camps which you were forced to go through. You trembled, breathing quickened, you rushed back into the bathroom and vomited into the bucket you had used to wash yourself with previously. Without a sound, you opened the window above the bath and dumped the bucket of vomit outside into the garden. A pang of guilt stabbed at your core; you brushed it off.
You excited the room and looked for Ayaka, your heart racing just at the thought of seeing her again. She was preparing the furnace to heat up another kettle of tea.
“Oh, (Y/N)! You’re here, I hope you enjoyed your bath,” her voice chipper, the kettle shook in her hands.
Your chest ached, “Do you think that your brother will mind me wearing his old clothes?”
“No, he’s very kind. It’s not like he’s around to care either.”
Her tone dropped an octave, every nerve in your body told you she was dangerous. Her smile was so welcoming, and she made your body feel as if it were set ablaze. The heartfelt way she’d brew tea and serve you rice crackers made you feel loved. You didn’t know that this feeling would be so wonderful, and you desperately wanted to express yourself to her, but you had no clue on where to start.
What if she thought you were weird? You’d only known her for a few days, and the lifestyle of a M.U.S.E employee didn’t have room for fickle things like love. Your imagination drifted as she ranted to you about the samurai, how cute she’d look in a formal kimono welcoming you home from a long mission. How adorable she’d be when she would come up to you and kiss you on the cheek and hug you in order to welcome you home.
Her cheeks puffed out, “You don’t care do you?”
A smidge of panic had set in once she had caught you daydreaming, “I do, the warm bath is just making me a little sleepy is all.”
“I have a remedy for that, scoot close to me.”
You did just that, sitting right by her side. It felt so natural to be around her.
“Lay your head in my lap, I’ll comb your hair as you sleep.”
Oh. You couldn’t think or breathe. Was this truly some fantasy coming to life? You held your breath as she guided your head to her soft legs, your hair was still a little damp, did she mind? Ayaka’s legs were ungodly skinny, and you could feel her bones under the thin layer of fat and muscle which covered her skeleton. She’d been so adamant about you resting, so how could you deny it? You allowed your body to relax, although it wasn’t the most comfortable pillow you fell asleep with her fingers in her hair massaging your scalp. The warm waves of sleep washed over you, feeling the high of her smell starting to sink in.
Ayaka felt disgusted with herself as you laid in her lap. She was so hungry, hungry for you. The back of her skull opened up into a mouth which stank of blood, gore of the most recent kill reeking from its oral cavity. Her white hair moved as if it were the tentacles of some underwater beast, soft sobs escaped her lips but you laid still. The stink of the kill filled your senses, adrenaline rushed through your body as you had dodged the viscous hair follicles with last minute precision. Sparkling tears decorated Ayaka’s wonderful face, she looked as if she were a doll made of China.
The instinct to run away made your legs move before you could even think, you rushed into the brutal downpour which was Inazuma storms. You had no shoes, your feet cold and sticky with mud and heart racing. You stopped at the entry gate and looked back at the Kamisato estate. Moments spent in the pouring rain, your heart ached for Ayaka to return to your line of sight, she never showed. Not even to close the door you had rudely left open in your panic. You abandoned your uniform and your sword inside the home, walking barefoot to the tree you had slept under previously. It provided little to no shelter, but you sat and daydreamed soaked to the bone with the numbness the cold rain gave you. You find comfort in the warmth of Ayaka, you cry to yourself. You plead to an unknown God to allow you to think of a different way to kill the yokai, you cried and sobbed into the void of the downpour. You wanted to scream, so badly, but you had no energy.
You found yourself in your sorrows, when a blonde man approached you. He was of a shorter stature, with a streak of red in his hair and melancholy eyes. He wore a layered yukata with reds and browns, dashes of yellow presented onto the fine silk, reminding you of the autumn trees. His paper umbrella was an ombre shade.
“Your kimono. Where did you get it from?” His voice was husky.
Your gaze was focussed onto the ground, staring at his kimono sandals, “Kamisato Ayaka, it’s originally from her brother, Kamisato Ayato.”
Ayaka’s voice was engraved in your mind, every story of her brother and her parents. Her praises about her amazing family. The modesty with her in that large home, all alone.
“You stole it?”
“No, Kamisato gave it to me,” your voice was monotone to a point you surprised yourself.
He hummed, but you couldn’t hear it over the roar of the rain.
“I am Kaedehara Kazuha, I’m a local, and I saw you run out of Kamisato’s estate. Am I to assume that you fell for Ayaka’s little performance too?”
His wording ignited something inside you that you’d never felt before. Before you could even think you were standing up before him. Face to face with the man you asked him to repeat the words he had just spoken.
“She’s been the reason for all of the recent disappearances, but because nobody has gotten indisputable evidence we can’t exactly just kill her. Her family is also one of the largest patrons for many of the farmers here, since her brother disappeared we haven’t had anybody to go to.” Kazuha’s explanation made you queasy, “You must be new, considering the townspeople talk way too much. There’s a M.U.S.E soldier in the village as of now, hopefully the issue will be solved sooner than later.”
Your hands trembled, as you had realized the weight of the situation. Ayaka never cared for you, she only made it look that way so she could lure you in and kill you. Your chest ached, you started to cry again. Kazuha offered no comfort as he nodded and trailed away at your miserable form.
You called out her name in a weary desperation.
Ayaka had never felt more guilty in her life. It ate at her stomach just as the demon ate at her spirit and soul. She let out a shaky exhale as it had spoken to her. In her head, it’s voice rang out, asking her if she really wanted to continue living. If you wish to continue, it seethed, you must bring me the flesh of a human. Stale rice and tangy tea will not suffice any longer. Stuck inside her home, alone, she had finally found someone that would allow her to trust them. To take care of. Ever since the devouring of her brother she’d hardly been able to handle the isolation inside the cold manor, when you came along you were like the sun.
You were so kind to her, so nervous, so perfect.
You were also the one who would take her head, no matter what.
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It has been a whole week, and the village samurai were beginning to debate if they should kill you or not. You’d been threatened more times than you could count, held down with a blade to your neck. Ayaka was too terrified to look you in the eye, the demon in her head feeling the irrational fear whenever you were within ten feet of her. You’d managed to get your uniform and sword back, it was wrinkled and worn.
In the townsquare you stood in front of her, finally able to see her face which was engraved in your mind.
“Kamisato,” the way her surname fell from your lips felt like acid against her eardrums, “I don’t want to kill you.”
Ayaka could feel her face heating up, her mind was running wild. In the heat of the tension she couldn’t focus on your words nor the weight of your tone. All she knew is that she missed your voice. She wanted to invite you to her home, one last time, kiss you softly, and let the demon kill her while in your arms.
“Kamisato, you were one of the few people in this small dainty town that showed me kindness, there is only one way to repay that kindness.”
The youngest Kamisato’s voice was hushed when she spoke, “How?”
“I will kill the thing that is plaguing you. I don’t know how, but I’ll do it.”
A voice in Ayaka’s head screamed and then laughed.
You guided her to a shrine that was three kilometers away, almost two miles. Most of the journey she is on your back with your arms supporting her legs and arms wrapped around your neck. You needed to get this thing out of her, she was too precious to kill. The shrine was worn down, with no shrine maidens or any sort of name, but you had most of the tools used for a small ritual in an attempt to kill it. You surrounded her in sared salts in the center of the shrine hall, having her drink the water from the sacred wells. There was nothing, you simply weren’t trained in this field.
Your throat was sore with terror, Ayaka sitting so wonderfully in the center of the circle with an unwavering smile.
“Close your eyes for me,” she followed your request with no questions.
You stepped inside the circle of salt, as quietly as you could you unsheathe the sword which laid on your hip now. A hand on her head to keep her still. You took a breath in.
“I love you,” she whispered.
Blood filled your vision, the sword cut cleanly through her delicate neck. It sprayed you in your face and you got crimson liquid inside your mouth. Her head fell to the floor and spazzed wildly. The demon died inside her brain allowing her to feel the life slip away from her. You choked on the thick taste of iron; the blood spray decorated your white dress shirt with a vibrant auburn.
