#i need more meme ideas to torment al with >:)
autistic-ace-bee · 3 years
o-of what?
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BatDad and Turtle Sons One-Shot
Summary: A crossover au between Batman and TMNT to see what I think it’d be like if Batman was the Turtles Dad
Word Count: 4040
Pairing: None (unless you count Leo and angst)
Rating: T (for blood and mild mild violence)
Life is strange, but the path we choose is even stranger
 Leo clung his leg to his chest, hissing in pain. Managing to bounce around on one foot for a few moments before falling. He could feel the muscles in his leg spasming between his fingers as he cursed his own body.   He wa so wrapped up in cursing his body that he almost didn’t the arm that wrapped around his shoulder. “Breath Leo, you need to stretch your leg to prevent straining.”
 “I know Dad.” HE did as his father commanded, and though his breath came out shaky at first, the more he stretched out his leg the easier it became to breath. He gave a weak sigh, “Sorry father.” Before looking to the man holding him up. No one in their right mind would ever accuse ‘Bruce Wayne’ of stereotypical ‘dad bod’. For a man in his late forties he was still in excelled shape, and if it hadn’t been for the slight grey tinges in his hair no one would have thought he had changed at all.  Bruce moved around to get a better look at his leg, rolling up the pants leg of his sweatpants and looking over the muscles with a father’s eye, “You’ll be alright son, you should just rest for the rest of the night.’
 The blue masked turtle gave out a sigh that almost sounded like a death gasp, “But we barely got started.” Course, the sympathetic smile his father was giving him only added to his shame,
“Just for the night, Alfred can look at it and we’ll go from there.” Bruce moved under his arm, lifting him up. With his support Leo was able to balance on one foot and move out of the rumpus room.
 For the past ten years, the citizens of Gotham had been curious at the ongoings at Wayne Manor, mostly on why, no matter the time of day, was the Manor always lit up? But Most of the citizens, the one who didn’t think it was full of vampires, would shrug of their own curiosity and mutter ‘rich people’ and shuffle on their way
 And the very answer was the turtle being helped of the small rumpus room by his father. The seventeen year old Leo was the same height as his father but lacked the build Bruce Wayne had. But dressed in dark blue athleisure wear. Another spasm shot through his leg, despite himself and his already brewing shame he can’t stop himself from hissing. Praying it hadn’t been overheard by Bruce.
 But very few things passed his fathers notice. Even the slightest hitch of breath, Bruce immediately turned to him, looking around and taking one of the hallway chairs and puling it closer, “Sit.”
“Dad its=” but choked off as his leg spasmed again. Leo reluctantly sat back down as Bruce looked over his leg again, “Look its really fine- “
 “Leo, you once broke your foot and didn’t say a word for week about It. If this pain is enough to make you make a noise, then it’s no small thing.’” Bruce held Leos’ calf between his legs, kneading the muscles with his thumbs, “You wait here. I’m going to go get some ice and some pain killers and call Al.”
 “No, Dad it’s fine I- “he was cut off by a gentle hand rubbing his scalp for a moment before his father disappeared down the end of the hallway. Leaving Leo to sigh and lean back in his seat. He wasn’t embarrassed about his father’s protectiveness, but rather his own inability to cope with the pain.
 Well, now that the pressure was off his leg, he was bored.
  Atleast until a moment later when a loud crash filled the opposite end of the hallway his father had gone. Followed by a stream of shouting and cursing. Leo could only sigh and pinch his brow, “Oh no.”
Almost in unison the two voices suddenly yelped loudly before starting off again. Alfred turned the end of the hall, dragging along two of Leonardo’s brothers, the Chaotic Twins known as Michelangelo and Raphael. But they were only twins in the sense of age, since they hardly looked alike. Mikey was closer to his height then Raph’s, since Raph was the only brother who stood taller then their father. And other then their similar skin tones of dark green they even dressed differently. Since Mikey always liked to wear bright colors of varying fashions and Raph preferred dark red or black. But right now, they both were at the mercy of Allred, who had a tight grip on their masks and pulled upward so the knots that kept their masks on was pulling the fabric in a most uncomfortable manner,
 “He was the one who tried to- “
 “Lies and slander! Don’t’ listen to this poser Al- “
 “POSER!?” Raph yanked away at the death grip on his mask, “You’re the one who filled my shoes with, GOD what was that?!”
 “I have no idea what you’re talking about! But if I DID I’d say it was a mixture of something I found in Dad’s closet, and a lot of Dicks old hair gel- ‘
 “Oh, you son of a-OW!”
 Alfred glared at the two turtles at his dwindling mercy, “That is enough out of both of you. If I hear one more word about ‘posers’ or ‘murdering’ eachothers or ‘memes-’
 Mikey looked up at Allred in confusion, ‘But I haven’t mentioned memes all day-OW!” ceased by another jerk on his mask
“Then you will both be sentenced to Laundry duty.” The two turtles immediately shut up. Even Raph looked a little worried for a moment. Alfred, finally noticing Leo was there, sighed, “Leonardo, my favorite turtle- ‘(ignoring Mikey shout in horror, ‘I thought I was your favorite!!!’”) “Please tell me you’ve seen your father? I feel compelled to inform him of his sons latest, ‘projects’”
 Leo couldn’t help but grin, truth be told Alfred HAD no favorite turtle. But at some moments Alfred would use his ‘favorite’ turtle tactic to get one of them to behave better, Atleast for a few minutes, “He’s getting some ice. I pulled my leg when we were practicing.”
 Alfred let out a long-suffering sigh that one might hear from a tired mother and not from a former British Secret Agent/Military Veteran, “Well that won’t do at all.” He gave a jerk on Raphael’s mask just as the red masked turtle tried to reach over and smack Mikey, “As soon as I’m done with these two, I will look at your leg- “
 “What did they do this time?”
 When his father had returned, Leo don’t know but he knew that he wouldn’t have jumped so hard if he had known it was his father taking his leg again, “Well Master Bruce, apparently there was a ruckus that involved defiling Master Raphael’s’ gym shoes and said Master swearing his revenge.”
