#i miss shinso so bad why have people forgotten about him
theloveinc · 2 years
ShinKami headcanons?
thank you for waiting, legend!!! i haven’t written headcanons in so long tbh so i hope these are alright <333 
also, do we prefer the regular tumblr bolded list dots for headcanons, or when they look like this: 
- I’m not sure where to begin... so please pardon how this starts LOL
- Shinso + Denki are honestly great in a throuple because they literally never, and I mean NEVER, make you feel left out. Whether you start the relationship with them or join after they’re already together... there’s never a moment when you’re not included in whatever their needs/wants are... or need to feel like that’s so. 
- If they talk about needing to cuddle, going somewhere, getting dinner... you better assume you’re included + respond enthusiastically or they’re gonna pester you about it. To no end. There is no “Denki + Shinso time together without y/n...” it’s all three of you or BUST
- You’re like: “aw okay have fun together” in a text about something and they both nearly call off work b/c they’re so upset you thought you weren’t part of it (you get like forty texts about it and at least five phone calls). Same w/ cuddling. You don’t catch the hint they want you there... then they’re literally DRAGGING you to bed. 
- And If there’s a party and you don’t want to go for some reason, they’re not going either. Could be fully ass dressed and ready to leave and everything, but if you express hesitation the jackets are coming right off. 
- In fact, they probably end up a lot more annoyed at each other without you. It’s not really noticeable to someone who doesn’t know them, or even all that common normally... but if you happen to ignore them for some reason, purposefully or not, there’s like a 75% chance Shin + Denks will end up at each other’s throats for some reason or another (though it’s really just sadness in disguise).
- And you’re probably the only person they listen to in arguments + can get them to stop bickering. Not even Bakugo has shit on you tbh, when it comes to one word being enough to make them be quiet. 
- You get home late from work one night (on a night neither of them are on patrol)... and there’s a full ass canyon between them on the bed and they have grumpy faces on even in their sleep. 
- That’s another thing, though... it’s great if you’re like this, too... terrible if/when you need to go somewhere........... but they’re always gonna do the most when it comes to cuddling you. “y/n” more like Shin + Denks’ joint teddy bear they have to share, every single night. 
- Except it’s not like... normal ass spooning... it’s like, Shinso’s armpit over your forehead and Denki clinging to your belly. Or Shinso’s arm around your neck and Denki’s leg over both your thighs...
- Which is funny because they’re actually really horrible sleepers (we knew this, though)... so this all ends up occurring at like... 4am when everyone is finally tired enough to stop moving. Otherwise, there’s normally at least one of them awake at all times, even if they’re in bed. 
- And I’ve said this before but... Shinso watches TV on his phone in bed when he can’t sleep....... and now that I think about it, Denki does, too........ so sometimes you’ll just randomly wake up in the middle of the night to find both of them sharing earbuds, eating a snack and watching something on a tiny ass phone screen that’s held literally right above your head. Get them some help. 
- LMAOOOO and they’re so bad at eating. Not just because they literally always forget to and are bad at cooking (so they just end up eating junk), but because... they consistently eat off of your plate. Every single meal. Like, at this point... you should just stop setting the table because they don’t even want their own food. 
- It sorta makes a little sense because you often don’t get mealtime together because of their work schedules, so yeah, sharing is nice........... but it’s still like ??? whenever one of them is getting ready for work and literally yoinks your half eaten piece of toast right out of your hands and leaves with it. 
- (You might be like, “Caitie, they both do that?” Yes.) They honestly have jealousy problems, too. If Denki gets your half your sandwich in the morning, Shinso is absolutely complaining about how rude that is....... and then trying to finish half of your lunch. There is no meal where you are ever fully left alone. They’re just lucky they get paid hella good so cooking/ordering in abundance is not really a problem anymore (and making all your dinners family style is pretty easy). 
- Same with spending time with each other, too. Denki is more babyish about it than Shinso, but if one catches the other cuddling without them... they’re throwing a whole fit. Denki getting all whiney about how “Shinso always get the front!!” or Shinso trying to hit Denki w/ a pillow for taking up “too much of” you. Or even pinching and tickling at you for always “getting everything.”
- But literally... you should probably just start saying no to cuddling at this point, and esp. if you plan on trying to get anything done after, cuz spoiler alert: you won’t, and never will (cuz then they’re mad at you for leaving them and finally teaming up to mildly guilt you). 
- Which like... what do these boys even want at this point😭😭😭 (gotta love them, though). 
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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giftofwonder · 3 years
Cirque de Yuuie - MHA Various x f!Reader
A/N: Hey guys! So this is going to be a multi-part series of one shots. Each part will be a different character. There might be smut, we’ll see what happens. This is the introduction to the plot and characters. Some characters might have multiple parts as well. Let me know if you want anyone specific and also if you’d like to be added to their tag list! Also, let me know what you think! Feedback is always appreciated.
Your eyes cracked open, taking in the deep midnight hues that were cast over your room. Pale moonlight bathed everything in a faint glow.
You shifted, rolling to look at the clock on your bedside table. You groaned, pushing yourself up to sit on the edge of your bed and turned toward your open window. You could hear the boisterous chatter from the streets below. A cool breeze swept in and danced along your heated skin, and you welcomed it with closed eyes and a soft sigh.
Each night you found yourself waking up restless and antsy, unsettled. You’d sit in the confines of your room, and then dress and make your way to the tavern across the road. Tonight was no different.
Your tired limbs trudged across the cobblestone, pushing through drunken bodies that reeked of liquor and sweat.
You grunted as you pushed open the heavy oak door, finding it just as congested as outside. Bodies littered the room heavily, the music and laughter so loud it left your ears ringing. You weaved through the empty spaces and took a seat on a stool by the bar.
“The usual?” You heard a voice called out.
You glanced up, locking eyes with the bar tender as you gave a faint smile and nod.
A glass was slid in your direction a few seconds later, and you wondered if he’d already had it ready for you. You figured that must be the case, it was routine at this point.
“No luck sleeping again, huh?” He said, leaning across the counter as you nursed your drink.
“Afraid not, seems like this is becoming my normal.” You gave a dry laugh, trying to offer up something lighthearted.
“Seems like it. Something troubling you?” His head cocked to the side.
“Just the usual, nothing too bad.” You said, shifting your glass around in your hand.
“Come on now, you waltz in here every night and drink, people with problems that aren’t too bad don’t find themselves perched on one of my stools this often.” He whispered, his gaze intense as he inched across the counter toward you. His hushed voice was lost in the roars of the crowd around you, but you could hear him clear as day.
He wasn’t wrong. You had to give him that. The cluster of people surrounding you dispersed as groups made their way to exit back to the street.
Mummers still resounded around the room, but in the now much quieter atmosphere, you felt yourself relaxing. You leaned forward, propping your elbows against the chipped counter and braced your cheek in your palm.
“I just feel...I don’t know...an overwhelming amount of disinterest in my life. I wake up, I work hard and long days, I come home, eat and bathe and sleep. It’s a never-ending cycle that I’m doomed to repeat each and every day. It all just feels so lackluster.” You said, your voice soft as your eyes gazed at nothing.
“Well, that is quite the conundrum. Might I ask, why don’t you just do something else?” He quipped back with a grin.
“If only it were that easy.” You sighed, eyes slowly drifting back to him.
“Isn’t it, though?” He asked, a mischievous gleam in his eye.
“Is it?” You asked, brow furrowed in confusion.
“Hear me out, I’m no stranger to a hard days work by any means, but I like what I do.” He shrugged.
“Making drinks?” You pressed.
“No, I watch people. Get to know them, help them sometimes. You work in a pub and you meet a lot of people, hear a lot of stories. People get a bit of alcohol in them and suddenly their lips become uncontrollably loose.” He chuckled.
“So you’re nosy, then?” You spat back, a smile turning the corners of your lips.
“I prefer curious, it sounds much more pleasant.” He offered.
He turned and grabbed an envelope from behind him and slid it across the counter to you. It was unmarked, other than the intricate wax seal holding it closed.
“What’s this?” You asked, taking it and inspecting the “CdY” ingrained in the seal.
“A chance to escape.” He shrugged, and then leaned back abruptly, hands grasping glassware and a towel to polish the crystals surface.
“What do I owe you?” You asked, standing and grabbing your coin purse.
“Nothing. This ones on me.” He waved his hand.
“Well, thank you. I appreciate it. By the way, what is your name?” You asked, tucking the envelope into your pocket.
“Shinso, now get out of here and go off to do whatever it is you do when you stumble out of here each night.” He called, waving his rag at you. You smiled at the mirth lighting his eyes, offering a wave as you turned and made your exit.
You plopped onto your small wicker chair, it’s grooves lining up with your back perfectly, molded to your body after the countless hours you had spent hunched over in this seat.
Calloused fingertips reached to caress a fine silk that you’d never be able to afford. You pulled it to you, laying it across the table ahead and dug the patterns for a dress from the chest beside you at your feet.
You were a seamstress, and a fairly popular one. Women and men from both high and low society sought you out to tailor and craft their garments.
You had stitched an amazing collection of clothing, from simple gowns to the most intricate of pieces. Your customers had often boasted about your work, that you were able to create anything.
Until recently, you had been doing fairly well for yourself. You had purchased a home of your own, a massive feat for an unwed woman, especially one in her early twenties.
In the last six months, that had changed though. There had been civil unrest, looting and fighting at the capital. The local government had pushed back, increasing taxes heavily. With that blow came another, a new tailoring business on the other side of town. It offered cheap labor, using children from the orphanage as virtually free hands. The turn around was quick, much faster than the length of time it took you to produce a garment. But the quality was terrible. They used cheap labor and cheaper materials.