Her body fell to the left, hitting your feet. You kicked her limpness off of you and turned in order to vomit onto the shrine’s wooden floors. Her lovely smile still was implanted into her face, her cheeks stuck into the position forevermore. Ayaka, while she was alive, anticipated you’d finally allow her the sweetness of death. She would not be able to participate in the feasts of the God’s, being able to feel what it was like to be full of food again. Able to see her brother again.
The thoughts made you sob harder, the smell rushed to your nose making you hurl even more.
Your entire body shook violently. Hardly able to stand.
Scrambling to find the wall of the structure, you’d sit down and cup your face. Fingers going to your hair and pulling at the roots as you rocked back and forth. Your heart beating wildly and the stink of blood and acid were the only things your senses could memorize.
There, you sat.
Never to be found again within the abyss of insanity.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Jaco the Galactic Patrolman Ch. 6-11
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Lets see if we can wrap this up.
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Chapter 6.  So last time, Jaco and Omori were shopping in East City, when Jaco rescued a girl from some hooligans.  In the process, he ended up assaulting a couple of cops, which created a big enough commotion that he couldn’t just go back to acting inconspicuous.  Fortunately, the girl, Tights, leads them away from the police.  Unfortunately, Jaco does a bunch of dramatic poses while introducing himself, which gives away his position.  So he grabs Omori and Tights and flies them back to the pier.  They ask why he didn’t just do that in the first place, and he explains that he can only do it “once”.  Like, once a week, or once ever?
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Chapter 7: So Tights returns with them to Omori’s island, and she offers to head back to East City to fetch the groceries they missed out on in the incident.  The East City authorities know Jaco and Omori’s faces, and they’ve even distributed a police sketch, which Jaco finds deeply offensive.  So Tights heads out by herself, as she already knows how to pilot Omori’s boat. 
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Five hours later she finally returns, along with all her stuff, because she’s decided to move in.  Omori informs her that she can’t live on the island, because even he can’t live on the island anymore.  The government is kicking him out in a few days.  Nonetheless, she crashes with him for a while.
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As a token of her gratitude, Tights also gifts a bit of Sky Gold to Jaco, since he told her that he needs it to power his spaceship.  They need 19 million yen worth of the stuff, and her gift is only 3 million, but she figures it’s still enough to power the communications equipment.  Oh, okay, I thought the radio was damaged in the crash, but it turns out it just uses the same power source as the engines.
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And it works.  Jaco can’t fly all the way home, but he can still fly the ship, and he can use the radio.  Unfortunately, he’s so excited to fly the thing that he wrecks the carport it’s parked under, and that damages the antenna, so he can’t send or receive transmissions.  And unlike the power supply, Omori has no idea how to repair it. 
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Chapter 8: Tights makes plans to take the boat to Kiwi Island, and Omori thinks she’s going to watch the launch of Twinkle 8, the publicity stunt arranged for pop idol An Azuki.  But no, Tights plans to board the rocket, because An’s people hired Tights to be An’s double.  This way, if something happens to Twinkle 8 (RIP Twinkles 1, 2, and 5), the real An Azuki will still be alive, and they can just make up some gonzo story about her miraculous survival. 
But Tights would be dead, which troubles Omori a great deal.  And now we finally see the payoff to this Twinkle 8 business.  All day, I’ve been looking forward to coming home and reading the second half of this story, and finding out how all this stuff ties together.  I mean, Tights is one-third of the main cast, and Toriyama didn’t even introduce her to the others until halfway in.  This manga has progressed a rather leisurely pace.  It’s been good, but you’d expect things to get moving by chapter 5 of a ten-part series. 
And the thought occurred to me: What if it doesn’t all tie in together at the end?  What if Twinkle 8 has nothing to do with anything, and the whole story falls flat?  What if Jaco the Galactic Patrolman sucks? 
But here in Chapter 8, my fears are laid to rest.   Omori cared very little about the Twinkle 8 launch, because he had no stake in the matter.  He despised humanity, and decided to live in seclusion to avoid other people and their problems.  But now he’s connected.  He helped Jaco, who helped Tights, and now he’s finding out that it’s not just some stranger who’s risking her neck on a dangerous spaceflight. 
And that’s why she spent all her money on that bit of Sky Gold.  That was her payment for posing as An Azuki, and Tights knew it wouldn’t be of any use if she died before she could spend it, so she used it to help Jaco and Omori instead.  Omori tries to talk her out of going, but her mind is made up.  Tights dreams of being a science fiction author, and a chance to fly in outer space was too good to pass up. 
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So she leaves the island, and soon after, the same guy from Chapter 2 shows up.   This is Tamagoro Katayude, the Chief of the Government Sea Police. He noticed Jaco on the island the first time he visited, and then he saw the reports of “Mask Man” in East Ctiy, and realized they were the same guy.  So he organizes a squad to track down Jaco and arrest him.  There four other guys on this team, and they got character profiles in the collected edition of this manga, but I see now that they were never important.  They just got used because they wanted to have a character profile at the end of each chapter, and there were four extra slots.
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Chapter 9: Omori tries to play dumb while Jaco stays out of sight, but Katayude calls out for “Mask Man” to show himself, and Jaco’s ego is too big to let that slide.  He responds, giving away his presence on the island just to make sure everyone knows that his name isn’t “Mask Man”, and that he looks nothing like that ugly police sketch.  Katayude says that he must be arrested, while Jaco demands that the police revise their sketch of him. 
Then Jaco notices that the Twinkle 8 launch has failed, and the rocket has begun to fall.  Omori calculates that it will crash in just two minutes.  Jaco gets in his spaceship to save her, but he needs Omori’s assistance for that.   And yet, Katayude doesn’t believe any of this, and he refuses to simply allow them to leave.
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So Jaco defeats Katayude’s entire team in one panel.  Unfortunately, that still took too long, so they won’t have enough time to rescue Tights.  Then Jaco remembers Omori’s time machine. 
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Omori has been trying to build a working time machine ever since his wife’s tragic death, but the best he could manage after all these years was to simply slow time down to a virtual standstill.  And even that effect only lasts for fifty seconds, but that should still be just enough time for them to get to Tights before Twinkle 8 crashes. 
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Chapter 10: From there, Jaco’s plan is pretty straightforward.  He flies the ship alongside Twinkle 8... wait, how did they operate the ship while time was frozen?   Well... never mind.  Anyway, he has Omori take the controls and keep the ship flying parallel to Twinkle 8 while he goes inside to evacuate the crew.
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Omori isn’t eager to take the wheel, but Jaco reassures him that he’s already shown him how to operate the controls of his ship.  Wait, maybe that’s what they did with those fifty seconds. 
The point is that it gives Omori a hefty share of the credit for this rescue.  Jaco has the powers and technology to pull this off, but without Omori’s time machine and his willingness to pilot the ship, this never would have worked.
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But even after getting the crew to safety, there’s still the matter of Twinkle 8 crashing into East City.  Jaco doesn’t see the problem, since the city isn’t that impressive anyway, but Omori says “You’re Super Elite, aren’t you?!”  So he jumps out of his own ship, bounces off a building, dropkicks the rocket to knock it away from the city, then destroys it with his sidearm.  Not bad at all.
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When they return to the island, they find Katayude and his crew saluting them.  Katayude congratulates Omori and Jaco for their heroism and apologizes for trying to interfere.  He also promises to arrange with the government to let Omori stay on the island.  Oh, and Katayude also promises never to reveal the truth about Jaco being a robot.  Yes, if such an amazing technology ever fell into the wrong hands, it could lead to disaster.  Jaco is outraged, but Omori and Tights keep him quiet. 
Also, Katayude asks to come visit the island some time, because I guess he likes the place too.
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So all’s well that ends well, but all Jaco cares about is Katayude’s promise to have the police sketch corrected.  He watches the news with great eagerness, but when they show the new sketch, he isn’t pleased. 
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Chapter 11: So that’s all, right?  Wrong!  Jaco still has a mission to complete, even if he can’t return home or call for help with his spaceship.   He came to Earth to intercept a dangerously powerful alien invader.  As he watches the skies, Tights asks about the alien, and Jaco admits that he can only hope to defeat it if it’s a juvenile.  If it’s an adult, the Earth is doomed.  Z stands for the end.  Wait.