 Bruce gave another sigh like Alfred’s, running his hand over this black hair, there were only a few dark grief streaks that undoubtedly came from, not dealing with a multi trillion-dollar company, but dealing with four teenage sons all day, “Raphael we’ve been over this, no killing your brother. Michelangelo stop tormenting your brother. If I catch either of you with a bruise or covered in chicken fat your both grounded
The moment Mikey was free he gave a loud yelp in joy, “Thanks Dad!!!!” before turning and charging for freedom. Free of the Mayhem Twins, Alfred knelt, “Let me handle this Master Bruce,” before pressing the icepack to Leo’s leg, Leo glanced to the one turtle who hadn’t run off in joy. That was the seething brother that, though younger then Leo, was taller than their father. “Why do you let him get away with everything?!” Raph demanded, “He torments me all freaking day and all he gets is a warning?!”
 “He’s not just getting a warning Raph, “if Bruce had mastered anything in the past thirteen years, it was patience, “I’m gong to talk to him later.” Raph scoffed angrily, storming a few feet away with his shell to them. Bruce stood up and walked over to him, taking him by the bicep and Turing him to look at him, “Why don’t you get some fresh air? Dick and Tim are back in town, I’m sure they’d like to take you on one of their patrols.”
 Leo could see the gears rolling in Raph’s mind. Struggling between staying and exacting his forbidden revenge on Mikey or being able to crush some one’s skull with his other brothers. Eventually he groaned, “Ok fine.”  Before turning and leaving
 “Don’t forget your coat Raph, “Bruce called, “If you stay until morning then call me. Don’t let anyone see you.”
  “I know I know Pop.” Raph waved without looking at him before leaving the need of the all. Leo had no doubt the news tomorrow would have several more segments of criminals begin beaten to a bloody pulp, “Are you sure that’s wise Master Bruce?” Alfred asked reflecting his own fears, but only hissed when Alfred shifted the icepack higher on his leg, “You know how bad his anger gets.”
 “He’s a good kid Alfred, I trust him. Sometimes he needs to let off steam. Dick and Tim will take good care of him.” Bruce stood by Leo’s chair just out of Leo’s peripherals but a gentle touch on his shoulder told him his father was still there, “How bad is it?’
 “He’s stressed several tendons in his leg, I recommend he rest it for Atleast three days.’
“Three days?!” Leo twisted to look up at Bruce, “Dad that’s not fair- “
 “If Alfred says to rest it then you rest it.”
 Three days though? As much as he wanted to argue, he didn’t want to disappoint his father. With a sigh, gesture his family shared, he leaned back in the seat with his father coaxing. Allowing Alfred to wrap up his calf. If he had to rest, he Atleast wasn��t going to be trapped, “Would it be alright if I used crutches Atleast?” he asked, “I don’t want to be stuck in one place, I promise not to move around too much.”
 Alfred gave Bruce a look before nodding, “So long as you keep your movements to a minimum, I will get you a walking cast “
 “Thank you,”
 “I was going to ask, “Leo was grateful to have his father’s attention on something else for a bit, “have you seen Donatello?”
 “Actually, I have. He was lingering around the kitchen again. NO doubted trying to sneak a cup of coffee.”
 Father sighed,’ Not again, I’ll deal with it. Will you get Leonardo somewhere comfortable and get him what he needs?” Without waiting or a answer, Bruce was already gone. No doubted off to fight the monster that was Donatello’s caffeine addiction.
 With a sigh Alfred looked back to Leo, “How many more years till I can retire?”
This wasn’t happening
The Chunin looked back down at his hands, the kunai he had been handed looked so big in the grip of a six-year-old, “You…you want me to what?” he asked the dark abyss
“They are not learning as quickly as you are.” The darkness exhumed cold, like the breath of the dead, “They are holding us back.”
“Th-they’re doing their best Master.” He begged, “Please, I’ll help them. I-I—” Chunin face exploded with pain as a staff backed across his face. If it hadn’t been the first time he experienced such pain, he might have been knocked over. But he instead squeezed his eyes shut and bowed his head, ignoring the blood now running down his cheek. He felt a clawed hand grip his shoulder that seemed to suck all the happiness out of his body, “You are nothing but a weapon, Chunni, a tool. You have no will of your own except to cry out mine.” A claw as sharp as a knife touched underneath his chin, drawing his gaze up to a pair of pure white eyes with needlepoints for sprinkles. The white surface jagged with red lines, despite himself Leo could feel himself start to tremble. And the Master whispers to him
“Kill them.”
 The book and blanket that had been resting on his chest suddenly flew to the ground as Leo jolted awake with a gasp. His sudden movement irritated his wrapped leg and stole his breath. The turtle nearly doubling over as he held himself flighty, squeezing his burning eyes shut as he struggled to breath.
A dream
He tried to tell himself it was just a dream, a ghost of a memory but his shaking body refused to listen. Remembering the breathing techniques his father had taught him, he led himself through a short meditation, tell his body finally stopped trembling and his breathing beamed regular. When Leo lined back in his seat he glanced over at the large grandfather clock. His first irritation was that it had only been about half an hour since Alfred had dumped him in the library with a tray of snacks and books, the second behind this father had already been in to check on him, hens the blanket draped over him, and the third filled him with more sadness then anything
 And that was the slight angle to the clock itself. While that might have been a minute issue for certain people, for him it opened a can of worms.
 Leo stood from the couch, testing his walking cast before hobbling over. How someone had managed to get past him, even if he had been asleep, was enough to irritate him. But that irritation was drowned by his concerned brotherly nature. He took the Grandfather clock by the frame and pulled it away from the wall, letting it swing like a door.
The tunnel inside was as dark as ever, tinging with dust, but a faint light at the end of the steep staircase told him he was right. Someone was down there
 And he knew exactly how it was.
 It was strange to descend that staircase. The steps, like everything else, was covered in dust and cobwebs. With only faint darker steps marking anyone having been down there recently. Yet, when he reached the end, he still had to muffle a gasp.
 The Batcave, though still covered in dust and cobwebs, was just as impressive as it had been the first-time father had brought them home. It had scared his brothers so much that Mikey and Raph had refused to leave his side, and father had to carry Donnie in his arms. The T-rex alone was enough to give any six-year-old who lacked basic knowledge of anything, nightmares.
 Speaking of Donnie
 The giant behemoth that was the Bat monitor was the only thing in the room that had been recently cleaned off, all screens lit up with the same image of a dark tunnel. Leo sighed as he moved towards it and the chair facing it. he peered around the chair to see a familiar purple masked turtle sitting, his teal orbs fixated on the screen behind glasses, “Donnie” he sighed, shaking his brothers’ shoulder
 The youngest gave yelp jumping in his seat and immediately slashing his arms around as thigh he was in a kung Fu movie, his headphones sliding down from the sides of his head. After a few moments Donatello’s eyes looked back up to him, “Leo!” he fixed his headphones again, “Who-what are you doing down here? Dad told me you needed to rest.”
