#i mostly have the tag on mute until someone shows me fanart
alkcomics · 4 months
I am going to be very straightforward with this question: I wanna draw something a bit kinky involving Jules and rope. Nothing explicit, this is Tumblr after all. Is this something that you would prefer be tagged with your ‘don’t look’ tag, since I know you follow the Jules Jourdain tag?
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Ha! That's sweet to ask, but don't mind me. I've got no ambitions to police fandom. Y'all have fun ✨
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bleekay · 4 years
hiii i’m the anon from before, kind of a follow up? is it weird being in a fandom that is (mostly) about minors when you’re not one?
are you asking if it’s weird i’m in a fandom of a show where the characters are kids or are you asking if it’s weird being an adult in a fandom that has fans who are kids? i mean, i don’t think either is weird, but i can’t tell if there’s supposed to be some hidden passive aggressive accusation in your question or if you are just genuinely curious
this show came out when i was a teenager. i’ve been a fan of it for over 10 years, and it was so good that i roped my mom into watching it with me back then, too. she also has loved it all this time, enough to binge rewatch it with me when it was released on netflix! for all its flaws, atla’s a good show, with interesting, complicated characters, a great plot, and some incredibly fun and memorable episodes and lines. it’s always been one of those comfort shows i’ve gone back to. there are quite a few other cartoons i love as well! some i watched when i was a kid, some that have come out in recent years. there is nothing wrong with enjoying these shows no matter how old you are. there’s something to be said for shows that have heart, that aren’t weighed down by some of the issues found in most “adult” TV shows. i’m not gonna stop liking something just because someone else might think it’s weird. i mean the show was,,,, literally made by adults. the kid characters were made by adults, the canon romances between the kid characters were made by adults, some of the voice actors were adults when they voiced the kid characters. without adults, this show would not exist in the first place. same goes for any cartoon, any YA book, all those animated films, etc. adults have always been involved. like. how many adult fans do you think there are in, say, the harry potter fandom? it’s really not a new concept
as for being an adult in a fandom that also has fans who are minors, i guess it’s only weird in the sense that it’s brought up to me so much? i was in fandom when i was a minor, too. i wrote fic and drew fanart, and interacted with other fans, and age didn’t really come up for the most part. back in my day 👵🏻 then, people didn’t post personal info on their bio like nowadays, so there was no question (at least to me) if i should be wondering how old these other people were. i didn’t really care, tbh, i just wanted to read and write and draw and chat about the shows i liked. i was on deviantart and livejournal and a couple of fanfic sites, and for all i know, i was surrounded by adults in those spaces. most of the writers and artists i know on here (not all; but most) are adults. plenty of fans here on tumblr, on AO3, on various other platforms, are adults. the whole idea that adults shouldn’t be allowed into fandom spaces where minors also exist is... honestly really strange to me? up until joining atla fandom on tumblr, i had never encountered this particular attitude. i’ve said it on here a couple times, but like, if you’re a minor, and being in fandom with adults bothers you, you’re welcome to block me, i don’t mind at all. that’s why my age is in my bio. and if there’s any minors i’m following that don’t want adults following them (not everyone lists their age in their bio; understandable) then i’m also okay with y’all reaching out to me and asking me to unfollow and/or to not interact; like no questions asked i’ll do it. i’m not out here specifically aiming to make anyone uncomfortable. but as for just existing here? i’m just hangin, my dude. tumblr is my fun space. no one is obligated to follow me or other adults if they don’t wanna
curate your dash, babies. block, filter out tags you don’t wanna see, blacklist, mute, unfollow, do whatever you need to to make your dash what you want it to be; but it’s not on individual bloggers to leave or drastically change their involvement in fandom because you don’t like them there
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girlandgeese · 4 years
Artist ask thing!
I was tagged by @kourvo​ and I am a big baby who is afraid to tag even my mutuals so if you see this I WOULD like to read your responses and please DO tag me if you fill it out. :’-)
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What is the character you’ve drawn the most (Can be original or fanart) Other people’s Lavellans by about a mile.
What colour do you often use? I like muted and muddy colors. Give me those soft tonal shifts!!
