#i need this sooo bad i am burned out to a crisp at this point
jakeperalta · 2 months
I just have to get through this week and then I don't have another five day work week until june.... one more week to survive....
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Leave the Cooking to Me (Sam x Rose x Reader)
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Request: Sam x rose x reader. Where R was a part time chef so she’s always cooking their meals and the team is jealous of the good food
Author’s Note: Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog. We had way too much fun doing this one and spent way too much time looking up random food things. Gotta say that we are both a sucker for writing for Sam. 
Sam and Rose were lucky and they would tell that to anyone who would listen to them. You weren’t just the sweetest human being they had ever met, or the most thoughtful. You were all of those things, and you knew how to cook. Not just recreationally either. You were the full fledged winner of Top Chef season 19, and the Sous chef at one of the hottest restaurants in Washington D.C.
“How can you make such good food dressed like that?” Sam asked, leaning over the island and resting her chin on her hand. 
“What do you mean?” You raised your eyebrows at the woman, continuing to run your knife along the onion without looking at it. 
“Don’t all of your skills come from your chefs coat?” Rose asked, sliding up beside you, her hand trailing under the back of your shirt. You shivered at the cold hand touching your skin. 
“I’m not Iron Man. I can function without an outfit,” you said, rolling your eyes, as you grabbed an egg. You happened to like wearing an oversized pajama shirt and short-shorts while cooking. You never felt bad about spilling anything on them, since you didn’t exactly wear them in public. “Sam, since your hands aren’t literal icicles-” Rose stuck her tongue out at you playfully “- can you hold this and warm it up to room temperature while Rose helps me hold the pastry?” 
“Ohhh what kind of pastry? Why is that filling purple?” Rose squealed. You knew how much she loved when you baked for them (especially considering those croissants you made them for special occasions). She pulled the bowl closer to her, and scrunched her nose when she saw the contents. 
You may have had a good track record, but that color was crazy. 
“It’s Spanakopita, but we’re going to experiment just a little bit. If you don’t like it you have to eat it anyway,” You shrugged, rolling out the dough onto a cutting board, and positioning Rose’s hands right where you wanted them. 
“If you make it, we’re going to like it.” Sam snorted, and Rose raised her eyebrow at her. 
You bit you lip, wilting just slightly. “I just got inspired, cause the beats are going to look so good in the risotto for the Arancini,”
“If it’s anything like that curry you made last time you got inspired, I think we’ll be ok,” Sam said, kissing your neck with a grin while you worked. You squeaked a little and jumped, hip-checking her to keep her away from accidentally touching the food. 
“It’s just a shame Valentine’s day already happened,” Rose said, looking at the three bowls of filling in their various places on the counter or in the fridge, “Pink, red, and purple dishes would have made great themed appetizers for your restaurant!” 
You snorted and shook your head. “I wish, we could do anything this interesting.” The arancini, maybe. The other two would probably be avoided like the plague for fear of any garlic or other lingering spices. “People are too bougie to enjoy the simple things like strangely colored foods.” 
“Good thing we’re not!” Sam smiled broadly, stealing a piece of orange-colored pork from the bowl to your right. 
“Yeah, we get all the sass and none of the class,” Rose giggled, barely avoiding your slap at her hand as she also stole a piece of pork. 
Just then you heard singing from the couch. “We are family,” Sam stuffed the piece of pork in her mouth and jumped up to grab her phone from where it was wedged between the cushions. “I’ve got all my sisters and me.”
“Tha’s Kwsten,” She spoke through her mouthful then swallowed. Do you mind if I go take this?” 
“Go for it, we’re about to stick this stuff in the oven anyway,” You nodded, giggling when she tripped over a chair on her way to grab the phone. “Make sure you swallow before you answer,” 
“Took you long enough. What were you doing, trying to find your pants?” Kristie’s voice rang through your apartment the second Sam answered the call. You smiled when your girlfriend’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink. 
“No, Y/n is cooking. She’s so good with her hands Kris, it’s not fair,”  Sam said shaking her head. 
Kristie snorted, wiggling her eyebrows at the woman. “I’m sure she is,” 
“Stop trying to turn everything I say into a euphemism.” Sam groaned, sending a glare at Rose who was cackling like a madwoman. 
“But you make it sooo easy,” Kristie teased, “I mean what was it you said last time, ‘she kneads aggressively?’”
“Bread, Kris. She was making bread. And you’re supposed to do-I mean knead it aggressively, that’s how gluten develops.” 
“Stop trying to explain it babe,” Rose sang, her voice bubbling with suppressed laughter.  
“You’re just making it worse,” You nodded along. 
“You know, I’m not this mean to you when Emily and Lindsey pull this shit with you. I was even sympathetic with the Sketchers thing,” Sam pouted. 
“We agreed to never mention that again,” Rose said menacingly, but Sam was distracted as you handed her a plate with the Spanakopita.
Sam’s pout melted off her face at the sight of the plate. “Ooo goodies. Thanks babe,” 
You kissed her cheek and waved to her sister on the phone before heading back to the kitchen to finish the next set. 
“What is that?” 
“Just course one of the amazing appetizers lunch my wonderful girlfriend is making for me.” Sam bit in and rolled her eyes at the taste, holding up the other half of the Spanakopita so she could see the gorgeous and delicious purple filling. 
“For both of you Sammy. Don’t leave Rosie out, that’s mean,” You called out, your tongue poking between your teeth as you stirred the pot on the stove. 