 “What are you doing down here, you know we’re not allowed in here.”
 “I-I” Donnie slapped at the console, turning off the monitors, “I wa seeing if Dad used to play solitaire down here.”
 If eto shared anything with his father, it was his intolerance of being lied to, “Fine, get grounded, see if I care.” Before taking a grip on his youngest brothers’ bicep and lifting him up to his feet, “We’re leaving, now.”
“No wait-I- “Donnie was able to pull his arm free, but also succeed in flailing back into his seat, “I-I.” he glanced back at the screen, “I-I lied. I’m sorry.”
 The anger Leo had felt ebbed from him, as much as he doesn’t want it to, “Then why are you down here again?”
 Again, teal eyes looked up at him, drawing in concern and worry that made Leo’s heart ache despite the stoic stance he was trying to pull off, “I was checking some of Dad’s old surveillance cameras to see if they were working.”
 For a memo Leo was impressed his new ability to talk without being speaking Before realizing he had no such skill and his voice had no such ability to change at moments notice. The two turtles turned to the Batcave entrance to see the form of their father standing there, arms crossed with a less then impressed look in his eyes that promised repercussions.
 For a moment, he felt sorry for his youngest brother
 Then he remembered the time Donnie had turned his stereo into a robot, and quickly pushed his pity aside
 “B-Because I’ve seen the news Dad,” Don’ stuttering didn’t come from a fear of their father but rather a lifetime impediment, “Th-There have been a lot of disappearance in the sewers lately in Star City, Cyborg told me. And-and I wanted to see if the camera’s caught him, or anything.” Donnie looked back to Leo and then their father, “Its him, it has to be right?”
 The room fell silent, Bruce crossed the room and turned the large armchair in his direction before kneeling, “Donatello- “
 “It has to be him, what if he’s back Dad? What if he came back for Leo?  I Don’t want him to hurt my brothers=”
 “DON.” Their fathers tone wasn’t hard or bitter like the monsters in Leo’s nightmares, but one of a parent demanding their child’s attention, “Donnie, ‘he started again,” his hands coming up to rest on the youngest child’s shoulders, “Even if there was a chance he survived our fight in New York, there’s no way I’d let him anywhere near you or your brothers. That’s why I have those cameras in the cities surrounding ours, so I would know” Bruce’s hands came up to hold the sides of Don’s tear stained face, “You are my sons, and you will always be safe so long as I draw breath.”
 Donnie looked at the ground for a moment, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears before he gave each nod. Bruce drew him in to an embrace. Don’s smaller arms wrapping around his fathers’ neck as Bruce stroked the back of his head.
Leo looked away to spare his brothers’ pride, and to repent to his own harshness. Of course, Donnie wasn’t a bad kid, he was only a few years younger then himself, almost fourteen. He wasn’t’ like Mikey who always tried to cause mischief, or Raph whose anger sometimes overshadowed his overwhelming big heart.  It took him a moment to realize Donnie had finally broken his hug, wiping his eyes as Bruce stood up, turning to face Leo, “Go rest son, enjoy your night. Make sure you close the door behind you.” Before going back up the stairs. It took him a bit longer to realize Donni eyes staring at him, “What’s wrong?” he asked
 “Are you mad at me?”
 “No, I- “Leo paused, “No I was wrong, I was too harsh, I’m sorry.”
 Donnie nodded, his eyes glancing back to the blank computer screens, “he was really bad right? The Master? I mean, I don’t’ remember him, but I was walking by Raph’s’ room the other night and he…” he paused, being his lip, “Raph was crying. I even heard Mikey the other night screaming.”
 He remembered that, it was always this time of year that brought all those painful memories back. Leo had tried to reach them to provide some sort of comfort, but Dad had beaten him to them both times. “Yes, he was.” Was all he managed to say, but he took a breath, “But Splinter is gone, D, even if he wasn’t, there’s no way Dad or I would ever let him near you or our family.” He wasn’t sure if Donnie would believe him, mostly because he doesn’t believe himself, but his young trusting eyes turned to him again and nodded, “I believe you.”
 Those words could have broken him, how many times had he this same conversation with his father? Back when they were children and he still feared every shadow? How many times did he wake up crying in the middle o f the night only for the rather to appear a moment later, rubbing his shell and coaxing all the nightmares away? Despite himself, Leo gently cupped Donatello’s face with his palm, pressing their foreheads together for a moment before pulling away, “Come on little brother, why don’t’ we hang out in the library? That was Alfred doesn’t get a conniption from me standing on my leg
 Though light returns to his intelligent brothers’ eyes as he nods, there’s still a shadow of fear in his eyes. Leo follows his brother out of the Batcave, and as he closes the Grandfather clock behind them, he notices the tremble in his hands and immediately hides them from view.
He never thought he’d still fear monsters
“It’s him, isn’t’ it?”
 Bruce feels as though his lounge is sandpaper as he nodes, standing at the window. “I knew it was him when I saw the reports in New York, then in Philadelphia. For a ninja, he leaves an obvious trail.”
 “Then why let Raphael leave? Aren’t’ they al in danger?” despite the incident earlier, Bruce never doubted how much Alfred cared for his sons,
 “HE’s with Dick and Tim, and by my calculations, Splinter hasn’t’ reached Gotham yet. But I have no doubt that’s where he’s headed. “
 “DO you think he’s after Leonardo? That he sill wants his weapon? OR does he want revenge?”
 “If I know anything about him, he wants both. But he’ll get neither.” Bruce moved over to his large bed and sat down, his hands rubbing on his thigh,
 “IF I may,” nothing could ever stop Alfred from voicing his opinion, “You are not the man you were ten years ago. You may have taken his most valuable assets, but he took something from you as well.”
 Bruce nodded, rolling back the leg of his pants, revealing a pale leg that matched the rest of his body. But he twisted his thigh for a moment, and with a his the deceiving human leg separated from his body. WITH the top off the line robotics, this leg still lacked the natural hairline reflect the rest of his body had. And while that may not be a issue for a normal person, for him it made every fight a struggle between life and death,” when I first fell into those sewers, I didn’t know what awaited me Alfred, I expected monsters but instead I found a turtle in form of a child, a child more scared then any child should ever feel, flinching at every shadow, and I wondered what could eve remake someone that young so scared of the dark….” he looked back down the remains of his leg, the horrendous scaring that marked where eat had been removed from the rest of his body, “But all those years being Batman didn’t prepare me for that kind of monster.”
