#i miss the 'kat talks: album' days
straykats · 1 year
xdinary heroes comeback AHhabHXAjdbj
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pixelatedquarter · 1 year
And Now for the next batch of madness:
The Tour Of Fuck It We Ball part 2: Electric Boogaloo Days 4-6 of US Tourdust: The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (The Woodlands, Texas), Dos Equis Pavillion (Dallas, Texas), Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre (Phoenix, Arizona)
People west of the Atlantic woke up on day 4 to a fall out boy tweet and an instagram story with 1 picture of Pete followed by CAPTAIN PLANET followed by ARAB SPRING, then LA RIOTS, RODNEY KING was added and then DEEP FAKES, all in the same typography. There'd already been rumors of people hearing a cover of we didn't start the fire playing through the PA system and a day before this, a still from the animated character from HMLAG labeled we didn't start the fire was posted on discord. Here's a great summary of it by kat-scribles. Hours later they confirmed the cover covering newsworthy things from 1989-2023 which released on day 5 (external link, RIP if something happens to the falloutboy youtube account).
In true 'Fall Out Boy Releases A New Thing' fashion it's been criticized by news and people who didn't like it and so on and so forth. Nature is healing, people are actively hating on Fall Out Boy. This is truly the tour of healing.
As far as setlists go: We got an update to the first setlist picture, it reads "sophomore, gin, coffee, suitehearts and patron". Notably GINASFS is missing, despite this setlist being from the Chicago show and it is not in the order they played these songs. As of the posting of this update, all songs have been played (on dates 3, 2, 7, 8 and 10 respectively)
Speaking of setlists:
we got one for The Woodlands, 8 Ball song was Kintsugi Kid ("How will you torture us this evening/should we sing a song from 10 years ago?/Should we sing a song about 10 years ago?" codename Tango Yeti, in keeping with the more or less NATO alphabet for Ten Years) also worth noting that this is Joe's favourite track in sm(f)s. This is how we learnt that post hiatus AND in particular current album tracks were on the list of 8 Ball possibilities, marking the first in a long series of "I didn't know the 8 ball could do that"
For Dallas we got an interesting situation with the setlist. We got one, that said and fit with Kansas' set, except that one hadn't been leaked, so a lot of speculation surrounded the magic 8 ball code OCHO, which isn't NATO alphabet. This marks the day we got confirmation that they were upping their game to keep the 8 ball songs a surprise, they posted fake/old setlists at the venue and the codename ocho stands, in all likelyhood for Sophomore Slump being the eight track in FUTCT. Here's the Kansas setlist in question.
After the show we got the real Dallas setlist, song was The (After) Life Of The Party ("Should we play one about hanging out being the afterlife of the party?", codename: Sierra Alpha for Stitch/Scar Away)
For day 6 we didn't get a setlist but the 8 ball song was Homesick At Space Camp ("Should we play a brand new fucking song?/Should we play a really fucking old song?", also of note Patrick tells the audience there's an audience participation moment incoming and teaches the lyrics since it's been so long since they played it last)
As a sidenote, with these setlists we've been able to see the names of the scenes: "AQUA Scene" for the one with the starfishes and the seashell submarine that's present for uma and 16c, "Attic Scene" for the tttyg smaller stage scene, "Dog(Bubbles) Scene" for well the giant dog head with the childlike squiggles backdrop and the bubbles and transparent balls that goes on through arms race (yes i know a lot of people are keenly aware that the dog scene includes arms race), disloyal order and heaven iowa, "Red Drape" for whatever hits after heaven iowa, "TREE Scene" for the one with you guessed it the big fuck off tree that is real and you can touch scene that lasts for fake out and the entire piano + magic section, and "Red Drape" again for grudge and The Magic 8 Ball Slot. Worth mentioning here is that they started playing their shows in Joe's attic
Piano Enrichment time these dates was, SOMETHING:
Pre-Piano banter has been great, arguing over banter between them. Day 4 gave us the banter of all time, with them arguing over body fluid composition.
Piano Boy is still out for blood. On day 4 he did a triple medley of somebody to love and take on me before moving onto don't stop believin. And then he said he had imposter syndrome and did What a Catch Donnie on day 5, which at the time was a very devastating thing.
It got immediately overshadowed day 6 because he did Spotlight, off of Truant FUCKING Wave and Soul FUCKING Punk. That was a lot of lights.
These dates are when we confirmed the fixed setlist also isn't fixed at all, Hum Hallelujah was back for day 6, without sacrificing Take Over this time
Oh yea and someone referenced "Thanks Pete!" in the crowd and Pete said "Heard it", you can hear the response (not the thanks pete) just before the banter that led to Spotlight (these are so backlogged that I can confidently spoil you this WILL be important later ;) )
We hadn't even recovered from the category 11 Soul Punk event when they hit us with the grimace shake video. It may now be part of the cinematic universe of "All the times Fall Out Boy has died, specially Pete, Extra Specially By Patrick's Hand. Guys how does this keep happening."
In the outfits category that's still a thinly veiled excuse to share pics of them being silly and 'FOB stands for Family Of Bestfriends':
No wardrobe updates for day 4 other than them ocasionally picking up friendship bracelets while bantering and the insanity of wearing three layers on 38C weather for the commitment to the emo poet look. Patrick seems to have been feeling extremely daring and wore khakis instead. But he did give an explanation why he's dressed like this.
On Day 5 pete did away with the poncho and we got skirt!, look at the skirt, two days in a row!. patrick went back to tourdust troupe t-shirt and ballcap and for day 6 it was ballcap and shirt.
Joe and Andy up to this point have packed exactly 1 grey t-shirt, one pair of jeans, two pairs of shoes and one pair of shorts for onstage. Collectively.
I do not have a fashion explanation for adding this point to the list. there's no thinly veiled excuse anymore it's just a video of Pete and Patrick being PeteandPatrick. Still fits the fuck it we ball energy that they're just doing whatever onstage and are comfortable getting close, even if the resolution of them doing a head nod is 3 pixels.
Oh yea and Pete wore green briefs. Totally the most important part about that entire link.
Source and credit list is in this other post! Check that one out too! Go give the people i compiled here some love! Specially to Lydia whose posts are linked from here several times and they helped me find pics from the AQUA scene!
Here's links to parts 1 and 3
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
For Whom the Bell Tolls - Chapter Two - Voodoo Dolly
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x OFC (Kat Ramsay), sequel to Foolin’
Summary: Kat, still reeling from her nightmare, runs into Chrissy on her way to Corroded Coffin’s band practice where she takes them completely by surprise.
Warnings: established relationship, allusion to eating disorders, unhealthy coping mechanisms, mention of pot use, smoking, half of a drug deal
Word count: 2.5k
Chapter song: Voodoo Dolly by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Tag list: @munchabunch @madaboutmunson @michele131 @riffcrusader @prettyboyeddiemunson @idiot-parade
Her new mantra was ‘It was just a dream, a nightmare. It wasn’t real.’ She repeated that to herself over and over again, in the hopes that she could trick herself into believing it. But she knew. She knew the threat was looming and very, very real.
Kat was constantly on edge. For the most part she was able to hide it. Her demeanor appeared calm and collected like usual, but her mind never stopped racing. The fact that it had only been a few days since her nightmare and she was already on her second pack of cigarettes was the telltale sign she truly wasn’t doing well. Not that she allowed room for anyone to pick up on that. She knew Eddie didn’t and couldn’t understand the severity of the situation. She barely knew the severity of it all. All she had was a feeling that clung to her like lichen on an old tree, growing and always present.
Corroded Coffin finally had time to sit with Master of Puppets and now that they all had the studio version of the album, and not just a demo of the title track, Eddie made it his own personal mission for the band to perfect a cover of his and Kat’s new favorite song. The Thursday after it was released, there was a mandatory band practice. Kat, of course, wasn't about to miss it, being the virtuoso that she was. Music still muted the omnipresent feeling of her nightmare’s monster for the time being, so she jumped at any opportunity she could for a distraction from her spiraling mind.
On her way to Gareth’s, she made a quick stop at the general store in town to pick up another pack of cigarettes and grab a snack or two. Lost in her own world, she rounded the aisle and collided with someone exiting. Upon impact, a few Twinkies and Star Crunches fell to the ground, falling from the grasp of the petite frame in front of Kat.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry. I was just in my own world over here,” Kat gushed as she bent down to pick up the snacks that had fallen from the girl’s arms.
“Oh, no! It’s okay! I was in a hurry and… Kat! Hey!” Chrissy said, taking the snacks back from her.
“Chrissy! Hi!” She eyed her arm full of snacks that covered all bases from sweet to savory. “Stocking up?” Kat chuckled. Chrissy’s face reddened slightly.
“Sort of,” she laughed nervously. “Comfort food before I have to deal with my mother. ‘Did you get enough practice in? We need to take your measurements. If I have to take out one more uniform!’” she imitated her mother in a high-pitched mocking voice before rolling her eyes. “You know how moms can be.”
Kat started putting two and two together. Her mother was a model. She grew up in Hollywood. Probably not many people could read between the lines here, but she definitely could. Her brow furrowed in concern. “I mean I have a few minutes before I gotta go to band practice, you wanna talk about anything?” she offered.
“I…you know what? Sure. It’d be nice to catch up with you,” she flashed a genuine smile.
“Cool! I’m just gonna grab a couple things, I’ll be right behind you at the check out.” Chrissy nodded as she headed over to pay for all her things.
Kat grabbed her own box of Star Crunch and a tube of Pringles, after she grabbed a bottle of Mountain Dew, and a king sized Reese’s at the register. 
“Anything else today?” the cashier asked. Chrissy was waiting off to the side for Kat.
“A pack of Marlboro Hundreds, please,” she said as she placed a twenty on the counter. 
“Alright, here you go. Have a nice night, girls.”
“Thanks, you too.” When they exited the store, Kat started walking towards her car. “Did you walk here?” 
“Yeah, gets my mom off my back if I exercise extra after cheer.”
Kat nodded as she took her last cigarette out of the pack in her back pocket. “Do you mind if I have one? I can wait if you do.”
“No, no. Go ahead!”
Kat nodded and she lit it. After she exhaled smoke the opposite direction of Chrissy, she asked, “So what was so bad about today?” She wanted to believe the increasingly dreadful pang in her stomach came from too big of a drag from her cigarette, but she knew the feeling was coming back full force for whatever reason right now.
“Ugh, it’s just everything! My parents are stressing me out. Cheer is exhausting me. And all Jason wants to talk about is stupid basketball.”
“Do you even like Jason?” Kat wondered leaning back against her car. Chrissy furrowed her brow and fidgeted with the corner of her letterman jacket.
“I mean, yeah, he’s a good person once he lets you get to know him.”
Kat just scoffed. “What do you like about him?”
“Well…” she paused, trying to think of reasons, “He’s got nice eyes? He’s cute, um… He cares about me.”
“I have nice eyes, Chrissy,” Kat sighed. “Wanna know what I think?” she proposed as she took another drag of her cig. She was encouraged with a nod. “You don’t like him. You’re with him, because it’s expected and convenient.”
Her face dropped at that observation. She knew Kat was right. “It’s just easier to play the part…” she practically whispered as she started chewing on the inside of her cheek.
“Is it really though? You aren’t happy. I’ve noticed for a while. Since… since that time I ran into after school back around… Halloween I think? You can’t keep living your life for everyone else around you,” Kat advised, her voice coated in sincerity. 
“It’s a little late for that now… I mean maybe in college, when I can get away from all the… the… pressure. I just wish I could shut my mind off for a bit, you know?”
Kat let out a very short, punctuated laugh, “You have no idea. Hey, you ever think about trying weed? It could help. And, I mean, you definitely have the snacks of a stoner,” she lightly teased with a smile, which Chrissy couldn’t help but return.
“I’ve debated it,” she shrugged. “But I’ve never been able to ask anyone for it, or even about it. It’s hard when you’re the golden angel of Hawkins…”
“Listen, if things get bad enough, and you just need a break, you can come to me. Leave a note in my locker or something. Eddie will hook you up, no judgement, no questions. Hell, we’ll even do it with you!”
“I’ll… I’ll think about it. Um, I should probably get going though…”
“Yeah, same. The guys are probably wondering where I am.”
“Alright well, I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” she said, giving Kat a half smile.
“Of course,” Kat nodded as she put out the remains of her cigarette with her shoe.
Chrissy started to turn away, but abruptly turned back and suddenly enveloped Kat in a hug, “Thanks for listening and caring. You’re one of the only ones that seems to notice…”
She gave Chrissy a comforting squeeze, trying to ignore the fact the hairs on the back of her neck were rising. The accompanied feeling of turmoil made her heart sink. “Always,” she said, gently pulling back to show her the truthfulness in her eyes. “I’m always here for you Chrissy. I… I understand what you’re going through. I’ll help you in any way I can, okay?” She smiled up at Kat, giving her another quick hug before she parted from her. “Think about what I said, alright?”
Backing away, Chrissy nodded enthusiastically. “I will. Definitely,” she said with a little wave before she turned to head back home.
Kat started her car and immediately turned up the volume on her stereo. “Fight It Back” by Accept drowned out the creeping, crawling feeling she had all over that was reminiscent of what she felt in her nightmare. She shook her head as if to shake it out of her system. Focusing on the deafeningly loud music, she could feel it receding. She couldn’t get to Gareth’s fast enough.
— — —
“About damn time!” Gareth shouted when he saw Kat walking up his driveway. 
“Where’d you go? What took so long?” Eddie asked as she wrapped him in a one armed hug and gave him a quick peck. 
“Stopped to get snacks,” she revealed, holding up her bag of goodies, “and ran into Chrissy. She had a bad day, so we talked for a bit.” Kat took a drag of her cigarette that she lit on the way in. 
“Chrissy? Like Chrissy Cunningham?” Jeff asked incredulously. 
“Yeah? Why? She’s, like, a total sweetheart. She’s always been nice to me since the first day.”
“Just weird…She only ever sticks to her kind.” 
“I don’t know. Don’t you guys have a song to learn or something?” Kat asked, changing the subject. 
“Ah, I thought so, but Gareth apparently forgot how to play drums!!” Eddie spoke with his frustrated, high-pitched voice while he glared at him. Kat just rolled her eyes at him. 
