#i mourned bugs life but !!! SPIDERMAN.
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pbpsbff · 9 months ago
sometimes im like wow parkner is so wildly uncanon these 2 have never interacted. and then i think about the spider-man ride at disneyland where both are listed as engineers and i'm like this is proof. they kiss
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castielsprostate · 2 months ago
uhm anyway this is my official script outline proposal for venom vs spiderfriend / spiderman 4 / venom 4 !
cockroach!venom is travelling to new york all by himself (the the barman is there too because it's just really funny) while we follow eddie having thee worst day he's ever had. he stubs his toe getting out of bed in the morning, his coffee order is wrong and spills on his shirt, he drops his laptop on the concrete, he loses every lead he had on an investigation, a bird shits on his shoulder, it starts to rain and he doesn't have an umbrella, he gets hit by a street puddle a cab drives through, a fling he's "trying" breaks everything off over text message (gender ambiguous), and then when he's crossing the street he gets fucking BODIED by a truck. he gets rushed to the hospital, barely alive, major trauma, broken bones, brain bleed, cardiac arrest, and before he goes he says, "see you soon, buddy," whilst clutching his lady liberty keychain in his hands
cut to spiderman, doing spideythings on earth 616, swinging through the city of new york,
meanwhile, cock!venom is vroaching it up on the other side of the city, going from alley to alley, dodging cars and pedestrians, barely evading death, looking into windows searching for something, making tiny, whiny little alien sounds. he finds a tasty little treat (rat brains) in between and as he's about to munch spiderman's ass squashes him from falling through a marvel sparkles universe hole. venom attaches himself to spiderman and they are an absolute hate at first sight. by GOD does venom hate peter and does peter try to get rid of venom any and all opportunities! "YOU" "what me?" "YOU ARE THE RED BLUE MAN FROM TV" "well... yeah? i'm spiderman? can you get out of my body please??" venom does not, in fact, get out of his body, but they fight some alley bad guys, one calls spiderman an "uptight fruity" and venom goes ballistic. they fight together, badly, because neither of them is strong enough to control the other and then they fight each other before realising it's pointless. venom ends saying "don't let guys like that get you down, bug, sing your own song, dance to your own beat, it's what we do" to peter when they're done fighting and peter just goes ???
eddie is still dying in the hospital, medically induced coma, anne arrives with dan, they mourn him, getting told there's no chance of survival anymore. they're keeping him alive for mrs chen to say her goodbyes, and unhooking his life support in two days. capcut dream montage where he's raising a family together with venom, eddie says, "this is a life i like better,". that's normal behaviour
spideyvenom is being followed by some woodchippers, venom explains NOTHING to the spider man because they doesn't like the spider man. they have a day where they try to find out whats going on, barely working together, but good enough to find out some information. they have an alleycat fight and venom reveals that he's looking for someone "special to us" after coming all the way from nevada, and peter goes "ah.. mr venom, she must be important to you for you to travel all this way, huh?" "yes, insect... he is important to us" and spiderman goes O.O and then tries to help but no one's heard of an "eddie brock". the city, in the meantime, becomes jittery and weird, and something big is coming. something big and wrong. they go on a venom bender and meet the barman in an underground (gay) club in nyc and have a fun (for venom. terrible for spidey and the barman) night out
eddie is dying, slowly, in the hospital, unresponsive to everyone and everything. mrs chen says a tearful goodbye, leaving a bar of chocolate on his bedside table, anne stays with eddie whilst dan goes with mrs chen to get some food. she holds his hand, cries, maybe. she says, through tears,"i wish he could've protected you longer"
spideyvenom are doing what they can to protect people (venom eats a few of them), swinging through the city when more marvel sparkles appear. by god. that's a lot of fucking marvel sparkles. that's. that's too many marvel sparkles. the sky opens up, there really isn't a lot of time left, the something big, something wrong is here.
