#i need to draw her more often...my queen of wearing huge cool jackets and not much underneath
lucky-draws · 3 months
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eva 👍
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sarah-bae-maas · 6 years
Reign of Queens Chapter One
A new fan fiction yay!! Been a while since I did something chaptered, and I’m actually excited by this! I hope you all like it, and have happy holidays and a good new year. 
When Aelin fell through worlds, she never dreamt that she would make it to Erilea alive. Half of her dream became a reality, she was alive, but she certainly wasn’t in Erilea. With foes at every corner and a powerful family ready to cull her for invading the body of a loved one, she has no choice but to play the games of the Night Court until she can figure out how to return home, hopefully without dragging anyone with her. 
An AU! where Aelin fell into Prythian by mistake. 
Find my masterlist here, and this on Ao3 here (not going to lie, the formatting will be much better on Ao3)
As she fell, she saw the worlds around her like a flitter in the distance. But somehow, she was still in everyone, could taste the air, smell the briny sees and smoke, but she could never touch.
And then that male, the winged one with the pregnant wife had raised his hand and slowed her.
And when she fell, she did not fall into her world.
Aelin gasped with a force to shatter the world. Her body felt like she’d been hit by a wyvern, and she felt the cool ground underneath her. She was lying down, or more like she’d smashed into the earth, and she slowly raised each limb to make sure they were still there and functioning. No pain, but the ache in her made her feel like she’d been regurgitated by a dragon.
She sat up, clutching her head.
And that’s when she noticed.
Her hand was callused but delicate, paler than she had ever seen it. She was wearing a dress made of a material so fine she needn’t question the wealth of the person wearing it. Her legs were long, waist thinner than it had ever been with narrow hips. Her legs went for days, and her breasts swelled beneath a corset. She grasped at a piece of her hair, crying out in shock at the golden brown.
She stood up quickly, taking in her surroundings. She was in a garden, the flowers surrounding her just beginning to bloom. The smell of them poisoned the air, so strong she felt like she was suffocating. She had been lying on a cobblestone path next to a bird bath, and in the distance she could see a manor interrupting the turn of the sun. Dusk was upon them. Mountains were in the distance, and the bright lights of a colourful city curved along the coastline.
Aelin tenderly walked to the bird bath, leaning over the water and using the fledging light to see herself.
She was beautiful, her cheeks angular and high and her nose straight. Her eyes were a burning grey, a colour Aelin was sure would be blue in the sun. Her ears were pointed – fae then, at least she was still a fae – and her body seemed unscarred and cared for.
Aelin was not in her body, and she highly doubted she was in Erilea at all.
The thought made her feel sick. What of Rowan? Was she still alive in Terrasen, or had her soul invaded this body and left her old one to rot? Her stomach fluttered, what in the rutting hell was she going to do. And what on earth had happened, had gone wrong, for her to smooth her hands down a body as unfamiliar as the land she was in?
She evaluated where she was again. Soon it would be night, and it would be cold. She needed warmer clothes than the ones she was wearing now. She could either go into that city and steal from the locals, or she could hedge a bet that the house she woke in front of belonged to the fae she had invaded.
She followed the path that led to the back door. The door opened – unlocked – and she was impressed with what she saw. Rich carpet laid out before her, the walls all painted in vivacious colours. The hallway in front of her was long, many rooms coming off each side with a grand staircase at the end. Aelin listened carefully, and there was no sign of anyone else in the house. Still, she would have to be careful and watch from the windows in case anyone approached. Unfortunately, if the portraits on the walls were anything to go by, this fae had a large family.  One Aelin would definitely need to avoid.
She opened all the doors, most of them guest rooms or rooms dedicated to some art form, so she went upstairs. It was much more open up here, a sprawling kitchen, dining and lounge room all combined into one massive space. She went through the next door she saw and grinned. This was clearly the master. She dove in, opening closets and pulling out clothes. She kicked off the slippers she was wearing and changed from the dress into pants and a blouse. At the bottom of the closet she saw boots. She pulled them on, impressed by their quality. Whoever this fae was, she had impeccable taste. She also had a stash of gold hidden in her draw, and Aelin happily plucked that up to and shoved it into her pocket. With a sigh of relief, she could read the titles on the shelf in the room. She didn’t recognize them, but with names like The Passion of Summer Nights, Aelin had no doubt they were to her taste. It was just a relief to know she could speak the damn language of wherever she was. That would make getting back to Rowan easier.
The windows were clear. No one was coming up the paths, and Aelin took that as a sign to get the hell out of this manor. She walked down the hallway, a smile on her face from her good fortune, but stopped when she heard a creak in the floor behind her.
“Nes? Where are you going?”
Aelin froze, at the male voice behind her and the harsh woman’s voice that cleaved through her mind like a thought.
She heard his footsteps as he approached her and tensed as he placed his hands on her waist. How? No one came up the path, no one opened the doors downstairs. How could he have snuck up on her?
“Nesta, are you okay?” He had felt her tense and taken his hands away. “Is today a bad day?”
Not trusting her voice, she nodded, still not turning to look at him. This male clearly knew who she was, intimately from the way he had put his hands on her.
“Okay, not a problem.” She could feel his breath on her neck, and it made her sweat under the jacket she was wearing from nerves. She didn’t often find herself in a position like this. “Would you like your sisters? Emerie? If the house is too much today, we can go to Illyria.”
Aelin tried to keep her breathing steady. She glanced at the window in front of her and tried not to gasp at what she saw in its reflection.
A huge male, the height of Aedion with weapons strapped to every inch of his body. He had giant wings tucked in, bright red gems scattered over his body. At least the wings explained why she had not seen anyone walk the paths. He likely flew in. Flew! Aelin had never come across a humanoid creature that could do such a thing. His face was rough-hewn but beautiful, the smile gracing it illustrating his love for this woman as if he’d declared it aloud. His hands were clasped in front of him, his patience evident.
He caught her gaze in the window, his face softening. He walked, standing two feet in front of her. He leant forward and placed a kiss to her cheek, and Aelin felt her eyes well. Not because she was scared, but because it had been a long time since she’d seen a man at peace be so gentle. It reminded her of Rowan, of the love she needed to get back to. Her cheek burned where his lips had been, and she could feel the colour rising to her face.
“Was it the bath? I hired someone today to fix the shower, I promise you won’t have to use it again.” He took one of her hands in his. His were scarred like a warrior, not that anything about this male contradicted that fact. But again, like her Rowan, he held her like a flower about to wilt.
Help me, Cassian!
That voiced went through her again, and Aelin realised with a start that it was the woman who this body belonged to.
Get this bitch away from me.
Aelin blinked in surprise at the words.
You’re surprised? You must be something worse than daft then. Why wouldn’t I want you out of me? Get the fuckout. I don’t know what magic you used to do this, what spell you must have stolen from the Book of Breathings, but they’ll figure it out.
Oh, this whole situation just became infinitely worse. It was one thing to be here, but to be stuck in the body with another conscious soul… Aelin was in deep, deep shit. How was it that wherever she went she always found herself in the most construed circumstances.
I… there is a lot happening right now. I didn’t mean to come here, and I didn’t do this on purpose. I don’t want to be here either,she thought back to the person – Nesta? – if that was even how this worked.
There was no reply, and Cassian was still staring at her.
I can feel the truth in your words.
Aelin sighed in relief, reckless in showing such emotion, especially since Cassian was still in front of her, waiting for her to speak. But she didn’t know what to say. Any words that came from her mouth may give her away or make him think something was wrong. She needed him gone. She glanced down, and noticed he wasn’t wearing shoes. She’d make good money betting that the men’s clothes in that closet belonged to the male in front of her – he was clearly comfortable here.
He noticed her studying his feet and wiggled his toes.
