#i need more ichigo being spoiled fics
greyskyflowers · 9 months
I continue to look for an AU fic where Ichigo dies and no one can find him anywhere in soul society for years. To the point that they start to think maybe he just went into the reincarnation cycle already.
Eventually the Rukongai has some type of issue and a few of the shinigami are sent out to follow up on it. While responding to it they happen upon a small, nervous child.
One of the younger and newer shinigami tries to get some information out of her or what she may have seen, they wouldn't have hurt her, but they move too quick and she jerks back. They don't even have time to apologize before a boy is standing in front of her and scowling.
He's so small. All protective fury and barely contained fear tucked into too thin limbs and dusty, bruised skin. His hair is bright, even under all the dirt.
His little chin wobbles but he still holds it up to look them in the eyes, and there are tears welling up but he blinks them away. His legs don't shake the whole time though.
There's no memory or recognition in his eyes when he looks at those who knew him.
Because everyone would spoil the hell out of him, I need the Visored and Kisuke spoiling the hell out of him.
This time he can grow up slower and with more love and support than he knows what to do with.
This time when he learns to raise a blade it won't be because he has too. Maybe this time he decides to use his hands for healing or focus on strategy.
And any blood shed will be under their watchful eyes, in training or the small accidents children always get into, instead of life or death battles.
Ichigo is always going to be a protector at his core and he'll always be the first one in and the last one out.
They can make sure he's not alone though, that the burden isn't solely on him and that he's not just a power piece in everyone's plans.
This time the protector gets to be protected.
And maybe some day they'll tell him that the hero in the stories they tell him are actually him.
Ichigo asking to hold hands with Kensei and okay, how is Kensei suppose to say no to those big eyes? He can't. Ichigo holding up his hand and wiggling his fingers until Kensei takes it. Shūhei letting Ichigo cling to his leg and sit with him while doing paperwork, and Mashiro carriing him on her back and zooming around.
The 11th division making off with him and everyone's low key concerned at first because it's the 11th but they shouldn't have worried. They all spar with Ichigo and it's easy to see how happy he is when they carefully knock him over and then help him up before going over how to better his stance or block a hit. They howl and yell in support when he gets a hit in and he proudly shows off the hard earned scrapes and bruises.
Renji carrying him around on his shoulder and grinning at small fingers that tangle in his hair and pull a little too hard when excited. Rukia spending hours drawing with him and they stick their art up everywhere they can get away with it. They put up multiple in Byakuya's office and he doesn't acknowledge anyone who dares asks about taking them down.
Yoruichi napping with Ichigo and purring when he uses her a pillow or even letting him wrap his arms around her like a stuffed animal. She's known to smack out a paw at anyone who tries waking him up or moving him.
Kisuke and Ichigo staring at each other for 10 minutes when they first meet again, before Ichigo seems to find whatever he was looking for and gives a shy smile. Kisuke is absolutely gone, surprisedrelievedhappysohappy and protectprotectprotect burning in his chest.
Shunsui and Ichigo sitting together and enjoying nice afternoons. Both have little ceramic cups, Ichigo's has little berries painted on it that he had proudly done himself. No one mentions it was because of Lisa's wrath when she saw Shunsui giving Ichigo a sake cup of water. Now it's clearly marked and usually contains a bright, clearly not sake, colored juice.
Hiyori teasing him like a big sister and smacking him with her sandal when he does something reckless. They play pranks on Kisuke and Shinji frequently.
Kūkaku and Ganju occasionally stealing Ichigo and smothering him with the affection they were never able to give him before. They tell him about their clan without mentioning or hinting at the relation. Ichigo listening in excitement and saying he wished he had a family like that, not knowing why that makes them both look so happy but also so sad.
Shinji being one of Ichigo's favorites because he speaks to Ichigo like an adult. He tells him the truth when he asks questions and always helps him get back on his feet when he's been knocked off them. He lets Ichigo play with his hair and he always scares away any monsters that might be hiding behind shady corners and under dark steps. Sometimes he watches Ichigo with a weird look on his face, something between the way Kūkaku looks at him and Kisuke looks at him. Almost guilty... sorrowful. Grief is so heavy. When Ichigo asks about it, Shinji doesn't give an answer. It's one of the only times he feels like Shinji is hiding something from him.
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cheshirecaine · 2 months
Ahh, my sweet blonde boi.
How I feel about this character
Love this bitchy mess of a man. Obsessed with his unnecessarily straight fringe and teeth. Love the outfits, the music taste. Just love how he shows up as an older mentor character in-the-know on Vaizard knowledge for Ichigo, but still comes across as someone seemingly younger/hipper than the others. He's also so unnecessarily cool with the Grimmjow fight. Just big peacocking energy when he debuts.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
AIZEN. Ichigo. Urahara a lil. Grimm—technically I do have a finished fic draft for them, I just never found it polished enough to publish.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
General Shinji & the Vaizards. They were already friends but their time post-escape must've bonded them, and it says something that Shinji ended up as their leader.
