#i need a better naming system for my projects so i stop confusing them but i just don't. Name things like that.
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It's a Wednesday WIP round up day. Not 100% of my works in process but all the ones I've actively been working on recently.
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Shawl 16 (Pattern | Yarn) bind off is going slowly, just hit the half way point. It's been really hot here plus the bind off is really boring so I've just been chipping away at it bit by bit.
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Blanket 11 (Yarn 1 | Yarn 2 | Pattern) is also being chipped away bit by bit. This is a present for my mother and she's been making noises about how sad she'll be if she can't use it this winter, but it's just a Little Too Warm to really hit it hard.
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Shawl 17 (unknown 100% cashmere yarn, used part of this pattern) been doing the strategy of one repeat per day and it's going well so far. The repeat is only 20 rows so it's pretty easy to pick a youtube video and go to work. I think my math was wrong for how many repeats I'll get out this yarn (in that I'll get more than I thought) but I'll wait until I'm at what feels like a good halfway point before reevaluating. Extra photos to show just how small this project is. Itty bitty baby (1.5 US needles!!).
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Shawl 15.5 (i accidentally named two shawls 15)(Yarn 1 | Yarn 2 | Pattern) needs the needles from s16 so it's put on pause. This has been my "knit while reading" project but it's just too scrunched on the needles rn, so instead I started a new reading project.
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Sweater 9 (Pattern) is my answer to all the acrylic yarns I bought for the great swatchening. I'm not going to relist all the yarns for it but they're in this post, plus a few and minus a bunch. I'm not 100% on this project but I got a wild hair to knit a cardigan and I couldn't justify buying a bunch of yarn for it when I had all these bits. Hoping the different gauges work out and I don't run out of yarn! (I am NOT buying more yarn for this, if I run out of a colour I'll just suffer)
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stormy-river · 6 months
Transcripts from the Humanity Hotline 7
As I finished this, I discovered it's been exactly one year since I posted the last Transcript. A lot has happened in that year; I've graduated college :) . I want to thank everyone for the support I've received, and I hope to get back into some of my creative projects and give you guys an opportunity to laugh, and maybe learn something. This one is inspired by a request from @a-romantic-twst from forever ago; I hope it was worth the wait (sorry about that). (It's about periods if anyone's uncomfortable with that and wants to skip this one.)
Operator: "Hi, my name is Mindy. How may I help you today?"
Caller: "Hello, Mindy, I am very concerned about one of the humans on my ship."
O: "What seems to be the problem?"
C: "Well, I'm the chief medical officer and this particular human has been on the ship for just over two Earth months now. On two separate occasions during that time, she has requested strong painkillers citing 'Shark Week' as the reason. I looked into what 'Shark Week' is, and found an Earth television special about certain aquatic predators, and I'm unsure how that could cause a human physical pain lightyears from Earth?"
O: "Interesting, is there anything else you can tell me about this human during these events?"
C: "Yes, I've also received reports from other crewmembers around these events that this human is not as outgoing as usual, and shows signs of discomfort with facial expressions and changes in appetite, but does not respond well to the standard psychological protocols for team building and social connection."
O: "What about the timing? You said this has happened twice, correct? How much time was between them?"
C: "Yes, I've documented both with dates. The human requested the painkillers twice, 28 days apart. The crew reported signs of distress for a few days following each request, and two times in the day before the first request."
O: "Alright, I believe your human is using the phrase, "Shark Week" as a euphemism for the start of the menstrual cycle, which is often referred to as a 'period'. To put it simply, one of the female reproductive organs sheds its inner lining roughly once an Earth month, lasting anywhere from a few days to a full week."
C: "Similar to how the Rythyani shed and replace their stomach linings?"
O: "Yes, though the uterus has blood vessels that extend into that lining, so shedding also causes bleeding."
C: "Bleeding? How much blood is lost? Why has she not requested bandages or a transfusion?"
O: "For most, a period is not life-threatening. The amount of blood loss does not require a transfusion to replace, or bandages to stop, though iron deficiency may be a concern for some that can be easily remedied through their diet. Ultimately, your human will know her body and how to handle her cycle best. We learn to deal with periods from a relatively young age. You should have received a human anatomy and physiology textbook when the first human joined your crew. Do you have it?"
C: "Yes, though I do admit I have not yet had the time to read it."
O: "That's alright. The chapter on human reproductive systems goes into more detail about the biology of the menstrual cycle than I can tell you. For the time being, make sure your human knows that she can ask for support if needed, and inform your crew that not all humans will be happy all the time, and they don't need to be. Over time, you will gain a better understanding your humans' patterns. Until then, trust them to express their needs, and talk to them if you have specific concerns. I can give general advice, but they will know themselves best."
C: "Thank you for clearing up the confusion, Mindy, I will look into this and update the protocols as necessary. I have no more questions for you at this time."
O: "You are very welcome, please don't hesitate to call again if something else comes up."
End Transmission
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Temporary Relocation Prologue/Ch. 1
This fic is based on this drabble Basic premise: Reader got an experimental surgery and is being relocated to a military base with more specialized medical supplies to help recovery while on medical leave, and will temporarily help with missions to ensure success after.
It was some kind of new experimental technology. You were one of only a few hundred who had the privilege of getting the opportunity. When they'd called, you'd needed to request for the information to be mailed because there was so much of it. "Instinctual Prosthetics" was what they had decided to name the project. It was supposed to help military combatants, granting an animalistic advantage of some kind on the battlefield. They would synthesize physical attributes of the target animal, you couldn't wrap your head around how, and intertwine the prosthetics and artificial nerves with your body's existing nervous system. Most info beyond that was disclosed to you as "need-to-know," which told you literally nothing you felt you needed to know.
Nonetheless, you were too intrigued- and too attached to the payout you'd get for using yourself as an experiment vessel- to say no. That was how you ended up on a helicopter with a man who'd introduced himself to you as Captain John Price, with your newfound cat ears and tail still extremely sensitive to everything around them. Every time the aircraft jostled, you found yourself flinching, and every time the noise changed you wished you could press your ears to your head to make it stop. If only it wasn't too dangerous to take off those headphones, which had been specially made for you. You didn't even want to think about what the violent whirs of the overhead blades would sound like without the protection they gave.
"Touchdown in five," the pilot called back to the two of you. You barely registered it until you heard Captain Price giving a comment saying the pilot's communication went over. "This team won't be anything like what you're used to, soldier. Much more specialized, much better materials to handle your... unique recovery circumstances." The captain's explanation didn't do much to ease your nerves, but you found yourself nodding as though it did. As though it held any clues of what you'd see on Task Force 141's base. "The rest of the force should be meeting us when we land," he continued. "I expect you'll get acquainted with them over your time here." The words gained another absent nod from you. Until the heli touched down, you found your brain wandering to how this all happened in the first place.
"It's an experimental procedure," the woman over the phone explained. You could hear pages flipping in the background of her mic, "we're only offering it to a few hundred soldiers to see how it takes. There's a wide range of people who chose to go in already." Her explanation only served as further confusion.
"I... I still don't understand," you mumbled before taking a sip of your coffee, "why was I selected?" The line was tense with silence for what you wish was a small beat, before the woman sighed.
"I only know what I'm telling you, and I'm only allowed to tell you what I know." Her gentle tone was meant to be reassuring, but right then it was just pissing you off. You were going to potentially lose critical brain functions if this went wrong, and it was still on a need-to-know? Fucking government. "There is one upside, though," she spoke tentatively now, "since this is a voluntary experiment, they're offering you compensation."
"Compensation?" The word echoed off of your tongue almost as if it was alien. "I'm sorry, I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this."
"I have permission to make exactly one hard copy of this information and mail it to you. Would you like me to file the request for it?"
"Yes, please."
It hadn't felt like too long since that phone call. It probably hadn't been, if you were willing to compare hours to seconds. It had only been a few weeks since you were wheeled out of the surgery room, informed of the expected enhancements with your balance and hearing, and then immediately told about the orders for your relocation. You'd be temporarily occupying the base of a specialized and extremely classified task force, one you were sure your own generals themselves had never heard of. A few weeks since that tail was surgically implanted at the back of your spine and connected to your main nerve pathways, a few weeks since the nurses and doctors taking care of you started looking at you funny when you covered your ears from things they couldn't hear.
The harsh jostle of the helicopter landing, and the ensuing pins and needles from your still sore tail, broke you out of your trance. You took a deep breath as you stood up and removed the headphones, flinching at the more detailed sounds you knew no one else could hear, and looked up to see Captain Price awaiting your company to exit the aircraft.
"Are you ready?" He asks.
Not at all, you think, but give a verbal, "affirmative, Captain." Price doesn't walk off of the helicopter until he sees you next to him, where a small group of men wait, presumably for the two of you, in a semicircle. "So... this is the team?" You ask quietly, awkwardly, before they've noticed you. Price chuckles to himself before calling out to the group.
"Soldiers," his voice carries over the now fading whirs of the helicopter, "meet our new temporary recruit. After the medical recovery period ends, you'll all be working together out on the field. I expect you all to make good use of the remaining leave time." Nobody had to ask to know what Price meant. You'd all be stopping bullets and bombs for each other soon enough, probably too soon. He wanted a team that knew how to work together.
"What's with the cat ears?" A rough British accent calls. Your eyes flick to the source, a tall and muscular man wearing a skull mask. Your peripherals catch everyone else's eyes immediately flying to the top of your head while you make brief eye contact with the man. Your breath catches in your throat when you open your mouth to respond.
"This is the experimental procedure you were briefed about," Price stated. "I expect you all to treat this like any other new recruit. If I hear of any issues, you will be dealing with Shepherd." A collective groan came from the group as Price walked towards a gathering of buildings. Who?
"Aye Ghost, don't want them to make you a kitty cat, eh? Ya might end up too cute to fight that way," another man, a Scotsman with striking blue eyes and a mohawk, commented.
"A word, sergeant MacTavish," the Brit barked before walking into a nearby building. The Scot followed him without asking questions. You just watched the two in a daze, not sure what to make of the scene.
"What was that?" The question came from your mouth carefully.
"Don't mind them," another man, the only one left now, spoke up. He had umber skin that looked smooth, not as big of a build as the Brit but you had no doubt just as strong. "The sergeant's probably getting his fair share for talking to the lieutenant like that." As he talked, you noted he's probably better for agility. He took a step towards you and held out his hand, "I'm Kyle Garrick, Gaz on the field."
"Y/n L/n," you took a step to close the gap and firmly shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Gaz! Who are the other two? The sergeant and you said the lieutenant?"
Gaz laughed a little, the smile staying as he spoke, "the angry one in the mask, the lieutenant, is Ghost, and the Scot you saw messing with him is my fellow sergeant. His name's Soap. Those two are always at each other's throats. Bet you'll get used to it as you stay here," he took a step back after letting go of your hand. Gaz was still smiling, "and I'm assuming you know Price. There's others, but they're out on assignments if they're not stuck in the medical quarters recovering."
"Well, in that case, mind showing me the medical quarters? I'm due for an initial check-up after my briefing on the team. Pretty sure you just gave that to me."
Gaz turned and waved you on from behind, "follow me!" He called. You jogged to catch up, looking around and taking every detail in while gazing at the structures around you. Brief explanations of barracks, small hangars, different quarters and offices, the main canteen building as you passed it, everything you needed to know about getting around the base and what you need. Eventually, a building just as plain as the rest of them save for a red cross came into view. The medical quarters, you regarded it with internal relief. Your ears and spine were starting to ache again.
You even forgot to thank Gaz as you hurried in, leaving him to laugh to himself. You were definitely something. The base- the force- was going to enjoy having you.
Read the next chapter here
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dreadsuitsamus · 2 years
If you do requests, can we see some fluff headcanons with DBS Broly? Please??
i'll give it a shot! i have had broly on the brain since watching dbs broly haha idk if you want strictly headcanons or a sort of story in headcanon form so i'll try out both and see what works best for me (i love to worldbuild 🙈)
DBS Broly x Reader Story Headcanons
You meet Broly when you crash land onto his planet after losing a fire fight that screwed up your navigation system
He's alone on the planet, and goes to investigate the crash site when you land
You've been knocked unconscious by the impact, so he pulls you out of the ship and takes you to the shelter given to him by Goku
When you wake up, you're confused about your surroundings, when you see Broly you startle him with your gasp of fear
He looks scared too, so you apologize and ask him what happened
His voice is soft and he doesn't meet your eyes when he tells you how he took you to his shelter after you crashed
"Oh... Thank you so much. What's your name?"
"My name is Broly."
He's large but so SWEET
You assure him you'll do your best to fix your ship and be on your way as soon as possible
He doesn't say anything in response, but his eyes look lonely
You soon learn that it's because he's the only one on this planet. He doesn't give many details as to why, just that his friends that lived with him left some time ago, but at least they still visit
He takes you to your crashed ship and stands stoicly as you diagnose the issues
In essence, shit's fucked
"If it can even be fixed, it'll take me a long time to find a way to do it with the resources I have."
Broly offers his assistance whenever needed, often in the form of lifting the heavy things
He spends every waking moment with you while you work on the ship, asking questions when he feels curious
You enjoy his interest in your project and you answer every question in earnest, loving the pleased look on his face when you talk to him
When it becomes too late to work anymore, you and Broly go home to his shelter in the cave
Broly has plenty of provisions, but as you sit on the couch after a shower, you realize he doesn't know how to properly utilize what he's got in the pantry
"Here Broly, let me show you a few things."
Broly is amazed at the meal you cook, politely asking for seconds when he finishes the first bowl of chili
You laugh and fix him another plate. "You don't gotta ask, hon! It's your food, after all."
That doesn't stop him from asking for another serving at every meal
You sleep on the couch and Broly sleeps in his bedroom, but he leaves his bedroom door open
He has trouble sleeping, so usually for an hour or so he'll just talk with you or watch a movie on the couch until you're both ready for bed
One night you fall asleep during a movie, your body curled up at an awkward angle
Broly stands and gently lays you into a better position for your neck, and pulls the blanket over you. He whispers a soft goodnight and goes to his room, but he doesn't sleep
He thinks of you all night, and wonders why he has a fuzzy feeling in his chest
Each day he watches you patch up the ship, his stomach has an odd ache
Eventually you hit a wall and need a specific part that you can't repair, so you're as good as stranded on the planet now
Though you're not as bummed about it as you probably should be, for some reason
When you tell Broly what's going on, the ache in his stomach disappears
After a couple months of being stuck on the planet, a man named Goku pays a visit
Turns out he's the one who brings Broly his provisions. He's a kind man and when you explain how you ended up on the planet, he offers to help out and get the part you need
You write down exactly what it is you need, along with a few other supplies that would help you finish faster
Goku smiles and leaves with the list, promising to return with the supplies when he got them
At dinner, Broly is pushing his food around rather than eating it. And after realizing just the appetite he has, you find it extremely odd
"Does it not taste good?" You pout
"It does." His voice is soft, and his eyes have that lonely look again
"What's wrong then?" You put down your fork and put your hand to the center of the table
"I... Do not want you to leave."
"Why's that?"
"I don't want to be alone again."
The next time these so-called "friends" visit, you're going to beat them to a pulp
Before you can even respond, Broly starts up again
"My chest feels fuzzy when I see you. And my stomach hurts when I think about you leaving."
Your cheeks heat up. "Broly..."
He takes your hand and meets your eyes. He's tearing up. "Please don't leave." He whispers.
You smile and squeeze his hand. "Okay, Broly. I'll stay."
His smile is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen
Fluff Headcanons
Broly has no idea what to do in a relationship, so you have to teach him
Luckily, he's a quick study and soon understands his feelings and how to turn those feelings into actions
Broly is a bit confused, but he's got the romantic spirit when he brings you a bunch of the planet's native flowers
Said flowers are poisonous, you soon discover, but you assure Broly anyway that you love them as your hands are covered in blotchy, itchy red patches
Broly loves to cuddle. You can't remember the last time you actually sat on the couch cushion instead of Broly's lap
He hardly ever watches the movies you put on anymore. He loves to hide his face in the crook of your neck and hold you closely, as if you were a teddy bear
You, however, are certainly not complaining. You'll reach back and play with his hair when he does this, and you're pretty sure he's purring when you do it
His cheeks burn red when you turn your head and place a kiss somewhere on his face though
So, naturally, you do it often
Keeping true to his nature as a quick study, he picks up how to kiss after just a couple make-out sessions
He's intuitive to what you like, so when he finds that sensitive spot on your back, he uses it
It catches you off guard every time. You'll be in bed kissing and then suddenly his fingers brush over that spot, making you giggle and shiver
He smiles at you like you're a goddess every time he does it
When you tell him you love him (and explain what it means) he catches you in a bear hug and cries softly into your shirt. You hold him closely and shed tears of your own
Once he's collected himself, he promptly tells you he loves you too
Broly admires everything about you, always watching you do even the most mundane of tasks, like washing the dishes or folding laundry
You watch him when he trains outside, bringing him a drink and a snack when you feel he should take a break.
He immediately halts training when he sees you coming close to him, and he gives you a sweet kiss before he accepts the snack
Broly likes when you play with his hair, but he absolutely loves it when you brush it. He's so relaxed and he has a wistful smile with each stroke of the brush
You presume he must be a cat in another life
Broly loves holding your hand. He's so much bigger than you and he enjoys the sight of your smaller hand in his.
He feels extremely protective of you. Anytime you go outside he's with you, he won't hesitate to demolish any beast that comes your way
Broly's affection goes up a thousand percent after he kills whatever attempted to attack you
He holds you tightly and takes you right back home and holds you for hours, not letting you go until you ask him to
If it takes him even a fraction of effort to kill, sometimes you'll have to ask him twice to release you. Though he looks so hurt and scared when you ask too soon, so you always give him at least one hour to cuddle
Not that you tend to want to be let go anyway, since he's so warm and strong
Broly doesn't ever sleep very long, but sometimes you wake up before he does and you just watch him sleep, memorizing each detail of his face
You kiss him as soon as he starts to stir, surprising him for just a moment before he returns the kiss in kind
Cheelai and Lemo make their first visit since you crashed onto the planet while you're cooking dinner for Broly
He's happy to see them, but you keep true to your word and beat them both up
Broly knows he should stop you, but something is oddly satisfying about you defending his honor
Broly puts his hands on your shoulders as he stands behind you once you're done, and speaks to his friends as if nothing happened
They stay for dinner, and once they leave Broly kisses you like never before.
"I love you so much."
He says so every day, so you know he means it
end note: this was probably not what you were looking for and definitely too long, but i thank you for your request anyway! i like to explore different means of writing beyond a full-fledged fic, so this was a nice test to see what i enjoy! i hope you like what i've written anyway, anon ☺️
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forgottenyear · 7 months
The things I write about, here, are things I do not necessarily think about, elsewhere. When we do projects, I am not aware that I am a part and that the unfused part is another – I just do projects. I have DID only when I think about it, and the rest of the time I am just me being me, same as I ever have been.
I first learned about our system when Angela stopped being a half-forgotten memory that I could successfully avoid thinking about. When she stopped being a disembodied someone from the past, and her first-hand memories overwrote a large portion of “my” past. (This is only an expressible impression of what happened, because I do not know how to describe the actual experience.) I call it a “large” portion of my past, only because even a tiny portion is too much. Former acquaintances do not just move into one’s head that way. It is not nice.
It was a few years later before I recognized the unfused part for a distinct part. They always have been, and always will be, just an odd quirk of an odd quirk. My way of thinking and of perceiving is an odd quirk of its own, for better or for worse, and so I could not see the unfused part for the trees. The unfused part does not really have a name, let alone a name that they emblazon on everything they touch (seriously, what excessively fragile ego needs to overcompensate in that way? Oh yeah.). I think I wrote recently about how some of the things that I do are just too much like those of the unfused part for me not to misattribute like with like. “There is no system, but thinking makes it so,” so I and I (not the Rastafarian one, obviously) are just me being me.
[This post is touching on something meaningful, apparently. I have lost the thread so many times, and this has been going on for hours. When I am distracted this strongly, I know there is something amnesia would prefer I never know.]
So, there is a vast difference between the system of the unfused part, and the system of Angela. And of the boys. [This is getting more confusing and complicated.]
I forget the boys, except as an entry on a list. “A part more honour’d in the forgetting than the observance” (to observe a recent element of what I laughingly call a thread).
The boys are like the unfused part, except where the unfused part is nearly omnipresent, the boys are nearly not (“impresent?”). I feel no real distinction between the boys and me, but mostly because their past does not conflict with “my” past. Except when their past directly conflicts with my own. But since the events that conflict with my past also conflict with their own, this is not a real problem. Unless I want to understand their past, in which case, it is a very real conflict.
What I have of a past from the unfused part is either tangible creations left in their wake, or second-hand anecdotes. Since people feel it is unnecessary to tell these stories to their main character, I likely know less than a fraction of the whole, and certainly not with the understanding of someone who was there in person at the time. Since I only relatively recently learned of the unfused part, I made no point of cataloging the stories. I just assumed I had a terrible memory and I wished I would pay better attention to the things I say.
We are one system. I have no need for the complication of subsystems. We are one system, but there are strong differences in the interpretations and experiences of systemhood, from part to part.
[There is something here, but I have no idea what that something could be. I know I have written many of these words before, and I will likely write them again.]
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tc-fmp · 7 months
The theme for project 3 was "Equilibrium - Square Circle Triangle" and revolved around arcade games.
Programming - I managed to develop some very unique features, including the 'back-end' stuff such as the blueprint which creates the map. I am happy with the programming aspect and It has helped me learn more about certain aspects of Unreal Engine 5, such as for loops, random generation, blueprint function libraries and some niche things which are helpful to know about the engine.
Retaining art style / Consistency - I realised from my evaluation of the previous two projects that I needed to focus less on artwork and instead focus on consistency and the other aspects of development. I retained the original style of Unreal Engine 5's meshes and lighting, as I predominantly wanted to focus on producing a fun and replayable MVP.
Optimisation - I didn't manage to create a way of not having to spawn in ten-thousand actors in order to make the game work, so it performed very badly and had incredibly long startup and reload times.
Research - Once again a recurring theme here - I did not complete an acceptable amount of research in my opinion.
Name Ideas - The game's name was given as I was writing the evaluation, ideally this should have been named earlier.
I wrote myself a list of improvements at the end of the project, I will repost them here:
Not enough research. It has become quite evident that instead of posting on my blog, I am getting too distracted by trying to get my code/blueprints to work and then forgetting to complete blog posts - this is especially true with research. Because of this, among other reasons, I would like to change platforms for the final project. This is to provide myself with a platform and interface that I am familiar with, and will also allow me to better describe and explain the code I am producing as it will be a programming language that I know well and that I fully understand how to read and produce.
Stop getting distracted by tiny things. A large issue I had in this project was getting the 'direction indicator' to work properly - I spent over an hour trying to fix this (literally) and I believe that this was not the best use of my time. I am going to organise my final project using a plan (which I intend to write tomorrow). This won't be specific (i.e. it will not include which mechanics to work on and when), instead it will provide me with a vague idea of what mechanics and features to work on purely based on the 'type' of code they require - for example, anything that requires a database will be completed, or I will attempt to complete, in the time frame I set in the plan. Organising my plan this way should keep my work pace relatively good as each method, function and mechanics of the programming language will be in my mind and refreshed, instead of getting confused with trying to do four completely different things at once.
'Non-Modular'. I intend to make my final project using a set of conventions (either the official style guide of the programming language I choose to use or my own set of conventions which I will plan out next week) and a modular, almost API-like system. I enjoy writing code this way as I am essentially producing a set of resources to be used for myself later on as I produce one section of code.
Stop being a perfectionist. Nothing in this project has to be perfect by any means - I need to stop focusing on tiny little really obscure features which don't really matter in the grand scheme of things - my main focus will be getting all of my mechanics/features/code on my blog as well as being explained and described to a good extent.
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hexbugnano · 10 months
FWIW this lead isnt technically new but like yeah I agree ever since the other two devs left there's been such a huge shift in priorities in aesthetics and I'm like... How much of this is genuine "we need to broaden our appeal because this genre is highly competitive and generally aren't incredibly successful" and not just the current guy being like "I will make this game what I think is pretty because I can make all the rules now."?
Like I don't want to speculate too much bc it feels a little disrespectful but based on the timing of the other devs leaving I think some changes (like redrawing the artwork) was probably stuff they were also in favor of but bigger changes like making calico obsolete by creating the white coverage system, completely changing the color and breeding system, and now removing the undercoat patterns do have a smell of being heavily influenced by this dev's personal preferences which, ok, its his game now I guess so he can do whatever now I guess. And people seem decently receptive to these changes so.. :/ I suppose this guy just has an aesthetic most people align with as well.
