#i miss maddie so much i miss my threads here too
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School Spirits Season 2 (episodes 1-3) liveblog/thoughts
**Spoilers for School Spirits Seasons 1 and 2x01-2x03
note: so last season I wrote up a lot of really detailed timeline stuff as I watched, and I don't think I'm going to do that this season, because 1. it's not a murder mystery anymore and 2. since a lot of the "mystery" elements of last season didn't tie back to Maddie at all, I can't expect all the little details to necessarily come together for the main plot. There are a couple of loose threads from that which I will keep an eye out for (honestly, I think they're just accidental loose threads), but my approach this season is more just ~vibes~
ROFL I completely forget Xavier got hit by a car at the end of season 1, like it completely slipped my mind. I possibly should have done a rewatch leading up to this, but I didn't and I'm here now, so I'm gonna go with it. I am watching the recap, though.
First question remains the same- what does Mr. Martin want? He tells Janet "the only way out is to go back in" and tells her that she needs to "go in deeper" which she does not want to do. He later tells Maddie that he wishes he had never pursued "this," though we know we can't trust him, so who knows if he actually has regrets or not. However, the fact that he runs from Maddie (and vanishes to who knows where?) suggests to me that he is genuinely afraid of something. If he were completely in control, I don't see why he would run away, what are the ghosts going to do him? Kill him?
Okay, Simon, my boy, please think clearly. Maddie literally gave you information that would have been impossible for you to have otherwise. The only reason you even found out Claire was involved in the blackmail was because of this stuff.
Lots of setup, some refreshers for the start of the season, fairly standard for a season opener. The budget feels higher already.
Unsurprisingly, it looks like Janet's past is going to play a big role in the season. Her dad seems like he sucks. I guess my immediate question is- are we getting all this backstory because it's emotionally relevant to Janet's storyline, or are we getting all this backstory because there's going to be a big plot element around it? When Janet goes to the graveyard, we see her grandmother's and her father's grave. Are those characters still in play as ghosts?
So far it does seem like the ghost characters are going to get the majority of the emotional weight. Rhonda, Charley, and Wally all already feel like they've been set up for some character development, while Nicole, Claire, and Xavier (until the end) don't have particularly clear set up for anything. Simon and Maddie have always been central, so no surprises there.
Okay, tbh, I did not think the car hitting Xavier looked that bad, but I'm going to assume he suffered a head injury or like that thing where if you get hit really hard at just the wrong moment it stops your heart, or something like that until told otherwise, because otherwise I can't figure out why he literally died for a minute.
So, my big question for the end of episode 1 is- how will this tie Xavier to the ghost world? Will he be able to see ghosts now? (I can see them not wanting to do this because Simon being the only person who can see Maddie is portrayed so heavily as a special bond, but also linking Xavier to the supernatural seems like the obvious reason they would kill him briefly, so....) Maybe it's just to get him onboard with everything because Claire is clearly not going to buy this story and Nicole seems pretty skeptical, too. I guess I'll just have to keep watching to find out.
Also seems important to mention that Janet is clearly pretty messed up from both what she's been through (and possibly her life before her death) and she appears to have been locked in a basement for like a year and I didn't miss all of that, I just don't have much commentary for it other than- I can't blame her.
Okay, so far it does feel like Xavier's brush with death is mainly to get him to be more open to everything, but I think it would be cool if he has some sort of lingering supernatural effects of the experience. Having a character die and then be brought back feels like the sort of thing that majorly changes them. If this weren't a supernatural story, I would assume that would be emotional/metaphorical change, but this show is about ghosts, so I'm kind of expecting something more than that.
I hate to say it, because I adore Wally and I hate love triangles, but it's making me itchy to watch all the Simon/Maddie/Wally scenes where Wally very clearly feels threatened. It's not there for no reason.
New additions to the cast, Yuri and Quinn. I wonder why Yuri never thought it was odd that Janet could make permanent stuff? Does he also have that skill? Because if not, surely he would notice that his stuff resets and (at least some) hers doesn't? I do like Yuri so far, though. I'm about halfway through the ep, don't feel like I know much about Quinn yet.
So we now know Janet's dad definitely sucked a lot. With that confirmed, and with the scene of Janet hiding under the stairs (as Maddie) with the person going up and down, do we think that's her father's ghost? (It wouldn't surprise me at all if Janet sees ghosts even though she's technically alive now). And... How did he die? did she (or her grandmother) kill him?
Xavier, my dude, I know I was tough on you last season, but cheating on Maddie does not mean you deserved to be hit and killed by a car.
Mr. Martin is engaged? (well, was) Interesting.
I hope someone realizes how triggering the Mr. Martin & Janet stuff clearly is for Rhonda. Obviously (so far) in the flashbacks we aren't getting the impression that it's an exact reflection of Rhonda's experiences, but close enough.
Okay, I wasn't expecting the Wally conflict to directly come up so soon, but I hope this at least means that we'll get some happy-go-lucky glimpses of him this season because it's one of my favorite elements of his character and (as Maddie basically called out) it's been very lowkey recently. I understand why he's upset/struggling, I like the layers, I just hope that's not the only side we see of him this season.
Alright, they just said Xaiver has a concussion. I'm no MD, but I did do some sports medicine training (unfortunately saw my fair share of concussions, including a couple that required ambulances, paramedics, and a trip to the hospital) and I do not think if you actually almost died of a head injury that anyone would let you back in school like the next day, even if you aren't expected in class. The lights alone would be problematic. But that's probably just me nitpicking.
So what you're telling me is Yuri saw a ghost with extra abilities and he was just like "eh 🤷♂️"? honestly, kinda valid. I'm glad Charley is addressing that.
I just had a thought that probably won't happen, but could be interesting, since Simon & Xavier are headed to the house that Janet is burning down, is it possible that Xavier will see Janet (Maddie) as Janet and not as Maddie? That would be an interesting effect of his death that's different from Simon's ability to talk to Maddie's ghost. I don't know how it would be helpful, but it could be cool.
Also was I right and Janet's father's ghost was actually there, or was she just imagining/remembering him? Clearly we don't know the extent of her abilities, or how the other ghosts factor in, but considering Janet's love of science and all the documentation, it would follow that she was running different experiments and she needed a bunch of different test subjects to do so. The big question being- what negative effects did she know/assume this had on them, because if it didn't have any, there would be no reason to hide it and they might do it voluntarily (they have very little to lose). Is it just that she was actively keeping them from crossing over? It seems like it would be something worse than that.
Mr. Martin is afraid of something "bigger," so clocked that. I do have an idea of what the red light means from the trailer, so not going to pretend to be super confused or speculate a lot, but not gonna explicitly say here because in case people haven't seen the trailer that addresses this.
So... do we think Claire is going to get an actual storyline, or?
Ah, there's some Wally lightness I was looking for.
Just got to the scene with Nicole's brother who I do not believe existed last season & I could be wrong, but he very much feels like a character that's been introduced to provide Claire with a new love interest and I am questioning if this would have absolutely anything to do with the central plot.
Janet's quite possibly a genius, but also she managed to leave her bag in a bathroom and lose all the money she stole, so brains aren't everything. I can't even laugh at her because I left my purse in a public bathroom a few months ago and didn't realize until I had driven an hour and half away and then had to drive an hour and half back (luckily it had been turned in) and then an hour and half the other way again.
I didn't realize I wanted more Xavier & Simon detective squad scenes until just now, but I do. I think they're really funny together, the actors bounce really well off of each other.
Okay, wait, wait, I immediately take back what I said about Nicole's brother because Janet's just been offered a ride to a college, and they just told us five minutes ago that Diego is in college, so what are the odds on "Diego sees his sister's missing best friend"? High, I'm guessing.
Well. That happened a lot faster than I was expecting it to, but okay. lol.
Can someone explain to me how the hell is Mr. Anderson is not in jail?? Stealing that much money is definitely a felony.
I can't tell if we're setting Nicole and Xavier up for a legit romance or just absolute horror and hilarity, like right now I could honestly see it going either way.
I just had to pause for like ten minutes from the secondhand embarrassment of the Wally/Janet scene. I know that's not the important part of that, but omg.
I don't understand how everyone else thought what Rhonda relayed about the party made Janet look bad instead of Mr. Martin. She literally says "no more experiments" and it seems like she wanted to give back the objects taken from the other ghosts, and I don't really get why Rhonda had to spell that out for everyone, like exercise some common sense my guys. I'm not saying that I fully buy that Mr. Martin is the ultimate evil (the man is scared of something) or that Janet is the ultimate good (setting aside the whole "stealing Maddie's body" thing, she was willing to kill Xavier with a car, so not a paragon of good morals, but still), just that I don't get what they missed about Rhonda's story to see Janet as the bad guy there.
I'm back to "Diego exists as a character solely for Claire" even though they technically used him for the plot briefly.
How did five of you lose Janet? She was literally right there.
So is it (the "hellscapes" so to speak) like a "you have to confront your death before you can move past it" kinda thing, or??
Unexpected MVP dynamic Simon & Xavier! But also Xavier should not be driving either and the girls really should have dropped both him and Simon off.
I'm not sure where Janet falls on a morality scale, but approaching Maddie's mom is rough if she doesn't intend to try to give Maddie's body back, because she has been through enough and like... oof.
It took me several hours to get through these episodes because this show has the misfortune of being on the most buggy streaming platform of all time, so my brain is tired at this point. I'll start a new post if I have any additional thoughts.
#school spirits#school spirits season 2#school spirits spoilers#school spirits season 2 spoilers#lb#mine#text#long post#idk i am so tired y'all
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just did a (spoiler heavy) thread on twitter for everything i loved and hated in sonic 3 so i may as well put it here
id like to say i dont think it needs to be a perfect adaptation of sa2 and i think they were right to NOT do that!!! the most obvious part being presenting shadow as nothing but a threat until the reveal is impossible now, seeing as sa2 is such an astronomically popular game
good: i LOVE how they expand upon maria. in game canon, i kinda hate how shadow and maria have only known each other for like. a few months. a year maybe. my ideal version is super fanfic-y so i think this is the perfect way to do it in a normal, canon-sounding way [tangent: my "ideal" way of shadow and maria in game canon is maria being sent up when she was about 2 and dying when she was specifically 17. this is because it means she still gets to be shadow's older sister and shadow gets to age at a normal rate. literally just because i don't like the idea that shadow doesnt age/ages slowly. so i can draw old shadow weinkly. thats literally it.]
bad: THEY LEFT OUT HER TERMINAL ILLNESS???? idc what you say about how good her story is that's just plain ableism
good: shadow is so good. soooo good. he's so fluffy and cute and pretty. literally the only nitpick i had was "he's a bit too cute because i couldnt find him menacing" but then i remembered my perception of "cute" is somewhat warped lol
bad: literally nothing shadow was just as peak as he was in sa2. only complaint i might have is i prefer his game VAs (other than kirk. kirk i love you and you get too much hate but um. theres way better) but even then i think keanu did a really good job
good: i think gerald was. oh. gerald was alright. it's genuinely so impressive how they pulled off him and robotnik being played by 1 actor like jesus christ!!! and i think the direction they went was good too.
bad: he's annoying and i dont like him and idc it should have been rouge hell i dont even care if rouge is a human to save money it just should have been rouge
bad: tails they could never make me hate you there is nothing bad to say ❤️ go and eat some mints ❤️
good: I ALSO LOVE KNUCKLES WACHOWSKI!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!! knuckles is so good in this film and because i didnt mention it in the tails part the team sonic dynamic is soooooo good like sonic heroes level good
bad: knuckles they didnt even make me hate you in the knuckles show i just hated everything else ❤️ [tangent: tbf i didnt really watch the knuckles show but my brother did and. ugh.]
good: i love how sonic is in this film like it reminds me of boom!sonic in a way with how he's both slightly less mature than game sonic and also Ready To Kill if prompted. ok maybe him being like boom!sonic is a stretch i just love sonic boom so much
bad: i mean hes kind of annoying but hes annoying in the typical sonic way so i have to excuse it. i do prefer game sonic because he's cooler but movie sonic is cute so yayyyy
good: maddie had a role!!!!!!! maddie!!!! was important to the plot!!!!!!!!!
bad: i dont like tom :(
bad: because the parallel is a love triangle from a telenovela it makes eggy and gerald have weird. incestual undertones. probably unintended but it did make me ever so slightly uncomfortable
good: OVERALL this was a brilliant film and i needed my inhaler by the mid credits scene. like i was desperate for the toilet for the whole final act and i SPRINTED to the toilet and back when the credits started because i didnt wanna miss anything
bad: please for the love of god include more women and also if theres any israeli propaganda in future sonic stuff (thankfully not this) i will execute you
theres probably more i can yap about but that's the important stuff i think
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And every time our fingers touched I felt like it would be too much And too little to hang on to
Lexi never really paid attention to the hustle and bustle around prom.
It was just another night for students to dress up, feel good about themselves, and get fucked up on whatever shit they wanted.
She had been so focused on college applications and Fez this year that anything else didn't really matter. For months, Lexi had been slowly reeling Fez in from the deep dark place he was drowning in, making sure he was keeping his head afloat with everything that had happened.
No matter how hard he tried to push her away, she stood her ground and made it known that she was always going to be there for him. They never really got to define what they were before everything happened but she knew she loved him... Lover, friend, or acquaintance; she would take whatever he could give. Right now, he just needed her to stand by him. His brother went to war for him, it was only right she stood by him to help build back the fallen pieces.
Here she was getting ready for a prom she didn't want to go to. She had picked out her light pink dress with Cassie a year ago before everything went to shit and she had moved out. Maddy, who had come over to help her get ready, was putting the finishing touches on her make-up... An unexpected friend she needed while her life was breaking into pieces. "Howard, if she could steal my ex-boyfriend then I'm stealing her little sister," Maddy had told her as she comforted Lexi in the washroom after finding her crying because she had called Fez after he had texted her to stop calling him.
She had never mentioned it to him and he had never brought it up. She knew Rue said something in passing. She knew that he knew about tonight but nothing was really said. Plus, he'd never go anyways.
Staring at her phone, she looked at the last text messages they had exchanged earlier today.
Lexi: Good morning! How are you?
Fez: i'm aight lex. just opening up the store like usual.
Lexi: Do you want me to come by after? :)
Fez: nah i'm good. have a good day at school ok?
Looking at herself in the mirror. She took a deep breath. In another life, he'd be wearing his tux with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. He'd kiss her softly and give her the smile she longed to see again.
"Howard, I'm leaving to get to Kat's. You look fucking hot. I'll see you later!" Maddy yelled from behind her as she heard the door slam shut.
Silence. Something she used to love but now hated. I was a space filled with things unsaid, people who have left, and people that were missed.
Fez: where u at?
Lex: Just at home. Why?
"Come outside."
Lexi's breath picked up at the thought of Fez seeing her all dressed up. Quickly walking down the stairs, she took one last look in the mirror in her foyer as she opened the door to step outside her house.
Her heart stopped as she saw Fez standing outside. Standing there in a fitted pink suit that perfectly matched her dress, carrying a small plastic box with a pink corsage inside, smiling nervously at her.
The smile that he saved just for her.
Taking initiative like he did that first night on New Year's Eve, he stepped towards her and grabbed her hand, threading his fingers through hers.
"C'mon, we gon' be late for your prom."
#fexi#fez x lexi#fezco#lexi howard#lexi x fez#euphoria#fexi edit#fexi prompt#fexi crumbs#thank you maggie rogers for the inspiration
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10 angst w mat
10. Today I drove through the suburbs and pictured I was driving home to you. - Olivia Rodrigo (driver’s license)
he remembered the laugh that tumbled past your lips when he told you to sit back down, that you were being unsafe.
“you’re only going like 10 mph, maty.” the nickname he once hated sounded so sweet dripping off of your tongue. it was one of the things that easily allowed people who knew mat to realize just how fucked he was for you. he had never let anyone else ever call him that, claiming it made his skin crawl. now he thinks it was just the universe’s way of warning him. if she was the one that was supposed to use it everyday, maybe that’s why it sounded so horrendous coming from everyone else.
“10 miles over the speed that warrants no seatbelt!” you rolled your eyes but smiled. mat was a worrier, and you had trouble recognizing when things were more dangerous than you made them out to be. you sat back in your seat to please the boy who was anxiously chewing on his tongue and pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. he’d return it, but he was watching the road to make sure no kids or animals popped up out of nowhere.
“i love you. even if you’re a worry wart.” he rolled his eyes but accepted the affirmation and easily slipped it back to you.
it hits him like a truck every now and then, that his passenger seat is empty and he has nowhere to actually go. there’s no one to point out brick houses that stand out to them or to make up scenarios that will most definitely never happen. he wants someone to lay their head in his lap despite the fact that the cup holders are digging into her back and it’s hard to avoid the fear shift. he misses you, misses your laugh that easily filled the air and never failed to bring a smile to his face. he misses feeling your hand rest on the back of his neck while your fingers thread themselves in and out of his hair.
he misses you, and i matter how many times he thinks of calling you or wishes your name will appear on his phone screen, he knows it’s a lost cause. he remembers the picture he recently saw on his instagram feed where your smile practically lit up an entire room while your arms were wrapped around someone that wasn’t him. he remembers the pair of hands that sat on your hips that didn’t belong to him and the caption that suggested you were as happy as ever.
and though that may be true, mat can’t help but miss you lying beside him while he looks up at his ceiling with a bottle of jack in his hand and your favorite record spinning on his turntable.
the ringing sounded far away as mat slipped into a state of distance, a state where the phone sounded miles away from him or like he was sitting underwater. he wasn’t surprised to get your voice mail, in fact he would’ve been more surprised if you had picked up. so he waited for the beep and started talking.