The first time you had seen their work, you had laughed till tears brimmed your eyes. However, the quick production and cheap cost had ended up hitting you hard. While the wealthy had no issue having you fashion something for them, most everyone else had flocked to them. It wasn’t terribly hard to do a simple stitch. To take in a gown or a suit. Suddenly, you found yourself praying for work as the jobs got fewer and fewer.
Meanwhile the heightened taxes left your coin purse extremely light. You hadn’t struggled like this in a very long time.
You finished the silken garment, folding it delicately over your arm as you took it over to the rack to hang.
Once hung, you patted off your apron and felt the crinkling of the forgotten envelope tucked in your pocket. You pulled it out, fingers dipping into the paper to tear it open. The red of the invitation was so bright, a high quality velvet lined in gold trim. You then wondered the status of your friendly barkeep, but chalked it up to his large amount of connections. Surely, a drunken man could be persuaded into giving an invitation in exchange for a free round.
Your eyes scanned along the paper, reading the fancy script that outlined the details of the event. You scoffed as you made your way back to your chair, shaking your head as the invitation was tossed onto your table.
A few moments passed before you picked it back up and read over the card again.
Your heels clicked against the pavement as you approached the large gate before you. You were in a state of awe at the lights and music making the night feel alive.
You stopped at the ticket booth, met with a disgruntled employee who looked half asleep. His thick yellow quilt was pulled taunt around his body and his hollow eyes stared at you with something akin to annoyance.
“Welcome to “Cirque de Yuuie”, admission is ¥220.” His bored voice stated monotonously.
“Oh...I actually have an invitation.” You said, giving a weak smile.
He held your gaze for a moment before he quirked a brow, his eyes scanning over you before he gave a sigh and a shrug.
“Alright, give it here.” He held out his pale hand, and you gently placed the invite in his palm.
He quickly pressed a stamp to your hand and shooed you away, so you turned and entered in through the gate.
You had wandered around the grounds for a while, but saw no familiar faces. It was odd, not even children were present. The cost had been rather high to enter, perhaps it was an adults only event.
After you had completed your lap, you were not too far from the entrance to the large tent in the center of the area. Red and white fabrics were draped beautifully, tied off with an intricately woven gold banding.
As you went to step forward, a large wooden pole cut in front of you, you gasped, your head shooting up to find a cheerful looking clown above.
“Whoops! S’cues me miss! Almost stepped on ya there!” He laughed, his painted lips opening to reveal his bright smile.
“Oh, no I’m sorry! I was enthralled by everything and wasn’t paying attention.” You waved him off.
“Ah don’t worry about it, it’s a beautiful night, and the tent looks great! I’ve been distracted by it myself! The names Mirio, by the way.”
“Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.”
He nodded and stepped to make his way off back into the crowd.
“HEY WAIT!” You heard a loud voice call out, and not a moment later, two more clowns turned the corner. One with green hair raced along side a blonde with large sunglasses and a lightening-shaped black streak in his hair. They were tailed by a very awkward and scared looking mime who ran behind them silently looking like he was going to be sick.
“Come on, Amajiki! Hurry up!” The blonde clown yelled behind him, causing the mime to flinch and pick up the pace. You laughed at their antics, they were definitely a good source of entertainment.
You pushed through the gathering crowd, entering through the fabric doorway. The ceilings were vaulted, and you were amazed by how large it seemed inside.
Chatter broke out amongst those around you as you passed a sign that read “Yuuie’s Spectacular Freak Show!”
You followed the corridor, peering in the labeled rooms as you passed by.
“Strongest Men Alive! All Might and Red Riot!” Inside the room were two muscular men. The blonde man was tall, looming over the crowd as he smiled and flex. The redhead was laying on a bed of nails, and a crazed looking woman with pink hair walked across him while he looked on unfazed.
“One Body- Two Men! Twice!” A man sat, arguing with himself, the crowd would call out questions and he’d answer two opposing ways, often breaking out into an argument. The crowd giggled and taunted as he yelled seemingly to himself.
“The Vampire: Toga!” Your stomach twisted as you watch the girl give a cat-like grin and chug a vial of blood. Shackles held her to her spot but she called out to the audience, telling them to come closer and let her have a drink.
“Invisible Girl: Toru!” You blinked at the empty room, rolling your eyes as you pushed past to the next stall.
“Frog Woman: Tsuyu!” A girl in a green dress crouched in a pool, her long tongue falling from her mouth as her large hand gave a wave. You couldn’t help but notice her webbed fingers and the faint croaks.
“Worlds Largest Woman: Mt Lady!” An insanely large woman sat on her knees, smiling and chatting with the audience. She was beautiful, but had to be at least 9’ tall.
“World’s Largest Man: Fatgum!” A very large man sat in the center of the room smiling and waving as he let children drift into his stall and eat from the various sweets lining the table beside him. Though the adults around you spoke insults quietly, you couldn’t help but think the man looked very kind. You smiled softly at the sight of a child hugging him in thanks before returning to their mothers side.
“Bird-Man: Hawks!” A young man laughed loudly, his beautiful red wings flapping as he gave a slight show to those who watched. Many looked on in awe and wonder, and women swooned at his charm. His feathers seemed to almost sparkle and while you noticed something mischievous in his gaze, you were mesmerized nonetheless.
“Dabi the Dragon and the Indestructible Bakugou!” This room was larger, and smoke poured out. You were curious about this one, as there was no crowd gathered out front. You only saw one person, a rather attractive but angry looking man, growling as he noticed you. He rolled his eyes as he lit off explosives in his hands.
Your hands shot up to cover your eyes, before peering out to see the man looked fine, bored even.
“That was amazing!” You exclaimed.
“Course it was!” He sneered.
Suddenly, the curtain behind him rustled and another man emerged from the darkness. He was shirtless, his body scared in burns that wrapped around his torso, arms and face. His black hair spiked wildly, just like the blonde beside him. He smirked at you, sauntering toward you before lifting your chin with his index finger.
“Want me to put on a show for you, doll face?” He whispered. You nodded mutely, feeling much like the mime you had saw earlier that night. He chucked and stepped back. His hand grasped a bottle and he turned his back toward you, taking a large swig from the drink.
He abruptly turned back, and blue flames shot from his mouth and filled the room. You could immediately feel the immense heat and no longer wondered how his scars came to be.
He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, giving a small cough before grinning at you.
“Well, what’d ya think, princess?”
“It was amazing! Does it hurt?” You asked.
“Hmm? Nah, not really. Just burns a little.” He snickered at his joke while Bakugou rolled his eyes in the background.
“I also do a bit of sword swallowing.” He added, stepping in close to you.
“Oh, yeah? That’s a neat talent to have.” You spat back awkwardly.
“I could teach you, after the show that is. I’ve got a good one for you to practice on.” His deep voice said in a hushed tone, hot breath hitting you as his hand gripped the crotch of his pants.
You stumbled back quickly, mumbling about needing to find a seat, and then ran off to the main room of the tent.
Your heart was pounding as you took an empty seat in the front row that had your invitation number on it.
The lights around you dimmed and the seats behind began filling quickly. People chatted amongst themselves until the music changed and the curtains at the far side of the tent were drawn.
A pale looking man with light blue hair and red eyes slowly walked out, taking center stage.
“Welcome. I’m so glad all of you came to join us for the show.” His hoarse voice spoke out loudly. His eyes dragged along the audience, taking in those around him.
“My name is Shigaraki and I’ll be your host tonight. You’ll see things that you never imagined, acts of wonder put on display before you. Prepare to be in awe and amazed.” He cheered, giving and eerie grin.
Halfway through the show, they called for an intermission. The lights brightened as people stood and flocked outside to grab drinks and food.
You stayed put, reflecting on the show so far. There had been an amazing act with tightrope walking, acrobats and aerial silks. They had been called “Children of the Sky” by those sat around you. Aoyama, Mina, Uraraka and Nejire were their names.
Then there had been the father and son act of fire performance. Enji and Shouto Todoroki. They danced with fire and spun batons and hoops that were blazing. Their act would have been more enjoyable if the father had been quiet, but instead every few moments he’d call out to his son correcting his posture and moves. Mid performance, Dabi had joined them on stage. His blue flames shining brightly in contrast. He had quickly noticed you and his eyes lit up as your stomach filled with dread.
He marched over, pulling you from your seat as gasps and whispers of his damaged skin rang through the crowd. He didn’t seem to notice. Or didn’t care. He had spun you around, dancing as his azure fire lit his arms. You were worried you’d be burned, but the fire never touched your skin. He brushed his arms with his hands, extinguishing the flame, as the music had haunted. You watched the smoke rise from his skin as you frowned, but he simply took your hand and pressed a chaste kiss to the back of it before walking away.
You heard a voice rasp out “fucking show off” before seeing the angry blonde, Bakugou, take off after him.
Now you sat, watching a small man with balls on his head. He wore a jesters outfit and juggled before those left seated in the crowd. Slowly he made his way to you.
“Hey, how do you know Dabi?” He asked bluntly, wonder in his eyes.
“Oh, I don’t. Not really. I saw him in the freak show. That’s all.” You said, uncomfortable with the small mans leering.
“You actually watched him?” He asked dumbfounded. “No wonder he’s all over you.”
“What do you mean?” You asked perplexed.
“Uh hello, he’s gross looking. Definitely not as attractive as someone like me.” He beamed at you. You stayed quiet, unsure of how to respond and afraid to break the poor guys dilution.
“Hey I also do puppet stuff, you wanna see?” He asked, tone chipper.
“Oh, no that’s okay-“
“Okay cool, watch this!” He cut you off, pulling a small puppet from his suit. He dropped it and it limply hit the ground, the string much too long for him. The puppet dragged around weirdly as the jester spoke in a high pitch, giving the wooden body a voice.