In the background of Kristie’s call, Sam could see other teammates gathering around the phone to see her food. She stood and walked back to the kitchen, turning the facetime camera around so they could see the two trays out of the oven and then you stirring at the stove. You waved your spoon but stayed focused. The rice was just at the point when it was most likely to burn and you needed to make sure the texture didn’t go from delicious to goopy. Risotto wasn’t for the faint of heart. 
“Look at how fluffy this Bao is!” Sam said, slowly tearing one of the dumplings in half in front of the camera. Sisterly torture went both ways- her sister may turn half of what Sam said into sex jokes, but Sam could rub the delicious food in Kristie’s face. 
“Why is it so orange?” Emily asked, piping in from behind the older Mewis sister. 
“Some awesome Indonesian spices that Y/n thought would be good,” Sam said, taking a huge bite out of the bun. 
“Tamarind and Turmeric in the mix,” you called out from behind her.
“It’s not fair that your girlfriend is a literal chef who enjoys cooking in the weekend,” Emily whined, followed shortly by a “shut up Sonnett” from Lindsey and a thump. 
“Experimenting apparently,” Rose said, mischievously. 
“Not helping dear. Anyway, what were you calling about Kris?” Sam said pointedly. 
“We just wanted to know what you eta for camp was?” Kristie asked. 
“Um, the flight leaves tomorrow at what time was it again Rose? 8 am?”
“Try 4:30 am Sam,” You rolled your eyes. It was going to suck, but you were going to make sure to pack some tasty overnight oats so no one was grumpy on the plane. 
“Ugh. That’s bullshit. Anyway, takeoff at god-awful early in the morning, and then we’ll see you when we land!” Sam said. She hung up the phone and moved back towards the counter. 
“Don’t worry babe, I’ll schedule the flight next time,” You leaned up to kiss her cheek. “Now how bout you help me roll some balls?” 
“I don’t know what we did wrong this time?” Kelley said, poking the overly pale cinnamon rolls that had just come out of the oven. Then she turned the roll over to see a crisp black scorch on the base. “It looks like we took them out just in time though?”
“They’re pale on the top and burnt in the bottom,” Rose whined, tapping the middle of one of the rolls experimentally. 
“Kind of line you Rose,” Sam laughed, patting her shorter girlfriend on the back. 
“Haha, at least they’re not hockey pucks like the last batch,” Rose grumbled. 
How they had let their teammates talk them into this, she didn’t know. What she did know was that cooking with you was way more fun than doing it with this bunch. At least with you everything turned out tasty in the end. And if she accidentally messed something up you always knew how to fix it. 
“Stop that,” Kelley swatted Alex’s hand away from the bowl of icing. “That’s unsanitary. Let us drizzle it on the rolls first and then you can clean the bowl.” 
“But then what are we gonna do with this caramel you insisted I stir?” Emily asked, looking up from the pot in front of her. 
“It’s for the next batch. You put it in the bottom before you bake,” Sam answered, beginning to roll out the next set of cinnamon rolls. 
“And technically, we didn’t insist you do anything Sonnet. We mentioned our idea to make caramel for the cinnamon rolls and you jumped up and said “I volunteer as tribute”” Rose grumbled. “You didn’t even let us suggest a recipe.”
“Which considering the success of the other recipes you picked, might have been a good idea,” Emily said, frowning slightly at the bubbling mixture in front of her. She was stirring but the bubbles weren’t going away like they did with pasta. Maybe because it was thicker? She stirred faster to compensate.  
“Hey guys, what are you-... oh shit,” You raced over to the stove, nearly barreling into Emily as you grabbed the practically overflowing pot of molten sugar and moved it off the heat, praying you had gotten to it before it was too late. You really didn’t want to have to explain to the trainers why you and Emily had third-degree burns if the pot exploded. 
You spun towards the group of older players, glaring at them. “Who let the child do the most dangerous job?” 
“Dangerous?!?” Kelley and Rose sputtered. Sam just blinked at you
You shook your head and pinched the space between your eyes. “If it crystallizes and you don’t take it off the heat it can explode. You don’t stir sugar,”  
“Oh. Well. At least there’s still icing?” Sam grabbed one of the better rolls and gave it a hearty helping of icing before handing it to you.
“What did you use, because Alex is vegan and she’s been eating it?” You narrowed your eyes at the offered plate, glancing sideways at a set of very pale rolls and a set that were very burnt and flat. 
“Flaxseed and applesauce instead of eggs and oat milk instead of milk. And margarine instead of butter.” Kelley said, automatically. She and her fiance had been making vegan substitutes for a while now, and while they might not have been traditional cinnamon roll ingredients, she knew the measurements by heart, so that’s what they had used. 
You bit your lip and squinted your eyes as you reached out and swiped a bit of frosting from on top of the bun and put it into your mouth. 
You gulped when the salty substance hit your tongue, trying and failing to conceal your wince after the flavor. Your girlfriends were a lot of things, but apparently good cooks wasn’t on that list. “Hey, what container was the powdered sugar that you used for this in?”
“Um, this one?” Kelley said, sliding you a container. 
Your eyes widened at the blue-lidded container. You had been experimenting for a new dish at the restaurant and had gotten a hold of some micro powder salt flour for it. You thought it would give the new cracker-jack-themed desert a better taste, and help to balance out all the sugar from the Caramel ice cream. 
“That’s not sugar,” you said weakly. 
Alex dipped her finger into the bowl and tasted it, gagging. “It’s salty!”
