#i miss my traumatized monkey trio
chilinandeppresing · 1 year
I remembered something that I saw in Overly Sarcastics' explanation of JTTW. When Wukong went and crossed his name out of the "Book of Life and Death," which also is canon in the show. He didn't just cross out his name. He crossed out every monkey he could find. I wonder if he crossed out MK without knowing.. since we don't know his birth name, and neither does Wukong. So it's a possibility. Would also explain why the underworld is so angry with them(or at least why one the diyu kings is)
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One monkey significant to the universe escaping death is a pain(Wukong), 2 is bother(Macaque), but 3? That I feel might be pushing past the traitorous(?) Diyu kings patience. Giving them probable cause to align with whatever villain is in charge of this whole ordeal because yeah, no, I don't think a Diyu King is the main villain.
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Ok so, I decided to add some facts about The Trio so people can know more about them. (TW Sexual, mental, and physical abuse; Mention of P!lls and E@ting D!sorder and depression)
Sean is actually from Mexico and can speak Spanish fluently. He still keeps up with some Mexican traditions sometimes.
Sean is A junior Woodchuck Like Huey. That's how he met Huey.
Sean is in love with Huey. (My head canon for Huey is that he's Bi)
Sean Loves reading and writing. He wants to be a writer in the future. Sean also loves science, like Oliver
Sean is a huge nerd.
He is also a Darkwing Duck fan
Sean actually gets adopted by Drake and Launchpad and becomes the adopted brother of Gosalyn
Sean's birth parents disowned him for being gay🙄
Sean's pronouns are He/him
Sean's favorite music artist is Cavetown.
Sean's birthday is on June 16
Benji is a HUGE theatre kid and a funny kid. He wants to be on Broadway and also wants to be a comedian when he gets older.
Benji is Omnisexual. ( Which means he likes any gender but has a preference.)
Benji is In love with Dewey. ( My headcanon for Dewey is that he's Pan)
(this is going to be traumatic TW abuse of 3 kinds) Benji's mom and her boyfriend physically, mentally, and sexually abused him.
Benji's mom also killed his dad and older siblings, and his mom threatened that if he called the police he would be killed too.
Benji has Major depression and hides it very well, and he goes to therapy.
Benji takes anti depressive pills.
Benji is basically the funny friend who doesn't talk about his feelings and mental state bc he doesn't want to seem selfish.
Benji also has a eating disorder but gets better after a while of knowing Dewey.
Benji's mom and her boyfriend are in jail for all the things they did.
Benji's pronouns are He/They
Benji's favorite artists are Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, and Taylor swift( I know such a difference and Benji is a swifty fr).
Benji has a spirit possessing him. He used to be evil but then they just became cool with each other. The spirit's name is Lynx.
Lynx's Voice claim bc I think it's perfect for him.
Lynx has the personality of Bill Cipher ( Gravity falls) mixed with Angel dust (Hazbin Hotel).
Benji is amazing at singing
Benji is ENTP
Benji also has a magical amulet that helps him and Lynx control their powers. (Kinda like Lena's)
Benji's birthday is on April 19 ( Like tommyinnit)
Oliver is the nephew of Gyro Gearloose.
Oliver loves Science and music. He wants to be a musician and scientist in the future.
He had a twin sister named Catherine, but tragically died in a accident on a school field trip.
Oliver's mom was very abusive.
Oliver went missing for a few years after a plane crash with his dad. Presumed dead kinda like Della was.
Oliver's dad betrayed him by joining F.O.W.L and basically told Oliver that he never wanted him in the first place.
Oliver can Speak Italian, Greek, and Ukrainian fluently (And English ofc).
Oliver has MAJOR anxiety.
Oliver has ADHD.
Oliver is in love with Louie. (Head canon for Louie is that he's Gay.)
Oliver goes to therapy too.
I had an AU that he landed on the land of the Dream Smp and basically got adopted by Tommy. Oliver got even more traumatized over there (poor guy😭).
Oliver uses He/They pronouns.
Oliver is Trans masc.
Oliver is amazing at fixing/ Inventing things.
Oliver is also amazing at singing.
Oliver looks up to Gyro and Fenton a lot. He thinks of Fenton as a uncle ( even though Gyro and Fenton get married in the future).
People close to Oliver call him Ollie or Olive.
Oliver's favorite artists are Arctic Monkeys, PUBLIC, Lana Del Rey, Cavetown, and Lovejoy.
Oliver is Gay.
Catherine is actually a spirit always watching Oliver, making sure he doesn't get in too much trouble. (Like Lena did for Webby).