Any colour you are bad at using? Bright and poppy shades. It isn’t in my programming.
When drawing people, where do you start? Jawline, then nose, then eyes, then mouth.
What is a character only your eraser will love? I’ve accepted that I’ll never draw Solas and that this will be why I never climb to the top of the DA art fandom.
Which of your works took the longest time? Almost definitely this one for @teknon​ who put a lot of faith in me, haha. This is still one of the most ambitious concepts I’ve ever actually completed. 🥺🙏
What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing? Eugh... I really haven’t actively tried to improve in a long time. Any of my improvements have been through sheer repetition, like taking on two dozen portrait commissions inevitably makes me better at faces. A lot of times I will burn out, stop drawing for a few months, then be slightly better when I get back at it. It’s a mystery. 💦
What do you think of the art of the person who gave you this ask meme? Their art is so lovely and striking and distinctive!! Extremely strong and emotive portraits. Wonderful use of light and dark values. When I read in their response to this that they don’t often use reference, I was like, “...?? How is this possible?”
What art tools/media are you good with? All my digital work is Procreate + iPad. Whenever I’m traveling I’ll bring a sketchbook (Leuchtturm is the best) and some ink pens.
Art tools/media you are bad at? Pastels, watercolor, charcoal. Messy things.
What do you think about your own art? ... Honestly I’m not a fan, haha. Occasionally I’ll make something that I’m proud of, but the vast majority of the time I’m just frustrated. This probably means I need to make some changes to my approach. But. Y’know. There’s currently a very large gulf between where I am and where I would like to be.
Do you consult references for your drawings? Every time for every thing. You haven’t lived until you’ve got eight tabs open of searches for “old man stern”, “old man angry”, “old man frown”, “old man face downward angry”--
What do you like about your art? I like my line work. I like how I render different planes and edges on a face.
What habits do you have while drawing? Planning to do something quick and then accidentally overworking it.
Are you good at drawing faces facing right? I think so.
How frequently do you draw? Not at all, then a TON for a short period of time. This is maybe my worst habit.
What do you do when you have artist’s block? I wait six months to several years. I do “junk food” art like drawing an easy portrait to build my confidence a bit. Photo/master studies.
What must you have when you draw? I have to have some noise, and my workspace has to be free of clutter. 9/10 times I will make a hot drink to have beside me; 7/10 times I forget about it.
Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)? Nah. I’m pretty economical.
What is drawing to you? Something I’ve been doing for a long time. A place where I have put most of my skill points but not enough of my attention and dedication.
Your art goal from now on? Make things that are unrecognizably mine. Confront my insecurities. Draw for no audience whatsoever.
Artists you’ve had influence from? See next.
Artists you like? Akihiko Yoshida, John Singer Sargent, John William Waterhouse, Ivan Bilibin, Even Amundsen.
Which is easier to draw, humans or animals? Ha ha. Humans.
Show us an old drawing. This is my favorite one to peddle out.
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What is the charm-point of your art? Nice faces that are pleasant to look at. Chiseled cheekbones and numerous elf ears.
What is the first thing you would draw if we’re talking about fantasy? Elves, unsurprisingly. If I were just doodlin’ it would be outfit and armor designs for various adventurer types.
Please draw your most beloved character: I have spent literally 100% of my artistic energy on donation drawings so here is a year-old Lavellan that I still like a lot, to represent Elves as whole.
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When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex? I think it’s a mix, at this point? When I was younger I would only draw girls.
What did you draw yesterday? Donation drawings! Last one was a nice OC. :-)
What is the most fun part to draw? Eyes and brows. Hair is fun to draw but miserable to paint.
What part of other people’s drawings do you notice first? Line work, color theory. Mark-making.
Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw? Simply do not draw a background.
What colour coordinations do you like? Zorn palette, baybee.
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What character did you last draw? Attractive male-presenting OC with long white hair and a nice skin tone.
What part of drawing do you pay most attention to? Line work requires the most active attention. You cannot save a bad drawing with good painting. I have learned this. I may spend more time painting, but it doesn’t ask as much of me mentally.
How do you feel about drawing adult art? At any moment I am ready to sell out and be paid large amounts of money to draw NSFW content.