Sidenote: I was mostly ok with the undercoat change when reading about it until I actually tried it out and it looks like a lot of people are kinda peeved by it too, lol. I doubt we're gonna get fun patterns back but users seem to be really wanting at least being able to have more options instead of being forced into the dynamic thing. It's ain't much but it's something I hope.
ooh yeah i know the current project head isn't entirely new to the project (and even having a leadership position in it i'm pretty sure) i just know there was a change of leadership at some point that put him in as the current head dev. i agree that redrawing the artwork was probably done under the old leadership.
honestly i felt like the original target audience was going to provide a pretty solid niche which i think can work pretty well for these games too. a dedicated but small userbase can be better than a bunch of users making accounts and then losing interest (see dappervolk). i really, really connected to the idea of a petsite as an avenue for character creation and written and drawn creative content like the original concepts of the kickstarter laid out. however it's entirely possible that these elements are still considered a significant focus of the game and are getting less emphasis due to the part of the development cycle currently being asset and base gameplay focused. the cats just feel weirdly glamorous now? which makes it harder to make characters with different personalities or energies as i would imagine people might like. the white markings are also confusing to me, i felt like maybe they were inspired by pce's white markings but pce's markings being divided on a scale of 0 to 10 and in different categories means it doesn't get in the way of planning out the appearances of cats even if there's a lot of different options.
at first i was actually really excited about the breeding system changes because it seemed like an interesting to concept but then they seemed to change it AGAIN and it got kinda... too complicated for me to keep up with it? which again i bet a lot of people like that level of complexity in breeding but for me it gets too overwhelming especially how it was being visually expressed on the creator. trying to remember both a color's name and where it falls on the saturation and color scale feels like a lot.
re: your sidenote i wasn't sure about the idea of removing undercoats but i wasn't fully against it until i also tried the cat creator and got.... bored? it felt like i couldn't come up with my own concepts so much so i just kind of checked out and stopped playing with it. it doesn't really help that i don't like the way blossom and ivy overgrowth are looking most of the time, the higher amount of rendering makes them feel pasted on because of all the fur detail but of course none of the plants displace the fur. the preview art of the genes felt less like that to me because there wasn't enough details that it felt like something was Missing in order to blend the plantlife with the fur, you could just intuit that was happening but the simplified art style wasn't depicting it. ivy generally does a bit better than blossom for me in that it's resting on the cats backs and not growing out of their fur so it looks less strange.
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jortsaaaaaaart · 3 years
To Be Forgotten Amongst Friends chp1
Omega! Reader x avengers
Hello all! I revamped my story "ikaros" and this is the new story! Also the name is long rip.
Trigger warnings (later chapters mostly)- ptsd, noncon, kidnapping, human experimentation, Stockholm and lima syndrome
The following chapters will be posted on- https://archiveofourown.org/works/33890977     (seriously- may not post here that often cause i hate the tagging system- go check out ao3)
It's a beautiful day in New York and you're a terrible, no good, thief. 
You were considered New York’s very own Robin Hood. Two hundred ATM robberies in two years, the money flying out of the machines and into the hands of people who needed it. The banks, collectively, had lost over $300,000 from the ATMs alone. But of course, it wasn't just the ATMs. A rash of robberies had spread over the East coast. Most were digital, companies funneling their own money to offshore accounts that wanted nothing to do with U.S. intervention. The FBI were notified, then the CIA, and eventually- after a daring cyber attack against the DOD- SHIELD itself turned it's one eyed gaze onto you.
Nick Fury saw something the other agencies didn't. You had certain gifts that made your line of work incredibly easy. Whether they were natural mutations or some sort of superpower, they allowed you to break into some of the most secure networks known to man. He had almost found you when SHIELD fell and his resources vanished. After the dust cleared he was forced to start from scratch. Hunting you and the remnants of Hydra down at the same time wasn't easy, but, in a strange twist of fate, he found someone else that was searching for you too.
New York was filled with so many people. Most of them were good, in your opinion. (Well, maybe half, actually.) You spent most of your off time working on "projects" or walking around the city. You had become a fixture at the local Bodega. Single omegas were extremely  rare, marked single omegas were almost unheard of. The mark gave you certain freedoms other omegas, sadly, didn't have. It drove away most potential suitors and the ones who were particularly bold would be given a taste of your powers. Once the burrow had gotten used to your presence they saw you as a generous person, but a secretive one. Someone who took no shit even with their designation. You gave to the community and different Omega rights groups in the area. After years of watching you quietly go about helping people you had been welcomed into the burrow's heart with open arms.
You loved helping people in your own way. You loved it just as much as you hated corporations and the police, but when you could make an ATM spew it's contents out into the poorest streets of Brooklyn or make Fox News send a million dollars to Planned Parenthood, you could have the best of both worlds.
At least, for a time. All good things had to end, right? That's what you told yourself as the redhead picked her way through the crowd towards you. 
Seeing an avenger in your neighborhood was an odd occurrence. It was a poorer part of town, untouched in the battle of New York, and too out of the way for any super villain origin stories. In fact, you seemed to be the only mutant in the entire block. You'd always thought, if someone was going to come for you, it would be a couple of FBI agents and not the fucking Black Widow. Your brain and heart went into overdrive as you tried to remember doing anything worth the avenger's time. But there was nothing. The DOD hack had been almost a year ago and all you did was release government files showing attacks on civilians overseas. It hardly seemed like an avengers worthy crime, especially when Black Widow herself had leaked government secrets before.
Any hope of her not not looking for you was dashed when her eyes locked onto yours. She tilted her head, asking a silent question. 
The burst of adrenaline sent you careening through the lunchtime crowds. You couldn't feel anyone on the rooftops but there was a large form blocking your path, trying to box you in. They were stronger and faster but you knew the environment. You ducked into Charlie's, your sneakers skidding on the asphalt as you took the sharp turn. The person behind the counter lazily looked up as you walked to the back. They knew you well enough to not care, they also weren't paid enough to care. The alley would open up into a busy side street. More people meant a better chance to blend in and get away. You were almost to the end when the door opened behind you. Black Widow and fucking Captain America stepped into the alley. For a moment the three of you stood in something akin to a standoff. 
You felt wildly undressed for this life-threatening situation.
"We just want to talk, (Y/N)" Captain America told you, hands raised. The unmistakable stink of an alpha radiated from the captain. You were momentarily thankful for your mark dulling its effect on you. Though, the blonde's scent was tinged with something hauntingly familiar. Something you didn't want to recognize.
Behind him, Black widow's free hand went to her ear. "Target is in the alley between 31st and 32nd," A twitch of your finger and the line went dead. Her hand dropped to the gun at her hip.
"I'm feeling pretty under equipped for this 'conversation'," You replied, slowly raising your hands as well, wondering if they could feel what you were doing. They didn't react and you slowly let your power seep from you.
Natasha was the first to react, drawing her gun and spinning around. Steve looked at her with confusion as her wide eyes scanned the alley as if she was seeing ghosts. She was afraid he realized, a cold feeling settling in his stomach. He moved towards her and you took off running. You felt him hesitate then take off after you, gaining on you with an embarrassingly low number of strides. You tried your powers again, stronger this time, but his focus was unwavering. He was almost to you now and you were running out of options. That’s when the alpha in him came out.
“Omega!” He snarled, “Stop!” Your feet slowed down immediately. It wasn’t as strong as your own alpha’s command would be, but the super soldier certainly commanded respect and obedience. You were forced to stand still, eyes burning holes in the asphalt, as the alpha’s footsteps grew closer. You really didn't want to do this but it looked like you had no choice. Your jaw clenched, and you spun around when his hand grabbed your arm. The blonde's eyes widened as you placed a palm to his chest. 
He barely had time to glance down at your hand before the electricity hit him.
The 1,000 volts you sent into him were supposed to stun him or send him flying, allowing you to escape. However, his muscles spasmed just a bit stronger than you intended. In an instant his grip crushed the bones in your arm and sent the two of you careening backwards into a brick wall. Natasha would find you a moment later, passed out on top of the super soldier, a sizable hole in the wall.
You woke up in an unfamiliar bed, a few blurry white shapes milled about in the corners of your vision. You couldn't remember how you got here, or where here was. All your senses seemed to be dulled. Your wrist was throbbing and each time you opened your eyes the room came in and out of focus. You closed your eyes, opting to ignore the funhouse effect and focus on the sounds around you. The beeping of the monitors, footsteps on concrete, and two low voices.
"She's alright, Buck, I promise." Steve's voice wavered in and out of your consciousness bringing with it the memory of how you got into this bed. "She did something to Nat and ran before I could explain. I wasn't expecting her powers to be so strong."
"I should have come with you," Another voice snarled. Your heart skipped a beat at the low growl. You knew that voice. It evoked a sickening combination of need and terror and you couldn't remember why. "She wouldn't have gotten hurt if I had. What idiot doesn't know omegas are fragile?!"
"It was an accident!" His voice raised slightly before sighing. "I know you're worried, but she's fine."
The scent you had smelled on Steve earlier swirled around the room. Metal and burning pine, it affected you just like the voice had, triggering both panic and yearning. You knew it somehow. The memory was there somewhere, tucked away where it couldn’t hurt you. Where it should have been forgotten.
The scent grew unbearably strong as he leaned over you, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. When he pulled back he wasn't expecting his eyes to catch yours. 
His expression softened as soon as he realized you were awake. "Omega," Bucky whispered reverently. Stormy blue eyes stared down at you with love and adoration, watching the color drain from your face. "Doll?" 
Somewhere in the back of your mind you could hear the panicked beeping of the machines and Steve trying to calm you down. But it didn't matter. All that you could feel was the need to get far, far, away from this man. You didn't know how you knew him but you knew he was dangerous. You knew he had hurt you. That's why, as he reached out to gently cup your face, you slapped his hand away. 
"Get away from me!" You gasped, voice breaking. You scooted back and tried to back up as far as possible. Your shaky legs barely held your weight as you slid off the bed. Pure terror coursed through your veins, it was the only thing keeping you on your feet. You found yourself pressed into the corner of the room while the men stared at you in shock. Steve and Bucky gaped like you had just told them the Germans had actually won WWII. Eyebrows knit together, blue eyes wide and frantic, Bucky looked like he was in emotional turmoil.
“(Y/N), doll, it’s okay. It’s me. It’s your alpha.” Bucky reached out to you carefully as a low purr rumbled from his chest.
You felt the purr relax you and dull your senses even more. It was nauseating. “I don’t have an alpha! And I don’t know who the hell you are!” You tried to shout and grit your teeth but the words came out in broken sobs, betraying your weakness. Who was this? Why was he the most terrifying thing you had ever seen?
Your teeth were bared at this point but the man kept coming towards you. The tunnel vision and rapid shallow breaths were the only warnings your body gave you as it reverted to its animalistic omega framework. Bucky watched as, in slow motion, your eyes went blank as your body gave out. 
Your alpha held your body to his chest in disbelief. He had expected some shock at seeing him but this went far beyond his expectations. It had been over three years since he'd last seen you. Since he'd last been able to drink in your scent. He'd figured you might not recognize him at first. He had changed a lot over the years. No longer under Hydra's control his physical appearance, demeanor, and scent had changed. But your body should've known your alpha. 
"What was that?" Steve asked. "Why did she react like that when she has your mark?" The two alphas were on edge. Seeing a vulnerable omega drop triggered their protective instincts. Steve desperately wanted to take you and hold you close, ease you out of the drop. If the alpha holding you was anyone other than his closest friend and packmate he would have ripped you out of his grasp immediately. For now he'd have to hold himself back.
"She didn't remember me." Bucky nuzzled his head into your neck, nursing your mark softly. After a moment he pulled back and gazed at your unchanged features. He couldn't wake you from this drop that easily. He pressed in harder this time, teeth lining up with the scar perfectly, but there was still no change. No purr, command, or bite was waking you up.
"We should let her rest, Buck. The pain meds will wear off soon and we'll try again. . . Bring her to the den. She'll need to get used to everyone's scents sooner or later." Steve laid a hand on his friend's shoulder. It was a gentle but firm suggestion. He knew tensions were high, the den, with it's heavy curtains and plush blankets, would calm down his friend and the omega. With little argument the brunette lifted you up and carried you to the den. It was aptly named and extremely well constructed thanks to Stark. Curtains blocked off all light from the windows, mattresses were inlaid into the ground, and the temperature was always cool. It was one good thing about being in a pack with that narcissist, Bucky thought dryly.
Steve led them into a cozy corner of the room. The captain hummed happily as they moved the pillows and blankets, creating a makeshift nest for the three of them. The feeling of the omega pressing into his chest was addictive. He couldn't wait for you to remember your alpha.
The sooner you remembered your bond with Bucky the sooner the rest of the pack, Steve included, could court you.
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black-dragon1998 · 4 years
Dream come true
Summary: Christen and Tobin meet reader in a park practicing soccer. from than on their story stars.
recuest:  hey! I have a request for uswntxreader. Can u make it fluff? In this reader is a foster kid and has just turned 18. One day when they were 14 and practicing alone, Preath saw them and then over a period of time they grew closer. One day during the practice the team knew that they were getting a new player but didn't know who. So reader walks out and the first thing that happens is that Tobin jumps on them and Chris getting all excited. The reader goes 'Moms!! ' and the team goes what!!! So then they explain it to everyone and then practice starts. Thanks..
Autor note: This is not been prove read and i came up with it on the spot so is most likcly sucks. sorry in advance.
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You had been in foster care ever since you were eight years old. Your parents had died in a car crash and you had no relatives that could take you in so you ended up in the foster system. You had gotten through six families by the time you were fifteen. Every time it was something ells that made end up back in the system. They would get a baby of their own, one lost their job ore couldn’t support you anymore, those were the descent reasons to return you. Other families were just in it for the money they received and you were nothing more than part of the furniture or a punching bag for the father of the house.
 This caused you to retreat into yourself and focus on the one thing you loved to do, football. You would often sneak out to go practice by yourself and improve your skill. Sometimes when you had seen the USWNT on the television you would dream of becoming part of it but you knew that was nothing more than just a dream.
The first time that dream became a bit more reachable was when you mett two players of the National team while you were practising in the park.
 Tobin and Christen had gone for a long walk on their day off from national camp when they came across a beautiful park. The two of them wanted to be away from the rest of the team for a while, the teams teasing working on their nerves.
As they walked they noticed the park was empty except for a girl playing with a ball on a patch of grass. Both soccer players decided to watch her for a bit to see if she was any good. I was happy that they did when the girl kicked the ball high up in the air and then bicycle kick it into the trunk of a nearby tree to make it bounce back to her.
“That was amazing!” Tobin yelled, not able to contain her excitement. Causing you to look up at your spectators. Christen slapped her girlfriend on the shoulder but was also smiling. You just stared at them like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing what to do. Even with their sunglasses and baseball caps, you recognized them.
OMG, those were Tobin Heath and Christen Press that were congratulating you. Internally you were freaking out giving them the time to walk closer to you and pick up the ball that had rolled passed you the moment you caught them staring at you. As they came closer you saw they were still smiling but you couldn’t form any words.
“you are Tobin Heath and Christen press form the woman national team.” You state the obvious but it was the only thing coming out of your mouth. Both women had to smile at your shy voice recognizing them.
“that we are. So now that you know are name want to tell us yours.” Christen asked when she was close enough that she didn’t have to shout. This made you freak out more.
“Christen Press wants to know my name, this had to be a dream.” You rambled not even noting that they were standing next to you.
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N).” you introduced yourself sticking out your hand to shake, remembering your manners. Both women shook it was Tobin started to dribble your ball on her foot.
“well (Y/N) it’s nice to meet you and I have to congratulations you on the nice finish.” You blushed under Christen's praise.
“Yeskid that was totally awesome. Mind if we pitch in for a little, it would be so cool if we could play with somebody as good as you.” Tobin exclaimed kicking the ball to you, which you caught with ease. Who were you to turn down the opportunity to play with two players from the national team.
 After that day you saw Christen and Tobin more and more. they became the rocks that helped you weather the storm, the people you could always rely on when you had a bad day. Christen always answered when you called her and Tobin always send you memes that made you laugh and brightened your day. They became your second mothers even if they didn’t try to be.
 They helped you get through high school and pestered you into applying for college and an apartment when you turned 18. They happier than you when you told them you got into MIT. Next to soccer engineering was your second passion. They were there when you discovered you were gay and never loved you less because of it.
 One night after your classes had ended you got a call from the National woman soccer coach asking you if you wanted to come to camp. Just like that first day of meeting Christen and Tobin you were speechless. After he repeated himself you quickly said yes, jumping up in the air hoping he couldn’t hear it.
“Great I let the team know you will be joining them,” Vlatko said.
“wait! Could it be possible you keep it a secret? There are a couple of players on the team I would like to surprise.” You ask Vlatko, knowing it would be hard to keep this from your moms. Vlatko no stranger to the team's antics agreed to keep your identity a secret and that he would call your school to let them know you would be going need more time for your assignments.
After the call ended you immediately started packing for the trip, sending your moms a text to wish them good luck on their camp. Normally you didn’t lie to them but you wanted to surprise them.
  Christen, Tobin and the rest of the team were sitting on the football field. Just before practice started Vlatko had informed them that a new player would be joining them. This caused everybody to speculate and guess who it could be. So while Vlatko was getting the new players the rest of the team was listing every possible player while Tobin and Christen just huddled together with Ashlyn and Ali.
“you think (Y/N) is alright. Last time we talked she sounded distracted.” Christen asked turning to Tobin, who looked down at her girlfriend.
“she is probably fine babe. Probably neck deep into her next project. “ Tobin tried to reassure her girlfriend knowing how invested you got in everything you loved. As the waiting continued the excitement of the team grew. Eventually, Vlatko emerged from the tunnel calling everybody to attention.
“team as I have mentioned earlier a new player would be joining us. So to not longer leave you guys hanging.” Vlatko says while stepping aside revealing the young player.
Christen and Tobin gasped.
“Hey, moms.” You call out while waving at them. The rest of the team watched in confusion when Preath started running toward the new player.
“Did she just call them mom?” Kelley asked out loud, looking just as dumbfounded as the rest.
You are immediately engulfed in a hug by the two women and can’t help return. Looking up you saw the rest of the team watching you, causing you to retreat into Christen and Tobin.
Taking your hand Christen to lead you back to the team to introduce you.
“girl I would like you to meet (Y/N). she is the one we have been telling you about.” Tobin introducing you to the team. Ever since they had met you they had talked about you to the team, even though they had never met you the veterans knew how much Preath loved you. Christen and Tobin couldn’t stop talking about there girl going to MIT.
Turns out you fitted in amazingly well and then when Tobin told them about the amazing bicycle kick you did on that first meeting, the younger players practically demanded you to show them.
Doing something familiar made your nerves calm down and you only concentrated on Christen and Tobin as you kicked the ball up high.
The team held in their breath as they saw the ball coming down and you standing with your back to the goal and kick the ball right into the upper right corner.
 After that, you got swarmed by the whole team who were congratulating you and the younger players begging you to teach them all the while your moms just watched you with a smile.
This was better than any dream you could have had as a kid and you were so happy you met your moms.
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ktheist · 4 years
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title. “it’s armani, not polyester.” | m
pairings. ceo!jimin x secretary!reader x ex-boyfriend!director!jeongguk
inspired by. conan grey’s heather.
genre. e2f - f2l , office romance, sugar daddy-baby-esque.
words. 10.6k
warnings. explicit content (obviously). mentions of alcohol use. 
concept. a retelling of conan grey’s heather in its future days.
story time.
“that’s your ex?” wendy blinks once before proceeding to openly ogle the - as per jennie’s excited text - ‘tall and handsome as hell cutie’ who’s in the middle of speaking to irene who seems to be sporting a larger-than-her-daily smile as her body moves as she nods and laughs and nods again, “i mean - i was expecting some hobo looking guy with spectacles bigger than his head and snot running down his face.”
with a cringe, you shoot her a much needed side eye, “okay first off - ew,”  throwing your gaze back at jeongguk, “second off, we only dated for like three months before everyone started sleeping with everybody.”
“like orgies and shits?” this time, it’s her turn to cringe.
“no,” you roll your eyes, “i mean we had our first fight, he slept with my best friend so i slept with his brother who was dating that best friend.”
“oh,” you can almost feel the way her eyes shift from you ex to you as you continue to type on the computer, “guess no more family dinners.”
“it gets better,” you feel a creep up your face as you turn to meet her wide eyed gaze, “me and his brother got into the same college and we decided to stay friends and now his mom knows me as taehyung’s best friend instead of her second child’s ex-girlfriend.”
by the end of it, wendy’s jaw is quite literally on the floor, missing her chance to greet the cutie who’s obviously led here by irene. standing up, you fix the man who seems to have turned into ice, “thank you, irene, i’ll take it from here,” without even missing a beat you give jeongguk a once over, admitting his worth of the nickname he’ll soon forth be known as in the office, “mr. jeon, mr. park is thrilled to meet you.”
jimin didn’t exactly say that - he only yawned when you briefed him about the interview with the possible new tech guy before dozing off in the passenger seat for the rest of the ride.
“you work here?” thawed from his initial shock, jeongguk hurriedly tries to catch up to you when he sees you walking towards the double doors of your boss’ office which is just twenty feet away.
“oh no, i just deliver pizza and happen to know where the ceo’s office is,” and that marks your second eyeroll for the day to which jeongguk’s lips tuck into a blatant sneer.
before he even finished his “someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed”, you’re already knocking twice on the door before strutting into the room where jimin’s face lights up at the sight of you before returning to its unsmiling state when his eyes lands on something over your shoulder.
“mr. park, mr. jeon is here for the interview for the management information systems director position,” you hand him the ipad with jeongguk’s resume opened and ready for inspection.
jeongguk pretends not to see your feigned smile as you pass him but before you manage to exit the room, a voice stops you, “oh, miss ____, do you mind telling  irene to make me an extra strong coffee?”
“i can make that, mr. park,” you announce, eyebrows threatening to weave themselves together at the peculiar order.
jimin only chuckles, “miss ____, you and i’s definition of extra strong is vastly different,” but before you can debunk it, he’s already complementing his insult with a praise, “you make the nicest chamomile tea though.”
all while jeon jeongguk stands in the middle of the way yet he’s the last thing you see and probably the last thing jimin notices.
“that’s fair,” with a nod and an amused smile, you leave through the door, knowing full well jeongguk is more than able to distinguish between what’s a facade and what’s not.
and he may very well be the first to call bullshit on your too respectful interactions with your boss.
jeongguk gets the position. naturally, he would - he graduated at the top of his class, became valedictorian, dished out an inspiring speech to which taehyung showed you a video of when you were having your trimonthly meet up a year a ago.
he was a cutie with brains and brawn. his department sucked him in as their new director and colleague in no time. the news of the new tall and handsome as hell cutie who apparently looks better than most people in suit has spread to every other department with wendy and irene liasing between the rumors - considering the fact that they take the ‘first interaction’ privilege.
perks of being part of jimin’s secretary trio, you suppose.
the aforementioned man peeks up at you with a smirk, his leather black salvator snaking up the side of your black mesh pantyhose as you stand in front of him and just until five seconds ago, were briefing him about his meeting with the representative of the manufacturing company for the new chip.
“miss jisoo will be here in two hours and she’ll be discussing the direct materials cost, direct labor cost and manufacturing overhead - that’s where i’ll need you to pay attention because maque it is known for their concrete bargains but exceptional product outcome.” you inform.
“mr. park,” his eyes snap to yours, “my eyes are up here.”
you’re not sure what he sees, but it may or may not have something to do with your unyielding force but flirtatious tone - either way, he lets out a surrendered chuckle.
“i got it - bargain, get the cheapest overall cost but the best production,” he says before guiding your hand that’s under his chin to his mouth, taking your pinky finger between his pearly whites.
“good, call me if you need anything else,” you nod in approval, lips curling into a satisfied smile before summoning your hand back to your side.
the sound of your heels reverberate against the walls as you make your way to the doors but before you manage to step one foot out, he’s calling out for you, “____,” voice unsettlingly calm but his words couldn’t have been any more overbearing, “i expect the same amount of dedication for your... other line of work.”
you would have let that smile tuck into a knowing smirk, would have given him something to look forward to - enough to keep him on his toes for the rest of the day but not enough to be a distraction to his tasks. if not for the sight of a flock of wavy black hair and darkest brown eyes.
“mr. jeon,” your voice may have rose a pitch higher but you’ve managed to school it into a pleasant smile, “how may i help you?”
jeongguk’s eyebrows falter just the slightest bit as a flash of confusion mixed with suspicion crosses his face before he plainly says, “i have something to discuss with the ceo about my work.”