“I’m sorry not all of us were taught by the actual members themselves!” Gareth challenged in retort. 
“Cut the shit, Gareth. Show me what part is giving you trouble,” she demanded, walking over to stand behind him. 
“It’s this part of the bridge,” he began as he demonstrated his difficulty. 
Kat nodded, “Okay, you’re rushing it and trying to add extra beats. That’s what's messing you up. Eddie’s probably getting too excited and playing faster than he should, throwing you off.”
“Hey!” interrupted Eddie, slightly offended. 
“Get up, I’ll show you,” Kat continued. 
“What?” He looked at her like she just asked him to run over his drum set and set it on fire. “You only play guitar.”
Kat rolled her eyes. “No. I don’t. Now will you move before I make you move?” 
The look on her face and her stance caused Gareth to almost trip over himself. Kat picked up the drum sticks and sat down. “Now, watch me and count,” she instructed, counting off the beat. 
Flawlessly, starting from the start of the lyrical bridge, she played it perfectly. Everyone stared, jaws on the floor. Kat never mentioned she played the drums. It was simply because it had never come up and she didn’t want to brag. She even demonstrated for Gareth what he was doing and then the correct way to do it. “Try it out,” she encouraged. 
“No. Kat, you stay. We’re playing it from the top,” commanded Eddie. His tone was sharp enough that no one protested. 
Kat shrugged, “Okay, giving you guys a four count.” 
Jumping right into the song, she played it front to back as if she’d been playing it all her life. Everyone was shocked, including Kat. It’d been quite some time since she played drums, not that anyone could tell. 
“Where in the hell did you learn that?” Eddie questioned. 
“Oh, uh, well, I started out on drums. Piano too. Mostly drums though when I was super little. It’s the one thing I can play by ear with one listen. Guitar takes me a couple tries… It just never came up before now? Guitars are easier to cart cross country, so I just… stuck with that…” she trailed off as the stares from everyone was making her nervous. 
Eddie just shook his head. “You never cease to amaze me, ya know that? Gareth, you’re fired.”
“No, no, he’s not,” Kat reassured, getting up and shoving Gareth’s drum sticks back at him. “I require too much attention to simply be the drummer,” she spoke with a fake-presumptuous tone as she gave her hair a flip as she headed over to take a seat to watch the rest of their practice. 
“Okay, well, you need to get your own drum set asap,” Eddie mused to Kat during a break which allowed for them to talk amongst themselves. 
“And where am I gonna store it? Aunt Linda and her stupid neighbors would have a fit not even I’d wanna deal with.”
“Just store it at my place,” he offered. 
“Yeah, okay. Because there’s definitely room in your shoebox,” Kat said sarcastically. 
“We— we could store it in my closet… there’s enough room for the bags in there,” he spoke slowly, trying to disguise the sting he felt from her comment. 
Even as enthralled as he was with her drumming, it wasn’t enough to block out how lippy she was today. He knew the dream had bothered her, but clearly he underestimated the longevity of it. While he wanted to let her come to him if she wanted to talk about it, he knew this was the sort of thing he’d have to coax out of her. Sure she was often sarcastic, but never to the point of rudeness. 
Eddie saw his chance after everyone had packed up their gear and he went to say goodbye to her at her car. “Hey is, uh… Is that dream still bothering you? Did anything else happen today?” 
“I mean, yeah. Of course it’s still bothering me. Part of me wonders if it was even a dream. That’s how real it felt. It was like my mind traveled somewhere… else…” Kat shook her head and briefly buried her head in her hands. Eddie reached out and rubbed her shoulders. “I sound so fucking crazy. And— and then that feeling came back when I was talking to Chrissy. It was like— like someone was watching me— watching us…” Fear was slipping through Kat’s voice. She reached in her back pocket for her cigarettes. 
Eddie furrowed his brow. “You’re smoking a lot more too,” he noted. Great. So he did notice, of course he would. 
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine,” she said completely unconvincingly. “I gotta head home, but, uh… Oh!” she said before she reached into her car to grab her wallet out of her bag. “I need more weed.”
“Okay… how much?” 
“This much,” she said, slapping a hundred dollar bill into his hand. His eyes widened. 
“Kat, already?”
“It helps me sleep. Eddie, please,” she whispered defeatedly.
“Yeah. Okay. Tomorrow. I’ll have it for you tomorrow.” 
She gave him a short kiss, “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said as she got in her car. 
Eddie was taken aback by her tonight. He shoved the money into his pocket as he walked over to his van. A sinking feeling of his own started to settle into the pit of his stomach. Granted he didn’t know in depth details of her past life in California, but he knew a spiral when he saw one. No matter what it took, he vowed to protect Kat in any and every way that he could. 
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cetoddle-archive · 2 years
thank uuuu @ghostboyjules for tagging me in this! ♡
nickname: lia & kat are both nicknames technically !
sign: gemini sun aqarius moon & rising
height: i don’t wanna talk about it.....(161cm)
last thing i googled: “google drive”
song stuck in my head: not in public -summer cake
number of followers: 1,209
amount of sleep: i try not 2 think about it tbh...i know that in general i actually sleep TOO much if you can believe that
dream job: for real i’m kinda hoping i can just marry rich and lie around the house all day with my cat napping in obscure places instead of working but recently i’ve been rlly wanting to work at a library (the never ending thrall of capitalism is inescapable! help help!!)
wearing: a hoodie and sweatpants (both black, both VERY comfy) also socks (also black)
media that summarizes you: i am also just going to list media that has had a major impact on me/shaped who i am as a person/is very very important to me! sailor moon, haikyuu!!, durarara, taz amnesty, train to busan, love live, howl’s moving castle, and i know i’m forgetting at least one thing but oh well. also unfortunately reading homestuck at age 13 did impact me in many ways whether i like it or not -_-
favorite song: my most favorite song ever of all time is sad machine by porter robinson! that whole album (worlds) is also a piece of media that’s very important to me hehe
favorite instrument: bass guitar bass guitar bass guitar
aesthetic: like a really sad goth magical girl who likes flowers
favorite authors: i don’t really have any :(
random fun fact: i used 2 do color guard in high school and i miss is every day!
i tag: @watamote, @andraath, @avatar-aaang, @poopzing, @smoochys, @staycgrls, @tinketon + anyone else who would like 2 do this uwu
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yourlunarspice · 2 years
29, 28, 8, 7
also any bonus question(s) that you wanna answer just in case no one happens to ask it !!!!
28. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
Definitely Shinkami (with 21 fics)! I participated in Shinkami Month over the summer during my internship, and I'm proud of nearly all of the fics!
8. Favorite work you wrote this year?
I don't know about a single work, but I'm especially proud of both my series Dysphoria In Rubies, Gold, Lilac, And Emerald and Pit Of Vipers! Both of them were initially inspired by a piece of artwork (each shown in the summary of the first fic of Dysphoria and in the summary of the series for Vipers) and were almost completely done while I was in Australia! It made working with my beta reader (shoutout to @persona4fantasy!) difficult, but we pulled through. We both spent so long working on those series, they are definitely my favorites!
7. If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
I've used so many songs as inspiration for fics, or even to embellish and add details to a scene or character. I've used a couple of PrinceWhateverer songs as inspiration/motivation (for Tidal Wave and one of my WIPs) and pretty much all of Muse's album Drones (for The Venom Of Serpents, The Deadly Poison Of Cobras - the third fic in Pit Of Vipers). I even have made some personal albums inspired by fics - both mine and others.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year? (putting this at the end bc of length, lol)
I love writing any sort of subtext (where you really have to reread it to really appreciate it), and I feel like I write subtext fairly well. I also love writing adorably hilarious misunderstandings. It made this decision really hard (and pretty much impossible), so I narrowed it down to two. The first one - from The Venom Of Serpents, The Deadly Poison Of Cobras - is all about subtext, tension, and verbal dancing. Some lines have been cut due to length (and even so, it's gonna be under a Read More). Spoilers for both fics incoming!:
"Fuckin'... what?" Katsuki growled, his voice significantly less fiery than usual.
"Uhh, you don't look so good, man. Are you doin' okay?"
"I'm fuckin' fine," Katsuki groused.
Cobra huffed. "Yeah, I don't think so, dude. Come on, Bakubro! You can tell me anything!"
Katsuki must have been more tired than Viper was, because he began talking to Cobra.
He felt sick.
"I really liked him. God, I think I love him," Katsuki choked.
And Viper felt his heart shatter.
"But you said he was working with All For One," Cobra said. "If you ask me, I'm glad he's gone."
Katsuki hummed. "Something doesn't make sense."
There was a pause, and Viper found himself inching closer to the speaker, pressing against the bars so he wouldn't miss a word.
"He was working with All For One, but he seemed more like a lapdog than a lackey. The bastard was forcing him around, and it looked painful."
"Maybe All For One is just that cruel?" Cobra offered.
"Maybe." Katsuki didn't sound convinced. "But then there's the thing with Deku. He turns up dead the same day that Hitoshi is acting all jumpy and shit. Fuck, he wouldn't even talk to me about it, but I could tell something was wrong."
Cobra chuckled. "Honestly, it seemed like more than just one thing was wrong with that kid."
Don't fall for it, Viper silently urged Katsuki on, fingers wrapping around the bars of his cage.
Katsuki hummed noncommittedly. "I would've thought he had something to do with the nerd's death, but then damn Half-'n'-Half bastard turns up dead the exact same way. After Hitoshi left."
"Maybe he snuck back? Look, don't worry about it, Kat. I'm sure everything will be fine."
Katsuki was silent.
"Come on, man. Don't be like that."
"Mr. Aizawa confronted Hitoshi and said that he was the one who killed Deku. And he didn't deny it." A pause. "You denied it, though."
Cobra chuckled. "Kat, what, do you really think I'm a suspect?"
Katsuki grunted. "You were acting weird the day that Hitoshi left, too. All clingy and shit."
"So what? I was just having fun with my best bro!"
"You were the only person who wasn't surprised at Hitoshi's disappearance."
More silence.
"Does that mean you knew about him and All For One? And that's why you weren't surprised?"
Cobra gave a soft chuckle. "Look, man, I wouldn't pry into these things if I were you."
"But you're not me!" Katsuki yelled. "Now start talking! You knew about Hitoshi and All For One, but didn't say anything."
There was complete silence before Katsuki broke it in an almost confused tone: "You're the UA traitor."
Cobra huffed. "Kat, let's not get into this right now-"
"Say it!" Katsuki interrupted. "Tell me!"
Cobra was silent for a moment before sighing. "I really wish you hadn't figured it out."
Katsuki choked. "Fuck," he breathed.
Chuckling, Cobra began clapping. "Congratulations. You've found me out."
Muted explosions popped. "You bastard. Tell me where Hitoshi is!"
"Nah." Cobra's tone was dismissive. "It's so much more fun this way. But I can assure you, he's had lots of fun."
"Bullshit. Tell me what you've been doing to him, you asshole!"
Cobra laughed. "Do you really want to know how I keep him company nearly every day? Or how he presented his ass so quickly to me?" He laughed again, sharp and derisive. "Face it, Kats, he's happier without you."
"You motherfucker!"
There was an explosion before Cobra was laughing again. "Come on, Kats, did you really forget what my Quirk is? You can't hurt me."
Katsuki was breathing heavily, but made no reply.
"Did you get all that, Viper?"
Viper's heart skipped a beat.
"Your boyfriend doesn't stand a chance against someone like me."
"BASTARD!" Katsuki roared as Cobra shimmered into existence next to his cage. "GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!"
The second passage is much shorter (and funnier), but it's still one of my favorite pieces of dialogue I've written! I love writing adorably-ignorant Midoriya, and I feel like this captures that perfectly. I was laughing so hard when I wrote it! It's from my two-shot For My Family. Again, spoilers!:
I could tell as soon as he saw me, and took the opportunity to finish my cigarette, letting the smoldering remains fall and get crushed under my shoe. "Hey there, good lookin'," I said as I walked forward a bit.
The guy blushed. His face got redder and redder until he looked more like a strawberry than a human. "Are you talking to me?" he squeaked.
I chuckled, letting my gaze visibly rake over him. "O' course I am," I winked. "You got somebody to spend the night with?"
"Oh! Are you offering?"
I grinned. "Sure am, sweetheart."
His smile grew wide, spanning the length of his face, embarrassment apparently forgotten. "Great! I live really close to here. I'm Izuku by the way."
"Rody," I said as I followed him hesitantly. He seemed a bit weird - almost no one gave me their name - but as long as he was willing to pay, I didn't mind.
The entire walk back to Izuku's apartment, he chatted my ear off. I couldn't keep track of most of what he was saying, but he was saying something about Quirk theory when we finally arrived at his place.
"How did you want me to start?" I asked when Izuku didn't immediately reach for his wallet.
He looked up in surprise before shrugging. "Just do whatever seems most comfortable."
I inwardly sighed but nodded.
I lowered my eyelids until I fixed Izuku with a smoldering look. Approaching him, I grasped his shoulders and pushed him down into a chair.
"Wh-" I cut him off with a sharp nip to his ear. Normally I didn't get this dominant with my clients, but I figured that this guy wasn't the domineering type.
I was straddling him, my hands pressed against his chest and my teeth on his ear when he finally gathered himself together enough to speak: "What are you doing?"
I froze as I processed his words.
Leaning back, I met his gaze. His entire face was red and he was struggling to keep eye contact with me.
Oh my-
"Fuck!" I leaped away from him, horrified. "I thought you knew what I was doing!"
Izuku held his face in his hands. "I thought you just wanted to be my friend!"
My brain stuttered as I tried to keep up. "So, let me get this straight." I steepled my fingers in front of my face as I closed my eyes and exhaled. "you see a stranger, alone, at night, in this getup," I lifted the hem of my skirt for emphasis, "who is asking you if you're free tonight, and you don't think it's about sex?!"
"Unbelievable," I groaned.
"I just thought you needed a friend," Izuku mumbled into his hands. "...And some clothes."
