#i miss this and if i could go back to this blog in its prime i would
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#i miss this and if i could go back to this blog in its prime i would#<3#also ephe you rbing an old post as i write this is tweeking me out muah
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Monday 9th December 2024
It was a long day on the Sealink Cat yesterday, and our late return to the old Homestead dictated a rather laid-back evening, snacking with SB and slumped watching Transporter 3; a familiar plot, and then an early night.
While we were entreated not to take anything from Whitsunday Island yesterday except photos, we nonetheless did by way of the silica, which might inadvertently clung to us or in hidden crevices there could be. Collectively, this, when accumulated carefully into a small pot, there was sufficient to clean in an eco-friendly way, Martine's jewelery. A well-known process around these parts, apparently. And very well it did perform for her. Sparkling as new now!
Beaches have been mentioned once or twice in this blog to date, and I do so again mindful firstly that it is hard to find anything original to write, but secondly, it may appear we have something of a fixation for them. After yesterday's high scoring Whitehaven Beach with its squeaky white silica sand, anything else would have you appear in the also run list. However, each Beach has it own merits. Whitehaven, for all its unique beauty, had the disadvantage of too many tourist boats disgorging people on to it for 2 hours at a time, whereas our Nelly Bay beach around the corner has no-one on it. We were there this morning for 2 hours, and on a beach that runs for several kilometres, we were literally the only people on it. It is a fantastic beach with beautiful views across the bay to feature tree clad uninhabited islands.
After lunch, we popped back again for a couple of hours. The tide by this time had come in, but still enough beach for everyone. Well, that is us. There were two people and two dogs further along this time, oh, and we spotted a couple of huge turtles and a couple of flying fish.These turtles must have been a couple of feet in length. One surfaced within feet of where Martine was swimming!
Showers then down to the Dingo Bay Hotel and the Dingo Pub to get a great sea food meal and a beer. We have really enjoyed our stay at Dingo Bay and once again be sorry to leave. The place is a small community centred around the pub, but very friendly and welcoming to outsiders. They genuinely seem to appreciate tourists in their town; a friendly wave as we have walked along the road to the hotel or beach. It's a great place; close enough to Airlie Beach, but far enough away to keep it just as it is, quiet, peaceful, ripe for development but resisting any attempt. The sea forms an important component in its success and attraction and is very much a place we could easily call home. Maybe one day we shall return.
A week here has flown by, it seems, and this is our last night before driving a couple of hours south to an inland place, Finch Hatton, which appears to come well recommended. We shall be staying this time in the Old Post Office.
ps. I report the sad passing of a kangaroo, cut down in the prime of life just outside our little house here, by way of a road traffic accident. Now, he must have been either the most accident prone kangaroo going or the most unlucky since there are only about 3 cars a day down this road! Either way, we miss him.

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I’m Saving My “Red” Puns
So, this one fell by the wayside. I saw Film Red in theatre and have always had...thoughts. But it was such a rollercoaster I needed to see it again before saying anything. That being a polite way of saying I needed a second viewing to get what the hell I was looking at. We’re not going to treat a movie as canon or even really talk too much about the full plot. I don’t care about that here. But...I’m still utterly puzzled by its existence. You have to understand, I cannot disentangle any thoughts about Film Red from the way I interpret Wano.
Could you? We weren’t heavy into the idea by then, but this blog was rolling before the details about Red came out. By the first post I already had some of these core kernels in mind. Bringing out the idea of Kiku as more of an actress, that she could spark something deeply atavistic in Luffy through Shanks/Makino, the light/dark theming and the parts of ourselves we hide. Using this as an opportunity to probe at Luffy’s mindset a bit more. How the hell do you think I felt seeing Uta after several months of thinking about that?
The One Piece films are in a weird place. Not canon and wouldn’t fit at all. Headcanon I say they’re exploits Usopp made up. But since Strong World we do tend to get a couple elements that are a gray area. Canon but likely won’t be used in the main story, maybe with a nudge or two at something to come. This Figarland Family and a strong hint it’s relevant to Shanks would be Red’s. That’s it, just a casual one-off line of dialogue. Said my piece on that, from what we’ve seen of it in canon it could lead to setting up Shanks with a similar background to Kiku/Izo. When you already have quiet potential set up there. But I do think some of these newer Film ____ movies serve another purpose. They’re not canon, but an echo of what’s going on in serialization at the time. Gold & Dressrosa’s parallels are the most blatant if you ask me, but Strong World, Z, & Stampede have all done it as well. There’s at least an element of like, the movie tracking with the mindset of current One Piece.
So does that mean I think Uta’s going to be super important? No, not at all. Just that she felt like priming the pump for things we were already looking at and where the story was going to go as Wano wound down. Cipher Pol & SWORD, Shanks and probing at his past. Those are things already paying off. But the big spotlight is on Uta. Who comes into the picture after I was already wondering about teasing out hidden sides of Luffy through another performer he’s been getting chummy with.
Now, what makes something like that soooo much weirder and less likely to be pure coincidence?
I love that every time I dig back into this I find out something bizarre about Art NUE. Remember Kikuhime? This time it’s drone footage of a massive stone structure. 30 tons of Luffy slugging the Nue. Of course, I’m bringing this up because of the Kiku doppelganger. Came about a year before Wano. Major non-canon echoes on either side of an entire arc spent cryptically in the background. That’s heckin’ strange...
Seriously. 30 TONS of stone for one part of this full exhibit where the local girl is a dead ringer for the local girl who dominates the first half of real Wano being Miss Cryptic the entire time. If I had to have brain rot about someone in this pirate epic, at least I get the girl who makes my conspiracy corkboard look halfway sane.
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vince's scars
the past Good Few Days i have been intensely thinking about vince's scars with much help from friend fashion show and i think i will just make one huge post about it actually because else i will be putting out stuff soon that might not make a Ton of Sense anymore.
this will be a barely-structured braindump so i will be putting it under a cut to be polite to your dash. sdjbfhg
basic little lore concepts in effect on this blog are
warframe material is unique in a way and cannot simply be replaced
warframe material holds memories in a very physical sense
warframes are created by first infecting the subject with the helminth strain and then carefully monitoring and helping the subject develop into a fully capable warframe through various medical interventions.
vince's end-of-human-life backstory is he got contaminated with the helminth strain in an unknown-to-the-orokin incident, escaped before anyone could find/catch him, and because this brand new warframe was not monitored/guided by researchers, he went a little bit mad and exploded himself eventually. basically the backstory of the limbo theorem itself with mental deterioration instead of hubris.
that's where i pick back up by saying, actually, the operator and ordis found the majority of his pieces, except the ones that were too tiny to be detected (say roughly 90% of him was recovered). and then gave this confetti-shaped mess to the helminth and asked it to put it back together into its original shape. it succeeded. well, mostly.
the fragments that they never recovered get replaced with crystallised helminth goop that would match the consistency of the original missing material the best. the scar patterns kind of converge on his chest area and spiderweb their way out across the rest of his body (limbo's in-game model has a very funkily shaped torso, especially in the back, and for vince i'm keeping this and giving this as the reason why). this is why we call him the kintsugi bastard.
one disadvantage of scars is that the skin doesn't really cooperate anymore, right? it gets tight, it pulls. the helminth had left it up to vince if he wanted that kind of fully-healed-over scar, or if he just wanted to leave all but the internal not-optional-to-patch-up damage in place, because patching it all up automatically would've meant severely reduced mobility and flexibility, and the helminth's #1 priority is to create and repair battle-ready people-shaped war machines. vince chose to leave them open - he doesn't intend to go into battle often if at all, he was never a warrior.
now, there are three major effects to being ~10% scar tissue that come into play for this beloved kintsugi bastard.
very many very vulnerable spots in his armour
he's pretty much in some kind of pain at all times. aches, internal pulling sensations, feeling like he might burst apart at any time again, general cramps when something misaligns. he gets Very familiar with the helminth over time about this
remember what i said about memory being stored physically? he lost a number of smaller memories/skills and is sufficiently changed as a person because of what he lost that he takes on an entirely different name after he figures this out.
now, since he doesn't want to have his surface-level scars too filled-in with new material, he instead opts to try and convince the helminth to build him a tight-fitting coat that essentially acts as his external armour, where most warframes already just have their skin. the tight-fitting part also helps with literally keeping him together - even if he's not at risk of just physically falling apart again, it sure doesn't feel like it sometimes. and the fact that it's not glued to his body directly/permanently means that it doesn't impede his movement like properly-healed scars would. when he's in his detachable armour, the only areas with visible scars are legs, head and hands. for now i'm hc'ing the coat as pretty similar to the ingame prime model's, only completely closed in the front and going further down his chest, to cover as big a surface as possible without impeding movement.
the hat: he came with the hat. the fins on the side are from when he got primed. the hat's scars were filled in all the way because no flexibility is needed on the hat. the hat is part of him and it feels Incredibly Weird to be separated from it for too long/too great a physical distance. toying with the idea of it being part of how his rift-related abilities work (if you get a look at a limbo mid-hat-tip, you can see a circle of energy where the hat sits on his head)
additional smaller things
since the scarred areas don't have anything impeding light between his insides and the Outsides, when he uses abilities, they light up according to the magnitude of the energy flow. technically they just let the light on the inside go outside & don't glow themselves but eh words
existing vince fic is being re-rotated as i'm typing this and will be edited soon
he looks Like That because he had a decently classy sense of fashion in life, which reappeared in his self-image, and the process of warframing takes your self-image, multiplies it by ten, and makes it physical. fights are had with the helminth about the Style of the coat.
on bad pain days he walks with a cane if he absolutely needs to go somewhere
void disturbances such as fissures and storms make it worse! :) getting primed kind of helps with this one (will be explained extensively in fic once i Get There) but doesn't negate the effects of the void disturbance entirely due to the extent of the scars
one of the things that he lost when he got confetti'd and then rebuilt was the ability to focus for long hours at a time - what got him to the point of a math phd in the first place. he can still do research and such, just.. slower, in short bursts, and it's painfully frustrating. i'm not even going to start on the mental dominos this all knocks over. his psyche would be a longpost by itself
wearing the coat for Long Periods of Time is also not very great. he can't just literally have it on permanently as a second skin. he would if he could
the wrist bracer thingies that limbo prime has are Also Detachable in vince's case
#vince#wrangling his existing characterisation and current ideas about his appearance into something coherent dont mind me#rift lore
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24 Hours: Assassination in South Africa's Parliament of Hendrik Verwoerd

I'm not intending to start another series of posts on documentaries, but I've watched several excellent ones recently so this may well end up becoming another documentary series.
24 hours was a BBC news commentary programme which ran from 1965 to 1972. It was an extended programme focussing on investigative journalism and extended documentary segments rather than a short news programme. It was always broadcast in the later evening, although apparently its time kept changing as it was juggled with other shows. I have to say I love this idea because I just don't think you could do this with a show nowadays, and it must have required people to pay attention and actually look at the Radio Times in the sixties. I have not seen any other episode of it and as far as I can see there are none online; I would expect it's unlikely to have survived in any numbers, but this one is available on YouTube.
Long time readers of this blog will be aware that I have a long term interest in apartheid. As a young theology student in the absolutely dying days of apartheid we had to write an essay on a particular conjunction between culture and religion and I chose apartheid. Most of the current history tends completely to miss the fact that apartheid wasn't just underpinned by Nazi pseudo-scientific theories of eugenics but that there was also a distinct Calvinist theology which underpinned it. It was heavily associated with the Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in South Africa, which for this got expelled from the parent Dutch Reformed Church in Holland.
However my interest in this documentary is slightly different because I'm going to have to say that this documentary (notionally about the assassination of Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, which took place on 6th September 1966, although it's also about his life and position naturally) is an absolute masterpiece.
Don't get the wrong idea when I say that the keynote here is that it is even handed. I'm not talking about 'two-sidesing' evil, what I'm talking about is a remarkable documentary which consists entirely of flat statements of fact and letting the subjects speak for themselves, and as a result it is absolutely devastating. For this reason at the beginning it feels as if it is happily supporting apartheid, but this is a slow burning genius documentary which lets the subject implode itself. There is nothing dramatic about it, but it achieves the remarkable feat of taking some of the most odious people at the time on this planet, putting them on the telly to express themselves, and letting them put this own foot in their own mouth before shooting themselves in the foot.
It also achieves the remarkable feat of expressing the full ridiculousness of the theory of apartheid. By 1966 the political resistance was well up and running but the full impossibility of claiming you want to separate races completely while also keeping Black servants in white areas hadn't yet quite hit them. It's really difficult to express how impossible and ridiculous this actually is: for example the way a person could find himself legally in different racial groups on different sides of the street, the woman who famously was legally three different races in a year and was described in the papers as 'confused', or the way bus journeys would be interrupted so that the segregated seats would be rearranged and you would all get back on and sit somewhere different. The specific example it uses is in the Black bantustan of Transkei: The capital is a white area so the Africans live in a Black area outside the white capital of their Black homeland but inside the capital is a Black parliament. This statement of the ridiculousness of apartheid is quite a journalistic achievement.
Then in the middle of the show it platforms Mrs Helen Suzman, the sole MP of the 'Progressive' Party who starts off by saying that the party recognises South Africa as a multiracial country and accepts all that that would mean. Perhaps I sould say that for years Mrs Suzman was the only anti-apartheid representative in the South African parliament, took abuse of all sorts, and in fact won the Nobel Peace Prize twice. So she was clearly highly praised for her work for humanity at the time however that makes this segment all the more devastating. Given her credentials it comes across as all the more shocking when she says that apartheid is wrong but goes on to stress the Progressive Party's position of a limited franchise: no way would they advocate votes for everyone but voting would be limited on the basis of education and/or income. It's like being hit by a sledgehammer when you realise the Progressive Party in the country didn't want only whites to vote but would still limit it to the educated and the rich. This is exactly the sort of limited franchise that was the last to fall in the UK for universal suffrage and it's shocking to hear this opinion from someone lauded for her work for peace.
Both Mrs Suzman and the apartheid politicians are very clear that they expect the rest of the world to be reasonable towards South Africa's apartheid regime and not do anything horrid to them. The sheer unreasonableness of these people comes across loud and clear. The show also contains extended interviews with Black anti-apartheid activists, both in South Africa and in exile.
By letting the different interviewees just speak with limited commentary the show is honestly the best indictment of apartheid you could ever wish. However this technique also allows it to achieve the remarkable feat of delineating the complex situation and number of views in the country: always a difficult feat and something which tends to become dreary if it's just narrated.
I am a bit sad that I can't find any other episodes of this show because watching this is a wonderful experience of intelligent evening news documentary in the sixties, and an indictment of our present TV stations' inability to report objectively.
My only possible criticism is that it's probably got the wrong title: even though Verwoerd's assassination was what was in the news and what prompted the documentary it's not mainly about Verwoerd or his stabbing, but about the situation in which he had left South Africa.
Meanwhile in the UK we have this thing of beauty taking us closer to an actually elected government:

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Episode 1: The Hill
Printers warring, contact numbers hurled across the room like insults, folders being slapped down; the buzz of the office was as it always was come Monday morning. Journalists who detested early mornings, or working all together, acted like there was nowhere else they’d rather be, and bosses, tenser than usual, found themselves in what looked like a heated debate: no doubt over a story they’d missed or a scandal in legal that someone would get chewed out about. However, they kept drawing everyone’s eye that morning, in the way they stood, clustered closely together, talking in hushed, urgent whispers.
The smell of fresh coffee, mixed with the phones ringing off the hook and the clamor of people as they wove in and out of each other. People unaccustomed to the atmosphere might consider it mere madness. Loud wasn’t even the right word. It was raucous.
At a desk, front and center of the lion's dens, sat Violet Shard. Political Senior Journalist.
She could feel her head pounding. The bar last night may have been one step too far.
Squinting, she peered at the blazing computer screen, scrolling as written information rolled as fast as she could read. A woman’s blacked out name appeared multiple times throughout the email, her source name redacted. It was one of the most important things to Violet: that her sources could trust that she’d keep their identity safe–if she didn’t keep her word, was she any better than the politicians she brought down? Her fingers moved over the keyboard with rapid fervor, even with the fog clouding the edges of her mind. She hadn’t even had a chance to read the morning paper when she’d dashed out of bed.
Almost late.
She shouldn’t have done the last five shots. Even at the age of forty-five, Violet Shard had never shied away from a party. Especially one that had gotten her access and close to new electives. What had meant to be an early night had turned into one full of spilled dirty secrets.
But those were shelved, at least for now, to which she began typing back quickly, checking over her shoulder.
