#i need to rewatch it all before trying to elaborate bc the last time i watched madoka fully was… the first time i watched it fully 💀
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bitchfendi · 2 years ago
madoka magica is a critique of capitalism
just trust me bro once you rewatch it with this in minds its kinda obvious
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airenyah · 1 year ago
People I wanna know better tag meme
was tagged my @lurkingshan <3
Last song?
ok so there's actually a story behind the last song i listend to: earlier i was revising some stuff we did in my thai class before christmas (bc our new course is starting tomorrow) and one of the words was "earthquake" and i saw the thai word written down in my notes and somehow i heard the word as a melody in my brain?? instead of my normal reading voice?? and so i went to look up the song and sure enough the word is there
actually i heard the melody of the word "earthquake" from this song in somebody's very specific voice and i wish i could say that you can win a prize if you're able to pinpoint who and where exactly i got this song from but alas i don't have a prize, so you'll have to do with my highest admiration lmao . yes i've linked it on my blog before some time in the last few weeks
Favorite color?
blueee i really like blue, esp a nice shiny dark blue
Currently watching?
cooking crush
last twilight
the sign (i'm like 2 eps behind tho)
and i know i just got done with my bad buddy anniversary rewatch only yesterday, but i was thinking of doing another rewatch next month when i'm on semester break bc i wanna track all the times an instrumental version of "just friend?" plays as background music
Last movie?
*gaily* Überraschung!
no, i will not elaborate. this one goes out to all my german speakers. if you know you know 🤭
or actually, i'll let calvin and habs do the explaining
totally depends on my mood and the dish
(unpopular opinion but savory strudel >>>>>>>>>> sweet strudel)
Relationship status?
trying to get over a crush single. bc i'd rather be caught dead than tell anyone how i feel about them. can't let people know we have, you know...
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running away and denial is a healthy coping mechanism i know lmao
Current obsessions?
what am i if not a bad buddy blog in its joongdunk era
Last thing you googled?
"100 usd to euro" bc of this poll
Selfie or another pic you took?
enjoy this picture from that one time when boy cat INSISTED that he too needed to go on a walk when my mom took the dog outside and then got really angry when there was, well, snow on the ground
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the world sure is not fair, huh
@dimplesandfierceeyes @nongnaos @greenteadumplings @sunnenfinster @visualtaehyun @moonkhao @newyearknwwme @gaym3bo1 @ranchthoughts @mommyzhilla @callipigio
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sxfik · 4 years ago
let's talk about confession scenes
i've seen a lot of people, both on tumblr and twitter say that we won't get a confession scene. but in reality, i believe this whole episode today WAS a confession scene. it was them confessing to each other in every way they can.
these past 19 episodes have made it so clear that both cha-young and vincenzo's love language is acts of service, not words of affirmation. that's why we very rarely see them explicitly say "good job" or even regular compliments you would give to a partner or a friend. instead, it's expressed in small touches, grand gestures and gifts for vincenzo and cha-young's energy and attitude that shows how much they care about each other. but in episode 19, we saw them repeatedly gravitate towards each other, a lot more than in previous episodes.
at the beginning of the show, when they are on the rooftop, we see them discussing love and family. vincenzo says to her that "he fell in love with this place" and "he prefers love with no reason" and cha-young replies saying that "he's trying to make it sound romantic when they both know it isn't." now, the scene from ep 19 is an absolute parallel to this one. visually, both are wearing blue, looking out over the plaza, after saving the plaza and it's residents once more.
she asks him whether he came back for her and he never denies it, and they talk a little about how he paid them off so they don't attack his italian family (similar to how in the earlier scene, cha-young talks about how he paid for the party and protected the plaza in korea). but when cha-young talks about how grateful she is that he's back in one piece, the scene completely shifts (as they shift towards each other) and they're flirting. she refers back to the party and says "he looked cool, just like in that suit that only i had heard about that day" and he pauses as he says "i'm glad i met..." and there's a brief moment where you can tell cha-young expects a "you" at the end of the sentence but he opts to imply it instead. here they're taking something that isn't romantic from a glance and making it sound romantic because it's meaningful to each other. both of them are expressing their gratitude to each other.
