#i need to figure out what to do with yellow and spamton talking already
zarla-s · 8 months
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taralen · 5 months
Thoughts in Reflection
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A prequel to an INBOX Story idea proposed by @clowny-rolls (Thanks for the idea!!!)
NOTE: This story won't make as much sense unless you read the stuff I wrote here for better context: Click Me.
The illustration is inspired by a drawing a friend of mine did of Spamton, but it's currently not uploaded anywhere. Sorry guys. 😭
The year was 1994.
Spamton G. Spamton, a former Addison and a now esteemed entrepreneurial businessman who founded BIG SHOT AUTOS was one day asked, "Mr. Spamton, are you seeing anyone?"
Much to Spamton's chagrin, the one asking was his close friend Bant, a Blue Addison who was the only one of his former friends and coworkers with whom he stayed in contact. He leaned against the wall, waiting for any chance to talk to Spamton once he was off the phone.
Spamton rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking?"
"You haven't seen any ladies, have you? I figured with your newfound success, the women would be flocking to you." Bant chuckled.
Spamton raised his hand and dismissed this with a gesture. "I'm too busy."
"Not too busy for me, though." Bant smirked.
Spamton froze and his cheeks flushed pink.
Bant tilted his head, flashing that iconic closed-eye Addison grin. "Hey, if you're interested, one of the restaurants Sen's been running fliers for is setting up blind dates. I've been the one coordinating things to bring people together. The restaurant has had a nice uptick in business since! The campaign is running for another week. It might be kind of fun to try it out. I can set you up with a cute girl, exactly your type!"
Spamton narrowed his eyes at the mention of Sen, or Yahoosen, the Yellow Addison he once worked so closely with but did not believe in his vision. Hearing Bant's involvement softened his expression but not his demeanor. "That sounds stupid. How will this benefit me at all?"
"If you have a good time, you could leave them a good review, and then I can convince the owner to vouch for your shop whenever they need a new car or some fixing. What do you think?" Bant's smile widened.
Spamton raised a brow. "Uh, give me a moment. Step out of my office for a bit."
Bant sighed. "What for?"
"I need to make a call, obviously!" Spamton said as he sat down at his desk with his finger already on the dial.
Bant huffed and pushed off the wall. "Fine. Let me know when you're done." He slipped out, closed the door behind him, and paced the hall. Although he was just outside the office, he could not hear what Spamton was talking about. Thankfully, the call was brief, and only a few moments later, Spamton opened the door, looking up at Bant. "OKAY. I will do it!" He adjusted his collar and flashed a handsome, toothy smile.
Bant blinked. "Huh? Really? Did whoever you were talking to on the phone tell you it was a good idea?" He laughed a little awkwardly.
"Huh?! Why would I ask my esteemed business partner about something so silly?" Spamton laughed, dismissively waving his hand. "Go on! Set me up with this blind date! I trust you know my tastes in women well."
Bant furrowed his brows. Having known Spamton for years, he knew when he wasn't totally genuine, and this seemed to be one of those moments, but he smiled anyway. "Okay, I will. I'm sure not to disappoint you!" ☎️☎️☎️
Waiting in a hallway near the restrooms was a small lady, a White Addison. She wore a silken pink dress far too expensive for her salary and tied her hair up in a matching pink bow. People passing by stared at her, whispering words she did not want to hear.
Bant approached her. "Ah, Ms. Thetalan, you look quite lovely. That dress Orvar loaned you fits you nicely!"
Orvar, short for Orvarstok, was an Orange Addison who worked with Bant. He advertised clothing curated by Queen herself, ranging from everyday wear to fine garments. Through their established trust, Bant easily convinced him to loan a dress on the promise he'd foot the dry-cleaning bills afterward.
She turned to the Blue Addison and smiled meekly. "You think so? I hope he likes it, too."
"He definitely will. You are exactly his type." Bant winked. "He is an esteemed businessman, so he has fine tastes. He should be here within the next five to ten minutes. Just wait here for now."