“hey, i know it’s a friday night and the likelihood of you even seeing this call is ridiculous. even if you did, i didn’t expect you to pick up. you never pick up anymore. i miss you. i miss you more than i wish i did, but i just can’t help it. i cook enough food for two and always end up staring at the left overs with a heart heavy enough to fall straight out of my ass. today I drove through the suburbs and pictured I was driving home to you. and then i got here and you weren’t here, and it hit me. you’re not coming back. no matter how much i sit and wait and stare at the front door, you’re not going to come home. the bed feels cold, and the sheets are never as soft as they used to be. maybe i do the laundry wrong, or maybe it’s just because you’re not here. everything feels wrong without you and i don’t know how to-“
it wasn’t the first time he’d been cut off by a second beep, a way to tell him that he’d rambled for too long and he’d filled your voice mail box with tens of messages you probably don’t listen to. mat stared at his phone and wondered if he should call again or if the blurry vision he was sporting due to the build up in his eyes was a sign to put the phone down and sulk all on his own.
he’d fall asleep that night with a lump in his throat and wet cheeks, wishing you were the thing propping his arm up rather than a half deflated pillow. he’d wake up in a confused state where he almost thought you were the noises he heard outside of the bedroom only to be let down by the fact that it was the tv that he forgot to turn off.
he’d drive through suburbs again and again after that, figuring that it was a healthy way for him to cope with the fact that he’d never buy one of these houses for you. you’d never wake him up by tugging open the curtains and presenting him with a bright smile and a cup of coffee. it was a harsh realization, one he was still working through, but he was trying. he was trying to move on and one day, driving through the suburbs didn’t make him feel sick to his stomach.
#mathew barzal x reader#mathew barzal#mat barzal#new york islanders#isles#blurbs#barzy blurbs#request#nhl#nhl blurbs
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Not Your Danny – Ch 6. Obsessions
Previous | First | Next | FFN | AO3
Word count: 3109
Eventually, Dani has to go back to Fenton Works. She stays with Sam and Tucker at the mall for a few hours, enjoying their company; but, as the afternoon wanes and evening draws near, their hangout time comes to an end.
"I can't believe my parents are making me stick to a curfew. I'm eighteen. I didn't have a curfew a month ago," Sam says when she notices the time.
"A month ago, they didn't know you part-time as a ghost hunter. I can't believe they made your curfew eight," Tucker says.
They manage to hit a couple more stores before Sam has to go, and even swing by the food court again to grab some food-to-go. By the time Dani goes home, she has four bags of new clothes plus a box of pizza all to herself.
"Here." Tucker leans across the passenger seat and holds something out to Dani.
When she takes it, shuffling the shopping bags around her arms so she has a free hand, she notices that it's a cellphone. Basic, with a touch screen.
"It's pre-paid. I have a bunch, so don't worry about it. Mine and Sam's numbers are on there, so you can text us if you want to hang out again."
Dani clutches the phone to her chest. "Thank you."
"No problem."
Dani waits until Tucker has pulled away before turning toward the house. It's hard to tell with the curtains drawn, and the harsh glow of the Fenton Works sign splashed across the building, but it looks as if the lights are off inside. A quick scan of the street shows that Jazz's car is gone, although she could have parked around back, or by the garage instead. Dani heads up to the front door and tries the knob. It doesn't budge.
Rather than trying the doorbell or knocking, she goes intangible and walks right through the door. Inside, the lights are off, just as she suspected. She doesn’t bother turning them on. With her enhanced vision, she can see perfectly well in the dark, albeit in dark, muted shades.
In the kitchen, she finds a note from Jazz: Mom and Dad out testing weapons. I will be at Spike's. There's food in the fridge. Dani doesn't know who Spike is.
When she peeks in the fridge, she finds a tin-foiled plate of meatloaf waiting for her, as promised. She doesn't bother with it, though, taking her pizza up to Danny's room instead. The house without the Fentons there feels... pretty much the same. Without the ambient noise of Jazz's typing or Jack's distant footsteps, the house is far quieter than Dani has ever heard it. Even at night, Maddie's chainsaw snores—which surprises Dani more than it annoys her—keep the house from falling completely silent.
Now, there's nothing but Dani's soft breathing.
It's quiet, and yet, the house feels no less empty than it always does.
She deposits the shopping bags at the foot of Danny's bed and takes her pizza to his desk. Since arriving, she has cleared away enough clutter that the box can fit, although it's a tight squeeze. One side of the box rests on top of the keyboard. She looks between the greasy cardboard and the keys, wondering if it might wreck them. There shouldn't be enough grease that it will leak through, but she decides not to risk it.
Dani lifts the box and shoves the keyboard aside. It smacks into the base of the Challenger's display case, sending it toppling over the edge of the desk.
"No!" Dani throws herself out of the chair, reaching for the model. Her fingers skim the glass but miss. Blind panic fills her and something in her chest bursts. A bright glow launches from her palms and surrounds the case.
The model jerks to a stop a mere inch from the floor.
Dani's heart hammers in her chest. The horrible realization of what would have happened if she missed drains the blood from her face. Careful not to make any sudden moves, she pushes herself onto her knees, arms still outstretched. A thin thread connects the light surrounding her palm and the display case. It tugs on her, like a sixth finger, each movement sending an unfamiliar ripple up her arm.
Telekinesis is not a rare ability among ghosts. A common power, like intangibility, invisibility, and flight, more than half of all spectral entities have some form of it. But unlike those first powers, telekinesis can rely heavily on a ghost's power level and general skill. Where one ghost may struggle to move a toothpick, another can uproot a whole tree with nothing more than a thought.
Dani, until this moment, could not use it at all.
When she flexes her fingers, the model drifts toward her. The moment she has it in hand, the light disappears, and the model's weight hits her. Heavier than expected, enough that her arms bow under its sudden presence. She holds the model in a tight embrace as she rises to her feet. With her elbow, she pushes the keyboard out of the way to clear space and returns the display case to the desk.
After a moment's consideration, Dani nudges the model closer to the middle of the desk. Even if it makes things tighter, she doesn't want that to happen again
She returns to the chair, but rather than eating her pizza, her focus stays on the model. It looks undamaged inside the case, still fixed to its wooden base. At a glance, it seems sturdy enough that it could hold up to a bit of knocking around. A hard smash to the floor would probably do it in, though. The thought makes her stomach twist.
With most of Danny's things, their importance still eludes her. Now that she has her own clothes, and a phone, it's starting to dawn on her why people like things. It's nice, to speak frankly. Being able to have something, to keep it somewhere and return to it, is a nice feeling. But then there are feelings attached to the items, too.
Jack said this model was Danny's favourite. Dani has no way of knowing if she is right about why it was his favourite. It was only a guess based on what she knew of her cousin, what he thought of his parents. Danny didn't smile a lot when it came to them, at least not as far as Dani saw. Maddie and Jack rarely came up during cousin bonding time unless they came after Dani and Danny while they were hanging out. But, sometimes, Danny would smile so bright at the mention of his parents.
If he had done well on a test and they congratulated him. If they took him to the planetarium. If they went stargazing recently. None of these things happened often, but when they did, and Danny told her about them, his smile would be so bright Dani found it hard to look at.
Thinking about her new clothes, Dani wonders if the smile she can feel on her face is just as bright as Danny's had been.
"I'm sorry I lost the music player you got me," she says to the Challenger. "I didn't realize how important it could have been." She shrugged it off at the time. Even now, what little guilt she feels over it stems from losing something that could have been dear to her rather than something that wasdear.
How many things has she lost that could have been important? She already knows the answer: far too many.
Jazz was distracted during the funeral. She tried to hide it, but Jack knew his daughter all too well. As she gave her final goodbyes to Danny, she kept wiping her eyes and looking over the crowd, her gaze searching. Jack looked over his own shoulder a few times, trying to see what Jazz was searching for. He couldn’t find it, obviously.
There weren't many people in the crowd. Immediate family; Sam and Tucker, plus their parents; Valerie came, as well, along with Casper High's vice-principal. Jack had no other family to speak of besides his wife and children—now child. And the only relative still in contact with Maddie, her sister, could not make it in time. Jack understood although it hurt.
Over the past few months, Danny had grown closer with his aunt. Jack wasn't sure when it happened, and it took him a while to catch on. Maddie and Alicia spoke on the phone at least twice a month since Alicia didn't have a cellphone or internet. It was standard practice for Maddie to drag one of the kids into the conversation to say hi. Jazz always went willingly. Danny usually complained.
However, at some point, his complaints stopped. If Danny caught Maddie on the phone, he would eagerly jump into the conversation. He even started shooing out whoever was in the room. Jack blamed it on teenage antics. It wasn't until Jack caught the tail end of one of their conversations that he realized something had changed.
Danny sat at the kitchen table, phone to his ear. When Jack entered, he sat up straighter.
"I'll try and bring it up next time I see her. Not sure when that will be, but her birthday's coming up." Danny paused as the person on the other end replied, then nodded. "Cool. Bye Auntie Alicia, love you."
"Alicia? Don't you think your mother would have liked to say goodbye before you hung up?" Jack asked.
Danny set the phone down on the table. "That'd be weird since Mom didn't call her. Is she even home right now?"
Now that Jack thought about it, no, she wasn't. Maddie went to the store nearly an hour ago to buy cookie fixings. "Good point!" Now that Jack was paying attention, he saw the phone on the table was Danny's cell and not the house phone. "Was she leaving you a message for Maddie?"
"No, I called her."
"Plans for your mom's birthday next month?"
"Nope." Danny stood up and pocketed his phone. "I'm going to Sam's. See you later."
Jack paid more attention after that. There were other phone calls, always the same, where Danny would find somewhere private to talk. Sometimes he clammed up when Jack walked in and quickly ended the conversation. Once, Jack thought he caught Danny crying. It was late. Jack himself had only gotten home a little while ago thanks to a particularly nasty ghost attack that day. For nearly twenty minutes, he and Maddie had chased the ghost boy, trying to catch him while he was down. Phantom was a damn good flyer, though, even when injured.
The first thing Jack did when he got home was check on the kids, and that's how he found Danny curled up beside his bed, his phone cradled against his ear. Every blanket in the room was pulled tight around him.
"I don't know if I can do it anymore," Danny had said. "It keeps getting harder, and today I just–" his voice cracked.
The moment that followed was quiet. Not a single sob escaped Danny, but his shoulders shook. Jack was about to step inside when Alicia's voice, strong and steady, so loud in the silence, came from the phone.
"You're gonna be okay, kiddo."
Jack didn't go inside. Maybe he should have. Danny asked several times when they would be visiting Alicia next after the phone call. Every time he asked was like a punch to the got, but Jack never spoke up. If Danny wanted to come to him, then he could. If he was more comfortable talking to Alicia about this mystery problem, that was fine too.
He'll come to me when he needs to. Jack kept telling himself that until the day Danny died.
Jazz hoped she might see Dani in the crowd. A small part of her whispered that maybe she had missed Dani, glanced away right as she appeared. But, considering how few people were in attendance, that seemed unlikely. Beyond that, if a halfa did not want to get seen, they would not be seen.
Which brought Jazz to another guest she expected, although did not welcome: Vlad. Her worrying proved pointless, though, when he never showed up. As the lingering crowd thinned, Danny's friends and loved ones saying their final goodbyes, Jazz searched the heads once more. No red beanie or glowing white hair, and no pompous ponytail.
At the first opportunity, Jazz pulled Sam and Tucker aside. "Have either of you seen Dani?"
"Uh... is this some kind of joke?" Tucker asked. He glanced none too subtly toward the freshly filled grave. Sam at least had more tact and waited for Jazz to elaborate.
"Oh." Tucker shook his head. "No. We've been trying to contact her, but there isn't a great way to reach her. Left some messages with some ghosts, but that doesn't help if she's not in the Ghost Zone right now."
"She isn't." Jazz checked on the whereabouts of her parents. They were nearer the grave, speaking solemnly with Angela and Maurice Foley. Most importantly, they were well out of earshot. "I saw her at Fenton Works last night, but she ran away."
"Damn." Sam lifted the black veil hanging from her hat, revealing red eyes and smudged makeup. "I hope she's okay. Did she say anything before she left?"
Jazz hesitated. Although the whole exchange only lasted a few seconds, it had yet to leave her mind, for reasons she was ashamed to admit. And yet, no matter how guilty she felt about her initial reaction to Dani, she could not forget about it.
"No," she said. "Dani saw me and bolted. She might have thought I was my mom since it was so dark."
"We'll have to keep an eye out for her. I don't if she would stay without Danny here, but it's not like she has anywhere else to go, either," Sam said.
"I will, too. I thought she might show up here, but..."
"Sammykins!" Pamela Manson called from the cemetery gate. She tapped her wrist, although she wore no watch. "There's a crowd forming, dear."
Jazz grimaced at the sight beyond the funeral gates. A small gathering of Danny Phantom fans stood on the sidewalk, some bearing signs, all dressed for mourning. It was the most inappropriate display she had ever seen. None of them had breached the cemetery, but Jazz suspected that was because of the hired security standing at the gate and not the onlooker's own sense of morality.
She dreaded what the crowd might do as soon as she and her family left.
Sam scowled. "I can't believe them. I get if they want to mourn the local hero, but this is such gross behaviour." She looked remarkably like her mother as she hissed those words, her lip curling in disgust as she glared at the onlookers.
Jazz agreed wholeheartedly.
"I'll text you as soon as my mom takes me off house arrest," Sam told Tucker. "Jazz, let us know if you see Dani again. I'll sleep a little easier knowing she's alright."
Jazz nodded and gave her guarantee.
Vlad has lost obsessions before. Most well-balanced ghosts have. Any experienced ghost knows to have a few central obsessions and a handful of smaller ones. Latch on to a passing interest hard enough and all it takes is a little dedication to turn that into a full-blown obsession. Then, once it becomes tedious, let it go and move on to something else.
There have been some obsessions that he lost against his will. He once had a bonsai tree, a nice juniper, that he loved dearly. It went up in flames with his Wisconsin mansion the first time Danny destroyed his home. Vlad felt the loss like a bitter sting. At the same time, his determination to capture Danny for himself only grew, overwhelming painful prickle. Every slight against him only fuelled his desire more. Never had he fought so hard for something without immediate success. It made the game that much more fun.
And it was a game. Danny learned fast, but there was so much he didn't know, couldn't do. It was so easy to toy with him, egg him on, guide him to new abilities. The potential within him was limitless. Vlad could have overwhelmed Danny in seconds but there's no fun in that.
Perhaps that's why it was so easy for his other obsessions to slip away without him noticing.
He drifts through the halls of his mansion, familiar yet alien at the same time. On the landing, he drags his hand along the bannister, dust gathering against his fingers. His limb flickers, wispy blue, jumping sporadically in and out of intangibility. He designed the balustrades himself, inspired by the first twisted haunts he discovered within the Ghost Zone.
The wood cracks and splinters as his fingers solidify while passing through.
Before him, the front hall looms. Vast, open, a point of pride in every mansion he has owned. Better to impress the guests with a grand display upon entry. Now he finds it suffocating. All his hours of work, his obsessions wasted. Where simply looking upon his walls once filled him with pride, now they sicken him.
There is nothing for him here.
He went to such desperate lengths. Threats, bribery, manipulation, cloning. Nothing ever worked. Each new failure cut him deeper, made him more desperate, more eager. No. No, that wasn't right. He was subtle, clever, controlling an oblivious pawn in a cruel game. The winner, the mastermind. The cloak, not the dagger. The cat, not the mouse. But still always losing. Surely something he had to work this hard for, harder than anything in his life, had to be worth it.
And then, in an instant, in the span of an ectoblast, his obsession died.
"Maddie." Vlad moans, voice breaking. "Maddie. Maddie. Maddie." His please reach no one who cares. All his attempts to reach out, reforge that connection they once had, have been rebuffed.
"Maddie." Once, not so long ago, the sound of her name alone was enough to light his core ablaze.
But when, when, when, how, somewhere along the way that warmth died.
"Madeline, I need you." Please, please. Don't leave me to this. Don't go.
The cold wind whips against him, not unusual for an October day, but it startles him, nonetheless. He hunches halfway down the drive, the empty halls of his mansion long behind. He could return home, but... no. Home won't help him now.
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So... I was kinda disappointed with Buck Begins... NOT ENTIRELY. Just...
Major spoilers ahead. You should definitely watch the episode before reading my complaints... because I have a lot of them, and you shouldn't have the negative thoughts going into it...
But I'm gonna start with the good stuff.
The Buckley Siblings are everything to me. I love their relationship, and watching Buck grow up with Maddie protecting him? *chef's kiss* Perfection.
Buck being a daredevil because it was the only time that he got positive attention from his parents as a child? Absolutely heartbreaking and I hate his parents for *so much* for that.
Maddie doing whatever she could to help her baby brother, even when she was terrified and probably knew how bad it was going to get? I love her with my whole heart.
And I absolutely love the way they highlighted their relationship and how important Maddie is to Buck.
The moment when the team comes in to help Buck and save him and the other person? Cinematic excellence, I applaud them for that scene. His team loves him and will always have his back, and he *knows* that now.
And now for my grievances and where I think they missed the target...
It focused on Maddie too much for a "Buck Begins" episode. I get that she's a huge part of his life and that she would be in the childhood flashbacks, but even once Buck was out on his own, all we got to see were the postcards (with handwriting that did not look At All like Buck's handwriting, might I add) and the one scene of Buck bartending in Peru where he decided to move to LA and become a firefighter.
We already basically got a Maddie Begins episode, when Doug came back and kidnapped her. I didn't need another one. (I love Maddie and I loved the flashbacks, but... it just should have focused more on Buck. It was his episode, after all.)
We should have gotten to actually *see* what Buck did with his life before he made it to LA. They could have shown Maddie receiving a postcard, then done a montage with a shot of Buck writing one of the postcards. That montage focused more on Maddie than it did on Buck, which kind of frustrated me.
And then in present day? They made such a big deal about the family secret, and it just fizzled out. Like it didn't matter anymore. And I honestly don't see them doing much more with it, unless (God forbid) in a later season the Madney baby gets leukemia or something and Buck is a perfect match to save his niece. (Actually I could see them doing that and I would definitely cry. That would maybe give them a pass with this plot thread.)
Then with the factory fire? Idk, it didn't feel intense enough for me. NOT that I wanted Buck to horribly suffer more, but... Eddie being buried alive in his episode was So Much More Intense. Chimney's episode happened while he was literally bleeding nearly to death. I was hoping for more.
And maybe it has something to do with the lack of reaction from the entire team when the building exploded. Not only did we not see Eddie panic, even briefly, about Buck being trapped, we didn't see Bobby or Chimney of Hen panic either! Bobby sees Buck as a son, this is basically canon now. And Chimney and Hen see him as their little brother.
