#i need to invest in some rechargeable batteries
uselessvaldemarsimp · 21 days
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aliesbienish · 2 months
Benedict Bridgerton with wife reader. With "Oh god, it’s been such a hard day. I missed you so much.” He says as he kisses the living heck out of her and drags her to their bed and surprises her. Just do however you want. Thanks!! :))
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Not to be dramatic but you were counting the minutes until Benedict got home. He was off playing pretend Viscount, thanks to Anthony and Kate being overseas in India. You knew how much he despised it but, and he likely would never admit to anyone but you, it had given him a lot of new found appreciation for his older brother. You also despised his fill in role as family business seriously cut into the time you got to spend with your husband. It wasn't just like being away from your love, but it was also being separated from your best friend.
Today you knew would be particularly taxing for Benedict. He had to deal with some particularly slimy lords who thought they could be cunning and coax him to invest Bridgerton money in their schemes while Anthony was away. Ben had been dreading it for days.
It was well past dark out before you finally heard his carriage roll in. Mere moments after it halted he was walking through the sitting room door, a tired smile gracing his face as he saw you.
"Oh god my love, it has been such a hard day. I missed you so much," He greeted before gently bring your face towards his. Soft lips meet you own as you kissed like you hadn't seen each other in months, bodies pressed together. "I never want to be apart again," He declared when you both finally surfaced for a breath.
He took your hand in his and gently tugged you off the sofa, leading you up the stairs towards the chamber your shared.
"Ben, don't you want something for tea after such a long day?"
"Not at all my darling wife, right now I just need to be with you to recharge my energy."
Once in your rooms you both peeled off your respective clothes, and you let down your pinned hair. Joining each other in bed, Ben rested against the headboard wrapping you in his arms against his bare chest.
Once comfortable you just talked about your respective days. You happily giving opinions on the business deals or lack there of, Ben discussing exactly what you will be doing on your next free day together. It was warm and easy, and you were both so happy to be together.
As a massive introvert I think the sweetest thing is someone saying that being around you recharges their battery. So basically Anon I'm sorry if you were leaning to something more smutty, I am apparently feeling very soft today. xx
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idk how many people are invested in my ramble-y pulp posts but in case anyone is, I just wanted to say that I want to do one for TSITS part 3 to wrap it up but it will take me a little bit, lol. I need some more time to process everything and recharge my batteries so I'm working on a bit of pulp art rn & I'll probably get to typing after I finish my wip. 😊👍
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skzoologist · 9 months
Hiya (●’◡’●)ノ, I see your looking for requests 😁. So I'm stopping by to drop off an idea for ya. Soooo I was think bae getting some much needed comfort from channie 😍maybe he has a really bad headache and just needs some good old cuddles (usually helps me 😅) & or anything with chan comforting bae 🥰
word count: ~1.2k
warnings: none
genre: fluff, comfort
a/n: Heya dear, you're right, thank you for giving me this cute request! I have a soft spot for Chan, so I accidentally went overboard, but he is such a good candidate for writing fluff that I don't even mind. Cuddles are indeed good for headaches usually!
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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All the members were at their dorms, well, at one, since they just decided to all pile up in only one and hang out, making the best they could out of the little freetime they had. 
Minho and Hyunjin were lazing around on the sofa, watching some kind of drama they had started together. The cat draped his legs over the weasel’s lap, the latter seemingly undisturbed and fully invested in the storyline. Seungmin and Felix could be found on that same furniture as the other two, although their attention was elsewhere. The puppy was scrolling on his phone, the device on the verge of slipping out of his tired hand and falling onto his face. The little chick was snuggled into his side, already asleep and softly snoring away. 
Jeongin was nowhere to be seen, probably holed up in Felix’s room, as the boy had free access to one of his hyung’s devices at last -it had taken a lot of convincing, but he had succeeded-. Similarly, Jisung was hidden away in another room, his, to be more exact, either recharging his social batteries or sleeping the day away, nobody was truly sure. Changbin could be found in the kitchen, mixing up another cursed protein shake of his and giving everyone else another prime nightmare material, while Chan was just peacefully sitting in an armchair nearby, watching over his kids with adoration swimming in his eyes.
Amidst all that was Bae, quietly curled up on the other end of the sofa, watching the slightly blurry screen filled with all kinds of colours and listening to those increasingly annoying sounds that accompanied them. It all had only started recently, a soft pressure building up behind his eyes and forehead, yet it never reached past a certain limit. A fact that soothed his racing heart, knowing it wasn’t another migraine, just a simple headache, although still annoying to deal with.
It soured his mood of course, but it was nothing he couldn't handle, he kept telling himself. The warm hand placed on his shin was pleasantly anchoring as well, reminding him to occasionally blink and smooth out the slightly creased skin that stretched over his forehead. Hyunjin always had that effect on him, so Bae knew he would be fine, the ache would soon fade away into nothingness.
That was until Jisung came out of his room, vibrating with energy and excitedly moving his phone around in a wide angle.
“See? I told you guys we were all just chilling here, well, besides Innie. Even Minho and Bae hyung are here!” - at that, the lil quokka pointed the device at them, making Minho lazily raise an arm as a greeting and Bae shyly wave, too tired to do more.
Jisung went around and showed what everyone had been doing, chatting with STAYs and dragging the others in it as well. And with that, of course, came the loudness, their voices all raising either from excitement or due to another playful argument that had broken out.
Normally, Bae wouldn’t have minded and just went on with his own business, or even let himself be roped into the roughhousing, if he was in a more playful mood.
But not today.
That pressure behind his skull increased, viciously biting at his nerves and pushing at his organs, as if it was trying to make itself more room to live there permanently. It took him all his strength to stop the edges of his lips from dipping, to prevent the others and their fans from seeing that expression painted upon his face.
His jaw clenched, teeth harshly grinding into each other at hearing Changbin’s shrill laughter, a sound he usually adored, yet found annoying at that moment.
“I’ll be in my room.” - he murmured out, not particularly caring if anyone had heard him.
He had to get out of there, before his thoughts turned into hurtful words and cut into anyone. That was a fate he wanted to avoid at all cost.
His dim room was a sight for sore eyes, the blue, see-through curtains casting a refreshing, cerulean shade over everything. Yet, the depths of his soul yearned for less, for more darkness, so his feet carried him over to the windows, only to close the heavy curtains and shut out any light from the closed off space.
With a single click, the gentle lights on his walls lit up, granting just the amount he needed to not feel completely alone in the engulfing darkness.
A huff left his lips once he had quite literally fallen into his bed, the ends of his long legs dangling off the edge, but he didn’t care. The covers felt cool against his slightly flushed skin, making him practically melt into the fabric right then and there. He could feel his joints pop as he relaxed at last, the members’ loud voices now further away and nearly non-existent. A pang hit him in the heart at that, hating how this annoying headache was making him feel about the things he loved.
Just as he was about to finally move and lay down on his bed properly, his door quietly opened, someone shuffling through.
The bed dipped down near him, a careful hand coming up to his hair and caressing it, only after waiting for a few, long seconds.