Also, very fond of the Shinji/Ichigo brotp. I just constantly write them bonding over drinks.
Probably Hiyori? Not really opposed to romantically shipping them, but some couples are just SO bro-coded. Gin and better mentor energy/ruining Aizen. Hinamori for a purer 'this is how captain-lieutenants are supposed to be' r'ship and traumatised by our ex-relationships with Aizen/being targeted by him specifically/I will look out for her moreso as a consequence of what Aizen did.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Okay, I have a mild phobia of piercings lol—the tongue piercing is not for me, but I’m sure there are Shinji fangirlies who get it.
I’m def all for the headcanon that Aizen had prior knowledge of Shinji’s shikai, cos his shikai is so sick!! I find it unfair that Aizen no-selled it so easy. More like Tsunade’s fight with Kabuto in Naruto. He recovered fast, being a genius, but he still needed time to re-learn how to fight. Though I suppose if Aizen needed time, Shinji would’ve killed him, so.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Confirmed Shinji/Aizen exes. I mean TBH, what is canon but a delusion we hold in our imagined collective brain. IDK, I guess maybe a convo between them in the last couple arcs.
The Vaizards were such a fun fucking ensemble. Would’ve loved to see more of the reversed-brain/POWER drain for the Gotei once they were back. I expect it led to some interesting conversations about hollows’ personhood. Just more good things for them. And cos I was spoiled, I never went back to finish the manga, but I’d have liked for Shinji’s bankai to be in the main series
that was a bit of a long one, i just got really into it XD
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asukaskerian · 3 years
A list of things I'm looking forward to after rereading the past 3 teasers:
-Tobirama cornering Izuna
-Izuna fervently regretting the one-fifth joke
-Izuna finding them a hook-up, specifically for Tobirama's sensor abilities picking it up in HD and his reaction to that
-And/ or Tobirama sensing the Fūma going after them and trying to tell himself that it's good for his clan if they succeed (and trying to calculate the fallout of telling vs not telling Hashirama through that tension)
-Madara continuing to try to cuddle his little brother without Izuna noticing
-Whatever chain of events led to Izuna's??? Shopping trip??? My best guess is he spitefully wants to also mire Tobirama in want-can't-have??? (the answer is books, Izuna) ((I hope he's prepared to be in charge of the whole household's wardrobe bc his brother and Tobirama are both like "I can fight in these and I'm not naked what more do you want from me"))
-Has Izuna even considered that if he successfully gets Tobirama to wear clothes that he picked out that appeal to him he's going to need a transfusion after the ensuing nosebleed (of course not)
-Howling! Grimmjow coming back to himself to his whole pack blatantly goggling at him in horror and confusion bc that's the kinkiest thing they've ever goddamn seen
-I'm still dying for this man to find out about showers
-Shiro taking a moment to kiss Ichigo breathless and then snarking at Grimmjow
-Ambassador! Karin! In! Space!
-I'm sure you are aware of the abundance there ISN'T of cute domestic polyamory fics and of two couples falling for each other so the OT4 teasers are already killing me to death.
-Orihime demo-ing Karate on Grimmjow
-All four of these fools crying and suffering in bisexual
-Background Tatsuki becoming one of the Bestia (godspeed, Tatsuki!!!)
I'm excited about the others but this is already. SO long. Bless Tumblr for being a poorly coded shithole and removing the character limit for asks exclusively on mobile
of love! T^T uuuuu
-guess what i'm writing now >:D
-okay i can"t actually do them all like that i'm sorry that'd be too long but ahhhhh
izuna's shopping trip... mwehehe. >:3 (i thought i'd spoiled more than that actually. hohoho nice, self.)
howling!grimmjow's pack, destructive cannibals who probably lived a millenium collectively : #O.O# #x_x#
grimmjow when he discovers showers: ok i live here now
-Shiro taking a moment to kiss Ichigo breathless and then snarking at Grimmjow
... okay this is an IDEA. holy shit now i gotta o_o-b
Ambassador Karin living her best life... or she would if SOMEONE wasn't raining on her parade with his WORRY and CODDLING. she's seventeen, damn it, let her hit on/challenge a sexy arrancar or three.
ahhh i am so glad you're looking forward to the ot4 tytyty. and yes indeed this is very much a suffering bisexuals fic XD
... tatsuki becoming a bestia though. i am slain.
ahhh, happiness. *^_^*
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junko222 · 3 years
Your mini fic was hilarious 😂. Thank you for that! I thought of another way to get Aizen and Kazui to interact without Ichigo being his biological dad and it would make sense within your AiIchi fic-verse. Here's another prompt.
So Aizen and Ichigo are patrolling the outskirts of Soul Society (maybe this is their idea of a date) when they come across a little boy. His hair and the fact that he has a decent amount of reiatsu instantly catches their attention. They talk for a bit and the kid gets attached pretty quickly, plus Ichigo can't turn away a kid in need so they bring him home. Some plot and more bonding happen and Ichigo and Aizen are now parents to an adorable kid they named Kazui.
