#i need intervention like honestly Immediately but i guess not for another week! and hopefully it doesn't get pushed back again!
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kalashtars · 6 months ago
need professors to stop modifying and giving weird due date permutations. my professor was like 'oh yeah i wont actual LOOK at your essays until 9 am tomorrow so if you dont turn it in at midnight exactly, it's fine, just turn it in by 9' which is a very nice gesture but Sir You Have Absolutely Fucked Me
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afanoftheglassscientists · 6 years ago
The Glass Scientists Sunday Predictions - Socializing! Predictions (Side Jasper)
Me: I hate historical drama. It’s so melodramatic and everyone hates each other and then they want to $&@? each other and then the character you’re supposed to hate causes a million misunderstandings for (usually her because girls be competing i guess) personal gain and the male lead falls for it like the garbage he is and starts hating on the female lead who doesn’t do anything wrong and-ugh! I can’t stand melodrama!  And to top it all off because its a historical drama the female lead starves, gets assaulted and probably almost killed because she used the wrong utensil!  Ugh i can’t stand it!
Also Me, Who Spent All Night Watching Korean Historical Dramas:
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Sometimes we are our own villain.
Anyway I’m working off of 1 hour of sleep and two espressos so I’m going to talk about Jasper because I deserve it. While Lanyon and Jekyll are off doing Fancy Socializing with Important People, Rachel and Jasper are off to do Casual Socializing with Potential Friends. Right now it’s up in the air whether we’ll see Jasper’s attempts in action, but we will probably at least know the aftermath. At the very least I’d like to know what happened to the cake!  Will he eat the whole cake or not!?
Socializing Outcomes (Side Jasper) Predictions, Ranked From Best Results to Worst
Now I’ll say it right now that results depend or less how others feel about Jasper and more about Jasper feels about it (and himself.). Jekyll’s got a good grip on how he’s viewed, but Jasper’s seems like the type to immediately assume an awkward pause in a conversation means that everyone hates him. So even if Rachel and the Lodgers still see him positively, Jasper might not be able to see that yet. With that in mind let’s begin!
It Went Perfect! - Jasper feels great!  He did so good!  He held a conversation!  People complimented him!  Rachel gave him food!  Sure he was lucky because the Lodgers and Rachel are so nice to him, but still!  Ah, what a good day.  Wonder how Jekyll’s doing? (transition to Jekyll probably not doing great)
It Went Good! - Jasper thinks it might actually be possible to speak to the Lodgers casually now, at least with a few of them.  Surprisingly he feels good about himself.  Can’t wait to tell Jekyll how he did!  Maybe with Jekyll’s help he’ll do even better with the Lodgers next time! (if only Jekyll could get help himself at this point...probably)
It Went...Okay? - Better than Jasper expected.  It feels like a blur.  Why did they act like they liked him?  Why were they so cheery and laughing?  He’s still confused because he still has yet to find his own self-worth, so how can others find his value?  Everybody is so nice to him, but what do they really think of him?  When is this peaceful moment going to break and they all turn on him?  He survived the night without bursting out of there with his tail between his legs (if rain doesn’t stop the transformation his literal tail will be between his legs so there’s an image) but he’s still left not knowing how to keep up with this.  
It Went...Exactly How Jasper Thought It Would Go - He knew it was too good to be true.  Of course he can’t hang out with the other Lodgers.  Of course Rachel would get mad at him.  This isn’t going to work out.  No matter what Jekyll says, he’s just not good at this.  Pretty bummer night.  Lots of creature cuddles are needed.
It Went Even Worse Than Jasper Expected!? - Oh my gawd he imagined so many ways he’s fuck up but wow did he exceed those expectations!  Now not only will the Lodgers probably NEVER want to have anything to do with him (Remember this is from Jasper’s POV) but now even Rachel’s going to hate him.  He can’t fix this.  Not even Jekyll can save his standing with them at this point.  At this point it would be better for everyone if he just left with all his creatures to hide out in the woods for the rest of his life (wait I feel like I predicted that before.)  No Frankie you cannot join him in the life of the wilderness you already poisoned yourself eating lizard guts once!  Hopefully someone would stop him before he tries to leave, but it’s a toss-up as to who that would be.
And now here’s some things that might happen during the meeting.
The Lodgers Discover Jasper’s Work on His Presentation - Reactions might range from “you’re doing great sweetie” to discouraging him by saying he shouldn’t bother, since none of the other lodgers are doing the exhibition and Jasper shouldn’t feel pressured to either.
