#i need fanfics exploring the angst potential of king candy’s reign
inamindfarfaraway · 14 days
It’s so messed up that King Candy could just remove his subjects’ memories whenever he wanted. I find it hard to believe that in fifteen years, not one single person in all of Sugar Rush felt sympathy for the homeless, persecuted, abused nine-year-old kid whose only crime was existing. The palette swap racers were never shown bullying her. The other racers in general could have been subject to Taffyta’s bullying if they didn’t fall in line with her or when Vanellope wasn’t around to take all the fire. I bet they had some moments of compassion. They’re kids, not monsters. A decade and a half is a long time to stay bullies with no basic decency whatsoever at any point. Especially when you remember that Vanellope’s stolen code still left her with the sense that she was a racer and subconscious driving skills, and her fellow racers were similarly programmed to be like and be loyal to her. They could have been nice to her without allowing her to race. But it wouldn’t have mattered. Not with King Candy’s hands in the code.
Imagine having an arc of personal growth and forming a bond with Vanellope, who treasures it immensely, only to have all those memories and thoughts and feelings forcibly ripped out of your consciousness. By an authority figure you trusted and admired, no less. Would he always lock up Vanellope’s memories too, so that she wouldn’t expect anyone to give her a chance? Or do you think he’d let her feel betrayed and abandoned every now and then?
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