"Fine tastes?" She blushed. "Okay. I will wait right here," she answered meekly. She watched him disappear down the corner. She was certain this guy was the same Blue Addison she saw with that man she fell in love with a year ago—a man who appeared to be a White Addison like her but with black hair. She etched his name into her heart: Spamton G. Spamton.
Despite her suspicions, Thetalan didn't dare pry too much about the Blue Addison's possible relations. He approached her directly while she was walking down the street and asked if she would like to participate in a blind date with all the expenses paid to support a local restaurant. Usually, she'd be wary of such things, but because of his familiarity, her intuition told her to trust him and take on this offer. She told him about the kind of man she wanted to meet, and he said, "Ah, perfect. I know just the guy for you! He is a handsome businessman and not too unlike an Addison." He raised his head and pointed at his own nose. "What, with one of these just like us!"
Few Darkners chose to court Addisons outside of work-related reasons, but this Blue Addison described someone so specific that she could only think of one person, and it was him. To have this opportunity of seeing Spamton again... It made her tremble with excitement.
With bated breath, she gazed into the nearby mirror, trying to collect herself. Though she was excited, anxiety swarmed her entire being. She hadn't seen this man since last year and wondered if he remembered her. He occupied her mind constantly, and as she stared into her beautified reflection, her hands wringing restlessly, she thought, "He has no idea how much I wish he could see me."
(To be continued...)
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pyreo · 3 years
deltarune megapost
I wanted to make a Deltarune post about the lore and the things that aren’t  obvious. And once I do that I wanna focus on why Mettaton is incredibly important to this setting
And also why he poses a problem
Why did Toriel and Asgore get divorced?
Without the setting of Undertale, Asgore and Toriel’s marriage still broke up after they had Asriel. There needs to be a reason though. In UT it was Asgore’s ‘worst of both worlds’ decision regarding killing anybody that fell from the human world, including children. We saw how close they were before this happened. Only something deep and serious caused that rift. In Deltarune, what on earth did Asgore do?
What happened to Dess?
Mentioned a handful of times by Noelle, Dess was her older sister and is mentioned In Undertale.... in that Xbox exclusing casino thing. The way Noelle talks about her, the conspicuous way Noelle gets locked out of her big house - it implies Dess is gone or deceased. Berdly recalls a spelling bee when he and Noelle were younger where she, despite being smarter than him, misspelled ‘December’, allowing him to win.
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In the two-player spelling puzzle, it also spells out ‘December’ as Noelle recalls the past and her silhouette regresses to a child while she does so. Being distracted by her sister’s disappearance, rather than pure shyness, could account for her misspelling her name on stage, and it clearly left a big psychological mark for her to have this visual regression in the Dark World.
However, there’s a graveyard in Hometown with no Dess. I heard another theory that she has been missing for years, because where each character’s personal room is made by Queen to reflect their tastes via their search results, Noelle has a calendar where every day is December 25th. This could imply that Noelle continually searches the internet for ‘December Holiday’, her sister’s name, to see if there are clues to her disappearance, but of course the only result you would get is the date of Christmas.
Who is the Knight?
It’s now implied to be Kris, who has been forcibly removing the player’s influence to act on their own. By all accounts the Knight is the game’s main antagonist. Spade King and Queen both mention the Knight as someone who influenced their position - they brought Spade King to absolute power, and showed Queen that creation of new worlds was possible.
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We’re led to believe that Kris was doing this, because they’ve been acting outside of the player’s control. Eating the entire pie between chapter 1 and 2 might have been a red herring to cover that they also went to the library and used that knife to slash open a dark fountain there.
However. This has issues. How would they even manage to shuffle slowly all the way to the library and get in the computer lab? The Knight is also the one creating the hidden bosses. They talked to Jevil until he realised he was in a game and he lost his mind; they ruined Spamton’s life by elevating him to success and then crushing him. Whatever the Knight is doing seems to be deliberately planned with key players in mind.
Kris opening the fountain at home at the end of ch.2 can be explained in that you just figured out in Cyber World that anyone determined enough can do this, and so, Kris decided to. So a better question might even be...
What does Kris want?