Friend, I think we should meet for another tennis match. The last one was a success. Only by playing another match will one realize its full potential. Can you confirm when you’re free? Violet.
Pressing send, she exited quickly. Code was better than saying too much.
With the article on Congress Whitlock and Congress Harris now out in the world, there was only a matter of time before it came back to bite them in the ass. There was no way they could let something that blasphemous stay out in the world like that. Which Violet was aware meant one of two things: one, they’d pay for them to take it down, which she prayed they’d never agree to? Or they silenced them, burying them under the law. Which, by the look of their cluster, might be exactly what was happening.
The article had been titled: Congress or Corruption? The people vs. Whitlock & Harris.
Once Violet had published the article, prime time on a Friday evening. Well, it had been up in arms across all journals, blogs and news sites across the states, leaking into media around the world by the following day. Discussing the purchasing and profiteering of war in neighboring countries was what American’s liked to believe as a myth in their country. But it was those men that they put their belief and power into that were disgracing this once very great country. Guns, food, medicine: essentials, hiked up in price so those in lower socio income lives would suffer, while the rich would profit.
It was an age old tale, and Violet Shard was done being a bystander.
On top of the current infamy and praise leaking through her inbox, there was a new bill being passed next week that she had to get on top of, as well as arranging a phone call with her source to go over any further information. With the increased monitoring from hackers and the government, conversations with her sources, or discussions were now limited over emails. She wasn’t a conspiracy theorist, well, not exactly. Hers pertained to what she knew: politics, people and the dirt that lined the streets of Washington, D.C. But it meant she was alert and aware.
And in her line of work, being aware meant she was one step ahead.
Violet had never been a fool to what was going on right beneath their noses: scandal, lies and corruption. Rampant, hidden, and embedded in every part of this godforsaken city.
“Shard, I need that report in twenty minutes,” Rick, an intern tasked with proof reading everything, called from her left.
“Bet you fifteen bucks I can get it done in ten.” She yelled back, a grin flashing across her mouth.
“Shard’s making bets, Eric.” Another intern to someone else. How she’d ever remember their names, she didn’t fucking know. But for now, she’d call him bouffant because, kid, that hairstyle went out years ago. Why was no one telling him?
“I’d bet more, but we all know Rick still asks his mother for pocket money,” Violet grinned.
If the room had been loud before, the hollering that followed had others turning heads.
“You got yourself a deal.” Rick clapped, those surrounding clapped, egging them on further.
It was a quick reminder of why she loved the job so much, why she’d always felt such a deep connection to this room in particular. Journalists might have been cut-throat, and willing to climb over just about anyone to get that next story, but at the end of the day – there was a sense of sibling rivalry here. Even if you felt bummed because you missed out on a prime slot. Secretly, they were happy for the person who got the story.
In nine minutes, and thirty-six seconds, not a sweat broken, Violet pressed send on the email, the sound of a gentle swoosh and the report was at Rick’s desk. From the corner of her eye, she saw him still, like a mouse caught in a trap. Slowly, turning in her chair to face him, her arms folded over her chest in that smug ease.
“Mother–” Rick started, staring at his computer in disbelief.
“I wiped your bet clean off the table, in under ten minutes–” Violet was interrupted mid-sentence.
The room went silent.
“Ms Shard.” A crisp male voice spoke from behind her.
That voice, she quickly realized, came from no one she knew. Brows drawing together in confusion, she felt the hairs begin to rise on the back of her neck. That loud, familiar clamor of the office had quieted down to a dull murmur. It was in that slow turn, catching each pair of gleaning eyes in the office, that she realized whoever was behind her wasn’t someone she would want to see.
It wasn’t corporate, and it sure as hell wasn’t the press, which meant…
Congressman Whitlock and Congressman Harris had finally had enough of the constant press at their heels after they’d published the deal. She’d expected flack for it, but this? Four police officers, dressed to the nines, stood in their imposing, statuesque bull-shit power tripping stance, cuffs out like she was a serial killer they’d tracked down after a month’s long manhunt.
Hands found her hips instantly, splashing that Shard Facade.
Bravo, she internally commended their theatrics, she was in her right mind to start clapping.
“Boys,” Violet cooed, a false pout pulling at her lip. “Are we really going to do this? It’s a Monday morning and I’ve got a hangover from one too many tequila shots.” She knew they would, it wasn’t the first time she’d had scrapes with the law, especially in her earlier years. She wouldn’t have been a great journalist if she didn’t, but the fact they’d gone for the throat so quickly?
It meant they were scared. And scared people made mistakes.
“Ms Shard, you’re under arrest for excessive defamation and harassment.” Cop one stated, unfortunate looking with a comb-over that screamed…do you ever want to get laid?
“Harassment?” Violet scoffed, a snort slipping out. “Oh, you’ve gotta’ be kidding me. Isn’t this America? Land of the free? Freedom of Speech? I’m not physically attacking people, I’m highlighting corruption. But I guess the MPD wouldn’t know anything about that, right?”
“Please, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” Using his hand in a circular motion. “turn around, place your hands behind your back, miss, we’d prefer to do this the easy way.” As opposed to the hard way, she thought, eyes sliding to all the onlookers.
“Fine. Fine.” The more she struggled, the worse she’d look.
Turning, hands behind her back with only a smidgen of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, it clicked when she found all the managers watching her with that same expression. Pity. They’d known. In all honesty, Violet wasn’t sure whether to feel betrayed that they hadn’t given her a heads up, or thankful that they might’ve been trying to find a solution.
Either way, being arrested never looked good for their image, and what was a business without a great image.
“You have the right to remain silent.” The usual spiel began, but she attempted to drown it out as she felt the cold metal clasp around the soft of her wrist. “Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law.” It was like everyone she’d ever heard on those bad cop shows that her mother had loved so much when she was growing up. “You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. You have a right to a lawyer, ”
“Yeah, I know. Can someone call Jason and tell him I was arrested…again.” Chucking a glance over her shoulder, catching the Interns who looked the most genuinely concerned than those she’d worked with for years.. “Rick, pick up my jobs?”
“Yeah, course.”
Where the fuck was Ajay?
“Oh, and Rick?” Violet called, as the cops began walking her towards the elevator.
“Yeah?” He called, standing on his tiptoes like that might add to his height.
“You owe me fifteen bucks.”
#first episode: the hill#writer: admin donna#feat. violet shard#recurring feat. eric dobson#recurring feat. ricky greaves#location: the hill
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Is This Thing On?
It's been a spell, so let's catch up.
How was your decade? Mine was... a lot. Yours too, I imagine.
I started this blog over a dozen years ago as a place to record my thoughts on some of the movies I watched. I love movies, I watch a lot of them and I usually have some sort of commentary for them so it made a certain amount of sense. I kept it up for about a year and then got busy, then got laid off and figured I'd better focus on work and such. In any case I sort of half intended to get back to it but just never did. It goes like that with content creation sometimes (although we didn't call it that back then).
Now, years down the road, I find myself laid off again. Unlike last time, I'm not quite as hyper fixated on resuming my career in the same vein. Office environments in a post(?)-pandemic world that seems to prefer the ostrich approach to outbreak mitigation don't hold quite the same appeal, for starters. And I'm at an age where I'm ready for a new chapter.
But this isn't about my career, it's about movies. So why come back to a movie blog no one read in the first place?
Well, one thing that my family mostly lost during the lockdown and tepid re-emergence of 2020 and 2021 was theater-going. We are fortunate to have one of the few remaining drive-in theaters relatively nearby that has allowed us to enjoy a handful of family films and Marvel pictures and doesn't require sitting in poorly ventilated rooms with a lot of popcorn-stuffing mouths but like a lot of folks we spent most of the last few years streaming movies. Our family had a number of conversations during the peak lockdown period about things we missed about the pre-covid years and for me the number one with a bullet item was seeing films in theaters. Because as a largely homebody-type personality, it takes a special kind of experience to coax me out of my comfy abode. But seeing movies on big screens with dynamic sound systems and the focused, forced attention of a dark theater is just such an experience.
I loved it so much that I joined a rewards club at my local theater which came with one free movie ticket per month. I used the heck out of that perk before 2020. But then we all retreated to our caves and... I forgot about the service. It, however, did not forget about my bank account. Quietly throughout the last few years the club has been extracting its $10 monthly fee from me and cheerfully collecting a truly nutty number of free movie passes. When I finally figured out what had been going on during a budget evaluation in the face of some altered cash flow, I was shocked to note that I had almost 30 free movies.
The club has a stipulation: you can save and use the free passes as long as you... keep paying the subscription fee. I lamented the prospect of throwing away nearly a month's worth of free movies, but I was about to go through with it when I noticed they had a special option: for three months you could pause your membership which would stop the automatic payments but allow the perks to remain. After three months, I'd have to cancel and lose whatever was unused or resume paying.
So. Challenge extended? Not exactly, but I am faced with the prospect of trying to get through as many of these passes as I can in three months. My schedule currently works very well to see the first matinee on Fridays, so the plan for now is to just see whatever is showing each week. And since I'm seeing movies just to see movies, I figured I'd catalog my thoughts on them as I go along. Might as well, right?
I don't know if I'll have the free time to actually start reviewing the other random movies I catch on Netflix or Amazon Prime or whatever, but I won't rule it out entirely.
Anyway, welcome back, or just welcome. First up is "Air" (which will follow this post very shortly) and it looks like this week I'm seeing "Guy Richie's The Covenant", expect that early next week at the latest. I hope you enjoy the show.
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It’s here!! Thank you all for the support of this universe, it truly means so very much to me. Every time I get a comment, or get to read the fan fiction you all write, see the art you create...it just fills me with so much joy. I’m so excited to share the Sweater Weather sequel with you, Vaincre! Go Lions!
cw: brief mention of past injury and past abuse
part i: July
I’ve been holding my breath
I’ve been counting to ten
The media wasn’t kind. There were network shows and blogs. Magazines and papers and podcasts. Not to mention Twitter.
Remus had heard his name on all of them, even if he wasn’t listening. It was part of Alice’s job to make sure he knew what was being said about him. It was his job to tune most of it out. Some outrage. Some elation. Some confusion.
This is my question, one podcast asked. I mean, I’m happy for Black. Lupin, too. I’m happy for the hockey world to have this happen, it’s about time, I mean, tune it, come on, and all that.
I’m confused about the, you know, ‘let’s put the PT on the roster.’ I’ve seen college clips, like, those have been released, we know that he got injured, we know all that. He’s fast, we know that, too. But a lot of guys are fast.
Just…what a move by Coach Weasley. A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
Remus had always loved to run. It cleared his head. It had been one of the forms of exercise he had been able to do first once his shoulder had healed, before weights or any sort of strength training. His therapists had recommended it. Endorphins, they had said.
But Remus liked it because it was the closest he had been able to get to gliding on the ice, even when he still couldn’t stand to even look at a rink.
A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
Remus was used to not knowing. He was beginning to think he thrived on it. Would he play hockey again? Would he ever find love? Would Sirius want him?
Was this really happening?
He didn’t think of dreams as coming so late, but, then again, why should dreams be put on any sort of time schedule?
Now, he banged out the screen door and onto the rickety, well-loved porch of the lake house that had been passed down through his family for years. His mother and her brothers split it up in the summer, overlapping for a week or so, and there were always little gifts left behind for each family at the trade-off. A bottle of the best maple syrup, or some of the local honey. They were small, but Remus smiled when he saw what his uncle and aunt and cousins had left for him and Sirius after his parents and Julian had given them the month of July with the house to themselves. A little flower arrangement with two hockey sticks, carved out of wood, sticking up in the middle.
Sirius had plucked one from the dirt, twirled it over in his fingers, and smiled.
“Your family will never stop surprising me.”
Green Lake was deep, prime for fishing, and gorgeous. The smell of the water, of the soil and sweet summer air was as good as home to Remus. He breathed it in now as he bent to lace up his sneakers. He could smell the fire pit that they had lit last night, one that he and Julian had roasted thousands of marshmallows over.
“I showed Jules how to roast the perfect marshmallow here,” Remus had said that first July night, leaning back against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius had blew out his burnt-black one. “Like this?”
Remus had scoffed. “No, you heathen.”
Sirius looked good here, surrounded by the woods and rusty cabin, wearing the old fleeces that never seemed to leave this place for when the sun had yet to warm the chilly mornings. Some mornings, they’d make their coffee, tangle their socked feet together on the small couch until the sun began to get high and they’d strip it all off in favor of swimsuits and sunscreen. Other mornings, Remus would rise, pressing a gentle kiss to Sirius’ sleeping face, and take to the dirt road that ran around the lake.
Sirius, just off of the hard won playoffs, needed to rest. Remus needed to train.
A good move? I don’t know. I really don’t know.
They would leave in two days for Pascal’s Cup Day celebration, and then to meet Remus’ parents, his little brother Julian, and Regulus back in Gryffindor for Sirius’ Cup Day. And August training. Remus stretched his hands to his toes and closed his eyes. A strange type of adrenaline filled him whenever he thought about practicing with the team, about the fitness tests that would come first. He’d have to prove himself again and again. He wanted to. But part of him wondered what would happen if he couldn’t.
The screen door squeaked open and shut again, and Remus jumped, looking up to find Sirius, still sleep rumpled, standing there in running shorts.
Remus laughed, reaching up to trace a pillow crease in his cheek. “You’re supposed to be sleeping in while you can.”
Sirius let out a grumbly sort of yawn and gathered his hair, long from the summer and just brushing his chin now, back into a small half-up bun.
“I can’t believe you do this before coffee.”
“Too acidic. Gives you running stitches.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Sirius sighed, and threw his arm around Remus’ shoulders as they walked up the steep driveway to the road.
Remus kissed his wrist. “I’ll miss being here with you.”
Sirius smiled. He was tan from the summer, hair dark as ever and his skin sun-kissed.
Remus leaned into his shoulder. “I mean look at you. I like seeing you this relaxed.”
Sirius bit his lip as the rounded a bend, waving at Mrs. Barrow, who was tending to her garden.
“I don’t think I knew I could be this relaxed,” Sirius admitted. “It was always train, train, train, you didn’t get a Cup, try harder.”
Remus was familiar with the notes that appeared in Sirius’ voice now from years of Sirius’ small slips in conversation, even when, to Remus, Sirius had only been they youngest captain in the league, cold and reserved from even more years of his father’s abusive, relentless attitude towards hockey and Sirius’ skills. Even when Remus had only been the team’s physical therapist, closeted, crushing on Sirius, and surprised by the cracks Sirius showed when he had gotten his ankle smashed by Severus Snape, Captain of the Slytherin Snakes—the Gryffindor Lions greatest rivalry. Pain, it had seemed, and fear of never stepping on the ice again, had given Remus his first glimpses into a different Sirius beneath it all, a boy who was filled with much more than just a need to win, but for whom the want of winning only made him love his sport, and his team, more.
“And now that you have a Cup?” Remus asked. “How’re you feeling?”
They came to the road and Sirius balanced on one foot, stretching his thigh. “Now that I have you,” he said. “I’m feeling just fine.”
Remus snorted. “Yeah, the Stanley Cup Champion part has nothing to do with it.”
Sirius laughed, but took Remus’ face between his palms. “If I didn’t have you, and I had only a Cup, all I would be doing right now is thinking about another Cup.”
Remus put a hand on his chest, fingers finding the number twelve pendant that rested there.
“Now, there’s more,” Sirius said simply, and leaned down for a tender kiss. “Like your mother’s peach pie.”
Remus punched him in the arm as Sirius laughed loudly.
“You’ll have to beat me if you want a slice of that!” Remus called as he took off.
Sirius made a wounded noise, but sprinted after him until they were side by side again.
“I don’t think I can leave this beach,” Leo mumbled into the lounging cabana they were spread out beneath, and Logan looked down at him from where he was reading—trying to read—one of the books Finn had given him. He didn’t know how many books Finn had tried to get him to read over the years, but he knew he never made it through more than a few pages without looking up, getting distracted, or having to go back.
“Non?” Logan asked.
Leo shook his head. “The sun. The sea. I’m in heaven.”
“What about hockey?”
Logan laughed and settled back into the pillows, setting the book aside and rolling towards Leo to feel his sun-warmed back and leaned down to kiss his temple. A private beach definitely had its perks—and so did three hockey salaries.
“We’ll just stay here, then.”
They’d had a good summer. Leo’s Cup Day, Finn’s, his own, all in their hometowns and accompanied by large parades and fanfare. Logan had finally gotten to take Leo home to his sisters and parents for the first time. It had been nice to see Finn around his family again, too, after what felt like eons of avoiding him in that small gap between being at Harvard and then them both making it to the NHL, and to the Lions.
Leo’s sleepy smile up at him melted Logan like ice in the sun.
