#i might go poke at my squad captains >.>
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hirazuki · 15 days ago
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butterphii · 6 months ago
Just Us
Help Me (Part 1)
TW: Fake relationship, sexual tension, kissing, happiness, mostly fluff, secret crush
Note: First Jake series! Thank you @anyalikeslasagna for helping me so much through this part, it's gonna be a pretty mid length series, probably about 10 or less parts. Enjoy! ^^
-------------------Jake Peralta------------------
You were in your quiet and quaint apartment, soft music playing from your speaker as you cleaned and danced, a knock came rapping at your door.
You stopped the music with a call out, running to answer your door. As you opened the door, you saw Jake right outside with a tight, sparkly purple dress. "Hey, what's up? What's that for?" You asked, reaching for it before he pulled it away. "Let me in and I'll tell you," He said pushing you over and rummaging through your fridge. "You have nothing but junk in here!" He whined. "It's literally all the food groups, Jake. You just wouldn't know that because you only eat chips and drink only orange soda." You groaned. "True dat!" He chuckled to your reply. He sat on the couch, twiddling his fingers.
"Whats wrong?" You asked, handing him the bag of kettle cooked potato chips you had. "Well, you know how we're like besties and people usually think we're dating? Well I might..." He paused. "Have told the squad you were my girlfriend and that you'd come with me to the party with them tonight." He spoke quickly. You were quiet for a minute, trying to process the words that just came out of his mouth. "So I have to go to a party with your colleagues, whom of which I've NEVER MET, and pretend to DATE YOU?" You asked, angry he did that and never told you but happy you'd finally get to "date" Jake.
"Yeah..don't be mad, just come with me! It's gonna be ok! You're awesome, I'm totally awesome, and we'll be perfect together." He grinned. That was a sentence you've longed to hear.
"Fine. But, we need to discuss boundaries. I'm only going because I don't want you to embarrass yourself in front of your 'dad'." You were referring to the captain that Jake used to hate but now loves. "Alright! So's, what can I do an' what can't I do?" He asked, rubbing his sweaty palms on his knees.
"You can call me cute names, just nothing dumb, so like babe, baby, and dear is fine, no babydoll or baby girl." You exclaimed in disgust. "You can hold my hand, hip, and shoulder, no ass pokes. Kissing is good too, jus' no sexual jokes or anything, except your usual." The words slipped from your mouth easily. "I'm good with all of those. But, is holding you close to me ok? Like, pulling you by the waist, I guess." He asked, his cheeks a soft pink glow, his hand rubbing the back of his neck vigorously. You nodded to his question, handing him the TV remote. "Stay as long as you want, since we've gotta get into character." You told him, grabbing his hand and pulling him up off the couch.
"Ok, let me try this, just so you know, it's all fake," He smiled. "Don't take it like I'd really do this to you." A chuckle escaped his smile. You grinned at him, letting him do his thing.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, one hand resting on your lower back and the other on your upper, close to your neck. Your breath hitched, core aching. His hand moved its way to the back of your neck, pulling you close and your head up to reach his, and pressing a kiss to your lips.
His lips were soft. The kiss was softer. It was endearing. He had you pulled all the way up to his own body, a soft bulge growing under where your own pussy lay, crying for the feeling of it inside you.
He released your lips, looking into your eyes. His gorgeous brown eyes glimmering in the warm lighting of your apartment. "Was that good? Believable?" He asked, letting your body go. "Uh-Yeah. That's good." You smiled, the empty feeling filling your heart.
"Party's at 7, I'll pick you up. Wear this dress and uhh..black heels. I'll see you later, Princess." The last word was dragged out. You never said it was allowed, but you never said it wasn't. It made your heart flutter and your body warm. You grabbed the dress excitedly and skipped to your bedroom to pick out the rest of your outfit.
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vilandel · 10 months ago
Night of Vows
Summary She kissed him again, more deeply this time, smiling as she felt him giving in to the kiss. As they parted, she poked his cheek and said with a smirk, “Consider this a vow I just made.”
A/N Since @f-oighear was so kind to recommend this particular oneshot here, I've decided to share it with you on Tumblr as well. Thank you, dear Oighear 💘 It is one of my first oneshots for Black Clover and about Nozessa. And most importantly, I created my Clover Kingdom wedding vows thanks to this fic and now, I use them always when I have to write a wedding in one of my stories. I'm actually very proud of them and I hope you will like those vows^^
Ao3 link
“It’s still snowing.“
Vanessa sighed deeply, defeated, as she looked again out of the little window. The biggest snowflakes she ever saw were still falling from the sky. It was basically impossible to go out and join the others, not to mention that both of them won’t be found for a while.
Nozel didn’t answer, still sitting in front of the fireplace, watching the flames. He seemed thoughtful. Not more than usually, but knowing him, he was clearly thinking about their situation and was trying to figure ways out.
For reasons only known by himself, the Wizard King had decided to organize more joint missions between squads and the Black Bulls, Silver Eagles and Blue Roses already did three missions together since. It was an odd mix and the teamwork was just becoming better, but they still made it work, surprisingly.
Only this time, all three captains were coming too. And it was a more dangerous mission, some rather powerful bandits with a leader who possessed very strong snow magic, who took an entire town in the Forsaken Realm as hostage. He managed a rather impressive snowstorm spell, which separated the knights. Vanessa only knew that Nozel managed to fight this man and maybe even defeated him, since the storm weakened. She might remember seeing Asta caught the guy, before they were separated.
But the snow didn’t stop, there was no way to find the others and so they took shelter in an abandoned hut, luckily still intact. After managing to make a fire – Nozel seemed to have learned some surviving basics during the last few weeks – all they did was waiting.
Vanessa sighed. That wasn’t really the alone time she imagined having with her boyfriend. Secret boyfriend, that is. A royal, not to mention a Head of House, with a witch, was for most nobles considered as an inappropriate match. And this was still a rather polite description. These past few weeks, Vanessa learned many things about the reality within royal and noble circles, she heard more harsh descriptions.
She turned to her boyfriend again. Nozel still didn’t say anything, just watching the fire. If she didn’t know him any better, Vanessa would have thought that he was still stunned to have make fire by himself. Noelle had reacted the same way, after all. But Vanessa just instinctually knew that something was bothering him.
“Do you know who the leader of bandits was? He seemed very strong and his beef against higher ups looked a lot like obsession.“
Actually, she wasn’t particularly interested in that topic, but honestly, she would take any conversation at this point, just to bring him out of his frozen glare. She was sick of the wait and silence.
Nozel finally turned to her, a puzzled expression in his eyes. “Yami didn’t tell you?“
“No, he just said it was a joint mission and that there will be a battle. That’s all. Since he didn’t need more to motivate Asta, Luck and Magna, he probably thought he didn’t need to say more.”
“Why am I not surprised?”, Nozel sighed, but not nearly as annoyed as he would be when it comes to Yami. He just sounded so… tired and Vanessa didn’t really like the sound of it.
“This man is actually a bastard from an old and very well-respected noble house. Like any bastard, he was thrown away and considered less. Well, I don’t know the details, but apparently, he came to the conclusion that since he was basically banished from his father’s house, he must be fated for something great, better than anyone and he made some kind of vow to prove it, which turned into obsession.”
“I agree that this bastard situation is unfair, but why using this as an excuse to hurt other people, especially those in the Forsaken Realm? I mean, captain Vangeance and Luck are also bastards with noble lineage and they aren’t full of grudge against nobility.”
“The Wizard King told us that this bastard considers himself better than anyone, better than commoners, peasants and nobles in general, better than his family and royalty especially. He seems also to be a very stubborn man, decided to fulfil his vow at any cost. The sad irony is, he became exactly like his father who abandoned him…“
Vanessa sighed heavily. She had heard from Finral and Noelle stories about bastards with noble lineage, who were holding grudges against their noble family to an unhealthy degree, hiding behind the unfairness of their situation to hurt others.
The complex and rather corrupt reality of nobility with the Clover Kingdom was unfair to say the least and could make a lot of people suffer. Not only bastards and peasants, but also people who weren’t outcasted. Vanessa never knew anything about this until after she and Nozel started dating. She was very naïve back then and sometimes, now that she’s more concious about this reality, she still wished she was.
Vanessa moved from her place to sit besides Nozel. Slowly her hand slid in his. He didn’t back away. Holding her hand tightly. This was really reassuring.
They had this discussion about status and rumours quiet at the beginning of their relationship. First, Vanessa didn’t understand why he wanted to keep their relationship a secret. She really thought that Nozel was ashamed of her. But that wasn’t the case…
She learned how her relationship would be viewed within royalty and nobility, how rumours could hurt more than they should. She learned that love doesn’t have a place for most of those people. It wasn’t a pleasant lesson, but the worst part was to witness how the other two royal Heads of House treated Nozel.
Vanessa clenched a fist while remembering. She’d been hidden, none of those two knew about hers and Nozels relationship. But it made her so, so angry. To hear them talk to him like this, their disgust hidden behind so-called concern, their secret joy to have him struggle with his House, the contradictions in every second sentence… it made her went on edge and if she had listened to herself, she wouldn’t have hesitated to put this gaudy king and this close-minded Vermillion prince in their place (how did the Head of Vermillion managed to have at least five likable grandchildren, honestly?).
But Nozel did asked her to not try anything. He told her that he was used to it and if she tried to scold them, it would put more difficulties not only on him, but also on her and maybe put their future together at risk. A risk Nozel wasn’t ready to take.
Which also meant, even though he never talked about it yet, he was seriously thinking about having a future with her. And this meant much more to Vanessa than she thought it would.
She always had been more to enjoy the present, to not worry about the future. Unlike Nozel, who had this habit of overthinking things really far ahead. Vanessa had asked him to at least try to stop and he really did try. But even she had to admit that it wasn’t wrong to think at least a bit about their future.
Their love was deep, truer than anything what Vanessa had known before. Which was a surprise, considering that they come from different circles, that many things would normally separate them. And still, even though she couldn’t yet see herself as a princess, as a lady Silva, she could very easily see herself growing old with Nozel. A nice thought…
If she forgot what difficulties may lie ahead of them.
Vanessa put a hand on Nozels shoulder. “Honey, I know the situation is rather, well, irritating, as you would put it. But we won’t be in this hut forever, the others will find us. And, if you’re worry about Yami teasing-“
“That’s not what I’m worrying about.“
Nozel stood suddenly up, starting pacing around the hut. “It has nothing to do with the mission.”
“Then what is it?”, Vanessa asked.
Nozel was now looking at her, almost defeated. Now, this was worrying Vanessa. She didn’t like when he had something like defeat in his eyes. He was good at hiding it, but she’d learned to look beyond his cold mask.
He sighed.
“My father knows about us.”
Just at this moment, the wind began to howl, like it just waited for this moment.
Vanessas mind went blank. His father? The very father none of all four Silva siblings liked to talk about? But wasn’t he supposed to be out of the country or something like this?
She didn’t know much about this man, neither Nozel nor Noelle were eager to talk about him. Heck, even Solid and Nebra seemed to resent him, which said a lot. All Vanessa knew was that he wasn’t there for any of his children birth and neither when Acier Silva passed away, he was late at his wife’s burial and that he was rather a taboo subject for the Silva siblings.
So… how much of bad news was it that this man knows about her and Nozel? And since when was he back, anyway?
Nozel didn’t let her time to ask questions. He just took a deep breath before he continued, “I still have no idea how and when he learned about us. His return was rather incognito, so none of my siblings knows that he’s back. For now. Knowing him, he would love a rather pompous ceremony for his official return. And I know a good bunch of royals and nobles who would do this for him.“
Nozel sounded so bitter. Usually, he never sounded this bitter, not even about Yami.
“A good bunch of royals and nobles. Even the other two royal Heads?” Vanessa asked slowly.
“My father is very good at… well, bootlicking. You know our king. He lives for homages to himself. As for the Head of House Vermillion, he knows that my father and I aren’t on good terms. So, he uses it against me, for various reasons and no matter the possible contradictions. He’s doing this since I became Head of House, actually.”
Vanessa clenched a fist. She hated how her boyfriend was treated like. Before they started dating, she never would have thought that other royals would think so little of him, hiding their disrespect behind concern. It was so… she didn’t have any words for it. She came to think that this might be one of the reasons why Nozel kept his emotions behind a cold mask. Honestly, Vanessa came to admire him about how he managed to deal with those subtle insults in such a calm way, most of the time.
“How did your father learn… about us?”
“I told you, I have no idea. His return wasn’t official. None of my siblings knows that he’s back, only very few servants. He came directly to me. And unusually for him, he went direct to the point.”
Nozel paused, sitting down of the huts lone bed. They really were lucky that it even had some clean sheets.
Vanessa waited. Mostly because she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t even know what to think. Until now, only the Wizard King and Nero knew about their relationship. And Marx. None of them would’ve ever spilled the beans. It was such a shock that someone new would know about them. Someone who didn’t seemed very pleased about their relationship.
She didn’t know what the Witch Queen would say and honestly, Vanessa rather wouldn’t care or think about her opinion. She knew the Bulls would be shocked, especially Noelle and let’s not forget the other two siblings. Nebra and Solid might not be very pleased at best, but well, Vanessa could live with that. But what about a person she only heard about? A man she never met, on which she never heard any good things and not so much in general? Vanessa didn’t like that she had no idea.
Nozel sighed deeply, before he continued, “My father wasn’t happy about our… relationship. Well, he had quite a less polite way to describe it. The words he used to describe you were horrendous and I snapped. Very much at the beginning.”
Vanessa saw him clenching his fists. Nozel might seemed calm right now, but it was clear as crystal for her that he was very much on edge about the conversation with his father. She sighed. She could very well imagine which kind of insults her boyfriend had to listened to. Oh, Vanessa was used to, but she knows Nozel. When someone insults her, he could be more terrific than the other Black Bull and that’s saying something.
“I tried very hard to explain despite my anger, but he wouldn’t listen. He was very much upset about the scandal it could bring upon him, for starters.”
“Upon him? Not the House?”
“He claimed that he was upset about House Silva as well, but, honestly, I didn’t believe him at all. He married into the House, but even then, he could have cared. Which he didn’t. If he really did care, he would had helped my mother with her duties as Head, he would have been here during her last weeks, he would have helped Nebra, Solid, Noelle and me with our duties and also other things, he would have… done so many things actually, now that I think about it. But he didn’t. He always found reasons to slip away from… work. Paperwork that is, the duties from behind the scenes, as my mother called them.”
Something like fondness past through his eyes. Vanessa couldn’t help but smile. She loved the look Nozel had when talked about his mother.
“But the duties of showing, of presentation, all of this… he loves it. I remember how he dragged me and my siblings to all those… events. Despite how mother pleaded to wait, we were all rather young. But he wanted it. To show himself. We were barely tools for his glory. And for him to stand right in the light, no one of us had to step out of the way. He always had this mindset. Even after my mother died, even after he was mostly out of the country.”
She never heard her boyfriend talk this much about his father. It was strange. After all, none of the Silva siblings liked talking about him and Nozel even less so. But looking at her boyfriend, it seemed to Vanessa that he needed to get it out of his chest. She could only imagine how his discussion with his father went and he won’t show much, but she knew, she just knew, that he needed to let it out.
Vanessa stood up and reached for Nozels hand, squeezing it softly. He squeezed back. She hoped she could comfort him. With a nod, she invited him to continue.
“My relationship with you… for him, it was me stepping out the way. Again.”
“I don’t know when it began, when was the first time I upset him. As far as I can remember, he always seemed… well, unhappy with me. He was already mad at me for not kicking Noelle out of House Silva.”
“But… why?”, Vanessa asked, genuinely shocked, not able to put it in words. She knew by now that Nozel never kicked Noelle out of the family, even if it had looked that way. But it only looked that way. Vanessa had recently learned that to kick someone out of a Royal House, a hearing was needed. And given Nozels true affection for his sister, despite everything that happened, Noelle never really was at risk to be banished from the Silvas.
“In all honesty, I never understand it either. I don’t think I want to. But that wasn’t the only thing about me he’s upset with. He always seemed disappointed with me. But our relationship seems to be the worst for him.”
Nozel stopped, hesitating to tell more. Vanessa could see many emotions in his eyes, anger, disgust, pain, altogether. Even hesitation. She let out a deep sigh, let go of his hand and went in front of him, putting her hands on both sides on his face, forcing him to look at her.
“Honey, please, let it out. I’m not blind, I can see that you need it. Don’t worry about me, about what your father said about me. What he thinks is not what you think and his views on us won’t affect what we feel for each other. Now, tell me what happened.”
For a moment, Nozel just looked at her, with surprise and even admiration in his eyes. He kissed her forehead first, before continuing.
“My father tried to be calm, but he failed to do so. He was furious, practically scolding me for… well, he said forsleeping with a witch. He dismissed the fact that you’re a Magic Knight, who already served the kingdom countlessly. The words he used to describe you… sorry, but I can’t bring it over myself to say them out loud. I snapped, counting down all the things I reproached him for many years. Never had it been so hard for me to not attack anyone. I could barely hold myself back. I told my father that I love you, but he dismissed that. For him, as for many nobles and royals, love is just a foolish thing. Royals don’t love is a very common motto. Marriages are for alliances, power, glory. Love has nothing to do with it. I feel so stupid for having believed that once. For my father, love is even a childish thing.”
“But… What about your mother? She did love him, right? At least, that’s how I understood it.”
“She did. But he never loved her back. Deep down she might already have known it, given how much love and affection she gave me and my siblings all her life. Although I don’t think my mother realized it at the beginning. But I remember that after Solids birth, she looked sadder and more resigned when a talk was about my father. I think that back then, she began to realize that her love for him was one-sided. And she might have accepted it fully when she was expecting Noelle.”
Sadness and anger flashed through Nozels eyes. Vanessa slid her hand again in his, feeling his grip tighten.
“I don’t know how long we kept fighting. Not long I believe, but for me it was like hours. My father kept going on all the things I apparently made him upset with. I learned a few more things, even. My magic even disappointed him.”
“What? Why? Why would he be disappointed about your magic?”
“Honestly, I have again no idea and I haven't been in the mood to ask. He basically told me that he didn’t want four children to begin with. But since I didn’t inherit his attribute, he wanted others, who would inherit it. He claims to have a strong aversion against metal attributes, but he didn’t explain why. I don’t even know if it’s true or if he came up with this just to try to humiliate me.”
“But this is not fair! Why should he be disappointed that you didn’t get his magic attribute? You have a great magic, you can use it in so many ways and skills, it’s so sophisticated! I… I can’t understand! Well… I knew that your father wasn’t a very nice person, but I didn’t expect that he…”
Vanessa had no words to properly describe how furious she was against Nozels father. She never met him and the few things she heard about this man didn’t make him really sympathetic, but this!
She already knew he was rather harsh towards Noelle, even though neither her nor Nozel would give her details. But she genuinely hasn’t thought that he would also be this harsh towards Nozel as well. What he just told her sounded familiar. Not only because it sounded pretty similar to what the other two royal heads would reproach him. But this disappointment about everything Nozel did or was, even things he couldn’t help it. The father being upset that his son wasn’t perfect, that his son didn’t meet his expectations… It sounded similar to her own situation with her own mother. Vanessa didn’t like it, at all. Even though the Witch Queen never screamed or got loud about her disappointment.
Was the Silva father even upset about Nebra and Solid as well? With what Vanessa heard, it wouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Nebra has mist magic, which isn’t one of the stronger attributes. As for Solid, Vanessa couldn’t think of anything, but why wouldn’t the father find something as well to be upset with his other son?
She never met the man, never wants to either and if, only to put him in his place. The father of the Silva siblings sounded like an arrogant jerk.
Her angry thoughts were interrupted when two hands cupped her face. Nozel looked at her with determination.
“Vanessa, I know you’re angry, but please calm down. I don’t care what my father thinks about me. I stopped caring about it a long time ago. I was angrier about how dared to talk about you. He didn’t care that I love you, he didn’t care to understand. At the end, I couldn’t take it anymore. I basically told him that… well… no matter what he says or does, I’d rather die in celibacy than marrying a woman who isn’t you. In fact, I basically made a vow to marry you.”
Silence followed his words. A silence during which they just stared at each other. Vanessa tried to realize what he just said.
Suddenly, Nozel blushed heavily and he let go of her, hurrying to the huts window. Vanessa just turned to him, confused but also feeling another emotion she couldn’t quiet describe.
“I… well… After that, my father basically was trying some menaces, but I couldn’t take him seriously. He acted like he was the Head of House, which he isn’t. He was married to a Silva, he was never born into House Silva and he never really cared about it. I… well… I made position perfectly clear. He quit soon after, but it’s only a matter of time before his return becomes official.”