Everyone adores him and spoils him so Kazui also ends up with all Ichigos friends in the Soul Society and the living world as his aunts and uncles. Something about the kid definitely passes off Grimmjow lol.
I have actually been writing a little bit more of the AiIchi fic, so... maybe this could happen!
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topazadine · 2 years
So to psyche myself up for this fic, let me headcanon a bit about Ichigo. Then maybe I can actually get into his character.
Being a caretaker is exhausting. You feel like you’re always needed, always demanded by someone, but you never get any time for yourself. It has to be even worse when you just have so many damn people who need you and call for you constantly. It makes you stop caring for yourself, makes you stop seeing yourself as anything but “the older brother,” “the caretaker.” Like even in Ichigo’s Kiwame letters, which are supposed to be for and about him, he’s thinking of his brothers, because it’s something you just can’t turn off. 
As much as you want help, these people are so precious to you and it’s hard to trust them with anyone else, even for a little while. You feel the need to check up on them and make sure they’re being treated well, that they’re not spoiling their appetite with too many snacks or pestering anyone. Maybe Yagen can be deputy big brother, but it’s still not good enough. You need someone you can rely on to help - someone you can trust. Someone who can be a partner.
So many of the big brother touken come in pairs: there are two uchigatanas or tachis for one or more tanto/wakizashi. Kousetsu and Souza for Sayo; Hachisuka and Nagasone for Urashima; Okurikara and Shokudaikiri for Taikogane. They’ve got support when their younger sibling is being annoying or gets into trouble: someone who they know also loves their sibling just as much and will be there when they have a nightmare in the middle of the night, or when they have a bad day and are crying, or when they’re being petulant and causing problems. 
Ichigo doesn’t have anyone. He has Yagen, yes, but he still worries about Yagen too: still sees him as another younger sibling who he needs to care for. And of course, everyone else helps take care of the Awataguchis - reading them stories, keeping the baby tigers in line, finding them stuff to do so they don’t get destructive - but they can also just put that burden down at the end of the day and go do their own stuff. Ichigo can’t. He’s on 24/7, constantly worrying, constantly thinking of others’ needs.
This is part of the reason that while I respect that some people ship Tsurumaru and Ichigo (I respect all ships even if I’m not into it), I personally cannot see it. Tsurumaru’s too childish - he’d just be another person to worry about, another person to who needs saving and protecting. Ichigo wouldn’t be able to turn his mind off and just relax around Tsurumaru, which is exactly what he desperately needs. He needs someone who he is sure has his back and who understands what it feels like to need time for yourself, what it feels like to love someone more than yourself and always put them first, and how exhausting it is.
(This is why I have a particular person in mind for him to get with eventually lmao, but that is to be seen!! the rarest of pairs but it makes perfect sense.)
Another thing is that human parents of children expect them to grow up eventually: to become more independent, to leave the nest. Even - it’s morbid but 100% true - parents of fully dependent children, those with severe illnesses or disabilities, know that one day they just won’t have to deal with it anymore, because one or both of them will die. 
Ichigo doesn’t have that. The tantos are going to be tantos forever. FOREVER. Forever and ever he will have 14 people who need him, who never grow up. Can you imagine how fucking existentially devastating that is? Hundreds or thousands of years of always having to be a caretaker. You might get used to it, but that doesn’t make it easier.
This poor man needs help. Ichigo needs an equal: someone mature, settled, responsible, peaceful. If they have shared history - history that Ichigo can’t remember but desperately wants to - all the better. 
Another thing is that when you’re tired, when you’re lonely, when you’re stressed out, you start to get resentful of those who have what you want: those who have partners. You start to rationalize behaviors that would otherwise be abhorrent, because you’re on survival mode, which makes you selfish and disinterested in the needs of those who don’t matter to you. This is why desperately single people might lash out at their coupled friends and try to break up their relationships, because misery loves company. 
This is also why some people try to partner poach: they’re so lonely, so frustrated, that they start to think they deserve that person more. They start to justify all the reasons why the person they want would be better off with them, all the reasons it’s “not that bad,” because they are just so goddamn lonely, so goddamn stressed out, so eager for something to make them feel better.
It can happen even to the most ethical people. Ichigo is very military coded: you know how many affairs happen in the military? SO MANY. You’re given this stringent code of morals, these big ideals that you have to embody, but you know what? People are human. (Touken are humans in a way too). These codes of honor have no room for normal human weakness and shady morality, so you make room for it, in secret - even if just in your mind. 
Loneliness in a room full of people, emptiness in a crowded place, a sense that you’re smothered by love but actually don’t have any at all. You’re pouring from an empty cup and more than ANYTHING you want someone to fill it for you. Someone to put you first for once.
Those negative emotions can do very strange things to the very best people. In fact, it’s almost worse in those who have strong ethics, because then they feel like shit for even thinking these things even if they don’t act on them. 
Very explosive potential.