swinging through new york, spideyman is listing off everything that's going very, very wrong, trying to evacuate as many people, when venom spots eddie, barely, through a top floor hospital window. in reality he actually spots anne, throwing everything on a hail mary, and decides to crash them into the hospital window. anne ducks to protect eddie, spiderman takes off his mask in anger, "mr venom what the hell??? we HAVE to go, NOW,". venom rejects himself from spiderman, launching him out of the window, and jumping onto eddie, trying to be absorbed, "eddie?... eddie... eddie.. eddie. eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie eddie!! eddie!!! eddie!!!! eddie!!!!! eddie!!!!!!! eddie!!!!!!!!!! eddie!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!,"
venom goes to anne, looking at eddie, "why isn't our other waking up? what is wrong with our eddie, anne?". "venom, i'm so sorry."
so venom, without thinking, without any hold back, makes anne perform cpr, just enough to flow into eddie. just. barely. enough. and he brings eddie back again, slamming him back into life, waking up another codex in the process, but he doesn't care. because their eddie is back, and eddie is waking up.
eddie says, whilst reaching up to his chest, "hey buddy, i just had the-," "weirdest dream, eddie,"
silence, for a moment, the camera is only focused on them sitting in eddie's glass covered hospital bed before,
"am i dead? are we dead? is this it?" "no, eddie, we are alive," and eddie presses their foreheads together, gently, with no urgency. just relief. eddie gripping the back of venom's goop, entangling his fingers, wanting to feel venom engulf him again. the moment is cut short by spiderman jumping through ANOTHER window "what in the hell are you doing mr. venom??? we have to clear the city, now, we don't have any time for this"
freaked out, a little soggy, eddie says, "venom, that's th-the-the peter guy from tv from the the purple man universe" "yes eddie, we do not like him," "why is the peter guy from tv in here, why does he know who we are,"
spiderman goes ???, eddie braces himself for a fight, gripping venom tighter, he isn't going to lose him again so soon, "listen sweetie, we aren't going anywhere," whilst gesturing to him and venom, "what is going on here?"
something rumbles the ground, anne yelps, spiderman is up and out another window, "no time, gotta swing, we need to evacuate the city,"
eddie is up, getting anne to safety, she says "don't let him go, venom," before venom is filling him in on everything that happened and being shot into battle in his hospital gown. they full body, venom seeps into every part of eddie, impossibly further than any time before, and eddie lets him in
"we have a new tattoo, eddie?" "got it a while back, it's the," "codex?" "codex,"
they save a few people on their way down, venom eats a few bad guys, "you got a new tattoo, too, huh bud?" "it looks cool on us" they find spiderman and, despite their mutual dislike, team up and [epic battle here]. cool co-ops with veddie launching spiderman, spiderman webbing bad guys like a little burrito for venom to eat, eddie does a few kickflips and gets launched by spiderman to get some up-top threats. and the threat isn't clear, it's not knull, it's not more xenophages, it's something neither of them has seen before, and it just keeps coming... until the sky clears up in an instant. like it was snapped away, and spiderman is marvel sparkled back before any of them know what's happening, "mr venom??" "insect! see you never"
half of the city is destroyed (in true marvel hero style), venom and eddie have to get out of there quickly before anyone gets a too good look.
the final scene of venom and eddie is them sitting in central park, debris magically cleaned up, venom safely tucked in eddie's shirt saying some venom-y nonsense and alien purring, two new chickens who they named roan and gaga pecking away by their feet, looking off into the sunset. eddie whispers, "but i like any life with us best," and venom intertwines their hands
spiderman gets marvelsparkled back into the mcu, having the wildest story to tell, and having so so so many questions, with having none answered because it's Doom's Day.
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iamanartichoke · 5 years ago
To kind of add on to that “are you excited about phase 4″ ask I got a few days ago, I think something that I have felt for quite awhile but haven’t known how to put into words is that, honestly, I feel like IW/Endgame really ruined the MCU as a cohesive universe, in addition to screwing over the characters and the stories. 
What I mean is, after Avengers 1, we had a pretty tight-knit, cohesive world where all of the connections made sense and allowed the characters to both function together as a team while realistically going off in their own directions to continue their solo stories. Each character who had a movie prior to Avengers 1 got a fleshed out background and a narrative that got rid of a lot of the convoluted tropes so rampant in comic books/superhero movies in general. That’s what used to set Marvel apart - that they took their time to really build up to Avengers and make the story as satisfying as possible. 