Nozel stopped. He seemed so unsure, which worried Vanessa a bit. But at the same time, he was flushed and that was always adorable.
Vanessa went to him, taking his hand. She had to comfort him about his jerk of a father. But she also needed to talk with him about that vow he mentioned. After all, she was still trying to realize his words.
“Your father might have a pretty positive reputation within royals and nobles, he might be an excellent bootlicker. But I don’t think his influence might be this strong that he could take the power to force his will upon you and your siblings.”
“I wish I could be as certain as you are. But… what if he-“
“You could fill all four kingdoms in bottles with what ifs. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care at all. But whatever your father tries to do, we’re going to face it together. We’re together in this, Nozel. Never forget that.”
Nozel just looked at her. Surprised of course, he was lightly blushing again. But there was also gratitude and love in his eyes. Gosh, he was so cute behind that cold mask.
Vanessa took his other hand and looked firmly into his eyes. “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?”
“The vow you made during the fight with your father. To… marry me. Did you really mean it?”
Nozel blushed even more, but he tried very hard to not look away from her. Vanessa wouldn’t have let him anyway. A few moments past, but they seemed like hours while she waited.
“I… I meant it.”
He only looked down after his answer. But he didn’t let go of her hands.
Relief and happiness flew through her. He really meant it. Never would Vanessa have thought how much this would mean to her until now. It was still surprising, as she already thought about it, but not that much.
“I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? What for?”
“I shouldn’t have made such a decision without your consent.”
Vanessa couldn’t help but chuckle. Why did he always feel so responsible?
“I don’t blame you. Given the circumstances. And it is cute.”
“You really should learn how to take compliments. But seriously, honey, you shouldn’t be sorry. Why would you feel guilty, anyway?”
Nozel just looked at her, slightly frowning, like he didn’t understand what she was meaning.
“Well… I shouldn’t have taken such a decision all by myself, especially in overwhelming anger. It concerns you as well. Besides, our situation is… complex. Any wrong steps could be used against us and there are some risks I’m not sure I’m ready to take.”
Vanessa sighed, half amused, half annoyed. There was his strategic chess-brain again. Always thinking very forward. Sometimes it was useful, but honestly, his overthinking could exhaust him so many times it was almost hurtful to watch. Nozel promised her he would try to restrain his overthinking, but he would struggle from time to time. Old habits die hard.
“Is that really all what worries you? Honey, you promised me-“
“That’s not all! Actually… I’m also scared.”
Vanessa blinked. She didn’t expect that.
“Scared? Of what?”
“That… I would put you back in a cage. Status and duties can be like chains and I… I don’t want you to be a… prisoner. Again.”
Nozels eyes went down, his posture almost looking like defeat. But Vanessa firmed her grip on his hands. In fact, his words touched her very deep in the heart.
After they were dating for quite some time, both had been comfortable enough with the other to talk about some secret subjects of their pasts. Nozel told her about this curse he had gotten after his mother was defeated and cursed by Megicula. Vanessa, on the other hand, found herself brave enough to tell him about the cage were her mother kept her as a prisoner, in order to obtain that spell to control Fate. She remembered very well how shocked her boyfriend was, the compassion he showed, his concern…
Her story impressed him so much. Vanessa totally understood why he was afraid that he would put her in another cage if they may marry. Nozel was a much more caring man than he let himself be viewed.
Vanessa put a small kiss on his lips, which made Nozel looking back at her, slightly confused.
“Nozel, I understand that you fear this for me. But I just know that you would never put me intentionally in a cage. And even if it would happen unintentionally, I know you would do anything in your power to get me out. I love my freedom, but this also mean I’m free to choose what I want. I admit, I have yet difficulties to imagine myself as a royal princess, as a lady Silva.”
Nozel just nodded, sad and understanding, but Vanessa wasn’t finished, “But I believe it will come with time. Because on the other hand, I have no problem to imagine myself growing old with you. I chose to be with you, with all the difficulties that comes with the situation. And… I want to help you with your burden. You carried your duties and responsibilities as Head of House alone for far too long, if you ask me. I won’t let you alone anymore with this.”
She kissed him again, more deeply this time, smiling as she felt him giving in to the kiss. As they parted, she poked his cheek and said with a smirk, “Consider this a vow I just made.”
Nozel blushed again a bit and Vanessa couldn’t help but giggle. She loved seeing him all flustered.
“How did I deserve you?”
“I don’t know, honey. How did I deserve you?”
This time, the captain of the Silver Eagles let out a small chuckle. This made Vanessa happy. She loved seeing him smile and this was the first time since the start of the mission that Nozel actually smiled.
For a while, they just hold each other tightly without saying anything. The only noises came from the fire and the wind outside.
Finally, Nozel spoke again, “So, um, you… you wouldn’t mind?”
“Marry you? No, I wouldn’t mind. I still need get used to it, but more to the thought of being a royal lady, princess or whatever rather than being your wife. That is actually rather easy to imagine.”
Nozel smiled softly. But when he spoke again, his tone was serious, “It’s still a difficult situation. I don’t trust my father with whatever he’ll try to do. Not to mention other… aspects. It might take a while before we can get… married.”
And now he was blushing again. Seemed that Nozel too still needed to get used to the thought. Vanessa chuckled again. It was such a sight to see different emotions on Nozels face, once you looked beyond his cold mask. She would have loved to tell the Bulls this. But well, they wouldn’t believe her (except maybe Nero, she knows already about their relationship, after all). In that case, she would show them, once her relationship with Nozel would be out of secrecy.
The stood in silence, holding each other. After a while, Vanessa turned her head towards the window. It was still snowing, not strong, but it was already night. The rest of the Black Bulls, Silver Eagles and Blue Roses might have found shelter as well. They might have been separated into groups as well. Waiting for the falling snow to stop. The enemy has been defeated and caught, after all. Maybe it was better to just call it a night and to regroup with the others the next day.
Vanessa couldn’t help but smile. An entire night, alone with Nozel… how could she say no?
“I fear we might only regroup with the others tomorrow. It’s late and it would be foolish to go out right now.”
Nozel seemed a bit annoyed. Must be that captain side of him, that side who preferred that everything should be settled efficiently in a short period of time. Vanessa grinned. She knew just what to do to convince him that their situation wasn’t so bad after all.
She teased his upper lip with her mouth, caressing very slowly over his chest, feeling his muscles under the fabric of his clothes.
He wasn’t buff, but she knew now that despite the multiple layers of clothes and despite Yamis teased assumption, her boyfriend of a captain was actually muscular. Slender and lean, but he still has muscles. Another surprise for her when she fell for him. Buff men were supposed to be her type. But she still fell for Nozel and she with time she found that this was one of the best things that happened to her. At the end, Vanessa just decided that she had a new type and Nozel was the only one who fit it.
She knew he was blushing again, but he was still caressing slowly her hips. Vanessa looked at the bed. Well, it wasn’t as big as Nozels bed in the Silva palace. She was so used to his bed by now that she actually began to find her own, back at the Black Bull base, rather small. But it was still bigger than this one here. But still, even being not a king size bed and without silky sheets, but it still looked warm and comfy.
Vanessa noticed that one of the sheets were white. White… white like a…
An idea just plopped in her head. Oh, it was innocent and childish, but after their discussion, it seemed like a good idea. For her at least, from a general point of view, it may be stupid. But she really wanted to do it. And if it could help her boyfriend to relax a bit, even better!
Vanessa immediately took Nozels hand and dragged him to the bed, sit on it, took the white bedsheet and draped it over her head like a veil.
“Vanessa, what are you doing?”
She could see that Nozel was confused, slightly frowning. But he still sat down on the bed as well.
“Sorry if my idea seems rather childish, honey, but… okay, it is childish. But I thought, after our discussion, I know it may take a while before we could marry and since I still need to get used to this thought, so we might have a little rehearsal, kinda? Just to see how it feels.”
Nozel was still looking at her with confusion and now he was blushing. Again. Vanessa giggled. She might have broken her own record of making him blush a lot of time, this night.
“Pretty please, honey. I promise it won’t kill you. And we’re alone, no one’s witnessing a new hidden childish side of yours.”
Vanessa was now making puppy eyes. She knew Nozel couldn’t resist them. Which is why she’s only doing them on rare occasions. After all, she would have the feeling of using him if she did that trick more often.
Nozel sighed, but Vanessa could see a small smile appearing on his lips. Definetly a win, he was already starting relax a bit.
“Besides… Call me stupid, but I don’t really know how, well, weddings work. I know the basics, what it has, but details? No idea. I’ve never been to a wedding, I have no idea about the differences between noble weddings and commoner weddings, if the priest says the vows or the groom and bride.”
It was true. Vanessa never witnessed a wedding. She had never been invited to one and none of the Bulls was married or close too. Well, except Finral, but he was still engaged, there was still no date for the wedding. And for the other Bulls, marriage wasn’t in anybody’s future plans for now. It was a little frustrating, now that she thinks about it.
“First of all, you’re not stupid.”
Nozel had took her hands in his, as he looked at her. He was still flustered, but the confusion was gone. There was now determination in his eyes and tenderness. A glance which made Vanessa blushing.
“Second, noble weddings are rather complex and royal ones even more. I might teach you the details, but not yet, sadly. I don’t know all of them by heart. Most things are unnecessary complicated.”
“Like so many things within royalty, I bet.”
“You won your bet.”
Both chuckled, before Nozel continued, “At least, I can help you learn the royal wedding vows. They’re different from the classic ones for nobles and maybe even commoners. It’s the groom who speaks first, then the bride. And you have to look me in the eyes while saying the vows.”
“That looking in the eyes thing, is it also part of the procedure?”
“Normally yes. It’s to show that you mean your promise told in the vows. But since most royal weddings are arranged ones, groom and bride usually don’t look into each other’s eyes. Probably because they think if they don’t look into their spouse’s eyes, they won’t be bound by their promises.”
Nozel sighed and Vanessa did it too. Since she started dating her boyfriend of a prince, she had learned that cheating scandals were not so uncommon within royal and noble circles, with bastards as one of the consequences. Well, given that kinda the majority of those marriages weren’t coming out of love, it wasn’t really a surprise.
But that wasn’t for her. Neither for her boyfriend. She loves him, he loves her. And whenever they finally could get married, this would be their reason.
Vanessa looked up as Nozel hold her hands firmly, his gaze all on her. The determination in his eyes made her heart race.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Nozel Silva, take thee, Vanessa Enoteca, as my wedded wife. I will have Faith in thee, with thy life and trust thee mine. I will have Hope, helping thee to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love thee, cherish thee in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
Those were beautiful wedding vows. Such a shame that today,  they were used more for arranged marriages. Vanessa hoped now to say them without hesitation. She took a deep breath and looked into Nozels eyes.
“Faith. Hope. Love. By the three leaves of the Clover, I, Vanessa Enoteca, take thee, Nozel Silva, as my wedded husband. I will have Faith in thee, with thy life and trust thee mine. I will have Hope, helping thee to all hardships and happiness of life. I will Love thee, cherish thee in sickness and in health, be it forever.”
In the end, that wasn’t difficult at all.
Vanessa smiled at Nozel, who smiled back. He was happy, finally. Gosh, he was so beautiful when he smiled.
She couldn’t admire him for long, though he leaned towards her, kissing her deeply. Vanessa kissed him back, pulling him closer to her. Were kisses also part in arranged weddings? Surely not this passionate. She would ask Nozel later. For now, she had other plans for the night.
As they parted, Vanessa fell back on the bed, pulling Nozel towards her.
“Ready for the wedding night, husband of mine?”
He chuckled, before kissing her again. She couldn’t help but smile against is soft lips. It felt so much like Heaven.
They didn’t know when they could really get married. Or what the father of the Silva siblings would try to separate them. They didn’t know what other difficulties would lie before them, who and what would fight their relationship.
But they were together, they would face those hardships and fight those hurtful rules within royal and noble circles.
Tonight, that little wedding rehearsal might also be a vow for Nozel and Vanessa to not give up.
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bendingwind · 2 years ago
🖋️ for Friday! :)
I couldn't decide which story to go with so I'm going with two excerpts :D
Adult!Toshiro/Byakuya, from the prologue, which takes place about three years before the story:
Spring crossed into summer. Toshiro was hot and grouchy and too tall and very clumsy, to his great dismay.
“My my, you do look older,” old man Kyouraku said one day, which was how Toshiro learned that all his hopes had been in vain, and Matsumoto had been gossiping.
“What’s the pot?” he demanded when he arrived back at his squad’s headquarters. Matsumoto looked up at him from her desk, where she had been doing paperwork for once, with a practiced innocent smile.
“The what, Captain?” she had asked.
“The pot, Matsumoto,” he growed. To his great dismay, his voice cracked, ruining any threatening effect he might have hoped to have had.
Matsumoto gave a valiant show of trying to keep a straight face, but in the end she collapsed into giggles. Toshiro crossed his arms and scowled at her.
“I’m not allowed in on it, since I have insider information,” Matsutmoto admitted at last, once her fit was over.
“You had Lieutenant Hisagi place your bets for you, didn’t you?” Toshiro demanded.
“That would be cheating!” she said, but she winked.
Matsumoto lowered her voice to an annoying stage whisper. 
“There are a lot of theories, but mine is that you have a crush,” she said.
Toshiro flinched with his entire body.
Rukia/Renji pre-academy (maybe discussion of underage sex, depending on whether you consider them to have been underage at this point or not. Nothing graphic. Proceed accordingly.)
“Okay,” Renji said, his head in his hands.
“That was bad,” Rukia agreed, perched on the decrepit porch beside him, “but I bet we can do better.”
“Don’t tell me you seriously want to, to keep trying after, after that,” Renji said, mortification dripping from his words. “I didn’t even--”
“We’ll ask around,” Rukia interrupted, not particularly interested in dwelling on that herself. “Someone will know what to do. I could just as easily be the problem.”
Renji groaned aloud.
“You’re going to ask every single person we know until we make this work, aren’t you,” he asked. Even his ears had turned red with shame where they poked out above his hands, Rukia noticed. Under other circumstances, it would have been hilarious.
“At least I finally found something you’re bad at,” she said, trying to distract him.
“Fuck off,” he said. “You didn’t exactly excel yourself.”
Teeth had been involved. Rukia felt warmth rise in her own cheeks at the memory.
“Shut up,” she said, but she leaned into his side and wrapped an arm around behind him.
“It was just supposed to be fun, not a competition,” she said. As if anything between the two of them had been anything but a competition.
There wasn’t a lot else to do during the long early autumn months when food was plentiful and easy to come by, after all. Most of their friends, and the other kids they’d lived with over the years, picked it up as a pastime once they got old enough to be interested. Rukia had been old enough to be interested for years. She just… hadn’t really trusted anyone enough to give it a try.
She eyed the sun, still pretty high in the sky. 
“Hey Renji,” she said, pulling away just enough to jolt her shoulder against his side, “I bet I can make you, y’know, before you can make me.”
He lifted his head out of his hands to glare at her.
“Cannot,” he said.
“Can too,” she said.
“I’ll fuckin’-- show you!” he said, and Rukia grinned at him.
There was no possible way that she didn’t come out of this a winner.
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whitherwordswither · 1 year ago
Logs from the Starfields
Name: Trim. Pronouns: They/Them. Background: Long Hauler. Traits: Wanted. Introvert. Alien DNA.
Some Backstory
I used to haul cargo long distances. Didn't matter what, as long as the creds were decent. Parts shipments to new colonies. A few passenger transports here and there when I felt like having some company. Sometimes, I'd even take a shady no-questions-asked contract.
It was one of those off the books deals that went south. That's how I ended up with alien DNA in my veins and a very unhappy client. To be fair, they didn't provide any warning or advise not to open the cargo. Sometimes I like to know what I'm stretching my neck out for. I wasn't totally prepared to fight off a weird space mutt with extra tendril-esque appendages and a penchant for chomping. Fucker got me good. I got 'em in kind. But whatever was in that hounds bite sure did some tango in my genome.
Get some weird dreams, odd cravings every so often. On the plus side I've never breathed as good my whole life. Been feeling quite a bit sturdier too. Food ain't been filling me up quite as well and med packs seem a bit slower but I ain't complaining… much. Which is also why I now have to keep my eyes open and watch over my shoulder. Never know when they'll send another squad to try and collect. I'm assuming they wanted the mutt for some wicked experiments. Guess I did the poor soul a favor on that front.
At the very least… it keeps my life exciting. If not tedious. Christ… I'm tired. But if I stop, I'm dead, so. What can ya do? [ Note: Minor spoilers for beginning of the game ahead! ]
Captain's Log #0.01:
Life's been up, down, and through the ringer more times than I can count. And I can count pretty high. Been trying to find a new way for a while now. Nothing seems to want to pan out. Shit luck, I guess.
Signed up with a mining crew for a change of pace. Was about ready to go on lunch break. Have a nice sandwich. Took it right off Rigel's plate. Stared right at him while I did it, too. The look on his face was priceless. Didn't even try to stop me. (I only feel a little bit like a jerk. But he's been getting on my nerves. What's a little sandwich shenanigans between crewmates, right?)
So anyway. Didn't have time to eat. What did I get instead? A ridiculous helping of ancient artifact brain waltzing, a run and gun all pirate rodeo, and a robot who criticizes the amount of junk I pick up every chance it gets. Listen, buddy. I got to net some creds somehow. And ain't nobody using these 15 microscopes for anything. Or those 37 succulents. Mind your own business. (Though, not sure why I needed all these notebooks in assorted RGB colors. I could drop a few but… I just think they're neat.)
Guess I also got a free ship out of the deal. At least no one's tried to take it back from me yet. See how long that lasts. (Pirates notwithstanding. I made a special detour to talk the head honcho out of pestering me. He even agreed. Then I accidently shot the volatile barrel him and his two guards were standing next to and uh… Oops, I guess?)
Anyhow. Poked around this abandoned research facility. Scanned a few rocks and some novelty sized trilobites. Filled my pockets and then jumped to New Atlantis.
Some group called Constellation wants me to join up given the head-fuckery I witnessed on contact with the artifact. Some kind of explorers club. Gave me a room and everything. Sarah, who seems to kind of be the woman in charge, wants to take me out on a mission. But I've got a lot of side gigs on my plate already and I want to take care of those first, so. I hope she don't mind waiting around a bit while I do some good humanitorial work… or whatever.
Feels nice to help folks sometimes, y'know? Got a tired lookin' gal near the tram some coffee. Helped fix up some wiring discrepancies down in the sub-city. Even rounded up some bio-scanners for a scientist fella.
Think I might go survey a planet next. I'll tell ya about it when I'm done.
End log.
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gojosatoruwifey · 4 years ago
一 Magic Knights Male Captains Headcanons ─ reacting to their S/O visiting them in the Headquarters with a homemade meal
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✑ hey,hey,hey! it’s Geru again (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧) here’s the first request that I received. I didn’t include the Purple Orcas’ Captain since he’s married. I hope you will enjoy this bouquet of chrysanthemums!
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Fuegoleon Vermillion
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You realized how early your husband woke up.
Fuegoleon was called by the Magic King along with another Magic Knight Captain, Nozel Silva. 
You made your way to the kitchen where you met the servants assigned for the breakfast for today. Simultaneously, they greeted you with an enthusiastic ‘Good morning’ and that’s enough for your sleepiness to drift away.
Asking the Head Chef if Fuegoleon grabbed his lunch, the chef shook his head and told him that before they could cook for Fuegoleon’s lunch, he already left.
Your e/c eyes lit up ✨
Finally, you can cook a delicious meal just like how a caring S/O should.
The Head Chef’s smile stiffened up when you said that you want to cook for your husband’s meal but the chef refused.
He can’t let his Master’s wife be cooking at a servant’s work!
Yet he can’t deny your orders, either. 
So, he let you.
And now, you are riding your broom to arrive at the Crimson Lion’s Headquarters.
The members of the Crimson Lion Squad present at the place were surprised to see you.
They quickly greeted you with a cheerful ‘Good morning’ as you greeted them back
“Woah, Captain’s S/O is here!” “We are blessed to see them personally.”
Honestly, you’re quite nervous. You seldomly visit Fuegoleon when he’s at work and he might still be patrolling or traveling to another realm.
Your hard work will get cold :<
Fortunately, when you opened the door to his office, you saw him writing reports.
Now, Fuegoleon is surprised to see you with a lunchbox in your arms as you beam at him.
“I brought you to lunch because you forgot it.” 
Fuegoleon’s heart is filled with warmth at your words.
Let’s say there are certain Magic Knights Leopold, Randall, and some other curious people snooping at you two and are crying in envy how the air around you two screams domesticity.
Jack the Ripper
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He just came back from a mission.