The exploding ladder truck and the tsunami both felt way more intense for Buck than the factory fire in this episode.
And then to top it off, NOBODY GAVE BUCK A HUG AFTER THR FACTORY FIRE! And Eddie and Chimney weren't even there by the ambulance! Like, what the fuck? Yes, Bobby, Athena, and Hen told him what he needed to hear, but they all should have been there! Supporting him! Where were they???
Also, they missed the perfect opportunity to casually make Buck canonically bisexual. Instead of meeting a girl who taught him how to surf, he could have met a guy. Then things didn't work out, just like they didn't with the girl.
UGH, these writers! They're either *really* amazing or *really* miss the important stuff... there was so much potential, and they just wasted it!
Anyway, enough of my ranting. I did enjoy the episode, but it was definitely not the best Begins episode in my opinion.
What are your thoughts? I clearly have too many.
-Quarantine Anon
So I just finished watching. Spoilers beneath the cut
So here’s what I knew going into this- everyone was going wild with theories and ideas and great fics of what was going to play out. Which is great. But I do think it got hyped up because of that.
The flashbacks to the Buckley childhood hurt so much. Margaret seemed to take it out on Evan so much because in her eyes- he failed her by not saving Daniel. BEGONE, Margaret! You can’t put that on your child if your own plan was to use the child to save a sibling and then deem him not deserving of love because of nature and genetics. But Maddie and Buck? I love a pair of siblings while being in agony over the hells they’ve walked through.
The use of ‘So Far’ and the team helping him? Poetic cinema. I felt so many emotions and had a bit of a cry.
I actually liked the postcards. I think if they had gone to film all of what he did, it would have gotten jammed packed. The bartender was stated in canon, so that felt worthy of a flashback (and oh wow, that was not the revelation I needed that I try to know cool things to impress cute people. Buck is not straight, I don’t care what anyone says). Plus, with Covid-19, I bet there would be some filming issues. Also, it felt the ups and downs in Buck’s postcards paralleled Maddie’s injuries from Doug. They were both lost thinking they were living, except they weren’t. It was all about survival. And the worst part is that sometimes, you will lull yourself into a sense that survival=living when that’s not the case. That’s what happened to the Buckleys I think.
We don’t know what’s to come, but the family secret might come up again in therapy. Which they better freaking continue and not drop like the Flash did.
On the factory fire- I think we hyped it up more than we expected. Eddie Begins and Chimney Begins were really serious episodes with their lives on the line. And I think about Buck talking about giving up after he gets out. He wasn’t going into this fire with a clear head. I think he saw himself as the replacement baby still who couldn’t ever live up, who couldn’t do things right. He wouldn’t leave despite ordered because that was showing Saleh he didn’t matter. To Buck, he did. He gets being left behind and in those situations, you’d rather someone else be happier and fine while you take the impact. Like the world would keep turning and everyone would be fine (eventually) after you left it.
The ladder truck and tsunami were physical pain. The factory fire was emotional pain. (which reminds me, I need to make a post about the element symbolism in Begins episodes)
If we didn’t see a hug in the episode, then we write the fic for it. Missing scenes can be created ;) Not to mention they’ve all still got work to get done on the scene. After events like that, I think everyone needed time to process it.
I get bisexual vibes off Buck big time in this episode. And I think there is repression and closeting that comes into play here. Your parents are constantly disappointed in you, so why disappoint them further? Bury it down deep and deeper who you really are. It was the attention-seeking that would work out for him. Also, bisexuality is more than one. You identify as bi and your partner uses she/her? Bi. Partner uses he/his? BI. Partner uses them/they? Still bi. (Also, how much do we know about the postcards he wrote. Maybe he didn’t give her the full story. There’s only so much room in a postcard and she was the one person in the world who still believed in him. Was he afraid to disappoint her?)
Overall, I did enjoy the episode. Eddie Begins always holds a special place in my heart as the first ever episode of 911 I saw enough of to get me interested in the show. The thing is that I can’t pit the Begins episodes against each other. They all show a journey in some way.
Hopefully this was coherant enough and I’m sorry for my little bisexual rant.
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My thoughts about 'Home and Away'. First thought: ouch.
(I do touch on depression a tiny bit in this, with regards to Maddie's storyline, and my own personal experience a little, so I'll be putting a cut in case anyone needs to avoid that.)
Poor Chimney. This is hitting him so hard. He really loves Maddie. I like how comforting and supportive Buck is here though. Very mature of him. I'm glad he told Chimney that the video isn't the only thing Maddie left him. (It's exactly what I was thinking, and I love that they had Buck say it!)
The 911 scene with Claudette was intense. Not really how those things work, but hand-wavy TV land and all that. I don't like her attitude though... she is rude and condescending and kind of a jerk.
Oh no. We already knew this storyline with the cheerleaders was gonna be tragic, but they're really setting up to pull on our heartstrings.
Well, we figured they were gonna mix up the girls, so one of us called it on her calling out the other girl's name. (No idea who, I'm on this trash site too much.)
Albert! I missed him. Give us more!
(Depression talk below.)
Gah, I'm torn between wanting to believe the best for Maddie - like Buck and Albert and I'm sure others - and knowing that, in her right headspace, she could just take a break and step away to catch her breath and then come back, but also knowing that she's not in her right headspace right now. I've never had PPD, but I have struggled with depression, and in my personal experience with it I struggled a lot with the head stuff - knowing what I should be doing - and the heart stuff - being bogged down in my emotions and not doing anything because of it. And so I want to believe the best for Maddie, that she deserves a break but will come back on her own when she's ready, but I can't help but worry that she's not in the right headspace to get there on her own right now, and that Chimney is a little right in being so worried for her.
Oh good, just what we needed, another emergency at the emergency.
Poor Harry. The kid is struggling. Why'd the writers have to do this to him?
Also, the blue threads pulled through on the shoulders of Michael's sweater are bothering me. I hate them.
Oh wow, that scene with Chimney at the ER was intense. It felt so real though! My heart hurts! Emmy for Kenneth when?!
I really feel for May with this whole Claudette thing. I've been the new kid that gets rubbed the wrong way when some Big Deal returns, and then felt like it must be me since everyone else loves them.
Aaand there's the mix up. After another crazy intense scene. They're not pulling any punches this season... Yeah, all of that really hurt. I... don't know what else to say about it.
Well there's Buck's black eye. Can't say he didn't deserve it at least a little. I guess that's why he's been so cool about Maddie leaving though...
I love Bobby and Athena. I guess I'm glad that she's having emotions about what happened? In that, I'm glad she's not a brick wall emotionally, but it's still sad that she's suffering. I love Bobby though, he's always so supportive. (I just rewatched Athena Begins two days ago, and seeing her collapse crying into his arms again so soon is giving me all the emotions.)
Oh, yes! I love Eddie coming over to tend to Buck and talk some sense into him. Just because Maddie's always been fine doesn't mean she'll always be fine.
Aww! Grant siblings! Sometimes you just need your sibling to talk things out with instead of your parents. I love that scene with them.
Yes! Chimney is going after Maddie! I didn't know I needed him to do that until just now, but I'm so glad he is! The scene with him and Hen was so touching. I missed their friendship.
Final thought: still ouch.
#911 fox#911 spoilers#fire fam#tink talks#911 liveblog#not really a 'live' blog but it'll link to my other during/post episode thoughts
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In October
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: Total pointless sap, because literally nothing has changed. Brought to you by Rae, that one girl who can’t stop giving a 100 year old former assassin fluffy animals to mother to death.
Summary: This is what Bucky dreamed of, in those years of ice, and even before.
A/N: This is my piece for my beautiful love @barnesrogersvstheworld‘s Are You Afraid of the Dark Halloween Challenge, and my prompt was black cat. Attie - I adore you. I know this challenge was meant for scary stuff, but I hope you like this one anyway.
I’ve missed you, my loves. Thank you for your kindness this year. I have appreciated it more than you could ever know. Some more notes at the end, to keep this author’s note from getting offensively long. I’m pretty rusty with this writing thing, but I hope you guys enjoy this one.
*** October settles softly in Brooklyn, with leaves of crimson and ochre and wind whistling through the trees. The smell of maple syrup lingering in the kitchen. Morning sunlight filtering through sheer curtains.
Eyes of winter gray hide themselves from the sun. Body curled tightly under the blanket he knitted for himself, fingers closing around the soft fabric, drawing it up higher to cover the little smile on his lips as he listens to you - humming something under your breath, making Bucky’s apartment feel like home.
A sigh slips into the air, and you chuckle a little on the exhale. Bucky’s grin grows wider.
There is quiet, measured amusement in your voice when you ask, “You going to help me with this, honey?”
He groans. “Too early.”
“Not that early, Buck.”
“Still too early.”
“You said you would help me decorate.”
He lets his eyes open when the couch shifts with your weight, when he feels you press into his side, warm and solid and real. Looks up at you through a bleary gaze, your beautiful face, your kind eyes. Hums when you stroke your fingers through his hair, lips pressing to his temple.
“How did I ever manage to wind up with such a lump?” you tease. “Don’t you want to decorate for Halloween?”
“Too tired,” he argues. Startles when a slight weight lands on his legs, little paws digging into his thighs, moving up to his belly. An all too familiar chirp sounds through the air.
“Look who’s awake,” you say, and Bucky turns his face down, finds those gorgeous green eyes, that expanse of shiny, smooth black fur.
“Good morning, Princess Cricket,” Flesh fingers stroke behind her ears, down her back. Affection bubbles in him when she goes pliant, flopping down to lay on top of him on her side, chirping and extending her face up for more attention.
You echo him, smiling as you pet at Cricket’s side. “Good morning, Cricket,” turning to him, you add, “Wait here a second,” then you stand, taking your heat with you. Bucky misses it in an instant.
He whines, reaches a hand out to you as you walk over to the bin of decorations you abandoned on the floor, digging through it, “What are you doing? Come back.”
“I bought a present for the baby, I’ll be back in a second.”
Bucky grins, mock innocence in his voice as he calls back, “Am I the baby getting the present?”
“Well,” you say, turning back once you’ve found whatever it is you were looking for, a small object hidden between your hands, “you’re certainly a baby.” He tickles your side when you take your seat next to him again, tender warmth curling in his heart as you laugh and swat at his hand. “But this present isn’t for you.”
A frown pulls at his lips, but it’s teasing. “No fair.”
“Because Halloween is practically your holiday, Miss Cricket,” ignoring his words, tapping Cricket’s nose with your finger, “I got something to help you look the part.
Winter eyes track your hands as the move, settling the gift on Cricket’s head, pulling back once it’s in place, pressing sweet into his side.
And he can see Cricket now, as she stares up at him with a tiny, jet black witch’s hat on her head.
Laughter comes deep from his chest, rumbling through the room. He tweaks the point of the hat with one hand, goes back to stroking Cricket’s face as he wraps his metal arm around you. Drawing you closer, feeling something too soft for him to name beneath his skin as he looks from you to the cat.
“Do you like it?”
“I love it,” he tells you, moving his fingers to take yours in his grip. Kissing your knuckles once, twice before continuing, “I think Cricket does, too.” She chirps at him, holding very still. “You’re so scary, sweetpea, my little demon witch.”
“She’s cute, not scary.”
“You do know that she’s a demon in a million trashy horror movies, right?” He taps the hat again, looks at Cricket as he continues, “She was a total demon when she was a kitten.”
“Cricket is too cute to be a demon.”
“You didn’t find her eating a brand new loaf of bread after she tore through the plastic with her tiny daggers for teeth.”
“Guess I didn’t.” You scratch at Cricket’s belly, just to get her to stretch out across Bucky’s chest. “But I bet she had you whipped, anyway.”
And he remembers, with a surge of something fierce and overwhelming, when he had first brought her home, between after everything and before you, when she was tiny and warm and so curious. How he had worried over her, but how grateful he was to have her.
“She did,” he concedes. But he lets his smile turn teasing again. “Doesn’t mean she wasn’t a demon.”
“Does this,” you gesture to the cat, nuzzling her face into Bucky’s belly and purring, “look like a demon to you?”
“Yes,” he answers. “Look at her. I can’t believe I’m still alive. She’s drawing it out, the anticipation is killing me.” He curls his flesh arm around her little body, hauling her up so she can nestle her wet nose against the skin of his neck, grinning up at you, “Put me out of my misery already, Demon Cricket.”
“She’s about as scary as you, Buck.”
Breath hitches in his throat. He looks up at you, watching your face and that careful measure of fondness in your expression for a long moment, turning those words over in his head. Admiring the way the sun makes your skin glow gold. Slowly lifting fingers of cool metal, tracing the line of your cheek, staring as you grip them in your own, press a few lingering kisses to the knuckles, the palm of his hand.
“I love you.”
It is a quiet, tentative and breathless statement. A feeling that has been stirring in his mind since he first met you, since your warmth first touched his heart. A fierce kind of emotion he has felt for you for so long without naming, without breathing it into the air.
Your eyes are wide, and there’s something he can’t name in your expression now. But it gives way to a smile too tender for words. A small, private thing meant for the two of you alone.
“I love you, too, Buck.”
And this is what he dreamed of - what he longed for in the years of cold, and even before then.
His next exhale is shaky, but a grin comes with it anyway. Because he loves you, more than those words alone could ever explain, can feel it in his bones, and you love him, too.
Shifting on the couch, he keeps a hand on Cricket to keep her in place, hearing her chirp as he makes room for you. Tugs on your hand, pulls you down next to him.
“I guess decorating can wait for a little while,” you murmur, indulgent and so sweet as you curl into his side. Hook your arm over his belly, your cheek pressed to his shoulder.
Eyes trace over your face for long, peaceful minutes, his lips making a path from your hairline to your cheek to your nose to your mouth, kissing you slowly, sighing into your mouth when your hands thread through his hair. Keeping him close, drawing him in.
He pulls away to tuck you against his side, one last lingering press of his mouth to your hair before resting his nose in the strands. Breathing against you, letting every loose part of him settle.
Cricket’s fur is soft beneath his fingers, and you are so warm against his side, and there’s so much sunshine spilling into the room. Such an easy, mundane morning, made beautiful by the simplest of things.
“Yeah, Buck?”
“Can we get hats to match with Cricket for Halloween?”
You chuckle into his neck, pull back to look at him. “Sure, honey.” Fingers trace the line of his jaw, and your lips follow soon after, affectionate kisses pressed into his skin, filling him with light and love.
Title and inspiration for this one from girl in red’s gorgeous song, “we fell in love in october” because it made my gay little heart feel something.
A special thanks to @panicfob for posting about the handwriting method and how helpful it is during a writing slump, it was how I got the first draft of this one done. You’re lovely, darling, and thank you for sharing your tips with us.
Cricket the Demon Cat is mildly based on my own cat, Maddie, because she is very chirpy, lovey and cuddly, and she also once tore through the plastic on a brand new loaf of bread and ate half of it when she was a kitten. I love her.
More love to all of you, and my amazing friends, for all the support. This year has been hard. Just trying to hope for better in these last few months, and the upcoming decade. I hope your days are filled with so much light, darlings.
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This goes along with the Dannymay day 7 prompt: 2nd chances
I don’t know where I came up with this. I just started writing and didn’t stop. I tried to do a story without using dialogue, and I think I succeeded. I had to write this for a school assignment, so I had to explain the Danny Phantom world a bit because my teacher had no idea what it is.
Cliches are a wonderful thing. We cling to them like lifelines, hoping for a good "happily ever after" to make everything better. In fact, I'm sure you were expecting a "Once upon a time" to start off the story now weren't you.
Yeah, you were.
Well I'm sorry to disappoint you, but here, there are no cliches. No long-lived and well-loved story arcs to follow, no "good guys" or "bad guys" or save the world scenarios. Here, the princess rescues the prince and the dragon is locked in the tower. Here, the evil stepfather can't get the upper hand over his rebellious teen son. Here, the protagonists are monsters and the villains are heroes.
Probably the only cliche in the whole story is the existence of myself, the narrator, who will shamelessly add my own thoughts and commentary to the story as I please; simply because I can.
Pleased to meet you.
Now, with hasty introductions out of the way, let’s get down to business. I am here to tell you a story, though I’m sure you already knew that. It is my job as narrator, to lovingly guide you through the history, lore, and thrilling storyline that the author has painstakingly crafted for you to enjoy. You’re welcome.
Let’s just jump straight into it shall we? I’m sure you already know everything there is to know about Amnity Park, and you don’t need me to tell you about their slightly paranormal pest problem. Surely you don’t need me to inform you about the daily ghost attacks, or the ghostly superhero known as Phantom who repeatedly confronts the angry spirit and either persuades them or forces them back across the veil. Assuredly, you know all about Phantom’s tragic backstory, of how he was caught in the veil between dimensions, and was officially turned into Schrödinger’s boy -both living and dead simultaneously. Of course you already know about the struggles of being both a hero and a high school student, missing class and skipping sleep in order to keep his city (and his secret) safe. I don’t need to tell you about the ghost hunters in town, who relentlessly hunt and attack Phantom without warning, oblivious that he is their son.
No, you already knew all of that.
Still, it is quite tragic to see a family pitted against one another, even if it is due to ignorance. Danny Phantom is nowhere near being ready to confide in his parents, but progress always starts with a first step. This story is that first step.
Let’s meet our protagonist, shall we?
Daniel James Fenton -or Danny, as he prefers to be called- is a good looking kid. Tall and muscular, without the air of privilege or haughtiness that often surrounds such people. His messy black hair and sparkling blue eyes are enough to make any girl swoon, though he does not seek out such attention, preferring instead to mess around with his two best friends. While most boys his age spend their nights drinking or partying, Danny spends his stargazing (or more recently, ghost fighting). He truly is the ideal high school boyfriend -but don’t let him hear me say that, he’s a flustered dork most of the time. He does his best to avoid the limelight, even letting the other kids bully him if it means that he won’t be looked at twice.
Danny Phantom however, has no qualms with spotlights. In fact, he doesn’t mind them at all as long as they don’t get in the way or result in other people getting hurt. His ghostly form does not look dissimilar to Fenton, swapping black hair for blinding white and blue eyes for toxic green. His normal T-shirt and jeans shift into a full body, black HAZMAT suit with white gloves and the trademark DP logo on the front. It is rather easy to spot, especially when he’s flying around and glowing.