After that, not only did the OG Avengers continue on with their own stories, but Avengers also set up a narrative that allowed for spin-offs to simultaneously exist while also being autonomous stories - Agents of SHIELD was made possible due to the groundwork laid by Avengers, Coulson’s resurrection storyline was solid and believable (for this universe), there were tie-ins linking it to the main universe, including appearances by the movie characters, up to and including Nick Fury. When the Winter Soldier came out and SHIELD collapsed, AoS followed suit and became an even better show, while still staying true to its MCU roots. 
Simlarly, the Netflix shows took the audience on a super realistic view of what the every day world could and would look like post-Avengers, in that after the porthole closed and the aliens were defeated and the government agencies moved on, there were still regular, every day people who had to create a new normal. This normal closely resembled the old, in that these people still went to work, rode the subway, went out to eat, spent time with friends, experienced trauma, and so on and so forth, but with the caveat that everyone is aware that Strange Things Are Possible and Super Powers Are a Thing.The events of Avengers were referred to and shown to have an effect, as it would, but life goes on. Characters like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage showed us what happens when regular people - not gods, not billionaires, not government spies, just people - are thrust into situations that could happen every day, like theft, murder, betrayal, vendettas, and so on, but with superpowers. And the results were so, so engaging and satisfying, overall. 
Up through Age of Ultron and even Civil War, in that the Accords had ramifications on AoS and the Raft became a real threat for Jessica and for Luke. The movies and its spinoff shows were still very connected, even as they did their own thing. 
And then .... Infinity War happens. Setting aside my personal grievances with the film, what its plot basically does is set fire to the cohesive unit of story-telling that had been happening previously. Yes, the universe had been getting kind of large by this point, and more and more characters are being introduced/given movies, but it still more or less made sense. More suspension of disbelief was going on, probably, but it wasn’t too confusing. 
IW changes that. Thanos comes along with his plan to wipe out half the universe. Wakanda, which has only just revealed itself as a powerful nation to the world, becomes the site of a huge alien battle, much huger than the Battle of New York. 
Half of the universe literally turns to dust, with nobody knowing what the fuck has just happened. People living their every day lives suddenly have their friends and loved ones vanish into thin air, and no one knows why.
 The Battle of Wakanda goes largely unmentioned. AoS and the Netflix shows don’t even address these events. 
The Avengers either go their separate ways or hole up in the Compound, running some version of SHIELD. (No mention of what the AoS version of SHIELD is doing, especially since in that show’s canon, Coulson  made Mack director, but it’s implied in the main canon, Nat’s acting director since Fury got dusted, and Fury’s return in FFH implies he’s still very involved in SHIELD. So I guess the SHIELD in AoS is redundant, or ...? I honestly have no idea how they’re connected anymore.)
Five years pass. 
General Ross doesn’t show up, either during the passage of time or after the battle. There’s no mention of what’s happened to the President, or the government in general during this time. 
The Avengers decide they’re going to bring everyone back.
The Avengers Compound is blown up by an alien army and a massive battle follows. There’s not a peep from the government about this. 
The dusted people return without explanation. 
Five years have still passed. The Compound has been destroyed by aliens. No one seems very concerned about this. The dusted people go back to their regular lives. From what I understand, in FFH, Tony Stark/Iron Man is mourned, but that’s about the extent of the ramifications of all of this. 
Captain America is gone, but might have created a new timeline, but maybe he was in the main timeline all along, but is a new timeline the same as a new universe, so is the multiverse real? but no, Mysterio made up the multiverse to fuck with Spiderman, but something alternate has to exist bc the Ancient One specifically said that new timelines will be created if the stones are moved/changed, but but but - 
What I’m getting at here is, the further we get into the events of IW/Endgame, the less and less sense the overall story makes, not only in the films themselves but in setting a foundation for the Phase 4 movies. The MCU world is all kinds of fucked up now. There’s seemingly no explanation besides “that’s just how things are now” to explain how this whole convoluted mess works once the fancy explosions and fan service are over and the story has to continue.
