#i might make prt 2 if i remember lol
sethdomain · 2 years
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get good gene'd idiot
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tonicandjins · 6 years
house of cards by bts + hoshi
gin and tonic + 1.9k words + light smut + auwarning: swearing, cheating, sexnote: i really enjoyed writing this one so if you want a prt 2 pls let me know!! also, it was difficult to insert the song given but it has the same vibes/message into it. i wanted this to be short but when did i ever succeed in writing short scenarios lol 
It usually takes six glasses of gin and tonic to get Kwon Soonyoung absolutely drunk, but he’s had barely half of his second shot when he’s pulling down your panties in the ladies’ washroom at the back of the club.
Tuesday nights aren’t meant for drinking. Soonyoung needs to be at work before eight if he doesn’t want bullshit for breakfast. He’s normally punctual, always organized. He’s known for that. Kwon Soonyoung, the best man to ever grace this earth. He doesn’t break rules and makes the world a better place with just a polite smile.
But somehow, something—someone—makes him break the rules tonight.
The bartender just handed him his second shot when you sloppily slid on the stool on his right, looking like the loneliest princess there is. You’re dressed in black and the stain of your lipstick is dark, bold—it almost seems like you came from a funeral. Soonyoung doesn’t realize he looks exactly like you—lonely and desperate to get shitfaced.
He blurts out that you seem lonely; you laugh it off and he blushes because you might think he’s hitting on you. (He eventually does, though.) You tell him he looks lonely, too. Soonyoung admits it and asks you if someone died.
“What?” you ask, confused. “Do I look like that? Oh God, I didn’t mean to.”
“So, no, then?” he confirms; you shake your hand. “Good. I was worried you’d start sobbing about someone’s death when you’re drunk enough.”
You chuckle bitterly and continue to drink the martini in your hand. Soonyoung’s body is still facing towards the counter but his face is turned to you while he talks. You, on the other hand, have fully given your attention to him. Your right elbow rests on the cold, marble counter, legs crossed as you face him. The skin on your thighs show as your skirt hikes up higher and higher by the second, but Soonyoung pretends he doesn’t see it.
“Something funny?” he asks when you’re still chuckling silently even after downing your drink and asking the barista for another one.
“I just thought of something,” you mumble. You don’t wait for Soonyoung to ask you to continue. “The stupid thing with love dying out is that we don’t die with it. You helplessly watch it be buried six feet under the ground and visit its grave every time you’re drunk.”
Soonyoung watches your fingers when you play with the olive on the empty glass of martini and then drifts his attention to your lonely eyes when you speak again.
“And you’re always so god damn drunk.”
You look into his eyes when you say this and something inside him snaps; next thing he knows, your legs are wrapped around his waist as he fucks you into oblivion on the counter of the ladies’ room. He momentarily forgets where he is and moans out loud when you pull a portion of his slicked back hair just as he hits the right spot. It’s hot and intense but you don’t let out a sound besides the quiet whimpers you involuntarily breathe out—especially when he pushes himself deeper.
Soonyoung loses a bit of air in his lungs when you give him a sweet kiss on the cheek when it’s done. You leave before he could even zip up his slacks and collect himself and it doesn’t dawn into him until another woman comes in and catches him leaning against the cold concrete of the counter, catching his breath. Then he follows you out, but you were already long gone. He didn’t get to ask your name.
He asks the bartender, but the employee says you never came back to finish the martini you paid for before you and him went to the ladies’ room.
Soonyoung sits on the same stool and stares at the empty one beside him. The stain of your dark, red lipstick on the mouth of the half-empty martini glass catches his attention.
He’s about to reach for it to stare closely and study the way your divine lips are shaped on the glass when the phone on his back pocket vibrates twice.
Messages (2)
eunha: I’m so sorry, Soonyoung. I didn’t mean to say the things that I said. I was angry and I know it’s uncalled for but please. Let’s talk about this.
eunha: come back home to me.
Soonyoung shudders and the liquid he just consumed travels from his stomach to his throat, knocking and fighting to spill out. He throws up on the stool you were sitting on as he realizes what he had just done. He cheated on Eunha, the love of his love, with a stranger just because you looked lonely sitting there. An employee is assisting him and asking him if he’s okay, but Soonyoung doesn’t hear a single word from them—he doesn’t hear anything at all. He collapses, letting his body fall on the floor, and the bartender wonders why because he hasn’t even finished his second glass of gin and tonic.