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While they talk, Tights compliments Jaco’s bodysuit, but he reveals that he isn’t wearing a bodysuit.  That’s his skin, and he’s been strutting around nude this whole time.  Well, I guess the gloves, boots, and those ear things are clothes.  And that vest he wears.  Tights asks how he pees, since his crotch is smooth like a Ken doll, and Jaco squirts urine out of two holes in his forehead.  Tights then shoves him off the cliff they’ve been standing on, and in all the commotion, Jaco misses the alien spacecraft as it passes through the atmosphere.
Anyway, Tights asks for a lift to Kiwi Island to pick up the rest of her stuff, and on the way, Jaco tells them more about the alien he was sent to stop.  Some whackamaroo species of warriors that you’ve probably never heard of.  Get this, they’re called... Saiyans, and they’re from the Planet Vegeta.   
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Fortunately, the Saiyan who slipped past Jaco was a child after all, and the guy who found him just happened to be a martial arts expert, so he managed to tame the Saiyan boy with the power of karate.  I love how banged up both of these guys are.  Toei usually animates their first encounter with Son Gohan holding up a cute, cuddly baby, but Toriyama knows what’s up.  Baby Kakarot came out of that ship ready to throw hands, and Gohan was like “Oh, you wanna go?  You wanna go?  Come on you adorable little jerk, let’s dance!” And then they became family.
Gohan names the boy “Goku” because “ku” sounds like the Japanese word for “sky”.  Awwww.
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Meanwhile, Tights finally decides that the best way to help Jaco is to put Omori in touch with Dr. Briefs the famous head of the Capsule Corporation.  He could reverse-engineer the anti-gravity technology from Jaco’s ship, and pay well enough to afford the Sky Gold Jaco needs, and Dr. Briefs can be trusted not to reveal where the technology came from.  Omori points out that no one can be trusted absolutely, to which Tights reveals that Dr. Briefs is her father.
So why did she take the job to ride Twinkle 8, and stay on the island with Omori, and so on?  Because she needs experience to become a sci-fi novelist, and she’d never get it just living at home in luxury. 
See, this was what I was talking about when I was complaining about the plot holes and general sloppiness of Dragon Ball GT.  It’s not just the fact that GT often refused to explain a lot of its twists and turns.  The bigger issue is that a major key to Toriyama’s talent as a storyteller is his ability to use the characters to ask questions and answer them.  He uses it to provide information to the reader, but he also uses it to develop characters and advance the plot. 
So when a series like GT tries to emulate Toriyama’s style, but without bothering to ask and answer questions, it leaves a lot of awkward gaps in the story.  I’m not just talking about GT failing to explain stuff to the audience.  I mean GT never adequately explored how Goku felt about being stuck in a child body, or how Gero and Mu built a replica of 17 in Hell.  You can skip stuff like that, sure, but that’s kind of the meat of your story.  If you skip that, what have you got left?
But Toriyama gets it, and I’m pretty sure that’s why Dragon Ball Super was over twice the length of GT, and why the last four Dragon Ball movies were bigger successes than Dragon Ball Evolution.  It’s not enough to just say Tights wants to be a science fiction novelist.  She chooses to go out into the world and experience different things to broaden her horizons.  That’s how she plans to become a sci-fi novelist, and it also informs all the decisions she’s made in this story.  At first glance, she seems to act on impulse, but there’s a purpose behind it all.  In GT, Pan expresses a desire to be taken more seriously, but we never see her do anything to achieve that goal.  In DBE, Bulma says she wants to become famous, but we never learn why that version of Bulma wants fame, or how she expects to get it.
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Anyway, the Brief family comes to visit, and while they’re here, Jaco turns on the evening news.  While Tights was moving her stuff from Kiwi Island, Jaco went to the news station and posed for them just so they would put it on TV, so everyone would know what he actually looks like.  Because Jaco is one petty dude.
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Meanwhile, Tights’ little sister Bulma has already repaired the antenna on Jaco’s ship.  She noticed that the wrecked carport and deduced that Jaco’s ship had crashed into it, so she found the missing pieces of the antenna there, and managed to reassemble it. 
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Bulma also points out that the ship never actually needed Sky Gold at all.  The component Omori found in the ship was made of Sky Gold, sure, but it wasn’t the power source.  Bulma believes it was simply a containment device for storing the energy.  A different metal with similar physical properties would work just as well, such as copper. 
Okay, that’s a satisfying way to pay that off.  I’m something of a scientist myself, and I was kind of irritated at the idea of “Sky Gold” being something you shoot with a laser to make a ship fly.  It’s more like wiring than electricity, which is a lot easier for me to swallow.  So it’s gratifying to see that I’m somewhere between Professor Omori and 5-year-old Bulma, at least in terms of metallurgy.
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So they don’t even need the money now, but Jaco still goes ahead and gives Dr. Brief the anti-gravity tech.  All he asks for in exchange is some money for Omori and Tights, since they helped him so much.  Also, he radios HQ, and they agree to just give Dr. Brief the whole spaceship for free, since it’s an outdated model. 
Wait, so how does this work?  Jaco needs the ship to return home, so does he have to tow the thing back in a different spaceship to bring it to Dr. Briefs?
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So I guess that wraps things up pretty well.  Also Bulma’s ray gun actually works.  Dr. Briefs asks Tights how college is going, even though Tights already graduated last year.  And Bulma’s mom wants to get wasted.  
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With the money Dr. Briefs gives him, Omori buys the entire island, and he continues to live there, along with Katayude, who’s a much better cook than Tights.  I dont’ want to read too much into this, but did Katayude and Omori hook up after he moved to the island?
I think Tights lives on the same island too?  She had Jaco take her around some different planets, which helped her career in science fiction writing.  Though highly successful, she had one dud novel, which was based on Jaco. 
Anyway, Jaco comes by to visit sometimes, and he got a girlfriend at some point, although no one can tell them apart in the photos. 
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And about eleven years after Jaco’s first visit to Earth, Bulma drops by the island for a visit while on a journey to investigate a set of magic wishing balls, which she suspects may have originated in outer space. 
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... Which you can read about in Akira Toriyama’s other manga, which he plugs on the last page of this chapter.  Well, I’m sold.  I think I might just give this Dragon Ball thing a try. 
And that’s it.  Well, this was a treat to read.  I’m not sure if Jaco being a prequel to Dragon Ball was much of surprise to the readers in 2013, but even though I knew about it going in, I found it enjoyable to watch everything build to the reveal.  
There is one final chapter in the Jaco collection, but I’ll cover that in another post. 
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tordenvejr · 2 years
Are you still practicing being a therapist? If so how can I go about starting a session with you? I've read your links and everything but still don't really understand. I'm sorry if you're busy. Reply when you can. Thank you.
i'm going to be working as a guide in the new year 🍊🌿 it resonates more with me than the work and title of being a therapist. mainly it's the wording and the association that i want to be free of, but this past year i've also been called by internal and external happenings to really see what resonates for and supports me, as well as how i want to be in the world, and what kind of support it is that i want to offer to others. so i'm very excited about that (-:
i just wrote out to clients the other day with updates, and i'll share those below for you.
"Private sessions
I will offer private sessions for up to two clients at a time.
For private sessions I tailor a course specifically to you that I take you through over a chosen amount of session. The course is based on the themes that you’re wanting to work on.
The intention for these sessions is to bring you focus, clarity and a concrete plan forwards. I’m offering this work in the hopes that you receive exactly the support needed to bring you to where you’re wishing to go.
Intro Session 30 minutes Free
Bi-weekly or Monthly Sessions 70 minutes 110€ per session
VAT is included in the price."
more so than private sessions i'll be focusing on creating archived courses, here's some information on that.
"Archived courses
The first available course is The Body.
The Body includes 7 themes: Life Themes, The Child, The Told and the True, Connections, Rest, The Body Relationship, and The Body Speaks. Each theme includes two video modules, two worksheets, a meditation and an affirmation track.
The intention for this course is for it to take you through each theme carefully and clearly; for it to offer you awareness and understanding from a technical point of view, and a practical step-by-step guide for the healing work. This work is here in the hopes that it will be supportive of your path to a body that is no longer in emotional pain.