To hide his alternate identity, Danny created two different personas for his two halves, slipping seamlessly into character whenever it is needed. Phantom is brash and hot-headed, a master at distracting his enemies with witty banter and endless puns. Fenton is cowardly and shy, infamous for being too clumsy to handle glassware. Fenton is terrified of ghosts, Phantom hunts them. Phantom is willing to sacrifice his own safety and wellbeing for others, Fenton gets misty-eyed over papercuts. This way, even if someone had thought that a ghost and a human could be the same, no one would ever suspect the two to be connected.
It was crucial that the two were never suspected. If the world knew that half-ghosts existed, Danny’s identity as a human would be overshadowed by his identity as a ghost. Ghosts don’t have rights, therefore Danny wouldn’t have rights. There would be nothing to stop anyone from marching down and kidnapping him for use in loads of painful and most likely unethical experiments. After all, the popular opinion on ghosts was that they were evil, semi-sentient projections who could feel no pain. That doesn’t do much to help his case.
The people need to be convinced that Phantom was a hero, and that process starts with his parents. The Fentons are the leading ghost hunters in Amnity, and they have dedicated their life to catching and researching ghosts, even if they aren’t very good at it. They are a perfect team. Maddie is thin and slender, and her blue HAZMAT suit does nothing to hide her curves, but she is not weak in the slightest. Her proficiency in martial arts and science is renowned throughout the city, and every thug knows not to mess with the red-haired mother. Jack, however, has the dexterity of a brick wall and the mass to rival an elephant. He looms menacingly over all who approach him, but his childish nature and agreeable personality make it easy for him to interact with others -even if he is a little too passionate about his profession.
The Fentons are stubborn, but not bullheaded. They can see reason when they need to, and unfortunately, with the infamous Phantom of Amnity Park bleeding out on their doorstep, they need to reevaluate their theories.
Phantom lay slumped against the porch railing, eyelids fluttering as he struggled to remain awake. It was a rather gruesome sight, and if Maddie didn’t know that he was a ghost, then she would be furious at whoever dared do this to a child. His right arm pressed hard against his wounded side, soaking the white glove in acid-green, ectoplasmic blood. A nasty gash on his forehead leaked the same vile liquid into his snowy white hair, plastering it against his sweaty, pale skin. In all honesty, he looked like he had brought a toothpick to a knife fight.
The Fentons frowned at each other, debating their next move. They knew how this happened, news of Phantom’s latest battle against the hunter ghost known as Skulker had been broadcasted on every television for the past three hours, what they didn’t know, and couldn’t figure out, was why Phantom had come here. They were his enemies, for all intents and purposes, they were very loud about their threats to rip him apart. But here he was, bleeding out on their porch, and Maddie found herself fighting between her hunter’s curiosity and her motherly worry.
Phantom didn’t look older than her own son, Danny. She hadn’t noticed that before, but now it was painfully obvious how young he was. It also struck her that he was a ghost, which means at some point or another Phantom had been alive. She couldn’t imagine losing Danny, and this ghost didn’t look older than seventeen.
She sighed, and scooped the hero up into her arms. The hunting could wait. It was against the hunter’s code to kill anything that you hadn’t weakened yourself, anyways, best to fix him up and let him be on his way. She could chase him down again later.
Now I know you’re thinking, “but Mr. Narrator, isn’t the hunter nursing the huntee back to health and becoming friends a huge cliche?” And to that I say, yes. However, that is not what we’re doing here. They do not become friends and instantly trust each other because of this little incident. This is a first step, nothing more.
After calming her husband’s fears, and assuring him that she was fine, Maddie cleared off the dining room table and laid the ghost on top. He had lost consciousness at some point while she moved him, and his head lolled back as she set him down. She frowned at the ghost, listening to his labored breaths. Ghosts didn’t need to breathe, but Phantom had always insisted. She never knew why.
Jack walked up the stairs from the lab, carrying a spool of glowing green thread. Phantom’s wounds would need stitches, and the special thread wouldn’t fall out when he used his power of intangibility. Silently, she stitched up his side, flinching at his whimpers he made every time the needle made contact. She had to remind herself that he was a ghost, and therefore couldn’t feel pain. Any reaction he gave was just part of an elaborate ruse.
You and I both know that wasn’t true.
She nodded as Jack brought her some bandages, holding his head upright in order for her to wrap them around his ectoplasm-stained hair. A neon green stain spread out on the tabletop, seeping into the wood. This was fine, she would just have to clean it later so the ectoplasm didn’t bring any food to life.
Satisfied that there were no other major lacerations, she once again scooped up the teenaged hero and moved him slowly to the couch. His unnecessary breathing had evened out, and she could feel a faint, slow, rhythmic thump against the fingers pressed on the base of his neck. It couldn’t be a heartbeat. Ghosts don’t have heartbeats. It must’ve been her imagination.
As you can see, Maddie is not very receptive to new ideas.
Laying him on the couch, she expertly ignored the slight hiss he made as his stitches stretched. He began to softly snore. She left the room. Jack was not much help when she explained what she’d felt, merely parroting her feelings back to her with a few insults directed at the ghostly species thrown in. “Ectoplasmic scum” was a popular one, along with “spook” and “monster.” Maddie didn’t know why she didn’t agree with those insults anymore.
A soft groan echoed from the other room, and Jack jumped to his feet to grab weapons. Maddie stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. Phantom was no threat now, maybe she could get some answers out of him. A strangled, frightened yelp called from the living room, along with a loud thump and a groan. Upon investigation, she found Phantom on the living room carpet, curled up into a ball and shaking. A small pool of his green blood had soaked through the bandages and was now leaving little polka-dots on the rug.
Phantom apologized for the carpet.
At first, Maddie was taken aback. Phantom was hurt. Phantom had nearly died. Again. And he was apologizing about the stains on her rug. She didn’t expect most humans to be that selfless, much less a ghost. Nevertheless, Phantom was apologizing for the carpet, as a thin line of green dribbled down from the corner of his mouth.
She sighed and drew closer, eyes softening as Phantom flinched and tried to back away. She continued to advance, slower this time, and murmured words of encouragement as she approached. The ghosts glowing eyes held suspicion, but he did not flinch away this time. His usual witty banter was gone, much to Maddie’s worry, replaced by the soft pleas of a frightened child. A child faced with death, who did not want to die.
She called Jack into the room, and asked him to grab some bedding from the storage closet. She had made up her mind. Phantom was not a threat. Jack warily nodded and left to do as she asked, and Maddie gently took Phantom up in her arms again, wiping the green liquid from his face. He stiffened at the contact, but made no move to escape.
Soon enough, Jack returned with a feather comforter and several pillows. With Phantom’s telekinetic help, they made a soft nest and placed him gently inside. Maddie fussed over him as Jack stood to the side suspiciously.
Needless to say, Phantom was very confused. Why was his parents helping him? They hate Phantom. Did they see him change back into human form? Is that why they're being so nice? No, Maddie kept calling him “Phantom,” if she knew, she would call him “Danny” or “Sweety.” His secret was safe for now.
That still begged the question of why they were helping him, and when he asked, their only reply was along the lines of “you’re not a threat,” which really did more harm than good when it came to calming his nerves.
Nevertheless, they had saved him, and so when Maddie asked for an interview, Phantom didn’t decline. Their questions were standard, if a bit rude. They were nothing he hadn’t answered before, and he only had to lie twice, when their questions got a little too personal. He refused to answer how he died. They didn’t need to know that.
His healing factor had kicked in, rapidly knitting the skin back together and repairing the damage to his muscles. The room had gotten progressively more relaxed as time went on, and Jack was no longer shooting glares at him from across the room. Instead, he was questioning him with just as much zeal as Maddie. However, Phantom could feel his time here drawing to a close. Danny Fenton needed to be back home before curfew, and he couldn’t do that if Danny Phantom was in the living room.
Hastily making an excuse to leave, he said goodbye to his parents and phased through the door before they could catch him. His head, which had been overtaken by an awful headache, protested as he flew down the street and into an alley, but he paid it no mind. Unwinding the bandages around his head, Phantom felt his transformation overtake him.
His heartbeat sped up, his temperature rose, and his breathing grew more frequent. Granted, his heartbeat and breathing still weren’t exactly fast, and his temperature wasn’t exactly warm, but he could pass as human and that’s all that mattered. Seconds later, Danny Fenton exited the alley and headed home, walking carefully as not to disturb the stitched side under his shirt.
When he arrived home, his parents were whispering in hushed voices, glancing over at the couch occasionally. They greeted him excitedly as he walked inside, before running downstairs to the lab to go over what Phantom had told them. What Danny had told them.
He sighed and scaled the steps, making a beeline for the door to his room. He should start his homework, but then again, chances are the ghosts aren’t going to let him sleep tonight, so he should take a nap while he can. Not bothering to change clothes, Danny flopped onto his mattress, asleep before he hit the covers.
In the later weeks, the Fentons would continue to search for Phantom. However, now it was for conversational purposes instead of experimental ones. He even visited on his own time once or twice for a chat. The overall acceptance of Phantom increased as well, because if the ghost hunters thought he was okay, then the rest of the people would follow. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than before, and that’s all Danny could really ask for.
Who knew it took nearly dying to repair broken relationships?
Well, I did, for one, but I don’t count. I already know how Danny’s story ends. I know how his secret is revealed, and how his parents react. I know who will hurt him, who will betray him, and who will make amends. I know lots of things, including this: Danny will not live happily ever after. He just won't. There will always be more ghosts to fight, more threats to his friends and family, and he will not live happily ever after. His life will be filled with struggle and pain, and there’s nothing I can do to stop that.
His afterlife however...well, that’s another story.
I should tell you sometime.
#danny phantom#phic#danny phantom fanfiction#phandom#phan phic#phanfiction#danny fenton#maddie fenton#jack fenton#ghost#dannymay2020#dannymay#day 7#dannymay day 7#second chances
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Hey y’all! so my plan here is to drop most of my pre-event drafts! if one is in your court and you would like to keep it, or there is one that you think should be kept- please let me know and we can discuss!! but i’m super excited to get new threads started for all of them. so! while they are capped rn, i may increase some as we go or if one is capped and you still want a starter, just message me and we can make that happen! feel free to ask for starters for characters that have not interacted yet and if you’re interested in one of the connections! pls let me know because i’d loved to see them filled! ps i do plan to keep the majority of my event threads going.
So below we’ve got a fun and that’s what you missed on glee! for each character & wanted connections
aayla secura (2/5)- anakin, rey
where are they now: so the event had aayla reliving some particularly rough parts of the clone wars. she was able to overcome that and make it to level three. however, that whole ordeal on level two is going to probably make her- regress back to who she was pre-earth times.
wanted connections: aayla could use a couple of friends generally (maybe others who were once soldiers at some point), a person to recreationally fight with, other bodyguards/generally in the employment of politicians to swap stories with.
ben skywalker, newly unaware (0/5)
where are they now: after listening to sufjan stevens for a solid two hours, i wrote a too long self para in which our beloved golden boy ben skywalker died, completely unsure and panicked if he was going to get to come back. alas, he did. he arose from his lil slumber for a fun lil memory vacation (or is it?)
so anyway, ben doesn’t remember anything, he just thinks he’s experiencing some memory loss. he also has a broken arm still, so thinks it’s got something to do with his accident/why he cannot remember.
wanted connections: the first person he met after waking up (he had no memory and probably just started chatting), people he met at the hospital right after the event while he was getting his arm in a cast,
breha organa (2/5)- riyo, padme
where are they now: our team mom w/ the family braincells only briefly made it off of level one, to be trapped by her fears for a some time on level 2. she’s still looking for her new purpose in dc, breha’s becoming more politically involved though, she’s just working on what her role in all of this could look like.
wanted connections: more political plots (she’d make a decent ally), political mentee (let her be the leslie to your character’s april), also i would love to do some threads with her and her grandchildren, distant family members, and other practically-family/homies in and around the white house
donna troy, newly aware (1/5)- barry
where are they now: our favorite cosmic mistake is now aware!! while still on the bench and not quite ready to suit back up as Troia or Wondergirl yet, for now, she’s still working as a private investigator.
wanted connections: people she was hired to investigate, her former hero pals, new hero pals, anything to start dragging her back into the hero life, drinking pals
ezra bridger (1/5)- roxanne
where are they now: wow, ezra really went wild and stupid during the event and started using the dark side of the force (really, this was his first time being able to use the force since becoming aware). he feels some regret for his level three actions and thinks he has returned to normal. but essentially, he’s going to be using the dark side of the force casually and more often, and as our good friend ben skywalker would say if he could remember, “well, that’s not good for business.”
wanted connections: someone he uses the dark side to save from trouble (therefore continuing to legitimize his use of it), someone to give him a pep talk about why this sort of thing is dangerous, someone who he actually uses the dark side on, and as per usual with ezra- people he drinks with, etc.
fred weasley, newly aware! (5/6)- hermione, ginny, molly, fabian, molly ii
where are they now: rip to fred weasley twice, because our boy once again died during the event. but now he has his memories! and to no one’s surprise, is actually going to be struggling a lot with his death(s) and what that meant for his family and suddenly having to carry guilt over leaving his family like that, and is also going to have to wrap his mind around life going on without him.
wanted connections: friends from when he was unaware, work friends (he works in a bar), past relationships (hookups or something more significant), threads with his family members- seeing his nieces and nephews is going to be an absolute trip for him tbh.
kit mckinnon (3/5)- narcissa, roy, maddie
where are they now: after being trapped in a dark building for several days, kit finally made it out of level two and on to level one, where she reunited with family. i never wrote the self para, but what happened in the building probably retraumatized her some, if it could be said she was making efforts toward a healthier lifestyle before, she’s likely regressing.
wanted connections: partying friends, more people from the wizarding world
romeo montague, newly aware (0/5)
where are they now: MY BOYYYYYY!!!! is now aware. he was making so much unaware progress: he was about to graduate, he had his first major work published in a widely circulated magazine, he was putting together a book pitch, and was trying to lay off the partying lifestyle. alas. he now remembers what his actions caused and feels immense guilt over all of the turmoil his wild weekend in verona caused.
wanted connections: partying pals, someone who actually read what he published and really liked it (basically reminding him of the life that he was building).
theodore nott (5/6), victoire, leia, astoria, dean, dora
where are they now: theo faced his fears on level 2 but i’m not sure how much it’s going to change for him. he’s still working toward being a more decent person, but is still working on looking out for and caring about other people and not just himself.
wanted connections: more white house/other political connections, more connections from school/the wizarding world generally.
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Love Me Twice: Chapter Seven
Summary: Tom Jacob struggles to wrap his mind around what he learns about Elizabeth Keen and Ressler gets pulled into a glitter party by Agnes.
Chapter Seven
He woke up in a warehouse, slumped down in a chair with his wrists bound together. A man was working on the shackles, threading a chain through the link on the cuffs, and Jacob took the momentary distraction to his advantage as he slammed forward. His head collided with the other man's and it sent him stumbling back and away.
Then he was on his feet, wrists still cuffed, when his captor straightened and Jacob saw a man that dwarfed him both in height and weight. That's all he saw before the man reared back and landed a blow hard enough to drive him back in the chair, rocking it back dangerously.
The man continued with the task Jacob had interrupted and pulled the chain taught. Jacob was hauled up by his wrists until his bare feet were barely touching the floor. Funny, he hadn't even realized they'd taken his boots until that very moment.
He hung there and he could already feel the ache start in his left shoulder from the old injury. It had healed up, just like the knife wounds in his side, but the damage done had left it weaker than it had been before. More vulnerable to injury. He wondered if his captors knew that or they just wanted to string him up for effect.
The sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor drew his attention as Maddie Tolliver approached. Her mother. Keen had referred to the woman as her mother. Interesting. Everyone in espionage had at least heard of the KGB spy. If she was who Keen thought she was, Jacob was already dead.
"Thank you, Elias," Tolliver addressed the man that had cuffed Jacob. She then turned her icy blue gaze on him. "Who are you?"
"I'm nobody," Jacob answered, his voice rough and he tried to stretch his legs a little longer to take some pressure off of his wrists and shoulders.
Tolliver motioned and the man - Elias - pulled back and landed a hard blow to Jacob's ribs. It threw him off balance, bare feet sliding across the concrete as he swung and all of his weight momentarily pulled against the chain. A sharp, pained sound escaped him and he found Tolliver studying him as he stopped swinging. "This is simple enough. I have questions and you'll give me the answers. If not immediately, Elias will get them out of you."
"I don't talk," Jacob growled.
"We'll see about that. Who do you work for? Townsend? Reddington?"
Jacob leveled a determined glare on her and she motioned. It became a cycle. Another blow, another question. Sometimes Jacob would pop off with a flippant response and sometimes he would just focus on staying on his feet. It wasn't his first time being tortured for information, and he meant what he said: he didn't talk. It was one of many things that had won him Bud's respect when he had first come into St Regis. From mock interrogations that left real breaks and bruises to real ones in the field, Jacob plastered a shit eating grin on his bloodied face and snarled his way through until he found an opportunity to get away. This time might be a little more difficult.
He wasn't sure how long had passed when he found Tolliver directly on him. He must not have looked like much of a threat as she leaned in, popping him none too gently against the cheek to pull his attention around. "A name and it stops," she promised.
"Go to hell."
She stepped back and Elias came at him again. Everything hurt. He felt like he was bruised and strained from head to toe, even if the overall damage wasn't severe. She wasn't trying to kill him, she wanted answers. Giving them to her wouldn't only mean breaking his contract, though, it would be signing his own death certificate.
"What's he given you?" a new voice asked from behind. Familiar, but he could turn to see the newcomer.
"Nothing. Yet." Tolliver motioned and Elias swung again, this time the blow a glancing one that sent him twisting around as well as swinging.
And then he saw her. Elizabeth Keen. She stood in the middle of the warehouse in her t-shirt and jeans, hair tied back, and staring at him like she'd seen a ghost. Like she recognized him. "Tom." The name his employer had given him road out on a breath and he blinked hard, trying to make sense of the recognition he saw in her eyes. "Get him down."
Tolliver looked as confused as Jacob felt. "Elizabeth, do you know—"
"Get him down!"