 “You should send the boys away, they can stay with Mr. Kent.”
 “They wouldn’t’ leave and you know it.” Bruce put his leg back in place, the hissing markings where the leg was realigning with the already stationed apparatus. HE stood again< “IF I have to, I will return to the darkness. I will do what ever it takes to protect them.” Before his mind wondered back to the Cave he had just caught is sons in, the tall glass displays still covered in dust, marking a life he had far left behind.
He would do whatever it took to keep them safe
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elboyo-blog · 7 years
About Youtube Rewind
Right so… youtube rewind 2017 is out. Everyone’s favourite end of year tradition, showcasing all the trends people were talking about, and all the topics and creators on the site that cultivated the community around to make youtube stand ou…
I should stop. This is all bullshit as I am aware you all know, yourtube rewind is, was and always will be throwaway ‘look at us we’re unique!’ shite, but this years was especially aggravating. It really boiled down a reality that has been creeping up on us for a while. Youtube rewind 2017 just shows that youtube doesn’t want to be youtube. Of course that could be seen that last year, for example the whole Dwayne Johnson at the start but I believe that can be justified with the fact that Dwayne has a channel just for himself, what isn’t justifiable from last year at least is the fucking talk show hosts like trevor noah and Seth ‘cumstain’ myers.  This only gets worse and worse with this years entry however. But I’m getting ahead of myself, lets just break it down (tl;dr at the bottom)
overview (This will be the most chronological so watching along helps)
Right so off the fucking bat the vid starts with a Stephen Colbert(Not a youtuber) talking to Lele Pons (A viner and Instagram star who flocked to youtube where that ship sank) and some girl beside (I think she’s popular but I don’t know her), we then see some random girl run into the room and start the cue to ‘Despacito’ which I can see why it is there at least, as it sprung to the highest viewed it can have justification. It then cuts to some people dancing and switching shots locations and people (one of which is that one DJ marshmallow or whatever who, again, isn’t a youtuber). It stops at KSI (Who I’ll get too) using a fidget spinner (which ill also get too) with some some vloggers/IG stars beside him (probably). Oh, hey Rhett and Link.  We then get showcased to a slime playground of sorts. I have no fucking clue if this was a trend at all. The only thing I can link this too is all the ‘homemade slime’ tutorials I always hear about. The only thing I really got was ‘Wow! Muselk is thicc’ but other than that the whole thing I think was pointless. Then, for some reason, they put rinestones on their faces? Again, was this a trend? Like, was there a whole underground rinestone craze that slipped under people’s noses? Like most things though, I doubt if it was a trend it even started on youtube. Anyway, they do the dua lipa thing, go to Africa, uuuuuuuugehiehehiihesfiefbfrbeube, do dance crazes during said ‘uuuuuuuugehiehehiihesfiefbfrbeube’ that didn’t originate on youtube and HEY! The eclipse was a thing right? EventhoughthatprimarilyhappenedintheUSthereforealienatinganyrelatabilitythatyoutubewasgoingfor buuuuuut I digress. They do do one thing right which is the whole meme graveyard idea (fitting, I know) parodying the video for the worst tayloer swift yet (nothing beats love story fight me) oooooooh but then the DAB! They hit that DAB!  Into yet another ‘uuuuuuuugehiehehiihesfiefbfrbeube’. Oh cool poopy’s there. Don’t know who that other person is but maybe it’s a new character in the poppy lore or maybe its just a person I don’t know or maybe recognise. The whole hurricane Harvey thing they pull next is insulting to the point ill reserve a whole section to it. Skipping that we go to a roof party with the DJ and the fidget spinner, a perfect almagimation of all that isn’t youtube based trends, seriously the dj could maybe be related as he uses youtube as an outlet for his music but fidget spinners were a physical thing! It was a brand! Literally this year’s version of silly bandz! Yes Susan, include this! Very youtube, much wow! Fuck off. Anyway, we see the party is home to the biggest twats of youtube, team 10 and the pauly boys (Note: that’s a nice band name). with them on the roof are stars that again, didn’t start on youtube. Most of them are viners and/or IG stars with like one or two from fine bros React (I shit you not if you look in the back there’s the old guy from elder’s react). We cut to more slime bois (hey Tomska). When they cut back, (yes holy shit it is the guy form elders react! Jfc) and they do their sick moves like the floss, a move YouTube claims to have homebrewed as well (come on guys, Katy Perry tried to claim it first). Hey, look its every 14y/o girls wet dream. More slime boyos. I think KEEM screams the floor is lava but… that trend was an IG trend wasn’t it or like the last vine trend, but it got Ol’ Yellered, like, just because Fine Bros do a youtubers react to it doesn’t make it a YouTube thing! Jeez louis. Big Shaq’s there, that’s neat. Some filler dancing and cuts when they cut back to the graveyard reinforcing that is it a graveyard for dead memes which I have problem with, because that would insinuate that ‘All Star’ died this year. No, it didn’t, and as long as Steve Harwell is still on God’s green earth no it won’t, yes its popularity has dulled but it was actually a meme that just faded away, cropping up every once in a while, its survival is different to similar trends like ‘We Are Number One’ which can make people I know physically wince when heard. All star didn’t die, it’ll be back if it even left in the first place. More vloggers and traditionally attractive people flash by as a whole recap happen of the torment thrusted upon me. The last live action sketch is Lele and her friend greet the non-youtuber rounding out the production. The credits are actually the best part of this however as we see different pseudo-animators (think more odd1s out, less Psychicpebbles), such as Extra Credits, Tabbes, Jaidenanimation, Odd1sout, Rebecca Parham, ItsAlexClark and Simon’s cat. Though their subject matter is just as pander-y shite as the whole vid you can see the effort in their animation and it’s nice to see that youtube finally removed the dildo it has been shoving up most youtube animator’s asses for the last 3-5 years (but by ‘removed’ I really mean they just slapped a sign on it that says ‘here at YouTube, we love our animators!’ and pretend they solved the problem.