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bansept · 4 years
Part 2
Now this one... It’s a bit difficult to make a relationship believable, honest, not rushed and beautiful in 5 parts, but it’s the challenge! I won’t spoil anything, but I like writing fluff, and this fic is the perfect excuse for an overdose of it hehe
If the outside of the house had seemed particularly old and invaded by plants, the inside of the small cottage-like house was modern, with touches of colors everywhere. Old and new objects shared the shelves, silly magazines and philosophical books scattered on the small coffee table in the main room. The entrance, the living room and what seemed to be the start of the kitchen were harboring persian carpets, intricate and deep shapes almost hypnotic.
Nature was not just an outside thing, with a pot of roses on a dresser, some small ferns hiding an old plushie, and more box trees scattered here and there, next to modern lamps.
It felt homey, comfortable. Lived-in. Nothing like Ichigo’s sad apartment, that he never really cared to decorate.
Orihime Inoue sat on her grey sofa, the soft red and white check plaid to her side, and patiently waited for Ichigo to sit down. The young man certainly didn’t make her wait, sitting in what seemed to be a Chesterfield-like armchair. The cushions were a great help soothing his back pains.
“Alright, um, Miss Inoue I only need you to tell me what happened at the bakery. Or anything you can remember.” He clicked his pen to life, taking a notepad from his vest pocket. Orihime seemed to frown a little.
“I thought you said you had already read a report on this?”
“I did, but only the official parts : who were the victims, what age they were and what were the damages. Knowing what you saw could greatly help my colleagues on the field.”
She nodded in understanding, hair bouncing on her shoulders, before getting more comfortable in her seat.
“I was doing my normal and daily routine : waking up, washing up and going for a walk before heading to the bakery. Not many people are there at the time, which was around 7 if I’m not mistaken.” Ichigo nodded, confirming silently.
“I arrived and waited behind Miss Parker. We were chatting and it was her turn before I heard a scream behind me. I turned around and ran to the place I thought it came from, but before I could do anything… It, it exploded. And the owners died, Miss Parker is wounded, I heard.” Her grey eyes blinked rapidly, as if to stop tears from falling. Ichigo awkwardly shifted, placing his pen and notepad back in his pocket before managing to get a clean and unused tissue to her.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all that, Miss Inoue. If it can make you feel better, I know none of the injured are in critical conditions now. Even older customers like Miss Parker will be fine.”
Orihime wiped a tiny tear off her eyes quickly, and Ichigo remarked with awe she was not wearing any kind of makeup. This woman was beautiful like that while doing nothing with her face… He cleared his throat to see her nod, taking a shaky breath before smiling.
“I hope the injured will be alright. And that the culprit will be caught.”
The steel in her eyes hardened, sending a chill down Ichigo’s spine. He had seen harsh looks, murderous ones and angered glares, but Orihime’s was by far the scariest. The man peeled his hand away.
“We will work hard for it. And thanks to your testimony, the investigation will be easier. Hopefully.”
She chuckled at the last word, and by all the goddamn beautiful things on this earth, he swore he was hearing some kind of divine bells. Like an angelic sound coming to bless his ears. He was not even going to think about how her face had crunched up at her laughter. The policeman scratched the back of his head quickly, nervously looking around.
He heard her stand up and tried his best not to follow her moving around in her dark jeans and pink oversized shirt.
“Would you like anything to drink? Or eat?”
Ichigo managed to not choke on air at the ask, because then his fear of being viewed as unprofessional would have come true.
“Um, yes, some coffee please.” His voice was shaky and he internally hit himself for being stupidly crushing over the girl he didn’t know anything about. Except that she was the victim of an explosion that had occured yesterday morning and he was there for WORK.
“Alright. Make yourself comfortable, Mister Officer.”
And now, Ichigo turned crimson, heart going too fast, but thankfully she was out of sight, he told himself, not knowing she was the same kind of absolutely wrecked by the other.
After the first talk in Orihime’s wonderful home, Ichigo had hardly let her out of his sight, only leaving her side to go to his apartment and gather some new clothes. Because, yes, as weird and delightful as it was, he was guarding the young woman day and night now.
Which meant being near her as long as the investigation was rolling.
According to Orihime, nothing or no one was running after her in particular : she didn’t have any enemies, nor was her work important enough for someone to physically act against her. In front of her beautiful grey eyes, Ichigo had decided to trust her, the honesty and sincerity shining bright through him.
Still, it didn’t explain why certain things happened.
One morning, Orihime found one of her shoes, who was always tidily placed near the other in the entrance hall, on a bookshelf, dust slowly growing on it. She had giggled a “silly me”, but the young police officer frowned : there was nothing silly about that.
Another time, a vase she loved had been buried in her garden, the only way to see where it was hidden being the stray cat that often visited the normally calm house scratching the ground curiously.
“You’re thinking too much of it! Really, sometimes I don’t remember where or why I put stuff in weird places.”
Her words did little to soothe him, and only her gentle hand on his arm got his mind out of his working gutter. Ichigo felt his skin react before his muscles, his face turning vermillion and his arm longing for more. More of her, more of those innocent stares and vibrant smiles.
