#i mean. i've already cheated in how i've filled it out as i said so 😬
nbstevonnie · 2 years
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final bingo card of the year... much less filled in than last years, but I rather expected that given the two sets of exams I had to take this year. frankly, I'm surprised it's as filled as it is.
for zany: yakuza kiwami
my first tiny cheat in filling this card out is previously i've only marked something off when i consider it "done". in yakuza's case, i am literally *this* close to 100% that i would really quite like to do it, but it also requires a LOT of grinding (and i hate grinding). but. i'm not sure i consider it "done", as i normally might. i have finished the story though, so this cheat isn't too dire.
i really enjoyed this game - it was good to see where the characters ended up after i saw them in yakuza 0, although my understanding is that a lot of stuff is only in kiwami (i.e., was not in the original game and was only put in after yakuza 0, so they would "marry up"). my one comment would be that, in many ways, it felt like a slightly less full yakuza 0 - there was more to do in yakuza 0, and i liked being able to play both kiryu and majima. i also liked that money was easier to come by in 0, even if only for getting to 100% completion 😔 this is all not exactly yakuza kiwami's fault, and i think i "got" the combat system more in kiwami than 0 (in 0, i understood that i was supposed to feel superpowered by the end -- and i saw people showing off how well you could game the system -- but it never seemed that way to me; in kiwami, i 1000% could knock back small enemies like the flies they were in seconds by the end). nevertheless, kiwami does by its nature beg for comparison to 0. i'm curious to see how kiwami 2 stacks up next.
overall, 8/10. good game, looking forward to kiwami 2.
for 2020s: crash bandicoot 4
i generally avoid letting my opinions on a video game be coloured by other people's opinions, so i went into this game with an open mind and i think i came out with some affection for it, albeit by re-assessing how i would normally play the game. to wit, i am generally a completionist, but that stops the minute completing something becomes more chore than challenge, and this game would undoubtedly have it as a chore.
as a casual to slightly challenge-seeking game, the game is enjoyable. it has its flaws (i complained about the long levels in 2 and 3 -- this game spits on the 2 and 3 level lengths) but i did enjoy some of its challenges. i think i would -- in contrast to how i normally play games -- dip in and out to tidy up and get closer to 100% completion, but i won't go nuts with it.
my one slight disappointment is i LOVE the video tape levels, but you can only get them all by not dying to increasingly further points on increasingly harder levels. i think i've scooped up all the tapes reasonably doable, and will have to think about the rest as and when i return to the game. incidentally, i think one of the things i like about the tape levels is because they remind me more of the things that i liked about the original crash games than the rest of the game: tight platforming, challenging but ultimately not requiring perfection from you for long, and instantly replayable.
overall, 7/10 i think -- under the proviso of playing essentially casually. if it were a completionist thing (as i had done for the other games), it would dip much lower.
for uplifting: stardew valley
my other slight cheat game - i haven't "completed" it, but i've put 150 hours in over the last year (hey, maybe that's why i haven't completed bingo this year, not the exams -- two huge time sink games!), so i think maybe i can be forgiven.
i really love this game - it's very calming for me to play when i have nothing else to do, and i've also got a farm with my friend, so we can play together. i don't have much more to say bc i think everyone knows why this game is great and i really look forward to getting those last few things i need to complete everything :)
for black: the cat lady
yet ANOTHER slightly cheat game -- albeit in a different way. i have generally made a point of not including games i've played before, and i haven't played this game before -- but i had watched a let's play. it was many years ago now and i no longer watch the let's player for reasons, and i wanted to show this game some love, since i used to really enjoy the let's player's playthrough. so again, i hope my slight cheat can be forgiven! especially since i had been hoping that this might fill in my bittersweet box to get me bingo, but i ended up with the "golden" ending, so while the game itself may have been overall, i didn't quite feel i could tick off bittersweet, since the ending was so positive.
the game really makes a great atmosphere with its visuals and it really nails the horror -- chapter 2 (i think it is) is particularly good for this -- i genuinely felt creeped out. it's also interesting how the horror parts are often the parts that are the most colourful in the game. the game really does make you think a lot with very little.
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buckyalpine · 11 months
I'm in a angsty, fluffy, sensitive babie mood. You know that silly prank people do where they text/talk to their partner all serious about having to confess something serious just to tell them "I'm Batman". So imagine Bucky does that but he has no idea how badly it would trigger you.
"Y/n" Bucky entered your shared bedroom quietly, letting his heavy duffle bag hit the ground with a thud. "There's-there's something I have to tell you"
"What is it, is everything okay baby" You set down the book you were reading, growing worried seeing his fallen expression. He sighs, slowly approaching the bed and taking a seat by the edge next to you. You move to see if he's injured anywhere but he stops you, resting his hand on your leg.
"I'm fine. It's just-something I've been meaning to tell you. Probably something I should've told you a long time ago" He bites his lip contemplating his next words, itching to burst into a fit of giggles. "I have to tell you the truth"
"Tell me the truth?" Your stomach drops and your throat starts to tighten. "You can tell me Bucky, anything" You struggle to keep your voice steady, holding your breath, waiting for his next words.
"It's just-I can't believe I kept this from you and it isn't fair to you at all, you know?" He runs his hand through is locks while keeping his blue eyes cast down. "It's been going on for about a year now..."
If you weren't already sitting down, you would've passed out. All the pervious anxieties you'd had in past relationships, all the deep insecurities and worries you had came pouring out at once, your deepest fears coming true.
Of course Bucky was seeing someone else.
Of course you weren't good enough.
Of course he cheated on you just like the last guy, why did you think you deserved someone to love you, obviously-
"I'm bat man!-baby? baby, what's wrong" Bucky went from giggling like a madman to feeling pure dread within a matter of seconds seeing your tear streaked face. His nervous act was no longer just an act, anxiety filling his chest seeing you so distraught. "Oh God, baby don't cry, I was joking, c'mere"
"W-what?" You sniffled, trying to swallow down a hiccup while Bucky scrambled to scoop you in his arms, wiping away your tears.
"I was just kidding around with you doll, I said I was bat man, I didn't mean to upset you babygirl" Bucky cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head while you slowly got your breathing under control again. Bucky truly thought you would've whacked him with a pillow or playfully shoved him off the bed, never in a million years did he think you'd take actually any of this seriously. You whimpered in his arms as he squeezed you tighter, continuing to give you soft, sweet kisses.
"Baby-do you-do you really think I'd ever cheat on you?" He spoke softly, keeping you cradled in a ball, close to his body. A part of him felt hurt that you felt that way, that he'd ever given you room to think he would do such a thing. He thought he was going to cry, the very thought of being with anyone else made his heart hurt.
"I thought you were seeing someone else" you whispered, old pains of coming in second resurfacing. "Maybe you found someone better-
"Never" Bucky moved to cup your cheeks firmly in his hands, making you look at him, "I would never. I love you so much angel, so much it fucking hurts. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I wouldn't even dream of someone else. I couldn't, I-fuck, you're everything to me" His own voice nearly cracked with emotion, resting his forehead against yours. "I love you. I love you like I've loved no one else, you have my heart sweet girl"
"Promise?" You toyed with his dogtags while he pressed his lips firms to yours, sealing every bit of his feelings with that kiss.
"I promise baby" He pulled you down to lay with your head resting on his chest, his hand gently playing with your hair, "So back to what I was confessing - Ow"
"I deserved that"
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octoberautumnbox · 8 days
Orange-Tinted Sunset
Kiss of Life Belle & Male Reader
Categories/warnings: fluff, smut, angst, mentions of alcohol n bein drunk, technically not cheating but also sorta close enough idk u be the :jujj:
Word count: 2.6k
a/n: another prompt fic! based on kiof's Nothing i swear im on hiatus lmao but here it is! thanks to @mintwithchoco for prompt and hosting! as well as @sinswithpleasure for beta and @0cta9on for saying i was good at everything so i crode strove to prove em wrong lmao
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The nightclub spun around you, the alcohol clouding your thinking and doubling your vision. A strange feeling set in–you really were a guppy in a small pond. Whatever roaring applause you got from the crowd after that impromptu karaoke bout was nothing compared to the girl that came next. You can’t even work up the energy to be mad; her voice is the single most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard, flowing through the air and filling up every silence in the world, and it doesn’t help one bit that everyone else thought so too.
Her name, just her name. You wouldn't mind going home with nothing to show for the whole weekend as long as you knew what she was called–you have to know. Against every single ounce of common sense you have left, you walk up to her, calling in every favor from the universe you’ve saved up until this point. “H-hey,” you stumble, clearly more nervous than you should be. 
She turns around, and as her hair settles onto her back, she replies, “Oh, hi. Can I help you?” Her smile lights up your world, and you gain confidence and lose it again just as quickly. She’s gorgeous too, and how could you live with yourself if you fucked up with a girl like this again? 
And you realize you’re staring. “Hi,” you start again, “sorry, I, uhh, you killed it up there. Best I've heard in a while.” Pardon yourself for the understatement; she was exceptional. Stop yourself from saying more; she’s probably already heard everything you want to tell her. 
All she does is giggle in response, and you swear you’re face-to-face with a goddess. You slip, so just fall deeper and remember to blame the alcohol later on, “I mean it. You’re like nothing I’ve heard before. Can I ask for your name?” 
Her face sours almost imperceptibly, but your nerves don’t let you miss it. She holds back a grimace, but ultimately, she replies, “It’s Belle. Sorry, is that all? I have to go soon.” She shifts in her chair, no doubt trying to escape the situation, and it dawns on you you might look worse than you feel. 
“Y-yeah, that’s all. I actually wanted to buy you a drink, maybe. One musician to another. You were amazing.” Your voice holds together for the most part, but it doesn’t change her demeanor. 
“Thank you, it’s just…” she hesitates, breathing deep, “whatever this is, I don’t want to get involved. You’re nice, but I just… I can’t handle anything else right now.” The discomfort leaves her features as a quiet sadness replaces it. You’re no expert, but even a dunce like you could tell she was tired more than anything else. 
“No worries, I respect it. I’ll leave you alone.” It’s strange how you feel the lightheadedness drifting away and your senses coming back, almost like you’ve saved up quite a bit of good karma to ground yourself like this. Debatable, but you still have enough sense in you to offer, “Here’s my number, no hard feelings if you throw it away. I at least wanna buy you some nachos tonight as thanks for that gorgeous song. Good night, Belle,” before paying for them and ultimately heading for the door, above all trying in vain to forget about her. 
It’s familiar in two ways, being hungover at noon, sitting in a restaurant too fancy for what you’d ever typically be found dead in. On one hand, it reminds you of one of the best days of your life–your beloved sat across from you in a simple floral sundress while you shared a brunch of French toast and orange juice. 
“Thanks for coming out,” Belle said in a tiny voice, “I'm sorry about last night. I want to get to know you better.” She offers you a pancake, and once you accept she deposits it onto your plate, followed by a just-right helping of maple syrup. 
You try to avoid sounding humble, but there’s no other way to put it. “There's not much to know, really. I just came here on a whim. Needed to get away from it all, broaden my horizons. Us singers just gotta, you know? If I didn't, I'd never have found you.” 
“I hear you. I'm here to take a step back too. Things became too much to handle recently,” she relates as she takes careful bites of her cereal. For the first time since last night, you see each other's eyes, and a kindred spirit in you pulls on your heartstrings. It's an unspoken pain that's anything but obvious, and yet you see it in each other as clear as day. 
“Fucking exes, right?” the pair of you say in unison. A hearty laugh escapes both of you, and afterwards the pancakes slide down a bit easier. 
Belle calms herself first, “So you get how I was last night. I'm sorry, none of it was your fault.” You offer her a napkin and pour her another cup of ginseng tea, which she sips with an ethereal sort of grace once she finishes talking.
“Of course. I'm sorry too,” you sigh, picking at your scrambled eggs, “but at least we're recovering. I'm actually itching to write a new song once my hangover clears.”
“Me too, it’s just so freeing to let my feelings out onto songs. Plus all it costs is a pen and paper–much cheaper than therapy,” she agrees.
On the other hand…
“Blue palm trees?” she giggles. “What does that mean?”
The waves lap idly at your feet, scattering sand over your toes and hers. The calming ocean breeze washes over the both of you and weakly ruffles the paper she easily holds.
“It's called a hook, Belle. It captures the audience's attention, you should know this shit” you jab, drawing out more of her laughter. “Just let me be, okay? I'm the one with the pencil.”
She settles again, “Okay, okay, fine,” and sits back up straight. Another wave washes the sand away from the tops of your feet, dragging them back to the depths of the sea. In a split-second of feeling the grains slide off your skin and away with the water, you feel deep inside that maybe it'll be easier to walk again. 
“You know,” she starts gently, “this isn't too bad. I came here determined to grow stronger, but I don't feel any different–just more of what I was before. And weirdly…” Belle pauses, taking a short glance at you, meeting your eyes.
You can't help it; she's just that beautiful. The orange-tinted sunset behind her offers her a halo of warmth and sincerity, and it captivates your whole being to be able to spend a moment like this again, when the world is just right, especially with her. The waterline reaches up to your soles once more, tickling the both of you and sprinkling new grains between your toes before drawing back and taking the old away. 
“... Weirdly,” you continue for her, “I'm okay with that.” Your eyes never leave hers, and she stays, too. It takes a moment of serenity for you to finally let yourself think that this might be something more, that maybe it wouldn’t be the end of the world to stay with a girl like her. 
It takes a moment of serenity for you, but it seems like forever in an instant. Memories rush back like the ocean soaks the shoreline, swapping old sand with new, but you could never, can never, tell the difference. It's the same grains washing your feet, slipping between your toes, embedding themselves in your life so well that random moments like this bring you to the past when you least expect it. It reminds you of a history you'd give anything to forget: walking on a beach like this with a girl you thought you'd spend the rest of your life with–to an extent, you still do. How could you fuck up with a girl like that?
It's the worst gamble the both of you could take, and deep inside you knew there was no winning this. You felt it in your bones, from the beach to the elevator up until before you burst through her door with her, but the feeling is gone now, and for sure it’s gone for her too.  
“Mmm, just like that,” she whispers straight into your ear. You swear you’ve never tasted anything as sweet as the sweat on her neck, so much so that you never want your lips to leave her. She pulls you closer as if she could, maybe only decreasingly aware that her back was up against the wall and that even grains of sand couldn’t breathe in the space between you two. 
It takes no time at all, and you find yourself laid back and vulnerable on her mattress. Belle towers over you, straddling to keep you in place, as if you’d go anywhere. In a flash her shirt leaves her, then her shorts, and finally her underwear haphazardly thrown to the floor. Your own clothes follow even less ceremoniously, letting nothing get in the way of the woman of your dreams. 
“Fuck, that’s good…” she says as she lowers herself onto your length. You relish in the feeling of sliding into her, pushing her walls apart all the while lewd confessions spill from her lips. Your hands find her hips and you grip her tight, guiding her up and down as she bounces on your cock, “You’re so fucking tight, Belle…” while she places her hands on your chest to support herself as she takes you inside her over and over again, “I can’t get enough of you… I need you so bad…” losing yourself in her love. 
It’s the simplest thing to grab her wrists like this, to throw her onto the bed and fuck her yourself. She hits the mattress with a quiet thud, and without even a moment of respite you force everything into her again. 
“Gnnhhh, shit, it’s so good, you’re so good…” she gasps and grunts with every thrust like it knocks the air out of her each time. The bed creaks under the two of you: she tries to pull you close again, so you indulge her and meet her where she is to kiss. Amidst your tongues dancing in each other’s mouths, she moans like her life depends on it, “Yes, yes, oh my god, yes–” 
It’s the easiest thing to get lost in a girl like her. She’s perfect in every way you can think of–a smile to die for, a heart to protect, a body to worship. Each moment you bottom out in her, a spark goes off between your lips and hers, and it only pulls you in deeper, pulls you away farther from where you are. There’s nothing else to think about when you’re with a girl like this except her name and the way her body feels on yours. It’s so dreadfully incessant, unceasing in your head, that you thank your lucky stars you’re able to hold back most of your moans: Yuna, Yuna, Yuna, “Yuna…”
The sun blazes through the window and straight onto your eyelids, jolting you awake. The bed creaks as you bounce slightly on the mattress, your mind rushing to find your bearings, when right beside you, Belle stirs but then promptly falls back asleep. 
A grave sense of guilt overtakes you, clawing from the pit of your stomach all the way up to the back of your throat. There's nothing to say to her, nothing to do, and you know it. How could you fuck up with a girl like this? 
Your phone's alarm rings on a far-off table. Rush over to it, careful but quick so Belle doesn't wake. You knock over an ottoman in the process, but you're able to turn it off in time. Then it hits you: your flight leaves in a couple hours. There's no more time to think–gather your clothes and rush back to your own hotel. 
“Hour and a half,” you think, “more than enough time to repack and go.” Your door crashes open and you heave your suitcase onto the bed, haphazardly throwing everything you own back into it. The zipper disagrees with you for a moment until you finally bend it to your will, albeit threatening its life in the process.
The cabbie drives as fast as he can legally go for you, apparently already knowing the protocol, and people and buildings whizz past in a giant blur. He drops you off soon enough, and with only minutes to spare and the gate calling you over the intercom, you board your plane. The cold of the seat comforts you and calms your nerves, and once the hurried energy leaves your body, all that's left is fatigue that demands to be addressed. 
You scarcely notice the window beside you beyond pulling it shut. The cushions aren't as comfy as your bedding from the night before, but you can't attempt to complain in a state like this. You don't even feel your train of thought slipping away…
You’ve put it off long enough, the anxiety rending the lining of your stomach. In between your own calls and texts to Yuna you find yourself on the receiving end of the restlessness of your endlessly repeating ringtone and text notifications. You wait another few seconds to make sure she’s done, even tossing your phone onto your old bed to fetch a glass of water, before picking it back up and seeing the same number of messages. It's time. 
hey, where'd you go? Belle, 8:46 AM
it's a nice song, I'll send it over in a bit. call me? Belle, 8:50 AM
I'm at the restaurant again lol come on over Belle, 9:02 AM
you're really gonna make me miss you huh? hahaha Belle, 9:33 AM
*2 missed calls*
this isn't funny. pick up Belle, 10:14 AM
*2 missed calls*
you're serious? so last night was nothing to you? Belle, 11:15 AM
*1 missed call*
wow, what a fucking piece of shit you are Belle, 11:17 AM
*4 missed calls*
is it something i said?  Belle, 2:46 PM
let's just talk Belle, 3:30 PM
*2 missed calls*
just tell me what I did wrong please, I told you I can't handle this Belle, 3:37 PM
*8 missed calls*
don't do this to me Belle, 5:47 PM
*1 missed call*
fine asshole i don’t need you and fuck your song. Belle, 7:15 PM
don’t ever call me. Belle, 8:40 PM
The screen dims under your command. Your phone flies off into the folds of your bed once more, granting you your last moment of control. Belle finally stopped, and Yuna never made herself heard. At least one of you moved on.
You stand in your cold, empty bedroom, in the same dingy apartment you tried leaving behind. The same torn-up pages are scattered across the floor, the same stains on the carpet are there to step around, the same picture framed flipped down to hide the old photograph inside like grains of sand getting swept back up to you no matter how hard you try washing them away.
“It's another bottle tonight,” you decide in no time at all. Pull a cold one from the fridge, ignore the other bottles strewn across the room, take a seat at your desk. The lamp buzzes to life, and another sheet finds itself under your pen. 
They never meet. 
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samandcolbyownme · 9 months
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Summary: Anon request - "so can you maybe write a fanfic where the reader is in a relationship with Colby, but he cheats on her at a party, so to get him back, she cheats on him with Jake but when he finds them in a room getting busy he decides to join"
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, mentions of drinking and smoking (weed and cigarettes), arguing, mean/hurtful things being said, Colby cheating on reader, reader getting even, threesome, choking, biting, hair pulling, scratching, rough unprotected sex, cream pieS, just filth
HUGE disclaimer: I KNOW Colby is a sweetie and wouldn't do any of the things I'm about to write, same with Jake so please don't take any of this serious. I'm already hurting writing them as assholes but also kinda excited. I also made up some people to make the one shot go smoothly - enjoy!