Oliver's birthday is on January 3
This took way longer than I wanted😭. I wanted to basically give more facts about the Trio since I gave so little facts about them. I may give some facts about Catherine bc why not.
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emmabodt · 4 years
Jaw Titan Part 1
Ymir nervously dragged her fingertips over the rough wall of the stone passage, distracting herself with the sharp texture as she descended underground. No Shifter liked being underground; it gave them really bad claustrophobia, because transforming would mean certain death.
They had been walking for several minutes, and according to Sienna, their destination was just ahead. Not that Ymir was looking forward to it.
"Ymir?... You might wanna stop now," Sienna spoke. Ymir looked over and saw that Porco and Sienna had stopped a few feet behind her. In front of them was just plain wall, no door to be seen. Ymir gave them an annoyed look.
Sienna shrugged." This door was designed to be invisible. If someone wanted to break in and got this far, we hope that they would walk right past the door and get lost in the tunnels. They go on for awhile."
Ymir watched silently as Sienna gave the wall a solid shove, pushing it backwards until it slid to the side, revealing a solid oak door. Then she fished around for something under her shirt, pulling out a pendant and a key. Sienna quickly slid the key off her head and inserted it into the lock, opening it with a loud creak.
Ymir stuck her head over Sienna's shoulder and inhaled sharply. Terror slowly snaked it's way up from her stomach and wrapped itself around her heart as she took in the sight in front of her; a large, white walled room filled with white robed people and tables strewn with papers, bottles, and God knows what.
Sienna stepped through the door and spun to look at her companions, stretching out her arms with a small smile on her face." Welcome to the T.B.R.A., a place few people get to see."
Porco huffed and brushed past Ymir through the door." This place is already giving me the creeps."
Sienna dropped her arms and nodded. " Yeah, I know. Just wait till you've got the Jaw within you; it will be a lot worse."
Porco blinked, then turned to look at the freckled girl standing right outside the door." Is that true?"
Ymir scowled." It doesn't matter what the hell is inside of me, this place is creepy enough to scare away anybody."
Sienna shrugged again as she spun around and started walking towards a door on the far end of the room." Try to keep up, you guys!"
As Porco and Ymir began to follow her, Sienna whistled and snapped her fingers.
"Leo! Lucy! Gray! Follow me! We've got work to do!"
Almost immediately, two men and a small woman fell into step behind the scientist. The woman, Lucy, who's long blonde hair swished with her every movement, fell into step beside Sienna.
"Dr. Alchuwitz? What are we doing?" she asked, twisting her hair into a neat ponytail.
"I bet it's something to do with that Titan experiment the Doc's been talking about lately," said the dark haired man.
"I think so too; see him?" said the man with the messy brown hair, jerking his thumb at Porco." He's one of the Titan candidates."
Ymir folded her arms across her chest, feeling her stomach twist. She wished more than anything that Krista was here. She would calm Ymir's nerves, help her stay strong. But she wasn't here.
"You're all right," said Sienna as she led them through the door into another room." These two are here as a test run for our theory."
The work trio nodded quietly in understanding as Sienna continued to lead them through various labs and rooms. In them, Ymir saw more white robed people, looking through those micro things, reading things from important looking papers, mixing things in glass beakers.
Finally, Sienna threw open the doors to a room that looked different than the others; it looked like a lounge of some sorts, with soft, cushy chairs place up against the wall, and small tables stacked with books scattered all around.
"Welcome to the lab, guys!" Sienna said as she walked over to a closet and flung it open, shrugging off her sweater before draping herself in a white lab coat. Without missing a beat, she pointed at Porco.
" You stay here and find something to read. Don't snoop around and stick your nose where it doesn't belong."
"Why would I? This place creeps me out," Porco huffed, flopping down in one of the chairs. Sienna turned to Ymir.
"Alright; are you ready?"
Ymir nodded mutely, feeling claustrophobia clawing at her stomach. Sienna smiled at her comfortingly and put an arm over her shoulder, gently pushing the freckled girl towards a door on the opposite side of the room.
"Ymir-" Sienna was cut off by a shake of Ymir's head.
"Look, I'm going in that room and going through with whatever the hell you have in store for me. You don't need to promise me anything. This whole deal is a gamble, but I wouldn't do it if I didn't trust you," the freckled girl muttered." Now take me in there and do what you gotta do."
Sienna's smile grew a bit more as they walked through the door with her three assistants behind her.
"Thank you, Ymir."
The room looked like a hospital room than anything. There was a bed surrounded by tables that were filled with all sorts of medical equipment.
"Welcome to my humble abode," said Sienna as she and her assistants pulled on long white gloves." This is where I extract Zeke's spinal fluid."