You blinked, watching the train wreck as the doll slid through the dirt, getting jerked around by the man before you. He picked up the puppet and threw it at you, it landing in your lap. Then he pulled the string and yanked it back to the ground. You abruptly stood and walked away, hearing him call after you, but you only quickened your pace.
Once outside in the fresh air, a loud bellowing laugh burst from your lips. That was the weirdest thing you’ve ever had to deal with and you had been holding in laughing in the strange boys face.
“Seems like you’re enjoying the show.” A voice cut in.
Your head quickly spun, meeting the red eyes of the ring leader.
“Yeah! It’s nice, you guys are doing an amazing job!” You scratched your neck, feeling the hairs on your arms standing at the sudden tension as the mans smile fell.
“You weren’t invited here.” He stated.
“I...well I was given an invitation.” You replied.
“It wasn’t yours though. It wasn’t meant for you.” He said, eyes blank as his head cocked to the side.
“No, it wasn’t. I don’t know who it belonged to. A bartender gave it to me.” You explained.
“Hmm, is that so? Well, do enjoy the show then. But do me a favor, sit in a different seat when you go back in.” He sneered, and then he was gone as quickly as he had appeared.
You headed back inside, choosing a different seat in the front row that had been unclaimed earlier.
The music roared again as the clowns, Midoriya, Kaminari and Mirio, put on a show. Kaminari was being shocked while Midoriya rode around on a unicycle. Mirio stayed on his stilts and walked around the stage dancing and doing tricks. The trio was truly fun to watch, and then the mime, Amajiki, was shoved forward. A spotlight hit him as he stood frozen in fear.
“Come on buddy, you can do it!” Mirio whispered loudly in support.
Amajiki took in a big breath and lifted his arms, hands shaking as he formed an invisible wall in front of himself when a box hit him in the head and a drunken man “booed”. Amajiki immediately rushed to the shadows, pressing his face into the wall of the tent as an air of dread surrounded him.
“Uhhh...look over here!” Midoriya yelled out, pulling the attention of the crowd as he gave a large shock to Kaminari. Kaminari then “beeped” and “booped” and drooled as he wobbled around. The audience cheered and laughed.
Finally it was time for the final act of the night, the mysterious and powerful Mr. Compress.
A spotlight roamed the stage, and in a cloud of smoke he appeared. He wore a mask, top hat and yellow overcoat. His cane tapped against the floor with each step he took.
“Tonight, I will make you question everything you know about the world. Everything you believe to be real!” He called, and the crowd went wild, hooting and hollering.
He started with a few jokes, one about how he wasn’t the type to pull a rabbit from his hat, but then his hat shifted and he took it off. He pulled out the first rabbit, and then another, and then two more. You laughed at his seeming confusion. Finally, he plopped his hat back on his head and called out Bakugou to the stage. Bakugou marched to him, stomping his feet and crossing his arms as he came to a stop beside the magician.
Mr. Compress draped a large piece of fabric over the man, and then quickly pulled the cloth back to reveal a confused looking Shouto.
“I was just over there.” Shouto said, pointing to the other side of the tent.
“Yes! And now you’re over here!” Compress smiled, giving a grand wave of his arm.
“Aren’t I the one doing the magic then?” Shouto said blandly while Compress laughed.
“Alright then, do another trick for us.” Mr. Compress said, his tone amused. Shouto stood there silently, expression blank.
“YOUR FIRE! USE YOUR FIRE SHOUTO!” His father yelled from off stage. Shouto glanced behind him, annoyance radiating from him.
“No. Nevermind. Just put me back where i was.” He said to Compress. Not a second later, the cloth was thrown over him and pulled off to reveal what looked like 100 butterflies.
The crowed oohed and awed in response, and you felt your eyes widen in amazement as well. It was so quick, you were trying to understand the trick, but could hardly wrap your head around it. This guy was good.
He went through a few more tricks, each a little better than the last. Finally he called for a volunteer from the audience.
Many hands shot into the air, while yours meekly raised. You weren’t one who gravitated to the spotlight, in fact, you had no desire to go onto the stage and have everyone’s eyes on you. But, you had promised yourself you’d let go for tonight and do as the bartender recommended. Escape.
Perhaps he could sense your distress, or maybe it was just because you were the closest to him, but he slowly walked toward you and extended his hand.
“If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love it if you could assist me madam.”
You smiled, cursing inwardly at yourself, as you took his hand and let him pull you to your feet and lead you to the stage.
Red Riot ran over holding a heavy wooden chair, one you might find used as a throne.
Compress lifted the bottom of his mask and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, much like Dabi did, before directing you to take a seat. You did as you were asked, feeling the heat of the light on you, thankful that it’s blinding light prevented you from being able to see the crowd.
Mr. Compress started his speech about defying nature, and the use of powerful magic.
“Do not look away for a second, it is imperative you see your reality bent before you. With the help of my beautiful assistant, I will show you that the limitations we set for ourselves are often just an illusion. Anything you can think of is possible!”
He turned toward you, pulling the yellow coat from his body and leaving himself in his black vest and pants, the orange shirt beneath now visible. He pushed up his sleeves and held his hands outstretched toward you. You felt the chair jerk and sucked in a breath. It lurched again, and soon you were floating above the ground. You kicked your feet and smiled, trying your hardest not to shift in the chair.
Then the lights flickered, and a spotlight fell from the ceiling, crashing into the empty seat that had been assigned to your invitation.
In the moment of chaos, the chair dropped harshly, cracking against the ground as the impact tossed you to the side. You grunted, the wind knocked from your lungs and your eyes unfocused after smacking your head in the fall.
Screams were heard as the crowd panicked and scattered, the roars of animals following after them.
A harsh tug lifted you back onto your feet, and in the darkness you could see nothing, but allowed the person to drag you from the tent as your head spun.
Your mind was trying to process as you were pulled into a trailer, and as your body met the cot inside, you fell unconscious.
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tsuki-xoxo · 4 years
One Day At A Time
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Overview: The moment you first saw Shinso’s performance at the first year Sports Festival set off a chain of fateful interactions and an unrequited declaration of rivalry. Now, as you stand hand in hand with your husband-to-be, you can’t help but think back to everything that brought you here. 
Pairing: Shinso Hitoshi x Reader
Word Count: 3741
Genre: Scenario, Fluff 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this for the POCuties Server Collab: ‘A Wedding to Remember!’ My heart went binkie boom doom. I hope you all enjoy best boi Shinso!! And thank you to @tui-lah​ for beta reading, I appreciate it! You can find the rest of everyone’s amazing works here.
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The flowers entwined between your fingers twinge with sweat from your palms as the beating of your heart ran a mile a minute. Exhaling a breath, you briefly glanced at the bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers before the double doors broke you from your reverie. On either side stood your best friend, Mina, in a beautiful gown that accentuated her figure, and Kaminari, your husband-to-be’s best friend. 
Mina beamed, the black sclera of her eyes twinkling as she caught onto the small sigh of contentment that left your lips as you basked in the physique of the love of your life in a tuxedo at the end of the peddle-filled aisle. The light reflected from the vibrant bouquet, which made you look dazzling in the spotlight. Carrying on an otherworldly trance before the two left your side, not before the blonde sent you subtle thumbs up. 
Facing your groom, your eyes roamed his figure, giving him a once-over. The tuxedo hugged him perfectly, highlighting his broad shoulders and slim build. The black of his suit had a velvet quality to it, and brought something out of him, a self-respecting pride and confidence that had you nibbling your bottom lip. 
“Oh, hello, Mr. Bond,” you whispered with a cheeky grin. You couldn’t help yourself, Shinso looked like the perfect action man with a license to thrill. His typically messy indigo hair was slicked back, or at least tried to be, you had to give him an ‘A’ for the effort. You peaked at the tips that were haphazardly pushed back, intertwining into a beautiful chaos-- you’d fix it later into his naturally ruffled tufts. 
You heard a breathy snort from the man across you. Looking up, your eyes latched onto an all-too-familiar pair of glaciers that resembled hyacinths and the lazy-smirk that had the corner of your eyes softening. 
Shinso reaches out to you as soon as the one to wed you both begins to speak, his calloused hands holding yours. It’s funny actually, as you gaze at your intertwined hands and the paleness of his skin of how the two of you ended up in the aisle together, rings readied to be worn, and a life promised to spend together forever.
You remembered it like it was just yesterday.
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After his fight with Midoriya during the first year Sports Festival, you left the stands to find the General Studies student in the hall. Luckily for you, you saw him in no time, the striking lavender hair and familiar U.A. uniform that he wore was hard to miss. You quickly fell into step with his languid steps.
“Shinso Hitoshi, right? I’m (L/N) (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
With his ashy lilac and deeply sunken eyes, he faced you with a bored expression on his face. “Okay.”
The two of you walk in silence for at least a few minutes, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck before he speaks. “Uh--” he clears his throat a little awkwardly, “why are you following me?” It was a simple question, not one that harbored an accusing tone, and you were almost shocked by the fact that he made no effort to chase you away.
“Oh shit,” you cursed, smacking your forehead, having forgotten to announce the reason why you followed him in the first place. “My bad, dude, I can’t believe I forgot. You’re my rival.”
“What?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his pace slowing even more until they stopped. 
“Rival, y’ know where two people compete for the same objective or superiority.”
He clicked his tongue, rolling his eyes, “I know what a rival is, but why are you declaring that you’re mine.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. You thought that at this point, it was obvious enough for him to catch on. Maybe he was a bit slow; the bags under his eyes may have killed a couple of brain cells over the years. “‘Cause we have the same goal,” you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “We want to prove everyone who doubts us wrong.” Mich like him, growing up with an ‘evil’ Quirk, you’ve had a fair share of gossip surrounding you. That’s why you wanted to be a hero, to end the discrimination against labeling Quirks as villainous. 