A special mission includes beating Yami and rub the winner crown on the Black Bulls’ Captain.
Jack was muttering how he would win another duel with Yami and once he settled to his office chair, he blindly reached out his arm to the side of the table where he usually places his lunch but when he touches nothing, he sees no sights of his lunchbox.
His sharp, small eyes widened in panic.
Where did his personal sliced meat lunch go???
And who dared to sneak on his office?
Worse, steal his lunch?
It was a stray cat who got its hands on the Captain’s food.
Jack was not amused.
Cue, you knocking on his office door and when Jack opened the door, ready to yell for interrupting his thoughts, his plan flew away.
You have an extra serving of the dish you cooked and thought of giving them to your S/O and Jacky nearly cried a river how thoughtful you are.
And there, Jack’s lunchtime didn’t end up badly.
Nozel Silva
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This is interesting.
How come this Royalty didn’t prepare lunch?
It is because the servants are having special day-offs and Nozel thought he can survive by just eating a sandwich.
It was not enough to quell his hunger.
You are currently going to his office with lunch on your hands and bump to your husband’s younger siblings, Solid and Nebra.
They offered to send you to their older brother’s office along the way which you accepted as you are not familiar yet with the structure.
Just when Nozel is going to a restaurant, someone knocks on the door and your head poked up.
Nozel blinked. 
He must be hallucinating on how his S/O is right in front of him and kissing his cheeks.
Only when an appetizing scent snapped him to his reverie and you are indeed real with a homemade meal in your hands.
You noticed his gaze and you happily presented your dish to him since you know that his family servants will not be able to provide it at today's lunch.
His eyes softened and he lightly patted your hair.
And you take matters into your hands as you told him, he can share the food you made with his siblings he is secretly and slightly jealous, you made this for him, why would he share?
Yet Nozel still gives Solid’ and Nebra’s portion reluctantly.
Thus, you and your in-laws with your husband are eating lunch now.
You took a mental note to invite Noelle next time.
Who knows, you might drop off at her place and give her lunch.
Rill Boismortier
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Aww, this young man here will be so delighted.
Rill was so busy pondering how to blend the colors for his desired painting he was working on.
He didn’t notice the time passed and his stomach was yearning for food.
He ignored it and went back. He already finished the painting and his creative brain is giving him a bunch of ideas that he wants to draw.
After sketching the paper, his stomach growled loudly and a blush was dusted on his face in embarrassment.
Then he heard your familiar call on the other side of the door.
Voila! You cook him lunch.
You scold him about what will happen if you didn’t visit him and Rill is pouting.
You could not resist your S/O’s cuteness and decided to let him eat lunch peacefully.
His Butler is wiping tears in joy.
William Vangeance
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Everyone is worried.
William has been in his office for 3 hours straight and has not eaten his lunch. He even didn’t step outside to take a breather. 
The Captain is immersed in his work more than usual.
Yuno even thought to go to your place as you might be the one to break their Captain’s concentration.
To their relief, they didn’t have to.
A knock from the window made him perk up as William turned his head away from the paperwork and saw you waving at him with a basket on your arm, your broom accompanying you.
William can’t help but let a smile formed on his face at how you catch his attention quickly.
He opened the window and you plop the basket down to his awaiting hands.
You told him that you will get inside the door to his office.
And he waits while opening the basket to set the food you prepared on the table as he also clears out the paperwork.
You joined him shortly after.
William gingerly picks up the food with grace as the savory taste of your dish welcomes him.
He is so lucky to have found a S/O like you.
The members of Golden Dawn are now rejoicing as they see their Captain happy.
Yami Sukehiro
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Yami mentioned once about the traditional bento back from his country.
It gives you an idea of what to do as you slyly asked him about the contents of this bento he was talking about.
How was the food cooked? What is the texture? The taste?
All of that, Yami answered that.
You can’t risk the thought of Yami knowing your intentions.
Besides, he is dense.
Him being dense is an advantage whenever you want to surprise him.
On the day of your scheme, you purchased the ingredients and thought of substituting some food as they are not available.
You are also careful when you arrive at the market.
Some of his squad members might tell him what you are doing in the market when you are supposed to visit your family home.
Yami left the bathroom and when he entered the living room of the Headquarters, none of his squad members were present.
He looked for food in the kitchen or maybe a piece of fruit but nothing.
He is on the verge of hunting each of his squad members but before he could do that, you entered the place with the carefully wrapped bento on your arms.
Yami rested a hand on his chest and said, “an angel had come to save me.”
The next day, Yami rubbed Jack's face on how his S/O specially cooked for him.
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doiefy · 3 years ago
unexpected outcomes // kim doyoung
genre: murder mystery pairing: detective!doyoung x detective!reader (gn.) word count: 678 warnings: language, mentions of murder and blood, there's a dead body
note: just a short headcanon for my series dawn to dusk ;))) @neonun-au @heartshyuck here you go 🥺🥺
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4 AM, an Adidas sports bag full of cocaine, and a dead vampire who had his skull brutally smashed in by a baseball bat. The neighbours saw it happen. The two perps took a moment to carve something into the victim’s body. That was about all you could pick up on before you scrambled for the cars—sirens shrieking as half a dozen cruisers dispersed into the streets of Seoul, tires screeching as they made a beeline for the site of the crime.
What sounded like typical gang activity was anything but. Several bodies had already turned up the same way: with some sort of petty crime, anything from drug deals to vandalism, and a bloodied sigil none of your vampire consultants could recognize. Even Doyoung, having spent decades poking around the underground and following the most despicable of vampire groups, had no idea what it meant.
It could only mean that you were wandering into dangerous territory: either about to encounter an organization so ancient that Doyoung’s memory could hardly reach them, or a new, violently-radical group that couldn’t be reasoned with. Either way, the bodies were dropping like flies, and you’d already deduced from the past murders—you didn’t have much time.
“Time of death, about ten minutes ago. Blunt force trauma to the head, and then a knife to the chest. Forensics is still trying to identify the victim,” Taeil announced the moment you arrived, his jaw set and his voice tight with audible apprehension. “All streets within a ten kilometre radius have already been blocked off. I want eyes on all major roads, we’re looking for a Hyundai 2022 VENUE with... gold tire rims and rainbow vinyl wrap, apparently."
"No biggie. A car that flashy? You could see it from halfway across the city," Donghyuck gives a chortle of sarcastic laughter. On any other occasion, the captain would silence him with a warning glance, but at the moment, there are bigger issues at hand.
"We're dealing with some sick psycho bastards, and there might be more than just two of them. Put your best foot forward, detectives."
You were a small squad, so you were spread rather thin: Jaehyun questioning the small group of witnesses on the sidewalk, Mark on security cameras with a police squad, and the rest of you examining the scene. The tarp came off of the body, revealing mangled flesh, a distorted figure, and the rest of the blood you'd already seen seeping out of its container. The same strange sigil was carved into the victim's stomach, and his clothes had been deliberately cut away so that whoever found his body would be able to see it.
"Fucking hell," Doyoung muttered beneath his breath as he snapped on a pair of latex gloves—not disturbed, but visibly frustrated by the sight before him.
"Worse than last time," you said, shaking your head. "It's a mess... they must be getting careless."
"We have his phone!" Donghyuck called, jogging back to join the two of you with a black phone in a clear plastic evidence bag. Fumbling slightly with the plastic covering, he unlocks it to show you its contents. "Look into the call logs, messages, and—"
He froze. His entire face went slack, and his mouth went agape in surprise. And then he shut it, squeezed his eyes shut, clearly trying to refrain from saying something. Or an outward reaction of some kind. A second passed. Another. And then he threw his head back in a hysterical laugh, cackling so loudly that a half dozen officers looked over.
"Donghyuck!" you scolded, trying to silence him before Taeil heard. "What are you—"
"Sorry! Right, dead person! There's a dead person, I shouldn't be laughing—"
"God, what is it?" Doyoung grabbed the phone from him. The words that left him—the words that left your professional, stoic detective vampire boyfriend—they would change your life forever.
His brows furrowed with confusion. "Dr. Eggman, Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow the Hedgehog; kinky threesome, monster tentacle porn mpreg fantasy. 518000 words by Noobmaster42069 on Archive of Our Own."
based on They died doing what they loved: reading smut by Stanzi lmfao
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bleachimaginebuttrans · 3 years ago
C,Can I request a Jushiro x reader?- /a male reader please ;_; just if you have time and there's no trouble with it
"You can't keep requesting me, Juushiro, they're gonna put the pieces together eventually." You huff, leaning against the aforementioned Captain's side, one of his arms wrapped securely around your shoulder.
"Oh, relax my love. The only person you should be worried about finding out would have been Retsu, and she already knows!" Juushiro shifted a bit, tugging you tighter against his chest, covering his mouth with his hand to cough lightly. You froze for a moment, letting the fit run it's course, before he settled again, and you relaxed, poking him in the side with one hand. He huffed, but obliged, bringing his hand down to show it clear of any blood.
"Yes, I know, but that doesn't mean the other people in our squads might talk." You glanced back at the bag you had brought with you, the one that held all the items needed to take care of him. You'd brought it, expected Juushiro to be in another bad fit, but it turned out he had exaggerated his condition at the moment, just a bit, to get you down. You had around an hour until you had to go back, and Juushiro was taking advantage for some mid-day cuddles.
This wasn't the first time he had done this, and it wouldn't be the last.
"Well, Retsu wouldn't let people talk in her squad, and I can control my own." Juushiro was far used to your worrying by now, placing the same reassurances on your shoulders as he did every single time he did.
You huffed, but chose not to argue further, wanting to take advantage of the break he was giving you. Just as you settled closer, snuggling into Juushiro's chest, however, there was a series of knocks on the door, and two voices arguging about who should have been the one to actually knock on the door. You groaned, but sat up quickly, taking a few things out of your bag to pretend you were putting things away, as Juushiro called his third seats into the room.
Kiyone managed to be the first to shove her way into the room, Sentaro elbowing her to the side to try to be the first to Juushiro's bed side, but you stepped between the captain and his third seats, eyes narrowing.
"Ah. Calm down. Excitement stays at the door, you two can either stop fighting and calm down, or leave again."
By now, they had also gotten used to the threat, though they did calm, considering they had been kicked out of the room before when they were too much and got Juushiro too worked up. They stood next to each other, at attention as if you were a seat above them. Technically, you were a fourth seat, and thus they outranked you, but you were currently here as Juushiro's nurse, not just a shinigami.
You looked to Kiyone first. "What do you two need?"
"We brought tea!" Your eyes flicked to Sentaro, who was holding said tea tray, probably the reason he only managed to get in second. You nod, stepping to the side, and let the third seat go over to Juushiro's side to set down said tea. He grinned, thanking the two of them, and you ushered them back out.
As you shut the door, you heard them talking between themself.
"Why does he get to spend so much time with the captain? He's barely even doing anything."
"I don't know, Kiyone, he's the fourth squad guy, obviously he can be in there for help."
"Well, it's not fair."
"Obviously! He's not even that good of a nurse. He spends so long here, and the Captain barely gets any better afterwards."
You shut the door a bit harder than you mean to, and hear them jump and scurry away. It sends a bit of vindictive pleasure through you, but you don't let it get to you. The two of them were a bit too attached to their captain, to the point it almost hurt him sometimes.
"Come back, my darling. You know exactly how they are." You moved over, and Juushiro moved the tray to let you back in. You knew that Juushiro probably also heard the two of them, and they wouldn't be getting away with it for long.
"I know, I know. I almost wanna reveal us just to rub it in their face sometimes though." You grin, and Juushiro laughs, his hand coming up into your hand and dragging his nails across your scalp.
"Oh, if only it were that easy." He mused. You sigh, shifting to snuggle closer to him.
You wished, just as much as him, that it would be that easy, but the Soul Society wasn't often a kind place, as you had learned the hard way for awhile. While you would always be safe, physically, you knew that many a person in almost every single squad would be entirely prepared to harass you, simply for being with Juushiro. It was why it was a secret, from everyone but two other captains.
That was fine with you, for now, at least. It may have meant hiding, but it meant that you had him all to yourself.
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oneofthosesimps · 4 years ago
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pairing: levi x reader I nsfw
word count: 5729
summary: after a long day and lots of tension, levi takes care of you and fucks you into your dilirium
warnings: choking (i mean like you get no air at all), rough sex, dirtytalk, swearing, sub x dom
authors note: ok, i'm absolutely not satisfied with the fanfic, but i've been sitting on it for way too long and i have to get it out now, because i can't work on anything else. the next one will be better, i promise.
all credits to the artist of this pic
i hope that's right
"They're miserable" Oluo says to you and wrinkles his nose. You look at Marco Bott in front of you, hanging in the ropes of the ODM gear and trying with all his might to keep his balance.
A gust of air swirls individual leaves around you, causing a few strands of your hair to fall into your face. The ropes of the ODM gear blow back and forth slightly and this small movement completely throws Bott off balance. You can see the effort and sweat beading on his face, he clenches his teeth tightly before panic overcomes him. His body can't find balance and he starts to row his arms, but it's too late. He topples over backwards and with a dull thud his head hits the stone floor. "Pathetic," you mutter, grabbing your forehead with your hand. Actually, such an impact shouldn't even happen, but judging by the appearance, since Bott slipped out of the leather straps, he hadn't fastened them properly. "The students are a disaster," Oluo says in your direction, and you nod slightly at him.
"Okay, Bott, out of the harnesses! Arlert, you're up next!" he shouts to the other group members, then runs to Marco to help him out of his predicament.
Your eyes roam over the other groups and their contraptions. Oluo was right with his statement. It's been a long time since you've seen such a pile of work. There are individual exceptions like Mikasa Ackerman or Annie Leonhardt, but as mentioned before, these are only exceptions. The rest are doing just as poorly as Bott. A long sigh escapes you.
"They are a bunch of shit.” Your hackles stand up and a cold shiver runs down your spine. The goosebumps start at your shoulders and then spread down your arms. Your heart seems to skip a beat.
"Yes, they are, Captain." Oluo stands next to you again and your captain joins in as well. Out of the corner of your eye, you look to your left at Levi, who looks straight ahead with his arms folded in front of his chest.
"Oi, Arlert, you're a disgrace to our troop. Get a grip."
"Yes, sir," Armin shouts back, but you can see the uncertainty Levi's words bring and his whole-body tenses. He also loses his balance, his body swings backwards and he hangs upside down in the ropes, like Marco Bott before - at least he doesn't hit his head.
"What did I tell you!!! Tighten the center!" roars Oluo, stomping his feet as he makes his way to Arlert.
A breeze comes up again, stronger this time, and the cadets have great difficulty keeping their balance. In fact, everyone sails back, except, to your surprise, Connie Springer, who is cheered on by the rest of his group. You pull your jacket tighter around you, hoping it would catch some of the spring wind, but you shiver anyway.
"Your jaw is tight," Levi's deep voice says beside you, and you turn your gaze to him in surprise. His grey eyes look down at you from above and you swallow hard. He's such a handsome man. His shoulders show well through his uniform and his shirt tightens a bit at his chest due to his muscles. His eyes sparkle slightly from the sun shining on his face. The wind has spread some hair on his forehead and your fingertips start to tickle. How you would like to brush them away. You clench your hands into fists to stop yourself.
"Didn't even realize it," you reply, turning your gaze back to Oluo and Arlert to stay calm. Your heart drums a little in your chest. Your comrade is trying his best to help him and give him instructions and assistance.
"To be honest, your whole body is tense". You feel Levi's calm gaze still resting on you and you put your head back and stare at the sky. A few clouds drift across the sky, white and fluffy.
"It's been a busy day, too." Your eyes shift back to him and you both look into each other's eyes. His grey eyes seem almost a bright silver. He studies you more closely and the corners of his mouth lift up ever so slightly. "Understandable, with this bunch of idiots." You roll your eyes and have to grin slightly before sighing again. It was admittedly leaching to complete the first training sessions with new cadets. They are all so full of anticipation before harsh reality catches up with them and about a third of all are sent back home - if they still have a home after Wall Maria was breached and Shiganshina District had to be left.
Of course, it was little different for you back then, but you performed solidly right from the start and made it to the top 3 of all graduates after hard training. That was also the reason why Levi included you in his squad.
Nonetheless, you just got annoyed and wanted a break from all the frustration and instruction you had to give. Being a teacher is not the reason you joined the Survey Corps.
Levi is just opening his mouth to say something when Petra's loud voice echoes across the square.
"Captain, I need your help." Over Levi's shoulder, you can see her, hands flailing in the air. Levi clicks his tongue and his expression changes, becomes slightly annoyed. You do the same. He leans over to you, his head right next to yours. His strong scent of black tea and citrus rises to your nose and your knees go weak. His hot breath hits the shell of your ear and goosebumps cover your body again. "I'll make you feel better later." Your heart starts beating faster and a deep blush settles over your cheeks. You hold your breath as he turns and walks with strong strides back to his spot by Petra, the Wings of Freedom emblazoned large on his back.
"Tch, I haven't seen a fucking weakling like that in a long time, Yaeger," you hear him shout further back. Again, a slight grin comes over you.
"Ma'am, can you help me with the straps?" calls Christa Renz over to you. She snaps you out of your thoughts and you come back to yourself. You expel your long-held breath and make your way over to her.
The rest of the training was like chewing gum compared to before. The remaining part of your group wasn't a total bust, but Levi's words left a sweet note and butterflies in your stomach. Your whole body tingled with joy and the scenarios in your head took their own course. Every now and then your gaze swung to Levi, even as you have pulled yourself together, but the temptation was far too great. And then when he caught your gaze, you could see the change in him even across the distance. At one point you even thought he winked at you, which was the most uncharacteristic thing ever for him, but just the pure thought that you were right made your knees weak again. For this reason, you were more concerned with your students, who were not very happy about it. You had the reputation of being almost as strict as Levi - but with less insults - and that although your size made you look more like a dwarf. At the end of the training, the Levi Squad then condemned the worst to clean up the mess. The sun was lower by now, it was late afternoon and the wind was blowing stronger. You walked together as a group back to the large building and followed the cadets to the mess hall.
As usual, you took your food first before the rest could strike, which you were more than happy about. At least on days when there was meat, it was always an advantage for everything and everyone to fill their plates before Sasha Blouse. Her love for food was immeasurable. After her, there wasn't that much left for others to lead and sharing was out of the question for her. You plod along behind Eld with your full plate and settle into the seat next to him and Oluo.
"What a day, huh guys?" groans Petra, sliding onto the bench across from you, followed by Gunther and then Levi, who grabs the seat across from yours.
You stare at the potatoes, meat and bread in front of you and start eating, almost burning yourself.
The others do the same, while Levi drinks his tea and lets his gaze roam the room to observe the other cadets.
"There, you say something. I wonder when it's going to be expedition time again. Time to kill some titans again, isn't it?" grins Oluo next to you, poking you in the side. You give him a dry look. "You mean so I can do all the work again and you can rest?" Oluo blushes slightly, whether from anger or shame, and slashes at the table with his knife in his right hand.
"I was here long before you even got around to it, kid".
"That makes your 39 kills all the sadder," you mock, and the others stifle their laughter.
Oluo contorts his face and is about to open his mouth when Eld slaps him on the back, "Oh Oluo, I can still remember when you wet yourself on your first expedition."
The blow startles Oluo slightly and he yelps in pain. He slaps his hand over his mouth and contorts his face. "I bit my tongue," he mumbles, which really makes the others laugh now. You, on the other hand, just roll your eyes again and are pleased inwardly.
No matter how much you get on each other's nerves sometimes, you are a family that always stands up for each other. Most of the happy moments you can still remember were spent with this group. Each had its strengths and weaknesses, which in turn compensated for another. Your gaze falls on each of them as they still laugh and Oluo still complains before you look at Levi.
Again, your breath catches slightly. His gaze pierces you and holds you spellbound. He looks at you as he slowly eats. A shiver runs down your spine again and you press your legs together. His gaze is intense and deep, going straight to your soul. His silver eyes are darker and possessive. No one at the table seems to notice what's happening, as Levi has always been good at hiding your personal moments. It's a mystery to you how he did it since you always felt caught and like your body didn't really belong to you. He was the one thing that always upset you and left you breathless. You smile slightly at him and his gaze darkens even more, making you swallow.
"Captain, how about a little break for us tonight? We could all sit down together for a bit and have a little drink," Petra catches your attention. She blushes slightly and you have to suppress the gagging. Never, never, would Levi ever feel anything for Petra. Everyone liked her, including him and yourself, of course, but not in that way. They were much too different for that and didn't have the same goals. But you had already noticed how Petra looked at Levi and blushed and bit her lip and stroked through her hair and smiled and laughed extra and positioned herself well and always stood next to him, sat down, tried to work with him, always addressed him directly, took him in protection. You were never jealous because Levi never gave you a reason to be, but Petra made it really hard for you sometimes. Especially since no one, except Hange, of course, knew about how things were between Levi and you.