Someone off to the side flipped the switch and Jacob felt the chain go slack. His feet flattened against the floor but his knees buckled, sending him crashing the rest of the way down. Keen was on the floor with him in an instant. "Hey. Easy. You okay? Tom, look at me."
He grit his teeth and forced his gaze up to her. She was close, her touch gentle as she checked a gash that had left blood streaked down the side of his face. She looked terrified. Haunted. He let her check him over without a word, not daring to contradict the name she had called him. If she knew Brigitte Tremblay somehow - the only reasonable scenario he could come up with, even if his employer had indicated she hadn't had direct contact with her and that Keen should never know he was watching her - this fed might be his only hope at getting out of this alive. Whatever layer of cover she was weaving, he'd roll with it.
Jacob met her eyes and there was a myriad of expressions battling each other for more than half a second on her pretty face. Relief and surprise, fear and confusion, and all of them underlined by something Jacob was having trouble reading. Sadness, maybe. It was hard to tell. She bent down, though, and pressed a surprising kiss against his lips. "How are you here?" she whispered, her tone a little desperate.
"Not in front of her," Jacob managed.
"She's my mother. I found her. She's—"
"Just had her thug beat the hell outta me."
Keen stopped a moment as if she were arguing with herself on what to do. Finally she looked back to Tolliver who was waiting more patiently than Jacob would have expected. "Did you know who he is?"
"He's the man that was outside of your apartment building. He bugged my hotel room, dropped another one on Simms."
"He's my husband."
Jacob schooled his expression as best he could at that one. Okay, this was getting stranger and stranger.
"Your husband is dead," Tolliver responded and Keen looked around to where Jacob was trying to straighten a little better even though he was still on the floor.
"They told me he was."
There was a long moment of indecision where the two women seemed to be waging some sort of war of the wills. Tolliver didn't want to go, that much was clear, but Keen wasn't backing down. Finally, it was Tolliver that gave, and she motioned her people out with a warning glare in Jacob's direction and a promise that they would be right outside.
"The key?" Keen prompted and Tolliver's blonde brows shot up. She frowned, but handed it over.
As soon as the doors closed behind them, Keen turned back to him. She worked to release the heavy cuffs from his wrists and, as they fell away, she looked directly at him. "I don't understand. Reddington said…. Cooper identified your body. How are you here? Was it Scottie? Did she….?"
Jacob watched as the woman that had just uncuffed him lost her battle with her own emotions and the tears that had been building started to spill over. She looked at him, desperate, and guilt tugged harder than he thought it ever could. He wanted to give her something - anything - to make the tears stop. He didn't know why, but he was halfway to reaching to thumb them away before he caught himself. "I don't know what you're talking about," he managed, his voice nearly as raw as hers.
"Where have you been?"
He shouldn't give anything away. He should play it safe until he had more information. He knew that, but even so, the next question tumbled from his lips without permission. "Do you know me?"
Keen stopped, choking down a sob and they sat on that cold floor in the middle of the warehouse staring at each other. "W-what do you mean?"
He shifted, trying to get his feet under him and she reached out. Her fingers touched his arms and she helped guide him up and steady him there, never breaking eye contact and he was fairly certain that those blue eyes of hers were cutting through to his soul. "I'm, uh… missing time."
"How much?"
Every inch of training screamed to shut up while every instinct somehow countered it, urging him to tell her anything she wanted to know. "Ten years. Well, starting about twelve years ago," he admitted softly. "Did we… meet during that?" They must have, and if they had then that meant Brigitte had been playing him. There was no other explanation for her handing over the same name that this woman was calling him.
"Yeah," Keen breathed and she reached up, her fingers soft against his bruised and bleeding face. "We had a family, a life. And then you died to…. help me find answers I didn't realize I needed to be looking for."
He pulled back from her touch. "Listen… I don't know what you think you know, but I'm not -"
"Jacob Phelps," she said firmly and he blinked in surprise. "You're missing ten years, so you're going by Jacob Phelps. They found you wandering alone when you were four, but you don't have any clear memories until you were nearly six and in your third foster home."
He pulled back a little farther. "Stop," he whispered, but she didn't.
"Frank and Eva Phelps adopted you when you were seven and you hated them. Frank was a drunk and Eva was useless. You have a scar here -" she reached around to the back of his head, fingers just above an old scar that wasn't visible beneath his hair - "where he broke a bottle over your head. You ran and the Major picked you up in New York City. He trained you."
"How could you know all of that?"
"Because you told me."
"I wouldn't tell anyone that."
"Not a mark. That's what you were thinking I was, right? Just a job?"
"Had to be."
"It started that way. I thought that was all it was, but it wasn't. Tom -"
"That's not my name."
"It was the name you chose. With me. With us."
He felt like he was drowning. Emotions of every shape and size crashed over him like waves that threatened to pull him under. He couldn't breathe. Couldn't focus. All he saw was this woman that he only recognized from a file standing there and rattling off the most intimate details of his life that no one knew.
She reached for him and he pulled away.
"I don't know what kind of game this is," he managed, stepping back, "but I'm done. She can't pay me enough for whatever angle she's playing."
Keen blinked at him, confusion replacing desperation. "Who?"
"The woman that hired me."
"Who is she?"
He shook his head, ignoring the headache that spiked as he did. "Doesn't matter. I'm done. I'm out. Good luck with Mommy Psycho out there."
Jacob didn't give himself half a second to let her talk him out of it. Instead he turned, starting for the far south exit. Unless Keen either called for help or Tolliver had the place surrounded, he should be able to slip out before they caught up with him. He'd be gone and never look back.
But why?
He shoved the inconvenient question down hard. For the first year or so after waking up to ten missing years he'd wanted nothing else but to find them again. There were so many missing moments, so many questions that the answers didn't quite fit. He'd wanted it more than anything, but it hadn't mattered. No one had the answers and no one could fix whatever had happened to his brain. The memories were gone and he had had to make a decision: move on or go slowly insane.
Jacob had moved on. He'd chosen to move on and it had worked out well for him right up until Brigitte Tremblay shoved him into this chaotic nightmare.
This woman - Keen, a fed of all things - swore they'd been together. She'd called him her husband.
He didn't remember her, even if he was strangely drawn to her. It didn't matter. Deep pocket clients with vague job descriptions were always more trouble than they were worth, and this was no exception. He was done. He was going home.
After she had woken up - after Reddington had told her that Tom was dead - Liz had dreamed about him nearly every night.
Some dreams were nicer than others. Playing with Agnes, teasing moments, Tom's laugh…. But others were nightmares that left her with her face pressed into the pillow so that her sobs didn't take Agnes up. Garvey's men in their home and Tom bleeding out in front of her. There was one where they were chatting in the kitchen. Agnes was in the living room getting ready for school, Tom was cooking breakfast and teasing her about something, and she asked him a question. When he didn't answer she turned in time to watch him fade away, all traces of him gone from their lives.
This was worse. It was like a waking nightmare. Two and a half years after her husband was murdered, after a man she trusted had ID'd his body, after she and their daughter had done everything they could to pick up the pieces of their lives, there he was.
And he couldn't remember her.
It was like the universe was playing a sick joke on her and she had no idea how to even begin processing it. With the way he left, she might never get the chance to.
Liz had told Katarina what she knew, and that was that she had no idea what was happening. Yes, she'd been told her husband was dead. Yes, she was certain that was Tom. She knew him. And he was off limits. If she ran across him again she needed to call Liz immediately. She'd handle it.
And then Liz had left. She was emotionally spent and she had a sting first thing in the morning. If she was lucky, she might catch a couple hours' sleep before meeting Krause to coach him through the plan one more time.
When she had left Agnes had been asleep and Ressler had looked ready to crash out on her couch as soon as the door was locked behind her. At some point Agnes must have woken up to find her unsuspecting Uncle Donnie there and conned him into letting her stay up. The result was a surprisingly well constructed fort that was complete with what looked like a chair from the breakfast table to hold up the quilt acting as the roof that stretched over and used part of the couch and several pillows to hold the front 'flap' open. Peeking out from inside was a familiar pink and purple sleeping bag and Agnes herself was snoring softly, using a stuffed puppy as a pillow.
It was Ressler that had Liz stopped dead in her tracks and desperately trying to choke back a laugh, despite the night she had had. Her partner, normally so put together, was asleep on her couch with a tea cup and saucer on the floor next to him like he'd fallen asleep mid-tea party. If that weren't enough, he was covered in glitter and had a tiara set precariously on his head so that his hair stuck out at odd angles around it.
Liz bit her lip as he stirred awake. "You were busy," she whispered.
Ressler blinked hard, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and the tiara slipped from his head and clattered to the floor. Both adults cringed as the four-year-old turned inside her fort, but only managed to cuddle closer with the stuffed animal.
After a long moment Ressler sat the rest of the way up, swinging his legs around to stand. "Laugh it up, Keen," he said in a teasing, hushed tone. "You're the one that called in your big favour on babysitting duty."
"I needed someone I trusted and that's a short list these days." She let her gaze wander over to where Agnes was sleeping soundly. "How did she talk you into all of this?"
"Told me national security depended on it."
Liz choked on a laugh. "No."
"I swear she did," her partner chuckled, but the smile faded as he turned to look at her. "So what happened?"
Liz opened her mouth and then shut it again, not trusting anything swirling around her mind at the moment to make sense if she tried to explain it. She needed time to process. Time to figure out what the hell was happening.
Ressler sighed, drawing her attention back to him. "Listen, you don't have to tell me-"
"-but I meant what I said. I'm here. Whatever you need. If it's watching the munchkin or backing you up when things go south."
"When?" Liz asked, struggling to keep tightness out of her voice.
The corner of his lips quirked up slightly. "When. I'm here. I'll be here."
Part of her wanted to tell him, to trust him, but the idea of even trying to put it into words that night left her more exhausted than she had been already. Instead she reached forward, her lips thinning out into something she hoped resembled a smile, and put a hand on his arm. "Thank you."
He offered her a tired, half-smile of his own and nodded towards the door. "I better get home to try to get this glitter washed off."
"Wouldn't want to show up to arrest The Collector looking like a party favour," Liz agreed and she watched him start for the door. "Hey Ressler?" He stopped and she swallowed hard to try to force the words out. When had it become so hard to be open and honest, even with the people that she cared about? "I trust you. You know that, right?"
"I do."
"And I'll tell you. Just… not tonight."
He watched her for a long moment before nodding, turning to leave without pushing it any further.
Liz waited until the door shut behind him and loosed a long breath. She'd been too optimistic. There was no way she was getting any sleep that night.
Notes: I feel like maybe I should duck for cover for separating them again. In my defense, though, they won't be separated for long, and I did offer up a glitter-covered Ressler by way of apology :P
Next Time: Reddington throws a wrench into their case, Liz chooses to trust Ressler with a secret, and TomJacob demands answers from Gina.
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say it before you run out of time || B. Hardy || part X
part I part II part III part IV part V part VI part VII part VIII part IX part X part XI part XII part XIII
Word count: 2.4k+
Summary: Ben and the reader have been friends since childhood. And along the way reader falls in love with him. But it might be too late when another girl shows up claiming that she’s his girlfriend.
Warnings: mentions of drowning, and horrible writing overall
A/n: i googled so many things that mow my fbi agent is coming for me thinking that I am planning on drowning someone; hmu if you want to be tagged in future parts
***gif- courtesy of google // if it’s yours hit me up so I can credit you
There was blue. A lot of blue. It took you a second to realize that the blue colour was coming from the sky. But it was adored with golden marble-like threads. The sun dancing across the ripples of the water above. Letting your eyes flicker to the sides, you saw your arms that were moving like see-weeds in slow, thought-out movements, almost giving them this flowing look. You saw your hair in your peripheral, indicating your movement downwards. With slight thud in your head, your movement stopped overall. Your eyes still looking up at the sky that was above the pool. Couple of bubbles from your mouth and nose distorting your view for a second. Momentarily your vision was interrupted with something dark. Something that mixed well with water and made it look murky. The dark liquid in slow mix of water gained yellowish, smoke like outlines until it all turned into rusty colour altogether when you waved your hand through it. That brain of yours seemed to work in slow motion, so it took you a while to acknowledge the fact it was blood and that it was coming somewhere from your head. You were bleeding. Next second the panic settled in and your lungs started to burn as they were screaming for air. Your hands started to claw at nothing, trying to reach something that didn’t exist. The burn in your chest became so unbearable that out of sheer instinct of keeping yourself alive, you gulped down the water, pulling it straight to your lungs, making them burn even more as black started to cloud your vision.
It all stared with muffled screaming. You couldn’t make out owners of all voices, and your body too weak to open your eyes, but your lungs were still burning until there was very specifically applied pressure to your chest. You wanted to open your eyes so badly, but you couldn’t.
“Rose, call the fucking medics!” someone yelled and the named girl with tears in her eyes run to get phone and make a call.
“Is she breathing?!” Maddie asked sobbing, kneeling besides your seamlessly dead body. Ben didn’t answer, opting between CPR and chest compressions.
“ROSE!” Ben yelled, wanting to know how far was she.
“They are coming in 6 minutes! Keep doing CPR!” Rose said, running back outside.
“For fucks sake!” Ben swore, with his eyes searching your face for any kind sign that you were breathing.
“Come on, sweetheart…” he occasionally said through gritted teeth.
Everyone was standing near you, Maddie right next to you, Rose clutching her phone and praying that you come back, Ben’s friends right behind him, ready to switch him for chest compressions. Even Frankie was laying near the door, feeling that something was off, as her dark eyes were looking at your drenched body and how blood from your forehead, elbow and knee was mixing with the water that clung to your cold skin.
And Nina.
Even she was standing near. Scared. That was never her intention. She didn’t know that you don’t know how to swim. She didn’t know that standing decent step away from pool will be so lethal to you. She didn’t know that you would fall face first to the sharp edge, stretching your hands in front to protect yourself, just to miss the edge couple of inches, making you scrape your elbows and forehead against the pools edge and your knees buckle under you and with force be driven into the paved ground just to be slashed with bloody bruises.
Nina didn’t expect any of that.
“What happened?!” Rose suddenly turned to Nina.
“I said she jumped in.” Nina still stood by what she said earlier.
“Why would she do so if she DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO SWIM?!” Rose pointed at Nina.
“Rose don’t, it isn’t helping.” Maddie sobbed, still kneeling next to you, watching how Ben was desperately trying to bring you back.
Your lungs were burning, your throat was burning. You needed the air, but the water in your lungs stopped you from breathing in. With twitch of your body, you coughed up water that was stuck in somewhere along the way to your lungs.
“OH, THANK FUCKING, GOD!” someone exclaimed. Your dulled senses had no idea who or what was going on. Coughing violently, you grabbed your chest and rolled to the side. Even through your dulled hearing you could make out the sirens of ambulance. You didn’t remember much. Medics were rushing to you, but your eyes didn’t focus on them but only tried to find some familiar face as panic took over you again. Your chest still felt like it was burning and you wanted to clutch your throat. Out of the corner of your eye you caught familiar glimpse of light hair.
He was drenched to the bone, just like you were. His finger tips were tainted with your blood. And with your unfocused gaze you couldn’t tell if he was crying or not, because water was still dancing down his face from his hair.
Rose was the only person that went with you to the hospital with medics. Everyone else could follow afterwards, if needed. As you were putted in the car and taken to the hospital for check ups and tests and overall to make sure that nothing important was damaged, you didn’t have a chance to see the masquerade that took place at Ben’s house.
“NINA!” Ben called for her, because at the moment it seemed that the girl had disappeared. While he was patiently waiting for Nina to answer him, Ben was searching for dry clothes and hoping to get to the hospital as fast as he could.
“Yeah?” she finally immerged from kitchen, when Ben was ready to leave the house.
“Tell me what really happened?” he pointed his finger at her.
“I’m telling you for the third time, boo, she jumped in as I walked away.” Nina said in that innocent voice of hers. Ben only sighed with irritation:
“We talked this morning. There is nothing between us from now on. So, don’t give me those nicknames.”
“Mads, did you get everything she’ll need?” Ben called louder this time, searching for Maddie.
“Yes, let’s go.” Maddie said, her eyes turning cold upon noticing Nina.
“You’re coming with us.” Ben grabbed Nina’s wrist, so she wouldn’t step back.
“Why?” Nina stood ground.
“I am pretty sure doctors will want to hear what happened, since you were there as you say.” Maddie explained.
*At hospital*
“You called her mum?” Maddie asked, while she was talking with Rose and Ben now.
“Yeah. Doctors asked if she has some relatives nearby.” Rose shrugged.
“She’s going to kill me.” Ben said, letting his hand through his hair.
“Can we see her?” Maddie asked, glancing at the door where you were sleeping.
“Yeah, I think she’s fine for now.” Rose said and led them to the door.
You were laying on the bed, IV going in your arm and nasal breathing tube if there might be chance of you having troubled breathing.
“We thought we lost you there, for a second.” Maddie said walking up to you and sitting besides your bed.
“Nah, I’m still here.” You gave her a weak smile.
“What happened?” Ben asked as he leaned against the wall and looked at you. He was waiting for you to say the same thing that Nina had told, but he didn’t buy her bullshit.
“I-“ you started, but one look in Nina’s direction made you shut up.
“I told them you jumped in, right?” Nina asked, while standing near the door and giving you a death glare.
“I… Yeah… that’s what happened.” You trailed off and slightly nodded.
“But you don’t know how to swim, dummy.” Maddie looked at you with curious look on her face.
“I thought I might learn?” You gave bullshit of a lie.
“Yeah, right…” Ben trailed off, catching that something was off in what you said.
Your eyes moved to look at him and how he had changed his clothes, even thought his hair was still damp.
“Someone in here is not talking.” Rose stated and turned to look at Nina.
“What? I told you what happened, what don’t you get?” Nina shrugged.
“Okay.” Ben clasped his hands to talk, when there was a knock on the door and nurse stuck her head in.
“Miss, you have… more visitors.” And with that three of your uni classmates came in.
“What the….?” You mumbled looking at all of them.
“How did you guys get in?” you looked at Nate, Mila and Emilie.
“Nate told the receptionist that he was your boyfriend.” Emilie said as if she was out of breath, happy to see that you were alright.
“Boyfriend?” Rose, Maddie and Ben said at the same time.