Do you like criticism from others? When I solicit it and when it’s from someone whose opinions I value. That sounds like “no”, but it’s more that many people don’t give good, actionable criticism. Luckily I am my own harshest critic. 🤡
How many people do you normally draw per artwork? 1/6 of one humanoid.
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pinkvhs · 6 years
JSE Ego Content
this was a post I made as an answer for my friend a while back. Here is a full info dump of everything I know so far when it comes to Seán’s ego stuff. 
Please add on or send me info if you got more. 
Heads up, its a long read. 
Here is a mayhem2k18 master post and Here is another post describing past events too
Mayhem2018 or Mayhem2k18 is also a tag people used this year to talk about the mass ego videos Sean did back in May so there might be more posts there too that I missed!
Egopocalypse is another tag too!
So basically, back in August of 2016 we were first introduced to Marvin the Magnificent during a Jacksepticeye Power Hour. At first these videos were named different titles but Sean changed them to be the introduction videos to his characters. Marvin is a magician video and it ends with him getting frustrated with magic and ends up coloring a cat mask. Thats the only video to this day that we have of him until later in May of 2018 when we got a mask hiding in the background on Sean’s white board both on his Insta story, during the Am I Color Blind video, and on his Twitch stream. However, when someone pointed it out during the stream he went for a bathroom break and when it cut back the mask was gone. Later on in videos like First Winter it is debated if Marvin shows up in a glitch near the end of the video because people have pointed out a shot of him wearing the mask. He also seems to briefly show up in a glitch like form in Try To Fall Asleep along with Jameson Jackson (who I’ll get to in a bit). Its also debated if Marvin is actually powerful since during Sean’s tour it was asked what the egos majored in with college and he said “magicians don’t go to college but maybe literature so he can say some Shakespeare as he sends you into the mirror dimension.”  But again, it is unsure. He is also suppose to have long hair as stated that Sean liked the idea of long hair Marvin over some fanart he saw and during the tour he mentioned that Marvin wanted a haircut for his birthday. The most recent we have seen him November during Sean’s tour he posted a photo of him dressed up as Marvin on his instagram story with a wig and mask a fan gave him
Next is Jackieboy Man, a superhero character who was introduced in July 2016. He has been in videos like south park for game play, however, Sean has said those videos are not canon. It also seems like he shows up in Ninja Sex Party’s music video Cool Patrol and some fans think this is Jackie’s back story but that has yet to be confirmed so it is mostly a fun thing. There is sadly nothing of major or hints of him except for an occasional “Where is Jackieboy Man when you need him?” from Sean during the summer of this year. We don’t know much about him at all he is in a similar boat as Marvin.
Next is Henrik von Schneeplestein or Doctor Schneepletein. He is a doctor character we first saw in September of 2016. When it comes to medical videos like Bio Inc he shows up. He is a German doctor who has a family but there seems to be some issues with that as it was briefly mentioned in his first appearance. In August of 2017, Kill Jacksepticeye was posted and it involves him, Jack, and Antisepticeye. After the events of what seems to be Say Goodbye, Jack is dying and Henrik doesn’t want to lose him again. Henrik is good friends with Jack along with Chase Brody and has saved him before and got Chase help (who I will get to soon). Slowly during that video, Henrik begins to be taken over by Anti. He starts to laugh manically, tries to “hang” himself with his own headphone cords, each time he says antidepressants the word Anti is emphasized and glitches / echoes sounding. More glitches occur on screen both to Henrik as his eye bleeds, voice changes, and begins to beg for us (the viewer) to please help him, “I need your help! Save Jack  Anti “. It ends with Jack dying and Henrik crying out for his friend and it cuts to black. Then Anti appears. Since then, it was months since anyone has heard of Henrik till Sean uploaded a postcard saying Wish You Were here with a beach that can be found in Germany. Then the start of Mayhem 2018 happens with The Doctor is Back . Its a doctor game but “Doctor Jacksepticeye” plays it but the video ends with Henrik opening the door and Jack seeing him asking “Who are you?” and Henrik being angry saying “I am the good doctor and that is MY chair!” and it ending there. Since then we haven’t heard or seen Henrik.