Dead fucking memes/(hate to use the phrase but) irrelevancy
The Dab, fidget spinners, shooting stars with more probably but it was hard to see during my stroke, point is, YouTube is out of touch and has zero self-awareness when it comes to memes and trends
I know the word sounds pretentious as hell but seriously, here’s a my honest-to-god reaction of who I saw on screen
·         Not a youtuber
·         Not a youtuber
·         Don’t know
·         Don’t know
·         Despactio guy 1
·         Don’t know *3
·         Despacito guy 2: electric boogaloo
·         Don’t know *2
·         Don’t know *2
·         Don’t know *2
·         Dj boi
·         Vannos
·         Don’t Know *4 Ft. Lincoln
·         Don’t know *3
·         Quick flashes of the great unknown
·         KSI and his favourite toy (not counting NetNobody’s dick)
·         Don’t know *6 (Empire was better)
·         Another 3 I don’t know but there is that one guy who screams a lot, think his names guacamole or something
·         @rhettandlink and another guy, classic trio
·         Don’t know*2
·         Don’t know*slime
·         Don’t know* rhinestone
·         Hey, its @a-kind-ale-war
·         Africa – Toto
·         Slo mo guys among the dead meme cosmos
·         Otherwise, you guessed it, no clue
·         Don’t know * field
·         Don’t know any of the eclipse crew
·        @caseyneistat
·         God’ wrath in the form of comets coming to smite us as failed creations
·         YouTube Is Shutting Down My Channel and I'm Not Sure What To Do
·         His beautiful bastards (nameless in my lack of knowledge)
·         6 zombies that died in obscurity, nameless and unknown, ‘tis a shame
·         Why I left Smosh
·         The cosmos of people I don’t know
·         KSI’s brother
·         Poppy
·         A DC lawsuit
·         Mooooooooorrrrrreeeeee spaaaaaaccceeeee
·         A youtube circle jerk of self-righteousness (more on that later)
·         People holding hands
·         The shitty vine family
·         Team 10 bitch who the hell are flipping you
·         The other one
·         Shitty IG ‘Comedy’ Squad
·         Black guys and backpack kid (Note: another good band name, though it needs tweaking)
·        @thetomska getting face fucked
·         Victims of the great slime massacre (slime control now!)
·         Old guy from react
·         Don’t know*roof party
·         Every teenage girls wet dream/gay ship
·         Daniel Keem saying floor is lava
·         Lava victims
·         A very cold rapper
·         Don’t know but has a sword
·         More zombie boys
·         A cluster of people 2012
·         Forehead in the back again (sorry jack)
·         @markiplier
·         Why I gave the pope Undertale
·         A finale of people I don’t know being absorbed by the cosmos
·         Neato mosquito animators
As you can see a good majority of the stars I doubt much people know, probably only chosen for the brand friendliness which begs the question…
Exclusions/double standards
A lot of people were excluded from this year’s rewind, which isn’t a surprise in the slightest. This issue was brought up last year as well, but with this year it showcases some hypocrisy with possible reasons to exclude folks. Firstly, KSI, he had the whole beef with NetNobody (the greatest Minecraft youtuber there is) but Netnobody was excluded, it couldn’t be numbers or presence as before retiring, Adam had about 11 million subs, maybe he declined, like most sane people would, or maybe because he neither pulls the views or the family friendly influence that he used to. Its safe to assume Ricegum and IDubbbz got rejected by choice, again sanity, or because of their beef, which is again hypocritical of the site as KSI was allowed on fine and Keem along with the Paul brothers aren’t the angels of Youtube either. Again, it seems YouTube is really trying to push this family friendly goofball persona which is perfect for the weird kids and the cool kids which is true but is only really surface level in the rewind and the reality isn’t really shown otherwise. Also fuck that Nazi racist Pewdiepie amirite ladies?
Hurricane Harvey debacle
I believe this is honestly the most insulting aspect of the rewind. Though it had good intentions it just highlights YouTube’s utter ignorance. Not to pull a PJW but this is dictionary definition virtue signalling. Youtube makes themselves out to be all together, yes youtube, you are the most influential platforms of our generation, cat videos and make-up vlogs can save the world! In all seriousness though this is one of the most botched poorly executed thing I’ve ever seen, and I’m counting HWNDU. For one thing the tone and flow is horrible, the segment is frankenstiened into the middle of the video and puts a halt on the relatively well paced video, and is followed by a radical hip and swaggity dance party yeah! As if the whole was a task by the team and when they were down with it they thought; “right, that’s over with. Back to the fun and cool stuff yeah!” if they kept the pace by putting the thing just before the credits as to highlight the message at the end and while everyone’s lifted by the message they’re treated to the credits and the talents of the wonderful animators. However, that would only make the segment flow correctly as, in my opinion, it comes off as quite nepotistic to big creators. A method they could’ve done is before they filmed or edited anything they could’ve announced to fans and viewers to send in webcam clips and videos of them holding hands in unity or saying unity, showing a UNITY between fans and creators. That said this brings me to my conclusion;
Youtube doesn’t want to be youtube, it wants to be a family and advertiser friendly site for all to come, it wants to be seen as a beacon for ALL internet trends and ideas and it wants to be seen as a user and creator friendly platform. But youtube isn’t this, and youtube hates that. This year has seen the worst year in the sites history for user treatment and contact showing double standards with actual users and companies such as talk show hosts, with things like the adpocolypse rumoured trending tab rigging and trending tab blacklists. Along with this is the, as I said, nepostistic outlook on creators, with youtube success being less and less consistency based and more and more luck based on one video blowing up and staying that way, and trending (along with youtube in general), should facilitate a rise in creators and ideas instead of promoting channels who already have 5-6 million subs and censoring a lot of voice directly or indirectly. With no other options for video site (realistically, nobody uses vimeo or dailymotion and fucking rip vidme) youtube’s current state is more dire than ever and their push for a false identity within an identity crisis for the site is very obvious. This alongside their cowardice and compliance with controversy like in the nazi Pewds situation is showing to be really damaging.
Tl;dr: get a fucking backbone youtube and stop pretending to be something that you’re not.
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amorremanet · 8 years
what's your novel about??
Oh my gosh, nonny, thank you so much for asking!!
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Okay, so the absolute shortest version — the, “summarize this thing and make it sound as shitty as possible” meme version — is, “Superpowered LGBTIQ neurodivergent and/or mentally ill mutant weirdos with emotional problems (and their self-appointed sidekick, who isn’t a mutant but is very enthusiastic about the work) investigate some seemingly unrelated incidents and accidentally uncover a neo-fascist supervillain club that’s trying to take over the U.S. on as many levels as possible — currently, by pulling strings to sabotage the lead-up to the still-upcoming 2016 election — and the neo-fascist supervillains are, unfortunately, very good at this.