This is how your story started and how it’s supposed to end. And God damn, does Soonyoung wish it ended there.
It’s six days later when Soonyoung sees you again at Wonwoo’s 22nd birthday party. Eunha’s holding his hand, like she’s been sweetly doing so for the past week.
The fight from last week wasn’t petty. Soonyoung wouldn’t have stormed out of their apartment and made it a mission to get drunk if it was simple. When she learned about Seungcheol’s promotion, Eunha called Soonyoung names that he doesn’t really want to recall and told him that he’s never going to get promoted if he let his friends take all the credit for the things he does at work. She blabbered about how he’s not strong-willed and that he wouldn’t survive this cruel world if it weren’t for her keeping him on the right track. His mother never said those things to him even when she raised him alone and worked three jobs just so she could send him to school. It stabbed Soonyoung in the chest when Eunha said her parents do not want her to get married to him until the amount of money in his bank account has nine digits.
Soonyoung wanted to end things when she screamed at him that night but didn’t have the heart to because they’ve been together for five years. He doesn’t want to throw away five years of good memories because of a fight, despite being hurt.
And then you entered the story. Soonyoung woke up the next morning on his bed and with Eunha making him breakfast. Apparently, the employees called his emergency contact—Eunha—and informed her about what happened. His girlfriend apologized over and over again until he cried. He was crying because the memory of you is still etched in his mind, but Eunha doesn’t need to know that. Soonyoung let her believe he was crying because he’s still hurt from all the things she said the night before.
Soonyoung doesn’t breathe a word about it; in fact, he has barely talked to Eunha since that Tuesday night. His girlfriend tries her best to make it up to him and he notices her doing the things she doesn’t usually do for him—ironing his shirt into perfection, making him breakfast every day, calling when he’s on break at work, and a handful more. It makes him feel even worse.
Eunha usually doesn’t allow Soonyoung to stay with his friends when they’re at a party. She would normally drag him home with her before the clock struck 11, but she tells him he could stay longer when she leaves at 10. Wonwoo is surprised when he sees his best friend walking towards them alone.
“It feels weird to not have Eunha sticking on your side,” Seungcheol comments.
Wonwoo glares at the older guy.
“What?” Seungcheol asks. “It’s true. I never see you alone when we’re off from work.”
Soonyoung only shrugs and reaches out for a bottle of beer. It feels odd in his tongue, the taste of beer, and perhaps it’s because the last time he drunk alcohol, he was—he doesn’t want to think about it.
But the universe has its ways. Soonyoung thinks you’re a witch or something because he can’t get you out of his mind no matter what he does. He guesses it’s your sinful lips that made you unforgettable. Maybe your neck, or the soft skin on your thighs. He—
“Wonwoo, happy birthday, man,” a masculine voice calls out, but Soonyoung doesn’t bat an eye. “It’s been so long since I hung out with you, guys. Seungcheol, I heard you’re up for the VP position?”
Soonyoung could use some gin and tonic now.
“Soonyoung,” the voice calls out, and it’s only when said name looked up that he realizes that it’s their friend from college Jaehyun. “Man, you look so different. How are you?”
Soonyoung replies with a decent sentence and nods in his direction, where Jaehyun is standing outside the small circle Wonwoo created for his friends. Soonyoung gets up lazily to get himself a shot of gin and tonic from the bar in the corner but stops when you walk towards their table.
For a second, your eyes widen and you stop your tracks, and Soonyoung wonders how you do it—how you act so cool and indifferent when things are obviously out of proportion. He gulps and sits back down, the gin and tonic are forgotten on his mind.
“Babe,” you call out. Jaehyun turns and gives you a kiss on the cheeks. Jaehyun steps aside and introduces you to the group.
“Guys, this is my girlfriend, Y/N,” he says with a smile. Soonyoung wants to throw up. “Y/N, these are my friends from college. Wonwoo, the birthday boy,” he continues.
“Happy birthday,” you shyly greet. Soonyoung wants to pull you and scream at your face. You’re just pretending because you’re not shy at all.
“Seungcheol,” Jaehyun trails off. “Junhui, Jeonghan, and Soonyoung. Damn, I wish Jihoon was here. I miss him.”
You leave when you’ve whispered to Jaehyun what you wanted to tell him. Jaehyun finally takes a seat to catch up with everyone. Soonyoung remembers the gin and tonic and gets up again to get himself one.
