#i need to practice drawing her moreee
kaereth · 2 months
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Dragon harpy chimera birdy FALIN!! I love her
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bullshit-bulltrue · 1 year
☆ hawk talk 8/14/23 ☆
so i found out that my school practically treats PDA as The Big Bad Sin™️
like literally in our handbook it says it is NOT tolerated under ANY means
so like
even if i had the courage to hug my friends
i fucking can't
unless the monitors aren't paying attention but like
what if one day i'm like crying in the hallway and my bestie sees me and wants to give me a hug
but like they can't 0_0
and vice-versa
okie. anyway.
lanie is out of town visiting family :(
and if you've been following along, you would know the person i ate lunch with is Delgado
we'll go back to that in a sec, i promise (highlight of my day)
so since it was an odd day i went to history & geo first
so we get there and we have a debate on whether school should start earlier/same time or later
and i of course backed up my reasoning with evidence unlike everyone else
they're all dumbasses
and the sleezy hoebags behind me started trying to fuck with my hair
but then i hit one of them <3
so then mr. m had us go over the fire drill and where to go in case of smth happening during his period
so we went outside and lined up where we would in case of an emergency
and then the desk buddy bitch asked for the answers to a quiz and i gave her the wrong ones <3
so then that was it for history & geo
andddd it turns out that delgado passes the math room on his way to his next period so i have to make sure i don't look like utter shit BEFORE MATH TOO
i felt bad tho bc i almost hit him 😭😭
so when i was walking towards the math room my back was turned to him so i obvi didn't know it was him when he tapped me on the shoulder
and it scared the crap outta me cus the recent school day (last friday) some dick did that to me and i hit him
and i thought it was the same guy
but it wasn't, it was delgado <3
and he just wanted to make sure we were still good for lunch and this is how the convo went:
d: *taps my shoulder* hey so lunch today, right?
me: *puts fist down after i realized it was him* yeah!
d: oh and also what do you have for first period?
me: [insert history & geo teacher's name]
d: oh cool. where you going next?
me: math with Mr. H. right here *points at door*
d: *groans* i just came back from math. that's my first fucking period 🙄
me: *laughs* ahh it's my 2nd. well, technically 3&4 but ykwim (if you need me to explain the schedules lmk)
d: Okay well i gtg
me: yeah me too, see you in like an hour or some shit *smiles and waves*
d: *smiles and waves back*
then math
these bitches at my table
are fucking horrible
i'm trying to do a placement exam
and they keep talking
"wElL Mr H sAiD wE CaN tAlK" "We ArEnT eVeN bEiNg LoUd"
so that was fun.
oh and also Mr. H (the teacher) draws so we can like give him a photo and he'll draw like the outline and give it back to us to color and then hang it up in the room!! so i'm gonna ask him if he can draw Stitch or smth so i can color it and hang it in the classroom!
yk if i remember lol
oh and like towards the end of class i went to the bathroom to fix myself up a little bit™️ bc on odd days i have
✨️english class✨️
after math <3
so i put on my favorite lipstick and tamed my hair a bit more and just made sure my clothes looked alright and shit lol
i also cleaned up my boots too while i was at it <3
i love my boots so much
i want moreee
actually i don't want more
i NEED more
if i had the money, i would be a doc martens addict and i'd have hundreds of pairs
but alas
bitches are expensive
okeu anywayy
i get back to class and these hoes are still talking about the girliest shit ever i literally was going to kill myself if i had to listen to anymore of it
so then we started packing up and then we left
so we all lined up outside the door bc the teacher wasn't in yet (Mrs. K)
and i tried to stand next to him (delgado) but this bitch got in line RIGHT before me so she was in-between us :/
but thats alr cus he sorts slowed down in line and i caught up so we walked in the room around the same time
and i was wearing a shirt with a Mexican food place and Mrs. K was like "oh my gosh that's my favorite Mexican restaurant in [insert location]!!" and i was like "yeah its pretty good. well, for white people cooking the food. the only real Mexican food you get is from Mexico, or your mamás kitchen" and delgado looked at me like he knew lol so that's when he sorta started catching on that I'm Mexican too
it's nice not to have to tell someone about my ethnicity for once and them figuring it out on their own
so yeah <3
and we had to finish these state mandated tests bc we got only like halfway done on friday
so me and delgado were writing each other notes and doodles to help keep ourselves awake and not fall asleep during that godforsaken fucking test 😭😭
so after we got done (we finished our tests around the same time lol) Mrs. K let us kinds do our own thing as long as we weren't disruptive
so i read DPS and he was playing some game on his Chromebook
and it was so funny bc he had his chromebook on mute but you can tell when he lost and stuff bc he would make a fist and be like "noooo" really quietly
it was funny to me, at least
and there was someone's alarm going off and it sounded like the beep a bomb makes before it goes off
and ofc my mind immediately went to JD <3
and then me, delgado, baseball guy, and d's short bestie all looked at each other like "you hear that 👀"
and then me and delgado crossed ourselves and said "el padre, el hijo y el espíritu santo" but he said it in english lol
and like he's so sweet
so not only did he double check we were still eating lunch together in the hallway but he also asked again at the end of english class
ik it may not seem like anything to you but it means a lot to me
bc i'm always the one to make sure plans are still plans and i feel annoying for asking so many times and that i'm bothering the other person and it just feels nice to have someone else take the time to ask, yk?