“There’s a lot of things you like Nesta Archeron but I didn’t think feet were on that list,” he teased. He raised his hands to caress her face. “Do you need me to distract you with some of those things?”
Her body reacted, but all it was was a reminder that this wasn’t Aelin. That the tingling she felt between her legs was nothing but a body’s natural reaction to someone it loved. Besides, Aelin knew what this was – she had played this game before. She had no doubt in her mind he was only saying these things to distract her. And being flirted with by someone so attractive? Well, it was distracting indeed.
If you fuck him I will kill you.
Och, I would never, Aelin snapped back.
Another truth. Tell me then, why are you here?
Now, why would I do that?
Because you landed yourself in one of the very few people in this world that can help you leave it. I need an explanation, but we need time. Tell him to go to Rhys, ask him if he can get flowers from Feyre to brighten the house.
Deciding to trust this woman – what else could she have done – Aelin said, “Go to Rhys. I need flowers from Feyre. To, you know, brighten the house.”
Cassian’s expression turned unexpectedly grave. “As you wish, my love.”
He stalked away, his hands casually on the hilt of his sword. He went up through a trapdoor, and then she heard the booming of his wings as he took off.
“Okay, okay. Where can we go? What can we do?”
We can’t do shit until you tell me what the hell is going on. Wow, you really are stupid. No wonder you found yourself in this position.
“Despite your foul mouth, you seem like the kind of person I would get along with. Or tear the throat out of. But my best friendships blossomed from hatred.”
The clock is ticking and yet the only thing coming out of your mouth is vile.
“Your name is Nesta?”
“I am Aelin Ashryver Whitethron Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen.”
There was silence, and then a roaring laughter that rattled her head like she was a human maraca.
I’ve heard some convoluted names in my time, but that, THAT, is the worst I’ve ever heard.
“That’s very rude of you.”
Some say it is my finest trait. And I may not be an expert in geography, but there is no Terrasen anywhere near here. You truly are a long way from home.
Aelin sighed and went to leave the house before stopping herself. Cassian had been a walking armoury, and Aelin was in need of at least some knives. She combed through the house again, ignoring Nesta’s commentary as she did so. Finally, in a room that off-shot the stairs to the roof, she found a hall of weapons. She hid them in her shoes, under her jacket, anywhere she could without making the folk of this city suspicious. Her eyes widened with lust when she saw a beautiful Jian sword. She made grabby hands at it, she felt like a child at Yulemas, and picked it up reverently.
“I’m going to name this sword Your Majesty. Then, when people wrong me, I can be like ‘do you want to meet, Your Majesty?’ And then I can kill them with a sword and a pun.”
That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard.
Aelin strapped the sword to herself. Satisfied with what she had, she left the house. She stalked in the direction of the city, trying to sort through the rapid-fire thoughts in her head about what to do next. How could she tell this Nesta her story, without starting from the beginning? To tell her how she got here, how she came to fall through hundreds of worlds until the kindness of a lovely man accidently led her to become trapped in this one.
And then she had to consider how to get out of here. One thing Nesta had sad stuck with her, the one thing that might be a solution to her problem. The Book of Breathings.
But first, a much needed explanation.
“Have you ever been in love, Nesta?”
Aelin found herself thanking the Gods out of habit. She thanked them that no one was around to hear her having a conversation with herself and thinking she was batshit crazy. It made her huff. There were no Gods now, not after what she had done.
That male you saw, Cassian. He is my love.
“Are you happy?”
More than I thought humanly possible.
“But you are not human.”
Not anymore.
Her words struck Aelin, closer than she could have anticipated.
“I know what it means to lose your humanity. To be in a place so dark, so despairing, that you can’t even dream of the light let alone think you’ll ever see one at the end of a tunnel. I have a Cassian. His name is Rowan, and he is my husband, my King, my mate. And out there somewhere he is alone, and scared, waiting for me to come home and end a war.”
Then you better speak, Queen Aelin.
“It’s a long story,” Aelin whispered.
Good thing I have nowhere to be. From the beginning, invader.
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littlecrookedheart · 6 years
Pairing : Clove and Elliot | Tom x Clove
Rating : Fluff, M for language
Word Count : 6,080
Author’s Note : Please take caution reading this if you are sensitive to sexual harassment (in the family of cat calling / staring.) Please take caution reading if you struggle with grief / death discussion.
Disclaimer : I do not own these characters. I’ve added a bit of a flare to them for the sake of this piece, but they do not belong to me.
Clove grabbed her phone from the bedside table, jumping up as she saw the time and Elliot’s missed messages, quickly typing back a reply. She swiped a sweater and black jeggings from her bag, running her fingers through her hair like a comb and leaving Tom with a note and a kiss on the cheek.
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She pulled up to the driveway, sending her text before seeing Elliot already running up to the car, a wide smile on his face.
“You look sunny today.”
“I've been up for awhile.”
“Nope, Scooter, not what I meant. You look happy.”
Elliot shyly grinned, playing with his sleeves as she drove off down the road.
“I um...I may have asked Robbie to a dance.”
“I know I'm not going to school with him this year but he should still go, right?”
“For sure. How'd you do it?”
“It was so dumb. I wrote it on the inside of a box of breadsticks.”
“Carbs are never dumb, first of all. Second, that's really cute!”
“You think? They're his favorite, you know the ones from that pizza place that has the best bread?”
“Yeah, the one by the spice market?”
“Okay, critical question. Does he dip them in ranch, garlic sauce, or marinara?”
“How is that a critical question?”
“He's practically my brother in law-”
“It matters!”
Elliot rolled his eyes and mumbled, “Garlic.”
“Ah, see? That wasn't so hard. And now he has an extra stamp of approval from your favorite me!”
“You're my least favorite you.”
“Elliot, you know how much I love you, but I will dump you out of this car.”
“Right here? Nah. We’re by that diaper place.”
“You lost me.”
“This whole area smells like a diaper.”
“No way?” Clove rolled her window down, immediately making a face and closing it. “Wow. It really does smell like a diaper.”
He chuckled, turning away to stifle the sound, “Like massive diaper.”
“I've considered it and I think that this would be the perfect Elliot dumping zone.”
“Welcome! Just the two of you?” The hostess perked, smiling from behind a couple of menus. Before either of them could reply, she gestured for them to follow her, leaving the menus at the table. “Your server will be over in just a moment.”
“Sit next to me, Scoot. Miss you.”
Elliot rolled his eyes and slid in the booth next to her, immediately flipping to a place in the menu full of waffles and pancakes.
A few moments later, a server came to take their order quickly dropping off drinks and a basket of toast.
“This is what I live for.”
“Toast in a basket?”
“Carbs!” Clove spread butter and jam on two pieces of toast, stacking them before taking a big bite. “I could literally just have this and I'd be content.”
“What are you gonna get?”
“I don't know! What do you think I should?”
“We've been sitting here for like ten minutes and you haven't decided what you want? I'm getting the supreme pancake thing.”
“Oh! Do they still have those birthday cake pancakes?”
“We have the birthday cake waffles,” the server said as he reappeared, pulling out his notepad. “Your birthday?”
“Nah, they just taste like dessert and I like dessert.”
“I haven't tried them but they do look delicious…” He gave her a long, full bodied once over, “Those cakes.”
Elliot looked to her with a scowl, confused.
“Not even trying to hide it, huh?”
The server moved his eyes along her curves, obviously staring at her chest. She pretended not to be bothered, zipping her jacket up higher.
“I need a sec. Scoot, go first.”
“Um...okay...I want the pancake supreme breakfast.”
“Sausage or bacon?”
“Okay. And for you, sweetcheeks?”
Clove started cracking up, holding a finger up to signify that she needed a moment. She stood up, facing him straight on.