“Really?” he paused, “what would a student from the heroics course know about being deemed as a criminal.” One look into his eyes, and you already knew. The bitterness in his orbs was unmistakable.
“More than you know,” you murmured, refusing to break eye contact. 
The mauve haired boy’s uninterested expression softened at the dispute in your eyes, the corner of his mouth tugging into a small grin. Looking at you properly this time, like he really saw you as a person, not just some random stranger that decided to follow him around.
“Sorry, but no,” Shinso stated, the usual indifference lacing his tone, the smile falling from his face. “I’m not looking to make friends or rivals.”
You giggled mischievously at him, the purple of his eyes side-eyeing you with weariness. “You’re cute,” you state bluntly, bouncing on the balls of your feet. His expression is replaced with a gawk at the pure boldness from you, red splotching on the apple of his cheeks. “You actually think you have a choice! See ya soon, rival!” 
With that, you turn on your heel, searching for your homeless-looking homeroom teacher. You have the perfect recommendation for an intern.  
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“(L/N)?” he demanded, stunned by your sudden appearance.
You turned your head from your position on the floor, stretching, glancing toward his direction. “Hey, rival.” The boy looked slightly different from the last time you had seen him, with a bandage-like material wrapped around his neck, similar to Aizawa’s.
Hopping onto your feet, you brushed the dust off your hands, walking onto the mat placed in the middle of the gym as Aizawa spoke up. “Shinso, you’re training with (L/N) today. It’s a joint training to access your weaknesses, first to get knocked down or pushed off the mat loses,” he said, his expression never changing.
Bending down a bit, you prepared to make a move before the boy with lavender hair stopped you in your footsteps. “How the hell did you get Aizawa-sensei to agree to this?” he asked with an amused look in his eyes. 
Smirking, you peered up through your lashes, looking at him with faux innocence. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Yes, you do. At the Sports Festival, you told Aizawa about the general studies student, but Aizawa was already aware of the male since he had taken note of him. Unsurprisingly to you, your teacher decided to mentor the student, and it took a lot of bribing and coaxing for you to convince him to join just one training session, but that’s all you needed. 
You stiffened immediately, your eyes glazing over as you become immobile, not even able to process or think properly. You watch the white of your rival’s teeth move, and the next thing you know, you blink, conscious, and off the mat. The stoic male wore a bored expression on his face as your eyes widen in realization, he just brainwashed you. 
It was as if a match sparked over you as you glared at him. Lunging forward instantly, taking the purple-haired boy by surprise, you brought your leg up to kick him in the shin as he lost balance. Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, you pounced, both arms wrapping around his torso as you tackled him, or at least tried to. It seemed that Aizawa had been training his student well because the tackle didn’t do anything besides move him backward. Quickly, you leaped back, creating a space.
The boy’s ruffled hair from his night’s sleep and current fight had strands sticking together, slick with sweat. “What, that’s all you got?” Shinso asked, but you bit back a sharp remark, refusing to take the bait again. 
Failing to evade the knee that came straight for your abdomen, the impact knocked you back slightly but lacked to knock you down. You were taken aback by his speed and accuracy, and for a second, you wanted to smile at the growth of the male that stood in front of you, it was like he wasn’t the same boy that had lost to Midoriya. 
Focusing on the match at hand, you dodged his next onslaught of attacks, moving efficiently to evade them with the slight knowledge of his fighting style from the Sports Festival. Thanking yourself for forcing all those hours you spent training your physical abilities, you moved forward the moment you noticed Shinso starting to take labored breaths from his never-ending assaults. However, before you could even register what was happening, Shinso loosened the material around his neck, effectively capturing you amid some ridiculously strong bandages. With the help of the capture tape, he swung you around, gathering momentum before releasing you. Before you were thrown off the mat, though, you grabbed the white scarf and pulled yourself safely in bounds. 
With record speed, you raced across to meet Shinso, the capture material moving forward to shield its wielder from an attack, but you abruptly shot your arm up, tensing the male’s muscles you pushed it out of your way, continuing your route to the lilac haired male. Using your remaining strength before your sight dotted from vertigo, a drawback to your Quirk, you used both of your arms to grasp onto his, crouching you flip him over. 
Falling flat on the mat, you heaved a breath and closed your eyes to regulate the spottiness surrounding you. When you heard shuffling, you peaked an eye open, pointedly-eyeing the hovering male. 
“You’ve gotten better,” you commented. 
Shinso let out a soft chuckle. “You’re not half bad,” he countered, crossing his arms before adding, “besides when you became a sore loser and just hopped back in here without a word.”
You gave him a non-threatening pointed look, “hey! I forgot about the brainwashing bit for a second there. Can you blame me?”
Scoffing, you took his outreached hand and pulled yourself up with his combined effort. 
“I mean for a rival, that was just sad,” mused Shinso, running a hand through his hair, tufts of purple sticking out in random directions, suiting him. 
The corners of your mouth lifted up into a smile, a slight stinging sensation from the cut on your lip from the fight somehow, but you didn’t care as your smile widened into a brilliant grin since Shinso finally acknowledged you. “Rival, huh?” you laughed, feeling absolutely delirious. 
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After Shinso acknowledged you as his rival, you both became training partners and soon enough close friends. Before either of you knew it, you were already in your second year at U.A., and your purple-haired friend had been accepted into the hero course. 
You’re not exactly sure when you started developing feelings for the boy. Maybe it was the moment he exposed his perfectly aligned teeth, glowing with happiness and hope. Or it was his innate ability to spark a conversation with anyone, despite having a reserved and calm attitude. Even stating that he had no interest in making friends, yet you swiveled your way in and surrounded him with support, along with Kaminari, the greenette, Midoriya, and even the cerulean blue-eyed Monoma. Or it’s his aspiration to usurp anyone who walked the same path as him to become a Pro. Either way, there was no denying the flutters roaming around in your stomach. 
As you heaved, trying to catch your breath,  your exercise friend was doing the same, but talking about something, you weren’t really paying attention to his words. Just hearing his voice made your stomach tingle and your heart beat erratically in your chest so hard that it felt it’d burst. You followed the beads of sweat trickle down his face and run onto his lips, focusing how the red of his tongue would peak out to catch the salty droplets. 
When your eyes met, you swore that your heart thumped so hard that it was audible, even for him. His eyes, those deep magenta orbs that could tell a whole story just by looking at them, felt like you were injected with liquid adrenaline into your bloodstream, and the entire zoo grew rampant in your chest. Shinso’s cat-like eyes felt like looking into the sun for too long-- a maze you could get lost in and soon enough be blinded by. He was so effortlessly looking handsome. 
And his hands. The same slender ones that have been on you time and time again, training after training. The image of his hands brushing against your own as you walk flickers throughout your mind, growing into a daydream of your own intertwining. Suddenly you speak, “Hitoshi, I like you.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise at your confession, mouth ajar, and hand frozen on his capture material. The intensity of his gaze put a crack in your steely disposition as you glance the other way. “But don’t worry. I don’t expect you to say anything, I just wanted to get that off my chest. 
You watched as Shinso grinned, shaking his head in disbelief, his arm rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. He wasn’t one to smile much, never having much reason to and the fact that it took too much effort. But every time you spoke, you somehow made the corners of his mouth tug upwards each time. You didn’t merely speak words with no meaning behind. With every word you spoke, they were curt, straight to the point, and your conversations didn’t need the time-consuming falsehood of small talk. So, it was no surprise when you bluntly admit your feelings to your crush. 
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Like you promised, you never forced Shinso to speak up about your confession, not once asking if he felt the same way. You guys’ relationship continued to grow without a hitch, but that never stopped you from making flirtatious remarks with the male from time to time. A cheeky grin permanently painted across your face every time you were with him. 
Scrambling up to your feet, you hurriedly made your way over to him despite your aching muscles. Clasping your hands around his neck in a chock-hold, you used your legs, dropping him on the ground right then and there.
“What were you saying about beating me?” you asked, laughing in between pants. 
After three years of regular quirkless and quirkful combat with Shinso, you both had improved drastically every battle with one another. It took you everything to drop him over your shoulder like before, but you collapsed on the ground next to him, panting as soon as you did. 
“I’m going to kick your ass,” Shinso retorted, looking at you. Picking up on your exhaustion, he rolled over, immediately entrapping you with his weight as he grabbed both arms with his own, pinning you down. 
“That’s not fair! The match was already over,” you pouted, however made no effort to push him off. He grinned, breathing out, his breath fanning over your face. It took mere seconds for him to realize the close proximity of your two faces, his own heating up, instantly taking on a rose hue. He hastily scrambled off of you, looking away as he tried to calm his face. 
“Damn, I was hoping to be wrapped in your arms for longer,” you teased, whipping a fake tear delicately from your face. 
He coughed at your words, choking on the water as his head snaps at you from the comment, hints of pink still present on his cheek. “Huh? Wha--”
“Relax,” you scoffed, propping yourself up with your elbows. “I’m just fucking with you.” As you made your way to your bags that were thrown onto the floor, you patted the male’s toned back as to acquiesce that everything’s alright. But before you can maneuver around him, Shinso’s hand latches itself on your wrist.
“Wait,” he murmurs, pulling you toward him. You make no move to pull away, feeling safe and secure in his arms, not the edge of intensity that comes with dancing with danger in your daily life as a hero-in-training. Subconsciously, you find yourself leaning into Shinso’s embrace, even more, an affectionate smile on his face. 