Frankenstein Shows Up - Honestly so many things could go wrong if she appears if she does I’ll do a whole ‘nother post about how many ways she’ll ruin the night (or to put in another way, make it more exciting)
Jasper Defends Jekyll - He’s not going to get on a soapbox and recite how great he is, but if the Lodgers start to trash-talk him Jasper might go “I don’t know I’ve only been here a few days and he doesn’t act that way around me.  I don’t think its fair to talk about him like that” and then immediately regret what he said and try to take it back.  Reactions to this may range from feeling slightly guilty about their trash-talk, doubling down on the trash-talk, or pouncing on the opportunity to ask Jasper about how he views the drama between Jekyll and Frankenstein.
Jasper Accidentally Trash-Talks Frankenstein - I do not see a single bad bone in his body, so I can’t see him being intentionally mean when talking to/about Frankenstein.  He could however, be honest when he’s relaxed around people, and honestly he doesn’t care for how she sees the world.  Reactions can range from being impressed at his willingness to not follow the crowd, to the die-hard Frankenstans of the groups feeling that Jasper needs an Intervention cuz obviously he doesn’t know how cool Frankie is.  Don’t worry they have their signed book in their satchel let’s start on page...
Jasper Eats the Cake - I can hear Rachel’s frustrated voice crying “JASPER” now.  She probably spent hours on that cake.  Jasper looks very guilty.
Rachel Finds Out Something About Jasper That Upsets Her - Not only did Jasper eat the whole cake, but he dashed her fantasies!  Unbelievable.  No she doesn’t suddenly hate Jasper she’s just upset no Jasper don’t cry sTOP-
Frankie Lets Slip What “Look What You Made Me Do” Jekyll Did to Everyone -  How will Jasper react to that...I’ll make the tea now.
That’s it for this week!  Til’ Next time!
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softfics9 · 8 years ago
Post-Its - Chapter 5/5
Fandom; SF9
Main Pairing; Kim Youngbin/Kim Inseong
Side Pairings; Kim Seokwoo|Rowoon/Baek Juho|Zuho
Genre; Fluff, Slow Burn, College AU
Trigger Warnings; Mentions of alcohol, hinted past emotional abuse
Word Count; 2,624
Rating; PG-13
Beta’d; No
Cross-Posted on; AO3
Other Chapters; Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Authors Notes/Closing Comments; So this was my first full length chaptered fic! I hope you enjoyed it! I am working on four more fics in this universe (I wanted to make them one-shots but it hasn’t turned out that way). I’ll be going back to university myself in a week so I may not get as much written in that time, but I would like to keep writing as much as possible! Thank you for reading <3
The days seemed to pass by dreadfully slowly until the following Friday came around. Youngbin often caught himself drifting off in the middle of lectures, thinking about what his housemate would be like in person. He had looked up quite a few recipes for meals he would be able to make, and with Seokwoos help had finally narrowed it down to two options that were relatively simple. The three youngest accompanied him to the supermarket that weekend after the dance club finished up their practice, he was going to get all the necessary ingredients for both dishes and just let Inseong decide on the night. “He doesn’t have any allergies right hyung? Or any aversion to certain foods?” Taeyang was always looking out for things like that, but Youngbin assured him that Inseong loved all foods and had no allergies. They had confirmed things like that when they started doing grocery lists together, to make sure neither of them would have a bad reaction to anything they brought into their apartment. It really was so domestic, and Youngbin couldn’t wait until he finally would be able to put a face to the name, and a voice to the notes on their fridge.
Inseong was having second thoughts about agreeing to the whole dinner thing, just the two of them alone in their apartment. Not because he didn’t want to meet Youngbin, not at all, but rather because of how useless he felt. Youngbin had already said he was going to cook, and had two options in mind, so all that was left for Inseong to do was show up. It was Wednesday and he was lying in the middle of his bedroom floor with his entire wardrobe scattered around him. He had spent the last two hours trying to decide what he was going to wear since it was very important to him that he looked good. Kim Youngbin was gorgeous, Inseong had seen him in the start of term dance open in his sleeveless tank top and shorts, and his arms and legs were no joke. That was before he knew they were actually living together and thinking back on it made it even worse.
“Sanghyukkie~ I need help choosing what to wear on Friday. What time are you finished classes today?”
In his desperation, he rang his friend, Jaeyoon would have been more of a help in the realm of fashion but he was away on a university field trip today and so could not come and help him out.
“Hyung you know I stay late to work in the radio club on Wednesday, you’ve got loads of really nice clothes and it’s just a casual dinner. Why are you stressing so much? I gotta go ok? Don’t forget to eat before work!”
