#i need something to help cope with the s2 ending because HOLY hell
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but i promise this time i had good reason becaaaaauuuuuse

(that's me on the right, i don't often post pictures of myself but this is a special occasion)
anyways i am FINALLY done with school, i took a few summer classes just to finish up some spare credits, and at the same time i was working my summer job and ALSO doing a two-month internship with the Smithsonian so. I've been Very Busy.
And now I'm currently on vacation to visit my mother in Thailand so i am STILL busy, buuuuuut i wanted to jump back on here because once I'm back in the US i will be COMPLETELY free to blog and make gifs and all the usual stuff that I've missed so much!!!!!
.........and also watching good omens season 2 on the plane ride over here may or may not have given me severe and massive brain rot so expect a huge wave of gomens content on this blog in the following weeks lmaoooo
#i feel so bad for being away so long#i tend to drop off the face of the earth without warning but that's also because i have massive Depression brain and it's a force of habit 💀#but like i genuinely cannot express how this has quite literally been the BUSIEST summer of my life#like i've never worked so much before#there was a solid week where i was going to bed at like 6pm because i was so exhausted coming home from my internship#anyways it's night time here so I'm gonna sleep and in the morning my theme is getting a MASSIVE revamp >:)#an.....ineffable revamp.....one could say >:)))))#yeah the second im back home with my computer im churning out 5000 aziracrow gifs#i need something to help cope with the s2 ending because HOLY hell#okay that's enough rambling in the tags gootnight#emily.txt
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Undead Memory (Ch1)
Fandom: Castlevania (Netflix) (Season 2)
Character Focus: Alucard
Summary: What happened during that month in which Alucard was alone in the castle?
Alucard dealing with the aftermath of S2, and trying to cope with the death—or, more accurately, the ghosts—of his parents.
Notes: First of all, spoilers for season 2!
Another Alucard-centric fic, but actually about the show this time!! Whoo!! I'm excited to finally start posting this one.
Believe it or not, I started this idea a while before S3 started, wanting to write something for the time after S2 of Alucard being alone in the castle. Then after S3 I wanted to write it both more and less XD The idea of Alucard seeing ghosts brought up at the end of S2 is an interesting one, and one I thought deserved more exploration. As well as just that month where he's alone being something interesting to write about.
This is one of those fics I wanted to post as a long one-shot, but ultimately got stuck and decided it would be better to break it up into chapters to make it more manageable for both reading and writing. I said it'd be 4 chapters above, but I'm not quite sure exactly how many it'll be. It just helps me to jot down a manageable ballpark number.
That being said, one of the reasons I hesitate to break things up into chapters, is because if people don't seem interested it severely inhibits my desire to keep writing that fic. So, it really does help my motivation a LOT when you comment and say you want to read more!! So just know that when you comment, you're helping more of this fic get written!!
Shoutout to @it-burns-when-i-pee for giving me the clock idea!
Chapter 1: Reminders
There were no graves. Dracula and Lisa didn’t get graves. The rest of the world would have said they didn’t deserve to rest in peace.
Antigone would say Polynices deserved to sing in Olympus all the same.
The only grave they got was a castle. And many would say it was better than most—that they’d take a castle over a headstone, a mausoleum, or the ground any day. They’d say a castle was a hell of a lot better than being dumped down the sewage grate.
And all that’s fair, but perhaps the bigger problem was this: there were no remains.
They both burned. One in holy fire, one in hell. (And who could say where they truly ended up, if there was a heaven and hell after all?)
All that was left of Lisa Tepes was a pile of charcoal on an altar to a priests own pride.
And all that was left of Vlad Tepes was a ring, and a soot stain on the carpet.
Most would say they got what they deserved; to die without chance at Olympus.
Adrian doesn’t know where to put his flowers.
Most children bury their parents eventually, but usually this is when they have children of their own to keep them company, and their parents have been bouncing grandchildren on their knees for at least a year or two, with white hair and crinkled smiles, barely able to walk, or see: sick and ready to greet the gods.
Adrian may look old enough to settle down, but he’s younger than most would surmise. And while he can certainly handle himself, he was not prepared for his parents to die within a year of each other…especially considering that the parent who was meant to be immortal died by his own hand.
He would have liked to have some respite in his own home.
But perhaps, more important than where to put flowers, there was most unfortunate side effect of the lack of remains, and the castle grave:
And this isn’t the pearly white wraiths wandering around saying ‘boo’, or skulls that float about the head gnashing their teeth. Not even a chained apparition to remind one of their sins.