He tugs your cheek softly. “I like you too.” You stay silent, holding your breath as the pad of his thumb brushes against the skin he just pulled, and fingertips lightly grazing your jaw, you find yourself leaning into his palm, the ends of your lips tipping up slightly. You two focus on one another’s eyes, and all your common sense shuts down because the attention he’s giving you his startling, the vibrant violet of his orbs near closer, stealing your breath. 
You brought your hands to the back of his neck, and in an instant, his lips found yours with a content sigh. Your eyes flutter shut, and even in darkness, you see light exploding. Although his movements were gentle and slow, his lips were firm, the two of you moving in perfect sync, sending shivers down your back. With each move, the blurred lines of your friendship beginning to clear, forming something new entirely. Parting your lips, you sighed as he slowly pulled away from the kiss, his lips plump and red. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you find Hitoshi wearing a sweet smile on his face, filled with affection. His smile was one of happiness growing, much like spring flowers. You could see how it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. While your heart was pounding, and your lips were still pulsing from the way he kissed you, the silly smile never fell from your face.  
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You and Shinso have been dating for five years now, debuting and growing as Pro Heroes. As time passed, your love for him got even stronger. Whenever he looked at you, it was like every ounce of air was taken from your lungs, floating in the sky like a midnight smoke cloud. Every time your lips tangled, the world would stop, leaving just the two of you wandering the earth together. When the two of you cuddle, and he holds your face between his hands, it’s like he’s keeping you in an eternity of security.
When the two of you were patrolling the streets, you came across chaos and panicked citizens. In the distance, there were flickering flames that hinted something deadly. 
“Stay near me, (Y/N), and be careful,” Hitoshi announced as you catch up to his hurried pacing, nodding in acknowledgment, walking right into the heat of battle. The scene you were met with was unlike the disarray clues you had witnessed from the running citizens earlier. 
All around, you could see the burning of bright orange flames as they devoured everything in their path. Your nose scrunched up in alarm from the smell of charred concrete and ash as they dusted the air. The moment you observed your surroundings, you wished you hadn’t. You narrowed your eyes as a menacing creature hovered around a horde of panicked civilians that desperately tried to scramble away. The beast had an ugly beak head with wings and extra limbs, and bloodlust radiating out of its beady eyes. It’s what every Pro has been acquainted with, a Nomu.
“Ready?” he grunted, quickening his pace to match yours. 
“Always,” you answered, reaching out an arm, and in an instant, you immobilized the Nomu-like creature grasping hold of one of the unfortunate bystanders, your boyfriend running by you with his capture scarf in tow. 
You rushed over to the person ungracefully falling with its captor. Grabbing the man’s arm, you slung him over your shoulder as you hauled him to safety. The man gasped out a thank you, slumping over a wall a fair distance away from the fighting, trying to catch his breath. 
When you ran back into action, you and Hitoshi captured villains, the Nomu, and protected citizens. Multiple other heroes had arrived at the scene at this point, and the creature had been dragged out of by policemen, sirens echoing down the streets.
You had been rambling to your boyfriend about your costume, mentioning that you’d need to see Hatsume soon for some upgrades, but as you glanced over at him, you recognized the far offness in his eyes. 
“Hitoshi?” you ask with furrowed brows, snapping your finger in front of him.
He blinks, his hands finding purchase around your waist. He pulls you closer as he nudges his head between your neck, and you wrap your arms around him. “I love you,” he whispers into your hair. Pulling back slightly, he reaches for your hands, interlocking them. A light smile adorned your face as you looked into his unblinking dark purple eyes.
“Will you marry me?”
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Now, as you stand in front of your soon to be husband, you feel the way your heartbeat picks up while your lungs fill with more air, but at the same time, you feel incredibly light. This is it. You’re seriously going to marry the love of your life. 
There is so much to admire about him like his raw honesty. The way his words spill out real slow as if the truth can take its time. There’s like a force behind them, yet the kind that is respectful and quiet-- an observant and patient determination. He supports your pure, unadulterated personality, the good and bad. But of everything, it was looking in his eyes you loved the most. That’s all you ever needed to connect, just you and him, eyes, no words.
“You may now kiss.”
Shinso ran the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, gently drawing you closer to him, placing both hands on either side of your face. You two share a brief but deep kiss, yet you two are still grinning afterward as cheers from friends and families surround the two of you like magic, causing you to shiver in complete pleasure and ecstasy. 
In a world of chaos, the two of you find a place where togetherness means peace, where savage winds cease, and no clouds can block the warmth of the brightening rays. 
And neither of you would want to have it any other way. 
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stinkysidebitch · 4 years
Leaked! (Shinso x Reader)
-Kaminari breaks your heart and Shinso picks up the pieces
(Warning): Depressive thoughts, bullying, revenge porn, numbness, isolation.
 “I’m sorry… but I just don’t have time for this anymore, you know?”
That was what Kaminari told you that right before your 3rd year anniversary. You attended U.A.’s college now, both of you adults and seeking a future as pro heroes. His distance wasn’t noticeable if it existed at all. In fact you thought your relationship had been perfect.
Regardless it didn’t take him long to get a girlfriend after dumping you. Maybe a week?
 If that?
Clearly he had been talking to her for a bit before he threw you away, the time frame was just too small for it to be anything other than that. You did a lot of crying in private at that time. Feeling your chest and neck constricting and raw became an old friend. It felt like the only reliable thing you had right now.
 He tried to maintain a friendship between the two of you, and not wanting to lose him you complied. However, the hurt filling your chest everytime you saw him kissing that girl or casually holding her hand like it was nothing you couldn’t help but glare. After awhile he picked up on it and eventually confronted you. Of course he waited till classes started, blocking your escape so you had no choice but to answer him.
“(Y/N) why were you staring at her like that? It’s kinda creeping her out..”
‘Creeping her out?’ You narrowed your eyes at him.“I was looking at you more-”
“That doesn’t make it any less weird.”
You couldn’t believe him at the time. This uncaring side of Denki was foreign to you. The familiar tightness formed in your throat as you looked him square in the eyes. He leaned against the hallway wall so casually, looking at you with an almost bored expression.
“I loved you, you asshole! You started dating her right after you dumped me!”
He scoffed at you, glaring harshly as he retorted. “Oh, so you’re just jealous? C’mon (Y/N), we’re supposed to be friends-”
“What do you want me to do Denki, we were together for three years…. I can’t just act like-”
“Like what? This is ridiculous, you’re acting like Bakugo right now.” He grumbled. It made your skin crawl. To compare you to someone with anger issues just because you were hurt… It was just blatantly cruel.
“I can’t act like we never happened! I still love you, okay? Give me time to move on!”  Your voice cracked as tears began to cloud your vision. It felt so suffocating to air this out now, especially considering you were being blinded by your own tears. You still didn’t miss the way he dismissively held up a hand to silence you.
“You aren’t even giving her a chance (Y/N). Just taking out your issues on her, it’s messed up!”
That was it. You stormed up to him, harshly jabbing your finger in his chest as you spat out the last thing you would ever say to him.
“Fuck you Kaminari. I hope your girlfriend figures out what a dick you are, for her sake.”
He jolted a bit at the name usage. It came out harsher than expected, you hadn’t called him that in forever. At the same time it was nice to let it out, even though it was hard to acknowledge who he really was. And just like that, you stormed off. You didn’t just cut ties with Kaminari, you cut ties with all of his friends too. If any of them tried to reach you you would ignore or dismiss their concern. It would only make things weirder. They gave up pretty quickly. One of your closest friends Shinso was left in the dark aswell. You didn’t even bother to answer his texts or calls.
Talking wasn’t really something you generally bothered to do anymore. Communicating with other people really required energy that you didn’t have right now. Sometimes you weren’t sure if anyone noticed or cared. It felt like you were all alone. Like if you weren’t there things would be about the same. So you decided to make it feel that way. 
You didn’t hang out with your friends. 
You didn’t hang out with your family. 
You went to your classes and that was it.
You crashed in your dorm at the end of every uneventful day and lay in bed alone.
The sheets were colder than you remembered.
It had been a few weeks since that nasty fight when you trudged out of bed for yet another depressing day on campus. It didn’t take you long to notice the way people were paying more attention to you. 
You didn’t like it.
People were staring and even giggling at you throughout the day. It wasn’t something you were used to. Still, it was easy enough to ignore. You had no idea what was going on, but it didn’t matter. 
It wasn’t until your third class of the day that things got bad. You were staring out the window from your desk noting the heavy rain. It was rather pretty. There was a patter of heavy rain against the glass that made you feel almost homey. You smiled to yourself at the brief, peaceful moment. It didn’t last long, though.
 A small group of boys approached and you attempted to ignore their presence. It wasn’t until they were standing directly in front of your desk that you prepared for them to bother you in some way. What you weren’t expecting though was for one of them to shove his phone in your face.
“This you?”
Mortified wouldn’t even begin to describe how you felt when your eyes locked onto your naked form on the screen. It was a screenshot of a screenshot of a snap.
One that you had sent to Kaminari. 
One that he swore never to save or screenshot so that there wasn’t a risk of you being kicked of U.A’s college.
You nearly fell from how quickly you shot out of your seat. The boys chuckled as you tugged your bag over your shoulders and raced out of the room, unable to breathe from panic as tears streamed down your cheeks. It felt like your legs would give out when people laughed and pointed at you as you desperately ran through the halls. Escape was your only real goal right now.
 Everyone had seen it.
Kaminari leaked your nudes to the entire school, your face included. 
You were going to be kicked out of this college.
You heard someone yelling after you, probably Midoriya, but it didn’t take long for him to be stopped and you to reach one of the exit doors. There was only one place you would be alone right now. 