Ymir nodded and sat herself on the bed." So is this bed covered in his monkey sweat?"
"Nope; we change the sheets every time he comes here," said Lucy cheerily, pulling on her own gloves." We have to keep this place as sanitary as possible so that Zeke stays healthy. Sticking an unsanitary needle that far down into the body would make someone pretty sick."
Ymir huffed as Sienna walked back over, pulling her hair back into a neat ponytail.
"Okay Ymir; do you need anything to help you relax? A backrub, a moment to breathe, or a sip of something strong?"
Ymir leaned back on her hands and smirked. " You drink on duty, doc?"
Sienna shrugged cheerily. " Well... Zeke gets a little thirsty after his appointments..."
Ymir chuckled. " Well, if that guy drinks it, it must be good stuff. Hit me."
"As you wish," said Sienna as she produced a bottle and a glass from behind one of the tables." You were right in guessing that Zeke only drinks the finest Marleyan liquor."
"Well of course; everything about that guy reeks of high quality," Ymir said as she watched Sienna poor her a glass of the "fine liquor". As soon as Sienna handed her the glass, the freckled girl drained it.
"Alright. Let's do this," she said, handing back the glass. Sienna took it and handed it to Lucy with a small nod.
"Ok, please remove your shirt and lay on your stomach; try to relax as much as possible; the looser the muscle, the easier the procedure," she said, slipping into a professional tone. Ymir removed her shirt and flopped onto her bare belly as Leo handed Sienna a freshly sanitized needle. A big one Ymir noted.
Ymir shivered. The last time a needle had touched her, the unending nightmare began. She shut her eyes and tensed instinctively as the needle got closer.
"Ymir, relax." Sienna pulled the needle away.
"I'm sorry, I can't. I can't help it."
Sienna nodded at Gray as she soothing lay ran her hand over Ymir's back.
"It's okay. I'll help you. Gray here is good with massages, he can help you loosen up."
Gray started to approach Ymir, but she shook her head." I don't like being touched."
Sienna sighed. She could tell the girl she had on the table in front of her had been through a lot of trauma.
"Ok then...can I sedate you?"
Ymir gave a silent nod.
"Alright," Sienna said as she walked away to a nearby table." I'm going to have to use a needle."
Ymir nodded again as Sienna picked up another needle and filled it with a clear liquid. The fear in her stomach intensified as Sienna turned back around, needle in hand.
"Ymir, would you stretch out your arm?"
Sienna watched as Ymir streched her arm beyond her head, palm up. Her fingers shook ever so slightly. The blonde quickly plunged in the needle and emptied it before Ymir could pull back in fear.
Almost instantly, Ymir could feel the effect from the drug now running through her veins. Everything got blurry, and she could feel her eyelids getting heavy. She could barely hear Sienna tell her to lay back down before everything went black. .......................................................... Sienna sighed as Ymir blacked out. The poor girl was traumatized from the last time she had been turned into a Titan.
Sienna turned to her assistants with a grim, determined face.
"Let us begin the procedure."
-------------------------------------------------- Word Count: 1501
I.... Owe everyone a very big apology. I haven't posted anything since august, and i feel terrible for that.
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sebeth · 6 years
Young Justice: The Return (Animation)
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In an earlier post, I wrote my thoughts on the upcoming return of the Young Justice comic book. Now it’s time for the cartoon series.
I’ve tried to avoid most interviews but I have seen the promo images and watched the two trailers repeatedly.  I like to go in as spoiler-free as possible when watching/reading media but I only have so much self-control.
Let’s start with the main plot –
There will be a time jump between season 2 and 3 – we’re just not sure of the exact length.  
The formation of the Outsiders, along with the rescue of Terra, will be the main arc of season three.
Dick reunites with Conner and Artemis in the beginning of the season for “one last mission”.  Black Lightning accompanies the trio to Markovia to shut down the metahuman trafficking ring.  Why?  Besides the fact that human trafficking is bad.  Black Lightning has no previous connection to Young Justice but he has long-standing connections to Batman.
Has Batman already formed the Outsiders minus Geo-Force and Halo?  We briefly see Batman, Katana, and Metamorpho jump from a plane and later brawl with Deathstroke.  Batman formed the group in the comics - it would make sense for him to be behind the group’s organization in the cartoons.  A covert group for more adult missions he wouldn’t want the Young Justice children to participate in.
I’m guessing the Markovia mission reveals the metahuman trafficking ring is way more extensive than previously thought – leading Dick to reunite with - and resume leadership – of Young Justice.