“What’s up, baby?” - Chan’s soft voice reached his ears, no anger or disappointment could be felt from it.
No, the sound was as gentle as ever, dancing around Bae as if it was a protective blanket, hugging his fragile self.
With a raise of his head, the otter looked around, making sure no one else was there, especially not with a camera. Not seeing anyone, his shoulders sagged in relief, eyes meeting with his leader’s dark ones. Brown and black swirled and played around with each other, creating a new level of warmthness that Bae yearned for.
“Headache.” - he muttered out, already sitting up and crawling into Chan’s arms, the latter opening them without a question. “Figured as much, you had that look on ya. D’you want me to get some meds or water?”
Bae made some noises of disagreement, the mere thought of speaking much too taxing at that moment. Chan just hummed, closing his arms around his dongsaeng tighter, only loosening his hold when he was moving themselves up to the bed properly, his back now resting against the headboard.
With the new, much more comfortable position, Bae practically crawled under his elder’s skin, the warmth it emitted impossible to deny. Even his nose was pressed up against the other’s pulse point, the skin jumping up and down in a pleasant rhythm there and calming down his own racing pulse. A hand was carding gently through his long strands of dark hair, occasionally scratching at the skin there and granting him that oh so wonderful bliss, all the while Chan’s other limb was holding onto him, as if a steel anchor miraculously stopping a ship in a raging storm.
That annoying pressure behind his eyelids was already becoming more bearable, as if Chan’s presence was a warding spell in itself.
But when the leader started oh so softly, oh so quietly humming, the pain had practically disappeared, soon lulling Bae into the happy lands of dreams and wishes.
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
I'm trying to design a photography studio that will suit my needs. I'm trying to make sure it is simple and easy to maintain. I'm trying to eliminate wires and anything that would require getting up and down a lot.
My previous studio was way too complicated. And it was very small so moving around required a lot of labored movements. Always stepping over cords and having to shimmy behind lights and ducking under stuff.
It took me about 30 minutes to set up the studio before I could even start taking photos.
Upstairs I will have a lot more room for activities and I think I can set things up to where I just flip on the lights and start taking photos with minimal fuss. I think I'm also going to try to put everything on wheels.
EVERYTHING will have wheeeeels.
Camera on wheels.
Lights on wheels.
I'm going to wear roller skates.
Wheels galore.
I'm deep into research mode. I'm actually finding some reasonably priced equipment. There are some great deals on lighting these days. And I might try to find some used items as well.
But it is hard not to drool over the super fancy stuff.
Believe it or not, this is a "budget" lighting kit.
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That is the Chinese version that was "inspired" by this.
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And that's only one light.
If you think about a flash that you see on top of cameras, all of the power bits are in the same device as the flashy bits. Whereas these packs put all of the power in a contained unit and just let the light be a light.
It's a great deal more powerful. You don't have to wait for it to recharge in between flashes. It has fancy functions like a super fast flash duration so you could almost photograph a bullet in mid-air. And the actual light is much lighter because all of the power guts are separate. These packs last for decades too. There are photographers with 20 year old gear that is still pumping out light like the day they bought it. And considering the abuse a high end studio would put on their lights, the premium cost is probably worth the investment.
But I'm probably going to have to get something a bit more... economically viable.
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It has the power bits and the flashy bits and a powerful "modeling lamp" that lets you see what your light will do when it actually flashes.
They put a light in my light so I can see what my light will do.
Unlike my old studio lights, this can be controlled with a little thing on top of my camera. Or I can use an app on my phone. So I don't have to get up and down to adjust the power.
So... is 8 times more power worth $28000?
I hope not.
I'd love to be able to get battery powered lights so I could have 0 cords, but those are a bit pricey yet.
I'm probably going to have to use my photography to generate a little extra income. Maybe a photoshoot per week or something. I don't think I'll be able to keep the house if I don't find a little more each month. I really wanted my photography to not be tied to my financial circumstances but a frog's gotta do what a frog's gotta do.
That said, I am hoping to specialize in pet portraits. I think I could be really good at that. Plus I'd get to play with doggos without the burden of taking care of a doggo.
There is still a lot to figure out. And there is a lot I still don't know about my future. But designing a cool studio is a good distraction. And it could be how I keep the house.
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macgyvermedical · 2 years
A $100ish 30-Day Box
When I think about the word prepper, I tend to think about individuals who store guns, ammo, and freeze-dried food for a singular Event(TM) that they will have to survive, probably involving roving bands of marauders coming for their wives and guns.
I personally think the risk of this exact type of scenario is low. But given recent events (It's 2022 and I don't think we're ever seeing 2019 again, etc...), I do think a stepwise semi-collapse- one that could most heavily impact low wage workers and minorities- is currently happening and will continue over the course of our lives.
And if you feel you may be vulnerable to some of these steps (another pandemic, say, or unchecked inflation, or a housing crisis, or a series of major natural disasters, or a period of civil unrest in your area, or a combination that adds up to you living in a van with no usable monetary resources), you may want to consider having a box with everything you need to live for 30 days in a bad situation.
This is not a bug-out bag. It will have 30 days worth of food and supplies in it. You are not going to be able to carry it. This is the bargain version where you will need to either shelter in place (like non-essential workers in 2020) or leave in a vehicle (say you get evicted suddenly, or need to evacuate because of a disaster).
And listen, you can get some of these things used or at salvage if that is an option near you. Sometimes that will be cheaper, sometimes not. Use your best judgement. I recommend a mix of new, used, and salvage based on your needs and access.
18-gal tote ($8-10 new, you'll need one for every 2 people, but easy to find used or you may already have some)
Gallon freezer bags or other smaller containers ($3-5 depending on number) these are to help organize the rest of the stuff
Supplies: Note that most of these are the cheapest of the cheap- you're looking for things you'll be fine with putting in a box and forgetting about and not actually wanting to take out and use unless you have to. Don't put cool stuff in here.
Metal mug or other food-safe container (pick one you already have)
Microwave-safe mug or other food-safe container (pick one you already have)
Cutlery (recommend fork and spoon, assuming you can pick some you already have)
Pocket knife or multitool (you can get weird keychain versions for like $3, but if you already have one or want to invest in something slightly better this is a good place to do so, but again, nothing cool)
Matches ($1)
A flashlight and batteries or rechargeable with charger ($5 online or at a grocery store checkout line. does not have to be fancy)
Phone charger cord and block ($2-5)
A large tin/aluminum can (to make a crappy lil rocket stove with if you need to- here's a slightly more elegant 3-can version). If you're smart put one in that still has something tasty in it.
Car cigarette lighter USB charger if your car has a cigarette lighter (these used to be given away with brand names on them so they're surprisingly not hard to find used for less than a$1, but if you can't find one used you'll spend about $5)
Fuel- put some wax in the box (maybe like a big-ish old candle you got as a gift but don't really like). If you can melt it over some tightly packed cardboard and put it under a 30oz can with some holes punched in it, bam you have a stove. When you run out of that cut a bigger hole in the base of the can and build a lil fire under it. Free rocket stove baby.