1. Life Themes
• Module 1: Uncovering – gaining clarity through uncovering past patterns and experiences. • Module 2: Plan to Healing – mapping out the healing path.
2. The Child
• Module 1: Freeing the Child – processing trauma, and freeing the self of the past story. • Module 2: Transformation – transforming the relationship to the inner child, inner needs and emotions.
3. The Told and the True
• Module 1: Cleaning Up – releasing who you have been taught to be. • Module 2: Truth – defining who you really are.
4. Connections
• Module 1: Relations – clarifying values and boundaries needed in order to foster peace in your life. • Module 2: Giving and Self – achieving balance in giving and receiving professionally and personally.
5. Rest
• Module 1: Thorns – exploring your stressors and triggers. • Module 2: Preening – cultivating a baseline of calmness and stability.
6. The Body Relationship
• Module 1: Healing Wounds – processing trauma around the body. • Module 2: Loving the vessel – fostering a loving relationship towards the body and its physical appearance.
7. The Body Speaks
• Module 1: Translating – decoding what the body is saying. • Module 2: Listening – honoring the needs of the body, and transforming how it’s cared for.
The Body course is available in three plans.
Focused Two video modules, and two work sheets monthly. 100€/month
Steady One video module, one work sheet monthly. 50€/month
Calm One video module, one work sheet every other month. 50€/every other month
A related meditation track and affirmation track accompanies each theme for all plans and is included in the price.
VAT is included in the listed prices.
All plans can be cancelled or paused at any time before the 1st of the following month.
There are grants available for those who have been or are affected by war, and those who are struggling to meet needs of food and housing. A grant can be arranged by emailing me about the need for it.
The Body is the first of three courses; The Body, The Mind, and The Spirit."
currently i'm working on updating my website and domain, and moving my company. you're more than welcome to express interest, and i'm happy to keep you updated via email as well. you can email me at [email protected] 🧡
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shakti-soul · 2 years
Re: July 27th 98 - also totally happy to receive a general reading and not specific to my question/problem 😅 I’m very thankful for so much in my life in general, just feeling a bit lost.
July 27th - Ace of Clubs, age 24
I think a short year reading may be most helpful for you.
In the cardology system, there are 7 yearly cycles that occur. For each cycle, you have two cards that indicate what's happening during that time period. Each cycle is also ruled by a planet.
These are your cycles:
July 27 - September 17 Mercury Deals with communication, information, short trips, education, writing, speaking, mental processes & siblings. Things can happen suddenly or quickly under this influence. Communicate your wishes and set your boundaries for the year. This is the time to write it out! Put your ideas on motion. Write down & burn what's no longer needed. This is a fast-paced period, where things are short-lived.
September 18 - November 8 Venus Relationships, family, the home, money, possessions, social matters, craft, art, beauty, music, women. The next 52 days are alive with love and beauty. You want to relate to others & express feelings of love & pleasure. Venus softens what it touches. You may find that you are avoiding confrontations. Find comfort in your home; connect with your tribe, women in particular. Reconnect with yourself with an emphasis on outward appearance, socializing, romance/sex.
November 9 - December 30 Mars Work, energy, drive, aggression, taxes, legal matters concerning other people's money, conflict, passion & sexual & physical activities. This influence also signifies dealing with men in general. You should always try & focus the energy of Mars in a positive way. Mars governs primal instincts. You are ready for action! There is lots of energy. Your courage is building & you're accomplishing aims & objectives. Make a stand for your convictions. Your will to survive is high.
December 31 - February 21 Jupiter Expansion, business, legal matters overall, travel, blessings, things of a foreign nature, philosophy & religion. The cards that fall in this position, even if difficult, can greatly expand you in some way & be a blessing in your life. This is considered a very beneficial influence. These days are for you to expand. Reach beyond your present horizon & look at the bigger picture. Discover. Open yourself up to new ideas & ways of thinking. Your faith & wisdom will be tested.
February 22 - April 14 Saturn Discipline, restrictions, hard work, responsibility, authority, older persons, things long lasting & possibly health matters. Things done under Saturn's influence should be geared for the long term. A time of lessons and learning. That which you sow, you reap. You may second guess your plans. Definition, form & structure are needed now. Keep your feet firmly planted in the ground. Do not let fears distract you. What keeps you grounded?
April 15 - June 5 Uranus Deals with real estate, labour concerns, things unusual or unexpected, technology, computers, the Internet, freedom, friends & breaking up old structures to rebuild them better. Uranus also governs Astrology & things exciting or sometimes unsure. Sit quietly & reflect on your year so far. Leave space for the unexpected to occur. Open your intuition. This is the time to let go of what you don't want to take into the next year with you. Also the time to goal plan & manifest for your next year. A lot of people tend to do that around the New Year, or right before their birthday, but actually the most beneficial time is during your Uranus period.
June 6 - July 26 Neptune Dreams, long distance travel, illusion, fantasy, escape, psychic experiences, spiritual matters, drugs, alcohol, the hospital, things that are hidden & dealings with or around the water. This can be a very dreamy, romantic period; however, if you have any important dealings or matters during this period, it may be better to wait until it is over. You may not be seeing things clearly under this influence. This is the planet of fantasies & illusions. You may feel like you're in a fog, not seeing clearly. This is a great time to rest up before the next year. It's also why goals are best made in Uranus - you're clear about what you want, now you can rest & gather some energy before you work towards those things.
So you've been in your Mars period for almost two months now, with the 3 of Hearts & the Ace of Hearts influencing you. It makes sense you've been feeling indecisive & frustrated. Getting physically active will help you burn off some of this stimulating energy.
Things will calm down once you enter your Jupiter period. The most influential card during this time for you is the Queen of Spades. She represents spiritual self-mastery; the idea that the external is a reflection of the internal. You asked if there's something wrong with the external factors in your life - I would say no. It's your perception & the meaning you've made out of things that has created your circumstances.
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3108
i'm so glad i know myself so well
i did, in fact, sleep through my alarms. i was, in fact, late waking up. i did, however, leave on time because no hair = less time showering. i did, however however, get caught in construction traffic. so despite leaving an extra fifteen minutes early, i was five minutes late. and i was, in fact, tired all fucking day. i was not, however, terribly miserable. mostly tired, and very busy, but mostly just tired.
i did have to argue with insurance again today. it took like five calls in to reach someone while i had the necessary information to talk to people.
after my sling fitting, i stopped at starbucks and made my final attempts at calling the insurance company. eventually i got on the line with someone who connected to someone in prescriptions who eventually gave me the override code to give the pharmacy while they fully finish processing my information to be correct. the regular health insurance part is okay. the prescription thing is still fucky but they're fixing it. so i have a code to tell the pharmacy that'll let them bill my company directly.
literally months of trying to get them to fix this. good fucking grief.
anyway, work was fine. exhausting.
the last student, the one who couldn't come in until 6, was well worth the wait. he was lots of fun to work with, and i'm glad we got along well. he laughed at my stupid jokes and it was generally nice to let the proverbial hair down.
after that, it was 7 and i came right home. had dinner and watched tv, found something for joel for valentine's day, which will be sent to his house in case i can't be there :(
which would be pretty miserable. i wish i could've picked a better time for surgery, but with literally everything else going on, the only time better than this would've been around christmas. and that's just about it.
so i'm getting my shoulder fixed on thursday. and i'm pretty happy about that. but i think the worst part will be missing joel. i can work over zoom. i can write with my left hand. i can be taken places. i can take medication for the pain. but i can't cuddle up with joel because that requires being with joel and both arms for cuddling. which i cannot do T-T
so i'm tired and chillin, need some sleep bc i got less than 4 hours last night because of the meds *dabs*
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taxi-bambino · 3 months
How to Book the Best Family Taxi with Car Seat in Madrid
Booking a family taxi with a car seat in Madrid can be a seamless process if you know the right steps to take. Ensuring the safety and comfort of your family, especially young children, during travel is paramount. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this process effectively.
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1. Research and Choose Reputable Taxi Companies
The first step is to identify reputable taxi companies in Madrid that offer family-friendly services, including car seats. A simple online search will provide a list of companies, but it’s essential to look for those with positive reviews and high ratings from other families. Websites like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews are excellent resources for this.