(side note: just rewatching that scene while writing this makes me remember just how much tension they had between each other, especially the way he looked at her when she recognized boolaro, he might have married her on the spot)
as the episode continues, we see them interact with ease and playfulness, and the joy of not having to be parted from each other (cha-young teasing vincenzo and not intervening when mr. nam hugs him). he's looking through paperwork when he notices cha-young working and observes that she's tired from a distance, then offering her a kopiko. we see both of them leaning over the residents as they through paper in celebration of the win, standing much closer and sharing very meaningful looks as they fist bump. we also get a scene where they're drinking a coffee by water and similar to how in the earlier episodes cha-young would ask about the mafia with curiosity, vincenzo mirrors that while asking her about korea.
one of my favorite scenes, was by that water, where she confesses how even when he leaves "vincenzo cassano will be more than just a memory" which is a confession in her own way. she's confessing to him about how much of an impact he's had on her life, her mind and ultimately in her heart. and he replies to her that he doesn't make promises to just anyone but for her, he promises that he'll come back. i interpreted it as him replying that he'll always come back for her and that he won't have to be a memory for her. and she taps his coffee cup and he taps back, almost like she's asking for a pinky promise that he'll be back. we also can note that his gaze lingers on her a little longer and we can see him swallow his words one more, ones that might have been more explicitly confessing.
not to mention the date the coffee shop scene where he double checks with her if she's okay joining her in the journey punishing han seok. it shows that he's taken the care to notice how much it affected her when they killed their "hunting dogs" and he's giving her a way out, and wanting to protect her (yes im excluding the "virtue" bit bc i think thats bs). time and time again, we're seeing them care for each other and push each other outside comfort zones while ensuring that they're still alright with pushing.
and of course, the jealous!husband scene we got. does this even need any elaboration? to me, it felt like 2 people dancing around each other when both of them know the other likes them. almost like a talking stage or a stage where both know the other person's feelings but neither of them have made a move.
and finally, we get han seok (that crazy bitch) kidnapping. the panic and shock as Vincenzo sees the earrings and connects them to cha-young and the frantic way he races to her, without even knowing where exactly he's headed. and we have cha-young who says "don't use me to hurt him, just kill me instead." cha-young cares more about vincenzo's emotions, and is willing to die rather than see han seok use her to hurt him. the relief in vincenzo's eyes and the breath he leaves when he's reassured that cha-young is alive. he rushes towards her when he sees her, and swallows when he realizes she's all tied up and kneeling. and there's a moment of silent communication between them where she nods her head no. with vincenzo, it takes all the rage within him not to check on cha-young when she's slapped. i had mentioned this before but the moment he kneels and allows himself to be killed with little hesitation, says how much he cares for cha-young. how much he loves cha-young. the way he races immediately towards cha-young the moment he gets the chance and frees her.
and of course, the moment she gets shot, you'll notice the moment is completely quiet, just the gunshot, because to vincenzo that's all he's processed. it takes him touching her wound and having her collapse into his arms for him to process the pain and shock and anger of seeing her hurt. the way his eyes show so much pain as he watches cha-young and the way he hold her as she sags against him. everything about the way he looks, the guttural, shocked sound he lets out, to the way he holds her screams out how much he loves her.
the finger-flick scenes were when they seeing each other in a clearer light, the kiss scenes solidifying that there is something more there and the departure scene showing that they're tied to each other. and now the kneeling is solidifying that they love each other. they are willing to die for each other and kneel even against someone that took their blood family away from them to save the other. time and time again in this episode they're confessing and showing just how much they care and love each other.
(disclaimer: some of these might be a stretch but you know! it's my last day to clown guys)
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propaganda-for-poets · 4 years ago
🎞 pitts and neil friendship?
ooo ok i love love LOVE this one, i have been DYING to talk abt pitts!!!!!!!!!! and pitts and neil i!!!!!! they're besties. goodbye. also these aren't a lot and mostly just elaborating on stuff, i know, but me and star are doing the hcs together and today's been a little difficult to actually do that bc she's been studying and i've been out when they weren't so,,, yea. weird schedule. still, i hope they're okay :)
okok so!!
pitts and neil friendship hcs !!
ok pitts and neil actually roomed together for two years before todd came along!! the rooming arrangements changed a lot every year because there was an odd number of students and they didn't want one of them to be the one without a roommate every year
plus there was stuff every year that made nolan,,,,, reconsider some rooming arrangements
see: the year he paired meeks with charlie and they set the curtains on fire
Like if they’re on a hike and they see a cool flower or a pretty walk they’ll just hand it to the other
Or if they see a store that reminds them of the other they’ll buy something for them :’)
pitts and neil def watch sitcoms together
one of them will have a bad day and they'll just meet in one of their dorms and binge 5 episodes of himym and just talk
they've probably rewatched the same shows together about eight times it's ridiculous
oh they're the gods of blanket forts
they probably made a fort in their dorm when they shared one year and never took it down
and after they weren't roommates anymore they still made them in each other's dorms until meeks or todd would walk in exasperated like
",,,guys seriously i need to sleep and this took us like an hour and a half to take down last time,,"
sometimes if they're really tired and don't feel like taking down the fort they'll switch roommates
meeks and todd will share a room for a night and neil and pitts will sleep in their KICKASS AWESOME blanket fort
they both def have like eight blankets and a bajillion pillows in their beds
not just for the fort they just like to be comfy, but the fort thing definitely made them bring even more
neil loves when todd helps him with his lines but pitts is definitely his favorite person to run lines with
he'll just make these random faces and impressions just trying to get neil to crack the entire time it's hilarious
and niel's doing his best to stay in character
sometimes he makes it!! but most times pitts will just pull some ridiculous voice or slightly alter a line that definitely did not say that and they'll just lose it and laugh for like 5 minutes
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ainu-lindale · 4 years ago
Just some lil' Observations During My 17 Billionth Rewatch of Fellowship of the Ring
Okay so in the prologue, for some reason I never paid attention to how many active verbs are used to describe what the ring does and how it goes about it's lil life. I don't often think about the powers and personality of the ring very much, I'm usually to distracted by my love for frodo ha
"It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life." Love love love that, somehow never really heard that line before.