He sighed as his youngest friend ended the call and threw his phone onto the pile of shirts beside his bed. There was no reason for him to be worrying so much, that was true, but first impressions were important and Inseong really wanted his housemate to look at him and think “Woah”. There was nothing he could do with what he currently had, he would just have to go shopping before work tomorrow instead. With that decided he spent the next half hour diligently cleaning up his self-made mess and got ready for work. On his way out the door, as an afterthought, he grabbed a small shopping bag to bring with him. If Youngbin was going to be making the food, then the least he could do was supply them with some alcohol. At least that way if things got awkward they had a backup plan.
Friday arrived none too soon and Youngbin was a nervous wreck. He hadn’t been able to concentrate at all and for the first time in his four years, he skipped out on his afternoon lectures for reasons other than illness or dance practice. He didn’t have the capacity to feel guilty though, as he was poring over the two recipes again to make sure he had absolutely everything. It was weird being in the apartment during the day he decided, he hadn’t gotten to think about it much when he was here scrambling to write a Post-It the week before, but it felt very strange. Youngbin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, there was nothing else he could do other than wait for Inseong to get back. The situation he was in suddenly struck him and the nervous butterflies increased ten-fold. He was never here during the day, he only ever arrived back after Inseong had left for work, his housemate was going to be home from his classes any minute and would not be expecting him there, it was another two hours before they were supposed to meet. Youngbin decided he would wait it out in the library and was just out of the kitchen when the front door opened.
A guy he could only assume was Inseong walked in through the front door of the apartment, and Youngbin felt his breath hitch at the sight before him. His housemate had soft brown hair that fell across his forehead in a fringe. He was wearing the cutest round glasses and was dressed simply in a white t-shirt, oversized black cardigan and jeans. He had headphones on so hopefully didn’t hear Youngbins gasp of surprise. When he looked up, a pair of intelligent brown eyes met his and for a split second the world stopped spinning.
Inseong screamed, not in fright but more from the shock and embarrassment of the situation. He had thought he would have at least an hour when he got back from his classes to get ready to meet Youngbin. Yesterday he had dragged his two friends out to buy new clothes and had come home satisfied with an outfit that he felt said “classy but cool”. But now here he was standing in their entry hall, wearing his glasses and a casual outfit in front of the guy he’s had on his mind 24/7 this last week. And he looked stunning, a three-tone knitted sweater, with a pair of jeans, and his hair falling casually across his forehead. It was unfair and his loud mouth decided screaming was the best response to the situation. It really wasn’t and Youngbins face creased with worry and what seemed like guilt at his reaction. Before he could even get his head back to normal, suddenly Youngbin had crossed the space between them, and all Inseong could see were his pink lips moving and hear violins in his head. He then realised he still had his headphones on, and his cheeks flushed pink in more embarrassment.
Youngbin had panicked when the guy across from his screamed and the only logical response his body could think of was to move closer, he ended up closer to Inseong than was necessary and while he had stopped screaming Youngbin couldn’t help but stare at his pretty lips. Then his housemates hands had come up in front of his face and his attention was drawn upwards, to where nervous eyes were staring at him as he took his headphones down from his ears.
“Um, hi? I’m Inseong.”
His voice was lower than Youngbin expected, and it was soft and velvety, there was a slightly husky quality to it too. There was a strange aching in his chest and the sudden desire to ask Inseong to sing to him, but he hurriedly shook that thought away. Then he realised he had been staring and not replied and felt himself turn bright red.
“Oh yeah um, hi. I’m Youngbin your housemate, you probably figured as much, but you screamed and I just wanted to assure you I didn’t break in or something.”
Inseong was slightly taken aback by how soft and raspy his housemates voice was, it was certainly not what he had expected from someone who held a leadership role. Although he was surprised, there was a desire to hear more and more of his voice.
“Yeah, I guessed so. I just honestly wasn’t expecting you to be here that’s all. I’m sorry if I frightened you.”
“No no I wasn’t frightened, just worried about you.”
Youngbin smiled sheepishly and Inseong laughed a little as he scratched the back of his neck. They were finally meeting face-to-face after almost two months of living together and while it was a relief, there was an obvious awkwardness in the air.
“Ahem – well why don’t I just go put away my bag and that and we can discuss the plan for dinner?”
It was so tense, and both of them could feel it although neither knew what the other was thinking. Youngbin nodded and went to go move himself back towards the kitchen, shuffling his feet as he went. Inseong gladly escaped into his room and threw his stuff down onto his bed, he felt like crying. There was no way he would be able to get changed without it seeming suspicious, and he didn’t want Youngbin thinking he saw this as a date or anything. He quickly freshened up by washing his face and putting on a bit of makeup that showed off his cat-like eyes, and shot a distress text to his friends. This was going to be a longer night than expected and he needed them to be prepared for an intervention.