This is something much worse. Worse because they belong to the house’s owner. Worse because their true grave is his head.
—(And that place never rested)—
Their ghosts wander the castle, not just a graveyard. This castle seems to have an affinity for the undead.
Maybe not everyone could see them. He tries not to indulge the thought that maybe there’s nothing there at all, and they’re nothing more than undead memory.
Alucard has been seeing ghosts since the moment he was left alone in this place.
He’d rather have a grave to mourn them at, and converse with the memories, than watch their ghosts keep him up at night, unable to touch, or to talk to them.
He should remind himself to look up the definition of ‘torment’ later.
At first it was his father’s steps when he walked up the stairs. His mother’s smiles, his own young laughter when he sat in the study. When he sat at the table to eat, he watched the vampire king tossing a young boy into the air, both laughing like fairy wing beats, as Lisa watched on from the table. Alucard tried not to lose his appetite.
Then they were given voice: it was Father’s lessons when he looked for a book in the library. Mother’s stories as he sat reading, making him incapable of concentrating to his own book all the while. Baking cookies together in the kitchen. Father allowing him his first drink—(of wine or blood? Take a guess. He only needed one of them, after all)—as he walked through the cellar. Mother decorating the castle, making it look a little nicer, a little more alive. Not all of them were positive. Their arguing voices down the hallway. His own tears.
Father’s claws against his chest.
And he wouldn’t dare get close to that room. Because whenever he walks past the door, he can still hear his father speak to him like he did when he was still a child dressed in sunlight, and there was nothing but love.
Mother, father and…himself. As if he died long ago with them. As if the happy child he was within them is gone. As if he’s no longer the Adrian who sat with his parents, read with them, baked cookies, and laughed with them…but the Alucard who killed them.
And, well, maybe he didn’t kill his mother, but sometimes he didn’t know what else to think but to blame himself for the thought that he could have saved her.
And he did kill his father.
He still feels that stake in his hand when he walks by that room—(But it wasn’t a stake was it? It was the bedpost of his childhood bed, as if ripping his childhood at the seams and denying everything he was born as). He still feels its splinters in his fingers, the smell of pine, the feeling of it piercing his father’s chest, the way his heartbeat refused to stop—(he rested his head on his chest once, the constancy of the rhythm was comforting then). The warmth of his father’s blood draining over his fingers. The sound of his father’s ripping voice. The unearthly, ungodly howling of the souls trapped inside him—(was he really so bad?). He could still smell his flesh burning.
He still wakes up in the middle of the night with the image of his fathers face melting off its bones as it came closer to him, reaching out as if to to caress his son’s cheek, seared onto his eyes—(is this how Victor Frankenstein felt when the creature smiled at his window?)
But when the morning came, he took that ring and he wore it on a chain around his neck all the same, to remind him of a few things:
One: that love is one of those things that is free, but comes at a high price. If you take it lightly, it will leave you heavily.
Two, an addendum to one: that love is not soft. Love is not flowery words, or even the insatiable desires the romance novels say it is. Love is an insidious fire, when you have it, it rages, and you know what warmth is. When the fireplace is empty it aches, and when your heart breaks your chest gets cut on all the pieces. And underestimating it, calling it weakness, will always be your undoing.
Three—(one that was beginning to weigh heaviest): that living and immortality are not the same thing. Vlad may have been immortal, but he was only ever alive with Lisa.
Four: to always know where he came from…and where he didn’t want to end up.
Five, and final: that though he had saved lives, though it was noble, and the stories and songs would say he was brave, and though Trevor and Sypha would say it was for the greater good…he would always be the son who loved his father…and the son who drove the stake into his father’s heart.
All for love.
He can find respite from the memories sometimes. He finds himself spending too much time down in the Belmont hold, reading, organizing, putting away ancestors—(ancestors not of his, ones that didn’t come back). Learning, pursing his lip in disapproval, or laughing to himself at the thought of some of the things Trevor’s relatives did (making a mental note to use the story against Trevor when he next saw him). Thinking of his friends…and trying not to think of them, lest they become ghosts too.
He likes going out into the woods to get food, and water, and fresh air. He wavers there at times, wondering if maybe he could just… leave. He spends more time out there than is strictly necessary.
Sometimes he runs out into the woods—well, more precisely padding, cantering on paws—and other times flies—trying to make sure his tongue can taste freedom, and his wings can snare sunlight, before he turns back.