2. Verify Car Seat Availability
Not all taxi companies provide car seats, so it’s crucial to confirm this service before booking. Most reputable companies will mention the availability of car seats on their websites. If this information is not readily available, contact the company directly to inquire. Ensure they offer the appropriate type of car seat for your child's age and weight.
3. Make an Advance Reservation
To ensure a smooth experience, make your reservation well in advance. This is especially important during peak travel seasons or holidays when demand for taxis is high. When making the reservation, specify that you need a car seat and mention the age and size of your child. This allows the company to provide a suitable seat.
4. Confirm Your Booking
A day or two before your scheduled pickup, confirm your booking with the taxi company. This step helps avoid any last-minute surprises. Reiterate the need for a car seat and confirm the pickup time and location.
5. Check for Additional Services
Some taxi companies offer additional services that might enhance your travel experience. For example, they may provide larger vehicles if you have a lot of luggage, or even entertainment options for children during the ride. Inquire about these services when booking.
6. Safety First
Ensure that the car seat provided meets safety standards. When the taxi arrives, check that the car seat is properly installed and secured. If you’re unsure how to check this, ask the driver for assistance or refer to the car seat’s manual. Your child’s safety is the top priority.
7. Payment and Receipts
Discuss payment options with the taxi company beforehand. Some may offer fixed rates for airport transfers or city tours. Ensure you have clarity on the fare structure to avoid any misunderstandings. Additionally, ask for a receipt, especially if you’re travelling for business and need to file an expense report.
8. Provide Feedback
After your ride, consider providing feedback on the service. This not only helps the company improve but also assists other families in making informed decisions.
1. How far in advance should I book a taxi with a car seat in Madrid?
It’s advisable to book at least a week in advance, especially during peak travel seasons. This ensures that the taxi company has enough time to arrange for a suitable car seat and accommodate your request.
2. Are there any extra charges for providing a car seat?
Some taxi companies might charge a small fee for providing a car seat, while others include it as part of their service. Always clarify this when making your reservation to avoid any unexpected charges.
3. What type of car seat will be provided?
The type of car seat provided will depend on the age and size of your child. Generally, companies offer infant car seats, convertible car seats, or booster seats. It’s essential to specify your child’s details to ensure the correct seat is provided.
4. Can I bring my own car seat?
Yes, you can bring your own car seat if you prefer. Inform the taxi company in advance so they can provide a vehicle compatible with your seat. Bringing your own car seat ensures familiarity and comfort for your child.
Booking a family taxi with a car seat in Madrid can be straightforward and stress-free if you follow these steps. Research thoroughly, confirm details, and prioritise safety to ensure a pleasant and comfortable journey for your family.
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vinit07 · 3 months
Your Ticket to Singapore: Simplifying the Visa Process for Indian Travelers
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Singapore, with its blend of modern architecture, lush green spaces, and vibrant culture, is a top destination for Indian travelers. Whether you are visiting for leisure, business, education, or work, navigating the visa application process efficiently is crucial. This guide aims to simplify the process for Indian travelers, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Types of Singapore Visas for Indians
Tourist Visa
A tourist visa is ideal for Indians planning a holiday, sightseeing, or visiting friends and family in Singapore. This visa typically allows for a stay of up to 30 days.
Business Visa
For Indian professionals attending meetings, conferences, or exploring business opportunities in Singapore, a business visa is required. This visa generally permits a stay of up to 30 days for short-term business activities.
Student Visa
Indian students looking to study in Singapore need to apply for a student visa or Student’s Pass. This visa is issued upon acceptance into a Singaporean educational institution and is valid for the duration of the course.
Work Visa
If you plan to work in Singapore, you’ll need a work visa or Employment Pass. This visa is granted to qualified professionals with a job offer from a Singaporean employer.
Step-by-Step Guide to Applying for a Singapore Visa
Step 1: Determine the Visa Type
Identify the purpose of your visit and select the appropriate visa category (tourist, business, student, work).
Step 2: Gather Required Documents
Prepare the necessary documents, including:
Valid passport with at least six months validity beyond your intended stay
Recent passport-sized photographs
Completed visa application form
Proof of travel itinerary (flight bookings)
Proof of accommodation in Singapore (hotel reservations or invitation letter)
Financial documents demonstrating sufficient funds to cover your stay
Additional documents specific to your visa category (invitation letter for business, acceptance letter from an educational institution, job offer letter, etc.)
Step 3: Complete the Visa Application Form
Fill out the Singapore visa application form accurately, ensuring all information matches the supporting documents.
Step 4: Submit the Application
Submit your visa application and supporting documents through an authorized visa agent. The Singapore High Commission does not accept direct applications, so applications must be processed through authorized agents.
Step 5: Pay the Visa Fee
Pay the applicable visa processing fee. Fees vary depending on the type of visa and processing time.
Step 6: Track Your Application
After submission, track the status of your visa application through the authorized visa agent's online tracking system.
Step 7: Receive Your Visa
Once your visa application is approved, collect your Singapore visa from the authorized visa agent. The visa will be affixed to your passport.
Tips for a Smooth Visa Application Process
Start Early: Begin the visa application process well in advance to accommodate any potential delays.
Organize Documents: Ensure all required documents are complete and accurately filled out before submission.
Follow Guidelines: Adhere strictly to the visa application guidelines provided by the Singapore High Commission and authorized agents.
Seek Assistance if Needed: Consider consulting with visa agencies or legal experts specializing in Singapore visas for personalized assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How long does it take to process a Singapore visa for Indians?
The processing time for a Singapore visa typically ranges from 1 to 3 working days. However, it’s advisable to apply well in advance of your planned travel dates to allow for any unforeseen delays.
Can I extend my stay in Singapore beyond the visa validity?
Extensions for short-term visas like the tourist visa are generally not granted. If you need to stay longer, you must apply for a new visa or explore other visa options suitable for your extended stay.
What is the validity of a Singapore tourist visa?
A Singapore tourist visa is usually valid for a stay of up to 30 days, with a validity period of up to 2 years for multiple entries, depending on the visa granted.
Securing a Singapore visa as an Indian citizen is a straightforward process when approached with thorough preparation and adherence to the required steps. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure a smooth visa application process and look forward to an enriching experience in Singapore, whether for tourism, business, education, or work.
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theanh-ieltspractice · 5 months
Questions 1 – 10
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Bankside Recruitment Agency
●   Address of agency: 497 Eastside, Docklands
●   Name of agent: Becky [1] ……………..
●   Phone number: 07866 510333
●   Best to call her in the [2] ……………
Typical jobs
●   Clerical and admin roles, mainly in the finance industry
●   Must have good [3] ……………… skills
●   Jobs are usually for at least one [4] ………………..
●   Pay is usually [5] £…………….. per hour
Registration process
●   Wear a [6] ………………. to the interview
●   Must bring your [7]……………….. to the interview
●   They will ask questions about each applicant’s [8] ……………….
Advantages of using an agency
●   The [9] ………………. you receive at interview will benefit you
●   Will get access to vacancies which are not advertised
●   Less [10] ……………… is involved in applying for jobs
AMBER:               Hello William. This is Amber – you said to phone if I wanted to get more information about the job agency you mentioned. Is now a good time?
WILLIAM:            Oh, hi Amber. Yes. Fine. So the agency I was talking about is called Bankside – they’re based in Docklands – I can tell you the address now – 497 Eastside.
AMBER:               OK, thanks. So is there anyone in particular I should speak to there?
WILLIAM:            The agent I always deal with is called Becky Jamieson.
AMBER:               Let me write that down – Becky …
WILLIAM:            Jamieson (Q1) J-A-M-I-E-S-O-N.
AMBER:               Do you have her direct line?
WILLIAM:            Yes, it’s in my contacts somewhere – right, here we are: 078 double 6, 510 triple 3. I wouldn’t call her until the afternoon (Q2) if I were you – she’s always really busy in the morning trying to fill last-minute vacancies. She’s really helpful and friendly so I’m sure it would be worth getting in touch with her for an informal chat.