The track.
If you stayed under the bleachers you would at least be dry so that was where your body decided to take you.
Without thinking you scrambled across the wet grass, openly crying while rain heavily poured around you. It was like a safety blanket right now.
Your clothing was soaked, sticking to your body uncomfortably as you felt your body getting cold. When you reached the bleachers you hastily scrambled underneath the nearest one, squeezing yourself under and throwing your bag to the side. You ignored the way rocks and dirt tore the knees on your pants up and cut through your skin as you crawled into a corner. 
Thankfully the bleachers were solid, so no rain was leaking through. Finally, when you were far enough inside you curled your knees into your chest and wrapped your shaky arms around them like a shield. The pain in your throat from crying made you feel sore and raw. Most of all you felt tired, but at least no one knew where you were now.
A weak sigh crawled from your throat as you sat in the dark, dripping on the ground. How long you sat there you didn’t know. If it weren’t for the horrible embarrassment you felt there was a high chance you would’ve fallen asleep to the sound of rain hitting the top of the bleachers and the ground surrounding it. Eventually you started to grow really cold. You were shaking pretty badly- after all it was autumn. 
It was only when your butt grew numb that you heard a sound outside of the bleacher. Like a knock.
“Hey, let’s go inside.”
That sounded like Shinso. It was hard to tell with all of the rain, though. You didn’t bother to look up, tightening your grip on your knees and burying your head even further down.
“Go away.” Your voice betrayed you, shaky and weak. You never told Shinso to go away because he wasn’t the type to reach out. That’s how he knew how serious this was.
There was a click and a slight shuffle. You assumed he was walking off but you were wrong.
Instead of saying anything else, he threw his bag and what sounded like his umbrella under the bleacher and crawled in after you. Shinso sat on the dirt, far enough away to ensure you were comfortable. It was no secret that he probably wasn’t the best with comforting but when it came to you everything came easily.
You could feel his lavender eyes lazily tracing over you as they always did. The idea that he had seen that picture made you want to run and hide somewhere else but you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
He took note of the easiest part of you to identify in the dark, your hands. They were shaking and the color was off. They looked paler and cooler in color than they should be.
“Can I see your hand?”
You jolted at the question, slightly lifting your head but still refusing to look in his direction. You gave a weak nod and offered it hesitantly to your friend. 
He took your hand in two of his. You shivered feeling how incredibly warm his  were. You had held hands with him before, but after being isolated for as long as you had they felt incredible.
“Shit, you’re freezing.” Shinso grumbled, rubbing his hands over your own to provide some circulation and heat.
You nearly died when he lifted your hand to his mouth and blew hot air against the appendage. It was such a gentle gesture that most people didn’t associate with someone like him but you knew him better than that. He was almost always gentle with you. Subconsciously you found yourself scooting closer to your purple haired friend, craving the warmth he had to offer.
When you could hear his steady breathing you stopped and finally turned to look at him. It broke his heart to see such a miserable look on your face. He had forgotten that he was still holding your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back. You didn’t stop him. It felt nice.
“You know, don’t you.”
It was more of a statement that a question. He gave a hesitant nod.
“Did… did you see?”
A relieved sigh escaped your lips, but it came out shaky. It was either caused by the crying or cold, but it was probably a combination of both. Without another word Shinso took off his black zip up hoodie and pulled it over your shoulders.
“Thanks Shin..”
“It was that Kaminari guy, wasn’t it?”
He sounded angry. That was actually pretty unusual for your stoic friend. You couldn’t get yourself to answer. Remembering that fight made your lip wobble. You looked down at your knees and tried to hold back the tears but it was no use.
“I knew it. That asshole.” He pulled you into a gentle hug, his warm, strong arms holding you to his chest. You couldn’t stop the choked sob from ripping itself painfully from your throat. One hand rubbed gentle circles on your upper back while the other remained wrapped around your middle. Even though you were crying your eyes out he still made you safe. After awhile though, you cried yourself out but didn’t let go of Shinso.
“I-I’m going to get kicked out of… of U.A….” You mumbled against his chest between shaky breaths.
“No you won’t. Midoriya already told the principal that it was Kaminari.”
You pulled back, a shocked look on your face.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t have anything to do with it.”
A thankful hum left your lips as you gave your friend an approving nod. In truth it was still weird for someone to do that for you, but Midoriya meant well and Shinso respected your boundaries. Hopefully if anyone was kicked out it was Kaminari. Someone who leaked nudes definitely didn’t deserve to be a hero.
“Come watch a movie with me in my dorm?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he asked. He was probably worried it would make you feel anxious, but you gave him a reassuring smile and nod. You caught a glimpse of his signature smirk as he turned towards the way you both had come.
You followed Shinso as he led you out, taking both of the bags while you opted to hold up the umbrella for the two of you. A few times you accidentally bonked his head with it and the two of you chuckled about it like kids. He had really gotten tall over the past few years. You only noticed these little things about him now for some reason but you found yourself labeling him as quite attractive.
He smelled nice too. Kinda like fresh laundry. Warm and inviting, not something most people would expect from him either.
When you entered the building Shinso took the door that most people didn’t use. Thankfully the hallways were sparse because most people were in class right now. Still, you found yourself hiding behind him anytime a student met your eyes.
Shinso didn’t mind, even stepping in front of you a few times. He didn’t realize it but that little gesture meant everything to you right now. He suggested his dorm because it was close and pretty secluded. He also didn’t have a roommate. In Shinso’s eyes that was the definition of heaven.
It didn’t take too long to get there. When you finally did he let you enter first, following and sliding the door closed. You flipped the switch and was greeted with his simple room. There was a gaming setup for PC and then the tv with a firestick setup. 
Shinso offered you some of his own clothes since you were wet and the both of you changed into dry, comfortable attire. Both of you faced the walls. After what happened today he wanted to be sure you knew he wasn’t going to cross a single boundary.
When you both plopped down on the edge of his bed he turned on your favorite horror movie, scooting back until he hit the wall. You wiggled back to meet him with a playful giggle and he simply shook his head with a small grin at your childishness.
It wasn’t until the movie had been playing for a bit that you remembered how warm Shinso was. His steady breathing next to you was soothing, almost making you feel sleepy if you weren’t so painfully aware of his presence.
Without much thought you leaned closer until your shoulders brushed. He didn’t seem bothered by it at all, gently rubbing his shoulder against yours as a sign of affection. You two had been friends since right after the sports festival so physical contact was pretty normal now. Gently, you rested your head against his firm shoulder and kept your heavy eyes trained on the screen. His breathing hitched and he temporarily stiffened. You thought maybe you had gone too far.
That was until he lifted his arm and wrapping it around your shoulder, pulling you closer with ease. There was that warm laundry smell again. Damn him for smelling so good.
You absentmindedly nuzzled your head into his chest, listening to his notably fast heartbeat. That was when you realized that you didn’t really view Shinso in a completely platonic light. 
And you were okay with that.
Clearly he was too. There was no denying the way he acted around you. The only thing you were worried about though was coming off as a hypocrite.
“Hey Shin?”
“Is it bad if… If…”
He noticed the hesitance, dragging his eyes from the screen to the top of your head with a concerned expression.
“If what?”
“If I like someone.. even though things with Denk- Kaminari, I mean- ended so recently?”
You were surprised to hear a deep chuckle above you. Pulling back you shot Shinso a pout and he lazily smirked at you like he always did.
“No, of course not. Why would you think that?”
Because that’s… kinda what he did to me.”
Your purple haired friend’s expression quickly changed to a slightly saddened one and his tone became serious as he pulled back a little to look at you. To really look at you.
“(Y/N)… you are nothing like that. Don’t ever say something like that about yourself.”
You tried to ignore his remark, but two hands clasped your own keeping your attention firmly on Shinso.
“Y’know, I like someone too. Someone who just went through a bad breakup. Does that make me a bad guy?” You felt your heart flutter a little when he said that. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle.
“Well.. no, but-”
“But nothing. It’s not the same, okay? You’re nothing like that prick.”
The way Shinso talked about you, like you mattered… it was something Kaminari had never truly showed you in all of the three years you had been together. The look of adoration in this man’s eyes right now made your heart pound in your ears. The room was hot now, like the air had been sucked from it but almost in a pleasant way. You didn’t know what you were doing, but you lunged forward, pressing your lips against his.
They were soft and smooth. You knew he tried to take care of himself but you didn’t know Shinso took it so seriously. He kissed you back almost immediately. You felt a hand cup your cheek as he angled his head to deepen the kiss. Your mouths opened and it was really all a blur. All you knew was that Shinso was was here with you right now. He cared about you more than your douche of a boyfriend ever did, and he had probably liked you for awhile judging by the way he was really savoring the kiss.
Somewhere between smooches you told each other how you really felt. How badly Shinso wanted you since before you even met Kaminari and how you wished you had just dated Shinso instead.
Needless to say despite Kaminari’s best efforts, he couldn’t put you down.
Shinso simply refused to allow it.
(A/N) who wants a part 2? Also I know the ending sucks but my Grandpa died like 3 days ago so yeah… lacking motivation.
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 4 years
Brainless - KINKTOBER Day 3
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Day 3: Mind Control
Fandom: MHA (My Hero Academia)
Pairing: Shinsou x Kaminari
Summary: Kaminari’s having a stressful time with his Pro Hero work. Shinsou has the perfect solution. 