A shiver runs down his spine when you sit on the stool beside him like the week before, but this time, Soonyoung’s standing as he waits for his drink.
“From the look on your face I’m guessing you remember?” you ask, voice sultry. He ignores you and it makes you laugh. “Oh, don’t act like you don’t want to talk to me now.”
“Y/N, huh?” he speaks, taunting you. “I didn’t think I’d hear your name from an old friend’s mouth.”
“Soonyoung,” you repeat his name. You say it again. Three times. “Doesn’t quite fit.”
He looks at you.
“I think of sunshine and all the happy stuff when I say your name,” you explain. “You’re obviously not too good of a boy of you slept with a stranger when you have a girlfriend.”
“Do I?”
“I saw you two earlier,” you shrug. “Doesn’t seem like a first date to me. A long-time girlfriend?”
The barista hands him his drink. Soonyoung takes it and proceeds to leave but you speak again.
“Jaehyun says you’re the good boy from college. You’ve never broken a single rule and you try to be as punctual as you can,” you recite. “That’s what everyone thinks of you. I guess I’m the only one who knows about your bad side, huh?”
Soonyoung fights the urge to spill his drink on your face. You see him grip his glass tighter and let out a chuckle. He doesn’t even need to look at you to know you have a smug smirk on your face.
“I’ll be sure to see you around, Soonyoung.”
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theroadmanblog · 5 years
HiGGS GAINING MOMENTUM Part 2 (The Sand Dollar)
Hi people we’re going to time travel Back to September 20th the Sand Dollar Lounge.
It’s 3 am and we are all stuck in traffic listening to Jesse ramble on about this and that and the other thing. The band wants to go to the hotel to sleep after a long day and I still need food! I didn’t hardly eat anything at the venue because they were serving of all things, fucking PIZZA; I’m anti-pizza! I can’t eat that delicious, cheesy, bubbly, yummy and spicy food art. If I eat it I could blow up! I shouldn’t be eating pizza dough!  If I do I could blow up! Thus can’t sell the Merch! It’s just a thing with me, I’m dedicated to The HiGGS for reasons I am sworn under oath of the road-dog not to reveal. 
Eating is a challenge for the Road-Dog. I get busy at the Merch booth and the crowds show up and I’m stuck there. Sometimes I miss dinner and end up eating late at night. I have permission to leave, but I take my responsibilities seriously. I can’t with good conscious leave the table un-attended.
It’s not in the Merch-man’s programming.
It might not make sense to you, but that’s me!
Now the band, they all love to eat and eat. They eat all kinds of dank food found in the most random and remote places through the Yelp App. Yet Pizza, (The enemy of the Road-Dog) seems to be on the menu at lot of the venues booked by The HiGGS. David and Jesse love to express how damn delicious and great everything that they are eating is. It’s not easy to sit through this. My palate starts quivering and my mouth waters. My mind fills with thoughts and pictures every time they do it. 
Damn them two!
John places third. He really enjoys hella food, but likes to escape and eat it in a private setting most often out of all of them. He can talk about grubbing down until no end. Telling tales of Korean Steak houses and his favorite Yakatori joints, as well as noodle houses and dessert places he’s traveled far and wide to experience. He LOVES sweets! I once caught him making love to ice cream in private, he ate it like a lover. So graceful and with care and once again in private. He rarely eats anything in front of me. It happens but only on very rare occasions.
Garrett likes to go find good food deals. He is very much a smart buyer and a magnet to getting the food he loves for less money; he disappears as well a lot of the times. He keeps to himself unless asked if it was good. (Thank you Garrett!) 
It takes a lot of will power to resist the crappy and sometimes dank food of the road, I would never tell the guys not to express themselves; my problem not theirs.
But have a heart for the Road-Dog guys!
Oh! Lord Help Me!
Many might think road life or life as a road-dog is just a big adventure and your right to think it, it is! I’m sworn in as “Road Dog” Blogger/Merch-man and confidant of the spaceship Lydia to live by this motto. “What is happens on the road is defiantly getting tattled on in the blog”! Ha! LOL! 
Nah! That’s not true and loose lips have sank smaller ships. Plus it would be boring! Due to nothing happens much? (Right?) Remember I’m sworn in as Road-Dog Confidant. (See Confidant https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/confidant)
My Lips are held shut with John’s guitar Capo. LOL!