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buysgreys · 2 years
China cat sunflower chords and lyrics
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#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics pdf
#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics professional
#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics free
Most of the band’s classics are songs that Hunter wrote the lyrics for, like “Truckin’” and “Friend of the Devil.” Even 1987’s “Touch of Grey” became part of the fabric of life for so many counter-culturalists, some of whom actually were grey by the time “Touch of Grey” was recorded. One of Hunter’s most abstruse pieces, which became a staple of the Grateful Dead’s legendary hours-long concerts, was “China Cat Sunflower.” It was recorded for the band’s 1969 studio album Aoxomoxoa, and later released on the live Europe ’72 triple album set in a mash-up with the old blues number “I Know You Rider.” The two songs segued together perfectly, and the Grateful Dead performed the combination well over 500 times in live performances. In his outstanding anthology A Box of Rain, Hunter wrote, “Nobody ever asked me the meaning of.
#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics professional
We have an official China Cat Sunflower tab made by UG professional guitarists.Check out the tab. 1 contributor total, last edit on Sep 30, 2016. Well I know you, rider, gonna miss me when Im gone I know you, rider, gonna miss me when Im gone Gonna miss your baby from rolling in your arms Laid down last night, Lord, I could not take my rest Laid down last night, Lord, I could not take my rest My mind was wandering like the wild geese in the west Oh the sun gonna shine in my back door. 73,953 views, added to favorites 745 times. People seem to know exactly what I’m talking about. Grateful Dead Tabs Click to play this song Browse by type: Tabs. Discover essential techniques and pros and cons of each approach.It’s good that a few things in this world are clear to all of us.” But with lines like Krazy Kat peeking through a lace bandana/ like a one-eyed Cheshire/ like a diamond-eyed jack / A leaf of all colors plays / a golden string fiddle / to a double-e waterfall over my back, it may be wishful thinking to say that that the words were really “clear to all of us.” To this day, numerous faithful still debate the meaning of the lyric, as seen on a number of websites devoted to discussing the song. CLICK HERE TO GET IT FREEįingerpicking vs Flatpicking Guitar – Learn which picking style is right for YOU by exploring examples, history, and popular players of each style.
#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics free
This is also what I play myself - CLICK HERE TO LEARN MOREĬhords, Tabs & Video Lessons for 100 Epic Songs – This free guide that I created for fellow guitarists gives you chords, tabs, and video lessons for the 100 best songs to learn on guitar… I spent many hours putting this guide together to help you get better at guitar, faster. The Best Acoustic Guitar – Beloved by everyone from Paul Simon to Gordon Lightfoot, the Martin D-18 is one of Martin’s most legendary guitars ever… It’s an excellent, premier quality acoustic guitar for bluegrass, country, folk, rock and more. Learn China Cat Sunflower music notes in.
#China cat sunflower chords and lyrics pdf
They provide the perfect mix of boom, range, twang, and brightness that acoustic music is known for. Download Grateful Dead China Cat Sunflower sheet music notes and printable PDF score arranged for Guitar Tab. The Best Acoustic Guitar Strings – A unique polymer coating makes these guitar strings last for months or even years at a time, making for an exceptional value. Whenever you’re ready to take your guitar playing to the next level, check out a few of my favorite resources below: G F I rang a silent bell, beneath a shower of pearls, G F In the eagle-winged palace of. There is a bridge section, but it uses only two very easy chords (C and D). This is another great one to start with as there are few chords, and they are relatively straightforward. No list of the best Grateful Dead songs for acoustic guitar could be complete without Friend of the Devil. Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Grateful Dead – Friend of The Devil () The acoustic versions of the songs are some of my favorite Dead performances (like the video above for example). In my opinion, Dire Wolf is one of the more challenging songs on this list as far as learning it on acoustic guitar. The song tells the story of a man who plays cards with a “dire wolf” on a cold winter’s night in “Fennario” the lyrics have been variously interpreted. The song combines elements of country and folk music, in typical Jerry Garcia fashion. The story goes that Robert Hunter penned the lyrics after watching The Hound of the Baskervilles. Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Dire Wolf (Live at Harpur College, Binghamton, NY, May 2, 1970) ()ĭire Wolf is one of the Dead’s classic balads, released as the third track on their 1970 album Workingman’s Dead.
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loving-barnes · 2 years
Vendetta - Spring Cleaning (3)
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Pairing: Mob Boss! Bucky Barnes x Mob ! Boss Y/N Fox (Bucky Barnes x female reader)
Warning: language, violence, blood, bit angst, mentions of murder
Autor’s note: This story does not want to appear under the tag Bucky Barnes x reader and it is pissing me off. Just wanted to let you know. It is demotivating. 
Viewer discretion is advised.
Word count: 4600+
Chapter Two
Vendetta Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Spring cleaning (3)
Steve brought an ice pack for Sam who was sitting in an armchair in Wolf’s office. The bleeding stopped, but his nose was swollen and in pain. He put the ice pack on and sighed loudly.
Barnes was no longer screaming at his men, trying to find out what happened and whose fault was it. Stark was his ally – why would he send someone to attack him? It didn’t make sense. Now, he and his two best men were behind the closed doors. They finally calmed down.
“What the fuck happened?” Steve asked. His eyes were fixed on the expensive floor while he kept replaying the scene in Manhattan. “Was it anyone we know?”
Bucky sat down behind his desk and put his phone on top of it. “The woman’s name is Kat. I met her in the club the other day. We were dancing together,” he said. “I don’t get it. Why would she attack you? Something is not right.”
“I knew she was familiar. You danced with that girl,” Sam looked at his friend and put down the ice pack. “I remembered that face when she punched my nose. Damn, she’s strong.”
“Does she belong to someone – Stark, Fox?” Steve asked and took out his phone. He started research on the internet, checking all the social media and pages of the club.
“Why do I feel like I know her from somewhere else?” Bucky mumbled under his nose. “Is she one of our strippers? No,” he answered himself. “I would remember that pretty yet dangerous face.”
They remained silent for a few minutes. Steve was still on his phone, trying to find anything that would help them. Bucky even took the time to text Stark to inform him what happened in his territory. Sam rather focused on his nose praying the pain would stop.
Rogers chuckled and looked at Bucky. “Doesn’t Raven have a sister?” he asked.
Bucky cocked his head and squinted at him. As if a lightbulb had lit inside his head. “He does,” he said slowly. “Do you think it was her? I highly doubt it. That girl was hot. Little Diamond never was.” He was immediately on his feet, going to one of the cabinets where he had some old photo albums. He took out a black one and started to leaf through it.
“Ah, look,” he said when he found the picture he was looking for and turned the album to his men. His finger pointed at the first child. “That’s me. The one next to me is Daniel or Raven,” he put his finger on the second boy. “And that ugly duckling is Y/N Fox, Raven’s sister, the little Diamond of the family. It is ironic she got that nickname when she never looked like one.”
Steve and Sam kept looking at the picture as if they tried to find an answer.
“Are you sure it can’t be her?” Steve asked. “It would make sense if it was.”
Sam laughed. “And besides, what happened to the ugly duckling in that fairy-tale? It turned into a beautiful swan. Think about it.”
Bucky quickly grabbed the album and carefully looked at the picture. Thank god the picture was colourful. He checked her face, hair, eyes and lips. Those eyes seemed familiar. He thought back to when he talked to her in the club; he thought about the moment he looked at her face before she escaped with her accomplice on the bike.
“Holy shit,” he gasped. Those eyes were too familiar. He wasn’t 100% sure it was her, but thinking back, it could be. “I think you might be right. Steve, go to your girl Sharon and tell her to find more information about little Miss Diamond. I haven’t heard about her since her mother’s funeral I attended like a decade ago.”
Steve nodded and did as told, leaving Sam and Bucky alone in the office. Sam was enjoying the feeling of the coldness on his nose. “I must admit that girl has a great punch.”
“I’m more surprised she didn’t kill you,” Bucky sat back behind his table and put the album next to his phone. “She had the perfect opportunity.”
“You know what she said to me? I asked who she was and she said she’d have to kill me if I knew.”
Bucky laughed. “Cunning little fox.”
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Y/N woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. She sniffed the scent one more time before she decided to open her eyes and find the source of the smell. She heard a popping sound coming from the kitchen, as well as the sound of plastic and knives.
“Good morning sunshine,” Yelena greeted her from the counter and looked at the couch where Y/N was sleeping. “I have breakfast, I have coffee. Come sit and eat with me.”
Y/N rubbed her eyes and sat up, stretching her arms. “What time is it?”
“Two in the afternoon,” Yelena said nonchalantly. “You’ve been sleeping like a baby. No wonder, the painkillers were strong and put you down almost instantly.”
With a grunt, she stood up from the couch and went to the counter, squirming. The shoulder still hurt like a bitch. “I have to call Danny. Where is my phone?”
Yelena took a plate from a cabinet and put on it some scrambled eggs and sausage. Then she handed it to her boss. “Eat, now, before it gets cold. I already talked to Scott. He drove him back home and he stayed in his room ever since.”
“Probably pissed his pants,” Y/N chuckled. “Thank you for the breakfast… at two in the afternoon. When did you wake up?”
“At around eleven,” Yelena said. “I went to the store, bought some groceries and here we are,” she made a gesture to the cooking she did. “I mean, I had to do something for you as an apology for yesterday.”
“Oh, shut up,” Y/N rolled her eyes and put some eggs into her mouth. “Although, apology accepted – this is really good.”
“How’s your shoulder?”
Y/N peaked at her patched shoulder. “I feel like I am stuck in a loop, feeling the moment the bullet penetrated my skin. It hurts badly.”
Once they finished breakfast, Y/N helped clean the dishes and also made the couch. She wasn’t a messy person. Her room was always spot on clean and everything had its place. While Yelena was in her bedroom, Y/N arranged transportation of her motorbike that was still in Manhattan. Her helmet was long gone, somewhere in the garbage, if not owned by a stranger. She made a mental note to buy a new one.
They both arrived back at the mansion at five in the afternoon. The place was filled with people. Servants were preparing the main dining room for the meeting Y/N called yesterday. It was Scott who called in all the people and she was thankful for that. He helped her a lot when it came to calling in the staff and explaining what to do.
“What happened?” Scott pointed at her shoulder. He noticed the bandage peaking from under the jacket.
“Barnes shot me as we tried to escape,” she waved it off as if it was a scratch.
“He saw you?” his eyes widened.
“I’ve been through worse,” that wasn’t a lie. “Don’t worry about it, Scotty. Sooner or later he would have to see me face to face,” she said. “Where is my brother?”
He pointed at the upper floor and Y/N quickly run upstairs into his bedroom. She didn’t knock, just opened the door and looked around. He was sitting in a chair, holding a cigarette between his fingers while watching something on his TV. She was surprised it wasn’t weed.
When his eyes found Y/N, they almost popped out of his head. “Shit, Y/N, are you alright?” He was clearly looking at her shoulder.
“Do you now know why it was a stupid idea to go to Manhattan?” she asked with a calm voice. “You could have died.”
He took a drag of the cigarette. “I know,” he whispered.
“The Wolves came to the same place as you were. They can go there because they are allies with Stark and we are not,” she explained. “Next time, stay here or go to the Bronx or leave the city. I will not be saving your ass every time your stupid head decides to go to forbidden territories.”
He didn’t say anything which was better than starting talking shit. As she was walking away, she added: “Be down at eight. We have a meeting and you have to be there.” Afterwards, she closed his door.
She could hear Yelena’s voice from downstairs talking to Scott, discussing last night. Y/N turned to her room where she hid there for a moment, glad she could spend a minute alone.
She undressed from the clothes she wore yesterday and went into her en suite bathroom. Before she stepped into the shower, she put a new waterproof patch on her wound. It wouldn’t be wise to irritate it with water while it was still fresh. Yelena did a good job stitching the wound.
After she showered and dried, she put on clothes that were appropriate for a meeting with everyone important. It was about to be a difficult night, she knew that. There was a possibility some men would leave her – they wouldn’t want a woman to be their direct boss. It was true that she hadn’t heard any complaints, but the moment she gives them the choice, some of them would want to leave.
Ha-ha, as if they had a choice, she thought.
Tonight, they would see her shine; they would see how strong she is and how seriously she takes the business, threats and family. She was ready to show them that she was born to do this.
Of course, her outfit was all black. She put on cargo pants with combat booth, a tight turtle neck with long sleeves and a blazer. A knife was a must. She put it into a secret pocket inside the blazer. She sat down behind her make-up table and put on a bold make-up look with crimson red lips. She had to look pretty and dangerous. The last thing she did was braid her hair.
When she left the room, she could hear the guests arriving. Before she headed to the main dining room, she paid a visit to her father.
He was still in his bed with an IV in his hand. His eyes were closed and the monitor kept track of his heart. He was still present. How long would it take?
“It’s over, father,” she said as if he was listening. Maybe he was. She stood at the foot of the bed. Her hands were crossed over her breasts as she kept looking at his lifeless body. “Tonight, I will grant your wish and finally become the boss you wanted me to be. But I will end your reign and change everything I can. I know your weaknesses, I know your mistakes. If you had listened to me, you wouldn’t be in this mess; you wouldn’t be dying.”
She checked the watch on her wrist. She still had some time. Her phone was resting silently in the back pocket of her pants.
“I am my father’s daughter,” she continued. “And my father was called a Mad Man. Yes, he earned that name for his behaviour, for his treason. Believe me, father, that I will be way cruel than you. I have no mercy for those who hurt me and my family. If only you know how many bodies I already hid around Queens,” she chuckled. “I am no longer the black sheep of the family – the sad, ugly little girl that no one took seriously. It’s time to change the meaning of Raven and ruin those who ruined us.”
She turned around and walked away from him, leaving the man alone again.
This time, she walked out with the most confident she ever had. This time, she didn’t have an ounce of doubt inside her. She knew what she was doing. She thought about it the whole night while she stayed with Yelena.
As she was approaching the stairs, she noticed Danny coming out of his room. Finally, he had decided to wear something appropriate and not ridicule himself with leopard patterned clothes. He seemed sober, which was a good thing.
Together they silently walked down the stairs and joined Yelena and Scott in the living room. To her surprise, even Wade was already there.
“You are breath-taking,” said Wade and put a hand on his heart as if he was really touched.
“You are surprisingly early,” she said and checked him from head to toes. It was typical Wade - dressed as if he was just on a casual neighbourly visit. But that red flannel plaid jacket suited him well.
His eyes moved to Danny, wrinkling his nose. “What happened to sober Bam Margera here?” he asked. “It’s unusual… scary.”
“Fuck you, Wade,” Danny replied.