“Nate, you aren’t my boyfriend. If you ever claim that you are, I’m going to punch you in the face.” You furrowed your brows and chastised him half-heartedly. Ben looked from you to this Nate guy, his brow slightly furrowed.
“Who do you have here?” Mila looked around at Rose, Maddie, Nina and Ben.
“Who’s the… you know.” Mila leaned to whisper in your ear, discreetly gesturing to Ben.
“That’s Ben.” You said quietly.
“Oh. So, to his house you sometimes disappear when you are not in our room in dorms.” Mila said, this time louder.
“Milaaa…” you hissed at her.
“That’s him? That’s Ben?” Emilie looked at the blond in the back.
“Nate, sweetheart, I am so sorry…” Mila patted Nate’s shoulder.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He raised his eyebrows.
“Can we like, leave my love life alone and leave at the fact that I am single?” you rolled your eyes. Nate was ready to say something, but you stopped him:
“Don’t. You are not going to claim anything else.”
Your eyes drifted to Ben, and how he was assessing Nate. You didn’t how what to do about the look that Ben was sporting. His green eyes seemed darker than usual, but not like the ones you would see when you were making out with him.
“You okay?” you asked Ben with tilt of your head.
“Are you alright?” he asked instead, his eyes snapping from Nate to you. He wasn’t sure how he felt about the way you talked with Nate, so effortlessly.
“What is going on?” Rose mumbled, realizing that there were too many people in the room. As if on cue, the doctor came back with your mum hot on his heels.
“Oh, here we go…” trailed off.
“Alright, there seems to be too many eager ears.” Doctor stated.
“Can I ask some of you to leave, except for relatives. Like your mother, and what nurse told to be… a boyfriend?” Doctor stated.
Stay calm and just say you don’t have one, that something was misunderstood.
You sent Nate a look ‘don’t even think about it’.
Well, what you didn’t see, was how Maddie and Rose shared a devilish smile between each other.
“So… were just going to leave you guys…” Maddie nodded and gently guided out your uni friends. Ben ready to follow.
“Hold your horses… boyfriend…” Rose stopped Ben with her hand on his shoulder. Ben’s eyes darted to you, you sent him a small smile, making him know that it was okay for him to stay.
“Boyfriend? You are n—” Nina started but was guided out of the room by Rose, who sent a small wink in your direction.
Doctor waited patiently for everyone to move out. He then proceeded to take away the breathing tube and take out the IV.
“So…” doctor started and then proceeded to explain how the x-rays and tests came back negative, meaning you were all good for now. And that there should be no reason for pulmonary edema to develop. Also advised to not overwork yourself and just take it easy and if there were any signs of troubled breathing, you should immediately come see doctors.
“Also, you have slightly bruised sternum, but it’s nothing compared to the fact that CPR saved your life. Not to mention the bruise on the side of your ribs, to which we don’t know the explanation.” Doctor continued, explaining that you might feel your chest hurt when turning to the side, but that should disappear in couple of days. You nodded, sending a small smile towards Ben. But your head was occupied with the fact that now you had a bruise where Nina had pushed you.
“I’m going to send a nurse with your release form and then you are free to go.” Doctor said before leaving the hospital ward.
“I told you that it will lead to nothing good.” Your mum told you afterwards, sitting on your bed and holding your cheeks.
“I’m fine, mum.” You pulled your head out of her grasp.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that.” She said taking your hand.
“I won’t.” you smiled at her reassuringly.
“And you.” Your mum pointed at Ben.
“Mum.” You warned.
“Thank you, Ben. As much as I disapprove of these parties you are having sometimes, I am thankful that you were there.” Your mum said, slightly surprising you.
“I would never let anything happen to her.” Ben smiled at your mum, then let his eyes flicker to you. Your mum nodded and left you two alone for a moment before she’ll come and drive you back to the dorms.
“Tell me what really happened out there. I have a feeling that Nina isn’t saying something to me. To anyone.” Ben sighed and looked at you. Sitting on the bed now.
You sat up and let your legs dangle over the bed, sitting beside him, wandering how much you should tell him.
“I was talking with Rose and Maddie in the morning, that much you know. And they left, leaving me alone with my thoughts for a moment until Nina joined. And we talked. Then I was in water.” You tried to opt for simple explanation.
“That really doesn’t explain the bruise on your side. And I am pretty sure it was not there when I was in your room.” Ben said turning to you and letting his hand gently slide up the side of your body. You didn’t answer. Not sure what Nina would do if you opened your mouth too much.
“What did you two talked about?” Ben asked with tilt of his head.
Damn it, okay… now or never, right?
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tags: @rogahloveshiscar @brianandthemays @queen-turtle-boiii @radiob-l-a-hblah @scarsout @sara-1705 @babydazz @mercurycrowley @drowse13 @ironicallyrog @moe-jazzello @forbbidensunlust @virtualsheepeat @vanitysfairr @luvborhap @loveandbeloved29 @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @blind-melon-taylor @jazzman-19 @happyvoidhumanhands @rogerrhqpsody
#ben hardy#ben hardy imagine#ben hardy fanfic#ben hardy smut#ben hardy x reader#ben hardy x you#ben hardy x oc#ben hardy x y/n#ben hardy x female reader#queen#xmen#Warren Worthington III#woman in white#mary shelley#eastenders#friends to lovers#angsty#part x#sibyroot series
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Do or Die
My own take on the follow-up to the tsunami everyone is doing. I haven’t seen the episode yet, or even any promos so, this is just what my head came up with!
“Captain Nash, Captain Nash do you have a copy?”
A strong female voice cut through the din of their surroundings and Bobby was quick to pick up his radio, not sure what he was needed for. In this type of emergency, it could be literally anything. “Go for Captain Nash.”
“Sir, I have a gentleman here that is asking for you, he’s pretty insistent.”
Bobby sighed, they really didn’t have time for this, not in the middle of a disaster. “Look, my team is pretty swamped down here, he’ll just have to wait.”
“He said to tell you his name is Evan Buckley, that he works with you?”
Bobby felt a flash of rage course through him, he loved that kid to bits he really did, but he never learned. “Swear to god,” He grumbled, before picking the radio back up, “Ma’am, yes he works for me, but right now he is on leave due to an outstanding injury and should not be working at all, so you tell him to stop what he’s doing and go home immediately or he will be seriously reprimanded-”
“I’m sorry Captain, you misunderstood. Mr. Buckley isn’t here helping with the tsunami, he was in it.”
“He was what?”
“Yeah, I’m transporting him to the triage center now, but he’s been asking you to meet him there.”
Bobby felt his heartbeat spike, using all his years of training to keep his breathing under control. “Okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can.”
Chimney halted in his search through the water, tagging bodies as they went, and glanced at the captain warily, having been close enough to hear the whole conversation.
Bobby nodded once, as an offer of reassurance, no matter how pitiful it may have been, before turning to the rest of his firefighters. “Alright team, drop what you’re doing here, we have somewhere else we need to be right now.”
Hen sat up and gave Bobby a quizzical look, “What do you mean?”
“We have to go the triage center; Buck was caught in the tsunami.”
“Oh my god.” Hen breathed, shock and fear coating her voice.
Eddie’s feet halted in his steady progress back, staggering and nearly falling over completely. “What?”
“I don’t know much, but he was cognizant enough to tell them who he was and have them contact us.” Bobby tried to soothe some of the fear and tension he could so clearly feel.
Eddie just shook his head, having trouble keeping himself calm enough to make sense and get his point across clearly, “No, Christopher was with Buck today. Did they say anything about a little boy, is he okay?” The team fell deathly silent, and Eddie stared for a moment with wide eyes before his frustration and fear got the better of him, “Bobby is my son okay!” He shouted.
Bobby held his hands up in a calming gesture, his voice cool and collected, “They didn’t say anything specific, but let’s get in the boat and head over there right now. We’ll get you to Christopher Eddie.”
Hen offered a hand, basically guiding Eddie into their little boat and forcing him into a seat. He couldn’t focus, couldn’t think of anything past the pounding fear in his heart; it was debilitating. He was terrified for his son, and worried about his best friend as well. And on top of that he felt a bone crushing guilt. The two of them were only out because he had pushed Buck to get out, to get some fresh air and have a little fun. He’d been so down and gloomy, Eddie had just figured him spending time with Christopher was a good way to lighten his spirits. If anything had happened to either of them, it would be his fault. The boat lurched forward, water spraying in his face as they booked it back to the emergency triage center that had been set up in the wake of this disaster, but Eddie barely noticed. They had to be okay, they both had to be okay; Eddie couldn’t even begin to think about what he would do if they weren’t.
When he’d been pinned under the truck, with no means of escape and a psycho with a bomb strapped to their chest standing over him, Buck thought that was the scardest he could ever be. And then the wave came, and he lost Christopher.
Logically, he’d known he wasn’t going to be able to keep a hold of the kid, not with the force of all that water slamming into them, but the first few minutes after he resurfaced that Christopher wasn’t in his arms were some of the worst in his life. He had felt his heart bottom out in fear, desperation coloring his tone as he screamed, begging to hear a response.
And he’d gotten one. Obviously, their situation hadn’t been ideal, they’d just been struck by a tsunami for goodness sake, but at least they were together. At least he knew Christopher was safe.
And then the wave reversed, receding with almost as much force as it had attacked with, and Buck had to wonder who up there had such a sick sense of humor because he was really getting tired of being in such horrible situations. Yes, he knew how ironic that sentiment was coming from a firefighter, but there was a certain amount of detachment when he wasn’t the one being crushed by a truck or searching for a loved one after a disaster.
He’d turned his back for a minute, just a minute, to try and help some of the people begging to be saved as they were swept out to sea, and when he turned back around, and his eyes didn’t immediately see the bright shirt or sun reflecting off the glasses, he’d literally begun to panic.
Buck didn’t even spare a second to be mad at the rest of the people on the truck, because how could they have let him fall into the water? How could they not see Buck had been trying to save other people? How could they have not taken just one moment to be responsible for someone other than themselves? Because if he thought on that too long, he sunk deeper into self-loathing; he was the one who was supposed to be responsible for Chris. He shouldn’t have let Chris out of his sight, he’d let Chris fall in the water.
The fear from earlier was nothing compared to the raw terror he was feeling then, shouting desperately, on the verge of hysteria, as he continued to get nothing in response. No shout of his name, no flash of orange and white in the water, nothing. Christopher was just gone, in the span of less than a minute his best friend’s son had disappeared.
And it was all his fault.
Buck did his best to keep his breathing under control, the last thing he needed was to get lightheaded and pass out in the water, he was close enough just shouting at the top of his lungs. He knew he was feeling fatigued, the multiple trips into the water having really done a number on his newly healed leg. But he couldn’t let himself feel that, not yet anyway. There would be a time and a place to feel.
“Christopher!” He screamed again, his throat cracking with the effort. He thought he maybe tasted blood, but chose to ignore that fact, hoping if there was blood it was just from vocal cords being rubbed raw and abused by saltwater.
Something heavy and hard collided with his leg, his healthy one thankfully, but the shock of it still pulled him under the water. Buck surfaced sputtering, wiping water out of his eyes as he tried to regain some semblance of control in the raging wave. It had been a while since his feet had been able to touch any sort of hard surface, let along the ground.
Buck looked around again, wide eyes stinging, when he caught a glimpse of a familiar pair of red glasses. His stomach, which had been resting somewhere low in his stomach since he’d first realized Christopher was no longer on the fire truck, fell the rest of the way down to his feet.
Fighting against the current, Buck swam over and grabbed the glasses, which had been snagged against some debris, tightly in his hand. “No no no no.” He whirled around, combing the area and praying; he’d been doing more of that recently. Until Maddie had gone missing, he hadn’t really sent up a prayer in years, but he’d prayed then, and it had worked, they’d found Maddie alive. And then he’d prayed again, when his leg had been crushed under the symbol of his dreams and aspirations, and it seemed to have worked then too, because he was still alive. So, he prayed again, prayed harder than he ever had in his life, he needed to find Christopher alive. He couldn’t do that to Eddie.
The kid had to be somewhere close, at least, that’s what Buck was hoping. “Christopher!” He called, pausing when the need to cough became too great. “Chris buddy I need you to make some noise if you can hear me!” Buck stopped, treading water to the best of his ability and scanning the area, “Please hear me.” He whispered, blinking back against the sting of tears. He was surrounded by enough saltwater at the moment, he really didn’t need to be adding more, not to mention he was almost definitely dehydrated.
Faintly, he heard what sounded like metal on metal. His eyes widened and he spun around, trying to quell the threads of hope, because there had been a tsunami, of course debris was going to be making noise. “Christopher?” He called, moving towards where the sound seemed most prominent. “Christopher is that you?”
Buck was pretty sure that one little call of his name added ten years back to his life, and he nearly sagged with relief. “Christopher!” As quickly as he was able Buck swam through the water, to where he saw a little hand reaching up from behind what had probably been part of the pier at one point. Now it served as a makeshift raft, where Christopher was holding onto the wood tightly, knuckles white and arms shaking, whether from exertion or fear though Buck couldn’t be sure.
Either way, the kid looked just as relieved as he felt, and quickly launched off the floating debris and into his arms. “Christopher, holy shit don’t ever do that to me again.” Buck wrapped him up in his own arms, holding tight and burying his face in Christopher’s hair, planting a soft kiss against it, and vowing to never let that boy out of his arms ever again.
“Dad says that’s a naughty word. We aren’t supposed to say naughty words.”
Buck chuckled, pulling Chris back to try and look him over for any obvious injuries, “My apologies, let’s not tell your dad about that huh?”
Chris smiled almost playfully, “What do we tell him from this?”
“Well, I suppose nothing isn’t an option. How about we leave out the scariest bits okay?”
Chris laughed, “Yeah okay.” Then his little hands were reaching up and brushing against his face, which Buck was only realizing now was slick with tears. “Why are you crying?”
“What this?” Buck tried to laugh it off, smiling as big as he could, “Nah, that’s just water buddy, no tears here.”
“I just have water too.” Christopher said, leaning back and looking towards the sky, still smiling, his own eyes bright with ‘not-tears’.
Buck laughed again, he probably sounded crazy, but he was just so relieved. He pulled Christopher back up against his chest and squeezed, taking a moment to calm his breathing and let his heart settle back down to a slightly less worrisome rhythm. At least he no longer felt like he was about to go into cardiac arrest. “Oh hey, I have something of yours.” Buck said, just remembering the glasses. He held them up where Chris could see them and watched as the boy smiled excitedly.
“My glasses!” He cried, he reached out a hand to grab them, but left the other where it was, holding a chunk of Buck’s shirt in a vice-grip.
Buck sniffed and adjusted his position so he could help Chis put the glasses back over his eyes, still smiling and laughing softly.
“Now what?” Christopher whispered; little arms tucked back around Buck’s neck.
“Uh, that is an excellent question buddy. Now we figure something out, I’m gonna get you outta here.”
“Yeah, I’m a little sick of the water now.”
“Only a little?”
Chris smiled and nodded, “Only a little.”
Buck shook his head with a breathy laugh, he took one more minute to cradle Christopher’s head against his shoulder, fingers rubbing gentle circles in the sopping wet hair, before his firefighter brain took over, telling him they had to get moving. They had to find help soon, because Buck was definitely beginning to feel the effects of the tsunami. “Okay kiddo, here’s the plan, you’re gonna slide around and ride on my back while I swim through this mess.”
“Like a monkey?”
“Yeah, just like a monkey Monkey.” Buck tickled Chris’ stomach just enough to get the kid to giggle, “Think you can do that?”
“Roger that Team Leader.” Christopher nodded strongly, already adjusting his grip so he could move.
Neither of them really let go of the other, which made the process of Christopher moving to his back slow-going, but slow and steady won the race, or at least got them into their desired position. Then they began their painful shuffle through the gradually falling water. Buck could tell it was getting more shallow, but not enough to make much of a difference at the moment.
He kept swimming, just like he and Christopher had talked about earlier, just like Dory. The burn in his arms, the uncomfortable wrenching in his leg that hinted at what could potentially be a worsening injury, he ignored all of it, pushed it to the back of his mind and locked it in a box, throwing the key away with the tsunami. Buck didn’t have much energy for talking however, so the two spent a vast part of their journey in silence. Christopher seemed content to simply be hugging Buck tightly anyway, and Buck knew that pressure against his back was all he needed to keep himself going.
“Hey,” A gentle pat against his cheek drew Buck’s attention, “Do you hear that?” Christopher asked.
Buck shook water out of his face and paused a moment, listening. It took a moment, but sure enough after a few seconds of straining, his ears picked up on what sounded like a motor. He’d been so focused on moving in the direction of land that the possibility of running into other rescue operations hadn’t even crossed his radar. “Hey!” He shouted, although the sound didn’t carry far with how raw his vocal cords were. He tried waving his arms but all that accomplished was an uncomfortable mouthful of water that left him coughing.
“Hello!” Christopher shouted, a little louder than Buck had been able to manage.
“Keep shouting buddy, wave your arms around a bit, I’m gonna hoist you up.”
“Like one of the rides!” Chris smiled, arms already above his head. “See us!” He cried again, and when Buck shoved him as far above the water as he could Christopher waved his arms around even more.
Buck’s own arms shook with the effort, but he pushed himself to go further, do more, and lifted Christopher even higher, almost falling completely underwater when the two of them came crashing back down. But it had been worth it; when Buck’s head resurfaced the little rescue, boat was turning in their direction, someone on board waving their arms back to let them know they had been spotted.
A small hand was once again patting at his wet cheek, “You did it kid.”
“You were an incredible help Christopher. Great job.” Buck breathed heavily, counting the seconds until he could stop moving his arms and just let them melt into the jello they wanted to become.
The boat slowed as it neared them, and a female firefighter Buck had never seen before ran to the edge, “Hey there!”
“Take him.” Buck didn’t waste a second, he needed to get Christopher out of the water.
“Come here kiddo, I’ve got you.” She called gently, strong hands wrapping under Chris’ armpits and hoisting him above the side of the boat.
“Now you gotta get my Buck.” Christopher whispered, scooting out of the way but staying very close to the middle of the boat.
The lady smiled and gave him a strong nod, “Of course. Sir, grab my hand I’ll help pull you up.”