Uh oh. I'm becoming that person that unconsciously quotes all the lines as they're spoken.
I wonder if bilbo would've been a different old man if he hadn't had the ring in his pocket for decades
Tbh I am very impressed that bilbo just dropped to ring and walked out. Obviously it took some help by gandalf but still, to be able to leave it behind after all that time. Such a comforting thought to my poor little heart that hates to think about how long the Martin Freeman bilbo was slowly poisoned by the ring
Yall. When I was a kid the black riders gave me nightmares, and now they are like 0% scary
I've related to different characters over the years, but u know what I'm realizing that maybe I'm sam. bc I too would walk to the ends of the earth for frodo baggins.
Dear lorddd. That seduction of the ring theme - the one that plays at the v beginning of their journey as they're walking through the tall clovers and weeds under the trees - gives me chills every time. The use of voices in howard shore's score is MAGNIFIQUE
"If I take one more step it'll be the farthest away from home I've ever been". Have any of yall seen the 9 hour version of the movie that plays that clip every time sam takes a step?����😂
Am I upset that they replaced merry and pippin's dedication to frodo and the journey in the books with comedic relief stealing-the-crops stuff? Overall not much. I think they get the characterization they deserve over the course of the movies. Ppl can just chill and let the movie be a movie. Tbh we need some comedic relief from this very stressful epic
Am I upset they cut tom bombadil? Also overall no. Again, for the sake of the movie, they gave us some stress relief with merry and pip and streamlined the journey to bree enough to where an extra stop for some reprieve wasn't needed. Dont get me wrong, it's a lovely part of the book, but I agree with the directorial choices to keep the movie's energy up
THE REFLECTION IN ARAGORN'S EYES WHEN HE LIGHTS THE PIPE. CINEMATIC MAGIC. also I'm just generally attracted to him anyway.
Me anytime viggo says or does anything:
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Arwen's sword under aragorns chin is THE best introduction to our first legit female character I could ask for
OH MY GODDDDDDD. I think it's probably Elijah's hobbit-height double that viggo is carrying to the horse, and dear God that mask on him is so freaky looking 😂😭😂 Never ever seen that before
One thing I am just ever so slightly salty about is that they had the council of elrond be summoned to determine the fate of the ring rather than everyone coming on their own accord with their specific knowledge to lead to the collective realization that they are exactly the right group of ppl to form the fellowship
For the rest of my life, I am doomed to only think of the LOTR How It Should Have Ended during the council of elrond scene. 12 year old me really screwed herself by watching the same 5 YouTube videos on endless repeat
The solo French horn that plays the gondor theme while boromir is speaking is so subtle but increeeeeeeedibly powerful. It's just different enough from the other themes introduced so far that for that moment it takes me so much deeper into the world of middle earth ??
Just noticed the wink between gandalf and elrond when aragorn offers to help frodo. Their last conversation ended with "he turned away from that life long ago. He has chosen exile" and now aragorn is giving up his preferred solo life for the sake of frodo and for the world. Look how the turntables, elrond
Boromir's lil "sorry!" when he accidentally cuts Merry's hand 😭
"Boromir! Give the ring to frodo!" "As you wish." Boromir loves aragorn
The humans carrying two hobbits at a time to keep them safe from the snow😭😭😭
Literally Gandalf can you please just tell frodo that there is a balrog down in moria!!! This is not informed consent!!!!
Lake monster outside moria = aquatic sarlacc
We as a Society™️ need to spend more time listening to gandalf's words to frodo while chilling in moria
The chanting during the chase in khazad dum gives me similar vibes as the "track down this murderer" voices at the end of phantom of the opera. ..uh oh so I'm getting too tired to elaborate on my thoughts
I've watched Gandalfs 'death' too many times that it's not the fall itself that makes me cry anymore, but it's frodo's reaction outside that gets me now. Also the soprano voice singing (renee fleming?)