“Can you all leave me and my brother alone? It’ll be a minute,” she asked them and glared at her older brother who had the brain of a fifteen-year-old.
Everyone left and Danny took a seat next to a fireplace. His eyes focused on nothing else than her. Did he feel guilty? He should.
Y/N took a deep breath through the nose and looked at the family picture that was hanging in the room. Her family, as it was portrayed, was long gone.
“From now on,” she started to talk. Her voice was low and serious. “You will treat me with respect and listen to my orders, brother. No more scenes, no more opposing. Shit is getting too serious, as you can see.” She was hinting at her shot shoulder. “I am going to clean our father’s mess and make new rules. And hear me when I say that one slip, one misstep and you are out of here.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me,” she warningly raised her index finger. “I had enough of your shit. I shot your foot once. I can do it again.”
“It’s not my fault they shot you yesterday,” he was on his feet, approaching her like a predator. “You should have stayed here, paint your nails or whatever.”
It was a mere second and her hand collided with his cheek in a painful slap. A few days ago, she punched his nose, now she only slapped him.
“My only fault here is that I didn’t do this meeting sooner,” she hissed at him and walked away.
There was no use. He was an immature drug addict. She hated drugs, except weed. But the business was good and it provided them with a huge amount of money.
Y/N fixed her blazer and walked into the dining room that was filled with everyone who worked for her father – well, for her. Some of them were seated around the table; some were standing like statues, waiting for the meeting to start.
The seat at the head of the table was empty, waiting for her. She sat down and the whole room went silent. That’s when she noticed Peter, holding a folder with some documents she asked of him. Without asking, he handed it to her and stepped back behind Scott. He must felt intimidated. No wonder, he was the youngest one present.
“Gentlemen,” her voice was strong. “Thank you for coming here.” She opened the folder and quickly scanned the papers. “As you all are aware, my father has been in a coma for a few months now due to the poison he has in his system.”
“How is he doing?” someone asked.
“The same: lying in his bed, eyes closed and just still holding on,” she sighed, not hiding her annoyance. “It’s only a matter of time.” Her eyes were fixed on one particular paper, not believing what she discovered. That information was going to be very helpful.
“Daniel,” another man said. They were looking behind her when her brother walked in. “Why aren’t you the one talking? You let a woman sit there and talk?” he pointed at the spot her father used to sit, the one she now claimed.
“Daniel will keep his mouth shut if he wants to survive tonight,” Y/N cut him off before he could say anything. “Mr Gattler, am I right?” she pointed a finger at the man who opened his mouth. “It seems you didn’t get the memo of my father’s will.”
“What will?” he asked with a raspy voice.
She put a bright smile on her face and looked into his eyes. “I have become the new head of the family – your new boss. And you will listen to my orders, Mr Gattler, otherwise I will make you eat the candles that are in the middle of the table – lit.”
Everyone glanced at the long white candles. She could see how some men’s eyes widened in terror.
“Well, I am not surprised not all of you know about this. It is not a thing you would send by a text or an email,” she slowly stood up and put both hands on the table, supporting her body. “Maybe it is because some of you don’t take the business you had with my father seriously and therefore do not care about the hierarchy. Hah, maybe you don’t care at all.”
Y/N knew many of those men were informed about the changes and they, so far, seemed fine with it. But those were the men that she kept close to after receiving the information that she became the new mob boss.
“Why you?” someone else asked. “Your brother is older.”
“My brother is an addict and an idiot,” she said with a firm voice. “He has no idea how things work here. His brain only knows three things: sex, drugs and money.”
Y/N didn’t give a single fuck she was degrading her brother in front of everyone. She was sure if she looked behind her, Wade would be chuckling.
“I don’t give a fuck, I won’t listen to a woman,” said Gattler.
“Careful, Mr Gattler. My patience is running low,” she said. “I knew some of you will have a problem with that. How can a woman lead the Foxes, the clan my father build?” she said with a mocking tone. “Well, let me tell you a secret, Mr Gattler. I have bigger balls than you,” she smiled. “If I remember correctly your job is to secure the perimeter near the JFK airport and help with the cargo that is for us. And,” she turned her head to the other man who had doubts. “Mr Franza, you are supposed to keep an eye on your drugs and make sure everything goes smoothly with the money and the goods. What I’ve learned so far is that you are doing a very sloppy job while some other capable men here have to do a lot of clean up.”
Yelena was proud of her. The way Y/N was handling the situation was impressive. He was expecting a lot of things but not this.
“That’s right,” someone shouted. “Billy Franza, you little scum. We were almost caught by the cops because of you.”
“I should have snapped your neck when I had the opportunity,” said another man.
“Well, well, would you look at that,” she smiled. “Are you sure you are working for us, Mr Franza?” She moved away from her spot and walked around the table to both Mr Gattler and Franza who were sitting coincidentally next to each other.
Gattler was brave enough to look into her eyes and spat back at her. “You are only good for sucking cocks and keeping your place in the kitchen.”
She cocked her head. “Aw, you would love that, would you? You want me to get down on my knees, take your little cock out and give everyone a show?”
He didn’t have time to reply. Y/N grabbed her knife out of the blazer. One swift move and she stabbed his hand, pinning it to the table. Gattler started screaming, trashing his body as he tried to get to his hand. He was scared to take the knife out. Blood was streaming down his hand, onto the table and down on the floor.
“That was beautiful,” Wade commented and clapped his hands.
Peter had to turn around to take a deep breath. He never saw her as violent as he did now. “You good Parker?” Yelena patted his back, grinning.
Tears were falling down Gattler’s cheeks. He couldn’t stop sobbing. The pain was unbearable and he was losing a lot of blood.
“Look at that whining little bitch,” she pointed at the broken man. “Such big mouth; such mean words and look at you now.”
Those were his last words. Y/N pulled the knife out of his hand, and a second later sliced his throat with it. The blood splashed around him, covering her and some other man sitting opposite them.
“Holy shit balls,” Wade gasped. “I wasn’t expecting this show tonight.” He even showed her thumbs up.
Y/N moved back to her chair and sat down, putting the bloody knife on the table.  It was a reminder not to fuck with her. “Mr Franza, if you don’t want to end up as Mr Gattler, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and accept the fact I am your new boss.”
The people present in the room still kept their eyes on the body that bled to death. The smell of blood was making them nauseous.
“Would anyone else like to say something or shall we move on?”
Silence, that’s what she liked. She made a huge statement with the murder of the man who tried to make her incapable of being a leader. Fucker.
“Maybe some of you are not convinced enough, so let me give you something that will consider staying under my wings.” Y/N grabbed one of the papers she got from Peter. “As you all may know, for the last few years, The Foxes have become an enemy to the Wolves and Starks. It was all thanks to my beloved father.”
“Those bastards brought it to themselves. They should have never stolen our cargo, lied to us and pretended we were an alliance,” said a big guy standing close to Y/N. He used to be by her father’s side. Not as his right hand but as a trusted friend. Luckily, he decided to stay with Y/N. He knew about the will.
“What if I told you that is a lie, Ace?” she turned to him and looked into his chocolate brown eyes.
“Bullshit,” said a man by his side, Chao. “I know the truth, I was there.”
Y/N’s head snapped to Franza, who was shaking on his chair, silently praying. “Mr Franza, is it true you were the one who helped Hydra get our drugs? Is it true they paid you well to keep your mouth shut?” she kinked a brow. Again, the attention was on him.
Yelena looked at Y/N and then at the man that seemed to piss himself. This was news to everyone.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Ace shook his head. “Pierce told your father who took the drugs. He shoved his evidence-“
“That was fake,” she jumped in. “In this folder, you have documents and photos with evidence that it was Hydra who took our drugs, our weapons.”
With a simple nod, Y/N allowed Ace to take a step closer and look at the papers. It took him mere seconds to realize how foolish they were. “Motherfuckers,” he sighed. “I remember watching footage of men taking our goods and putting them into trucks that belonged to Stark.”
“Yelena?” Y/N called her friend and showed her to move to Mr Franza.
“So what do we do now?” asked Chao.
“First,” Y/N cleared her throat. “I will ask my right hand, Yelena, to deal with traitor Franza.”
With a nod and a smile, Yelena approached the man. She put her hands over his head and with a swift move snapped his neck. A second later, the body was on the ground, drowning in Gattler’s blood.
As if it wasn’t enough, Danny grabbed the first decorative vase he found and started to vomit inside of it. Some of the men laughed.
“Now I see why your father wanted you to lead,” Chao grinned.
“Those who had the honour to work with me know that I pay way more than my father would. But, if you expect me to lead as my father did, you are mistaken.” Once again, she stood up and raised her voice a little. “Traitors will get tortured and killed and if you excessively fuck up, you will die under my hands and believe me when I say you will beg me to just drown you in the sea.”
One by one, the men kept nodding their heads, agreeing with everything that was said. Y/N was happy. This is what she wanted. The main step of Spring Cleaning was almost done.
“You will also listen to Yelena,” she pointed her hand at the blonde woman. “As well as Wade,” and she moved to Wilson, who kept smiling like a child. “If you need anything IT related, we have Peter,” she turned her head to Parker, who was a bit shaken.
“Hi,” he said meekly.
“And of course, Scott is also a very trusted man. Ace and Chao are your supervisors and everything goes through them. I trust you and I love working with you.”
Ace smiled. “Same here, boss.”
“Spread the word around the men. Let them know what happened here. Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I can’t be way worse than Mad Man Attila.”
“So, what is your plan now?” Wade stepped closer to Y/N. “Will you threaten everyone in Queens because I would like to bring popcorn for that,” he laughed.
“If you must know, I will talk to Barnes and Stark,” she informed them.
“What?” Yelena gasped and quickly approached her. “That is stupid, Y/N. Barnes shot your shoulder last night and you want to talk to that motherfucker?”
“The Wolf got you?” Chao frowned. “That is an act of war.”
She rolled her eyes. “Everyone please relax,” she sighed. “I need you to trust me when I say I will talk to James Barnes and Tony Stark in peace. And just because Barnes shot me doesn’t mean he wants to kill me – for now. He doesn’t even know how Attila’s daughter looks like – well, after yesterday he might.”
“How did that happen to you?” Ace asked.
“We were trying to save his ass,” she moved her head towards her brother who still had difficulties functioning. “I suggest we take a break for a few minutes to get rid of the bodies. If you need anything to eat, please, you can find food in the kitchen. We’ll meet here in ten minutes and continue the meeting.”
The atmosphere suddenly calmed down and was a bit relaxed. Scott called some men to help him with cleaning the bodies. Most men headed to the kitchen to eat. Danny quickly ran upstairs into his room. He couldn’t handle the humiliation anymore and Y/N didn’t stop him. What a pussy.
Yelena, Wade and Y/N went into the living room where they all sat down and poured themselves old, expensive rum. “That went well,” Yelena smiled at them and drank the alcohol in one go. “I think you made an impact. And the knife work under Gattler’s neck was impressive.”
Y/N’s phone beeped. She took it out while listening with one ear to the conversation Yelena and Wade had. It was a text message from a number she knew by heart.
The Wolf: Hello there, ugly duckling.
Chapter four
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onyxheartbeat · 3 years
Dear HIM/Ville Valo fans,
this is a long post but I must discuss this.