Sam frowned down at the plate in her hand. She hadn’t wanted to do this, to begin with, but the team had insisted. Assured her they knew what they were doing and that you would love the surprise. Instead, Emily had almost burnt down your kitchen and everything was a mess. 
“Is none of it alright,” Rose asked softly from behind you, her lip jutting out. 
You scanned the kitchen, looking from the still ominously bubbling ooze on the stove, to the cinnamon rolls so undercooked you could catch salmonella from them to the icing, then finally to a glass on the counter. You grabbed it and took a large swig of vanilla oat milk. 
“Your milk tastes great!” you said enthusiastically, as the others started laughing. 
Sam and Rose just wilted further. You sighed, wrapping your arm around your taller girlfriend and holding your hand out to Rose. “It’s the thought that counts guys. And I love the thought,” 
“That’s what your parents tell you when you give them shitty presents so you don’t feel bad,” Rose grumbled, and Sam nodded. 
You sighed, unable to keep your lips from tipping up in a smile. It was just. It was so bad it was funny. “Maybe next time start with something a little easier? I’d love some scrambled eggs and toast!”
 Sam sighed. “You hate eggs,” 
You laughed again. “But I love you, even if you two can’t cook,” 
You leaned up to kiss under Sam’s chin and over to Rose’s cheek. You loved them and would remind them that their skills were on the field. They should leave the kitchen stuff to you. 
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layce2015 · 5 years
Life is Strange 2 (Sean Diaz x Reader)
Chapter 3: Bear Station
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
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The sun was setting and the logs were burning as Sean, Daniel and I were sitting around the campfire, eating the snacks Sean and I had in our backpacks. Sean had cookies and sodas while I had some hotdogs and a few chips. We had the hotdogs on sticks to cook them over the fire.
"Wish we had more..." Daniel said after we finished eating. "I know...Me too..." Sean said as I go and dig into my backpack. "I wish we had a cheeseburger and a milkshake like yesterday..." Daniel said to Sean. "Dude...That shake was so good...Can't believe we found a diner on the way out here..." Sean said in agreement. "I want another one..." said Daniel. "I know...We'll get you one...Promise." Sean said as I pull out three of the Choc-O-Crisp. "I know it's not a shake, but I hope you guys are okay with this as dessert." I said as I start to hand them the candy.
"Yes! Awesome possum!" Daniel exclaims as he takes one of the candy bars. "You're welcome." I said, laughing, then I hand the other to Sean. "You want one?" I asked him. "You sure? I hate to eat up all of your food." Sean said and I shrug. "I still got a few left. Hopefully, we'll come upon some sort of gas station and I'll buy some more. Plus, I don't mind sharing." I said and Sean smiles as he takes the candy bar. "Thanks." He said. "You're welcome." I said and we began to eat our dessert.
We sat there in silence as we look out towards the beach, the water glistening in the moonlight and the owls were hooting in the quiet, still night sky. "You okay, buddy?" Sean asked Daniel. "Yeah...Feels good to sit down..." Daniel replied then he looks up at his brother. "Sean? Are you mad at me for what happened with Brett? I don't remember everything..." He asked Sean. "It's not your fault... Shit happens...Brett deserved it." Sean replied. 
"Who's Brett?" I asked. "Our asshole neighbor. He got mad at Daniel for accidentally pouring fake blood on him." Sean replied. "Oh!" I said as Daniel asked. "Why can't I remember? That's weird..."
"Uh... Don't worry, dude. You were running around all day... You tired out. It happens." Sean said and Daniel looks up at him then nods. Then suddenly, Daniel points up in the sky. "Look! A full moon! Ooowoooooo!" He howls and Sean and I chuckle. "Uh...It's not quite full yet, wolfboy..." I said to him.
"Do you guys think there are werewolves for real?" Daniel asked us. "Dude, we are the wolves..." Sean said then he leans back and howls. "Oowoooo...See?" He said and Daniel laughs. "Oowooooo..." he howls then he looks over at me. "C'mon, (y/n)! Join us!" He said and I giggle. "Alright, alright." I said then I lean back and I raise my head to the moon.
"OOOOWWWOOOOOOOOOOO...OWOO OOWWOOOOOOOO." The three of us howled then we started to laugh. "Although, I have to say my howls sounded like a dying wolf." I said. "Aw, C'mon it wasn't that bad." Sean said to me and I chuckled. "You don't have to sugarcoat it, Sean. It was bad." I said. 
"I'm bored... Sean...Can I play Mustard Party on your phone? Please?" Daniel asked him. "No reception so go for it..." Sean said as he hands his cellphone to Daniel. "Yeah! Thanks!" Daniel said and he begins to play. "Oh, I am so gonna beat your score...Oof! Aw, come on..." he said as Sean and I shuffle closer to take a look. "Almost...Almost..." Daniel said, frantically, until the battery dead tone plays, Sean smirks at this. "What? Nooo! I was so gonna beat your score!" Daniel exclaims. "You wish." Sean mutters as he takes his phone back. "Stupid phone..." Daniel grumbles.
"You look tired...Ready to crash?" I asked Daniel. "I've been ready all day...My feet hurt..." he replied as he and Sean move to their blanket and I go over to mine, which was on the other side of the fire-pit.
"I think we earned some serious rest." I said to them. "Yeah, I could sleep forever." Sean replied as he and Daniel lay down on their blanket. "Not on this ground. Ugh..." Daniel grumbles. "Better than freezing out there, right?" I asked. "Way better...Now we have a real fire..." Daniel replied and I chuckle.