Word count: 7.2k | not edited
Part two
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
"Y/n. Are you about ready? With the traffic we're going be late." Colby peaks his head inside the door, smiling when you turn around, "Yeah. I'm ready."
"Wow." His eyes move up and down your body, "That dress looks amazing on you."
You can feel the heat in your cheeks riding up, "Oh.. thanks." He walks in, hands sliding over your hips, "You picked a good one." He presses his lips to your forehead, "Now come on. I can't wait to show you off."
Your hand slides into his as he pulls you towards the doorway. The last few days, something has been off.
Something in your gut telling you not to go to this party, but you didn't want to upset Colby. You knew he was looking forward to this for a while now, so you pushed the feelings away and went anyway.
As you're in the car heading to the party, Colby glances over at you, giving you a smile, "Are you excited?"
You shrug, the feeling in your gut returning, "Yeah." You smile with a nod, "Kind of."
"Kind of? Do you not want to go?" He frown slightly and you shake your head, "No, I want to. I just have this weird feeling that I can't seem to shake."
"I'm sure you'll be fine when you get drink or two in ya." He lays his hand on your knee, hand gripping the wheel as he takes off from the red light he was stopped at.
"Yeah, let's hope." You laugh slightly and look out the window. As you pull up, you can already tell it's going to be a packed house party.
"Maybe that's why." You mumble and Colby looks over at you after he parts, "What's why?"
"There's a lot of people." You look at him and he chuckles, "It's all people you know, baby. Now come on." He gets out, walking around to open your door.
Everything was going good.
"Ayooo." Sam yells from across the parking lot, Kat hanging on his arm, "Hey, y/n!" She waves and you wave back, taking Colby's hand into yours as you walk towards them, "How are you?"
Kat nods, "Better once I've gotten a drink." You nod, "I know what you mean." You walk in with the small group, looking around as the music fills your ears and the smell of weed fills your nose.
"This is going to be so much fun." Sam kisses Kat's cheek, "I'll go get you a drink." Colby looks down at you, "Whatcha want, babe?"
You smile, "Surprise me."
"Ooh, livin on the edge. I like it." Colby kisses your head and jogs to catch up to Sam.
"You two seem to be doing very good." Kat smiles and you nod, "Oh yeah. Never a dull moment, you know." She laughs, sitting down on the small couch, "Yeah, with Colby you never know what to expect."
You didn't really think that applied to your relationship, but you'd soon figure it out.
"Ain't that the truth." You laugh and look over as the boys walk back with the drinks, "Here you go." Colby hands you a drink and you sip it, "Mm. That's good."
"Fruit punch and vodka." He moves next to you, laying a hand on your back as he continues to talk to Sam.
You look at Kat, "We may as well be dating because it sure seems like our boyfriends are boyfriends."
She laughs and looks over at Sam, laughing harder as he looks at her, "Who has a boyfriend?" She points between him and Colby, "You guys."
Colby laughs, "I mean.. I don't mean to brag or anything but.." you all laugh and you shake your head, still sipping on your drink.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A little while later, you're inside, standing in a group with more people, Jake, Johnnie, and a few others you know well.
You've had a few cups and you were feeling tipsy, you had a small buzz going on. You were giggly with Kat and few of your other friends.
"Need another?" Colby asks and you look down at your half full cup, "No." you look back up at him, "I'm still good for now."
He nods, knocking back the rest of his, "Be right back." Colby walks away and Kat grabs your arm, "We should totally be partners in beer pong."
You nod, "Oh my god! Yes!"
She turns to Sam, "When Colby gets back, bring him over to the pong table so we can play against you guys."
He nods, "Okay. Where'd he go?" He looks around and nods when he sees him getting another drink, "Found him. Okay we'll he over."
Kat grabs your hand, pulling you over to the already set up table, "Okay, which end do you want?" You look and point to the other end, "That side."
You both move to the other end, perfecting the set up of the cups as they walk over, "Alright." Colby says with a smirk, "Who's ready to lose?"
"You guys apparently." You smirk, eyes on Colby, "Losers have to shotgun."
"Deal." Sam and Colby say in unison. Sam rolls a ball over, "Well shoot for who goes first. Good luck babe.”
Kat picks up the ball and tilts her head, "Thanks, you'll need it." She shoots her shot and makes it. Sam makes his and makes it.
"Alright. Our turn." Colby picks up his ball from the water cup and moves it around in his fingers, "Go ahead, babe."
You smile and shake your head, focusing on the cups. You make yours and Colby misses. Sam smacks his arm, "Dude. What the hell."
"Sorry. I was distracted." He winks at you and you roll your eyes as you smile, "Mhm."
Halfway into the game, each teach has two cups left and you've drawn a crowd, mainly for commentary on the playful and flirty trash talking.
Although, you're kind of distracted by Colby looking past you occasionally. You can tell he's looking in your direction, but not at you.
And that's not like him.
You glance behind you, seeing a girl with a smile plastered on her face. You follow her gaze and you know exactly who she's looking at.
You take a deep breath, focusing on the second to last cup - making your shot.
Kat shoots, missing hers, giving the guys a turn.
Colby shoots and misses, usually you'd say something to tease him but at this moment, you don't want to risk saying something that might actually embarrass him.
"What? No trash talk?" Colby holds his arms out to his sides and you just shrug. Kat nudges you and leans in, "Your whole mood just changed."
"I'll tell you then." You say as you catch the ball before it bounces off the table. You sniffle, holding the ball up to take your shot.
You miss and let out a sigh, "hurry up and end this game for us Kat."
They all laugh like you said a joke, but there was nothing funny about it.
Kat makes her shot, giving the boys each a redemption shot, which they both miss. You grab your empty cup, walking away from them as you make your way to the alcohol table in the kitchen.
"Hey. What's going on?" Kat follows you, walking up to your side, "You just got like really mad."
"Is it that noticeable?" You cringe and sigh, "Sorry."
"Whoa. Hi. Its me. Kat. I just won the game for us. Why are you-"
You cut her off, "Colby wasn't looking at me."
"What do you mean he wasn't looking at you?" She looks at you confused and you glance to the door, looking down at your full cup, "The girl behind us. He was looking in my direction but he wasn't looking at me."
"I don't think.." she shakes her head, "No. there's no way Colby would do that. Say something to him. Talk to him."
Sam and Colby walk through the door. Colby is silent as he nods his head for you to come off to the side. You take a silent breath and walk over, avoiding eye contact with him.
"What's going on?" His stare holds on you and you continue to stay quiet. He looks over at Sam and Kat, "Give us a sec guys."
They leave the kitchen and he rubs your arm, "Hey. Talk to me."
You look up at him, "Who were you looking at during the game?"
He looks at you confused, shaking his head slightly as he tries to comprehend what you just asked him, "Who was I what? What do you mean? I was looking at you."
You shake your head, clearing your throat as you try not to let the tears take over, "The girl.. behind Kat and I, she was watching you."
"Jake was standing behind you doing weird motions to try and throw me off." Colby laughs, "I can even go get him and have him-"
"No." You shake your head, "That's fine. I believe you."
"I only have eyes for you, y/n. You know that." He tilts your chin up, rubbing it gently with his fingers, "I love you."
You smile, nodding while his hand is still on your chin, "I love you." He leans in, pressing his lips to yours before leaning back, "Come on. Let's go watch Jake and Johnnie fuck shit up."
He lays his arm over your shoulders and you walk out with him.
Throughout the game, Colby would yell stuff to Jake and look down at you, rubbing your back as he smiled at you.
Maybe you overreacted?
Maybe you needed another drink.
You finish what's in your cup, "Do you need another?" Colby hands you his empty cup, "Please." He kisses your cheek and you smile, turning to go towards the kitchen.
"See." Kat says walking next to you, "Everything is fine. Plus, if he was looking at her, he was probably looking at how awful those extensions are."
You laugh, "Yeah, they are god awful aren't they?" You make the drinks, swirling them around a little to mix them up before you guys head back out.
Everyone is cheering as you walk up to Colby, "What happened?" Colby takes his cup, "They just made both balls in one cup which means they automatically win the game."
"Oh shit. Good for them!" You watch as Jake slowly spins with his arms out to his sides. He accidentally hits Johnnie in the head and you can tell he tells him not to stand there.
You laugh and shake your head as they walk up to you guys, "So. Who wants to play the winners?"
You look at Kat, "Why not?"
She laughs, "Alright. Well give it a go." She walks over to the table with you and Sam and Colby move closer to talk.
"Ladies first." Jake rolls the balls over the table and you smile, "Awe, how sweet of you ladies to let the prettier ones go first."
Jake's jaw drops and Johnnie looks at Jake, "You couldn't have just shot for the first turn? Idiot."
You and Kat laugh, making each of your shots and Jake stares at the table, "Oh fuck." He looks at Johnnie, "I think.. we're screwed."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"And that's game." You look at Kat, "We're good at this."
Kat laughs and nods, "I'd say so." She looks at Jake and Johnnie, "Good game, fellas." She grabs her cup and walks away.
"Let me know if you wanna get screwed again." You laugh and pick up your cup, walking to go find Colby. You see Sam and Kat, but don't see him anywhere.
"Where Colby?" You look at Sam and sip your drink. He shrugs as he bops to the music, "Last I knew he was  with a few people taking shots."
"Taking shots?" You scoff quietly and roll your eyes as you take a long drink, "Nice." You walk around, looking all over for him, but you still don't see him.
"Hey, have you seen Colby?" You ask Mason and he shakes his head, "No, sorry." You nod, moving back through the crowd.
You go back to Sam and Kat and lo and behold, Colby is standing there with two shots in his hands. He turns as Sam points to you and he smiles, clearly a lot drunker than when you left him to play another game of pong, "Hey baby! I got you this!"
You take the shot class from his hand, "What is it?"
He takes his, "Just take it."
You sigh and take it, almost gagging when you feel the burn of tequila in your throat, "Oh my god. Colby! That's teq-uila."
You lay your wrist over your mouth and he purses his lips, "Fuck, sorry. You don't like tequila, sorry. I forgot."
You give Kat a look and she nods, "Why don't we go dance?" She nudges Sam, obvious that she filled him in on why there was tension in the air with you.
Sam nods, "Yeah, Colby. Let's go shake some ass, brother." Colby laughs, "Fuck yeah. Let's do it." He reaches for your hand and you take it, smiling slightly.
You make your way onto the dance floor as Yeah! by Usher starts playing.
"This is my jam!" Colby yells out as he grips your hips, moving his own and you can't help but laugh. Sam watches in horror as Colby dances and Kat covers her mouth to not laugh.
"Go Colby!" Sam yells, waving his hand in the air, "Go Colby!"
Soon everyone around you was cheering Colby on, chanting, "Go Colby! Go Colby!"
the song ends and you shake your head, laughing as he walks up to you, "why didn't you dance?" You lay your hands on his chest and you laugh, "You were the star of that song, babe. Good job though."
He laughs and sighs, "I need another drink, do you?" You nod, "That would be nice, do you want me to come with you?" He shakes his head, "No because I'm going to make you a surprise drink." 
"No tequila please." You yell as he walks away and your attention is turned to Jake pulling Johnnie onto the floor and dancing around him like he's a stripper pole.
"These two fucking kill me." You say to Kat as you laugh. She nods while laughing, "Poor Johnnie."
Everyone starts cheering for Jake and he eventually starts laughing as walks off, leaving Johnnie to stand there clueless on what to do.
He soon walks off and you look over towards the kitchen, "What's taking him so long?" You mumble to yourself. You look to Kat, "I'll be right back."
She nods and watches you walk away. You walk into the kitchen - no Colby, but what you assume is your cup sitting there because it has the same color lipstick you're wearing printed on the lip of it.
"What the fuck?" You sigh, walking over to make your own drink. You turn around, looking side to side beside walking back out.
"Hey." You stop Jake and he looks at you, "What's up?" You look around, "Have you seen Colby?" You look back at him and he looks around, "I seen him go into the kitchen but not after that."
You nod, giving him a quiet, "Thanks." As you go to walk away, he grabs your arm, "Is everything okay? I've been picking up on some tension."
You laugh slightly, trying to make light of it, "You can feel that?"
"Honey, you can Scooby doo cut that shit like a pie and  serve it on a glass plate." He tilts his head, laughing at his own joke, "Yeah. I can."
"Scooby doo that that.." you laugh, "Yeah that's what I was afraid of."
"Come with me." He turns and walks towards the sliding glass doors and you give one last look before following him when you don't see Colby.
"Have a seat, miss. Talk to therapist Jake." He sits down and pulls a cigarette out of the pack. He extends his arm out and you shake your head, "I'm fine."
"Suit yourself." He lights it and takes a drag, "Now, when did, whatever is going on, start?"
You laugh and let out a sigh, "When we were playing beer pong. I swear he was staring at a girl who was standing behind me. But I talked to him and he said you were also standing behind me doing stuff to distract him."
Jake stares at you for a few seconds, "I was force feeding shots to Johnnie. I meant I came in towards the end but I wasn't standing behind you guys. I was more off to the side."
You clench your jaw, "Huh.. okay. Well that makes sense as to why I didn't see you then."
"What girl are we talking about?" He crosses his leg over the other and rests his elbow on the arm rest of the chair.
"I don't know who it is. All I know is that her extensions are horrific and she should sue her hair dresser." You raise your brows and huff, "She has brown hair, it was half up, half down. Wearing, I think a pinkish purplish two piece dress thing."
"I think you're talking about Casie. And if you are.." Jake takes another drag, "You don't have anything to worry about. Colby can't stand her."
You nod, "Well, that's a good thing.. I think." You finish your drink and crinkle the cup in your hand, "I just.. okay. I had this really weird gut feeling about coming here tonight and I just.."
You sigh and look at Jake. He leans forward, "Colby would be the absolute, most dumbest mother fucker in the world  if he did anything to ruin your guys relationship."
"Yeah." You nod, laughing as you convince yourself that you're just causing a bigger thing within your own mind, "You're right."
You sigh and stand up, "Thank you, therapist Jake."
He smiles and holds his hands out, "Anytime. Anytime."
You walk back inside and something is off. No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it's just you, you can't shake it.
You walk into the kitchen, making yourself another drink before walking back out. For some reason, something tells you to walk to the back of the house.
As you round the corner, you stop in your tracks. Your hand crushes the liquid filled cup, a constant stream falling out of the split sides.
Colby has that girl against the wall, hands on her hips as his tongue is in her mouth. She opens her eyes, smirking at you as he starts to kiss down her neck.
You see her mouth, "uh oh" and giggle as Colby leans away. He looks at her then turns his head, eyes going wide as he realizes that he'd just been caught ruining the once perfect relationship.
You turn, walking away before he even steps towards you.
"He- whoa. Hey. Hey." Kat holds onto your arm as she stumbles with you, "y/n. Hey. Wha-"
"Colby was kissing that girl. Kissing down her neck while pinning her against the wall." Your anger bubbles up more as you repeat what you just saw, "Fucking asshole."
Kat is as a loss for words and you sigh, "I need a minute." You pull your arm away from her and she immediately rushes to Sam to tell him the awful news.
You go outside, walking down towards the cars as you try to hold it together. You bend down, laying a hand on the back of a car.
It just so happens to be Jake's car.
"There better not be puke on my car." He laughs slightly as he leans out of the door, quickly coming to the realization that you are in fact not puking.
"Hey. What's going on?" He gets out, bending down to get to your eye level. He brushes hair from your face and drops his hand, "He didn't."
You look at him and nod, "Mhm. Had her.. pinned up again the wall.. kissing on her neck. She was absolutely loving the fact that I caught them. Exactly what the bitch wanted, too."
You scoff, looking away as you shake your head.
"I'm- fuck. Im so sorry." Jake drags his finger over the rocks, "Can I do anything?" He shifts forward, resting on his knees, "What can I do?"
You look at Jake, locking eyes with him, "I-" you stop yourself from saying something you might possibly regret later, but right now, you weren't looking to flip out on Colby.
You weren't looking to be made a fool in front of the hundreds of people that were here.
You were looking for revenge.
"I want.. to get him back." You keep your stare on Jake and he shrugs, "I mean, if that's what you want to do.. then go talk to him. Get him back, girl." He laughs slightly and you shake your head, moving closer to him, "No.. I want to.."
Your eyes jump back and forth from his lips to his eyes before grabbing his blank tank top and pulling yourself into meet his lips with yours.
At first he's shocked, leans away and stares at you. He licks his lips, a slow smirk growing on his lips, "Yeah, fuck him."
He cups your face, pulling you back in to kiss him. Your lips move with his, moaning quietly against his as you feel a sense of power wash over you.
"Do they have empty rooms here?" You lean back, tilting your head and he raises his brows, "Oh, you want to take this all the way?"
You nod, "Only if you're okay with it."
"I've done worse things. I'll meet you upstairs." He quickly gets up, shutting his car door and makes his way inside.
You slowly stand up, looking around to see if anyone saw what just went down. Luckily, you didn't see anyone, but a part of you wishes someone had.
You wipe under your eyes, your mind on one thing right now.
Jake waiting for you upstairs.
As you walk in, rounding the corner, you run into someone. You step back looking up and instantly shake your head as you see Colby looking down at you.
"No. Mm. Not doing this here." You go to walk around him to the stairs but he grabs your arm, "Please.. can we just talk?"
"Talk? You want to talk?" You scoff, "okay. Fine. Let's talk." Your voice isn't quite a yell, but it's enough to get the attention of the people that are close to you, "let's talk about how we are now obviously not who we used to be."
Colby stands there, looking from everyone staring then back to you, "Y/n."
"You wanna know why we aren't who we used to be? Because you had to go.." you step towards him, "..and fucking cheat on me."
Colby frowns at your voice cracking, "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? For what? Not remembering that you have a girlfriend?" You lay a hand on your forehead and sigh, "You know what. Fuck you. Fuck you." You push him slightly, "How fucking could you?"
The tears are now on the verge of winning and your heart shatters more when you see Kat standing there with tears in her eyes.
Colby is silent. Unable to find the right words to say, not like there is any.
"Now, if you'll excuse me." Your voice goes almost silent as you walk away. Quickly making your way up the stairs case.
All of the doors are closed and you just pick one and walk in, shutting the door behind you. You turn around and jump slightly when you see Jake sitting on the bed, "Long time no see."
You laugh slightly as you wipe under your eyes, "I just slightly lost it on Colby."
"As you should." Jake tilts his head as he leans back, holding his body up with his arms extended behind him, "Should have clocked him too while you were at it." Jake bites his lip, "Now that would have been sexy as hell."
You laugh slightly as you walk over to him. You stand in front of him, looking up and down his body as you slowly move to straddle his waist.
He moves one hand forward, placing it on your thigh, "What do you want to do here, y/n."
You slowly push his tank top up his abdomen, "I think you know what I want to do." You look up at him and he nods, "Yeah." His hand drags up and down your bare thigh, "I think I have an idea."
You lean forward and his hands move to your ass as he lays back. You flip your hair behind you and lean in to kiss him.
The slow make out quickly turns into a heated, full of passion and revenge make out.
His hands slip under your dress, squeezing your ass as you grind down on his growing bulge. Your voice is quiet, "Fuck me, Jake."
He can't help but smirk as you kiss back his jaw and down his neck, "please." You beg in a whimpered tone, "I need you."
He rolls over, laying his body over yours and your hands immediately move to help him undo his pants.
He frees his cock, pushing your legs open more with his hips.
He pushes your panties to the side, running his fingers up and down your folds a few times, "Shit, you really want this don't you?"
You nod, "I've always found you hot. I can admit that now, right?" Your smirk goes away as soon as he pushes his fingers inside of you.
You whimper, trying to moan quietly as he slowly pulls them out and pushes them back in, "You're so much hotter to me now."
He leans down, lips crashing onto yours as his fingers work in and out. You lay your hand on his cheek as you reach down with the other one, gently wrapping your hand around his cock.
He pulls his fingers out and leans up, spitting into his hand so he can coat himself before rubbing the tip against your pussy.
He watches his cock go into you before leaning back down, lips brushing over your cheek as you moan, "Fuck." Your nails dig into the skin his tank top doesn't cover and you drag them outward, "Jake."
He groans lowly into your neck as he starts to slowly thrusts his hips. He kisses up, making his way back to your lips. Your fingers lace in his hair, tugging slightly as your leg lays over his back, "Yes, yes, yes!"