Buck barely had the energy needed to throw his arm over his head, let alone pull himself all the way into the little boat. But somehow his hand reached past the rubber lip, and he felt a strong tug against the back of his shirt. He was straining as hard as he could, wincing with the effort, when he felt a small hand grab his own and start to help pull as well. It was enough to give Buck a last burst of effort, and with the much-needed assistance of the firefighter, Buck was able to flop ungracefully into the boat.
He fell on his back, panting heavily and just staring up at the blue sky. Christopher laid his head against Buck’s chest, and Buck instinctually began running his fingers through his hair. “Thank you.” He gasped out, not quite sure who he was directing that gratitude to.
“Just hold tight you two, we’re gonna get you on dry land and get you all nice and warm.”
“I want hot chocolate.” Christopher whispered, and Buck smiled.
“We can get you some hot chocolate kiddo.”
Christopher’s next request was voiced a little quieter than the first and was accompanied by a squeezing of Buck’s fingers. “I want my dad.”
That got Buck moving again, groaning as he moved to sit up, ignoring how the world spun for several seconds too long when he was finally upright again. “Are you in contact with the other firefighters working here?”
The woman glanced at him from her position steering the boat, “Yes sir, why?”
“I need you to contact Captain Bobby Nash of the 118. He and his team need to meet us back on shore.”
“I don’t know where they’re stationed, everyone is spread pretty thin.”
“I know I know, but I need Captain Nash. Just, radio him, please. I work for him, tell him it’s Evan Buckley.” Buck explained, he was getting really tired of talking, and he tried pleading with his eyes. “Please, Captain Nash of the 118.”
The woman pursed her lips but relented with a nod, “I’ll contact him once we get closer to shore, you can’t hear much of anything over these motors.”
Buck just nodded, sagging back and letting his eyes slip closed. “Thank you.” He whispered, his arms once again finding their way around Christopher’s waist and gently tugging him as close as he was able.
When they finally docked it was to a scene of absolute chaos. Someone tried to grab Christopher from him as they hopped out of the boat, but Buck just shook his head, too tired to even tell them to back off. The two of them were ushered towards where several cots had been set up, someone giving them a quick preliminary medical check just to assess whether or not they were dying. Then they were given a thick blanket and told to sit tight.
So that’s what the two of them did. Buck soon began to lose track of everything but the warmth in his arms, the steady beat of Christopher’s heart. It cancelled out anything else he might have been feeling and he fell into an almost blissful state of numbness.
The zodiac had barely touched down before Eddie was jumping out and sprinting through the crowd, eyes wide; he wasn’t even trying to hide his desperation. “Christopher!” He shouted, growing more desperate the longer he went without seeing him. “Christopher!”
“Eddie, over here!” Hen called, waving to get his attention. She pointed to where several cots were all lined up, and sitting on one, looking more exhausted than Eddie ever wanted to see, was Buck. And clutched in his arms: Christopher.
Eddies shoulders sagged in relief, and if he hadn’t been so desperate to hold Chris close to him, he knew his legs would have given out right there. He jogged closer, tears falling unchecked, “Christopher.”
Christopher’s head poked up, and he glanced around to try and see where the voice was coming from. “Buck,” He said, shaking Buck’s shoulder, “Buck it’s dad!”
Buck blinked, the boy’s words took a moment to process, probably a moment longer than they should have, but when they finally did register he quickly set Chris down, no matter how much he didn’t want to, and watched him stagger towards his dad.
Eddie crashed to his knees and pulled Christopher as close to him as was physically possible. “Are you okay, does anything hurt?” Eddie pulled back and held Chris at arms’ length, studying him carefully.
“I’m okay dad.” Christopher smiled, brushing a hand against Eddie’s chin. “Buck kept me safe.”
A spike of emotion shot through Eddie’s heart, and he glanced up to see Buck sitting exactly where Christopher had left him, Eddie couldn’t even tell how much awareness he really had, the poor guy looked about ready to collapse.
“He needs a nap.” Christopher stated matter-of-factly.
The sentiment made Eddie chuckle, knowing that whenever Christopher was particularly exhausted, a nap was his go-to solution. “I think he needs more than just a nap buddy.”
“A nap is a good place to start.”
“That it is. Hey, you remember Hen and Chim right? Can you let them look you over while I check on our friend over here?”
Christopher nodded, holding his arms open for one more hug that Eddie was all too willing to give him, before he started making his way to where the two paramedics were waiting, figuring Eddie would want them to check his son over anyway.
That allowed Eddie to stand and make his way closer to the cot. “Buck?” Eddie asked, holding a hand out and looking at his friend warily.
“Eddie.” Buck’s shoulders sagged in relief, a tired smile stretching across his marred face. “I found him Eddie, I found him, and I didn’t let him go.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed; not quite sure what Buck meant. “How you feeling buddy?”
Buck didn’t really seem to register what had been asked, instead positing a question of his own, “Is Christopher alright?”
“Yeah, yeah Buck, you got him here safely.”
“Oh thank god, I was real worried for a bit. Wasn’t sure we were gonna find you.” Buck sighed heavily, his eyelids drooping and his entire body listing to the side.
“Woah woah buddy, Buck buddy you gotta stay awake okay?” Eddie called frantically, catching Buck before he could fall out of the cot completely.
“We made it back,” Buck breathed, still not quite seeming to comprehend anything Eddie had actually said to him.
“Yeah Buck, you did.”
“‘M tired.”
“I know you are buddy, but you could be hurt, we need to check you over. Eyes open okay?”
Buck just blinked sluggishly, “Christopher? Is he hurt?”
Eddie sighed, lips tight, he wasn’t sure if it was just exhaustion or if Buck had a concussion or other sort of injury that was interfering with his ability to focus. “No Buck, just a few cuts and bruises, nothing serious at all.”
“Okay good, was real-” Buck’s voice tapered off into an exhausted whisper, “worried for a sec.” He finished, the small sentence obviously taking quite a bit of effort, before his eyes rolled back and his entire body sagged downwards. He would have hit the ground had Eddie not already had a firm hold of his shoulders. “Buck, Buck hey! Guys I need help over here!”
Buck didn’t remember closing his eyes, granted most of the day after he’d lost Chris had been a blur, but it was still a weird feeling to wake up in a room he had no recollection of being moved to. He was starting to get far too used to hospital beds though, so although he didn’t know all the details he knew exactly where he was when he finally came to.
The room was quiet, a heart monitor beating softly in time to his pulse next to him and the quiet shuffle of some sort of material; the general din of the world outside his own room was the only source of any significant noise. He could only imagine how busy the hospital was after the disaster they just experienced.
His eyes peeled open with minimal effort but attempting to turn his head and survey the room resulted in a hiss of pain.
Maddie had been sitting in the chair next to his bed reading a new book Chimney had bought her when she heard the noise of discomfort, the book immediately falling away when she saw her brother awake. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Okay, all things considered.” He whispered, throat feeling like he had gargled nails for breakfast.
“Yeah, you were amazingly lucky. Mostly minor injuries.”
Buck’s eyebrows raised and he looked up at Maddie in trepidation, “Mostly?”
She nodded with pursed lips, but she’d promised him she was never going to withhold medical information, no matter what it might be. “Yeah. Lots of little cuts and bruises. Your ribs took a real beating, so you’ll have to be careful about those. Whiplash, hence the sore neck, so careful moving your head. Your leg, well for what you went through it sustained amazingly little harm. You’ll need to use crutches again, at least for a little bit, and the doctor has to keep a close eye on things to make sure nothing was damaged structurally and the metal implants are still holding up okay, but otherwise you’ve been given a clean bill of health.”
Buck nodded, swallowing with a wince. It really wasn’t as bad as he had expected, with how he’d been feeling by the time they’d finally been picked up by rescuers. They. A spike of icy terror shot through his heart, vocalized by the shrill scream of the heart monitor, “Christopher, where is he, is he alright?”
“Evan, relax, okay? Just breathe, Christopher is fine. He’s at home resting, he is perfectly safe. Thanks to you.” Maddie was hoping that would at least calm Buck down, make him feel a little better, but if anything, it seemed to have the opposite effect.
“No, no I lost him Mads. I had him and then I lost him, he almost died.” Buck shook his head vehemently, face scrunched in disgust.
Maddie settled gently on the hard hospital cot, gripping the hand not full of tubes in her own, “What are you talking about, Ev I don’t understand.”
Buck’s eyes began to water, and he’d just opened his mouth to try and explain, when a slightly breathless figure in the door caught his attention. “Eddie.”
Eddie’s eyes were wide, breathing heavily as if he’d just run up several flights of stairs in full firefighter gear, “You’re awake.”
Buck nodded with a swallow, “You’re alone.”
“I didn’t know- Christopher is in the waiting room, he was having a little trouble sleeping back home but I didn’t know if you were still out of it. I didn’t want him coming in here if you weren’t, well if you weren’t conscious.” Eddie shifted nervously, still standing in the doorway, “He saw you pass out at the triage center and it uh, it really freaked him out.”
Buck’s face scrunched up in anger, one more thing to add to the ever-growing tower of self-loathing. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” Eddie demanded immediately.
Maddie watched the two interact, could feel the tension radiating off her brother in waves, and knew this was a conversation the two of them needed to have alone. “Hey Evan, I’m gonna go get some coffee okay? I’ll be back in a bit.”
Buck smiled up at her briefly but otherwise didn’t say anything.
On her way out the door Maddie gave Eddie’s arm a reassuring squeeze, “He’s real upset about something, I don’t know what though.” She whispered.
Eddie gave a small nod and stepped out of the way as she left, book in hand. He shuffled his feet awkwardly, he wasn’t terribly good at navigating emotions, but Buck had saved his son’s life, not to mention he considered the man one of his closest friends. He owed it to him to try and figure out what was going on. So, with a deep breath he stepped through the threshold, and crossed over to the recently vacated chair. “So how are you feeling?”
“Well, I really just woke up not that long ago, so I think the discomfort hasn’t really sunk in yet. That or they have me on some pretty good pain meds.”
Eddie laughed, “Probably a little of both.”
The room lapsed into silence and Buck stared so intensely at the wall Eddie thought it was in danger of spontaneous combustion, “How many?” He finally whispered.
“There isn’t a final count yet, but a lot.” He responded somberly.
Buck just nodded, teeth chewing the inside of his lip almost subconsciously. “There were so many people out there, I wish I could have helped them.”
“You did, you helped a lot of people Buck.”
Buck just sighed, the exhale almost sounding bitter, which only served to confuse Eddie further. Maddie had been right; something really was bothering him. Eddie moved to sit in the hard-plastic chair that had been moved close to Buck’s bed, studying his face as he went. “Can I help with anything, I mean, do you need me to get anything for you?”
Buck ignored Eddie’s question and responded with a question of his own. “Why aren’t you mad?”
The inquiry had Eddie reeling, blinking in shocked confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“You should be furious with me.” Buck said, his tone resigned, like he was just waiting for the mood to shift and for him to be proven right, “You should hate me.”
Eddie’s heart stuttered, “Why would I hate you?”
It took a moment, and when Buck finally did answer it was in such a small, quiet voice, Eddie almost didn’t hear, “Because I hate me.”
“Buck, you saved my son’s life, how could I ever hate you? Hell, I’m still trying to figure out how I’m going to repay you.”
“Don’t do that.”
Eddie sighed, “Don’t do what?” He pressed gently, hoping Buck would just open up already and the conversation that clearly needed to happen could finally start.
“Thank me. Act like I’m some-some hero or something.” He said the word like it tasted bad on his tongue.
Eddie chuckled nervously, mostly because he really didn’t understand where any of this was coming from. “Well what should I treat you like?”
“A failure.” Buck snapped, his eyes were bursting fiery with anger, but Eddie could tell it was directed inward and not at himself.
The vehemence in his tone took Eddie by surprise and he was left sputtering, “What? Buck, how could you be a failure? You’re alive, Christopher is alive-”
“Yeah well he almost wasn’t!” Buck interrupted with a crackling shout, tears welling but refusing to spill.
Dread pooled in the pit of Eddie’s stomach, mind racing with possibilities, of the doctor’s having missed something, him missing something; Christopher hadn’t mentioned anything but maybe he didn’t want to talk about it. “What-what are you talking about Buck?” He hated how much his voice wavered.
Buck shook his head, he looked like he wanted to stand and pace, work out some of the tension in his body. “He fell off the truck Eddie! I turned my back for a second, and he fell off the truck and he was just gone. I thought he was dead, I thought I had killed your son and I knew it was something neither of us were ever going to be able to forgive me for. And yeah, sure, I jumped in to look for him but I- I was- Eddie if I couldn’t find him, I wanted that wave to kill me. Because being dead would be better than having to face you and tell you I let Christopher die. That it was my fault you lost someone else in your family.”
Eddie felt the confession hit him like a brick, sucking the air from his chest and immediately making tears prick behind his own eyes. “Buck, Ev listen, I don’t care. Okay? I don’t. Look, whatever happened in the middle, I’m sure you protected Christopher to the best of your abilities.”
Buck opened his mouth to interrupt, probably protest, but Eddie wasn’t going to give it to him. “Ev it was a disaster. You said Chris fell off the truck? Then he fell off the truck. But you found him again, you brought him to safety.” Eddie had to stop and breathe as a sob threatened to wrench its way out of his throat, tears were already free flowing down his face. “You brought him back to me. And we can talk through anything else that happened later but right now the only fact I care about is that you and Christopher are alive. You understand?”
Buck nodded, not trusting his voice to work past the tears lodged in his throat.
“God,” Eddie laughed wetly, swiping the tears off his face with a sniff, “Here I was afraid you were gonna be mad at me.”
“W-what?” Buck croaked.
“Buck, you wouldn’t have even been out on the pier if I hadn’t pushed you to get out today. I’m the reason you left your apartment.”
“I don’t blame you, honestly I-I know I needed it. I just happen to have the shittiest luck in the universe. But I didn’t blame you for a second Eddie.”
“What if we just say it was no body’s fault?”
The sudden voice from the doorway drew their attention away from each other, Christopher stood with a big, albeit tired, grin on his face.
Eddie stood and was quick to scoop Christopher off his feet, tickling his tummy on the way up, “Hey you, how did you get up here?”
“Hen brought me!”
“Hi,” Hen waved, leaning in the doorframe, “Sorry if I was interrupting something, Maddie said Buck was awake and this one was insistent on seeing him immediately.”
“You were?” Buck asked playfully, “C’mere you goof.”
“You’re the goof!” Christopher squealed as Eddie hoisted him above his head and swung him around the room a little before plopping him onto the hospital bed.
Buck’s hand drifted towards Christopher without him really even seeming to notice, still instinctually needing to be close, to ensure Chris was safe. He leaned forward as much as he was physically able, swallowing a wince, “So, what’s the status report?”
“Nothing of consequence.” Christopher said matter-of-factly with a strong nod of his head.
“You sure?” Buck asked, a mischievous grin growing on his face, “Not even here?” He poked at Christopher’s side, “Or here?” Buck poked his other side and Chris wiggled out of the way. “Definitely here!”
Christopher fell back with a loud giggle, clutching his stomach where Buck was tickling him playfully. “Stop!” He cried, a large grin on his face.
Buck pulled his hands back, laughing along with Christopher, no matter how much it hurt his ribs. Eddie must have picked up on his discomfort though because a second later he was walking over and kneeling at the edge of the bed, looking Chris in the eyes. “Whaddya say we let Buck get some rest hm?”
“Aww.” Chris sat up, smile fading.
“You can totally come back and see me tomorrow,” Buck promised, before opening his mouth in a hugely exaggerated yawn. “I am pretty tired.”
Eddie met his eyes over Christopher’s mop of curly hair, a small smile of gratitude silently expressing his thanks. Christopher needed to rest too, and he would feel much better about leaving if he thought it was because Buck needed to sleep himself.
“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow kid.” Chris said, reaching his little hand up once more to rub against Buck’s cheek.
Buck leaned into the contact and took the opportunity to blow a quick raspberry, wanting to hear the boy’s laughter one last time before he left for the evening.
“Alright mister,” Eddie gripped Chris and easily pulled him off the bed. “Can you wait for daddy out in the hallway real quick?”
“Roger that!” Chris nodded and started making his way to the door, progress a little slow-going without the aid of his crutches.
“Thank you,” Eddie said, standing and placing a firm hand on Buck’s knee. He sounded more sincere than Buck had ever heard him, “Seriously, thank you.”
“Thanks for visiting. You’ll be back tomorrow?” Buck wasn’t even the least bit embarrassed by the hopeful lilt of his voice.
Eddie smiled, glancing over his shoulder where Christopher was sweet-talking a nurse. “I don’t think that one will stand for anything else.”
“Good. Now get outta here.”
“Alright, I’m going. Have a good night Buck.”
Buck smiled gently, “You too.”
Hen watched Eddie leave the room, once again snatching Christopher right off the ground and pulling him close, the sight made her smile. She couldn’t even imagine how she would be feeling if it had been her own son lost in the disaster.
“Thank you, for bringing him up.” Buck’s soft voice broke the relative silence that had encompassed the room.
“I think he needed it as much as you did. Now get some rest, you look about two seconds away from passing out completely.”
Buck sighed, trying to stifle a real yawn that time with little success, “Any idea on when I can get outta here?”
“You don’t enjoy the scenery?” Hen joked with a roll of her eyes. “Go to sleep Buck, I’ll ask around.”
“M’kay. Night Hen.”
“Good night Buck.”
#9-1-1#911fox#this is long#but there will be more#because i literally can't help myself#you know nightmares are a thing that need to happen!#my writing#evan buckley#eddie diaz#christopher diaz#bobby nash
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below is a list of my currently updated thread tracker since the website hasn’t working lately.... but here’s the link anyway. the threads are listed in abc order (as best as i could) by partner url !!
now that i have updated my tracker, i am willing to take on more threads (will probably post some starter calls for muses without any threads since they need love too) .... with exception!!!! as well as bust out my currently old memes in my ask box :P
and figure out relationships & verses & bios & which muses to keep / get rid of since my last update and clearing out my followers / following lists !!! pretty much everythiiing!!
i will probably from now on, as replies come in for me, i will most likely reply & add them to queue as i do them so they don’t build up and i can also work on other things in between however some might get posted right away depending on how much muse and how much interest i have towards that specific thread at the moment.
if I’m missing ANYTHING please let me know.
