#i mean we're fine i'm a petty bitch who likes to complain about him a lot but that's just because i'm dramatic like that
nexus-nebulae · 2 years
me: hm. what if i went back to my ex
literally everyone in headspace, including my ex: DO NOT
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daisukissed · 4 years
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part two of my animal crossing series
❧ pairing: todoroki shouto x gn!reader
❧ synopsis: in which your hatred towards the island's hearthrob melts into something warmer
❧ genre: headcanons, fluff
❧ warnings: cursing
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- he was the talk of the town when he first came
- girls and boys were flocking in front of the residence services just to take a glimpse at him
- which annoyed you SO much cause you're trying to pay loans here
- not getting squeezed into oblivion as you try to reach the front door of the building
- it's a godsend that there were actually no signs of people inside, much thanks to bakugou's fiery personality
- so you opened the door, the cold air-conditioned room welcoming you and immediately took a look at the infamous boy that got the whole island down to their knees for him
- and,,, ,, oh wow,,, okay,,,, you kinda get the hype now,,,,,
- B U T
- just because he has a pretty face doesn't mean that he could go and make your life harder than it is
- so it's safe to say that your first impression on todoroki isn't that great </3
- which is kinda unfair to him cause it's not his fault that he's born with a good looking face!!!!
- but that's besides the point
- anyways, it's as if all of the gods above knew of your slight disdain towards the red and white haired boy, choosing to test your limits by putting you in this situation
- this situation where you're forcefully paired up with the said boy, having to share a hefty amount of your precious time with him
- cause being the island's representative and all, bakugou just had to assign you to this project on improving the island's ratings
- and of course, who could be more perfect in assisting you other than his secretary, todoroki shouto?
- "okay, you know what!!! maybe he isn't as bad as you think!!!! maybe you'll get along with him!!!!!!" you thought to yourself
- wrong.
- "todoroki-san, could you help me sort this part out?"
- "??????? ???? you can't do something this easy?"
- "todoroki-san, what do you think of this one i did?"
- "it's downright bad, honestly."
- Hlj$//&Jssl&2&/&:!2@/
- you hate him. you truly, absolutely, utterly despise him.
- funny thing is, he doesn't even know that he's doing these things to you
- bb's just honest and blunt to the core
- but you don't know that and thinks he's doing it purposely instead
- so you pay back by pulling these subtle and childish pranks
- like putting a plastic cockroach on his desk somewhere
- or ruining his coffee with handfuls of salt
- which all failed btw, you should've known this emotionless bitch would drink salted coffee like it's a normal thing smh
- somewhere along the lines of your messy interactions and one-sided hatred, you find yourself paying more and more attention to him
- like how he always plays with his fringes when bored
- or how he would always stifle this cute chuckle whenever you complain about your failed pranks
- and what!!!! noooOoo!! you're definitely not going soft for this guy wdym!!
- you definitely are
- anyways, this led to you realizing that he's actually stressed 24/7??????
- which isn't much of a surprise cause you'd be too if your boss is bakugou
- but what you don't get is why he wouldn't quit this job when there's better jobs out there outside this secluded island
- so you ask
- and he starts telling you all these details about his life like his father's high standards, the dreadful abuse, and his relationship with his mom and siblings
- "living here is much more better than staying at that house, even if it means i'll have to work day and night everyday."
- fuck!!! who's chopping the damn onions here!!!!!
- your thoughts on todoroki shifted considerably that day and so did your feelings as well
- and by that i mean the irresistible urge to burden and trouble his already chaotic life
- petty insults and arguments turned into toned down talks, stink eyes and pouts into silent respect
- you were already loosening up to him without even noticing
- it was on a fine sunday when the aloof boy seemed to be exceptionally stressed, even more so than usual
- his under eye circles were dark, his patience thin and hair disheveled, his skin pale and gray
- he kinda looked like someone who would offer you drugs in a dark alleyway ngl
- of course, you can't just let your beloved partner lose his goddamn mind over some paperworks, can't you?
- cause who will be doing all the work if he falls sick or takes a leave? definitely not you!
- you'd rather leave this island than work on this humongous project alone
- so you're totally not doing this because you were worried for him or something pfffttt
- grabbing an arm to pull him from the seat he was stuck to for days, you guide him to the outside world, the warm sunlight immediately greeting the both of you
- "y/n?? what are we doing, we got work to-"
- "i'm not working with someone who can't even think straight. we're taking the day off."
- bakugou's at the back FUMING at the disappearance of you two rn
- you start walking down the grassy field with todoroki by your side, making your way to the vast sea of blues
- the smell of wide ocean air and strong breeze hit you upon arriving at the beach, small grains of sands lying beneath your feet
- todoroki's all like: ??????? why are we at the beach????
- and you're like: to fish???? duh, we're here to relax????????
- wrong again.
- hours passed as you spent the time reeling fishes by fishes, the young boy doing the same.
- the sun had set by now, dyeing the once blue sky a beautiful orange, streaks of pink accompanying it
- "y/n it's getting late now, we should go"
- "no no no no no, i swear i'll catch something good this time"
- ..............
- "y/n that's your 33rd sea bass"
- you let out a frustrated scream as you released the slimy fish, lips pulling into a sulky frown
- "i fucking hate this day."
- standing up from the pier you were previously sitting on, you turned towards the tall boy, an unsatisfied feeling overcoming you
- and that's when you saw it.
- a gentle and kind smile. one so warm that it made you think twice if what you're seeing is in fact, real. one that made you wish would never fade away.
- todoroki shouto actually smiled
- your plan of de-stressing failed when you decided to try out fishing but the moment you saw his smile, you felt it was all worth it.
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𓏲ָ✞aglist: @softkatsuki @italicization @xiorrawrites @meep-meepity @rizamendoza808 @yikes-buddy @spooky-madison @babayaga67 @raspberryhaterade @creatorofstars @starlight-oracle
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