"Oi, your hand," Gunther says, touching it. You recoil and realize how your hand hurts. You clutch your knife tightly, your knuckles white. Everyone is looking at you. You let go of it and it falls to the table before you mumble a quiet apology and continue eating. Speaking of which, you were bad at hiding your feelings for Levi. The others let go of you and turn their attention back to Petra and Levi.
"Tch, do what you want, I still have workto do". Petra looks slightly disappointed and starts eating again. The rest of the meal was quieter as everyone was busy filling their bellies. Eld and Gunther are the first to leave before Levi raises his voice. "Oi, Petra, take my dishes away as soon as you finished". The girl seems hopeful for a brief moment before Levi smashes her hopes. He looks at you and your almost empty plates. "... And the other one here too".
With these words he straightens up. You look up at him. "Would you help me just now?" His eyes show a sparkle again and your gaze falls on Petra and Oluo for a brief moment before you nod. With those words, he trots off. You quickly get up, say goodbye, and walk after him. Your path past the cadets is quiet and the murmuring around you also quiets, which always happened when Levi was around. No one would dare to accidentally say something that might upset him. Levi headed for the stone stairs in the hallway, down the long hallway to the door of his office. A few torches flicker on the wall, lighting your way, even with the sun still providing more than enough light from outside. All the while, you follow him quietly until he unlocks the door and both of you step inside.
You close the door behind you with a soft click and turn around. Levi is standing in front of you with his arms folded in front of his chest. He leans slightly against his desk and examines you from top to bottom. The evening sun shines through the window behind him and strong shadows stand out on his face. "How are you?" You bite your lower lip and swallow hard. "Pretty good, I guess," you say and avert your gaze, looking down at the ground. You continue to feel his gaze and you blush slightly. Your breathing gets a little heavier and you swallow again. The tension in this room is heavy and oppressive. The energy between you is crackling and the hairs on your arms are standing up. It is amazing how different Levi could behave. Toward everyone else on the planet, he was an ass, no question about it. But to you, he treated you like you were a flower that would wilt if he didn't take proper care of it. You bite your lower lip. Levi's footsteps come toward you until he's standing right in front of you and you can look at his shoes. He puts a finger under your chin and lifts your face. His eyes are impenetrable, and he can probably read you again like one of his books.
"You know better than to bite your lip," he whispers to you. He places his left hand against the door behind you and leans against you. His eyes pull you in before you close them and feel his lips on yours. In the background, you hear him turn the key in the lock, locking you in this room. His teeth graze over your bottom lip and he captures it, sucking on it before releasing it. "I'll do that for you, won't I?" A low moan escapes you and you open your eyes again. He was even closer to you, your noses almost grazing each other, and his hot breathing and warmth befuddle you.
"Remember what I promised you earlier?" You nod and lick your lips. His gaze immediately darts to that movement before he looks into your soul again. "Repeat it."
"You promised me that you would make me feel better".
A slight smile curls his lips and he takes your face in his right hand. You nestle into it and your heart flutters.
"So, do you still want this?" What a question, you think and nod slightly, kissing the inside palm of his hand and staring at him. Please make me feel good. Again, he has to smirk slightly and presses a feather-light kiss to your forehead before stepping away from you, taking his warmth with him. He steps back to his desk and resumes his previous posture there. His face and body tension are harder and his eyes seem much darker than before.
"Take off your clothes," comes his instruction. His voice is also low and hard. You look at him a little unsettled and surprised before you start undoing the buttons of your blouse. His gaze follows your movements and he tilts his head slightly. You kick your shoes aside. The removal of your pants in particular seems to fascinate him, and you swear you saw a sparkle in his eyes as your bra and panties follow the other garments as well. So, you stand in front of him, shivering slightly from the temperature difference, causing your nipples to poke hard at him and your skin to be covered in goosebumps again. He licks his lips and takes off his jacket, placing it on his desk behind him. He undoes the straps that wrap around his torso and sets them aside as well.
"Kneel down." You do as you were told and kneel on the cold wooden floor. This causes the cold to shoot more strongly through your body and you shake yourself slightly. Levi is still watching you and slowly lets his gaze roam over you. After your next blink, he rises and steps to the other side of his desk, which faces his window. He opens the first drawer on the left and pulls out something. After closing it, he comes back to your side and slowly steps towards you. You are a little surprised at what he just did since you can't see anything in his hands. He stops in front of you and looks down. You follow his hands, which reach for the buttons of his shirt, which he then slowly opens bit by bit. His gaze stares at you again, while he moves as if in slow motion. For you, it was all much too slow and with each button your heart beat a beat faster again. If it were up to you, you would have torn it from his body so that the buttons would fly across the room. But your hands remain still in your lap as you wait for each button. Finally arriving at the last one, he undoes it as well before slipping his shirt off his torso. His shoulders and arms work as he does so, and your knees soften. You love his body, he's a god. With all the years of training and fighting experience, it goes without saying that he is trained, but his cross and arms especially make your heart weak. You don't know what that is because of, but it's just a preference of yours on him. One of the many you have to mention about it. And you love every single scar from his skin you've run along them so many times with your lips and fingers. Slowly your temperature changes. Your body becomes warm and you notice how your center becomes moist. He reaches into his right pants pocket and pulls out a long piece of rope. Your breath catches and your eyes widen. Levi still just looks at you and plays with it a bit, tightens it and let’s go again. As he does, the muscles under his skin play again, looking indescribable with the setting sun in the background. Veins come out from under his skin and you pull your eyebrows together in frustration. He shines like a saint that you love to cling to so that he can keep all the evil in the world away from you.
"Hands behind your back." Immediately you do as he said and follow him as long as you can with your gaze as he walks around you and then kneels behind you. His fingers are warm as they graze your skin and he ties the rope around your wrists to join your two hands together. After he's done, he runs his hands up your arms, touching the haunches above your collarbones for seconds before pulling his hands away again.
"Close your eyes," he whispers in your right ear. The last thing you see before your eyes flutter shut are the last rays of the sun, which bathe the room in a deep orange-red. You feel something being placed over your eyes. Levi ties the piece of cloth to the back of your head and then rises. As soon as you realize he's done, your eyes open briefly, only to see deep black. Butterflies spread through your lower stomach and you press your lips together to stifle a moan. With excitement and anticipation, you feel more wetness between your legs and squirm slightly to create some pressure, but to no avail. Now without sight, you rely more on your ears and the sounds of the environment around you. Levi moves quietly around the room, you locate him at his desk and hear him light a match. The smell of smoke fills the room. When he seems to be finished, he moves back toward you. You hear the rattle of the buckles of his belts, which then fall to the floor with a sound. He loosens one strap after another until the sounds stop. You feel his presence in front of you and squeeze your legs together again. Fabric rustles before it's quiet again. Suddenly, a hand reaches into your hair and pulls your head almost painfully to the back of your neck. Air escapes your throat and you make a surprised sound.
"Open your mouth." Levi's voice seems even deeper than usual and hard, almost cold. You open it on command and stick out your tongue. You hear him smirk and feel one of his fingers, which slowly works its way to your throat. "I raised you so well," Levi murmurs, and you suck on his finger. Shortly after, two more join him. "I'm going to use you so well. You're going to do exactly what you were made to do: choke on my cock and milk it afterwards." A long moan escapes you and you suck on his fingers, your tongue playing with them before withdrawing them again. A feather-light touch brushes over your left nipple and you sigh. "I saw the look on your face earlier. How shamelessly you fantasize about such things while your cadets are in front of you and that idiot Oluo is standing next to you. How I would have loved to take his place". Your saliva causes your nipples to harden again as the cold air swirls around them. The hand in your hair loosens. Shortly after, you feel something warm and soft against your lips. Your mouth opens again and you groan. Levi's cock slides between your teeth into the roof of your mouth and he moans out too. "Fuck, finally." You feel the wetness between your legs run down your thigh before it drips onto the floor. Levi's hand finds its way into your hair again, and he pulls his hips back before they shoot forward again and his cock buries itself in your mouth once more. He holds this speed for some time. You get warmer and warmer, especially at the thought of you kneeling there right now in front of him and him using your mouth. "You're doing so good, slut," Levi murmurs from above, thrusting harder. The sound of your mouth smacking and his increasingly heavy breathing echoes through the room. You taste a few drops of his juice and your eyes roll back into your skull. Again, a long moan escapes you and the hand in your hair grips harder. Slight pain jolts through your scalp and goosebumps form on your skin again.
"Your mouth is so warm and wet. Just not as tight as your cunt, but I can change that". His cock finds its way deeper into your throat, almost hitting the back it before withdrawing completely. For a brief moment you feel his lips on yours, his tongue exploring the path his cock had paved earlier. He tastes himself on your lips and wants much more of it. The kiss is wild and he leaves you with throbbing, swollen lips. "Tongue out." Before you can take a breath, you're sticking it out at him again. He slaps his cock on it a few times before burying himself inside you again with one smooth thrust. His entire length fills your mouth, and you gag slightly as his tip sticks way too deep in your throat. Levi doesn't let up though, keeping you that way before resuming his previous speed and hardness. You squeeze your eyes shut, but tears escape your eyelids anyway. They wet the fabric on your eyes and find their way along under it, flowing down your cheeks and dripping on your legs. The more your throat hurts, the heavier Levi's breathing becomes. His balls hit your chin and his second hand finds its way into your hair as well, holding you in place.
"You feel so good," his deep, dry voice comes out. "...The way you sit here in front of me and suck me so good. Other men dream about it. Who would believe what a slut you are?" You moan and the vibration makes him wince and he claws into your scalp. As best you can, you slide your tongue around his shaft, grasping his tip, sucking on him while his hips keep thrusting. Your mouth and neck feel painful and your jaw hurts from the constant mouthing. As your tongue touches his balls, his hips twitch and he pulls back breathlessly. His cock pulls out of you again and you gasp for air. You cough heavily and saliva runs down the corners of your mouth.
Suddenly, Levi's hands push at your hips and pull you upward. Your legs are jello, which is why he catches your weight and supports you. The soles of your feet touch the ground for only a few moments before you feel his shoulder against your stomach and your face comes to rest on his back. The air is forced from your lungs and blood rushes to your head. He grips the rope at your wrists, thus holding you tight before he moves. “Levi, I want more”, you mumble and feel the juice running between your legs. He opens the door to his bedroom and carries you to his bed, where he lays you down somewhat roughly. The room smells like him. The bed linen is freshly washed, which is normal for him. The smell of tea is also heavy in the air, as well as its own note, which is that of Levi himself. “Tch, it's clear to me that you little bitch can't get enough. But do not worry, my big cock will fill you up in a minute.”
He turns you onto your stomach and pulls your butt up and towards him. You feel his warm breath at your center and your muscles tremble. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself for being so wet?" He blows against your wet lips and you squirm slightly under him. You feel his tongue licking once along your slit. You moan loudly as you finally get some touch before his hand hits your right ass cheek and you howl in pain. Without warning, his cock drills deep into your cunt and your moans mingle in the small space, echoing out to you. Immediately, Levi picks up the pace he had earlier while fucking your mouth. You jerk beneath him, moaning into the mattress beneath you, and your fingernails each dig into the wrist of the other arm. Again, Levi's hand closes around the rope and he pulls you up to him, grasping your throat with his other hand and biting your shoulder. You moan his name loudly and press against the warmth of his chest. He licks over the bite marks and fucks you harder. Your walls close tightly around his cock and he moans loudly next to your ear. "How tight can you get?" he murmurs, and his hand around your throat squeezes tighter. His fingers are right against your main arteries. Your air gets shorter, your pulse beats faster to push the blood into your head, but because of the pressure from his fingers it doesn't work. Light panic overcomes you and mixes with your lust. "Levi...I-I," you try to say before everything around you goes black. Your whole-body collapses and you can't finish your sentence. He immediately releases the pressure of his hand before you finally lose consciousness and the blood rushes back to your head. The difference in pressure makes you dizzy as you slowly regain consciousness. His thrusts don't stop, his endurance was immeasurable. He moans into your neck and your whole belly tingles with satisfaction. Your moans get louder again.
"Yes," you groan out. You hear him laugh softly before the pressure around your throat intensifies again and the scenario from just now repeats itself. The mixture of dizziness and pleasure is a deadly mix. Nothing feels better and you want more, more and more, but Levi knows exactly when to stop before he puts your little body through too much. As you come to yourself again, Levi loosens his hand around the rope and wraps his arm around your stomach. He presses you tighter against him, holding your weak body tight. "You're the biggest slut," he murmurs against your ear. The hand on your belly slowly strokes to your pelvic bones, slowly finding its way between your legs. He circles your clit with his middle finger, making you twitch and squirm against his chest as you praise his name. His lips settle on your neck, beginning to suck as his hand pushes deeper. He feels his own cock thrusting into you and adds his index and middle fingers, burying them in your creamy hole as well, which they grip tightly, and your moans grow louder again. No one must ever know what Levi does with you during all those hours in his bedroom. No one would probably believe it. How many marks he has left on your body, how many times he has cut off your air, how many times he has fucked you into unconsciousness, left your cunt sore. If Levi would be a religion, you would be its first martyr.
You lay your head in your neck and his hand around your throat rests on your forehead, pressing your head back. This makes it easier for him to get to your throat with his mouth. He licks away the sweat next to the mark before making more. "I'm so sick of no one knowing what I do to you," he hums against your neck. "I'm so fed up with the fact that some complete idiots actually still think they have a chance with you, can fuck you the way I'm doing right now". At these words he fucks you incessantly, his two fingers in addition inside you, which stretch you further and you are in heaven. Your delirium is near. He feels his way forward, curves his fingers, massages the inside of your walls. He just can't get to your g-spot due to the extra space his dick takes up and you will think you are going insane. "Even though yes I love how jealous you get of Petra. Tch, as if I would touch that filthy bitch." His thrusts get even harder and your whole-body tenses, groaning in pain. "No one can give me what you give me," he whispers. No one could give him the power he had over you. He could do whatever he wanted with you and you would get wet with lust and horniness. You were a dream come true, not just in that way. Levi loves you more than anything else in the world, even if he never says it, but deep inside you know it.
The thumb of his hand moves between your legs again to your clitoris and presses against it. A second, two seconds pass before you explode. Your vision goes white despite your blindfold, your body writhes, the muscles in your thighs twitch wildly, and you scream the room together. His name falls from your lips again as he fucks you through your orgasm. Each thrust brings sparks, his lips on your neck and his hands on and inside you. As your body slowly calms, he releases you, removes his hands, and pushes you back into the mattress. Your face shifts over the fabric before he has you back in the right position. His right leg settles next to your hip and you hear the bed creak beneath you. He continues to increase his speed, getting harder. His head settles into your neck and he moans loudly as he fucks you, finally meeting his end. Tears run down your cheeks as your body is drained, screaming at you to take a break. But the sensation between your legs pulls through your body again, making you moan once more. His hands dig painfully into your ass before Levi explodes inside you. His juice squirts into you and your name falls from his lips, giving you butterflies again. He thrusts with light strokes before gradually slowing down and dropping against your body.
He gives himself a brief moment before rising from you and untying your hands. without any remaining body tension, you fall onto the mattress beneath you and tear the blindfold from your head. The room is dark. The sun has set in time and your sense of time is confused. The light from the candle in the office brings a little light into the room, so that you can make out the outlines of the furniture.
"Better?" You hum to him and snuggle into the blanket beneath you. "Oi, I'll run us a bath, don't fall asleep." You grumble again and look after him as he leaves you alone and drained in the dark room.
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mystery-deer · 3 years ago
B99 opener where Kevin is silently walking through his home, unconcerned, and then he heard a creak in the floorboards. He pauses. He looks up. He of course cannot see anything through the ceiling but he continues to look up as he walks to the fireplace, nonchalantly grabbing a poker and heading upstairs. He waits.
 Another creak and the poker’s going through the bathroom door just as it shuts. The poker is pulled through by the intruder and Kevin races into the bedroom, shutting and locking the door to grab another weapon. He settles quickly on a heavy statuette just as the same poker starts poking through the bedroom. All is still mostly silent but there’s of course some sort of action music playing.
Kevin moves quietly into the en suite bathroom, shutting and locking the door. He climbs onto the counter with one hand poised to bash the intruder over the head and the other holding his phone to his ear. 
“Raymond?” he whispers.
“Yes, this is Captain Raymond Holt.”
“Hello. A break-in is currently occurring.”
“In our home. Please come at your earliest convenience. I am quite frightened and I believe I left the stove on.” 
From Raymond’s perspective a loud sound is heard. Wood splintering and a bang. 
“He has broken down the door.” Kevin says before hanging up.
Raymond rushes home without a word to his squad. He began rushing home the moment Kevin said ‘A break-in is occuring’. They are all concerned but he ignores them, peeling out at break neck speed.
When he gets home he is cautious, following proper protocol when attempting to apprehend an unsub and opening the unlocked front door with a bang. 
“Freeze, punk!” he shouts, pointing his weapon at the person in the foyer.
“Whoa! Hey Ray, wow I didn’t think you were coming home so soon! Is it that late?” Adrian Pimento asks, giving the captain an enthusiastic smile.
“You...why are you in my house?”
“I wanted to meet your husband! You’ve never introduced us and I wanted it to be a surprise! I thought maybe you were hiding him from me for a reason but he’s a real catch, see?”
Pimento lifts his hand which has four neat holes through it, his palm covered in blood. 
“What...happened!?” Holt asks, confused and concerned and still teeming with adrenaline.
“Tried to keep me stuck the wall. Ha!” Pimento says, seemingly earnest in his delight.
“...Where is Kevin now?” Holt says, re-holstering his gun as he decides he will deal with Pimento later. 
“Uh I dunno, last I saw him he jumped out the upstairs window.”
“LAST I SAW HIM HE JU- oh you heard me you’re just shocked. Yeah! To be fair I might have hallucinated it, he hit me pretty hard with that statue thing.”
Before Holt can scramble into the backyard to check if Kevin’s alright a hand emerges through the crack in the open front door (on the side of the hinges) and Pimento shakes violently as he is tazed.
Holt stares down at Pimento who is twitching on the floor and Kevin enters the home, looking worse for wear but wearing a neutral expression. 
Everyone is silent.
“Are you hurt?” Kevin asks.
“Nah, I’ll be fine!” Pimento chirps.
Kevin looks down with derision. “I was speaking to my husband.”
“Nah, I’ll be fine!” Pimento says again before passing out. 
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glassesandswords · 4 years ago
Ease Our Burden
Late at night, the Survey Corps veterans head to a bar after wrapping up their year-end paperwork. What happens after a few glasses of alcohol is just plain chaos.
( When I read one of Erwin's official smartpass AUs, I wondered what kind of shenanigans the scouts pulled in the bar they headed off to after work. This is a story I've been wanting to write for so long, as drunk vets live in my mind rent free. Hope you like it.)
Originally posted in Ao3  and dedicated to @someonestolemyshoes
It was late at night when the wooden door of the bar creaked open, the sound of raucous laughter and footsteps spilling in. The old barkeeper looked up from his counter to see the veterans of the Survey Corps entering his almost-empty establishment, headed by their commander, Erwin Smith.
He gave a quiet nod to him. Soldiers frequented this bar often, as it was the closest to the military quarters. His eyes went towards the two Military Police soldiers sipping their beers in one corner of the room. The barkeeper had planned to close for the night after the MPs left, but now that the Scouts were here, he did not mind tending to the bar a little longer. Besides, he knew Erwin well from his cadet corps days- days that felt so long ago now.
The Scouts settled down noisily around a large round table, dragging in chairs from the other empty tables to fit them all. The barkeeper recognized quite a few of them. The loud, bespectacled brunette was Hange Zoe, someone who was poked fun of by the MPs and Garrison soldiers alike on a regular basis in the bar. She was a usual topic of gossip and trash-talk, as he had seen the customers mimicking her for some laughs, as if they were trying to talk to the captured titans in the same way that one would approach a pet.
His gaze trailed to the short man next to Erwin, the infamous Captain Levi, humanity’s strongest soldier. Rumors- fueled by drinks- always spread like wildfire around the bar, and even the barkeeper himself had heard whispers of how the captain was, earlier, a thug from the underground. As for how much truth the rumor contained, he did not know.