so it also turns out our lockers aren't that far away from each other's so even though he's English Class Crush™️ he also qualifies as Hallway Crush™️
speaking of hallway crushes
yk Luca? his locker and also Mikey's (Michael, but we all call him Mikey) lockers are close-ish to mine
so yeah that's great/sarc
it is, in fact, not great.
i mean i make sure i always look somewhat good before i leave the house
we go to lunch and his friend Alex comes along and im like ooo cool i get to meet his friend
and i sat down and saved us some seats while they went to get the food from the lunch people
so when they come and sit down i was hoping that i would sit next to delgado bc that was the whole fucking point of eating lunch with him
but Alex sits his ass right in between us
but like ig Alex is a protective friend or smth?? idk but like yeah i didn't take offense or anything bc id be the same way
we were stil able to talk tho <3
and anyway they come and sit down and the lunch for the 14th was grilled cheese
but lemme tell you
that, was in fact, not grilled cheese
it looked like two soggy pieces of bread with orange food coloring in the middle
that cheese? was NOT cheese
and i was like oh hell nah no way is Boy Bestie™️ eating whatever the fuck that government looking waste was
so i was like dude have what you want out of my lunch, there's no way you're eating that on my watch
and i was like hey Alex you can go ahead and eat my lunch too
so Alex took the dragonfruit and smth else i think
and delgado had the tortillas mi mamá packed for me
again, i wasn't hungry at all because i had thrown up earlier but i forced myself to eat something before i passed out
oh and forgot to mention
delgado fr said "AYYY MEXICAN STYLEEE" bc i had the tortillas wrapped up in tinfoil and some chorizo con papas y huevos and i was like "HELL YEAHHH"
idk if the white people understand this or not but like this was a bonding moment for us bc there aren't a whole lot of mexicans at our school
so like to see that we're apart of the same culture is really nice
oh and he was also like "my mom makes that like every morning!" and i was like "my mom made it yesterday and decided to pack me some for lunch!"
i would've given him like a fist bump or smth but i wasn't gon put my arm across Alex to get to delgado cus like
just no
so anyway sometime in the middle of lunch i was eating my food and then
*shimmery sound effects*
but i didn't wanna move and go look for them bc not only are we not allowed to i also thought maybe they just needed to go the the bathroom
so i just sat there looking like a kicked puppy with sad eyes because i'm not fucking tall enough to look for them in the crowd of gross teenagers
so i just sit there and text my friend because when i lose my friends (and this has happened since elementary) i get really aggressive bc i get overstimed so yk i texted my friend to calm myself down
lunch over
i get my shit from my locker and head to gym
we go over where we will sit for attendance
and then we go over fire drill procedures and shit
and then we spend most of our time doing jackshit
and like the last 20 minutes of class coach was like okay you can play basketball with the boys orstand around idrc bc we only have a little but till the end of the day
so i channeled my inner white girl and just watched delgado play basketball
and like he's one of the only guys who actually knows how to fuckin play 😭😭
also this one kid got hit in the back of the head and fell straight forward and on his face like a looney tunes character
comedic gold right there
and at the end of phys ed me and delgado were walking the same direction bc our lockers are near each other's and it looks like we're gonna have lunch again on Wednesday since that's the next time i have 3rd lunch <3
so yeah i hope i was midly entertaining
it's 1:36am and i gotta get up at 6:30am so goodnight and sorry for not Finnishing this earlier, i got caught up in something
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So I just heard that there won’t be a fourth volume of Fruits Basket Another and I’m so bummed... (spoils)
I thought the third volume seemed a little rushed but thought things would smooth out with further volumes but I guess not... even like 2 more volumes to spread out Sawa’s development as a person so that the ending would make more sense... like her decision to move forward without forgetting her past self so that they could both find happiness... I wanted Sawa to grow up and finally leave that house and finally cut ties with her poisonous mother...
I adore that these Sohma kids are so happy and well-adjusted bc their parents finally created the families they always wanted and needed... and as a result, instead of being rescued and practically adopted by the glorious mother that is Tohru, they instead use the love they have been given to reach out to someone they can see is suffering... and adopt her too!!
