#i mean this might just literally be antisemitism tho tbh
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kingsragesqueal Ā· 1 year ago
i'm honestly surprised at this point that right wing conservatives don't look at Exodus or movies about Exodus like The Prince of Egypt and call it Woke Communist Propagandaā„¢ or s/t equally obtuse
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hajime-isayama-official Ā· 4 years ago
One main arguments Iā€™ve seen from non Jewish and poc snk Stanā€™s and that will have that one token Jewish person or friend who says they are not offended and snk isnā€™t anti Semitic or Nazi propaganda. Or say well isayama isnā€™t a anti Korean racist or Japanese imperialist thatā€™s all been proven fake blah blah blah. Even if itā€™s fake the series is still problematic stop using that one Jewish person who isnā€™t offended they donā€™t speak for all Jewish people obviously-part 1
Part 2 he also named miksasa after a imperial Japanese battle ship and dot pixels is based off of a Nazi Japanese imperialist I think? Same for Erwin I might be wrong thatā€™s what I looked up. Iā€™m personally not comfortable supporting the series anymore for valid reasons but itā€™s honestly so hard to find blogs like you who criticize the series and author Iā€™ve only found a small amount of blogs who acknowledge the problematic aspects in both manga and anime unfortunately :(
Oh Anon, you get me going here.
Yes, Mikasa is named after a very successfulĀ battleship (itā€™s supposedly certain success if your manga has a character named after a battleship).Ā 
Pixis was inspired by a Japanese imperial general. He died before WW2 tho. Anyway that sparked huge controversy with the Japanese fans, leading to hate messages towards Yams for years.Ā 
German SNK Wiki claims Erwin was inspired by Erwin Rommel, a general in WW1 and WW2 who later turned against Hitler (itā€™s fine cause he wasnā€™t REALLY a Nazi, right? no.). Erwinā€™s Birthday is the death day of Erwin Rommel. However, since I canā€™t find a source Iā€™d take that one with a grain of salt. The main Inspiration for Erwin as a character is Ozymandias from Watchmen. So only fictional mass murder for Erwin here lol
These points are already kinda icky, but can be ignored I guess. Of course SNK searches inspiration in military. Itā€™s a series about literal Child Soldiers (which somehow is never a critic point on any anime/manga?!). However itā€™s also full of dogwhistles and even more uncomfortable references.Ā 
My main points are the portrayal of grey-morality on the case of genocide and the way Isayama clearly draws inspiration from Nazi Germany when he portrays Marley. The latter is not per say problematic. Fullmetal Alchemist is also inspired by The Third Reich and carries a strong anti-imperalist and anti-nazi message. SNK however falls short on that till now. I am not Jewish myself, so I can obviously not determine what is antisemitic and only point out the obvious. Plus my knowledge of things is obviously limited so feel free to correct or join in.Ā 
Isayama pretty much paints the Eldians as the Jews of thisĀ ā€œmirror worldā€ World War we witness since the time skip. This is clear by the imagery of the Ghettos he shows, the armbands the Eldians have to wear and much more (Short images search should do the job here). The coding of the Eldians as Jewish equivalent is complete with the Marleyan myth of Eldians ruling the world if no one does anything to hold them in control (aka every antisemitic conspiracy ever).Ā But it doesnā€™t end there. We know from the manga that Paradis island is basically Madagaskar.Ā 
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The Nazis planned to deport about 4 million Polish Jews to Madagaskar in the 1940ā€²s. That plan was shortlived and obviously never put into action for various reasons. So in SNK we have the scenario that the Eldians fled to Paradis in order to get an advantage over the Marleyans. The Eldians who are not on Paradis live in Ghettos on the mainland. Thatā€™s a weird coincidence, considering how many islands our big blue planet has.Ā 
What I think is pretty bizarre is that Isayama distorts this by pairing this imo pretty obvious real live inspiration with references to Norse mythology. This is fucked up in so far that Norse mythology is so heavily appropriated by the Nazis that many runes are outlawed in Germany till today and showing interest in Norse mythology is still often associated with white supremacy (have a look at Neo-Nazi signs and see the pattern). Like, this combination of Norse and early 20th century German imagery isnā€™t even a dogwhistle anymore, itā€™s yellingĀ ā€œI SUCK NAZI DICK AND I LIKE ITā€.Ā  The references he uses areĀ  especiallyĀ YmirĀ and the paths, that can then be seen as the world tree Yggdrasil:
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The tree connects the Eldians and the nine titans which share their number with the nine realms that Yggdrasil holds. Thereā€™s some more, tiny stuff, like Erwin being easily interpreted as a reference to the God Tyr (God of battle, who loses his right arm in the mouth of a beast) and Hanji to the God Odin (Losing an eye in a well in the pursuit of gaining knowledge and wisdom). Both of these Gods are probably the most appropriated by white supremacists. When Ymir first turns into a titan it is at castle Utgard. In Norse mythology Utgard is a place in Jotunheim, the realm of the Jotun who the giant Ymir is the first ancestor of.