Oh my god I just heard for the first time boromir's line in lorien "i did not see it", referring to Galadriel telling him there's still hope for his people. That's the same thing he says right before he dies and I finally understand what he meant. He tried to take the ring from frodo bc the ring overwhelmed him completely with a sense of despair, convincing him that using the ring was their only option to survive. And oh my gosh it's how galadriel knew that boromir was going to try and take it. She knew he had lost hope. Wow it took me waaay too long to catch that. It's the specificity of it all that I didn't catch, not necessarily the fact that boromir thought the ring was the only way
Boromir's death hit different this time yall. With a better understanding of what was going on in his head, just ..... I may or may not have cried a lot more than usual
Soooo strategic of howard shore to have let a long time pass without hearing the Shire theme before it plays when frodo and sam hug on the boat. Every. single. damn. time. that moment gets me. The power of MUSIC people.
Aaaaaaaaaand credits roll
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untaintedtea · 5 years ago
I should have written this earlier when Witcher Netflix was more fresh in my mind (I haven't done a proper rewatch yet) but I still wanted to write a post about some thoughts I had (that I actually remember lol) and stuff I want in the next season. It's like 99% about Geralt/Yen/Ciri bc I have three brain cells and they're dedicated to them.
The spoiler-free stuff: I definitely loved it! There's some scenes in the book that I would have loved to have seen on screen that I'll mention later, but I really liked it for the most part. My main issue is the pacing, but I understand them trying to fit so much into only 8 episodes -- I hope next season will have at least 10 or even 12 eps to fully flesh out the storylines. There were times where I wondered how easy it was to follow if you didn't know the books, and it seems that it's kinda been mixed? But all-in-all people are loving it, there's lots of memes and new content, and I'm happy about that.
Yennefer's backstory and Anya Chalotra were the highlights for me, and I loved Tissaia as well. By "I haven't done a proper rewatch" I mean that I've only rewatched the first ep (Renfri ❤️) and the parts with Geralt/Yennefer lmao. I'll prob watch it all again later on. Now to the spoilery stuff (includes some refs to the books):
Some specific stuff I liked:
Geralt finally being able to sleep in the Last Wish episode and then him saying in the next ep that before he met Yen, "nights were restless" so she/the thought of her helps him sleep now? lol
Yen touching Geralt's face after he tells her she's important to him as if she can't believe she's important to someone right then and needs to make sure he's real or that she's not dreaming 😭
Téa and Véa and how they actually talked instead of not really communicating well themselves in the books
Yen's elven blood being emphasized and it being a thing that allows her to be naturally inclined towards magic…idek I'm just into that lmao
Geralt "hm"-ing all the time was excellent and is, unfortunately, v relatable
I wasn't gonna say this but since I posted about his casting on my blog previously…I'm still not a fan of Henry but I cannot deny his knowledge and dedication to Geralt and the Witcher lore, and I think he portrayed Geralt very well to the point where I don’t think I imagine anyone else playing the role now? I really mean this bc before I refused to reblog/tweet anything with him in it bc I’m petty LMAO
This is obvious but Toss a Coin to Your Witcher is the song of the year and Her Sweet Kiss is also good. @ netflix soundtrack WHEN
Some stuff I have issues with:
Istredd getting an expanded storyline is fine with me (and will probably set up better angst) but I wish he didn't do the thing Geralt does in Thanedd where he thinks about things Yen likes…I guess that's minor by itself, but Geralt thinking about the house in Thanedd is so important and I hope at least they keep that for the future. Also making the imaginary sorcerers Yennefer conjured up clap like in Thanedd is like…ok I'll allow it but Thanedd better be Extra Good bc I remember reading the part where they're in bed again when I wanted to make myself upset lmao
I wish we got the line when Geralt first called Yennefer "Yen" because "nobody's ever called me that. Say it again" is SO POWERFUL and I think that would have helped set up Geralt/Yen better in the series. Anya did describe the relationship as "animalistic and full of lust" and honestly that's fair but I also want people to understand why tf I'm smiling when we watch them fuck after the last wish instead of being like "ok but where did this come from" lmao. Yeah they’re horny af but pls!!!
Tbh I just want more Angst...like in the Bounds of Reason ep, the "you left" thing and Geralt asking for forgiveness was so short and would have been better if they just…expanded on it a little more…idek this is where I really wished they had an extra episode or two just to elaborate :/
The lack of baby dragon is so sad tbh. I liked that they did without Yen getting her titties exposed and threatened with rape obviously but the baby dragon running over to Yen tho!!
Ciri is my sweet child whom I love dearly and I understand her storyline but I wasn't super into her parts in a way? It makes sense since she's running and hiding and I felt her panic and loneliness and all that, but I think this could have only been fixed if they did Brokilon like in the books. I guess they'd have to cut down on Calanthe maybe?
As for the "Who is Yennefer?" ending:
I know many book readers weren't super satisfied with this, since ofc this is the famous "you're something more" scene, but I think it's fine within the context of the show because of the way Brokilon was handled (obviously I would have liked to see Geralt + Ciri interactions so we could have gotten “something more” though). It also sets up a connection between Yen + Ciri early on -- not really a strong one, but a connection nonetheless. And ofc it makes sense to people who don't know the books, and this is an adaptation after all.