I’m glad that Hajime is practically smothered in love purely bc he’s he’s the eldest of Kyoru’s kids... but we never got to see his siblings!! I wanted to see more Kyoru babies!!! I wanted to see more big bro Hajime doting on Sawa and Mutsuki folding her in as one of his loved ones so that if anyone messes with Sawa (her mother included), we get to see him angry and protective like he is over Shiki... More of Sawa with her two friends hanging out and her finally enjoying having friends and occasionally Riku inserting himself/hanging out with Sawa in hopes of seeing Amane... and Sawa being less intimidated by him with every interaction... By way of her closeness with Shiki, she also sees Rio and Chizuru often, and learn Go from them...
I was ready to see Sawa and Shiki’s relationship develop as they both grew up... maybe for Shiki to ask Sawa to wait for him after she graduates bc of their age difference... honestly the outright shipping all the Sohmas were doing with them was so cute and I love that they’re probably each other’s first crush... but most of all they look to each other as the ones they can truly confide in and draw out from their shy/unconfident shells...
actually if there was going to be any cameo from an MC of Furuya, I’d kinda want it to be Akito... like Shiki invites Sawa over for the first time and it’s just Akito finally living her best life... and Shigure, twisted and conniving as he is, wisely keeping his mouth shut when he sees how timid Sawa is (for various reasons but including the fact she’s the daughter of the mother who sued their son - but like idk like Shiki they wouldn’t blame her)...
In any case I wish there was moreee... Fruits Basket was an emotional wringer and was heavy and fascinating and just a wonderfully woven story... but like Fruits Basket Another was so sweet and pure and I don’t mind that it’s a compact story, but it could’ve stood to have at least a couple more volumes >///<
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What’s wrong? (Tj Hammond) (Pt.2)
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Characters: Bi!TJ Hammond x Asian!Female!Reader
Summary: You're an overseas worker and is in a relationship with TJ, but people can't seem to accept the differences between you both even by financially and background wise. (PART 2!) (Read part 1 before this? Heehee!)
Warning: VERY Detailed making out but no tickling the pickle. Heehee! Cuss words. ANGST, SAD AND A VERY FURIOUS TJ HAMMOND.
Words: 4700+ (IT'S LONG AF AGAIN. 😂)
A/N: I love Tj Hammond so much? You can certainly see how I love him by reading this? Lmao. GO BE CRAZY WITH YOUR FEEDBACKS, TATER TOTS! Typos and grammatical errors may be a lot because English has only been my second language. 😅 LOTS OF GIFS IN THIS ONE! (Btw, Political Animal's plot has kinda been blurry to me right now because I've watched it last year. So, there maybe some changes if you'll notice if I have some errors about the story. Heehee. 😅 Or maybe not? I have no idea.)
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
Dedicated: @fandomgalcentral​
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The whole boring but essentially interesting party was finally done. After all that argument you had with a journalist, and Tj being the knight and shining armor to scoot the woman off have ruined your bladder. With a lot of Martinis you took made you a little tipsy, making you all giggly and wanting to pee all the while.
In all honesty, you were kind of smashed. But, not smashed enough to fall on the floor with a pile of barf. No. You should keep your head straight before embarrassing yourself from the Hammond family.
"Teejaaaay," You clung your arm around his waist, hugging your boy friend as he was playing you a song on the piano in which you requested for him to do. He was too engrossed on playing, the relaxing melody making you smile. Your eyes turning into slits when you did and that adorable smile didn't go unnoticed by Tj as he was quick to take a peek as his fingers continued to play. "Teejaaaay,"
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The guests weren't around anymore, they all went home and it was only you and him. Probably Nana in the dining room, drowning in more glasses of Margaritas since you could hear glasses clinging from there. You intently watched his fingers move in such a professional manner. He got it in him. Tj got the talent even though he hadn't got to play for months now. It was still in his blood.
"You're one sexy mofo," You suddenly uttered lowly, completely out of your wits, followed by a giggle that made him do a double take. Your eyes squinting on his face, closely staring at your gorgeous boy.
He ceased his fingers from playing. A snort wanting to erupt from your sudden confession. "Aren't you..." He paused, his shoulders shaking from trying not to laugh at you because he knew how emotional you can get when you're drunk. "Is my little noodle buzzed right now?" Tj peered down into your eyes, ever so lovingly. Never forgetting to give you that wild feeling inside your stomach, making the butterflies fly.
"No," Your nose was scrunched from his question. You? Drunk? Never. Was he hallucinating? When does Y/N get drunk? "You're hilarious, Honey." His eyebrow rose from your sudden sweet endearment acompanied with a dash of sweet talking.
Definitely buzzed. He thought inside his mind, clearly noticing the sudden urge of being confident with yourself since you weren't like that all the time. He knew you were conservative, quiet and only sweet to him not to others.
Tj held the end of the piano cover, gently dropping the cover before glancing at you who seemed to be completely confused. "What??" You voiced out your confusion. "That's it? But, I wanted moreee!" Your voice faded, turning softer and more quiet. "Because you seemed to be so happy playing the piano again," you whispered to yourself. "I loooove your smiles,"
To your surprise, Tj caught on to what you said because it wasn't quite quiet as you thought it would. "I've been happy because you've never left me when I needed someone to be with me the most," he stared into your eyes, a lot more tender than he used to. A small smile pulling the ends of his lips that made you coo like you were a crazy mother supporting her son.