Word Count: 2,209
Prompt by: @lustyargonianmaid​
Shinsou immediately took off his mask as he entered his apartment. He huffed a sigh of relief as he completed his first week of Pro-Hero patrolling. He thought it’d be the same as some of the sidekick work he completed with Aizawa during his third year at UA, but it was nowhere near the sort. It was nothing he couldn’t handle, but he was more than happy to be at home for the weekend. He was more than ready to spend the next two days relaxing with his beloved boyfriend and hero partner. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Shinsou heard Kaminari nearly shouting in frustration, something that was incredibly rare and out of character for the budding hero. “No, officer I promise you I sent the report in last night! No, seriously, don’t put me on hold. I promise you I can -” Shinsou had guessed that the officer on the phone had gone against Kaminari’s wishes, considering the next phrase Kaminari spoke was barely understandable, but incredibly audible. Shinsou calmly stripped off most of his hero costume, leaving him in a black shirt and black pants. He slowly walked over to their shared bedroom and tapped on the door. 
“Denki? I’m home.” He spoke as he opened the door, concerned by what he saw. Loads of papers scattered across their in-bedroom office desk and a rarely angry Kaminari about to throw his phone to the ground. Kaminari turned his head to see Shinsou coming in and near instantly tried to cover up his anger.
“Hitoshi! Hey, babe! How was patrolling?”
“Well, I’m glad it’s the weekend. What’s more important is what’s going on with you. You’re never angry, D.” Kaminari tried once more to shrug everything off, giving a look to say that everything was going fine. But Shinsou could see straight through him, his boyfriend was never good at lying about whether or not he was fine.
“I filled out this super long incident report from a hostage situation last week to send into the police station. Now they’re saying they never received it. So I have to do the whole damn thing all over again before the villains’ trial or the station’s going to get a whole bunch of bad publicity. That, of which, will fall onto me. They’ll never want to help me with a mission again!” Kaminari rambled to the point of speed talking as he paced around the room, as if his boyfriend wasn’t with him. Shinsou walked over towards Kaminari and placed his hands firmly on his shoulders, holding the shorter one in place.
“Denki, breathe. You’ll short circuit if you work yourself up this much.” His voice was low and rough when he spoke, but Kaminari understood the genuine concern underneath. He sighed and slowly walked over to the bed, letting himself fall and lay face flat on top of the comforter. It humored Shinso a bit, seeing how Kaminari was able to make such a joke out of his own emotions. Regardless of that, he was still incredibly concerned. He walks over to the bed and lays down on his back, turning his head to face Kaminari. “Have you ever thought of taking a break?”
“You can’t just take a break from being a hero. I have to be responsible now. Not gonna lie, it kind of sucks! It makes me miss the days at UA where I could go brainless and not feel like I’m risking people’s lives by doing so.” Brainless. That word immediately gave Shinsou an idea. He’d have to ask first, make sure everything was okay with Kaminari and that he’d feel comfortable with whatever would happen. But if he was okay with it, Shinsou had something he would love to try.
“Maybe you can’t take a break for long. But, I might have an idea on how to make you feel better.” Shinsou cooed, his low, raspy voice slowly nearing Kaminari’s ear. He leaned upward from the bed and sat gently atop the other’s lower back, beginning to knead into his tense shoulders. Kaminari let out an exhale at the contact, needing something...anything to distract him from the discourse going on in his mind. 
“What were you thinking?” Poor Kaminari. So incredibly oblivious. Shinsou ran a hand through the yellow hair, raising another sigh of content from the hero beneath him. He slowly lowered his hands back down to Kaminari’s shoulders, then his back, then his lower back.
“Well, clearly this paperwork thing has you stressed out. You said you missed the times where you could go brainless and feel no judgement. What you seem to have forgotten, Denki, is that you have an amazing boyfriend who knows how to do just that.” Kaminari paused, turning his head to the side so he could face Shinsou as much as possible. They had talked before about using their quirks in the bedroom, even went through with using Kaminari’s, but they had never had a thorough conversation about using Shinsou’s quirk in that way. He definitely wouldn’t mind it. He was already the more submissive one so it’s not like much would change. But a part of him longed for that warm, fuzzy feeling he’d get after going too many rounds. That mix of pain and pleasure where your head feels like it’s in the clouds and you can barely form a proper sentence. To feel like that the entire time? Sounded good to him.
“You’re talking about brainwashing me and then fucking me...right?” Kaminari spoke candidly, earning a small laugh from the other. Shinsou hopped off of Kaminari and used his strength to turn the shorter one onto his back.
“That’s exactly what I was thinking. Is that okay with you?” Kaminari’s breath hitched at the sudden movements. But as soon as he looked up at Shinsou, who glared down at him with the perfect mix of gentle admiration and fiery lust, he could already feel himself getting hard. Without a second thought, Kaminari leaned up and began stripping off his shirt. He leaned up and collided his lips with Shinsou’s, gently cupping his face as he did so. 
“Fuck yeah, it’s okay with me.” Kaminari quickly responded before smashing their lips together once more. He didn’t want it right away, though. He wanted to feel his partner grow more and more feral, knowing it’d make the payoff that much better. Shinsou started stripping off his clothes as well, inviting his tongue into Kaminari’s mouth. The two couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Kaminari went to wrap his arms around Shinsou’s neck, but was pushed down onto the bed in the blink of an eye. The psychic hero quickly stripped off his pants, leaving him only in boxers. He slowly snaked up Kaminari’s body, kissing and sucking on his exposed skin before getting to the waistline of the other’s pants. He looks up at Kaminari, a little hesitant at what they’re about to do.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this? Because once I start, you won’t be able to do anything unless I tell you to.”
“Yeah, I’m okay with it! You know what I like and what I don’t. I trust you, ‘Toshi.” Kaminari smiled as he responded. Damn, Shinsou loved that smile. There was something about the way Kaminari’s usually positive attitude contrasted his quiet and rough demeanor. An ‘opposites attract’ sort of thing that others were confused about when the pair first made things official. But it was beautiful to them. Shinsou took a deep breath, ready to activate his quirk; the second Kaminari answered his next question.
“So, are you going to let me in?” Kaminari gulped, both nervous and excited about what was about to happen. He’d feel everything, but he knew it’d be different. Would he even be able to say anything? It didn’t matter. He needed the stress relief and he needed it now.
“Yeah, I’m -” Kaminari’s response was interrupted with his own choked breath as the quirk flipped a switch in his brain. It felt weird at first. His head leaned back as he felt all the tension in his body leaving him. His head felt light and fuzzy, like a freezing body being covered with a blanket. Nothing but a pure wave of relief. Shinsou smiled, tucking a strand of his boyfriend’s hair behind his now blank and pliant face. 
“God, you’re beautiful like this. Why don’t you take these boxers off and stroke yourself for me, baby.” Kaminari immediately followed his words, not like he’d be able to do anything else. An uncontrollable sigh left his lips as Kaminari began stroking, starting slow at first. Shinsou snaked up the boy’s body and stripped off his boxers, letting his hard on free itself. “I’m gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours so well, baby. You’re gonna take me in your mouth, aren’t you?” As he heard those words, Kaminari wrapped his lips around the length and began working his tongue everywhere he could, his mind relishing in the pleased grunts coming from the man above him. As Shinsou began to thrust into Kaminari’s mouth, the electric hero instinctively picked up his stroking pace. 
Their moans quickly began to fill the room. Kaminari unable to hold back and Shinsou unable to give a shit about who heard the two of them. “I’d ask how you were feeling, but you can’t talk with my cock in your mouth, can you?” Shinsou groaned out, his thrusts growing rougher and less rhythmic. He wanted more, so much more. He had to be inside Kaminari and he had to be inside of him soon. Much to both of their disappointment, Shinsou took his cock out of Kaminari’s mouth as he leaned over to grab a bottle of lube from their dresser drawer. He placed the bottle in Kaminari’s hand and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Here’s what I want you to do. You’re going to lube up those fingers and fuck yourself open for me, and I’m going to stroke this cock while I watch. You won’t stop until I say so. You won’t come until I say so. And don’t hold back, I love the noises you make for me.” That last sentence earned a moaned cry from the other. He felt so fuzzy and light in his head, but his body felt like it was going to sink into the bed. If he weren’t so focused on pleasing himself and his boyfriend, Kaminari swore he’d be able to fall asleep like this. He followed every one of Shinsou’s requests, his pleasure spiking as he felt his own fingers enter him. 
Seeing Kaminari so obedient only made Shinsou want him more. He began to stroke himself, watching every inch of Kaminari’s twitch and tense up as he moved his fingers in and out. Neither of them started off gently, wanting nothing more than to reach that peak of release. Shinsou’s grunts became especially loud, signalling that he was close to release. But he wouldn’t let himself come before getting to feel Kaminari’s tight hole clench around him. “Stop, baby. You’re open and ready for me, aren’t you?” Yes, Kaminari thought to himself. I am more than ready...please. He wanted to scream and beg so badly, yet he couldn’t say a word. Shinsou looked down at Kaminari’s lubed up hole, biting his lip in anticipation. Shinsou lined his cock up to the entrance, slowly thrusting into Kaminari inch by inch. Kaminari, unable to hold back his noises, yelped in a mix of pain and pleasure. With barely any movement, he could already feel the tingly, bubbly feeling of release rising in his stomach. He didn’t know how much longer he’d last. Once Shinsou had fully entered him, he began to slowly move in and out. He didn’t want to be slow, however. He craved the faces his boyfriend made when his mind was being blown. “God, you’re so tight around me. How good does it feel, baby?”
“S-so....hot. S-so good.” Given he was asked to speak, Kaminari was relieved to finally tell his partner how amazing everything felt. The pleasure coursing through his veins was thicker than his own blood. He even started to feel small sparks of electricity crackling around his body, heightening every sensation. Shinsou noticed this electricity, nearly getting shocked by the volts surrounding them.