“Okay, good,” Leo said, then his eyes went behind Logan. “There’s the ghost-on-toast with our drinks.”
Logan snorted and looked up to see Finn—and Finn’s tiny blue swim shorts that he insisted weren’t see-through—walking towards them through the sand from the resort bar with a tray of drinks in his hands.
“Hey, lover-nuts,” Finn said as he set the tray down in the shade. “Got us some snacks, too. That bar tender loves me.”
“You are so pale,” Leo laughed. “I love you, though, please put more sunscreen on.”
“Keep your sandy feet off my towel,” Logan nudged Finn’s foot with his own as he reached for his drink. Finn just smiled and nodded at the book.
“How is it?” Finn asked.
Logan just looked at him.
He laughed and ran a hand through Logan’s salty, damp hair. “I know. I’ll read it to you later. I just thought you might want something for the beach!”
Logan held up his cocktail. “I have something for the beach.”
They settled back under their cabana, the thin, white linen curtains fluttering around them in the three o’clock breeze. Maybe Logan, as he closed his eyes between Leo and Finn, Leo’s hand still on his thigh, Finn’s arm pillowing the back of his neck, never wanted to leave this beach, either.
“Back to Gryffindor tomorrow,” Logan said.
“Group chat says most guys’ll be back this week,” Finn said, squinting at his phone over his sunglasses. “We gotta be back for Dumo’s, and then Cap’s Cup Day. That’ll be nice, man.”
“I like that they’re bringing it to Gryffindor Pride,” Leo said, rolling onto his back. “Should have thought of that. Or, I guess…” Leo trailed off and Logan frowned. They couldn’t do that. Not yet, at least. Leo caught Logan’s expression and rested a reassuring hand on his thigh. “I’m glad we get to go, even if its for them on the surface. That’s real thoughtful of them, you know?”
Logan nodded. It was thoughtful. When Remus and Sirius had brought it up to them, he’d found himself getting a little choked up.
“We want you guys to be able to experience that, too,” Remus had said. “If you want. No matter what you decide to do public-wise in the future.”
Finn clicked his phone off and chucked it to the side. “Hey, don’t take me off island time yet. We’ll order to the room, eat on the deck, hike up and stargaze…”
Finn rattled off the perfect list, tilting towards Logan until their lips met.
“And then we’ll go win another Cup.”
Leo and Logan punched him at the same time.
Thomas sat in the shade with Kasey as they watched Alex try to take on Natalie and Noelle at pool basketball.
“I really think they’re going to accidentally drown him,” Thomas said thoughtfully.
“He probably thinks that, too, and is just too competitive to stop,” Kasey replied.
Thomas laughed, and held out his beer to cheers.
“This is a nice house the O’Haras have, man,” he looked at the sparkling ocean beyond the steps and fence, and at the pool with the grill and lounge chairs. They’d only come up for the weekend, between training and visiting their own families, and before returning to Gryffindor for the season.
“Tell me about it.”
“Cheating!” Alex spluttered from the pool as Natalie put all of her weight on him to dunk him under the water. Alex pointed very seriously to the foot marker on the side tile. “We agreed from that to Thomas’ chair, I was too far away!”
“Too bad!” Noelle shouted as she made another basket.
Thomas didn’t think it was the alcohol that made him feel a little fuzzy at the edges as he looked over her in her swimsuit. She was all curves of tanned muscle, softened the summer around her stomach and arms. Thomas was a goner. But she seemed pretty gone, too, so he guessed it was all right.
“This moment’s always rough,” Kasey said softly from beside him, and when Thomas looked at him questioningly, he gestured vaguely with his beer. “The end of July. One more month, but not really. Alex’ll go back for training, you know? It’s like a trick. I always think, I get three months with these two. But it’s more like two and the first week of August.”
Thomas nodded. “I know. Noelle, too. Her training camp starts on the eight. I’m just…”
Kasey sighed in sympathy.
“At least you have Nat, you know?” Thomas said. “Not that I’m saying you have it easier, I just…”
Kasey shook his head. “I know. Believe me, I’m thankful for that every day. But…when you miss someone, you miss someone.”
Thomas nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, exactly.”
Last season hadn’t been too bad. His relationship with Noelle had been new. They only really knew FaceTime dates, and squeezed in weekend flights that sometimes left them more exhausted than sated. They had been taking it slow. Thomas had been kissed by Noelle—a lot. Enough to make him dizzy with it. Only, then she’d met him at the airport in Quebec, they’d spent a month with her family in France…
And Thomas wasn’t sure he knew how to do just FaceTime anymore. There was a new yearning, knotted just below his heart. He knew what her skin felt like under his hands now, knew what she looked like right when she waked up, even her skincare routine before bed. It would feel like being away from the ice for too long, the knot pulling tight. He thought this year was going to be harder. Maybe he knew it, but if he did, he was pretending it might be easy still.
“T,” Noelle called, floating on her back, dark hair fanned out in the water. “C’mere!”
Thomas smiled, setting his drink down. He would come, whenever she called. Wherever.
Cole Reyes didn’t know if Adele Dumais staring at him the way she was was a good thing, or a bad thing. He was nervous enough without the seemingly disapproval of Pascal Dumais'—the Pascal Dumais of the Gryffindor Lions, oldest player in the league—teenage daughter.
“Don’t you talk?” Marc, one of his sons, asked.
Cole blinked. “Uh. Yeah. Yeah.”
Adele waved her brother off. “They’re always super nervous at first. Remember Sirius?”
Marc scoffed. “I was a baby.”
Cole let out a breath. Now they were casually talking about Sirius Black, who had lived in the very room Cole had been sleeping in for a week now when he was a rookie, too. It was the same with Logan Tremblay. He felt like he needed to keep the room pristine, like he was living in some Hockey Hall of Fame museum that he had not earned the right to be in yet.
“You’re still a baby,” Adele shot back.
“Kids,” came Celeste, Pascal’s wife’s voice from where she was setting the table. “Come on now.”
“Sorry, maman,” Marc said softly.
“Sorry,” Adele sighed more reluctantly.
“Go help your father with the grill, you two,” she said. “Everyone will be arriving soon.”
Katie, Celeste and Pascal’s youngest daughter, perked up from where she was sitting beside Cole, drawing. Not Pascal, Dumo—Cole kept having to remind himself that he could call Pascal by his nickname now, that it was all official, that he was a Gryffindor Lion, too. Katie hadn’t left his side since he arrived a week ago to billet with the Dumais, and he still wasn’t sure what to make of it.
“Even the Cup?” she asked.
Celeste laughed. “Oui, ma cherie. Cole? Would you mind going to get the flowers for the table? They’re on the kitchen counter, just inside.”
“Oh, sure, Mrs. Dumais,” Cole nodded, glad for something to do. The thought of the Cup arriving gave him the chills. He’d have to be careful not to touch it. He was scared to even look at it, to be honest. His mom would be laughing at him right about now. He wanted to call her afterwards, tell her everything.
“Call me Celeste, I told you, please,” Celeste smiled. She was lovely, with her dark hair twisted and clipped up and a summer dress as green as her eyes, silky against her olive skin.
Cole flushed, but smiled. “Celeste.”
Cole made his way through the sliding door from the back yard and through the dining room. The kitchen was one of the biggest rooms in the house—and it was a big house. Beautiful copper pans hung shining above the island, along with some herbs that Celeste grew and dried herself. It looked like something out of a magazine to Cole, and it was nice, but it wouldn’t beat his mom’s kitchen in the small apartment they shared in Boston. The small space would fill up to the brim with the smell of spices, or cobbler. The thought sent a pang right to his heart. He missed home, that was for sure. After being away for so long, for so many hockey camps, he’d hoped he would be more used to it by now.
The flowers were right where Celeste had said they would be, and he was reaching for one when the back door that led to the garage dinged open. Cole froze, sure that he was about to run into captain Sirius Black completely unprepared, when a girl stepped through instead. She was dressed in denim shorts and a white tank top, had dark brown skin, and a Gryffindor College hat over her hair, which was plaited back into many small braids.
She smiled when she saw him. No sign of surprised, or of the nervousness Cole felt when he met basically anyone.
“You must be Cole,” she said.
Cole nodded. The girl was gorgeous. Cole was a mess of nerves already. He didn’t need the stare of the teenage daughter of one of his idols, but he especially could not handle a beautiful girl right now.
“Yeah,” Cole said. “No, yeah, um. Yes.”
The girl strode forward, setting her bag down on the counter, along with a water bottle decorated in stickers. He caught a few Lions ones. She offered her hand, which was slender and had two golden rings on it. “I’m Layla. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Cole took it, trying to place her. “Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, I babysit for the Dumais family,” she said in explanation, then waved her hand. “Well, this year, at least. I’m actually—we’re going to be working together.”
Cole blinked. “You mean the Lions?”
She nodded. “I’m in the middle of my undergrad for physical therapy. Dumo’s amazing and he got me an internship under the new PT. You know. I’ll probably get you stick tape or something,” she laughed. “Congrats, by the way.”
Cole tilted his head and she raised an eyebrow.
“On making it to the NHL?”
“Oh,” Cole laughed. “Oh, I, yeah, thanks. You, too—or…yeah.”
Cole was going to stay in his room in the basement and never come out.
“I gotta—Mrs. Du—Celeste wants these flowers outside,” he said, picking the vases up.
“Sure thing,” Layla smiled.
“Layla,” came a shriek, and a moment later Katie Dumais came sprinting into the kitchen and wrapped herself around Layla’s legs and smiled at Cole. “This is my new hockey player.”
Cole couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t have a lot of experience with kids, but Katie sure was cute.
“Yours?” Layla gasped as she smiled at Cole. “He’s all yours, is he?”
Katie nodded. “Like Tremzy and Sirius. His name is Cole, like when Santa Clause doesn’t like you.”
Again, with the casual mentions of Logan Tremblay and Sirius Black.
“Oh, of course,” Layla laughed. “Well, I’m sure Santa Clause has never not liked you, babes. Let’s go let your mom know I’m here, okay? Your new hockey player can come with us, too.”
“He’s yours, too!” Katie insisted. “You’re here all the time, so he’s yours, too, don’t worry.”
“Oh, good,” Layla said. “I was worried.”
When Katie looked at Cole expectedly, Cole managed, “I guess everyone does need a hockey player?”
“Exactly!” Katie squealed, and Cole could only follow them outside, heart pounding.
It was good to be back in Gryffindor. Remus and Sirius had dropped their bags in Sirius’ entryway, said hello to Regulus, showered, and then hopped right back in the car to get to Pascal’s house.
“You two look disgustingly happy,” Regulus said, leaning forward from the back seat.
“We are,” Sirius grinned at him in the review mirror. “I am also happy,” he stroked the leather steering wheel of his Range Rover. “To be back with this baby.”
While Sirius’ hair had grown longer, Regulus had shaved his short. The curls were barely curls at all anymore, but Remus was happy to see that his seemingly ever-present dark circles had receded some.
“Why, thank you, Regulus, you look happy, too,” Remus snorted. “When do you leave for NYU’s orientation?”
“August 23rd,” he said. “Been texting with my housemates, too. They seem cool.”
“Maybe one of you will pull a Finn and fall in love with each other,” Sirius said.
“Twice,” Remus laughed, and Regulus did, too.
“I think I’ve had enough romance drama to last me a life time, thanks,” Regulus smiled. “But, yeah. I’m just…I’m focused on friends right now, I think. Normal, non-hockey creatures like you two. But that’s not to say if something came up…or I guess someone. Who knows.”
Sirius’ smile was softer this time. “Focus on whatever you want, Reg. You deserve it.”
Regulus just grumbled something about hockey gods, and then they were pulling up to the Dumais’. There were silver and white balloons lining the driveway and the fence to the backyard where, as Remus slammed his door, he could already hear laughter. A zing of excitement shot through him.
“I missed this team,” he sighed as Sirius took his hand.
Sirius pressed a kiss to his temple. “Your team.”
“Our team.”
“Jesus Christ,” Regulus said, and gave them a shove forward.
Thomas gave a loud woop when he spotted them coming out to the backyard. Regulus immediately made a B-line towards Leo and the Cubs.
“Yes! The Captain!” Thomas said and pulled Sirius into a hug. “Missed you, man.”
“You, too, T,” Sirius said. “Ready to tear it up?”
“You know it.”
Remus smiled as Thomas hugged him next. “I forgot you two train together before pre-season.”
“You two?” Thomas raised an eyebrow, the small gold hoops in his ears glinting in the sun. Remus noticed he’d shaved three stripes into one side of his head. They were a little wobbly. Maybe Noelle had done it. “You’re not coming with us?”
“You know how this one is about his routines,” Remus said, wrapping an arm around Sirius’ waist. “Wouldn’t want to mess anything up.”
“Please,” Sirius said. “I want you there more than I want a second—”
Remus and Thomas punched him at the same time.
“I know you weren’t just about to say that,” said an accented voice from behind Remus, and they turned to see Pascal standing there. He looked as he always did, smile lines around his eyes, gray streaks at his temples. He wore a white t-shirt and had Katie on his hip. She was definitely getting too big to be carried around like that, but Remus couldn’t see a time when Pascal would ever refuse her. He’d probably carry Adele around like that, too, if she’d let him.
“Dumo,” Sirius smiled, and took the two beers he was holding out, handing one to Remus. He kissed Katie’s forehead. “Good summer?”
“The best,” Pascal laughed, and nodded towards the edge of the yard. “Especially with the promise of seeing that thing again.”
Remus followed his gaze, and his breath caught, just as he knew it would. The Cup stood there, its guards near by with drinks and plates of food in their hands. It sat proudly on a table, surrounded by white tulips—no doubt Celeste’s doing.
“I’m excited to see you two bring it to the parade,” Pascal said. “That will be a wonderful day for everyone.”
Remus glanced at where Logan, Leo, and Finn were standing with Kasey Winter, Gryffindor’s goalie, and his partners Natalie, with her long blonde hair, and Finn’s brother Alex, who played for Tampa Bay.
Sirius’ smile lit up his face. “It will be.”
Remus peered around him. “Is that our rookie?”
Sirius scoffed. “A rookie can’t call a fellow rookie rookie, rookie.”
Remus blinked. “What did you just say?”
“That’s Cole!” Katie said. “I love him.” Then she turned and shouted his name again. He looked up from where he was standing quietly beside Jackson Nadeau, another player, and Remus suppressed a smile at the way his eyes widened when he saw Sirius.
“Oh, here we go,” Sirius mumbled.
“Oh, hush,” Remus said, and sounded far too much like his mother to himself. “You’re going to be throwing hands for him the second someone gets close, and you know it.”
“I don’t know how to tell rookies I’m just a person!” Sirius whispered as Cole began to make his way over. “They act all…”
“Star struck?” Thomas offered.
Sirius just glowered at him.
Cole Reyes did not look as young as he was. Even at 19, he was jacked, and tall, with light brown skin, green eyes, and a stripe shaved into one of his eyebrows. His hair was shaved at the sides, but longer on the top and in tight curls.
Remus glanced somewhat self-consciously down at himself. He could only put on more muscle healthily so fast. He thought he’d been doing well, but looking at Cole…
“Hello,” Cole said hesitantly and Pascal set Katie down and clapped Cole on the shoulder.
“Reyes, meet Sirius. Sirius, meet the boy who is a much better billet than you ever were.”
Sirius snorted, and Cole laughed—nervously.
“Hi, Cole,” Sirius said, and held out his hand. “I know we spoke briefly over the summer, but it’s nice to officially meet you.”
“You, too,” Cole said, smile slight. “Thanks for the call. My mom freaked out. I mean—well, me too, but my mom…” Cole stuttered out, wincing.
“Loves me?” Sirius laughed. “I get that a lot.”
“He’s so humble,” Remus shook his head jokingly. “Hi Cole, I’m Remus. Welcome to the team.”
“You too…?” Cole said hesitantly. “Well, the roster, I guess.”
“Cole,” Katie said, taking his large hand in her small one. “Come meet Tremzy. He’s my best friend.”
Sirius feigned a pout. “What about me?”
Katie smiled sheepishly, throwing herself at Sirius’ legs, “You, too!”
“Always one-uped by Tremblay,” Thomas laughed, shaking his head. “How’s it feel, Cap?”
“Wonderful,” Sirius said dryly and then looked down at Katie, petting her head. “Go on, go show Cole your best friend.”
They watched her lead Cole through the crowd for a moment before Sirius huffed.
“See?” Sirius whispered to Remus. “It’s like he’s scared of me.”
“I’ve never heard you use the phrase spoke briefly in my life. Who are you, Alice?”
“I was trying to be professional!”