Permanent marker (assuming you have one of these)
Pencil and paper (assuming you have some of these)
Food: This will be about $50 more per additional person, maybe less for young children.
20lb/person White Rice- this is a cheap filler that takes up relatively little space. (about $10/person)
10lb/person Brown Rice- this is a slightly less cheap filler that takes up little space but has fiber and other nutrients please don't skimp on this (about $8/person)
10lb/person Dry beans- get a variety here. Protein and fiber. You can eat these or sprout these for variety and more nutrition in very little time (About $10/per person if mostly pintos)
1 gal/person Vegetable Oil- this is your fat. You need fat. Get something you're not allergic to and if you can splurge this is where to do it- get something like olive, coconut, grapeseed, or canola ($8 for canola, the cheapest I could find this in pure olive was about $21)
NOTE: You may have done the math and thought (Gee, that's like twice the number of calories I need in a month! Yeah, but now you're cold and scared and eating your feelings. You'll want plenty of something, and it might as well be beans).
Multivitamin- get enough for everyone to have one every other day or so, since you're living on rice and beans. Does not have to be a good one. Whatever the cheapest one they have at whatever pharmacy or supermarket you're in is, even if it's for kids or whatever. You're not going to get serious deficiencies without it over the course of 30 days, but it may help you feel better and dampen food cravings).
Flavor- garlic, chili, and onion flakes, spices, herbs, soup mix packets, dip mix packets, hot sauce, vinegar powder, lime or lemon granules/concentrate, you really want this and it takes up so little space, trust me. (Put in what you've got or this can get pricey ...but it's kind of worth it)
Get a cheap filter (like a replacement filter that fits on a standard disposable water bottle) for sediment only and boil if unsure of water quality on your stove (see supplies)/in a microwave ($3). You can also just pour through a piece of old tee-shirt and boil.
OR get a nice filter like a sawyer or lifestraw, though these will easily put you over budget ($20)
OTC Meds: I recommend acetaminophen, ibuprofen (can be taken with acetaminophen if needed), diphenhydramine, docusate sodium, loperamide, and anything else you use regularly (about $2 each ($10 total) generic)
Prescription Meds: if you take prescription meds, ask your doc for an extra 30-day supply of each for an emergency. You may have to pay out of pocket for this as insurance may not cover it. If you cannot afford that ask for a paper script with a year-long fill window (or however long they can give you for a particular med). Note that this will probably not work for controlled substances like testosterone or narcotics.
First aid supplies like band aids, cortisone cream, petroleum jelly (use instead of neosporin, seriously it works better, has far more uses, and no one is allergic to it), tape, and an ace wrap (spend about $10 total on this).
Caffeine if you consume it or get headaches frequently- tea is usually cheapest and easiest to prepare but instant coffee works here too (100 pack of the cheapest tea bags at aldi is like $2)
Nicotine if you consume it. Get lozenges instead of patches. I don't have a price on this but crises are not historically the most successful time to quit and you're probs going to need to be functional. If you have something to use instead you're less likely to buy crazy expensive cigs. Consider quitting or decreasing use in prep if you can, but, you know, keep these in your kit.
Bar soap 2-4 bars. Get like two of the cheapest bars possible and one fels naptha. This sounds like a lot but you're probably going to be using it for everything- clothing, body, hands, dishes, etc... ($2-3)
Toothbrush (1 per person) and a full-size tube of toothpaste ($3)
Bug spray (you can get 2oz of 100% DEET for like $3 and mix with a carrier liquid)
Sunscreen ($5, though you can get it cheaper at expiration, it will only last about a year after)
You want me to say toilet paper but I'm not going to. Get a small plastic cup or a squeezy water bottle and boom you have a bidet. Wipe the water off with a wash cloth and hang to dry. Everyone should have their own and wash their hands after with soap.
Throw some masks in here. N95s if you have them but at the very least cloth ones and I know you have some you may not be using right now.
Put some books or small games or something in here if you have extra space. And learn some games and recipes for the beans.
Put the rice and beans at the bottom. Sort everything and put it in bags, then layer those bags up to the top. Done.
Also, make a list of everything in the box and tape it to the top, possibly sorted by what bag each thing is in, which will help keep it organized. Next to anything with an expiration date, write the expiration date. Check the list yearly 2 months prior to your normal disaster season. That should give you time to update and replace things if needed.
You're also going to want to get some knoweldge- think about what you'll need to know to use this stuff. Do you know how to use a cup of water as a bidet? How to stretch DEET? How to use bar soap to wash dishes? All 4-6 uses for diphenhydramine? How to sprout beans and/or brown rice?
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rielzero · 8 months
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Just some artist rambles on a queued post..
Was working on some reference art when my pen decided to just stop working.. Charging it now but I hope its not a sign I need to buy new pens or whatever. This is my newer pen, I've used the same two pens since I got my XP Pen in 2019 or so. The old pen's battery started becoming lazy around 2022? I don't remember exact time, but it worked fine for a while. Now the newer pen is acting up. I recall recharging it very recently. They're supposed to go a very long time without needing to charge them. Then again, I haven't needed to replace my xp pen tablet for such a long time, maybe the pens are just starting to age down a lot. (They are battery pens, newer Gen xp pens don't use those.)
Gotta remind myself I don't need to replace my big monitor tablet anytime soon anyways.. I have a backup tablet that I usually use with my laptop for on the go- and that one does not include a pen that needs battery charging. (It's a smaller screen, but its better than investing in an entire new tablet, I kind of don't want to replace my current one either. Might be cheaper just to buy new pens if these stop working comfortably.)
Edit: aaand my pen is dead. It actually stopped midway charging and decided ''nah'' hmm. I guess I'll have to find my old one and see if it still works.. Do some troubleshooting.. Either its the pens or the entire screen.
Edit 2: I think I threw my old pen away some time ago..? Well, I can't find it in its supposed spot.. I'll order new pens and see if its a pen problem. If it's not a pen problem I guess I spent money to find out. They're not that expensive. (25,99 euro)
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Edit 3: Now just hope it comes in fast.. Perhaps I should check out if I can add my other tablet in my desktop set up? I have 3 monitors (third is my tablet) Not sure if I have enough screen plugs for that. It's worth a shot.
Edit 4: I couldn't plug in a 4th screen. Fine. And now the next morning my pen works..? At least I'd have a backup ready in case it decides to kick the bucket lol.
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
I've been feeling discouraged about my art recently. Could you possibly give me some tips?
Ok I wanna preface this by saying I am by no means a professional or even "good" artist, BUT I shall try!