"And a secure base! You did awesome today, Daniel." Sean said to him. "Really?" Daniel asked. "Hell yeah!" Sean exclaims. "You're like a...real wilderness expert!" I said and Daniel smiles. "Hmmm...that's cool...My eyes won't...stay open, guys..." Daniel said and his eyes close and he passes out. Sean and I chuckle at this. "Sleep tight, bro..." Sean whispers then he looks over at me. "Goodnight, (y/n)." He said. "Goodnight, Sean." I said and I finally close my eyes and fall asleep.
"Daaad...Dad...Where are we?" I hear Daniel groan and cry. My eyes open as I go sit up and see Daniel tossing and turning just as Sean wakes up. "Daniel?" I asked as Sean turns over to his brother. "Hey bro, wake up!" He said as he wakes Daniel up with a shake.
"Sean? Sean? What happened...Where's Dad?" Daniel asked, tearfully, after he sits up. "It's okay! You just had a bad dream. That's all..." Sean assures him as I go over to them, squat down and places a hand on Daniel's shoulder. "Sean? (Y/n)? Where...Where are we?" Daniel asked. "Right here...in the park. Remember our amazing fire?" I said to him, with concern, as Sean places another log on the fire and gives it a puff.
"Mmmm, yeah....Are we okay?" Daniel asked us. "We're fine... I'm right here and so is (y/n)...Don't worry." Sean assured him. "Okay, I won't...as long as you two are here..." Daniel said and I smiled at him. I ruffle his hair and said. "Go...back to sleep...You need your rest..."
"But I might have another scary dream..." Daniel said, slightly fearfully. "You won't. We're here. Just...Just close your eyes..." Sean said. "Thanks, guys...I'm glad you guys are here..." Daniel said as he starts to lay down. "Goodnight Daniel..." Sean and I said as I stand up, walk over to my blanket and lay down on it and fall back asleep.
"Look, it's easier now. We're going downhill. You just gotta keep walking." I said to Daniel as we walk down the road. It was the next morning and we were a few miles away from the park. "Oh yeah, that's better. Hey! Maybe we'll find a milkshake shop!" Daniel said. "Ah yes...The forest secret milkshake factory...Keep dreaming, dude. Let's walk a little more." Sean said to him. "There'll be a rest stop or something where we can buy food. I'm sure of it."
"Yeah...You said things were getting better yesterday...and the day before..." Daniel said to his older brother and I give a concern look over at Sean. "I'm sorry, dude. I'm trying my best." Sean said and Daniel looks down as we come up to a curved road. "Oh! Remember that time? Harry Thompson wanted to beat me up?" Daniel asked Sean before he continues. "Me and Noah traded some games with Harry...But he didn't like his. So he said he was gonna get us after school..." Daniel tells us.
"What did you do?" I asked him. "We waited in the gym until he went home..." he replied. "That's it? You shoulda told me!" Sean said to him. "I tried...But you said to get out of your room..." Daniel replied and Sean gives him a sad look. "I'm sorry, enano. I shoulda listened." Sean whispered, in a sad tone. "You did stand up for me...with Brett. For a change." Daniel said. "Yeah...Well. He had it coming." Sean said and I smile over at Sean. "Aww, such a good big brother." I said as I nudged his shoulder with my shoulder and he smiles at me.
"I can't wait to tell our secret adventure to Noah! I hope Dad never sends us on a vacation without him again." Daniel said and I frowned at this when, eventually, a gas station sign comes into view. "Hey! There's something ahead!" Daniel said, happily. "Yup! Must be the gas station we saw on that sign." I said. "Awesome! I'm sooo hungry right now." Daniel groans.
"I hear you...We're gonna get food...water...Plus a map. So we can find the best route." Sean said. "All right..." Daniel said, defeated. "Hey, come on! I know last night was tough, but...tonight will be better. I swear." Sean said to him. "Yeah...I hope." Daniel said as he walks over to gas station.
Sean looks over at me and asked. "Sooo....do you still want to come with us? Or do you....?" 
"I have nowhere else to go and if you have some idea where to go, I would like to go. That is...if you guys still want me around." I said. "Of course we do! Daniel wouldn't know what to do without his Choc-O-Crisp partner in crime." He replied and I chuckled. "And you?" I asked him. "Honestly, it's nice to talk to someone who is around my age, after talking to a nine year old for the past few days." Sean replied and I smiled. "Well, I guess I'm stuck with you guys, til the end of time." I said as I wrap my left arm around his shoulder and he chuckles. I pat his shoulder then we head over to the station.
After using the bathroom to clean up, Sean opens the door to the store and Daniel and I follow as an entry bell rings. "Hello there." This old lady behind the desk greets, which was surrounded by wooden statues of bears. "Hey" Sean and I greet back while Daniel sees the Choc-O-Crisps displayed near the entrance. "Woah, (y/n)! They have Choc-O-Crisp!" He said, excitedly. "Cool!" I said as I walk over to the display and look at it. I looked at the price and saw that it was basically two dollars a bar.
 Ugh....kinda pricey....but I still got about thirty bucks left. So...it's worth it! I thought as I grab a few bars and look around the shop, Sean following close as he also looks around and grabs some water.