And just like that, the MCU has become just as convoluted and outlandish as the genre stereotype it was originally trying to establish itself away from. For me, that’s the other side of the coin - yes, I am disappointed in the MCU and the decisions Marvel is making and how my favorite characters have been treated, but there’s also the fact that even if I was still invested in the new movies, I would be confused as all fuck about what story they’re even trying to tell at this point. 
It’s not fun if it doesn’t make sense, or if extensive mental gymnastics are needed to put it into some semblance of coherence. It’s not enjoyable to me. I’m here for good, solid stories and characters I care about. And it actually really, really bugs me that logic has been tossed in favor of narrative decisions made purely for shock value rather than genuine investment in telling a satisfying story. 
Which is also why I’m not excited for phase 4. 
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asagimeta · 6 years ago
Haven't seen endgame yet BUT have spoiled myself on it and one sticking point I have is the five year timeskip. It sticks in my craw that going forward I guess we're meant to view the half of the universe that survived the snap will adjust back to having the other half alright, or the half that got Snapped are okay with returning to a universe that is suddenly five years later.
Yeah that bugs me too, to say nothing of people who were snapped away and suddenly lost five years, we already saw with Scott that that’s a hard bite, his daughter was a little girl one minute and a teenager the next
I think Peter is going to have the hardest time with this of everyone though, because think about it, he was a teenager when he was snapped away, no time has changed for him but… what about everyone else?
It’s weird to me that MJ, Ned, and the bully who’s name escaped me from Peter’s class were also just “coincidentally” all snapped away (really they did a shit job of divying up the 50% Exactly thing because by odds an awfull lot of groups and families were ALL snapped or MOSTLY snapped…) but even with that said, it’s COMPLETELY unrealistic to think that ALL of Peter’s classmates were snapped, wich means that inevitably, Peter has a new class now, he’s got people in his class that were elementary schoolers before, he’s got former classmates who are now adults, five years may not be alot of time to a 30-year-old, but to a 15-year-old? It’s a third of their life
And Peter is never getting that back
It would have made so much more sense if he came back and had to deal with the fact that he was still in highschool wile atleast one of his freinds was an adult but we know because of Far From Home that that won’t be the case
But yeah even from an adult perspective, so MUCH can change in five years, people will have moved on, children will have grown, businesses will have closed and jobs will have been lost, resources will have changed, and now society will have to readjust again, and now we have to add in adjusting… wile cleaning up the WRECKAGE that Thanos left, wile mourning two of Earth’s greatest heros (three if you count Cap but since that mantel was officially given to Falcon I don’t know if it’ll be quite the same, especially as Cap isn’t dead) and that’s going to be so much
Gods, not to mention Wakanda- who has been without a king OR a princess for five years, thus taking with it the primary leaders- or the various governments that surely lost world-leaders and now have them back
There’s a really wide-scale level to this that I don’t think Marvel took into consideration that goes so much further than “Scott’s daughter is a teenager” and “The vanished have monuments now”, sure time will tell if the MCU ever mentions any of this but I think it’s truly impossible to have a connected universe that focuses on superheros and really express how hard this is on people, because unlike Manifest, the core of the movies going forward will still be about Spiderman taking on the Big Bad and Nick Fury running SHEILD, T’Challa is the only one I see as having any real chance of dealing with these larger scale issues because the fight to keep his place as a king is part of his wider story, but even that’s smaller than what we really need to see
I think scale is really one of Marvel’s biggest problems, just because in their effort to make the stakes high, they have an impossible time showing.. well… the stakes
I do, however, appreciate Captain Marvel repeatedly stating that Earth isn’t the only planet affected by the snap, it reminds us of the scale of that event without having to spend time taking away from the primary story, and gives her a really good reason to be away from Earth
Captain Marvel, after all, isn’t just a hero of Earth, she’s not just a hero of the Galaxy even, she’s a hero of the universe
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