Youngbin heard the door to Inseongs room shut and immediately dropped to the floor, his heart was racing so fast he was surprised it hadn’t been heard by the other. After taking a few shaky breaths he sent a possibly incoherent string of messages to the group chat before attempting to fix his hair a bit. He stood awkwardly by the ingredients he had bought and waited. While he was waiting he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to his housemate. He was definitely one of the most beautiful guys Youngbin had ever met, and that’s saying something after being to one of Seokwoos fashion club meetings before, where he had met an actual angel by the name of Cha Eunwoo. But Inseong just looked so casually handsome, and yet incredibly intelligent at the same time, and Youngbin knew he was a goner.
When his housemate came back out and into the kitchen Youngbin swore he felt the breath knocked out of him again. There weren’t any noticeable differences to his outfit, but his glasses were gone and eyes looked so sharp and piercing, he couldn’t tear his gaze away. Inseong may have smirked a little at the open-mouthed look Youngbin was giving him, and thought that perhaps he had a chance after all.
Dinner actually turned out to be a very enjoyable affair, after deciding on which of the two dishes they wanted to eat Youngbin quickly set to work. Inseong offered his assistance by chopping vegetables and handing over the required cooking utensils, but for fear of somehow poisoning the food he refrained from doing any of the actual cooking. They got the chance to make small talk during the process, learning a little more about what they studied and family life. Youngbin talked animatedly about his dancing and Inseong retold stories from his year living in London.
As they were getting ready to sit down, meal fully prepared and two hungry stomachs grumbling, Inseong pulled out a bottle of white wine from the fridge, cocking his eyebrow cheekily. Youngbin laughed and nodded enthusiastically, they didn’t need alcohol to help the conversation but it would be a nice accompaniment to their food. One glass turned to two and then three, and while neither of them were drunk there was a freer way of speaking between them. They decided that the dishes could wait until the next day to be done, and Youngbin made his way over to flop face first onto the couch. It had been a perfect evening, the two getting to know each other and chatting like old friends about past experiences. He was content to just lay there and let the alcohol buzz through his system when something cold touched his cheek.
“I knew you went to bed early, but it’s only nine in the evening, you’re not falling asleep on me just yet are you?”
There was a playful tone to Inseongs voice, and when he turned his head he saw the taller man crouching beside the couch with several bottles of soju in hand. He had a wicked grin on his face and Youngbin felt hot all of a sudden. But he could hold his alcohol pretty well, at least by his friend’s standards, and there was no way he would turn down such an obvious challenge. Not to mention, it would be more time spent getting to know his housemate so he was not going to refuse. He swung himself into a seated position on the couch and patted the newly available space next to him. Inseong was not expecting the daring grin on his housemates face, but it could only mean good things. So he plopped himself down, possibly closer than Youngbin was expecting and definitely closer than necessary, but he was on a high from the food and the wine and the positive feeling he got from their time together so far, and didn’t want it to end just yet.
“A toast then, to finally meeting each other after so long.”
Youngbin raised his bottle to that, and they both took a big swig, for courage. The bitter alcohol burned its way down his throat but it was enough to keep him grounded in the moment. The further into their bottles they went, the more personal the conversation became, telling stories that few others knew of. Youngbin opened up about Youjin, who his friends knew about, but also Seungjun, someone they didn’t, recalling his first time actually sleeping with another guy and the hurt he felt when he realised he had been used. Inseong in turn told him of Johnny but also about Jaehyun, and a trip to Oido that he had never shared with anyone before. It was private and personal, and the pair felt themselves growing closer as the night progressed. Eventually they reached the end of the stash, and both a little more than tipsy they called it a night. As they were about to part ways at their respective rooms, Youngbin grabbed Inseong by the wrist.
“I really had a great evening with you, it was nice getting to know you better and just talk.”
“Yeah it was, I’m glad we’ve gotten close enough to share personal things like we did.”
Inseongs voice dropped lower under the influence of alcohol, and Youngbins soft raspy tones were close to inaudible. But in the little space between them, they heard everything and felt the bond that was something more than just friendship become solidified. As they both nodded and moved away, Inseong couldn’t stop himself from saying something stupid.
“You know, I’ve kept them all. The Post-Its I mean.”
There was an unreadable emotion in Youngbins eyes as he turned to look at him, but he smiled softly and tilted his head to the side.
“Me too. Goodnight Inseong.”
When the two bedroom doors and their occupants lay down in bed, all was quiet and peaceful in the apartment. Only now, the awkwardness and nervous energy that had been bouncing around since the start had dispersed, and was replaced by a more intimate bond and understanding. They would both make more time to see each other, they knew that much. But what they didn’t know yet, was how much they would make their little time count.
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