We have no idea. They are capable of removing the SOUL, ‘us’, temporarily, and putting things in motion we cannot influence. But they also keep putting us back in control afterward. This is hinted at right when ch.2 starts, where if you inspect the cage in Kris’s bedroom they threw us into, the description says it’s inescapable. Meaning Kris came back and took us out, willingly.
They allow us to pilot them through the game. Why? Because they cannot live without the SOUL for long for some reason? Because they’re bad at bullet hell? Why did they slash Toriel’s tyres before opening the fountain, making sure nobody could drive away?? Why did they specifically open the door?
You can find out details about Kris through the creepy way you interact with the townsfolk, who think you are Kris. They play the piano at the hospital waiting room - better than you. They used to go to church just to get the special church juice. It’s all normal, relatable things, not like someone who’s trying to plunge the world into darkness. Judging by their search history portrayed in their Queen’s castle room, they really want to see their brother again. However the castle has a room based on Asriel’s search history too, and Kris (not you) closes their eyes and won’t look at it.
What is Ralsei?
His name is an anagram of Asriel. Is he an extension of Asriel? The slightly flirtier dialogue in ch.2 would point to no. Is he an extension of Kris themselves, given the link between Kris’s childhood habit of wearing a headband with red horns on it, to pretend to be a monster like their family?
Ralsei knows exactly where the Dark World in the school is located, and unlike regular Darkners, knows the world is folded up inside the ‘real world’. There’s a certain whiplash to Ralsei telling you to hop out of his reality into yours and go down the hallway to retrieve all the board game items.
How does he jump from one Dark World to another, without assistance? How does he not get petrified like Lancer and Rouxls? Is this a power level thing because he’s a prince or something else? We definitely do not know enough about Ralsei.
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He also says this incredibly suspicious thing after you spare Spamton NEO. Susie was also curious but accepts that maybe it ‘didn’t mean anything’, which is a sure tell that these optional bosses do mean something.
Someone is orchestrating what’s happening, opening fountains, manipulating the rulers, and influencing NPCs to become the optional bosses. Why? I suspect Ralsei for both knowing too much, and pretending something doesn’t matter when it clearly does. Until Asriel actually comes home from college I’m going to suspect he’s involved in this too.
How much does Seam know?
Seam on the other hand knows a lot about what’s going on but is openly withholding information while helping you. He’s nihilistic. He says things like:
One day soon... You too, will begin to realize the futility of your actions. Ha ha ha... At that time, feel free to come back here. I'll make you tea... And we can toast... to the end of the world!
Either this ‘end of the world’ is a reference to The Roaring, where opening too many dark fountains dooms the Dark World and the real one... or, I can’t get out of my head the idea that Deltarune takes place in a fake, or weird reconstruction of Undertale where things don’t match up, and eventually it will have to disappear. After all, powers of determination and creating and manipulating universes are Undertale’s basic bread and butter. How can we look at an Alternate Universe containing the characters we already know and not suspect that? Seam also uses Gaster’s key words, ‘darker, yet darker’, seemingly to clue us in that he’s not off track here.
Why haven’t we seen Papyrus?
This is a bright neon flashing ‘something’s not right’ sign. It’s not like Papyrus’s voice actor was too busy or anything. His absence is noticable and for a reason. Nice of Sans to promise we could meet him despite being aware we’re piloting a child’s body around, though, even if he didn’t follow through.
What locations in town could be used for dark fountains in the next 4 chapters?
If the sequence continues, we have chapter 1 in the school games room, chapter 2 in a computer lab, and chapter 3 in front of Kris’s television, where the aesthetic of each setting influences the world, characters, and enemies in the Dark World created there. Future possibilities include the church, the hospital, sans’s grocery store, Noelle’s house, and the closed bunker.
What the hell’s in the closed bunker
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This one’s too obvious, honestly. I think it’ll open for no reason in chapter 7 and a little white dog will bounce out and steal one of your key items and nothing else happens.
Why does Asgore have these
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Unlike the bunker feeling like a joke teaser, I gotta believe this is foreshadowing something weird. For example, what does opening a dark fountain in here with the seven flowers do? Does it just take you into Undertale?