The Light and the Reach experimenting with metahuman activation began in season two.  Per Wonder Woman, the Justice League “have confirmation that on multiple worlds, earth’s metahumans are being deployed by the enemy as weapons of mass destruction.”
Wonder Woman’s comment suggests the abducted metahumans are being subjected to brainwashing along with experimentation.  I highly doubt the newly activated metahumans would rampage across the universe without mind control directing their actions.
The “multiple worlds” comment ties together Bart’s “we have a mission in space” with the glimpses of the New Gods, Superboy’s brawl with Lobo, and Dick and Conner fighting Sensei/Silver Monkey on a foreign world.
New Genesis might be one of the world’s affected by the “metahumans of mass destruction”, Lobo could have been hired by the Light, and Sensei/Silver Monkey is guarding one of Ra’s Al Ghul’s headquarters.
On to the characters:
First up, the Outsiders –
Geo-Force, Katana, Halo, Metamorpho, Black Lightning
The Markov Royal Family
As I said above, I’m fairly confident Batman has already formed the Outsiders before the beginning of the season.  Possibly as a true “covert” group – as in without the Justice League’s knowledge or permission.
Young Justice was told they were a “covert” group by the Justice League but mostly it was a “training wheels” type group – smaller missions while being trained by the more experienced heroes.  They did covert missions but were still in the press and public’s eyes.
The Outsiders will be the true covert group – sticking to the shadows, away from the press, down and dirty missions, etc.
As for the individual Outsiders:
Geo-Force - Brion is an adorable big brother.  Noble, protective, eager to find his sister and stop the bad guys.  Visually his powers should be awesome – they are similar to Terra’s.
Terra – Not a member of the Outsiders but I wanted to include her with Brion.  The big question: will Terra be a villain?  I’m guessing “yes”.  Comic cannon dooms her to this fate.  I do believe it will be the result of the Light’s brainwashing instead of the general “evil” nature.  Possibly making her a tragic villain.  Will Deathstroke be involved with Terra’s brainwashing?  Comic cannon says “yes”.  Could Batman, Metamorpho, and Katana storm the island looking for Terra?  Is that why the Outsiders end up fighting Deathstroke?
Black Lightning – Jeff appears serious and mature.  Love his visual design.  Can’t wait to see him in costume.
Metamorpho – We only have a visual impression.  Very nice. I wonder if we’ll see Sapphire or Simon Stagg?  Rex will be the one who gives Deathstroke the most trouble in the upcoming fight.
Katana – Not much to go on yet except visually.  Katana’s design reminds me of a more adult version of her DC Girls attire.  Excited to see her in action.
Halo – Will be entirely different from the comics.  She is a person of color and possibly Muslim?  Let’s skip all the drama and hatred over the race change.  Please?!  She’s seems to be a new character.  I highly doubt her name is going to be “Violet Harper”.  For those unfamiliar with Halo, she wasn’t a great character.  Apologies to Halo fans.  Violet was a sociopath who was murdered by the 100, a criminal organization.  Aurakle, an alien entity, merged with Violet’s deceased body.  The “resurrection” caused amnesia.  It gets more complicated from there.  Let’s agree to start fresh and give the new Halo a chance.  Halo’s powers are light-based – different colors have different effects.  Halo’s colors were the same ones used by every color Lantern corps.  However, Halo predated the emotional spectrum Lantern corps by twenty years.  I’m betting Halo receives her powers in the cartoon due to the Light’s genetic manipulation. The one thing I would like to see carry over from the comic books is the maternal/big sister role Katana has in Halo’s life.
On to the Young Justice newbies:
Spoiler – I’m excited – I love Stephanie.  She had a brief cameo in Season Two.  How and why did she join the team? Is she involved with Tim?  Will this cause friction with Cassie?  I hope not as I would love to see Steph and Cassie bond. Cassie is very exuberant in the cartoon and Steph has the same approach to life – I would love to see the two become close friends.
Arrowette – A surprise choice since we already have Artemis, Roy, and clone Roy in the series.  Glad to see her as she was a prominent member/supporting character in the comic book series.  Will she develop a close friendship with Cassie and Bart?  Those were her two besties in the comics.
Thirteen/Traci 13 – Another surprise choice. Traci can easily step into the void Zatana left when she joined the Justice League.  Will Traci have a romance with Blue Beetle?  They were a cute couple in the pre-New 52 era.
Oracle – Not a true new character but Barbara has clearly been through some changes since season two. Will we see a Killing Joke flashback? Or did Babs become Oracle in a different way?
Static – Like Oracle, Static is a returning character but with an upgrade.  The writers seem to love electricity this season – we have Static, Black Lighting, and Live Wire also makes an appearance in the trailer.
