ℱ𝕝𝕒𝕟 ☄ she/her!
129 posts
If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look of how he treats his inferiors, not his equals (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) If you are going to re-post any of what I write, please talk to me before doing it 🥺 and if you do it tag me in IG at @faustrinus!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
faustrinus · 4 years ago
wait its that bad in india????
as of 22nd April 2021 we have about 16.3M total cases and a death toll of 187K . Only about 1.4% of the population has been fully vaccinated yet.
on top of that, we've been facing a major shortage in oxygen supply (to the point where the govt has decided to airlift oxygen from other nations), a shortage in hospital beds and services. The numbers keep rising and with the spread of the new strain, the scenario has transformed into something deadlier than ever.
our infrastructures are falling apart and we need all the help possible at this very moment so the nation can be atleast saved when there's still a chance. I've already lost two of my friends, a teacher and family to the second wave and I can only imagine how much worse it can get. so i would like to take this opportunity to link in some donation posts below–
> Here is Akshaya Patra's Covid-19 relief service— help provide meals and packed grocery to those in need
Getting the word out at this time of crisis matters.
Please reblog and help
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzfeed Unsolved
James: Last chance! we’re going to take the treasure if you don’t tell us where it is. Remus: So you’re... threatening to take the treasure... if he doesn’t tell you where the treasure is? James: That’s right! don’t poke holes in it. Remus: Okay, I’m just making sure, it just doesn’t seem like a very- James: I’m just trying to spook him. Remus: ...Okay.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Sirius: Did you not get spanked when you were a kid? James: No. Sirius: That makes a lot of sense, actually.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
James: What If I just make nonsense noises right now? James: BBLOLBBLOBLBOBLBOLOO? [in the next room] Remus: What the fuck is going on down there... James: GOOBLBOLOUEEBLOEUE? Remus: I think we’ve lost him.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Peter: I would be a pleasant ghost, I’d like pour people tea and stuff like that. Sirius: What? Peter: Or I’d chores around the house. Remus: There’s no- Peter: They’d be like “woah, all my laundry is folded, how about that, thanks Peter!” and I’d tip my cap and I’d tapdance out of the room. James: You sound fun! Peter: Yeah, right? doesn’t that sound great? wouldn’t you like to be haunted by me?
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Peter: The hotel as a whole seems to be active, visitors and employees claim that door lock themselves shut, footsteps can be heard, shadows follow you... Remus: Shadows do tend to follow you, though. That’s sort of how they work.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Remus: I can’t see the top of my head, so I don’t know. Sirius: No one can see the top of your head except God.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Remus: It’s got mystery, it’s got history, and it’s got a train. Peter: You a big train guy? Remus: Yeah, I’m a big fan of train mysteries. They’re among my favorites. James: Well in that case... James: ALL ABOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD!
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
Sirius: What if you call out for me down there, I don’t respond, and when you find me, I’m just standing in the corner. Remus: I’m gonna close the door and leave. Sirius: You’re gonna- you would just leave me?!
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
James: One time...I cut up an avocado, and there was a lot of meat left on the pit. And I put the- the avocado pit in my mouth.  Peter: The entire pit? you put the en- James: Yeah, and I started to just- kinda- *chewing sounds* Peter: Yeah... James: To get the meat off of it? and at that moment I was like “If I sneezed right now...this thing would lodge into my throat” and ever since then I’ve kinda been terrified of avocados. James: But! the other thing is, I always thought, what if I did die then?
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzfeed Unsolved
Remus: Alright, we are in the kitchen. James: Please turn the light on for us. Sirius: Please don’t... please don’t do it. James: Demoooon...? Peter: Stop calling it that! James: demon! Peter: Stop it! stop talking to it! James: No, I just wanna talk to the demons! James: We met a pal named father.... Albus. He told us not to talk to you but I think you guys are swell. 