These are all tips by a digital artist so I can't help much when it comes to other forms
This got long so under the cut, 20 ART TIPS TIME LETS GOOO
1.Try to draw most days, or at least once a week. The more often the better BUT I don't mean like hardcore, a complex drawing every single day (recipe for burnout right there). I mean like even just 30 seconds of SOMETHING. You can draw shapes, maybe fill a page with circles. There are programs u can find online that give you like a min to sketch something and challenge yourself in a really short time frame. Guess what?? When you draw often you're building those neural pathways (I think) and the more you do it the easier it'll get
2. Don't obsess over making stuff look perfect on the first draft... or at all. I recommend making a "draft" layer or 2... or 3 over the initial sketch. The more you go over it and change stuff, the better it'll be. Also, If you spend hours on it and still hate it?? Who cares! You put in the work and now you have an idea out on paper that you can go over some time in the future and improve if you chose to.
3. DON'T DELETE STUFF!!! Unless it's literally just mindless scribbles, save everything you draw. Like I said, you can go over it again and improve it someday. You can also look back at it in like a year and compare your art to see where you've improved! I deleted all my old art from beyond like a year ago and regret it so much. Don't berate yourself for the stuff you need to work on, be proud of what improvements you've still made
USE REFERENCES!!!!!!! Please just do it, I know it's annoying but I promise it helps so so much
4. Invest drawing tablet, preferably one with buttons that you can map to undo, sketch, fill and such. This will make drawing sooooo much easier (and faster). My quality of art has improved just from drawing the same thing and redoing it like 20 times at a time, and it takes way less time when I can just click a button to do that. It might seem daunting at first but it quickly becomes instinctual. This is the one I got and I'm quite happy with it! It's got good sensitivity, a pen you don't have to replace batteries for or even recharge, and it's mid-range so not wayy too expensive. However, if you're just starting out, I'd recommend this (I got the corded version but I assume it's about the same) since it's small, cheap and you can focus on just learning basics like improving lines n such.
5. Use a bigger canvas size. I started out with 1000x1000, and that's still fine for smaller stuff and doodles, for better quality I recommend bigger sizes. If it's too small it'll look all weird and pixel-y
6. THERE ARE LITERALLY SO MANY FORMS OF ART, maybe the one you're trying just isn't something you vibe with! There's mosaics, digital, traditional (and all the many sub-categories of that), sculpture, photography, etc. All are equally valid and you will improve in your craft if you choose something that 1. you enjoy, 2. are consistent with it!
7. SEGEMENT OUT THE LIMBS drawing DCA stuff for over a year has helped me improve on anatomy sooo much literally just because it forced me to think of each part of a limb in terms of segments, shapes- for instance, instead of an upper arm, I think of a tube which connects to a circle that allows it to rotate and another tube... followed by a weird shape for a hand that connects 5 smaller tubes, whiCH ARE THEN SEPERATED IN TO 3 TUBES EACH. Yes it sounds confusing but breaking it down like that instead of just trying to figure things out helped an absolute shitton
8. Have some kinda hobby that makes you draw frequently. For instance I have a discord sona I draw a new pfp for every month or so. It's a simple design and since the pfp won't show many flaws I can pump out lots of art for it in a small timeframe and I find it relaxing. I've actually improved a shitton just drawing pfps This is one of my first pfps from maybe 2 yrs ago compared with one of my most recent ones
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(yes I'm a bit of a furry deal with it) It's cute, there's nothing wrong at all with it! However, you can see how things have changed.
See how the lines are a lot more even, less jagged? The proportions of the shoulders are much wider, the ears aren't just popping out of the hair, the shading makes a bit more sense and isn't just thrown around at random. There's also a broader range of color, with a few bright highlights to catch the eye, colored shading I think as well. The former is just like 3 simple colors. These are all things I learned from drawing pfps consistently.
9. CONSISTENCY IS KEY!! And FUN, if you have fun drawing it'll be a lot easier to do frequently
10. Whether it's drawing pfps, blorbos or landscapes, find something that brings you joy and it'll be MUCH easier to stick to. Draw, draw a lot, do not worry about "good" art and "bad" art cause there's literally no such thing. Compare what you draw now with what you do in like a year or two from now and I promise, if you're consistent, use references and are patient, you WILL amaze yourself with how much you improve.
11. Challenge yourself! Join secret santas (assuming you know you can complete it within the allotted timeframe), draw your friends' sona/ocs (if they're cool with it), do palette challenges, do monthly stuff like drawtober or whatever it's called (BUT I don't recommend doing something every single day for a month cause again, gonna cause mega burnout)
12. Draw when the inspiration comes, it will move your hand. These days I make much better quality art that I'm proud of when I just let inspiration flow through me instead of begrudgingly making myself draw. You shouldn't be forcing yourself!! If you are, you probably are burned out by either drawing too much, feeling a lack of confidence or some other stuff going on irl. Inspiration comes naturally, and when it doesn't it's prolly your mind trying to communicate that something's up. If resting a week or two doesn't help, take a deeper look at your life and see if the artblock is a symptom of something else (for me it's most often depression).
13. At the same time, sometimes you just need to start. Kinda on the previous point of lacking confidence, often we scare ourselves out of even trying. It might feel insurmountable. Nah, try. If all you can do is a wobbly, vague sketch?? You got the idea out!! Start drawing fuckin eyeballs or something, just start. Sometimes the hardest part is just facing a blank canvas and putting a couple lines on it
14. Not all brushes are equal. Some just make drawing easier- at least for me. I dunno the science behind it but when I use my sketch brush (it's got a similar look to pencil) rather than my lineart brush it makes drawings just... look better. Also using thicker lines in general helps. Why?? NO CLUE, maybe thinner ones just show flaws easier or intersect better or something.
15. Music or some other distraction can help, idk why. Some days I like to have a movie/show/podcast going in the background for a mild distraction that keeps me slightly stimulated on other stuff even as I draw- maybe it increases brain activity or??? No idea. Sometimes just listening to music. Sometimes I need total silence. Do what works for you! Give lots of different stuff a try, you may love drawing while listening to a podcast in the background
16. Take breaks!! The pomodoro method works with art as well. Every 25 mins or so, take a 5 min break. Get up, stretch, get some water, maybe watch a yt vid. Call ur friend and tell them you love and cherish them. Then get back to it and you will feel oh so refreshed. After maybe 3 rounds take a 15 min or longer break and then repeat if you still feel like it
17. SLEEP IS INCREDIBLY FUCKING IMPORTANT you will see a deep decline in the quality of your art when you're tired, plus you just feel like shit and art is about feeling good and expressing yourself. Sleep is important, even tho yes I stay up too late drawing most nights, I do my absolute best to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night, as should you!!
18. DO NOT BE SCARED OF STICK FIGURES AND MESSY SKETCHES, they're actually the best way to start bc 1. it's a quick way to get an idea out before you forget it 2. the finished piece will actually look a lot more fluid since you weren't spending all that time obsessing over making the first draft look perfect- which often just makes it look stiff. You can do a whole lot with stick figures. Focus on that good ol' line of action.
19. Random but when drawing the face, I like to first make a circle and then like a "mask" over it for the actual face. For me it just makes sense. Then two lines, one up/down and one left, right, it'll make it easier to align the eyes and ears. In general, the ears usually go where the "mask" begins and just below the left/right line
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20. Finally surround yourself with people who encourage you. I grew up in an environment where people would gawk at stuff my sibling drew and ignore me bc they were ~naturally talented~ and it made me not want to draw at all.