“You think I'm hot, right? Do you always creepy stare at hot girls?”
“I'm not supposed to flirt on the job, sweetie-”
“'Sweetie,' my foot in your ass. I hope you like the unemployment line.”
She marched up to the front desk, pounding her fist on the wooden counter. The server quickly followed over, murmuring under his breath.
“Hi! I'd really like to see the manager. Like, head honcho. Who is in charge?”
“Ma’am, if you'll please-”
“I'm ma'am now? Twenty seconds ago I was, ‘sweet cheeks.’”
Elliot grabbed his phone to record her, a man with a large beard approaching her at the counter.
“Hello, I'm Peter. I'm the manager, what can I help you with?”
“I came here for a breakfast with my kid brother. He's right over there,” she nodded toward him, “Instead, I'm being sexually harassed by the guy that's meant to be my server.”
“Are we sure this wasn't a misunderstanding?”
“Right, I suppose I misunderstood him staring at my tits and making a comment about my ‘cakes,’ along with calling me, ‘sweet cheeks.’”
Peter's face turned a deep shade of red as he whipped around to face the server, who stood with his hands up in surrender.
“Didn't mean anything by it! If she didn't have those things out in the open like that-”
“I'm wearing a sweater, asshole. I could walk in here completely naked and you being a creep would still not be okay!” She used her hands to talk, keeping her volume cool and collected despite the rage in her eyes, “Clothes don't determine consent! Having breasts does not mean I'm dying for you to talk to me like that! You need to take a few lessons on common fucking courtesy, because my dude, you are lacking.”
“My office, Clancy. Now.”
Peter turned back to face her, shaking his head, “I am so sorry. He will be dealt with and your meal today will be free of charge.”
“Thanks, but listen, Peter. First of all, don't doubt someone when they say they're being sexually harassed. Second, he doesn't need to be, ‘dealt with,’ he needs to be fired. Keeping him employed here poses a risk to every single female patron that walks through that door with your seal of approval. That isn't an establishment most people want to support.”
As she turned away, Elliot began to clap, attracting the attention of a few other customers who joined in. She did a little twirl and bow, elbowing him as she got back in the booth.
“Tom thinks you're a badass.”
“Did you record me?”
“Yeah, because you're a badass. So I sent it to Tom.”
“Don't ever be like that guy, Scoot. You're so much better than that.”
“I'm not gonna objectify someone's body. I know how bad that is.”
“You're right. And you're smart for remembering.”
“You sure you're okay? That guy was a creep.”
“I'm fine! No scratches. Plus, I felt pretty brave doing what I did.”
“Yeah..you were.”
She wiped her mouth, grinning at him, “So...why do you think that area smells like diaper?”
“Dunno,” he shoved a huge bite of pancakes in his mouth, “But it didn't smell like that until after the flood.”
“Something wicked in those waters.”
Elliot glared at her, pouring more syrup over his food.
“Sorry, jeez. Something more wicked. Like poop.”
He snorted, covering his nose and mouth, “Goober, don't say, ‘poop,’ at the table.”
“Okay, dad. I forgot we can't say any of the gross words.”
Elliot’s face went slack, a weak smile slowly curling on his lips. “Dad hated that.”
“He did! He was the only one who was allowed to talk about poop while we ate.”
“I don't know why that made me really sad.”
“It’s okay, Scooter. We’re allowed to miss them.”
At the front of the restaurant, a small girl sat beside her mother, looking up as she watched her reapply her lipstick after their meal. Elliot’s gaze locked on them, his fake smile beginning to become genuine. Clove turned her head and watched them for a moment before saying, “That’s adorable.”
“I remember you used to do that with mom.”
“You do?”
“I remember when we were younger and you’d sit on the hamper in the bathroom and watch mom do her makeup. She always said, ‘Clove, draw your eyebrows as high as your hopes will take you-’”
“And when you dream, aim higher,” she joined him in unison, putting her arm around him. “I miss her.”
“Me too.”
“Remember when she’d sing to you when you were little? You’d hum along but never sing. She told you that your lungs were made to belt it out and you were doing the world and injustice by keeping it in.”
“I really can’t sing, either. She was the one doing the world and injustice by wanting me to belt it out.”
“Nah, Scoot. She just loves you.”
“Do…you believe in heaven?”
“I’ve seen enough of it to know it’s out there.”
“I don’t know if I do…but if it’s real, mom’s there. Dad too, but…mom is like the queen of the angels.”
“You know something? It might sound crazy, but-”
“Can you feel her, too?”
“Yeah. Right now, sitting across the table,” she pointed her fork to the empty spot, “Telling you that this hair looks so nice since it’s grown out.”
“She’d like Tom, I think.”
Clove’s eyes welled with tears, picturing a world in which her mother may have known him.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s just bittersweet.”
She wrapped her arms around him, feeling him sniffle against her.
“Mom would love Robbie. God, Scooter. She’d be so proud of you. I know she is, wherever she is. They both are.”
“Do you think..” Elliot poked at his breakfast, choosing his words. “Do you think they’d care? Y’know…about me…liking guys?”
“I don’t have to think, I know they’d be happy to know that you were being true to yourself. I know they’d care, but only about your happiness. They’d never treat you differently.”
“Yeah…but how can you know that? It’s not like I ever got close to saying anything.”
“Because I know they didn’t mind. You know, one time I told mom that I liked girls.”
“You like girls?”
Clove shrugged, finishing off her drink, “Yeah. Not super often, but if I met a girl and I got feelings for her, I wouldn’t think any differently. One time when I was younger than you, though? I had a crush on our old neighbor. Remember Mia?”
“The girl with short hair? She was so much older than you!”
“Yeah, but I didn’t care. It was just a harmless crush, anyway. I told mom, ‘I think Mia is really hot.’ and she just laughed and said, ‘I don’t blame you.’”
“She really said that?”
“Why would I make that up?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I feel bad that we’ve mostly talked about mom.”
“Dad was great, but Scooter, me and you were always glued to mom’s hip. Of course we’re gonna have these times where we just talk about her, but we will have those times about dad, too.”
“My favorite thing about dad was his Saturday morning speech.”
“Oh, God. Kill me now.”
Elliot cleared his throat and began to do an impression. “Today is Saturday and I am going to sit right here-”
“In my pj’s-”
“And no kid or wife-”
“Is going to make me put on real pants!”
“-So if you need anything today…”
“Ask your mother or call a delivery service.”
They both stared at one another for a moment before doubling over in laughter.
“There is no question where we get our humor from.”
“Hey, Clove? I know we can’t visit their gravestones…not today, at least. But could we do something for them?”
“Whatcha have in mind?”
“Maybe we could write notes and burn them or something.”
“Huh. Okay. You ready to go?”
Clove pulled her jacket on, slipping a twenty dollar bill to Elliot.
“What’s that for?”
“Being you. But can you run up and get grandpa’s to go? It’s free like the rest of this meal, thanks to Clancy.“
He made his way to the counter to grab the order while Clove pulled out her phone, swiping through a photo album she had complied of she and Elliot with their parents through the years. He met her back at the table and slid the change under his glass for a tip, looking over her shoulder.
“Come on, Goob. Let’s go.”
“Just up that hill.”
Elliot pointed ahead to a pathway of trees, dead and barren from Winter’s wrath, the surrounding woods plush with evergreens. Atop the hill sat a dead patch of grass, remnants of a bonfire still smoking at a makeshift fire pit.
“Someone had fun here last night,” Clove smiled, “I love bonfires.”
“Actually…that was me. I came up here to think.”
A look of concern crossed her face as she sat on the ground next to him, bumping his knee with her own.
“You’re not just playing with fire…right?”