The orange-haired scratched the back of his neck rapidly, scanning the room quickly before nodding, a timid smile on his lips.
“I-I guess…”
Orihime smiled again, even brighter, and turned her head to look at the clock, the auburn mass of hair sending a wave of mouth watering strawberry shampoo. Early afternoon, the sun was shining and that meant one thing to her : gardening.
He suspected her to work her actual job at night, when he was sleeping deeply in his own room, so Ichigo could not interrupt her, or sneak a look at confidential documents. Alone in her room, one light shining on the young woman while her eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, the time when her hyperactive brain could entirely focus on whatever an astrophysicist worked on.
The two walked out of the house, one with baggy clothes she wasn’t afraid to ruin with grass, dirt and others, while the other kept his pastel yellow t-shirt with his jeans, the best Ichigo could do against the hot weather of the late summer. Orihime immediately tended to the flowers, carefully handling them, talking to them like she would to old friends, making jokes to Ichigo. It was as if the two were friends since childhood, the discussions so easy it would scare the man.
“Do you believe in other lives, Officer Kurosaki?”
“Hm? Oh, well, I’m not much in religion, so I would say no.”
Her face shivered with a giggle, batting her hand as if to call him silly. He tilted his own head to the side.
“I meant… Other lifetimes. I used to not really think about it, but, since a few months ago, after reuniting with a long-lost friend, I started believing. And now..” Her eyes batted to the sides, probably looking for her gardening kit.
“Now… I start to believe that you and I might just have known each other in another life. A simpler one, with no-one to hurt good people while young and old people enjoy their lives.”
Head down, fingers playing with the stem of a voluminous pink rose. The sun radiating on their backs, hiding their reddening selves.
How much either one of them wished for that.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Fanfic Weekly Roundup 7/13/2020:
The absolute best thing in I read in the last vaguely-week-like period of time was anyone’s ghost by fullfathomfive. It is about the early days of Shinji being reappointed to the captaincy of Squad 5, as he and Momo try to feel each other out. I have waxed poetic about how much I love their professional relationship so much, and this fic is everything I love about it, distilled into roughly 10k words, the ideal fanfic length. It is at turns, sweet, poignant, funny, and painful. These are two damaged people who need to learn to trust each other, because they sure as hell can’t trust themselves.
@kazeshini-s continues to be ON FIRE, with There’s Always Time (to Be the Dad Friend), in which Renji pretends to be Orihime’s dad, for student-teacher conferences. I don’t even want to say more, because I don’t want to spoil it, but it is just as sweet and hilarious as one might hope.
My friend tellie has started posting Kim’s Game, which I beta’d. It’s a moody, creepy mystery, with one murder to solve and one murder that may have never happened in the first place. I suppose, strictly speaking, it’s a college AU, where everyone is human and live in a college town, but it’s really more like a Scandanavian thriller AU.
It was a good week for ChadIshi!
First, The Suit, by imlikat. Chad and Ichigo are going to the wedding of one of Chad’s bandmates, and for Uryuu-reasons, Uryuu offers to make Chad a suit and ends up going to the wedding with them. The characterization in this is superb, and Chad and Uryuu dancing around each other is by turns adorable and painful. The best part of this fic, by far, is Ichigo, who wishes these two idiots would figure it out already, and is like a grumpy, drunk, fairy god-friend. (Note: They are a little aged up in this one, and it is explicit. The real explicit stuff is all in the last chapter, and the story has a satisfying enough ending before that, if you’d rather stop at the next-to-last, you wouldn’t miss anything.)
Secondly, I would be remiss if I did not mention the Uryuu-makes-conchas-for-Chad fic, which is Only In Dreams, by @hailinator. I initially slept on it, because AUs where people some way of finding their soulmates are one of my least favorite tropes and I'm not fond of some of the other pairings, but I should have let me “a good author will always outweigh a scenario I’m not into”, because this is really very good. The hook in this one is that you dream your soulmate’s dreams, which the author uses as a great tool for introspection and character exploration. Do you want to read about marlin fishing with Oscar Joaquin de la Rosa? You didn’t know you did, but now you want to, right? Excellent characterization, stubbornness, beautiful imagery, yearning. The chapters are a little independent, Chapter 4 is the ChadIshi chapter, if you’re impatient, and then you can go back and read the rest. Also, I hear there is going to be a Ganju/Hanatarou chapter in the future, and I have feelings about that.
That’s it for now! My birthday is this week, so please go write some RenRuki stuff for me to gush about next time!
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everything-withered · 5 years
All we know: Spoilers
Just a little extra info and random facts for anyone who’s finished All we know, if you don’t want certain parts of the fic spoiled, feel free to ignore until the end of the story.
If you’d like to see the playlist, please see this post.
I wanted to do this solely from Ichigo’s POV to kind of be a mirror of canon? Idk, I’ve never written in someone’s POV for an extended period beyond Liar, Liar and I started All we know first. 