But he always has to return. Return to the stuffy, putrefied remains of the castle. The air where he hears his parents whisper sweet words that are gone, where memory reconstructed from fairy castles sweet worlds he’s ripped away.
Would it be so hard to just leave?
Surely we can let the poor wandering souls in the woods find refuge. It was a grave after all. Just let the lost rest against the headstones, though they know not whose skeletons lie beneath them.
He leans against Trevor’s tree, and sees a young boy playing on the branches—laughing, free—and smiles…before it becomes gasp and grimace, and he shakes his head, returning to the castle.
Not them too.
He thought he could take it. The grief. The ghosts. The wrath of the gods
But he can’t stay.
Not forever. That is to say, he can’t leave for long. Just to visit town, to see another person or two, to get out of his head, and pray the specters won’t follow him.
He slings his bag over his shoulder, along with the coat he always wore—the one that smells like the campfires he sat at with Trevor and Sypha—and sighs as he walks out the door.
He has another grave to visit.
#castlevania#netflix castlevania#castlevania fanfiction#castlevania fanfic#castlevania fic#castlevania netflix#alucard#alucard castlevania#castlevania alucard#adrian tepes#adrian fahrenheit tepes#castlevania season 2#dracula#Lisa Tepes#Vlad Tepes#Vlad Dracula Tepes#castlevania fandom
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an agents of shield playlist in chronological order from pre-series, up until the end of season 6 / beginning of season 7.
listen to it here!
song explanations under the cut. warning that its very long, i have a lot of thoughts
01. Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Two birds on a wire / One tries to fly away / And the other watches him close from that wire / He says he wants to as well / But he is a liar
Relating both to May & Coulson after Bahrain, with Coulson trying to help May return to the field, but May refusing, and FitzSimmons immediately pre-season, with Simmons excitement about going into the field contrasted to Fitz’s hesitance, but over-all desire to stay with her.
02. Small - Chloe Moriondo
And I'm suddenly not interested in / whatever the rest of the world has to offer so / I drown facedown in my head and feel my state start to alter cause / You / Because you
After FZZT, Fitz realising that he has romantic feelings towards Simmons.
03. Saturn - Sleeping At Last
With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite / How rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist
FitzSimmons in the med pod under the ocean, with Simmons talking about the first law of thermodynamics.
04. Evaporate - Gabrielle Aplin
Flesh and bone wrapped up in skin / Kept alive by oxygen / But right now breathing is so tough
During the S1/2 hiatus, Fitz starting his recovery and relying on Simmons, while Simmons suffers from PTSD and decides to leave due to her guilt.
05. Waves - Chloe Moriondo
Sometimes I feel like I wanna go back / To a time before my mind turned black / I miss the way it was / When instead of just my gooey brains / All that melted was popsicles and the rain just pelted down / Down on me
Fitz coping with his brain injury after Simmons left.
06. Anybody Out There - Gabrielle Aplin
You never told me why you had to leave / I always thought that you'd come back for me / I'm tired of getting people's sympathy / I know I'd make it back eventually
Fitz coping with Simmons leaving.
07. Hiding In Your Hands - Dear Evan Hansen
Look at her, a total trainwreck / Let her off this ride / Lift her out from all the pain / She tells herself she needs to hide
Simmons after the med pod, hiding her trauma in her music box and convincing others that she’s fine.
08. Just Add Water - Cavetown
Please don't invite me, please don't invite me / I wanna be alone, I wanna be alone / And don't remind me, please don't remind me / I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know
Fitz isolating himself from the rest of the team at the beginning of S2.
09. King and Lionheart - Of Monsters And Men
And in the sea that's painted black / Creatures lurk below the deck / But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart
Coulson leading SHIELD as the new director, while May supports him in the field.
10. New River - The Oh Hellos
Well, it'll rain for forty days and nights, / and nothing you do can slow the rising tides / But the river takes her shape from every tempest she abides / And like her, you'll be made new again
Raina and Daisy undergoing terrigenesis, and later being accepted into Afterlife.
11. Earth - Sleeping At Last
Fault lines tremble underneath our glass house / But I put it out of my mind / Long enough to call it courage / To live without a lifeline
Daisy becoming an Inhuman, contrasted with May during and after Bahrain. (So, basically, the episode ‘Melinda’).
12. Wolf - First Aid Kit
Wolf-father, at the door / You don't smile anymore / You're a drifter, shape-shifter / Let me see you run, hey-ya hey-ya
May & Coulson dealing with Gonzalez’s SHIELD while Daisy is hiding from SHIELD at Afterlife.