I wish it wasn't as abrupt though? The fact that Ciri's first words to Geralt were about Yennefer is kind of a weird, but I guess that Ciri's vision was so vivid she couldn't help it maybe? And her mentioning Yennefer after Geralt talked about being linked by destiny enforces that it's all three of them linked.
I think this ending line allows for flashbacks via communication? Like if Geralt were to tell Ciri about Yen (and Yen telling Ciri about Geralt), they could elaborate on the relationship between Geralt/Yennefer that way and maybe have a flashback episode or at least a few scenes. I don’t really imagine Geralt saying too much about Yen but still?
So that takes us to things I want in the next season (not exhaustive; I need to do a BoE re-read):
The Dear Friend letter!!
And obviously before that, Triss staying at Kaer Morhen for a while…I wouldn't mind if they completely wrote out any attraction she had to Geralt ofc, but Ciri being sure that Triss is "not Geralt's woman" is also good
Imagine Ciri reading Yennefer's mind and accidentally seeing her thoughts about Geralt…not that she'd even need to though, as long as Yen tells Ciri that Geralt's hands are very gentle is enough lmao. But I'd love the "what is there between you and Geralt" line! In general, I really want Yen/Geralt to be like, the most obvious thing to the audience lol.
Yen telling Ciri that she's lucky bc Ciri knows that Geralt will come back for her and Yen isn't sure that Geralt would do the same for her 😭
Since they're doing the story with Nivellen, I'm hoping for other short stories to be adapted too. My favourite is A Shard of Ice, and I read that it's Henry's favourite too so I'm optimistic about it being included somehow. And since Istredd has a bigger role, it could work? ALSO WE NEED EVERYONE TO KNOW ABOUT THE UNICORN. PLEASE
Flashbacks to Belleteyn (is having another orgy scene ok. pls say yes) and the Geralt seeing that the 14th name on the hill wasn't Yennefer. He wanted to die again ahhhhhhh
Yarpen asking Geralt "is [Ciri] yours?"
More Jaskier songs about Geralt/Yen…even just one pls
And more angst bc like. There's so much come on lmao hurt the audience
A lot of Yennefer + Ciri. Just a Lot of it.
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thelevelsman · 6 years ago
The Great Game + Five-Act Structure
me and @messedupsockindex did a TGG rewatch (i think we’re gonna do the whole show hell yeah hell yeah) and I did some liveblogging that turned into several metas on things i think are important in this episode, with the five-act structure being a Theme (though i went off on a real tangent RE: solar systems/framing and metaphors too). Read on if you dare.
First of all I learned that this was the first episode of the show that was filmed? I find that very interesting, I don’t know much about how to shoot a tv series, BUT if this was the first one that was ready to shoot, i wonder if that means it was the first one finished, and if it was the first one finished, is it because it’s The One that lays out the five-act structure of the whole show? 
link to @fellshish ‘s most brilliant meta here
another small spot of evidence for this “TGG is the layout for the whole show” theory is that lots of little shots in this episode are also in the title sequence (could be a coincidence if they did indeed film this episode first, but also maybe not)
Throughout this episode, we are shown an ongoing conversation between Sherlock and John concerning Sherlock’s lack of basic knowledge about our solar system. It effectively frames the episode - one of the opening scenes being their “domestic” (fight), and the penultimate scene (before the pool scene) being the infamous “I won’t be in for tea” / “I’ll get milk and beans” tragedy. I want to liken this episode-long conversation to a technique I saw in a different show. 
In this show (Masters of Sex starring the brilliant Michael Sheen and the formidable Lizzy Caplan), a man and a woman are having an affair with each other, but justifying it by saying they are simply “working” and that they’re not emotionally attached to each other (they’re sex researchers, so they “collect data” whenever they meet...it’s dumb.) Anyway, there’s a beautiful episode entitled “Fight” during which they are watching a boxing match in their hotel room while engaging in elaborate sexual roleplay with each other. While the boxing match plays in the background, they riff on what their lives would be like together if they really were the husband and wife duo that they pretend to be for the hotel staff. It’s intricate, and loaded, because you never know when they are acting within the roleplay, or talking honestly to each other about their feelings and pasts. They metaphorically duck and weave like boxers around their feelings and around each other. Their conversation often talks literally about boxing, too - The Fight is a tool through which the writers explore the characters’ bond for the viewer.
I see Moftiss using this same technique when I hear Sherlock and John going back and forth THROUGHOUT THE EPISODE about knowledge of the solar system. The first time they discuss it, you can feel John trying to understand why Sherlock comprehends things the way he does - why can something as basic as the solar system (or attraction) be allowed to slip through the cracks of his otherwise daunting intellect? And you can also feel Sherlock’s frustration with the way John perceives him - why should it MATTER if he doesn’t know the exact details of how the solar system (attraction) works - shouldn’t the fact that he knows it exists be enough, and if or when when he needs to, he can figure it out from there? They continue to explore the concept with each other as the episode goes on. 