Remus laughed. “Why?”
Sirius just rolled his eyes and dragged him over to stack their plates with food.
The party went well into the evening, the sky pink and blue in the setting sun. There were lanterns floating in the pool where Evgeni and Jackson were playing chicken with a delighted Marc and Louis, or sometimes one of Coach Arthur Weasley’s boys, on their shoulders. Logan was sitting with Cole and Finn, cradling a sleepy Katie against his chest, Leo and Regulus laughing with Kasey and Alex.
Remus found Sirius again standing alone in front of the Cup. His hair was falling into his face, the curls gentled by the evening breeze and the Cup’s silver surface reflecting the silver of Sirius’ eyes. Remus went to stand beside him, and neither of them spoke for a moment.
“I’m nervous,” Remus broke the silence.
Sirius nodded. “I know, mon loup.”
Remus sighed, resting his head against Sirius’ arm. “Yeah?”
“Of course,” Sirius switched his drink to his other hand so he could run his fingers through Remus’ hair. “This is…big.”
“It’s what I’ve always wanted,” Remus whispered. It felt dangerous, to say the words aloud. “It’s everything that I lost. Last time.”
Remus could still feel Fenrir Greyback rip at his shoulder, even if it was years ago now, while they were still at college. Being in the NHL meant that Remus would have to play against him again whenever they met Vegas.
Sirius turned towards him, hand on his cheek.
“You will have this,” he said earnestly, and then smile, reaching into his shirt for his necklace, the one Remus had gifted him last Christmas. He brought it to his lips. “Loops.”
Remus smiled at the now familiar sight, touching the pendant when Sirius’ let it drop.
“You know,” Remus said. “You’re everything I’ve always wanted, too.”
Sirius’ smile was one of Remus’ favorites, and he tucked him against his side. Remus followed his gaze to find him looking at Cole again.
“I’m not happy with the way it happened,” Sirius said softly, and Remus knew he was thinking of the pictures that someone had leaked of them kissing. The pictures that had upturned their entire lives. “But I’m glad I get to hold you like this in front of new faces. I wasn’t thinking about trades—I try not to—but getting Reyes, if things had been different, would have meant we were back to square one at parties like these.”
Remus nodded, taking a drink. “And he seemed okay with it. With us.”
“I was thinking we should invite him to train with us. With me, you, and T. Maybe Dumo would join, too. I know he usually goes with Sergei, but Sergei might be with Kuns and Nado, even though they usually like it just them. The Cubs—”
“Okay, Captain, okay,” Remus laughed.
Sirius pressed a hand over his eyes, laughing. “I just don’t like it when they’re nervous around me. Like Leo was. It’s so much better now that we’re friends.”
“You’ll get there with him,” Remus said. “Yeah, invite him to train with us. The more the merrier.”
Secretly, Remus wanted to see how Cole trained. He couldn’t shake the analytical side of him, the physical therapist side. Cole was built for such a young age.
“If I didn’t know better,” Sirius said softly, mouth close to Remus’ ear. “I’d say you were checking him out.”
Remus spluttered. “I’m not! I want to know his routine!”
Sirius cracked up. “This is your superstition, isn’t it? Cracking other player’s codes.”
Remus just shrugged, smiling into his cup.
“Have you cracked my code?” Sirius asked in the low voice he used that made Remus not want to be surrounded by people.
Remus looked up at him. “Maybe. It certainly has nothing to do with a piece of toast at five o’clock.”
“My pre-game toast is very important to me.”
Remus leaned up to press a quick kiss to his lips. “No, you just like honey and cinnamon.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “Okay, I’m going to talk to Reyes now.”
“Catch him if he passes out.”
Sirius just glowered over his shoulder as he stalked across the grass. Remus looked around at the back yard, at the team, together again. His team.
#vaincre lumosinlove#sweater weather lumosinlove#sweater weather sequel#wolfstar#harry potter#o'darwin#o'knutzy#Sirius Black#Logan Tremblay#Leo Knut#Finn O'Hara#Kasey Winter#Thomas Walker#Alex O'Hara#Natalie Darcy#hockey!au#sirius x remus#remus x sirius#wolfstar fluff#lumosinlove
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one more night (g.w.)
prompt: after a bad breakup, george comes back to y/n’s flat to pick up some leftover things he missed. one of these missing things was a proper goodbye.
pairings: george weasley x fem! reader
warnings: 18+ sexual content MDI (break up sex, soft sex, unprotected sex), super angsty, language, emotional break up, crying
word count: 3.7k
author’s note: something about break up sex really does it for me. like...it’s so hot and for why? anyway, here’s wonderwall. flashbacks are conveyed through italics.
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff @harrysweasleys @gcdric @lumos-barnes @whizboingies @lumosandnoxwriting @pxroxide-prinxcesss @c-t-h @lol-idk-oops @another-lonely-heart-blog @starlightweasley @parseltongueswriting @shilohpug @peachypotter @spacexcowgirl @vogueweasley
The small cardboard box that sat next to the door was completely pathetic, sitting there in shame. The cardboard could barely hold the boxes contents, wanting to burst at its seams as it held every shred of George Weasley that was in your flat. You wanted your flat to be a George Weasley free space, but a part of you wanted to keep the magic of your relationship alive. He couldn’t miss his quidditch jumper from Hogwarts, could he? It had been years since you graduated, he wouldn’t remember that you had it, right? So, his jumper hung proudly in your closet like the status of your relationship hadn’t changed.
As you leaned against your kitchen island, sipping quietly from your coffee mug, you stared at the cardboard box, hoping that the intensity of your gaze would make the box combust into flames. But it stayed still. Unaffected. George’s things teemed out of the box, miscellaneous shirts and jumpers and trinkets piled high. You caught yourself smiling as you shook it off, reminding yourself of the status of your relationship, cringing as you did so.
The night of your break up played on a constant loop, like a movie trailer. When you woke up, it was the first thing on your mind. When your head hit the pillow, it was the last thing you thought of when you closed your eyes. It was a sick cycle.
“I can’t change my work schedule to fit yours, George. I’ve done it in the past so often and I can’t anymore. I’m finally on my own two feet and I need to keep the ball rolling,” you explain to George as you sit at his kitchen table as George paces the living room, back and forth, pulling at his red roots, trying to formulate a response. “Admit it, George. We can’t m-”
“Don’t you say what you’re going to say, (Y/N). Don’t you bloody dare,” he speaks as you sigh, rubbing your face with your hands. You didn’t want to have this conversation with George, but it was unavoidable at this point. You had just gotten a job as a full-time Healer, working in St. Mungo’s, your dream job. But the busy work schedule that you had was failing to align with George’s schedule working the joke shoppe that just seemed to do better and better every day. “We can work this out. We can’t just give up at the first sign of hardship,” George laughs as you give him a knowing look. You had been trying to make it work for a month, but things simply weren’t working. When you did see him, it would be for two hours and the two of you would be so exhausted that you would talk for five minutes before going to bed. “(Y/N), I don’t want to be the one to suggest this, but I can support us. The both of us. The joke shoppe is doing so well and with the booming business, I have enough money for me to sell this flat and we can buy a home together. Start a family. What we’ve always wanted to do!”
You rise from your chair at the thought of quitting your job. Something you had worked years and years towards and George dared to bring up the suggestion of you quitting a month and a half in. “I am not quitting,” you say very sternly, making George sigh, knowing he shouldn’t have said anything in the first place. “I have worked my ass off to get where I am right now and I’m not going to sacrifice that for the sake of our relationship!” you exclaim.
But that was wrong of you to say; it just put wood on the fire. “So how far would you go for our relationship?” George challenges, folding his arms across his chest as you gulp. “Because Godric knows everything I have done for the sake of us.”
And he was right. George shifted employees and his own work schedule so he could have an extra hour with you some nights. He would close the shops on holiday weekends, which was prime for sales, so he could take you on romantic getaways. George told you to move in with him when you struggled to find a flat of your own. He helped get you through Healer school. George put you before him in the relationship and you knew that. You felt guilty now. You shouldn’t have said what you did.
“I didn’t mean it like that, George,” you sigh, admitting defeat as George scoffs. “I meant that I can’t give up my dream. Just when I finally got it. And I don’t want you to give up yours. It’s not fair for the both of us,” you try to tell him as he shakes his head, knowing the direction the conversation has turned and he doesn’t like it one bit. So much so that you can see his eyes become glassy as he turns his head away from you so you didn’t have to watch him break down. “George, I love you. The life you have given us has been nothing short of wonderful.”
“Stop it, please,” he manages to croak out, turning towards you, his chocolate brown eyes pooling with hot tears. The sight makes your heart shatter as you suck in a shaky breath, swallowing the lump in your throat. Tears were impending. “I don’t want to let you go. I can’t let you go. Not like this,” George holds your face in his hands, brushing your cheeks with his thumbs, gazing into your eyes with so much love he could burst. You let go of a shaky sigh as you lean into his touch and close your eyes, savoring the way his large hands held your face with such ease. “I’m not letting you go, (Y/N). I’m going to love you forever and ever and there’s nothing you can do to change that.”
You open your eyes and give George a sad smile as he sniffles. You reach up and press your lips to his, your kiss mixing with both of your salty tears. This love that you possessed for each other was greater than anything you have ever known. But the universe was trying to tell you that this wasn’t working. For the both of you to live the lives you always dreamed out you had to let the other go. No matter how hard it was going to be.
The two of you pull away from your sweet kiss before you speak, “I’m never going to stop loving you, George. Nothing will change that. But for now, we need to let go. For both of our sake’s.”
The memory is interrupted by the buzzer going off in your flat. “Shit,” you huff as you scurry over to the intercom. You buzzed him in as you writhed your hands in anticipation, pacing your living room floor. Your eyes dart to the box. Should you move it? Keep it close to the door? If you keep it next to the door does it say you want him out for good? What if you put it on the table? Is that more of a welcome in? Should you let him come in?
Too many thoughts clouded your mind before a gentle knock sounded on the door. Your heart froze and you stopped in the living room. “Bloody hell,” you breathe out as you look at yourself in the mirror, checking your hair and smiling to see if anything was in your teeth. “It’s just goodbye, (Y/N). Just goodbye,” you tell yourself before you walk over to the door, undoing the latches and locks.
When you swing it open, George stands there, fresh from a shower it looks like. His hair is slightly damp, hanging on his head rather than spiked up and slicked back like it usually was. Like you loved it. A gray t-shirt hung on his body, clinging on his arms, the front tucked into dark wash jeans. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he huffs with a small smile. “Work was crazy and I had to take a shower before I came over. I hope you don’t mind,” he speaks.
You gulp, trying not to blurt out how good he looked right now, the scent of his cologne making your body tingle as if it was some sick love potion. “Not at all,” you manage to say instead, thankfully. “Uh,” you tremble before looking down on the other side of the door to the box that taunted you. Picking it up from the floor, you extend it out to him. “This should be everything.”
George takes it from your arms and huffs, “Great.” He holds it in one of his arms with ease, his biceps flexing under his gray shirt as you watch, eyes hungry. This was some kind of sick joke, wasn’t it? With his other hand, he rummages through the piles, making sure he had everything. “Uh, my quidditch jumper is not in here?” he asks, but it was more of a matter of fact.
Damn it. You had been caught. You had to come up with something, quickly. “Oh! Yeah! I forgot!” you try to act surprised. “It’s, uh, I washed it. Yeah, um, it’s in my room,” you close your eyes and shake your head. “One minute. You can come in if you want,” you open the door wider as George smiles and makes his way in your flat as if it were his first time here when in reality, he did have his own set of keys. You shut the door and watch him awkwardly stand into the living room, watching you. “Alright then.”
You scurry into your bedroom and push open your closet door, shuffling through the hangers, finding George’s quidditch jumper proudly hanging in the back in it’s crimson and gold glory. Plucking it from the hanger, you sigh in defeat. So much for that endeavor. You flip around to run back into the kitchen where George was waiting, but you were startled to see that he had followed you into your bedroom. “Oh,” you jump.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckles. “I didn’t know if I should have followed you or...” he trails off, awkwardly as you gulp and nod your head. “Seems like you found it.”
“Yeah, here it is,” you hand it to him, trying to savor the feeling of the knit material in your fingertips. It would be the last time you felt that material for a while. “Sorry about this mix up,” you tuck your hands into your sweatpants pockets, rocking back and forth on your heels.
George smiles and shakes his head, “No need to apologize. Honest mistake,” he speaks as you nod your head with an awkward chuckle. Yeah, honest mistake... “I’ll, uh, I’ll head out then, yeah?” he asks with raised brows.
You nod, “Sure. Yeah. Yeah.”
The two of you start to make your way out of your room, but George stops in his tracks when something catches his eye. You stop and follow his line of sight that landed on a framed picture of the two of you from one of your first holidays together. In the photograph, George held up the camera at the two of you, his arm wrapped around you tightly as you leaned into his chest, cuddling into his tall figure. The both of you were mid-laughter, the beautiful beach behind you, the sun fading the back. George smiled softly at the photo as you watched his face shift, your heart fluttering at his reaction. “That was a good holiday, wasn’t it?” he chuckles, walking towards your dresser where the frame stood proudly. It had been two weeks since the break up, but you didn’t bother taking any photos out of the frames yet. You couldn’t bare it. That would mean George was gone for good.
You smile softly and walk next to him as he gazes at the photograph, all the memories resurfacing of the beautiful beach and the small cabana George had gotten for the two of you with the graduation money he had saved up. “It was,” you recall. “It was like a dream, honestly. We were so young back then,” you say in disbelief. It was true. You were both just eighteen in that picture and now here you were, twenty two, post-break up. The two of you had grown up so much since that holiday. You wish you could jump through the picture and tell your younger self to relish in every moment you had with George because each moment was beautiful.
George laughs, “We look so young. Merlin...” The two of you chuckle at the photo. “We were so happy,” he sighs before looking at you. You don’t dare peel your eyes from the photograph, knowing that if you look at him right now, you’d melt and give into him. “Look at me please,” he speaks just above a whisper.
Shaking your head, you speak, “I can’t, Georgie. I can’t bear it.”
His heart flutters at your nickname for him. “I want to take a look at your eyes. A good look. One last time and I promise I’ll go.” George reaches out and touches your hand gently, as if you were made of glass and the slightest touch would break you. “(Y/N).”
With a gulp and mustering up all your courage, you turn your gaze to his and your heart melts at the sight. If a look could speak. His eyes were so sad, but filled with so much longing and love and adoration. The face you loved so much, full of so much tenderness, staring down at you. He made you feel like you were the only person who mattered. Because to George, you were.
The two of you are just looking at each other, absorbing each other’s features as much as possible before one of you dares to speak up. Slowly, George reaches up and cups your face, like you were so used to. “George,” you sigh out breathlessly as you lean into his touch, tears welling up in your eyes. You can’t believe you had to let him go. “I just want to be happy again. With you.”
George gives you a sad smile, “I do too, angel. More than anything. It’s my only wish. Even if it’s just for another day.”
His words make the wheels start churning in your head as you lick your lips before saying, “Then let us have one more day. One more night together. I don’t care if it’s temporary. I just want one last memory with you, Georgie.”
George’s eyes search yours as you desperately hold onto him, needing him, wanting him, yearning for him. George brings your face to his, connecting your lips in a kiss that was unlike any other kiss you’ve ever had. It made the hair on your neck stand up. Your arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. The kiss is full of urgency and desire, as if you didn’t take each other right now, there wouldn’t be another opportunity for this.
You break apart from the kiss to pull George’s shirt over his head as he does the same to you only to reconnect your kiss. His lips move against yours, hungrily, passionately as you moan gently into his mouth. George grabs your thighs and hoists you up as you wrap your legs around his torso as he walks over to the bed, laying you down gently, kissing your lips, neck, and collarbones. His lips leave trails of wet kisses as you run your finger through his still damp hair, tugging on it gently. “Please, George, please,” you whine as he kisses the valley between your breasts.
He pulls himself away from your chest to kiss your lips again. “Anything you want, angel. Say the word and I’m all yours,” he tells you, brushing your hair gently. You grab his face and pull him down to connect your lips again, his tongue slipping into your mouth as you arch your back, pushing your chest into his. His tongue massages yours as his hands unclasp your bra, throwing it to the floor.
“I want you to make love to me,” you mumble against his mouth as George smiles softly, his heart fluttering. “I want you to make love to me, Georgie. I want to remember this night for the rest of my life.”