"Oh my God, this is the coolest thing ever! Hey! C'mere... Check it out! Look!" I hear Daniel exclaim. Sean and I look over to see him pointing at a claw machine, with an advertisement saying it had a Power Bear toy. "Dude! Calm down. What is it?" Sean asked as we walked over to him. "Power Bear Claw! Uh...Can we play? I bet it's easy to get a prize!" Daniel said, happily. "Yeah, no. See all those prizes still inside? Nobody wins. Except the machine..." I said and he looks down in sadness. "Oh..." he mutters.
"But hey. We're the wolf brothers. Let's teach this machine a lesson...right?" Sean said and Daniel looks up at him and smiles. "Yes! Soooo...Who goes first?" He asked. Sean digs into his pocket and pulls out a dollar bill and hands it to Daniel. "Go get 'em, little brother..." he said. "Oooo, I am gonna beat this boss! Let's go, Power Bear Claw!" Daniel said as he puts the dollar in, starting the machine up.
"Wait till you get a good opening..." I said as he moves the claw, pushes the button to lower it but it misses the plastic ball. "Not fair! It sucks." Daniel said, annoyed. "Don't grab so fast..." Sean instructs him. "This is hard...Can one of you try?" He asked as he looks up at us. "Yeah, okay. Let's see what I can do..." Sean said as goes over to the machine and Daniel goes to stand next to me. "Yay!" He exclaims as Sean puts a dollar in.
"Let me get in the zone...Here we go..." Sean mutters and he pushes the button and almost had it but the claw missed. "Almost!" Daniel said. "Here, let me try." I said as I go over to the machine. I put a dollar in and start to move the crane over. "Okay...I think I got it...." I muttered as I concentrated on the machine. I moved the claw then pushed the button and it looked like it grabbed the plastic ball but it slipped out of the claw before it could pull it up. "Damn it." I muttered. "You were just inches away from victory." Sean said to me.
"Can I play? Please please please?" Daniel begs. "Sure...But don't beg! Get that prize!" Sean said to him as he hands a dollar to him. "Just watch me!" He said as he inserts the dollar. "Almost... Almost... Almost..." he said and by some freaking miracle, he was able to grab the plastic ball. "Yes! You're mine, Power Bear!" He exclaims as the claw brings the prize over. "Bet you're the first one to get a prize outta here..." Sean said as the claw drops the prize and Daniel digs in and pulls out the ball.
"Oooo, let's see...let's see..." he said, excitedly, as he opens the ball to reveal a Power Bear toy. "Soooo cool! Look guys! I beat the machine!" He said as he jumps on the balls of his feet and showed us the toy. "Told you nobody beats a Diaz!" Sean said to him. "Yeah, way to go, munchkin." I said as we walk back over to the grocery section of the store.
"Congratulations on getting one of these toys...It's been a while since anyone won." The lady behind the counter said to Daniel. Sean and I continue to look around for some grocery as I hear Daniel talking to someone. "Hi...What are you looking at?" Daniel asked. "Oh, hey there. Well, I'm actually doing research. It's, uhhh...Not for you." A man replied to him.
I look up from the shelf and see Daniel talking to a man, with curly brown hair and a beard and glasses, sitting in front of a laptop. "Why? Like dirty stuff? Uck." Daniel asked. "It's uhhh...It's adult stuff." The man replied. "I'm nine years old. I know these kind of things." Daniel said to him, making the man laugh. "Haha! I'm sure you do! What's your name?" He asked Daniel.
"Daniel!" He introduced.
"Hi Daniel, I'm Brody!" The man said as Sean and I walk over to Daniel. "Hey hi, uh...Sorry about my brother..." Sean said as he places his hands on Daniel's shoulder. "Don't be. He's awesome!" Brody said as I could see a picture of a naked person on Brody's laptop screen. Brody seemed to have noticed my stare as he turned around in his chair and said. "I know what you're thinking. What the hell is this creep looking at?"
"Uh, no, I don't mean...I mean..." I stammered and he chuckles. "It's not as weird as it seems, though. These people, they only wanna live a normal life. Just...naked. I mean, if they're not harming anyone, who's to say they're wrong?" He asked us.
"Nobody." Sean and I replied at the same time. "Yeah, I agree. Yes! Why should we all be the same? Who says so?" He said and I smiled. "Heh, nevermind. I'm getting carried away. Name's Brody. I'm kind of an online traveling journalist..." he greets as he holds his hand out to us. "(Y/n)." I greet as I shake his hand then he goes to shake Sean's hand. "Sean. What's an...online traveling journalist?" Sean asked, curiously.
"Just a fancy name for someone who drives around in a car...writing about people and....stuff. There's a few websites that pay me for these papers, since I know how to write." Brody said. "Nice to meet you guys. You traveling with your brother?"
"Yeah...We're on the road. Going south." Sean said. "And I'm just a friend that's tagging along." I said and Brody smiles. "Good for you two. The best way to learn is on the road...The earlier the better." He said and we smile at him. "Well, I'd love to talk and avoid work all day but...I'm already up against a deadline. Safe travels, dudes!" He said. "Thanks, man...See ya around." Sean said as we walk away from Brody and continued with our shopping.
"Hey, check out the puppy!" Daniel calls out and we walk over to see a basket with a little white and brown puppy inside. "Awww." I said as I kneel down and pet its head. "Yeah. It's a dog." Sean said to Daniel as he also pets the dog. "It's a puppy! Super cute!" Daniel exclaims. "Yeah. Super cute." Sean chuckles as I said. "Adorable." 