Each chapter will have a hidden boss with a ‘soul mode’ from Undertale
Chapter 1 let you stay red, but I think each subsequent chapter is going to change your soul mode to one of the seven colours and design the encounter around that. Purple, yellow, green and blue were used in Undertale, leaving the light blue and orange modes yet to be revealed.
How does Spamton emulate Mettaton Neo’s name, body, and incorporate his battle theme, and the ‘Dummy!’ theme, with no actual connection between them ingame?
This is a really fun one that’s explained over in this post here. Swatch is the Dark World creation from the paint program on the library computers, so he’s able to explain that a Lightner made the robot body decaying in the castle basement that way.
Mettaton went to the library and drew his ideal form, Mettaton NEO, in MS Paint, and the Dark World formed that into a puppet body which Spamton was able to hijack temporarily. So by doing that Spamton was able to channel Mettaton’s appearance, attacks, music, and SOUL mode for the fight.
This might mean that the future hidden bosses, each with their own SOUL mode, might be based on the associated character for that mode (Muffet, Undyne, and Sans or Papyrus), and the boss will take on some aspect of them from their world to leech their fight mechanics.
The Problem With Mettaton
We don’t exactly know what Deltarune is about. It’s an alternate universe where the characters from Undertale already live on the surface, have completely normal lives, but diverge from the storyline of Undertale and, crucially, have not lived through the changes Frisk brought to their lives.
Remember how Undertale had a dozen different ending routes depending on who you befriended? The constant reinforcement in Undertale was that your choices mattered. Through Frisk, you chose to bring Alphys closure about her mistakes, you chose to befriend papyrus instead of attacking him, you chose to help Alphys and Undyne realise their feelings for each other and it’s only doing that that leads to the golden ending and escape to the surface.
Deltarune is the opposite, your choices do not matter. The only thing you can do to force the route of the game to change is to force Noelle into a No Mercy run, which is indirect, and also, a total desperation to mess with an otherwise set course. This version of the characters have not been helped by Frisk - Undyne and Alphys are not together, Papyrus has no friends, Asgore cannot get over himself, and they’re clearly the worse for it, but potentially, you COULD still do these things. In fact it’s hinted that you already are.
But there’s Mettaton.
He’s still a ghost and does not leave his house. In Frisk’s world, Gaster deleted himself, promoting Alphys to royal scientist by bluffing with Mettaton, and she then build him his ideal body. In Kris’s world... Alphys is a school teacher. There’s no barrier to break, no reason to experiment on souls, no Flowey mistake, and no body for Mettaton.
It was sad in Ch.1, but now with the Spamton NEO fight in ch.2, it’s unmissable. Mettaton wants that body and he cannot get it. Alphys in this universe is not going to leave her teaching job and suddenly be able to build a robot. Mettaton is just... screwed out of his happy ending and cannot get it.
So what resolution could this have? If it wasn’t for Mettaton I might believe in the vaildity of Deltarune and Hometown. But. How can you doom this character? If Undertale was the only way Mettaton could be befriended, then Undertale is Primary Universe A and Seam is right - the world of Deltarune is doomed as some kind of aberration. It all relies on how this gets explained in the future, but the core mystery of Deltarune is how exactly this universe intersects with Undertale and whether one is an offshoot of the other. How the Dark World links into that is another complication. But even as we get more fun characters and neat stuff in the Dark Worlds, let’s not forget we have absolutely no idea why Undertale’s characters are living here with no mention of underground or why there are no other humans beside Kris.
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coolfire333 · 3 years
More addison thoughts (+ a bit on Spamton)
Pink: everyone seems to love them, and honestly I can see why. We probably get to know them the best out of all the addisons, so there’s also that to contribute to their popularity. Own-flavor tea is actually a really cool product, I could see a lot of people being interested in buying that irl. The relationship shoes is also a funny idea. And they have a cute haircut, I like the ponytail :)
I like that little laugh they do when they’re making their sales pitch to Noelle and Kris, I like picturing them trying to do a really cheesy fake French accent when they’re trying to sell the dating shoes. They also seem pretty dramatic, just look at what they say when you tell them you’re not interested in buying tea. I also nearly forgot that they’re the cotton candy vendor too! What an entrepreneur, they must be busy if it really is the same pink addison selling all of those things.