“You’re going to short circuit, aren’t you? Get all dumb for me? That’s exactly what you wanted, darling. I promise you you’ll get it.” Shinsou could barely get these words up as he started to thrust rougher and deeper into Kaminari, brushing up against his prostate. Their moans skyrocketed as the two reached their climax together, Kaminari bringing a mild shock to the both of them as they did so. Tired and pleasure-filled, Shinsou lifted the control on Kaminari and collapsed next to him on the bed. 
“‘Toshi….h-holy shit.” 
“S-so much better..I can b-barely speak.” Shinsou laughed as he went to grab a towel, cleaning Kaminari off with gentle care. He laid back down next to the younger hero and covered the both of them with a blanket as he snuggled close next to him.
“Good. Get some sleep, baby, we’ll worry about your paperwork later.”
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cyb-by-lang · 6 years
Shell Game (13/?)
Training begins.
During lunch on Monday, Kei stopped in with Principal Nezu to let him know about what had happened on Sunday. He could take it or leave it, but she was nonetheless slightly relieved to hear that the water villain would probably get his hearing back. Eventually. In prison.
She wouldn’t have been that happy if the jackass had actually managed to lay a finger on Hayate, but that was an alternate universe she hadn’t allowed to manifest.
After classes on Monday, Kei and Shinsō met for their mutual tutoring session in the school library. First of all came studying and, like the good student he was, Shinsō actually had all the notes from the classes Kei variously daydreamed through, missed, or simply didn’t understand. Though Kei did copy a fair portion of them and asked Shinsō for explanations for various topics, a fair chunk of the trouble came from not actually reading the coursework. She’d read more of the Modern Literature coursework in the past hour as a result than she had since the term started, with Shinsō outlining his note-taking strategy in between barely-hidden yawns. Sunday night clearly hadn’t treated him well, but he seemed game enough for their agreed-upon training.
And then, after the sky started to change color, it began.
It was…probably about the physical equivalent of what studying was for Kei. To wit: An embarrassing slog.
I didn’t realize it was this bad, Kei remarked to Isobu, while watching Shinsō get warmups out of the way. It’d been a long time since Kei had seen anybody huff and puff that hard after running a mile. Or its equivalent.
Training was all right in theory. Between Hayate’s pestering and Shinsō’s offer, Kei didn’t have much choice other than to study. She just hadn’t expected to have that kind of time while waiting for Shinsō to exercise.
Their route today was in Mustafu, solely because that was where UA was and it saved them train fare. Besides, studying after school meant there didn’t really seem like anyplace else to go that still felt like they’d be keeping momentum going. So, Mustafu it was.
By mutual agreement, neither of them were running anywhere near the bank from yesterday.
You may have forgotten that the majority of humans cannot keep up with a special jōnin in any capacity.
Shinsō managed to catch up to her, eventually. Checking her phone, she timed it out to about ten minutes. Unless the internet was lying to her, Shinsō was somewhat slower than average for a Japanese boy his age, and he was definitely not going to make the cut with the Hero course kids with a score like that.
Kei wasn’t even winded. She felt vaguely guilty about that, but figured Shinsō wouldn’t appreciate what’d look like pity coming from her.
Maybe she should have started him out with a kilometer run instead.
Once Shinsō got his breath back, he gasped, “Please… Just let me focus on Modern Literature.” Before Kei could pose a clarifying question, Shinsō went on, “If I have…to also tutor you in math…before doing this? I am going to die.”
Kei did her best to channel Gai. It was generally a safe bet. “Don’t give up yet, Shinsō-san!”
Shinso muttered something unintelligible, reaching up to adjust the sweatband around his head. He didn’t seem encouraged.
“Anyway, now it’s time for stretches and cooldown activities.”
Kei’s outlook didn’t really improve from that point onward, though she wasn’t nearly as frustrated as Shinsō was. He made it through most of the stretches fine, though he couldn’t touch his toes particularly well. At the end of it all, both of them were differing levels of annoyed, but at separate problems.
Are my standards completely broken?
She didn’t even know where to start with katas. She needed more of an idea of his capabilities, even if his physical conditioning wasn’t filling her with confidence.
They went to a completely mundane non-beach park, which was conveniently free of witnesses on a Monday afternoon. There wasn’t exactly much to attract people besides the playground fixtures, and those were a little stooped and sad due to too many Quirk-blessed children attacking the structure over the years. And there was a water fountain, which Kei supposed was probably the only thing to recommend it.
Kei poked and prodded until Shinsō stood across from her on the grass, his feet shoulder-width apart. Given his expression, he was less enthusiastic than she’d been as a kid about the entire process. Then again, her mother had been using a shinai and had, perhaps with a bit too much faith in Kei’s impulse control, given her one to hold while the corrections went on. The trouble then had been keeping Kei still, not getting Shinsō to keep his muscles loose.
“Throw a punch, please,” Kei said, after she was almost happy with what she’d managed.
Shinsō blinked. “Right now?”
“No better time,” Kei said, and before she’d finished the last word, Shinsō had already thrown it at her face.
Kei caught his fist one-handed and said, “Gotta change a few things before you do it again.”
Shinsō huffed. “I’ve only thrown one.”
“And I’m here to make sure you don’t break your fingers on the second.” Kei turned his hand, saying, “Thumb on the outside. Otherwise you can hurt yourself more than the enemy.” She let go of him and reset their starting positions. “Again!”
A second punch.
“Don’t punch with the flats of your fingers. Knuckles first.”
A third.
“Stop aiming at my face. You’ll hurt your hand worse and just barely break my nose. Too many bones.”
A fourth.
“Keep your wrist straight. Good thinking, aiming for the throat.”
And on, and on, and on.
Shinsō switched arms before he could get tired, while Kei continued to correct him with the patience drilled into her by her mother and by trying to teach Hayate kenjutsu in their younger years. There was a different tempo to this kind of lesson, and Shinsō didn’t have the experience Kei relied on as a fighter to fall into step with the constant demand. Falling into a pattern in a real fight could be fatal, but here she just needed Shinsō to keep pace.
“Enough,” Kei said finally, while Shinsō shook out his wrists. His hands looked a little reddened by the constant impacts. Her own palms hardly tickled. “Take a break.”
Shinsō glared at her, but she ignored it. While he stalked toward the water fountain, Kei tried to think her way through the problem.
Would they get further with pure physical conditioning? The technical details were important, but Shinsō’s endurance wouldn’t really matter in a match with students who’d been training all along. Either he could grab someone with his Quirk and would win the match after essentially trash-talking someone into submission, or he’d be forced to rely on barely two weeks’ worth of training to rally after mind control failed.
Dammit, if only we had more time.
That is what everyone says, eventually. But you do not have that kind of time.
Kei pressed her thumb to her lower lip, trying to think.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar flare of fiery chakra, and Obito stepped out from behind a cherry tree in his Tokyo clothes. Jeans and close-toed shoes had been a hard sell for him, but the medical eyepatch and long-sleeved shirts without the Uchiha high collar had been comparatively easy. He still wore gloves to hide his mismatched hands, but otherwise Obito was about as inconspicuous as he ever got.
He had a smiley face on the eyepatch. Because of course he did.
“Hiya, Kei,” Obito said brightly. “How’s life?”
“Kind of weird. Did Hayate tell you what happened yesterday?” Kei asked, hand on her hip.
“A bit. You really do run into a lot of trouble, don’t you?” Obito’s gaze focused on Shinsō, who was making his way back to them.
“Trouble finds me.” Kei gestured toward Obito. “Hey, Shinsō-san, this is a friend of mine. Dropping in to check on me, I guess.”
“Kei needs looking after sometimes. I’m Uchiha Obito.” He inclined his head just slightly. “Nice to meet you, Shinso-san.”
“Likewise, Uchiha-san.” Was it just Kei’s imagination, or did Shinsō give Obito a searching look after all that? “So, are you two close?”
Oh, great.
“Uh, we did grow up together.” Obito was oblivious, of course. “So, what’re you two up to today?”
“Training,” Kei said, before Shinsō could dig any further into that topic. “The Sports Festival is coming up, so we’re trying to get in shape.”
Obito brightened. “Can I help?”
“Mark out another…two kilometers,” Kei suggested. With a sweet smile that sat not-at-all on her face without a twist, she said to both boys, “We’ll finish with that!”
Shinsō looked like Kei had just signed his death warrant.
Obito trotted off, whistling.
“So, are you two—?” Shinsō began with the beginnings of a teasing smirk.
“He’s my best friend, not my boyfriend,” Kei corrected him immediately. With a stern expression, she indicated the direction Obito was traveling. “And we do have a beach. What do you think about running in sand, Shinsō-san?”
Shinsō, even despite his exercise flush, somehow managed to go pale. “I’m good.”
“Thought so. Now, I don’t have much else going on in the afternoons, but I don’t think it’s realistic to meet every day.” Mostly because having a purple duckling following her around would put a severe cramp in her ability to keep up the whole “shinobi” thing. She hadn’t done a proper perimeter circuit since the school year started. “Okay. How about I show you how to fall safely on Wednesday? And maybe throw people.”
“Why Wednesday? Why not today?”
“I can show you how to throw Obito today, but only because his Quirk means we don’t need mats,” Kei explained. She tapped her foot on the grass. “Softer than concrete, but I’ve had concussions that say otherwise. So has he. And he already knows how to fall, so there’s that too.”
Shinsō sighed. “At this point I’m not sure who got the better deal here.”
“I did say I was fine if you cut it down to just Modern Literature,” Kei responded. She checked her phone for a cheerful “Done! ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕤ” from Obito, then said, “Let’s go. We’re wasting daylight.”
“I hate you so much already.”
“Big words for day one! Come on, it’ll make you feel better to throw Obito around.”
Shinsō groaned aloud.  
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