"Is this yours?" Daniel asked the lady behind the desk. "Somebody left her down the road. If I saw who did that, it'd be the last time..." the woman replied. "Awww...He must be sad! What's his name?" Daniel asked. "Her. Whoever takes her... gets to name her." The woman replied. "Oh, right...Oh! Can...we have the puppy?" Daniel asked as he looks up at us, his eyes glimmering.
"Please?" He begs and Sean and I look at each other as I stand back up. "I don't know..." Sean said, shrugging. "Yeah, It's a pretty huge responsibility." I said to Daniel. "Yeah! It would be so cool! Come on..." Daniel begs us. "Oh, honey...We have to have an adult take care of her..." the woman said to him, gently. "I know...I just thought we could..." Daniel said in defeat. "I'd love to...but she's right. We can't take care of a dog right now." Sean said to Daniel as he pats Daniel on the back of his head then we head over to the counter and pay for our groceries.
I look over and noticed there was a stand for a map. "Go on! It's actually free." The woman said to me, noticing my stare. I look up at her and said. "Really?" She nods and I smile as I take a map. "Cool...Thanks!" I said. "It's a real nice map. You'll find lots of great hiking trails around here..." she said and I nod at her as we start to head out of the store.
"Hey look...empty table!" Daniel said to us as he points at the picnic table. "Let's grab it! And check out this map." I said as we go over to the table. "It's our table now!" Daniel said as he sits on one side of the table and Sean and I sit on the other side. "Yep! Let's see...What have we got here..." Sean said as he pulls out some water and mac&cheese while I pulled out three hotdogs, some chips and some Choc-O-Crisp. "This is a ton of food! I thought we were broke!" Daniel exclaims. "Not today, Daniel." I said with a smile. "Yeah....So let's grub out. This is our treat." Sean said and I hand over the candy to him, while I hear a truck pull in. I look over my shoulder and see an old man driving the truck but I noticed that he was staring, intently, at us.
"Really? You got me a Choc-O-Crisp?!" He asked as I look back over to him. "Course I did! I couldn't leave out my fellow Choc-O-Crisp addict." I said and the three of us began to chow down on our dinner.
Some time passes, and I see Brody leaving the store. "Where you guys off to now?" He asked us. "Uuuh...South. I guess." Sean replied as he shrugs. "Right on. Pro tip, don't feed the bears! See ya later..." Brody said as he gets into his station wagon. We wave at him then I take out the map.
"Whoa, that's a big map..." Daniel said, astonished. "Yeah...Hope I can read it..." I said as lay the map out on the table. "Me too." Sean said as Daniel moves to sit next to Sean. "Is this supposed to be Washington? I don't recognize anything..." he said. "Yeah. Me neither...But we have to be somewhere in there." Sean said then Daniel points at a spot on the map.
"Hey, I know! We're here! There's a gas station, see?" He said. "Nah, no way. We were near Mount Rainier yesterday. But it's miles away now." I said to him. "Let us show you where we are, okay?" Sean said to Daniel. "Yeah, okay..." Daniel said as Sean and I look over the map then Sean points it out.
"All right...This is it!" He said. "Are you sure?" Daniel asked him. "Yes, it is. It's next to the river we camped by yesterday, here we are!" Sean said, slightly annoyed. "Okay, so...Can we go there tonight?" Daniel asked as he points to another park that was miles and miles away from us. "Are you kidding? It's way too far!" I said. "Yeah, you want to walk a whole week again?" Sean asked him. "Awww...But it looks cool!" Daniel whined. "Hold on, (y/n) and I will find where we can go." Sean said as he and I look over the map.
"Hey kids. Looks like you're out camping." A man's voice said and we jump then turn around to see that the old man from the truck had crept up on us. "Oh...yeah! Just going over trails and...stuff." I said to the man, calmly. "Seems dangerous to be out here all alone...But maybe you're the ones who need to be watched." The man said and we look up at him in confusion.
"Huh? What do you mean? We're just..." Sean started to say. "Sure hoped you paid for all that. We don't tolerate shoplifters." The man warned us. "I don't like what you're insinuating, sir! But we paid for this and the map was free." I said to him, firmly, as I glare at him. "Well let's go inside and you and your boyfriend can show us what you bought." The man said and my fists clenched at this.
"No...Thanks...We...have to go..." Sean said as he grabs my arm and the three of us begin to stand up. We start to leave but the old man pushes at Sean's chest with an index finger, pointing. "Nope. You're going inside...Don't make this worse for yourself, kids. Or I will..." the man threatened while Daniel takes a step back but Sean and I were trapped between the table and the old douchebag.
"Excuse us, sir. We were just hiking!" I said, firmly. "Then let's find out if you're telling the truth. Come on." He said. "But...We have to get going..." Sean replied as Daniel cowers back. "Sean...(y/n)..." he said, shakily. "It's okay...Look, my Dad is waiting for us..." Sean said to the man. "Okay. You can call him from our phone. Now let's go." The man said as he grabs Sean's arm.
"Don't touch me..." Sean shouts as he tries to pull out of the man's grip while I said. "Leave him alone!"
"Don't do it, kids!" The man said as Daniel and I try to pull the man off of Sean. "Let go!" The old man shouts then he whacks Daniel in the face with his arm. "Ow!" Daniel exclaims as he falls back. "Don't touch my brother!" Sean said as the old man punches me in the face with his free hand. "(Y/n)!" Sean exclaims as I fall to the ground and the old man gut punches Sean, knocking him to the floor. Before I black out, I see Daniel running away from the old man.