“Anything, angel. Anything you want,” he repeats himself as you both breathily laugh, reconnecting your lips, stripping the other of their remaining clothes. Soon enough, the two of you are naked and George breathes out, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
You connect your lips again before you place kisses along George’s jawline as he hovers over you, lining himself up to your entrance, pulling your legs farther open as you wrap them around his torso. George runs the tip of his hard dick up your wet pussy as you bite down on your lip with a sharp inhale. “Please, baby, please,” you beg him which only makes George obey you, pushing his whole length into your aching core as you both moan out in satisfaction. He fills you up in a way that is so familiar and delightful as you dig your nails into his biceps. “Shit,” you moan out as George starts to move, thrusting in and out of you slowly.
“Fucking hell,” George groans out. “You feel fucking incredible,” he breathes out, his hips moving smoothly against yours, pumping his hard cock in and out as your walls tighten around him. “You like that, baby?”
With a whimper, you moan out, “I love it, baby. Keep going, don’t stop. I love the way you fuck me. Fuck, George.” George continues to thrust in and out, picking up his pace, going in deeper as your eyes flutter shut. Your nails dig deeper into his shoulder as you groan, “Right there, baby, right there. Don’t stop, don’t stop.”
Your praise makes George push your legs open wider so he can push impossibly deeper into you, before hoisting one of your legs over his shoulder, making the both of you cry out in euphoria. “Shit, I love the way you feel wrapped around me. Say my name, baby,” George groans.
“Oh, George, fuck, baby,” you moan out louder, head tossed back against your sheets as George buries his face in your neck as you hold onto him. He pounds into you deeper as you are panting in a state of nirvana. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,” you dig your nails into George’s flesh as he presses love bites into your neck.
He looks at you and speaks, “Look at me, angel. I want you to cum looking into my eyes, baby.” You peel your eyes open and look into his brown eyes, dark with a mixture of lust and love. “I love you, angel.”
As he continues to thrust, you feel the familiar knotting feeling in your stomach as your jaw drops. “I love you,” you breathe out, looking deep into George’s eyes. “I love you so much, baby. I love you, I love you.”
“I love you, I love you,” George repeats as you reach your climax, crying out his name in pleasure, head rolling back as you clutch the sheets, coming all over his dick. Shortly after, George finishes, moaning out your name, the both of you a symphony of moans and heavy breathing.
The two of you come down from your highs as he pulls out and lays on the bed next to you, chests heavy with the rise and fall of incoming and outgoing breaths. You run your fingers through your hair before rolling onto your side to face George who stares at the ceiling. A small smile is on your lips as you place a hand on George’s chest. He turn his gaze to you and a toothy grin is on your face as you giggle, George pulling you close to him with a breathy chuckle. He places a kiss to your temple. The two of you cuddle next to each other, naked underneath your sheets, happy to be resting in each other’s arms.
That is until George speaks, “You didn’t really wash my jumper did you? You were trying to keep it in hopes I didn’t notice, weren’t you?” You can hear the smile in his voice as you roll your eyes. “You were!”
You sit up, “I was not!”
George laughs, “You cheeky little thing! You were trying to steal my clothes from me after we broke up!”
The two of you are in a fit of laughs, laying next to each other, enjoying the feeling of skin on skin next to each other. You rest your head on George’s chest as he rubs your back. “I wish we could be this happy all the time,” you confess as George sighs, wishing the same thing. But the two of you knew that this wasn’t working anymore. The break up was for the best.
“I do too, my love,” he agrees. “But I don’t want to focus on what we wish could happen. Let’s just enjoy tonight while we have it, okay?” he speaks as you nod, cuddling further into his touch. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Minutes later, the two of you had fallen asleep, entangled in each others arms, the last words on your lips being confessions of love.
The morning comes as quickly as you fell asleep. You stretch your arms out and pat the area of the bed next to you, searching for George. But you quickly realize that your George wasn’t there.
In his place was a piece of parchment that had scribbled onto it, I didn’t want to leave before you woke up, but work calls sadly. Thank you for last night. It was the best night of my life. I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will. That will never change. You are my angel. Love always, Your George. P.S. You can keep the jumper. It looked better on you anyway.
A few feet away from the note was the jumper on the edge of the bed, laid out in it’s glory as a small smile made its way onto your face. You reach over and pull the jumper onto your naked body, inhaling the fabric that smelt so much of George, making your heart flutter. “Maybe someday,” you whisper. “Maybe someday, my love.”
#Fred and George#george weasley imagine#george weasley imagine#george weasley#george weasley x#george weasley x reader#george weasley x reader imagine#george weasley x you#george weasley x y/n#george wealsey x fem#george weasley x fem#george weasley x fem! reader#george weasley x fem reader#Harry Potter#harry potter fandom#harry potter fanfic#Harry Potter Smut#harry imagine#george weasley smut
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Having seen the end of Picard season 2... are you okay?
That is an incredibly sweet thing to ask, thank you <3 (And sorry for only replying now, I always miss my Ask notifications 🙈)
Um... a bit of personal stuff and some season 2 opinions after the cut.
I’m okay, mostly. It will probably come as no surprise to anyone following my main blog that the end of season 2 left me somewhat heartbroken.
This blog has never been about plot or character analysis (apart from the occasional Extrailervaganza), so I’m not going to go into it in too much detail here. At some point, I’ll probably do a full write-up on my main blog, but the main gist is that I fell in love with Star Trek: Picard because it was different from the other Trek shows. I loved the new, non-legacy characters, I love La Sirena with all my heart, and I thought their approach to examining the Federation and Starfleet from an outside perspective was daring and much needed. By contrast, season 2 felt very different to me. From the start, it skipped over a lot of character development and reconciliation with Starfleet, and it dropped us into a new status quo that, in my opinion, didn’t follow naturally from season 1. And the development of the season only widened this disconnect for me.
I am glad for everyone who found the ending of season 2 meaningful and who enjoyed the character arcs we saw this season. Opinions differ, and that is okay! Personally, I felt that while some of the endings fit the characters established in season 2, few of them felt like they worked for the versions of the characters we got in season 1. And since I already found the jump from season 1 to season 2 jarring, seeing these endings has left me feeling very disillusioned.
Again, I don’t begrudge anyone who enjoyed this season. There was a lot to enjoy, and I’m not here to tell you how you should read characters or which parts of the story you should prioritize. This is merely how I personally felt after watching season 2.
Unfortunately, this season finale has happened at a point in time where I really, really could have used something uplifting. There is a lot of stuff going on in my personal life right now that makes finding motivation to do anything creative or fannish very hard to begin with. So, while I was hoping to get through these weeks by leaning on a show that has given me so much joy in the past, I am instead left with (almost) all my favourite characters unceremoniously written out of the franchise. This might also be a reason my perspective is extra bleak at the moment. If I were in a better place, I would probably be writing fix-its or happily working on “Picard season 1.5″, i.e. “let’s build out the story for the characters we got in season 1″. Instead, I am finding it hard to get back into this world at all.
I’m sure I’ll get back to it in due time.
Season 2 gave us a ton of truly beautiful shots of La Sirena, as well as some fascinating new details to analyze and pick apart. And whatever you might think about the writing this season, you can’t argue that the people working on this show didn’t give it their all. The sets, the visual effects, the costuming, the acting - there were incredible amounts of pasison and skill on display in these ten episodes.
I want to honour all the hard work the various creators put into the season, and I want to celebrate the beauty they gave us. And eventually, I’ll get back to a place where I can do just that. I’m just not there yet.
My personal life should move into slightly calmer waters in a couple weeks or so (knock on wood), and then I think I’ll start a rewatch of season 1, to get back into the mood for exploration and mapping and squeeing over this stunning little world of ours. I will definitely discuss the season 2 version of La Sirena, both her prime-universe alterations and everything we know and learned about the CSS La Sirena in the alternate timeline. But I think my heart is always going to live on the season 1 version of this ship, captained by Cris Rios, with his crew of five unruly holograms, joined by a bunch of loveable misfits with deeply compelling characters.
On this blog, I probably won’t go into any discussions of my hangups with season 2 after this. For that, you will have to endure the chaos that is my main blog 😋 But if you give me a few weeks to recover and find my joy again, I’ll hopefully be able to return to celebrating our beloved little speed freighter and her Motley Crew. I’m already planning how to put my latest new hobbies (GIF-colour-grading and 2D animation, because why not?) to use to bring you all the stunning views and fascinating new info we got of La Sirena in season 2.
And in the meantime: My ask box remains open! I’ll try to keep more of an eye on it so I don’t miss any questions, but it’s definitely still open and I’m always happy to bring out the screenshot collection to answer questions! Yes, season 2 questions as well.
Which exit did Raffi and Rios use to drag [spoiler] off the ship after Agnes [spoiler]? Does CSS La Sirena have holo emitters throughout the ship? Did I actually say on twitter that we got confirmation of the bunk beds in the new crew quarters?
These questions and more will eventually get answered on this blog! But if you have a burning need to know about one of them now, don’t hesitate to drop me a line, and I’ll do my best to answer in something resembling a timely fashion. External motivation is always helpful when the intrinsic motivation has crumbled due to Life(tm).
I want to end this semi-coherent (and, of course, way too long) ramble by saying: I am so, so grateful for all the wonderful people I have met through this project and this show in general! Your enthusiasm and passion continues to inspire me and make me feel so happy to have embarked on this slightly insane adventure.
Whatever your opinions might be of season 2 or the writing of PIC in general, whether you’re a die-hard Starfleet fan who burst into tears at the sight of all the uniforms in episode 1, a casual fan who's just here for the compelling characters and stunning visuals, or a season 1 afficionado who feels disillusioned by the last few months and is looking for some remnants of the show you fell in love with to hold on to, I hope you will feel welcome here on this blog. Having all of you around really means a lot to me.
So, pull up a bench (or a crate, or go nick a chair from sickbay, I’m sure Emil won’t mind), grab some cake from the replicator, and join me in relaxing in the mess hall and having kind discussions, until I rebuild the energy to go running around this ship yelling about floor plates. There is always room for more ;)
#star trek picard#la sirena#about the project#about the author#picard season 2#not mapping#i'm going to be okay#truly#it's just been A Bit Of A Month
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I'm OBSESSED with your writing and your stories, I'm so glad I found your blog, now I always have something new to read!! ❤️❤️❤️
I remember watching you blitz through the blog, leaving likes on a lot of the stories. It really made my day! Now, who knows how many months late, I bring you some silly Witchers and their mutagens.
Kaer Morhen’s Open Door Policy
When Jaskier was invited to Kaer Morhen, he’d thought the open door policy that Geralt mentioned meant that anyone was welcome to stay for the winter. It warmed his heart that the Wolves were so welcoming and generous with their winter lodgings. What Jaskier didn’t anticipate was that said open door policy was a literal thing. He arrived in Kaer Morhen with Geralt, they were stomping snow off their boots when someone rounded the corner at some speed. Slowing down, the man made a beeline for them.
“Lambert,” Geralt greeted before he was veritably bowled over in a hug. If Jaskier squinted, he could have sworn Geralt was given a long sniff and maybe even a lick, perhaps over the lips. But surely he must have seen wrong because Jaskier himself wasn’t given such a greeting.
Two more figures appeared and introductions were made to Eskel and Vesemir. It was quite nice really, even if a lonely winter with just the five of them. However, if gave Jaskier a chance to get used to the ways of the keep. Mostly, it was learning to leave doors open a crack and how to keep the hinges well oiled at all times. If he didn’t, it was guaranteed someone would turn up.
At first Jaskier had thought it was because he wasn’t trusted, not an accepted member of the pack. But that thought was quickly thrown out the window, especially when he was dragged into the cuddle piles in front of fires. Those were rather nice, if a little too warm and sweaty for his liking. Yet, every single time he forgot about keeping a door open, whenever it snicked shut behind him or clicked open as he stepped through, within ten seconds one of the other residents appeared. Usually it was Lambert, rounding the corner at quite a pace even as he tried to make it look like he hadn’t dropped everything and run. It was rather offensive in a way, at least that was what Jaskier thought until he was sat quietly in the library, Lambert browsing for something when his head snapped up all of a sudden and he was off at full pelt. That wasn’t the first time Jaskier saw him running. On more than one occasion Lambert almost bowled him over in corridors as he rushed towards whatever he had heard.
“Doors,” Geralt had explained quietly one night. “If we hear a door open or close, there’s this overwhelming urge to go see who it is, what had happened.”
Now that Jaskier knew, he paid more attention. Any door had Lambert running. Much more sedately, Eskel would usually follow, lumbering towards the source of the noise and trying desperately to look like he wasn’t doing exactly like Lambert. However, he had a weakness, as Jaskier discovered. The cupboard doors in the kitchen. If Jaskier, or anyone else for that matter, happened to go and look in one, Eskel was bound to bumble into the kitchen within a short space of time, looking bashfully hopeful. It was cute, Jaskier even started indulging and giving Eskel snacks because the way he softened and smiled at the offering was far too endearing.
“You’re only encouraging him,” Vesemir grumbled as he watched Jaskier hand Eskel half a slice of honey coated bread. Rather than argue, Jaskier gave Vesemir the other half, not commenting on how the old Wolf appeared for seemingly no reason in the kitchen. The treat certainly silenced him.
For a first winter, it was a good one. Jaskier was satisfied when he left that he was getting the hang of the odd open doors policy. It was the next winter that proved to test his patience. As well as the Wolves, there was a Cat there too. Haughty and aloof, Aiden spent most of his time perched up high somewhere. He slowly warmed up to Jaskier though, cautious at first. However, Aiden seemed to be rather fond of the open door policy, only ever opening or closing a door when he wanted attention. And that was rather frequently. More than once a day Lambert would go running because Aiden slammed a door somewhere, wanting to play.
It was all very well until Jaskier had to use the privy. That was one door that the Wolves learned not to run to. Even though Lambert still twitched, head swivelling it its direction before grumbling and returning to what he was doing. Jaskier was trying to just have a peaceful moment to relieve himself, a considerate two stalls down from an occupied booth when he heard someone else come in.
“Lamb?” Aiden’s voice drifted through the air, a little plaintive and lost.
“What?��� Not all that unusual for Lambert to sound irritated.
“What are you doing?”
Jaskier’s eyebrows shot up at the question. What could Lambert be doing in the privy other than the obvious one of four things?
“I’m taking a shit.” Well, that answered which of the four it was but Jaskier could heard the sounds of a body leaning heavily against the door.
“Oh.” Aiden sounded almost disappointed. “I thought I heard some rustling like a snack being opened.”
“I promise I’m not fucking eating while taking a shit. Who eats in here anyway?” Grumbling, Lambert scoffed. “Don’t tell me, I bet it’s Geralt.”
Jaskier couldn’t hold his tongue anymore. “Geralt most certainly does not eat in the privy.”
The sound of a body moving and Jaskier knew Aiden was stood outside the door to his cubicle. “Jaskier. You’re in there.”
“No I’m not.”
For a moment there was confused silence before Lambert growled. “I swear Aiden, if you don’t leave us alone-” his threat was lost as Aiden moved back to Lambert’s door and there was an odd scratching sound. “No. Aiden. Don’t you dare. You can’t sit on my lap here! Not again. We almost broke it last time. Get out. Get out!”
The sound of a door being kicked shut and a huff from Aiden gave Jaskier a good idea of what had jut happened and he was scared to go out. However, not a minute later another voice joined the fray.
“What happened?” Eskel asked.
Jaskier buried his face in his hands in despair. So much for a peaceful piss.
The whole door thing was becoming quite ridiculous. Especially with Aiden slamming them to get Lambert’s attention. And then being offended whenever he encountered a closed door. Those were all gently knocked on and a head poked through if there was no answer. It meant nothing was private and Vesemir had to use a broom to get Aiden off the top of his wardrobe one evening when the Cat had gone missing all afternoon. He seemed to have no respect or care for anything, not when it came to prime napping spots.
It got to the stage that the common areas had their doors removed and Vesemir started hanging heavy furs in their place. Which did actually make the rooms warmer and there was no more needless running around. Though Eskel still bumbled into the kitchen in the hopes of a shared snack. Jaskier had rapidly cottoned on to the fact Vesemir fought such an urge in a novel and simple way. He was almost always either in the kitchen or within sight of it. So he could see if there was an opportunity for a snack without having to move. The old Wolf was clever, Jaskier had to give him that.