"Aww," You actually muttered out loud, pouting up at him and he couldn't help but touch the end of your nose with his fingertip, making himself chuckle from how you scrunched up your nose once again. "Look at chu', Teejaaay. Confessing the love you have for a worthless overseas worker who happened to work in a bakery shop in the morning, and a waitress in a bar when she gets her nightshift--"
Tj held your lips with his finger, shutting you up before you could start your emotional rant that could make his feelings take a turn, the constant heavy feeling for how you were thinking about yourself. He didn't want to hear your extreme critizations about who you are. It pains to hear you say all those words when in fact, you never saw how perfect you are in his eyes.
"I know you're drunk, but don't start and upset me, Y/N." He whispered very lowly, a frown was now visible on his features which made you reciprocate his expression.
You sighed, keeping your eye contact despite of your 'slight' intoxication. Just staring right through him, appreciating the once broken boy in front of you, still in recovery. That soft look in your eyes made him glance at your crusty ass lips that made him break his frown.
Keep in mind to give Y/N those lip balms he uses whenever he goes out. He smiled, slowly caressing your shoulder, down to your arm which made you pout up at him. Resisting the way he looks at you were one of your weaknesses because you never did anyway.
"I swear, if you don't make out with me in front of this piano, I'm--"
His eyes glimmered then turned into small crescents as he chuckled, sounding so heartfelt. "Here I thought you were one conservative lady," He raised a brow, looking and sounding so sassy. Just like your sassy Tj that you love so much.
"Surprise! I'm actually not one right now," You chatted him up nonchalantly, clicking your head to the side with a naughty smirk. "If only you could draw me like one of your french girls while I lay naked on this piano but I'm no French and you're certainly no painter--"
Tj cackled out loud, alarming your intoxicated self as you jumped on the piano seat. "Only my Y/N could drop the weirdest hints to make me french kiss her on this piano,"
Your heart was frantically jumping out of your chest. Was it probably the effect of alcohol? Or maybe it was honestly Tj's damn effect on your whipped self? "I actually said IN FRONT of this piano, but I have no complaints about making out with me on top of this oh-so-sleek piano--" You emphasized, gesturing on the piano in front of you. Tj couldn't help but shake his head from how funny and adoring you were acting tonight.
"Jesus Christ," He mumbled as you heard him chuckle. A small insect that flew on your nose distracted your current state of mind. Blasè from how you naturally slapped your own nose with your own hand, making you groan because it hurt.
Don't think it didn't go unnoticed by your boyfriend because it did, and he laughed even more.
"You're such a talkative noodle when you're drunk," To your surprise, you didn't see him stand up from his seat. "Tj--" And he basically captured you in his arms, instantly placing you on top of their piano that made all the heat travel towards your face. What if his mother sees the both of you in that 'thirsty' position? What will she think of you? Not that your mind could muster those things up right now because all its focus is on Tj and his sexy ass self. Nobody else.
"Eeeek! Tj!" You shrieked, shyly covering your lips with your hands, a smile never fading.
"Shut up," He uttered non-chalantly his next words stated as if it was a matter of fact. "That crusty ass lips needs a little dusting anyway,"
Your boyfriend and his sass. Thus, it was your time to raise a brow. "I am offended," He grinned, leaning in close, his cerulean blue eyes turning darker with the mischievous thought that he had in mind. "Preferably with my tongue," Tj added so smoothly before catching your lips with his.
You were currently in a whirlwind, with how Tj was kissing you? He was definitely a pro at it. Creating a world inside your mind that nobody could ever jump in. Just you and Tj. Your own little world.
Tj bit your lip, igniting a purr inside of you that made him grip your hips tight, turning on an imaginary switch that could make him go on and on, dangerously never wanting to stop. He chuckled a very low one once he got to lick your lips, teasing you which made you shuffle your legs and change your current sitting position. Boldly untangling your legs and propelling to have Tj between your thighs, making him oblige with no complaints because he was already used to it. Used to how you like him between your thighs every so often.
The way you tightly tug on his coat could define you as a cat wanting his or her owner for food. Definitely deprived and hungry for what Tj could give.
For you? He'll give you everything you wanted. Even the sun or the moon if he was being unrealistic.
"T-J?" You whispered, talking through his kisses and getting distracted by the sounds it creates from the way he was practically eating your face with closed eyes. Your hands instinctively took his face, keeping himself angled from where you could kiss him affectionately as you can, adding a little bit of tongue as you do even though you weren't quite used to it. Tj didn't mind though because he was quick to lap up your tongue back just like how you did.