Captain Levi sat opposite Mike Zacharias, the tall section commander who was one of Erwin’s longest comrades in the Scouts. He could not recollect the names of the four others- two men and two women- as well, although he supposed he might have seen their faces somewhere before. After all, these soldiers were the best that humanity had to offer- for going outside the walls to face the titans and exterminating them required immense internal courage. The barkeeper could never imagine him voluntarily putting himself through such an ordeal. No, he was happy here just doing his family business.
Erwin walked over to the old barkeeper and enquired about his day with gentle familiarity. The barkeeper answered in like. He remembered the times all those years ago when he’d come over there with Nile Doc, the current commander of the Military Police, to stir up some trouble in the bar and to steal looks at the pretty barmaid- Marie was her name, he believed- during the evenings after their training.
His lips involuntarily quirked up with a smile at that memory. What a rowdy bunch they were.
“What would you and your team like tonight?” he asked Erwin.
“A glass of whiskey for me,” he said and turned back to the others. “What about you all?”
“I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Levi replied, looking bored.
“I’ll have some simple lemonade,” the short blonde haired woman said.
“Can I get a mug of beer?” Hange piqued, “I’m in the mood for some beer today.”
“I’ll have whatever Section Commander Hange is having as well,” said the tall man who sat on Hange’s other side.
“Alright, two beers and one lemonade for Nanaba then,” Erwin said. “What about you Gelgar, Marlene and Mike?”
The other two grinned, “Mike’s going to choose for us.”
At that, Mike stood up and approached him. “May I check your collection out?” he asked politely in his deep voice, towering over the old barkeeper. The barkeeper craned his neck to look up at him and nodded timidly.
Mike hopped on the counter and crossed his legs to the other side with ease. He ran a finger through the array of glass bottles, gleaming in the soft yellow lighting of the bar. Keeping his face close to the bottles, he took a sniff now and then as he went through the assortment of liquors.
The barkeeper let him do his thing as he poured the beer and whiskey in their glasses and chopped up a lemon to make Nanaba’s lemonade.
“Ah… I’m relieved that we are finally here,” he heard Hange’s husky, drawn out voice from their table. “All that year-end paperwork sucked the soul out of me. To balance it out, let’s have some fun tonight, shall we?”
“I’m curious,” Marlene replied, “What do you have in mind?”
“We are going to get Erwin as drunk as possible. I wanna see what embarrassing stories spout out of his mouth.”
Erwin gave a small chuckle. “A brave quest. Good luck with that.”
“You don’t need to get Erwin drunk to embarrass himself,” Levi drawled. “Just place him in the midst of the younger cadets and ask him to make small talk. You’ll watch him flounder like a fish out of water.”
“There sure is a generational gap, but I’m not that old, Levi.”
“Bullshit. You scared away my entire squad that day when you tried to be friendly with them.”
“I was just trying out a change in approach rather than my usual authoritative tone. It is important to connect with the younger-”
“Right, right, I get it. But you should know you suck at that. Just keep doing what you do and you’ll be fine.”
Another smile stemmed from Erwin. “I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
The barkeeper walked over to their table with the tray of drinks in his hand, as all his waiters had left for home already. He set the glasses and mugs in front of them.
“You know what would be a great idea?” Hange’s voice filled the room again. “Let’s have a drinking contest between Moblit and Gelgar. I want to see which one of you two is the fastest to chug three mugs of beer in one go.”
“I place my bets on Gelgar,” Nanaba quipped.
“Gelgar is obviously going to win, this guy is a straight-up drunkard if I’ve ever seen one,” Marlene chuckled. Gelgar, despite his weak protests, seemed quite confident in himself and eager to take part. Moblit, on the other hand, looked resigned- like he was forcibly dragged into yet another messy situation he’d rather not be in, but had no choice but to appease his superiors by participating.
Hange put an aggressive arm around Moblit’s shoulder. “You all underestimate Moblit’s drinking capacity,” she chided, “I’d bet my life on him winning this contest.”
“You do realize his chronic alcoholism stems from your recklessness, right?” Levi asked dryly.
Hange ignored him. “Get the beers rolling!” she signaled the barkeeper with her hand. “Let’s see who downs them the fastest!”
As the others banged their fists on the wooden table yelling chug chug chug, egging the two of them on as they gulped down the mugs of foaming beer, Mike and Erwin checked out the wine selection. Even though the barkeeper was used to their shenanigans, he was still weirded out by seeing Mike sniff at each bottle and give his smirk rating. Apparently, the wider the smirk, the better the liquor.
This went on for a while till Mike’s nose finally rested on an expensive bottle of plum wine. He gave the widest smirk he could muster and nodded his shaggy head at Erwin. The commander took the bottle from him and examined it.
“What’s this one?”
“The Reeves company’s finest plum wine, sir. I’ll have to warn you that it’s very strong. And a little on the pricier side.”
A commotion from the table made them look back at Hange who let out a delighted, victorious cheer, jumping and punching her fist in the air as Nanaba and Marlene rolled their heads, moaning in disappointment. “Pay up,” Hange declared, as the other two pulled out their wallets amidst the grumbles.
“We’ll have this then,” Erwin turned towards Mike. “I’ll pay. Consider this a thank you gift from my end. You have all done so much to help me, so I wish to treat you all to something good tonight.”
Mike crossed the bar counter to the other side and slapped a broad hand on Erwin’s shoulder. “Thank you,” he said, his lips forming a smile that was way more heartfelt than one of his usual smirks. “Let’s go share this with everyone.”
There were whoops from the rest of the table as Erwin and Mike brought over the wine and uncorked it. Glasses, the barkeeper remembered, I have to take some glasses over and-
He stopped, his hand paused over the tray as he saw Mike chug down the wine straight from the bottle. Swiping the back of his palm over his mouth, he passed the bottle on to Hange, who took a deep gulp and handed it over to Levi.
The barkeeper watched in disbelief at the sheer disrespect towards the expensive wine as it got passed on to Erwin, who drank it in the same way. Apparently, he wasn’t the only flabbergasted one, as the two MPs on the other side of the room went quiet, their expressions scrunched as they watched all the veteran Scouts drink from the same bottle without a care in the world.
He did not have enough time to dwell on that, though, as Hange stalked over to the counter, looking slightly dazed. “That was good,” she said as she sat on a stool in front of him, “A little stronger than I expected, but I’m not complaining.” She rested her elbows on the countertop and leaned forward towards the barkeeper as if she were about to share a secret, her breath smelling strongly of the plum wine as she whispered, “Moblit’s birthday is coming up and I want to gift him something good. What are your recommendations?”
As the barkeeper put forth a few bottles of good liquor on the table, the door opened with a creak and an old man with salt and pepper hair entered the bar, his eyes darting outside as if to check that he wasn’t being watched by anyone. Once satisfied that he was alone, he walked into the room and sat on a stool next to Hange. One look at his wrinkle-webbed face and Hange let out a surprised sound.
“Commander Pixys?”
Pixys placed a finger on his lips. “I’m undercover,” he whispered, pointing towards his salt and pepper wig. “If Anka finds out I’m here, I’m screwed big time.”
“Don’t worry,” Hange smirked, “Your secret is safe with me.”
The barkeeper poured a glass of whiskey to Pixys as Hange sifted through the bottles, almost as meticulously as Mike did, minus the sniffing or smirking part. The old Garrison commander took this as an opportunity to strike up a conversation with the scout.
“I heard your titan experiments are yielding results,” he said over his glass, “How did you manage to capture two of them without any casualties?”
“We lured them to the walls and used spiked nets to pin them to the ground,” Hange replied cheerfully.
“As expected from the Survey Corps’ genius.”
“No, no,” Hange waved off his compliment with a light chuckle. “None of this would have been possible without Erwin’s support and Levi squad’s contribution. They did most of the work.”
“You’re too humble,” Pixys shook his head, his wig sliding down a little as he did. “You know what would be a better contribution to humanity, though?”
“If you researched wine with as much passion as you have towards the titans,” he said as Hange laughed. “Just imagine the breakthroughs you’d come up with that the world can benefit from.”
“How about we combine the two of them together?” Hange proposed. “Think about it, we can make the ultimate Titan-wine!”
“Huh? How is that possible?”
“We can dig a pit outside the wall and fill it with a giant tub full of berries,” Hange went on in her half-drunk state. “Then we lure the titans to fall into the pit, resulting in them stomping the berries into pulp. Once they do the grunt work, we can dispatch Levi and Mike to kill them off. Their bodies would evaporate, leaving no trace of them on the wine. Who knows- the heat might enhance the flavour as well…”
Pixys threw his head back and laughed, patting Hange on her back.
“This is exactly why humanity needs you!”
During his thirty long years of running the bar, the barkeeper had heard many questionable conversations, but this was probably the most bizarre one of them all- considering it was one between a commander and a section commander of the military. He thanked his stars as Hange broke off the conversation after selecting the wine she needed with Pixys’ insight. Wrapping the selected bottle in brown paper, he handed it to Hange, who paid for it separately.
Once Hange left to join her comrades, the barkeeper poured another glass of whiskey for Pixys. Now that his conversation partner had left the table, he started talking to him instead.
“It’s so rare to see them having fun like that,” he said, looking wistfully at the Survey Corps, who were hooting and catcalling at Erwin as he loosened a few buttons on his collar with a lazy smile on his chiseled face. “It’s hard to maintain sanity and optimism when you see your dear friends get killed in front of you during every expedition.” He took a deep drink of his whiskey. “Maybe that’s why they are so optimistic. They decided to spend whatever limited time they have left enjoying each other’s company.”
The door opened again, the sound drowned by the chaos from the scouts table. A red-haired woman strode towards the counter in a huff, frustrated anger written all over her face.
“Found you.”
Pixys winced as his aide, Anka, grabbed him by his ear and dragged him out of the bar, paying no attention to his miserable pleas.
“At least let me finish that drink-”
“You weren’t supposed to drink in the first place! Did you really think you could hide under that stupid wig of yours? I’ve known you for years, you know, and I don’t want to spend the rest of my life changing your diapers if you end up stuck in a hospital bed.”
The door closed after them. The salt and pepper wig lay on the wooden floor, having slipped from Pixys’ bald head while he struggled against Anka’s steering grip.
The Survey Corps paid no heed to the struggle or the aftermath of the fallen wig as they were too busy goading Nanaba to dance for them.
“Alright, alright,” Nanaba gave in with a laugh, “Just a few steps, but only if some of you guys join me.”
She pulled Marlene up on her feet, while Hange needed no prompting. After downing yet another shot of whiskey, they let themselves loose, snapping their fingers and shaking their bodies to the rhythmic clicks and claps of the rest. Nanaba really was good at it, and the barkeeper did not miss Mike’s longing glance at her.
Their laughter and whoops were interrupted rather rudely by one of the MPs who stood up and glared at them.
“Tch,” he said, his face twisted in disgust at the Scouts, “Can’t have a moment of peace and quiet in here. Stupid scouts, always kicking up a ruckus wherever they go.”
The other MP, however, did not seem so wasted, considering he was tugging the drunk one’s shirt, subtly signaling him to stand down. They were in the presence of the commander and the section commanders of the Survey Corps after all.
The drunk one did not seem to care about their ranks. “Go on,” he jeered, to the now quiet table, “Drink away all our taxes. That’s all that you all are good for either way.”
“What’s your problem?” Levi growled, his sharp gaze trained on him.
The drunk MP waved a hand at them. “Y’all are the problem,” he said, his words slurring together, “To the ‘ntire society. You Scouts are a sham in the name of soldiers. The world would be a better place if you imposters got eaten by the titans y’all love so much.”
There was pin drop silence in the bar. The barkeeper felt his blood pressure rise steadily as the air thickened with tension. The drunk MP, however, did not seem to notice the predatory looks trained on him, unlike the other MP, who desperately hissed at him to shut up already.
“The Survey Corps is too grand a name for what is nothing but a funeral parade,” he went on obliviously. “All you are paid to do is to lead a bunch of stupid, starry eyes idealistic brats that join your dumb regiment to their gruesome deaths in the maws of those titans. At least that saves some resources inside the walls for sane people to live-”
His words were cut short by a strangled choke as Hange strode towards him and lifted him up by his collar.
The barkeeper rushed out of the counter to mediate the situation, but froze on his tracks when he glimpsed the absolute fury in the section commander’s eyes.
“Hange,” Erwin warned, but she paid no heed. Her stare was fixed on the MP’s wild eyes as he struggled to get out of her powerful, vice-like grip.
“Do you know why you MPs can live such comfortable lives within the walls?” she asked, her voice shaking with barely contained rage. “It’s because we, the Survey Corps, risk our lives to seek the knowledge that can give humanity a chance at survival. We are humanity’s spear- fighting in the front lines so that you can meekly settle down behind the walls with a family.”
As the MP clawed desperately at her hands, she shook him harder and flung him across the bar with a grunt. To the barkeeper’s horror, he crashed right on the table they were occupying earlier. The table upturned and the beer glasses shattered, amber liquor soaking the wooden floor.
Hange was still glaring at them as she was pulled back by the combined efforts of Moblit and Mike.
“If you can’t learn to show some gratitude towards the fallen, at least learn to shut up.”
The MPs scurried out of the bar immediately after. The sober one shoved a wad of excess cash into the barkeeper’s palms before he dragged his drunk friend from the establishment. Erwin apologized to him on Hange’s behalf and assured that he’d pay for the damages caused as the others tried to get Hange to calm down- which wasn’t working very well, as Moblit was the only one chiding her for being reckless while the others sat with a suppressed smile, smug satisfaction written clearly on their faces.
“Can't believe the gall of these MPs!” Hange ranted angrily, watching their backs as they left. “If you guys hadn't stopped me, I’d have climbed up on him and given a demonstration of how heroic Erwin looks as he rides a horse outside Wall Rose.” An overly exaggerated, determined look morphed her face as she saluted, hitting her fist to her heart with an amount of force enough to make the barkeeper flinch. “Dedicate your heart!” she declared, deepening her voice considerably, as if she were imitating the commander.
Marlene, Nanaba, Gelgar and Mike immediately responded with similar salutes and a ‘yessir’, while Erwin looked slightly red. A soft, huffing laugh caught their attention, and all eyes turned incredulously towards the source of the sound- Captain Levi.
Hange gasped loudly. “Somebody take the wine bottle away from Levi! He’s so drunk that he’s actually laughing.”
“Shut up, Four-eyes,” his signature scowl returned back to his face. “I'm a human being, not a brick wall.”
“I could easily have mistaken you for one.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sometimes, I wish I could get drunk just so that I don’t have to hear the shit that spouts out of your mouth all the time.”
“Ah, the things that some strong alcohol can do to others but not to poor Levi here. How unfortunate. But there’s a way to recreate that drunken state without alcohol, y’know? Just don’t sleep for ten days.”
“Joke’s on you, I'm an insomniac.”
“So is this your permanently drunken state?” Hange tapped on the commander’s arm, “Erwin, you should look into this. Imagine how much more powerful he would be if he got an adequate amount of sleep each night.”
“Wrong, Hange. Levi is probably this powerful because he doesn’t get any sleep.”
Hange let out a bark of laughter. “You might be right there.”
As their banter continued, Moblit approached the barkeeper. “If it’s not much of a problem, may I request a pencil and a piece of paper?” he asked.
“Sure, sir,” the barkeeper replied as he pulled out his notepad, tore a page and handed it over to him with a pencil he found lying around in the cash drawer. Moblit accepted it with thanks and made himself comfortable on one of the stools with a good view of the Scouts’ table. He started drawing, the pencil scratching on the paper as he made stroke after stroke.
The barkeeper looked on. Even if the sketch was a little shaky- probably because of the alcohol influence- there was no doubt that the man in front of him was an excellent artist. He rendered a near-perfect, dynamic portrait of the team of Scouts who were laughing over one of Erwin’s old stories. Moblit did take some artistic liberties here and there, making the Levi in the painting smile the way he did a while ago, Erwin relax with his loosened shirt collar and pleasant satisfaction gracing his face, Nanaba laugh as she looked over at Mike, and a drunk Gelgar and Marlene with droopy eyes and arms around each other, sharing a joke only they knew. Hange was, by far, the figure Moblit put the most effort into- apparent by how in-focus she looked in the portrait- with her striking dark hair, wide grin and the mischievous twinkle of her eyes behind the glasses.
“You are not drawing yourself with them?” the bartender asked.
Moblit blinked at him, as if it was something that did not occur to him before. From over the table, Hange waved, placing a palm on the side of her mouth as she called him.
“Moblit, collect your stuff, we are leaving.”
“Will be right with you, Section commander.”
He shook his head at the barkeeper, casting a fond look over at his comrades. “It’s alright,” he murmured, “I just wanted to capture this memory.” The barkeeper nodded as Erwin approached the counter to pay for the drinks as well as the shattered glasses. The rest of the Scouts got up and stretched themselves, collecting their bags and belongings from where they kept them on the floor. Once the payment was settled, Erwin thanked the barkeeper and left, the Scouts joining their commander as the door creaked open one last time.
With his final customers gone, the barkeeper counted the day’s earnings and shut down the bar for the night. As he stood outside the threshold to lock the door, his lips curled in a smile as he heard drunken singing drifting toward him from the end of the moonlit road.
Some things never change.
So ist es immer
We live under the burnt clouds
Ease our burden
Long is the night.
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theeasternempress · 4 years ago
A Little Red Handprint
Summary - Echo is still learning how to adapt to having a child on board and struggles with deciding to treat her like a soldier or like a child. With a simple question from Omega, Echo finally makes his decision. 
Word count - 2.7k
Echo had spent his entire life being trained to become the perfect soldier for the Republic. He could use every weapon imaginable, formulate a battle plan on the spot, follow orders to a T, and take down a droid with a single perfectly-aimed shot. He was proud to say that with time, he had learned to be exactly the type of soldier that the Republic wanted. 
But if there was one thing he was never taught, it was how to handle a child. 
Echo was completely clueless with how to care for Omega. Despite constantly watching Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech from the sidelines as they interacted with Omega, he was unsure of how to interact with her even after a few days.  
At most, he’d dealt with a couple of cadets as an ARC trooper, but he treated them as soldiers instead of the children they truly were. He regretted his past actions the moment he saw Omega’s eyes flood with awe the first time she went into hyperspace as he learned how children appreciate the little things. There was a time and place for being a soldier but for now, Omega deserved to have the childhood no other clone could have.
Echo was fighting a constant but silent battle in his head over this matter. He wanted her to learn how to protect herself as a soldier could, especially after the events of Pantora, but he also didn’t want her to be in constant fear for her life. Echo was sure that their team would do everything in their power to keep her safe, but a thousand “what ifs?” still circled around in his mind. 
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t hear Omega’s soft footsteps approaching. She could tell he was deep in thought and almost hesitated to interrupt him, but she eventually spoke, “Echo, can you help me with something?”
It was only thanks to years of training that Echo didn’t jump out of his skin at Omega’s sudden presence. He’d always had a bad habit of getting lost in his thoughts, something Fives loved to relentlessly tease him for. 
Burying his surprise, Echo turned to meet Omega’s soft brown eyes and replied, “Sure kiddo, what do you need help with?” 
“My trooper’s head is loose, and I don’t know how to fix it,” Omega said, revealing her trooper doll from behind her back and holding it up to Echo. 
It still made Echo’s heart skip a beat to see that Omega had painted her doll to match the Bad Batch’s armor. Even though it was clearly the work of a child, he could tell that she put her entire heart into her work. 
Taking the doll from Omega’s outstretched hand, Echo set the doll in his palm to get a good look at it. It was clear to him that the head had just been unscrewed from the neck a few times so with a couple twists, the head was back on as normal. 
It was an easy fix, so easy that he was sure Omega would have known how to do it herself. Tech had been teaching her how to make all different kinds of repairs and she clearly had background knowledge as well. There had to be some other reason why she asked for his help. 
Just as Echo was about to question Omega, she hesitantly spoke, “Echo, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do you wear leather armor on your belt when no one else does?” 
Echo smiled softly as he realized that Omega just wanted an excuse to talk to him for a bit. The thought warmed his heart as he replied, “It’s called a kama, it’s a piece of armor I got after I became an ARC trooper. My captain used to say that it acted as extra protection, but my brother Fives always said it was just to make us look cool.” 
Ever-curious, Omega propped herself up to mimic his position and asked, “So the reason you’re the only one who wears a kama is because you’re the only ARC trooper?”
“Yes, but the Mandalorians wore them before ARC troopers did. Once Jango Fett introduced kamas to the clones, ARC troopers began wearing them too,” he answered, preparing himself for more questions from the small girl. 
Echo continued to answer her never-ending questions with a never-ending amount of patience. He told her countless stories about Fives and Domino Squad, a fond yet nostalgic smile on his lips the entire time. 