Notable absences:
Miss Martian – I won’t miss M’gann if she’s absent this season.  She started out cute in season one, became creepy with the Conner-molding, and became worse in season two with the unrepentant mind-frying and toying with Lagoon Boy.  So no thank you unless Miss Martian has learned from her mistakes and expresses honest regret over her actions. Feeling bad for mind-frying Kaldur does not count as honest regret.  M’ganns the easiest case for a “hero goes bad” if the show writers wanted to go that route.
Aqualad, Lagoon Boy, Aquaman, etc – Atlantis has had zero representation in either trailer.  Did something happen to Atlantis during the time jump?  Will that be one of the mysteries during the season?
Miscellaneous thoughts on the upcoming season:
We are all but guaranteed a fourth and fifth season of Young Justice.  We know it’s going to be one of the heavyweights of the DC Universe streaming service so I don’t want various plotlines rushed.
Season Three will have 26 episodes.  The majority will focus on the Outsiders and the metahuman trafficking ring alongside a “mission in space”.    That leaves room for some “done in one” episodes or time for the development of various subplots.
The two big questions on fan’s minds: Will we see the return of Wally West or the debut of the Red Hood?
I would bet Wally’s return will be near the end of the season.  The writers will want a “wow” ending for the season finale and that would be it.
As for Red Hood…I feel it’s a strong possibility.  I don’t think the writers would have had Jason’s memorial hologram if they didn’t have any intention of using the Red Hood.
The writers could have Red Hood’s debut be similar to Jason’s appearance in the Teen Titans comics:  Jason attacks Tim, and leaves the “Jason Todd/Red Hood Was Here” message on the walls.  I’m not sure if the writers want to redo the entire “Under The Red Hood” storyline.  At this point, it’s been done in the comic books, an animated movie, and a video game – most fans are familiar with the details by this point.  Jason’s attack on Tim would allow Dick to fill in the rest of the team on the details of Jason’s resurrection.  Dick has been keeping his distance from the team as indicated by his “one last mission” line.  Dick’s distance would easily explain why the rest of the team is unaware of Jason’s return. Tim wouldn’t explain “Gotham business” to his teammates – he’s much more introverted and was way more intent on respecting Batman-imposed boundaries than Dick.
A developing friendship between Arsenal-Roy and Jason is a must.  Not only because of the “Outlaws” comic book but because it’s a natural development between two traumatized boys prone to lashing out.
What I Don’t Want:
A Conner-M’gann relationship – The pairing started cute but is now toxic.  Creepy molding combined with mind manipulation = abuse.
No Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Starfire, Cyborg, or Raven.  At least not this season.  We have multiple new characters debuting this season, new characters who didn’t receive much focus last season, and a possibly debuting Red Hood. The seating capacity is full – no new debuts until season four.
I’ve rambled enough for now – so excited for January!
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whydoyouthinkileft · 7 years
ele watches aos - aos spoilers
-okay the ep literally just started and I already got random feels from Fitz reassuring Jemma rubbing her back because 1 he's touching her a lot and given that s4 had mostly Jemma touch him to reassure him or them exchange very quick kisses I had been missing the cuddliness from both and 2 he's not pushing her away and 3 oh that's right, they are dating, I had almost forgotten it thanks also Fitz looks amazingly good to me in those specific clothes - I almost wrote 'and in that face' what the fuck does that mean?
disclaimer only now: I just woke up
-Jemma??  was smiling so much more when offered pie, and also while Coulson mocked those who came to 'arrest' them tho? like Jemma please. Sure, then she returned to blank pissed off face but cannot miss the smile when people get sassed, can you
-Fitz at 1:54 is ALREADY breaking my heart are you fucking kidding me, I thought I'd be more meh about this episode
-Fitz's head on the table makes me cry, and him cry makes me cry even more.