“No, I swear. I just got the idea from the fire last night. Watching the branches and sticks curl up and basically just become ash? It..it was like..why can’t bad memories do that, too?”
“Because memories are a part of us.”
“I wish not all of them were.”
“Tom told me something once that helped me a lot. Can I share it with you?”
Elliot nodded, pulling his beanie off. He stretched it in his hands, looking into the distance.
“We are the people we are. Our grandpa is the guy who was involved with the cult. Our parents..were murdered by that cult. We can’t run from it, but we have to remember that it doesn’t define us.”
“I don’t know if I know what you mean.”
“When you look at me, do you see any of that?”
“What do you see?”
“My sister. That’s it.”
“Exactly, Scooter. Because we aren’t our past. Nobody should ever look at you and see those things, especially yourself. You were amazing before, during, and now, after all of that. You aren’t, ‘Elliot, kid who almost died however many times.’ You’re Elliot, my baby brother. You’re smart, you’ve got a great head on your shoulders. You’re a big sweetie-”
“Don’t push it.”
“…Even though you don’t believe it.”
“Thanks, Clove. I guess you’re right. I don’t think Robbie is anything like his dad or something..that’s kind of similar, right?”
“Yeah, it’s similar.”
Elliot laid back, folding his arms under his head. Clove joined him, watching the overcast sky as the clouds drifted along. She thought of the moments in between the sadness, taking her brother’s hand in her own.
“We made it.”
“Yeah, we did, didn’t we?”
“And we’re gonna keep on making it. Somewhere up there in all of those clouds, mom and dad are there. They’re looking at us now and they’re proud, I can feel it in my heart.” She placed a hand to her chest, choking back tears, “One day in a couple years, you’re gonna graduate high school, and you’re gonna look in the seats and wish they were there. It’s gonna feel like acid in your heart, but I need you to know something.”
She turned to him, wiping her eyes with her other hand, “I swear to you, no matter what you feel, they will be there. I will be there. You still have a family, okay?”
Elliot dove forward, embracing her tightly.
“Why did they have to leave, Clove?”
She squeezed her eyes, desperate to hold back her emotions as he sobbed in her arms. Be strong. Be strong.
“I don’t know, Scooter. They are right here with us, right now,” she wiped his tears, pressing her hand over his, aligning it at his heart, “You can’t tell me you don’t feel that.”
“I’m so scared..I-” he buried his face in his hands, “It’s been this long and I’m still so scared to lose you, too.”
“I’m not going anywhere. You hear me? I’m not leaving.” Clove’s arms wrapped around him, rocking back and forth as she began to hum, her touch maternal against his heartache. “We’re okay, Elliot. Breathe with me,” she said, her voice soft. She inhaled deeply, waiting for him to mirror her, slowing down his sobs one breath at a time.
Once he’d gone quiet, her humming the only sound against the blowing wind, she kissed the crown of his head and tightened her embrace.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” He sat up, using his sleeves to wipe his face.
“Still wanna burn a note?”
She dug through her purse, taking out a miniature journal and a pen. She scribbled something of her own and handed him the items, digging a book of matches from her things.
“Do you want me to read it?” Elliot asked, pulling his hat back on.
“Only if you want to. I didn’t think you would.”
“Um…Doctor Ripley…wants me to be more open with you.”
Their therapist, a kind, plump man with thinning hair and very large, square glasses, had been working with Elliot twice weekly over the past year and a half. Clove joined him in seeing a therapist, sometimes the same, sometimes a tall woman with a harsh smokers rasp and eyes like a river. Always helpful, regardless - and she was delighted to see that Elliot, too, was having a good experience.
He took a shaky breath and cleared his throat before starting, “Mom and Dad…I’m not mad anymore. I’m sorry that I was. I didn’t know how to..how to think about you actually not being here anymore. I kept..thinking about you, hoping we could go home again. I think it took me this long to let you go..and I just want to. I want to let you go. I love you so much…but you deserve to be free.”
Clove swiped the matchstick along the panel, placing the flame along the edge of his note. He dropped it, watching as it blew to the blackened pile of sticks. Once it dissipated, it was nothing but a clipping the size of a snowflake, and it floated off with the breeze.
“I’ll go now.”
She dug the tip of her boot into the dirt, doing her best to keep her eyes from flooding.
Elliot placed a hand on her shoulder, feeling her body tremble beneath his touch. “You don’t have to, Goob.”
“It’s okay. Mom, Dad…you taught me love for so long I never actually realized that one day, I wouldn’t feel yours anymore. I just want to say thank you for Elliot…”
He looked to her, his brows bent in confusion.
“Thank you for Elliot because when I look at him, your love is everywhere. All around me. And I don’t think I could live without him for one second.”
She lit a new match, placing her note on the embers.
“I didn’t write this..but I want to add something. Grandma Josephine…wherever you are, thank you for my mom. Because she has always been an angel, and me and Elliot miss her so much. I wish I could have met you before you were hurt. But all of you…Elliot’s right. We have to let you go. You have to be free.” Clove reached for her brother’s hand, looking to the sky. “We’ll always love you.”
Their hands linked as they looked to the sky, taking in the crisp air. Elliot reached to hug her again, his eyes going wide as he broke away, “Grandpa’s breakfast!”
“Oh, shit! Okay, ready? I’m ready.”
She waved goodbye as Elliot ran inside, dodging many beginning drops of rain. She pulled up Tom’s contact and called him, leaning her head back against the seat rest.
“Hello, beautiful.”
“Hey. You busy?”
“Nope. Did Elliot tell you he sent me a video of you absolutely slaying that-”
Her voice was breaking, chest riddled in emotion and a heavy sound of tears.
“What’s wrong, angel?”
“I just really need you right now.”
“Okay, I’m here. Want me to meet you anywhere?”
“Are you home?”
“Yeah. Come over.”
“I’m gonna take a minute to myself and I’ll be on my way.”
“I’ll come pick you up if you need me to. Can you drive?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“It’s gonna be okay, my love. See you when you get here.”
Tom hung up the phone, scrubbing his face with his palm before sending Elliot a text.
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He grabbed his keys and ran outside, speeding to the farmers market down the street before Clove arrived. Nearly slipping on the slick sidewalk, he pummeled through the door, running into an elderly woman who was sweeping the floor. The air smelled of fresh produce and rain, his eyes scanning around for plants and flowers.
“You okay there, son?”
“Yeah! Sorry, I slipped.”
“You’re in a real hurry.”
“The love of my life is on her way over and she’s bawling her eyes out. I need flowers. Can you point me-”
“What kind?”
Tom pulled his phone out to verify the texts from Elliot.
“Red carnations and white daisies.”
“You want the mini carnations?”
“What looks better?”
“The mini ones.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
The woman gathered a bundle of flowers and wrapped them in newspaper, tying a ribbon around the base.
“Wait, what are those tiny tiny white little things that come with flowers? On green branches?”
“Baby’s breath. I’ll add some.”
“Thank you!” He pulled out his wallet, but she shooed him away.
“You came in here and nearly bowled me over. I asked if you were okay and you didn’t say, ‘a girl I like,’ or, ‘my girlfriend,’ you said the love of your life.”
“Young people finding that is something special. On the house.”
“Thank you! Thank you so much!”
“Yeah, yeah, now you go on.”
Tom smiled and ran out the door, jumping in the car.
When he pulled up to his apartment, sheets of rain blanketed the sky, Clove’s car nowhere to be seen. Safe, he thought, darting from the car to the front door, pushing it open to see her already sitting on the couch, her hair and sweater soaking wet.
He set the bouquet down along with his keys and grabbed a towel from the hall closet, pulling the throw blanket off the back of the couch.
Her eyes were rimmed in red, face puffy from her tears. He pulled her into an embrace, holding her tight as she collapsed in his arms, crying with all of her might.