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
The Marauders as Buzzfeed Unsolved
I’m sorry if someone already did this, but I needed to, it was just so good to ignore. James: Why do you not believe ghosts are real? Remus: Uh, I’ve never seen one. James: okay- I mean, there is a lot of things that you can’t see that you- are real, I feel like. Remus: What can’t I see? James: You can’t see gravity, that’s real. Remus: Yeah, I can drop an apple. James: ...Fuck.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
Non-magical AU, Poet!Remus and Musician!Sirius
A continuation :D • After their last encounter, Sirius's “little” crush with Remus has become quite the inspiration for writing songs. In his lyrics, he compares Remus's freckles to the beautiful stars he used to stare at while living in his abusive home, the man's eyes shining like the moon in the darkest of nights. While looking at his face, the universe felt like it could not compete with such stunning beauty, not even after a hundred’s years. It the galaxy was as unknown an infinite as people said, then Remus was a galaxy. He had the ability to rip his heart out of his chest and decipher the words it was trying to say, making a beautiful map of who he was, truly. That made Sirius weak at his knees. • He was very embarrassed when James read the lyrics and started laughing because, “I can’t believe you are already in love with him after one date!” “I’m not in love with him, James!” • But the funny thing is, it has become the same for Remus. As he slowly traces the edge of the sheet of paper where he is writing, he realizes all his most recent poems were about a black-haired man with a magical voice. A voice that could lure people to feel desperate and content at the same, a voice that could sink hearts, just like mermaids can sink ships and the people inside of it. Sometimes, Sirius’s voice was like a warm and welcoming embrace after you had a long day, but then it could shift and become the dagger behind your back, keeping you awake. • Even though they clearly had it bad for each other (James noticed, Peter noticed, Remus's friend, Lily, noticed too) they kept their feelings shut for some time, writing letters that every day would become more and more personal. • One day, something happened. Right on top of Remus's letter, was another letter. It was smaller, and more refined. In big capital letters, the initials RB were written. • Sirius froze, he knew exactly who wrote that letter, his younger brother. He and Regulus stopped being in contact once Sirius finished school, but they stopped talking long time ago before that, back then when Sirius ran away and took refuge with the Potter family. Regulus took that as a betrayal, and he stopped acknowledging Sirius's presence when they were in the same room. • And now he had sent a letter. A letter to Sirius. He felt strange seen his brother’s handwriting again after so much time without seeing it, but at the same time a feeling of relief was taking over his body as he grasped the paper with strength. He was still alive. • He was so scared that something was going to happen to him after he left the house, that piece of paper was the proof he needed to confirm his brother was okay. Surprisingly, the only information it contained was an address. • Sirius knew that address; it was the place where he and Remus had met the last time, and the memory brought colour to his face. He still felt embarrassed when thinking about how he made a fool out of himself by acting like a teenager having his first crush. • But he had no time to be blushing about something that happened weeks ago. If his brother had sent him that letter, he had a reason to. So, he grabbed his coat and left quickly, wishing that his instincts were right. • When he arrived at the place, even without entering, he saw the figure that was drinking a cup of tea close to the window. He was holding an old book while he drank. Regulus. • Sirius entered without thinking twice, but thanks to being rushed, he tripped over a napkin in the floor, and ended up falling on top of someone. • And, oh, what a surprise. It was Remus. What a lucky event. • Remus noticed immediately that it was Sirius because who could have not recognized the tattoos in his arms, his long hair, his- well, yeah, Remus pretty much memorized how the vocalist looked. “Oh, are you okay?” “Me? Oh, yeah, just… fell, silly thing. I am sorry, I didn’t expect to see you here.” • Sirius was clearly panicking, and Remus noticed it, and he couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. While he did that, Sirius remembered something. • And when he lifted his gaze, his brother was staring directly at him. • His face went even redder. • “Maybe we should… distant ourselves. Wouldn’t like that pretty face of yours to become permanently red. Not that I do not like it, though.” • Did Remus just flirted with him?? Right in front of his brother?? Sirius was going to explode. • Luckily, without exploding, he was able to get up, gaining a few glances from the people that were sitting there while he helped Remus get up too. • Regulus was still