Well guess what?? Now that I spend time with people who encourage me and genuinely care about my interest in art I've improved a lot bc I have the motivation, the joy of showing ppl who care about me new pieces. If people in your life aren't encouraging you, or gods forbid insulting your art (excluding constructive criticism that you've explicitly asked for) then TOSS EM OVERBOARD THE BOAT OF LIFE and find people who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve
This isn't a tip, just a recommendation: Chicory, a colorful tale. It's a game where u play as a cute lil dog who gets a magical paintbrush that lets you color the world. The only issue? You have no ~talent~. My gods, this game struck a cord with me.
Feeling like you don't have any talents that come naturally to you. Being overlooked even when you try your best. Feeling like a complete joke when you try to pick up the brush (or in this case stylus) because there are so many "real" artists and you're not one of them.
Also the things people say and how they can affect you even when not intentional. Damn. It's just a beautiful game. It's made by the same people who made Wandersong, another absolute banger game with a character who is seen as a joke and I cannot recommend them enough.
bonus tip bc why the fuck not: OVERLAYS!!!!!!! In clip paint studio you have all these layer options, I can never memorize what they all do so I just make like an ombre color layer over my base colors and try all of them to see what looks cool
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risu5waffles · 1 month
this is just a sped up run through the backstage of my project for chronos. i put in some photo references so you can see what i was working toward, but otherwise no big shakes or nuffink.
i found out you can take/export screenshots as pngs from the base ps4, which was neat to learn. unfortunately i found out after wrapping this one up, and i have to fight the urge to go back in and retake the overlay shots and redo the picture, you know, in case it makes it _better_. which it might, and it might not make for a lot of difference; i am really happy wiv how it turned out. it's just that urge to dicky wiv things if you know you can dicky wiv them, like, just in case?
honestly, as much as i've been enjoying doing these, i really should slow down and back off a bit. i know at least half of my investment is that it's an understandable project that produces (semi-)tangible results, and i'm in a period where i particularly feel a loss of control and an absence of direction, so i throw myself into something i do get as a distraction. i have enough trouble (read here: zero success in) wrangling my brainmeats to focus on what we need to focus on, and this really isn't going to help.
also, while i did spend a solid chunk of today sleeping, the bits where i wasn't, i was working on another one of these. which, like, today was going to be fucked for getting things done anyway, but i might have been better served just doing nothing at low battery and trying to recharge.
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i-am-purplexed · 1 year
Scene break teaser for chapter 5!
A Full House-El: Luthorcorp’s Surprising New Business Partner.
The Edge of Tomorrow - April 16th, 2016
Article by Mike Young
History is rife with examples of companies that reached just that bit too far, people who promised just that bit too much and were unable to back up their claims. Companies that made one fatal mistake, and realized too late just how rickety their lofty towers were. Blockbuster refused to buy Netflix; Kodak refused to shift into the digital camera industry; Palm PDA’s thought that cell phones were a ‘fad’ and refused to buy into it. And, most recently; House El Incorporated has partnered with LuthorCorp.
House El Incorporated, more commonly known as ‘Elco,’ is a newer business in the tech scene. Launching late in 2012, Elco’s claim to fame is their alien outlook on the industry - literally. They broke into the scene with the Icon One, a cellular phone that has rapidly risen in popularity due to its slim size, large battery life, and processing power. The phone is quite literally decades ahead of the market, for a rather simple reason -
It uses alien technology to get there. The company’s CEO, a young woman named Kara Zor-El, is famously Kryptonian; she has founded her company on technology from beyond the stars, and aims to win the big bucks by monopolizing her hold on tech leagues beyond our development.
That would be a remarkably efficient way to climb to the top of the tech industry, if the Icon hadn’t been swiftly surrounded in scandal; its power source and method of transmission required strenuous testing before it could be introduced to the market. Testing that the phone is still going through four years later - the Icon has hit the market, but many experienced voices in the sector believe that such leaps in technology may be a bit beyond humanity’s reach.
Elco hasn’t released a new item since, apparently frightened by how seriously Earth takes the safety of its citizens. The Icon has rapidly faded from the public eye, a lack of innovation meaning newer phones have taken its spot on the stage. Now, the company is promising something entirely different: infinite energy! If that sounds a bit fantastical to you, you aren’t alone. Ms. Zor-El recently held a meeting with several automobile companies; Ford, Porsche, Toyota, and Volkswagen were all intrigued by the promise of new engines to run electric cars on - engines that could provide limitless power with no need for fuel or recharging. We spoke to one member of the Ford board of directors, who was at the meeting, and he was less than enthused by the idea.
“She’s promising something that just isn’t there,” Richard Mietz told us, at The Edge of Tomorrow. “The engine she mentions is still in the labs; I would be interested in seeing more but [Ms. Zor-El] isn’t willing to share the fine details. She wants promises and contracts, but refuses investment - I don’t think she understands how things are done here. Currently, all we know is that there may or may not be an engine, it may or may not work - and she wants people to buy it as soon as it hits the market. I’m not sold.”
Other sources in the industry say the same - Elco’s ‘Waveform Resonance Engine’ is expected to take just as long, if not longer than the Icon to verify and test before it can hit the market. With the declining sales of the Icon and Elcos lack of income, most analysts expect the company to go under within the next two years.
Luckily for them, a new company seems rather eager to jump onto the sinking ship.
Nothing quite like some sleezy right-leaning media to shine perspective on things, hm? Bit of a delay for this chapter as I started a new job recently, hopefully chapter 6 will come quicker.
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okamirayne · 1 year
Hello Rayne!
A bit more of a private one so of course, feel free to not answer if it crosses any boundaries.
Do you have tips to get adult life, day jobs and creative writing under one hat? (German saying, not sure if it translates to English at all lmao)
I've started my Bachelor's in a very non-creative field this week and it has been and is going to be very demanding in terms of time and energy. I've noticed that I get extremely drained and burnt out when I try to be creative after a long day. The ideas are there (sometimes even better than when I have more time) but the energy just... isn't.
I appreciate any advice you have and hope you're doing well! 💜 It's been cooling off here quite a bit, I've already had my first Chai today 👀🍵getting autumn-y
Heya lovely @sunlightrays!
A bit more of a private one so of course, feel free to not answer if it crosses any boundaries.
Aw, thanks for the head's up. Don't you worry, I'll go full dodge-ball acrobatic if I feel any uncomfortable curveballs thrown my way. As it stands, I'll do my best to offer support with my very humble input - PLEASE trash anything that doesn't resonate with you.
I've started my Bachelor's in a very non-creative field this week [...]
First off...
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FAITO! Congratulations on taking on your Bachelor's degree (I recall you mentioning this was in the pipeline) - I'm wishing you every success for this chapter of your story, luv.
[...] and it has been and is going to be very demanding in terms of time and energy.
Gods, understandably. Please shore up on whatever you need; tea, coffee, the blood and tears of your enemies. You got this!