“I’m here, I’m here.”
Once her crying slowed, he unfolded the towel, scrunching her curls within it to dry them. Lifting her sweater over her head, he dried her skin, draping the blanket around her shoulders.
“Don’t go anywhere. I’m gonna get you a top.”
She nodded, sniffling, using her sweater to wipe her face.
Tom shuffled through his drawers, finding an oversized t-shirt and a washcloth, stopping by the bathroom to warm up the cloth before heading back to her spot on the couch.
“Okay. Hand me that towel?”
He took it from her, drying the top of her back and spots on her hair he’d missed as he stood behind her, unhooking her bra before handing her the shirt. He smoothed his hands over her shoulders, running his fingers along the imprint of her bra straps, noting the indentation across her back where the band rested.
She pulled the top on, kicking off her jeans as she nestled into the corner of the couch, Tom squeezing his way next to her. He wiped her face with the washcloth and kissed her cheek, pulling her into his embrace.
“You know..when I was little before Elliot was born, sometimes my mom and I would order pizza and have a girls night. She’d bake cookies and play with my hair…”
Tom zoned out for a second, her hair in his hands as she told this story, her voice aching in grief. And back to reality, he took her hand, kissing the top of it.
“…It was just…everything.”
“Missing them extra today?”
“Yeah. Elliot and I talked about them and it was so nice but just..I can’t help but be heartbroken when I think about some things.”
“Do you want to tell me about those things?”
“Graduation. I know it was just a sheet of paper, but I did it, you know? They weren’t there. They won’t be there when I open my store. They…”
She choked on her words, tears spilling from her eyes again. Tom’s own eyes began to water as he wrapped her in his arms even tighter, easing her through the moment.
“If I ever get married, I- I always dreamed of them being there. And I know I have Elliot, I just…it’s not the same. I dreamt of it my whole life, Tommy. They’ll never be there. They won’t see me fall in love with you every single day. They won’t see it if I…what if we have a baby one day? How can I explain to my kids how amazing they were, but ‘sorry, you’ll never meet them?’ It’s just…it’s not fair. And I’m angry!” Her voice grew louder, “I’m so mad and I’m so fucking upset because I deserved them to be there. I deserved them holding my hands as I walked down the aisle. I’m angry and I’m sad and I feel like my chest is caving in.”
Tom rubbed her back, gently holding her to his chest.
“It’s not fair. You’re right. It’s the opposite of fair. But you know what you’re forgetting? They see you, Clove. You know they do.”
“Seeing me from another plane doesn’t make me feel less alone.”
“It’s know, baby. I wish I could mend your heart a million times over. Let me see those eyes.”
She looked to him and gave him a small, sad smile.
“They’re so fucking proud of you. Look at you, you’re a powerhouse. Not only are you a total badass, you’re an amazing artist. You have the best heart. The best head on your shoulders. You’re everything, Clove. And if for one second you ever feel alone, remember that you will always, always have my heart and soul. Plus, you know what? You can be pissed off. Throw something, kick a wall in, punch me in the face! It’s justified. You are allowed to be angry!”
She blinked a few times in a deadpan stare, “Did you just yell at me to punch you in the face?”
“Yes. Punch me, baby. If you feel better after beating the shit out of someone, I’ll volunteer.”
She giggled, his laughter joining hers.
“I’d never hurt you. I just…I’m so..”
“You don’t have to explain. I’m gonna be here every step of the way, even if that means making you laugh at me.”
“Why are you so good to me?”
“Because you’re the love of my life. Oh! Speaking of.”
He hopped up and grabbed the flowers, handing her the bouquet.
“Do you like them?”
He kneeled on the floor next to her, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
“They’re perfect. My mom…you..you remembered?”
“Elliot helped me out, but yeah. I remembered the story where she put them in every window on your birthday. You said that’s where you got that from…and if you have kids, you’ll do the same for them.”
She held them to her chest and kissed him, his lips like feathers against her own, the warmth of his love radiating from where he knelt.
“I’m gonna love you forever.”
“I’m gonna love you for even longer. And so do they. Their love for you is limitless, angel. They see you. They’re proud of you. They love you.”
“I’m wish they could have met you.”
“Me too.”
Late in the evening, Tom stood in the open doorway, listening to the birds sing after the storm. Clove sat curled up on the couch, streaming YouTube videos on Tom’s laptop as she munched on Doritos.
“Do you mind if I ask Elliot over to stay the night with us? I just really want him here.”
“Absolutely. I’ll text him and pick him up.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“It’s cool. We can get dinner on the way back.”
He sent the text, stepping inside to put his shoes on.
“Your hair looks nice like that.”
“What, like wild? You just like it down.”
“I do. You can’t blame me, you look like some fancy poet.”
“Now, that’s a compliment I’ll take. Elliot says he’ll be ready in fifteen. I should head over. What do you want food wise?”
“Can I say…junk? I want junk.”
“I can do that. Toppings?”
“You know me so well. Just a bunch of cheese…and some of that garlic bread?”
“Say no more, my lady. I’ll tell him to text when we’re on the way.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, angel.”
After picking up Elliot and a massive order of pizza, Tom pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store, taking the key from the ignition.
“Ice cream?”
“Hell yeah!”
Tom chuckled, raising his eyebrows. “Okay, what kind?”
“Anything chocolate.”
“You…really, really are Clove’s brother.”
“What of it?! Can you get me some tea? I have mone-”
“Shut up, dork. I don’t want your money. Do you also have a weird flavored tea addiction? I’m grabbing raspberry while I’m in here anyway.”
“I might like it.”
“I might dump it on you when I get back then. Put that money away.”
Elliot stuffed the bill back in his pocket, trying not to grin as widely as he was.
At Tom’s return, he grabbed the grocery bags, sifting through them to eye the items inside.
“You’re like, a really good boyfriend.”
“What do you say that for?”
“Clove is lucky to have you. She had a bad day and you went like,” he gestured with his hands, “Massively all out. People don’t usually do that.”
“I’m in love with her. That’s what you do when someone you love is hurting.”
“Thanks for being there for her. I know she loves you like that, too.”
“Can I…Elliot, I really want to tell you something. But it can’t make it back to Clove.”
“Um..I have been thinking and I just-”
“Watch out!”
Tom slammed on the brake just in time to avoid a loose dog sprinting down the road, owners chasing behind.
“Who does that!”
“This town isn’t ever boring, huh?”
“I feel like I almost shit my heart out.”
They parked in Tom’s parking spot, unhooking their seat belts simultaneously.
“I’ll get the bags if you get the boxes?” Elliot smiled, reaching behind him to grab the few grocery bags they’d gotten.
“So wait, your mom was this jack of every trade, and your dad sold cars?”
“He said he’d been selling cars since he was seventeen.” Elliot chimed, slurping what was left of his ice cream.
“It sounds so boring!”
“Mom was the magic, dad was…the stage?”
“Scooter, what does that even mean?”
“Like, mom was all lights and colors, ya know? But dad was just stable. And he always would support her.”
“That…was a great metaphor. I’m sorry I doubted you.”
“You should be.”
“Oh! Another time, mom came in from being out all morning and called a family meeting-”
“Oh my god.”
“You remember, Scoot? Oh yeah. She came in with this old, hideous, weird beaded wedding dress from the thrift shop. She said she needed to work her magic and it would be as good as new.”
“Was it?”
Clove and Elliot looked to each other and said, “No!”
Elliot laughed, “She made it big enough for the neighbors dog. That’s it! Mia, right Clove? Her first girl crush.”
“I’ve heard of Mia.”
“What? You have?”
“He’s my boyfriend, Elliot, what did you expect? He just had no idea?”
“Nah, she told me about Mia the same day I told her about-”
“Ben Park.”