Even without being told, Omega seemed to understand that the members of his previous squad were all dead and didn’t ask a single question about how they died. Instead, she asked questions about things like their favorite colors and Echo’s favorite memories with them. 
Just when Echo thought Omega was running out of steam, she asked, “Can I try on your kama, please?”
Her question surprised both Echo and Omega, the shocked look on Omega’s face showing that the question had just slipped from her mouth.
Without hesitation, Echo reached behind him to unclip the kama and let it slip into his hands. Omega, seeming to understand what he was doing, broke out into one of her bright smiles and stepped forward to allow Echo to tie the kama around her waist. Even on the tightest setting it was too big on Omega, but she didn’t seem to care as she ran her fingertips over the rough leather. 
Echo contently watched as Omega jumped around, giggling when the kama whacked against her legs. Even though she had to hold the kama in place with one hand, she seemed to be enjoying herself. 
Seeing Omega so happy to be wearing a piece of his armor, Echo decided he would let her try on all of his gear. Echo was never more grateful for the prosthetic hand Tech had built him than when he was removing his armor. He was able to remove his armor and leave himself in his blacks in record time, Omega too distracted with Echo’s kama to notice what he was doing. 
Echo called Omega over to him with a quick call of her name. She strolled to his side, still smiling about the way the kama was flapping against her legs. 
Echo held his helmet up with one hand and asked, “Can’t let you just wear the kama, soldier. How about we get you into full gear?”
Omega gasped as her face lit up, nodding furiously. Echo returned the smile and helped her get his helmet over her head. The helmet was so big on her that she could spin it all the way around her head, which led to heavy laughter from them both. 
The rest of his armor was also far too big on the small girl, but he managed to at least fasten it enough so it wouldn’t fall off of her petite frame. 
Echo could hear her giggles echoing in his helmet and couldn’t help but laugh along with her. If his armor was big on her, he could only imagine how easily she would be swallowed up by Wrecker’s gear. 
Omega quickly cleared her throat and stood at attention like she’d seen him do countless times. Even though Omega mimicked Hunter the most, it always brought warmth to Echo’s heart to see the small girl copying his actions. 
Echo stood at attention as well, giving the girl a firm salute and smiling as she returned it with a little more force than needed and whacked her hand against his helmet. 
“Hi soldier, I’m Echo and I’m an ARC trooper,” Omega’s voice rang out, clearly trying to copy the authoritative tone she’d heard from commanding officers. A quick laugh escaped from Echo as Omega dropped her voice several octaves to try to sound more like him.  
Echo heard a quiet snort come from Omega before she said, “What are you laughing at, soldier? Drop and give me twenty!”
Echo replied with a quick, “Sir, yes, sir!” before getting to the ground to begin doing push ups. He felt Omega crawl on his back to sit on him just as she sat on Wrecker when he did his daily push ups. The armor dug uncomfortably into his cybernetics, but he kept his complaint to himself.
Omega jumped off his back after a minute and said, “I’m gonna go show everyone what I look like in your armor!” 
Echo didn’t even have time to respond as she marched to the cockpit to greet Tech, armor clanging together as she moved. Echo slowly followed behind her, walking in just in time to hear Omega say, “Look Tech, I’m Echo!”
Tech looked up from the small project in his hands to see Omega with her arms spread wide and a smile undoubtedly spread across her face under Echo’s helmet. Echo didn’t miss the twitch of Tech’s lips as he fought back a smile at the sight of the young girl swallowed in Echo’s armor. 
Omega put on her Echo-voice again and said, “Tech, did you finish your work on repairing the communications system? Hunter wanted that done by the end of the day.” 
This time Tech allowed himself to smile at the child and responded, “Yes, communications are up and running, though I doubt we’ll need to use them. Everything else is as it should be.”  
Echo quietly stood off to the side, doing his best to give the two of them some space as they no doubt spoke of the projects Tech was currently working on. Tech always enjoyed getting to speak to someone about his various interests, and Echo didn’t miss how Omega was eager to soak up every bit of information he gave. 
A moment later, Omega sped past him and made a beeline for Hunter’s bunk. Before Echo could leave to go after her, Tech spoke, “We’ll be landing in precisely 30 minutes. You might want to get your armor back in that time.”
Echo nodded and ran off to catch up with Omega. Just as she was about to poke Hunter awake, Echo grabbed her wrist and softly said, “Sorry kiddo, but Tech says we’re landing soon and I’ll need my armor back.” 
Echo could sense that she was pouting, but nonetheless let Echo lead her away from a snoring Hunter to a quiet area on the ship. Omega lifted her arms out and let Echo unclasp his armor from around her frame. 
As Echo was helping Omega take off his armor, his thoughts drifted to Rex and Fives. Even though the events on the Rishi moon cost him three of his beloved brothers, it strengthened his bond with Fives and introduced him to Rex. Their armor tied them together and while he wasn’t wearing 501st colors anymore, his armor would always remind him of his brothers. 
An idea popped into Echo’s head as he removed the final piece of armor from Omega and began, “You know Omega, there’s something from my armor that’s been missing for a long time. I used to have a handprint from my Captain on the chest plate of my old armor. Since I’m part of a new team, I’ve been thinking of getting a new handprint too.”
Omega tilted her head in confusion, so Echo continued, “Would you put your handprint on my kama for me?”
Omega beamed from ear to ear and exclaimed, “Of course! I’ll go grab the paint!” 
While Omega ran off to grab the spare paint they kept on board, Echo began putting on his armor, leaving his kama to the side. 
The pitter patter of Omega’s quick footsteps alerted Echo to her presence as she returned with a canister of red paint and a paintbrush in her hand.
“I thought the red paint would look best on it, but I can get black if you want!” Omega said, clearly happy to be doing this with Echo. 
“I think red is perfect. You ready?” Echo asked as he plucked the paintbrush from between Omega’s small fingers. In response, Omega stuck out her left hand and smiled brightly.
Echo kneeled to the ground, bringing Omega down with him, and brought the paint and his kama to his side. Echo plopped a splat of paint against Omega’s hand, which led her into a fit of giggles as she said, “That’s cold!” 
Echo smiled at her laughter and began brushing the paint across her hand, which led to even more giggles as she exclaimed, “Now it’s cold and it tickles!” Echo laughed as she squirmed about, but continued applying an even coat of paint against Omega’s small palm. 
When he was finished, Echo set the paintbrush down and lifted the kama in front of Omega. He didn’t have a preference for where she put the handprint and knew she was smart enough to pick the best place for it. 
“I’ll let you pick a good spot, just make sure to keep your hand steady,” Echo instructed. Omega nodded, her eyes flicking over Echo’s kama. Eventually, she lifted her palm up on the left flap of his kama, just above his knee. It was about an inch or so on either side of the red border, and Echo thought it would look perfect.
As Omega pulled her hand back to reveal the mark she’d made, Echo felt tears flood his eyes. Even if the handprint belonged to someone else, it would always remind him of Rex. Echo was more than happy to be part of this team, but he couldn’t deny that there were some nights when he longed for the company of his brothers in the 501st. His happiest memories were with them and after all he’d been through, he still craved the simple joy that came from something as trivial as a pillow fight or deep conversations over a cup of caf. 
Sensing his sadness, Omega silently laid her unpainted hand over one of Echo’s. Tears began to pour down Echo’s cheeks, but Omega stayed silent and kept her warm hand over Echo’s. He hadn’t cried like this in ages, and he felt years of suppressed moments bubbling up. 
(Rex would love Omega, wouldn’t he? And by the Maker, he just knew Fives would be able to make Omega laugh for hours.)
Echo smiled at the thought, squeezing Omega’s hand before using his sleeve to dry his tears. Echo finished cleaning himself up just as Hunter emerged from his bunk with sleep in his eyes and a fond smile on his face at the sight of Echo and Omega. 
Omega ran over to Hunter with her painted palm held out and exclaimed, “Hunter, look! Echo let me put my handprint on his kama!”
Hunter chuckled, ruffling her hair and replying, “It looks great, kiddo. You’ve got some skills as an artist. Let’s get you cleaned up now, okay?”
She nodded in response, but ran back to Echo to throw her arms around him first. Still kneeling on the ground, Echo was almost knocked over by the force of the small girl’s hug. Echo returned the hug, placing one hand on her back and threading his fingers through her hair with the other. 
She contently sighed against him before mumbling, “Thank you, Echo.”
Echo hugged her tighter and replied, “No Omega, it should be me thanking you. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
Omega stayed latched onto Echo, only releasing him from her hold when Hunter cleared his throat. She pulled away from him and stepped over to Hunter, but not before giving Echo one of her smiles that could rival the brightness of the sun. He smiled in return, watching as Hunter guided her to the refresher. 
Staring fondly at the little red handprint adorning his kama, Echo knew that Omega may not be a soldier like them, but she was definitely a member of their team and he’d protect her just as he’d protect any of his brothers. The hole in his heart left by the parting of Rex and death of Fives may never be filled, but he had a feeling that their newest member would be bringing a new kind of joy to his heart.
-- Dedicated to my wonderful friend @eternalqueenofthemyscira --
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eyayah-oya · 4 years ago
The Father You’ll Be
Boil/Waxer with a side of Cody/Rex
Rating: G
Warnings: there is brief mention of the cadets dying during the Battle of Kamino. Nothing graphic, but there are mentions.
for @clonehavensotm
Ao3 link
           Boil walked into the barracks and began stripping off his armor, desperately ready to go to sleep.  After a long day of fighting, the 212th and the 501st worked with Rancor to clear up the debris around Kamino, until they’d been awake for approximately two and a half day cycles.  Every step felt heavier than the last, until Boil felt like he was about to fall asleep where he was standing.
           At least, he felt that exhausted until he realized Waxer was no longer behind him.  Nor was he anywhere in the barracks.
           For several moments, Boil debated the merits of just falling into bed without Waxer, but the longer he stood there without knowing where he was, the more agitated he became.  With a heavy sigh and a silent curse, Boil put his armor back on and marched out into the hallways of Kamino.  Several other vod’e tried to reach out and stop him, to try and drag him to bed, but Boil just shrugged off their concerned hands and continued on to the mess hall.
           Boil sighed heavily when he couldn’t find Waxer in the mess hall, nor could he find him back in the area they had been cleaning up. He would not be able to settle down properly until he at least knew where Waxer was and what he was doing.
           There were many places on Kamino that Waxer could be hiding.  He tended to go for a run after a high-risk battle, just to help himself settle.  But he could also have gone to the training halls to work out his energy, as there were most likely plenty of brothers who he could spar against.  Boil really should have expected this kind of reaction from Waxer.  This battle was different from any other they’d fought in before.  There was more at stake, more at risk if they failed.  Worse casualties.  They’d lost far too many ikaade when the droids crashed through one of the domes, and several barracks were overrun by droids—
           Boil froze.
           He knew exactly where Waxer was.
           With a quick about-face, Boil marched towards the Littles’ barracks.  Waxer always had a bleeding heart for anyone who was in need of help, but especially animals and children.  Numa was a perfect example of that (Boil conveniently neglected to remember how enamored he had been by the sweet Twi’lek girl).  After the kind of loss all clones had experienced that day with the death of their vod’ikase and ikaade, Waxer would want to comfort the Littles.
           “Boil?  What are you still doing awake?”
           Commander Cody was leaning against the wall, guarding a doorway with Rex by his side.  They both looked exhausted, especially since they’d been working with Rancor command while Colt and Havoc were in the medbay getting patched up.  Boil did not envy their jobs.  The two of them were effectively coordinating three battalions in the cleanup efforts with the help of Commander Blitz and ARC Hammer.  They were also the ones dealing with the casualty reports.
           “Sir,” Boil snapped off a salute.  “Just going to find Waxer, sir.”
           Cody’s brow furrowed.  “He’s not with you?  I thought I assigned the two of you to the same work crews.”
           “You did, sir,” Boil answered.  “I got to the barracks and turned around and he wasn’t there.  I have a pretty good idea of where he disappeared to, though.”
           With a strained look in his eyes, Cody nodded.  It was likely that he, too, had guessed where Waxer was, and the Commander definitely wouldn’t get mad at either of them for being in the littlest cadet dorms.  “Make sure he gets some sleep tonight.  A pile of Littles will probably help more with that than anything else at this point. Hell, I might even join you later. We lost too many of them today, and it’ll be nice to see them and make sure they’re holding up well.”
           “I’m sure they’d love that,” Rex murmured.  “The Great Marshal Commander Cody coming to visit them and hug and hold them.  They’ll love you for that.”
           Cody sighed and thunked his head back against the wall. “You’re never gonna let me live the hero worship down, are you?”
           “Nope,” Rex huffed a weak attempt at a laugh.  He sounded exhausted, just as worn as the rest of them, and more since he was also dealing with a padawan commander who stumbled upon a bunch of cadets killed by Grievous.  Boil had heard the rumors, and he was so glad neither he nor Waxer had had to see any of the bodies of their little brothers.  That would have crushed them both.
           “Bring Commander Tano,” Boil said spontaneously.  He shifted back on his feet when both the Commander and the Captain looked at him in surprise.  “Well, I think it would do her good to see the cadets, too.  And I’m sure they’d like to meet a shiny Jedi. They probably have only ever seen General Ti from a distance.”
           “Ahsoka would like that, I think,” Cody answered, looking to Rex for confirmation.  Boil wasn’t sure why.  It was well-known among the 212th and the 501st that both Rex and Cody had adopted the young Jedi and loved her as fiercely as any nat-born loved their children.  Ahsoka looked up to Cody and probably spent just as much time with him as she did with Rex.
           “We have some a few tasks left to do before we can bunk down,” Rex said slowly.  “But then we should be free to come join you.  Ahsoka is debriefing with the Generals and checking on the injured in the medbay, but I’ll try to wrangle her into coming with us.”
           Boil nodded.  “I’ll go find Waxer and let you know which barracks he’s hid himself in. I’ll see you soon, sirs.”
           Cody and Rex waved him off, and Boil continued down the hallway, each step heavy with grief and exhaustion.  He counted off the doors until he reached the bunks for the youngest cadets decanted and poked his head into each one, looking for the tell-tale sign of a puppy-pile of vod’e flopped all over Waxer.
           It wasn’t until the fifth barracks he checked that Boil finally found him.  Waxer was telling a story about one of their many missions, watered down so that it was appropriate for little audio receptors.  He had a pair of Littles curled together under each arm, and two sitting on his lap while another dozen or so piled around his legs.  His armor was neatly stacked on a nearby pod, and it was clear that Waxer was planning on spending the rest of the night here with the little ones.
           “And then these great big, hungry monsters started chasing them through the streets of Nabat.  They were closing in on Commander Cody, and his blaster wasn’t working against their tough skins.  He was trapped, weaponless, and about to be eaten.  And do you know what happened?”
           One of the Littles on his lap perked up and grinned.  “He punched them?”
           “Or kicked them!”
           “Nah, he used his blaster to beat them up!”
           “You saved the day, Waxer!” a Little chirped from where he was practically buried underneath his brothers.
           “Thank you, 53, but no.  I was actually on my own adventure with Boil at the time.  I heard about all of this after it happened,” Waxer grinned.  He looked up, caught Boil’s eye, and shrugged apologetically.
           Boil found he couldn’t really be mad at Waxer.  Not when he was helping the little vod’ikase. With a heavy sigh, Boil stripped off his armor and set it next to Waxer’s while he distracted the little brothers.
           “I’ll tell you what happened,” Waxer continued his story with a wide grin.  “General Kenobi leaped in front of the charging monsters, without his lightsaber—“
           “No!” a Little cried.  He was curled up on his brother’s lap, tucked snugly under Waxer’s right arm, but when he shouted, he sat bolt upright, horror written on every tiny, adorable feature.
           That one is going to be Cody’s.  He’s going to adopt that Little next, Boil thought to himself. As he sat down, he and Waxer exchanged a knowing look, even as his lap was immediately overrun by Littles looking for a comfortable place to curl up.  If Cody managed to adopt this one, General Kenobi would stand no chance at ever running away from medical or losing his lightsaber in battle again.  The large, sad eyes pleading with him would be his downfall.  Boil made a note to tell Cody all about this one.
           “It’s alright, 2467,” Waxer soothed and kark, the kid even had Rex’s and Cody’s numbers combined into his.  “While it’s always a bad idea to go into a dangerous situation unarmed, the General had a few tricks up his sleeve.  So, there they were, cornered by starving beasts, when General Kenobi holds up his hand, just like this.”  Waxer demonstrates with arms raised in a decent imitation of the General when he was doing his Force magic stuff.
           “What happened then?  What happened to Commander Cody and General Kenobi?” a Little from the pile at Waxer’s knees piped up.
           “With the power of his mind,” Waxer said, “he spoke to the monsters and lured them away from Commander Cody and the rest of Ghost Company.  He led them deep into an alley, where there was only one exit.  And then he ordered Ghost to shoot at the walkways above him.”
           “NO!” 2467 shouted again.  “He can’t do that!  The General’s supposed to be safe!”
           Kriff it, Boil was going to help Cody sneak the whole squad onto the Negotiator, so he could adopt this one.  After all, they would never split up a batch.
           “Commander Cody was worried, but it all turned out okay. The General used the Force to leap high over the new blockade Ghost Company created, and he landed safely outside by Commander Cody, while the monsters were stuck.  And of course, Commander Cody handed the General his lightsaber and they went on to save Nabat.  The villagers were all safe and could move back into their homes without worrying about those awful clankers taking over their homes.”            “Wow!” one of the Littles in Boil’s lap whispered.
           “I’m gonna be just like Commander Cody when I grow big and strong!” another said, leaping up to demonstrate various kicks and punches. They weren’t very coordinated yet, and it was absolutely adorable to watch.
           “You better keep practicing, vod’ika,” Rex called from the doorway.  “Someday, you’ll be just as good as Cody.  I know it.”
           He slumped against the nearest pod and began taking off his armor.  Ahsoka slunk into the room behind him, and as soon as the top half of his armor was off, she attached herself to his back.  Her thin arms wrapped around his waist, and her face was pressed tightly in between his shoulder blades.  Boil would be willing to bet all the credits he never earned that she’d likely been crying as soon as she got away from the Generals.  But here among vod’e, she was safe to express all the awful emotions she had pent up in her heart.  Boil had learned over the course of the war that Jedi struggled with all the death far more than any vod.  They felt each death as if it were their own unless they shielded themselves so completely from the Force that it rendered them entirely useless.  To feel the lives of children slip away?  Boil couldn’t imagine.
           “Captain Rex, sir!” the Littles all shouted, and they tried to detangle themselves to salute, but Rex immediately waved them back down.
           “At ease, cadets.  Do you mind if we join you?  Commander Cody should also be coming soon.”
           “Really?”  The enormous eyes were filled with hope and disbelief that one of the greatest soldiers in the GAR would be coming to visit them.
           “Yes, really,” Boil answered.  “I invited him.  I hope you don’t mind?”
           Immediately, the little cadets were all wriggling around in excitement, talking loudly over one another about how cool and heroic Marshal Commander Cody was.  It was karking adorable.
           Boil slid into the newly freed space and wrapped an arm around Waxer.  Immediately, he felt him relax into his hold, some of the tension draining from his shoulders.  Rex plopped down against a wall, and immediately pulled Ahsoka into his lap, cradling her tightly against his chest.  She went almost desperately, needing the grounding contact of one of her adopted dads.  Boil knew that as soon as Cody arrived, she would somehow manage to wrap herself around both of them.  They’d probably end up buried beneath a pile of vod’ikase, but Boil sincerely doubted any of them would mind in the slightest.  He might not have the Force, but he could feel himself relaxing in the presence of such innocence and enthusiasm.  Waxer had made an excellent choice to come here.  Boil was glad that he had followed.
           He would always follow Waxer.  Whether it was on the battlefield or to a hoard of Littles that needed the comforting presence of their ori’vode, he would walk right beside him. Waxer was special.  Boil didn’t quite know the name of what he felt for Waxer, but he knew that it was enough to just be near him.  To press against each other tightly at night, and to shake apart together.  To be together for the rest of their lives.
           It was enough.
             (Cody nearly managed to sneak the entire squad onto the Negotiator undetected, but at the last minute, General Kenobi caught him. And then proceeded to help them set up a nursery perfect for the 212th’s newest squad of cadets.  No one could ever say their General didn’t have a bleeding heart, nor a soft spot for children.  And just as Boil had predicted, Cody adopted 2467 and helped pick out the name Dara.  They would be eternal, no matter what happened during the war.)