Your spine shivered when you felt his fingers cascade on the side of your neck, clasping his fingers on your nape and keeping you there where he wanted. "You're," Peck. "the only," Smooch. "person," Bite. "who," A quiet giggle from the both of you "keeps me," Lick. "sane," Another deep kiss that drugged your kind soul.
A special drug that Tj could only effect you with it.
"The piano," Dougie sounded so done with everything, probably exactly exhausted from their engagement party and seeing his brother making out with his girlfriend certainly added more fatigue to the previous one. "Really, Tj?"
"God, I don't play the piano because you do those stuffs but Nana uses that for fucks sake,"
If it wasn't for Tj who happened to stopped the kisses, you guys wouldn't probably stop because you were too intoxicated and worked up to even know his brother was there. "A cockblocker," Tj backed his head a little, giving you space to breath. You felt him swipe the sides of your lips with his thumbs, erasing the smudge of your nude lipstick, paying no mind that his brother saw him making out with you. "As per usual," Your lover sounded unamused before finally giving his brother the attention he deserved.
"You guys..." Dougie gestured to the both of you before cringing, "were planning to...?" Tj nodded his head, his powdery blue eyes glimmering against the lights with euphoria. Definitely it was because of you.
"Yeah," He cocked his head to the side, playfully squinting his eyes at his brother and still sounding unamused. "Apparently, you're a cockblocker," His lips turn to a grin in which his brother has reciprocated as well. "Continuously giving me blue balls, Doug. You're the best," Tj added with a strong sense of sarcasm.
"Nana's gonna whoop your ass," Dougie chuckled, tugging on the lapels of his coat to flatten it up. "Anyway, mom needs to talk to you,"
You continued to stare at the beautiful man standing in between you with a dreamy glint in your eyes, never cutting off your attention to look at his brother. Heat travelled to your cheeks with your gal bladder twisting in a knot though that didn't stop you from staring at your boyfriend like a high school kid.
"I need to talk to her anyways," Tj informed his brother with a tiny raise of his brow, his attention solely on his brother who walked a foot closer to where you were. "Is it about the dome? did something happen?"
"Nah," Tj shook his head and he could feel you tugging on his shoulder. Slightly shaking to get his attention. "Just something important that I need to talk to her about,"
Dougie nodded, not wanting to dig deeper because apparently Thomas didn't want to tell him the details. He briefly looked at you, and he couldn't help but smile. Entirely amused by how you were asking Tj for help to take you to the bathrooms because you wanted to pee so bad.
"Y/N's drunk." Dougie responded as he watched Tj help you jump down the piano. "Well, that's a first,"
"You didn't need to state to obvious, Doug." Tj muttered with a chuckle. Feeling your arms surround him in a tight hug while humming at the same time. "I wanna pee, I wanna pee," You repeated, sniffing your boyfriend's sweet, masculine, vanilla perfume that you love so much.
"Oh, God. I didn't know she's like this when she's drunk." He tried stopping his giggle when you tried your best to tiptoe and sniff his delectable neck. Humming from how scenty his perfume was. He emitted a snort, jumping as he giggled like a kid as he took his palm to cover your lips. "You're tickling me, sweetheart!"
"Let me peeeeee, Hammondddddd..Or I'm biting you!" You slurred and sounded inaudible. Licking his palm at the same time in which he didn't find it gross and kept covering your lips. "Rawr!"
"God," Dougie facepalmed, keeping himself pretty composed but he couldn't help but still chuckle from your intoxicated state.
"Jesus Christ! Okay! Okay! We're going to take you to the bathrooms and you're gonna have your wondrous pee time," Tj talked you through, his amused eyes staring down at you with a tender smile and glimmer. "Got that, baby?"
You were quick to give him a shaky salute, a giggle never forgetting to travel way past your lips with a wiggle of your brows that made his brother glance at the both of you before spinning on his heels to walk away.
"Sir, yes--!" You hiccupped, giggling in the process with your eyes turning crescents. "--Baby--Sir?"
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"Thanks, mom. I really needed that discouragement,"
"Tj, you're being a little too head over heels with this Asian woman--"
"And now you're giving out negative complaints again even when I had a relationship with a man," Tj had his hands on his hips, seeming to appear stupified from all he was hearing from Elaine Hammond. The secretary of the state. A.K.A his mother.
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His eyes were bloodshot red, emotions currently in a mess and thoughts were in a haywire. "Do you even consider my happiness, mom?" He answered back, standing a foot away from his mother.
"Tj, honey," Elaine sounded defeated, a loud sigh escaping her lips. "You know I do,"
"Then why do you oppose me of marrying her?!" Her son's animosity kept her mouth shut. What was the problem with his decision? Why was she saying no to his decision even though he was already an adult? Old enough to think through his decisions in life?
Tj couldn't help but chuckle in anger before hastily shifting to rage that made him spit accidental profanities towards his mother. "She's not a fucking congressman who decided to give up on me and those kind of shit!"