But, anyways getting back to where the hell I was; were did I leave off? 
That’s right! I was talking about how these guys unintentionally (Except Jesse, he told me he loves to do it. So I got to love this man for his madness.) torture the living hell out of me. By eating and enjoying all food that comes down the tour pike. I can’t eat I’d say, meh, 75 percent of what they eat. I’ll blow up if I do! Thus Merchman will be no more! Then who will be there to sell it with a crooked smile? I’ll literally blow the fuck up! I can’t eat too much bread, maybe once a day if it’s early?
So here we are driving into the cesspool of the desert, Las Vegas, Nevada. Frantically looking for some sustenance. Then I see it! Like the Disney Castle to a child. The bright neon lights call my name! 
“Taco Bell Cantina”! 
My rules sometimes must be broke, I’m hungry!
I’m thinking of some serious cheesy and delicious toasted Gordita’s! I’m F-N hungry and getting desperate. Their toasted not fried! Perfect for a case of the munchies when out “Late Night”. It was definitely late, and it was certainly night-time. Like I said I’m hungry and options are not good at this late hour. Road-Dog can’t live on pizza toppings like cheese peperoni and tomato sauce. The dough is a no go!
But there it is, like a lantern made of gold!
Taco Bell Cantina. My stomach was hell-of hungry and frustrated! After all I was feeling the lack of food in my system and, well, just guess? (Well if you’re following along, once again due to my high road maintenance.) I’ll just blow up and the Merch can’t be sold and the world would end. But there it was, picture perfect, a delicious, cheesy crunchy, mind altering and like a drug, Chalupa! These damn things are addictive and Taco Bell is like a legal drug dealer! 
Oh! I admit, I know Chalupas’s are not that healthy for me. I was licking my lips just anticipating a fix! After all that delicious and scrumptious Chalupa was in waiting. I am f/n hungry! 
Well right at the height of my Taco Bell Cantina wet dream this happens. 
I’m saved by denial! 
I won’t be blowing up! 
Not yet!
But I was reeling with panic! 
Tears in my eyes!
The van, it is too fat and long and hard! Well what I really mean to say is, it’s hard to navigate the road-hog the band refers to as Lydia into a tight area? Las Vegas is definitely tight! So to make a long story short.   
I swear that devil Jesse, who was now hallucinating weird shit from lack of rest and consuming mass amounts of Red Bull. He loves to antagonize me! He who had a belly full of Pizza. Knew we couldn’t go in. Started with his teasing remarks; “Hey, Steve look, it’s so close you can almost touch it; don’t you wish you had some”? Then he laughs like a Hyena at me! Jesse was right I almost could touch it, like I said before I even tried, with a tear in my eye! But I was stuck in the vegetarian smelling and tour stained vessel, Lydia! (I’m investing in an air-freshener soon.) But between myself and the Cantina there stood what seemed literally like prison bars. They might as well been. These bars and lack of parking was keeping me from my Chalupa ecstasy. 
Jesse through all this happening was in his element, as I said before he enjoys frustrating me to no end. Liking to tease me due to my inability to consume normal human food; Oh shit; I can’t say that! (I swear I’m not alien)
I love Jesse and I know it’s all in fun. (I think?)
Needless to say we went to find a McDonalds that was 24hrs. Even looked for more than one.               
See the bands does loves Road-Dog! 
Yet, Time after time searching, we found no parking! It was now like 2am and eventually Lydia wound up at a Subway far away in the outskirts of Vegas far from the Neon Lights. My mind was screaming “No bread, get a grilled chicken salad”!
Subway was sadly a shit show, I regretted it and took way too long to get me “Road-Dog” my food.                    Jesse, now parked, was hallucinating from fatigue even more and now babbling more crazily and more senseless than earlier. After all he drove literally all day and then performed 2 sets!  
But Road-Dog needs to eat, and as the Roadman, I have to wait sometimes until master gets hungry first! Plus, if master doesn’t stop at a road-dogs safe restaurant, it could mean KA-POW!  
Do you remember reading? “Bub staring at me when I was waking”. 
(Read my Blog titled. Day 1 Finally hitting the road)
Road-Dog doesn’t relieve himself either till he gets permission and the van stops. LOL!
Jesse now in a state of slumber, kept falling asleep while parked and waiting for me to get my order. Losing track of everyone’s where-a-bouts! LOL! Then nodding out to see John who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly disappear and then appear out of the van; walking around the parking lot. Then again re-appearing sitting next to him back in the van. LOL!