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sugar-petals · 4 years ago
hey angel (m)
♡  sub!felix + reader 
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↳ The JYP Halloween party is ditched on short notice. That means: You have a down-to-celebrate boyfriend in full angel costume on your hands.
words. 5k 
tags. domestic au, finger sucking, hickeys, latex, corruption kink, fingering, vaginal sex, footjob, harnesses, cunnilingus, kitten antics, edging, aftercare 
★⎡CARO’S NOTE⎦› here goes the cutie on duty 👼
genre. domestic + smut/crack
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„So sorry mate,“ Bang Chan’s voice resounds through the speaker. „I thought it could work but… We can’t celebrate tonight. Really sorry, Felix. Changbin and I already got dressed up too, but, you know things got shut down. JYP won’t let us with the Corona rules and stuff.“
„Oh no…“
„Yeah, man. Looks like we’ll have to do it next year.“
„You even prepared the food already, right?“
„We’re handing it out to staff and eat it at home. I know, it sucks. I spent half the morning in the kitchen. I can like keep the pumpkin cookies so you can eat them tomorrow after practice or so.“
„I feel so sorry Chan… and thank you.“
„I’ll be calling Hyunjin and Han now as well. Really sorry we’re cancelling short notice. I hope you’re still having a nice evening bro. Maybe we can make it happen for Christmas.“
„Okay. Cheers mate.“
„Yeah, cheers.“
Felix puts his phone down looking more than deflated in his angel costume, puffs out a big sigh. You can tell he really looked forward to this. Just an hour before, you bothered to sew the wings in place rather than rely on the wobbly back-pack like construction that came with it. 
They’re firmly attached to his white top now, and all for nothing. He glued them together by himself with a pack of synthetic feathers ordered on Etsy for a ridiculous shipping cost, along with a little halo that he clipped into his hair. Which, because maybe it really does sense his mood, dangles low and even a bit lopsided over his head.
„It’s the party of the year,“ Felix flops down on the living room couch. “I can’t believe this.“
You sit down opposite to him, starting to clean off the table where masses of cosmetic products and leftover feathers have piles up.
„Next time, Lixie. We can keep the costume. Poor Chan, he organized the living shit out of everything.“
„I’ll just go and shower, get this off, and stuff,“ he points at his face. Felix applied his own makeup with a little help from you here and there, including some golden sparkles. Just yesterday, he bleached his hair. It’s sculpted down to every strand with hair spray now. Felix unties his sneakers with the little gold stars on. Just before he starts plucking off his halo, you get an idea, pick up your phone from the table.
„Wait— Let’s at least make some pictures with your phone, you put so much effort in this. You look so cute. The fans might want to see it as well.“
„Oh! You’re right,“ Felix stops right in his tracks. „For Instagram.“
After tightening his sneakers again and you making sure the halo sights right, Felix walks around your flat in search for a nice backdrop. You follow, quickly flipping through some filters to try, and adjusting the flash on the camera.
After posing at the fridge — strange idea — and in the bathroom turns out a little awkward as well, you decide that such an elaborate costume needs a themed background, and only the bedroom offers just that. You recently changed the duvet to sky blue sheets with clouds on them. The overall interior is mostly clean white as well, with some thrifted vintage furniture. Fairy lights, heavy curtains, a wooden ceiling. Perfect.
„We’ll caption it as… post your own stay-at-home costume, something like that,“ Felix plops down on the bed, acting as if he just took a seat on the cloud in the very middle.
„Sounds pretty good,“ you press release, and the first picture pops up on your screen. „Can you turn a little towards the light? That the sparkles are showing.“
„Yay, I love the sparkles!“
„Just like this, just like this. Don’t move. The sparkles!“
A five-picture series of more snapshots ensues, with you adjusting Felix’s face a few times by hand, even, turning his chin by sheer millimeters to find the perfect angle. He’s stunning.
„I have another idea.“
„I remember what I wore for Halloween three years ago. The costume must be somewhere. I think it fits together with yours.“
„What, oh wow?“
„What was it again, wait…“
You already begin to sort through your wardrobe, checking each hanger, each drawer, end up where you store your socks, and finally pull out a larger plastic zip bag from the very depths of all that chaos. There it is. Nice.
„Lix, if you’d turn around for me, please.“
He immediately does. Blushing.
„Thank you, angel.“
You pull off your sweat pants, your grey shirt, socks, your bra. Time to dress up. Only your simple black panties stay on. On goes a pair of scarlet stockings, snug and high. Then, a dark red latex skirt that goes in big circles and flounces, down to the mid-thigh. 
Added: A tight sleeveless peplum top that admittedly… and deliberately squeezes your boobs a little. Not too much. More important is that your nipples are showing right through, and the cleavage is sweeping, every demon would be salivating at your feet. If an angel does: Remains to be tested.
Around your waist and chest and over your shoulder goes a black harness, pulling everything together. Some very pointed, glossy pumps with thin heels complete the costume. They’re not crafted to be walked on in the very least, their balance is terrible. You’re planning something else with them. Cherry on top: Devil horn headband. Really curved and pointy, too. Can’t go wrong. You click your tongue and take a spin. The skirt flares out perfectly. Ready to go.
„Felix, time to turn around.“
He does. You can tell he didn’t cheat.
„You’re, you’re so hot in this,“ Felix buries his face right in the comfort of his sweater paws, hoping they would not give away his embarrassed little face. But — his voice does, effortlessly so.
„Come on, have a look at me. Real closely, angel, come. You’re allowed to.“
Felix gazes through his fingers with what sounds like a little meep! in a much more high-pitched tone than his usual speaking range. He’s cute.
„Hey pum’kin. Miss Lucifer speaking. Where’s the barbecue?“
Felix and you recently agreed that hell must be one big and extremely hot cave where everyone’s grilling and having a good time. Australia, essentially.
„Damn right. Infiltrating God’s realm one cloud at a time. Any last words?“
„It’s so intimidating!“
Felix digs himself into a mountain of pillows on the bed, with only his eyes and nose peeking out. You shrug, adjust your horns.
„Hm. Time for my first satanic act I guess.“
„Oh no!“
„Wait just one minute, be a sweet and patient boy.“
You leave Yongbok confused given that you’re quick to hurry to the kitchen. However, what you return with puts a giggle on his lips right away.
„Boom. It is served.“
„Yes, yes, please!“
Poufy black cocoa cupcakes. The ones with the cute little ghost frosting on it, and the melted chocolate inside. Felix finds them irresistable since the last Halloween party, to the point where you bake them mid-July. The current set of cupcakes was meant to be a contribution to Bang Chan’s eerie and delectable buffet. As for now, they’re in deep need of someone hungry since you made a lot of them, assuming a post-workout Changbin would devour at least five or more.
„Good move,“ he admits, a little shaky, and you proceed to tray the cupcakes on the bed — stuffing Felix for a solid ten minutes until there’s chocolate all over his face. What you’ll be quick to confess is that you’ve been deliberately messy feeding him, with all the crumbs in particular.
„Spoiled honey bun,“ you plant a kiss on top of his head.
„These taste so good, I swear.“
Next up is Felix who has to carefully maneuver the sweet treats into your mouth without spoiling your outfit.
„If you get crumbs into my cleavage, I can’t put your face in there later you know.“
Fierce nodding.
„That’s the spirit.“
Under your eagle eyes, he proves to be an obedient little cherub doing his job pretty well. The cakes are delicious in how spongy they are, and the liquid chocolate warms up so well on the tongue, it melts even more. You’re more than pleased and have Felix store away the remaining four pieces only after quite a while.
„I’ll have them for Brekkie, woo!“ is what he’s fast to proclaim, and you agree he’ll need them the next morning. Once you’re done with him, that’s gonna count as a hangover even Chan’s wildest party couldn’t give him.
„We’re talking dinner first, Felix.“
At this point, all the sugar is kicking in. Or it’s the chocolate being some kind of aphrodisiac. Whatever, could be either, you’re feeling like you’re up there at the ceiling, and you’re not the only one. Felix coming back to the bedroom so bouncy and cutieful just gets you even more in the mood.
You sit at the edge of the bed, slanting backward just a little. „You look like you need some more corruption, I won’t lie,“ you pat your lap, beckoning. He can ditch wifi because this is his favorite hot spot waiting for him. Felix sits down looking tiny as ever, eyes full of anticipation and his pants full of… big fat late night erection.
„I don’t mind at all, Miss. I don’t, oh my god…“ he mumbles into his nonexistent Aussie trucker beard, and you’re clear that whatever the skirt did to him, his brain must be doing kangaroo somersaults right now. In the meantime, something very eager is poking right at your lower belly. Captain Boomerang already came fully armed tonight and the Suicide Squad isn’t even anywhere near to be seen.
„Oh hey hey, cupcake. Getting really big there,“ you wipe at the curled little corners of his mouth. Some crumbs come off. His lips already twitch the way you know they want to do naughty things on you. He doesn’t seem to notice. Autopilot Felix has already taken over.
„Don’t hurry with it,“ he stares, mouth half-open, but his little grinds prove him a dirty — in an entirely direct sense — fucking liar. Like he’s literally rubbing himself against your stomach.
„Boy oh boy. You’re not even trying.“
„I’m fucked!“ is what Felix soon realizes with the daggers you’re shooting at him through your hopefully very satanic-looking eyes right now. Alongside catching up with his darn hips doing their own thing.
„You are.“
„I’m sorry for grinding, God help me!“
„He won’t. Cuz I’m here on your cloud. Cue stage number two of my demonic plan. Safeword?“
„It’s chocolate!“
„Mh. Good pick.“
The rest as usual. Tapping the thigh, yellow for pause, towels plus water ready, and always double-checking the lube in case of Jisung putting a glass of vegemite under your bed as his latest practical joke. Yes, it happened. It’s a whole new level of demonic. On the other hand: perhaps Felix’ ass could’ve actually handled it, Made in Australia it is. 
„Let’s go honey angel,“ you curl at his hair with a little finger just to tease him a little more. The answer is a little meow, at this point Felix’ communication skills have simplified to kitten vocabulary which always happens when he is nervous and looking forward to something.
Next thing poor Felix knows, his face has entered the scorching satanic abyss that is your cleavage. Literally, you’re burning up. It’s fucking October and Felix has you breaking a sweat from all your horniness (literally, your horns are just that chic) already. Twice the reason to punish the shit out of him. If that can be considered anything near a punishment.
A shower of various „Mh— nh!“ and mewling noises comes to rain down on you while Felix face takes a trip down mammary lane, and that, too, is literal. He’s salivating. So much about rain. Actually, great lubrication. Felix always does things best by instinct.
„Yes, good boy. Great job.“
Now that his mouth is wet already, you’re unceremonious about shoving your fingers right down his throat after he resurfaces. Blushed, hard, and ready to choke himself since he’s already running short on breath. It doesn’t take long until he’s gagging himself stupid and the sparkles under his eyes start running.
„Pretty, pretty,“ you lean down a little, kissing his nose. „Give me all you got.“
The answer is as slobbery and unintelligible as can be. To a normal human, at least. You’re a demonic top. That automatically means having an Ivy League major in gag noise translation.
„Oh yes, I know,“ you stroke his hair, using your free hand that usually rests at the back of his neck. „Talk to me about it. Exactly what I was thinking. Do go on.“
And he does, louder than ever. If there’s one satisfying sound, it’s this, that heavenly deep voice doing all kinds of nasty acrobatics is making you go crazy. That Felix is absolutely close to cumming in his angel pants is very much clear to you given how the veins and muscles on his neck are having a chaotic Halloween party on their own.
Which includes his tongue taking turns on your two fingers as well. And a wide-eyed Felix struggling, swallowing, holding on to your shoulders with his little feet twitching in their sneakers. Like mad… and you love it. But also — hopelessly sucking and moaning and slurping and squealing until his neck has way too much saliva on it for you not to make it your next target. Felix is so good at this. Way too good.
„Looks delicious,“ you lean in, your hair tickles his ears. And now, you’re busy nibbling, biting a little… and most importantly, giving Felix a wet hickey that will send his makeup artist — my God, you really torture the unsuspecting man almost weekly — into a meltdown. Rowdy and unholy is the look you’re going for.
In the meantime, Felix is still wrapped up trying to hit your fingers at the back of his throat. If his cute bouncy run and rude boner moment didn’t turn you on already, now you would be. The way he’s just sucking in his own spit makes you realize that you won’t ever need a fire brigade for your flat.
You emerge from his neck and raise your brows. Felix is just hard-wired to impress. „Just how much saliva can you produce!“
„Ch… Mnh— Nh…“
Hitting some more complex syntax and consonants there, is he.
„Oh, I get it now. You stayed hydrated during the day. Thanks for explaining, mate. That’s the secret.“
Whether that’s perfectly scientifically correct down to the enzyme theory and shit neither of you can google right now. At least you know that you’re both drenched on either end so that’s that.
Once Felix is so horny from deepthroating your damn hand that he has pull off and yellow-word, you’re already prepared for introducing a new position which you can prepare while he’s gathering himself and wiping off his chin. You hand him a second towel for his neck, and present him a little hand mirror to see how the hickey turned out.
„It’s shaped like, hm,“ he pants, words still slurring a little. „I dunno! It’s really cute!“
„Let me see… No doubt that’s a rice cake hickey. That’s the shape.“
„You’re right!“
And off he goes snapping a selfie with it while you get comfortable on your back, cleaning your own fingers.
„Just don’t upload that one to Insta instead of the cloud shots, we’re not gonna survive another Manager call at 1:15 AM.“
„Can I use your phone for it? That’s where it’s supposed to be on, anyway.“
Felix giggles a little. That cute brat. Always knowing how it’s done.
„Sure babe!“
And voilà, Felix is already occupied setting a good view of his new rice cake-shaped friend as your phone background. Good thing, helps his erection cool down a little, he was about to blow up his poor white pants. The acceptable unfair feat being that he’s just riling you up even more like that on the other hand.
���If you come to mommy now,“ you wriggle one foot in the air, the other splayed on the duvet, knee slightly bent. „Rubbing her pussy and doing your thing, you know how it goes.“
„Angel duties calling! What am I doing!“
At the speed of sound, Felix stores your phone back on the bedside table and crawls over in an instant. He props his chin on your abdomen and blinks.
„Sorry Ma’am. At your service. Never wanna keep you waiting.“
A big smile rouses his cheeks, and you boop them from either side. His peach fuzz is so soft and his eyes are so beautifully dark. You don’t waste any time keeping your skirt down for any longer. Another blink and Felix is already pawing — well, kneading and caressing technically — between your legs. He’s visibly understanding just how wet the whole finger sucking circus has left you now.
„What if I used my heels on your cock, boo. Still no cumming. Just my heels and my lil’ prince.“
Satanic plan stage number three. Felix has gotten to savor it last Christmas and for his birthday, and some time around the holidays in summer.
„I love it yay!“ Felix claps his hands. Baby, baby.
„C’mere then. Just keep on rubbing.“
His arms are fairly long enough. While you’re dragging the slender heels of either shoe right across the outlines on his crotch, Felix, eyes loosely closed, maintains a steady rhythm on your clit with three fingers lined up on the fabric of your panties.
„Oh fucking hell, Felix, shit—“
Whenever you masturbate, that alone would never do. You’d get frustrated after a while. Need more stimulation. But when Felix is on angel duty to keep your pussy soaked, it doesn’t need much to make your clit throb, even with your underwear still on. Guess that God’s little helpers know how to work their magic to make your head spin.
He’s hitting the right spot, with the right moves, and his other hand doesn’t miss out on a single opportunity to stroke at both the in- and outside of your thighs. The touch is so subtle, you twitch. Felix strokes on, delirious himself. His eyelids flutter.
Despite the little pause from earlier taking out most of his tension, your heels leave Felix with pants that are even more bulged out. That’s making it easy to direct your feet to jerk up and down at either side. You’d never know either of you would be so into this. Foot fetish and all.
Once he’s edged you to the point of moans, last thing you properly remember is calling it quits with the panties and telling him to line himself up. The heels kicked off, the skirt still on, you decide that unpacking your Halloween treat has been long overdue. You slide his pants down, roll down a pink condom, and grab his cock at the base to glide it all over your wet lips.
„Lix, come fuck me. You got me all horny. Satan is recruiting.“
„With me it’s not sinning,“ he smiles, brighter than the sun and you do right along. It’d be hard not to. Felix truly has the innocence of a virgin, the subtle confidence of an intermediate, the caution of a pro, and the kindness of a real veteran.
„You’re right about that Felix,“ you say, prop your entrance at the very tip, let the wetness do its job. „Come kiss your honey girl.“
And he does. Entering you with care for the right angle, letting your hip do the rest. What’s been circling and sucking your fingers so deliciously is now doing a hot job teasing and pleasing your tongue all over. His lips are amazingly soft and plump, they open so gently and feel electric on yours. A gentle squeeze around your left breast sparks a moan into the kiss from you. It’s Felix massaging your breasts while deepening his penetration, and you can tell the vegemite can stay under the bed today. You can tell Felix is getting more than flustered knowing it was all him who made you this dripping wet.
Even his dick seems to blush in sync. It’s fucking pink and red. Oh wait, that’s the condom. But knowing him and from your viewpoint, it’s still more flushed than before, no kidding. Faithfully pumping in and out of you at its full length now. You wrap your legs around his waist, the thrusts become deeper, shorter, parting you open much more, and filling you out so properly.
„So good. Right there, angel. Just right there. I’m loving that.“
Felix has a great dick. Best handy size, the girth’s comfortable, all nice and bendy, virtually no curve, you can always gyrate on it in any way and even take a complete 180 if you go from cowgirl to reverse (which you’d be doing right now but he’d crush his wings if he were on his back like that so no). Cherry on top, compact but soft balls that don’t steal the show but still do the trick during doggy. They’re whipping up the best cum in the world, so.
The slow kissing goes on and on and Felix tries to walk the tightrope of neither letting your pussy lips suck the orgasm out of him, nor making you cream his cock with shaky legs from all that gorgeous sloppy friction, and the kissing, and his sweet cherry shampoo scent that has your brain in absolute limbo.
With everything hanging by a thread like that, every kiss becomes special and full of a suspense that makes your lips tremble — either set, and Felix can hardly bear it himself.
His little halo is dangling back and forth, and you can tell by his face that all that thrusting has him in serious trouble. And you? Are fucking leaking and groaning, and that little shallow series of first contractions before your orgasm is already preparing you.
The sugar high from the cupcakes is fading, but your adrenaline is sure to replace it. You just want Felix to fuck you more and rock against him, and hold his head, and kiss him. God, his mouth is so warm and inviting, tastes so good like cocoa.
The pace joins yours without any effort, it adapts when your rhythm changes, and it stabilizes everything when you’re currently riding the high of his cock really filling you out so you can clench your muscles around him, feel him and tell him just you wait, I’ll milk you. He’s such a good kisser. You can feel all of your wetness running down your ass like it’s Christmas.
„Felix, I’m overflowing.“
„I’m so sorry,“ he whines into the kiss. „I’ll be washing the sheets.“
„Listen, baby,“ you break the tongue-on-tongue, „you doing laundry is really sexy. But the overflow is the best part. Just look what you’re doing to my body.“
You could ravage him on the spot. He’d probably lose it and cum in two seconds. Holding yourself before the edge is so tough right now.
„Shit… yellow again. Need a moment.“
Felix has to resort to a bit of cockwarming, and you use the little break to rid yourself off the harness. It’s not perfectly comfortable when you’re lying down. You’re about to fling it off the bed that Felix asks to wear it. Oh. Very well. It actually goes as a nice contrast on his white top, and the straps make it easy to adjust to him. And he wants it to sit on him really tightly. Oh again.
You realize—
On you, it’s only a fashion piece. Something random that came with the costume.
On him: It’s kinky.
„Hey hey. You look sexy, pum’kin,“ you pat at his chest. „Look at your waist, wow.“
Your sweet boy. It’s like it’s made for him. So cinched and the exact opposite of his costume. He’s a corrupted, dirty angel now, it’s perfect. With his pink neck and all sweaty face, and his little puppy gaze that will haunt you in your sex dreams because it literally just gets into your pants so much. Oh god, you just wanna cum. You have to distract yourself with chaste images of Felix washing the dishes or writing grocery lists with little hearts and emojis on them but that just makes it five times worse.
The way he puts the harness on with his dick inside you is so mouthwatering and cumworthy, you can’t wait to resume and switch your own brains off on that angel cock. Once Felix is ready to exit phase yellow and resume the session, your hands magically gravitate towards the straps of the harness at this waist.
„Can I?“
You have the time of your life grabbing and guiding him by the harness, controlling every thrust. Felix clenches up his teeth from how lavishly his cock is squeezing into your pussy.
„Oh babe,“ you groan out. „Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. Come on, angel.“
He’s not going to take it much longer. Felix is tensing all over, neck to the knees, it’s a huge shock wave in the making. That climax is going to be like a fucking punch into outer space.