“The comic guy?”
“Yeah, and Tom’s first guy crush.”
“You like guys?”
“I don’t really have a preference. I’d be into anyone who made the world light up, but I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
He kissed Clove sweetly, pulling away quickly as not to annoy Elliot.
“Wow. This is actually really cool to know. I guess..I guess more people get it than I thought.”
“You’re never alone, man. Even if it feels like it.”
“You guys are cooler than I give you credit for. Can we do this again sometime? Maybe Robbie could have dinner with us.”
“We can do this any time. My place is open to both of you whenever.”
“Oh…speaking of. Scooter, what do you think about me moving a town over?”
“We’ve just been thinking about finding somewhere-”
“Like you guys living together? That’d be cool. We could do this more. Plus, you could give me my dresser back that you took to your studio.”
“If we can, we’ll get a place big enough for you to have your own room for when you’re over. And close enough to not really make a difference, like less than an hour.”
“Really?” Elliot laid back against the couch, “Cool.”
Tom pulled an array of blankets from the closet, tossing them behind him.
“What are you doing, baby?”
“Fort time.”
“Oh my god! For real? Scooter, when was the last time we built a fort?!”
“Like your birthday that one year?”
“Oh boy. I love forts.”
They spent the next thirty minutes layering blankets over the furniture, tossing them over one another, laughing until their sides hurt. Finally, after many slips and fumbles, the three of them settled in beneath the fort, television streaming old Adam Sandler comedies.
“Elliot’s out officially,” Tom whispered, “We had fun tonight, didn’t we?”
“So much fun.”
“It’s kinda funny, when I was talking to him in the car before we got the food, he had much of the same sentiments as you regarding your parents. Like…different experiences, but still saw them the same way.”
He climbed behind her, holding her close.
“Elliot and I wrote them notes and burned them today. But we read them out loud and it…was nice.”
“If I could say one thing to them, I’d thank them for giving the world someone like you.”
“My mom would cry.”
“That’s where you got that from.”
“Hey! You love that about me.”
“I do. I love every piece of you.”
“Thank you for being here for me..for loving me. For loving him,” she nodded to her snoring brother, “He needs people like you in his life.”
“He’s a part of you. Of course I love him. I’ll always be here for him, too.”
“You’re amazing.”
She kissed him, sweet pecks, silently pulling beautiful affections from within him. Tom held her into the night, gently singing to her as she fell asleep. He grabbed his phone, going to her social media and scrolling down to find photos of them that she’d posted.
He felt his chest swell with emotion, blinking away fresh mist. He closed the app and looked toward the ceiling, imagining their faces as happy as they were in the photo. With a voice as low as a whisper, he said, “I’ll never be able to thank you for everything you’ve given me. I want to…I love her more than anything. I want to marry her so badly. I hope that if she says yes…if she says yes, I hope you’d approve. I hope I can make her as happy as she deserves. And I’ll be anything I can to Elliot. I swear to you, he has my heart, too. I’ll help him. I’ll guide him. Whatever I can do. Thank you…from the bottom of my heart…for these two. They’re my family.”
And he dozed away, his cheek resting in a bed of Clove’s hair, their fingers laced together. This night was full of quiet love, happy, happy love - the light of the moon dancing across the walls, much like the slow fade of two lingering silhouettes watching over them.
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delisp · 7 years
More of You
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Characters: Crowley x Reader 
Warnings: Explicit, Drinking, Smut, Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Dirty Talk, Language, Angst, Fluff 
Word Count 4,150 ish                                                     
Summary: Crowley has been thinking of the woman he met and spent the night with after the Vince Vincente Concert. He decides to see her again. This is a follow up to my story “Whiskey and You”.  
Crowley was sitting on his throne, looking both regal and terribly bored. His thoughts wandered back in time, just a few months ago, to his little nursemaid. The night had started out alright but went bad quickly but was then was redeemed by a lovely human creature. She had no idea that he was a demon or the King of Hell, and wanted nothing from him except to tend his wounds and enjoy his company. She liked him for his own charms and Crowley liked that, a lot.  He tried to separate his like for her and his like for her attention, but realized he couldn’t. He missed her. 
Crowley was startled back to reality by a lower level demon groveling for his attention. 
“What do you want?” The King demanded harshly. 
“I have the tallies of souls pledged and collected in the last year, categorized by who made the deal and correlated by…” 
 “Blah, blah, blah.” Crowley interrupted, “Just leave your findings and go.”
 “Yes, my liege.” The demon bowed low and backed away from his king. 
Crowley was weary of Hell and the demons scurrying around like manic mice, half of which were plotting to overthrow him. He stood, smoothed his jacket, left Hell and appeared outside the little dive bar where he met her. His pride wouldn’t allow him to go to her apartment.  
He strolled into the bar, confidence rolling off him like an ocean breeze off the Pacific. His eyes adjusted to the dimness quickly. He looked around before motioning to the waitress and sitting at a table. 
“I’ll have a whiskey, love.” Crowley spoke low and mellow. 
“Yes sir.” The waitress smiled and went to get the drink.  
After his third whiskey the King of Hell was getting annoyed. The bar was filling up with a younger crowd which changed the atmosphere completely. It was no longer a quiet place to sip a drink and think. Now it was noisy and playing hideous music, but most importantly, she wasn’t in the crowd. 
“Bollocks.” He muttered under his breath and went to the bar to pay his tab.
He was ready to leave, but had no particular destination in mind. He paid and walked outside. Pausing to admire the sunset, he leaned his shoulder against the rough brick wall. Crowley liked sunsets for their unpredictable beauty. Brilliant colors spreading across the sky, paying homage to the sun, like courtiers before their queen.
“Crowley?” A soft feminine voice questioned.]
He turned away from the waning sun to see the lovely nurse he’d been thinking of so often. 
“Hello darling.”  
She stepped closer and threw her arms around his neck, her head laying against his chest. His arms held her and Crowley wondered why he had waited so long to see her again.  
“I thought I was hallucinating for a minute. I have wanted to see you so bad. Every time I see a dark suit, I get excited and then it isn’t you.”
“Shhhhh, pet, I’m here. I’ve missed you too.” He soothed as he stroked her hair. 
She pulled back and looked into his face, her expression was hopeful as she asked, “How long are you in town?” 
“I’m not entirely sure love, but you have my attention while I am here.” 
“Come to my place?”  
“Of course.” She stepped beside him and placed her hand in his, wanting to touch him and needing the reassurance that he was real and with her.
 “So what's been going on in your world, Crowley?”
 “Oh the usual, making deals and keeping operations running smoothly.” He waved his hand as he spoke. “What have you been doing?” 
“Just living, you know work, family, friends, the usual boring stuff.” She leaned in closer to him as they walked and chatted.  
Crowley had missed this feeling. A sense of relaxation mingled with goodness and she was solely responsible for it. She was an amazing and beautiful woman.  
She swatted Crowley's arm, jarring him back to the present.
Crowley arched an eyebrow and looked down at her. “What?” 
“Are you bored with me already?”
“Never, darling. I was thinking of what a remarkable and sexy woman you are.” 
She smiled at his praise. “Well thank you.”  
She reached in her pocket for her keys, unlocking the apartment door. She walked inside dropping them on a small table with Crowley close behind her. Crowley turned her fully into his arms and captured her lips with his. His kiss was gentle but possessive. She wound her hands around his neck and pressed her body against his. Her mouth opened to him when his tongue teased her lips. At her submission, the King moaned. The kiss deepened and their tongues danced a suggestive tango. 
Crowley wanted to sink deep into her and stay there forever. He felt almost desperate to claim her and the way she was writhing against him made it difficult to think about anything else.  