You were so in the moment you didn't hear the door open then close. You look over Jake's shoulder, smirking when you lock eyes with Colby, "Uh oh."
Jake leans up, looking at you confused before he follows your stare and quickly gets up, covering himself.
Colby's stare is on you.
"What the fuck is this?" He points between you and Jake and you shrug, "What the fuck was that downstairs?"
Colby sighs, "That wasn't.."
"What? Wasn't what it looked like? Because, correct me if I'm wrong but.." you sit up, "That definitely looked like you were cheating on me."
"It was a fucking kiss, y/n. I didn't put my fucking dick in her."
"Yeah, but I bet you wanted to." You lift your hand and drop it, "That was the goal, right? From the moment you stared at her through me at the pong table?"
He shakes his head, "No. none of it was planned okay."
"Then why were you kissing down her neck, pulling her closer to you? Doing all the things you do to me?" You cross your leg over the other, leaning back on the bed, "I am just so.. fucking mad at you. I wanted you to feel how I felt."
Colby stands there in silence, you can see his anger bubbling up, and you knew what he wanted to do.
But you weren't going to make it easy for him.
Jake points to the door, "I'm just go-" he starts walking towards the door but Colby's words make him stop, "No. Jake. Stay."
"Yeah, Jake. Stay. I'm not done yet." You look over at Jake and bite your lip.
Colby chuckles, "Mm. I see what's happening here. You want to what, punish me? Fine." He motions to Jake, "Punish away."
Jake stands there, thinking about the situation.
"Was she a good kisser?" You look at Colby and he shakes his head, "Not even slightly good." You raise your brows, "Mm."
"Come on, y/n. I don't know what you want me to do." Colby scoffs, laughing slightly, "Do you want me to watch you fuck Jake? Is that what you want?"
You shake your head, "No. I want you to share me with him as you tell me just how sorry you really are."
Jake's eyes are on you, leaving you alone with Colby wasn't happening.
Leaving you in general wasn't happening.
He wasn't done with you, either.
"Well, are you going to try and fix this. Or are you going to go down and ki-" Your words are cut off by Colby over and pressing his lips to yours. You wanted to throw him off, push him away.
Anything, but you couldn't.
You needed him.
You needed Jake.
You needed them both so bad you were aching. If this was the last time you were with Colby, might as well make it a good one.
For Jake, not Colby.
Your anger didn't just go away, you still wanted him to feel like his heart had been ripped out.
"Need you both." You gasp out as Colby sucks a mark into your neck. You look over at Jake, reaching out for him. He comes over, taking your hand into his.
Colby's hand slides down your body, slipping in between your thighs. Jake moves to sit down next to you, his hand lays on your neck, squeezing slowly as he leans down to kiss you.
You moan into his mouth as Colby's fingers slip inside of you. Your hand moves to Jake's half zipped jeans, gripping the waistline of them, "Please."
Jake lets go of your neck, moving his hands down to undo his jeans.
Colby clenches his jaw, pulling his fingers out as he tilts his head, watching you watch Jake. His eyes follow your hand as they wrap around his cock.
He doesn't like it.
Not even in the slightest little way.
You shift around, leaning forward so your ass is in the air. Jake focuses on you because he knows Colby isn't happy.
But as he should be, right?
You stick your tongue out, dragging it up the underside of Jake's cock, earning a low moan from him.
Colby shakes his head, looking away as he cocks his jaw. He clears his throat and you pay no attention. You wrap your lips around the head of Jake's cock, moaning slightly as you take more of him in.
"Fuck." He whispers lowly as he lays a hand on the back of your head, "Just like that." He pulls his lower lip between his teeth, tilting his head back slightly as he looks over at Colby.
If looks could kill, Jake would be dead.
Colby looks away, walking around to get behind you. His hands push your dress up more, moving it to around your waist before sliding his hands over your ass.
His hand lifts up, coming down in a hard slap, earning a whimper from your lips. You continue bobbing your head, swirling your tongue, putting all of your focus onto Jake.
Colby pulls your panties away from your body, holding the over with his thumb as he works on getting his cock freed with one hand.
You feel his spit run down over your folds and it drips onto the bed. He moves forward, rubbing his cock against your folds before slowly pushing it, a groan leaving his lips.
You dig your nails into Jake's thighs, fighting back the urge to moan.
You lift your head, a string of saliva still connecting you to Jake. He wipes the corner of your mouth and gets down, getting on his knees at the side of the bed.
His hands cup your cheeks, leaning in to kiss you as Colby’s hands grip your hips harsher. You whimper, failing at what you were trying not to do.
You moan into Jake’s mouth and push your hips back to meet Colby’s. Jake runs a hand through your hair, his other hand cupping your chin as his thumb lays over your lips.
You wrap your lips around his thumb, tilting your head back as Colby thrusts all the way in and holds himself there.
“You still want me?” Colby asks in a cocky tone. Your eyes meet Jake’s, “No. I want Jake.”
Jake looks at Colby and Colby chuckles as he pulls out, “I see, you wanna see who fucks you better.” You roll over onto your back, “Go fuck yourself, Colby.”
You reach up, pulling Jake down on top of you. Your knees resting on his hips.
“You know.. maybe I will.” Colby sits down and wraps a hand around his cock, “Go on. Don’t let me stop you.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole.” You roll your eyes, trying to focus on Jake and not let Colby get under your skin anymore than he already has.
Jake reaches down, holding his cock steady as he pushes into you with a low groan. You gasp, wrapping a leg around his waist as you moan, “Fuck.”
You really weren’t just moaning for show, Jake really knew what he was doing.
You can feel Colby’s heated stare on you as you drag your nails across Jake’s exposed shoulders.
Colby really didn’t like this, as to why he fixed himself and just sat there, but you both were too stubborn to just call it quits.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Jake whispers in your ear and you move your head to kiss him, moaning against his lips.
Colby sat there in pure anger. Watching one of his closest friends fuck his girlfriend.
Ex. Girlfriend.
“Fuck, fuck.” You whimper, back arching off the bed, “so close.” You lace your fingers in Jake’s hair, tugging as you feel your orgasm roll in hard.
Your leg tightens around his waist as you clench his cock, pulling him closer to his own.
“Fuck, y/n.. you got-“ he reaches back taking one of your legs and pinning it up so he has room to pull out. He groans as his thrusts grow slightly sloppy, meaning he’s almost there.
You gasp when he pulls out, biting your lip as you feel his cum string over your thighs, running down to pool on the bed.
You turn your head, breathing heavy as you meet Colby’s stare with your own as Jake stands up to dress himself correctly.
“Are you happy?” Colby’s words are quiet and you laugh slightly, “You mean with Jake?” You nod as you sit up, “Yeah, I really am. He knows what he’s doing.”
“Mm.” Colby runs his hand over his face, “Can we have the room please. If you’re done.” He looks at Jake and Jake crosses his arms, “I don’t really feel comfortable leaving her with you.”
“I’m not going to fucking hurt her, asshole.” Colby shoots, “I just… we need to talk.”
“I don’t think we need to talk right now, Colby. Because the things I want to say to you, won’t be nice.” You wipe off and stand up, fixing yourself, “I just really want to go the fuck home. I should have never came to this fucking party in the first place.”
“Mm. So you’re just going to leave me here after the betrayal I just witnessed?” Colby scoffs, “I see how it is.”
“It really seems like you’re forgetting about what I witnessed downstairs.. if you really want to get technical, I guess it was a betrayal times two.” You roll your eyes, “I’m not doing this. Jake..” you turn to look at him, “Can you take me home?”
“You’re done? Just like that?” Colby asks and you look at him, “I was done the minute I saw you looking at her through me.”
You walk towards the door, Jake following you out as you make your way down the steps.
Eyes are on you, of course, and you hear people asking about the scratches on Jake’s shoulders, but you ignore it all.
You walk out, making your way to Jake’s car and getting in. You pull your phone out, laughing when you see the amount of missed calls you have from Colby.
Jake gets in, “So where to?”
“Colby’s, I need to get as much stuff as I can.” You look out the window as he drives forward.
“Then where?” Jake looks over at you and back to the road, “Do you have any family here or anything?”
“All a few hundred miles away.” You shrug letting out a sigh, “I’ll figure it out.”
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
A week later
“So.. wait..” Kat shakes her head, “You and.. Jake? In front of Colby?” She rests her fingers on her forehead, “That’s.. actually crazy.”
“Colby didn’t tell Sam any of that?” You raise your brows as she shakes her head, “Nothing. He closed up completely after coming down that night. He didn’t speak to no one. Not even Sam.”
“Wow.. you know he’s bad when he doesn’t even talk to Sam.” You chew on your lip, “Did that girl and him..” you trail off, eyes moving to look at her and she shakes her head again, “No. she went up to him but he ignored her. She threw a drink on him and that was when he made Sam take him home.”
“She threw a drink on him?” You scoff, “What a bitch.”
Kat nods, “It literally took all I had and a few people telling me not to make a scene. I was ready to go to war for you.”
You smile, “That’s why you’re my best friend.” You sigh, “Thanks for letting me stay here.”
“As long as you need.” She reaches over to pat your hand and stands up, “I have to go meet Sam for lunch, do you want me to bring you anything back?”
You shrug, “You know what I like.”
She nods, “Call if you need anything, even if it’s just to talk.” You nod, “I’ll be fine, but thank you.”
She smiles as she leaves and you lay back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Your mind goes back to that night, thinking about Jake and Colby. Together.
You shake your head, not really wanting to be upset right now because a part of you does feel bad, but an even bigger part of you is glad you did it.
You’ve been talking to Jake everyday, mainly him asking you how you’re doing and just chatting about his new videos that he’s putting out soon.
Anything to keep Colby off of your mind.
Your phone rings and you sit up. You reach out to grab it and you freeze up when you see Colby’s name across the screen.
“Fuck.” You whisper and take a deep breath before picking up your phone. Your thumb shakes over the answer button and you hit it right before the call is about to end.
You’re silent as you wait for Colby to speak first but he’s doing the same thing you’re doing.
“I don’t know why I called.” He chuckles nervously, “I-I’m sorry.”
“I take it Sam left you to meet up with Kat for lunch?” Your voice is quiet and he sighs in relief at you speaking, “Yeah. Yeah.”
You pick at your nail polish, eyes searching the room as you think of what to say next, but nothing comes up that’s worth saying.
“I’m sorry.” Colby’s voice shakes, “We shouldn’t have went to that party. I’m sorry. I should have listened to you.”
“Doesn’t matter anymore.” You mumble, quickly swiping away a stray tear, “Everything is said and done and I-“
Colby cuts you off, “I just wish I could go back to that night. I know I can’t change anything but I’m willing to do anything it takes, y/n. I fucked up.” Colby sniffles, “I fucked up, big time.”
“Yeah. You did.” You bite your thumb nail and sigh, “I’m not sorry about what I did with Jake. I need you to know that.”
“No, no I don’t expect you to be.” He laughs slightly and you sigh, “What’s so funny, Colby?”
“Nothing it’s just..” he laughs and sighs, “Nothing.”
“Mm.” You nod your head and he sniffles again, “I was pissed, of course I was pissed but at the same time..” he trails off and your heart starts to race, “but at the same time? What Colby?”
“I was so fucking turned on with it.”
His words catch you off guard, “What did you just say?” You sit up slightly and he sighs, “I’m not repeating it. You heard me the first time.”
A small smirk toys with your lips, “which part?”
“All of it.” Colby answers quickly, “as soon as I walked in… seeing him on you.. seeing him in you..” he pauses for a second, “I just.. I wanted to kill him but seeing him give you that mu-“
“What are you saying?” You ask, “Are you saying you want me to call up Jake and have him meet us for another threesome?” You laugh because you think he’s joking but when he doesn’t say anything it clicks, “oh,” you lay your hand over your lips, “You’re serious.”
“If it will get you to come back to me, I’m willing to share you with Jake. I’m willing to do anything, y/n. I swear.”
You go quiet as you push a few buttons on your phone.
“You there, babe?” Colby asks and you smirk, “Yep, hang on.”
You add Jake into the call, “Jake, hey.”
“What’s up sugar lips?” Jake asks and you laugh, “Colby has something he wants to talk to you about.”
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
Wowza. Okay. Please tell me how this was.. a part of me feels like it isn’t as good as it could have been but another part is like holy shit. I wrote this.
Love you all! 🖤
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kimingyuslover · 4 months
Missed Connections
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Synopsis : You swear you can tolerate anything because this is an unwanted marriage to him, but why's this one hurts so much?
Word count : 2,716 and some change
pairing : Choi seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre : arranged marriage!au, contract marriage!au, strangers to *** ***** ***** to exes, angst, slight fluff.
Warnings : angst, tears, italic means person on the other side of the phone & message, chaebol!reader, chaebol!seungcheol, ceo!reader, ceo!seungcheol (not mentioned), like 1 curse word, implied cheating? (Seungcheol goes on a date because his toxic friends say so), Seungcheol is a jerk boo 🍅🍅, mentions of pregnancy (reader is pregnant), mom!reader, slight Joshua x reader, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : yes, i cried while writing this, Seungcheol's sucks
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The sun peeked through the window of his bedroom, which once was shared with you. He opens his eyes groggily, his eyes adjusting the sunlight that goes to his eyes.
Surprise, it's a word that will describe his expression right now, seeing a divorce file on his nightstand with a pen on top of the paper, lying peacefully waiting to be used by him.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles with his raspy and sleepy voice.
He thinks he might be dreaming, that when he sleeps again and opens his eyes, you're on his side while he's hugging you tightly, his morning will start with your kisses and this all was just in his head.
But it's not. When he slaps his cheek, it hurts. It feels so real.
And then, when he realised that the divorce file was real, he hurriedly searched for his phone, wanting to call the person he knew so well but also didn't.
“The divorce paper, you've already signed it? i'll pick up my stuff and take the paper with my lawyer” you said on the other side, voice sounding so enchanting but so cold, like he never heard before.
Your voice usually sounds like it's coated with warmth and sweetness, but now it's just filled with coldness.
he forgot when he first saw you, you were given the cliche title ‘ice queen’ by the employees.
“Why’s there a divorce paper on my nightstand? Why are you not here? In the bed, with me” Seungcheol said, hurt evident in his voice.
“What do you think seungcheol? you're finally free, you can go out as much as you want with your so-called friends, you don't have to worry that head more, our company will still be concerted, and the best part, you can go freely with that woman of yours” Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.
you cut him off before he even speaks, “i call off our arranged marriage, Seungcheol. you said it yourself, that you, Mr. Choi, does not want this marriage from the first you saw me, and that was proven when I saw you with a woman, in a fancy restaurant, just both of you, not with anyone else and I learned the fact that your friends told you to do that.
Our arguments will lead to one of us leaving the house that once you promised we'll build together with love, and I just have to be patient. When I saw you with her, I realised that was the beginning of our marriage's downfall, so I made the decision that would not leave negative comments from everybody else, so your company will not have a backlash from the stockholders even if it's hurting me in the process.
You promised me, Choi Seungcheol. to take care of me, try to love me, and even have the audacity to tell me to be patient with your heart. I've done all of that, but what you have given me is just aching in my heart over and over again.
My friends already told me that this marriage was bad for me and will hurt me in the end, but I'm blinded by your love bombing act, and I was so naive that I thought you will ever love me back, that we will have a happy family, with 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. we'll live anywhere i want, you said back then.
Do you know how much I cried that night? when I saw you with her, and when I knew that you and me would never have the happy family we once planned?
That day, I was going to tell you about me getting pregnant, but I guess fate doesn't want us to be together because they know it’s better for me to hurt now than later.
Tomorrow will be the last time i'm going to go there, and the final court will be the last time I saw you” after finishing the words that you've planned to give him right when he calls you, you hung up the phone, not giving him any chance to replied because you know, when you heard his voice your heart will hurt more.
Seungcheol drops his phone onto his bed sheet. He tries to recall the memory, and when he does, there's a hard pang in his heart.
regret started to fill up his figure, and he rushed towards the bathroom to take a shower.
He's planning to meet you today to talk about your marriage, hopefully not for the last time.
“Is Mrs. Choi here?” Seungcheol said to the receptionist at your company.
She hesitates at first, then starts to speak, “i'm sorry, but it's Ms. Hong and she does not want anybody, especially you, Mr. Choi to go to her” she says.
Seungcheol has tried to call you again and again and again, determined to fix the marriage he ruined.
and his heart hurts even more when he reads your chatroom. It's him who sent the last message, and you left him on read.
You know what? you're too naive, too invested in our relationship, and that's why it's not working. Can't you be more patient? i have my own things to do
He knew he was being a jerk when he sent that to you, but back then, he's heating up because of your arguments that are constantly happening.
Tears start to fall from his eyes, all you need is love, to which he promised will give you his, he should be grateful that you still give chance after chance even though you know that he will still be like that.
he drives to your penthouse, your summer house, your cabin, and even your house, but you're not there.
as he went to his car with disappointment on his face, someone called his name.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” He freezes and it hurts. You usually call him with terms of endearment, but now you just call him by his name, which he hates so much if it's coming from your mouth.
Seungcheol runs to you. Wanted to hug you, but he halted his plan when he saw you looking at him like you used to before he was introduced by your parents as your soon-to-be husband, so cold with no emotion behind that oculus of yours.
He explains everything, telling you that his friend makes him go on lunch with the woman you saw. He even goes as far as kneeling in front of you.
“But you still go on a date with her? Even when you don't want to? i've said it to you countless times. i can tolerate anything because this is an arranged marriage, but cheating is an exception” you said while looking down at him because of his position. You don't even bother to usher him to get up from his knees. Seungcheol frowns at your words, but you're right. When his friend told him, he could refuse it, but he didn't.
His words caught up on his throat. He can't say anything anymore, because at the end of the day, he knew that his action was so sinful because for god damn sake, he's married to you!
“You're funny, Choi Seungcheol” You left him kneeling on the ground while going back to your car. You managed to hold your tears in front of him because you're not willing to let your tears fall for a boy who's not even a man.
When you're already gone with your car, Seungcheol gets up to his knees, and he realises that he hasn't even asked about the baby.
“Don't worry, my love, mommy will protect you, no matter what” you said while caressing your baby bump.
It's been approximately 4 months of your pregnancy, and 4 months since you're not on the same roof with Seungcheol.
You know you'll stress out yourself if you stay in that house, and you can't risk that.
You've been staying in a hotel for the past months, but luckily for you, your sister-in-law has a 5 star hotel, so you won't have to search for it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
The first court is today, and you're going there with your lawyer and your sister-in-law (Soo-jung) because she says she wants to help you, and you thanked her for that.
You show up with a white dress, black blazer, your Jimmy choo pumps, and white birkin as the cherry on top.
Seungcheol saw you with adoration in his eyes, thinking, Why can't he see you like this when your marriage is still there?
He doesn't want to make eye contact with anyone with you and yourself, but when he does make an eye contact with Soo-jung or you he will divert his eyes to look somewhere that isn't you or her.
He's scared, what even your family will think about his family, about him? after he hurt you and you being pregnant was not helping.
Now it's your final court. This time, you dress differently, you're wearing white shorts, a brown thin belt, soft-pink Ralph Lauren button-up, a white lady dior, and a white slingback kitten heels with your baby bump that's already showing.
He feels guilt start building up in his body when the judge knocks his hammer three times, and he's trying his best not to spill his tears every second now.
he hears several footsteps going to him when he looks at you with his tear filled eyes.
you open your mouth while crossing your hands in front of your chest, then you speak, “Take care of your health, don't eat junk food like you liked to, this baby will get a new father soon, but i will still introduce you to them”
As soon as you finish your sentence, you start to walk away with your lawyer, brother, and sister-in-law (who gives him a disappointed and angry look).
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
It's been years since your divorce, but Seungcheol is still a mess. He can't blame anyone but himself for this one.
After the divorce, he cut all of his friends who told him to go on a date that day. He’s in denial for years, even when he knows that they're giving a bad influence to him.
He goes on a lot of interviews, and he never fails to mention you in his interview, hoping you will see him on tv shows and better yet, with his child.
You, on the other hand, are already living your best life with your son, you’ve given birth to him 4 and a half years ago, and now he's your most favorite person in this universe.