-the accent is lovely tho
-I can understand why they aren't taking him seriously over the robots and androids, I mean... the whole season was crazy, just like everything they go through is. I still think that most of shield looks at Coulson and their team and they are like 'yes this must be what the rest of Hogwarts feels like around the golden trio' and 'I'm not paid enough to ask'
-Fitz what the fuck. This is not the time to go 'yep I'm responsible for Mace's death', come on bby
-'so I know that they are okay'... they are not. And Jemma worried about you too, and you are so not okay
-Fitz needing the tv in the background while researching and getting that (good looking) food is literally me when trying to study. Of course it might just be a plan I don't understand yet involving soccer but for now Fitz is literally me, living in my one room, not communicating, eating and studying with noises to distract myself
-Fitz self-diagnosing problems with his brain damage is very Jemma of him. But also 1 the blonde police woman constantly intervening to soften the others (Let me say police woman I do not remember what else to call her, but I'm not talking about the boss, I mean the other one) 2 her pointing out Framework was traumatizing which yes, hello 3 I'm not entirely sure it could have gone that way with 'schizofrenia' should I even research it? or was it the writers using words like tv writers usually do? 4 seriously the blonde police woman asking him if he's okay  
-the MONKEYS  to keep the time
-I love how apparently it is standard for ALL of them to do push ups when captive (except Jemma had to act all cool and use the cage as a pull up BAR)
-I know Fitz going crazy against the tv might have been an example of him exaggerating and losing it, but given that I'm Italian... that's our culture so I'm not sure
-oh my god, he's going completely out of his mind, isn't he
-was he looking for messages in the editor notes of comics? they must have some secret agreement to communicate that way if separated
-shit I can't understand much without subtitles of Hunter and Fitz talking over each other
-he DID leave messages that way
-the laws are laws so they had to let me in, well, they didn't really follow laws before tho
-Rusty? is that the name, what kind of pilot??
-also i have to thank Hunter for the plaid button up? thank you bby
-honestly he even got them a ride with a bathroom and probably food in it
-so he told Hunter everything, I know there is no time but my heart wishes I could have seen his face while Fitz gave him the whole damn story starting from s3b. OH HE DIDN'T TELL HIM ABOUT GETTING TOGETHER WITH JEMMA UNTIL HUNTER ASKED?? SO WHAT DID HE TELL HIM? JUST THE SPECIFICS HE NEEDED ABOUT S4?
-I love how there are ninjas in Hunter's story while he was gone but he's still aware it's not as crazy as Fitz's life. And chasing a beer trunk does sound like a perfect plan for him but the whole 'together forever but doing our own thing? I seriously hope Fitz won't consider that for him and Jemma as their way to be forever in love but separated willingly because they are NOT going to be happy that way, their story is different and they *are* compatible, it's life around them that fucks it up
-Hunter watching with a straw in his mouth is also so #me
-2091 finally we got a date
-Fitz's so weak 'no' about the Monolith
-Hunter 'there is only so much crazy talk I can take before I can start shooting holes in it' honey it's a good thing you weren't around lately
-Robin remembers Daisy
-I swear, when the police guy bit the apple I thought he'd find out it wasn't real by losing teeth
-HUNTER BEING CUTE WITH KIDS - you are a very good artist- I'm going to die forever
-Hunter what the fuck are you telling this child about Bobbi
-also the boss woman is a woman who appeared in Leverage too, in a position of power, she's seriously good at this.
-ohhh extinction level event was said and EVEN Fitz and Hunter react appropriately
-what kind of sleepover are Fitz and Hunter having, this is so sad. Hunter asked *again* about him and Simmons, bless
-'the universe doesn't want or care about anything' Jemma wants to hug Hunter accross time
-oh yeah, because if you two hadn't gotten together the Framework wouldn't have hurt her, okay. Like you weren't hurt or worried about things happening to Jemma before you two started dating or even before the confession in the pod
-Robin's power is awful tho
-I KNEW HE WAS LEFT BEHIND SO HE CAN GO GET THEM BACK, after they avoided destroying earth
-How do they look so good though, wearing that grey stuff. Am I supposed to not be distracted by Hunter's smile though
-I wish they hadn't released that spoiler about the ferrets though lol
-is Hunter going to come to the future too or is he going to stay behind and get arrested for Fitz because I'm going to shoot someone today, also will they explain how Fitz learned so much about the future to pose as a buyer, get those clothes etc?
-Did hunter say Fitzy?
-ALSO WHAT THE FUCK DID FITZ JUST DO WITH THE GUNS, is that from the doctor or SHIELD? Can you do that without muscle memory?  
-the fucking fuck just happened with the blonde boss woman? what the fuck did I just watch?
-at least it's not stasis? OH NO IT IS STATIS, FUCK YOU
-Hunter is so upset tho
-Hunter's I love you what a piece of
-oh Star Wars reference
-what kind of bitches write this show
-oh so the alien guy is the one to thank for Fitz's clothes and preparation
-give me a break I hate you all
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immaroleplayrainbow · 8 years
Hacked by Talon!Genji & Reaper RP (Part 21)
After a moment, Hanzo opened the door, his face full of concern. “You do not sound too well. Did you have a nightmare?”
Caleb Crow
Genji gripped the sheets of his bed, eyes squeezed shut, before he opened them with a tired smile. "I... am alright, Brother. It's nothing."