She broke the kiss, breathing heavily. “Crowley, if you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going to explode. I need you.”  
Crowley’s eyes grew dark with lust at her words, “We can’t have you exploding, darling.” 
Her hands eased his suit jacket off his shoulders and he shrugged out of it before roughly reclaiming her mouth. Hands fumbled between them as they blindly worked buttons in a frenzy to rid each other of their clothes.
 Crowley stepped back and looked up and down her body appreciatively, licking his lips. “Such lush curves.” He smoothed his hands over her hips before cupping her ass to lift her.  
She moaned and bit her lip in anticipation.  “Ready, love?”  “I’ve been ready.” 
She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on to his shoulders to steady herself, then gave a little wiggle of her hips. Crowley chuckled low at her boldness. Not many people spoke to him so directly and it was one of the many things that he found attractive about her. 
He took a few steps forward and she felt the coolness of the wall against her naked back a few seconds before his dick plunged into her waiting core.  
Crowley fucked her against the wall, and she held on to him and met his thrusts enthusiastically. Desire pulsed through her body like an electric current. She reveled in the sensations assaulting her; the smooth wall at her back, Crowley's hands gripping her ass and his chest hair teasing her nipples as his cock pounded into her.  
She moaned and leaned her head on his shoulder as her orgasm started to build. She felt her pussy convulse and a delicious wave washed over her beginning in her core and traveling outward. Crowley's cock twitched inside her in response and he threw his head back muttering a curse as he came.  
He eased her back onto her feet. They stood close, foreheads touching as their breathing calmed. Crowley caressed the side of her face and trailed his hand down to hers, entwining their fingers.  
“I have a wonderful idea! Come on.”  Smiling brightly she tightened her grip and dragged him across the apartment. 
“Slow down pet, let me catch my breath before you seduce me again.”
 She laughed a full throaty laugh. “Oh baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And for the record, you seduced me with that Crowley kiss, it’s like a damn drug.” 
They stopped at the door to her bathroom. Crowley let his eyes feast on her naked body. She reminded him of a belly dancer, curves in all the right places. From the rounded heaviness of her breasts to the slope of her hips and even the light stretch marks on her tummy, she was an enchantress. Her body was made for fucking and his cock jerked, betraying his thoughts.
“Would you draw us a bubble bath?” She smiled sweetly, waiting for his answer. 
“Yes. Where are you running off to, pet?” He asked her retreating backside.  
“Not far, just taking care of the other part of my idea. I’ll be right back, sexy beast.” 
Crowley went into the bathroom and started the water in the huge soaker tub. He added a capful of bubble bath to the water, then smiled and poured in another. When it was almost half full, he climbed in and sank below the bubbles with a sigh.  
She walked into the bathroom with a glass in each hand and wearing only a smile. “Whiskey?”  
“Hold mine while I get in?“  
“Darling, I would hold a whole barrel of whiskey, if you asked.” 
She handed him both glasses and gingerly climbed in the tub, before bending over to turn off the water.   
“What a glorious view. Alas, my hands are full of whiskey and not that beautiful ass of yours.” 
She looked over her shoulder and smiled at his comment before settling in the bath between his legs and leaning back against him.   
“I’ll take my drink now, sir.” 
Crowley handed her a glass and then took a sip of his. “What is this?” 
“Glencraig Scotch Whiskey. My brother introduced me to it. Now we buy each other a bottle every year for Christmas.”  
Crowley kissed the side of her neck. “Craig is my favorite.” 
“Are you surprised that I have good taste? I picked you out of a crowd, didn’t I?” 
 “Touche’, my pet.”  
Drinking his favorite whiskey in a tub full of bubbles with her was close to heaven and far better than he felt he deserved. He knew that if she were to ever find out the complete truth about him, he would lose this. He would lose her. 
She felt him sigh and turned slightly to look at his face. “What are you thinking about that makes you sad?” 
A lie sprang ready to Crowley’s lips, but he decided to be honest. “Nothing this good lasts in my life. I’ve had more rough spots than smooth.”  
He looked like a sad little boy that had lost his puppy, not the powerful man she knew him to be. It was endearing, but also heartbreaking. She wondered at some of his secrets, but trusted he would tell her when he was comfortable. 
She didn’t know what to say, so she picked up the bath poof and shook it at him. “Wash my back?” 
Crowley smirked and took the poof from her. He set their unfinished drinks on the tub tray and she scooted forward to give him space to work. He dipped the poof in the water and rubbed it across her back slowly making lazy patterns.  
“Mmmmmm, that feels good.”  
“Your back is lovely.”  
The poof traveled from her lower back to her right shoulder, water and bubbles cascading over her shoulder and down her breast. She leaned back against him, closing her eyes. Crowley trailed the poof from her neck, over her breasts and down the valley between them to her stomach.  
Her expression was one of contentment. Crowley abandoned the poof and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her snugly up against him. He nuzzled her neck before kissing her in the hollow of her collarbone. His hand slid from her waist and slithered down between her thighs to find her clit.  
She spread her legs instinctively for him. He loved how trusting and responsive she was. His finger teased her clit and moved lower dipping inside her before moving back to her clit. He nibbled and kissed her neck while his finger rubbed tight circles. 
Her hands were on his thighs alternately squeezing and rubbing. She moaned and squirmed against Crowley as he rubbed her pleasure nub then tweaked her nipple with the other hand. 
“Come for me, love.” His beard scratched the tender skin of her neck as he spoke low and raspy in her ear. 
“So close.” She moaned. 
Her stomach muscles tightened beneath his arm and he heard the hiss of her breath through teeth heralding her orgasm. Crowley closed his eyes and leaned into her neck, holding her against him and feeling her body move and then relax as bliss overtook anticipation.  
She cradled Crowley’s face in her hand and turned to kiss his cheek. “Thanks, sweet man.” 
“My pleasure, darling. Come let's get out of the tub, the water’s cooling and I'm hungry.”  
She stepped onto the bath mat, glistening with water droplets, and handed Crowley a fluffy towel before wrapping one around herself. He toweled off and wrapped the towel around his waist. 
“What are you hungry for, Crowley?” 
He laughed and said, “How about pizza? Do you know a good carryout?” 
“Actually, yes. Are you picky about toppings?” 
“No, not at all. Surprise me.” “I’ll phone in an order.”
And she blew a kiss his way as she sashayed away in search of her phone. 
Crowley walked out of the bathroom and looked at her bed, thinking about the last time he was here with her. He had been suspicious of her even during the sex. Afterwards, he watched her sleep and somehow he knew she had no ulterior motives. 
There was a pair of black silk pajamas laid across the end of the bed. He dropped his towel and stepped in the silk bottoms. As he tied the waist, he heard an electric guitar whining a sexy blues riff. He tossed the towel in the hamper and noticed his suit had been picked up from the floor and neatly placed in the chair. He smiled at her thoughtfulness and went to find her.  
She was in the kitchen getting plates and flatware together, bent over the cabinet gyrating her hips to Stevie Ray Vaughan’s wailing guitar.  
Crowley walked over to her. “Can I help?” 
“Nope, all done. We just need the pizza. I see you found the pajamas I got for you.”  
She smiled and motioned for him to turn around so she could see him from all sides. He turned slowly for her. 
“Why what?” 
“Why did you buy pajamas for me? How did you know I would be here?” 
“I didn’t know. I hoped.”  
She frowned slightly and explained. “Crowley, not everything in life is concrete. Sometimes you just have to hope in something or someone even if it doesn't make sense.” 
She took his hand and danced around him on her way to the bedroom. 
“Listen for the door, the pizza should be here soon. I'm going to slip something on other than a towel.” 
The King of Hell stood in the small modern kitchen,barefoot and wearing silk pajama pants while waiting on pizza. He was happy.  