You decide to move to Switzerland when Minjun– your son (Hong Minjun, Edward Hong) turns 1 year old.
There you met Minjun's dad, who happens to have the same surname as yours, Joshua Hong or Hong Jisoo because that's his Korean name.
You hesitate at first to be in a commitment because of your past, but Joshua makes it clear that you can trust him, and everything will be fine.
Joshua is a gentleman, a man who you dreamed off everytime you doze off, a man of words and action, and you really want Minjun to be like him when he's older.
Minjun characteristics start showing up lately, and just as you expected, he's already being a mini gentleman to you, and the manner that you and Joshua taught him is prominent with his actions and words.
You're proud of him, and you finally get your highest dream.
Having a happy family has been your dream for as long as you can remember, even when Joshua's not Minjun's biological father, but he acts like one and Minjun, too, acts like Joshua's biological son.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Joshua decided that this month he and you will go back to Korea for the Christmas holiday, because for the last 3 years it's always been your family to come to Switzerland.
You can't forget how happy your parents and your brother's family look when they see you coming home with Minjun and Joshua.
“I miss my daughter so much. How have you been, sweetheart?” your mother said while hugging you, which you replied with a ‘i'm fine, mother’ and a wide smile on your face.
The next day, you're going to have a visit to your company in Seoul, and so you bring Minjun with you because Joshua is having a meeting and probably will be back at dawn.
“Minjun, are you excited to see mommy's office?” you ask Minjun when the light goes red, which Minjun replies with an excited nod and wide grins, “yes! I am so excited!” Minjun said with Korean and an accent.
The security, receptionist and your workers still remember you, they even try to get in a conversation with Minjun which brings a smile to your face.
“Minjun, will you wait here in Mommy's office while Mommy is getting our lunch?” you said while crothed to his height and holding both of his tiny hands.
Minjun nodded at your words, “can i play with secretary Jeon Mommy?” he asked, and this time it's your turn to nod your head, “yes, you can”
You already told your secretary to watch Minjun, so you don't need to worry.
You walk to the café near your company building, it's been your favorite place since you moved to this branch of your company.
When you get your order, you take a seat on the side of the road.
Not so long after, there's someone who sat in front of you, and when you saw him you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” The same question from those years threw Seungcheol off guard, the bad memories he never wants to remember.
“This used to be, or is it still your favorite place to go for lunch, and i miss you so i came here, what i didn't expect is you're going to be here” Seungcheol said, there's defeated plastered on his face.
“How's your life?” You begin, so the tension can be lowered a bit.
“Messed up, after our divorce. How's yours?” he replied with simplicity.
“Amazing. He's 4 and a half now, his name is Hong Minjun and since i'm not living in Korea he uses his foreign name too, Edward Hong” you said referring to the baby you carried when you're getting a divorce with him.
“Where is he?”
“Playing with secretary Jeon”
“I think i can't do this anymore, I'm sorry, i was an asshole back then. I swear I changed! just give me a chance, please” Desperate sounds so clear, and you look at him in disapproval.
“I have given you chances, over and over, but you throw it away like it meant nothing”
Even after you replied to him with that, he still begged you to come back to him, tears in his eyes mirroring how desperate he is.
He is still doing it until someone calls your name and a little boy runs to you, calling you mommy.
That's when he realised in front of him is his son, that he failed to protect.
And when he gets up when he sees you do the same, he turns his head to the man who calls your name.
There's when his heart drops to his stomach, thoughts running a hundred miles per hour, thinking of the worst scenario in his head, that the man in front of him is your—
“Y/n's husband, Joshua Hong”
Your husband, and that means he never got the chance to make you his anymore.
The tension can be seen by anyone passing by, an ex-husband who hurt his ex-wife deeply, and the current husband who treats his wife like a princess.
Joshua breaks the awkward silence after Seungcheol introduces himself with, “Let’s go, my love, your mother sends a location to the restaurant we're going to eat for lunch” with a smile that Seungcheol swears he wants to rip from Joshua’s kind face.
You replied to Joshua with a smile, and you three excuses yourself from Seungcheol and went to Joshua’s car.
Seungcheol had his heart broken again, and the reason is still the same.
Oh, there's addition for the cause of his broken heart.
You and Minjun.
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ripdragonbeans · 5 days
Not Him, I Swear // Modern!Aegon x Reader // Pt. 3
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Summary: You go on your second date with Aegon and it ends up being much more fun that you anticipated.
CW: afab reader, profanity, eventual smut, Aegon being an ass, oh but he has feelings??????
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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The next few days were filled with cute texts and fluffy dates. Aegon respected your wishes and didn't push you to go any further than a make out session. It drove you crazy; you wanted him but you were scared. As much as you wanted to forget all the pain Jason caused you, it was something that stayed. It tainted your views of love, something that can be hard to make new. 
Aegon seemed too good to be true.
But you swallowed your fears and pushed on with your relationship with him. 
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“Hey, man!” Cregan strolled into the room. “How's our bet going? Is she begging for you yet?” He plopped himself down next to Aegon and put his feet on the table.
Aegon rolled his eyes. “Shut up,” he murmured. “No, she's not begging yet, but I'll get there.” He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. “Gods, I almost feel bad.”
Cregan’s eyebrow rose. “Bad? Don't tell me that my best friend is actually catching feelings for someone.”
“No, I'm not catching feelings for anyone.” Aegon got up to grab another beer; his third one already, and it was barely noon.
“The way you talk about her says differently.”
“I haven't talked about her.”
“Not obviously, of course. At any mention of the bet or anything, you tense up. Something’s going on in that head.”
“Whatever, Cregan,” Aegon muttered. “Since you're so focused on annoying me, I'm gonna go to my room.” He gave his friend a mocking wave before leaving the living room to his own.
He put his head in his hands and let out a groan. He couldn't be catching feelings, he shouldn't be falling for her. But he is. 
The way she smiles. The way her eyes light up. The way she tucks her hair behind her ear. It's like looking into a bright light and being engulfed in its warmth. 
But he had to do this. He needed to prove that he could have anyone he wanted. If not to himself, then to his friend. As shallow as it was, he wanted to follow through. He hoped she wouldn't hate him in the end. 
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“Hel, I really can't believe it,” you gushed. “I know you said not to get too involved with him but he's already so much better than Jason!” 
You plopped down on the couch, closed your eyes, and stretched. The wonderful feeling of being loved say well inside your heart. Despite the aching fears and the anxiety that comes along after being cheated on, the feeling of being loved triumphed ever just a tiny bit. 
“I wouldn't go ahead and say that, bestie. Please, be on your guard. You know all the stories, all the rumors, and I can even testify for some of them.” Helaena held your hands and looked you in the eye. “Be careful, please.”
A voice came from the hallway. “Yeah, what she said.” Jace walked over to the two of you sitting on the couch. He wore a grim expression on his face. “I don't mean to hurt you but I've heard that he's just trying to get you to sleep with him, all for some bet.”
Your heart sank at the thought but you pushed it aside.
“Very funny, Jace,” you said. “But I don't need that negativity in my life.”
“It's not negativity if it's true.” He looked at you with pity in his eyes. 
You shook off the expression and took a deep breath. “Why can't you two just be happy for me?” 
Helaena squeezed the hand she was holding. “We're happy for you, we just want you to be careful. We hate to see you hurt.”
“It's a risk, isn't it? All relationships are. I know Aegon and I will either end up together forever or eventually break up. It's up to us, not you two, but me and Aegon, how bad that ending will be.”
Helaena huffed. “Okay, I'll drop it. For now.”
You smiled at her. “Thank you.” You turned to address both Jace and Helaena. “Now, would you two like to know what's happening next?”
“As hesitant as I am, yes,” Helaena said. 
Jace nodded his head in agreement.
You pulled out your phone to read the text messages between you and Aegon.
“Our next date is a movie!” You announced.
There was a beat of silence before Jace broke it. “A movie? Isn't that a little cliche?”
You frowned at him. “Shut up, it's something.”
“What movie are you guys gonna catch?” Helaena cut in. 
“Oh! Um…” you bowed your head in embarrassment and mumbled your answer.
“I'm sorry? What was that?” Jace leaned in. A knowing smirk graced his lips.
You mumbled your answer again, but a little louder.
“Bestie, I still can't hear you!” 
“Shrek 2.” 
You look up in shame. The judgment you feel from them was too much.
“...I'm sorry, did you just say Shrek 2?” Clarified Jace.
“It's the best one!”
Helena laughed. “Considering it's you and Aegon, it makes sense. Weird choice, but yeah.” She clapped her hands together. “Okay, time to get you date ready!”
“‘Date ready?’ Hel, I’ve got five hours until I have to leave. I have time.”
“For what I have planned for you? Nope, five hours is just enough time for me and Jace to get you set.”
Jace froze hearing his name. “Me? What do I have to do?”
“Shut up, you're moral support,” Helaena rolled her eyes in amusement. “Now, let's go.”
Helaena offered you her hand but you hesitated slightly. What if this is just a plot to convince you to not go? But when you looked at your friends all you could see was the love they had for you.
“Alright, let's get this started,” you smiled.
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Four hours later had you sitting in a chair with your back straight and a mirror behind you. 
“Annnnnd done!” Helaena turned your chair around so you could see yourself.
You took in the image, your hair all done nicely, your facial features enhanced, all of it. You couldn't help the smile that made its way.
“Helaena,” you started, “my gods, you did an amazing job!” 
You turned toward Jace, who was sitting on the arm of the couch. 
“Yeah,” he said between handfuls of chips, “you look great. Aegon is gonna shit himself.” 
“I don't know about that,” you rolled your eyes. “He's been with a shit ton of other girls before me, I doubt I'm the prettiest.”
A hand smacked your head. 
“No. You're the hottest he's ever been with and will only be with for the rest of your lives.”
“Wow, and I thought you were dead set on me not being with him.”
“Only to protect you! But,” she sighed, “if this is how it goes then he better not break your heart. He does that. I'll chop up his dick in his sleep.”
“Yeah, and I'll fuck up his face,” Jace added.
You laughed at your friends, your heart full. “You two are so extra.”
“It's called being best friends,” Jace said as he joined you and Helaena at the mirror. 
Looking at the three of you, you thought of all the trials you've been through. All the heartbreak, the laughs, the highs and the lows. Without them who knows what you would be like. You interlocked your hands with both of them and leaned back.
“I don't know what I did to deserve you guys, but I'm grateful for you two and love you.”
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Beep beep!
The sound of the honking car was quickly followed by a text. You picked up your phone and couldn't stop the smile. Of course Aegon would do this. As you readied yourself to leave the apartment, you did one last look in the mirror. 
You were happy with how you looked; all dolled up for the date. Just enough to be enticing but not so much in your face. With a pep in your step, you made your way to the front door. 
Aegon’s eyes went wide when he saw you. “You look…”
You nodded for him to continue.
“Amazing. You look amazing.” Aegon flashed you a big smile.
“You don't look too bad yourself,” you replied as you got in the car.
Aegon’s car was messy but it could be a lot worse. Luckily the trash wasn't food trash but rather random papers and receipts that were strewn across the floor and the back seat. It also smelled vaguely of weed.
“You smoke?” You asked him.
Aegon pulled out of the driveway. “Yeah, and I vape every now and then if I want a flavor or something. You?” 
“I've been curious about it but no, I haven't done either.”
“Wanna try? We can pull over and I can roll you a joint.”
A smile crept onto your face. There were butterflies in your stomach but you were excited to take the plunge.
Once Aegon pulled over into an unmarked parking lot, he pulled out the weed, the paper, and lighter. He was careful to roll the joint nicely for you. Once he finished he looked at his work and gave you a smile. “Ta-da! One joint rolled for my kitten.”
“Okay, cool. I can do this.” You told yourself.
Aegon looked at you with concern. “You don't have to smoke if you don't want to.”
“No, but I really want to.”
“Okay.” He nodded his head. “I'll light it. Then all you have to do is inhale through your mouth, hold it for a bit then exhale through your mouth. Simple.”
“Simple. Right.”
“Okay, here we go.”
Aegon lit it then brought the joint up to your mouth. You gently wrapped your lips around the tip and you did as he said. 
You felt the smoke fill your mouth.
You let it sit and go down your throat.
A puff of smoke flew out of your mouth.
As a calming sensation sprinkled through your body you have Aegon a relaxed smile.
“You feeling okay?” Aegon asked you 
You laughed a bit. “Yeah, I feel good.”
Aegon took a drag from the joint himself. “Wanna get high before we watch the movie?”
“Hell yeah.”
Before heading off to the movie theater, you and Aegon shared the joint. It didn't take long for you to get high but Aegon finished it off. He was careful not to get higher than just having a buzz since he was driving. The rest of the ride was filled with you babbling about everything and nothing. Aegon smiled and let you go on. 
Arriving at the theater, you let out a little giggle. “I'm so excited for this, Aegon.” You slurred his name.
“Yeah.” He couldn't stop himself from smiling at you. Getting out of the car, he circled around to open the passenger door. “Time to get out, kitten.”
You giggled again. “I like that you call me kitten. It's cute and it kinda turns me on.”
Aegon gulped down a breath. “That's great; time to see the movie.”
Letting go of Aegon’s hand, you put both of yours on his chest. “I wanna be with you.”
He pushed your hands down and kept them firmly in his. Aegon looked you in the eye. “And we will but not like this. I want you to be sober when I take you.”
You huffed. “Okay.”
Finally getting you to step out of the car, Aegon went back to only holding one hand as he led you through the parking lot and into the theater.
“Mmm I want popcorn and an Icee,” you said as soon as you walked in. The smell of popcorn immediately surrounded you.
“I'll get you popcorn and a water,” Aegon said.
You stamped your foot. “But I want an Icee!”
He tugged on your hand to get you to look at him. “Kitten, you need water. Trust me, okay?”
“Okay.” Another giggle escaped you.
After buying popcorn and water, Aegon led the way to your numbered theater to watch Shrek 2. At first you wanted to sit up front but he pulled you away to the rows in the back.
“No one needs to know you're high,” he said as you made your way up the stairs. 
“But you know I'm high,” you observed.
“I'm the one that got you high, kitten.”
“Oh, yeah.”
As you sat down in your chair, all you could think about was getting as close to Aegon as possible. Thankfully, these were the newer, fancier theater chairs. You reclined your chair and moved the armrest out of the way so you could lean on Aegon.
“You and popcorn,” you said as you snuggled up to him. “The best combination ever.”
“Don't forget Shrek.”
“And Shrek.”
Aegon kissed the top of your head as the lights went down and the movie began.
While Shrek 2 was already one of the funniest moments of all time, watching it high made it even funnier.
“Prince Charming looks like Jason,” you whispered, eyes wide. “I bet his dick is small like Jason’s, too.”
Aegon choked on his water. He stole a look at you but all he saw was a girl high as fuck while watching Shrek 2. Gods, he wanted to kiss you then and there.
The movie continued with your constant one liners about how everything in Shrek related to something or someone in your life. Somehow you were Shrek, Fiona was Aegon (which he was happy about), Donkey was Helaena, and Puss in Boots was Jace. To you, it all made sense. To Aegon, it was simply blabbering that entertained him.
As the credits rolled on the screen, you lolled your head against Aegon’s shoulder once again. “I’m tired, Aeg.”
“You’re coming down from your high, kitten,” he assured you. “Time to get up and head home.”
“I don’t wanna move.” You slunk down in your seat.
Aegon laughed. “They’re gonna kick us out anyway if you don’t get up. What if I helped you?”
You held out both arms. “Yes, please.”
Aegon moved to stand in front of you to pull you up. Instead of letting go, however, he tucked you into his side. Together, you made your way out of the movie theater.
“Can we go to your place?” you asked him as he pulled out of the parking lot.
“No, I’m going to drop you off at my sister’s.”
All of a sudden you wanted to cry. “Why? Do you not like me?”
“That’s not it. You’re high and I’m going to take care of you.”
Your mood instantly switched. “I’d love for you to take care of me.” Heat began pooling in your belly while you placed a hand on his thigh.
Reluctantly, Aegon moved your hand off of him. “Not like that. I’m going to be responsible this one time and take you back to Helaena’s.”
“Come on, be irrisp, irrrrsp, irrisponble this one time.”
“If you want to be in my bed you’re going to have to be sober, kitten.”
You crossed your arms. “Boo, you’re no fun.”
“I know, what a bore.” He turned into the driveway. “Time to go.” He walked over to your side to open the door and walk you to the front. “I loved tonight.”
“I love you too, Aegon,” you yawned.
Aegon stopped, stunned. “I think you mean you loved tonight.”
You hummed. “No, I love you.”
He nodded his head, mouth slightly agape, as he took you Helaena’s room. When he knocked on the door Helaena popped out.
Her eyes instantly went to you, leaning all your weight on Aegon. “What did you do?!”
Aegon shrugged. “She wanted to get high so I let her. I only got buzzed but she is definitely high.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“It’s loud,” you moaned. “And bright.”
“Gods, get her in here.” Helaena motioned for Aegon to bring you into the room.
Immediately, you went for the bed and flopped down. Aegon was careful as he tucked you in. Helanea watched in awe of how sweet he was being to you. As soon as you drifted off to sleep, Helaena took Aegon into the hallway to talk.
“Have you been like this all night?” she questioned.
“You mean like the wonderful gentleman I am? Yes.”
“Why what?”
“Why are you being so kind to her?”
He shrugged. “What can I say, Hel. I like her.”
“No, when you like girls you just charm them and then fuck them. This is the second date you’ve gone on with her. Something is up.”
Aegon ran his hand down his face. “Let me do this, just once, let me be the good guy.”
Helaena looked at him warily. “Fine. But if you do anything to hurt her, I will personally destroy your life.”
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Harry potter being an absolute brat (while trying to be subtle in front of your friends) but you can see through his act, so you need to put him in his place... maybe with degradation and edging involved. I love your writing btw :)
Sub!Brat!Harry Potter/Dom!Male!Reader
I hope my take on this is suitable because I really love the prompt
You didn't specify gender, so I made reader a guy
More eighth year shenanigans
Words: 1389
Reader I guess is a Gryffindor in this? It could be seen as any id think
Please if anybody else actually sees this; I'm begging you to request. I love peoples requests. I need to fulfill my duties
I got my amazing friend's help on this with deciding some things, so he is now a part of Arrian inc. (bad joke yes)
And anon I'm sorry but this might not seem like Harry's being subtle or anything I just didn't know how to incorporate that
I might've bent your request a little. I'm really sorry, but it turned out in an orgasm denial after edging
Okay okay ur great anon thank you sm
Oh also I've upgraded and I said cock one time in this story. Be proud of me
Summary: It is up above this for the basic rundown
The big halls of Hogwarts seemed more empty than usual as you walked down with Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Neville.
You all were talking about the new Herbology assignment. All of you meaning Hermione, Neville and you with Harry putting in a snide comment to you ever once in a while.
To any other person it might seem like he was in a bad mood or didn't want to do the assignment, but you knew it was something different.
"Y/N, what plant are you going to do your project on?" Hermione asked.
Harry decided to snicker and say, "He's probably just going to cheat off of you again."
You looked at him with a puzzled expression. You had never cheated off of Hermione, and she knew that well. You were a top student too after all.
This comment just made curiosity as well as a little anger spark in the bottom of your stomach. You wondered why he was acting like this.
You had known Harry since first year, and he admitted he was in love with you in your fifth year. Neither of you have told anybody yet, though. You pushed it off as just waiting for the right time, but now your not so sure.
"Harry, what are you talking about? He's never cheated off of me, and I know that because he doesn't need to." She cocked an eyebrow at him.
"He's just the type."
You decided you've had your fill of Harry's nonsense and tried to confront him. "What's your deal? I'm right here."
Harry just looked at you out of the corner of his eye with an evil, sinister smirk present on his face.
Neville apparently started to feel the awkward tension and stuttered his goodbye before going into the library, Hermione following. Ron made an excuse that he was heading to the cafeteria for more pumpkin juice made by the elves and split as well.
"Now it's only you and me, so you can tell me now." You opened a door into the abandoned boys bathrooms, ducked in, and locked the door.
He looked at you with venom in his eyes, but there was also something you couldn't place. His expression looked uncomfortable.
"I don't have anything to tell you." He spat.
You finally felt your patience give out, and you shot forward and pinned him to the back of the empty wall. It was kind of disgusting in that bathroom, but it would have to do.