I still find it really sketchy that they’re selling the freezering, I’ve already talked about how weird that is in other posts but I gotta mention it again. It gives me the impression that they’re extremely ambitious, to the point of being a bit pushy. Kinda like Spamton. Wonder if that’s why they have the most angry reaction to Spamton’s fame. 
Blue: what a good soul, they actually went to check in on Spamton, and out of all of the addisons they seem to have the least hard feelings about him. Basically, they seem nice. I said in my thoughts on pink that pink was the addison we get the best sense of during the game, but it’s honestly really close between them and blue
They also offer free samples and , that’s more generous than the kinds of tactics the other addisons use to get sales. Why are they giving free samples of shoes like that though? Why do they have the impression that people eat shoes??
Orange: underappreciated! I dunno, I have a soft spot for them. They seem kinda silly. They straight up scam you with the mannequin. The others don’t actually sell their weird products (except pink’s tea, but that’s useful) but orange just rips you off. Well, the mannequin is arguably useful in Spamton neo’s fight, but they basically are selling you junk and I find that really funny
I can’t tell if it’s out of ignorance (maybe they have no idea how clothing for lightners works??) or embarrassment (they need to get rid of their mistake asap so they’re just not gonna mention the details about that dress) or if they’re purposefully trying to scam you, but yeah they sell you a bad deal lol
I also love that their hair is just...weird to figure out. Pink has a ponytail, yellow’s is short and spiky, blue’s hair is soft and wavy-looking, but I’ve seen like a million different interpretations of orange. I’ve seen them drawn with a shorter version of blue’s haircut, with chin-length hair and a half-bun, even a time or two where they were slightly balding. Really love that nobody seems to have a consensus on what’s going on
Also, along with pink, they’re the only addison that doesn’t have a double at the trash zone? Everyone seems to remember the two yellows, but there are actually two of blue as well! Pink is shown selling different things (tea, shoes/rings, and cotton candy), so maybe even though they aren’t shown in the same place, there are more than one pink addison as well? 
There could be two oranges since in two different areas of the city you see two oranges, one of them that doesn’t sell anything and just talks about being an addison, and then the dress seller. But they never appear on the same screen together, so maybe they’re the same orange. 
Maybe all addisons of the same color are just the same addison, and they can teleport/duplicate themselves across different areas to sell their products more effectively. Like some kind of same-color addison hivemind. Or maybe there are many addisons of the same color and they’re just separate people. No idea how this works. 
Yellow: seriously what is up with them. You never see them anywhere else except at the trash zone after fighting neo, what are they doing this whole time? They obviously know the other addisons and Spamton well enough to come to the addison funeral, but why aren’t they selling stuff in the city?
Are they like a travelling salesman? Did they go off on a business trip and one of the other addisons called them to tell them about Spamton? They know a whole lot of information about Spamton’s past, so it’s not like they’ve been totally out of the loop
Maybe they’re watching customers everywhere in order to get the data that the other addisons can use to personalize their sales. It’s really weird that they show up nowhere else, but I’m glad that they’re getting their fair share of attention from the fandom too
Spamton: I always think of that image with the gender select being “male” “female” “nonbinary” but there’s a fourth “business” option, and basically that’s where Spamton and the addisons fall into. 
But “business” is kind of where it ends for the addisons. They’re all just like “we’re addisons! You can use they/them for us. We’re salesmen :^)” except for Spamton. I think that it would be interesting for Spamton to be the only addison who’s kind of like “yeah I’m an addison, I’m ok with using they/them, but use he/him for me too! I’m not a salesMAN for nothing, I put the ‘man’ in there on purpose!” 
Although it’s a lonely thought that all of the addisons are nonbinary except for Spamton, him being the only man in the group. Like, I’m sure the addisons care about Spamton no matter what his identity was (they were friends I’m telling you), but at the same time they probably wouldn’t really understand where Spamton was coming from. It’d be just another thing that made him feel like the outlier in his circle.