I've noticed that I get extremely drained and burnt out when I try to be creative after a long day. The ideas are there (sometimes even better than when I have more time) but the energy just... isn't. [...] I appreciate any advice you have ...
Right. I hear you. I'll do my damnedest to help -- but again, throw out anything that doesn't work for you. I'm spit-balling here, so just take what sticks.
How do you GET your energy? Would you consider yourself to be more extroverted or introverted? Maybe you're a combination of the two (ambivert)? Do you need alone time to refill your well, or do you require the energy of others to help recharge your battery?
What is FUN for you? What hobbies/downtime GIVE you energy?
What helps you to DECOMPRESS completely and switch off? Even if this isn't writing. Something that doesn't necessarily COST you energy (which writing does, even if it's a fun investment and pleasurable price) -- something where you are chilled, having fun, or resting...which brings me to...
What is REST for you? What is RECOVERY for you? What does that look like? What do you need to REST (which leads to recovery and hopefully more margin/capacity -- which allows for your empty well to accommodate creative energy again)?
What kind of WRITER are you? Do you fly by the seat of your pants and just enjoy rolling with whatever inspiration hits or do you like planning and plotting? Can you test the waters on a day you feel like you have some energy, and see how that leaves you feeling e.g. drained or lifted?
What I'm predominantly getting at here, is asking you to consider what GIVES you that energy back. What RESTORES to you the energy that isn't there (which your degree is currently consuming). I'm not sure what Bachelor's you're doing, so I won't and can't presume exactly what that costs you energy-wise (though it sounds like it costs you a lot, given what you described about feeling extremely drained and burnt-out).
I would advocate ENERGY RESTORATION. Which means, REST, RECOVERY, RECREATION, REMEDIAL PLAY. The light, easy, fun, restful, or joyful things that don't require you to invest too much of your energy. That can be alone or with others. It can be anything that works for you. It looks different for everyone, so it may take some experimentation or maybe you've got some go-to places, people, past-times or pleasures that are tried and tested?
This is where I'd start, sweetie. Looking to balance the scales by getting energy back so you don't end up in the flaming hell-pit of total burnout. The writing isn't going anywhere. It will wait for you to have the energy for it. Your degree will probably demand a lot of you right now, which is why sustenance for your creative energy (even if you have to stockpile it for a bit) is so important.
Do you have tips to get adult life, day jobs and creative writing under one hat? (German saying, not sure if it translates to English at all lmao)
Translates perfectly, no worries. As for me having tips...
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No word of a lie. I am furniture crawling my ass along a very strange path at the moment. Getting adult life, day jobs, and creative writing under one hat depends on so many things; your financial situation, your personal capacity (mentally, emotionally, physically), your goals/desires, your needs and values, your UNMET needs/desires etc. It's a very individual journey, and the artist/creative path, however archetypal at times, is changing a lot in our modern landscape (which can be a very good thing).
The good thing is, creative writing can manifest in many different areas (copywriting, ghostwriting, editing, journalism, developmental media, blogging, vlogging, etc) -- again, I don't know your personal capacity, means, or margins, or what it may or may not require / cost you if you're balancing/sacrificing other areas of your life. Which is totally normal. I think work-life balance all at once is an overrated and unrealistic metric.
It would be so easy for me to say "follow your heart" and "do what you love" and do I advocate that? Abso-fuckin-lutely. So long as you're prepared for the TRADEOFFS and the COST. I think that's the biggest tip, luv. Getting real damn clear on what you are prepared to give up. And what you are NOT prepared to give up/compromise on? For whatever reasons. Zero judgement. It's what works for YOU.
What do you want to get out of your creative writing? Do you want to do it professionally or just as a pleasure pursuit? Both are awesome.
Why are you taking your current degree in a non-creative field? Job security or genuine joy/interest for the field? If it's for joy/interest, it will cost a little less than if you're grafting without pleasure at all. Btw, no need to answer any of these questions, I'm literally brainstorming question suggestions with you to get CLARITY.
Clarity = awesome.
How can you balance your creativity against necessity/security/other job etc.? Do you need to cut yourself some slack and get the degree out the way before you decide that? Maybe you can dabble in creative writing as you go along and figure out how you regain and sustain your energy?
These kinds of questions can help a lot, especially when you're looking at your energetic capacity so you don't burnout.
I have no clue if any of this was helpful...it sure as hell went beyond my two cents, so I do apologise for the massive word-vomit of a response. I feel passionately about this, given my own god-awful experience with burnout, energy mismanagement, and the flaming brimstone underworld that kind of shit puts you in -- I would hate to learn you ended up there. Please be kind, patient, and gentle with yourself. You're embarking on a big quest here with your degree, which sounds like it demands a lot. May the writing, when you have energy for it, be a cosy non-demanding companion and a supportive compadre. Not a bloody albatross around your neck or a hellhound snapping at your heels. Writing is better when it's FUN. Hard, tiring, and frustrating 'maybe-I-need-a-safe-word' kind of fun...but worth it. Worth the investment (energy) it requires.
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Please, please, please prioritise your rest and your recovery whenever you can, luv. I am sending super-charged positive vibes your way, with a gallon of tea. Autumn is a magical time, so I hope the chilly, crispy, colourful, chai-drinking vibes of this season nourish and support you. Ganbatte, my dear!
~ Rayne x 💜☕️🍁
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PSA: rechargeable batteries
Sitting here marvelling at the fact I’ve had my little Zenith radio playing at low volume, continuously, for well over a week, on six of Panasonic’s Eneloop rechargeable “AA”s.  I leave this 1963 Zenith Royal 755LK Deluxe on continuously, at low volume, on my nightstand.  Before I got it, someone replaced the original “six C cell” battery holder with a six AA holder. After over three years of using and recharging, I have to say these batteries continue to amaze me.
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This is the last working Zenith I am allowing myself to keep.  It’s an amazing sounding radio, and can blast if you want it to.  Leather case, hand stitched.  Chromed metal grille.  Made in 1963, it’s a testament to how things were made. 
It plays tuned to my home transmitter, at 1340AM, whatever I’ve decided to put on “repeat” for the night, usually something by Brian Eno, either the first side of Discrete Music, or the two albums with Harold Budd.  Other times some old-fashioned “hearts of space” type music, like Marcy Hamm’s “Z”.  Depends on my mood and what I’ve had to deal with.  lulz.
Point of Post, old man...get! to! the! point!
I have to applaud Panasonic for the whole Eneloop concept.  Gone are the days of buying AA, C, and D...you just have AA now, and SLEEVES they slip into, or that enclose them, which take the space of the old C and D batteries. Genius system, if the AAs have as much juice/power as the Ds and Cs, and well, YES...YES THEY DO!
So:  some of the old big Zenith Trans Oceanics used a total of ten D cells to run.  It played for months on end without having to buy more, but it WEIGHED another ten pounds when the batteries were all installed. 
These Eneloop things charge in 5 hours with an old “energizer” wallwart charger I bought years ago.  But one charge lasts and lasts, and they can be charged thousands of times, before they show wear.