staring, and Sirius didn’t know if he could take it any longer. So, he did the last thing he could think about. • “Do you want to start our second date today?” • Remus was taken by surprise, his eyes widening. He was planning on asking Sirius on another date, but he didn’t expect it to happen so soon. But of course, he accepted. • As they sat down at a table nearby, Sirius could feel how Regulus’s eyes were piercing through his back. • He was pretty sure that Remus could sense it too, a question mark appearing all over his features. • And the cherry on top: Regulus was walking towards their table. • Sirius was about to run away from the shop, scared of what Regulus might think. What If he wanted to tell him something, but after seeing him with Remus he changed his mind? What if he wasn’t supportive? It would have been devastating to have his heart broken thanks to his family again. • But he didn’t have enough time, and in a quick movement, his brother was already there. One eyebrow arched at Remus. • Sirius was panicking. He didn’t want to make himself look stupid in front of Remus, but he also didn’t want to end in bad terms with Regulus again. • Luckily (or unluckily) Remus was the first to talk, speaking directly to Regulus. “I’m sorry… can we help you with something?” “I want to talk to my brother.” • Oh. Now Remus was looking at Sirius's and Regulus's face, alternating between the two. He was putting the pieces together, after all, those two DID look quite alike, so it was surprising for him to not have noticed it before.   • The oldest of the Black's mind was a mess. Full of thoughts like, what is going Remus to think about me now? Will Regulus get mad at me? • To Sirius's relief, Remus didn’t seem that… in shock. He got up, excusing himself with a quick bow, smiling at Sirius, and then kissing his cheek. He said he was going to the bathroom to not interrupt the two. • He had just left when Regulus broke into laughter. • Sirius was really confused. • “Why were you so nervous? Were you planning on ditching me to go to a date?” • Regulus sat down and started explaining first. Even though between the two of the brothers he seemed calmer, he was still fidgeting with one of the buttons on his sleeve. They slowly started to open up, trying to fill out the years where they were absent in each other lives. • Then, a crazy idea appeared in Sirius’s mind. • And, of course, since he didn’t have any rational control about his actions left, he did it. As soon as Remus came back, he left the table, saying he also wanted to go to the bathroom and was waiting for Remus to not leave Regulus alone. • He spent about five minutes in the bathroom, just to go out and find Remus and Regulus talking excitedly about something he couldn’t pinpoint. • They were laughing and smiling, and Sirius just knew. • Things would get better with them by his side.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
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In many cultures, ethnic groups, and nations around the world, hair is considered a source of power and prestige. African people brought these traditions and beliefs to the Americas and passed them down through the generations.
In my mother’s family (Black Americans from rural South Carolina) the women don’t cut their hair off unless absolutely necessary (i.e damage or routine trimming). Long hair is considered a symbol of beauty and power; my mother often told me that our hair holds our strength and power. Though my mother’s family has been American born for several generations, it is fascinating to see the beliefs and traditions of our African ancestors passed down. We are emotionally and spiritually attached to our hair, cutting it only with the knowledge that we are starting completely clean and removing stagnant energy.
Couple this with the forced removal and covering of our hair from the times of slavery and onward, and you can see why so many Black women and men alike take such pride and care in their natural hair and love to adorn our heads with wigs, weaves, braids, twists, accessories, and sharp designs.
Hair is not just hair in African diaspora cultures, and this is why the appropriation and stigma surrounding our hair is so harmful.
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
God okay so I’m going to say this now; PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not risk your health or anyone’s in the form of getting a “cheap” binder of ebay or where ever. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE save your $4-$10 dollars for those cheap ebay ones and put it towards a gc2b binder. Or if you want an Underworks go for that but I highly suggest gc2b. They’re about $40 (with shipping) and will last you WAY longer than any cheap ebay one. They are MEANT for lasting you. I wash mine many times week, wear it daily, Wear them daily. I have two. Had them for almost a year now. But I cannot urge you enough to PLEASE save up your pennies for a PROPER SAFE binder. Binders you can breathe in, binders you can move in, binders that don’t crush your ribs, binders that are comfortable, binders that are safe.