13. Storm Song - PHILDEL
I'll send a storm / to capture your heart / and bring you home.
FitzSimmons during their countless separations, but specifically put this early in the playlist for Maveth, and Fitz searching for Simmons during the S2/3 hiatus.
14. Spaceland - Chloe Moriondo
Sometimes overthinking can feel like more than overthinking / It's like I'm trapped in spaceland and I'm not coming back
Simmons trapped on Maveth, reflecting on everything that’s happened.
15. Neptune - Sleeping At Last
I'm only honest when it rains / If I time it right, the thunder breaks / When I open my mouth / I wanna tell you but I don't know how
Simmons after returning from Maveth, before she tells Fitz about Will.
16. Yellow Light - Of Monsters And Men
Somewhere deep in the dark / A howling beast hears us talk
Simmons on Maveth with Will.
17. The Currents - Bastille
We're living in the currents you create / We're sinking in the pool of your mistakes / So stub it out, your podium awaits
The team with regards to Ward about all of the tragedies that he’s caused, the impact he’s had on them, and their impending doom with him bringing Hive to Earth.
18. Bad Bad Things - AJJ
And I got to thinking / If I don't go to Hell when I die I might go to Heaven / If I don't go to Hell when I die I might go to Heaven / If I don't go to Hell when I die I might go to Heaven / If I don't go to Hell when I die I might go to Heaven / Might go to Heaven, but probably not
Ward killing Roz, torturing Simmons, and dying on Maveth.
19. Blame - Bastille
Fall upon your knees saying / "This is my body and soul here" / Fall and begging, pleading / "You've got the power and control"
Hive and his control over Inhumans.
20. The Last Time - The Script
Why's it so hard to look me in the eye? / Playing with that cross that's on your chain / I know you only ever bite your lip / When it's something you're afraid to say
Lincoln’s sacrifice.
21. Meet Me In The Woods - Lord Huron
I took a little journey to the unknown / And I come back changed, I can feel it in my bones / I fucked with the forces that our eyes can't see / Now the darkness got a hold on me / Holy darkness got a hold on me
Daisy after being released from Hive’s sway, and dealing with the fallout of Lincoln’s sacrifice.
22. ¿Viva La Gloria? (Little Girl) - Green Day
Little girl, little girl, why are you crying? / Inside your restless soul your heart is dying
Daisy during the S3/4 hiatus, running away from SHIELD.
23. Pluto - Sleeping At Last
Until one day I had enough / Of this exercise of trust. / I leaned in and let it hurt, / And let my body feel the dirt.
Daisy returning to SHIELD.
24. The Steven Bradley - Ghost Bear
My, oh my / you look as good as the day you died! / Oh, who am I kidding? / You look even more alive!
Radcliffe stealing the Darkhold and putting the dying Agnes into the Framework.
25. We Forgot We Were Human - Dirt Poor Robins
So tell me, what do we need with the sun? / Now we have an electric one / To melt every shadow away / Turn the night into day
AIDA and the other LMDs concluding that physical bodies don’t matter when someone’s consciousness has been uploaded into the Framework.
26. Squares - Stepdad
Thinking happy thoughts will fix it oh-no no-no oh-oh uh-oh / Where did I go wrong I guess I don't know whoa-oh uh-oh oh-oh / I'll just go on kidding myself and everything will work itself out
Radcliffe in the Framework, realising the mistakes that he’s made but being unable to do anything about it.
27. Nothing That Has Happened So Far Has Been Anything We Could Control - Tame Impala
Nothing that has happened so far / Has been anything we could control
Daisy and Simmons fighting back against the LMDs and entering the Framework.
28. Turn The Lights Off - Tally Hall
Everybody likes to get taken for turns / To see how bright the fire inside of us burns / And everybody wants to get evil tonight / But all good devils masquerade under the light
Daisy and Simmons finding out that HYDRA are in control inside the Framework, and seeing what May and Fitz had turned into.
29. Willow Tree March - The Paper Kites
And we all still die / Yeah we all still die / What will you leave behind? / Oh we all still die
Agnes, Mace, Hope and Radcliffe’s deaths, and their impacts on the team.
30. Cabinet Man - Lemon Demon
You can't win me, I can't be beat / I won't hurt you unless you cheat / You can't see me behind the screen / I'm half human and half machine
AIDA becoming a human, and fighting back using her new Inhuman powers, ending with her being killed by the Spirit of Vengeance.