“i’m not sure how things work at your previous company but you need to schedule a meeting with mr. park before anything else but i’ll be glad to navigate you through your scope of duty since mr. park will redirect me to you anyway,” you say simply, noticing how the man’s eyes flit towards the tinted grey glass with three horizontal parallel line down the middle where one can distortedly see jimin’s body turned towards the glass the way it had been when you last saw him.
clearly, he’s watching this unfold through the same see through space.
“it’ll just take a sec - i promise,” jeongguk sounds halfway annoyed with your insistence.
when he takes a step to the side, you take another to the same side, “mr. jeon, this kind of behavior - and on your first day, at that - isn’t something you need on your record and i didn’t make that policy, it was mr. park,” with a the slightest tilt of your head, you let the smile turn into a snide one, “and since you’ve been going around chatting with your new coworkers, you should know a thing or two about how seriously mr. park values one’s descipline during work.”
he shoots you one last pondering look, tongue forming a gentle protrusion in his left cheek like he’d unconsciously do when he’s debating to do the opposite of what he’s told by first agreeing and then finding another way to get what he wants.
“fine,” his shoulder line jolts as he shrugs, hands shoved into his pocket as a strand of hair falls over his forehead, “i need a list of names of the people in my department as well as the last twenty year’s worth of projects held by the company.”
the smile you have on threatens to split into a disgruntled sneer at his ridiculous demand. ten years is the maximum amount of time someone would take to review and understand the workings of the company. fifteen is a stretch because there’s a chance of a change of policy. but a record of the past ten years means you’ll have to do some digging in the storage room since not all files were digitalized and being the new director of the IT department, jeon jeongguk is not oblivious to that very fact.
“i’ll have them on your desk by thursday,” you announce and he reiterates, “i need them by tomorrow.”
and that’s the last straw for you - letting out a sound between a scoff and a snide laughter, you place your hand on your hip, “huh, are you crazy?”
“i mean, as the new director, i need to learn the ropes of the company asap, no? don’t tell me you can’t even do that?” a smile creeps up jeongguk’s face, one that mimics that of a predator who’s caught his prey walking straight into his trap, “and all that talk about discipline.”
the contemptuous chuckle at the end is what boils the blood in your veins and before you know it, you’re spouting out words that you instantaneously regret as soon as they come out.
“of course, i’ll have them on your desk by tomorrow.”
you curse underneath your breath as you sniffle from the remnants of the sneeze. fourty-three minutes in and you’re already on your nth sneezing fit. index finger flitting across the labels on the box, it takes you three nose scrunching and five boxes down the shelf to find a light blue label with ‘1998′ written next to a ‘september’.
well, that’s the second month of the year 1998 that you’ve managed to locate. the process repeats itself for a good twelve more minutes before you hear the screech of the in-need-of-oiling door and the echo of footsteps against the quiet walls before a tall, black haired figure steps into your periphery.
he’s looking as fresh and crisp as the tie hanging around his neck while you’re pretty sure your updo hair is halfway to giving out to gravity with how you’ve been moving boxes of files around.
“so what are we looking for?” jeongguk begins unnervingly calmly.
but you’re not one to turn down a hand, “anything blue with a label of 1990 up till 2010 - oh and they come in months.”
instead of complaining or at least making his displeasure known, the man simply starts searching the shelves five feet apart from you.
and so it goes, your file searching journey with your ex slash newly appointed coworker. multiple scenarios rushed through your head when you first heard jimin’s excellent review after jeongguk left. the elder man had been typing away on his mac when you’d come to pick up the empty mugs of coffee when he’d passingly say, “you know, there’s something about him that the other candidates lack - where’d you find this guy?”
but you never thought that being stuck in the files room alone would ever come up with this outcome-
“i heard you were the one who recommended me,” that voice of his is as sweet as the first drop of nectar but instead of the boyish tint, it’s tinged with a taste of wine and masculinity.
it’s familiar yet foreign all at once.
“then you must know all three secretaries were required to pick someone to recommend the job for,” with that, you twirl on your heels, a partially full box in your hand as you strut towards the desk where its blue shaded comrades awaits.
“so i’ve been told,” and that’s how you know jeongguk’s initial casual nature was just a facade to conceal his guilt-ridden conscience, “why didn’t you tell me? you didn’t even sign your name in the email - you never mentioned anything -”
“it’s nothing personal, guk,” you cut him off, back on him you pretend to rummage through each individual file of the recent box you’d found, “we needed a new IT director and you fit the criteria but if i gave out any indication that i was the one who reached out to you, your decisions might be affected by that - even just the slightest bit and that’s the last thing i want,” you say simply, “not to mention we pay better - so you get it, right?”
when you twirl around to face him, arms crossed over you chest, ass leaned up against the desk whilst your left knee slants to rest over its right counterpart, you finally meet the man’s curious doe eyes. they’re marred with the signs of life but still as exuberant and beautiful as the first day he stopped you in the hallway. his smiles are more expensive now and he doesn’t shyly look down before talking to you but he’s still the same high school heartthrob you’d had the fattest crush on.
and that’s the thing about high school and the matters of the heart - they’re meant to stay in the past as a fond yet foolish reminder of the things you would do when you were 16.
“i can’t have my guy prancing around the office like an uncivilized raccoon and ji- mr. park is extremely particular about time,” you sigh, throwing your gaze to your blood red soles if only because you can’t hold his gaze longer than this, “trust me, i don’t do things to inconvenience you just because i should have some kind of personal vendetta against you - i don’t.”
“wonder why i have been getting the opposite vibe from you ever since i came,” his shoulder line jolts slightly as he shrugs, eyes rolling but the tiniest smile on his face tells you that it’s all a good natured jest.
“i’m sorry - every time i look at you, it feels like i went back to being that high school girl who lashed out at everyone and everything,” it’s the way his eyes sparkle like stars at your words that drives you to quickly add, “my therapist told me to take a step back every time i feel like saying something mean to you because it’s just my own defense mechanism - i’m still working on it.”
“oh,” is all he says before a blanket of silence wraps around the both of you. it goes on for the longest moment with jeongguk’s unfocused yet heavy gaze on you.
he does that - staring off at something when he’s processing information and knowing his ex-girlfriend who he cheated on now goes to therapy, isn’t something one hears everyday.
“well, let’s get these,” you light tap the box on your left, “to your office - i’ll have the intern pick the rest later.”
“oh-” almost as though snapped from a daze, jeongguk blinks. one. twice. until he’s rushing to your side to get at least two boxes, one piled on top of the other, in each arm while you choose to only carry two.
when he finally finds his words, the first thing he says it -“you don’t have to get me all 20 years of record - 10 is enough and if you walk me through how things work, i’d be really grateful.”
you scoff, a smile on your lips before he mimics yours, “are you like, concerned about me cause i told you i’m seeing therapist -”
“me? concerned? about you?” his body moves along with his eye roll but his tone lacks the sarcasm he’s intending, “not in a thousand years.”
jeongguk is concerned. he tips toes around you like you’re the thinly veiled ice over a lake of emotions. as though one wrong move and you’ll break. and that’s how you know you’re not the only one who’s changed and grown with the years you spent apart.
the jeon jeongguk you knew couldn’t care less if you’d fallen into the darkest depth of your ruins - only because you’d hurt him just as much.
though you haven’t got to the point of having lunch together like wendy and irene and the entire team from his department had, you’ve had moments in between  coming back from lunch with jimin and just before lunch hour is up where you’re in the pantry with ice cream in your hand and your phone in the other.
while you’re sure no one would be coming around this time of the day, jeon jeongguk finds away to surprise you with his sudden appearance. strutting in as if he doesn’t notice you, picking up the instant coffee packet only to place one newly stirred coffee cup between you and him as he sips his own that he made with the one he’s apparently gifting you.
“why?” you narrow your eyes at him, suspicion filling every inch of your curled lips.
“oh you know,” his shoulder line shrugs and you realize he’s grown a few inches taller because his shoulder fully past your head, “cause i heard you like your coffees with cream too.”
“how do i know it’s not poisoned?” still dubious, you keep your eyes on him like a hawk - nothing can get past you, not even a nervous gulp.
but instead, he throws his head back, sighing, “___, you literally saw me make them.”
“i don’t know, you’re acting kinda sus, guk,” you insist, phone screen long dead as you take one last bite of the ice cream before tossing the stick into the trashcan.
“sus? me?” his free hand comes flying up to his chest as he looks at you in disbelief.
“give me yours,” you finally announce, hand struck out with your palm facing upwards.
“whatever, idiot,” he shakes his head still, despite failing to hide the tiniest smile that begins to tuck on the corners of his lips before placing the cup he’s been holding on your awaiting hand.
“yay,” you grin, delighted before taking  one long sip and breathing out in satisfaction, “i live another day.”
and so it goes, the light banters between moments in time. luckily for you, jeongguk is all round charmer that makes anyone and everyone - men, women and non-bonarys alike - who’s talking to him smile from ear to ear from something he says. possibly a compliment, possibly an agreement to what the other party was saying.
nobody suspected that either of you knew each other prior to this and that’s one less office rumor to look out for. you offer to help jeongguk settle in, murmuring names of the people who greets him so that he’d greet back with their informed name, seeing their faces light up a bit more at the realization that their new boss’s recognition.
“aren’t you with park 24/7? how do you know everyone in this company?” he asks one fine morning after you both got to his desk.
“i’d say it’s talent but i basically had to memorize them overnight right after i joined,” you shrug, “it wasn’t easy but you realize the difference it makes in everyone’s performance when they think their boss knows who they are.”
“so that’s the kind of person park is,” jeongguk nods whilst clicking on the ‘transfer files’ option on the screen of his computer.
“mr. park isn’t like the devil boss from hell - he’s just really self-disciplined,” you correct.
“if he was then why did he make you memorize the names of his employees?” he shoots you a look, one that says ‘you know i’m right’ to which you only roll your eyes.
“the same reason why he needs three secretaries to do his bidding - he’s too busy,” you shoot him a ‘no, you’re not’ look before sticking out your hand after the files are finish being transferred.
“how come i only get one?” his eyebrows knit together in a mixture of dissatisfaction and confusion as he places the usb drive into your hand, not quite showing any signs to take his own hand off just yet.
“maybe ‘cause you’re not that important?” you shoot him a similar ‘you know i’m right’ kind of manner and before he can even say anything, you’re curling your hand over the drive before twirling on your heels.
“ouch, you know that kinda hurts,” a voice comes up behind you and almost like a tidal wave, your apology comes in a second too soon, “really? sorry, i went too far-”
before you can even finish your words, you’re left rooted in your spot. a few feet away from the glass encased room where most of the executives and their secretaries are seen stepping in.
it’s the chuckle that reverberates against your eardrums that washes away your initial guilt like sand on shore, “you’re so-” jeongguk pauses, staring at you with eyes you can’t quite decipher and a flash of emotion you have never seen him make, “you’re so soft, you know that?”
“that wasn’t funny, jeongguk,” you fix him a hard stare, arms crossing over your chest.
“sorry - what i meant is,” and that’s the thing about the two of you - ever since you’d admitted your faults, jeongguk has followed your lead to apologize first. pride seems to be the last thing standing between the two of you at the moment - and it’s times like these, where you’re willing to listen and he’s willing to explain, that you think you might just escape that dark dwelling you call your past.
“miss ___,” a familiar voice drums in your ears, a hand on your lower back pulling your attention from the man in front of you to the attractive devil that’s on your side. the infernal spark in those dark eyes of his disappears as soon as he turns to - “jeongguk, i take it miss ____ has been a great help with the presentation you’re about to show us?”
“yes,” the aforementioned man nods, a look of unadulterated confidence making its way to his face as it replaced the lingering stare where jimin’s arm disappeared behind you, “i couldn’t have finished it this fast without ___.”
at jeongguk’s words, jimin lets a smile slip onto his strong features, making him look less like the unapproachable man he’s known for, “i’m looking forward to it.”
it’s only after jeongguk is walking a few steps ahead towards the open doors of the meeting room and jimin’s hand has long left your body, does the man murmur under his breath, “i’ve received applications for jeongguk’s secretary position, do you mind looking through them for me? though... i left them at my place - if you could come up with me to pick them later after work, it’d be great.”
“really?” you quickly say, before realizing it’d come off too excited for a request of overtime so you clear your throat, looking around the vicinity to see if anyone noticed, “i mean, yes, i can do that - i can drop by for a few minutes.”
“perfect,” his eyes disappears into crescents as the corners of his lips tuck higher before you part ways - him taking the seat at the end of the oval table while you head over to the computers connected to the projector, shoving the drive you’ve had trapped in your hand into its port.
“i’ve heard some things,” jimin’s honey voice is barely the subject of your conscience as you watch his lithe fingers working around the buckle of his belt until one end hangs loose before he pulls on the other, the sound of leather against fabric cutting the air like knife.
after jeongguk’s presentation which was met with praises and positive responses by the board, jimin had easily approved of the proposed updates on the - as the first would call it - a tad bit out dated data base. when the wendy, irene and the rest of his team was about to head out for dinner to celebrate their well earned success, you’d belatedly told them that you couldn’t make it because you had to drive jimin home.
seeing as it was a norm for the head secretary to also take on the role of the ceo’s chauffer, nobody questioned it.
nobody but the latest addition to the company.
jeongguk looked like he wanted to say something, stared at you a little longer as you fixed him and the rest of your leaving coworkers a ‘have fun, guys!’ kind of wave. but you suppose that could wait.
“i didn’t think you’d be one to pay attention to rumors,” you manage to say, swallowing heavily as you tear your gaze from jimin’s apt hands that are looping the belt into its buckle.
“this one’s a little bit interesting,” the chuckle he lets out is sinfully innocent compared to the way he slips the looped belt through your head and pulls on it, forcing the leather material to envelop your neck like a collar, “something about you and jeon having a special relationship.”
“that’s-” the words gets stuck in your throat when your heart leaps up at the slightest tuck on your neck, almost as if he’s saying to ‘choose your words carefully, dove.’
“it’s a matter of the distant past,” you say, sending a grateful prayer to the gods for allowing your voice to sound unbothered.
“didn’t seem like what the rumors are saying,” his breath fans your face as he whispers against your ear - you have to clench your fists together to stop the shivers from wracking through your body, “but that’s alright - at the end of the day, it’s my name you’re screaming.”
a moan escapes your mouth when a pair of plump lips press against yours. sparks in your veins and passion in your heart. before you know it, you’re blindly grasping onto the zipper of of jimin’s trousers, salivating at the thought of a part of him you know too well.
“please, daddy, let me suck your dick,” you plea, eyebrows knitting together with a sort of yearning and frustration from how achingly patient the striking blonde man in front of you is.
if it were up to him, you’d be soaking up the carpeted floor with your arousal throughout the night and he’d still manage to edge you on until you’re begging to come.
but that’s the thing, either way, you’re going to be begging for him. and you’d learned earlier on that you gain less from holding onto your pride than holding onto jimin’s dick.
with your mouth, that is.
it’s the morning after that - that you curse yourself for not putting any restraints to your carnal desires. in your defense though, begging and pleading jimin to push you to your limits seemed like an irresistible option at the time. that is, until you’re digging out what clothes you have in the drawer in your allocated room only to find most of them catering to the neck-to-just-above-the-cleavage-reveal kind of look.
so you opt for scarves - the bruises aren’t bad but the first days are always the hardest. and jimin notices the way you’re craning your neck from side to side as you keep your eyes trained on the red light that’s about to turn green anytime soon.
“does it hurt?” the saccharine sweet voice drips with honeyed concern whilst his hand goes to massage the back of your neck.
you hum in appreciation, “that feels good.”
“maybe i should’ve been gentler,” the tinge of remorse in his voice doesn’t go past you.
“that’s not even where it hurts most,” you giggle, feeling the familiar tingle in between your legs but you manage to push it to the back of your mind as you say, “but you know i like it when you’re rough.”
jimin only laughs, head shaking at your blatant confession. and so the mini massage session continues until the car starts rolling into motion. you go on with your morning routine of reminding him of the list of things he’ll have to do and people to meet for the day.
it’s only after you’ve parked the car and turning off the ignition that your phone dings with a notification of a ‘you received 50, 000 dollars from park jimin’.
squealing, you hop out of the car, heels click clacking against the concrete as you mini run towards the blond who’d slipped out of the car a second earlier.
“thank you, daddy!” you grin, hands wrapping around his arm as he chuckles softly, eyes disappearing into crescent moons.
“i booked you a session at lotus nirvana for the weekend,” he says a minute later as you stand in front of the elevator.
“oh my god,” you gasp, jaw hitting the floor, “the lotus? really?”
“and you can bring a plus one,” he boops your nose with his index finger, making you scrunch it because of the ticklish feeling it leaves.
“you’re the best!” you stand on your tip toes, placing a kiss on his cheekbone just before the elevator stops one level below the ceo and chairman’s parking level, revealing none other than jeongguk in a dashing cobalt blue louis vouitton suit.
you’ve managed to detach yourself from the now-unsmiling ceo who shoots the newcomer a brief smile as a greeting when jeongguk takes longer to look between you and his boss before finally stepping in.
“morning,” you greet with a wave, hoping to brush off the elephant in the room.
the man echoes back your words but nothing else - at least until you reach the 19th floor where jimin turns to you, hands in his pocket, “miss ___ i need to discuss something with you in my office,” just before you’re about to point out the sunken eyes in the younger man’s appearance.
“yes, mr. park,” you say in a heartbeat, before mouthing a ‘catch you later’ to the brunette.
in the next few days, you’ve opt for a variety of scarves to match your outfit. but more importantly, to hide the darkening bruises around your neck as you style your hair to hide what the scarves can’t.
it’s times like these that you keep your distance from people, choosing to stay in front of the computer unless jimin calls for you. whether to ask for if you’re up for having lunch with him, to inquire about the meeting he has or simply to just say “i miss your chamomile tea.”
at that, you can’t help but let the giggle break through your iron wall of a facade, “that’s what you called me for?”
the man’s eyes flit to the right for the briefest second, as though in search for a better answer which he finds none of before meeting your own, “yep, that’s what i called you for.”
“you’re so cute, daddy,” you gush, before placing you ipad down on the desk, hands coming up to frame around jimin’s cheeks as they turn round from the smile that slips onto his face, “i’ll make some for you tonight!” but then your shoulder line falls, eyebrows coming together, “wait - i have dinner with jeongguk tonight.”
“you mean jeon?” he raises an amused eyebrow to which you nod, hands falling away from his cheeks.
“i’ve been avoiding him these past few days and i think he’s getting a little suspicious about us spending so much time together - he thinks you’re... forcing me to do things,” you sigh - just this morning, the black haired cutie caught you in the middle of your way to your desk, pulling you to the side with a set of concerned eyebrows knitted together, “are you okay?”
you took a moment, eyes roaming around the vicinity as though it’d help spot the reason to this abrupt intervention before looking back at him, smiling cluelessly “...yeah, i’m fine.”
he let go of your arm to push his soft tresses which seemed to be missing its usual slick gelled look today, “the ladies have been saying park tends to work you to the bones every few times a month - like right now, and that’s a normal thing here?”
and because it wasn’t the kind of question you got asked often - people just accepted and were even glad that it wasn’t them that jimin was calling to his office every hour throughout the day, you had to take a moment to ponder on your answer “...yeah, it’s normal.”
“and you don’t care?” jeongguk’s blinked, mortified.
“i mean, that’s my livelihood right there so...” and you shrugged.
“i don’t know, i don’t like him,” his shoulder line tensed as he turned his body towards the wall sized window, eyes casted towards the neighboring skyscrapers.
“why?” was all you said - you’d understand intimidating. strict. unapproachable to describe the words jimin is, but no one’s ever confessed to outright disliking the man. but then again, you are the closest person to jimin in the company, no employee would risk getting fired because they blurted out their dissatisfaction towards their ceo to his head secretary.
“there’s just something about him that rubs me the wrong way,” instead of shrugging like what 17-year old jeongguk would have done, this older version of him didn’t even stutter.
you suppose one’s confidence and sense of reasoning - even though there wasn’t any particular reason for him to dislike jimin-
“...something about a ceo calling his head secretary ‘miss’ while he casually address everyone else by their name but never really talk to anyone beyond business matters while nobody’s has a single bad thing to say about him,” when jeongguk’s obsidian eyes fell on you, it was as though the background faded and you found yourself trapped in a glass cage - unable to run away from the truth he seemed to possess, “especially the person he’s overworking the most.”
“well,” there’s this habit that you do - laughing in the face of crisis and this was damn well a crisis because, “if you feel that way then you feel that way.”
“is there something you want to tell me?” he pressed on, speaking under his breath, “if you need help, you can always come to me.”
and that was when the laughter broke into a fit and you’re holding your stomach and his shoulder with your other hand, “jeongguk - i’m fine, really,” there was a tremble in his eyes as self doubt crept up his conscience, which meant whatever you were doing was working, “listen, how bout we go for dinner tonight with wendy and irene? i’m late but i wanna hear how your first staff dinner went.”
you managed to escape jeongguk right after his ‘...yeah, sure’ before mrs. yoo came up to you to ask about the arrangements of the seating for the upcoming corporate dinner. it’s in five months but preparations must be made in advance.
“if he’s starting to notice that means i’m not the only whose got his eyes on you,” the sweet honeyed voice pulls you out of your memories, almond shaped eyes staring at you with a sort of emotion you can’t pinpoint.
and for some reason, you felt the need to clarify where you stand and where jeongguk stands, “we were kids when we started dating - we know better now that both of us clash like two magnets on the opposite poles if we go beyond what friends are.”
“you know i have the utmost respect for you,” butterflies set flight in your stomach when jimin guides your right hand to his lips.
the place you end up going to is called han chu where it’s most famous for its variety of chicken-based cuisine which happens to be irene’s boyfriend’s family’s long standing business. it’d been packed with people, mostly those who’d got off work like yourselves but apparently, they have a different room for adhoc visitors who popped up out of nowhere.
“irene’s taking a long time at the washroom,” wendy announces, a small, jealous pout on her lips as she sticks her chopsticks into the rice bowl before you and jeongguk exchange a knowing look with each other.
since her boyfriend works here, you’re pretty sure that everyone in the room knows irene, in fact, did not go to the washroom. and wendy isn’t too secretive about her want for a man she can call her own to which, two bottles of soju later, she slams her glass against the table and confesses, “i’m so lonely, i want a boyfriend!”
by then, irene’s already back and chiding the younger woman about how she needs to stop drinking so much because apparently, at jeongguk’s congratutional dinner, she was that coworker that drank herself silly and might or might have not blurted out something about jeongguk’s exceptional proportions in front of the entire IT department.
“___! you’re single, right?” the way jeongguk’s hand seems to be take longer to pick up one of those spicy-sweet chicken even though he was gobbling them up like there was no tomorrow just five seconds ago, doesn’t go unnoticed by you, “let’s go to a mixer! i’ll text my friend to include our names for one this weekend.”
this time, the way jeongguk’s visibly tensed shoulder line is no coincidence.
“i’m good, thanks,” you chuckle, patting the woman’s shoulder.
irene on the other hand, looks increasingly worried about her fellow coworker as time passes. it’s when wendy starts to gulp down the soju straight from the bottle that you step in, swiping it out of her hands and placing it back down on the table.
“alright, that’s enough for tonight, let’s get you home” at that, you shoot irene a signal with your eyes, counting a short ‘1,2,3′ before you both hoist her up to her feet, directing her arm over your shoulder while irene does the same with the other one.
“i’ll get the car - you ladies wait at the front of the restaurant ” jeongguk announces, just as you step out of the room.
“thanks, guk,” you fix him an appreciative smile, grateful for not having to drag the half-conscious woman’s body all the way to the parking lot.
“you know, he’s been staring at you the whole night,” a voice giggles - and seeing how wendy can barely even open her eyes, that could only mean that it’s the only other woman that’s holding her up that also decided to let out such absurd statement.
“that’s cause i was sitting next to wendy - who by the way, isn’t exactly a quiet drinker,” you roll your eyes, before a separately realization hits you- “you didn’t drink.”
“well, i can’t really at the moment,” the brunette’s voice takes a gentler turn as you watch her free hand clasp her stomach.
“oh my god,” jaws on the ground, you’re not sure if you’re even blinking, “you’re pregnant? how long far along are you?”
“a month, me and jae were discussing how we’re gonna tell our families,” she meets your wide eyed gaze half-heartedly, “and if i’m going to continue working after i give birth.”
“either way i’m so happy for you,” you reach out your free hand that’s not wrapped around wendy’s waist to which the elder woman accepts, squeezing your hand just hard enough for you to feel her fears and excitement and overflowing joy flow through you, “you and jaebum are gonna be the best parents.”
