#i need one of those crazy conspiracy maps with the pins from a beautiful mind where i can just trace everything in her life back to mud
laurapetrie · 6 months
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I believed in magic, fairies, and elves. I even talked to my dolls and stuffed animals. My mother had told me that at night after I went to sleep, the toys and dolls would come alive, and would dance and sing while we slept. This really fascinated me. I forced myself to stay awake. I lay in bed for hours, rubbing my eyes to keep them open. I didn’t even dare to breathe out loud because I didn’t want to scare the dolls away. At every noise I started, hoping to see them come alive. But of course, I was bitterly disappointed when they remained lifeless. Looking back at all this, I’m not certain that all that fantasy is good for a child. I wouldn't encourage that much make-believe in one of my children—it would just make reality that much harder to take. - NATALIE WOOD
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