“Also, our heroes start out as a ragtag group of misfits with superpowers [or, in Pete’s case, enthusiasm, wit, dedication af, adaptability, and a rather sizable collection of lime-green hot-pants], and progressively become both an actual team and a set of accidental rising stars in the superhero world. Is it a bit of a tired plot? Yeah, especially given how often superhero teams have to do some kind of song and dance like this — but: 1. it’s done so often because it resonates with people and, when done well, it can work; and 2. tired or not, it’s something that viewers/readers deserve to actually see happening, rather than just being told, ‘oh yeah, now they’re a team, okay? okay cool.’”
At least, that’s the plot of the first book, since…… I can’t make anything simple or less-difficult for myself, series are often more fun in general, and I just have a lot of characters here who I love, so the whole, “These incidents are starting to string themselves together in really suspicious ways, oh shit fuck goddammit, the election is being sabotaged” plot is just the start of things.* The bigger series plot would be more about trying to deal with further attempts by the neo-fascist supervillain club to wreak all kinds of neo-fascist supervillain Hell all over everything.
Then, the way I’m looking at this, structurally? Is that I have an ensemble cast, in the end. There are different tiers of importance among the different characters, because that’s unavoidable — I mean, I rail against JKR’s habit of treating her characters as plot devices first and people second, but even if you all treat your characters as people, you have to prioritize some of them over the others at different points, or else you end up worse off than George RR Martin, drowning in impossible goals and strangled by the giant pile of fictional people you made up to tell stories about — but I still view the cast as fundamentally an ensemble.
However, for the sake of reining in my horrible attention span and trying to avoid GRRM’s example, each installment has a focal character, whose own personal story of the moment gets to exist alongside the bigger plotty plot-stuff of each book (…I am a serious business writer, oh yes I am). As an approach, this has its drawbacks — balancing things without making it all too coincidentally intertwined is a big one — but I also love it because, to me, it reflects the way that life has several different levels to it that aren’t always intimately woven together, but still affect each other and need to find some kind of balance if you’re going to get anywhere
Anywho, the focal character for book one is Sebastian, because on one hand, he was here first. Like, he was originally for a game that my Sunday night RP group was playing this past summer, which was still the same-ish idea of mutant superheroes, except that it was more closely modeled on the way that Aya Brea’s powers work in the Parasite Eve games
Meaning, “the system is very openly based on Parasite Eve, it says so in the player’s handbook and everything,” rather than a motley hodgepodge assortment of superhero comics and movies/TV, speculative fiction in general, LGBTIQ theories and histories and cultures, “okay, I’d kind of like to be more active in superhero-related fandoms, but the more I think about it, the more I realize that the stories I want to tell right now are not easily mapped onto characters who already exist, I won’t feel fulfilled in trying to change them so I can shoehorn Sam and Steve and Nat and Bucky or Dick, Jason Stephanie, Tim, Cass, Duke, and Harper into them, so I’ve got to just say, ‘fuck it’ and do my own thing”
and, “what if I did [something that is a big and very, very deliberate middle finger to either Marvel or DC, possibly both, for some reason or another]” — e.g., “what if I made a pair of characters who are a pretty blatant satire of/commentary on/response to/whatever Marvel’s perpetual, annoying as fuck Cherik-baiting, except that they’re actually married — and they will be literally married as soon as the U.S. Supreme Court rules on Obergefell v. Hodges in-universe — and also they are old lady lesbians, nah nah nah nah nah nah *flips off Stan Lee et al. with both middle fingers while doing a, ‘come at me, bro’ dance and generally being a Stunning Bastion Of Authorial Maturity Lmao Not Really*”
So, yeah. I had to rescope some things after my RP group dropped that game, but in the name of, “developing my character and giving Jake, my DM and high school friend, material with which to torment my character, and also, Double-Cross’s system actually makes character development and characterization pretty important elements to playing the game,” I’d already written way too much stuff to just let it go, and Sebastian had endeared himself to me in a big way, and I just went, “Fuck it, I’ll write my own thing with him in it, it’ll be fun.”
I don’t remember when he decided to look like Hayden Christensen, only that I tried to stop that mental image from solidifying, and trying to stop it only made it worse, so I just gave up and went, “Fine, whatever, look like Hayden Christensen, see what I care.” But then, more importantly than, “Sebastian gets to go first because in fairness, he was here first”? Well.
On a thematic level, I feel like this little mutant disaster’s biggest personal story of the moment (trying desperately to get his shit together after making it to 30 without his clinical depression getting noticed as depression, much less treated; trying to stay sober and find something to do with his life that feels even vaguely fulfilling, which for him would mean, “helping people, doing some kind of good in the world, trying to make someone else happy because he is fairly certain that he never will be, period”; trying to actually deal with the past and move forward, not forgetting it or forsaking it entirely, but also not being frozen and chained to the past, learning from it and building something new)…
…has the most common ground and overlap with the current round of big plotty plot-type stuff, since it’s all about things like, “whoo, the formation of a new team! whoo, the new team getting it together and learning how to work as a team and trying to figure out their team identity and values! oh no, emergence of previously unseen threats that have not actually come from out of nowhere, even though it kind of looks like they have, and are more complicated than previously estimated! oh no, we can’t just delete them from existence because they’re insidious and entrenched in more places than we entirely realize at first, so how do we even fight this! ohhh no, progressive realization that we’re fighting a symptom rather than the actual facts problem, but we can’t just NOT-treat the symptom or shit is even more fucked than it will be if we treat the symptom by not the actual problem, and in some ways we don’t even entirely know what the bigger-picture problem is yet! oh man, what do we do!”
—so, like. These two threads work together better than they would with different parts of the larger, longer story.
(And then there’s Pete, who is an admitted authorial pet of mine, just like GRRM blatantly favors Tyrion and JKR visibly projects onto Harry and Hermione, and who I feel lends himself better to a format more like, “Dunk and Egg”-esque novellas, or a collection of, “chronicles of side-kicking” short stories about his little side-adventures and myriad hijinks that aren’t always immediately relevant to the main story but that are really fun. But I also feel like that might just be an excuse to write more weird adventures for him that aren’t necessarily tied together in the right order, like novels generally need to be unless you have some kind of reason not to do that.
idk, man, I just really love my stale cinnamon roll Dramatic bb theatre kid with a heart of gold who will tell you that you’re wrong and he so does not have a heart of gold while he is digging around Seb’s kitchen and making dinner for himself and his Princess because an unfortunate side-effect of one of Seb’s superpowers — the toxin filtering part of his mutant healing factor — is that his body doesn’t only filter out poisons, gases, narcotics, caffeine, and alcohol… it also filters the antidepressants that he gets given a prescription for about ten hours before abruptly being thrust headlong into his newly-awoken mutant superpowers.