Hanzo felt like he should persist Genji to tell him, but knew his brother had been through another traumatic experience. He sighed. "Well let me know if something is wrong. I'll see you later." As he turned away, Genji noticed a small mark on his forehead, just behind his bangs.
Caleb Crow
"Wait!" Genji slid out of bed on shaky legs. "Brother, what is that?"
He stopped, his face full of confusion."What is what, Genji?"
Caleb Crow
"Your mark," He walked closer, face worried, as he focused on the mark on his forehead. "Right there..."
"Hmm, this? Got this during a fight with those talon agents from a month ago. Didn't think it would scar." Genji's concern was making him worried.
Caleb Crow
He pulled his hand back. A coincidence, nothing more. It has to be. "G-Gomen." He muttered.
"You do not seem alright brother. You feeling unwell? Should I take you to Miss Ziegler?"
Caleb Crow
"No, no, it was just... just a nightmare. Do not bother yourself with this, brother."
"If you insist. You should get yourself someting to eat, you must be hungry."
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"... perhaps. I am not." His appetite had vanished during the dream. "I... will stay here."
Hanzo was still worried for his brother, but didn't want to pester him. Maybe he should tell Zenyatta that Genji did not seem well. "Alright. I'll see you later, brother." He left.
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Genji stared after his brother, before he swallowed thickly and hid himself under the blankets. He needed to get a hold of himself...
Only about fifteen minutes later, Zenyatta arrived at Genji's door. "Your brother believes you are troubled. Genji, my dear student, what is creating discord within you?"
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Genji shifted until he was able to sit up in his bed. He... really didn't feel like moving right now. "Master, you can come in, y'know..." He mumbled, unwilling to answer his question.
Zenyatta floated in, going to Genji's bedside. If the omnic's face could show emotion, it would be full of worry. "I sense anxiety and unrest. What is causing this?"
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"Nightmare." Even speaking about it sent chills down his spine. "A bad omen, Hanzo was taken and he... he had the same thing done to him..."
"Hmm... perhaps it is a side effect of being controlled by them. Genji, do you remember what happened when they had kidnapped you?"
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"... Maybe, a little. I-I don't like to think about it, Master." Genji rubbed the back of his head.
"I understand. However, you must come to terms with it if you are to aquire peace once again. Let me know when you are ready to talk to me about it." Zenyatta gave him a comforting pat, then left.
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His fingers curled around the bedsheets, before he sighed and forced himself out of bed. Maybe talking to Lucio or Hana or someone might get his mind off of it...
No one else came into the room. Despite his the fact his stomach was churning, he was hungry. He did need to eat.
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To the kitchen it was, then. Genji made his way down the hall and towards the dining area.
He heard a blender going off, along with some happy yelling.
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Ah, people! Genji walked in. Someone must be causing mischeif.
And someone was. The trio of younger overwatch members were currently trying to blend Doritos and Mountain Dew together. Lúcio and D.va were trying to stop Jamison from putting hot sauce into the mixture.
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Genji blinked, before he managed a smile. "Now what are you three up to?" He asked.
"We're trying to make meme juice." Lúcio responded. "And Jamie's trying to ruin it!" D.va added. "No I'm not. It'll make it better, trust me mate!" "No." She tries to grab the bottle of hot sauce from Jamison, but he's much taller than her, so to no avail.
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"Oh for Kami's sake, who's gonna drink that?" He asked closer. "I'm sure not!"
"I'm gonna! If Jamie doesn't ruin it first. Gimme a hand Genji!" Hana said.
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Genji walked closer and went on tiptoes, grabbing at the hotsauce bottle.
Jamison held it up as high as he could. The bottle was still out of reach. Lúcio stared at the scene, and chuckled. He couldn't really help, being the shortest.
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"Fine! Hana, I'ma pick ya up, see how that works!" And Genji did as he promised, picking Hana up so that their combined height outmatched Jamie.
With Genji now helping her, she swiped the offending bottle of sauce out of Jamison's hand. "Ha ha, success!"
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"Hah!" Genji beamed as he set Hana down again. "I knew you could do it."
"I'm number one!" Now with the hot sauce hostage, she started to pour of of the meme juice into cups. "Wanna try some, Genji?"
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"Ah..." Genji smiled sheepishly and backed away. "I'm good."
"Your loss." She gave Lúcio a cup, Jamison refusing his until he got his hot sauce back. Hana took a big gulp, then almost choked. "Ugh!" "See, I told ya you should have added more ingredients." Lúcio said. "Like hot sauce!" "Jamie no."