I OWE: already replied and added to queue. if you want to drop or move any of the following threads, feel free to let me know. i will delete it from my tracker & my queue if it hasn’t already been replied to !!
plain text = done, queued, & added to tracker
italics and indented = queued, needs added to tracker after posting
indented = in the drafts, needs icon, queued, & added to tracker.
bold = needs replies, then queued, then added to tracker
Family Reunion // Sebastian & Lizzie
Romantic Dice // Lizzie & Peter
Playlist // Lauren & Peter
Resident Evil AU // Ray & Kayla
Early Lunch // Kara & Lena
Amnesia // Dabi & Yume
A Christmas Witch // Seraphina & Sharon
Almost Uncertain Death // Laurel & Sara
Arranged Marriage // Leonard & Sara
Bloodlust // Leonard & Sara
Dragon and Assassin // Eleanor & Sara
Familiar Faces // Steve & Diana
Gotham's Queens // Sofia & Sara
Sara & Enzo
Saved By The Flash // Leonard & Sara
Second Chances // Ray & Nora
Treasure Hunter // Chase & Jean
Welcome to Hell // Caden & Sara
Friend In Need // Charlie & Dean
New Friends // Charlie & Claire
Drunk Beck // Beck & Derek
A Helping Hand // Beck & Derek
Escape // Marceline & Noctis
Long Live The Queen // Historia & Noctis
Investigating // Winry & Noctis
Blood Kink // Himiko & Shdwkyz
Bad Influence // Toni & Amber
Dangerous // Steve & Seb
Hot Tubbin' // Lea & Lana
I'm a Delacour // Adaline & Camille
Live To Party // Farah & MIchael
Snap with Sierra // Sierra & Camden
Stepcest // Kara & Gray
Reincarnated Lovers // Dean & Dorothy
New Visitor // Sonia & Yozora
Tomato Fight // Sonia & Yozora
Soft Lips // Bakugo & Deku
Comfort // Bakugo & Deku
Nightmare // Bakugo & Deku
Birthday Boy // Dominic & Jagger
Caden & Rory
Christian & Jagger
Hugh & Jagger
Klaus & Rory
Rory & Elijah
A ghost and a vampire // Hal & Sally
Who Sent You? // Hal & Sally
Infamous // Tara & Alu
Kill to Survive // Natalia & Alu
Loners // Stefan & Alu
Truth or Dare // Nick & Alu
A New Meta // Barry & Maddie
A Powerful Mutant // John & Victoria
After Cotillion // Ben & Mal
Another Kryptonian // Kara & Maddie
Another Mermaid // Cleo & Evie
Anything She Wants // Lea & Kara
Corrupted Ben // Ben & Mal
Done Talking // Avery & Kara
Easter Dinner // Evie & Mal
Fake Girlfriend // Michael & Clara
Famous in Love // Josh & Maddie
Fancy Meeting You Here // Wes & Liv
Forgive Me // Erik & Ondina
Holden and Superhero!Liv
House of El // Kara & Clark
Hurt // Gar & Gwen
Hurt & Angry // Mon-El & Kara
Into the Spiderverse // Brainy & Gwen
Livewire's Apprentice // Livewire & Liv
Mermaid Reunion // Cleo & Emma
New Earth // Miles & Gwen
New York Minute // Holden & Liv
Old Friends // Sebastian & Lilly
Pain in the Ass // Tandy & Ruby
Peter & Mal
Poisoned Mal // Ben & Mal
Quiet Time // Hades & Mal
Return of Lilly // Lilly & Freya
Revisiting Themiscyra // Diana & Maddie
Romantic Evening // Ben & Mal
Seeing Double // Lilly & Harry
Stefan & Elena
Superhero!Maddie and Josh
Surprise Return // Mason & Alex
Survival // Lorna & Victoria
Thank God You're Breathing // Mason & Alex
The World of Music // Barry & Kara
True Love // Harvey & Sabrina
Vampire Powers Activated // Hope & Lilly
What Do You Think You're Doing? // Ben & Mal
Winter Spirits // Noelle & Evelyn
Shower // Levi & Prompto
You Can Be Useful // Levi & Prompto
Drag // Harley & The Professor
Scoot Over // Clara & The Professor
Sit On My Face // Harley & The Professor
New Playmate // Harley & The Professor
Morning Sex // Harley & The Professor
Crisis Averted // Oliver & Lea
A Whole New World // Staz & Kise
Attractive Meme // Kageyama & Tsukishima
Gilthunder and Gowther
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Puppy Love // Gilthunder & Gowther
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Cisco & Aria
Cisco & Aqua
Cisco & Tara
Accidental Mistletoe // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Hayley & Elijah
Ass on Display // Lucien & Cami
Carnival Date // Kol & Davina
Comfort After A Nightmare // Elijah & Hayley
Karamel Angst // Kara & Mon-El
Mating Season // Klaus & Camille
Nude Pictures // Klaus & Camille
Oh Bite Me // Kol & Davina
Pinned // Klaus & Camille
Small Closet // Klaus & Camille
Smell of Blood // Klaus & Camille
Snowstorm // Klaus & Camille
Take Off Your Pants // Christian & Hayley
Trapped in a Closet // Hayley & Dean
Hizzie // Hope & Lizzie
Hosie // Hope & Josie
Old Faces // Hades & Mal
Seduction // Harry & Mal
Bucky & Harley
Drunk & Missing You // Mon-El & Kara
Kai & Katherine
Mommy’s Little Monster // Lucy & Harley
Selina & Harley
Bloodbath // Christian & Alice
Damon Royalty AU // Damon & Alice
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice
Familiar // Christian & Alice
From Playful To Possessive // Damon & Alice
Greece Vacation // Christian & Alice
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice
Late Night Phone Call // Christian & Alice
Mating Season // Damon & Alice
Need You Now // Christian & Alice
Negative Soulmates // Christian & Alice
Pray For The Wicked // Christian & Alice
Prince Christian // Christian & Alice
Sex Under the Stars // Christian & Alice
Surprise Me // Christian & Alice
Vampire Lover // Christian & Alice
Brotherly Reunion // Kol & Henrik
Distracted // Persephone & Poseidon
Do You Knock? // Rebekah & Henrik
Fated Meeting // Hope & Raven
Forgot To Knock // Freya & Kol
New Students // Jackson & Sebastian
Opposing Sides // Natasha & Jake
Persephone's Garden // Hercules & Persephone
Please Remember // Hope & Kol
Singles Night // Riley & Kyle
The Modern World // Hades & Ares
We're Family // Hope & Henrik
Who The Hell Are You? // Hope & Jackson
Young Gods // Persephone & Blake
A Pirate's Life For Me // Harry & Harriet
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Children of the Sea // Uma & Uriella
Like Mother, Like Daughter // Jasmine & Jasura
Mermaid Teachings // Ariel & Aria
Riddle Me This // Chesney & Alice
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The Sheriff and Archer // Roland & Skye
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Childhood Crush // Gou & Sosuke
Future Fish // Rin & Sosuke
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How Badly Do You Want Me // Maxxie & Cas
Oral Sex // Dean & Cas
Pin My Muse // Dean & Cas
The End // Dean & Cas
High School Sweethearts // Hugh & Addie
Not Alone // Iris & Emma
A Princess and a Pirate // Killian & Emma
Super Friends // Kara & Emma
Lucy Quinzel, Nice To Meet Ya // Rick & Lucy
Enzo and Bex
Brothers Salvatore // Stefan & Damonm
Ain't No Crying in the Club // Harley & Kelsey
Breaking and Entering // Harley & Kelsey
Hold Still // Kelsey & Asya
Heartbroken // Luciana & Dahlia
Stargazing // Benny & Ben
Almost Killed Me // Lizzie & Oliver
It's Safe Here // Josie & Oliver
Lost Stray // Harley & Oliver
Make Me Feel // Lizzie & Oliver
New Roommate // Oliver & Harley
Oliver and Chloe
You're Staring // Josie & Oliver
YOU OWE: let me know if you want to drop any of the following !! i am also willing to move some to discord to make things easier. these threads will automatically be dropped if i don’t get a reply within a month except for those with a ** who have been on hiatus.
School Work // Penelope & Peter ( x )
Upside Down // Josie & Peter ( x )
Tour Guide // Lizzie & Peter ( x )
Alice & The Mad Hatter // Alice & Jervis ( x )
Kennedy Cochran, P.I. // Kennedy & Sara ( x )
Master & Servant // Lucy & Kyon ( x ) ** will be archived temporarily due to hiatus.
Cheryl and Alu ( x )
Don't Let Them See // Hazel & Alu ( x )
Oldest Friends // Jayden & Alu ( x )
Slow Dance // Dick & Alu ( x )
Terrifying // Valerie & Alu ( x )
Sorry I Ran Into You // Remi & Maddie ( x )
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Thief In The Night // Mal & Roland ( x )
Found Dog // Neal & Snow ( x )
Aren’t You Afraid // Diana & Chaos? ( x )
Chaotic Good // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Hot When Angry // Harley & Chaos? ( x )
Too Much To Drink // Lux & Chase ( x )
@loserbled / @hcrlequins
Mommy's Little Monster // Harley & Lucy ( x )
Handosie Threesome // Hope, Landon, & Josie ( x )
Landon & Ava ( x )
Landon & Jo ( x )
Stolen Sweatshirt // Tsukki & Kageyama ( x )
Can’t Wait // Dean & Tsukki ( x )
Personal Chef // Tsukki & Shinomiya ( x )
Attention // Tobio & Tsukki ( x )
Summer Vacation // Gou & Momo ( x )
Christmas Celebrations // Nick & Sabrina ( x )
Broken, Beaten, & Bruised // Steve & Nancy ( x )
One Scratch, Two Scratch // Nick, Nate, & Sabrina ( x )
Nick, Harvey, & Sabrina ( x )
Sweet, But Psycho ( x )
Sibling Bonding // Mia & William ( x )
I Own You // E2!Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Taking Care of Laurel // Laurel & Felicity ( x )
Apocalypse Now // Emily & Felicity ( x )
Cold Weather - Penguin // Uma & Mal ( x )
Cold Weather - Santa Hat // Ben & Mal ( x )
Fake Girlfriends // Evie & Mal ( x )
New Villain at Auradon // Harry & Mal ( x )
Listen... // Ben & Mal ( x )
Happy Anniversary // Ben & Mal ( x )
Alone // Toni & Cheryl ( x )
Harley & Wade // sms ( x )
Roommates // Ivy & Cooper ( x )
I’m Gonna Show You Crazy // Kai & Alice ( x )
Bad Things // Damon & Alice ( x )
Dance, Dance // Christian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Newly Turned Vampire // Cristian, Damon, & Alice ( x )
Teacher’s Pet // Christian & Alice ( x )
Dark Kink // Christian & Alice ( x )
High School Sweethearts // Christian & Alice ( x )
Fifty Shades of Grey AU // Christian & Alice ( x )
Christmas Party // Aurora & Henrik ( x )
Into the Unknown // Regan & Wyatt ( x )
Anti-Christmas // Kai & Henrik ( x )
Masquerade // Lucien & Ellis ( x )
Earth & Fire // Tara & Ember ( x )
Old Friends // Nagisa & Rin ( x )
Shielded From The Rain // Ruby & Dorian ( x )
Should've Been You (fcxsinned)
Protect Ban (fcxsinned)
Not Morning (fcxsinned)
Why Him? (fcxsinned)
Butterfingers (licnspride)
Drunken!Sins (licnspride)
Massages (licnspride)
Remarkable (licnspride)
Fairy Children (windscint)
Spanking (windscint)
Extra Special Service (pollutedxdesires)
I'm Fine (fragmntedx)
Home For the Holidays (monsterineveryone)
Gotham City Siren (sarcasmpersonified181)
I’m Your Mother (killersmoakism)
Snow Fairy (killersmoakism)
Brothers (memorystxrs)
Are You Cold? (pinafcl)
On Your Knees (multidivision)
The Hunter & His Wolf (multidivision)
Cook Off (multidivision)
Not Drunk Enough (multidivision)
Pinned (multidivision)
The Boar Hat (multidivision)
Oikawa & Shoyo sms thread (multidivision)
all threads with @chooseyourmuse & @ocylum
Elizabeth & Howzer ( x )
Workout Routine // Izuku & Bakugo ( x )
Freaking Me Out // Meliodas & Elizabeth ( x )
New Friends // Gou & Kamina ( x )
Take Me With You // Xi & Colin ( x )
Is That Blood? // Cassandra & Matthew ( x )
Guzma & Alice ( x )
Blushing // Ochaco & Bakugo ( x )
Romantic Dice // Ban & Jericho ( x )
some threads with @multidivision already moved over; not linking bc too much work and they’re already linked in discord.
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Why me?
Chapter 17
Riley is forced out of Cordonia unknowingly to her friends, and moves back to New York.
She is later faced with her past from Cordonia and is hiding a few new secrets. With the help from her New York friends and friends from Cordonia will she escape her current situation and find her happy ever after?
Tags- @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @butindeed @bascmve01 @bbrandy2002 @choiceslover-24-7 @drakewalker04 @carabeth @insideamirage @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @pedudley @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kingliam2019 @drakesensworld @ladyangel70
9days after the ball- NYC.
Lola arrived at the apartment with Daniel, wondering what to expect with the King. Was he as handsome as her soon to be brother in law? Daniel could vaguely remember him as he rushed out of the bar that night they met Riley.
“Lo, Dan. Come in.”
“Leo, let me see what I’m dealing with. Where are they both?”
Leo pointed towards the balcony, when Lola started to walk over towards them.
“Hi, I’m Lola. You must be King Liam and Bastien. Now I’m telling you, don’t fuck this up! She’s already hanging onto a thin thread, where’s the man in question that has caused all this heartbreak?”
“It’s just Liam. Nice to meet you Lola. Daniel, nice to see you again. And that man is heartbroken too- Drake has lost her twice now. Neither time being his fault. He had his drink spiked the other night causing his out of character personality. Our father caused all this again, Drake is distraught.”
“Does Ri know?”
“Why the fuck haven’t you told her? Daniel and I have only heard her side of the story! If she knew the truth, she’d be jumping back in his arms!”
“Lola! Leo has tried to talk to her about it. She avoids the conversation. I tried to talk to her about it on the flight back over here.”
“Do we even have to do this stupid disguise plan Liam?”
“She has ignored my recent texts, I didn’t want to put pressure on her returning, risking her not coming back at all. I know it’s stupid but if we can see how she’s doing I’m happy. I know if we turned up as ourselves she would panic.”
“Fine! Let’s sort this shit out.”
The friends decided to call Liam and Bastien; Bill and Ben, something simple that they’d all remember. They walked into the bar that Riley worked in - she was serving customers and they knew that smile she wore was fake. They all walked up to the bar, Liam took a quick sneaky picture to send to Drake - just to prove that she was safe.
“Open the attachment Drake, she’s safe. We will bring her back.”
“She’s so beautiful. I miss her so much Li. I know you’ll do your best. Keep me updated.”
“Hey Doll, get us the usual shots, what time do you finish?”
“Hey Lo, I’ll be with ya soon, finish in 2 hours- haven’t had a break yet so I’m having one in ten minutes- meet me in the smoking area.”
They all waited in the smoking area for Riley, she finally walked through the doors quickly sparking a cigarette up, with a gin in the other hand.
“Hey Ri, should you be drinking whilst on shift?”
“Dan, I honestly don’t care. What’s he gonna do? Sack me? I need these to keep me sane! So what’s the occasion for going out tonight?”
They looked at each other panicking who would come up with a good excuse.
“Well it’s less than three weeks to the wedding. Premature wedding bash!”
Riley noticed two men stood next to the group staring. Beth started to panic that her excuse was a flunk.
“Oo Riley, how rude of me. This is Bill and Ben- you remember them. Mine and Lola’s next door neighbours when we was kids.”
Lola rolled her eyes, what a load of shit she thought before agreeing with her sister.
“Sorry I don’t remember you, nice to see you both again.”
She just stared at ‘the strangers’, they looked familiar, their eyes looked familiar- she shrugged her thoughts off.
The friends talked together, trying to avoid the conversation regarding Cordonia. Riley had to return to work, as she turned around she saw a familiar face and her friends noticed her fists go into balls.
“Fuck off Nate! Have you come here to attempt to break my arm again? Leave me alone!”
Liam and Bastien realised who the man was, Liam furious, accidentally took a step forward to protect Riley before Lola pushed him back. He soon realised how close he was to blowing their cover.
“Riley I’m so sorry. I got jealous. You’re still so beautiful.”
“Fuck you Nate.”
“You already did.”
Riley turned around, punching the lawyer. He fell onto the concrete, holding his nose which had blood flowing out of it.
“Yeah don’t remind me! I nearly lost the man I loved because of you! Stay the fuck away from me and friends Nate! You were nothing to me apart from a rebound fuck! Guys I’ll see ya in a couple of hours.”
As Riley walked back into the bar; Leo, Liam and Bastien discreetly finished the damage Riley had started. They wouldn’t ever see Nate again. Leo then turned around the others;
“At least she admitted she still loves Drake. That’s a positive start. And remind me never to piss her off...”
The friends had a good night considering what had happened with Nate. Riley finally opened up to her feelings regarding Cordonia after her shift in the club- a drunk mind speaks the truth.
“Do you think he meant to sleep with her Leo? How could he do that? Obviously she was his before I was, but I was so jealous.”
Leo looked at Liam before he spoke again- Liam had an idea what Leo was going to do.
“Ri, he’s never loved her. I spoke to Liam the other day. Do you want the truth about what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“So, when you and Beth left. The morning after, Drake asked where you was. He thought he had slept with you that night. None of us believed him at first. But Liam had his suspicions. Madeline was making digs, playing games. The day after Li and Bastien confronted our father, Liam played him and got a confession out of him. Maddy, Kiara and my father desperately wanted you out of court again. They all worked together. That text was from the girls not Drake! Riley, he would never hurt you. He’s madly in love with you.”
“So why isn’t he here Leo? Why isn’t he fighting for me? Why are you doing it for him? I need some space from all of this. I don’t understand why someone could hate me so much to ruin my life. And if I go back, I might end up in prison for killing those bitches!”
Shit. This plan isn’t going to work.
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