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"The Last Airbender" honest commentary by me
-> I remember I watched this once, when I was something like 12, and I think my mind FORCED me to forget about it, and now that I'm 20 I feel the urge to watch it again. I saw clips on YouTube so it's not like I know nothing at all, but very very little. I'm honestly scared. I'll point out the things that I like too, if I find something like it. So... bring it on.
What is that gibberish in the background even supposed to mean? As someone who studies Japanese I am deeply disappointed. "But A:TLA's words are in Chinese!!" yes. But, for those who don't know, Japanese imported them as kanji so I can recognize them even if I don't speak Chinese, for these characters are written in the same way, even if pronounced differently. Or, well, I could recognize them if this gibberish meant anything. But it doesn't.
Not a fan of the prologue written onscreen as Katara reads it aloud (I suppose it's her?) to be honest. Especially when it's in... English. At this point why not changing that ugly gibberish into the English translation of the words? It would've made more sense, even if it doesn't.
Katara and Sokka sure are very... huh... White. Watching the racism and whitewashing jump out is too painful. Damn, I'm already upset with this movie and I'm only 2:35 minutes in.
A:TLA Sokka would never raise a finger on his sister- never in a million years. This dude straight up grabbed her arm! Not. Cool. Dude.
"I thought about Mom, isn't that strange..?" no Katara, it really isn't. She's your dead mother, it's not strange to think about her. That sentence just seems forced, it's got nothing to do with what's happening.
Okay, Sokka following his father's teachings is actually accurate, nice one.
I take it back. Sokka, what the actual fuck- why would you break the ice right under your feet?? A:TLA Hakoda would be very disappointed.
Oh, look, Aang's white too. How surprising.
Katara, the kid just woke up from a coma, stop asking him a thousand questions, cut Aang some slack!
Acting skills sooo not on point. Maybe the actors are actually good, and maybe it's just the dialogues that are... off. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and see how it goes.
I apprecciate the effort of trying to make Aang's tattoos look "cool" but next time, please don't.
This camera work is giving me a headache. The angles keep changing rapidly with no reason, and sometimes the camera's too close to the actors... Who did this?
Are Katara and Sokka the only white people in their village? I'm... confused.
"I am Prince Zuko." uh???? Where's your scar? Come on, that is literally one of the main points around which his story revolves, you can't just not put it there. I'm so upset.
Oh... that's the scar? Dude, I have a worse scar on my knee, I'm not even joking.
Of course Katara and Sokka's grandma is white, makes sense. So there's three white people in this village while everyone else is Asian, from what I saw. So it's okay to cast Asians as extras but not as the main characters? Holy shit, this movie is so problematic already.
Zuko, for fuck's sake, stop yelling. Aang's right in front of you, you two are, like, three inches apart. Stop screaming!
Firebenders need firepits to draw fire from..? Just bring a flamethrower with you next time, it'd be more efficient than your attacks anyway...
I'm not even 11min in and I want to stop already. I can't endure another 1:30h of this. I'm not strong enough.
"[Our mom] would have fought!" she didn't, that's the whole point. She surrendered to protect you, Katara, and the others. I get that the producers changed the story a little, it's normal, but- you can't change these things.
These dialogues... I want to rip my ears off. So little logic, so little pathos, such a poor timing- I want to cry.
Okay, this Iroh seems pretty similar to A:TLA's, thank goodness they didn't mess him up too much.
That is NOT how you pronounce Iroh!! I was a fool to think that there was one character that hadn't been completely ruined in this movie.
Nice nod to Hama, not bad.
Grandma casually has a map next to her when she needs it... Okay, I guess.
The scene on the ship- I'm speechless. Negatively speechless. I want to wash my eyes with bleach.
I love how Zuko just watches Aang fly away, like- "oh, there he goes". A:TLA Zuko would've jumped into the freezing ocean and swam toward him if he had to.
I can't get over their pronunciation of Aang. Ahng? Ohng? What is the reason behind this- why did they change it? He's literally the main character, you just don't do that.
With all due respect, the CGI is bad. I get that this movie is kinda old, but... No. There are older movies with better special effects. Low budget, maybe? I don't know.
"Souuka and I-" it's Sokka. Not Souuka. Sokka.
Zhao is hateful and annoying, which is accurate. I miss the ugly sideburns though.
Iroh calmly sipping tea while Zuko kicks ass- spot on, I can't deny that.
I hate Sokka so much. He's completely out of character, too annoying, uncharacteristically angsty and so boring. How can someone completely mess up a cool character like him?
"There is earth right beneath your feet"... oh my God, for real? Wow, how did they not notice that sooner...
"It's time for you to stop doing this!" reminds me of that one vine with the kid that yells "whEn wiLL yOu LeArN tHAt yoUR aCTioNs hAve ConSeqUEnceS!?", I don't know why.
Katara pushes a Firebender. She pushes him. He could burn her to a crisp and she- okay, you know what, I'm just going to ignore it.
Again with the firepits, I can't even-
It takes six Earthbenders to lift the rock the size of a chair..? And they also have to make a little dance to do that..?
The extras in the background don't even move- guys, at least pretend to dodge or be afraid, or cower backwards, don't just observe while you stand still looking as if you were glancing at the horizon.
Literally everyone in this movie is portrayed by Asian and Middle Eastern actors except for the main characters... Who allowed this, who said that this was okay? Seriously, who. Please, fire this person.