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"Why would you even take such a big gulp?" The cyborg sighed, before he moved to get three cups of plain water for them to wash down their drinks.
Hana gladly took the cup of water from the cyborg. Lúcio took a small sip from his cup of the concoction, then took his glass of water. Jamison still refused to drink his without the hot sauce. "Try a little." Lúcio offered. "It's not that bad, just really weird tasting."
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His nose scrunched, and he reluctantly took a cup. ".... I'm going to die again." He muttered before sipping it.
It was definitely weird tasting. Not as bad as he thought, but the flavors did not mix well, and the texture was unpleasant.
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He made a face. "Hot sauce would NOT have made this better."
"Told you so, Jamie!" Jamison huffed. "Whatever. Can I at least have my sauce back?"
"No." Hana held the bottle hostage.
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"Keep it hostage, I don't want him to poison any more drinks." He joked, while downing an entire cup of clear water.
Junkrat gave Genji an irritated look, and the moment their line of sight met, the ninja was hit with a flashback. The game room. And Jamison giving him a very different look.
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Genji was holding the Katana in his hands, instead of the cup, and he froze, shoulders tensing. "I don't mean to, go away, get away from me you're not going to go back!" He yelped, tossing the katana to the floor and took a step back, hands to his head, breathing quickening. "I can't-- I cant take you back to Talon, I can't--"
When Genji came back to back to his senses, the younger agents were gone, a spilt cup of the meme juice on in the floor. They must've ran away. He'd scared them.
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His eyes widened, before they watered, and he buried his face in his hands. "I-I didn't... I didn't mean to..." He rasped as he sank to his knees. "I... didn't mean t-to...!"
Angela, Zenyatta, and Winston entered the kitchen to find the weeping ninja. Zenyatta approached him cautiously, placing a hand on the Shimada's shoulder. "Genji?"
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Angela rushed forward, too. "Genji?"Genji shook his head. "I can't...." He whimpered.
"What happened?" Zenyatta held Genji's face gently.Winston stood in the back, ready in case Genji started to attack them.
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Genji choked back a sob. "I saw Jamie. I saw Jamie and I was holding my Katana..."
Zenyatta stroked his hair, attempting to calm his student. "It's alright, nobody was hurt, just a bad memory..."
Winston waited a moment longer before speaking. "Do you want me to restrain you?"(edited)
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Angela shot a small glare towards the monkey, and Genji tugged at his hands. "... please, just..." Genji swallowed. "Let me stay locked in my room."
Winston nodded, and they guided the ninja back to his room. Zenyatta kept a hand on Genji the whole time, trying to keep him grounded.
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Genji stayed silent the whole trip back, and once he was in his room he just kind of sat on his bed. "Thanks." He muttered.
"It is of no burden to me, my student. However, it seems what Talon has done to you is not truly gone."
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"....." Genji just shrugged mildly, wiping away his tears with one hand. "But the chips... they're gone, aren't they...?"
Winston looked towards Angela. "The scans showed nothing but scar tissue remaining, right?"
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"Yes." She frowned, a hand on her chin. "The scans should have shown everything, especially the chips. I don't know why..."
An image flashed in Genji's head. Strapped to a chair in a dark room. A blank screen in front of him.
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Genji yelped, tugging his arms to try to get them free. "Not again-- NO!"(edited)
"Genji, what's wrong? What is happening again?" His master's voice, full of concern, brought him back into reality.
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He snapped out of it, eyes wide. The arm tug he attempted had brought his shurikens out again. ".... T-Talon."
Winston had the cuffs at ready. "Shall I restrain you?" He would shackle Genji if he either attacked or said yes.
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"... no. Those won't do me any good, anyways." He kept his weapons away. "Just please, leave before I attack someone again..."
The three quickly made their way out the door, Zenyatta hesitating to go before following. However, as Winston was about to shut the door, imagery overlapped Genji's real sight. He saw Talon agents about to lock him in a cell. We'll break him soon enough. Were the words he heard spoken in his mind.
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Genji learnt from his mistakes; he stopped himself before he attacked them. It had to be an illusion, it had to, its fake, it's not real, stop, don't foolishly attack them.
By the time he regained his bearings, he was alone in his dark room.Winston turned to Angela, concerned filling his face as he locked the door. "We need to double check his scans."
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Angela bit down on her knuckle nervously. "Are you sure it's nothing to do with PTSD? Another scan may be in due, but trauma can cause hallucinations..."
"Then we should check for signs of it in the brain scans. Whatever it may be, I have the awful feeling we've overlooked something Angela."
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"..." She ran her fingers through her hair. "Alright. Alright, we should. I agree." Angela murmured.
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