Some days, Jaskier did crave a bit of silence and solitude. Those were rare and far between days but they did happen. When they came, he took to wandering through the crumbling corridors of Kaer Morhen, trying to imagine what it had been like in its glory days. Quite amazing, he should think. So lost was he in his musings, Jaskier didn’t notice until too late that the floor wasn’t solid below his feet. It gave way and he fell with a yelp, landing awkwardly on his ankle. The pain was quite blinding, rendering him into a whimpering mess, throat tight and unable to call for help. Even when he managed to gather himself up, it didn’t seem to help. His voice just didn’t carry and the Wolves probably couldn’t hear him. It was cold, dark and Jaskier was in pain which made it difficult to think. There was a door not far from him and, in a moment of sheer desperation, he pulled himself towards it on shaking arms. Near enough, he reached for it and, with all his might, slammed it shut. It bounced open from the force and echoed through the room. Mustering up a little more energy, Jaskier shoved it again and the crack of door hitting frame made him wince. That would have to do. Jaskier managed to lie down, pillowing his head on his arms, shivering.
His hopes were answered when he heard the steady stomp of running feet skidding to a halt.
“The fuck?” There was the sound of a deep inhale as the area was scented. “Where you got to bard?”
“Down here,” Jaskier called back and squinted towards the hole he had fallen through. “My ankle.”
“Why would you do that? Wait. Never mind.” Lambert turned away and, a hand cupped against his cheek and lips he let out what could only be called a howl before his attention was back on Jaskier. “What did we tell you about wandering off?”
More feet, more people and Jaskier teared up in relief. He watched as Aiden hopped down the hole and took stock of the damage. A soft cry of pain left Jaskier as he was picked up and his ankle was jostled. In a few, seemingly easy, jumps, Aiden was passing Jaskier over to Geralt who cradled him against his chest. There was a still body-warm jacket draped over Jaskier and he burrowed into it, finding Eskel’s scent mixing with Geralt a comfort.
In the infirmary he was patched up, fussed over and, in the end, bundled into a pile in front of a fire where the others snuggled protectively up against him. By the next morning all the doors were back in place and Vesemir ground his teeth when Aiden slammed the kitchen one for Lambert’s attention.
#geraskier#lambden#geralt of rivia#jaskier#lambert#aiden#eskel#vesemir#wolves of kaer morhen#tldr: witchers have traits of their schools
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I posted 10,469 times in 2022
43 posts created (0%)
10,426 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 51 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 15 posts
#exu calamity - 3 posts
#same but my bard wanted low charisma - 1 post
#but also i have been reeally enjoying naomi noviks temeraire series - 1 post
#ok where are these people who go their whole lives without a jury summons - 1 post
#i have served on a jury and i still have gotten three summons since then - 1 post
#stern look at fearne - 1 post
#hands down its piranesi - 1 post
#as someone who was obsessed with this band at the time - 1 post
#yall i miss them - 1 post
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#that is literally why i leave an unfinished sentence when i have to stop writing to like go to bed or work or something
My Top Posts in 2022:
My critical role c3 prediction is that it will eventually turn out that Delilah needs Laudna far more than Laudna needs Delilah.....I'm putting my money on Delilah lying about being where Laudna's powers come from. I'm betting Delilah is conning her for some traditional villain end goal like.....ending the world or whatever. But I'm betting on a "you have no power over me, do you?" kind of revelation for our girl
33 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
Odd request: I have a middle school student with close family ties to Romania who has been saying some anti-Romani stuff in my hearing. I talked to him and he said he would be open to reading something about the history of Romano discrimination if I gave it to him. Does anyone know of a clear, articulate source I could give him? He's very clever, but I think his extended family might have fostered this prejudice. This isn't the first time he's trusted me to put a better source in his hands to counter some attitudes he's heard elsewhere, so there's solid hope for him to turn it around.
38 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
it occurs to me that if mortals can become prime deities and betrayer gods, it sort of implies that those prime deities and betrayer gods might themselves be mortals from Somewhere Else. this might be obvious, but I had always thought of the gods as being like "High Unknowable Powers From Elsewhere" when they might actually be "Somnovum With A Better Plan."
68 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
I also really like how without a cleric, a super advanced DND world directs its energies to like. Other means of preservation. But also like. How a dead husband is dead and gone, not someone who can be revived or resurrected. It's cool how Avalir can do just about anything but get your dead husband back when like. A normal DND party in modern Exandria would just go get some diamonds for their cleric.
86 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
One of the things I love most about victorian literature —one of the biggest reasons I did my PhD in it actually —is how many families are like "this is Miriam and the man who is in love with Miriam but she didn't marry and this is Miriam's husband Robert and the man he actually is in love with, William, and William's younger sister who has Ideas and William's mother who wants the dude in love with Miriam to marry the sister..." and they all are in one big house. No wonder they didn't invent tv, that's all I'm saying.
106 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
#tumblr2022#year in review#my 2022 tumblr year in review#your tumblr year in review#lol i do nooooot tag anymore#when they erased all my tags the last time i just gave up#also yall the kid read the whole book about romani people and is a new kid
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Do You Want Some Hunny

Summary: Your roommate brings you to a Halloween costume party and your costume is Winnie The Pooh, and you find another resident of the Hundred Acre Wood there who shows you just how well Tiggers can bounce.
Pairing; Henry Cavill x Female Reader (Moodboard disclaimer: Usually i keep any physical images of women out of my moodboards, but i couldn’t find a shot of the shorts without a model in. It is mentioned in the story that the reader purchased the shorts and they/she were not the same as the model)
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Crackfic, Smut, Public fingering, Oral Sex (female recieving), unprotected sex, Creampie.
I do not operate a tag list, but please pop over and follow @angryschnauzerwrites and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post a new story.
Masterlist can be found on AO3, Link HERE.
Do You Want Some Hunny?
You hurried along the pavement, trying to keep up with your roommate as she stalked ahead in her sky high heels, somehow managing to not get them caught in the trim of her Morticia Addams costume. You had opted for your Red Converses that matched your costume and yet still you were having to trot behind her. Fighting against the wind that whipped at your bare legs, you clung to the long parka coat you’d thrown on over your costume, cursing the fact that what you’d chosen at the last minute from an urgent amazon prime order had been more designed for warm climates.
The Winnie The Pooh ears you’d had left over from a trip to Disneyland a few years back were what started it all, a red t-shirt borrowed from your roommate that seemed a lot longer on her than you, and the only thing missing was something yellow to wear with it. You hadn’t wanted to wear a skirt, so had opted for a pair of velvet yellow shorts, however they were a lot shorter than had appeared in the photo, and were very much hotpants rather than shorts. Anyway, they had arrived just a few hours before the party, so it was them or forgo a costume, and not wanting to be a party pooper you decided to go with it.
Following ‘Morticia’ up the porch steps, your heart sank when you saw everyone else’s costumes as they milled around; it was all spooky, dark, and horror movie costumes. Nothing as cute or fluffy as Winnie The Pooh. The host called out to your friend - her girlfriend - and you smiled as you watched the other woman who’d slicked her hair back and had drawn on a mustache to look like Gomez Addams embrace. ‘Gomez’ turned to you and grinned;
“Thanks for coming, i was worried people wouldn’t want to come, let me take your coat”
Shrugging your jacket off you handed it over and fidgeted as she glanced over your costume, you tugged at the shorts;
“Yeah, it was a last minute costume… not very Halloweeny like everyone else”
Gomez winked at you;
“Oh you’re not the only resident of the Hundred Acre Wood here tonight, c’mon, let me get you a drink seeing as my love has wandered off to behead the roses again”
Two hours later you were pleasantly buzzed from a couple of beers, and had been introduced to the other Hundred Acre Wood escapee that was at the party - Tigger - who tended to go by the more human name of Henry.
Six foot of pure muscle was now animatedly installing the virtues of PC gaming having discovered you were starting to learn how to play yourself, all whilst dressed head to toe in a Tigger Onesie. On anyone else it would have looked absurd, but with the zipper undone just enough to show off an inviting patch of chest hair he managed to pull it off. And it wasn’t the only thing you wanted him to pull off. Your attention wandered to his hands and how he was able to circle a beer bottle with his fingers and your words faltered as you explained how you were the hosts girlfriends roommate, instead turning the question back to him;
“So, how do you know Gomez?”
“We’ve been working together on a production here, she’s let me stay in her guest room whilst we’re on a break from shooting”
“You’re an actor?”
He actually blushed at that point;
“Yes… and its quite refreshing to talk to someone that doesn’t immediately recognise me”
Before you could say anything a shout came from the living room;
“Come on! Movie’s about to start!”
Henry led the way and you discovered most of the seats and spots on the sofa’s were taken, finding a single soft chair as he flumped down into it, his legs spread. You paused for a moment before he took your hand without even thinking and pulled you onto his lap;
“There’s enough room for two”
The room was cold, so as the movie started you found yourself snuggling up to the warmth emitting from Henry, envious of his onesie. The room was dark and the massive screen was at the furthest point of the room so everyone’s attention was trained away from the two of you. The movie was one of those modern creep-fests, with ghosts creeping around and the stars oblivious of the entrance to hell they built their cottage on, and with every scare you clung to Henry tighter, his strong arms wrapping around you. Soon you weren’t even paying attention to the movie, your nose hooked under his chin and you let out an involuntary shiver as you were surrounded by his scent.
“Cold?” he whispered
“A little”
He reached and grabbed a blanket that had been tossed over the back of the chair, pulling it over the two of you and it suddenly felt like you were in your own little cocoon. With the warm fabric up to your shoulders you shivered again when Henry slid his hand down beneath the blanket, a grazing touch against the curve of your breast and you found your body arching for more of his touch. He turned to look at you, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as his gaze consciously focused on yours, licking your lips you gave the smallest nod as he pressed forwards. The kiss was silent and as his plump lips caressed yours you sank into his embrace, his hand finding the edge of your top and slipping beneath the fabric, moving to cup your breast through your bra. As his thumb brushed over your nipple you let out a tiny gasp, but it was enough for his tongue to slip inside your mouth.
The kiss deepened and you shifted on his lap, suppressing another groan when you felt him starting to harden beneath you and even through the thick fabric of his onesie you could tell Tigger had a lot for you to bounce on.
Henry however had traced his wandering touch down your body and was toying with the edge of your shorts, a featherlight touch over the inseam had you gasping against his lips. His voice was low as he spoke, barely a whisper;
“Does Winnie want me to play with her Hunny Pot? I bet you’re delicious”
“Henry!” you shushed him; “We can’t, not here!”
“I wasn’t going to eat it, i was just going to taste it… for now…”
Slipping a finger beneath your shorts he hooked them to the side along with your panties, his thick digit swiping through your folds and seeking out your clit, rubbing firm tight circles against it before letting the elastic snap back into place as he brought his finger to his mouth, humming as he tasted you.
Just at that moment there was a pop and the power went out, the movie shutting down and the emergency light in the hallway the only illumination. Gomez stood and said she was going to call the power company, returning a few minutes later with the bad news that a car had taken out a utilities pole down the street, knocking out power for at least a few hours. A suggestion of heading out to a local bar was floated, with general agreement, but hidden by the noise of everyone else your groan of disappointment was both heard and felt by Henry;
“Lets stay here” he whispered; “Come up to my room. We can… snuggle…”
“Just snuggle?”
His wicked grin told you he wanted to do a whole lot more, and in the melee that followed as people searched for their coats by the light of their phones, Henry was able to lead you through the house and up the back staircase, grabbing a couple of halloween lanterns as he went.
Pressed into the mattress you were buck naked as Henry pressed kisses down the valley of your breasts and across your stomach, before disappearing between your thighs. You ached to run your fingers through his hair however he still wore the Tigger Onesie, and what made the situation seem so surreal was that all you could see from between your legs was the top of Tigger’s head.
Henry’s tongue worked utter magic on you as he slid two thick fingers into your tight hole, sucking on your clit until you were bucking beneath him, clawing at whatever your hands could reach before he suddenly pulled away;
“Fuck, that pussy tastes amazing… but i wanna be inside you…”
Kneeling between your legs he unzipped the onesie all the way, his dick springing out from the open zipper.
“You were going commando?”
He grinned at you and winked;
“I was enjoying hanging loose and free until you walked into the party… from the moment i saw you i’ve been sporting a chubby…”
Fisting his dick he lined it up with your entrance and pushed in, the both of you gasping at the feel of skin on skin and the stretch of his fat cock filling you. Setting off slowly he rolled his hips, finding that delicious spot deep inside you almost immediately;
“Fuck, Henry…. Please, harder…”
“You asked for it Winnie… just watch this Tigger bounce!”
He started to pile drive into you, fucking you into the bed you were sent to heaven and god turned you around and send you straight back down again, Henry pushing his legs further apart to get even deeper, the slapping of his balls against your ass and the thick root of his dick rubbing against your clit almost overstimulating you already, trembling around him as he fucked you even harder;
“Are you gonna cum for me, soak me in your hunny?”
“Yes… keep… keep doing that…”
Just a few more thrusts and you were cumming hard, your body gripping him tight as he slowed his thrusts. As you lay trembling with aftershocks from your orgasm, he pressed kisses to your neck and chest, muttering soft praises before he carefully pulled out;
“I’ve gotta take this off before we continue…”
“Conti…. Oh… you haven’t cum yet…”
“Nope… hope you’re ready for round two”
You watched as Henry finally stripped himself of the Tigger Onesie and you got to seem him in his full glory for the first time; dark brown curls, wide shoulders and incredible arms, a chest you just wanted to lay your head on and sleep. As your gaze unashamedly travelled further, you clenched as you followed the thick trail of hair down his stomach to his crotch, his dick still standing hard and proud, before taking in the thick thighs;
“I wanna ride you…”
He laughed, a deep rich cry of happiness as he climbed onto the bed and kissed you before rolling onto his back. Holding his dick steady he watched as you straddled his waist and positioned yourself over him, before slowly sinking down. When you were fully seated he held up his hand;
“Wait a sec…”
Grabbing your Bear Ear headband he lifted it onto your head;
“C’mon Winnie, work that Hunny Pot for me…”
Just at the moment the bedroom door opened, and in the faint light of the halloween lanterns you saw Morticia and Gomez look in shock then laugh;
“Yeah, Tigger and Winnie are fine…”
The door clicked shut and you felt a light smack on your ass, bringing your attention back to Henry. Resting your hands on his chest you rolled your hips and gave it all your worth, giving him the full rodeo. Soon you could feel him start to tremble beneath you, and he quickly sought out your clit, rubbing circles against the tight bud with his thumb as you started to cum, your walls squeezing him tight and setting his own orgasm off as you milked him dry.
He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to his chest, pressing kisses to your face before you rested your head on him.
When you woke the pale light of November 1st was creeping in through the drawn curtains, and for a moment you forgot where you were. Then the heavy muscled arm of the beast you bedded the night before pulled you closer, the warmth of his chest pressing against your back;
“Morning Winne”
His hand slid down your stomach, brushing against the patch of hair;
“Hows your hunny pot this morning?”
You hooked your leg over his as you turned your head to look at him;
“Ready to be refilled”
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Community Blog: Next Destination: Seoul, South Korea (Official Trailer)
The Sims team has released the official blog for The Sims 4 Incheon Arrivals Kit!
The Sims Takes Flight with Jazzy Cho for The Sims 4 Incheon Arrivals Kit Reveal
When visiting Seoul, your first experience with the South Korean metropolis is likely through the Incheon International Airport. Rated as one of the busiest, cleanest, and technologically-advanced airports in the world, Incheon is an incredible introduction to the nation’s rich and vibrant culture. There’s a museum, miniature gardens, art shows, and live performances, in addition to countless shops, a variety of restaurants, a movie theater, an ice rink, putting greens, and more.
Incheon is also a prime destination to experience South Korea’s revered style. Before a traveler’s plane glides down the runway, you may see them catwalking the corridor runways.
In recent years, Seoul has become one of the preeminent fashion capitals of the world, with its bi-annual fashion week presentations rivaling that of Paris, London, Milan, and New York. Seoul doesn’t have 100-year-old fashion houses like the other cities mentioned, but it is able to meld traditional and modern styles unlike most.
The heritage comes in the form of hanbok, Korea’s traditional way of dress, which consists of long and flowy shapes, tight angles, and bright hues. The modernity is a result of South Korea being one of the most digitally-connected countries on Earth, from its high-speed internet, to its production of electronics. The two come together in fashion, where the form and vibrancy of yesteryear are matched with globalized trends unearthed through today’s digitized world.
“Because the world has become more globalized, South Korean people have been able to see trends across the world,” explains Jazzy Cho, TV host, content creator and Miss Korea USA 2016. “Everything was sort of meshing together, and we were able to bring in the western ideas, or global ideas with the already creative DNA of South Koreans. Combined, that created this amazing, stylish, trendy ‘K-fashion.’”
“Airport style is 공항 (gonghang) fashion [meaning airplane fashion],” says Cho. “It stemmed from when the press would greet or welcome back traveling celebrities. It really began to boom with the rise in global popularity of K-pop, the internet, and social media.” Cho continues, “Images of the hottest South Korean stars arriving or departing would be shared across the internet, and if one style that they were wearing goes viral, then that style becomes the trend of the season.”