There was a loud knock at the door. Crowley looked through the peephole and saw a teenage boy wearing a bright colored tee shirt holding a pizza box. 
He opened the door and asked. ”How much do I owe you?” 
“Uh, It’s already been paid.” The kid looked at him funny, handed him the pizza and left. 
Crowley nudged the door shut with his elbow. He turned to set the pizza on the kitchen island as she walked toward him wearing the top to his pajama bottoms. He smiled at her.  
“I love your smile. You're such a beautiful man.” She caressed his face as she spoke. 
“Thank you, darling.”  
He opened the pizza box and put slices on the plates while she got two bottles of water from the fridge.  
“Grab the plates and come on.”  
Crowley picked the plates up and followed her, admiring the sway of her hips as she walked. He watched as she sat down with her legs folded under her, the black silk top strategically covering her and then he sat with her on the sofa. They ate and listened to the music, each of them enjoying the simplicity of junk food, good music, and being with the right person at the right time. 
“There’s a little coffee shop not far from here. How about we go for brunch tomorrow? The coffee is strong and the pastries are fresh and delicious.” 
“Or we can stay here and I will make muffins for you again.” 
He saw her mood change in her facial expression; it went from relaxed to tight in a matter of seconds. 
“What the hell, Crowley? Are you married?”  
“No, I told you that first night I am most certainly NOT married.” 
She leaned slightly forward, looking at him hard. “Why are you content with just staying in my tiny apartment? I feel like you are either hiding out or ashamed to be seen with me in public.” 
“I told you before, some of my associates are ruthless. I worry that you would become a target and suffer because of my fondness for you.” 
He reached to touch her arm and she moved away from his touch for the first time since they had met. It hurt him almost like a physical blow.  
“I know you have secrets and I told myself that I would be patient and wait until you are ready to tell me, but I can’t. I am not some slut that picks up random men to have sex with and I am not going to sit and pine away until it is convenient for you to come see me.” 
“Darling--”  Crowley tried to interrupt her, but she raised her hand like a stop sign. 
Standing up and putting distance between them, her voice got louder as she paced around the living area determined to have her say. 
“No. I need to say this and you need to hear it. I don’t have a phone number to reach you. I don’t have a clue where you live. Do you realize how totally pathetic that makes me? I am not that girl. And to make matters worse, I really care about you!” 
She sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing him and spoke softly, reaching to touch his face. 
“Crowley, I’m falling for you. It would be so easy for me to love you and that scares the shit out of me. I have been content by myself for so long and now I have found someone that I enjoy being with in every sense of the word.”  
They sat quietly for a few seconds. She smiled a sad smile and he sighed dreading the next part. Would she think he was crazy or just evil?
 “Darling, I adore you. I love being here with you and not worrying about the real world, my real world. I do have secrets and I haven’t wanted to tell you because I’m afraid you won’t see me in the same light. I don’t think I could bear that. It would be too painful. Forgive me for being selfish.” 
Crowley looked away and then took a drink of water before continuing.
 “Do you believe in angels and demons and things that go bump in the night?” 
“Crowley, really?”  
“I’m quite serious. Do you?” 
“I guess. I am not really into all that to be honest. But what does that have to do with anything? Are you a psychic?” 
He chuckled at her idea and then became serious. 
“No, love. I am not a psychic nor am I human. I am a demon--a crossroads demon actually.” 
She threw back her head and laughed. It was not the reaction Crowley was expecting. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as he imagined or maybe it was just too much for her to believe. He watched her and waited to see what she would say.  
“Very funny. Here I was bracing for something big and possibly horrible and you tell me that you are a demon. What if I don’t believe in demons? I have touched you, kissed you, and felt safe with you.”  
“I wouldn’t harm you, you are safe with me.” 
“Hmm, alright, prove that you are a demon.Show me what you got.” She folded her arms across her chest and challenged him.  
Crowley kissed her lightly on the lips, and vanished into the air. She stood and looked around trying to make sense of where he was.  
“Crowley?” She called out to the empty apartment.  
In the space of a few heartbeats, she heard a rustling noise behind her. 
“Miss me, darling?” He purred in her ear.  
She turned to him, her eyes wide and excited. He was dressed in his signature black suit and holding a postcard featuring Lady Liberty. 
“Where did you go and how? And your clothes, you left in pajama pants.” 
“I can go anywhere I like with a snap of my fingers and as for the clothes, I wouldn’t wear pajamas on the streets of New York.” 
She sat down on the sofa and patted the space next to her. Crowley sat next to her wondering what she was thinking. She twisted to face him and he turned to face her. He was reminded of that first night and the kiss they shared in almost the same place.  
“So you can snap your fingers and poof, you’re in another place?”  
“Can you read minds?”  
“No pet, I don’t do parlor tricks.” 
“You said you are a crossroads demon. What does that mean?” 
“I make deals. Someone wants fame, fortune, or whatever and for a price they can have it. I facilitate and seal the deal.”  
The conversation felt surreal to Crowley. She was calm about him being a demon and seemed to accept the idea. The dread that had been with him was lifting like a fog being burned away by the sun. He felt such a sense of relief that he was almost light headed. 
“So the whole selling your soul thing is a real thing?” 
“Yes, it is real. Souls are quite valuable currency. It amazes me how cheaply some barter theirs away.” 
“That’s sad.” She yawned and Crowley drew her up against his side. 
 “Tell me love, do you still feel safe with me?”  
She wiggled under Crowley’s arm and looked up at him before answering. 
“Nothing has changed. You are still who you were, I just know more about you now. I happy you trusted me with that truth. Yes, I feel safe with you. I don’t understand all the details about you being a demon, but I know that something in you calls out to something in me. I refuse to give up on that. It is a rare thing.”  
Crowley smiled as a peace settled over him. She was a rare woman, indeed, and he adored her. He could admit it now, he had hope.   
“What are you thinking, Crowley?” 
“I’m thinking you are tired and I should put you to bed.”  
She giggled, “I am not a child, but I can call you daddy. Would you like that, daddy?” 
He growled in his chest at her sexy teasing. 
“Come on pet, let’s go to bed.”  
He stood and held out his hand for her. She reached for his hand with no hesitation and smiled a sleepy smile. She looked so feminine and vulnerable standing there in a long pajama top, barefoot with slightly messy hair. She was beautiful in vulnerability as well as strength. Crowley cleared his throat and swept her into his arms, carrying her to the bed. 
He set her gently on her feet beside the bed and as she was turning the bedding back, he snapped his fingers and walked around the bed wearing his black boxer briefs.  
They climbed under the sheets and she moved toward Crowley and kissed him. She pressed her body against him, deepening the kiss. His arms circled her and his hands rubbed her back then slid lower to cup her ass through the black silk.  
Crowley broke the kiss with a sigh. 
“Rest love. It’s late and I’ve given you quite a bit to think about.” 
She pouted. “But I want you.” 
“There is nothing that would make me happier than to ravish you until the sun rises. But I plan on going to get coffee and pastries with you in the morning and then making love to you all day and you need your rest.” 
“You will stay and spend the day with me tomorrow?”  
“Cross my heart.” 
“I am a little tired. I guess I could snooze for awhile. Promise you won’t leave before morning?” 
“I won’t leave.”
 She fell asleep her head on Crowley’s chest. He stoked her hair and held her loosely,wanting to touch her and maintain that physical connection while she slept. He had told her his greatest secret and she accepted him. More than just accepted him, she still wanted him and wasn’t afraid of his touch. He had faced his fear of rejection and triumphed.  
Crowley closed his eyes and smiled. Being King had never felt so good.
@evansrogerskitten @roxy-davenport @feistybaby @thewife101 @thewife101cevans @ashtheironbat @2glassesofchianti
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