If Aang can't bend the other elements, what was that on Zuko's ship? Were the fire, the rock and the water acting up because Aang was there? It makes no sense.
"Avatars can't have a family." are you sure? 'Cause Roku did, even Wan (and Korra, after Aang) in a way, and many other Avatars too, I'm sure. That's not why he ran away, not at all.
Again with the fake Chinese characters... I mean, I think they were trying to imitate Chinese cursive writing, but... The lines are so straight, so stiff, so clean- there is no way that authentic cursive looks like that. Have you ever seen Japanese cursive? The characters are unrecognizable, but the lines are fluid and curved, not like that.
The scene with Katara and Aang practicing by the river confuses me because- I don't see any water being bent. Is it just me? I'm serious, maybe I just didn't see it..?
Ozai asking about Zuko and acting mildly concerned and almost caring is off-character. It makes it look like he feels guilty, when A:TLA Ozai does not. Also, let's say that this Ozai feels guilty, why doesn't he just welcome his son back, then? But he doesn't, 'cause he indirectly says so, so it makes no sense.
More gibberish. Please, stop. Don't do that again. I beg you.
"-sentenced to Agni KEE." goddamn it. Agni KAI. Not KEE. KAI! Why is that so hard for these people to say things right?
I still don't see any Waterbending. Are they just moving randomly? Are the practicing without actually bending the water..?
Oh, alright, now there's water moving, that's better. Still, so many movements for a little stream of water being lifted in the air- almost like that dance the Earthbenders did earlier. Seems excessive.
Is that monstrosity supposed to be Appa? Why is his face so- human? Oh Spirits, forgive them!
Again with this "I can have no family." thing- did the producers even watch the whole show or just read the summary of Wikipedia?
You know what, the Blue Spirit mask is accurate, in a way. Old masks used to have wigs attached sometimes, so it's not as bad as it seems. His stance though- that's a big no.
Zuko's swords don't actually hit anything most of the times he swings them around- just saying.
"What is this?". Ugh, Zhao, Aang's an AIRbender. Get it? AIR. So he is moving the AIR. I mean, you know he's an airbender, why are you acting surprised that he can redirect the wind?
Yue's white too... I checked online, and I discovered that the actress has Mexican origins: this has nothing to do with Asia and the Middle East so I personally consider this as a desperate attempt to include diversity- as if there were no actual Asian and Middle Eastern actors out there, but fine, I guess. What was I expecting at this point? Oh, I also know that this actress is Asami's V.A. which doesn't change much but since I like Asami I'll pretend to like this Yue too, a bit.
Extra™ moves to create a 10ft tall tornado... Okay, Aang, you're the boss.
Pakku is white too, hm? I don't know what to say anymore. Should I just stop pointing out this cast is so, so wrong? Probably. Will I? No.
Sokka's face when Yue tells him her hair's white because she was stillborn- that is the only realistic face he's done so far. Also, Yue's acting is not that off, and I actually like it! She's better than others.
More waterbending without water. Budget cuts.
I take that back, Yue is basically smiling when Sokka tells her that the Fire Nation is there, like, come on! Yue, I believed in you...
The dialogues are so fake, nobody talks like that! I'm sure that this is among the reasons why the actors seem incapable of doing their job- I'm sorry for these people, maybe the poor performance is not entirely their fault.
I'm trying to figure out what's up with Zuko's hair, and I'm not talking about the fact that it doesn't grow where the scar is, that's normal. What bothers me are those spikes he has on the front and on the back- or whatever they are. I am confused. Better than ponytail!Zuko, worse than all the other haircuts he had in A:TLA.
Zuko's actor is the best one in this movie so far, in my opinion. He's believable. He yelled a lot in the beginning, but now (1:12h in) he's not that odd.
How to understand when a scene has been not thought through: when characters don't do something that normal people would do. Zuko throws fire at Aang when he tries to escape, and then he just stands less than ten feet apart as Aang hides- he watches him, he stands there like "okay, I can't attack you now because the script says I'm not supposed to". Then do not include him in the shot! Or, at least make him say something- no, he just stands there and watches as his enemy is literally three seconds away from him. He could reach him with a little leap, without even running!
They showed Azula for a split second in the Agni Kai scene and then Zuko mentioned her once. Is that all? I hope to see her more, even a little something. Not including her would be a huge waste.
I don't ever want to see Appa again. So ugly he's scary. Who is the person that created the CGI for our amazing flying bison that we fell in love with? This isn't Appa, it's... Something else, something terrible.
The scene where Yue passes out when Zhao kills the Spirit- the secondhand embarrassment is real there. I had to look away, it's so bad.
This Zhao is maybe the most out of character person in this movie, and it's hard to beat Aang and Sokka so that sure is something...
If they say "Souuka" one more time I'll cry. I'm serious. I'll do it.
Alright, alright, the scene where Aang saves the day is pretty cool, I liked it, despite the questionable CGI.
Why do Katara and Sokka keep Aang upright by gripping his upper arms so tightly? That hurts! There are different ways to do that, less painful and more efficient.
Ozai looks like he has no idea of what he's talking about, he looks like me when I read maths.
There she is, Azula!! Wait- are we seeing her again?
...okay, we're not.
What can I say... Disastrous. No cabbage man, literally only five seconds of Azula, everyone is out of character, bad casting, bad pronunciation, gibberish wannabe Chinese characters, odd CGI... Everything is wrong.
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