So if you gotta use batteries, use Eneloops.  The idea of being able to eliminate literally dead weight in old fashioned D cells, your radio just got lighter, your big flashlight just got lighter. 
Initial investment is not all that big a layout of cash, considering how long they last, and how well they work.  I literally counted up how many batteries I use regularly, and only bought as many of the AAs and AAAs as necessary.  I was prepared to be disappointed, but they work too well for that!  And this is coming from a guy who has to scrape for every penny to exist.
If you need AAA, you do have to buy the AAA versions, of course, because they are so much smaller than the AA, and no adapters for those.
Speaking as a generally broke person, for who many times there is no money to even think about for things like batteries, especially when they are needed most, so I research any and everything before I lay out money at all now, and when I’m pleasantly surprised by something, I feel it my civic duty to tell other broke people (and those not so broke) about it.
Right now, things are tighter than tight.   But if my flashlight goes out tonight, I know I don’t have to dig through the change jar to buy batteries.  If you have something that uses batteries that you HAVE to use, to lay out $$ for batteries regularly, these Eneloops are the best rechargeables I’ve ever had. 
The original four AAs I bought as a test over three years ago are in this radio now.  Still going strong.  I know that in these past three years I would have had to spend more money than the initial layout to get these.
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Essential Gear for the Annapurna Base Camp Trek
Trekking to Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) is a trip that promises stunning views, a strong connection to nature, and a sense of accomplishment. However, in order to really appreciate this experience, the proper gear is required. To help you prepare, I’ll provide a full list of everything you’ll need as well as a brief account of my own adventure.
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1. Layering System: The weather in the mountains can change rapidly. Layering allows you to adjust your clothing as needed. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, add an insulating middle layer, and finish with a waterproof and windproof outer layer.
2. Down Jacket: Nights and early mornings can be freezing, even in the warmer months. A down jacket is lightweight yet incredibly warm.
3. Trekking Pants and Shorts: Comfortable, quick-drying pants are a must. Some trekkers prefer convertible pants that can turn into shorts when it’s warm.
4. Thermal Wear: Thermal tops and bottoms are essential for the cold nights. They are lightweight and provide much-needed warmth.
5. Rain Gear: A good-quality rain jacket and pants will protect you from unexpected downpours. It’s best not to rely solely on the weather forecast.
6. Hat and Gloves: A warm hat and gloves are crucial for early mornings and high altitudes. Don’t underestimate the chill of the mountains.
1. Trekking Boots: Sturdy, well-fitted trekking boots with good ankle support are non-negotiable. Break them in before your trek to avoid blisters.
2. Trekking Socks: Invest in high-quality, moisture-wicking socks. Bring a few extra pairs to keep your feet dry and comfortable.
3. Gaiters: Gaiters protect your feet and lower legs from mud, snow, and debris. They are especially useful in wet conditions.
1. Backpack: A 40–50 liter backpack is ideal for carrying your essentials. Make sure it has a good frame and comfortable straps.
2. Sleeping Bag: A warm sleeping bag rated for temperatures below freezing is necessary. Many teahouses provide blankets, but having your own sleeping bag ensures warmth and hygiene.
3. Trekking Poles: Trekking poles reduce the strain on your knees and provide stability on uneven terrain. They are a real lifesaver, especially on steep descents.
4. Headlamp: A headlamp is essential for early morning starts or late arrivals at the teahouse. Always carry extra batteries.
5. Water Purification: Carry water purification tablets or a portable filter. Safe drinking water is vital, and buying bottled water in the mountains can be expensive and environmentally unfriendly.
6. First Aid Kit: Pack a basic first aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, blister care, pain relievers, and any personal medications.
Personal Items
1. Toiletries: Carry a small bag with essential toiletries, including biodegradable soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush, and wet wipes.
2. Sunscreen and Lip Balm: The sun at high altitudes can be intense. Protect your skin and lips with high-SPF sunscreen and lip balm.
3. Sunglasses: Good-quality sunglasses with UV protection are essential to protect your eyes from the glaring sun and snow reflections.
4. Snacks: Energy bars, nuts, and dried fruits provide quick energy boosts during the trek. While food is available at teahouses, having your own snacks can be comforting.
Personal Experience
When I first decided to trek to Annapurna Base Camp, I was excited but also anxious about the unknowns. I remember vividly how my well-broken-in boots felt like old friends on the trail, providing comfort and support with each step. One evening, at around 4,000 meters, the temperature dropped dramatically. I was grateful for my down jacket, which kept me warm and allowed me to enjoy the stunning starry sky.
There were moments when the climb seemed never-ending, and fatigue set in. But my trekking poles gave me the stability I needed, and small breaks with a handful of trail mix recharged my energy. The camaraderie with fellow trekkers, sharing stories and encouragement, made the journey even more memorable.
Preparing for the Annapurna Base Camp trip with the proper equipment is critical for a safe and pleasurable adventure. Each item on this list serves a purpose, and having them will let you to focus on the beauty of the journey rather than worrying about discomfort or safety. Remember that the mountains are both spectacular and demanding, and being prepared is essential for a good experience.
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guvato · 2 months
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Tamalog Day 13
The day starts at 7AM as always and we needed to do some things right away today, first of all, Picochutchi was dirty and her house was dusty, so we needed to give her a bath and use the cleaning robot to make everything clean and pristine, but it didn't end there as Picochutchi was once again asking me to let her leave since she received an important message. Since i love her very much and we are going for a 100 Day run, i declined her request, and after she ALMOST left me, she decided to stay, which makes me happy. After all that, i called the Sitter for her, and went to check on our boy Kuchipatchi. I woke him up and he was also dirty and with dust all over his house, so we gave him a good ol' bath and cleaned the house up, only then i left him to house-sit. Mokokotchi was doing fine so i just called the sitter right away and went to sleep.
When the afternoon came, i woke up, got ready and went to work, i made sure to have then at their best, fed Picochutchi some Roast Beef, Kuchipatchi had his beloved burguers and Mokokotchi ate some ham sandwiches and drank soda. At work i explored with Mokokotchi for the first time and found none other than Himetchi herself, funny that Mokokotchi didn't even know he just met the one to bring me his egg. Did some pretty light Tama Searching, as the place where i was at didn't have many networks to search for Tamas, only two, and the one Tama we found was Kikitchi, which we already have 5 hearts with, but hey, at least Picochutchi was happy to see him, after some time with Picochutchi, the Uni's battery was calling for a recharge, so i didn't touch it until we got home. Kuchipatchi and i went to Tama Work since his fridge was empty and we needed money, he danced with so much grace and completely dominated the dance for, we got about 3000 Gotchi Points and bought a LOT of food, hope it lasts him more than 2 days.
Arriving home from work i put the Uni to charge and went to take a shower, when i came back i just needed to clean up some poop and give dinner to each of them. Mokokotchi had some cupcakes and Gratin, Picochutchi had Sushi and Kuchipatchi had burguers once again, i'm honestly impressed that snacks like cupcakes can count into the hunger bar, i thought it was just like the Uni, but hey, seems like i was wrong, now will be careful to not give em too many snacks. Played with Mokokotchi a bit in the arcade, we did some fruit collecting with Fruit Fall and cooked a delicious Black Burguer that he is yet to try.