It reminds me of the dynamic Mettaton had with Napstablook, where Mettaton  struggled with gender and his identity as a ghost in ways that I’m not sure they fully understood. Mettaton also used fame and creating a new persona of sorts for himself as a way to break out of his old life, but he also ended up leaving Napstablook behind, which he seems to regret.
Also I’d talk about Mad Dummy/Mad Mew Mew with this whole idea too, since her story seems similar to Mettaton’s in terms of gender as well, but apparently she only appears in her Mew Mew form in the switch version of undertale, so I don’t know enough about that storyline of hers aside from what I’ve read online to be able to comment more on it. 
And there are already a TON of other similarities between Spamton and Mettaton, so uhh yeah to me they are trans men. It’s only my headcanon for Spamton, and I guess you could say it’s only hinted at with Mettaton (with Mew Mew it seems pretty clear though because she switches pronouns between her dummy and mew mew forms iirc), but I like imagining them as specifically being nonbinary-to-male (nonbinary-to-female in Mew Mew’s case)
Idk my point is that all three of them are nonbinary-to-binary trans (is that a term?) and basically that is just a really special idea to me. I think I got too into the Left Hand of Darkness and the whole concept of “how come you’re a man when you don’t have to be” as well as the way gender is explored in that book lodged itself in my head permanently. Anyway, I dunno, the concept of that just makes me really happy. Spamton and Mettaton and Mad Mew Mew deserve to hang out and have gender solidarity with each other!!
I have more thoughts on Spamton, but I think I’ve already talked about that enough for now in other posts, and I wanted to try to focus more on the addisons with this post. I love these guys so muchhhhh, just rotating them around in my mind constantly :^)
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
I think you mentioned once on twitter about talking about spamton's parents backstory. did you ever do that? (I don't really use twitter much)
I ended up distracted so I didn’t talk about them after all😔 To be honest, they are supposed to be a pretty normal couple. However, to not make the answer too short, I can also explain some thoughts related to my addisons. 
(Long post, it isn’t organized lol. Might have some typos)
Peri and Jasper are much older than they look. This involves a minor hc of mine about addisons’ bodies ‘’absorving’’ Dark World matter/light/whatever (which I personally call ‘Dark Radiation’, or ‘Digital Radiation’ as some of my addisons call it in-universe-- very edgy I know) while they grow up. This is how I explain addisons getting their different powers and abilities, as well as aging slower. Each addison’s body reacts differently to this Radiation: some get incredible strength (Paubli/Yellow and Cidad/Orange), others get powerful elemental magic (Link/Pink) and some get.... strange fur patterns (Spamton’s marks under his mouth).
Spamton is a bit peculiar among addisons. First, his fur’s color didn’t change at all (already explained that concept in the past). That itself isn’t that bad given that there are some white addisons- it’s just uncommon. He also has heterochromia exactly like his mother’s, and the aforementioned *weird patterns under his mouth. ..... And the fact that he has healing magic- he doesn’t make items with healing properties. No, he can heal by himself. Yet this guy didn’t find out he had healing magic until he was in his late teens!
*Trivia: the round blush marks in the future are also fur patterns! He gets these many years later after his deal with the voice from the phone. It’s around this time that he dyed his hair black to look cooler and more mature, since he thought the blush marks made him look stupid.
... Okay, so about magic. Another minor hc is that my addisons can either summon some kind of weapon (depends on the addison) or cannot do that but can use stronger spells instead. That’s a very simple way of putting it, I truly don’t know how to properly explain it🧍‍♂️
Taggew (Blue) can summon a shield, but his magic is basic/weak.
Link (Pink) cannot summon a weapon, but he has amazing elemental magic- ice magic, in his case. Ice magic like his mom, actually!
There are minor cases that are kind of a mix- see, Paubli and Cidad cannot summon weapons but they can use spells to enhance their abnormal strength. Their magic isn’t strong, but it’s used to aid themselves whenever it’s needed  (the twins confirmed for anime characters).