AMBER:               It’s mainly clerical and admin jobs they deal with, isn’t it?
WILLIAM:            That’s right. I know you’re hoping to find a full-time job in the media eventually – but Becky mostly recruits temporary staff for the finance sector – which will look good on your CV – and generally pays better too.
AMBER:               Yeah – I’m just a bit worried because I don’t have much office experience.
WILLIAM:            I wouldn’t worry. They’ll probably start you as a receptionist, or something like that. So what’s important for that kind of job isn’t so much having business skills or knowing lots of different computer systems – it’s communication (Q3) that really matters – so you’d be fine there. And you’ll pick up office skills really quickly on the job. It’s not that complicated.
AMBER:               OK good. So how long do people generally need temporary staff for? It would be great if I could get something lasting at least a month.
WILLIAM:            That shouldn’t be too difficult. But you’re more likely to be offered something for a week (Q4) at first, which might get extended. It’s unusual to be sent somewhere for just a day or two.
AMBER:               Right, I’ve heard the pay isn’t too bad – better than working in a shop or a restaurant.
WILLIAM:            Oh yes – definitely. The hourly rate is about £10 (Q5), 11 if you’re lucky.
AMBER:               That’s pretty good. I was only expecting to get eight or nine pounds an hour.
WILLIAM:            Do you want me to tell you anything about the registration process?
AMBER:               Yes, please. I know you have to have an interview.
WILLIAM:            The interview usually takes about an hour and you should arrange that about a week in advance.
AMBER:               I suppose I should dress smartly if it’s for office work – I can probably borrow a suit (Q6) from Mum.
WILLIAM:            Good idea. It’s better to look too smart than too casual.
AMBER:               Will I need to bring copies of my exam certificates or anything like that?
WILLIAM:            No – they don’t need to see those, I don’t think.
AMBER:               What about my passport? (Q7)
WILLIAM:            Oh yes – they will ask to see that.
AMBER:               OK.
WILLIAM:            I wouldn’t get stressed about the interview though. It’s just a chance for them to build a relationship with you – so they can try and match you to a job which you’ll like. So there are questions about personality (Q8) that they always ask candidates – fairly basic ones. And they probably won’t ask anything too difficult like what your plans are for the future.
AMBER:               Hope not.
WILLIAM:            Anyway, there are lots of benefits to using an agency – for example, the interview will be useful because they’ll give you feedback (Q9) on your performance so you can improve next time.
AMBER:               And they’ll have access to jobs which aren’t advertised.
WILLIAM:            Exactly – most temporary jobs aren’t advertised.
AMBER:               And I expect finding a temporary job this way takes a lot less time (Q10) – it’s much easier than ringing up individual companies.
WILLIAM:            Yes indeed. Well I think …
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webfxwebsiteguyana · 5 months
Website Development Myths
6 Website Development Myths Debunked
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A website is a powerful digital asset businesses need to strengthen their presence in the online world. It helps businesses share valuable information with their target audiences about the business and its products and services, essential for gaining customer trust and for brand development. However, many businesses fall prey to website development related misinformation which can stop them from taking important website design and development decisions, impeding their growth. Let's debunk some of these myths
1: “If I build it, visitors will come.”
Truth - Building a website is just the first step. You need to ensure your website has a sound technical SEO structure and on-page SEO elements with right keywords to improve search engine visibility. Just like a physical store, a website also needs marketing strategies to bring new visitors to the website and an effective content strategy and user experience to convert them into paying customers. Bringing visitors to the website is and on-going effort.
2: “I can do it myself; it’s not rocket science.”
Truth - While it is possible to build a basic website using the tools available in the current web development market, without the expertise of a skilled website development company, it would not be possible to create a professional website supported with the latest web development technologies and design trends to keep up with the increasing online competition in Guyana.
3: “All website development companies are the same.”
Truth - It's important to thoroughly check the credibility of the website design company you choose to partner with. Go through their work portfolio, client testimonials and social media accounts to assess their track record. Make sure they are transparent, collaborative and passionate about exceeding your expectations.
4: “Websites are expensive and time-consuming.”
Truth - A website is an investment that will help you generate leads, boost sales and automate repetitive processes saving you time and money in the long run. With a high-quality website you will minimize downtime and maximize your return.
5: “Once it’s launched, I’m done.”
Truth - The digital landscape continuously evolves and customer preferences change with time. A website needs regular updates and improvements to keep up with these changes and offer quality experience to users.
6: “Mobile-friendliness is just a trend, it doesn’t matter in Guyana.”
Truth - A major chunk of internet traffic these days comes via mobile devices. Ignoring mobile website design and responsive website development can cost you valuable leads and cause loss of business and potential customers. Not optimizing your website for mobile devices will create a bad user experience damaging your online credibility.
A website is accessible to your potential customers from any part of the world and is available 24/7. Having this type of visibility and reach cannot be achieved via traditional marketing means. This makes websites a must-have sales and marketing tool in the current digitally dominated world.
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oliviasmith-21 · 4 months
How to Start LLC in California in 2024: Guide by TRUIC
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Starting a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in California offers numerous advantages for entrepreneurs. However, navigating the process can be complex without the right guidance. This comprehensive guide by TRUIC (The Really Useful Information Company) will walk you through each step of forming an LLC in California in 2024, ensuring a smooth and efficient journey from start to finish.
Benefits of Forming an LLC in California
Before diving into the process, it’s essential to understand the benefits of forming an LLC in California:
Limited Liability Protection: Protects your personal assets from business liabilities and debts.
Tax Flexibility: LLCs enjoy pass-through taxation, meaning profits are taxed only once as part of the owners’ personal income.
Management Flexibility: Allows for a more flexible management structure compared to corporations.
Credibility: Enhances your business’s credibility and professionalism, attracting more customers and investors.
Step-by-Step Guide to Starting an LLC in California
Step 1: Choose a Name for Your LLC
The first step is to select a unique and compliant name for your LLC. Conduct a California LLC search on the California Secretary of State’s website to ensure your desired name is available and not already in use by another business.
Step 2: Appoint a Registered Agent
California requires LLCs to appoint a registered agent to receive legal documents on behalf of the company. This can be an individual resident of California or a registered agent service.
Step 3: File the Articles of Organization
To officially form your LLC in California, you must file the Articles of Organization (Form LLC-1) with the California Secretary of State. This document includes essential details about your LLC, such as its name, address, and the name of your registered agent. You can file LLC online California or by mail.
Step 4: Pay the Filing Fee
The LLC in California cost for filing the Articles of Organization is $70. Additionally, there is an $800 annual franchise tax due within the first year of forming your LLC.
Step 5: Create an Operating Agreement
An Operating Agreement outlines the ownership and operating procedures of your LLC. While not required by California law, it is highly recommended as it helps prevent conflicts among members and provides a clear management structure.
Step 6: Obtain an EIN
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is necessary for tax purposes, hiring employees, and opening a business bank account. You can obtain an EIN for free from the IRS website.
Step 7: File the Statement of Information
Within 90 days of filing your Articles of Organization, you must file the Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) with the California Secretary of State. This document updates your LLC’s contact information and must be filed biennially thereafter. The filing fee is $20.
Step 8: Fulfill Additional Tax and Regulatory Requirements
Depending on your business activities, you may need to register for state taxes or obtain permits and licenses. The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) provides resources to help you determine your tax obligations.
How Fast Can I Form an LLC in California?
The time it takes to form an LLC in California can vary. Filing the Articles of Organization online typically takes 1–2 business days, while mail filings can take several weeks. To expedite the process, you can use TRUIC’s resources and services to ensure all paperwork is correctly filed and processed efficiently.
Free LLC in California: Is It Possible?
While there is no such thing as a completely Free LLC in California due to mandatory state fees, you can minimize costs by handling the formation process yourself and utilizing free resources provided by TRUIC.
Additional Tips for Forming the Best LLC in California
1. Utilize Online Resources
TRUIC offers a variety of free online tools and guides to help you navigate the formation process. From name availability checks to EIN application instructions, TRUIC has you covered.
2. Consider Professional Services
While DIY methods can save money, hiring a professional service can save time and ensure accuracy. TRUIC provides affordable LLC formation services to help you every step of the way.