“i never really said it but you helped me a lot when i just started,” the tears in her eyes makes them look like sparkling stars in the midnight sky, “and you’ve always been so supportive - seriously, ___, thank you.”
“stop,” you squeak in between holding your breath and holding back your tears, “i’m gonna cry.”
“if you cry, i’ll cry,” irene is already pulling her hand away and fanning her face, glimmering eyes turned to the sky.
it’s a moment later that a car rolls to a stop in front of the two of you. the window rolling down, revealing an extremely concerned jeongguk, “what happened?”
the “it’s a girl thing” comes a few moments later, particularly after you slipped into the passenger’s seat next to him while irene sits at the back with wendy’s head in her lap.
by the time you reach wendy’s apartment building, irene announces that she’s staying over at the first. if only to look after the drunken woman and make sure she’s okay.
“are you sure?” you ask to which she nods, murmuring something about how wendy couldn’t survive without her hungover soup if she didn’t stay and make it.
wendy manages to sober up and walk with irene holding her hand. and with the way she’s slow-waving at you, you take it as your cue to leave too.
“call me if you need anything, okay?” is the last thing you say before the two of them step through the clear glass door.
the rest of the ride is filled with silence, save for the faint sound of low volumed music in the background. 
that is, until one of you decides to break it with a kind of heartwarming concern you thought already left his mind, “so are you okay?” he peeks at you from the corner of his eyes, as if to check if the tears were still there, “you were crying just now.”
you can’t help but laugh, “don’t worry - they were tears of joy.”
“oh?” only then does he allow the smile to tuck on the corner of his lips, “what about?”
“i don’t know if i can say it,” you feel your own lips curling, “not my story to tell.”
“okay,” he nods, “as long as you’re okay.”
and so the silence returns but this time, it’s no where suffocating or makes you want to hop out of a moving car just to get away from the man you thought you could never stand to be alone with five months ago.
at first, you told yourself that it was for the good of the company - that you didn’t need to be friends, civility was enough. but then you had that talk in the storage room - both equally tensed but both grown out of their youthful impatience into someone who was willing to listen and learn.
and you realized that you work well together - too well, in fact, that jeongguk’s own secretary would come to you even after four months of working with him, just to ask you if he’d prefer his coffees black or with cream.
but you suppose it was because this was her first job after graduating - you were used to taking notes of the littlest of things jeongguk did because that was what worked best for jimin. that, minus the already known facts about jeon jeongguk that you’d gathered during your two years of knowing him and three months of dating him.
and it’s almost as though the plants and the stars align, as the car comes to a stop in front of your apartment building and as he pulls the brake before turning his upper half towards you, “i had a great time tonight.”
“me too, guk, and thanks for driving irene, wendy and me home - you’ve become quite the gentleman,” you chuckle to which the corners of his lips upturns, while his eyes casts itself down to his hands before they meet yours again.
“it was the right thing to do,” but then you can’t escape his eyes - those obsidian eyes that seem to reach through the windows of your soul effortlessly.
“well,” the smile may have been forced but it’s still comes from the heart, “i better go in.”
“yeah - yeah you should,” he nods and you thought you’re just imagining things - irene’s initial observation might or might not have gotten to you.
but just as you’re about to open the door, hand on the handle, jeongguk speaks again, “i was hoping,” at that, you turn to him, “you and me,” you can only hope he can’t hear the sound of your pumping heart, “we could try again, you know?”
you’d like to believe that you’ve gone past that part of your life where you hurt and you hurt others back - the ones that tried to help you, pull you out of that darkened cocoon that you grew so accustomed to.
like to believe that it took a bit more nudging for you to break through the cocoon and that was okay - everyone needed a little bit of help at some point of their life. yours happened to be when you were sixteen hitting seventeen. and even now, you still need help to fly - to let your wings flutter through the wind without breaking and hitting the hard cold ground.
but all of a sudden, you find yourself that same cocoon you thought you abandoned with the ugliest dark brown and maroon walls - the color of the school mascot that seemed to be the symbol of the baseball team’s undefeated victory throughout the year. and all because taehyung’s brother, jeongguk just joined the team.
and you were just one of the many girls who had her eyes on the ace. except your best friend was dating the captain so you sometimes joined her as she watched him practice. until jeongguk noticed you. until he lift you up and broke you down.
“jeongguk,” you say, heart erratically clawing against your chest - obsidian is the color of jeongguk’s eyes as he waited for your answer with bated breath, a rap song is playing in the background, smooth is the material of the handle of the door under your fingertips, marc jacobs is the perfume that faintly wafts from jeongguk’s collar and sweet is the taste of peach soju you had, “i think it’s best to maintain a professional working relationship instead.”
almost as though being pulled from a trance, jeongguk recoils, eyes blinking once before he blurts out a “yeah,” then, a moment later, “yeah, that’s probably the best - sorry for-”
“it’s fine,” you shrug.
“-making everything awkward.” he finally stops.
“i’ll see you on monday,” you say - not so sure if it’s the right thing to say, but jeongguk nods, echoing your words, “yeah - see you monday.”
and with that, you slip out of the car, heels clicking against the ground as you tread towards the door without looking back.
monday turns to tuesday and then tuesday turns to an abundant of weeks. your interactions ceased to a strictly professional, work-based relationship. jeongguk talks to you only when he needs clarifying where his own secretary can’t give him an answer.
you go to him when his secretary is doing a job that requires her to go mia for the day. wendy and irene are well aware of the sudden shift in your dynamics but if you’d gladly told them jeongguk was your ex-boyfriend then you gladly told them what you told jeongguk that night.
your only regret was taking away their own friendship with jeongguk. none of them went out for dinner with him because they were torn between their loyalty to their colleague-turned-friend and the boss whom they were halfway to befriending if not for your complicating the whole thing up.
“but you decided to keep your peace instead of the peace around you and i’m proud of you for choosing yourself first,” jimin had told you as he traced patterns on the dip of your back.
and you might or might not have cried and fell asleep in his arms that night before cancelling your appointment with your therapist with the next day and choosing to have it at the end of the month like you were supposed to. ever since then, your relationship hadn’t been all that physical.
“i think i need time for myself,” you’d told him in the middle of getting stuck in traffic with unmoving cars on either side of you, “but i also still want to see you.”
jimin who’d been staring out of the window mindlessly had turned to you - instead of asking you to repeat what you’d said because he barely caught it, he’d fixed you the warmest of smiles, “it’s been over a year, ___, didn’t it ever occur to you that i wanted more than just sex from this? from us?”
if there was something park jimin was, it was arcane. mysterious - just as you thought you figured out his wants and needs, he makes a 180 and surprised you in ways you never would have seen coming.
“doesn’t it bother you that i’m... this?” there was no word for it - for being yourself but also feeling like someone entirely different all at once.
“no, it doesn’t,” he’d look straight at you as he said it, “i know you probably don’t feel like it right now, but let’s go on a walk by the han river.”
and that was where you talked about your feelings and what you could and couldn’t give while you nibble on the fish shaped bun that was wafting with heavenly scent throughout your walk until you found the stall.
jimin still wanted to pay you for the times you’ll be spending together even though there won’t be sex invloved. 
“we still have another few months of the contract, if i don’t pay you then i’d be breaching it,” he’d argued with crescent shaped eyes and the most beautiful smile.
“alright but i’m paying for dinner and lunches from now on,” and there was no changing your mind.
so it goes, you work in the day and leave with jimin for the night. he’d steal away your mac and you’d steal away his but for the most parts, you’d do work in the same room. he’d stop and stepped out only to bring you a cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows and you’d pay back with chamomile tea.
then came the annual dinner which marked five months since that night. he’s decked in a stylish cut black tux with a blue sheen reflected under the light. paired with a glass flute of white wine, he’d probably already won at least three hearts only an hour into the commencement of the dinner while your teeth clamor at the low temperature of the hall.
you’re halfway ready to curse yourself for foregoing your crop blazer in jimin’s car all because you remember been too warm in it - but that was last year and the air conditioning needed fixing - when something warm engulfs your open shoulders.
“jimin,” you blink, recalling the last man talking to a board member just a moment ago before you’d stepped out.
“you should’ve told me you were cold,” he chides and only then do you notice the lack of blazer on his vest-hugged body.
stealing a glance into light poured room, you briefly stand on your tip toes, hands wrapped around the man’s arm as you pull him down to meet your halfway.
“thank you, daddy,” with that, you step away, feeling the rush of heat on your cheeks and the thrill of adrenaline in your veins.
“you’re welcome, dove,” and as soon as he goes back inside, he’s swarmed with other guests who must have wondered where the star of the night went.
and you would have turned to the cityscape if not for the glint of light trapped in glass.
“jeongguk,” your voice is strained, so you clear your throat and put on a smile to cover it up, “how long have you been there?”
a scoff follows your inquiry, “you’re not 16 and a guy giving you his jacket doesn’t mean jack shit, ___.”
at the uncalled for response, you subconsciously tug on the center front of the blazer, “first off, it’s armani, not polyester,” you say, not missing the way his eyes twitching at the comparison - he used to lend you his jackets and sweaters back when you were dating, “and whatever i do with my personal life is none of your business - i don’t have to explain myself to you.”
another scoff hits the air as he steps out of the shadow and into the sliver of light that pours from the hall and onto the veranda, “so all that talk about maintaining a professional relationship were just excuses? because you couldn’t get over the past?”
“the p -” you almost choke on your words, “the past when you cheated on me with my best friend all because i said taehyung was in the right for getting mad at you over you ruining his only chance to get into one of the best theater school in the world?”
“it’s cause of you!” the fact that his voice rose doesn’t go unnoticed even to him as he looks around and only after making sure that nobody was listening, does he continue is a hushed but harsh tone, “i slept with heather because you pushed me to her. if i wanted someone to point out the many list of things i did ‘wrong’ i could’ve just went to my parents.”
you sigh, “that’s the problem, guk-” 
“don’t call me that, you don’t get to call me that,” he shoot backs.
“jeongguk,” you rephrase, fingers fiddling with each other until you’ve hit the ten-second mark, “what we had was toxic. we needed so much work on our self-esteem and personal traumas but we turned to each other hoping the other could fix it and all we did was make it worse.”
“please, you were the one who was so insecure about heather - you think i don’t realize how you look at her? how you compare yourself to her when all she did was be your friend?” it takes everything in you not to flinch at his choice of words, “what personal trauma,” he laughs dryly.
“that’s what i’ve been working on but i’m not the only one flawed -your parents,” you say, choosing to ignore the first part of his retort, “them constantly paying more attention to your brother just because he was older and achieved a little bit more than you did. and everyone else who compared you to taehyung’s ‘legacy’. so you turn to the only girl who noticed you,” there’s a flash in his eyes, one that burns bright with anger - just like it did all those years ago.
but you pretend not to notice, “and i was so caught up with the idea of a boyfriend of my own - a guy that didn’t choose heather over me that i did everything i could to keep you. i was toxic to you because i agreed with everything you said, i put down others while i lifted you up but as soon as i tried to fix what i’d done,” you heave out a sigh, “one push - that’s all it takes for you to fall right out my arms and if that wasn’t enough i hurt you by sleeping with taehyung.”
the last thing you see is the boy the with maroon and brown jacket, staring right at you with eyes prickling with tears and face flushed pink but no words come out from his clamped mouth.
so you turn you back on him like you did five years ago. you turned your back on jeongguk and you don’t look back.
you find jimin somewhere amidst the crowd, conversing with a guest from your rival company.
“mr. park,” his eyes focus on your tight-lipped smile as soon as he sees it, you don’t even have to say another word when he excuses himself and you, not even sparing a glance at the guest before his hand finds itself on your waist, guiding you through the room and into the empty hallway since all the guests have arrived and jimin was supposed to deliver the opening speech before you took him away from it.
you barely remember the ride to his place and how he’d sat you down on his bed, kneeling right in front of you with eyes overflowing with concern.
smooth is jimin’s skin under your fingder pads when you touch his face. plump is his lips that you kiss and sweet is the taste of his mouth from the red wine you’d seen him down at the beginning of the event. the woody scent of bleu de chanel that you got him for his birthday last year is what fills your senses.
but they’re gone too soon.
“are you sure?” jimin’s eyes bore into yours, searching for something - something you can’t pinpoint.
“jimin, please, i-” and that’s all it takes for him to press his lips harder to yours, one hand groping your breast while the other pushes the weight of the jacket off your shoulders.
the room is silent.
save for the tapping sound of your fingers across the keyboard. that is, until another pair of hands capture them and brings them across your chest in a hug whilst you giggle at the ticklish sensation of deep violet strands brushing against your cheek, “let’s have dinner together tonight.”
at that, your mouth clamps shut, body recoiling to the side to meet a pair of almond eyes, “don’t you have dinner with chairman of samsung tonight?”
from the way jimin’s lips purse together into a pout, it seems like you hit the nail right on its head, “you quit being my secretary - you should let me lie to you and say i’m free so we can have some ‘us’ time.”
“nope,” you shake your head, breaking free from the man’s grasp before looking at him pointedly, “you’re not going to skip a meal with one of the most influential person in the world.”
“how’s the website going?” he attempts to change the topic, eyes focusing on the sequence of letters and numbers on the screen of your mac as if he understood what the codes say.
yet you humor him, “it’s going okay, though i can’t seem to figure out how to configure the servers.” 
it’s been six months since you’ve quit the job. three since you permanently moved in with jimin and one since you’ve got the paperworks done to open up your own joined business with irene. she decided to follow your footsteps to quit even though wendy was basically clinging onto her legs when she came over to pick up her belongings with a growing belly and a sort of radiance on her face.
naturally, the position for co-secretary was opened and applications were flooding in, so much so wendy had to beg you to meet with her somewhere just to review them together.
“i don’t know how to read people,” she lamented, “i do the technical stuff and you do the mind games - by the way,” something flashed in her eyes as her voice lowered into a whisper, “how did you to it?”
she meant, the explosive and tea-worthy news of how you and jimin came to be.
nobody knew about you and him until much much later. when you were free to go out to dinners and social events together with your hand on his arm and him strutting in with a never-before-seen smile. more jaws dropped that afternoon than the money raised for the event.
jeongguk is still the director of the IT department - you left to keep your peace but you’d also hope to keep his. because that’s the thing about past loves and open wounds. they hurt and they bleed with just the right words as knives but it’s how you choose to treat them that heals you.
and though your way of healing is by tearing a piece of yourself over and over again until you grow a new, steeler part that doesn’t mean you loathe the parts you’ve chosen to cut off. 
as such, you don’t hate jeongguk - you still want him to live life to his fullest potential. you still want him to thrive like a wilting flower after a rainstorm.
you just didn’t want to - can’t be part of that life.
“my father used to say, ‘if you find yourself in a dry spell of ideas’, take a break,” jimin’s voice is laced with a sort of playfulness as his eyes disappear behind crescent moons, “particularly in mauritius.”
“you did not book a plane to one of the most beautiful islands in world,” you can feel your cheeks hurting from the growing smile that creeps up your face, “did you?” 
“our flight scheduled to leave at 2 in the afternoon tomorrow,” he sweeps you up into his arms like you weight nothing at all.
“jimin!” a yelp escapes your lips in between him twirling around and the background moving too fast whilst your arms find their way to his shoulder, “you know i can’t hide a whole ass romantic getaway from my mother! what am i going to tell her when her unemployed, supposedly single daughter starts missing our daily calls because i was too busy vacaying?”
“a month,” jimin adds, head bopping against yours - you’re not quite sure when he stopped twirling, “we’re staying there for a whole month.”
“oh my god,” at first, excitement flashes across your face, then worry follows a second later, “what about your schedule? it’s gonna get pushed back - the phone calls wendy’ll have to make!”
“lisa’s in charge of the phone calls,” he means the new addition to his line of secretaries.
“doesn’t make it okay to give her all the work!” you say, not quite as passionate about someone you’ve never met as he gently lowers you, arms still banded around your waist whilst your foreheads touch.
“after we come back, i’ll make arrangements so your parents could come here - so i could meet them,” he steals a kiss from your half-open mouth.
“you’re kidding, you’re gonna meet my parents?” you echo, halfway into believing that you’re hearing things if not for the way his recently dyed hair bounces as he nods.
“i need their blessings first, don’t i?” he says, chuckling.
“after banging their daughter into the bed every single night, you’re gonna need a whole lot of those,” you pat his hair, in a ‘good luck’ kind of manner - your father isn’t the most welcoming and your mother won’t be as pleased to hear the out-of-the-ordinary ways you fell in love.
a bout of chuckles later, he’s swiping you up in his arms again as he carries you towards the familiar hallway where your shared bedroom lies while you wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“but daddy, it’s still morning,” you giggle.
“didn’t stop you from begging for my dick yesterday, did it?” the corner of his lips curve into a smirk.
note. story time (a short post where i talk about the background of the fic eg. why i decided to write it, the overall message of the fic etc.) is already up (queued along w the fic)!
i’m aware that armani is a brand and polyester is a clothing material so it technically can’t be compared together but in a deeper sense, armani’s material is more comfortable than polyester so it works (pls make it work) ahahahahahaha
788 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 4 years
Murder, He Wrote
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Part 5.
Summary: The morning after the night before, and you’ve no idea what Ransom is going to greet you…
Warnings: Bad language words. MATURE (NSFW 18+) NON-CON situation, kidnap, violence. DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THOSE TRIGGER… READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!
Pairing: DARK! Ransom Drysdale x Reader
A/N:  So this is Part 5 to my submission for @Jtargaryen18 ‘s Haunted House 2020  Challenge. Recently my original partner Southerngracela left Tumblr, and as such I’m going it alone based on our notes and planned plot for this series. I hope I do it justice.
READ THE WARNINGS!!!! This is a DARK Series… don’t @ us if you can’t follow simple instructions and end up with butt-hurt. And if you’re under 18…get off my blog.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and by writing it does NOT mean I agree with or condone the acts contained within. This fiction is classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Murder, He Wrote Masterlist // Main Masterlist.
Part 4
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You woke the next morning, a warm feeling coursing through your body but with a deep ache in your cheek which was laid against a naked pectoral, as you had clearly shifted in your sleep during the night. Your left hand was resting upon a very naked and warm torso with well-defined abs, while a heavy arm draped over your equally naked body; across your shoulder and down your back, a large hand splayed over your hip, fingertips barely grazing the edge of the sheet which settled itself just below pelvic bones. 
As you blinked the sleep from your system, your barely conscious mind began to register exactly who you were cuddling up to. Your captor, the man who’d abused you and held you hostage for the past few months and you swallowed as your mind flooded with memories of the previous night and everything that had happened to the point of escalation and his return. He returned to you a completely different person, broken almost, a far cry from the stoic, cold asshole persona that he did his best to project to the world and you…well, you’d felt sorry for him.
You saw regret, for the first time ever, etched across his face, behind red, saddened and tired eyes. You were cautious, not forgiving, but cautious. You’d empathised, and moreover, you’d seen a chink in his armour that you’d exploited. Whilst he was in that raw, stripped bare state (both figuratively and metaphorically) you’d seized your chance. You’d taken the upper hand.
And now, you were struggling to comprehend exactly how you felt about it.
Despite the ache in your cheek and pain in your knee, your heart waged a war against the reality of your situation. For the first time in two, nearly three months, you felt differently towards him and that scared you. No, it terrified you. Had Ransom just been hiding behind his pain and fear, putting forth the beast before the man?
The memory of how he made you feel the previous night flooded behind your fluttering eyes and you felt a stir within, as if your feminine nature craved him unlike before. But your mind kept saying now, stay logical. Don't be part of the hunt, be part of the chase. But really, what were you chasing? You didn't know.
As if to curb that craving, you stretched out like a cat finding its patch of sunlight on the floor. And almost as if he reacted to your movement, he gave one of his own, his back arching a little as he jostled you on his chest, a deep sigh leaving his system as he gave a low rumble of contentment.
"Morning," you heard him speak above your ear. His voice was deep and raspy, sleep riddled. It made your stomach flutter and your thighs instinctively clench. 
You sat up in bed, pulling the sheet up your body to cover yourself a bit more. Then you turned towards Ransom, your better cheek facing him. "Hi," you spoke softly. 
"C'mere," he said, gently reaching for your forearm to pull you back into him. 
You were stopped short of completely covering him, your hair falling over your left side and as he tucked the obstructing strand behind your ear, his thumb caught your cheek and you hissed. He noticed it immediately and his eyes grew sorrowful. He pulled you to his lips, kissing you softly, slowly before he pulled away and sat up, kicking his legs over the side of the bed and standing, his naked body on display. 
You weren't in denial of the Adonis before you, but underneath the God-like physique and piercing blue eyes, still lurked a Demon waiting for his next opportunity to seize his moment. He turned to you and leaned on his hands, palms flat, against the mattress. 
"I'll be right back," he said softly, as he leaned in again for a gentle kiss before slipping into his boxers and leaving you. 
Ransom headed upstairs, taking two steps at a time emerging into the airy, well-lit hallway. He strode purposefully into the kitchen, running one hand through his sleep mussed hair, yawning slightly as he scratched at his bare chest with the other before he reached down to the front of his expensive boxers and rearranged the crotch of the fabric to make it slightly more comfortable.
The night he'd had was nothing short of amazing, mind blowing even. In fact, he'd go as far as to say like no other, how he felt, how he'd made her feel, hearing her call out his name more than once. But nothing, nothing was like the sound of his name across her lips for the first time. He felt his chest swell at even the slightest flicker of a memory, his skin blushing. 
But now, outside of his general reason for coming up to the main part of the house, Ransom was confused, unsure and uncharacteristically nervous. Riddled with guilt, he sought out ice and the first aid kit.
He headed to his bathroom upstairs and collected the items he needed; rubbing alcohol, swabs and bandages. Then he headed down and into the kitchen, bare feet making their way across the cold floor. He took a dish towel and pulled some cubes from the freezer and twisted the ends together, creating a pouch. Then with the items in hand, he headed back to Y/N.
It didn't go amiss that she hadn't moved from the exact spot he'd left her in minutes ago. He took note of her watching every move he made, each step he took, the twitches of his muscular frame and stare of his eyes. Her eyes watched him, suspicion reflecting in her stare. He sighed."You still don't trust me, Sweetheart?"
"I don't know." She whispered hesitantly. "It's.... complicated."
There it was again, her doubt in him. He looked her over and even in the dull light of the room, he could see the destruction on her face. The way the discoloring of her skin filtrated from her defined and now split cheek bone to her stunning eye, marking her for what he could assume would be a good couple of weeks. The split skin had started to scab but was no doubt painful and puffy even under the bruising. It looked angry and tender. Pain and regret filled his eyes as he felt them mist slightly. Leaning closer as he stood by the side of the bed, his thumb traced over the broken skin gently as if by touch he'd heal her. 
“Yeah, I suppose it is." He dropped down onto the bed next to her and handed over the ice pack. "Here..."
"Thank you," she winced as she held the ice to her cheek, sitting with her left leg covered and the sheet pulled up to her chest. 
He looked her over, looking for anything else amiss. Then he saw the scrape across her right knee. Her exposed leg was bent there at the joint. Ransom gently took her ankle and pulled her close, propping the leg over his thighs.
"I'm sorry I hurt you," he whispered, looking at the scrape and applying an alcohol swap. She hissed at the way it burned and Ransom's first instinct was to gently blow on the stinging skin. 
"Are we just talking about yesterday?"
He stopped the gentle blowing and sighed, dropping his head a little. "Does it matter?”
"Not really, it's not like I'm going to go anywhere either way, is it, Ransom?" She swallowed.
She called him by his name again, sending chills and flutters through him like a school boy with a hard crush. He swallowed hard and took her wrist holding the ice, "let me see."
She obliged, letting him pull her hand away as his other reached up and tilted her face round. She blinked a little, her eyes not leaving his face as he took a deep breath and his hand dropped down to the bed. He nodded at the ice. "Put that back on, it'll help with the swelling."
"Okay," she agreed, doing as he asked. They were in a limbo of sorts. He didn't know what to do, but he felt an unfamiliar, unnerving desperate need to be with her.
 And the silence was nerve wracking. 
The ice began dripping into your hand and trailing down your forearm. You pulled the pack away and handed it back to Ransom. "I... I need to shower, just take a few minutes to uh, freshen up.”
Ransom nodded, his fingers gently brushing yours as he took the pack off you. "Sure” He nodded. “I’ll be in the kitchen, come up when you’re ready.”
 “Okay.” You agreed, with a single nod of your head. 
Easing your legs out of the sheets you stood up, your limbs feeling a little stiff from the previous evening’s activities and you could feel his eyes on you as you walked into the bathroom, no doubt taking in how your backside looked. The remnants of the night before were still strewn about the tiled floor, and you sighed before you turned on the shower.