In general the pairing of clear WW2 imagery and references to Norse mythology is a mixture that is VERY sketchy and should always make you suspicious. Especially since these two are not going together (as in Marley using references to Norse mythology), but against each other. So we have both sides (Marley and Eldia) associated with white supremacy. Another thing that I will never be over is that Zeke and Eren are obviously named in reference to the German words Sieg und Ehre (Victory and Honor) referencing white supremacist buzzwords.Ā 
Then we have the issue that the main conflict is not with the Marley people, who are basically our mirrorworld Nazis. The conflict is AMONG the Eldians. Liberating the Eldians form the Marleyans is not even a thing, because weā€™re busy keeping two Eldians from practicing genocide/euthanasia on their own kind. So in this aspect Eldians are painted basically just as bad as Marleyans (and we have that ā€œeveryone is wrong in a warā€ Issue again).Ā 
I think in the end Erenā€™s will to kill everyone will lead to Eldians and Marley people accepting their differences or whatever and leading to unision in the shared enemy (kind of already happens in the manga) and while I think thatā€™s a possibly interesting way to go itā€™s imo not when one of those parties has been subjected to centuries of genocide by the other. Assistant says a good closure to the Norse Mythology theme would be the manga going for Ragnarƶk, so everyone, Marleyan and Eldian, dies, except for two people who start the world anew. After all anisemitism or in this case anti-eldian sentiment doesnā€™t just stop after a world war. I donā€™t really fuck with this bullshit we got in one of the recent chapters where this one Marley general was likeĀ ā€œOh no, they were only people after allā€. Bro, your whole society is built on them not being people and all of that is gone in one day of crisis? *doubt.png*Ā 
Thereā€™s obviously more to it than that and especially my understanding of the manga might be a bit off, since I donā€™t read it as attentively as I used to anymore.Ā At this point Iā€™m so fucking suspicious of this manga tbh. I doubt that we can come out of this with an anti-imperialist or anti-fascist message.Ā 
This does of course not mean no one should read or watch the manga or anime. I read/watch it too as you see. But itā€™s always good to be critical of the media you consume and take concerns from others serious, when it comes to stuff like this.Ā 
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flowermist7432 Ā· 4 years ago
What about bubby is happening???
Hwjhhgggggggg E v e r y ThIng,, its a long one but please read if yah do wanna understand my thoughts tho its long cause i ramble!!
Ismhd okay so i made art a LONG while back that was like, Bubby and Coomer! Right? I love their ship, infact the way they are drawn is so specific and it REMINDED me of..idk..Crowley and Aziraphale.
The logic behind that is how the fandom draws them like Crowley. Little mean with a soft heart, and wears cool black stuff and stylish, TALL AND VERY SKINNY while Coomer is drawn as chubby, lil man who's nice but also a little bastard. So i was like "Hah! Oh man! Reminds me of another ship! Infact i wanna draw em like that! >:0" then i drew them dressed AS them!
Now, i wanted to kinda re draw that piece cause its old and my artskills have MAJORLY improved. But folks loved it! And MONTHS later when ive already forgotten about the post some..person was like "this is so antisemitic to draw Bubby as a literal demon"
Now obviously as someone with RSD i choked, first of all. SECOND of all this person CLEARLY missed the mark that??? Of course i drew him as Crowley thats the part of the joke- COOMER IS AZIRAPHALE it doesn't work the other way around tho maybe for a joke it can cause that would be funny ("Gordon! Im a demon! And i require your soul as debt~ā¤"). Third, this...this art was made way long before this whole ENTIRE THING WITH him being called jewish suddenly and his new rules.
The reason he's concidered jewish is because Gir used one of the random scientist old man npcs which aparently later on in the games was turned into Dr Kliener? And the name Kliener is a name of jewish origin. And even tho the fandom had decided.
"Okay were separating Half Life from Half Life Vr AI. Cause the two things are so..SO DIFFERENT from eachother at this point its not even funny" the fandom ALSO decided because Gir used that model it intern makes Bubby jewish. And that means Bubby's sharp teeth the fandom did before that or just, aspects of how he might look a BIT monster-ish cause he was canonly made from a tube was gone! No more! You cant cause now everyone decided he's jewish!
I legit had no problem with it cause "oh dang" cause well im not jewish what do i know, i mean if you headcanon that, thats cool! ā¤šŸ’–ā¤šŸ’žšŸ’– Also im sure folks can live with not drawing him a few fish-like! I mean maybe he just came outta the tube lookin like a regular white old man which is always funny tbh. Also as i said im not jewish so i have no say really it wouldnt be fair >:0. Infact I love the connection but artists getting accused of antisemitism because Bubby was being drawn alittle off like pointy teeth or using the sharp triangle body shape theory kinda sucks cause to me it was clear it had nothing todo with jewish themes and also lets be honest Dr Kliener and Bubby are two seperate entities to me.