Chase Brody we were introduced to in April of 2017. He is a dad who runs a Dude Perfect like parody channel called Bro Average. He seems like a happy fun dad who is energetic and kind of like a “suh dude” kind of guy. Later in his video we see he is having family issues with his wife and she is taking their kids away from him. It cuts to him sitting down on the phone talking to Stacy, his wife, back to him doing trick shots and playing with nerf guns and a puppet named Chad, then back to him sitting down asking her to “please just let me see the kids”. He briefly gets on the phone with one of his children saying “hi sweetie, daddy loves you “ but getting cut off and him crying (comedically but still). It then cuts to him being passive aggressively angry but still smiling and doing tricks. It ends with him putting a nerf gun to his head and pretending to shoot himself and falls to the ground. However he gets up and is fine at the very end. The next video we hear from his is Stories Untold, at the end of the video we hear him calling out to his friend Jack saying “Jack! Jack! This is Chase…you need to wake up” with the morse code saying “Where Am I”. The know for sure we see him in is May 2018 with TIE, a game about depression. This slowly grows from Jack playing and cuts to him being in Chase’s shirt explaining how his friend is in a coma and how things have been rough for him and he wishes things could go back to how they were “Back to when I was happy. When I had people in my life”. It is also revealed that this whole time we have been watching Chase take over the channel for Jack since he is in a coma.  It then cuts to a live action bit with Chase sitting in a dark candle lit room, sitting alone, face hidden as he drinks many cups whiskey and looks at and old photo (assumed to be his family) and cries. He then walks off leaving his hat on the table and the video ending there. The next video, as confirmed by Robin (Sean’s friend and editor), was Dark Silence.  At the end of the video we see Chase walking around his house with a lighter hearing children’s screams and cries. He walks up the stairs and the whole hallway turns red. Standing in front of him is Anti with his back turned and then slowly turning around. Chase screams out “Where are they?! What do you want from me?!” as Anti walks towards him in a new glitchy way and the video cuts to black. The only recent theory of him being in a recent video was 60 Parsecs with the mentions of Stacy. Sean is also the most excited to go deeper into Chase’s character as talked about recently this year. He was also mentioned in The Watson Scott Test video with the “wake up Ja-” “Ch@se”  and face camera glitches. 
Jameson Jackson is the newest character of his and was introduced in Halloween of 2017. He is a silent film type of character that you would see in old 1920s films with the dialogue appearing on title slides. It starts off with Jack giving his intro and it fading / cutting to him dressed as Jameson or JJ. The video is cheery for the most part and he is carving pumpkins but later on it spirals when he slips and cuts his hand with a knife and is in pain. Anti once again shows up and seems to have possessed him as he makes neck slicing gestures to JJ’s neck, slides saying “watching” “puppets” “smile” “still here”, holding up the knife used to carve the pumpkin, laughing,  and music takes an eery turn. He removes JJ’s mustache while grinning but also cuts back to JJ still having. But then it stops and JJ seems fine and cheery then the video ends with an outro too. As mentioned, he then seems to be in Try To Fall Asleep with Marvin back in May of this year. The next video we have any word of him was Akinator when Sean tried to see if the game would guess JJ. Here we got that JJ is British, but also didn’t get many answers to things such as “is your character a puppet”. Along with glitches in that video too and it ending on a note with Jack screaming into a dark, static, broken septiceye sam tank outro screen. There is also apparently Anti’s laugh at the end too. Its also seems that JJ is mute or has no voice again as stated that for his birthday Jameson wants a voice
AAAANNND for the glitch himself, Antisepticeye. First video back in October 10th of 2016. The concept of Anti has been around awhile, some calling him darksepticeye, but this was the first time Sean actually started to have fun and turn him into a character. During October of 2016 there were many Anti videos in places people today, and even during the time, didn’t think he would be.  [playlist of all October 2016 Anti videos and a few 2017 vids ] However, the major appearance we see him in was Say Goodbye where Jack carves pumpkins and things slowly start being strange like giggling, camera glitches, Jack’s nose bleeding, him hearing footsteps and noises in his house. It escalates where Jack looks dead in the camera and with a shakey hand, slices his neck with a knife and falls dead into the pumpkin. Anti then gains control of Jack’s body and laughs as he reaches out to the camera and it cuts to black with a distant “HELP ME!” yell coming from Jack. It fades to Anti laughing, waving his knife at us and himself as he talks about how Jack is gone forever with it ending “say goodbye”. He then shows up again for a Pax panel opening video in March 2017 called Always Watching. Again, its Jack talking to the people at the panel and the screen starts to glitch and Anti shows up again saying that “he is always there. always watching” till it ends saying “enjoy the show”. This was more of a fun Pax intro than anything but its still an Anti appearance.  August of 2017, Kill Jacksepticeye is when we see him in video next but before that Jack had left pictures and other things leading up to his appearance so we were all on edge. But then again, this is nothing new. Once the screen fades to Anti he says “Who do you think you’ve been watching this entire time? My puppets” and “I wonder what will happen to your favorite boy next time?” meaning, all the other characters are in control of Anti and are his “puppets” and our favorite can die next time we see them again. Next video he is in is Jameson Jackson’s in October 2017  and then Overnight Watch in December 2017. This happened during Jacksepticeye’s Holiday Special charity live stream but Sean pokes fun and denies this ever happened (even though it infact did). From then on we didn’t hear from Anti until May of this year with his full body and completely different appearance in Dark Silence. Leading up to this, its important to note that the colors red & blue are shown throughout mayhem like an indication that yes, this is an ego video. Since before that, Jack(or Chase) wakes up from a nightmare with whispers saying “I remember what he did to me” at the end of Stories Untold and seem to go together due to the noises.  Not too long after Dark Silence, Exiles was uploaded and it has an abrupt Jack showing up on screen confused as to where he is until he finds out he is in the hospital. It ends abruptly with Jack staring blank in the camera, his eyes and mouth opened and gasping for air as blood runs down his eyes with whispers saying “you did this its all your fault” and the ending screen is Sam covered in red light playing in reverse while a siren goes off and some think its an evacuation or warning siren . Shortly after that First Winter is uploaded and close to the middle of the playthrough it shows a dead Jack looking at the camera with blood still running down his face along with a door opening. There was also added Anti bits in the audio that some believe he is saying “Let me out ” along with other things that were not part of the game audio. Close to the end of the game, Jack expresses how “he has never been happier to be home” when even more Anti glitches happen and it seems like a body is walking behind him.  Now the most recent Anti appearances are from Transference of September 21st, 2018 . The first video there was nothing (from what I know of) but the second video there are plenty of hidden Dark Silence Anti moments that are VERY hard to spot the first time viewing. He was then brought back with Three Scary Games 1 Video. There are Many glitches  that  happened in face camera and an eerily similar pitched voice is spoken. There was also a glitch transition in Four Scary Games 1 Video. He was also mentioned in The Watson Scott Test video with the face camera glitches and as mentioned the text of the game being manipulated (thanks Robin). The Next Anti video is from December 1st with Umfend (also titles Time Is Broken..subtle) it has glitches once again and with a very ominous “Do you remember?”. The most recent, December 7th 2018 is where at the end of Sally Face Chapter 4 part 1 with the Sam ending screen being completely glitched out and having distorted audio  (also wanting us to watch to the end)
Some other mentions are:
Sean changing the FNAF Sister Location video titles back in August of 2018 and how the description has been this from the start
Sean changing his twitter header to Anti after Dark Silence
Some skeptical connections with Chase and some other Power Hours
Sean possibly hinting the First Winter video since the first Stories Untold video. He has done date hinting in thumbnails in the past.
Comparisons to Anti now and other Anti videos  
Sean reblogged this post with Chase and Anti involving Dark Silence 
There is also connections with Jack’s fears and Anti where Sean talked about his fears during the Visage play through 
Sean has also said that we have missed some things in his videos before and that alone is enough to make me want to commit perish
There was no major video of Antisepticeye on Halloween 2018 or another Jameson Jackson video
Sean does want to make more ego content and is excited about it. He talked about it during a Reading Your Comments video  late November of 2018
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