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"You watch that language young man!" Elaine's eyes wanted to pop out of her eyesockets. They were not having this talk again.."It's just--" His mother stuttered, finding the right words so she wouldn't hurt her precious son. "What I actually wanted to point out is that it's too soon, son." She paused, taking another sigh when she saw him shake his head in disdain.
There had been a second of silence, waiting for her son to talk but Tj kept his mouth shut as he waits for her to finish her sweet scolding. "You're dating her for like," She thought for a second, counting the months that Y/N and Tj were together inside her head. "--a year? this was the first time we've got to talk again in person and this is what you surprise me with?" Elaine had a hint of distress in her voice. "A quick sudden marriage that you wanted to tie her up?"
Tj cut their eye contact. The floor currently more appealing to stare at rather than his unsupportive mother who found this very important decision in his life, very wrong for her. An utter mistake.
"Teejay, honey," She sweet talked, trying to make him feel better. "I...I just don't want the past to repeat itself, you know how it was when you dated Sean,"
Tj had his tongue poking on the insides of his cheeks. One of his defense mechanisms or ways to show that he was on the verge of crying. He puffed out air out of his mouth, entirely distressed from his mother's opposition.
He cleared his throat, emphasizing his words with some simple movements of his hands. Eyes completely irked by how things wouldn't go as planned. "But, she's different mom. She isn't like him. I've been clean for the past year!"
"That's what you said when you dated him back then," She deadpanned, reciprocating his gestures as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Mom," Tj sounded desperate. His eyes completely glossy under the incandescent lights. "I'm downright in love with her," He added, biting his lips as hard as how his mother's way of thinking was unwavered.
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Tj choked on his own words, cinching his eyebrows as he added. "--And I've never been this lovestruck with a woman for all my life," her son paused, taking a breather. "I love her too much that it'll hurt if she lets me go,"
Elaine shook her head in disappointment. "And your solution for that fear you feel is to marry the heck out of Y/N?" She spat. "Tj, do you even have a single trust for her?"
Tj couldn't help but groan internally, roughly pulling on the ends of his roots as he stared at his mother, entirely stupefied from how she was taking everything in. "I do, Mom! I do! I'm just scared that it'll happen again," Thomas honestly spoke, voice turning softer from opening a wound that was already healing. Even close to being healed. "Especially with her,"
Elaine was staring at her son with pity. Tj completely looked like a puppy who was in need of an owner, a pup who was deprived from love and care. His mother couldn't help the tears from starting to form because how can she let her once happy son end up that way? How could she?
Was she really a bad mother?
"She's special," Tj added desperately, eyes bloodshot red. "She saved my life," He choked, sniffing to himself as he washed his face with a hand. Pulling the strings of his fragile heart in misery. "Saved me from all the suicide attempts that I wanted to happen," pause. "Saved me from caging inside my fears, insecurities and darkness that was bound to trap me till I couldn't find my way out,"
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Tj’s Cerulean eyes were blazing with great dread and cracks that formed his soul. Confessing how he could be weak without this woman in front of his mom was giving him anxiety and hearing himself speak about Y/N was making his image look more delicate than ever. Yet, he gave zero fucks about it because when did his image became important anyways?
"Mom, I know she's the one for me," he croaked, swallowing the tight feeling inside his chest. A drop of warm tear fell on the side of his eyes, but he was quick to wipe it away a little roughly, blaming his soft heart because he was already crying. Again. "I don't give a damn about her ethnicity nor her race. I don't even care if she's rich or not because those things aren't important to me, "
Elaine Hammond got her tongue stuck in her throat as she saw her son in the verge of bawling his eyes out in front of her. There was more to his tears other than the fact that she was disapproving his decision about marriage. "All I care about is how she truly loves me back just the way I love her," Tj continued, voice cracking from his own words.
"Because that's what went wrong with the relationship that I had with Sean. Now, that I got everything in hand," he sighed, controlling the anger, sadness and disappointment all together. "Why would I even let her go?"
Was she really disapproving Tj's decision because she thought it was too soon for the both of them? Or was it because she sees him as her healing son who had his heart up his sleeve? Scared that he would actually break again and he wouldn't get to find the light anymore?
"Tj," Elaine started, shoulders and head straight as she was about to explain herself. "No, mom." her son cut her off, looking completely rigid. "You just don't want her to be a part of this family," Tj harshly spat.
"What's even wrong with her?" he was entirely skeptical at the idea of Y/N not being liked by his very own mother. It was much more dissatisfying when he heard the former president, specifically his father's who came barging in their conversation.
"Everything," Bud intervened and deadpanned, igniting the fire with more gas if that was even possible.
Tj could feel his nerves in a wreck. He was mad, frustrated for the hundred time because of his own family, especially towards his father. "We're not like you, dad! If you're worried because one of us may commit some fucking adultery like what you just did because I couldn't keep it in my pants--!"