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I came across this interview of Kat Von D from a few days ago. Before I get into my thoughts, below is a passage from her old book “Go Big or Go Home” which you may or may not have read. She wrote about Ville:
“I only knew his music, and I loved it on first listen. It was dark and it was beautiful. It was metal and it was poetry. It was love loaded into a gun, and I wondered about the man behind the songs.  Two years later, our paths crossed, and like the majority of the connections I’ve made in life, tattooing brought us together. Through our first tattoo sessions, we began to get to know each other. For the next few years, I just thought of him as my friend from overseas, and that was all. Then, after knowing him for six years, something changed. It could have been the wine, the music, or the moon. Most likely it was just perfect timing. Just one kiss, and he changed my world. We were both sad back then, and lost. I was depressed, having finally ended a marriage that had been doomed from the beginning. I was also dealing with the pressures of filming a television show, which was totally new to me - and drinking my way blindly through it all. His story mirrored mine, and he had been feeling just as low. We had been waiting for something to happen, for someone or something to come along and save us from ourselves. And when it suddenly seemed that that someone was each other, it took us both by surprise. We shared darkness, and doing that bought light back into our somber worlds: for once, we didn’t feel alone.He’s the reason why I wanted to write music to begin with - and learn to sing. I remember the exact moment I made up my mind about making music. It was something I felt I needed to do, not for any reason other than a way to respond to him. It didn’t matter if the songs I’d write never saw the light of day, as long as he was able to listen to my music, my message to him. He had told me to look for a package at my door step, prefacing the delivery of the contents, his new album, saying, “These are all of the things that are easier sung than said.”I knew what he meant, but never imagined that each song would be filled with direct messages to me. I put the album on, and the music rushed out of the speakers and filled my house. His voice rang all around, making it’s way to the core of my heart with every word he sang. As cryptic as those lyrics may have been for anyone else, I knew exactly what each word meant and recognized every event and place he referred to. The songs were so beautiful, I just wished so badly that he could have said everything out loud just once to me. How should I respond to something like this? Where do I even start?The first time I saw him after I got sober, he was in town working on music. We sat in my office at the shop until the late hours of the night, talking and catching up about everything - music, home, art and work. Did we talk about love? No. We constantly danced around our past instead. What happened to us? I couldn’t find the courage to ask because I was scared of the answer I already knew. We decided to draw, with pencils and paper in front of us, we sat at opposite ends of the table. He pulled my three-minute timer from one of the nearby shelves, and placed it at the center of the table. He suggested we draw each other, and I was game. With a flip of the hourglass, the grains of sand moved from one vessel to the other, and we began.Sketching these timed portraits forced us to stare at each other, making it practically impossible to focus on the drawing itself. I had almost forgotten how beautiful his face was. He has a combination of eyes, lips, and a darkness to his looks that makes him look almost otherworldly. With him, I felt like I was at the center of an orderly, tranquil, magnificent universe. For those short three minutes, there were no questions about life or purpose. It was as if we never needed any more from each other than this.Like all people, I’ve suffered from love sickness and tasted the pain of love. The theatrical director of my mind, the one who staged all these versions of him and my life with him, seemed to be unaffected by reason. I was finding myself constantly day dreaming of the past.His eyes, his hands, his crooked smile - I’d ruminate over his features. Things he said. Things he did. Things he wrote. Things he drew. Things he sang. Over and over again, I’d sift through these images and memories as if they somehow contained the answer to my prayers. But I was living with a long-age memory of him; living so far away from the present moment.If we had spoken about what we were or what we thought we were, back when we got sober, I wouldn’t have been so confused, wandering what if, and writing the rest of our story in my mind. What did I expect? For him to magically not hear about me being in a relationship? And to not be bothered by it? If only he would have asked….. I would have….. If we could have only talked….. then things would be….. if we allowed ourselves to transform our fears of being open, vulnerable, then, I’d convince myself, we would be together. I realized that none of that mattered now. If I wanted to be free of this unrequited longing, I would have to make peace with the past and finally let it go. There was no way around it. But did I want to be free of it? - and him?I listened to one of his songs the other day. Out of all the songs he wrote on that album, this one was the most direct. He sings my name in the chorus. By the time the song is over, I’ve felt a range of emotions - I’m sad but happy, frustrated but calm. He sings about how I alone bring him to a place of stillness and peace within when we are together. What a victorious feeling - to enter into a place with him where no one else has been. To be able to bring goodness to and draw it out of someone. Those sweet thoughts were interrupted by  an e-mail from him. Impeccable timing as always. It’s just a short note, letting me now he’s somewhere out there, thinking of me. He ends the message by calling me “Star Face” - his pet name for me from long ago that no one else uses. At that moment, I loathe him for it. I loathe him because I love him. Sometimes it feels like it would be so much easier to walk away from this if he’d just tell me that he hates me, that he wants nothing to do with me. But instead he calls me “Star Face.” There is no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s not letting go, either.‘Ultimately, it is the desire, not the desired, that we love.’The silver plane hurtled over Newfoundland, over the Labrador sea. Someone told me I might see the northern lights as I fly east and north, but I wouldn’t have noticed as I was deep in writing the letter that I had already mentally composed long before I decided to make this trip to see him over New Year’s Day. I didn’t have to edit myself this time, I knew exactly what the letter would say.I reread the note to myself before sealing the envelope. Then I drew out the first letter of his name in pencil on the front. What a beautiful letter it was, probably my favorite out of the entire alphabet. A letter I was so used to writing myself. With ease the swirls and curves of each arch seemed to flow from my heart, my mind’s eye, drawn in and through my arms to my hands, releasing themselves onto the pale ivory paper envelope. My plane landed soon after.I had missed this country, I had missed him, too. I wondered how time had treated him ,for it had been a few years since I had last seen him. I wondered if I still had the ability to quiet his heart when he was feeling manic. He always said I had a way of doing that when I was near. And I wondered if he even needed me in that way anymore.When we met up, he looked just as beautiful as the day we saw each other for the first time, almost ten years before. And as if no time had passed, we started right where we left off - hours flew by in the comfort of each other’s presence. Talking. Catching up.He asked if I was getting sleepy, and my attempt at concealing the tiredness was transparent. I looked at the clock; maybe it was the jet lag or the clock hands pointing to midnight, but I knew it was time to say good-bye. Reluctantly, we both stood up and tried our best to part ways. As good as it felt to be near him again, I gave him the letter I had written letting him know that I was letting the nation of us go. He took the sealed envelope, and then I watched him walk away for what I assumed would be the last time.My heart didn’t belong locked up in a tower across the ocean from my home. It belonged in my chest, beating, living, feeling, sometimes hurting, but always loving. I deserved to be free, and understanding and needing that more than a dream, I was finally able to let him go.”
Now, let me start by saying, I’ve never understood this and I still don’t. I’ve had that passage saved in my drafts for years because I keep almost anything pertaining to Ville. 
I’ve been a HIM fan since I was about 15 years old, and have followed Ville’s life and work closely. The friendship between them was always apparent to HIM fans in those days, because we saw her in photos with the band often. I used to watch Miami Ink and LA Ink as regularly as pretty much anyone in those days, and I remember when this particular passage of her book was brought to light, the HIM fan base read it and we all had our thoughts. We were all aware of Screamworks being written about Kat (it’s obvious in the lyrics of the album) even though Ville never specifically said Kat’s name when asked about it in interviews.
I remember being baffled back when we as HIM fans discovered this passage from the book. I couldn’t imagine not making that relationship work if it was true love. I’m a bit biased because I adore Ville and he’s like a dream to me, but I just couldn’t understand it. It seemed like she took the relationship for granted or she didn’t love him enough to make it work; but I digress. I get it; love and relationships are complex.
Still, flash forward to this recent interview (the screenshot), she says it was unrequited love, and I’m still not understanding it. Why release all the songs now? Why didn’t she make it work if it was true love? Who is she trying to say was the one not reciprocating (as the word “unrequited” suggests) in the relationship? I don’t understand any of it. More than anything, I’ve had so many questions that I wish I could ask Ville about it all because he only spoke briefly about it all, and it was always rather cryptic. 
I’m only writing this as a HIM fan, and because I love Ville and his lyrics on Screamworks so, so much (it’s an extremely underrated album in the HIM discography, in my opinion) so I’m letting any fellow HIM lovers know she wrote an album in response to it, in case you’re interested. I haven’t followed Kat or her work in many years, so I don’t know what to make of all this, but it’s always been extremely apparent to me when listening to Screamworks that a lot of heart went into it and even pain, not that his lyrics on other albums aren’t like that too, but I felt it more on Screamworks. I feel that Ville was the one who was truly heartbroken.
You all probably know from following my blog that I’m obsessed with love and unrequited love. Any romantic stories, bittersweet letters, heartbreak, longing etc. is just my favorite thing in the world so please excuse the long post, haha.
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taeyohonic · 4 years
stolen dances | chap. V
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summary: sometimes supporting the person you love is the hardest challenge you’ll ever face.
pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
rating: m
warning: one/two swear words
additional tags: f2l, ceo!jungkook, bestfriend!jungkook, shrink!yoongi, my best friend’s wedding meets 27 dresses (if the boss/secretary couple had happened), angst-y
words: 1500
links: prev. | next
note: lower case letters intended
chapter summary: a muffin never tasted so bittersweet
can you believe it’s been three years? i miss you army
you can’t help the bittersweet memories flooding your mind at jungkook’s tweet. it’s been such a long time since bangtan stood in front of their fans – performing their music to the people who adored them with all their hearts.
you, yourself, were part of this crowd, more times than your bank account wishes to remember. their stage presence was so enticing, so alluring, you could not not fall in love with them.
jungkook shared some pictures in his tweet, old photos of jin and him demolishing a plate of deep-dish pizza in chicago, of jimin and taehyung posing in front of their pop up store in seoul, and one with all four of them bowing to the crowd in tokyo dome.
there is a smile on your face – not because you think about their shared journey, but because your best friend chose photos of events that you attended. sure, you hadn’t known them back then. but it can’t be a coincident that you have similar pictures – granted from another perspective – on your own camera roll. it makes you miss him.
“what’s going on?”, yoongi asks as he slides your coffee across the table. your starbucks is full of people, but namjoon, yoongi’s dear friend, works here. so, there is always a spot cleared for you. you don’t mind the special treatment as you sip your white mocca.
“just thinking”, you mumble, warmed by the caffeine.
“that can’t be good”, he says and sips his iced americano. he looks as tired as you feel. yoongi is recording his second mixtape right now. so, after he finishes his work talking to people about their problems, he starts rewriting, taping, recording, mixing and editing. no wonder he looks like death.
“i have you know that i’m actually thinking 67 percent of the day.”
“that can’t be good as well, ______. please use your brain more often – it might evolve with training.”
you gap at his audacity. “you do know i’m not paying you to talk me down, right?”
yoongi’s eyes smile while his lips are still half asleep. “you’re not paying me right now, _____. we are just friends meeting up for coffee before we have to… be a part of the working class.”
“i still can’t believe i get to see beautiful, brilliant, boisterous butterflies”, you say. your friend answers with an unattractive snort as his hands move into his thick, bleached hair.
“and i can’t believe you’re getting paid to watch bonkers, brackish, boring butterflies.”
you look away as you see his biceps flex. when did get this muscular? it takes a second for you to register his insult. maybe you need another coffee before leaving.
“i do have to care about my class as well, yoongi. it’s not all sunshine and butterflies. it’s also children’s snot and education.” still, you’re not making eye contact. if this was a therapy session, he’d ask for you to look at him, to ask why you’re feeling uncomfortable. but here, you are… just his friend.
“your work is important, _____, i know”, yoongi answers honestly. he knows how much you love these animals and children. and it is a big deal that seoul’s butterfly exhibition opens up just for your excursion. it makes him happy to see you this excited.
“and because i know that, i’ll remind you that you had to leave three minutes ago.” what? your eyes rush to your watch, only to widen in surprise.
“damn it, namjoon”, you mutter. your barista friend did take a long time with your order.
“don’t blame joon, _____. we were the ones who missed the train”, your friend reminds you as you put on your jacket in a rush.
“less correcting me, more helping me, yoongi”, you shush at him and make a motion to your heavy bag right next to his chair. “come on.”
yoongi doesn’t know why he agreed to help you carry all the lunch packs to school, he really doesn’t. nevertheless, he gets up and slings the heavy bag onto his shoulder and grabs his half-finished drink.
“let’s go – teacher of the year.”
the exhibition is amazing. you feel true bliss walking around the nature themed rooms, all home to one of the most rare, beautiful creatures. the kids hang on their tour guide’s lips as she tells them interesting facts about butterflies.
your phone is a constant companion – the camera roll now filled with funny pictures for the moms and dads to enjoy at the next parent-teacher conference. there are even a few photos of just you with a pink butterfly resting on your shoulder. jisoo, your coworker, is an amateur instagrammer, so the results of her taking your pictures are… really flattering.
now, the kids enjoy their break before you guys leave to drive back to school.
“really, you amaze me, ___”, your coworker says as she sits next to you on the bench – eyes trained on your students chasing around the butterflies.
“why?”, you ask, your attention monopolized by the two boys in a heated exchange over their shared butterfly net.
“getting the exhibition to open up just for our class? after hours? without additional fees?”
you flinch at her words as your heartbeat quickens. “wha- what? jisoo? i-“, you start to stutter, “i thought… you organized that.”
there is a fruit basket waiting on her desk with a thank you note for all her planning. now jisoo, too, looks uncomfortable.
“i didn’t”, she says.
it takes you a long time before you reach out. the whole train ride was spent with a pro and contra list on your ipad. then, while you were making yourself a two-person bowl of ramen, you crafted more than one email, only to delete every attempt. you haven’t talked to jungkook for more than five days. that’s the longest period the two of you ever went without seeing each other.
there is still a tightness in your chest when you think about his insult that night on the terrace. at first, you weren’t sure if jungkook realized that he hurt you – admittedly you aren’t the best with communicating your feelings. but your cold responses to his texts the next day must have been enough of a red flag for him to act.
then came the gifts: a triple chocolate muffin, still warm, delivered to your home before you had to leave on monday.
on tuesday, there was a singed copy of the unreleased album from one of your favorite kpop groups.
the next day, there was a poem collection where he scribbled in some commentary. you nearly teared up at that because this used to be your ritual when you first got to know each other: lending books with marked and commented pages for the other to enjoy.
on thursday he was strangely silent – only a single daisy decorated your briefcase.
but now, on friday, he went out of his way to get your class into this exhibition. you don’t even want to think about what that must have cost him.
there is an uneasiness in your fingertips as you dial his number. for one fleeting moment you want to call your therapist instead. but you can’t… because you may have left your whole “cold-shoulder-to-jungkook”-move out of the last session. and you really can’t take yoongi’s probing right now.
he answers after seven rings, breathlessly happy.
you smile and it’s not uncomfortable.
“jungkook… you didn’t have to”, you greet him and can’t help the endearment in your voice. he picks up on that and chuckles.
“of course, i didn’t… i wanted to.”
“thank you”, you answer, “it was really the highlight of my week.”
you can hear his cockiness at your words. “better than stray kids’ new album?”
“better than your thoughts on contemporary poems”, you counter teasingly. then, there is a beat of silence.
“______”, jungkook begins, “i… i really didn’t want you to think i’m not … or that i wouldn’t… do anything for you. you mean so much to me… it’s a shame i have to prove it to you… it should be… obvious.”
you suck in air as if your life depends on it. his words warm your heart and his awkwardness makes you smile.
“i get that i wasn’t the best of friends… but i’ll improve – trust me!”, jungkook vows with fire in his voice. “the winter collection has been kicking my ass… my family has been nagging about christmas… and the wedding…”
there is a beat of silence you do not dare to interrupt. this is his moment, not your responsibility.
jungkook collects himself fast and continues. “i know how much you’ve done for this wedding, for me… for us… and i want to be more involved… i’ll be by your side for all of next week’s appointments. ms yang already cleared my schedule.”
jungkook wants… to be by your side when you talk to the dj? the cake decorator? when you finalize the seating chart? dear lord.
“let’s spend some quality time together, ____. just you and me… and the wedding.”
you cannot find the right responds as you gap silently into your phone. after a moment, another voice is heard through the speaker.
“ask her if she liked the muffin i baked her.” his fiancée’s words punch you in the gut without ill-intent.
hi guys! I hope you are doing well! i had to take my first covid test this week – it was negative but that’s an experience for itself, right? i hope you are healthy and you enjoyed this chapter. i’d really love to hear your thoughts! next up: junkook and the reader tackling some of the wedding preparation… love, dana
taglist: @livewittykid​  @thequeen-kat​ @kagami-s-void​ @goldenclosethobi​ @youwannabelostandnotbefound​ @jinsalpaca​ @bishuthot​ @laabellaavitaa21​ @baekstans​  @jalexad​
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On my way
For: @storiesofsvu one year bingo.
Pairing: Nick Amaro x reader.
Square: Everything- Michael Bublé. Follow on from: I was the one
WC: 1251
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Talks of a cheating fiancé and tough love from Amanda. 