"I'm getting sick of this bratty ass behavior. Can you just tell me already?" You leaned into his ear, so he could hear your lustful whispers.
He chuckled that ended in a small whine whenever you reached your hand down into his black pants and pulled his waistband to snap back onto the flushed skin.
"Is this really what you wanted that entire time?" You sneered, scoffing whenever he nodded. "You really can't keep it in your pants for a walk to our dorms?"
"It seems not." Harry shrugged under your intense grip.
"Don't sass me, whore." You hissed.
He bit his lip harshly and tried to snake one of his hands under your belt and into your uniform, but you swatted it away.
"What the hell?" Harry's eyebrows furrowed.
You stared at him intensely. "Get your cock out if I have to do this."
"Make me."
You pretended to ponder over this for a moment before diving in and biting him hard on the neck. You like to think vampires aren't real, but if they were you definitely have some genes in you.
He groaned out and struggled to get one of his hands free. You realized he was reaching for his wand, so you let one of his hands go.
Harry gripped his wand with shaking fingers. "Silencio!" He called out, his voice trembling.
You heavily doubted that anybody would hear or try to come into the lonesome bathroom, but you were glad that he actually thought about it since you didn't.
You took the wand roughly out of Harry's hand and threw it down on the sink beside him.
"Now take it out or else I'll leave you here like this. I would've been much nicer if you had just waited" You said angrily.
He obliged this time and pulled his pants and boxers down to his thighs. He winced at the cold and clammy bathroom air hitting him.
You grabbed a hold on him and stroked up and down quickly. You swore you saw Harry's eyes roll back into his head.
"Fuck, Y/N." He muttered.
He twitched in your hand a few times, beads of pre-cum leaking onto your hand slowly. You raised your hand in front of his face and with your other you forced his mouth open and shoved your wet fingers in. He whined through at the loss of friction.
He gagged around your fingers a few times before you took your hand out, a string of saliva threading yourselves together.
"You think that'll suffice?" You ask and held up your hand for him to see.
He nodded furiously and tried to shove your hand back down to him, but you ripped your hand away from him.
"Fuck this, Harry." You said, wiped your hand on your shirt, and walked to the bathroom door.
"No, please!" He shouted after you.
You unlocked the door and walked out briskly. The rapid footsteps behind you signalled that he had put himself away, and he was coming to find you.
That only made you walk faster.
Now, you had no intention to actually leave him that way. You just wanted to make him work for it (and embarrass him for it).
He pleaded after you, but you refused to listen to his desperate begs until you both got to your dorms.
The stairs seemed to take forever, and you were starting to get desperate yourself. Harry finally caught up to you after a few minutes of struggle and began to curse you and your entire bloodline
You reached the common room after five minutes of ignoring him, and you immediately grabbed his wrist to start pulling him to the prefect dorm rooms.
At this time of day the prefects were out doing duties, so you had no doubt that nobody would come in.
"Shut the fuck up." You demanded and started to take his cloak and shirt off.
He grumbled at the buttons that ended up flying off whenever you were doing your relentless heist to get his shirt off but stopped as soon as you bent down.
He was red and seeping, so it excited you to no end. You kissed it, and he moaned lightly. Harry was deathly sensitive from your earlier encounter.
Eventually after licking stripes along the edges and making him beg a little you took the tip in your mouth and sucked vigorously.
He moaned out in practical agony at the edging you were submitting him to. You would drag your lips up and down him painfully slowly.
"Please let me cum, Y/N." Harry whined.
"I will later." You rolled your eyes dismissively.
You hollowed out your cheeks and wrapped your hand around the length that you couldn't quite reach.
He groaned and gripped your hair as you started to get faster, allowing his release to come closer and closer.
He whispered something almost unintelligible if you weren't so close. "I'm gonna cum."
That was your signal to pull off quickly. He watched in horror as it looked like he came, but he didn't feel anything. The white liquid spurted out in globs, but the orgasm never came.
You smiled devilishly at him and stood up quickly. He looked at you in denial at what you were doing.
You kissed him on the cheek lightly, walking away from Harry.
"Hey, where are you going?" He questioned irritatedly.
You shrugged and grinned. "I gave you what you wanted. You came."
He looked on in disbelief as you walked out of the opened door and into the dorm rooms, snickering loudly.
"If you touch yourself at all your going without me for two weeks!" You called.
Whenever you heard him groan in protest, you felt accomplished enough to go down to the cafeteria and take some stuff from the house elves.
Overall, a day well done.
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Hello, hope this message finds you well!!!
My birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering if I could request something for Wonwoo or Jeonghan,,, something that starts as angst and ends as fluff maybe? I've been feeling so shitty lately, sigh.
But also!!! I totally understand if you don't accept this req hehe
Have a good day/night ahead ❤️
P.S. if you accept anons, can I be 🦷 ?
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Paring: wonwoo x fem!reader, jeonghan x fem!reader
Requested: yes
Genre: fluff, angst
Warning(s): cheating, a bit of violence
Summary: wonwoo cheats and jeonghan swoops in to save the day
Word count: 1.0k
Other works
Beta reader: none (its not proof read)
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.
[permanent taglist] [only for those interested, don’t fill the form otherwise]
a/n 2: hey! happy birthday!! or advanced birthday! I wanted to post a proper fic, but as its your birthday, i didnt want to make you wait. so a drabble for i shall provide :)
plus i hope you feel better soon. im rooting for you!!!!!!
btw yes i accept anons, and i would love to talk with all of you! ✨✨✨✨
Wonwoo is a busy man. I mean of course he is. The stelar kid of the family, the only child to get a medical degree and also the one to have a fiancé at the age of thirty-one ready to get married and start his own family.
The man was just the epitome of brilliance and was always diligent and hardworking. He was filled with back up plans and made more back up plans for those said back up plans. He was so into creating the perfect life for himself, he even made sure that he has another lady in store to be on the safe side because what if this one leaves him?
Now this is where you come to play. Unbeknownst to you the doctor you had been dating for the better half of two years, has already made plans for his happily ever after with another. What is more hilarious is the one said lover of his is none other than your distant cousin.
Being a woman with normal job that requires working for normal hours in the office, you accepted the fact that you would never understand the intensive hours these doctors work. Yes there were times when he was not called on his pager but his phone and was asked to immediately go to the hospital. Yes there were times when you had gone to the hospital to surprise him only to know that he was not there. And yes he specifically told you he wanted to keep the relationship private as all his coworkers are too nosy for their good.
Should you have figured out that the one guy you were madly in love with was already set to become the husband of other?
But did you?
Absolutely not!
Maybe that is why he kept you around, you were easy to lie to or were you just a good lay?
You would never know. Funnily enough you wouldn’t have know about the woman either if she wouldn’t have come to your house after your genius of a lover forgot to turn of his location during his nightly escapades with you.
The lady came storming into the house looked around in search of the man who had wronged her all while screaming at the top of her lungs at trying to make her presence known.
You would have never felt the hurt you felt that day if Wonwoo knew how to be a loyal man to his fiancé. You would have never have to hear the words, “this is the bitch you were fucking behind my back all this time,” from that lady. While she slapped you like she hated you and took jabs at your pride.
She made you question your integrity, your life and all your actions. Was it your fault that the man who said sweet ‘I love you’s to you every night was also telling them to his beloved fiancé. Maybe it was.
But the deed was done your self-respect was destroyed. Now you would always look at the mirror and realize that it was you who was the other woman. It was you who took the beautiful fantasy of one home away from another.
You left Wonwoo that day. He never tried to call. You were never important to him anyway. He left you broken, questioning your values, your life, and your actions.
This hurt more than any breakup you had been through because it was when you realized how naïve you were, how it was easy to lie to you. It made you feel like shit and there was no going back.
You stopped visiting your family, and meeting too scared to see those disappointed looks on their faces. What if you stumbled upon her when there was a function, she would hate you and you were too scared to face anyone let alone yourself.
She got married to him anyway. It was just a small hiccup in their relationship, while it did indeed destroyed you, they were happy. It is all that mattered to them. And although you would give them the credit for moving on with their lives, you couldn’t say the same for yourself.
It was then you had met Jeonghan, the man was funny and jovial, a bit of a prankster. He was exactly what you needed to escape life. He was the breath of fresh air you needed. He anchored you to reality and let to feel the happiness of life.
The friendship you both had built, had come shattering down one day when you got to realize he was friends with none other than the man you threw you down the shameful spiral of self-hatred.
That week you reused to talk to the man, at all. He suddenly made your skin crawl. For if he were friends with a man as despicable as Wonwoo after all his deeds, how much of a monster could he actually be. You didn’t want to stick around to get to know that.
Exactly a week after that Jeonghan was standing at your door. And was ready to make you talk no matter what. And talk you did that day. You shouted at the man for a whole hour to make sure he understood you would never be the other woman again. You were fooled once but you refused to be fooled twice.
After your shouting spree, he had held you to calm you down and told you he didn’t know what had Wonwoo done. He apologized profusely for the hurt his friend caused you while relentlessly promising to never betray you.
That day he asked you for a chance and just asked you to trust him for this once and let him in your life. He promised he would make sure you never you feel any less than what you should. He promised that you were enough for him and would spend his whole life proving it to you.
Surprisingly enough he did. He never left you once after that, never let you question your worth. Now after almost thirty years. You are happy with the man. You have lived a life were you enjoyed every bit of it. Jeonghan made sure you did. With your three kids happy and settled, you both went to live in the countryside seeking the peace that comes with it. You are happy and you are sure you would trade the whole world for this happiness. But good for you, you don’t need to.
a/n 3: i hope you liked this !!
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bbgnyx · 9 months
prompt list~
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ok so here are random prompts, mention the skz member + the number with genre and message me! feel free to add any details you want! open to suggestions as well!
will prolly keep adding more as i come up with it~
-01- "Be quiet baby, you don't want anyone to hear us, would you?"
-02- "You'll get to cum when I decide it."
-03- "Keep your eyes on me"
-04- "Be a good girl for daddy hmm and take it all in"
-05- "Let everyone know who you belong to"
-06- "The first one that cums will be punished by the other. Deal?"
-07- "Let me come in you, please. I wanna fill you up."
-08- "Look at what you do to me."
-09- "Show me how you want to be touched, baby"
-10- "I'm gonna fuck you till you can't walk tomorrow"
-11- "I'd hold onto something if I were you"
-12- "Look what you do to me"
-13- "I haven't even touched you and you're already this wet"
-14- "Make me"
-15- "C'mere, sit on my lap"
-16- "You're not going out in that outfit"
-17- "You're so fucking hot when you're mad"
-18-"If you don't like my teasing, then why are you mad?"
-19- "I really wanna kiss you and do unimaginable things to you right now"
-20- "Playing hard to get hmm? that's cute"
-01- "Where's my good-night kiss?"
-02- "I saw something today that reminded me of you"
-03- "I'm not leaving you. Ever."
-04- "Marry me"
-05- "Dance with me?"
-06- "It's always been you"
-07- "Thank you." "For what?" "Just thank you."
-08- "It's us against the world."
-09- "I miss you"
-10- "I want to spend the day with you, doing nothing"
-11- "You're hair is really soft after you wash it"
-12- "Star-gazing was a good idea"
-13- "I've never noticed that mole on your nose, it's really cute"
-14- "Quit smiling at me, I can't stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that."
-15- "You're so cute." "What did you just say". "I just said you look like a boot"
-16- "I love hearing you're voice"
-17- "It's my turn to cook tonight"
-18- "I wish i could spend more time with you"
-19- "Can we just stay like this?"
-20- "If you tickle me one more time, I swear you're not getting any kisses or cuddles for a week"
-01- "What changed?" "I don't feel the same way I did anymore."
-02- "I cheated on you."
-03- "I'll always pick her....i'm sorry"
-04- "Why does this sound like goodbye?" "Because it is."
-05- "Did you ever love me?"
-06- "Y-You don't remember me?"
-07- “Just let me see him one more time. please.”
-08- "I'm sorry. I'll never be good enough for you."
-09- "It probably doesn't mean anything to you, but I love you."
-10- "Love is full of lies"
-11- "Is this what I get for loving you?"
-12- "Am I finally a hero?
-13- "I'm done helping you!"
-14- "I was only using you"
-15- "I'm scared"
-16- "I'm sorry that I love you"
-17- "Do you remember we were once happy together?"
-18- "I love you"
-19- "I guess forever was a word meant for memories and not for people"
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auiciqa · 20 days
Can you do a fic about the marage council w miguel ohara, where you guys divorce and Miguel realized how much of a bitch the other girl was, and starts to miss her. So he sobers up and changes the way he is, then tries to get back together… maybe some angst and fluff?
Marriage counseling with Miguel O'Hara pt.2
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Pairing-Miguel x ex wife/reader
Warnings-light Angst and fluff(but it's all in Miguels head lol)and mentions of alcohol abuse,lmk if I missed any
a/n-yall I did not except to make another part to this and yk I can't really miss out on a good chunk of angst and fluff together,but it is best recommended to read this at night ifykyk angst fics hit harder at night.
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It's been a year since you and Miguel had divorced,yeah it was the hardest period in your life but at least he didn't have one cent left to his name.The hardest part was co-parenting, every time Miguel would drop off Gabby at your house his girlfriend which was his ex girlfriend at the time you guys were married, would make smug faces at you and throw her used cigarettes and beer cans at your yard when her and Miguel would leave.you couldn't care less despite the fact you still had love for him and he could say the same thing for himself,if he wanted to.
"Dana why can't you just shut the fuck up already,all you care about is these expensive things that I buy you and it's still not enough to make you happy!" He yells as he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs,"Pleaseeeeee miggy I promise I will be the happiest woman in the world after you buy me this necklace." Didn't take him too long to finally give in.
"c'mon Gabby you're going to be late to soccer practice!" You hurry and fill up her water bottle."Dad's going to pick you up from practice today so meanwhile you're at practice I'll pack your change of clothes."okay mommy!"Once y'all settle in the car y'all hurry off to the field."Bye Gabby I love you!" "I love you too mommy!"
Miguel had many sleepless nights thinking about you,by sleepless I mean by him going out to bars or after work or going to the nearest gas station and buying a dozen of beers just to drink half of them in his front porch before Dana even notices.Yeah he thinks about you a lot just the two of you cuddled up in bed or on the couch while y'all whisper sweet things to each other,i mean how tf is this bitch going to think about you this way after cheating on you.
"Daddy, mommy said to drive to the house to pick up my bag since we were running late she didn't have enough time to pack it." "Alright dear what ever you say." As he makes a u turn driving to the direction of the house.
"Ok,there's her clothes,iPad,dolls and swimsuit let me know if I missed anything." Nope I'm pretty sure you didn't." He says as he looks through the bag."well bye I guess.""w-wait" he says as he grabs your wrist,"what is it?" "Can he just please work this out I know that cheating on you was wrong but I'm a completely different man now I promise I won't treat you that way ever again.." you look at him as you sigh knowing that if you let your feelings get in the way this would end up in "one thing led to another" situation which is very immature."Miguel I'm sorry but..I don't think we could go back to how it was it.. just wouldn't be the same." "I know and I'm sorry it's just that Dana is being a total bitch right now an-" you were furious,not that because he wanted to get back together it was because of his stupid excuse."so you want to get back together because your girlfriend isn't treating you the way you want her to?" "No I didn't mean it that way it's just I've been thinking about us lately...yk maybe it could work out this time." "Why are you saying that as if we've broke up and gotten back together multiple times,I'm not your side piece and it won't be easy to get back together and you can't just say that you want be together again out of the blue that's just..dumb" You were out of words and so was he,you practically left the man speechless."just think about it, gabby wont have to grow up thinking that co parenting is normal and that it's ok.. i mean we should set a great example on how a real relationship is supposed to look like and it's ok to let our feelings get in the way sometimes." He was right,it wouldn't be ok to set an example that it's ok to be hoeing around co-parenting to your daughter,and that you both know that deep down y'all still love each other,maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
this is us ~ jjk | 9
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jungkook feels guilty about what he did.
✨ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, bff's younger brother ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) you can read them here on AO3 & Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✨ 10 ~ a blast from the past: part three
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chapter nine ~ a blast from the past: part two | wc: 8.4k warnings: flashback to 18-year-old-jungkook, he's young, naïve and wants get his dick wet, alex is a menace to society and jungkook, language, kissing, touching, groping, oral (m,f receiving), spitting, throat fucking, cum swallowing, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, jungkook gets the clap, jungkook denies a hand job, allusions to sex
Jungkook woke up in a cold sweat. He could barely sleep the night before, tossing and turning, dreaming about a girl that wasn't you, as you were lying next to him. He didn't mean to and didn't want to, but he did.
The first thing on his mind was Alex. He couldn't stop thinking about why she was here. The meeting at work didn't reveal anything. It was mostly just an introduction to who she was and her role in the company.
The events from the day before replayed like a horror movie in his head. He shook the image and turned to face you, sleeping peacefully, not knowing what a shitty boyfriend he was.
His mind ran rampant, thinking about how you would handle the news - news of him practically feeling up his ex and kissing her back. God --he felt so lousy and lame and pathetic. He'd completely understand if you'd never want to see him again. You'd already gone through so much with U-jin cheating on you, and now...he was no different, was he?
He kept telling himself it was a moment of weakness and poor choices. It was like he was transported back into the mind and body of his 18-year-old self, remembering what it felt like to be with Alex, what it felt like to be wanted and needed.
Jungkook's stomach twisted and turned, his face grimacing as Alex was still at the forefront of his mind. He couldn't tell now if the growing erection in his sweats was because of you or her.
Closing his eyes in hopes of getting rid of his thoughts, he fluttered them open, moving a strand of hair from your face and gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. You looked like a plump baby cherub when you slept, so he thought, chuckling to himself, finding you endearing in the early hours of the morning. Your mouth was slightly agape, with small puffs of air escaping. He could see your eyes slightly moving while still closed. You were probably going to be awake soon.
He wanted to talk to you and explain everything that happened, and he didn't want to keep that from you. He didn't ever want to lie, that wasn't him, but he needed time to figure out what to say.
His phone was tucked underneath the pillow, and he reached for it, checking to see the time. It was early, 6:30 AM. This was a good time to hurry and get up before you did. He needed to get his mind off of everything. He'd leave a note telling you where he was in case you became worried. He couldn't bear to be next to you with keeping what he did with Alex a secret.
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The boxing gym was quiet for a Saturday morning. He set his gym bag down on the bench as he opened his locker, which was filled with dust. Jungkook sifted through a few things, searching for the roll of hand wraps. His trainer, Johnny, walked into the locker room, surprised to find Jungkook.
Johnny snickered. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up finally. Thought I'd have to come to hunt you down myself."
Jungkook scoffed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah... I've been busy, and I have a life, you know," he said, beginning to wrap his hands. It's been a minute since Jungkook's stepped into the boxing gym - you and work were keeping him busy. But today was different. He needed another outlet to let out all of his pent-up stress.
"I bet your form is shit now," Johnny teased, stepping closer to Jungkook, pretending to spar with him.
"Oh  yeah ?" Jungkook raised his brows. He was always confident in everything he pursued. He gave it his all, not just a hundred percent, more like a hundred and ten percent.
"We'll see once you step in the ring," Johnny taunted again.
Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head. Being back at the boxing gym was good, and maybe this would keep him distracted from you and Alex - mostly  Alex.
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"Yah--you have something you need to get off your chest?"
Jungkook was breathing heavily, practically panting, "What? No, I'm good. Come on." He got back into his stance, waiting for Johnny to continue.
"As I said, your form is shit right now," Johnny said, holding up his mitts for Jungkook to strike again.
"Shut up, Johnny," Jungkook retorted. He was taking his anger out on Johnny, which probably wasn't the smartest thing. He knew Johnny could knock him out if he wanted to. As much as he tried to keep Alex out of his mind, she did what she did best - leeching on and sucking the life out of him.
Johnny tested his jabs and blocks, could tell he wasn't in the right headspace, and stopped. "I've been doing this for a long time Jungkook-ah. I know when something is bothering you."