3. Stay Compliant with Annual Filings
Maintaining compliance with state requirements is crucial for keeping your LLC in good standing. Ensure you meet all New York LLC annual filing requirements, including the biennial Statement of Information and the $800 annual franchise tax.
Common Questions About Starting an LLC in California
What is the Cost of Forming an LLC in California?
The initial LLC in California cost includes a $70 filing fee for the Articles of Organization and an $800 annual franchise tax. Additional costs may include fees for a registered agent, business licenses, and professional services.
How Do I Check if My Desired Business Name is Available?
Perform a California LLC search on the California Secretary of State’s website to ensure your desired name is unique and available.
Can I Form an LLC Online?
Yes, you can file LLC online California through the California Secretary of State’s online portal. Online filing is faster and more convenient than mailing documents.
What are the Annual Requirements for a California LLC?
In addition to the $800 annual franchise tax, California LLCs must file a biennial Statement of Information (Form LLC-12) and pay a $20 filing fee. Ensure you stay compliant with these requirements to avoid penalties.
Forming an LLC in California in 2024 is a straightforward process if you follow the proper steps and utilize the available resources. From choosing a unique business name to filing the necessary documents and paying state fees, this guide provides all the information you need to start your LLC with confidence.
Partnering with TRUIC can make the process even smoother. TRUIC offers expert guidance, free resources, and professional services to help you form and maintain your LLC efficiently. Whether you’re aiming to establish the Best LLC in California or looking for ways to reduce costs, TRUIC has the tools and expertise to support your entrepreneurial journey.
For more detailed information and personalized assistance, visit TRUIC’s website and take advantage of their comprehensive resources and services. Start your LLC in California today and set your business on the path to success!
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angelscartoonart · 5 months
❤Welcome to Angels Cartoon Art & Design❤
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❤Welcome to Angels Cartoon Art & Design❤
Let's transform your vision or idea into reality with a unique fantasy Art piece!
I've created hundreds of character portraits and fantasy pieces. Dungeons and dragons players, personal ideas, as well as for original book characters, and much more!
Feel free to reach out with your character ideas, and I'll respond promptly. I'm open to various concepts,  I do accept NSFW or overly complex requests with limits.
Please keep in mind that my portraits are highly stylized with a lot of my own artistic freedom and interpretation of your descriptions & reference images.
My goal is to create a piece that's a blend of your ideas and my artistic vision. This means I will not be able to include every single detail you've provided.
I’ll focus on capturing the overall essence of what you're looking for, adding elements that align best with my style.
I combine cutting-edge digital software along with traditional artist techniques to create the highest quality art tailored to your preferences.
My vision is to deliver high-quality art through the combination of stable diffusion and traditional artists' techniques, ensuring each piece is a true testament to craftsmanship and uniqueness.
This manual process allows me to infuse intricate details and nuances that AI simply cannot achieve, guaranteeing a level of satisfaction and a depth of imagination.
Whether you envision an elegant sorceress of the arcane, a nimble and elusive rogue from the shadows, a valiant paladin of celestial might, a skilled archer of the wilderness, or a charismatic minstrel of harmonious tales, my expertise and dedication will bring forth a true work of art that embodies your character's essence.
You will receive a high-resolution, custom digital image of your character.
Feeling hesitant? Take a look through the hundreds of reviews from our satisfied clients!
Regardless of how you choose to showcase them, our pieces are guaranteed to inspire awe and admiration, perfect for Christmas gifts, surprise birthday gifts, in-game achievement/event gifts, anniversary gifts, and much more!
Don't hesitate to secure your own customized fantasy piece today!
❤First Timer ordering with Angels Cartoon Art? No Worries!❤
My process is simple and straightforward!
⚡ How to Order:
 Send me a message on Fb or email with the character you had in mind! Or fill out the commission form bellow (Reference images are preferred but not required)
Commission form: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O7Bbcf7iddboPhQL2blqgJpNaEF0vzXPIcqrma8ZnPY/edit?usp=sharing
If needed I'll ask you a few questions to get to know your character better and bring it to life
Receive your Custom Fantasy Character Portrait PNG file Upscaled to HD after ~6 business days
If you want 2 or more characters in 1 image, please inform me first for extra characters cost extra. 
❤The Process❤
1) Once you place your order, feel free to attach any reference images you have along with the description of your character in the form.
2) I will take around 5 to 7 business days to create 2 variations for you to pick from.
3) After confirming your favorite of the 2, I'll make additional adjustments as needed and upscale the final image to HD for delivery.
❤Additional information❤
Upgrades: You may upgrade at any time before I start the piece, and any time during. You may upgrade to a higher tier of finish, or you can include any add-ons that you’d like. Simply pay the difference.
The rights to the art I create, including commissions, belong to me. You may not sell or exchange my art in any form, physical or digital,  under any circumstances unless you have my express written permission AND you have paid for the right to do so. You also may not use my art in any published material, even free material, on any online marketplace unless you have my permission and credit me for the art.
In addition, any art I create is my own. Unless exclusive rights are purchased, I retain all rights to use and monetize my art in any way I choose. This includes the sale of prints, online sales, marketing, published materials, or any other merchandise.
❤Why choose Us?❤
🎨 Personalized + Customizable Pieces 🎨
I work WITH you to create your masterpiece!
I always listen to feedback/suggestions and will make adjustments accordingly!
⚡ Fast Processing Speed ⚡
I will get started on your order by the next day, and send you 2 drafts to pick from in ~5 business days!
Afterwards, I'll take around 3 days to make any necessary adjustments and upscale your final piece for delivery.
✨ Quick Replies to All Inquiries ✨
I always respond in a timely manner and address all of your concerns and questions!
My digital pieces are not only intricate and visually striking but also have many uses:
+ Use them as high-resolution wallpapers!
+ Display them proudly as distinctive profile pictures or avatars in the virtual realm!
+ Gift it to a fellow adventurer!
+ I also create posters and book covers, covering a wide range of themes and styles.
❤Important payment Info❤
I take half the payment up front, and half when the job is done. Once I receive the payment, I can add you to my commission list. All payments are final. No refunds under any circumstances. I work on a first come, first serve basis, so the sooner you commit the sooner your piece will get done.
Due to the nature of custom products, there are no refunds.
❤Merchandise information❤
Canvas print details
Our high-quality canvases are built with a 1.5" gallery-style wrapped edge and are constructed of a semi-gloss stretched canvas material. All our Gallery-Wrapped premium canvases arrive ready to hang with a pre-installed wire hanging system and rubber bumpers so that your walls remain scratch-free. The canvas material is Optical Brightener Additive (OBA) free, so it won’t fade over time. The wooden frame is FSC-certified. 
Sizes available: 11x14, 16x20, 24x36
Museum Quality Canvas
Impact-resistant Construction
Wide range of sizes available
Hanging Hardware Pre-installed
These Artistic tapestries are a great way to pull any room together or celebrate a season. These soft and durable polyester art tapestries come ready to hang. Try draping these over a table, decorating a dorm room, or give your home a modern twist.
Sizes Available: 26x36, 50x59
Multiple Sizes Available
Printed on Microfiber
Easy Care Machine Wash and Dry
Snuggle up in a Personalized Art Blanket on a cold winter morning. This blanket is made of soft and durable fleece material. This lightweight fleece blanket makes an ideal gift for any special occasion. It is easy to care for, machine washable and will make an ideal gift for a mother, father, a favorite aunt or grandparent.
Sizes Available: 50x60, 
Crafted from soft and durable fleece 
Machine washable blanket
Perfect gift
❤Commission Rates❤
Extra person/character/ animal $5 extra
No backgrounds 
Bust line art- $35
Full body line art -$40
Bust black & white -$45
Full body black & white -$50
Bust color -$70
Full body color -$75
With backgrounds 
Bust black & white-$60
Full body black & white -$65
Bust color-$80
Full body color -$90
Extra person/character/ animal $10 extra
No backgrounds 
Bust line art -$60
Full body line art -$80
Bust black & white- $70
Full body black & white -$90
Bust color-$80
Full body color -110
With backgrounds 
Bust black & white-$80
Full body black & white-$95
Bust color-100
Full body color $130
Character design sheet (comes with one full body and 4 expression busts)-$140
Black and white tattoo design simple-$35
Black and white tattoo design detailed-$40
Color tattoo design simple-$50
Color tattoo design detailed-$60
Printed Merchandise 
Shipping $10-$20
(These prices below are on top of shipping and commission prices.)