Which is a huge mess all over — though, yes, there is a huge part of this that is a pretty deliberate, “fuck you” to literally every piece of media that goes, “and then the hero found out they had superpowers or magic or the fuck whatever and lol suddenly no more mental illness or disabilities or any kind of neurodivergence or anything neener neener” — and anyway, Pete’s hypothetically just found Seb half-spaced out and listening to, “Careless Whisper” on repeat, and Pete is going to tell you that he doesn’t have any kind of heart of gold because he’s a heartless wretch shut your mouth……
…while he’s making them dinner and going, “okay, come on, Princess. Sit up, let’s try and get you through this. No, don’t argue with me. You did the same — or similar, anyway — for me in that entire ten-day stretch when you knew I wasn’t eating disorder okay but couldn’t get me to talk about it and we’ve been over this: if that’s what friends do for each other, then it cuts both ways, so come on. Dinner. Do you want me to put on Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Female Trouble, Ten Things I Hate About You, or some other thing until you feel like talking.”)
But anyway, as I was saying.
I look at the attempt to find thematic crossover between the plot parts of a book in the series and the story parts of a book as being kind of like how, in the first three seasons of Community, whatever class the Study Group had together was a of synergistic reflection of certain season-long themes and developments for them as characters and in their relationships.
Like, in season one, they were learning how to talk to each other and the basics of building relationships with and understanding each other, so they took Spanish, a language class.
In season two, they took Anthropology — in-universe described as, “the study of humanity” and which is presented as being so open-ended that shitty memetic youtube vids are as valid an object of study as humanity’s development and use of tools, and the different processes by which humans work together to do greater shit than we can do solo — and in that year’s shenanigans, the Study Group cemented their trust as friends, but also went through Hell together in several cases, and in the last two episodes (the cowboy/Star Warts paintball two-parter), they had to face the question of whether or not removing one of them for his shitty behavior (Pierce) would be better or worse for the overall health of the group.
And in season three, they took Biology, defined in-universe as, “the study of life” (which isn’t wrong irl, but the specific phrasing is important to me, here), and they spend a lot of time exploring and developing their lives, both together and individually, both at Greendale Community College and more importantly outside its walls. There’s also the season-long theme of evolution, because the Study Group have evolved as people and continue to evolve — which reaches its biggest culminations in the finale, not just in Jeff’s Winger Speech, but also with five of the big seven (Annie and Britta are sort of adrift but Troy, Abed, Shirley, and Pierce all have moments, and Jeff has the BIGGEST, most obvious moment).
So, with the books, I’m trying to do something kind of similar. Not quite the same, because…… well, TV vs. novels, school setting vs. a variety of settings but none quite as structured as a school (even one that’s as, well, Greendalian as you get on Community), a million other reasons besides — but having some kind of thematic synergy between the plot part of each of the books and the focal characters’ personal stories in each book…… idk, it gives me a comforting sense of structure to play with?
And aside from that, I feel like it’s probably a better choice for the sake of the whole stories because having those points of connection means they can more easily work to enhance each other, rather than distracting from each other. Like, one of the biggest issues that I have with shoehorned-in romance plots in stories that don’t need a romance plot? Even overlooking how they are almost invariably white and m/f and heteronormative and can be all kinds of, “uggggh” in several other ways besides, it comes down to whether or not they work, thematically and tonally, with everything else.
[this is where i had a tangent trying to illustrate my point by talking about pointlessly shoehorned-in white, m/f romance plots in otherwise no romo stories, then cut it after i started to feel moderately ashamed of how many examples and trends about this that i just have in my back pocket]
The point being: you can use dissonance and conflicting juxtaposed parts of the story to different effects, but it’s often harder to pull off and you do need to have some idea of what you’re doing, otherwise you’re going to end up with a huge mess and no idea where to start sorting through it (I say this based on having done this exact thing several times before)
So, in the interests of not doing that, I like the idea of trying to find the big points of synergy and connection between any given book’s focal char’s story, and the plot points of that installment and how it fits into the larger story. And, for the sake of book 1, Sebastian’s big story of the moment is the one that lines up best with the plot stuff, thematically.
Also, apropos of nothing but, he spends like all of two minutes coming up with his nom de spandex, and ends up with Pete being Unimpressed at him because…… Really, Princess? Princess, really. Like. Princess. Really. Your family is obnoxiously insistent on your Frenchness, even though you were all born and raised in fucking Baltimore and your Dad’s family hasn’t been in France itself since your ancestor sold the old ancestral marquisate and came to save the Revolution with the Marquis de Lafayette… and now you turn into a nine-foot-tall wolf-man…… and you picked out the official, “it is on your actual facts government-issued vigilante hero license” name of…… Gévaudan.
Really, Princess. Fucking. REALLY. Ugggggggh, you’re more creative than that, why did you pick the stupidly obvious werewolf name ffs, your family isn’t even FROM Gévaudan or anywhere in its general damn vicinity, why did you have to pick THAT name, it’s BORING.
And now I don’t know how to wrap this up so I’m gonna abruptly stop talking (apart from the footnote below, which I wrote a couple hours ago, whoops)
Thank you so much for asking this and giving me a free excuse to talk about my novel, nonny
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*: Given my chosen subject matter, I feel like it has to be? Partly, yeah, it’s authorial self-gratification because I love my weirdos and their adventures.
But another part of it is the idea that it’s not enough to punch fascists in the face. Like, yes, by all means, we need to do that, too — but fascism is insidious and easily enabled by so many aspects of our contemporary societies. So, we need to resist the urge to simplify the discussion. We can go, “Fascism is wrong, period” while also trying to understand the different ways that fascism draws people into supporting it, how it can spread so far and so thoroughly in nominally non-fascist societies, and its different manifestations and ways of working, so that we can better fight it.
Additionally, we’re products of the same societies that create people who do become fascists and we can easily become complicit in both fascism and oppression more generally, so we need to hold ourselves and each other accountable while trying to fight fascism, instead of putting it off for later, because…… historically, and based on several different precedents? Putting off addressing the internal issues among ourselves doesn’t work; it just creates fertile ground for more problems to breed and makes it even harder for people down the line.