Enjoy x
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You walked into your apartment followed close behind by Sonny, ripping your engagement ring off your finger pegging it across the room, it rebounded with a clink and landed on the floor. You dropped to the floor sobbing covering your face and Sonny slumped down next to you wrapping his arms around you, it being the only thing holding you together. The reception and church was booked and you had an appointment on the weekend for your wedding dress. Nick did turn up like he said he would, but after a very heated conversation eventually you both ending up in tears, it was decided that even though you were still in love with him he knew he had to take a step back, going back to LA a couple of days later and you hadn’t really heard from him since, he leaving you to get on with your life and he would try and move on himself.
Liv had asked you and Sonny to go and do some questioning for a case, even though he was ADA he always came around to help when you guys needed it and he actually liked being part of the witness questioning still so he knew every aspect of a case hearing everything first hand. You and Sonny had walked into an office to speak to an eye witness. You had seen a man and a women standing just outside an office door kissing and hugging. You knew the suit looked familiar but you didn’t want to believe it even once Ben turned around from the women after pulling away from a kiss.
You spun on your heels, Sonny not quick enough to stop you and not quick enough to stop Ben to punch his lights out. Ben pulled you into a lift and confessed everything, that it had been going on for a while and he was trying to end it because he loved you, but you called everything off then and there on the spot. You rushed out of the office building bolting to the car, not long before you saw Sonny rushing down the side walk on the phone filling in Amanda and Kat.
You were slumped over your dining table on your fourth glass of wine when Kat and Amanda turned up with food. Kat rushed over to you wrapping her arms around you kissing the top of your head and Amanda walked over taking the glass of wine off you,
“Hey” you pulled away from Kat raising your voice.
“This isn’t going to fix anything” Amanda raised an eye brow at you “You never should have let her start drinking” Amanda snapped at Sonny.
“You weren’t there Rollins. She deserved it” Sonny shot back.
Amanda rolled her eyes and walked over to you pulling you up off the chair and pulling you to the bathroom. She sat you down on the toilet once she pushed the lid down, and then turned putting in the plug of the bath and running the water to fill it up. Amanda came back kneeling in front of you,
“He’s an ass, he didn’t know what he had. Better you found out now. You’re going to have a bath and eat and then you’re going to go to bed and try and sleep. Sonny can stay with you tonight and Kat and I will be back tomorrow. But no more drinking” you nodded, a tear rolling down your cheek.
“You're the line in the sand when I go too far. Thank you Amanda”
“Of course, you’re my best friend, I don’t want to see you hurt, but you will get through this and I’ll be beside you every step of the way. You sure it’s done?”
“Yep” you whispered.
“I’ll make some calls tomorrow and sort it all out. You need to tell your parents too”
“Amanda” you muttered “I want Ni- Never mind”
You soaked in the tub till the water was cold and your skin was all wrinkled. Kat had sat some cloths just inside the door and once you were dressed you went out, had two bites of pizza and got up off the chair and walked into your bedroom getting into bed. Sonny had gone home quickly while you were in the bath to shower and change and grabbed an overnight bag and a fresh suit. Amanda and Kat cleaned up while Sonny climb into bed with you cuddling you while you laid on his chest, running his hand up and down your back while you cried yourself to sleep.
Amanda and Kat walked out of your apartment after turning off all the lights and Amanda pulled her phone out of her pocket dialling a number putting the phone to her ear,
“Amaro-did I wake you?” Amanda said over phone
“No, I was awake couldn’t sleep, everything ok?”
“It’s Y/N- when can you get on a flight?” Amanda sighed.
“I’ am on my way”
24 months later
“Oh my god Nick, look what I just found, its old but it's kinda cute” You yelled from the spare bedroom of the apartment of your guy’s new shared one.
You were going through a photo album you had packed for the move and you came across a photo of you and him on your first ever night out with the squad after you came to SVU all those years ago. Nick had his arm around your shoulders pulling you into his side looking down at you with a big cheesy smile, you had your arm around his middle your other hand wrapped around his wrist and you looking up at him with your tongue pocking out.
Nick walked into the room, coming up to stand behind you, his hands going to your hips and he kissed your cheek and then your shoulder looking down at the photo in your hand,
“Wow” Nick chuckled “We need to frame that. I remember that night, that was the night I started to have feelings for you”
“Really?” you giggled back,  
“Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true, I tried to hit on you that night but you missed the hint. From then I couldn’t get you out of my head” Nick grinned down at you wriggling his eye brows and you giggled.
“Oh, when you smile at me you know exactly what you do Nick Amaro”
Nick stepped around you taking the album out of your hands and sitting it back in the open moving box, wrapping his arms around you pulling you into him, his lips landing on yours, kissing you deeply. You finally broke the kiss for you both to get some air and you got up on your tippy toes peppering his face with kisses,
“And I can't believe, uh that I'm your man, and I get to kiss you baby just because I can, cause you're my everything Y/N"
“Your my everything. Thank you for being there for me through everything, waiting for me to pull myself together, but mostly for still wanting me even though I was broken”
Nick brought his hands up to your cheeks, his thumbs running along your jaw,
“You never need to thank me for that, It’s what you do for the people you love Y/N. I can never find the words to tell you how much I love you or even show you with how much I do, I plan on trying to do both for my rest of my life”
Tags: @beccabarba​ @alwaysachorusgirl​
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phalene33 · 3 years
I wanted to do something nice for myself so I'm going to write a Choptop X my oc Kat short story. If people enjoy it I'll make a Part 2.
After a long battle with dealing with my abusive father, and taking care of my younger sister, I finally saved enough money to move away. I wanted to stay far away from my home state Kansas, and have settled on moving to a small town called Newt in Texas. I don't know much about Texas, or even the town itself, but from the few times I've been there it reminded me of my home town. So Newt was probably the best choice I had.
Checking how much gas I had left in my tank I drive over to a nearby gas station. It looked very run down. I assumed that the place was abandoned, so I was sorta surprised that a man came over to greet me. "Hello there ma'am, never seen you around these parts. You aren't around here are you?" "No sir, I used to live in Kansas but I just moved in. My name is Kat Valentine." "I'm Drayton Sawyer, I hope your move wasn't too difficult." "I had some problems arrive along the way but nothing I couldn't deal with. Do you have any gas?" "No ma'am, but show up tomorrow and we'll have some ready for ya." I nod and drive off to my new home hoping that by tomorrow I could fill up my car.
The next day I drove back to the gas station and to my luck they had some gas for me. After the man called Drayton filled up my car I gave him $20 and a tip. Driving off I set off to the nearest big city, wanting to get some things for myself. After driving for a few miles I finally entered one of the big cities. I drove around looking at all the businesses noticing a music store. I pulled into the parking lot and went inside. There was tons of albums from different artists of all genres. I immediately started looking for Plastic Beach a Gorrilaz album. Looking all over I noticed a odd looking man holding it. The man seemed to be a hippy, and he had pale skin, along with a birth mark going across his face. He also had the prettiest blue eye's I've ever seen which wasn't surprising considering most of the people in my hometown had brown eyes.
Despite hating public social interaction I decided to ask him where he found that album. Approaching him, I try to look slightly above his eyes so I didn't have to make eye contact. "Hello sir, I was looking for that same album you had in your hand. Could you tell me where you found it." I struggle to put on a natural looking smile, and mentally cussed myself out for sounding so strange. "Ah th-this one?" The man waves it in front of my face almost as if to brag about having it. "I-It's the last one h-honey, you'll have t-to come back n-next time!" He gives me a smile mocking me. Not wanting to deal with this I grab it out of his hand and starts running. "I'll let you have it back if you can catch me!"
The guy got down on his hands and knees and crawled after me like some kind of animal. But that was his first mistake. All I did was simply sit on him and raised the album high above me. He tried grabbing it, not realizing I weighed 115 pounds, and he could have simply just wrestled me for it and win. "G-Give it to me! I f-found it fair and s-square!" "Don't care, could have just gave it to me, but now you get to look like an idiot infront of everybody." The man gave me a look then pushed me off of him. I look up at him with the album close to my chest. "What? You didn't like me riding you or something? Wanted to be on top huh?" I hoped my flirting tactics would fluster him, so I could make my escape, but he just slightly blushed and looked down at me and laughed. "A-Arent you such a t-tease!" He grabbed the album from me with force. "Give it back fucker!"
He looked at me with excitement. "O-Or what?" I just stared at him not sure of what to say. "What's your name fucker?" Is all I could think to say. If I knew a little bit about this man I could possibly come up with a good threat. "B-Bobby Sawyer but everyone c-calls me Choptop!" He takes out a clothing hanger and scratched his head with it. "Wh-what yours?" "Kat Valentines..." I thought for a minute and remembered the name of the man who worked at the gas station. " I'm going to tell Drayton that you stole from me!" Yes I technically stole from him, but I wanted this album and I was willing to lie for it. He looked at me nervous for a second before speaking. "H-How do you know m-my brother?" "I met him yesterday, I was going to get gas for my car and we had a nice conversation." He stands up. "W-Well if you tell him anything, y-you'll regret it!" He then runs out of the store with the album.
All that work for nothing. I thought to myself before leaving to go back home. On my way home I decide to stop at the gas station again to talk to "Choptops" brother. That's right, I'm not giving up that easily. I want that damn album. I walked into the gas station and over to Drayton.
"Hello Miss Valentine, good seeing you again." He was holding a broom but didn't seem to be using it to sweep. "Hello Mr. Sawyer." I replied to him. "Haha please Mr. Sawyer was my grandfather." I give him a warm smile. "And Miss Valentine was my mother." We both chuckle lightly. "Just call me Kat." "Alright Kat, did you want to talk to me for a reason?" Thinking back at the album I nod to myself. "In fact I do, your brother has stolen something of mine." He gave me a frown and looked troubled. "I-I see." he thinks for a moment. "How about you come over for dinner tomorrow, and I'll have him return it to you then." I think about what's being said for a second. "For dinner? Oh you don't have to, I would just like him to return it." "Nonsense, you are new here, it would only be polite to to have you over for dinner." He kept insisting I stay for dinner so eventually I gave in and agreed.
The next day I didn't feel like getting out of bed, but in my search for that album I got up anyways and drove around town. Looking for the man who had what I so desperately desired, and after searching every small business I finally found who I was looking for..... On the side of the road waving at me to try and get my attention. I parked my car and got out walking over to him. "Got sum trouble with your truck here?" "D-Damn thing broke d-down on m-me." He started cussing in frustration. "Okay okay calm down, let me look at it." "You can't fix it, just drive me home!" I look at him annoyed. "Don't tell me what to do or I'll leave you here album stealer!" He replied with a tired sigh. I look at the engine to quickly learn that it over heated. "Good luck getting that fixed buddy." I set my arm on his shoulder. "Pl-please just take me home." He whined. "Give me that album and I will gladly do that." "Never!" "Okay..." I walk over to my car and get in. Choptop got into the passenger seat next to me. "I'm not taking you home until you give me that album." I stick out my tongue teasingly, only to be met with him pushing his lips against mine, and his tongue aggressively pushing against my own. Shocked I just sat there frozen until the kiss was over with. "L-Looks like I'll get to spend the d-day with you then." I keep quiet and drive off.
Though the drive was long it wasn't in silence. Choptop almost immediately turned on the radio and started talking to me. Telling me about his family and his interests. I would be lying if I told you I didn't find it cute whenever he talked about something he liked. His eyes would get big, and so would his smile. He would do hand gestures only stopping to scratch himself with the clothing hanger.
"K-Kat do you l-love music as m-much as I-I do?" I turn to look at him. "Mhm, my mother was a music prodigy before she died, so I grew up with different kinds of music." Mentioning that made him way more excited then before. He was practically vibrating like a woman's sex toy. "R-Really? D-Did she teach y-you how to p-play any i-instruments?!" I nodded and proceeded to name off a few that I knew how to play. He quickly cut me off tho. "Y-You should be the lead f-female singer in my b-band Cornbugs!" I was about to agree to it before realizing something.
"Hey you dirty thief, you need to give me back that damn album!" I hit him lightly in the arm. "I-I will, just agree t-to be the l-lead female singer i-in my band!" I sigh and give him a look. "Fine..." Choptop screams in excitement and gave me a kiss on my lips before pulling me into a hug.
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frannyzooey · 3 years
disintegration?? pls tell me more! (sorry if i missed a post i'm still catching up on things!)
also you're genuinely one of my favorite blogs/writers and i love seeing you pop up on my feed and i hope you are having a great day!!!
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Kat ❤️
You didn’t miss a post — I haven’t talked about it a ton, but Disintegration is an idea I have for a time travel AU with Frankie
I’m not sure when it’ll be posted because I’m not feeling very confident in my writing these days, but the general premise starts with Frankie when he’s 7 years old (1982) when he time travels for the first time
His body stays in place, but his consciousness travels into another Frankie — he looks the same, has the same name, but there are an infinite number of parallel lives he is living and the story is about his traveling between them and how you deal with it as a couple (he meets you in college).
The outline so far is to map it to songs from The Cure’s album “Disintegration” since the idea came to me when I was listening to it and the main “ritual” you come up with when he starts to travel is based on “Lovesong”:
He says, “however far away”
You say, “I will always love you”
He says, “however long I stay”
You say, “I will always love you”
He says, “whatever words I say”
You say, “I will always love you”
and then he goes, never quite knowing when he’s gonna come back 😔
You kiss him to say you understand, it’s okay, I love you, I love you, I love you; one feeling and phrase for each full mouthed kiss and he still never stops; a push inside for each one.
Your legs winding around his hips, he feels it happening and his thrusts become frantic — not now, he begs himself — and you cling to him until the last possible second, like holding onto him will stop it from happening.
You’ve made me so soft with your ask ❤️ I’m so incredibly honored to be one of your favorite blogs and I am having a good day — I hope you are too! 🥰
Thank you for reading and for stopping by 😍
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justanalto · 3 years
ok ok ok kat was not nearly excited about olivia rodrigo's album so im turning to you. favorite song in sour?
also AHHHHHHHH it's so good im losing my fucking *mind* i cannot handle this
oh my god oh my god okay okay okay
i can't believe sour has been out for a little bit over a week, it's literally the only thing i've listened to for the last seven days. on the 21st, sara bareilles, lord huron, and olivia rodrigo dropped an album and i thought i was gonna be on the sara bareilles album? no i was sour trash. absolute sour trash.
my favorite song on sour has to be favorite crime. favorite crime is the SLAP. the lyrical SLAP. joshua bassett had better fucking RUN because of favorite crime. olivia rodrigo went through something so goddamn personal when she wrote favorite crime and it is beyond her goddamn YEARS. the hurt when she sings "all the things i did // just so i could call you mine // all the things you did // well i hope i was your favorite crime" like HFSJKDLFHDSJKLFHSDJFSDF it's too real. one of my friends broke down favorite crime once and i was like OH MY GOD. so yeah. favorite crime is my favorite song on sour.