The Sims has collaborated intently with Cho to bring The Sims 4™ Incheon Arrivals Kit to life, and she made sure we stayed true to K-fashion’s trendy foundations. Cho, a Korean-American, grew up as a competitive studio dancer in Southern California. She took a liking to the variety of styles of costumes she performed in, but it also encouraged her to explore her Korean heritage.
“I was one of the first Korean team captains for my high school dance team. As I was looking across my team one day, I was the only Korean-American, and I was like, ‘Wow, I’m representing Korean females,’ even at a young age. It gave me a sense of pride.”
Cho asked her mother if she could join a local pageant, still yearning to learn more about ancestry. “[I wanted to] learn more about how to carry myself as a beautiful Korean woman, and nurture and develop myself in that way. [The pageant was going] to be a stepping stone to diving in and learning more about [Korean] culture.”
Soon after she won the Miss Korea USA 2016 pageant, she began working across South Korea as a part of the Miss Universe Korea pageant. Her constant traveling to and from South Korea, opened her eyes to Seoul’s distinct style, especially through the lens of Incheon Airport. “Incheon Fashion is like [a celebrity’s] own runway before they get on or off the plane.” In describing the type of outfits one would see, Cho says, “When you’re travelling, you need to be comfortable. You wouldn’t see them coming in red carpet attire, but it’s comfortable, stylish fashion.”
The Sims 4 Incheon Arrivals Kit is a full wardrobe for all Sims to dress for any occasion with both semi-formal and casual pieces, from sneakers, sweatpants and hoodies, to structured looks like the women’s long coat, one of Cho’s favorite pieces. “The women’s long coat is what we would typically see on pictured celebrities. Whatever stylish, trending outerwear piece atop a looser fit top and pants. It’s a lot about comfort when it comes to 공항 (gonghang) fashion, comfort and style.”
“With kits, The Sims is creating an immersive experience where people, places and experiences can be discovered, and our players from around the world can experiment with these distinctly unique mini collections of curated content,” shares Sheila Judkins, Director of Global Brand Management, The Sims.
“Working with Jazzy, our research was extensive to ensure the concepts reflect trendy outfits in Seoul,” shares Woori Bae, Concept Artist for The Sims. “We also had a lot of fun referencing the latest K-dramas, online shopping sites and celebrities’ everyday outfits for inspiration. I am so excited to see this kit come to life, particularly the wide pants and oversized fit items that add more in-game styling options like never before.”
In explaining why she wanted the kit to focus on airport style, Cho said, “I think it’s great that the setting of the kit is at the Incheon Airport because that is the global hub. It’s where people from all over the world embark on their journey to learn about South Korea. I hope everyone is just as excited when they see the kit because when you enter Incheon Airport, the architecture is very modern, the entire ceiling is windows, sunlight pours through – and your heart is filled with warmth! I hope people from all walks of life, wherever they are in the world, have an open, eager and excited mindset and energy towards exploring what Korean fashion is like.”
The Sims™ 4 Incheon Arrivals Kit is available beginning October 5, 2021 on PC and Mac via Origin™ and Steam®, PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One systems.
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part of having written carver since like. 2013/14 is that i can never remember which topics i’ve posted meta on but i’m pretty sure i haven’t discussed his banter with fenris in-depth on this blog yet.
i think something that rubs me the wrong way about the way carver and fenris often interact in fan work is that there tends to be an underlying and fundamental misunderstanding about why carver approaches fenris in the manner he does. i’ve seen a lot of carver talking out of his ass to fenris for no reason other than a ) he thinks he knows better, and/or b ) his overly critical eye wants to fault-find. + he’s annoying or smth to that effect. 🙄
these interpretations tend to neglect the actual driving force behind carver interacting with fenris in the first place, and that’s that carver has had little exposure to other warriors. apart from his time in king cailin’s army, he was peerless ( literally ) in his field, and only interacted with his fellow swordspeople when they passed through town via the imperial highway.
now, there is aveline, of course, but the writing makes it clear that aveline takes on the role of yet another older sibling ( or family of a similar, authoritative position ) in his life, and as such, doesn’t quite qualify as a peer in the traditional sense.
this likely isn’t the most flattering way of phrasing it, but carver wants friends. people who he can relate to, who share his interests and background, who find him as compelling as he finds them. carver may seem prickly or sullen in act i ( and he certainly is at times ), but he’s also experiencing two-prongs of isolation:
1 ) cultural, as a fereldan refugee in a city-state that doesn’t try to hide its hatred of foreign asylum-seekers, and 2 ) mundane, as a displaced young man who has never quite fit in at home nor in any village they've settled in, and who has recently lost the family member closest to him, and who watches his surviving sibling pick up new companions left and right as if it’s not at all difficult.
cut to fenris, who is a consummate swordsman. and while carver is initially on edge because he's under the impression fenris could pose a threat to hawke, once the tension is dispelled, he's far from opposed to fenris's presence. if anything, carver is eager for his approval. fenris is, aside from aveline, the only warrior carver gets to spend any considerable amount of time with, and he's singular in his skill and ability. it's plain to see why someone like carver, starved for peers, would want to establish some kind of rapport with someone as exemplary as fenris.
the problem is, naturally, that carver — nineteen and having never learned to read socialize properly, due in equal parts to growing up sheltered as well as having poor self-confidence — cannot stop himself from saying shit that is so mind-blowingly stupid, that it is a wonder fenris was as forbearing as he was. i'm talking about:
Carver: So... this master of yours wants your markings back? Skin and all? Fenris: So his hunters told me. Unwillingly. Carver: So why not cover them up? Wouldn't that make you harder to find? Fenris: Let them come. I am not one to hide. Carver: Still, if it were me— Fenris: It's not. ─────── Carver: So you've really never thought of hiding from those hunters? Fenris: To what end? Carver: So you could, I don't know, have a life? Fenris: What life do you have? There are no hunters after you at all.
i feel like it should be obvious why these banters are in bad taste, so i won’t go into detail to lambaste carver over his blatant ignorance. the dialogue is proof itself, especially considering how little of fenris’s experience carver ( or anyone else for that matter ) can truly comprehend.
what i will do, true to form, is explain that no, carver did not just pull that suggestion, careless as it was, out of his ass. while hawke may or may not do their best to lay low as an apostate, potentially choosing to engage then-knight-captain cullen over the unjust treatment of mages depending on player discretion, carver has internalized how malcolm guided the family. his father taught them to keep their heads down and be prepared to hit the road in case the circle caught scent of them? then that must be the best way to approach it. emotional neglect unfortunately primed carver to idealize and adopt malcolm's choices and general philosophy. this carries over even to legacy, where, regardless of carver's current character arc, carver will agree that malcolm was correct to keep secrets.
so there's fenris, right, who carver believes is in a position similar to that which the hawkes have been in. carver, attempting to help ( as he is wont to do ), wants to share what had worked for them in attaining a semblance of normalcy, not realizing or considering that that is not fenris's foremost goal. hiding is not a one-size fix-all solution, but carver hasn't expanded his horizons well enough to grasp that fully yet.
then there's largest contributors to my secondhand embarrassment in da2:
Carver: You're very different from other elves. Fenris: Oh? You know them all? Carver: No. I just... you look different. There's no denying that. Fenris: It is what I am. And unlike the problems you claim to have, I really did have no choice. Carver: Do we know anyone who isn't brooding every hour of the day? Fenris: Like attracts like, it seems. ─────── Carver: You know, Fenris, I have a tattoo. Fenris: You have a what? Carver: A tattoo. A lot of us got them before Ostagar. It's a Mabari. For strength. Fenris: Does it curse you with the ability to reach into a man and tear out his insides? Carver: Uh. I can make it bark. Fenris: Please don't.
i’ll start with the second one first. at its heart, the tattoo banter hearkens back to the fact carver wants to feel like he has something in common with someone. yes, it is cringe. but it’s also misguidedly sweet, and on top of that, it’s something carver also tries to do with merrill, who carver arguably has the friendliest dynamic with out of hawke’s crew.
Carver: Your people came a long way Merrill, but I like to think that we have Ferelden in common. Merrill: I never saw Lothering. Did you walk as much as we did? Probably more, you didn't start with halla. Our ship stunk. Carver: Your ship? Merrill: There was something foul in the hold. I can still smell it. Carver: Oh, well, that must have been unpleasant. Merrill: It was. Did I miss something dirty again? Carver: No.
speaking of parallels, the “you’re very different from other elves” dialogue mirrors this one with merrill:
Carver: So, you're not like a lot of other girls. Merrill: No, I'm an elf. Carver: Right. Alright then. Merrill: Oh, did I miss something dirty? Carver: What? No! It wasn't dirty. It wasn't anything.
yes, i took 42069 points of psychic damage from reading that too. but the main takeaway from this is that carver is trying, poorly, to make the two people he thinks he could be friends with feel like they’re special. ( you know, like how carver wishes he was. lol. ) to disastrous results. but i think it’s more than worth mentioning that the intent behind his conversation-making is never once condescending.
and it’s not like carver lacks self-awareness, either. after he becomes a warden and returns to the party for mark of the assassin, he admits he lacked polish.
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I?
Carver: So, we're lost. Varric: Just like old times. Carver: Maker, I hope not. I was an ass. Varric: (laughs) Fair comment, Junior. All right, let's get this done.
and specifically to fenris:
Carver: Orlesians. Can't build a hallway without turning it into a maze. Fenris: Keep going. I'm sure your training will kick in any moment. Carver: Still don't like me? I've tried to change. Fenris: You have. Now you're dangerous. Let's move.
i don’t know how to end this nearly 1.5k meta, so tl;dr i guess
#( here it is the 1.5k carver re fenris meta i've had brainworms over for litr years#at this rate i'll have one for anders merrill fenris and aveline by 2023 afhouwehd#anyway. first day of work is slow )#( miscellaneous ╱ outofchara. )#( re: study ╱ headcanon. )
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to the moon. [m]

h. jisung x reader | pregnancy au
— ❝Becoming a young mother was never your intention. But you had Jisung there with you, so it all really seemed like it would be okay.❞
CONTAINS: light smut, angst, movie spoilers(???), description of pregnancy/surgery, complications
WARNING: very mild smut, pregnancy sex, do not read if easily triggered by death and/or surgery
A/N: hope you enjoy my first blurb :)
blog masterlist | ⟲ fic song
© jeonqqin 2020
Never once did you think you’d get pregnant so soon in life. With a belly bump that pushed against even the loosest of your sweaters, and more emotions than you knew what to do with. But after the initial shock of it all, you actually grew excited. A baby was growing inside of you, and for whatever reason, that made you feel so damn happy. Your boyfriend had to take some time to come around to the idea of being a dad at nineteen years old, but he too grew to love the little tot that made your belly round.
At three months pregnant, Jisung insisted on reading books out loud, convinced that the baby could hear him and knew the sound of daddy’s voice. So, every night before the two of you went to sleep, he opened up whatever book was on hand—it really didn’t matter what it was—and read until you fell asleep against him. It was more difficult when he was on tour, considering you were more emotional than usual and prone to outbursts that you never really meant. While traveling, he was often in a different time-zone, so he couldn’t really call at regular times, and when he did have any spare time, he’d use it to eat and sleep. You were frustrated, to say the least. But you pulled through. Thankfully one of the other members of Stray Kids—Chan, you suspected—came up with the voice memo idea. Jisung ended up sending you recordings of him just talking about nothing at all, and you’d play every new one when you woke up or when you had time.
“Hello little one, it’s your daddy. I really can’t wait to see you, so please hurry out, okay?”
You laughed, rubbing your palm over your stomach. “Don’t listen to him. Please take your time…”
“Mommy and I are ready to take such good care of you—oh, and all of your crazy uncles, of course—”
“You’re the only crazy one of us, Sungie!”
“Ah, don’t listen to him, baby. Like I said, they’re crazy.”
You smiled fondly down at your phone as you continued to listen to the boys all bicker back and forth. They really were still kids.
“Ah, shi—daddy’s got to go! Take care of mommy for me and don’t cause her too much trouble while I’m gone! Bye, my loves, I’ll see you both soon.”
And you never told Jisung, but you’d play their music out loud as you did little domestic things around the apartment. Usually, you played their upbeat music when you were doing chores; songs like Gone Days, Awkward Silence and Get Cool. But on nights you missed Jisung, you played their pretty songs. Neverending Story and Mixtape: On Track, were the baby’s favorites, you found. You swore you felt the baby kick every time, and soon came to the conclusion that Jisung was right and the baby did know daddy’s voice.
The little guy seemed to like Seungmin’s parts too—and that was also a detail you wouldn’t mention to Jisung.
At four months pregnant, you began to really crave some strange things; from peanut butter in every form, to literally slicing and eating lemons like they were oranges. Jisung put up with all of it and proved to be the perfect father and boyfriend by following every craving with you and giving up everything you couldn’t eat. You’d heard stories about husbands promising to give up alcohol and deli meats for their wives but quickly copping out after the first week—not Jisung. He stuck with you and kept going no matter how hard it was to eat a lemon with breakfast every morning. He was a determined father, and it brought you to tears one night when Stray Kids were going out to celebrate their comeback with drinks, but Jisung declined to tend to you for the night.
“Baby, wha—why are you crying, sweetheart?”
You held your face in your hands as you shook your head, doing the best you could to direct the conversation away from you. He was doing so much for you and just giving you everything you could want, but you couldn’t even listen to him for three minutes without your body giving you some sort of hell.
“I’m okay, Sungie. Just the hormones.” You sniffed, wiping at all the tears that fell down your cheeks in an attempt to stop them, but to no avail.
Jisung hummed, scooting a little closer to you on the couch. You were wearing one of his sweatshirts, which had been turning into a more common occurrence as you got more round, but he loved it. There would be no complaints on his end. It just made you look so much more soft and fluffy to him—that and the fact that you were carrying his child inside of your tummy. He was really loving the whole father thing more and more as time passed.
“Okay, baby. Come here then.” He cooed softly, pulling you into him and wrapping a blanket around the both of you. “Take a nap, for now, let it pass.”
He was really so good.
“I love you.”
He smiled, placing a chaste kiss to the crown of your head. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
Five months pregnant, you didn’t expect to be so horny. You were less queasy, and according to your doctor, “there was an increased amount of blood flow to your genitals.” She had said it was normal to have sex during your second trimester of pregnancy, but no matter how much you tried to convince Jisung to just fuck you he was too convinced that he’d hurt the baby somehow. And your pregnant mind decided to play a fun little game on you called, Let’s Make Y/n Insecure. So as Jisung was at the studio, you watched some sad movies and cried. Of course, it was a common activity you took part in when Jisung was gone, but it was a little different due to your newfound self deprecating thoughts. You were getting bigger and it did not make you feel sexy in any shape or form, and Jisung—someone that was so much of a horndog before your pregnancy that he would jump at the opportunity to get his dick wet at any given point in time—didn’t even want to have sex with you when you asked? It led you to believe that he didn’t think you were pretty anymore. And you ended up asking yourself, what if he was going to other girls at the company to meet his needs? Deep down, you knew he would never do such a thing to you, but you were still young and supposed to be in your prime, and your boyfriend didn’t want you. It freaked you out.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Jisung called from the front door, but you didn’t answer, instead, you just shoveled some more ice cream into your mouth as you watched the scene on t.v play out. Jisung frowned, placing the takeout he brought with him on the table. “Baby? You awake?”
His eyes met your form when he walked into your shared bedroom, confusion lacing his gaze. But you didn’t acknowledge him, even when he moved to sit next to you, you just continued to glare at the t.v.
“Baby, look at me,” he said, delicately cupping your cheek, but you jerked your head away. “What did I do wrong, Y/n?”
You sighed, turning to him frustratedly. “Why don’t you want to have sex with me, Jisung? Is it because of my belly? Am I not sexy anymore? Do you want to fuck other girls instead?” You threw questions at him as he stared at you with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. When he remained silent, you turned back to the movie on the screen with glassy eyes, god damn your emotions.
He panicked. “No! No, no, of course not, sweetheart!” He quickly moved to tug you into his arms, placing a soft kiss to your lips. “You’re the only one I want, and the only one I’ll ever want. Sex right now is just…”
“Gross? Weird?” You scoffed.
“Not something I thought we could do.” He confessed with a red face. “Believe it or not I’ve never gotten a girl pregnant before, and I don’t really know what precautions we need to take. The last thing I want to do is hurt either of you.”