As the water warmed, you gathered yourself to gaze at your reflection. Surely your cheek was worse off than the night before. And a glance confirmed it were. A deep bruising shade of purple was working its way from your cheek bone to just under your eyes, a scab where the skin had broken had formed. You didn't want to see anymore. You climbed into the shower and allowed the heat of the water to relax your sore muscles.
You ached in a way that you hadn't in a long while. The way you knew you could after all nerves fired in pleasure and tingled your skin. Last night was interesting to say the least. It was the first time you felt anything outside of deep, gnawing despair. It was obvious that Ransom thought he had won, that you had given in. You had control of the situation nearly from the start, and it had felt good, so, so good. He'd called you baby and it made you shudder in... delight, so much so you’d called him Ransom, breathlessly moaning it as a pleasure coursed through you that you didn't try to stop or deny.
You didn't protest, you didn't fight back. You’d wanted it. And then, that warm feeling of him letting go inside you, filling you, and the look on his face as he did so, well you were shivering at the thought.
The question was, now what? Where do you go from here? You weren't stupid, freedom wasn't an option. But, there could be a bit more for you to work with. Nodding to yourself, knowing how to at least start, you shampooed your hair, inhaling and getting lost in its scent. Autopilot kicked in and you finished your shower, eventually stepping back into your room, wrapped in a towel.
You sorted through your wardrobe, deciding on a pair of dark washed jeans, one could say fit like a glove over your legs and hips, drawing your body in sharp curves and lines, pairing it with a black satin camisole and burgundy cardigan. You toweled your hair off more, collecting the remaining heavy water droplets in the terrycloth fabric and went to hang it back up on the hook in the bathroom. You noticed Ransom's clothes and items from the night before were gone from where they were discarded and no other remnant of him remained other than the distinct smell of him on your sheets and throughout your bed. Taking a look in the mirror, you replaced the butterfly closure bandaid on your cheek and dabbed some face cream gently around your bruise. You sorted your hair, brushing through it but leaving it to dry on its own, a hair tie now on your wrist in case you needed it. You took your time getting dressed and cleaned up, tossing your sheets around to make your bed and tidy up. It was obvious you were making him wait, and that was okay with you. You didn't know exactly what awaited you in the kitchen, which Ransom you'd get, but so far, the version of the man that took you seemed to remain far behind. 
After accepting you’d stalled as much as you could, you took a deep breath and headed up the stairs emerging into the well-lit, yet cold hallway and made your way through to the large kitchen. Ransom turned from where he had been filling up the coffee machine and his gaze flicked over your appearance before he met your eyes and his mouth twitched up at one side into a small, yet noticeable smile.
"What can I make you?" You asked softly, treading unevenly in your thoughts as they echoed in word around the room.
“Nothing.” He shook his head, “Come, sit.” He was now dressed, casually in a Henley and casual pants. His hair tossed back and from where you stood you could smell that distinct smell he had even over the freshly brewing coffee. You pulled at the sleeves of your cardigan as you stepped one bare foot in front of the other to take your seat at the breakfast table as directed.
Ransom placed a mug of coffee down in front of you, which you thanked him for, and he took a seat at the table, as you took a sip of your drink. A silence fell over the room, and as you watched him in the corner of your eye you could see his fingers flexing round his mug.
But he was the one that broke the stalemate, clearing his throat slightly as he shifted in his seat. "I thought, maybe, we could order in?" He offered. "I... I can call the bakery that does the almond croissants you've come to like? Or if you'd prefer breakfast sandwiches I can get those?"
The words came as a nervous ramble from him, and you could tell he had no idea how to navigate this new situation you both found yourselves in any more than you did. You quickly realized that Ransom Drysdale didn't know how to navigate "the morning after". 
“I, errr…" You began to speak and he shook his head.
“You don’t want those? Okay, that’s…”
“No, I mean, yes, I mean…” You took a deep breath before you licked your lips. “I'm just not hungry for breakfast, that is but maybe... maybe we could get Thai or something tonight? Or, if you'd prefer something else, like if you want me to make something, I...."
"We can do Thai. There's a small place not far from here, great food. What do you like?"
"I'm not picky."
"That's not what I asked." He looked at you with a glint of happy in his eyes. "What would you choose?"
"Coconut prawns, beef satay, chicken curry," You replied with a soft, hopeful smile, the feeling of happiness at the possibility you were going to get a treat, do something so normal, made your chest feel as warm as the time he’d returned your personal belongings, or the day the tree was delivered.
"Consider it done."
"Do you think I could maybe have a beer or a glass of wine with it?"
"Anything in this house is yours if you want it." He looked at you and your mind was suddenly taken right back to that moment in his study weeks ago, the day Blanc had paid you a visit.
“You know, it could all be yours, Sweetheart, if you just stopped fighting what you know you want.”
Had you stopped fighting? Or had you just merely taken control of a vulnerable situation? Is this what you wanted? You had to just sit in the silence for a second. This whole scenario was quickly becoming a kaleidoscope of feelings and you weren't sure where to start.
"You said anything, right? I'd assume that's within reason."
His eyes narrowed for a moment and he leaned forward on his elbows. "Anything, within reason."
You started to move your lips to ask of what you wanted but you stopped yourself, suddenly embarrassed at the thought. Ransom saw this and glided a warm hand across the table to run a finger over your thumb down to your wrist. "Tell me," he coaxed. His tone and look made your insides twist in two different directions, one in fear and the other in delight. It was a confusing juxtaposition at best.
 "I want to go outside. I want to feel the sun on my face, breath in the cold winter air." You had hoped the misting of your eyes wasn't visible nor the hope in your words.
 "I'll think about it," he replied after a small pause.
"Okay," you shrugged. It wasn't an outright no. Silence filled the kitchen again, neither of sure what to do or say and finally you stood to get more coffee and when you turned to face him, to offer him a top off, you were startled to find him right behind you.
In your start you have a gasp and warm hands cupped your face. Your heart raced through your chest. It was damn near impossible to read him. Soft lips touched yours. "I have some work to do in the study," he spoke softly.
"Sure." You nodded, your eyes locked onto his as he stepped back slightly. "Do you want me to be there with you or..."
"I have a better idea," well that worried you. What'd he want? A blow job under the desk? "I want you to gather your stuff, you're not staying down there anymore."
"So where do I go?" You tried not to sound too hopeful, as if he'd set you free that easily. Nor were you even sure you wanted to go.
"Upstairs, with me." He stated matter of factly.  "Come on, I'll show you. I'll move your clothes up later, but for now, after I show you around, get everything else you want or need, whatever."
 “Do I get a say in all this?” You blurted it out before you could stop yourself and swallowed, waiting for his anger to brew but it didn’t. Instead he simply raised his eyebrow at you.
“Do you wanna stay down there?” He asked.
“No, but-“
“Good, then we’re agreed.”
You opened and closed your mouth like a fish to protest but couldn’t think of what to say, not that it mattered anyway, it wasn’t like you had a choice. Not really. You followed him up the stairs and onto the expansive second floor. It seemed to be sectioned off into a handful of bedrooms and a couple of bathrooms. Ransom took great delight in showing you grandiose room after grandiose room, and to be honest you found it all a little ostentatious, why would he need all that room for just him. Well, him and you as it transpired… And he saved the ‘best for last’, according to him anyway, as he pushed open the heavy door into his room. Instantly you were hit with the familiar smell of his woody aftershave and you took a deep breath as you looked around.
Your eyes took in the space, the four post bed, the ornately shaped windows that were nearly floor to ceiling. There was a fireplace and above it, over the mantle, a mirror. The entire room was decorated in neutral whites and creams, with a touch of grey on the detailing in the alcoves and around the fireplace, a pale blue and white striped bed spread and matching pillow covers adorned the bed. It screamed Ransom to you, from floor to ceiling. Whilst the rest of the house wasn’t what you would class as warm, this was even less so. It was very open, very.... manly and stiff, a woman's touch never evident. Your eyes strayed upwards, half expecting to see a mirror on the ceiling, but to your relief there wasn’t one.
"What do you think?" He asked, his breath hot on your neck, and from the tone of his voice you could tell he was seeking approval. He was openly showing you around, almost as if he was trying to tell you this wasn’t his typical ‘fuck and duck’ scenario.  He was taking his time with it, and half of you felt relieved, the other, well, trapped.
"It's very different than downstairs, or my room even." You chose your words carefully as a strong palm in the base of your spine guided you through the doorway.
“Is that a good thing?” He asked, turning to look at you, brushing a hand through his messy hair.
You pop a shoulder, not knowing exactly what to say. He guided you through to the en suite and you felt your eyes grow wide as you took in the space. The floor was a grey and speckled marble which made you nervous immediately about the potential of slipping when wet. Mood lighting was set into the entire space, skirting around the edge of the flooring, shining up the granite tiles that lined the walls, except for the wall on the inside of the huge shower cubicle to your left, which sported the same tiles, only a gloss white. The whole thing was set off by a large chrome waterfall shower that was easily big enough for two people, maybe three, with immaculately clean glass doors and sides. Along the far wall was an enormous ornate tub, the sides so high there was a small step into them, and to the right stood two chrome basins fed by matching fancy mixer taps, all perched on top of a sleek, white marble unit with frosted glass cupboard doors underneath, and another large mirror over the basin unit, which was illuminated by bright LED lights.
"The sink to the left is yours, anything you want can be stored in the cabinet there, it's empty. So are the drawers on the side." He explained, leaning against his side of the sink basin.
"Erm, thanks." You nodded, your eyes flicking to where he'd directed your attention before you looked back at him, your fingers tugging on the sleeves of your cardigan as you licked your lips. There wasn't a spot of dirt, a single water mark or anything anywhere and before you could stop yourself you blurted out what was on your mind. "How the fuck do you keep this so clean? It would drive me mental even trying to polish the taps!"
It was his turn to pop his shoulder in such a blasé fashion, "the maid comes three times a week".
“You have a maid?” You asked, and even as you spoke you weren’t sure why it came as a surprise. Of course he had a maid. Not that you’d seen her, you were always responsible for cleaning your own space, but then of course you would be…
"Now, like I said," he pushed off the basin with his hips and stepped into your space, "I have some work to do. Move what you can up here and sort it all out. I'll be in the study if you need me."
"What I can?" You looked up at him. "Where should I put my clothes?"
"I told you, I'd take care of that later for you. Move the small stuff."
With a satisfied nod, his hands gently dropped to your hips and he pulled your body flush to his, his lips meeting yours in a soft kiss. Without another word, he pulled away, turned and left you standing there, your mind trying to figure out exactly what was happening. With a deep sigh, you headed to your space. It didn't take more than two trips for you to bring up all you had and when you'd finished putting it away you sat down on the bed, your feet dangling over the edge.
Your palms felt the soft, cotton bedspread and you glanced at your small, leather bag which contained your few books and your journal. Not sure what side of the bed was yours, you didn’t know which nightstand to place them on so you decided to leave them where they were for the time being.
Which nightstand was yours…
You shook your head, letting out a sigh. This was all kinds of fucked up. You’d gone from his captor to his cohabiter, sharing a room like a couple who love and want to be with each other. You felt the tears stinging your eyes and with a soft sniff you moved and curled up in the middle of the bed, tucking your knees into your chest. You lay still, the strange room silent around you, and before long your eyes grew heavy as you thought to yourself, it is what it is. You just needed to concentrate on keeping things as they are now, as this Ransom was certainly a damned sight preferable to Asshole Hugh.
***** When you stirred from your nap, immediately you felt something was different and you moved your arm, realising that you were under the covers. As you blinked you sat up, the heavy eiderdown duvet falling down your body and you realised that Ransom must have been up and tucked you in.  As your sights came to you, you noticed you were on the left side of the bed, looking out, your things had been properly stowed on the nightstand next to you.
Curiosity pecked at your sleepy mind and you slowly came out of bed and padded over to the walk in closet. Sure enough, you saw your things hung and organized neatly across the space from his own. You couldn't resist your next move, your fingers trailing over the sweaters and garments hanging on his side, your tips curling over the camel colored coat you'd come to know so well. Tattered sweaters and crisp button downs hung impeccably straight on their velvet and wooden hangers, shoes, some well-worn and others not, paired and stacked in the organizer where they belonged.
It was a far cry from your old, small wardrobe in your apartment which was cramped full, things jumbled and piled all over the place, not to mention the constant pile of ironing you kept in the corner of your room, which you never seemed to manage to reach the bottom of.
Your stomach grumbled and you found yourself hungrier than when you'd fallen into bed. Now, you seemed famished. You left the master and headed down to see if you could find your newly minted cohabitant. As you walked, you noticed for the first time that there were no photos of anything or anyone, anywhere. The odd piece of art, no doubt ludicrously expensive, hung along the walls in a few spaces but other than that, nothing. No personal touches, no family photos, absolutely nothing.
Again, not surprising given his relationship with his family. And you doubt he had any friends, none beyond acquaintances anyway.
As you reached the final steps, you could hear furious typing on keys and realized Ransom was still in the study. You made your way there and as you stood in the doorway, you waited for him to take notice.
“You gonna stand there all day or come in, Sweetheart?” He drawled, not even looking up from the sleek screen on his desk. 
You came in, twisting your cardigan over your midsection and rubbing your arms. You walked over to the window and looked out. "It looks cold out there, beautiful, but cold."
You hesitated about thanking him for what he'd obviously done while you napped. But after a pause, you said it anyway. "Thank you... For getting my things."
"I told you I would so I did, you're welcome." He murmured, his attention still on his work. You glanced outside again, your eyes flicking to the light snow fall as it drifted down from the sky, settling down and melting into the ample, powder soft covering on the ground.
Ransom flicked his eyes toward the window and saw her staring out over the large grounds. He'd been furiously working away, trying to fix his current storyline for hours but parts still didn't feel right. He'd taken a break and taken Y/N's clothes upstairs, only to find her sound asleep in his, no, their bed. He'd hung up her clothes and tucked her in before retreating back into the study which brought him to now. A strange idea occurred to him, so he shut down his screen, stood and walked behind her. His eyes caught hers in the reflection of the window.
"I want to show you something," he said softly as his hands again found her hips, his lips pressed into that spot on her neck he knew she loved. Her eyes looked into his from over her shoulder and she replied with a small nod.
He took her to the back door, the one that led out into the garden and opened the closet door beside it. Inside were coats and boots. He grabbed a pair, creepily in her size, and a peacoat. A scarf of beige wool hung on a hook and he wrapped it around her neck before helping her into the coat. He waited for her to dip her feet into the boots and slipped into his own short, thick coat. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement as he gripped the knob and pulled the door towards them.
"After you," he offered.
Her mouth went slack a little and her eyes stared at him now wide. The more she stared, the more his chest tightened and made the intimate moment grow uncomfortable for him. Ransom lightly scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Are you going to go out or not?"
He immediately regretted his outburst as her eyes averted from his down to the floor and she nodded. "Yes," she replied meekly. “I’m sorry.”
With one foot in front of the other, he followed her as she stepped outside. Immediately, the falling snow began to cling to the wisps of her hair and the shoulders of her coat. He imagined he looked just the same. He watched as she tipped her head back, raising her face to the snow as it fell, flakes clinging to her eyelashes as a huge smile crept across her pretty features. Then, he saw the way her shoulders began to shake as hot tears leaked from her eyes. But she was still grinning, her tongue popping out if her soft lips to catch the flakes of falling snow.
Ransom had read countless stories, heard many tales about people experiencing what they called a revelation, a sudden awakening to something emotional which you couldn’t control, and he’d scoffed. It was alien to him, not being able to regulate how you feel, but that was exactly what had happened to him yesterday, and it was happening again, but not because he was feeling those things, but because Y/N was. She wasn't crying because she was sad or scared, she was crying because she was experiencing the moment. And right there and then, he understood. You can’t control or make someone truly want anything. Sure, you could bully and coerce, but to truly make them feel it, that wasn’t possible.
A cold, wet feeling brought him out of his thoughts and he'd realized he was covered in snow, pieces of it dripping from his head, down the break in his coat and through his sweater. He gave a small yell of annoyance, looking up as he realised a large glob had dropped off the edge of the guttering straight onto his head.
A melodic sound quickly hit his ears and he realized Y/N was laughing, full body titled giggles at his expense. His nostrils flared a little as she continued, and then, in a movement that was almost automatic, he bent down and scooped a handful up snow at his feet and slapped it straight into her chest, his eyebrow raised.
Challenge issued, sweetheart.
She gasped and he couldn't deny the chill it gave him deep in his loins. He loved that sound. But soon that smug smirk on his face was wiped clean as Y/N flung a handful of snow right back in his direction sending her scampering across the garden.
"Oh, Sweetheart." His voice was low as he bent to scoop up more of the icy, cold snow. "You have no idea what you just started."
From there the chase was on, ducking and running for cover as he chased her and when he finally caught up to her, she was falling away from his grasp and into the deep snow at their feet, his body falling over hers. Ransom looked down at her, his hair falling over his forehead, chest heaving as she reached up and brushed the strand back, her hand cold as it fell to his cheek.
"Ransom," she purred, "you can smile.”
It was a point not a request. His chest tightened at the way she gazed at him. The snow continued to fall over them, but neither paid it any attention. His gaze was locked onto hers.
"Oh, what about? The fact I'm freezing cold and soaked when I could be inside, dry and warm by the fire?" He recovered with a tease, and she rolled her eyes, letting out a soft huff.
"It's almost Christmas, and it’s snowing." She looked at him, "what isn't there to love about that?"
He faked a puzzled look for a moment and then found a chuckle rising up from his chest as her other hand rested there against his coat. "This is probably this first Christmas I ever cared about." He admitted freely.
She frowned as she looked at him, before she shook her head. "That's really sad, Ransom."
"I don't want pity..."
"No, that's not..." She took a deep breath and licked her lips. "That's not what that was. I was just stating a fact, that’s all."
He began to stand and pull her with him. "Let's go inside. I'm freezing my ass off." 
Their moment was over and he started back into the house, Y/N following him, albeit at a slightly slower pace, clearly not as willing as he was to leave the outside space. And he supposed he couldn’t blame her all things considered, even if it was alien to him.
He shucked his coat off and then helped her with hers, "I'm going to order dinner."
"Okay, thank you." She nodded as she followed him back through the kitchen and into the warm study. 
The two of you sat around the study, him going back to work on his book and you reading a book you pulled from the shelves around the room, sipping your respective beers together after Ransom had offered you one upon one of his many breaks in typing. The sound of the doorbell rang through the house and Ransom picked up his phone. He glanced at the screen before he stood up, and before he could say anything you spoke.
“Is that our food?” Your tone was hopeful, revealing your excitement and he looked at you, the smile on his face mirroring yours.
“Yeah.” He ran his hand through his hair, brushing the strands off his forehead. “Do you wanna go to the kitchen and-“
“No.” You said quickly and he arched his brow at you, puzzled and you swallowed. “I mean, if it’s okay with you, I’d kinda like to sit by the fire. It’s what I norm-“ you paused, your eyes dropping to your hands. “It’s what I used to do, sit on the rug, eating out of the box, watching junk TV.”
“Lounge it is, then.” He shrugged. “Saves on the washing up I suppose.”
“Like you’ve ever washed a dish.” You looked at him and he snorted.
“Like I said before, the help only comes three times a week, Y/N. I don’t leave the dishes stacked up in between, what do you take me for?”
“You have a dishwasher.”
“Okay, so it saves on the loading of the machine.” He rolled his eyes, turning to the door. “Go grab whatever we need from the kitchen, and another drink. That last beer didn’t touch the sides.”
You did as you were told, your bare feet walking over the cold tiles of the hallway as Ransom paid the delivery driver on the doorstep. You grabbed a selection of cutlery, another bottle of his pretentious European beer, reaching for one for yourself when you paused. There was a bottle of Sancerre sat nestled in the cooler that was a damned good label, you’d had it once before with your parents. Hesitating, you bit your lip. You’d been drinking beer so far but…now, well, you really wanted a glass of that white. After a moment or two of grappling with whether or not it was allowed, you shook your head. Fuck it, the worst that could happen already had…  
You managed to juggled your drinks and cutlery in your hands, years of practice had made you an expert at making the least amount of trips to your own kitchen and back, and you walked into the lounge where Ransom had set the boxes on the oak coffee table and you placed the bottle of beer down first, then the cutlery before you set your wine down.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I didn’t fancy more beer and-“
“I told you.” He looked at you, shaking his head. “Whatever you want.”
He passed you a box and you dug in, eagerly. The first bite of satay hit your taste buds and you hummed in deep delight at the way it tasted.
"It's been so long since I've had anything Thai. This, you were right, this is so good."
"Good," he smirked, tilting his beer back and taking a long swallow.
You smiled at him, your words echoing in your head. Take-Outs had been common in your life before, well, before all this. Working stupid hours at the Newspaper often saw you visiting various places on the way home, or having it delivered to the office. But as you sat there, taking bite after bite, you vowed never to take it for granted again.
Taking a respite from your eating, you reached for your wine and took a sip, the crisp taste hitting your buds once more, making you smile in delight. You replaced your glass and watched as Ransom tucked into his food, his eyes focussed on the box he held in his large hand.
"Thank you," you said after a stretch of silence, the fire crackling in the background.
"For?" He seemed genuinely puzzled.
 "Today, the garden," you replied with emotion. "I wasn't expecting you to let me go out like that."
 He studied you for a moment, taking another forkful of his food before he swallowed and shrugged. "No big deal, it was only the garden."
"It's not merely just a garden when you haven't seen outside for days on end." You mimicked his shoulder pop, “and my parents always taught me to thank someone when they’ve done something you’re grateful for.” You dug back into your take out box and heard him let out a sigh.
“And mine didn’t, yes, I get it Y/N.”
“No, that’s not…” You swallowed your food and shook your head. “That wasn’t what I was implying.”
“Huh.” He raised an eyebrow, his attention moving back from you to another box which was on the table. Pulling out a coconut prawn he thrust the box in your direction as he swallowed his morsel in one easy bite. “Can’t say I’d blame you if it was.”
You watched him, once more silence falling across the room, the glow of the fire which burned in the hearth illuminating one side of his face and his gaze turned to it, his eyes following the dancing flames.
“Harlan taught me how to build a fire.” He suddenly spoke, and you watched as a smile flicked across his face. “There’s a huge stone hearth in the drawing room of his…well, what was his house. I used to toast bread on tongues, sat in front of it, wrapped in towel after a bath.” He paused, before he scratched at his nose. “Nanna would then butter it and I’d eat it in front of the fire, with a mug of cocoa and I remember always thinking it was the best thing I ever ate. Still is, shits all over this.” He gestured to the array of boxes biting his lip a little, clearly lost in the memory. You stayed still, watching, trying to stop the surprise you were feeling at his sudden openness spread across your face. He shrugged, taking another bite of his food. “Then she died. It was never the same after that. The house never felt right, you know?”
He reached for his beer, taking another long gulp before he shrugged. “Funny really, when I think about it. It was always my grandparents, they were the ones who taught me my minimal life skills. Fishing, pitching tents…”
“You, camping?” You arched a brow, trying to lighten the mood and it worked. He snorted and turned to look at you nodding.
“As a kid I loved being outside. Harlan’s estate was a huge, big playground.” He smiled again. “And on the rainy days when I couldn’t be outside, I used to spend hours with Nanna Wannetta, learning how to play ‘Go’, the goal always being to beat Harlan. When I finally managed it, it was the best thing in the world, that I’d achieved something.”
"Do you remember Christmas with her, your Nanna I mean? What’d she make?" You were eager to keep him talking, getting an insight into what made him tick on a more emotional sense was something you hadn’t been party to much. Sure, you’d figured out how to get a reaction out of him on an angry, primal sense, how his narcissistic nature worked, but this was an in-depth dive into his psyche, perhaps a way to unravel the enigma surrounding him, how he could flip between being someone you could actually like and understand, to the monster you’d seen on many an occasion.
Ransom paused for a moment. “I can’t really remember many, I was only nine when she died but she always did a roast, with potatoes, green vegetables, rolls.” He smiled. ”And pie. Apple. Always apples from the orchard. We’d pick them in the autumn and she’d stew them ready, storing them for Thanksgiving and Christmas.”
You thought about what was happening between the two of you, how open and, dare you think it, raw Ransom was being. The last two days had now given you an outright exposed forum to the man that hid behind so much wealth and privilege. A far cry from the man you interviewed.
An idea swung into the forefront of your mind, or two rather. "I know Christmas is so soon but, if I gave you a list of things to gather from the store, do you think you could do it?"
"I suppose," he stated flatly.