Most addisons stick to whatever they got, they aren’t very confrontational and rarely use what they got (besides to make their daily lives easier lol). Others train with what they got to become stronger... And others, with a lot of work (and a bit of luck), can learn new magic and abilities.
Yes, this is how my Spamton got his other magic/abilities in the future. He only had healing at first! Now he knows how to use this new magic but it looks forced because he uses it hastily (a bit of an antsy guy). This is just due to a personal thought, but the abilities he uses during his ‘battle’ seemed so unnatural to me. True, it does fits his theme as a character, but still /shrugs.
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Okay now about Peri and Jasper’s backstory (which is what you actually asked me about LMAO). Not much to tell tho! Keep in mind, I’m still figuring out my own Deltarune timeline.
Jasper and Peri met around their 20s back in the early 1960s- in fact, they started dating 2 years before she went to college. While Peri (and her good friend Avery) attented their classes and such, Jasper oppened his jewelry shop around this time. Later in the same decade, they bought a small apartment and started living together.
Two years later, they got married- and months later, a little kitten by the name of Taggew came to their lives! (Getting married while pregnant.. [F]). A couple of years later, the twins Paubli and Cidad were born. It is while Peri was pregnant of Link a year later that they thought: ‘Okay maybe we need a bigger place’. Thus, with the help of Jasper’s sister Eden, they got a bigger house! It was no palace, but it’d be a better home for their family of six.
Wait, did I say six? No, I meant seven. Two years later, the last addition to Peri and Jasper’s family was born: a kitten that’d grow up to become a Big Shot and also not have a good time after that💀 (Spamton G Spamton babey!!!!).
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gamerguld · 2 years
Spamton : Undert[AI]le XIV
Chara gives Asriel's soul to his new body. Asriel asks what happened to him. Chara tells Asriel that he is in a different dimension. "Are we back at Oerba?" Asriel asks confused. “Oerba is much larger than this place.” Chara says. Asriel asks about Frisk. “They are well. They became king and queen. Ness and co. love you very much.” "Why do i look like this? How do we get back?" You tell Chara to head downstairs and talk to Asriel. You tell Asriel that his friends missed him a lot. He says he missed them too. He asks if they live in the mansion. "Asriel..." Chara says, sounding sad. "It's gone" You and Asriel get up. You turn and go downstairs. You go to Asriel's room. The door is open. You see the new Asriel talking to Ness and Frisk. He has a new doll. "Why are there clones of us!?" Asriels asks. He sounds frightened. You are also frightened. You didn't expect this. You approach them. As the friends turn to you, you tell them that the mansion is on fire. “I’m afraid the fire spread. We need to get out of here.” you say. "But that already happened." You tell your clone. "What do you mean?" Your cone says. You shake your head. “Your house just burned down. We need to go.” “Are you sure this is really me?” You give Asriel the doll. This is way to weird, so you just kick your clones butts. They disappear. You see the real Asriel. He looks sad. You tell him that his house burned down. He looks at you. "But how? My house is literally made of bricks and gold." Asriel sobs. “I… i… i liked that house. I made it myself. It was a big part of me. I liked having a house. I liked having… a life. "What if we build a better one together. It would not be the same but... You can always think of us." You say, trying to be optimistic. You decide to head out to a secluded place where your dear old friend Asriel can build himself a new home. As you and Asriel leave the house, you see a lot of smoke. You begin building the new mansion. Asriel is still depressed. You tell him to stay determined. As the two of you work on your new mansion, you see a strange purple light. “What is that?” you ask. "IT'S ME SPAMTON [G Spamton!]" Says the ominous figure as a yellow light now appears. “I’VE NEVER SEEN YOU WORK SO HARD! YOU’VE REALLY PICKED UP THE SPEED BUDDY!” The figure gives you a strange look. "Wait... You're from my game: Deltarune. What did you do? How did you get out of the game?" Asriel asks. “Um… In the game, i was a hacker. I hacked the servers that controlled the game. I assume it was the same one for this universe. I told you that the game was big.
You wonder how many 4th walls you can break. It's too high to count. You are filled with determination.
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