Come 8PM, i was REALLY invested on playing Dark Souls, so i completely zoned out and didn't give em much attention, but at least Mokokotchi was already asleep by then, so i think it's all good, also if it isn't we can just take care of our boy when 7AM comes by, i'm not sleeping till then. Kuchipatchi had some more food, a delicious plate of Jambo Steak, and Picochutchi had some more Sushi and went to the TamaVerse to give out some hearts.
At 9PM, Kuchipatchi asked me for help to fall asleep, but i was too invested in Dark Souls, did i do it?? Of course i did, i would never let my boy hanging there alone, i gave him the best of pets and as he went asleep, i laid the Smart down so Kuchipatchi could get a good night's rest. With that i also gave Picochutchi a good last check before also leaving her to do whatever until she fell asleep.
And we 10PM came by, Picochutchi went to bed and fell asleep right away, ending yet another Tama Day. What i love about Tamagotchis is that it's the one thing through the day that can give me a mental check, like, usually it's really easy for me to lose myself while playing a game or sleep for too long, but then theres Tamagotchis, always snapping me back to reality to see if they need something. This Blog is similar in the way that i find strenght every day to make sure i write these Tamalogs even if i feel tired or my head THINKS that i don't want to write it, but when i start typing, i can't stop until the Tama Day ends. Anyway sorry for rambling, thanks for reading, see you tomorrow. <3
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highlytunedathletes · 2 months
Polar Grit X2 Pro: Your Ultimate Premium Outdoor Multisport Watch
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Polar Grit X2 Pro - Your Premium Outdoor Multisport Watch
The Polar Grit X2 Pro is the premium outdoor Multisport Watch from Polar and is reckonised as the flagship adventure and multisport watch. This watch has performed extremely well in demanding conditions. With multiple rides and runs in the mountains, open water swims, trekking across demanding terrains, and the usual workouts, the watch has delivered more than what can be expected of it.
Investing in Smartwatch Performance:
When you are looking for a reliable GPS multisport training watch or an advanced GPS tracking watch, obviously you need a reputed brand that comes at an eye-watering price. Therefore it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what you are paying for. Following is a quick review of Polar Grit X2 Pro- the smartwatch for outdoor exploration. We will attempt to cover various attributes of the watch from the everyday basic steps to sleep tracking, workouts, sports, mapping, and navigation to the accuracy of the GPS antenna and heart rate algorithms.
The term new multisport training watch or GPS multisport watch would be relative to what you are comparing with. For instance, if you are comparing with a 2021 release of Polar Grit X Pro you will find several substantial changes in the Polar Grit X2 Pro. But if you are comparing with the Polar Vantage V3 released in 2023 you will not find any significant differences.
What's New Compared to Polar Grit X Pro:
Looking for a significant upgrade? The Polar Grit X2 Pro boasts several improvements over the 2021 Grit X Pro:
Enhanced Display: 
 A larger (1.39") AMOLED display with a durable Sapphire crystal glass for better readability.
Unmatched Performance: 
Experience a 130% faster processor and dual-frequency GPS for enhanced accuracy.
Expanded Features: 
Increased storage (32GB) lets you store more data. New features include VAM (Vertical Ascent Meter) and vertical speed tracking, along with a 4th Gen optical heart rate sensor for improved precision.
Dominate Long Adventures: 
The battery life is a champion too, lasting up to 140 hours in eco training mode and 43 hours in GPS mode.
Additional Highlights for Outdoor Enthusiasts:
Built to Last: 
The 810H military-grade durability ensures the watch can withstand anything you throw at it.
Dive Deeper: 
With 100 meters of water resistance, you can conquer open water swims with confidence.
Fast GPS Connection: 
Get a quick signal lock, even indoors, for seamless tracking.
Long-Lasting Battery: 
Enjoy extended training sessions without worrying about constant recharges.
Weight Consideration: 
At 79 grams, the watch might be heavier than some prefer.
Standing Out from the Competition:
The Polar Grit X2 Pro goes head-to-head with other top multisport training watches. It offers a comprehensive feature set designed for serious adventurers and athletes. While the weight might be a factor for some, the upgraded display, performance, battery life, and durability make it a worthy investment for those seeking an all-in-one outdoor companion.
Considering Other Options?
This review focused on the Polar Grit X2 Pro, but the world of advanced GPS tracking watches is vast. If you're looking for alternatives,  let me know and I can provide reviews of similar multisport watches or buying guides to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Source URL : https://www.highlytunedathletes.com.au/blogs/product-reviews/polar-grit-x2-pro-your-ultimate-premium-outdoor-multisport-watch
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world-healt · 5 months
Unveiling the Night: A Review of the Ultra-X Night Vision Goggles
Anyone who ventures outdoors at night knows the limitations of darkness. Whether you're a wildlife enthusiast, a security professional, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of the night sky, good visibility is paramount. After using the Ultra-X Night Vision Goggles for several weeks, I can confidently say they've revolutionised my nighttime experiences.
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Superior Vision in Low-Light Conditions
The key feature that impressed me most was the exceptional image quality. Unlike some night vision goggles that produce grainy or blurry visuals, the Ultra-X boasts a remarkably clear and bright view. The advanced infrared technology, coupled with the high-quality lens system, cuts through the darkness, revealing details I wouldn't have seen with the naked eye. On a recent camping trip, I used the goggles to navigate the campsite after dark. I was able to clearly see fellow campers, avoid uneven terrain, and even spot nocturnal wildlife without disturbing them.
Comfort and Functionality Combined
Often, high-performance gear can come at the cost of comfort. Thankfully, the Ultra-X strikes a perfect balance. The lightweight construction and adjustable head strap ensure a comfortable fit, even during extended wear. The controls are intuitive and easy to use, making them accessible for both tech-savvy users and beginners alike. Switching between day and night modes, adjusting the focus, and utilizing the impressive zoom function were all effortless.
Built to Endure: A Reliable Nighttime Companion
As someone who values durability in outdoor equipment, I was happy to see that the Ultra-X Night Vision Goggles are built to last. The weather-resistant design gives me peace of mind knowing they can handle the elements, from a light drizzle to a dusty trek. The long-lasting rechargeable battery also eliminates the need for constant replacements, ensuring uninterrupted use during crucial moments. Whether you're on a nighttime patrol or a stargazing expedition, the Ultra-X can be your reliable companion, ready to illuminate the darkness whenever needed.
In Conclusion: An Investment in Nighttime Exploration
The Ultra-X Night Vision Goggles are more than just a piece of equipment; they're an invitation to explore a whole new world hidden within the darkness. Their exceptional performance, comfortable design, and robust build quality make them a worthwhile investment for anyone who wants to expand their nighttime horizons. With the Ultra-X by my side, I can confidently navigate the night, observe wildlife in their natural habitat, and experience the beauty of the night sky with a newfound clarity.
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