"Okay, good," you couldn’t help the soft smile as your plan unfolded. You picked at your food a bit longer, a piece of chicken curry chewing away in your mouth. He watched you and you watched him, a bite to the bottom of your lip when you swallowed under his stare.
His eyes diverted and he rose gracefully to his feet and moved to add fuel to the fire. "Ransom..." You watched him inhale deeply at the sound of his name, clearly still having a deep effect on him. He turned to you, a glint in his eyes, "Will you teach me?"
"'Go'. Will teach me to play?"
"You want to learn to play? So you could play with me?" The way he asked you was so innocent and childlike, like he had never considered you willingly to do so.
You giggled, as you looked up at him. "Yes, Ransom, I want you to teach me how to play 'Go' so we can play together."
A genuine, purely innocent and genuine smile crossed his lips, teeth shining and he stepped the two steps away from the fireplace and took to his knees in front of you. His smile faded to a smirk as he leaned towards you, "You should know, I play to win."
 "I'd expect no less," you replied.
His brow arched a little and his eyes flickered to your mouth, before he nodded to the container in your hand. "Are you done?"
"Yes, thank you." In a slow movement he plucked the now almost empty takeout box from your hand, placing it on the table as he all but crawled over you, causing you to fall back onto your elbows, hands grasping at the soft shag of the thick rug.
Your breath caught in your chest, your throat going dry. You could feel his hot breath against your face. "R... Rans..."
But your words were stopped short as his lips pulled yours in, a soft sucking and his tongue tipped across your bottom lip.
As the kiss deepened he leaned over you further causing you to lay back completely on the soft rug, his hands planting either side of his head whilst yours gently gripped at his biceps.
A familiar but forgotten feeling pooled between your legs, the feel of his muscles flex and twitch beneath your fingers, igniting your nerves as his tongue danced with yours making you dizzy and breathless.
Soft lips moved from your mouth to your jaw, skating upwards to your ear, finding that spot that never failed to betray you and you gave a soft simper as he lightly nipped at your skin, your sound drawing a low, satisfied sigh from him.
“If you keep making those sounds I’m not going to be able to stop myself.” The words came out in a desperate tone as they crossed your ears.
"Do you want to stop yourself?" You whisper, knowing he's never stopped nor wanted to before. He stilled for a moment, pulling back to look at you and for a split second a spike of fear stabbed in your chest but there was nothing on his face bar a blank expression, as if he was grappling with something. 
“No, I don’t.” He admitted, a soft sigh rose from his chest as he hung his head and moved away a little. 
The encouragement left your lips before your brain processed it, a longstanding habit of yours, "so don't."
It seemed to shock you both and for a second time froze, before he was on you again, his kiss needy and heady. Your fingers curled around to the back of his neck as you scratched at the nape.  
His hand started traveling up the underside of your cami, your stomach muscles twitching at his touch. When your knee hooked around his narrow hips, he stopped and sat back in his haunches. "I... Why don’t you go and get ready for bed whilst I clear away this stuff.” He waved his hand to the table.
You licked your kiss swollen lips, and breathlessly nodded, sitting up and then standing on your own two feet before leaving the room, Ransom's back now to you as he stared into the fireplace, palms bracing himself against the mantle.
You left the study, almost in a daze and headed slowly back up the staircase. As you made your way into the bedroom you stopped for a moment, your head turning back to the door. What the fuck just happened? You’d given him the green light and instead of taking you he’d backed off completely.
It as an unnerving turn of events, because despite your little moment an insight into his past before you had no idea what was going on in his head at that point in time. When he was being forceful and angry it was obvious but now, well, it was impossible to get a read on him and if you wanted to keep him on side, that was going to be a problem. Ransom was an enigma wrapped in an unbelievably layered mystery, and you hadn’t even scratched the surface. 
As the fire calmed beneath him, and deep inside, Ransom took two deep grounding breaths. This new sense of restraint and self-control fucked with his head, and what was even more frightening was that these were not thought through, these feelings were of instinct. As if a part of himself that he never knew to exist had been pried open in the depths of his soul over the last now forty-eight hours. He was deeply confused, especially now as he had towered over her, near ready to fuck her into the rug by the fire, not only with himself but with her. Twice now she'd given him a green light to do as he wanted with her. The first after he asked to be let in, in a manner of speaking, and just now, inviting him, no, encouraging him on. Then there was still that guilt that he'd tried to stifle back since the rose of their day. That guilt he harbored each time he got a look at that gash on her cheek, knowing damn well he put it there, the bruising growing darker as it started to show past the swelling.
He loathed this guilt within him, for Ransom Drysdale doesn't do guilt. Never cared enough, until now, until her and not until last night.
The world owed him far too much, his arrogance included, but Y/N, she was different. She was safe and safe was something he never felt. He used that same arrogance to posture at every given minute of the day, used it as his defense against all who crossed him, family included. Ransom couldn't remember a time in his life, not since his Nana passed, that he hadn't felt alone and angry, withdrawn purposely and defiantly. A grown man with mommy and daddy issues as Y/N had vehemently spat at him one night, yet she didn't know the half of it. If she hadn't pushed him, made him so angry, he wouldn't have hurt her, ruined her. No, no he wouldn't have. 
But Harlan, with Harlan he could be himself, arrogance pinned up against arrogance, he learned so much from his grandfather and all he did was ruin that too.
The thought of Harlan put a sour taste in his mouth as that guilt came back through, twisting his gut and make him balk. It angered him he held such guilt for his life circumstances.
Again taking a deep breath, he gathered the take out remnants and tossed what he had to in the trash and placed the rest in the fridge.
As he made his way back up towards his room, towards her, he stopped at a guest bathroom and splashed cold water across his face. He rinsed the taste of curry and coconut from his tongue and quickly made his way to his room.
He stripped down, fully discarding his clothes to a pile in front of the bed and pulled he covers back, the cool, crisp sheets giving a chill to his skin. He heard the water tap shut off from the bathroom and suddenly he felt his stomach drop at the anticipation of what he wanted next. Would she have changed her mind? Was she no longer going to encourage him to continue with treating her for the night? What the fuck was he doing now? Doubting himself? Doubting how he could show a woman a really good fucking time? Ugh, all these emotional changes and challenges were absolutely exhausting for him. He needed a distraction, yes, a good nice long distraction and the way he'd get it was now walking toward him.
He watched her as she came out of his en suite from his position reclined in his bed, his hands behind his head on the pillow. The deep green silk slip negligee she chose fit in all the right places and as she stepped closer, he took note of the way her hips filled out the satin material, how her pert nipples tented the fabric. His mouth was salivating and he swallowed hard, sitting up as she was at the end of the four post bed, then at his bedside. 
 "Come here," he said, speaking in a low, gravely tone, seeing her hesitation. 
He forced more of himself to sit up to greet her, the clean, soft sheets falling to his hips, his naked chest on full display. His right hand curled around her hip while the other reached for her to pull her towards him. She gasped as her body fell into bed with him, both led out against the cushion of the mattress and pillows. Her legs were settled between his, her chest against his own but what he enjoyed the most was the way her lips fell in time with his. Both his hands cupped her face as he deepened their kiss. Tongue deep into her mouth, tasting the minty remnants of toothpaste. Lips soft against her own as they travelled down her neck to her spot that was just for him to know. He felt her move a little above him, as if she were pulling away. That not being in his plan for the evening, Ransom dropped his left arm to the mattress and used his strength to roll her to her back, his lips never leaving her own, sheets rustling round his legs as he kicked them away.
With one leg between hers, a knee so close to her core, his thigh settling against her mound, he moved her legs apart. Hooded eyes stared back at him and he watched as she visibly swallowed, lost in their moment. His body led over her, Ransom used one hand to prop himself up slightly while the other tantalizingly brushed one of the thin straps of her negligee down. His lips skated over her collar bone and back up her neck, a hot tongue against her spot and she quivered beneath him. The hand that moved the thin strap away from her shoulder glided over the outside of her thigh and under the hem of the sleep slip, skating up the outside of her thigh, up to her bare hip, thumb rubbing over her skin.
He pushed his knee up against her mound making her gasp a little. He didn't care to hide the smirk across his lips as they ghosted over her skin, moving back to hers. He felt her fingers curl around his neck before her hands slipped into the nape of his neck. As his tongue and body began to melt into hers, Ransom pulled the front of her negligee down, exposing her mounded breasts to the room. With his knee, he nudged up against her again and he couldn’t help the moan the escaped his mouth into hers when he felt her grind down against him. He wrenched his lips away from hers, sloppy kisses chaining down her neck, feeling the delicate muscles contract as she swallowed as he moved down, his tongue tracing a path over the swell of her breast before he took a pebbled nipple into his mouth, rolling it ever so softly between his teeth.
The hand that was round her hip gripped tighter against her soft skin, his eyes peeking up at her, her head thrown back against the pillow, eyes closed, mouth hanging open, soft whimpers flowing from her mouth and he pressed his leg further up against her centre, feeling her slick as it spread across his thigh as she rubbed up against him, seeking relief from the friction. Her needy nature was something he hadn’t seen to this extent before and he was hard as hell as she writhed beneath him, her back arching off the bed, pushing her chest upwards and he obliged, his mouth upping the ante around her sensitive nipple.
Again he felt her fingers against the nape of his neck as he nipped and sucked against her nipple, flat and hot tongue at the valley of her breasts. He shifted slightly, intending to turn his attention to her other breast, but the movement jostled his knee further against her and her fingers tightened around his hair as she gave a cry, grinding down on him harder.
“Atta girl, take it. Take what you need.” He all but growled out, his face hovering inches from hers as he watched her face, contorted in pleasure and desire, her eyes screwed shut. “Look at me.” He demanded, and obediently her eyes flew open, those deep orbs he could drown in locked onto his as he stared straight back into them.
“Ransom…” her voice was barely a whisper and once more the sound of his name from her mouth was enough to turn him feral and it took everything he had to keep himself from fucking her senseless. But somehow he did. He pushed his leg up against her as he slanted his mouth to hers, swallowing her moans and cries before he pulled back.
“Cum for me, Baby,” he whispered against her lips and seconds later her back arched and her entire body convulsed, his head shooting back almost painfully at the force with which she pulled on his hair and he groaned deeply as she cried out, tumbling over the edge of pleasure, her thighs gripping his, her pussy literally pulsing against his thigh as she soaked his skin with her orgasm, before she sagged back and lay trembling underneath him.
“I love the sounds you make when you come undone.”
As you came down from your high, you realised that your hands were tugging on his hair and you instantly let go, before you suddenly became aware of the fact that in your lust addled haze you’d basically fucked yourself against his leg. And, as you looked at him, that maddening smirk spread across his face and you knew the bastard was crowing inside at exactly how needy you’d been. How needy he’d made you, and you couldn’t even find it within yourself to be disgusted anymore.
You needed more, more of what he was offering, more of what had just transpired. And the only thing you could think of how to get it was to feel him inside you like he was the night before, how he filled you and gently caressed you. But was he willing to do it? You didn't know, not for sure anyway, for this wasn't the Ransom you had first met. This wasn't the man who tortured you, degraded you. No, this was a man who emerged from a cacoon of hurt, mental degradation, arrogance. This was gentle, so was... markedly different.
"Talk to me." His words startled you from your daze as you felt his gentle knuckle graze down your skin through the valley of your breasts and come to rest a flat palm over your belly.
You swallowed, desperately trying to calm the ocean of conflicting feelings within your brain as you looked down at him, your chest heaving. “I don’t know what to say.” You whispered, eyes not leaving his. The obvious conflict must have been etched across your face as his expression softened more, almost looking sad or worried he'd done the wrong thing. Who the hell was this guy?
“I’m trying.” He whispered softly, the tip of his nose brushing yours in a feather like kiss. “I’m trying to make you trust me.”
"Who are you?" You'd blurted it out before you could filter it, and you felt a faint tug of fear spike through you, but as quick as it had come it went when he leaned over you and pressed his lips softly to yours.
"Let me show you." He was asking once more, not demanding. “Please.”
The two of you were so close, you felt his hot breath on your face. The lump you swallowed hurt going down. All it took was a barely audible "okay." and no sooner had the permission slipped from your mouth, his lips were on yours, the kiss soft yet, deep and needy at the same time.
With one hand now entangled in your hair, the other holding his weight against your side, he positioned himself fully between your legs.
You could feel his tip at your entrance and your body took over, tilting your hips up, telling him just what you wanted, no, what you needed.
A second tilt of your hips met his as he found what he wanted, slipping right in, his lips leaving yours as he let go of a whimpering moan at the feel of your wet opening practically pulling him in. He moved slowly and deliberately, sliding in deeper with each thrust, like ocean waves rolling over the sand shore and back out to sea, his lips back on yours, down the column of your neck, sucking in that spot that made you shudder and back across your jaw and home again on your lips.
Your hands moved to his back, fingers dancing over the muscles which twitched with each gentle, deep rock of his hips, your nails lightly dragging as your hands made their way up to his shoulders where they stopped.
His eyes met yours as he paused his thrusting and you wondered what was passing through that fucking twisted mind of his. Was it an awakening that this was too much for him? Was it that the beast was ready to return? Or was it deep emotion he was struggling with? The calming of the storm inside?
"You're beautiful," he whispered with a blush pinker than his already flushes skin, almost embarrassed to give such a genuine thought out loud.
You leaned up, closing the space between you, your lips to his, accepting his compliment, hiding your own emotion from him. It twisted your gut and muddled your mind, it wakened your heart and flooded your core. Seated inside you, deep now at the angle, you breathed against his ear, "more".
The deep groan from his throat curled your insides as the vibrations from his chest rattled against yours. His hips moved back before they snapped forward, his movement powerful and sure and you gave a gasp as he drove into you, a dirty grind that had you clawing at his skin.
"Fuck, so good," he managed.
As his thrusts continued at their depth, grinding harder, your hands slid upwards into his hair, tightening around the longer strands and his head tipped back, a loud growl ripping from his throat. His lips crashed back to yours, your hands still tangled in his locks and almost curiously you gave another tug.
“Jesus Christ.” His words stuttered, punctuated by a groan against your mouth and he shook his head, his hands reaching for yours in his hair. “Imma lose it if you keep doing that, Sweetheart. And I’m not done with you yet.”
It wasn't a threat like you've heard countless times before, but a promise of what was to come and you shivered, your whole body jolting like you were chilled. 
“Call me selfish, but I don’t ever want anyone else to touch you.” His long fingers snaked between yours, strong arms pinned your hands on either side of your head on the pillow. Instantly you felt a flicker of panic and you gasped, moving your arms ever so slightly. But when Ransom didn’t react to your slight motion of resistance and allowed you to take his hands with yours, you realized this wasn’t about restraint. You could move, and moreover, in that instant you fully believed if you asked him to stop he would.
So you stayed where you were until you brought a knee up towards his rolling hips, toes on pointe against the sheets, opening yourself more for him. He gave another grunt of satisfaction, clearly crowing even more at your participation as his hips continued to drive into you over and over, coaxing you ever closer to your high. He was rubbing against that soft spot deep inside you and your cries were struggling to get out of your throat. The fire in your body was raging as you began to feel the flush hitting you.
"Oh... fuck... Ransom, please, I...." Her words were a rushed garble of pleas and he bit his lip, eyes fixed on those deep orbs, fingers tightening around her hands as he fought the familiar warm, tight feeling that was spreading across his abs and groin. His lips crashed back to hers, in a kiss that was deep and sloppy as she moaned loudly into his mouth. He felt her walls squeeze around him tightly, tighter than before. Her inner walls taking him for all he had to give and her outer, pulsing against his tightening sac.
“Fuck, baby...” he panted as she sagged underneath him, her body quivering with sheer pleasure for the second time that night. His hips drove into her, his pace quickening slightly as he neared his own release which hit him seconds later. “Oh, shit...” was all he could stutter as he came, his dick spasming and twitching inside her as he coated her insides, with a surge like nothing he’d felt before, the bliss rising from the very depth of his being and flooding his entire system with a white hot pleasure that consumed him completely.
It felt like it lasted forever, and he was certain his breathing stopped momentarily as he fell forward, his face burrowed into the side of her neck.
“What are you doing to me, Y/N?” a whispered voice croaked from his throat against her ear. She didn’t say anything, she couldn’t, she was still shaking under him. Gathering what little strength he had left he propped himself up on shaky arms, kissing her again before he shifted and pulled out of her, rolling heavily onto his back. 
His chest heaved along with hers, his mind foggy and spiked full of serotonin. And when he calmed himself enough, Ransom reached for her hand, entwined her fingers with his and pressed a soft kiss to the back of her hand. Then, with a gentle tug, he pulled her close as he rolled his chest to her back, led against her, his fingers still entwined with hers, his arm against her. He nuzzled into her hair, his chest taking in a deep, shaky breath, doing all her could to mask the emotion seeping out. 
You felt him rest his chin on the crown of your head as your body started to lull to sleep from the overload on chemicals and exertion. And as you drifted off to sleep, Ransom’s arm heavy over your waist as his nose nuzzled into the back of your hair you began to question just which one of you was the real captive.
**** Part 6
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the-shiftshop · 3 years
With The Right Tools
Today is the day I, Calvin Gander, have finally gained my motivation to make art. I’ve been stranded in this quarantine for too long that I already did everything that I can think of in my house. I’ve been wanting to make sculptures again ever since I saw tons of available limestones in my garage, but I couldn’t find my old tools so I decided to buy online. I found came across these carving tools from a shop that sells a variety of products ranging from clothes to gadgets, and they even sell food online, although it seems like nobody had came across with this store yet and I couldn’t see any reviews. But anyway, I bought them and they just came in the mail today.
Without hesitation and in pure excitement, I ran to my art studio where I have already moved my limestones to. Removing the packaging, I was surprised to see that it came with its own toolbox, a wooden box generously detailed with fantasy-like carvings that are shaped like vines, dried land, and small silhouette of men. I opened the toolbox, pulled the tools out and immediately went to work.
I used the hammer and chisel to chip off the limestone to form a shape. I have already planned out what I will be making starting today. I wanted to challenge myself in making a detailed sculpture of a man.
Throughout the whole day, I formed the limestone to a specific pose. Surprisingly, it went much easier than I expected. The tools were good in making  specific grooves and curves. Although my project still looks rough, I was able to make the specific pose that I want. All I need now is to put on the details. Most of the time when I make sculptures, it would take me a week to finish, but doing this project has been somewhat easier, having that I haven’t done something this big before. I have done the pose in just one whole day. It’s probably my artistic side kicking in, or maybe because I was just super bored, but I guess I might need to rest for a bit as well.
I left the sculpture and called it a day, but I quickly went back to work immediately as soon as I woke up. I used the smaller tools to create noticeable and very accurate details on my sculpture. I gave my sculpture a ripped musculature. It’s privates were a tucked between its legs because of the pose, but I also focused on giving it very realistic features. On its face, I made it looks like he’s breathing in air though his nose with his eyes closed and his head falling back I added bulging lines on my sculpture to give his some realistic veins, then finally I smoothen the sculpture out and finally finished my project in just a day and a half.
I took a look at my creation. Satisfied. I felt so proud that I have created this masterpiece. I never had made art this detailed. The tools really is high quality. It almost seemed like the tools had a mind of their own. I might need to give the store a great review.
As soon as I turn around to get my phone, I heard a loud crack. I rushed back to my sculpture to check where it came from. I noticed a large crack forming on its cheeks.
“Oh no!” I rambled. I touched the crack in panic, only to cause it to spread.
A chip of limestone fell off and revealed a pale, flesh-like texture inside. Is that... skin?
The cracks grew bigger and they appeared in almost every part of the sculpture, on its legs, torso, and arms, before finally covering the whole thing. The limestone gave off and all fell out, but instead of my sculpture just disappearing into crumbs, like a skin of a snake, it revealed something else inside.
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“Holy... shit...” I whispered under my breath. That’s a man. A real man inside my sculpture. I moved closer to it but with extreme caution. He’s breathing. I can see his chest move in every intake of air. Like my sculpture his eyes were closed, smiling as he bask under the light entering my open studio. I moved closer and his head moved forward to face me. His eyes opened and looked at me. He lowered his legs and sat on the podium properly. I got a glimpse of his flaccid shaft and hefty balls.
“Bath” He said, in a low but monotonous tone despite him smiling.
“Huh?” I stared in confusion.
He stood up in front of me, he was struggling to stand up so I took a hold of his body. He was heavy. He was also covered in powder which made my feel somewhat dry, but damn, have I never been this close to a naked man.
“Bath” He repeated as he try to take a step forward.
“Oh.” I guided him to the bathroom in my bedroom. I did all my best to not stare at his swinging package. When we arrived, I let him go in, but he didn’t budge.
“Come” He said, pulling me with him to the bathroom.
“N-No, I don’t..”
“Help.” He said, I sighed.
I went in the bathroom with him. I let him sat down on the toilet bowl for a while. I opened the shower and tested the water, but when I asked him to get in, he pointed on the bathtub. I once again sighed and turned the shower off. I started filling up the tub with water. The room was filled with nothing but the sound of gushing water on the tub. We were silent, but he was obviously staring at me. When I looked back, he pointed to me.
“Name?” He asked.
“Calvin.” I said, moving my eye away.
“Calvin...” He went quiet for a while, then he pointed at himself. “Name?” He asked again.
“You?” I asked.
“Yu?” He said, confused.
“No, you.” I explained, pointing at him, then went quiet when I realized that this was somewhat similar to that movie. “Oh. You want me to give you a name?”. He nodded.
“No. I’m not calling you Yu. I think Shawn is better.”
“Shawn...” He went quiet again.
The tub was finally full and he immediately stood up. I caught him in my arms before he accidentally take a fall, guided him to the tub and slowly help him sink into the water.
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“Help” He said.
I lifted his head and help him position himself sitting on the tub. He wasn’t really moving that much in the bath. He was just staring at me, looking like he’s waiting for me to do something.
“Help” He repeated.
I stared at him in confusion, then I got what I meant.
“N-No! I’m not gonna bathe you-”
He grabbed my arm. He was strong, but after that strong grip, he carefully moved my hand into the water.
“Bathe” He said.
I had no choice. I poured out water on him with my hands, then rubbing the powder off his body. I was touching a stranger’s naked body. More importantly, I’m giving him a bath! I continued though, washing off powders off his head and shoulders. My hand went down to his thighs, carefully avoiding his shaft. Although submerged in water, I still had to rub off the powder on his skin. I also went in between his toes, then back to his upper body. I washed away the powder on his back, feeling his heavy breaths. I grabbed his hand and guided it to his crotch.
“You clean that.” I said, he followed.
After staring at him innocently rub his shaft and balls, I tried to get it off my system by patting  his shoulder.
“You’re done.” I said. He looked back at me.
“Done.” He followed.
I drained the water before helping him carefully stand up, making sure he wont slip. I helped him step out the tub and gave him a towel. Without letting him ask for help once more, I already started drying him off. I moved away and stared at his body.
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Fuck, I’m getting a hard on just by looking at him. He was once just a lifeless sculpture, now he’s a real human, naked in my house, asked for me to bathe him, and now...
I walked out the bathroom. I need to calm down. I shouldn’t be overthinking these things. I might be dreaming right now. Come to think of it I just realized that maybe I was dreaming. This must be a dream for sure, but I really need to wake up by now.
Cutting me out of my thoughts, I felt two cold arms wrap around my hips then to my chest. 
“Thankful.” He whispered.
My cheeks are burning. My cock is hard. My heart is beating too fast and I don’t know what to do but to moan. His hug went tighter.
“Reward.” He said as I feel his hand move down to grab my hard on. He was licking my neck now. My legs almost gave up as I feel the extreme pleasure go through all parts of my body.
“Shawn- S-Stop.” I said.
He really did stop, he was stuck holding my bulge and his tongue out, touching my neck.
“Let me go!” I said.
He followed, standing straight behind my back. I moved away from him and stared at him from a short distance. He’s frowning like a kid, as if he did something bad to his parents. I popped my tongue and looked at him annoyed.
“Fine. Come here and touch me again.”
His eyes lit up and walked close to my once more. His hands moved inside my shirt with his tongue licking my neck once more.
“Wait!” I commanded. He moved away from me and looked at me. “Let’s take it slower, okay?” I said.
“Slower...” He processed, then went full slow-motion in moving his arms around my body.
I laughed. “No, not like that.” I made him stop again. “Let me do the moves, okay?”
“Okay” He said.
“First, let’s sit down on my bed.” I guided him on my bed. We sat down beside each other. “Look at me.” He followed.
I moved my face near his, still hesitating for a bit, but that didn’t last long as I dive in. I my left hand moved to the back of his head and I pulled him in for a kiss. He followed suit and opened his mouth for me and out tongues touched. My right hand moved up to meet his chest. Pinching his nipples time to time. He gave me satisfying moans whenever I do this. My right hand moved down and I felt his cock rising. I grabbed on it and started stroking him. I broke the kiss for a while and looked at his face as he moan.