Rukia’s eating disorder
As the fic was in Ichigo’s POV, I didn’t delve too deeply into Rukia’s troubling coping mechanism.
Just as how they never say the words depression/anxious/suicidal, they’ve attempted to distance themselves from their own self-destruction while still acknowledging their existence. 
Mental illness
I have them. Yay. I wanted a way to write about it in an adjacent sort of fashion which became difficult not only in the reliving but also as I started my own therapy journey. 
While mine is a result of the trauma of emotional neglect, Ichigo and Rukia’s was triggered by the loss of their loved ones - how much of it was just result of grief and already existing isolation (in Rukia’s case), is up for debate.
The ending
I wanted to leave it open-ended with no confirmation of whether they’ve become anything more not just because I think their relationship doesn’t need the label - they’re definitely more than friends and less than lovers at this stage - but also because they’re at a point where it would be easy to make something more of their relationship that neither of them would be ready for. 
Keeping it open-ended worked for me in the sense that they’re both trying to do better by not taking an easy way out - using someone else and the distraction of a romantic relationship - to block out their issues, and instead of being solidly there for one another without any further expectation.
Would they eventually become a thing? Absolutely. I still ship ichiruki after all.
The original concept
It was going to be a coming-of-age fic where they basically keep running into each other but spend more than a few minutes with one another. It would always be them catching each other at equally pivotal and quiet moments in their lives by pure chance.
Rukia would never have met Karin or Yuzu, though his family would continue to suspect someone new in Ichigo’s life.
They would eventually have one night together - nothing explicit or even romantic - just them kind of being genuine kids, and being together and having fun and being happy.
It would be the calm before the storm. There’d be an accident on their way home and Ichigo would wake up alone at the hospital.
Rukia doesn’t die, but no one tells Ichigo differently because Byakuya pays for the medical bills and doesn’t press charges on the condition that they never contact Rukia again.
Byakuya’s behavior is half his protectiveness of Rukia’s state (which he believes is partially Ichigo’s fault as he was driving without a license though he was not the cause of the accident) and half his own shame that he’d been so negligent of her and hadn’t cared for her as he should’ve.
The Kurosakis agree though any kind of reassures that they give Ichigo that Rukia is okay (even in the abstract sense) do not placate him.
Ichigo grieves a second time.
The final scene involved a timeskip of Ichigo at university and because I’m a btich, it would’ve implied some half-hearted ichime-ending akin to the bitterness of the end of the manga. Ichigo’s back home from Tokyo, visiting his mother at the cemetery. His family suspects he’s only pretending to be alright, and Ichigo admits to his mother that he is and that he’s sorry his life wasn’t worth saving.
As he’s about to leave, he sees Rukia visiting her sister.
Other concepts
Rukia was going to be a ghost. Yeah. Tell me which one was sadder.
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buriedinbleach · 6 years
Also, I think you've on exacerbated my previously dormant thirst for Isshin - dick HCs for the OG Daddy please! -🚂
They’re baaaaaaaaacccckkkk!!
Those dick HC’s I mean. What better way to test that algorithm than with some gratuitous dick descriptions?! And you better believe his fic is full of smutty goodness too. So, hells yes I can provide some dick HC’s for that man. Hhnngg… I am weak for him!
Already done:
*Renji, Shunsui and Kensei’s dick HC’s are here
*Kenpachi’s dick HC is here
*Isshin’s dick is 7.75 inches with plenty of thickness to have you screaming for more. And you will scream… his name, for more, how good he feels - all of it. With those statistics, how could you not? He’s got that ‘big dick energy’ and once you get a load (pun intended) of his equipment, you’ll know its not just a state of mind. His cock is mostly straight, but he has veins throughout when he’s fully hard that add to every ounce of pleasure he packs. Speaking of fully hard, Isshin’s dick will feel like sinking down onto a spear. He is the prime example of ecstatic impalement His shaft is a shade lighter than the rest of his skin, but the pink tone it takes on when erect makes it look darker. He’s definitely a shower, not a grower, though his size is clearly enough to make you do a double-take and wonder if he’ll fit. Much like the hair on the rest of his body, he keeps himself well groomed, leaving just a shadow of dark hair that leads a nice path from his hard chest, down his happy trail, to his hard dick.
*He definitely enjoys blowjobs, but goes back and forth about asking for them. When he’s got a serious need, he won’t hesitate. However, he really prefers when you push him down - wherever and whenever the mood strikes as long as its private - and insist on giving him oral. It drives him crazy when you show some dominance and the thought that you just have to get your mouth and hands on him (clearly you’re gonna need your hands too) gets him hard in an instant. He likes to watch and keep eye contact with you as long as he’s able, but when he’s about to cum, his eyes always shut tight no matter how much he wants to watch. Isshin loves to stroke your hair or your face, even rub your neck lightly while you’re giving him a blowjob. It increases the intimacy and he likes feeling your head move up and down his shaft. His thighs shake slightly when he’s about to cum, a deep groan resonates through his chest, and he always tries to tell you, but usually never gets out the full warning.