1 step forward 3 steps back is a close one though for a couple of reasons: first of all, miss rodrigo, interpolating new year's day so that taylor could get credit? genius. second of all, interpolating new year's day? also genius. third, the 1 and 3? a swiftie fucking move and i love it. i also really love this entire song, like. this is also something so personal like LITERALLY JOSHUA BASSETT NEEDS WITNESS PROTECTION I SWEAR
the dark horse i was not expecting was brutal honestly like i swear it's the reason so many people in their twenties relate to brutal in a non-relationship way. "i'm not cool and i'm not smart // and i can't even parallel park" like that IS brutal and i very much understand it!!! i can't parallel park either!! and the guitar in it is such a jam.
which brings me to jealousy, jealousy and good 4 u as bangers. i love jealousy, jealousy because it's sort of the bop that grows on you and I really enjoy that of it. but oh my god good 4 u makes me feral about an imaginary boyfriend who left me for someone else. i don't even have anyone to be mad at most of the time, and yet i STILL go feral for good 4 you every time it comes on. it's an absolute headbanger. UGH. it is SO GOOD. also "it's like we never really happened baby what the fuck! is up! with that!" SLAPS EVERY SINGLE TIME. "like a damn sociopath" I MEAN COME ON.
deja vu and driver's license are still good ballads, but i def understand why they were released as singles? they're single material, if that makes any sense. established olivia as a heartbreak writer but then when sour came out as a whole she established herself as an all-around issue writer, not just breakups (mostly). i am known to belt driver's license in my empty house whenever it comes around. they're strong, and they fit really well into the rest of the album
i like hope ur ok! i'm really glad that it's there because i think there's so many people who can draw from it and see it as affirming in different ways. it's a soft way to end the album and better than ending with favorite crime, because favorite crime is just. a deep cut.
fhdsjkfhsdjklfs and traitor is just. it grew on me, mostly i think because of the vocals in the background. i am always a sucker for background vocals. but once you listen to it enough times, it's a lyrical deep cut and i appreciate that SO MUCH. (i have sour on right now and good 4 u just came on and i'm feral)
so basically i love favorite crime but the whole album is a chef's kiss
that's my unofficial review of sour fhskjdflhdsjk thank you for asking anonia, ilyyyy 💜💜💜 what's your favorite song on sour?
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alixanonymous · 4 years
Things That Got Me Through 2020: A Long List Of Random Recommendations
Hi! 2020 was awful but throughout it I found a lot of amazing things to get me through it. So just in case things get tough some times in 2021, here’s some wonderful distractions, amazing stories, and things that I just loved in general. Hope you enjoy any that you give a try! Also, I always love new suggestions if anyone has any!
BOOKS (Or actually just one book because I did not read nearly as much as I though I did)
- The Martian By Andy Weir (Sounds like it would be really depressing, actually one of the funniest books I’ve ever read! Can’t recommend more.)
WEBCOMICS (What a great year to discover WebToons I tell you)
- Lore Olympus By Rachel Smythe (Worth the hype in my opinion!)
- Let’s Play By Mongie (I enjoyed this much more than I could’ve imagined, my romance loving self squealed when reading certain parts.)
- SubZero By JunePurr (Amazing balance between romance and plot.)
- The Remarried Empress By Alphatart/Sumpul (Reads like a soap-opera, main character is my favorite type of female protagonist, smart, confident, and not ashamed of it, love interest is adorably infatuated and I live for it.)
- In the Bleak Midwinter; By Kat/Ali (I got sucked into this one. The world building is great, the world itself is so interest and I loved the premise.)
ANIMATED SHOWS (20 minute episodes came in clutch this year with my short attention span due to anxiety)
- The Dragon Prince (If you like animated series at all, you’ll like this I think.)
- RWBY (Season 1 is good, Seasons 2-3 are pretty great, 4-5 were not my favorites by any means, 6 is pretty good, Season 7 was sooo good!)
- Ever After High (Thanks @raesofmoonlight for the recommendation! Possibly the best character design I’ve ever seen. Watch it if you can!)
- Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zuko alone is worth watching the show, add in all the others, the world building, the humor, the writing, just watch it already if you haven’t yet.)
- DC Superhero Girls (Sometimes I think about this show’s version of Bruce Wayne and start cracking up.)
LIVE ACTION SHOWS (I’ve been so caught up in animated shows since March I forgot I watched some really good live action ones till right now)
- Galavant (A medieval musical. Pretty short episodes, hilariously silly, my favorite way to lose twenty minutes of my life at a time. If you’re not sold yet, how about this: They started the second season by singing a song about how they didn’t think they’d get a second season.)
- Anne With An E (Gilbert Blythe owns my heart and soul and wow the show is so much better than the typical teen dramas. Love the historical aspect too!)
- Jane The Virgin (I got so attach to this show’s character my goodness. Top tier writing I think.)
- The Umbrella Academy (This show is so freaking addicting. It’s never what I expect it to be and I love that. I love the music, I love the action scenes, I love the characters. Watching the second season now, wow the characters make you feel for them. )
MOVIES (I’ve never watched so many movies as I did this year so here are my favorites, although half are DC animated ones so sorry if that’s not your thing)
- The Martian (One of the best book to movie adaptations I’ve ever seen, Matt Damon was the perfect person to play Mark Watney. )
- The Entire DC Animated Movie Universe (My favorites are Justice League: War, Son of Batman, Batman v.s. Robin, Justice Leagus v.s. Teen Titans, Reign Of The Supermen, Justice League: Dark Apokolips War but I think it’s worth just watching them all in order. The characters are all so great. Most of them have amazing team dynamics.)
- Batman: Under The Red Hood (If you like Batman, you’ll probably like this movie or maybe you’ll hate how emotional it makes you either way.)
- Miss Americana (This is the Taylor Swift documentary. I actually just discovered how much I love her music and I found this to be super fascinating in showcasing how the media portrays female entertainers.)
MUSIC (I have this horrible feat or people judging my musical taste so if you do please do it silently)
- Taylor Swift (This year has really just been non-stop Taylor Swift for me. Her albums Folklore and Evermore in particular helped me come to terms and cope with 2020 as a whole.)
- Hamilton: An American Musical (I’m not even going to bother to sell this one, there’s no need to.)
- The Little Mermaid: The Musical (I like fairy tales okay and Alan Menken is a musical genius and I will fight anyone who’s says otherwise.)
YOUTUBE (This definitely needed it’s own category)
- Philip DeFranco (I got really overwhelmed with all the news this year so most days I decided to just watch his twenty minute show everyday and it really helped. Just a good way to keep up to date without getting overwhelmed.)
- Technoblade (Okay, real talk: MCYT took over my life since I discovered it in August. I could make a whole separate list of all my favorite minecraft youtubers but I decided to just put my favorite, the Blood God himself. You might consider it a sign of the times that my family and I watched The Potato War saga on the television on Thanksgiving. Highly recommend his whole Hypixel Skyblock series or just his Skywars Solos or everything he does actually.)
- BuzzFeed Unsolved (Great way to get a good laugh in and also learn about creepy cold cases and also aliens. The two host, Shane and Ryan are the best. Ghost in general are fun.)
- Tingting ASMR (Shoot! I almost forgot! A large portion of my sleep last year was due to this woman. I’m not really one for ASMR myself, I don’t really love whispering in general but I really love her approach and I find it super calming!)
Okay! I think that’s it. I hope some of these things bring some of you joy or peace. Please give me any suggestions you have. I am always open to recommendations. Happy New Year everyone!
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multimetaverse · 4 years
Jamie Johnson 5x10 Review
Tonight was a surprisingly busy ep that did a good job balancing angst and levity. Let’s dig in!
Dillon finally went home tonight after what was probably a couple of weeks. The show continues to do great work with Dillon’s sexuality. Graham begins to make amends by coming of his own accord to the Walker-Cotton house and apologizing to Dillon but he hasn’t magically become a good person. He wants Dillon to keep his sexuality a secret which Dillon pushes back against but as loathsome as Graham can be he does have a point that being openly gay could very well derail Dillon’s football career; after all it’s the same conclusion that all the gay professional players in Britain have reached. This whole story line has been surprisingly nuanced especially for a kids show. Shaun Duggan mentioned that Graham would have a journey of his own and I would assume we see more of it in the final eps 
One thing I do think the show has failed to do is include Dillon’s mom. Presumably they don’t have the actress this season but we really needed to see her support Dillon on screen when his dad and brother are homophobes. Hopefully they bring her back in S6 (and bring back Elliot)
It’s a minor detail but I really liked that when Alba comes into the living room to share her news that through the window we can see Graham walking towards the front door; it shows a real attention to detail on the part of the production team. Also the ‘’We Are Family’’ poster with the rainbow on the kitchen wall while Dillon and Graham talked was an inspired touch
The small moment when Dillon asked Becky and Dawn what he should do was really cool; seeing adult lgbtq people give advice to kids dealing with their sexualities is rare on tv in general, on kids tv it’s virtually unheard of; Cami and her gf trying to help Bobby on Doafp being the only example that comes to mind. The show did a great job normalizing lgbtq parents and families and there was an excellent implicit contrast drawn between the loving and supportive ‘non-traditional’  Walker-Cotton family and the cold and strained ‘traditional nuclear’ Simmonds family
I’m so glad that Ruby and Alba have finally been adopted and the photo album Becky and Dawn made was very sweet. I wonder if they stick with Osborne as their surnames or start using Walker-Cotton
Dillon being second in the credits? We love to see it folks
Zoe gets a recruitment montage for a heist soccer game so her and Kat can have one last chance to impress Geri Seddon who apparently doesn’t work very hard at her scouting job if she’s missed all these players. In the first good deed Jamie has done in weeks he calls up Jack and she gets Archfield to play against Zoe’s ragtag team. To the show’s credit Archfield pretty easily wins the day at Goodfield as they realistically should. Zoe and Kat get into Hawkstone though and Alba gets flagged as a future talent so all’s well that ends well
Zoe vaguely apologized for being an ass to Jack and she finally did the right thing with Kat and returned the pendant which which Kat promptly lost again. Zoe treating other girls as the enemy has been a core part of her story since she joined the show back in S3 and it looks like that’s behind now as her and Kat are real friends
I think Mike calling for girl power was the funniest line of the night
This Eric/Aisha/Freddie love triangle is a right mess but I’m finding myself invested regardless. Freddie and Aisha have good chemistry and their commentating was cute. Freddie not knowing Kat’s last name was funny as was Aisha’s observation about Mike’s yelling. Aisha was also right about peanut butter and honey being a delicious combo
We got a refresher on Eric’s sad backstory, brutal that he hasn’t seen his mom in 2 years.  Well I’m sure that Eric’s issues with abandonment won’t come into play as Aisha and Freddie grow closer! Imagine tuning into a livestream for a football match only to hear two 13 year olds get into a pissing contest over a girl they both fancy
Also nice to see the kids be kids and go to the cinema
This show has really done a good job with diversity especially since the series isn’t set in or around London (S1 was filmed in Nottingham and recent seasons have been filmed in Wales). In particular, JJ has avoided having their two black male characters, Eric and Freddie, fall into stereotypes. As much as I can’t fathom why the show needs this love triangle, it is refreshing to see two black kids shown as the closest thing this show has to romantic leads. American kids shows have done a great job with female black characters but when it comes to black male characters things are much worse. Zay on GMW largely fell into the sassy black friend stereotype. As for Walker on Andi Mack, the less said the better about how he was romantically involved with two girls of colour only to lose out to two white boys before being written off as a shoe gifting player in a way that played into harmful stereotypes about black men being promiscuous 
Another ep where Jamie basically just makes a cameo but because the show has such a wide bench it doesn’t hurt the ep at all. Boggy is basically Jamie’s housewife at this point and it’s sad as hell to watch
I think this is the first time Jack has been back where she hasn’t had a scene with Jamie. The official insta account reposted someone asking the show to make Jamie and Jack a couple, we’ll one day learn if that was straight baiting
Interesting to think about how different the show would be if Jack was still a main, would Dillon’s story be getting nearly so much focus? 
Looking Ahead:
Liam thinks Aisha is Eric’s soulmate? I wouldn’t have pegged him for a romantic at heart. I love that he keeps bouncing around the friend trio trying his chances with a new member every week, at the beach he tried with Freddie and now he’s trying with Eric
It seems likely that Eric is denying that he likes Aisha because of his abandonment issues and it looks like he skirmishes with Freddie on the field. I wonder if he’ll be honest with anyone about his feelings
Boggy’s breakdown is upcoming, I really don’t think he’s Jetpac11. Looks like 5x12 is the video game tournament with the Jetpac11 reveal, I still think it’s Archie Royle, but Jethro Stevenson would be a great twist
I lean more and more towards Dillon signing with the Northport Rovers as a way to forge his own path and because he trusts our problematic fave Duncan Jones to stand firm against homophobia. It would also bring Duncan’s S5 story full circle, he was so focused on trying to bamboozle Jamie into signing for Northport that he overlooked the other very talented player he had right in front of him. It seems like Dillon’s story line is trending towards him wrestling with coming out publicly as a professional player in S6 and proving to himself, his father, and the world that an out gay man can be a professional footballer
Until next week Jamie Johnsoners
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shades4dogs · 4 years
i had a SUPER tiring day i mite talk abut later but RIGHT NOW i wanna talk about the make it sweet! album for Um Jammer Lammy because i listtened to than a couple days ago, and just today i showed it 2 my little brother, and i wanted to write down what i thought about the tracks!!
i wrote down my personal thoughts on each track and gave it a rating out of 5 Dashies (-= It’s because i’m autistic plain and simple
if you read all of this you’re officially a legend
[1/2) Let’s Jam Together!/KEEP YOUR HEAD UP!!] - waow!!!