And there aren’t any easy answers here. There are some part of them that are easy or at least easier than others — e.g., agreeing on the statement, “Fascism is wrong and we should oppose it” — but unfortunately, not everything in life and resistance can be as easy as, “This thing is wrong, we should oppose it.”
Even getting into the questions of HOW to best and most effectively fight back against fascism gets complicated, to say nothing of situations where there isn’t an obvious Right Side or Wrong Side, no matter how many people try to turn those discussions into Right vs. Wrong and get into a lot of binary-thinking moral absolutism that ultimately upholds a lot of the shit we’re nominally trying to fight, and does more harm than good to everyone involved.
(ftr, those discussions are not things like, “Fascism is wrong, Y/N,” but more like disagreements between people, none of whom are outright in the wrong, but all of whom have different sets of values, different kinds of grievances with each other [some fair, some not so fair], different points of view on any given topic, and so on, usually about things like, “is it more important for people to be free but with more potential for people to abuse that freedom in hurtful ways, or for people to be safe but in ways that give us new ways to hurt each other in the name of safety,” however the Hell these issues are manifesting in a specific context at any given moment)
And, well. It’s a precarious line to walk on, as someone who wants to be as ethical and responsible a writer as I can be and as true to my handful of basic guiding principles as possible. Principles that I have because…… uh, I want to be as ethical and responsible a writer as I can be? And I want to always work on failing better, as @saathi1013​ would put it?
so, if you’re going to do that, you kinda need to have something to stand for and try to be more aware of what’s going on in the world, more aware where the content you’re making fits into those discussions, and more aware of yourself and how you work so that you can try to find places of potential Unfortunate Implications or places where you’re not actually living up to the values that you want to put in your work — c.f., JKR’s handling of House Elves and Muggles in the HP series, or how she wants the books to be anti-abuse but gives Dumbledore a free pass on hardcore manipulating both Harry and Snape [to say nothing of how he doesn’t do shit to make Snape act like a teacher, not a bully, because of reasons], and gives Molly and Arthur a total free pass on all of their unadulterated abusive bullshit
—and part of all this is knowing what you stand for, knowing what you think and feel as much as you can, and being willing to actually interrogate your positions and adjust your views and stances as you come into new information, new experiences, etc. Call it a belief, call it a good idea, call it whatever you want, but for me? You have to have some kind of principles to stand for/by, if you really want to be ethical and/or responsible content creator, because if you don’t have your principles, then what’s guiding you in this, exactly? Principles are what separate people who at least try to be ethical and/or responsible content creators from fuckbishops like the Dadaists, the Marquis de Sade, and the creative team of Family Guy.
And one of my principles here is, essentially, “People are people, and this means, on one hand, that all people deserve basic human rights and civil liberties. But on the other hand, it means that many of our problems are, in the words of Pterry and Gneil in Good Omens, caused not by people being either Good or Evil, but by people being fundamentally people. We’re all a bunch of disasters to varying degrees, and most situations are not going to come down to Good vs. Evil, but to (as Richard Siken puts it) need against need, where everyone is at cross-purposes and everyone has the potential to be doing wrong by/unto someone else, even if some of us are going to come out more wrong than others based on our actions and/or the context of the situation.”
Which all basically adds up to…… yes, “Fascism is wrong” is a simple and straightforward statement, but there are situations and debates that arise surrounding most simple, straightforward statements that are tangled up and complicated. In this case, for example, how fascism takes root and spreads, how to best fight it in which situations, how it takes advantage of structures and practices even within non-fascist communities and uses them to fester and draw people into supporting it + what the fuck to do about that especially since at a certain point all of us become complicit in it to some degree or another, by virtue of being people who are alive and take part in our civilizations, and what’s at stake for everyone in all these discussions + how best to approach the question(s) of priorities
(…see, what I mean when I say that yes, I have interest in contemporary sociopolitical goings-on for their own sake but also bring them back to the novel pretty easily and regularly? It’s kinda unavoidable when you’re living in the times we are now, writing about superheroes who have to fight very explicitly neo-fascist supervillains)
So, anyway, the TL;DR of my basic point here is that I do try to approach my writing with principles in mind, but I don’t believe in oversimplifying shit — based on what I’ve encountered so far, I believe that oversimplifying things in a lot of these discussions usually starts in an understandable sort of place, but only ends up creating more problems for everyone in the long run, because it too easily fosters binaristic thinking and moral absolutism, dehumanizing each other, creating arbitrary hierarchies that we always end up using to justify hurting each other, and so on — and I don’t want to be a preacher in my work. I’d be a lot happier if I inspired actual discussions.
……Unfortunately, I’ve been in fandom and literature generally for too long to think that this is going to happen without the risk of people playing the apologist cards, the [douchebag character] in Leather Pants card, and all of that good stuff, but…… well.
I’m just trying to tell myself that this is a risk I’m going to have to live with, and if I do everything that I can reasonably do to prevent that and it still happens anyway, then hey, I’m in good company with George Orwell (all the people who have read 1984 as a defense or endorsement of right-wing anything when Orwell was a Socialist, he just opposed fucking Stalinism), Dr. Seuss (the anti-reproductive rights brigade who co-opted Horton Hears A Who to make it a screed against abortion), Emily Brontë (everyone who thinks Heathcliff is romantic and awesome when no. NO. fuck ALL the way OFF, he is an abusive jackass who literally kills a puppy and torments a generation of kids into reenacting his and Cathy’s relationship, just to get back at her for dumping him, and whose author was a fucking abuse survivor, now can everyone please get off her tits and stop using her book to justify their own abusive garbage behaviors), and so many countless others
But that’s a whole other kettle of monkeys, and I should only be so lucky to maybe someday have enough people reading anything I write that there are actually popular misinterpretations of anything. Like, would it be ideal if the misinterpretations didn’t happen? Yeah, but that’s not how writing works and it’s not how reading works and it’s not how most contemporary socialization trains us to read and see things, and everyone who reads anything I write is going to come up with their own interpretation because I can’t tell them how to read it, so
*shrugs* The Author Is Not God, y’know? I can do the work to try and best actualize my vision of things, but there will be things in it that other people see that I didn’t intend or didn’t notice, and my version of the story can’t be the absolute truth because the readers’ input is just as vital to the life of a written work as the work itself. It’s an unavoidable risk of writing shit on shit, so we make do, the end, I guess?
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