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Here, John has accepted that Sherlock doesn’t (or thinks he doesn’t) care about the mechanics of something as basic as the solar system (attraction). So he asks, why comment on it? Sherlock says even if he doesn’t understand it, he still appreciates it. Telling. 
In the final instance of this conversation, the penultimate scene of the episode, John tells Sherlock that maybe a little knowledge of the solar system might have come in handy after all. But Sherlock also has a point:
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John’s knowledge of something so basic as attraction has been useless to him thus far. 
If we’re gonna accept food = sex, I found it funny that John was “starving” and he found a head in the fridge. John, there’s head for dinner, if you want it! Even funnier that Sherlock’s response to “I’m starving” was that he was researching saliva. (I don’t love the food=sex thing, I just don’t think it’s intentional, but I do feel like it’s a valid interpretation here that Sherlock is subtextually begging John to let him suck it)
I’m too tired to figure out what Mycroft’s dental appointment could possibly mean but both of us were like??? My half-baked theory right now (borrowing from M theory) is that the “dental appointment” was actually Mycroft getting the shit kicked out of him by Moriarty/Mary/whoever the mastermind is, so that Mycroft would plant the missile plan crime for Sherlock? 
okay so I never really realized this but Sherlock knows Jim is gay bc he uses hair product and then season 4 John has hella hair product....huh
Sherlock’s security outfit is queer coded but suddenly I can’t find any evidence of this I just...have it somewhere in my psyche that a police/security costume outfit like that was claimed by queer people and I can’t remember why?
For hostage number 3, the old woman, Moriarty (or whoever is on the other end of the computer) calls her “a funny one.” @messedupsockindex​ told me while we were watching about the midpoint of the five-act structure being the breakthrough, the point of no return, the point at which key knowledge is gained (from John Yorke’s Into The Woods, also brilliantly discussed here).  I can’t help but think of this seemingly offhand line as a tiny clue to the importance of series 3 of BBC Sherlock. (In case you didn’t know, the midpoint of the whole show, if there are indeed going to be fifteen episodes, is...you guessed it...the best man speech).
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The last Greenwich pip case that is solved, a case in which we have a hostage on the other end of a phone, is the fake painting. The solution to this case is “the Van Buren supernova” aka part of outer space, seen from our solar system. As I’ve argued above, the solar system is a metaphor/framing device used in this episode to subtextually discuss the engine of this entire show - Sherlock and John’s relationship. How very telling that Sherlock, even Sherlock, very nearly doesn’t get to this solution. But, when he does...
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(me reading about the five act structure and realizing series four is fake)
Moriarty’s last few lines - I find this whole scene to be absolutely vital to understanding the point of the whole show, but especially the last bit. 
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There is probably already someone who has explained/noticed this but...the exchange that Moriarty is responding to, that happened before he re-entered the room, was Sherlock and John getting the closest they ever get in the WHOLE show to discussing the sexual tension/attraction between them (I think I’m again standing on the shoulders of the legendary M theory here). John has taken a huge leap in choosing to bring up what “people” might think about Sherlock ripping his clothes off in a darkened swimming pool. Sherlock responds jokingly but not dismissively, and the logical next step would be to discuss what they themselves think about it...until of course they are interrupted by this, by literally being held at gunpoint.
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Moriarty’s lines here are apparently some pretty famous lines in ACD canon. I didn’t know the canon context, so it’s a little easier to just parse the lines in context of this scene. Moriarty wants to stop this discussion that Sherlock and John are about to have, and more broadly, whatever that conversation might lead to. He would try to convince them that they can’t be allowed to continue, but everything he has to say, all the convincing he could possibly do, has already crossed Sherlock’s mind (or both of their minds - it’s actually not specified who he’s talking to here). This is true because Sherlock and/or John are afraid to “continue” - discuss their feelings for each other - because of trauma and internalized homophobia. All the reasons that they shouldn’t “continue,” reasons that Moriarty could cite out loud, have already crossed their minds, probably more than once. I think this unspoken meaning makes so much more sense than taking Moriarty’s “you can’t be allowed to continue” to mean “you can’t be allowed to continue to solve crimes,” which is what it meant in ACD canon. And it’s a fantastic rework of an ACD canon line. 
So... the end, I guess. I probably should have split this up into different posts...