But its actually one of the biggest reasons i stopped fandom interacting cause..idk. it got to much with the "Dont draw/write a character like this" and stuff. It was the stick that broke the camel's back with realising this fandom turned great wonderful wholesome headcanons to implimented FACTS of the community and if you are tripped up even alittle unknowingly even before hand yer FUCKED. Which is actually my number one fear so it certainly did the trick! I just..left! I got to scared of doing something wrong or even asking. Cause its a bit feral even if you wanna genuinely ask why. And btw this isnt "UHG STUPID RULES" and more like "oh god oh fuck--"
I..look i'll always have a special place in my heart but im gonna be vulnerable fer' a sec and say so, SO scared of lettin folks down. šŸ˜„ i dont wanna be a antisemitism artist! Or a racist or a homophobe or any of this! Its scary and makes me wanna cry even at the very thought someone MIGHT think that even tho i know im certainly not. But its also made me not wanna interact cause..what if i accidentally draw something or say something that came across the wrong way or broke "fandom rules" i was unaware about like god holy shit thats TERRIFYING!!!
So i just, stopped drawing em. I even have poc characters or stuff ive wanted to show to tumblr but im scared of getting facts wrong or someone getting angry i did something so i just hide em all away. Its too intimidating and the chances of having yer ass handed to you by one accident and being shunned for life is so possible in my head and i never wanna risk being a terrible person. Even if that means stop drawing hlvrai and not showing original work in fear of messing up
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minecraft-askbox Ā· 6 years ago
what other games do you play?
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Well, Iā€™ve played a lot of the games in the Danganronpa series. Itā€™s got some very fucked up aspects about it though so itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea.
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I also played all the of the games in the Metro Series.(Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light, Metro Exodus) and I recommend them.ā€¦.Violent tho.Iā€™ve also played some older rpgmaker games like OFF and Yume Nikki. Hmm.. Theyā€™re both pretty dark.
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Yume Nikki is a lot darker if you read between the lines.Really not recommended for anyone who isnā€™t up for that sort of thing. Yume Nikki is also very hard to beat in a reasonable amount of time without reading a guide.
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OFF is excellent generally, though I recommend newcomers play the older version of it, 2.0. Because itā€™s the version that was around when it gained its huge English fanbase and interpretation of the characters (the game is originally in French, so if youā€™re practicing or fluent in it, give it a go.) Though this version doesnā€™t allow the player to choose what pronouns theyā€™re referred to as.(it usesĀ ā€œheā€ for default) OFF also has a fair number of amazing fangames. HOME being the most well known and arguably most fleshed out one. also also.. Iā€™ve been meaning to play Ib and Hylics sometimeā€¦ maybe iā€™ll get around to that SOMEtimeā€¦. before i perish hopefully
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Night In The WoodsThis game is a lot less edgy than the other games in this list.It means a lot to me. Itā€™s a very story-driven game. It is very emotional.Might hit close to home for a lot of people. I would say more but I donā€™t want to spoil anything about it.
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OwlboyThis game is great and has a mute protagonist. (like, actually mute, by design.)Itā€™s a shooterā€¦ Itā€™s got gorgeous pixelart. The bosses are fun and there are a fair number of secretsā€¦ Really wish there was an official sequel to this one.
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ORI and the Blind Forest : Definitive Edition.This game slaps and is fucking amazing visually. Its fun. its a 2d platformer. playing it the first time through literally makes you feel like youā€™ve been suffocating for your whole life and this game is your first breath of fresh air. or at least that was how it was with me.
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Oldschool Runescape (emphasis on Oldschool)Iā€™ve played this game for ages. (I have a quest cape!) but I donā€™t like the community of the game so much. A lot of homophobia, transphobia, antisemitismā€¦ general sexism, and toxicity. you name it.. Though itā€™s less prevalent nowadays than it used to be. Itā€™s also a game thatā€™s hard but fun to figure out on your own. VERY grindy. Seriously. This game is a hugeee grind. I definitely recommend you play this with a trusted friend. Even better if you both are new to it. Use the Runelite client by the way. Itā€™s just better than the official one.Hmmm.. Well this list is getting a little long and I donā€™t feel like typing more so Iā€™m just gonna namedrop a whole lot of other games iā€™ve enjoyed or just heard about and recommend you at least check outā€¦Ā 
be wary the genres are going all over the place here but iā€™ve listed them fromĀ ā€œmost violentā€ to least kinda..Rise of the Tomb Raider (the fact that this game is so inherently violent and is on the top of this list surprises me tbh)Dying LightQuantum BreakSuperhot + Superhot Mind Control Delete (not ā€˜realisticā€™ but still violent)Killer is DeadNier / Nier: AutomataAssassinā€™s Creed (the whole series) Metal Gear Solid V : The Phantom Pain (potential to be VERY nonviolent)Hyper Light DrifterMirrors Edge 1 & 2Cave StoryCupheadINSIDE (and LIMBO)ABZUBraidSlime RancherOneshotA Story About My Uncle-Hall of Shame but i still recc ppl play it: Firewatch
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