31. Lethargy - Bastille
There's an English man up in space these days / Floating in awe and wonder / As he broke away from the atmosphere / And all of us non-believers
The team arriving at the future Lighthouse, and meeting Deke.
32. Warmth Outro - Bastille
Never good, still the bad and the ugly / Laid in front of us / Clearly we've learned nothing at all / From the TV's window
The remainder of the team during the loop, where they failed to save the Earth.
33. Cutie Boots - Stepdad
I wanna hold you til' it feels like it's been long enough to stop saying I miss you, stop saying I miss you
FitzSimmons reunion in the future Lighthouse.
34. Venus - Sleeping At Last
After a while, I thought I'd never find you. / I convinced myself that I would never find you, / When suddenly I saw you.
FitzSimmons wedding.
35. Stagnant - Chloe Moriondo
I don't know why I'm mean to everyone I love / It's hard to try to communicate / With darkness inside my head / Filling my lungs
Fitz, leading up to his breakdown.
36. The Driver - Bastille
There was a time when a moment like this / Wouldn't ever cross my mind / The sun will rise with my name on your lips / 'Cause everything will change tonight
The Devil Complex.
37. A Dark Design - Among Savages
Oh, there is not a God in heaven that wants to see us fighting this way / Oh, He spoke more about loving than people trying to make people change
The team fighting during S5.
38. Shame - Bastille
I can see a change / I can see a change in you / I see it coursing through your veins / And it is a shame / It is a shame on you / I barely recognize your face
The team continuing to fight - especially Daisy towards Fitz, and Daisy and Yo-Yo after Yo-Yo kills Ruby.
39. Terrified - Among Savages
Cause I'm terrified and I'm ruined by this mess / Cause I needed you more than I needed what was best
FitzSimmons refusing to let each other die & fixing the Gravitonium machine.
40. Icarus - Bastille
Icarus is flying too close to the sun / And Icarus's life, it has only just begun / This is how it feels to take a fall / Icarus is flying towards an early grave
Fitz during S5.
41. Bad Moon Rising - Credence Clearwater Revival
I see a bad moon a-rising / I see trouble on the way / I see earthquakes and lightnin' / I see bad times today
The final battle between Daisy and Graviton.
42. A Sadness Runs Through Him - The Hoosiers
Turn back the time that drew him / But he couldn't be saved / No he couldn't be saved / A sadness runs through him
Fitz’s death.
43. Carry On - fun.
Woah, my head is on fire but my legs are fine / After all, they are mine
The aftermath of the battle.
44. Ghosts That We Knew - Mumford & Sons
But the ghosts that we knew will flicker from you / And we'll live a long life
Coulson’s retirement party.
45. Good Grief - Bastille
Every minute and every hour / I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more / Every stumble and each misfire / I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more
Daisy and May’s reaction to Coulson’s death, and Simmons’s reaction to Fitz’s death.
46. Tic Toc - Mother Mother
Big hand, little hand, no hand, slow hand / Sitting in my hand is the sand of a shattered hour glass / And I throw these grains of sand into the wind and laugh / And I do not care just what they'll have to say about that
Simmons realising that there’s another Fitz out there, and her determination to bring him home.
47. Happier - Marshmello
Then only for a minute / I want to change my mind / 'Cause this just don't feel right to me / I want to raise your spirits / I want to see you smile but / Know that means I'll have to leave
Yo-Yo and Mack’s break up during the S5/6 hiatus.
48. Mountain Sound - Of Monsters and Men
Some hid scars and some hid scratches / It made me wonder about their past / And as I looked around, I began to notice / That we were nothing like the rest
The Zephyr team searching for Fitz, while Fitz and Enoch try to get to Naro-Atzia, during the S5/6 hiatus.
49. The World Ender - Lord Huron
I had a life and a place in the world / I had a sweet talkin' wife and a beautiful girl / I know I'm never gonna see 'em again / Gonna tear the world up until I have my revenge
Sarge hunting for Izel.
50. Spaceman - The Killers
The star maker says, it ain't so bad / The dream maker's going make you mad / The spaceman says, everybody look down / It's all in your mind
S6 as a whole, starting with Fitz in space, and ending with Simmons taking the team to the future, including Izel’s body hopping and Davis’s death.
51. Smile - Mikky Ekko
Smile, the worst is yet to come / We'll be lucky if we ever see the sun / Got nowhere to go, we could be here for a while / But the future is forgiven so smile
The team heading off to stop the Chronicom and save their future.
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