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lanceville · 7 years ago
Hello, I really want to get this out of my mind, so I hope I do not bother you, if I bother you please ignore me, ok this will be long. I saw one of your previous answers, where you say that you feel different or with a weird mood, I've also been feeling weird, and I've been thinking about things that really stress me, I'm in a mood so pessimistic and depressing that I come crazy and terrible ideas about many things (part1)
one of those strange thoughts is this: LM and JDS have said (or so I’ve heard correct me if I’m wrong) that they do not want to talk much to avoid surprises about the plot of the following seasons … so I came this horrible thought. if they for example do not want to ruin the surprise about Klance by becoming a canon, Why do they talk so much about them? (part2)
why they give the fans so many hopes and make them believe that they will become canon if they want it to be a “surprise”?. then my pessimistic thoughts lead me to this, the surprise is not klance becoming canon, the surprise will be that another ship either All//ance, K and R or even worse She//ith is the one that will become canon. So if I’m not bothering you I’d appreciate it if you answered this, I’m sorry for bothering you with this stupidity (last part)
it’s alright bro, i gotchu. 
first, it’s true that lm and jds and known to be super secretive about the plot and upcoming events, and they have been vague about lance’s and keith’s relationship until this interview. there are instances were they were talked about them in a romantic context several times too but i’m just gonna focus on this video for now. there are two reasons that they have decided to openly talk about it like that:
1. they were approached specifically by the author of this article to hear out what they think about the “science behind shipping,” since they’re the executive producers of the show with the most popular ship on the internet.
2. they’ve realized it’s necessary to keep avoiding klance at this point. the klance fandom is huge, and no matter how much they try hide who the endgame will be or even sway us a little bit from it, the klance fandom only grows each time. they never expected klance to gain such a huge fanbase so quickly and for the fans to pick up on the hints that easily. it was as if they were still in shock and denial that their endgame surprise has been exposed, but there’s no use denying it at this point. they know we’ll forever believe in the ship, so since everything’s exposed, they don’t see why they can’t engage with the fans about them. if it is really not the endgame ship, they would’ve tried to do more damage control to not break the hopes and fail the expectations of the fans later, but they only spoke positively about klance in that video.
and don’t allow yourself to think that, annonie. i know that it’s really worrying because of how little keith and lance have interacted in the past few seasons, but that does not mean in any way that their relationship has regressed. season six especially was the very definition of intense, and there was barely any time for keith to interact with any of the other paladins besides shiro. keith, especially, was under a lot of pressure, and they were all stressed. but now since everything’s calmed down and keith’s finally back on the team, things will get better. have faith. 
(gonna put the rest under read more bc this has tuned way longer than expected)
and about other ships becoming canon, you can rule that idea out by the process of elimination.
keith/romelle and keith/allura are never gonna happen. you know why?
the endgame is between two main characters (”characters who have been present since the beginning″ aka the paladins). romelle isn’t
keith and allura have only ever interacted in what would seem like (but it isn’t) a romantic fashion in s2, and it was just bc of keith’s heritage. even though it’s kinda disappointing since i’d like to see more of their friendship, they’ve barely interacted with each other outside of missions. there’s no way they’re gonna develop romantic feelings for each other when neither has shown interest in the other.
also dude keith’s clearly not straight. no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise, the man isn’t. one look at him is enough to know that.
biggest proof is allura, a gorgeous space princess who everybody swoons over, falling right into his arms and him not even blinking a goddamn eye. his indifferent expression still cackles me tbh.
also, it’s known that the endgame involves lance, so if it’s a ship that does not include lance, then nah it’s not happening.
not gonna even bother with why shiteihaha will never become canon in a bazillion realities because it’s ridiculously clear as to why to those who have at least 2 functional brain cells. don’t even let that idea cross your mind.
this leaves us with all//ance. tbh, it did have a chance of becoming canon up until s5. but dude, after watching s6, i was like “did they just really kill this ship.” all//ance is really cute and sweet, and i wouldn’t have minded it becoming canon since both allura and lance really care about each and i loooooooooove their friendship so goddamn much. but this is the thing. what allura and lance have is friendship. they both were really good friends up until the writers decided to bring lance’s crush back from the bottomless pits for drama’s sake. lance’s crush on allura is so valid man. he truly does like her. but the thing that killed the ship wasn’t this; it was the whole love triangle drama. allura fell in love with lotor and never requited lance’s feelings even when she knew about them, meaning she does not view lance that way, and it’s her right - she can like whoever she wants. the writers said that romance will happen naturally in the show. if allura would ever reciprocate lance’s feelings, she would’ve at least displayed some signs of that at this point. she got to know lance and see some of his greatest moments. she even got to experience what lance dying would feel like, yet she still didn’t develop any romantic feelings towards him. if feelings of loss and grieve didn’t make her realize how important lance is to her romantically, then that’s because there are no romantic feelings present in the first place. it would not make sense at all for her to develop feelings for him later on. she cares deeply about him as a friend, and romantic love is not some upgraded form of friendship love - it’s a totally different type of the same class, and that’s what she feels about him.