*Generally speaking, the consistency of his cum is somewhat middle of the road, not too thick but not watery thin either. If anything, it does lean slightly more towards the thinner end of the spectrum. He doesn’t cum all in one go either, it’ll take 2-3 (usually 3) good, strong surges before he’s totally spent. And he cums a lot, you’re likely to feel it and have it set off a last twinge of pleasure. When he’s Isshin Kurosaki, he’s been a doctor long enough to know about the relationship between diet and the taste of cum. He also keeps himself fit (in both forms), so its not a struggle for him to stick to foods that will make his cum taste good enough that you won’t want to miss a drop. As Isshin Shiba, he’s at least heard a few things about the relationship and will happily take advice from you about his diet. He was one happy, satisfied Captain when you two ran experiments on different foods / beverages to decide on your preferred taste. But he paid you back for all your late night research, times five.
*Sex with Isshin is always guaranteed to be a few things: really good, really sensual (most of the time), and really fun. Being a Captain (even as Isshin Kurosaki this wouldn’t change), Isshin is definitely in possession of that high sex drive, so you know he’d be able to give it to you for hours and go multiple rounds. He never fails to make sure you cum so many times you’ll be begging for a rest. Where he really shines (aside from prioritizing your pleasure) is with his fun energy in the bedroom. I mean, he has energy to give it to you in prolonged sessions, obviously, but I’m specifically talking about that goofy, never take anything too seriously energy. Slip out? Uncommon given his size, but if it does happen you both just laugh and go right back at it. He’s a fun partner who’s apt to give a little touch or kiss that he knows will tickle briefly during his foreplay. But he also knows when to draw the line and keeps just enough romance in the mix not to spoil the mood. Isshin has the energy of an early 20’s man, with the experience and stamina of a shinigami who’s hundreds of years old. And he makes sure you reap every. single. benefit. ridge and vein of him - root to tip - until you tap. But why would you?
Still in the queue:
*Hyorinmaru (zanpakuto)
*Kazeshini (zanpakuto)
If you want HC’s for someone who isn’t already on the list, just drop me an ask and I’ll get them added to the queue!
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 11/13/17
Anne Happy, Vol. 7 | By Cotoji | Yen Press – It’s sports festival time, and out heroines are doing their best to at least survive the events, though in Botan’s case that may be difficult. The volume consists of what you’d expect—everyone’s quirk is in full force, the Unlucky Class ends up very very far behind in the rankings, mostly as they’re up against a sports class that compete in national events. Sayama continues to attempt to get over her terminal shyness, and makes small strides. Small strides is in fact the point of this series, as the class in general is doing OK but not well enough to make it in the world. This may become more important later on. In the meantime, Anne Happy is unassuming and cute, with minimal ambition. If you enjoy cute girls falling over, you’ll like it. – Sean Gaffney
Black Clover, Vol. 9 | By Yuki Tabata | Viz Media – We wrap up the Battle with the Midnight Sun here, and our heroes spend some significant time recovering—though for Asta, that time may end up being far longer than he’d really like. We also end up seeing Yuno again. Remember Yuno? Asta’s rival who we saw at the very start of the series? He’s back, and of course is ridiculously strong. The rivalry between him and Asta has ridiculous amounts of BL tease, because this is a Jump manga, but I’m fine with that. There was also a nice non-reveal with a masked captain of Yuno’s unit, who turned out to be masked for different reasons than we’d thought. In any case, new arc should start soon, as we try to figure out how to heal permanent damage. – Sean Gaffney
Demon King Daimaou, Vol. 3 | By Shoutaro Mizuki and Souichi Itou | J-Novel Club – There is one reason that the jaded light-novel fan should give this book a try, and that’s the appearance of the villain, Mister X, who is over the top crazy and in his desire for villainy and despair that is “Art!” reminds me of nothing less than an evil Great Gonzo. Other than that, it’s situations normal at Daimaou, Inc. We get a bit more depth for Hiroshi, Akuto’s fanboy, but it doesn’t really work nearly as well for me, as the characterization feels off from the prior two books. And there are the heroines, with Korone getting a nice fakeout “I am going back to be executed” moment, Keena being Akuto’s conscience, and Junko being, well, Junko. Daimaou is a perfect buy for those who have to buy everything. – Sean Gaffney
Dreamin’ Sun, Vol. 4 | By Ichigo Takano | Seven Seas – This was a super shoujo-riffic volume of manga, even though there are some funny bits too (particularly the bonus comic). Shimana encourages Zen’s brother, Ken, not to give up on his boxing ambitions, and in gratitude he shows her Fujiwara’s high school yearbook, which only brings up more questions. In between, there are Christmas presents and bittersweet longing and earnest conversations about dreams. Also, there are at least three and probably more scenes that involve Shimana tearfully running away from a conversation and slamming a door. It’s repetitive, yes, but at least she doesn’t ever spend very long in a sulk. I enjoy Asahi stirring the pot and Zen being a good, sweet friend, but I’m not sure I want Shimana and Fujiwara to get together. He’s right—she is still a kid. Maybe Zen will win her over in the end with his panda wiles. – Michelle Smith