I LOVE THIS SONG <3 i really liked this song when i heard it in the credits and was wondering what its name was, it was nice to hear it in the album as the very first track!!
i love the additional dialogue at the start, the “Hey, do you play the guitar? Let’s jam together!” really represents the ragtaginess of the band just kind of throwing themselves together to make music so naturally... like little jigsaw pieces... it makes me want to know exactly how they interacted before the formation of MilkCan, how long they’d known each other/how they had known each other, or if they met right as they made the band.
the playful and funny lyrics of this song are really great, and i like the way it trails off in the middle. like the song was just Katy Kat truly venting off her frustrations and heartbreak about someone she used to like.
i wonder who exactly Katy Kat is talking about here in this song... well anyways she’s got lammy now so all’s well (-=
the second portion’s lyrics sound a little dopey and off-key, but i think it reflects katy’s mood regarding the lyrics of how easy her life used to be, and it all comes together beautifully for the chorus reprise with some pretty strings (i love strings in rock music!)
i bet this kind of music really resonated with some young girls listening. Can’t relate however as I hate men.
overall this is a 5/5 dashies! “Amazing!”
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SONGS IN THE GAME! when it started obviously i was expecting fussenpepper, and it was shocking to hear katy kat singing it
i think this is one of the covers that katy kat’s voice matches the most! her voice really fits shouting like that, it’s really hyped up
my favourite line from her cover is the “Now it’s time to move on, it only gets much harder, so carry on!”
and obviously i love hearing her say “Now do you like munchies? I wonder where lunch is!”
i do think that captain fussenpepper’s voice suits the song better than her, because it was made with him, but her voice definitely shines on this track!
overall this is a 4/5 dashies! “Really Good!”
[4) BABY BABY!!] - Imagine kids singing this on a car trip with their parents looking dead inside in the front seats.
I USED TO NOT LIKE THIS SONG. but playing it myself really warmed me up on it, and this version on the album made me like it even more!! i love katy kat’s additional lines between the baby’s, she suits giving those secondary vocals and they add a whole additional layer to the song.
i also like that the baby’s lyrics kind of echo over lammy’s guitar parroting, like you can hear the “... ma ma ma ma” coming in at the end of her first part, it sounds really nice!
this is the song i can really imagine kids shouting the lyrics to at a birthday party or something and i think they knew that when they added it O_O
overall this is a 4.5/5 dashies! “Almost Perfect!” i think it would’ve been cooler if the lammy and katy kat parts were more integrated with eachother. don’t ask me how exactly, because i don’t know, and maybe they didn’t either... it still came out REALLY nice!
[5) FIRE FIRE!!] - Aweome where is chief puddle? )-=
i think that this is my favourite song in the entire game, altho that will change depending on what day you ask me it, and a big part of it is fire chief puddle’s vocals and the brass and sound effects of the song
it kind of sucks that a lot of that seems lacking in katy’s version, although i like that it kind of seems like theres more emphasis on the percussions of it!
i don’t like the distant whispery vocals on the “Put it on the fire, feel good, Put it out cold and feel good”, it sounds really weird. because those lyrics are one of my favourites in the original song with chief puddle. i’d definitely rather listen to his version
overall this is a 3/5 dashies! “It’s Good!” i like katy’s vocals, but they definitely come out better on other tracks, and i miss chief puddle.
[6) PJ Berri Jam] - Much Love To The Funny Bear That Make’s Me Smile.
title made me a lot more excited for this song than i ended up feeling about it... OBVIOUSLY NO INSULT TO PJ’S JAM BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN COOL TO HAVE A BEAT WITH ORIGINAL LYRICS instead of just lines from the one cutscene...
it’d have been cooler if it was longer too, but i understand why it wasn’t, because the instrumentals work best in this little snippet instead of long-term where they’d definitely require more lyrics
i like that it sounds like the Fire Fire! parappa version considering that’s his first stage! i don’t know if there’s any verification to this, but it makes me think that the beats for all of parappa’s songs in Um Jammer Lammy are made by PJ, which is just really nice to think about... he’s so skilled ;_; PJ and parappa’s iconic collabs...
i don’t know how to rate this at all, but for the headcanon it gave me, i’m giving it a 4/5 dashies! “Really Good!”
[7) BIRTH SONG] - i wouldn’t play for someone else
i think i like the choir vocals of the song in the cutscenes, but i definitely love katy’s voice in this one, it sounds really sweet
i can’t remove it from the weirdness of the scenario (the first time i saw that shit i was so goddamn baffled) but this does actually Make It Sweet!
i love how her voice sounds in the chorus, and the last line (“Our newest little baby!”) sounds really nice in her voice!! 
IDK EXACTLY HOW TO DESCRIBE IT... her vocals just seem... sweetly genuine? like not that she’s really invested in what she’s saying, but just that she’s really enjoying singing it in a small and cute way? IDK... EITHER WAY i like it!
i like the additional lyrics as well! extensions to parappa/ujl songs should always be welcomed i think.
overall i rate this a 3.5/5 dashies! “Pretty Good!” weird song made fun and sweet by katy kat, thank you so much!
[8) THEME OF RAMMY] - music that makes you cause problems
i love the ditzy yet cool lull of the electric guitar, it sounds playful and silly, but with the aesthetic of the instruments used in the song it sounds awesome at the same time.
the strings throughout the song following the rhythm of that guitar add a slight classical feel to it as well that i really like, a level of elegance in contrast to the next part i describe
the muffled and staticy electric guitar parts sound so discordant, yet perfectly in control at the same time, and very In-Your-Face as they just come and go at random over the base sillysong. i really really like that, and it shows off Rammy’s fiery attitude!
i really love how the violent clash of the instruments seems to come together so well in this. it is a really well-made song that made me like Rammy more than i did previously. i think people who know me well will understand that i really like strings in otherwise intense songs, like violins and stuff, so i was really happy to hear some!
FULLY HONESTLY, MY ONLY WISH? is that it was longer. LOL
as an aside, the lull i described reminds me way too much of the theme for sam and max’s office in the TTG series. which obviously is a very personal reason to like the song more, but it is a reason for me NoneTheLess.
overall this gets a 5/5 dashies! “Amazing!”
[9) CASINO IN MY HAIR] - texan ear worm signs.
katy kat’s voice fits this song EXTREMELY SURPRISINGLY WELL! i like that she puts on the accent and everything, the rhythm of the lyrics and her enthusiasm go together so NICE!
i like the expansion of the lyrics and the repetition of it is one of its strengths, like any song of that kind (hopefully)
it’s a really big earworm for me, and every so often ill just sing out “Where’s that place that comes in pairs whenever I’m aware? Casino here, casino there, casino in my hair!” VERY SIMPLE YET VERY CATCHY
Yee Haw!
overall i rate this a 4.5/5 dashies! “Super Cool!” it couldn’t be better, but i wouldn’t say it’s one of the best, just for the sheer quality of the other songs i’ve given 5/5 to so far
SIDENOTE - [10) Radio Signal Jam] - F*ck you
OK. i like the presentation of this as if it’s playing live on a radio. it’s a nice little additional flavour to the whole thing that i enjoy immensely. HOWEVER.
nothing can match my disappointment at the next song not being Master Onion’s song. My heart will forever be broken by this traitorous deception. I was promised Tamanegi Sensei. Where is he! WHERE IS HE!!! WAS HE TO BUSY GAMBLING?? COME BACK I LOVE YOU
O-K let’s move on
[11) TASTE OF TERIYAKI] - songs that have mood swings
this song baffles me. i definitely get what they were trying to do with the intro portions with the dramatic quiet, the focus on the vocals and guitar with the creeping and echoing drums and reverberating electronic sounds
it could’ve been really cool, but for the most part it frankly sounds sh*t.
if they could’ve gotten some line re-dos from Teriyaki’s singer to match the lower tempo, it definitely would have sounded most excellent. But the use of the lyrics from the high-tempo song here is just jarring. when i showed this to my brother he genuinely just started laughing from how bad it sounded.
THE SUDDEN SHIFT INTO THE HIGH TEMPO. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. IT ADDS SO MUCH EXTRA POWER TO THE CHORUS OF THE SONG. i like the song more with the brass and the backup singers, but this genuinely sounds so goddamn cool.
i LOVE the additional lines from teriyaki, it makes them sound even more like an idol! they sound amazing!
And then it stops. Back to the slow nonsense. I am left to dream of what could’ve been. i will say this one sounds better than the other one. Possibly because it’s shorter.
AND THEN THE AWESOME SONG COMES BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I’M LIKE YEAH WOO!!!!! i love the additional discordant sounds in this version, and i like that they did sometimes include the cool SHHH-PSHHH slap-ish sound in the chorus for this portion. the da da da DA DA! being with guitars instead of brass used to disappoint me, but the more i hear it here, the more i like it.
and then my favourite part of the song: the backup vocals combined with a fast rattling-off of teriyaki’s vocal lines from parappa’s version. this sounds godlike. This is the best. I roll around in circles listening to and thinking about this part. the fact that it fades out right as it gets to that breaks my heart into little pieces.
and then it’s over...
i think it’s very fitting that the song that takes over the album out of nowhere and is literally from hell is the most baffling and loved/hated by me. i don’t think i’ve ever been able to truly say that i both love and hate a song.
if someone was good enough at editing to combine this with the actual version of the song, as well as the vocal lines from parappa’s version, into an essentially extended cut of the album version without the weird slow parts, i would be forever indebted to them.
overall i rate this a ???/5 dashies. ”Help!” it flipflops way too much for me to give a number. Thank you Teriyaki Yoko.
i need to say it. this song has the coolest sounds in the entire game. this is one of the songs that i might abruptly decide is my favourite for a day or so and then go back to Fire Fire! or Taste of Teriyaki (game version). the guitar is most exquisite in this song.
my little brother adores this song, and a big part of that is credited to the silly vocals of Paul Chuck. he’s like Goofy but extra lethal. i love him
ANYWAYS. after Fire Fire! i was concerned that this song’s vocals would be replaced entirely by Katy, but it seems like they understood Paul Chuck’s integral nature to the charm of the song, and so we get a back-and-forth of them both singing lines, with lammy playing in between. it sounds REALLY good!
i like the additional lines by Chuck at the beginning during the intro. they’re a nice little bonus for the three Paul Chuck fans that exist (two being me and my brother)
as always, gotta love katy kat’s vocals!! they definitely benefit from being combined with the vocals of the original song. the chorus parts where they both sing in unison sound AWESOME!!! i wonder if the Fire Fire! cover would have benefited from this alternation....
the filter over the “NEVER USE JOE CHIN’S CHAIN’S FOR THEM!” really adds to it as well! i like that addition.
by the way my favourite line from this song is the “All I wanna hear is you’ve come over here, there’s no fooling around with gears!” it just has such a good flow. not really explicitly related to this version specifically, maybe less so since i prefer it with Chuck’s voice over Katy’s, but yeah.
this song is really hard for me in-game. like, more than any other song i think, apart from Taste of Teriyaki. which i would like to thank this song for allowing me to escape from (-=
this gets a 5/5 Dashies and a “DA-HYUCK!” from me!
[13) WE ARE MILKCAN!!] - Woaah My Head Is Spinning!
another original that only plays during the cutscenes, understandably without the vocals. i liked it then, and i like it even more now!
katy’s lyrics add SO SO MUCH to the high-tempo intensity of the introduction to this song, and the chaos of the entire thing makes it really fun to listen to
i do still enjoy the slower parts of this song! i can imagine katy singing this as the events she describe happen in real time. i really like listening to her try to encourage lammy and ma-san to get it together and play with her. 
the bouncing between the full music of her lines contrasting with the quiet and dinky replies of ma-san and lammy makes this track really fun to listen to!
after that part, it goes back to sounding like the intro portion again, but increases in tempo drastically overtime, before suddenly slowing down again and then launching into high speed at random. it’s a really fun and theatrical and dramatic piece to listen to!!!
personally though, it’s not so much my thing based on the sound alone. it’s definitely a great song but i like things a little more relaxed and orderly than this. the quality of it comes from the lyrics and the emotions they manage to carry through with the instrumentals. its a really good glimpse into the nature and personality of MilkCan!
i give this song a 4/5! “Really Good!” there’s nothing i’d suggest to improve this song. it’s just a little to hectic for me, and feels more like music for a theatrical play than any other track. i generally don’t like that kind of stuff (altho there’s definitely exceptions)
SIDENOTE - [14) Jam Chin] - F*ck you eggplant head saunaman.
You disrespected Parappa. You disrespected Sunny Funny and her sweet smile. You have disrespected MilkCan.
Thank you Ma-San for killing this man. I love U.
[15) GOT TO MOVE! (Millennium Girl)
the final song... i knew it would be Got To Move... it makes COSMIC sense
i like the additional little part before the song begins giving some time to breathe in before my head starts screaming in excitement at this song.
this is an AMAZING song and another one of my little brother’s favourites! he likes to sing it! it’s not one of my favourites but it’s definitely revered with me. it’s a sheer quality song and the one that best captures the soul of MilkCan!!
and i have to say. this album version made me like it EVEN MORE. at first i was enjoying the regular song, but then in the second part PARAPPA comes in with the alternate lines from his version in-between Katy Kat’s lines. it is SO SO SO cool. i often think about how songs in the game would sound with parappa’s versions incorporated in some fashion like this and it comes out so EPIC!!
it seriously made me pog SO hard when i heard him coming in. SOOOO exciting!
some thought notes about this song:
i really like the guitar during the portion leading up to the chorus, it sounds really cool.
katy’s singing in the chorus itself is the best of ALL her singing! her voice blends perfectly with the tone, the pitch shifts, the vibes... angellic truly
parappa‘s lyrics in-between add such an awesome additional energy, especially the lyrics that go on a little longer, like “But let me give you a word of advice, it seems like a waste of time, but it’s nice!” those lines shine the most to me.
my other favourite part is the rapid backforth in the later part of the chorus, especially the “GO! ON! MOVE! ON!” between katy’s lines. it goes together IMPECCABLY
it should be obvious, but this song gets a 5/5 Dashies from me! “Amazing!” it truly blew me away, just like the 5/5 Dashie portions of Taste of Teriyaki did. i love the fact that Parappa’s lines are slightly more muted and behind a bit of a filter to make sure the focus is on Katy’s iconic lines, but are clear enough to be enjoyed.
Truly Thank U so much if you read this far... i love u so mach.... thank you for listening to me ramble about my current hyperfix <3 (-=
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