Who needs drugs, just stay up late? 
After all this, I Road-Dog got food! A chopped “oven baked chicken” salad. It was horrible, never agree to have your salad chopped. Always ask them to toss it. LOL! But make sure not to wink at the person taking the order, they might take it wrong! I swear I wasn’t winking, my eyes were just tired. I wasn’t being fresh I swear!
Finally after all that, at 5am, after getting to the hotel, unloading my bed, bag and threads. I sat down to a nice soggy salad!
I ate the chicken only, after picking it out and throwing the chopped throw-up away…….
Road life is not easy!
Off we headed in the morning to.
This is where more fun troubles start!
Blog with you soon.
The Road Man/Road Dog.
Now off to the Hut, Phoenix, Arizona. 
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Having Trouble Part 1 This person who I have been very close with for almost 6 years now and we have been best friends and as I said, super close. We are both very recluse people and met over the internet and live far apart from each other and I suppose bonded over that and can really talk about anything. I would say our bond is a lot stronger than some married couples I used to know. We are both mid 20's. She recently went out w/ people got drunk and had sex with someone.
Having Trouble Prt 2. She is fine with it but says she was really drunk, enjoyed the sex but remembers not wanting it at first, and not remembering how it started or a lot of it went. I guess Im just getting all of this off my chest. Because what advice could there be? She is cool with it. Its just kinda sad I guess lol.
Was it Having Trouble or Having Issues? Prt. 3 I obviously left out before how like Im really in love with the person after like 6 years, they have seemed to show affection of sorts to me and they know how I feel and they care about me as a friend... I suppose. They actually just told me they added the person they had sex with on FB and are thinking about asking them to hang out again. Again, I move, What advice could there possibly be? This is kind of the worse thing to ever happen to me imo.
I wrote in back in April before you closed the box to answer the build up. I got excited a month or so later when you opened it back up. I thought my thing would have been answered(tho I was like, how did they answer all those asks?) I get you have a lot, but my thing was Urgent. I just have poor self esteem and didnt think it mattered. But it was, and something about it is effecting me hardcore tonight, this very second. 4 parts called Having Trouble, or Issues or I made it both by mistake.
Hey love,
Sorry for the late response but we do answer what we have in the box by the order that they comes in unless the person sending in needs immediate attention from suicidal thoughts, anxiety/panic attack, etc. If it’s an emergency, you should always contact your local emergency service first. Other than these circumstances - and others listed in our guidelines - everything is answered by the order that they come in.
As for your trouble, I think you should decide for yourself what you want to do about this. Yes, it’s disheartening when someone we love and care about has sex or falls in love with someone else. But I don’t know if she knows about how you feel. Do you want to tell her how you feel? Do you want to move on? What do you want to do? Because unless you know what you want, I can’t help you as well as you’d like me to.
She’s her own person and she’s entitled to her choices and her mistakes. If she enjoys having sex with people, she should have the right to do that even if it hurts you. It’s also hard to convey your feelings because you live so far apart but I don’t think anything can be assumed about people’s feelings. Even though you’re both fairly close and can talk comfortably with each other, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s romance. Is she someone who is interested in romantic relationships?
If you want to just vent, just cry about what happened, you’re more than welcome to but I think there comes a time when you have to decide on what to do about your feelings. Because keeping it quiet and not moving on or moving forward will only hurt you more. I understand that the fear of rejection is real but would it be worth the risk? Would staying here, loving silently, and hurting be worth it? If you decide to confess and gets rejected, try to understand her decision. If she’s just not interested in you in a romantic way, it doesn’t mean that you’re lacking in some ways. Some people we just can’t imagine doing things like kissing and dating with. They’re our friends and they’re like family. For some people pursuing a romantic relationship with a close friend is not worth losing what they had. They fear that when things go sour they’ll lose everything. Love between friends become a gamble. You have to decide what’s worth the risk.
For the time being, it might be best to hang out with some of your other friends. Talk to them about what happened even if you only let them in vaguely on the matter. Having someone to talk to would help even if they can’t offer some advice. Do something that make you happy. If you’re feeling insecure, pick out some of your good points and remind yourself of it. Remember that intelligence, kindness, courage, and other personality traits can be good points. Your skills in various crafts can be good points.
Always by your side,
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