Jungkook punched the mitt harshly, making Johnny stumble back. He held himself up, preventing himself from falling over. Jungkook wiped the sweat from his forehead and took off toward the locker room. He removed his gloves and started to unwrap the tape binding his hands, throwing it on the ground out of frustration. Looking up, he saw himself in the mirror. Turning around, he punched the locker next to his, leaving a dent. He groaned loudly as he pulled his hand away, looking at the damage he had impaled upon himself.
"Fuck!" Boxing wasn't helping.  Nothing was helping. He wished he could go back to yesterday and undo everything - no, he wished he could go back in time and never meet Alex.
" Whoa,  man...you okay?" Jin asked as he walked into whatever this crisis was.
Jungkook grimaced, looking at his hand, which was now covered with cuts and scrapes. It was a stupid thing to do because now he'd have to explain what happened. He was in agony over this whole thing. He  hated  himself so much. He couldn't bear to see the look on your face once he told you what he did.
"Is this about Alex? What the hell happened with you two anyway?" Jin asked, waiting for an answer. "I go out for some fresh air during karaoke, and then you're gone when I come back."
Obviously, Jin knew Jungkook and Alex had something going on. Why else would Jungkook be so distraught and act out of character? It wasn't like him. Jungkook completely ignored him and continued on his way to open up his locker and grab his things.
"I'll see you later, hyung," Jungkook mumbled on his way out.
But Jin wouldn't let him go so easily. "Yah--yah!" Jin yelled, catching up to Jungkook while walking to his car. Jin pushed the door shut just as Jungkook was opening it. "Come on, man, talk to me. What's going on? This isn't like you."
Jungkook's jaw tensed up before letting out an exhale. "I fucked up."
"You hungry?"
The drive to the brunch spot was pure silence. Jin wanted to interrupt the awkwardness with new jokes he learned, but he could sense it wasn't the right place and time - the distress from Jungkook was enough for him to bite his tongue.
After receiving their food, Jungkook kept indulging in it and avoiding the conversation he alluded to earlier with Jin. Finally, he was fed up.
"Bro--you gonna tell me what's going on, or should I start making assumptions?" Jin asked.
Jungkook was midway chewing through his potatoes, swallowing the biggest gulp Jin had seen - it almost looked like it hurt. But Jungkook continued eating instead of answering Jin's question.
Jin nodded. "Okay fine. Lemme take a stab at what this could be about. Let's start when I brought Alex in, hmm? You started acting super strange - pretty nervous, I might say. I leave the two of you alone for a mere five minutes in the office, and I come back in, and she's practically feeling you up. And then, she can't keep her eyes off of you the whole time while we're at karaoke, and stupid of me to leave you two alone again, because I come back and you're gone. So, if you're not telling me what happened, I will assume the worst. Did you kiss her?"
He glared at his friend and colleague, waiting for him to answer, but his silence warranted what Jin suspected. "Did you tell your girlfriend?"
No, Jungkook thought, 'cause he fucked you instead of telling you the truth.
"I'm guessing that's a no," Jin sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He felt as though he was caught between a rock and a hard place. Jin loved his friend, and he'd grown fond of you too, but it wasn't his place to say anything.
"I'm going to tell her," Jungkook stressed as he pushed around the rest of his food with his fork. "I'm...just mustering up the courage."
"It's just a kiss, right? What's so hard about telling her about that, unless..." Jin stared blankly at his friend.
Jungkook licked his lips, his other hand nervously picking at the non-existent hair on his chin.
"Please don't tell me there's something else." Another nod of silence from Jungkook confirmed Jin's suspicions. "What did you do, Jungkook-ah?" Jin asked, rubbing his hand over his mouth in exasperation.
He was clearly avoiding Jin's burning glare, about to tell him what he did, but Jin interrupted.
"You know what," Jin held his hands up to stop him. "I don't want to know for fear that I'll have to resist the temptation to strangle you."
"Hyung...I already feel like shit, so please, don't say anything to anyone. I'm going to talk to her, I promise."
After brunch, Jungkook dropped Jin off at home. Peering up, he remembered your first "official" date when he brought you here. He chuckled, being reminded of Jin's note not to fuck at his place, and the two of you didn't, but that didn't mean you didn't have your hands all over each other,  not  watching the movie he chose that night.
Before Jin walked to his front door, he paused, turning back to the car, gesturing for Jungkook to roll his windows down.
"You gonna be okay, Jungkook-ah?"
He shrugged because he really didn't know how everything would turn out. He could only assume the worst, and he was prepared for it. Did he want to work this out in whatever way he could? Of course - he didn't want to lose you. You're everything he's wanted. At this point, he was willing to do whatever it took to be with you.
Jin grabbed Jungkook's shoulder, rubbing it to reassure him. "Let me know if you need anything, 'kay?"
Jungkook nodded, rolling his windows back up, his face in his hands, agonizing about what to do next. He knew he should go home and talk to you.
He checked his phone. Nearly two in the afternoon, and a few missed texts from you.
Baby  💫 8:30 AM
Hiiiiiii. You fuck me like a crazy person, and then I wake up alone. You're such a tease! When will you be home? Thought we could hang out WITH our clothes on lol
 Baby  💫 9:27 AM
Gonna meet up with Yuna and Hyunie. See you tonight.
Baby  💫 12:34 PM
Omg babyyy! This aglio e olio is to die for! Wish you could taste
it. We have to come here.
Jungkook  1:56 PM
Hi baby. I was at the boxing gym and had brunch with Jin. Might go on a drive but I'll try not to take too long, 'kay? Love you.
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-  2015  -
There were many instances where Jungkook had hoped he was born first instead of his sister. He often observed the funny and clumsy girl with framed glasses from afar, wondering if he would even have a slim chance of her being his. She was over every day after school because her parents constantly argued about something. She often found solace with Jungkook and Yuna. And, of course, he didn't mind having her there, spending almost every waking moment with her.
The final month before 18-year-old Jungkook finished high school, he applied to several schools in the States and was waiting to hear back to see if he was accepted.
He sat nervously at the dinner table with two envelopes in front of him, afraid to open them to discover his fate. He worked hard these last few years to catch up with his schoolwork and to graduate on time with his friends. He only found something he was passionate about once he discovered a love for drawing and gaming.
His 28-year-old crush entered the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something sweet to drink. You scanned the fridge and glanced at the young boy staring at the envelopes in front of him, nervously tapping his fingers on the table.
"You have to use your hands to open the envelopes. They won't open themselves," you teased, finding a bottle of banana milk on the middle shelf.
He didn't answer but continued to stare at the envelopes. You came over to the table and pulled up a chair next to him, puncturing a hole through the foil of the banana milk. As soon as the straw went through the top, Jungkook grabbed the bottle from you and started chugging down the bottle.
"Yah!" You shouted at him, annoyed at this bratty boy.
He stopped to take a breath. "Noona, you need to open these for me, please. I can't do this." He pushed the envelopes towards the beautiful girl with her hair in a messy top knot bun. His favorite look on you was a plus when you also had on your big nerdy glasses.
You opened the one from Otis College of Art and Design. You scanned the letter without giving away any indication of acceptance or rejection. You turned the letter over, grabbed the next one from Woodbury University, and did the same thing.
He sat there waiting patiently for you to tell him, but you went ahead and grabbed the banana milk he had basically finished. You tried slurping, but there was nothing left. With his wide eyes glaring, you finally broke the silence and chuckled.
"Well...? Noona, tell me, please. I can't breathe," his eyes darting from the envelopes to you to get any kind of reaction.
"Sorry, Kook...you didn't get in," you answered, trying to hold in your laugh. You cleared your throat and attempted to compose yourself again.
He frowned and looked devastated when you told him, but you couldn't lie to your little bunny.
"I'm kidding, Kook. Pack your bags. It looks like you're headed to California," you beamed, reaching across to ruffle his bowl haircut and pinch his cheeks. "My whittle googie is a big wabbit now."
He held your hands, and you continued pinching his cheeks, treating him like a little baby. Then Yuna walked in.
"What's going on?" Yuna asked.
"Jungkookie got into both of the schools in California!" you exclaimed, clapping your hands.
Yuna walked over and hugged him from behind. "Good job Kookie! I knew you could do it. That means we have to start packing, huh?"
"My whittle bunny," you teased him in a baby voice. "Who am I going to bother now that you'll be gone," continuing in your normal voice.
A part of him wished he didn't get in. A part of him wanted to stay. "I'll come back and visit, or you guys could make a trip out and visit me," he suggested.
"Oh, I would love to visit California! I hear it's beautiful. We should do it." Yuna exclaimed.
"Both schools are in Los Angeles, right? I definitely want to go to the beach there!  Ooh --okay, now I'm excited," you squealed at the possibility of visiting.
Jungkook was already thinking about everything he'd take you to do and see. He'd love to be your tour guide once he is all settled in.
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When Jungkook arrived at his dorm, the door was ajar, and he opened it further. "Hello?... Is anyone here?" He announced as he now fully stood in the room. No one was in sight, but he noticed a set of suitcases in front of the closet.
He heard two voices coming behind him, laughing and chatting as they entered the room. Two boys entered the room, one with a brown bowl haircut and the other with dyed orange hair. They stopped their chatter once they saw their new roommate.
"Oh-hey, what's up, man?" The orange-haired boy held his hand out to Jungkook. "I'm Jimin," Jungkook reciprocated, giving him a nod, "and this is Taehyung."
"'Sup, man?"
"I'm Jungkook," he said sheepishly, nervous, unsure what to do or say. It seemed they already knew each other, and Jungkook was the odd man.
Jimin brushed past Taehyung, plopping himself on the bottom bunk, splayed on top of the navy duvet, and Taehyung did the same but on the top bunk.
Jungkook decided the best thing to do was unpack. Even though he had just got off an eleven-hour flight, he knew he needed to stay up for the jet lag to wear off. Unzipping his large suitcase on top of his bed, he began stashing his undergarments and socks into a drawer while separating his shirts and bottoms.
"What's your major?" Taehyung propped himself on his elbows, peering at Jungkook.
Holding a few folded shirts between his hands, he turned to answer Taehyung's question. "Game Art and Design. What about you?"
"Cool. I'm doing filmmaking, Jimin's boring, and he's doing marketing."
Jimin took a fist and punched the bottom of Taehyung's bunk. "Yah--You'll need my help marketing all the porn you want to make."
"It's not porn! They're erotic films."
Jimin scoffed. "Same thing."
The two continued to bicker, and Jungkook couldn't help but smile. They were all going to get along just fine.
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It's been four months since Jungkook called home. He figured he should video call his big sister so she wouldn't worry about him. His mom was already leaving multiple voicemails and text messages asking him to call her back, and he might as well video call to get it over with.
"Well, well, well, look who decides to call," Yuna teased him.
"Ha-ha, very funny, Noona. I've been busy."
"Too busy to call your own family? "
"Sorry," he mumbled, knowing the  real  reason why he was always tied up.  Literally.
But his heart skipped a beat when he heard the familiar voice he was always so fond of. He missed hearing the sweet sound of you.
Moving into the frame, you peeked your head in. "Yah--cool guy...We let you leave, and you never call anymore? Rude,"  your arms were crossed, pretending to be mad at him.
He blushed, thinking you were cute. " Noona ..." he whined, "You have to let me live life a little. You know...get some life experience." Whatever that meant - but he definitely got a lot of life experience these past few months.
"Just don't do anything stupid, okay? I don't wanna have to fly all the way over there and kick your ass."
He chuckled. You were always saying things like that. He knew you had his best interest at heart and would forever look out for him. To be honest, he low-key wanted to do something stupid just so you'd come to rescue him.
"Here, talk to him for a second. I think Namjoon's gonna burn down the kitchen if I don't help him."
Jungkook nodded slowly, unsure of what to say next. He wasn't expecting to talk to you. He was expecting to talk to Yuna. "So...what are you guys doing?"
"We're just hanging out at Yuna's, having dinner. Well, more like burning dinner."
"Who's we?"
"Me, Yuna, Namjoon, and U-jin."
He threw a little in his mouth at mentioning that name. Guess you were still with that douche. He thought you would have dumped him by now, and he thought you deserved better.
"What about you? What are you up to?"  
"I'm just in my dorm, studying. I decided to take a break and call."
"Are you enjoying your time there? Making friends?"
"Yeah, I am...it's been fun. I miss home, though." He really wanted to say that he missed you and probably thought about you too often at night when his roommates were gone. He missed the warmth of your voice, the kindness from your eyes, the softness of your hair...he could go on and on. He should stop before he got a hard-on while talking to you.
"Aw, Jungkookie. I'm so happy to hear that!"
Jungkook adjusted himself in the chair, and you saw something that caught your eye.
"...are you in your underwear while talking to us?!"  You cringed and hid your eyes behind your hand.
"What? No." He moved, revealing he was in shorts.
You peeked through your hand and laughed. "Is that what the cool kids are wearing these days? Leather jackets and bright blue shorts?"
He smirked. "Yup. I'm a cool kid now... Nah, I'm heading out with my roommates and a friend after this."
"Ah, okay. Well, I won't keep you then. It was good seeing you, Jungkookie. Don't be a stranger and call your mom and Yuna more, but I'll let you go."
He heard Yuna yelling in the background. "Tell him we love him."
"We love you, Jungkookie. We're so proud of you."  You flashed a big smile and waved before hanging up on him.
"I love you too..." he trailed off as the screen went dark. It's been a while since he's seen you, and he soaked up every second he could. Your hair had grown out just a smidge, and there was a hint of blonde peeking from your hair, and he also noticed the new glasses adorning your pretty face.
He'd thought about texting you many times, wanting to see how you were doing, to catch up on life, wanted to know all the new shows you were working on, wanted to know all the gossip happening with the actors on set. But it would be weird for him to message you out of the blue, wouldn't it? He'd much rather talk to you than his sister. Yuna would just scold him for this and that, but you...well, you'd do the same, but you'd do it because you genuinely cared - and not out of obligation like his sister.
A knock at Jungkook's door interrupted his thoughts of you. He quickly stood to open it, and rushing in was Alex, immediately pushing him against the door, connecting her mouth to his. "God, I missed you so much," she whispered, kicking the door closed behind her, beginning to mark Jungkook's neck with purple bruises.
"Ale --aren't we meeting Tae and Jimin at the club?" Jungkook groaned when Alex palmed him through his blue shorts, stroking his growing erection.
She pulled away to look at him, shaking her head. "Told them we're gonna have a quiet night in and that they should go without us."
If Jungkook could describe Alex, she was a menace to society and more so to him. He had met her in his Public Speaking class, as she was the TA, then she began popping up everywhere, like in his Figure Drawing class, where she was the live model. She became interested in him when she realized his talent, especially drawing. She said she could help him excel by being his personal model. Of course, Jungkook being young and naïve, he fell for her tactics, and now here he was, probably about to fuck her senseless, just like how she liked it.
To be honest, it wasn't love. It was infatuation. Lust. Purely sex, nothing else. He never thought his first encounter with sex would be like this. He thought he'd be in love long before thinking about having sex. But it was a stupid, innocent dream.
"You want me to do what?" His doe eyes widened at her.
"I want you to fuck my throat," Alex explained again. Such an innocent mind that she was going to fuck up, she thought.
Alex laughed. "Oh god, Jungkook. You don't want me to suck off that fat cock of yours?"
"No...I just...don't want to hurt you, that's all."
She smirked. "You're cute."
"Don't call me that," he pouted. He didn't want to be cute. He wanted to be taken seriously, and it seemed she still thought of him as a baby sometimes.
"But you are, and you won't hurt me."
"Are you sure?"
"Oh, come on..." She urged, starting to palm him again through his shorts. "You're already rock hard after just talking about you fucking my throat? You're so fucking adorable. I can't stand it." Alex grunted before pulling down his shorts, letting his cock spring out, and stroking it. Jungkook moaned in response. He wasn't sure if he could actually do what she wanted, but he was willing to try anything.
"Come on, big boy. Show me what you got," she stated, kneeling, facing the massive cock in front of her, then peering up at him through her lashes. "God, I love having you in my mouth so much," she said, gathering her saliva and spitting on his swollen cock. Her hand spread the saliva up and down his shaft, causing Jungkook's eyes to flutter shut and his cock to twitch in her hand. She loved seeing him writhe and squirm before her. Her favorite thing in this world was her sweet, innocent, naïve doe-eyed boy.
Alex swirled her tongue around his reddened tip, then laid her tongue flat underneath his length, slowly taking him in, inch by inch, along the prominent vein, causing him to hiss and curse under his breath. She tugged him closer, pushing him even further inside her mouth. Jungkook's head lolled against the wooden armoire, breathing heavily as Alex bobbed up and down.
Suddenly, Alex pulled away. "Come on, baby. I said fuck my throat," she smirked, resting from her previous position on her knees to tucking her feet underneath her ass. Her eyes gazed at the sweet boy in front of her.
All of this was still new to Jungkook. Again, he had been seeing Alex for the last four months, not dating. It was more just crazy, insane sex when they were together. He had an idea of what she liked, considering what she was asking him to do. So, he thought he should surprise her.
"You want me to fuck your throat?"
She nodded.
"Then beg," he deadpanned.
Alex cocked an eyebrow, thinking that she'd taught him so well. "Please, Kookie. I need that big fat cock to fucking ruin me ."
He grabbed the base of his erection, stroking and tugging while the tip leaked pre-cum. "You're such a slut for this cock, huh?" he had heard that line from watching porn.
Alex hummed, almost giggling at how confident he was becoming.
Jungkook gently stroked her rosy cheek, then tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear before his hand gripped the back of her head, pushing Alex toward his hardened length. "Open your mouth," he stated boldly.
She grinned as he asked, opening as wide as she could before Jungkook's hips rolled forward, bucking himself into her mouth. He pushed as far as he could a few times, making her gag, eyes glistening from the tears forming and slowly falling from the corner of her eyes. Her saliva began to run down her chin as Jungkook continued thrusting into her mouth, pushing against the back of her throat. He groaned loudly, chasing the climax building within, his knees starting to buckle, almost losing his composure.
Jungkook wouldn't be able to last any longer. It was too much for him to handle. "Wai...wait...where can I cum?" he asked, breathing heavily, trying to keep his composure.
Alex pulled off, amplifying a loud pop along with saliva when she did. "In my mouth, bunny. Where else?"
"Are...are you sure?" He was afraid that he wouldn't want to come anywhere else but her mouth if he did that.
She answered by putting his cock back in her mouth, rapidly bobbing up and down, digging her acrylics into the back of his thighs. She took his hands, making him grab her hair. He saw it as a sign that she wanted him to thrust harder into her, and he did so willingly. The pent-up tension brewing in the pit of his stomach finally found its sweet release. A few slips of curses and moans left his mouth as she milked everything he had in him.
"Fucking hell--"
Alex swallowed his cum, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "So...did you like that?" she asked, the corners of her lips curving into a smile.
Jungkook down at her, nodding shamefully. "I did...it felt dirty," he stated, helping her stand.
Alex laughed, finding him absolutely adorable. So young, so innocent. "Oh, bunny, you have no idea what I'm capable of."
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The next couple of months continued like this, with Alex in control and Jungkook doing as she asked. He never once questioned her wants and needs, mostly because he liked having sex with her, and he didn't know if he'd ever get to have anyone like this ever again.
One thing that struck Jungkook was that he'd never been to Alex's place. They often had sex in his dorm or the most random places - his heart raced when they were in semi-public spots.
During the week of finals, Jungkook could be found in the library like many other students, but Alex had something else in mind. She discovered Jungkook diligently studying at a table with Jimin and Taehyung. She crept up behind him, snaking her arms around his neck, whispering something indistinct in his ear, causing him to turn his head. He excused himself from his friends, but Jimin and Taehyung weren't stupid - they knew their sex tells. So fucking obvious.
Alex dragged Jungkook past the history book section, opening the door to the broom closet and locking it as she shoved Jungkook in. She turned around with darkened eyes, watching him like he was her next meal. Walking over, her hands splayed against his toned chest, Alex shuddered, thinking about how far along Jungkook had come. From the innocent boy she started playing with for fun to the sexy young man she was teaching him to be.
Jungkook strayed towards her, his hands tangled in her hair, pulling her to him, connecting his mouth to hers. His kisses were usually slow and gentle, but not this time. They were hungry, impatient - tongue fiery and frantic. He hooked his arms under her thighs, lifting her up and causing a small yelp.