The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún, Vol. 3 | By Nagabe | Seven Seas – The beginning of this volume is super tense! Shiva’s aunt has come for her, accompanied by several of the soldiers that only recently were trying to kill her, and Teacher does his best to rescue her, to no avail. One particularly impactful page-turn, revealing Teacher struck by many arrows, made me realize that because this series is so unique, there’s no variations-on-a-theme template to rely upon and, as a result, I really believed Teacher could actually die. He doesn’t, but what happens when Shiva gets back to the village is dramatic enough, along with a cliffhanger about her real origins. The art continues to be a delight, as well—I particularly love the panels that emphasize Shiva’s smallness and the nonverbal depiction of Teacher’s devastation after she’s gone. Now to manage the four-month wait for volume four! – Michelle Smith
Girls’ Last Tour, Vol. 3 | By Tsukumizu| Yen Press – The odd finally manages to win out over the cute for this volume of Girls’ Last Tour, though that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We see again and again how depressingly apocalyptic this world the girls are traveling through is, and on more than one occasional it almost leads to their horrible deaths. They also meet someone in the final section, though this is a robot rather than a human—but the essential story beats remain the same. And there’s even some fanservice for anyone interested. I’ve said before that this reminds me of Strawberry Marshmallow, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Miu’s bizarre self-insert fic with her and Chika—though I suspect it’d earn her a smack or two. Oddly compelling. – Sean Gaffney
Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear, Vol. 6 | By Masume Yoshimoto | One Peace Books – Well, I did ask for more of the bear, and I certainly get that here. Unfortunately, I also get another bear, who’s painted as the obsessed female stalker of our main bear. The humor that follows, showing a tsundere bear trying to be seductive (and failing), only works about one third of the time. It doesn’t help that the series already has a tsundere, Hibiki, and we get an amusing chapter devoted to imagining what might make her actually confess. Honestly, though, the highlight was the final chapter, where the bear tries to get Machi to take a train as part of his “make her a functioning adult” plan. It doesn’t work—she gets on the wrong train, and is now at the ocean. Will she die? Probably not. – Sean Gaffney
Murcielago, Vol. 4 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – This series continues to play to a very limited audience, the sort who likes lesbians and likes sociopaths, and REALLY likes the combination of the two. If that pleases you, this volume will too, though be warned another sympathetic cutie is butchered horribly. As for Kuroko, she’s actually out of commission for part of this, having been brainwashed by the head villainess of the book. Fortunately, we needed some more characterization for Chiyo, Kuroko’s yakuza girlfriend who’s in a state of constant rage from, well, dealing with Kuroko’s tendency to bed anyone female. Spoiler: she’s badass. As for Rinko, the child killer from last time… well, I don’t want to spoil it. Suffice to say I laughed, but it was rueful. Murcielago is hilarious and you will feel bad. – Sean Gaffney
My Monster Secret, Vol. 8 | By Eiji Masuda | Seven Seas – I suspect it’s going to be harder and harder to drag out the “we’re not really dating” card after the ending of this volume. Which is fine, as I will freely admit that the relationship between Asahi and Youko is one of the two best reasons to read this book. The other is the humor, and there’s plenty of that on display as well, as we see angel feathers that make people act out the Seven Sins; Koumoto-sensei celebrating another birthday of being a single woman, as no one will let her forget; and Nagisa getting turned big (as opposed to being in her alien suit) in order to once again fire up the love triangle. There’s stuff that doesn’t work (anything with Shimada), but this series still has more hits than misses. – Sean Gaffney
Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 7 | By Aya Kanno | VIZ Media – Wow. And also “holy crap.” I’m going to completely forego any spoilers this time, because the surprises in this volume need to be experienced as they come. Suffice it to say that Richard does not handle the revelation about Henry’s true identity well, and Henry doesn’t handle captivity and his lusty feelings for Richard well, either. All of these sad, broken people being crushed by… well… the game of thrones. Although a smidge of me still dares to hope Richard will find happiness by the end of the series, the ending of this volume suggests otherwise. I actually had to look up whether the series was concluding in the next volume, though that doesn’t appear to be the case. I should have known better than to choose something else for pick of the week, even if it was my beloved Chihayafuru! – Michelle Smith
Toriko, Vol. 40 | By Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro | Viz Media – Still counting down towards the end of this series. At least Toriko gets to add another item to his menu, meaning he only has two to go. But unfortunately, this one is more about the ridiculous fights than the ridiculous food, and whenever that happens it’s never good news. The author is better at food porn. He’s also better at ho yay, as the reunion of Toriko and Komatsu is loaded with an absolute ridiculous amount of subtext—I would not blame readers for forgetting Rin exists. As for the evil plot, it creeps incrementally forward, leading to a cliffhanger as Toriko and company finally challenge God. I’m finishing the series as I’ve already read 40 volumes, but it’s only for the hardcore now. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
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