“You might want to remove my clothes.” I said.
“Clothes.” He reached both of his hands to my shirt and removed them. I let go of his cock first to help him, then I went back to it. He started copying me. He touched my chest, massaging them well, then had his other hand down to my bulge. I removed my hands from him and undid my shorts, pulling them off both my legs.
I pulled him on top of me. Both of my hands on his butt, guiding him to grind his cock against mine through my underpants. He continued it by himself as I place both of my hands on his face to pull him in for a kiss once more. I removed my underpants and let my cock out. I guided his his butt above my waiting shaft, then finally I pushed in.
He didn’t flinch. Instead, he gave me a long satisfying moan. He broke our kiss and straightened his back. He pushed himself down to my cock and did the rest himself. I stroked his cock as he bounce up and down, teasing the tip of his cock with its own precum. He already had released a lot and its coating the head of his cock. We switched positions. He’s now lying on his back while I do the work on fucking his ass. I moved faster as I feel myself reach my climax.
“A-Ah, Shawn. I’m gonna cum!”
I grunted and moaned as loud as I can and Shawn followed suit as we finally came together. He blew his huge load on his torso, then slowly it came to stop when it nearly coated all of it. I pulled out and lied down beside him.
“Thankful” He said.
“Me too.” I replied then went in for a kiss.
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themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - A special night
Prompt: Any Fandom | Any Characters/Pairings | Ordering a sweet treat to be delivered to the other person at home/work
Word Count: 2,136
Author/Team: LadyMonotone
Fandom/Original: Redacted ASMR (Gavin/Freelancer. Vincent Solaire/Lovely) 
Rating: T
Triggers: NA
Summary: Having an Incubus boyfriend comes with many perks. The Freelancer and Lovely really should have seen it coming. 
ConCrit: Y 
Well, I guess this can be a sequel to my previous oneshot, REDACTED verse - Those that stood above the rest. I really wanted to write the Freelancer and Lovely interacting after their first, proper meeting so this oneshot suddenly comes to mind! 
Exam week is the bane of every student, everywhere — even for the magical ones. 
An uneasy atmosphere lingers around D.A.M.N as the current semester hurl the students into an intense week of revisions, study groups, and extra classes; all for the upcoming exams. 
The seniors are frantically cramming for their final papers and projects under the watchful eyes of the lecturers. The Freelancer doesn't envy them one bit when they caught a Sonal Energetic screamed into his backpack for a solid ten minutes. 
His scream shakes the student lounge, and the windows shattered. 
Once he got that out of his system, he focused back towards his textbook, expressionless. The rest of the students around the Energetic hardly bat an eye over what just happened. 
On that day, the Freelancer learned to avoid a large group of seniors until the exam week blows over. 
"The tension alone in that lounge could make a Serenity Daemon hide underneath a bed." The Freelancer narrates their experience to Lovely. The two of them are currently having their own study session over at the Freelancer's apartment. 
It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and yet here they are - flipping through textbooks, reviewing and swapping notes and downing cans of coffee and Red Bulls from as early as 9 AM. "Even the janitor wasn't fazed by it. He just snapped his fingers, and the windows were good as new!"
That night after their proper introduction, Lovely and the Freelancer had become quite good friends, much to Vincent's annoyance and Gavin's pleased smirk when the Freelancer told him that Lovely would be coming over for their study session. 
"Aww, look you, Deviant. Arranging a little study date with that friend of yours," Gavin teased during breakfast this morning. They both woke up early to prepare meals that could last the Freelancer and Lovely throughout the whole day. When his Deviant absentmindedly replied, "Uh-huh" as they were busy chopping the vegetables, Gavin couldn't help but plant a fond kiss on top of their head. "Anyway, I'll be popping into Aria for a bit today. A few of my, ah, older brothers and sisters called for a meeting. Can I trust that you two won't be having too much fun without me?"
The Freelancer stopped chopping to gave their boyfriend a deadpan stare. "Gavin, we'll be studying." They explained. "Our first paper is literally next week. So I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there won't be any fucking happening." They then stop themselves. They suddenly recalled something. "I don't want to be on that Solaire Prince's hit list too."
Gavin just cooed at their disgruntled partner, as if the genuine possibility that the both of them being shred to pieces by Lovely's possessive boyfriend amused him. 
Nonetheless, Gavin pulled his weight to ensure there was enough food and comfortable pillows and blankets in their shared apartment so that his Deviant and the Electro Energetic would be comfortable for their revisions. 
An hour before Lovely arrived, Gavin kissed the Freelancer goodbye and Rifted into his home dimension. 
And now we're back in the present. 
"I think those students around that guy were his classmates," Lovely commented. They take a quick sip of the lemonade that Gavin prepared to refresh their parched throat. Even in a simple pair of slacks, baggy t-shit, and hair pulled up in a bun, they still look as breathtaking as ever. "They reacted as if it was like a regular Tuesday for them. It's so crazy to think that we'll be seniors like them soon."
The Freelancer pours more lemonade into their glass from the pitcher beside them. Their books, notebooks and snacks are spread all over the dining table. A large and fluffy pillow is propped behind the Freelancer so they can lean back on their chair comfortably. "Urgh, mood. I can already imagine the coursework we'll be forced to do in our final semester." They groan. Their brain is fried from all the information and notes they've been reviewing since this morning. On top of that, the thought that they will be getting even more work once they hit their senior year is starting to freak them out. 
Seeing the Freelancer is having an internal crisis, Lovely quickly glance at the time on their phone and decides, "OK, I think we seriously need a break. You look like you're going to pull a stunt similar to that Sonal Energetic, and I don't think your boyfriend appreciates coming back to a half-destroyed apartment."
"Gavin can fix the apartment with his magic, don't worry." The Freelancer is quick to assure Lovely. "He did that after he and Vega trashed the place anyway."
"Uh, what? Who's Vega?"
The Freelancer snapped their attention back to Lovely once they realised the name that they accidentally dropped. "N-Nothing! I didn't s-say anything!" They laugh awkwardly, doing their best to brush off Lovely's concerned expression. "Anyway, break! Yeah! That's a good idea! Are you hungry? We can watch something on Youtube and eat in the living room. You're OK with that?"
Lovely gingerly nods; it's best not to comment or ask about this Vega person since the name alone made their friend jumpy. They push their chair back, stretch their stiff spine, and get up to help set the plates and cutleries while the Freelancer heats the lunch they made in the morning. 
They then move to the living room with a tray of food and drinks, where the couch and coffee table are surrounded by pillows and blankets thrown around messily. 
"You play video games, right?" The Freelancer asked after Lovely settle down on the couch with a blanket over their lap. "Do you want to watch a playthrough or something?"
"Sure! Do you and Gavin play video games too?"
"Gavin does, though he usually only plays those dating sim games for girls. It's a guilty pleasure of his."
"Oh, Otome Games? My respect for your boyfriend just levelled up. Has he ever played Hatoful Boyfriend?"
"Uh... I don't remember he ever mentioned that title. What is it about?"
"We're watching a playthrough of that game. Right now. You can watch it with me, but you can't tell Gavin anything, OK? I promise you're going to love his reactions."
Lovely's eyes light up with glee and grin widely as the Freelancer switch on the Smart TV. When thumbnails of pigeons with pink hearts in the background pop up on the screen, they immediately throw an incredulous look at the Energetic. 
"That top playlist is good to watch. Come on, sit beside me." Lovely pats on the empty spot on the couch beside them, unperturbed at the look the Freelancer is giving them. "I think you're going to like Okosan."
The Freelancer press play on the first video and kick back on the couch with the Energetic. What's better than having a break after a long study session? Hanging out with a friend with some good food while watching a crazy romance video game about pigeons! 
However, when the fourth video starts to play, the doorbell rings. 
"Uh... are you expecting someone?" Lovely asks curiously; their head is tilting towards the door. Their plate of eggplant pasta and buttered abalones are polished on their lap. The Freelancer internally preened when they enthusiastically complimented on theirs and Gavin's cooking skills. 
Anyway, the Freelancer moves their empty tray onto the coffee table and flip over the blanket to get up. "Not really. Gavin said he'll be coming back home at night." They explain and went towards the door when the doorbell ring once more. 
A delivery man greets the Freelancer with a stoic face, an armful of flower bouquet, and a thick, rectangular item wrapped in hot red packaging. 
"I, uh, think you got the wrong address?" They said, confused to hell and back. 
The delivery man blinks, unfaze at the Freelancer's greeting. "Good afternoon. Delivery for..." He pauses to read the card attached to the bouquet. "Deviant? We received a request from Gavin to arrange a flower bouquet and some... special chocolates. He also left a message for you: My Deviant has been working so hard lately~ So I got you something to... help you relax. PS: give some of the special chocolates to that gorgeous friend of yours and their boyfriend."
The Freelancer could only gape when the delivery man finished reciting Gavin's message. From the living room, Lovely is also doing an excellent mimicking of a goldfish. Their stunned expression made the man sigh tiredly. "Look, I'm not going to judge your... bedroom activities. Just take the packages already. I still have more stops to deliver."
"O-Oh my god! I'm really, really sorry about my boyfriend!" The Freelancer finally snaps out of it and stammers an apology. Their face is bright red. They hurriedly accept the flowers and package, shoot a quick thank you and slams the door shut. 
Lovely watches as the Freelancer stares into the bouquet with a mixed feeling, something between fondness and extreme embarrassment, before they scream into the large sunflowers. 
They patiently wait for the Freelancer to get it out of their system before Lovely delicately asks, "So, uh, does Gavin do these sort of things often?"
"No. This is the first time ever." The Freelancer replies. Their voice is muffled because the flowers are still pressed onto their face. "That's what I get for dating an Incubus, I supposed..."
"Aww, don't be embarrassed, dude! I think it's super sweet how much Gavin loves you. Flowers and chocolates? Boy got some serious game; might even give Vincent a run for his money, and you should've seen how we first met."
The Freelancer peeks through the petals and is relieved to find that Lovely wasn't put off by Gavin's forward nature. In fact, they are very accepting of the Freelancer and Gavin's relationship.
Feeling the warmth on their cheeks slowly disappearing, the Freelancer made their way back to the couch. The rectangular package is tossed onto the couch, and the bouquet is on the coffee table. The Freelancer figured they could put the fresh flowers in a water-filled vase later. 
"The guy said that Gavin sent you some chocolates?" Lovely reiterate as the Freelancer began to untie the ribbon and unwraps the box. 
"Special chocolates, and knowing Gavin, I kinda have an idea of what kind of chocolates they are." They admit and make quick work of tearing the paper wrappings. 
Apparently, Gavin ordered two types of chocolates for his Deviant. One box holds a fancy gourmet assortment of salted almonds dipped in rich Belgium chocolate, double chocolate raspberry truffles, vanilla pieces powdered with light matcha and some white praliné hearts. 
Lovely whistle, impressed over the spread. "Your boyfriend really went all out for you!"
The box below it contains rows of heart-shaped chocolates, but the short message written on the card of said box proves it's anything but ordinary treats. 
'These are homemade chocolates made by one of my close associates. She's a Succubus, by the way, and renowned for her aphrodisiac desserts. You can try some first if your Energetic friend doesn't mind being a voyeur.'
The Freelancer promptly throws away the card and cues them, and Lovely shrieking in embarrassment. Neither of them expects the second batch of chocolates. 
"These are sexy chocolates? Like, legit aphrodisiac chocolates made with magic!? Oh my god, I didn't know they were a thing!"
"I didn't either! I was expecting sex toys below the chocolates!"
"Wait - didn't Gavin wants to give these to Vincent and me!? Dude, does he has a thing for Vincent? Because at this point, I should tell you: he noticed that Gavin was purposely riling us up when they first met, and he's been thinking that your boyfriend is out to get him. But, uh, not in the sexy way, but I'm thinking otherwise now. And if that's the case, then you can warn that Incubus to be ready and catch these hands."
The Freelancer groans and hides their face in their hands. "OK, you know what? I'm going to put the special chocolates in the fridge, and then we'll continue watching a few more videos from the playthrough and get back to studying."
"... You're in denial."
"I'm just trying to keep whatever sanity I have left. It's been a crazy year."
"Urgh, tell me about it."
That night, at Lovely's and Vincent's apartment: 
"Vincent, baby? I'm back. Look what I got!"
"Welcome home, Lovely. Dinner's ready if you're hungry. Hmm? What's that?"
"It's homemade aphrodisiac chocolates made by a Succubus. Gavin and the Freelancer gave some to us."
"...I'm gonna punch that Incubus in his smug ass face."
"...Does that mean you don't want them in the bedroom tonight?"
"OK, I'll punch him tomorrow. C'mere, Lovely. I've missed you."
"Yeah, that's what I thought."
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ahsokasleftbicep · 3 years
Name and Soul: Chapter 3
AH! Here we go! Enjoy!
@mqgriett @darkangel4121 @thelambandthewolffe @maulscrosshair @trash-dino-5000
Crosshair x F! reader
Word Count: 2091
Warnings: SPOILERS for episode 3, Wrecker being best uncle, Sad Crosshair stuff, internal conflict, Tarkin being awful
“That doesn’t look very comfortable, kid.” You crouch down to Omega, who set herself up against Gonky and a wall.
“It’s okay, we’re fine.” The girl smiles up at you before looking back to her datapad.
You sit down next to her, patting the droid behind her. “How’s that diary coming along?”
Omega smiles and reaches next to her, opening the diary excitedly. “Really well! I can’t wait till we get him back. Do you think I could be as good of a shot as he is?”
“Oh I know you can,” You lean down to her ear, “And don’t ever tell him this, but I think you could be better.”
“No way, you’re lying.” Omega smiles and pushes your arm, laughing.
“Omega, I swear on my life, that I would never lie to you. You have talent and you're smart. You have a lot of opportunities out there.”
“Y/n! Can you give me a hand over here!” Echo pokes his head out from the cockpit.
“Yeah, one sec.” You rest your hand on the girl's shoulder, “I’ll be right back.”
“Alright alright, I’m coming!” You roll your eyes as you walk over to the man.
“The ship got hit hard when we left Saleucami. Everything has been glitching ever since. Things would go faster if I had some help.” Echo glares at Tech, who’s fiddling with… something.
“As soon as I finish this scanner.”
You lean on Tech’s chair. “But if the ship crashes, you won’t have the tools to finish your project.”
The man raises his eyebrow and glances at you. “If the scanner isn’t finished, we might have a repeat of Kamino’s events.” The three of you go silent before Tech changes the subject. “Besides, the ship's diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised.”
The ship rumbles and you and Echo are thrown to the floor. When you look up again, you no longer see the blue of hyperspace.
“What were you saying about the ship being fine again?” Tech glares at you before grabbing the controls. The ship rumbles, nearly knocking you down again. “We’re crashing.”
You strap yourself in across from Wrecker and Omega. The internal lights start flashing red.
“We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!” Wrecker grips his seat.
“Wrecker!” The man looks at you, following your eyes to Omega, who looks terrified. She frantically looks between the two of you.
“We’re gonna… be fine. We’re gonna be fine.”
“Is it over?” Omega looks at you, still shaken up.
You walk to her and squeeze her hand, “Yep, it’s all over. Are you okay?”
The girl nods hesitantly, “Y-yeah, I think.”
“... we have one spare capacitor onboard.” Tech states to the rest of you.
Omega walks over to a shelf and pulls out a box. Something you recognize.
“Is it in here?” The girl looks at you all, stopping on your mute expression. “What?”
You straighten up, “That’s Crosshair’s weapons kit.”
Wrecker groans, “I’ll say it. I kinda miss him.”
Tech begins to describe what the inhibitor chip can do, but Hunter cuts in. You furrow your brows at his actions.
“Look, debating this won’t fix the ship.” Hunter glances at you before continuing. “We need to get off this rock.”
“Is it possible to implant a chip into a natural born?” Tarkin stares at the clone through the glass.
“It is.” Nala Se speaks quietly. “Why do you ask?”
“Private L/n is a very skilled soldier, those skills would be useful. Once she is caught, I need her unwavering loyalty.”
“Governor Tarkin.” Rampart walks into the room. “I have the report on Private L/n.”
“Very good, what did you find?” Tarkin turns his attention to the man for a split second.
“She’s as skilled as any clone, if not more. She graduated top of her class as a marksman at the Academy of Carida. If I may, L/n’s skills would be incredibly useful for Project War Mantle.”
“My thoughts exactly, Rampart.”
You stuck your hand out from the floor of the ship, Omega handed you a tool, curiously looking down at you.
“Where did you learn all this stuff?”
“Oh way before the war, this isn’t my first.”
“It’s not? Where were you before?”
You take off Tech’s spare goggles and sigh, “I think that’s a story for another time.”
Wrecker walks by, rubbing his head. “Ow! Ow”
You stand up and tap Wrecker’s leg. “What’s up with you?”
Wrecker winced again, “I must’ve hit my head in the crash. Ow.”
You hop up, setting down your tools. “I have an ice pack, that’ll help.”
“Thanks, Y/n.” Wrecker follows you back, “Y/n?”
“My head doesn’t hurt that bad. But I wanted to ask you something.”
You turn around, confused. “Go ahead.”
“Well, you know how Omega has no room, like one of her own? What if we made her one? Make it a surprise.”
You smile widely, “I think that’s a great idea, Wrecker. We need to distract Omega though.”
“Guys, you need to come see this!” Hunter calls out.
As you walk out, you see a large shadow cross the window. “Woah! What the heck was that?”
Omega looks at you wide-eyed, “Some creature with a huge tail!”
Tech clears his throat, “Most likely an Ordo Moon Dragon, it took the part.”
A moment and some banter later, Hunter and Omega are getting ready to go after the creature. You look at Hunter, “Be careful.”
“Will do.”
You then look at Omega, “And you stay close to Hunter.”
“I promise! Cross my heart!” The girl responds happily.
You chuckle and wave as the two walkout. You glance at Echo and Tech arguing in the cockpit. You roll your eyes and walk to Wrecker. “Okay, let's get started! With Hunter’s senses, we don’t have a lot of time.”
Crosshair stands at the door, “Sir, you called me again.”
“Yes, you will have to abandon your search for Clone Force 99 for a moment. Onderonian insurgents have been found again, I will introduce you to your new squad. Find the insurgents and eliminate them. After you complete this, then you can continue your original task.”
“Yes sir, find Private L/n, terminate Clone Force 99.” The man walked out and back to his barracks. He sits on his bunk, grabbing the same necklace that he’s looked at more than a dozen times before.
Why do I care? I don’t know this woman. I love her… Wait, no. She’s a traitor. Don’t hurt her.
Crosshair lifts the ring into the light. He falls back onto his bed, clipping the necklace around his neck, completely unaware of what he did. I miss her. She betrayed the Empire. I miss my brothers. They left me. I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.
“What’s this?” Wrecker picks up the diary from the floor. You look back from the blankets you tie up to the top of the ceiling.
“Omega is writing all the stuff that happens in there. She said it’s for when we get Crosshair back.” You turn back, looking out the window of the gunner room.
“You don’t believe her?” Wrecker places the diary on the gunner chair.
“I do. But every day we leave him there makes it feel like it’s impossible. And no one acknowledges what happened. Not even Hunter…”
Wrecker places his hand on your shoulder, “I know, but Hunter misses him. You know how he is, he can hide that stuff easy.”
“I know, but I wish he would talk about it.”
This man was pissing Crosshair off. He’s arrogant. And chatty.
“Hey clone, what’s that around your neck?”
“None of your business.” Crosshair glares at the blonde man.
He smirks, “A little lady, maybe?” He scoffs, “Why would someone go with a clone.”
The group steps out of the ship, sneaking through the woods. Crosshair straightens his back.
“Move out.”
“Wrecker, I think we need one more blanket, just to be safe. And do we have any lights?” You jump down from the room, waiting for Wrecker.
“We have lights.” The man lifts a string of them up. “I’ll get 'em.”
“I’ll go get another blanket.” You walk to your room, glancing at the bunk. Crosshairs blanket is folded at the end, just like you left it that morning. You pick it up and hold it to your face. You smell him. It’s comforting, warm, and very uniquely Crosshair.
“Here we go, one blanket.” You place the blanket with the others. “It looks great so far.”
“Where’s Gerrera?”
“I don’t know, I wouldn’t tell you anyway.” The insurgent sneers at the helmeted man.
Crosshair tilts his head, “I believe you.” He lifts his blaster. NO! He pulls the trigger and the woman falls to the ground.
He lifts his weapon to the civilians. STOP!
“What are you doing? Gerrera’s fighters are dead. We should bring civilians in.” The blonde man steps forward.
“Those weren’t our orders.”
“Forget it, this is wrong.”
Crosshair walked up to the man, stopping toe to toe.
“You want to know why they put me in charge?”, stop it… please. “It’s because I’m willing to do what needs to be done.” He pulls out his blaster and pulls the trigger. The man drops. No, no, NO! Good soldiers follow orders. “Finish the mission.”
You are finishing up the room when Wrecker comes up. He’s holding something. Lula?
“What’s Lula doing here?” You look at the large soldier, who rubs the back of his neck shyly.
“I thought that Omega would like it, something to hold onto.”
“I think that’s great, Wrecker. She’ll love it.” You hold the doll and place it on the bed… next to her diary.
Crosshair looks at what’s left of his “squad”.
“If any of you tell higher-ups about this,” He pulls the necklace from under his armor. “I will kill you all.”
The soldiers tense up and all nod at the same time.
“... good.” I- I killed them. Innocent people. The ship lands, he goes through another lengthy debrief, he goes back to his barracks. Ignoring the others, he sits on his bunk, completely silent. Images flash through his head… of you. This woman. Y/N! Your smile, your hair, everything about you. He looks at the ring around his neck. He was right. Why would she be with me… who could love me?
“Tech! Can we please leave?”
“Gladly.” The man flips a few switches and the ship starts moving.
“Y/n!” Omega runs up to you.
“Omega! I heard you completed the mission? How’d it feel?”
“Well, I was really scared at first, but then I was able to get the part by tricking the creature!” The girl smiles up at you.
“I knew you’d be fine! And you saved Hunter.” You put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m proud of you, Omega.”
The girl hugs you, “Thank you, y/n.”
Wrecker walks up behind you, “Hey kid. Come with me.”
Omega raises her eyebrow, looking at Wrecker, then you.
You and the man chuckled, “Just cover your eyes.”
Wrecker guides Omega to the back of the ship, you following behind. He stops in front of the gunner room.
“Okay, open ‘em.”
Omega gasps at the view, looking from the room to Wrecker, back to the room, then you.
You walk up with a smile. “Well, what do you think?”
“I- I love it. You guys did this?”
“Yep! Y/n picked out the lights. We put it together when you guys left.”
“It was Wrecker’s idea. A great one at that.”
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Omega jumps up and down before climbing up the ladder, sitting on the blankets. “I never had my own room before.” She picks up Lula, then sets the diary on her lap.
“You’re a part of this squad now too. You deserve your own room.”
You are lying in your bed, staring at the ceiling. The door swooshes open, revealing Omega, holding the diary loosely in her hand.
“Omega, it’s late. Why are you up?”
“I couldn’t sleep.” She walks across the floor and crawls up onto your bed. “Can you tell me a story? Please?”
You look at the girl and nod. Omega scoots into your side and rests her head on your shoulder.
“Hmmm, how about another mission story?”
The girl nods, paying attention.
“So, we met with a Jedi, Anakin Skywalker…”
Hunter walks to your room the next morning, finding you asleep against your headboard, Omega asleep, snuggled into your side.
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tlbodine · 3 years
Reverse-Outlining Revision Method with Plottr
So in my editing guide, I give a step-by-step method for structural editing that I find really useful, and I wanted to do a visual follow-up to kind of show what that process looks like. I’m using Plottr for this, because I was gifted a copy of the software in exchange for them using my horror-writing beat-sheet as one of the templates, but you could just as easily do this with Scrivener, scrap paper, or any other organizational system you like. 
Whether you’re a fellow pantser who struggles with story structure (hi!) or you’re an outliner who needs to make sure your draft matches up to your vision (or the second draft has a good structure), this will work for you! 
Step One: Write a one-sentence log-line of the story + jot down the major themes 
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There’s space for this in Plottr. I’m doing Neverest.
Premise: A woman’s search for her missing husband’s body on Mount Everest sends her into the grip of ancient forces that don’t want her to leave. 