"Thomas!" Elaine scolded and didn't let him finish his own sentence. She knew what he was going to say and there was no doubt that her son knew what his father did. It was not like it was a secret because it has been Bud's serious scandal back when he was still the president.
"So, you're teaming up with him now?!" said Tj, thoroughly upset by how their talk went.
"Thomas James Hammond! You are stepping in your boundaries!"
Tj shook his head in disdain, snickering from everything that was happening as of the moment. He faked a smile, a silhouette of another man coming from the kitchen. "Tj--" Dougie started, trying to understand both sides as he was hearing them out in the kitchen. The conversation was turning more heated and he knew if he didn't stop them then it'll get more nasty for the family.
"Even you too, Dougie?" his younger brother uttered, features getting hard and his cerulean eyes piercing through their skins.
"Fuck, this family is perfect!" His feigned laugh echoed through the room.
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You were in the comfort room, currently counting the small pimples on your face, scrunching your nose when you've counted more than ten. Definitely not a perfect woman for Thomas James Hammond and your drunk self is pondering why he was still staying with you when he could've had proportioned models or even sons or daughters of known politicians.
Nevertheless, he chose to stay with you. A woman who got nothing but a kind heart to offer.
You were lucky to have him all to yourself.
Hush exchanges and deep discussions started from the living room. You can hear Tj's sexy, sultry rough voice coming from that certain room. As you were walking through the hallway, you've heard him sternly say things about how his family didn't want you to be part of his, like his mother didn't wholeheartedly accept you.
With Bud's words, it was a guarantee that what he said was finally confirmed. He really didn't like you for his son.
Yes, you were lucky. But, not for his family.
"Tj--" Dougie started to explain, but Tj cut him off with a harsh spat.
"No, no, no. No one really gives a shit,"
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"Don't even bother coming to The Dome for its one year anniversary, go fucking throw all those invitations away for all I care!" Tj mumbled as he scrambled to his feet, he was completely drowning in his thoughts for you. He needed to find you because the room was beginning to choke him alive. "Even though, you all know how important you are to me,"
You were at the end of the room, hazy, dreary eyes seeing Tj striding across the room to find you. You fiddled with the lapels of his black coat resting on your shoulder. Basically, you looked like a drunk, kicked abandoned puppy who seemed to not be liked by his family.
A hug was all you wanted right now, and by the looks of your furious, teary eyed, healing Hammond, he desperately needs one too.
"Let's go, Y/N." Tj's warm, comforting hand grabbed yours. Roughly tugging you along in your heels. You were struggling in your shoes and by how fast and long his legs were. "T-Tj..Slow down, please?" you stuttered, alcohol running in your veins and it wasn't helping that the world was twirling in a vortex.
He abruptly stopped in front of their door, your forehead hitting his back with a soft thud. Automatically uttering a tender apology towards the latter. Tj spun in his heels, his long, soft, pretty fingers wrapping around your wrist a little too tightly. Probably because of his anger towards everything, yet you weren't complaining because you were too drunk to even retort. You were even numb from the alcohol and from the piercing words that went straight to the heart.
If only it was all but a dream..
"You guys are the fucking best," you heard Tj sarcastically spat towards his family who were shooting daggers at the both of you. They couldn't understand yet. No, not until they wanted to understand where Tj was coming from then they wouldn't get to.
They wouldn't get to because they've never understood him since he was in the white house.
Thomas James Hammond only needed love, understanding and affection. He just wanted to be loved. He has ever been a soft boy.
Y/N Y/L/N came along and gave him what he wanted, yet she wasn't downright accepted.
Just like TJ Hammond, and that was probably why they were good for each other.
Then the door slammed shut, vibrating their stunned souls. Nana revealed herself from the kitchen, a disappointed look on her pretty, aging face. She knew she liked Y/N's pure heart. More so for her grandson because she knew how he was whipped and ready to climb mountains for this woman.
Elaine's mother sipped on her martini, her voice cracking from age as she finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Elaine," she grabbed her daughter's attention. "You won't be getting to save Tj for the second time now because you've just showed how invalid he was. Y/N will." Elaine frowned tightly, trying hard not to roll her eyes as she was trying to process everything at hand.
Margaret huffed as she glanced at Elaine's ex-husband. "As for you, Bud.." She eventually snickered, twirling the glass in her feeble hands with a stressed out tone.
"You're a dick,”
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angstymarshmallow · 6 years
Tagged - 20 Questions
Okay Elle @the-everlasting-dream, my dearest - since you tagged me; here we go :’)
1. When/what age did you start writing? Probably as early as I can remember. I was always in love with the ideas of stories; of the kinds I could create because I loved making up characters. So probably around 9 or 10 is the first memory I really have of really trying to write stories with a pencil and paper. 