Alex loved when he was dominant, it took him a while to get to where they were, but it was all worth it, she thought. He laid her down on a table filled with cleaning supplies, but he didn't care. He pushed them aside. She propped herself up, waiting to see his next move.
Jungkook lifted one of her legs, pressing kisses along her ankle, shin and thigh, putting it down to do the same to the other. She grinned at him, teasing her. The wetness was already apparent when he pulled her lace panties aside, pussy aching for his touch. He inserted two fingers into her slit, then withdrew to spread her arousal on her folds, circling a few times before rubbing her clit, causing her to bite back a moan, which was a first. She wasn't one to be quiet during sex.
He dropped to his knees, adjusting the erection in his grey sweats. Alex slid off her panties, throwing them off to the side, ready and waiting for Jungkook. He hooked her thighs, pulling her closer to the edge, so he could have better access. Kissing her clit, then flicking his tongue short and quick. Her legs began to shake as he lapped between her folds for a few minutes, then lowered himself, darting his tongue into her entrance.
Alex writhed and squirmed underneath his touch. "Fuck, that mouth of yours is gonna kill me. I taught you so well," she moaned, looking down at the boy with darkened eyes who was huddled in between her legs.
Jungkook continued relishing in the pussy he grew to love so much within these last few months, one he would never get tired of. He stood on his feet, hovering over Alex, pushing up the sweater in between what he wanted. His mouth enveloped her nipple, gently biting as he pulled away, then kissing the top of her breasts while letting two fingers slip inside her pussy, causing lewd sounds to fill the small closet.
"I need you in me, bunny. Please," Alex whined before connecting her mouth to his, reaching to palm his hardened length, stroking him through his sweats. "God, I love your cock so much. Please, baby, fill me up like a good boy?"
He withdrew his fingers and stood, pulling down his sweats and boxers just enough to let his cock spring out. He grabbed the base of his shaft, slowly stroking himself. With darkened eyes, he told Alex to get down and turn around for him, which she willingly did. Jungkook lifted her skirt, plump ass on full display, his hand massaging one cheek while the other continued to jerk himself off, getting ready to stuff her.
Being with Alex was exciting because he never knew what she'd have up her sleeve, like today - fucking inside the library's broom closet. The thrill of being caught got Jungkook's blood pumping, primarily to his dick, but regardless, he loved it.
Jungkook placed himself at her entrance, spreading her slick with his tip. Alex mewled, pushing her ass towards him, urging him to hurry.
"I don't have a condom."
"I'm on the pill. Don't worry so much, bunny. Come on, cock in pussy.  Now ."
He hesitated for a mere second before saying fuck it and pushing himself into her. "Shit --" Forgetting how much he loved going raw, even though he knew it was stupid to do so. He took a moment to calm himself, hands grasping tightly onto her hips, beginning to rut rapidly into her cunt, pounding repeatedly. "Fuck --you're so tight," he hissed. "Always so fucking tight for me."
Alex peered over her shoulder with a grin as she watched Jungkook's cock disappear into her. "You fuck like a cute little bunny. So eager," eliciting a moan while Jungkook thrusts harder and deeper into her.
Jungkook's eyes suddenly widened, quickly pausing. "Sorry..." Thinking he was too impatient with her.
She chuckled. "No, I like it. Keep going. You're doing so well," she praised the young man with big doe eyes.
He rolled his hips, fucking her as hard as he could, sweat beginning to form on his hairline and temples. Jungkook watched Alex's ass bounce vigorously as he continued pounding as hard as possible, making the table squeak beneath them.
"Bunny--just like that. Fuck--fuck--ah!" Alex cried, holding her hand out against the shelf in front of her to keep herself steady. "Shit -I'm gonna come."
Jungkook bit down on his lower lip, grasping tighter, imprinting his hands on her hips. Alex finally let a cry of pleasure, clenching and creaming around Jungkook's cock. He fucked her through her orgasm, and now in hopes of chasing his. It had been building for quite some time. He was nearly at the cusp. The muscles in his abdomen tightened, pooling with fire, ready to burst into flames.
Alex reached back to play with his balls, and that's what pushed Jungkook over the edge. The tension in his abdomen snapped, painting her walls with his cum. He grunted through the last few thrusts, emptying himself into her pussy. Jungkook panted, breathing heavily as he slumped over on top of Alex, kissing her back.
"You're gonna be the death of me."
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As the school year ended, Jungkook barely made it through his final exams and projects. The one thing bothering him wasn't stressing over them, but it was something else.
" Bro --what the fuck are you doing?" Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook with his pants down. He and Jimin had just returned from dinner and found Jungkook in a compromising position in the bathroom.
"Dude-- get the fuck out! " Jungkook cried, trying to close the door but considering it was two versus one, his chances weren't looking good.
The two of them held the door open. "Are you checking out your balls?" Jimin laughed, falling over to Taehyung, trying to hold himself up. But they couldn't help but laugh at their young friend.
Jungkook groaned, slumping over while his pants were still down. "Ah--shit!  It fucking hurts."
"Your balls hurt? Here, lemme see," Taehyung stated.
"Get the fuck away from my balls," Jungkook threatened his friend.
"Bro--just lemme see them."
Ten minutes later, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung were sitting on Jungkook's bed, staring blankly outside their dorm room window. With the amount of sex, all three were having with different girls, minus Jungkook, only having sex with Alex, one of them was bound to get something. Stupid boys.
"Can't believe you got the fucking clap, bro," Taehyung said, shaking his head. "I knew she was gonna give you something."
"Shut up," Jungkook turned to Taehyung, shoving him on the bed. "Fuck, man," he groaned, throwing himself back.
"What are you gonna do?" Jimin asked. He was concerned for his friend, mainly because this was Jungkook's first sexual partner, and then to end up with an STD too. Poor kid, he thought.
"Gotta talk to Alex, I guess. What else am I supposed to do?"
"She's definitely fucking someone else besides you, Jungkookie. How else do you get an STD?" Taehyung's comment wasn't reassuring Jungkook at all. It was worrying him even more. "Unless..." Taehyung's head sprung up, glaring at Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed. "I'm not having sex with anyone else, only Alex." But fuck, Taehyung was right. How else could he have gotten it? Then he remembered something. "SHIT!"
"What?" Jimin and Taehyung asked.
"I went down on her too."
Jimin and Taehyung scooted away from him for fear of getting the clap.
"You guys are so stupid. You can't get the clap from me unless you're sucking my dick."
The two jokingly gagged. "Get away from us, Jungkookie!" Taehyung teased the young man.
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Alex was a hard person to get a hold of when Jungkook needed something, and he clearly needed to get to the bottom of this. He asked everyone he could and finally got an answer from one of his classmates, saying they saw her head into one of his professor's offices.
When Jungkook arrived, he lightly knocked on the door, not hearing a response even though he could hear movement and sounds from the other side. With the door ajar, he peered in, discovering a scene he thought he'd never find in a million years.
"What in the actual  fuck ?" Jungkook's jaw tensed, fist clenched as he caught Alex half-naked, straddling his professor.
Alex didn't look fazed at all. Instead, she grinned, "Wanna join?" She continued to rut against the man. 
But Jungkook's professor looked mortified at the sight of him.
"You're fucking disgusting. Don't ever talk to me again."
"Bunny ..." she pouted, standing up, pulling down her dress, and chasing after him. "I'm sorry."
Jungkook scoffed. Her apology didn't sound genuine one bit. Did she have any guilt or remorse? Their professor was fucking married, for Christ's sake. He shook his head, thinking about how many months he's wasted on her.
She held onto his arm, but Jungkook quickly ripped it from under her. He was disgusted, didn't know what to do with himself, and needed to scrub every inch of his body to rid himself of her. Jungkook gave her the once-over with such loathing in his expression. "Bye, Alex." Then he glanced over at his professor, who was trying to hide his embarrassment in his hands, which was in no way going to help. "By the way, she's got the clap, and now, so do you."
Jungkook huffed, beating himself up along the way back to his dorm. He was so stupid. Stupid to think that Alex actually liked him, thought that maybe if he were good enough, she would want more with him, perhaps even be his girlfriend. But Jungkook was nothing more than a plaything to her. At this moment, he contemplated calling you, asking you for advice on what to do because you always knew what to say. But he also didn't want to tell you what he had been up to, how stupid he's been to have let his dick get the best of him.
He cried out when he arrived at his room, thinking his roommates were out. Jimin immediately popped up from his deep sleep. "What's going on? What happened?" Jimin asked with rest still heavy on his eyes.
"Fuck-man. Fucking Alex-I can't believe her."
"What? What did she do?" Jimin now sitting up, rubbing his eyes, trying to pay attention to his friend.
"She was fucking Professor X." They referred to him because he looked like James McAvoy from X-men.
Jimin gasped, mouth agape. "No way. How did you find out?"
"How else? She does what she does best. Fucking people in the most public places - in his office."
"Holy shit- -" Jimin said, standing to comfort his friend. "I'm sorry, man."
Jungkook shrugged. "It's no one's fault but my own."
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Present Day
And he was right. It was no one's fault but his own.
He could've said no to Alex. He could've stepped away when she caged him against the wall. He could've made up an excuse to get out of karaoke. But once he saw her and was close to her again, it was like he was transported back into the body of the 18-year-old who was infatuated with her, longed for her, and ached for her touch. That was the kind of effect she had on him.
Jungkook didn't realize he had been driving for so long. He snapped out of it after hearing a few pings from his car, indicating new text messages. He tapped on the screen for the robotic voice to read it aloud:
Baby  💫 7:32 PM
Hey...haven't heard from you since this afternoon. Are you okay? Just wanna make sure your car didn't fall into a ditch.
Do you want to reply?
"Sorry, baby. I lost track of time, but I'm alive. I have a long drive back. Don't wait up. I'll sneak in a kiss when I get home. Love you."
Do you want to send it?
Baby  💫 7:35 PM
I don't mind waiting. See you soon.
It was nearly midnight when you decided to shut off your laptop finally. Your eyes were droopy and heavy-lidded from writing for the last few hours and waiting for your boyfriend, and you didn't anticipate him to be gone all day.
Setting your laptop on the side table, you shifted into a comfier position, pulling the fluffy duvet underneath your chin, asking Google Home to turn off the bedroom lamp. You suppose you'll just see Jungkook whenever he comes back.
A few hours had passed, and you were feeling restless. You were in the in-between stage of waking and falling asleep for the umpteenth time when you heard Jungkook shuffling in. "Hi," you mumbled, turning to face him and reaching to find his lips. "What time is it?"
"Almost two."
 You groaned, shifting into a better position. "It's so late. I thought it would've been nice to spend some time together."
"I'm sorry, baby. I went to the gym, had brunch with Jin, and then went for a drive. I didn't realize how far I had driven before turning back around," Jungkook muttered against the shell of your ear, arm draped over your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
Your eyes fluttered open, finding him shirtless, hair damp from a shower. This look was one of your favorites - him freshly out of the shower. You couldn't resist coaxing another kiss from him, which he freely gave, then you snaked your arm around his shoulders, pulling in and kissing him deeply. You could feel him trying to tear away from your kisses, and you pouted when he got his way.
He softly giggled at how affectionate you had suddenly become. Jungkook lay on his back, head buried into the soft pillow, letting out a soft yawn.
It wasn't long since Jungkook fucked you like a madman, but you always yearned for his touch. You inched closer to him, letting your hand wander to the bulge hidden underneath his boxer briefs, softly palming his length a few times, eliciting a moan from him.
Don't get him wrong. He  really  wanted you to touch him, but he felt ashamed. Guilty. He didn't feel worthy of you. Didn't deserve the pleasure you wanted to give him.
Jungkook gently gripped your wrist, pulling it away from his building erection. "I'm sorry, baby. You don't have to do that. I'm pretty wiped from today."
You cleared your throat.  Is Jungkook denying a hand job?  That was a first. "Is everything okay?" You noticed he was acting out of character. You knew something was bothering him, but you didn't want to push him to say anything until he was ready.
He pressed his lips on your forehead, pulling you in for a hug. "Yeah, I'm just tired. I had a long day, and I just want to cuddle, if that's okay."
"Yeah...of course. I missed you."
"Missed you too."
"I love you."
Jungkook bit into his bottom lip, which was quivering. "I love you so much," he whispered shakily, trying his best to hold back tears.
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Once again, when you awoke the following day, Jungkook had already disappeared. The warmth from your bed is gone. Absent. Non-existent. Whatever was on Jungkook's mind must've been eating him from the inside out because you'd never seen him like this. Quiet. Unresponsive. Typically, it was the other way around. It was always more challenging for you to share your feelings, but Jungkook... always wore his heart on his sleeve.
But the soft clinking and sizzling from the kitchen gave you some reassurance, along with the aroma of espresso filling the air. Jungkook wasn't gone - just cooking. You were grateful to know he was still here and not dodging you like you were speculating - but again, it was just speculation. You were drawing your own conclusions without actually talking to him like grown adults should be doing.
Regardless, you pushed those thoughts aside because you were happy to have Jungkook around today. The two of you could have a lazy Sunday, and life had been too busy for the both of you, and it would be nice just to laze around and do nothing.
"Morning," you announced, entering the kitchen.
Jungkook had already had a full spread of breakfast goods when you approached the counter. He turned in your direction with a soft smile. "Morning, baby," he whispered, leaning down to kiss you, which you reciprocated willingly. His denial of a hand job from last night caused some bitterness because you'd been missing his touch, so this kiss would be enough for now. He returned to his position of flipping over the bacon once more to finish cooking them off.
To say that you were horny was an understatement. Jungkook fucking you like a madman the other night sparked something very primal in you. Snaking your arms around his waist, you made it a point to press your breasts against his back.
His nose scrunched, giggling at your obvious tell, peering over his shoulder at you. He asked, "Horny?"
"Very," you shamelessly admitted while kissing his back, one hand reaching towards the elastic on his grey sweats.
"You're going to make me burn the bacon," he smirked, turning off the stove to ensure he wouldn't burn all of his hard work.
"Then you could have me for breakfast instead."
Jungkook lightly chuckled. "Sounds very tempting."
You ran your hand past the elastic underneath his boxers towards his bulge, gently palming him. "I think I want sausage this morning," you hummed. Your joke was cheesy, but you couldn't help it. You'd been aching for him all day yesterday.
He set his chopsticks down, turning to face you. "Yeah?" he grinned. "Well, I won't stop you."
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The lazy Sunday was perfect. The two of you cuddled and lazed around. Jungkook played games, and you scrolled through Netflix. Also, you were very satisfied with breakfast, especially the sausage. You made it a point to fuck him like a mad woman. It was only fair.
Towards the end of the night, while settling into bed, you noticed that Jungkook was still pretty quiet throughout the day, and whatever was on his mind was still gnawing at him.
You snuggled up to him when he climbed into bed, drawing imaginary shapes onto his chest. "Jungkook..."
"Did I do something wrong?"
Immediately, he looked at you, pulling your chin towards him. "Why would you think that?"
"I don't know. You just seem distant these past couple of days."
Was he that obvious, he thought. Shit. He was awful at hiding his feelings. Not that he should, because you deserved to know the truth. He knew that the more he put it off, the more it destroyed him.
"There's a lot on my mind, and I'll tell you soon. I promise," he stated, softly caressing your cheek.
Could you have been the annoying girlfriend and tried to get it out of him? Probably yes - but you weren't one to talk because you also had things you needed to tell him - about your miscarriage and your mother.
Peering up at him, you could see his eyes glisten, so whatever was on his mind, you figured it was serious. You croaked out a ‘kay’ before kissing his chest, your hand laying across his stomach, clutching him closely. You just hoped that whatever it was, you'd be able to weather through it together.
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✨ next ~ a blast from the past: part three
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blackhakumen · 8 months
Mini Fanfic #1175: Three Timing Rex (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Xenoblade)
1:10 p.m. Outside of Shy Guy's LA Café...........
Waluigi: (Lay the Side of his Head on the Edge of his Knuckles While Sighing) February, the shortest month of the year. Where love is in the air, the couples starts getting more mushy as ever, and us single guys are left sitting here in misery with little to no success in romance. Tragic really....
Wario: ('Heh') For you maybe. (Proudly Ats on the Top of a Treasure Chest He Found From Somewhere) I already got me a fine date right here. (Hugs his Treasure Close to Him Using One Arm) Isn't that right, Sheela?~
Waluigi: (Raises an Eyebrow) You name your treasure Sheela?
Wario: Yep. She's been sitting on some abandoned ship under the sea for like years now or some junk? (Starts Chowing Down on a Plte Filed with Croissants he Ordered) Say what you will, but I think that name fits her perfectly.
Waluigi: (Rolls His Eyes) Uh-huh, sure. (Let's Out Another Sigh) I just don't get it. (Stretch his Arms Out in a Frustrated Manner) How are we in a brand new year and I STILL don't have a girlfriend yet? I'm tall, I'm athletic, a charmer, a really good dancer-
Wario: You're also whiny, self centered, a drama queen, you keep getting out bested by Luigi on multiple occasions, not to mention you're also a cheat.
Waluigi: (Glares at Wario) Oh and like you're the one talk, fatso! And quit talking your mouth full, this isn't a barn!
Wario: I do what I please. (Let's Out a Loud Burp) I paid for all of this, didn't I?
Waluigi: ('Groans in Annoyance') Whatever! The point of the matter is that I am WAY more deserving of getting a date than any of you losers give me credit for! Hell, even more so than-(Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened at What Has Caught his Attention) That slimey, little weasel, Rex!
Wario: (Cease his Eating and Raises an Eyebrow at Waluigi in Confusion) Rex's a slime filled weasel?
Waluigi: No, not literally!- ('Urgh') (Points Wario to What He was Looking At Behind Him) Just turn around and see for yourself. Hurry!
Wario: Alright, I'm gonna! Sheesh. (Turns Around and See Rex Happily Talking to a Silver Haired Cat Girl Before Giving One Another a Hug From the Distance) Really? (Turns Back to Waluigi) This is what you're getting gung-ho about?
Waluigi: Gung-ho my foot! That twerp's standing out there socializing with another girl alone knowing damn well he has two girlfriends at home!
Wario: Waluigi, let the kid be- Wait. Two girlfriends?
Waluigi: That Pyra chick can transform into another chick name Mythra. They're different peas in one pod, remember?
Wario: Ahh right, right. Anyways, like I said: Leave the kid be, bro! I don't like him as much as you do, but just because he's talking to another girl, that doesn't automatically means he's cheating-Oh. (Eyes Starts To Widened as He Sees Rex Now Kissing with that Said Cat) Oookay, never mind. He's three-timer now.
Waluigi: (Points at Wario) Ha! Told you! (Crosses his Arms with Bragging Grin on his Face) Even in the depths of loneliness, Waluigi's never wrong.
Wario: Lonely, maybe. Being right, that's debatable really.
Waluigi: Shut up. (Turns Back to See Pyra Walking Towards the Duo in the Distance) Oh amd wouldja look at that?~ The girlfriends arrived~ Ready to slap the daylights out of that homewrecking ki- (Eyes Begins to Widened in Complete Shock at Pyra Now Kissing the Cat Girl's Lips) WAHHHHHHHHHH!?
Wario: (Let's Out a Single Chuckle) Wow. You were way off there, bro.
Waluigi: (Stares Growling Before Calming Himself) You know what? It's fine. I've seen this before.
Wario: (Turns to Waluigi) Seen what exactly?
Waluigi: (Turns to Wario) A scene I saw from that one romantic flick, that starts out exactly like that.
Wario: I don't follow.
Waluigi: (Groans While Tilting Wario Following to the Distant Scene in Front of Them) Just wait and watch! She's gonna turn around to Rex, tell him that it's over and- ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW!?
Wario: (Watches Pyra (Transforming into Mythra Shortly After) and Rex Kissing One Another in the Distance) Being wrong threes times in the row in one day. Super embarrassing. (Points Waluigi to the Cat Girl Sticking her Tongue Out, Lowering Down the Lower Part of her Eyelid and Fliping him Off) And it looks like thr cat girl over there agrees.
Waluigi: (Starts Growling Once More, Sizzling in Pure Rage) That snot-nose......(Gets Up From his Fist Angrily Shakes his Fist at the Cat Girl) Go ahead and laugh it up! Have fun spending time with a two bit loser like Rex!-
A rock suddenly flew over and hit Waluigi onto the Stomach, followed by another one hitting him on the head hard enough to make backflip and fall down onto the concrete ground, groaning in pain.