Themes: Putting your name on something doesn't make it yours; colonialism and the urge to conquer and codify; relationships as a form of control and change vs understanding
You’ll also want to write a one-page overview summary of the story, similar to what you’d put in a query letter. Here’s mine: 
One year ago, Sean Miller -- journalist and mountain climbing enthusiast -- reached the summit of Mt. Everest, and was never seen again. Unable to move on without knowing the truth of what happened, his wife Carrie flies to Nepal to meet with Sean’s best friend and former climbing partner, Tom. They assemble a small crew and begin an expedition up the peak in search of Sean’s body and a better understanding of what might have happened in his final days.
Guided by a travel journal left behind from her husband's expedition, Carrie ventures into the frozen, open-air graveyard of the world's tallest peak. But as Sean’s diary and Carrie’s experiences reveal, climbing the mountain is more than a test of endurance; it’s a battle of wills with an ancient and hostile force protecting the mountain — and the dead do not rest easy at the summit.
Doing this helps you to identify the core elements of your story -- the characters, the conflict, and the stakes. You should be able to answer the questions: who is the main character, what do they want, what’s stopping them, what happens if they succeed/fail. 
In this case: 
The main character is Carrie, the wife of a journalist who disappeared while summiting Mt. Everest (character) 
She wants to find his body and get closure about his death/understand how and why he died (what does she want)
But there are supernatural forces at work that led to his death and now have the same in store for her (conflict/stakes) 
Step Two: List out every scene in the book 
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Plottr is an outlining software, so it makes this step really easy (and conveniently color-codes things for me at the same time!). There are multiple views this can take, but this one screenshots well so I used this one for the example. 
Basically what you want to do is write down everything that happens, scene by scene. You can color-code them however you want -- in my case, I have three narrative threads, so I made a timeline for each one. Then I just mapped out all the scenes -- across 24 chapters, each dot is a scene, and you can see that some chapters have multiple scenes and also that the primary and secondary plot alternate chapters. 
When you look at it this way, you can tell really clearly that the tertiary plot needs some work -- it’s only there for four scenes in the first third of the story. I either need to cut it completely and incorporate any essential information into the other plots, or I need to expand it. 
In this particular case, I decided to expand because 1.) my word count is low, and I’d like to fill in more story and 2.) a big theme I want to explore in the story is what it’s like to love someone who’s deeply passionate about something you don’t understand -- so this tertiary plot is a great place to explore that and fill in more characterization that should add some depth to the primary and secondary stories. 
I can also see at a glance that I have a variable number of scenes in each chapter. Sometimes that makes sense (the green ones are diary entries, so it’s logical that one chapter = one entry) but sometimes it hints that those chapters could be a little thin and need more content. If I’m looking to add additional conflict, I should do it in those blue chapters that only have one dot as opposed to the ones with multiple dots! 
Step Three: Look at the overall shape and adjust for pacing and genre
Plottr has a bunch of templates pre-loaded into it that make this easy, but you can also just google various different story structures and beat sheets such as Save the Cat or the 3 Act Structure etc. But just look at the overall map of story beats and see how they line up with the outline you’ve made: 
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This is just a small snapshot view, but you get the idea -- when you look at the scenes side-by-side with the beat sheet, you can see some things. For example, it sure would make more sense if the flashback scene where Carrie decides to embark on this journey got its own chapter and lined up better with the “putting the players in action” plot point rather than being smooshed into the first chapter with the introduction to the world! The fact that I’ve got it smashed into that first chapter is probably a sign that my opening scenes/chapter itself is a bit thin and needs to be fleshed out a little more. 
Step Four: Figure out what you need to adjust and make the changes accordingly 
So after looking at everything mapped out this way, I’ve got a little list of things I need to do: 
Come up with more scenes for that red plotline
Rearrange some things a little bit to better fit the structure I want
Figure out some more blue scenes to fill in the gaps caused by rearranging things and smooth over the pacing/amp up the conflict/alleviate some areas where critique partners hae expressed confusion
I also moved around the categories in Plottr (you can drag-and-drop storylines and chapters) to make it a bit easier to see everything all at once. Basically you can edit the story’s outline first, to save you the confusion of manually moving around whole paragraphs/chapters in your actual story document. 
Now, I haven’t finished that step yet for this particular project (there’s a lot of brainstorming to do re: filling in those gaps!) BUT I did want to skip ahead to show you the next step (let’s pretend this is a TV cooking show where the finished pie is pulled right out of the oven). 
Step Five: Re-Type everything based on your new scene list
This is a really neat thing about Plottr. If you swap from the “Timeline” view to the “Outline” view, you get these editable text windows where you can type whatever you want, and it’ll keep it organized into chapters and scenes. 
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So, just pull up your original in one window, and the Plottr screen (or other outlining/drafting device) in another. Dual monitors are great for this but we make due. Now, retype the original document into the new document, making changes as you go to fit the new outline and also cleaning up language and so forth as you go. For example, this time around I’ll be changing Carrie’s blue timeline scenes to present-tense instead of past, so I’ll rewrite them in present tense in the new window. 
Once all that is said and done, in Plottr you can export the file directly into Scrivener or Word. (If you’re not using Plottr, you’ll have to figure out for your own self how to transfer the final product into a final document -- I trust you can sort through that). From there you’ve got a fresh clean copy of a second draft all ready to go for the final copy-edit/proofread/polish/formatting and then you’re off to the races! 
I hope this was helpful for you! I talk more about editing in my Gumroad guide here: https://tlbodine.gumroad.com/l/jkLpr
If you’d like to receive all of my existing + future guides and support me in making more content like this, consider subscribing to my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tlbodine
And you can pick up a copy of Plottr here: https://plottr.com/
This post isn’t sponsored or anything, but I did get a free copy of the software from the developer and I think it’s pretty neat. It’s still in beta so new features keep getting added, and the team that makes it are very nice and responsive to feedback. 
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passivenovember · 4 years
You Look Stupid When You’re Sad.
Steve Harrington smelled of sour patch kids and unbaked cookie dough.
Billy didn't think it was a bad smell, exactly, just weird; intense, heady, and stuck to the walls of his brain. Doughy when the sunlight couldn't dry the track marks of Steve's sweat before nap time, heady when it got into Billy's system and stuck with him like the thrum of his heartbeat.
Wherever Billy went Steve Harrington was there. Like a shadow. A noisy, scrawny, wire-frame glasses wearing shadow that elbowed its way into the chair across from Billy's during lunch and followed him around at recess; three feet behind and always pretending to spot interesting shapes in the clouds when he thought Billy wasn't looking, but.
Billy was always looking.
It was so weird.
Steve was so weird. The way he made bright, happy noises when he was paired with Billy for station time, how he always drug his mat over from the other side of the room to sleep next to Billy when it was time to zonk out after second recess despite knowing that the spot was saved for Barbara, Billy's actual best friend.
She got nightmares and Billy liked to be there to hold her hand while she dreamed but every afternoon, without fail, Steve came wondering over with his lip stuck out in a question.
It was confusing.
Steve was so confusing. The way he hugged his mat to his chest, chin quivering with a little, "Okay. Sorry, Bills." Every time Billy slapped his hand on the carpet and growled that the spot was taken. Occupation, not reserved for pasty-kneed dorks with wire frame glasses, and.
Billy didn't want to make the kid cry, or anything, but he always managed to do just that. Paint himself as a bad guy.
Billy rubbed his forehead as Barb settled in on his left hand side one afternoon after such an altercation, smiling so big her lips disappeared behind the plastic frames of her glasses.
"What's wrong, Stevie?" She asked, and.
Billy tried not to be jealous.
Steve hiccupped, cheeks growing redder by the second. "I wanna nap with you guys but Billy won't let me."
"Hey, that's not--"
"You can sleep with us if you want to. Billy has a really big blanket, maybe he can share with both of us." Barbara looked at him expectantly, like. "Right Billy?"
And it was dumb.
It was so dumb, that they were staring at him with hopeful eyes and Steve's chin was still quivering and Billy didn't want to be the bad guy; he wasn't Mesogog and he didn't want to hurt the kid's feelings, but.
Steve Harrington got under his skin. With his soft hair and big brown eyes, always following Billy around and begging for the space to be made. Billy got clumsy and nervous when Bambi was nearby, and.
The idea of sharing space. Sleeping next to Steve with his chirpy little noises and warm soft hands, it.
Made Billy feel like he was breaking out in itchy red bumps.
He would stick to his guns; the blanket just wasn't big enough for three people. But then, Billy's grumpy brain supplied, Steve could steal Barbara and keep her as his own best friend if Billy didn't let him stay, so. It was time to cut his losses.
"God, you look stupid when you're sad." Billy muttered.
Steve started crying again.
Billy really wished he'd stop that.
"I'm sorry, Billy. I know I'm dumb but I don't mean to be." Steve whimpered. He tucked his mat under his arm and made to get up.
And leave.
As if Billy would let Steve make him look bad in front of everyone, especially Barbara.
"Lay down, dork." Billy grumbled, tugging the blanket up around his shoulders and peeling it back for Steve reluctantly.
Harrington's smile was so bright it could've melted crayons when he settled in close, chirping happily as Billy pulled the blanket around them and tucked in on impulse. The room went dark, Mr. Talamantez reminding them to count butterflies if sleep wouldn't come.
It didn't.
Steve smelled too much like cream and sugar for Billy to get any rest at all.
"Whatcha making, Billy?" Steve asked, pink tongue poking out in concentration as he peered over Billy's arm at his art project.
A stack of pink and red construction paper was Billy's favorite thing in the world because it meant endless possibilities. Pink was soft and sweet, red was passionate and cool. Like hot wheels and firetrucks and hearts full of warm oven mitts, so.
He pulled the leaflets from his backpack during circle time and got busy, carefully folding the delicate paper hamburger style and then tracing swirly, dramatic lines for each heart on the page.
Valentines was Billy's most favorite day of the year.
Even more than Christmas, even more than his birthday, and only a little bit more than Halloween because on Valentines? The whole universe was covered in flowers and little tin wrapped chocolates and love hearts were the best thing for a kid to make with scissors.
Billy ignored Steve's tongue, turning his shoulders to the room. "I'm making love hearts."
"For who?"
"None of your beeswax."
"Okay," Steve said happily, grabbing a handful of markers and re-situating himself much closer than Billy would've liked. Steve's Nike's tapped the itsy-bitsy-spider on the rug as he declared, "I'm drawing batman on a surfboard!"
And Billy tossed aside his first ruined Valentine. "Oh cool, I don't remember asking."
"That's okay," Steve giggled. "Sometimes I get motor mouth. My Daddy says it's 'cause I'm a fruit."
"My daddy called me that sometimes before he got sick." Billy turned to glare at him. "That's not a good thing."
"It is to me!" Steve giggled again. He was always doing that. "I like Kiwis. My mommy packed some for lunch and I had them for breakfast. They're yummy in geek yogurt. They make me smile because they have beards!"
Steve cackled like kiwi's having beards was the funniest thing on earth and Billy wondered what there was to be so happy about.
He tried not to smile at Steve's dumb face. "I think you mean Greek yogurt."
"Yeah, probably. If I'm like a kiwi, that's alright, I think." Steve's tongue poked out again. "Surfboards make me think of you." He declared, and.
Steve smelled like toasted chocolate on s'mores, his hands somehow kicking up more of his sugary sweet odor each time he reached for a new piece of paper. Billy didn't know how he was supposed to get anything done when his circle buddy smelled like a chocolate birthday cake.
It was kinda gross.
Billy pulled out a sliver marker and traced Stinky Butt Max on one of the smaller Valentines, remembering to fold down the corners so the sensitive skin on her palms wouldn't get hurt when she inevitably started smacking him it.
The pink Valentine looked more like a chewed up Starburst gummy this way, but. Max wouldn't know the difference.
Steve peered over his shoulder again, cooing softly. Like a baby dove. "That ones pretty, Bills! Is Max your Valentine?"
"Ew," Billy wrinkled his nose like he sometimes did when Max needed a diaper change. "She's my baby sister, don't be an Ick Monster."
"What's an Ick Monster?"
"Somebody who makes weird jokes and says weird things, so." Billy shrugged, scrawling his mothers name on a second love heart. He poked Steve's tummy with his marker. "That's you, I think."
Steve giggled before slapping Billy's hand away, and. Watching him work.
After a while Steve inched closer. "So you don't have a Valentine?" He wondered, and.
Billy didn't understand the question. "Mr. Talamantez said we're all each other's Valentines so nobody feels sad."
"Yeah, but. Everybody has someone they want to smooch on Valentines." Steve started playing with his hair, fingers twisting waves in a sea of brown, like they sometimes did when he was nervous. "Someone they like best-best. Better than all the other kids."
Now it was Billy's turn to giggle. "That's icky."
"Smooching?" Steve's eyes sparkled. "It's fun sometimes."
"Like you've ever kissed anyone."
Steve looked offended. "Have too."
"Have not."
"Have too," Steve pouted, crossing his arms.
Billy began work on a third Valentine. "Who did you kiss?"
"Nancy Wheeler."
Billy snorted, not sure if he wanted to imagine Steve kissing Nancy Wheeler, or. Kissing at all.
Steve's chin started quivering. "You don't believe me?"
"No." Billy said lightly, capping the marker with a sniff.
Kissing was not fun. It was wet and violent and looked like it maybe hurt a little bit, the way he'd seen his mom and Susan kiss when he got up to go potty at night. Billy regarded Steve through easy, narrowed eyes; Steve wasn't the kind of boy who kissed like that.
"How come you're so weird?" Billy wondered.
"I like being weird." Steve said, reaching for a green marker to color in his surfboard. Steve nodded at the small pile of Valentine's strewn on the carpet between them. "You should put the love hearts on foam when you're done."
"I was already gonna do that, genius."
Billy wasn't already going to do that, but he'd eat a centipede before he let Harrington know he came up with a good idea.
"They could be superhero colors!" Steve hollered suddenly. He was so loud all the time. "That way your mommy and sissy can know that you love them because they're cool. Like Aqua-man."
Billy frowned, watching Steve fold his Batman drawing over and over again until it all but disappeared from sight. He leaned back against the wall with an eye roll, shocked out how much Harrington lacked any concept of taste, or.
"Aqua-man isn't cool," Billy said. Because Aqua-man wasn't, he was like. The lamest of them all. "His only power is making the bad guys drown, at least the other heroes can punch really hard."
"Punching isn't always the best, though." Steve tucked Batman into the front pocket of his shirt, leaning into Billy's space. "Sometimes punching just makes the bad guys stronger. Like Wilson Fisk."
Billy frowned. "Punching works for Spiderman."
Steve considered this fact, pink tongue poking out from the corner of his mouth again. He thought really hard for a long time, as if Steve didn't have Spiderman socks on everyday at recess when he removed his Nike's to fill them with rocks.
Such a weird guy.
Finally, Steve smiled. "I like water, though. Your eyes are like water. From the fountain in the hallway, and like the lake at camp." Steve pushed his way into Billy's space, frowning with his head cocked to the side like there was more thinking to cross of the list. "You're very pretty, Billy. Like a cloud."
Billy didn't have the words to articulate the way Steve's smell went a little crazy after that, like a bag of powdered sugar had caught fire from a signal light once he realized what he'd said. Billy waited for Steve to take it back, because.
Boys calling other boys pretty wasn't allowed in Mr. Talamantez' classroom, or. Anywhere else.
Steve didn't take it back.
"You wouldn't like Aqua-Man's water, 'cause you'd drown." Billy said, getting back to work on his Valentines if only for a distraction from the way Steve was watching him. "He doesn't control his power very well and sometimes the mean guys get hurt real bad."
Steve kept right on talking. "I wouldn't be a mean guy though," He reasoned, sliding impossibly closer on the alphabet rug. "I'd help him fight crimes. Like Captain Underpants!"
Billy had nothing to say to that, sucked in and drowning by the way Steve's eyes were glittering.
"You're a weird guy, you know?" Billy breathed.
Steve's giggle went right to Billy's tummy, teaching it to do backflips, somehow.
"That's okay." Steve said, reaching back for a fresh piece of paper. "You'll remember me better and maybe you'll ask me to be your Valentine."
Steve's hair fell across his eyes, head bopping along to whatever song he was singing to himself today. His lips glittered like a frosted donut. Like he'd been eating a strawberry ice cream cone instead of confusing all the boys around him.
Maybe you'll ask me to be your Valentine.
Billy started work on a new love heart and pretended not to notice.
On Tuesday morning Billy woke to the smell of pancakes and fresh squeezed orange juice.
Maxine was already up.
Her long red hair was piled on top of her head in two Princess Leia buns. Susan had put in little heart clips and the pink dress Billy's mommy had made special was already covered in mashed banana and something that looked like magic marker.
She was all ready for Valentines day.
Billy didn't understand why they bothered trying to make her look dainty when Max was more interested in destroying Billy's favorite toys and starting fires.
She sat on the floor of the room they shared together, sucking her thumb and playing with Billy's favorite race car. Her wet, chubby fingers made the blue Camaro shine brightly with spit and Billy felt like his face was burning up.
"Hey," He said, rubbing at his eyes. "Hey, you're getting spit all over my--"
"Race car!"
Max held it out to him triumphantly. Billy frowned, moving to grab it from her chubby little fist. "I know that's my race--"
"It's a blue car," Max said thoughtfully. She looked at him, like, "Blue cars are my favorite."
"It's my favorite too--"
"Can we share?" Max wondered, putting the little wheels on Billy's knee and letting the car zoom back and forth. He imagined that Evel Knievel was in the drivers seat wondering why his car wasn't first in the race.
She looked happy, like always, to be playing with Billy's toys.
He sighed. "Yeah, I guess we can share. It's Valentine's Day."
Max seemed to enjoy that. "I like today!"
"You do?"
"Yup," She said happily, little chubby fingers tangling in Billy's hair because he hadn't brushed it yet. "Candy and sour gummy worms and kisses from cute boys!"
Billy glared. "You're kissing cute boys?"
"Uh-huh!" Max hollered. "Lucas gave me a dandelion."
Billy thought long and hard.
About Valentines Day and all the things that came with it. The pink shirt that hung pressed in his closet, fresh cupcakes with plastic rings, a bag of Scooby-doo Valentines Susan had picked up at the market for all his classmates, homemade love hearts at the bottom of his backpack. Three with red foam, one with a delicate lace doily, and.
Max was getting flowers and kisses from a boy.
From someone special.
Billy took the race car from Max's hand and drove it around, thinking about boys with brown eyes and soft hands.
Maybe you'll ask me to be your Valentine.
"Wanna eat some breakfast, Max?"
"I had 'nanas." She said with a smirk.
Billy hummed, standing to get dressed. "Mama probably made chocolate chip pancakes, you don't wanna eat something special?"
Max's little red eyebrows pinched together. "I can have yours?"
Billy didn't know what was so necessary to her about taking everything that was his. Playing with his toys, sleeping in his pj's, eating his breakfast, it was like Max didn't know how take something and make it her own.
Billy pulled the pink shirt over his head, feeling every bit like a turtle when Max did the same with the collar of her dress.
"You can have my pancakes." Billy concluded, puffing out his chest. "If you'll be my Valentine."
"You don't have a boy to kiss?"
"I might," Billy picked the race car off the ground with a smile. "This is practice for when I see him at school. So, will you be my Valentine?"
She thought about it.
Long and hard, tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth, before nodding with her entire body. "I think he will."
Billy sighed. "Really?"
"If you give him sour gummy worms and smooch his forehead he will," Max said.
Maybe things would turn out okay. Billy nodded, grabbing the race car and driving it across Max's forehead, careful that the little plastic wheels didn't get stuck in her hair.
From the stucco ceiling of the classroom beautiful strands of silver and gold hearts painted a mirage of stars.
All the desks had a rose and a cardboard mailbox intended for the delivery of Valentines and at the center of the room a table filled with cupcakes and strawberry Capri-sun packets. Preparation for the party this afternoon, and.
Mr. Talamantez had turned their space into a glittering, perfect fairytale.
Billy hugged his basket of Valentines close to his chest and tried not to search for Steve before dropping his backpack at the cubby station.
He was right in the middle of tugging his special sweater down over his head when Barbara scooted in next to him, pretty in a little pink jumpsuit.
She handed him a tiny, delicate giftbag full of chocolate hearts and dinosaur erasers, smiling from ear to ear as Billy hugged her nice and tight before handing off something he had made special. A tiny paper crane his mommy helped him fold, and a bunch of rainbow goldfish sat nestled in a basket of paper Mache.
They were her favorite snack in the whole world and Barbara was Billy's favorite person, so it seemed fitting.
She hugged him and Billy smiled, peering around the room for a head of wavy brown hair. "We could share our presents with Steve," He muttered, like. It wasn't a big deal or anything. Billy tugged on the sleeves of his red sweater and tried to stay cool. "Where is he?"
Barbara pointed to the book shelves.
Steve was sat under a string of twinkly lights, shoulders tucked against the pillows Mr. Talamantez set aside for circle time. His face was buried in the crook of his elbow, and.
He was crying.
Of course he was crying.
Billy felt the Valentine in his pocket grow heavy.
Barbara said, "Steve broke his glasses, maybe you could make him smile?"
Billy wanted to do that. Longed to make Steve giggle and chirp with happiness like the annoying little Meadowlark he seemed be. It would be so easy to. Walk over there, tap Steve's shoulder, and say the words.
Pose the question.
Will you be my Valentine?
Steve was making huffy, nervous little noises when Billy came to a stop beside him.
"Hey Harrington, playing with all your friends?" Billy sneered, confident that Steve would giggle like he was did, but.
When he finally turned around his face was red and puffy. As if he'd been crying all morning and all night, too.
"What do you want, Billy?" Steve whispered.
He sounded sleepy. Spread thin, like the last spoonful of jam on burned toast.
"What's wrong?" Billy asked carefully. "What happened?"
Steve sat and rubbed at his eyes, chin wobbling as more tears spilled over. "My daddy broke my glasses." He whispered.
And Billy hated it.
He always hated when Steve cried but today. Right now, he.
Felt like he had to do something about it.
Billy took the love heart from his pocket and sat down next to Steve, cuddling back into the pillows until their shoulders were touching. It took all of five seconds for Steve to settle in next to him. Roll his head back against the wall until he was looking at Billy with a question in his eyes.
Steve looked at Billy's shoulder and back up at his face, like.
"Can I--"
"Come here, stupid." Billy grumbled, Pulling Steve in until they were cuddling on the pillows.
Steve chirped. It wasn't his usual sound, light and airy, it was.
And heavy.
Like a blanket sopped with rain water. Steve buried his face in Billy's neck. "I don't have any Valentines to give this year."
"That's okay."
"I made something special for you," Steve whispered, pulling back to study Billy's face. "I know Mr. Talamantez said we weren't supposed to, but--"
"Will you be my Valentine?" Billy's stupid mouth said.
Steve blinked at him, and.
Billy wanted to hide in the bathroom for thousand years.
Steve pulled away to sit crisscross-applesauce. Facing Billy, like this was something important. "Huh?"
Billy mirrored him, tucking his hands away so they wouldn't shake when he held out the love heart.
It was pink. Big and bright and outlined with a white doily that Susan helped him glue around the edges. Billy had dug through Max's box of stickers for the one with Winne the Pooh, the one he'd been saving for someone special. Winnie was covered in tiny valentines, eating right out of a jar of honey with a butterfly sitting on his nose, and.
Billy had thought it was perfect.
He worked for hours on the font. The saying that made his mommy laugh when he read it to her; you're bear-y sweet. Be my Valentine.
Steve took the love heart in his hands, and.
Didn't say anything.
Billy frowned. "I just. Remember you asked me to be your Valentine, or. For you to be mine. And--" His hands were shaking again. "It's stupid. God, this is--"
Steve leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
It was gentle. Like the brush of butterfly wings, barely there and then gone before Billy had a chance to really register the movement, or. Think about what it could mean.
Steve wasn't crying anymore when he said, "I'll be your Valentine."
Billy's brain took a minute to catch up. "Huh?"
"I'll be your Valentine, Billy." Steve giggled, staring down at the love heart once more. "This is so cute. I loved Winnie the Pooh when I was a baby. My mom always put me in footie pajamas that had Eeyore on them. And tinker bell too, sometimes. You could've put the Red power ranger on there instead. He's my favorite--"
Billy sat back against the pillows.
He was learning that Steve Harrington was weird.
Like a puzzle with one piece missing, or. An empty tube of bubble mix. Steve was colorful and loud and all over the place with opinions. He shined bright and loved hard, and.
Sometimes it was best to sit back and listen.
Happy Valentines Day!!
I really just sat down and wrote this. Wow. Anyway--thank you for reading and supporting my work. Your comments and endless kindness keep me going when I don't always feel like trucking on, and I wanted to do something to remind you that if this was an elementary school classroom I would give you so many lollipops.
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