it would be utterly cruel and unfair for both if they end up together after the shit that has happened in s6. allura would never find a lotor in lance, and lance would always feel inferior if he gets with allura because he know’s he’s no lotor - that he isn’t who she wants (lance is much better than all the boys in the entire universe and whoever has him is literally the luckiest person ever but this is not the point so moving on). allura’s feelings for lance would not be genuine, which would make allura feel bad because she would never want to make lance feel like a rebound or a second choice. lance, on the other hand, really likes allura, and being the helplessly selfless person he is, would accept to be allura’s rebound while being fully aware of it and accepting his fate as a second choice which, god, would take a heavy fricking toll on his already bad self-esteem issues. seriously man, every time i think about them getting together after s6, their relationship is just full of heartbreak and hurt, and i don’t want either of them to feel like that because they don’t deserve it. even the showrunners admitted that them getting together right after would be a disservice to both of them. i fucking love them both and their friendship so much and i don’t want anything to ruin it.
i wanna also elaborate on another point. if you’ve noticed, allura and lance shared a couple scenes that paralleled klance’s but they’re slightly more romantically-coded (the scene might seem this way but since allura has 0 romantic interest in lance it ain’t, but anyway). the reason i think they included such parallels is to tell the audience that, “if you see those a///rance scenes as romantic, then those previous klance scene were meant to be romantic as well :)” as i mentioned before, the writers were quite surprised we have picked up on klance pretty quickly and early. since they might’ve thought we wouldn’t, they might’ve thought “something” was needed to hint at where they’re planning on taking klance’s relationship, and that “something” is all//ance. but unlike all/urance’s scenes (especially the dying lance moment which resembled the bonding moment) where the romantic interest is one-sided, the similar feelings in klance’s scenes are reciprocated by both parties (bonding!!!! moment!!!!).
now then, guess which ship we’re left with!!!!! yup! it’s klance. i could go on and on and on and on about how they!!! are!!! gonna!!! be!!! canon!!! but i’ve seriously spoken too much (and i cant feel my fingers anymore erfberk) and i don’t even know if you even have read it all the way to end bc ik i’m quite boring when i explain stuff ebjrvkebr but!!! seriously dude. just go rewatch s3. that’s all the confirmation you need of their budding romance. they have some of the most trope-y romantic scenes. and dude, i say all that but, whatever happens, i will forever believe that there’s no better ship in this show than klance. nothing will surpass it. 
edit: gonna just add the petty ask i sent voltron (that i knew they were never gonna answer but i had to send it nonetheless bc i needed to let the salt inside me out somehow lmao) because it’s succinct and summarizes what i said above lmao
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perceabeth · 3 years ago
Funnily enough, they're finally, FINALLY in a wholly honest and open relationship and they both cannot be happier. They spend the morning being lazy, giggling and cuddling in the absolute mess they'd created.
They're talking about everything for the first time. They learn each other better than ever and it's the most beautiful moment where they both fall even more intensely in love.
Unfortunately, they run out of time. Their respective organisations decide to team up to take them both out together. Beckendorf and Silena are both initially offered the jobs but they both decline.
While they're still halfway through their orange juice, their windows blow up. There are snipers and percussion grenades and everything going off in their already annihilated home and they both escape by the skin of their teeth after fully blowing up what's left of their house. poetic cinema actually i think this is just me recapping the movie for everyone idec it's just so good i love it so much
Suddenly they have to go from wanting to kill each other to being on the same team and strangely enough, it's not as much as adjustment as u would think. They work together so easily-- it's almost as if seven years of living and moving together had prepared them for this moment.
Maybe their marriage isn't doomed, after all :)
u know as i type this out i realise i feel like all the ways it changes to adapt pjo are the stuff i cbf elaborating on LKFKLFJKLFSD but i keep going
Also <3 "I was married once before" "What's her name and social security number?" "No..... you're not going to kill her."
Beckedorf tells them they have to split up for a fighting chance at survival
Obviously they're both bossy and stubborn so theyre like no <3
Silena helps Annabeth out one last time by leading them back to Ethan. The plan is to use him to bargain for their lives which is hot girl shit
This is just about the film but it makes me laugh every time "how many?" "you first." "high 50s, low 60s. it's ok, honey, i've been around the block-" "312. some were two at the same time." I LOVE YOU JANE SMITH
ALSO "left. LEFT, john." "don't talk to me like that." "left. please?"
Perhaps they even speak about what it's like to work as a team because they have such a different approach to life
Ethan tells them he's kind of just a patsy and Percy and Annabeth had to go ever since they met each other. They needed them to take each other out :)
Mr. & Mrs. Jackson decide to take their final stand together, go out guns blazing at the home shop <3 again. poetic cinema. u guys don't even get it i'm crying i need to rewatch the film
okay on that note i'm wrapping this up bc i think i know an embarrassing lot about this film so i'll end up reciting it scene by scene as if its not already what i'm doing so im gna try to be very cool about t now
they survive and kiss and move away and live happily ever after
sorry for losing interest midway that's on me but i just get driven sooooo crazy by the actual film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i talk about it all the time but give me a couple of hours i WILL return w a mr & mrs smith au
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