Printed Blanket | 50X60- $60
Printed canvas 11x14 -$50 (portrait or landscape)
Printed canvas 16x20 -$60 (portrait or landscape)
Printed canvas 24x36 -$90 (portrait or landscape
Tapestry 26x36 - $30 (portrait or landscape)
Tapestry 50x59- $65 (portrait or landscape)
❤Terms of Service / TOS❤
By purchasing a commission from me (Angels Cartoon Art) you agree to be purchasing my services only. If you have a problem with any of the below conditions, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying for your commissioned piece.
Please read the terms carefully:
I, Angels Cartoon Art (the artist):
I reserve the right to cancel the order at any time for any reason.
I retain all copyrights over the commissioned artwork.
I will NOT claim the intellectual property (IP) of the commissioned artwork.
I will NOT profit further from the commissioned artwork unless you (the customer) break any of the terms.
I reserve the right to post the commissioned artwork online, in my portfolio as well as in publications such as art books.
You (the customer/commissioner):
You may upload the commissioned artwork on any website and social channels.
You may NOT make profits from the commissioned piece (reselling, redistributing, uploading to POD-services, make prints, etc.)
You may NOT alter the commissioned artwork without my (the artist's) consent.
You retain the rights to the intellectual property (IP).
You may NOT use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes. The license to the commissioned artwork may be purchased at any point - contact me for info.
If you have any questions or queries, feel free to drop me a message over any of my social sites, or email me at [email protected]
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ascentwealth123 · 5 months
Mutual Funds Decoded: Common Questions and Answers
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Welcome to our blog post! Today, we'll be diving into the world of mutual funds and answering the top 9 most common questions regarding this popular investment option. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, these questions and their answers will help you navigate the complex world of mutual funds. So, let's get started!
1. What is a mutual fund?
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from various investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, or a combination of both. By investing in a mutual fund, individuals can gain exposure to a wide range of assets without needing to directly purchase them.
2. How do mutual funds work?
Mutual funds are managed by professional fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of the investors. When you invest in a mutual fund, your money is combined with that of other investors which allows the fund to buy a variety of different assets. The returns generated by these investments are then distributed among the investors based on the number of units they hold.
3. What are the different types of mutual funds?
There are several types of mutual funds available, each catering to different investor preferences and risk appetites. Some common types include equity funds, debt funds, hybrid funds, and sector-specific funds. Equity funds invest primarily in stocks, debt funds focus on fixed income securities like bonds, while balanced funds aim to provide a mix of both.
4. How do I choose the right mutual fund?
Choosing the right mutual fund depends on your personal financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. It's crucial to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice.
5. What are the advantages of investing in mutual funds?
Investing in mutual funds provides numerous benefits. They offer diversification, professional management, liquidity, and affordability. Additionally, mutual funds allow investors to easily enter and exit the market, making them convenient for both beginners and experienced investors.
6. What are the risks associated with mutual funds?
While mutual funds provide growth potential, it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Market fluctuations can impact the value of your investments, and some mutual funds carry higher risks than others. Additionally, poor fund management or economic downturns can negatively affect returns. Understanding these risks is crucial to making informed investment decisions.
7. How can I track and evaluate the performance of a mutual fund?
To track and evaluate the performance of a mutual fund, you can refer to various metrics such as the fund's historical returns, expense ratio, and benchmark comparison. Additionally, analyzing the fund's consistency, risk-adjusted returns, and fund manager's tenure can provide valuable insights. It’s a difficult task and requires expertise, so it’s advisable to take the help of a financial expert.
8. Can I invest in mutual funds with a small amount of money?
Yes, you can invest in mutual funds with a small amount of money. Mutual fund houses offer Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) that allow investors to start with minimal initial investments. SIPs also help in rupee cost averaging, meaning you invest a fixed amount regularly, regardless of market conditions. This approach can be ideal for beginners or those with limited funds.
9. How do I redeem my mutual fund investment?
Redeeming your mutual fund investment is a straightforward process. You can fill out a redemption form provided by the fund house or make a request online. Generally, your funds will be transferred back to your registered bank account within a few business days. It's important to note that certain exit loads or taxes may apply, depending on the duration of your investment.
Mutual funds offer a convenient and accessible way to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets. By understanding the basics, assessing your financial goals, and conducting thorough research, you can make informed investment decisions. Remember to consult a financial expert and monitor your investments regularly. Happy investing!
This blog is purely for educational purposes and not to be treated as personal advice. Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
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pratik8006 · 6 months
Visa for Brazil from India: Everything You Need to Know
Travelling from India to Brazil is an exciting prospect, whether for leisure, business, or any other purpose. However, it's essential to understand the visa requirements and procedures before embarking on your journey. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information on obtaining a Brazilian visa from India, including frequently asked questions (FAQs) to address common queries.
1. What type of visa do I need to travel to Brazil from India?
The type of visa you need depends on the purpose of your visit. Common visa types for travellers from India to Brazil include tourist visas, business visas, student visas, and work visas. Each type has specific requirements and eligibility criteria, so it's crucial to determine the purpose of your trip before applying.
2. How do I apply for a Brazilian visa from India?
To apply for a Brazilian visa from India, you'll typically need to follow these steps:
Determine the type of visa you need based on your purpose of travel.
Gather the required documents, including passport, visa application form, photographs, proof of sufficient funds, travel itinerary, and any additional documents specific to your visa type.
Schedule an appointment at the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate in India.
Submit your visa application and supporting documents during your appointment.
Pay the applicable visa fees.
Wait for processing, which may take several weeks, depending on the visa type and embassy/consulate workload.
Once approved, collect your visa and passport from the embassy or consulate.
3. What documents do I need to submit with my visa application?
The specific documents required may vary depending on the type of visa you're applying for. However, common documents include:
Valid passport with a minimum of six months validity beyond your intended stay in Brazil.
Completed visa application form.
Passport-sized photographs meeting the embassy/consulate's specifications.
Proof of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Brazil.
Travel itinerary, including flight bookings and accommodation details.
Additional documents may be required for specific visa types, such as an invitation letter for a business visa or acceptance letter from a Brazilian educational institution for a student visa.
4. How long does it take to process a Brazilian visa from India?
The processing time for a Brazilian visa from India can vary depending on various factors, including the type of visa, the embassy/consulate's workload, and the time of year. In general, visa processing may take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. It's advisable to apply for your visa well in advance of your intended travel date to avoid any delays.
5. Can I apply for a Brazilian visa online from India?
Yes, Brazil offers an e-visa facility for citizens of certain countries, including India. The e-visa allows eligible travellers to apply for a Brazilian visa online, eliminating the need to visit an embassy or consulate in person. However, not all visa types may be available through the e-visa system, so it's essential to check the eligibility criteria and requirements before applying.
6. Are there any additional requirements for specific visa types?
Yes, certain visa types may have additional requirements beyond the standard documents mentioned earlier. For example:
Business visas may require an invitation letter from a Brazilian company or organisation.
Student visas may require proof of enrolment or acceptance from a recognised Brazilian educational institution.
Work visas may require a job offer letter or contract from a Brazilian employer.
It's essential to review the specific requirements for your visa type and ensure that you provide all necessary documentation to support your application.
7. Can I extend my visa once in Brazil?
In some cases, it may be possible to extend your visa while in Brazil, depending on the type of visa and your circumstances. However, visa extensions are subject to approval by the Brazilian immigration authorities and may require additional documentation and fees. It's advisable to consult with the nearest Brazilian immigration office for guidance on extending your visa if needed.
Obtaining a Brazilian visa from India is a straightforward process, provided you understand the requirements and follow the necessary steps. By familiarising yourself with the visa types, application procedures, and frequently asked questions outlined in this guide, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience to Brazil. If you have any further queries or require assistance, don't hesitate to contact the nearest Brazilian embassy or consulate for guidance. Safe travels!
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