Wario: (Points and Laugh at Waluigi's Misery) Wahahahahaha! Serves you right!
Another Rock suddenly flies over and hit Wario on the head following two more hitting him on the stomach one by one.
Wario: (Woobling Around While Groaning in Pain) What did I do-
One more Rock flew by and socked Wario in the jaw, knocking him down instantly. As the two brother laid, unconscious, a Bandit Guy slowly shows up behind his table before grabbing the Treasure Chest and quickly high tailing himself out of her unscathed.
Meanwhile on the Other Side of the Sidewalk......
???: (Dusting her Hands With a Satisfied Smirk on her Face) ('Hmph') That'll keep those two muppets from messin' with us for a long while.
Rex: (Smiles Sheepishly at The Cat Girl Tight Next to Him and Mythra) You really didn't have to do all of that, Nia.
Nia: (Casually Shrugs) Perhaps. But you know how I am when it comes to jerks pickin' on sweetheart like you, 'hon~ (Playfully Pulling Rex's Cheek)
Mythra: (Watches the Wario Bros Still On the Ground in the Distance) Those two should considered themselves lucky that got off easy. (Pounds her Fist Onto the Palm of her Hand) 'Would've send them flying to space within seconds.
Nia: (Starts Pouting at Mythra) Seriously? Why didn't you stop me from throwin' rocks at them sooner?
Mythra: (Crosses her Arms) My nails would get broken. Duh.
Nia: (Groans While Rolling her Eyes) Of course. Leave ta you to try n' be more girly n' junk. What's the speical ocassion, huh? (Forms a Teasing Smirk on her Face) You miss me so much that you tryin' to look pretty for Recks n' I for our date today?~
Mythra: (Eyes Widened and Blushing Before Quickly Turning Away) ('Scoffs') A-As if! I dressed myself nicely cuz I wanted to, nothing else. (Starts Pouting a Bit) Besides, Pyra missed you a lot than I do anyway~
Mythra transform herself into Pyra.
Pyra: (Giggles Softly as She Turns to her Two Lovers) Don't listen to her~ She missed you since the day Rex and I moved here.
Rex: (Chuckles Lightly) And neither of us can't even begin to tell you how much we've been missing you since then.
Nia: (Places her Hands onto her Hips With Headstrong Smile on her Face ('Hmph') You better be. (Pulls Pyra and Rex into a Loving Group Hug) Cuz I missed the hell outta ya lots too!~ We have so much catch up on. (Forms a Seductive Smirk on her Face) A lot overdue cuddle n' lovin sessions to go through after this in case ya already forgot~
Pyra: (Giggles Some More) Oh come now~ Rexxy-Poo and I would never be so careless to forget something as important as that.
Rex: Oh no.
Nia: (Starts Snickering) Rexxy-Poo?
Rex: (Rolls his Eyes) Yes Nia, it's the nickname Pyra has given me for some time now. (Points at his Cat Girlfriend) But she's ONLY allowed to call me that!....And Mythra too whenever she's slightly brighter mood, but no one else!
Nia: Oh relax. I won't make too much fun of you for it. 'Sides, I already thought way cuter nickname to give you.
Rex: ('Sigh') If that's the case, then here's hoping I won't get me poked fun at it in the long run....
Nia: ('Tch') Please. I'll knock anyone's teeth in before they try n' mess with you, honey bun~ (Kiss Rex on the Cheek)
Pyra: Ooh~ I like that one.
Rex: (Smiles Softly) Yeah. It's not bad at all.
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want to talk some about your IDing process? do you do IDs consistently, or in chunks? also, how do you save posts you plan to describe later? i’m impressed by your work ethic so i’d love to hear how u do it so well and so much! :)
🥺🥺 Omg hi Nora!! This is so sweet!!! I don't wanna pass myself off as an expert, but I do definitely have a system that works for me, which I also talk about a little in this post!
I save posts to describe later to drafts, and my golden and most important rule is to NEVER exceed more than ten undescribed posts, because I used to regularly get up to like 60 in my first year of doing IDs and I was absolutely miserable about it </3 I literally cannot express how much this is the major reason I can be so prolific-- seeing the drafts counter up to like 8 is usually my reminder to start doing descriptions rather than continuing to scroll and fill my drafts, and it keeps me from feeling bogged down or overwhelmed! However, my cheat to this is that if I absolutely must save some extra art or whatever, I put the "overflow" in the drafts of a sideblog I use less frequently so I can clear out those as I please
I really like the "consistently vs in chunks" question, because I actually think it's both? I'm generally on mobile, so the trick has been learning how to gauge what posts I can ID as I scroll!! For example, I exclusively do text transcripts on my phone with onlineocr.net, but I've also worked out the level of complexity of art I can mentally tackle while typing on my phone. That means I'm free to save longer/more involved posts and art (like long comics or videos) to drafts until I have time to get on my computer and do a lot of IDs in one sitting!
This also means weighing the kinds of posts I'm willing to put in drafts, since as I said, I'm pretty strict about how many I save. I do a lot of comic IDs, so for those, I consider factors like whether I can use onlineocr to transcribe the text or if I'll have to type it by hand and how complex the composition is (aka, can I transcribe the panels straight to prose or is there more complicated stuff going on that I'd have to figure out how to express?). Generally, I'm more willing to save posts for whatever I'm currently hyperfixating on, since it takes less emotional energy on account of being extra fun to do and consisting of stuff I'm already putting a lot of on my blog! Sometimes I get ambitious and try to save posts for stuff I'm not as into, and they start to rot in drafts as they seem more and more taxing to do, so learning to judge that honestly can help a lot for productivity, at least for me :)
I hope this makes sense and is helpful!!! I always hesitate to label myself as some kind of authority on IDs, but I'm pretty confident about the volume that I do, so I really hope this helps you and anyone else who might need it!!!! Once again, you're so sweet, I hope you're having a great day!!! 💜💜💜
Tl;dr: to write as many IDs I do, I limit the amount of drafts I save, designate descriptions to either be done on mobile or pc, and take interest levels into account when I save posts :)
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megamattzx · 1 month
Must be a Saiyan Thing:
It was a quiet night in Mount Paozu in the Conton City reality. GT Goten and Goku Jr were currently relaxing outside looking at the night sky filled with stars as they sat next to a campfire. The Stars perfectly aligned around as they felt the breeze prickling at their skin. It was a beautiful night indeed. The two Saiyan counterparts couldn't help but marvel at the site that they were seeing.
"Wow," GT Goten finally said. Struggling to keep his astonishment at Bay. "Get a load of this sky."
"yeah it can be really pretty sometimes," Goku Jr said as you couldn't help but smile a bit after saying that. A hint of something on his mind was there but he would keep it to himself as it was a thought that always made him smile as of late.
"Speaking of pretty things," GT Goten finally said causing his brother to look at him with a hint of suspicion. "What's going on between you and that Yamelia girl?"
"what do you mean what's up?" Goku Jr quickly questioned. Not knowing where his counterpart was going with this.
"well I don't mean to stick my nose into your business or nothing," GT Goten could be heard saying. A clear indication that he might be aware of what's going on already. "But from what I can tell, there's a hint of Attraction there."
"Ppfffst WHAT!?" Goku Jr quickly said in disbelief, as if he was oblivious to what was happening. "Come on! It's not like that bro! We just flirt with each other just to mess around! That's all! For fun!"
GT Goten only playfully scoffed at his brother's remarks. "Well, that diary seems to tell a different story. From what I can tell, she's absolutely over the moon for you bro."
"Maybe but it's hard to tell if it's just genuine or it was just her coping with her flirtatious and feisty side, as well as her bashfulness at times," Goku Jr finally said. "Can't really know if she really means it or anything."
The second biological son of Goku only laughed a little bit much at Goku Jr's annoyance. "Hahaha... You're so much like dad, Kaka," GT Goten finally said between his chuckles. "Because clearly taking a hint isn't your strong suit!" He then stopped laughing as he then gave a light but genuine smile. "Not going to lie, she is pretty cute though. You should flirt with her more often. You know, just a "mess around" and whatnot."
"yeah yeah," Goku Jr said in annoyance at his brother. "I'll get right on to that!"
"Oh come on, Kaka!" GT Goten said in his still light-hearted tone as he continued. "I'm just giving my bro a hard time, is all! To be fair, I've also been oblivious to a woman's affections before."
"Really?" Goku Jr finally said with a chuckle. "How did that turn out?"
GT Goten then took a moment to ponder on that question as he thought back about his version of Marron. As well as a few others he met in his childhood and the course of his life as well. He never cheated on anyone but he had been oblivious to how girls felt about him. Hearing Marron's voice in his mind reminded him of that time. "Goten, can you at least promise something?" he heard the memory of Marron's voice in his mind. "No matter what happens on your missions and the Time Patrol, try not to do anything too reckless, please? Just try to always come back safely...."
Snapping back into the present, GT Goten took a moment to think about what happened before taking a deep breath. "Rather unpredictably," he finally said. A hint of regret was there in his voice as he did so. "The thing is we grew up together, so I guess it should have been expected!" He then thought about all the times him and his version of Marron played together and talked together. how much closer they were in comparison to how they were to Trunks at that time. It was clear he was looking back on perhaps past mistakes. "Looking back at it now in hindsight, I could see the signs clearly. But as I was starting to catch on and notice the signs, things started to get... Complicated."
"How?" Goku Jr asked with a hint of confusion.
"I met another girl," he answered truthfully as he thought about Valese.
"yeah?" Goku Jr responded.
"Before I knew it, my feelings for my closest friend were put aside for this other girl who would forever change my life," GT Goten said, thinking about how he met Valese, the times when neither of them was really comfortable with each other until they really started to talk. "At first I wasn't really sure of her, and I could tell that she wasn't really completely impressed with me either. But when we really started talking, and as time went on, we got closer. However that only made things even more complicated." He took a moment to think of all the battles he had fought and then all of a sudden the memories really started to swell in his mind. And eventually, he remembered that his version of Marron decided that she was done waiting for him and then started to be with their version of Trunks from now on. "Unfortunately fate got tired of waiting for me to wise up to things. So before I can make a decision, it made the choice for me...." There was clearly regret in his voice as he said that. A clear hint of sadness there too. "And now.... I'll never get the chance to know what could have been between me and her."
A smile then began to form on his face again as he accepted that the past was now in the past and he had to put it behind him. "But I guess you didn't have to deal with such a thing, huh Kaka," GT Goten said before looking at his brother from an alternate timeline and realizing that there was a hint of sadness in his expression.
Goku Jr would just lay there looking at the sky and his expression showed a deep depression there. Like there was an ache in his heart that he wasn't too sure of. A pain that never seemed to have gone away even after so long still fresh in his mind. Goku Jr was thinking of someone that held dear to his heart at the time. Someone he obviously lost for whatever reason. But then it clicked on the alternate of his brother Goten. He was thinking about Celia. That girl he was slowly falling in love with during his journey to save the family. Goju Jr never really talked about what really happened to her. But it was definitely something that really shook Goku Jr to the core so it was safe to assume that she died.
It was at that moment GT Goten then began to sigh. "Heartbreak all around, huh?" He finally said allowing Goku Jr to take a deep breath before he somberly responded.
"Must be a Saiyan thing......"
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illusivesoul · 10 months
WIP Word Search Game
Was tagged by @marythegizka to find the words LIGHT, FRIEND and DANGER. Thank you :)
I'll tag @quietborderline @drelldreams @judithmactir and @nowandthane to find the words Memory, Darkness and Arrival. Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
My answers under the cut.
LIGHT - From "You Make Me Feel Good Enough" an ME fic of Ashely growing up with internalized homophobia (cause of that line in the game, "I've spent my whole life fighting to get what I want. To get it done... I had to bury a lot of things" just screams closeted to me), and eventually managing to push through it in a rocky process and ending up with Samantha.
“Anyone waiting for you back home, Williams?” the woman asked before letting out a grunt of effort as she lifted the plate. “Is there anyone waiting for you?” “I asked first”’ Pennyloafer placed the metal plate against the wall, giving it a few tugs to make sure it would hold before attaching the small lightbulb into the socket and turning it on, showering that part of the trench in a dim red light. “And you already know the answer to that. Not sure why you keep asking”  “Maybe it’s cause I still can’t believe it. I mean, I'd wait for you if I had met you back on Amaterasu” “Right. Very funny” Ashley replied between grunts as she sped up the pace of her pushups, telling herself that it was just the exercise that was giving her that tingling feeling coursing through her body. “I’m serious. Pennyloafer Williams has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”
FRIEND - From a wip called BarrisBlackwall, in which Blackwall and Barris get close after the events of Champions of the Just
“Are you alright? You seem troubled” “Just… pondering on the events that transpired. How most of my friends and companions who were alive this morning now are laying on the main garden waiting for the fire of the pyre. And how if it wasn't for yours and the inquisitor’s timely arrival, we would all be crimson monsters marching at the tune of a demon across Thedas, bringing death and destruction to the land. The group that’s supposed to protect the common folk against the dangers of magic being puppeteered by a demon for Maker knows how long fills me with a sense of… I can’t even describe it” “Like realising that your superiors lied, and that the original goal that you fought for has been buried and forgotten by the lies and deceit of corrupt men?” Barris remained silent for a moment before answering “Is that what all of us men of arms have to come to terms with?” “It’s easier just being a pawn and following orders. You were fortunate in that you realised that what you were being told to do was wrong and took actions to stop it. Not all of us soldiers are so lucky”
DANGER - From a wip called Templar Stamina, which started as a small smut piece of Fenris, Carver and Bela but now is getting more deep than that lol. And cheating a little cause i have "dangerous" instead of "danger".
“Orlesians. Can’t build a hallway without turning it into a maze” “Keep going. I’m sure your training will kick in any moment” Fenris said as the templar kept tugging at the gate locking their way. “Still don’t like me? I’ve tried to change” Carver answered as the gate finally came loose from the wall, the man tossing it to the side shortly after. “You have” Fenris answered, his eyes tracing the veins that ran across the muscles in the man’s arms “Now you’re dangerous” The templar turned his head around, just in time to notice the elf quickly move his head, seeming suddenly very interested in the wall of the hall “Let’s go” Fenris uttered, quickly stepping through. “After you” Carver followed Fenris inside, the slightest curve of a smile forming on his lips.
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lover-girl-estxx · 3 months
Request for Nate or Nick Diaz Sad/angsty stuff
"I would never do that to you"
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not my gif - I couldn't come up with an idea so sorry if this is bad
"Nate?" I rolled over in bed my head was hurting like a bitch "Nate?" "Nates not here" I hear a guys voice say I open my eyes and see a guy i've only seen in Stockton a few times but heard the worst of the worst "what the fuck are you doing in here?!" I sat up only to realize that the only thing covering my chest was the blanket that slid down my body. I grabbed it pulling it to my chest "it's my room" "please tell me I got drunk and hot thats why I have no clothes on" he laughed "no we fucked that's why" "no we didn't" "yes we did" he nodded, my eyes were already slightly filling I leaned over grabbing my clothes getting dressed quickly "wheres my bag?" "how the fuck should I know" he said I sighed and left the room as soon as I did tears were going down my face as I went around the house trying to find my bag.
Nate<3: Morning how are you feeling after last night?
At this point I was sobbing, I couldn't walk all the way back to my house so I texted and asked if my friend Justice to come get me which she said yes to. "oh my gosh are you okay?" she asked as I got in the car "no" I brought my legs to my chest "what happened?" "I just cheated on Nate..." "why the fuck would you do that?" "I didn't mean to I just woke up in bed with a guy I was so drunk I don't remember..Nates gonna hate me" "no" she hugged me.
It was later in the day and I knocked on the door of Nate and Nicks house "hey mamas!" he smiled before looking me up and down his smile falling "you okay?' he asked "no"he stepped forward to give me a hug and I backed away "what?....come in" I stepped in and followed behind him to his room. "what's up?" he sat on his bed "um last night I drank a lot more than I should have.." I took a deep breath "I ts fine if you drank to much" he shrugged "not done um I woke up in bed with a guy he said we-we hooked up" "you fucked a guy?!" he stood up I nodded looking down at my feet "your joking right tell me your fucking joking!" I shook my head "i'm sorry I didn't even remember doing it" I whispered "yeah right! get the fuck out" "Nate i'm really sorry" "everything we've been through you fucked me over, I would never do that to you" "I know" I was crying again "get out!" he yelled "no i'm sorry really I was drunk I didn't wanna cheat Nate I love you, please" this time he pointed to the door and pretty much walked me to his bedroom door "go before I get more fucking pissed" I left walking quickly past Nick in the other room. I made it to the sidewalk and broke down head in my hands.
| Nicks POV |
I heard yelling from Nate room then Y/n came out crying pretty much running out the door, I stood up walking out front behind Y/n. What ever they were fighting about didn't matter she was still a young girl alone in Stockton "hey you okay?" I asked softly she shook her head "I fucked up really bad" I gave her a hug even though she didn't hug me back "I'll give you a ride home k?" she nodded. She sat resting her forehead on her knees "you wanna tell me what happened?" she lifted her head and looked at me before biting her lip and looking straight 'i got to drunk slept with someone, I don't remember but now Nate hates me...and you now that I told you" she picked at her nails "I don't hate you," she took a deep breath trying to get her self to stop crying "Nate doesn't hate you either" "yes he does" I shook my head and rubbed her back. We pulled up to her house "call text me if you need me yeah?" she nodded grabbing her bag and going inside.
"what are you doing?" I asked Nate as he was throwing shit in a box "its all of Y/ns shit and the shit she got me" I sighed "stop" "no i'm done" "Nate it was one time thing" "your taking her fucking side now?!" he stopped what he was doing now "I don't know shes really upset" "yeah i'm upset too so?" "if drunk and fucked up wouldn't you want her to take you back" "I wouldn't do that" "she probably said the same thing" "whatever your pissing me off to get out" I sighed and left his room.
| Nates POV |
I sat on the floor in my room I grabbed a letter from the box the one she gave me after I got back from TUF.
Im so proud of you! I love watching you,glad you had fun and beat a few mfers ass. Your gonna be the ufcs next big star.
I love you and am so happy you got everything you worked so hard for! .... P.S you looked really hot alll season - from your forever <3
I threw that one back into the box and pulled out the other one
you're cute... wanna go out? Yes [] No [] - Y/n
I smiled lighting my joint before putting it back then pushed it away leaning my head back on the bed behind me. a knock came to my door "yeah?" I asked "you calm down?" Nick asked his head into the room "yeah" I sighed, he sat next to me and his fingers out asking for the joint which I gave to him "did she tell you who?" I asked he shook his head "no..she could barely tell me that she did that" I nodded "what if she mean't to do it and just isn't telling me?" "you've known her since you were 17" I nodded "you can still take some time" he added "I still want to give her the stuff back though cause I don't know what i'm doing yet' okay.
| Y/ns POV |
it had been a week and a half, I was still crying everyday sobbing when Nate left a box of everything I gave him at the door. I walked into the restaurant I worked at "hey Y/n! you okay?" Ava asked "yeah i'm fine" I said softly "okay..you can take table two" I nodded. My shift was almost over but I got called for my last table, I turned a corner to see it was Nate I turned around "Ava will you take table 16 please/" I asked she looked "isn't that your boyfriend?" "..no not anymore just take it" "okay" "thank you" I gave a small smile before it fell.
I had table 15 so I had to walk past him "here's your check" I gave a light smile I went to walk past him ""Y/n wait" he grabbed my hand softly "you wanna go talk?" he added "um if you want" "lets go out back?" I nodded "that's fine". I sat on the sidewalk my leg going up and down biting my lips, he walked out and came and sat next to me he put his hand on my knee "its okay" he whispered "I'm really sorry" I slightly looked at him and quickly looking away "I know its okay Y/n," I bit my lip to stop myself from crying but a few tears still fell "its okay... I love you" I couldn't stop the tears he wrapped his arm around me making my head fall on his chest he kissed my head and wrapped his other arm around me too "I forgive you we'll never talk about it again" he whispered I held him tighter "thank you" I looked up at him he kissed my forehead.
a/n yeah I cried writing this..hope this was okay...
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