You melted into his touch, your feeling of insecurity disappearing. “Sungie, you won’t hurt me or the baby. The doctor had specifically told me that sex was fine, she said it was normal at this point of pregnancy.”
You had to hold back a laugh as his eyes lit up immediately. “Really? It won’t hurt our baby?”
“No, Sungie.” You smiled with a giggle, kissing his lips. “Our baby will be fine.”
Suddenly, Jisung was hoisting you onto his lap with a surprising amount of strength. You could feel just how eager he was through his pants, and it brought you back to the days when you and Jisung were in such a position nearly every day. It was exciting. He groaned low in his throat as you rolled your hips against his hardening member.
“Shit, how could you think that I didn’t want to fuck you, baby? All cute with my baby in your belly.” He sighed, running his hand up your small bump and stopping on your breasts. You moaned; high and whiny due to the sensitivity of your nipples. “And your gorgeous tits.”
“Ji, I missed your hands, baby.” You whined, rubbing your palms over his hard chest.
Jisung hummed, dipping his hands under your sweater to touch your warm skin. “Yeah? You like when I touch you like this, sweetheart?”
“So much.”
“Good,” he said, rutting up against you. “Now move those cute hips for me, baby.”
In your sixth month pregnant, Jisung finally brought you over to the dorm to see the boys—or more importantly, for the boys to see you. You really were glowing; Jisung had never seen someone so beautiful in his life. With your plump belly in all its glory, the boys were ecstatic to finally see you. Jisung had held it off originally because he was nervous of their opinion and didn’t want to put you in that position—of course, he knew they wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or your feelings, but there was always that one doubt that left him hesitant. Of course, he realized how ridiculous he had been the moment you walked through the dorm doors.
Changbin and Chan had immediately tugged you to the couch as carefully as possible—even going as far as offering to carry you. But you denied with a laugh, walking to the couch just fine on your own.
“But thank you, boys.” You had squeezed their hands with a smile and nearly sent them into cardiac arrest.
“Is she only cuter because she’s pregnant?” Minho had whispered. “Is that a thing?”
Jeongin made a noise of discomfort. “I think that’s weird of you to say, Hyung.”
Throughout the evening all of the boys had stepped up to care for you; Changbin had massaged your shoulders as Hyunjin and Felix dutifully moved around the dorm to collect every pillow and blanket in sight to make a little nest around you, and Seungmin and Jeongin conversed with you while Minho and Chan were busy in the kitchen making dinner. It was a bit of a mess, but you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.
Hyunjin cooed over your baby bump as you ran your hand over it. “So, Y/n, have you decided—”
There was a sudden kick under your palm, causing you to jump with a small surprised “oh” leaving your lips.
The boys surrounding you looked at your stomach with awe, Jisung laughing at their bewildered faces. “It’s like you guys have never seen a pregnant woman before.”
You smiled. “Do you want to feel?”
And there was suddenly seven pairs of hands groping your stomach. It certainly was entertaining to watch them argue over who felt the kick and who was “the baby’s favorite”. They might have all been a little off their rocker, but at least you had your village to help raise your baby.
At seven months you finally decided to come up with names. Jisung expressed several times that it was his favorite part, and he had been looking forward to it for weeks. Of course, the two of you had briefly talked about the gender and names but came to the conclusion that you wanted it to be a surprise and the name thing you’d just deal with later. Well, when you finally went to Jisung to talk about names, you concluded that Jisung’s father would go through the process of finalizing the name—to respect the tradition in their family—and the two of you would pick the name yourselves. Thankfully, Jisung’s parents had been very accepting of everything so far, his mother just excited to see her grandchild and his father proud of his son for stepping up to take care of you properly.
“What about Soo—something? Or Seo? Han Soo-hyuk? Han Soo-hyun? Or just Han Soo-hun?” Jisung rambled, looking at the ceiling as you cuddled into his side. It was late at night, and neither of you could sleep, so it seemed to be a good time to talk about mindless things. “What do you think, baby?”
You hummed. “I like Soo-hyun for a boy, it’s pretty.”
Jisung smiled as he ran his palm against your belly. “And for a girl? Any ideas?”
“Eun-jin is cute. I like Ye-sung too.”
“What about Ji-hyun?”
“Han Ji-hyun.” You smiled, stroking his cheek. “Yeah, I really like that one.”
On your eighth month of pregnancy, your food cravings shifted over to movie cravings. For some strange reason, you had the urge to watch every Disney and Pixar movie you could get your hands on. It was a flashback to childhood for sure, and you’d just spend days watching Disney princesses until Jisung got home and encouraged you to go for a walk with him for some exercise. Jisung himself was convinced it was all in your head and the baby fever was just hitting you extra hard, but he never once complained. He just sat back in bed with you and watched every movie that you put on.
“How about Beauty and the Beast?” You asked, scrolling through the countless amount of movies on the screen.
“Y/n, we literally watched that last week.” Whined Changbin from the foot of the bed, his legs kicking up behind him like a child. “I don’t want to sit through another session of you pointing at the screen and saying, omg that little cup looks just like Jeonginnie!—OW.”
He reeled back away from Hyunjin’s swinging arm. “You’re just upset that she called you Gaston’s tiny sidekick, knowing full well that you are.”
“At least I wasn’t compared to a gay-ass candlestick.”
You giggled as the boys bickered, all of them throwing comments about how their assigned characters were better than the others, even Jisung chimed in how “unfair” it was that Chan got to be the beast and he was stuck being compared to Gaston.
“Well, it’s pretty true, Sungie.” You cooed, stroking his cheek. “Chan’s way more of a prince type.”
Chan winked cheekily at his friend from his place on the floor.
“It doesn’t matter who’s who—” Seungmin started.
“—you can’t say shit, clock-boy—”
“—just pick another movie,” Seungmin said, raising his middle finger towards Changbin.
So you settled on the movie Inside Out, a cute Pixar film with lots of colorful characters that caught your eye. None of you had seen it, so it was an easy decision. But it still hadn’t stopped you from dubbing each boy as a respectable character every five minutes.
“Oh my god,” you gaped as the character that called himself Bing Bong. “Jisung, that is you.”
The room erupted into laughter at your words, Minho even going as far as falling off the end of the bed. Jisung looked at you with an open mouth, in utter shock.
“Him?! The fat pink elephant? You think I look like a fat pink elephant?”
“She’s right! You do look like that guy!” Seungmin snorted through his laugh, falling into Jeongin for support.
“He’s just goofy, baby. It reminds me of you.”
For the majority of the movie after that, Jisung pouted, his head resting against your chest. Your boyfriend really acted like a child at points, and his dynamic personality only made you love him more. So, every time he huffed, you just giggled and ran your fingers through his hair exactly how he liked. But strangely enough, he started to get too committed to the movie to pout, his eyes never leaving the screen as the scenes became more intense.
Especially when the so-called “fat pink elephant” sacrificed himself to save the main character from being forgotten forever. Unfortunately, you were already an emotional wreck, so it didn’t take much for you to break down, but as the sound of sniffles filled the room, you figured the rest of the boys were in the same boat. And the damn Bing Bong guy was like Jisung—the most loyal person you knew, positive even the hardest of times, and too selfless for his own good. The love of your life was more than just self-sacrificing; he’d give everything up for his family.
“Go save Riley!”
The room fell silent for only a second, everyone holding their breath as the inevitable played out. Jisung held you closer with glassy eyes, his cheek unknowingly pressing harder against your breasts. From the corner of your eye, you saw Hyunjin cling to Felix like Velcro, the two holding each other close as they watched the screen. And there was Seungmin and Changbin at the end of the bed, their legs tangled together and their intertwined hands discreetly tucked between them. Chan’s fingers were threaded in Jeongin’s hair as the younger leaned against their leader’s legs, and Minho smiled at the screen softly, his eyes holding something both sad and happy as he watched the movie. You smiled too, tears slowly covering your cheeks.
“Take her to the moon for me, okay?”
You pressed a small kiss to your boyfriend’s forehead as you felt him let out a brief sob against your chest.
For the first time of your pregnancy, you felt comfortable looking around at your crazy little family and thinking, “yeah, your baby was going to be just fine”.
To say that everyone was ready for you to go into labor early would’ve been a complete lie. Everyone was ready for you to go to the hospital on time, so Jisung obviously reacted with a little panic when you announced that your water broke and a rough pain settled in your side. He was quick to your side, his phone already pressed to his ear as he directed you to sit down—whatever fluid that got on the couch be damned. He called his parents, shouting that you were in labor and needed to go to the hospital, so they quickly responded and told him they’d be there in five minutes. So then he called Chan to spit out the news—and the speed that his words left his mouth could’ve competed with the pace of his raps—before hoping his friend had been able to decipher his words and hanging up. Of course, everything afterward went to plan—you were screaming in pain while Jisung held your hand in his while his parents drove you both to the hospital. But you did just as the doctors told you; you pushed and pushed, Jisung still gripped onto your hand, albeit you both looked pale as hell, but you were able to push one last time and see your baby—your baby girl.
“Congratulations mom and dad, it’s a beautiful little girl.”
She was carefully placed in your arms, and god you knew then and there that you would endure another nine months of torture for your daughter in a heartbeat. She was beautiful.
Jisung lifted his palm to caress the small head of your daughter, he had tears shining in his eyes as he looked at his two worlds in front of him. “Baby, look at her. She’s perfect, isn’t she?”
You smiled with heavy eyes. “Our little girl.” Despite all the energy having been zapped out of you and the killer cramps, you couldn’t look away. “She has your eyes, Sungie…”
Jisung felt a tear drop down his cheek as he laughed. “She sure does. And your lips, and Chan’s eyebrows, and Minho’s nose, and Jeongin’s little dimples, and Felix’s cheeks, thank god she doesn’t look like Changbin—oh wait.”
You laughed, resting your head against his. “Our little family.”
“Han Ji-hyun.”
“Yeah,” you smiled, feeling consciousness slowly slip away from you. “I really like that name, Sungie—”
Your eyes then slipped shut, and Jisung frowned, immediately holding your cheek in his hand. “Hey, sweetheart, what—?” But he was interrupted by a low groan that left your lips, your body twisting in a way that suddenly brought panic to the staff in the room. Slowly the heart-rate monitor’s beeping became incessant and rang louder in his ears as the nurses in the room called for a doctor, taking the newborn from your arms. Suddenly, the room was filled with a chaos that Jisung couldn’t keep up with.
“The patient just had a seizure, get her on a breathing tube immediately.”
“Get it down her throat—”
“Is it eclampsia or HELLP syndrome?”
“There’s no time to take the tests, doctor. Her liver has inflamed at a rapid pace.”
“Get magnesium sulfate in her IV now!”
“Baby?” Jisung whispered, tugging your hand into his as nurses attempted to usher him out of the room. “Baby, open your eyes and look at me, please—”
“Sir, we need you to—”
“Tell me what’s wrong with her!”
But they pushed on. “You need to leave the room, sir.”
You cried out as another convulsion wracked through your weak body, and Jisung felt his heart shatter at the sight. His hand reached out to grip your hand, feeling your shaky fingers intertwine with his as you released a whimper. You were looking paler and paler by the second, doctors and nurses rushing around doing things that Jisung could never even guess, but he didn’t care. You were the only thing he had his sights on.
“S-Sungie,” you choked like you were freezing, your lips quivering. “Our baby—where’s my baby? What happened to my baby?” You yelled, pushing violently against the hands of the doctors.
Jisung felt wetness on his cheeks. “Baby, she’s fine. Our baby’s fine, sweetheart.” He lifted your clammy hand to his lips. He was helpless as the nurses attempted to guide him away from you, all he could do was watch as you struggled and fought hysterically. “Come on, Y/n. Please come back to me, sweetheart…”
You shrieked in pain once again as you thrashed in a doctor's hold, nonsense about them taking your baby was spilling from your lips.
“Induce her!”
Jisung’s eyes widened as a nurse pushed past him, quickly injecting something into your IV. It physically hurt him to watch as you slowly fell limp against the hospital bed, your eyes lazily gazing at him.
“Y/n?” His voice was shaking, he knew. “Please baby—”
“Sungie.” You sighed, your fingers twitching in his grip and your head lolling to the side. “You saw her right?”
Jisung nodded, raising your hand to his face, moving your palm to cup his cheek. “She’s beautiful, sweetheart. Our baby is so beautiful.” He smiled.
Your eyelids dropped as you hummed. “Please, Sungie—” You had to peel your eyes back open, looking at the man you fell in love with, with a smile. He had been so good to you, even before you found out that you were carrying his baby. Maybe you were just kids, but you knew you loved him, and you knew he loved you. And there was no doubt in your mind that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. Your sweet little girl could become anything she wanted, and you wanted to watch that. Surely with a family like yours, she would thrive in a loving environment, and there would never be a moment where she would be unloved. With your boys there for her—with Jisung there for her, you knew she’d be just fine. You wanted to watch him grow with Stray Kids, while your child grew beside them. Maybe you still could. “Look at me.”
Jisung’s lip wobbled as he looked up from your interlocked fingers. Your hands were too cold.
So you inhaled deeply as unconsciousness slowly took over and waves of nausea pounded against your head. But you pushed through to look at Jisung—the man you knew would give your baby girl a life to be excited to live. “Take her to the moon for me, Sungie.”
Never once did Jisung think he’d be a dad so soon in life. With a pregnant girlfriend that played his songs for their baby to hear and stole his clothes on the daily. But after the initial shock of it all, he grew excited. He was going to start a family with a woman he’d loved, and no matter how much he thought about the consequences, he was the happiest man alive. Granted, he had to take some time to come around to the idea of being a dad at nineteen years old, but he too, grew to love both the woman bearing his child and the baby inside.
At three years old, Han Ji-hyun looked just like her mother. Precious in every way, shape, and form. Stray Kids looked after her like they were her own parents; uncles in the strangest forms. Chan wasn’t afraid to take her to his studio when it was his turn to watch her, because somehow she knew not to make a sound when he was working. Minho stepped in as Ji-hyun’s mother figure—making her meals, cleaning her up, and simply teaching her about the little things in life. Changbin was the most hesitant to find a role in the little girl’s life, but eventually, he became her favorite uncle in terms of how he showed his love. Hyunjin took her everywhere he could go, solely because he knew how much you liked to see places and found the similar trait in Ji-hyun. Felix was her best friend in the world and she was his, and he didn’t care about what anyone thought of their relationship. Seungmin taught her life lessons every child needed to learn, like how to use the bathroom on her own, how to write her name, how to ride a bike, and countless other things. Jeongin—surprisingly enough—acted as her protector; nothing was going to harm Ji-hyun while Jeongin was alive and he swore to that the day she was born. But they’d all give anything for their precious girl.
Just how you did.
Jisung was her father—and an amazing one at that. Ji-hyun was a daddy’s girl from the very beginning, never once wanting to leave his side. He wanted to do exactly what you wished for, because he wasn’t one to hold grudges or muddle over things for too long, and as your last wish of him, there was no way he’d deny the love of his life anything. Ji-hyun was his whole world. And it didn’t hurt to see you every time he looked at her. Jisung was happy to have a part of you with him, and he knew that you would’ve never wanted it any other way. You were so strong, it baffled him. Ji-hyun was just the same.
“Daddy, can you put on mommy’s movie?”
Jisung was caught off-guard when he looked up from his laptop to see his three year old still up and not in bed. It was way past her bedtime and he knew she’d be tired in the morning, but the way she looked at him made him weak. He sighed. “Get in bed.”
Ji-hyun giggled as she climbed onto Jisung’s large bed, nearly being swallowed by all the blankets. Jisung smiled at her excitement, peeling off his jacket and shoes before taking a seat next to her. Immediately, she crawled into his arms, her head resting on his chest.
By the age of three, Ji-hyun knew all the words to Inside Out by heart. It was a movie she associated with her mother and went to it for comfort at times. So did Jisung, if he was being honest.
She pointed at the screen. “There’s mommy.”
Jisung smiled as his daughter pointed towards the blue-haired character—Joy. And he couldn’t help but agree. “There’s mommy.”
Absentmindedly, Jisung toyed with the engagement ring that sat, snug around his ring finger. It was a beautiful ring, one that confused most people that saw it. The ring was in fact, yours. You just never got the chance to see it, since he had kept in his pocket for nine months too long—never able to ask.
#stray kids#skz#stray kids scenarios#stray kids reactions#stray kids imagine#stray kids memes#bang chan#lee minho#lee know#seo changbin#hwang hyunjin#han jisung#han#lee felix#kim seungmin#yang jeongin#i.n#stray kids x reader#jisung x reader#han jisung x reader#han x reader#han jisung smut#han smut#jisung smut#stray kids smut#stray kids angst#han jisung angst
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