This isn’t a safe binder:
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It uses clasps and not compression.
This is a c2b binder; made by trans people for trans people:
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These binders have no clasps but uses spandex to compress you safety. 
Measure your chest before ordering to make sure you don’t get one too small or too large.
UPDATE (06/12)
I wanted to add more information on where you can buy binders and info in general about binders
You can buy binders from these sites
@gc2b-apparel​ (OPs #1 Recommendation)
http://www.f2mbinders.com/ (AKA underworks)
Used Binders
If you can’t afford a binder, don’t despair! Used binders are often passed on by post-op trans men or those whose binders may no longer fit. There are a few programs available that help distribute donated second-hand binders:
In A Bind – Started in 2012, to date In a Bind has provided safe compression garments to over 1500 youth in need. Trans* masculine and genderqueer youth living anywhere in the USA can apply to receive a free binder. In a Bind depends on donations. Recently had top surgery? Go up or down a size? Find a style that works better for you? Donate those binders you’re no longer using!
Black Trans Advocacy FTM Binder Grant
MORF Binder Exchange – Since February 2011, MORF has been providing free binders to trans* masculine people in the UK and around the world. The free scheme (all you pay is the postage) has so far redistributed hundreds of binders. In 2014 alone, over 280 binders were sent out.
FTME Free Youth Binder Program – Age 24 and under only; USA only.
Replace the Ace – USA only
Big Brothers Used Binder Program – Donation required
Mazzoni Center’s Binder Recycling Program – Only for youth enrolled in P.A.C.T.S., Philadelphia.
Point 5cc Tshirt Company – Free binder with purchase of t-shirt
Come As You Are’s Binder Bucks Recycling Program – Canada only
Qmunity Binder Exchange – BC, Canada only.
Trans Fellas
Northern Ireland Binder Scheme –  Age 25 and under, N. Ireland only.
You can also try asking around for an inexpensive hand-me-down binder on one of themailing lists for trans guys or check out LiveJournal’s FTM Garage Sale and the FtM Sales, Swap, and Support group on Facebook.
How to Choose a Chest Binder
If you still remember your old bra size, you can find out your binder size by using theBra to Chest Size Converter Tool. If you don’t know your old bra size, you can measure yourself the old-fashioned way:
Take a snug measurement of the fullest part of your chest using a tape measure (best if measured while clothed) and write that number down onto a sheet of paper.
Measure underneath your chest where the crease is and write that number down as well.
Add those numbers together and divide the sum by 2. This number will differentiate your size not only from brand to brand but from binder to binder as well.
Selecting a binder brand and style can be difficult: there are so many options that it can be overwhelming! Plus, there aren’t very many reviews of binders other than those about Underworks’ and T-Kingdom’s more popular models. After buying your binder, help make the experience easier for guys in the future by contributing your review to one of the review sites listed below.
Essentially, there are two types of binders: short ones and long ones. The short ones end right at your waist. The down side of these is that if you carry some extra weight, short binders tend to roll up and act more like a bra. The long ones can be pulled down past your waist by several inches, however it’s inevitable that it will still roll up. To reduce the chances of this, wear a belt. Choosing between a short and long binder has more to do with your body type, specifically your abdomen, and not your chest size.
Lastly, consider the location of the company you’re buying from. Buying from a company that’s closer to you can save you a significant amount of money on shipping costs.
How to Put On a Chest Binder
It might seem silly, but you’re probably going to need some help figuring out how to put on your new binder, particularly if you purchased one of the longer styles.
Put your binder inside out and upside down.
Step into your binder and pull the bottom of it up, ideally to your belt line. The binder should still be inside out and upside down.
Use the sleeves as handles to pull the top of the binder (the end closer to your feet) up to your shoulders.