„I’m really at my limit, I’m, I’m…!“
„Cum for me, angel,“ you reach to his neck to bring his lips down again. Your mouths going into shaky contact brings a big soaring moan with it.
You lock lips, his face scrunches up, and you can tell that cum worth of three orgasms is currently pooling into the condom. You don’t belong to the mile high club, but going by how far up this feels, you might as well be. Those sweet shivers. And the little whines. It’s all too much for him, this one got him bad. Felix cumming is like the angels really are singing. With bells and harps and all that shit at once.
After pulling out, the ruined condom goes off lightning fast. Felix’ cock gets some much-needed cooling, but his face is on heavy duty. How he does it after almost getting his lights turned off, it’s a mystery, it must have been six whole loads he shot into you. You’d already be collapsing in his shoes. Felix still being able to put his mouth to work is an act of divine intervention. Honestly though, it doesn’t even take half a minute. Sloppy head from Felix is cryptonite, your stamina comes tumbling down. His tongue just knocks you out with an overwhelming rush of pleasure.
“Oh— yes...”
What is gravity? You don’t know what north and south mean anymore. He laps and sucks you through your high and your legs give up their soldier service. All you see it fluffy blonde strands of hair peeking from below your skirt, a glimpse of the harness, the rest is heavy growling and swearing from all of the contractions and Felix getting raw and dirty Down Under with no fears, literally none, to bury his face and move it around and let his tongue loose. Time and again Felix shows you he’s a swallower. Satanic agenda: success.
For tonight, your pussy will be nothing but glitter, cum, and spit. Swollen like crazy, properly fucked, and tipped to the absolute limit. Felix keeps on slicking up his face completely, and then brings you into the afterglow with his fingers. One at a time, barely adding stimulation. Just fetching you where you are and climbing down. Looks like you’ll share the cupcakes, this is a couple hangover in the making. In Felix’ case in particular. It’s like he signed up for testing a mad scientist’s latest designer drug.
„Wow wow… So you served me choco cupcakes and God’s menu,“ is the last thing he can say in his delirium before falling over. He’s so fucked out and went so wild on eating you, a part of the harness came off. Thank god his nose is so small, all that swiping could’ve broken the bridge and whatnot. And his lips, they’re twice as plump. You really have to compliment in on what his mouth has done today because that was some champ shit.
You’re both buffering on the sheets for a solid five minutes until you roll to the side. Towel… water… forehead kisses. Yes, forehead kisses most importantly. After gathering yourself a little, you pamper Felix into a heart rate around 90 rather than 120. And with the onset of exhaustion for the two of you, that’s not too hard after some minutes passing. Whispering sweet nothings and praise is all you do up until 2 AM and after. Felix is somewhere between worlds, one foot in the door of the dreamland, the other soaking up the care and the intoxicating, thick scent of the room that has a lot of cherry shampoo in it.
At some point. You loosen the harness, pull off his shirt with the wings attached. The halo you unsuccessfully try to spot in his hair. Turns out: It flew off. Felix really must’ve made Satan proud if it fell down just like that. Good job. Felix has earned a title of being a dirty angel now, and by the way he’s chugging water now, a wet one on top of that.
Five tons of spit, six, seven, who knows how many he’s afforded for today. A head pat is not enough, it has to be several, and Felix passes out onto the pillows. As good as you can, you wipe him down, bin the condom, get off his shoes and his half-pulled down trousers. After staggering to the bathroom, your skirt and peplum shirt follows, the stockings stay on, they’re cozy as hell. Last but not least, you remove your devil horns. It feels like they granted you the most unknown demonic powers.
Next time Felix is on his way to making you cum again, you’ll be wearing them, and you’ll last the way you did tonight. Meanwhile, Bang Chan is blowing up your phone because Felix pressed send by accident earlier, but you don’t notice. It just keeps on vibrating on the bedstand and Chris will have to riddle over the rice cake selfie for the rest of November.
Felix dozes with an angelic little smile on his lips and puffs his cheeks in his sleep, his makeup wiped and his hair truly messy. Instagram can wait. Maybe you’ll get to brush your teeth a little later, it usually takes some time until you wake up again and topple to the sink. You huddle together, tuck your sweet baby pum’kin into his second favorite spot at your chest. Ah, the glory of Felix little spooning.
As the last signature, you nibble at his ear, call him your cutie pie, and switch the lights off. You have to listen closely but if you do, it’s like Felix is purring in his sleep. Whatever your own dreamland is planning to launch on you tonight, you’re looking forward to it.
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© 2017-2020 submissive-bangtan. all rights reserved. reposts, modifications and translations are prohibited. character depictions are fictional & for entertainment purposes only.
PS — oh, my good ole fellas, a last cursed disclaimer. i must insist on the following for obvious reasons. vegemite makes for some terrible strap lube okay 😂🇦🇺
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jinkicake · 5 years ago
The Third Gym Squad with a s/o who loves cats and has catlike traits/habits.
Akaashi Keiji x Reader
Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
Hi Anon~~ I hope this is good,,, I kinda wanted to learn more about the catlike traits so I read a few articles about similar traits in humans and cats. That’s why there are traits under each clown because it goes with the scenario I wrote for them..... I hope that makes sense. LOL My friend also loves cats and I think that quirk of hers is really cute!!! 
p.s. I’m updating my masterlist tonight so I won’t be doing any #/sarahtalksshit LMFAO,,, I’ll come back in the morning and check my asks!!! 
WC- 1,903
Akaashi Keiji
Timeskip Akaashi is literally a cat dad, you can’t tell me he isn’t a cat person 
Please you guys would totally have cats together, you can’t tell me that he wouldn’t have like three cats
You two would have the perfect cat family </333
Akaashi would always get you cute little cat accessories,,, if he sees a keychain with a cat he snatches it and gets it for you 
Maybe he would get one for himself because it reminds him of you </3
You might have to fight your cats for Akaashi’s attention,,, be prepared
Akaashi loves when your cats randomly cuddle up to him like when they are in the mood for his attention, he loves that and will happily give them all his affection so yeah.... you are gonna be jealous of some cats that’s for damn sure
He is like here is my love,,, my snuggles and kisses~ 
And you’re standing there in the corner like.... Keiji where is my kisses? 
You’d be the type of s/o who really helps Akaashi relax,,, he feels calm with you and it’s probably because he trusts you so much!!!
“I want attention, give me attention.” You throw yourself across Akaashi’s lap, already making demands for him to satisfy your needs. Akaashi glances down at you, holding his phone out of the view of your face. He taps the tip of your nose with his finger and smiles while his eyes soften. 
“Hmm, what do you want?” He asks playfully and you turn your nose up at him, Akaashi simply leans down to kiss your cheek. Out of the corner of his eye, his phone starts to go off with a text from Bokuto. “Want to go eat somewhere in Shin Okubo?” 
You take your time to mentally think about it.
“With?” You pause cautiously and Akaashi shows you the text, clearly from his captain. “Omg yeah, let’s go! Do you want to go?” 
Akaashi presses his face into your shoulder, preparing for the mess that goes down whenever you and Bokuto hang out.
“Yeah, it’ll be fun.” He smiles and you have a slight feeling that it might be forced. “You guys always have so much fun together.”
“Keiji, are you jealous?” Your mouth falls agape but your boyfriend shakes his head, disagreeing with your question.
“No, but you guys get along really well.” He pouts and you blink at him.
“So you’re jealous?” You ask again and Akaashi refuses it once more.
“Maybe.” He sighs and you cheer as you know you’ve won. 
Bokuto Koutarou 
Bokuto is literally a dog, scratch that. He is literally a puppy
He is so energetic, the two of you were like opposites attract
It’s that cute didn’t get along at first but now you can’t get enough of each other and are always seen cuddling type of relationship
I feel like Bokuto and cats would not get along at first either, even your own cats, he would have to become a cat person
He just wants to cuddle them right away and hug them but it’s like Bokuto.... cats don’t really like affection like that
You’d probably break his heart by telling him that
Bokuto wants to show them how much he loves them!!!! He would definitely support you getting cats, he would be soooo excited
When you guys get an apartment and move in together, he will decorate it with cat furniture like a cat clock and cat mugs 
Your favorite things have become his favorite things
Bokuto is a very sweet boyfriend, I’ve said it five million times before,,,, he is very attentive and always takes care of you 
“Come on, let’s go out!” Bokuto tugs on your ankle, trying to pull you off the bed. You simply ignore him, rolling your eyes and tossing the blanket over your head. “Please, it’s so nice out.” He begs and pulls you harder causing half your body to fall off the bed.
“No.” You narrow your eyes and climb back onto the bed, wrapping the blanket around your shoulders. Bokuto sulks and lays down next to you, throwing an arm around your waist to bring you closer to him. 
The two of you lay like there for another hour and Bokuto successfully falls asleep. You internally coo at how cute he is and take a picture of him before placing your phone down beside you. After unwrapping the blanket from around your body, you swing one of your legs over his waist and sit upon his hips.
“Kou,” You lean down and whisper, poking at his cheek gently. “wake up.” Bokuto stirs slightly, not at all giving you the attention you want. “Wake up!” You whine louder this time and lightly pat his cheek. “I want to go out now, Koutarou!” 
Bokuto’s eyes flutter open, he blinks a few times while trying to shake the sleep out of him, and he manages to say one thing.
“Babe, now you want to go out?”
Kuroo Tetsurou 
Truthfully I had been thinking about this one as I was mentally planning out how each mf would react…. Is Kuroo a cat or a dog?
Because when you think about it,,, it’s like duh you dumb bitch he’s a cat but…. But hear me out….. Kuroo would be a FANCY Doberman pincher you know? 
Much like Bokuto, I think he would want to give cats all his love but he knows how they react and how they aren’t very affectionate
Good thing he has you because now,,, you’re going to get double his love because he can’t love on the cats.... Kuroo was already clingy in the first place....
If you get this man a sweater or hoodie with cats on it,, he will wear it proudly like that becomes a staple piece in his fashion
Whenever Kenma looks at him weird Kuroo tells it’s just because he’s jealous he doesn’t have a cat hoodie,,,, Kenma goes quiet because it is true
Kuroo would pick up on some of your traits easily because,,, Kenma. Pudding head is basically a cat, we know. I feel like I always bring up Kenma when I talk about Kuroo and it’s like well duh,,, they’re a package deal 
Kenma literally made Kuroo into the great boyfriend he is
Back to this. Cats sleep a lot, don’t they? Kuroo is always prepared for when you fall asleep in public, whether that be in class or on the train…. My man is prepared with his shoulder ready for you to sleep on 
Kuroo seems to be the type who is aware of his surroundings, especially if it is somebody he cares about…. Cue him growing up with Kenma,,, omg there I go again bringing in Kenma! Therefore,,, he will be oh-so-careful with you </333
You narrow your eyes at the group of girls crowding around your boyfriend, the sight makes your blood boil. The way they stare up at him and purposely flirt with him, you can see it all. You try to calm yourself down, take a deep breath while momentarily closing your eyes. When you open them, they are still there. 
Those girls know Kuroo is dating you, everybody does. Yet, they still have the audacity to touch them as freely as they do even while Kuroo uncomfortably pushes them off. 
You stand up straight, rolling your shoulders back as you try to get your temper under control. The dominance is rolling off of you in waves but, when it comes to your boyfriend, you can’t help yourself. With the confidence only a bitch like yourself could have, you walk towards the group and purposely push yourself between Kuroo and the girl next to him. 
You glare at her and place your hand on his chest, staring all of them down as you wait for any of them to say anything. 
“Mmm, that’s what I thought. Now go run along and see if you can find any leftovers that still want you.” The insult flies past your lips and the girls gasp, their mouths falling open before they turn away and leave. Kuroo stares down at you, his eyebrows raised in disbelief and you innocently look back up at him. “What?”
“Nothing, kitten, that was fucking hot."
Tsukishima Kei 
Bruh, Tsukishima is a cat, you’re literally dating a cat
He seems like the more introvert type of cat like the ones who don’t like people and would rather stay home,,,,,
You two are a perfect fit, the judgmental couple that looks down at everyone HAHAH yeah you guys talk a lot of shit
I feel like there might be instances where one of you would try to be spontaneous and suggest going somewhere and then the other would just flame them and say what a terrible idea that is
Tsukishima has never asked if you wanted to go to McDonalds at 2am ever again,,,, you really have to kiss his ego after laughing at him 
You’re probably Tsukishima’s person, obviously if he is dating you, like you’re the only person he puts up with….. besides Yamaguchi,,,, of course
You know how Tsukki loves his little dinos? You love cats and he would probably think that is so fucking cute, is he ever going to tell you that? NO. 
Just know that he is thinking it and whenever he sees a cat he thinks of you and takes a picture of it to send to you because let’s face it. Tsukki is always thinking of you
Are cats sensitive? If they aren’t, let’s pretend they are for my Tsukki is sensitive statement because I am sidebar-ing for a second. That bitch is sensitive okay like you even graze your hand against his thigh and it’s like new ambition unlocked and by ambition,,, that means he wants to fuck you... This has nothing to do with the rest of this but I just wanted to put it out there
Tsukishima is the perfect protective, shit-talking boyfriend and honestly, as much as I say I dislike him…. I really do love him because he is the boyfriend I would want,,,, truly probably one of my top picks to be my boyfriend from the haikyuu clowns
“The losers wanted to know if you want to go to the festival this weekend,” Tsukishima throws out into the air randomly one afternoon. You glance up from your phone, lifting your head up from his chest as you try to guess his reaction. 
“What do you think?” You respond back with your full chest, eager to hear his response. 
“You think I want to go?” He snaps back and you have to refrain from flicking his glasses. 
“Well since you told me a few days before I think I can mentally prepare, can you?” Tsukishima winces at your words, he really does not want to hang out with the other first years this weekend. 
“I guess.” He mumbles and you sigh.
“We don’t have to, they know we keep to ourselves.” You try to remind him but Tsukishima continues to scroll through his phone, not looking at you. 
“That’s true.” You push yourself up and bring your chin to his chest to see what he is typing. He sends Hinata a maybe. “That’s enough socializing for the day.” Tsukishima tosses his phone somewhere else on his bed before wrapping his arms around your shoulders and burying his face into your neck.
“Can you imagine if one of us was extroverted?” You joke and your boyfriend lets out an audible groan.
“Don’t paint me such a nightmare.”
@yams046 @why-am-i-sad-and-sleepy @xhanjisungiex @xxashshs @chaosamu @angelkogane @augustdearly @kunimwuah  @lovellucy @osamuonigiri @pearzuko @darksxder @macaronnv @nerdygremlin @buzzybeebee
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captainsolare · 4 years ago
Hey, hope you're doing well! ☺️✨ For the song fic event, could I get Magna with the song "Losing my mind" by Daughtry? Specifically the line "Every single little thing you do is like one part angel and one part danger but, oh, the kind of crazy I like, you got me losing my mind". I just think it fits so well for falling in love with him 🥺💕
A/N: It really does! I hope you’re doing well too :) 
“Every single little thing you do is like one part angel, and one part danger but oh, the kind of crazy I like, you got me losing my mind.” - Losing My Mind - Daughtry + Magna 
When Magna Swing dropped in the middle of your small town you were sure your heart would stop. There had been a crash and a groan and you walked out of your pottery shop into the scene that would change your life forever. “Are you okay?” You called, rushing to the side of whoever had ended up on the ground. The man groaned and slowly opened his eyes to perhaps the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. “Yeah I think so, it doesn’t feel like anything’s broken but it does hurt like hell.” 
You chuckled, “Well that’s good to hear, let’s get you out of the fountain and into a warm bath yeah?” Magna nodded, realizing he was indeed soaking wet. Crazy Cyclone lay a few meters away busted to hell. The sight made Magna groan once more and you went over to inspect the damage. 
“It doesn’t look too bad actually, I’ll let Vinny take a look at it and he should be able to fix it for you.” 
Before Magna could protest he was being ushered inside your pottery shop. It was quaint, one corner had items for sale, one corner was filled with pottery wheels and the back had a large oven, the word kiln came to mind but Magna wasn’t exactly an artist so he wasn’t certain. You wiped your hands on your apron, “Bath is upstairs, last door to your left.” He nodded and followed your directions, soon finding himself tucked in a warm bath. His aching muscles were grateful, but he still found himself unable to relax; you were a civilian, and he was extremely vulnerable in his current position. 
He stiffened as there was a knock on the door, “Hello, Mr. Magic Knight? I have some fresh clothes for you. I don’t know if they’ll fit or not but you look about my brother’s size.” 
“Thank you!”
“Also, is it okay if I take your clothes? See if there’s any stitching that needs to be done?” 
“Sure, thank you.” 
You opened the door and fumbled for the pile of clothes with your eyes closed. When you’d found them you quickly left the room, face warmer than it had been, ever.
Magna found himself wondering why you were doing this. If he had been from any other squad, he probably would have considered that you were doing it because he was a magic knight, but he was from The Black Bulls, and they hadn’t exactly been winning any popularity contests lately. 
With protest from his muscles, he pulled himself from the bath and dried off with a fresh towel that had been laid on the counter. He held up the clothes, they looked like they would fit well enough. The shirt was a little large for him but at least these were dry. 
The stairs creaked and you looked over with a smile, “Oh good! You’re out.” Magna smiled, running his fingers through his hair, “Thanks for the bath, and the clothes.” 
“Oh, it’s no trouble at all!” 
You were sat by the fire, his clothes laid out in front of it so they could dry. You gestured to the chair next to you and Magna cautiously sat down.
Magna frowned, “May I ask why you’re doing this though? You know I’m from the Black Bulls. And what’s your name?” 
You chuckled, “Just offering some hospitality for someone in need. I don’t really care about all that magic knight nonsense anyway, I know you protect the kingdom and all but that don’t mean jack to those of us out here who rarely see you.” 
Magna smiled, “I totally get it! When I lived in Rayaka I think I only saw them once or twice.” 
You blinked in surprise, “Really? You’re from way out in the sticks?” You whistled, “I guess commoners really can join the ranks.” 
During this exchange you realized neither of you had introduced yourselves yet. “Uh, I’m Y/N, sorry for not introducing myself.” 
“You're fine, my name is Magna.” A comfortable silence settled between you, the crackling of the fire the only sound heard. 
“Hey, you wouldn’t have any idea where my communication device went would you?” 
You nodded, gesturing to the table and he picked it up. “I’m just going to call my captain, I’ll be back.” 
Magna poked his head in once more to ask when his broom would be done getting repaired. 
“Vinny!” You yelled. “What?!” “How long?!” “Two days!” 
“Two days.” You said. 
Magna nodded and ducked back outside. “Got it boss, I’ll be home in two days.” 
The next few days went by in a flash and you grew surprisingly domestic with the Knight. He used his magic to light the fire for the kiln and for dinner, and you showed him how to man the pottery wheel. It was charming, the way he stuttered as you laid your hands on top of his to show him the ropes. You found yourself not wanting Magna to leave, and you could sense he might feel the same. He caught you staring once or twice, and turned away quickly, ears burning from embarrassment. 
At the end of the second day, Vinny came in with Crazy Cyclone. It was both a relief, and a reminder that your time together was coming to a close. 
“Hey, before I leave, would you like to take a ride with me?” 
Your eyes sparkled, but then a frown rose to your cheeks. “You aren’t going to crash into the fountain again are you?” 
Magna laughed, “I hope not. I don’t think I will, especially not when I have a passenger depending on me to get them back safely.” The wink sent your way made your cheeks warm, but nonetheless you went outside together. 
“Alright, get on behind me and wrap your arms around me, don’t let go.” 
You nodded and followed his directions, heart pounding despite your desperate pleas for it to slow. 
He activated his magic and soon you were up in the air, “I’m going to go fast okay? Don’t let go!” 
You nodded against him and you took off, the force of it tearing a scream from your lungs.
“You’re crazy!” You yelled, hugging Magna tighter. He laughed, “Yeah, maybe.” 
 Soon you opened your eyes and marveled at the beauty of the setting sun. “Oh my, it’s beautiful.” 
“Isn’t it? I love it up here.” 
You landed outside your pottery shop, your legs a bit wobbly as you stood on solid ground. 
The sun had long set by now, you’d stayed out long past the time you’d intended to. 
You both knew it was time for him to leave, but neither of you wanted him to. 
“Magna I--” 
“I know. But I’ll come back and visit okay? And I’ll send you letters, every day.” 
You giggled through the tears that had forced themselves from your eyes, “I’ll hold you to that. I’ll miss you.” 
Magna pulled you into a hug that made you want to melt against him and he gently kissed your forehead. 
“I’ll see you soon.” 
“See you soon.”
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