2. What inspired you to start? As a child it had a lot to do with seeing television shows and reading books that really inspired me to want to write my own. And eventually it kind of spiraled from there, except this time I’m sparked by my imagination.
3. Where and when does inspiration usually strike you? Everywhere. When I’m listening to music, when I’m just about ready to fall asleep, when I’m in the middle of a show or even just talking with someone; something just goes off inside my head like yup this is a good time to think and day dream about this.
4. Where and when do you usually to write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed? Mostly in the theatre? room of my home. Usually at wee hours of the night/ morning, that’s when my imagination really comes alive.I can also write a lot in the morning as well but I’m less productive. I used to write in bed a lot but mostly its wherever I can; usually in a sitting position.
5. Do you listen to music while writing? If so what genre/playlist? I’ve started listening to music while writing, especially if a song specifically speaks to me and especially for fanfiction. It kind of just depends though, I still for the most part prefer silence - mostly i end up tuning everything out at some point if it feels too loud. I listen to a lot of folk music, some pop, indie - Jane @irlquinnkelly made this awesome playlist for me recently and I’ve been really listening to that too lol.
6. Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other? Definitely angst. Nothing speaks to me more than getting my heart broken or twisted. I really like feeling something for a character’s circumstances. But I also enjoy good fluff and nsfw as well.
7. Which category do you find most challenging to write? Fluff. I write it sometimes, more recently but I can never really tell if it feels authentic. I really only hope it does and go from there. Humour is kind of hard to write too, but I don’t force it - if the characters calls for it, well then it happens.
8. If you had to pick your favourite Choices book, which one would it be and why? For awhile it was Most Wanted, because everything about that book is so damned brilliant. Now it’s mostly The Royal Romance. I’ve written so much fanfiction about it lmao, and I really just genuinely enjoy the story. It’s got such good characters that you can’t help but love and the plot isn’t hard to follow.
9. If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one!) would you personally want to be with? Probably Seth. We’d have so much in common; we’re both huge dorks, we both make references to video games (sometimes) obscure, we both enjoy roleplaying board games and we’re both into humour! Seriously, he’s adorable and I feel like we’d have good chemistry.
10. Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs?  Pics/selfies optional :)Not really no. On a general level, I try not to make my MCs too much like any given person. They’re their own people that just live inside my head - sure there coincidences mostly accidental lol and I guess on some level we share some familiarity but physically - nope.
11. Which MC do you share the most personality traits with? I’ve been told I’m a bit like my TRR MC Robyn aha, which makes me happy because she’s super awesome! But I don’t really see myself sharing a lot of personality traits with any of MCs. I mean yeah, there are some similarities again- but my mind is kinda coming up blank.
12. Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality? I think (and I’ve ah been told,) I genuinely get Drake pretty well in terms of personality. 
13. What’s your favourite choices pairing to write for? Definitely Drake and Robyn, with Dia and Zig a close second. BUT. Thomas and Tatum are starting to give them a run for their money aha - I know I should choose one, but I love these three a lot so this makes it so hard :’(.
14. What is a pairing/s you hope to start writing for? I would love to write more Grant x MC material; but they aren’t a couple that a lot of people enjoy. I would love to write some Mr. Sinclaire x MC too.
15. What do you hope to improve in your writing? Everything. I’m always striving to be better with everything - whether its attention to detail, or editing (because sometimes I go back and cringe at awkward sentences I’ve created or dialogue that just doesn’t...?) or for emotional appeal because I want readers to laugh and cry, to feel something so strongly that they embody that character - I genuinely believe the more you practice, the better you are at something. And that something for me is everything.
16. Any pet peeves related to writing? Grammar and spelling or huge for me, if I see something more than a few times, I immediately stop reading because it’s such a hugee turn off for me lol. I’ve seen some great second person narrative but on a general level I don’t particularly enjoy them in fanfiction.
17. Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share? Similar feelings sure - it’s hard not to pour your heart out, to work whatever you’re going through in your writing (at least for me anyway), but not specific personal experiences because my characters are their own y’know?
18. Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope once day you’ll be able to be up to that standard? Nothing in particular that I can think of other than my own personal favourite authors that have always emotionally gotten me invested and have gripped me from nearly the beginning every time.  
19. Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones? Nope just choices aha.
20. In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue? Reading (not as much as I used to), video games, board-games, writing poetry, a bit of drawing - I’m trying to learn html but my attention span is so wack sometimes...ah kickboxing lots and lots of kickboxing. And I think that’s all I can think of.
Share and tag your favourite writers!
@hellomynameisdeviblaire @mrswalkerwrites, @blazerina, @choicessa, @irlquinnkelly, @tmarie82, @boneandfur, @i-dream-so-i-write, @nerdpossible, @losrchester (I miss her writing) @mewly (I loved what you showed me and I need moreee) - I can’t think of anyone else at the moment, but there’s so many great writers in this fandom, I’m just very bad at checking tags for fics I want to read ahhhh. 
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