Put your arms through the sleeve holes and adjust your chest to your needs. You may need to pull the bottom of the binder out from underneath itself if you don’t want it folded under. For others, leaving it folded under may help stop the binder from rolling up.
Don’t be disappointed if you look in the mirror and it looks like you have one big boob in the middle of your chest. You just need to adjust your chest. Reach in from the neck hole and push your chesticles down and out. You’re basically pushing your nipple toward your armpit to achieve the flattest looking chest possible.
FTM Chest Binding Tips
Very important: When binding, you should not by any means feel as though you can’t breathe or like you’re going to pass out from a lack of oxygen.
Binders aren’t the most comfortable things in the world. To make binding more comfortable, and to reduce the possibility of the binder moving around a bit, some guys wear a light shirt underneath.
Depending on the size of your chest, you may need to layer clothing on top of the binder to get optimal chest flattening. You’ll find that some of the shirts in your closet require you to layer more than shirts in your wardrobe.
You can swim in your binder. Just wear a sleeveless or sleeved T-shirt over it. Don’t worry if your binder seems less effective after a swim, this isn’t permanent. Simply wash it and it will go back to normal.
Your chest will look bigger than it really is when you look down at it. Check in the mirror for a more accurate side view.
Not all binders breathe well, and the reality is that you’re probably going to get hot. If you’ve already started testosterone, you’re definitely going to sweat. The build up of sweat can irritate your skin causing rashes and sores. Wearing a thin cotton shirt that breathes well underneath your binder may help prevent this. If you find this uncomfortable, try applying corn starch to your body before putting on your binder to help keep it from holding in moisture. If you’ve already experienced skin irritation of some sort, take care of it the same way you would an open wound. Washing the irritated area with anti-bacterial soap will keep it clean and help it heal faster.
Chest binding, as cumbersome as it may seem, can be very freeing for transgender men. There’s a plethora of quality FTM chest binding products available for body types of all shapes and sizes. Regardless of what you use for binding, please remember to put your health first. Now that you’re armed with all the information you need to find the right binder for you, go forth and feel more comfortable in your skin!
FTM Chest Binder Reviews
Chest Binder Reviews Site: Written reviews of various chest binding products. Binders are rated for effectiveness, comfort, and discreetness.
Binder Reviews’ YouTube Collab Channel: This is a collab channel dedicated to providing reviews of a wide variety of chest binders on different sizes and shapes of people.
(Note: These sites are no longer updated.)
More FTM Chest Binding Resources
Binding Safely for Your Body: Tips for All Body Types and Sizes
The 6 Best Tips for Binding in the Summer
Hudson’s Guide to FTM Binding: Includes a complete list of other products you can use for chest binding, such as compression garments and sports bras.
FYI Binding Tips: The Butchelor has some useful tips on how to put on a binder, how to keep it from rolling up, and how to wash a binder.
Do you have any tips about binding? Want to share your experience with a particular binder brand or model? Do you know of other binder manufacturers, particularly those outside of Asia and the US? Please leave your comments below.
Last updated: 05/20/16 (x)
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
harry potter au where everything is the same but instead of quidditch they just play ping pong
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faustrinus · 4 years ago
just to be clear, the fact that music was nominated for a golden globe is absolutely disgusting. every single (adult) involved in that gross, ableist movie should be sickened by themselves.
for those of you who don't know, music (2021) is a movie being directed by sia about a nonverable autistic girl. not only does it not include any actually autistic people in the movie itself but it also only took advice from autism speaks which is looked at as a hate group by the majority of the autistic community. leaked scenes have also shown the movie glorifying prone restraints which are incredibly dangerous and have resulted in major injuries and even death to disabled people as recently as last year.
autistic people just like me have been incredibly outspoken about how harmful this movie is but the allistic have been mostly silent. we are already seeing reviews calling this movie 'inspiring' and important' and it's absolutely horrific! we need your help calling this out. please stand with us and call out this disgusting display of disrespect to autistic folks.
💛 - your local actually autistic pal
p.s. please, please reblog if you aren't autistic.
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