#i mean the four vecna victims are the four horsemen of the apocalypse
pinkeoni · 5 months
even if my predictions are wrong, the duffers use pretty on-the-nose christian symbolism in the show. a lot of western media does, actually
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thefourchimes · 1 year
wip weekend because might as well kick my butt into gear
thanks @hellsfireclub​ and @lovefrom-theother-side​ for the tag on wip weekend—and for kat in particular, wip wednesday and yes this is very late but here it is LMAO
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
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After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
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four chimes (four horsemen of the apocalypse au)
stranger weirder (stranger things and gravity falls fusion au)
even stranger down under (stranger things and undertale fusion au)
telepathic party (wow i have not touched this au in a while)
also here’s a list of the sub aus of four chimes because @lumaxramblings, @laurienotteddy, and i are insane
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snippet (from four chimes au):
“In the Bible, there’s a concept known as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There’s a lot of different interpretations and takes on it, but give or take some meanings, it usually boils down to four names.” He turned towards them all with a grimace. “Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death.”
Mike’s breath hitched, exchanging an alarmed glance with Will. “The names they had used to call themselves.”
Dustin nodded grimly. “Exactly.”
“And here I thought Vecna only had a creepy obsession with spiders, not horses,” Hopper grunted dryly, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“But why use this horsemen concept?” Steve rubbed his face wearily. “It’s kind of out of nowhere, plus I didn’t really take Vecna to be a religious guy.” 
“I don’t think it has anything to do with religion or the horses themselves…” Nancy pursed her lips, wincing slightly. 
Dustin had a feeling her thoughts had drifted back to what Vecna had…shown her while she was cursed for a short time. He honestly couldn’t — didn’t want to — imagine it, but… 
He glanced at the window and beyond it. 
Seeing the gray ashes falling outside, maybe he didn’t have to. 
The apocalypse was already looming over them, after all.
Dustin’s eyes widened.
Oh shit.
Nancy suddenly took a sharp intake of breath. “What’s Vecna’s main goal?”
Robin frowned worriedly, but answered nonetheless, “He basically wants to kill everyone and everything by making the Upside Down swallow up our…world…” She trailed off, the same, sudden realization in her eyes.
“The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” Dustin felt his mouth drying up at the last word as he ran a hand through his hair. “Vecna’s plan involved four chimes. Four victims. Using them to open up four gates for the Upside Down to invade Hawkins.” He looked at everyone’s faces, seeing their quiet, horrified understanding of what this exactly meant. “Essentially the end of the world as we know it.”
Silence descended in the room.
“Judgement Day is here…” Lucas broke the silence, murmuring almost emptily as his eyes seemed to flash back to something. “...and the Horsemen are leading the charge.”
was very close to sending a ciquest snippet because that verse (and the two in general) has very much been in my brain for the past few days and i could not find stuff that was written recently besides that (and another sub verse of fc) lmao
uhhhh lets tag @willelfanpage​ @sunflowersand-bees​ @thornywords and if anyone else wants to go for it, go for it <33 no pressure tho! <333
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erikiara80 · 2 years
Hi, big fan of your theories! I have a theory and I'd like to know your opinion. I kept wondering why Vecna needed four sacrifices. Then I remembered that there've been hints at an apocalypse, and my mind went to the Four Horsemen. Conquest is Max who survived Vecna's first attack; Famine is Chrissy who canonically had an ED; War is Patrick who was part of the manhunt; Death is Fred 'cause of his car accident where someone died. But I've also heard of a Fifth Horseman, Fear/Humanity. And that links to Eddie. The way he was treated and (almost) immediately branded as a serial killer and cult leader.
Ciao! Thank you! I’m happy you enjoy my theories. : )
I’ve heard about the Four Horsemen theory. It’s very interesting and makes a lot of sense. Four victims, four Horsemen, like the four chimes of a clock, Vecna’s clock. Henry said that this is the beginning of the end. So yeah, I can totally see it.
There are a lot of hints at an apocaplypse in S4, and it was already mentioned by Dustin in 3x01. The invention he gave Will, the Forever Clock, useful if you are in an apocalypse, he said. Clock, Will, Vecna. Yep. Then the inclusion of the satanic panic, journalists talking about a curse, churches becoming shelters, the UD spreading into Hawkins, and an angry mob ready to kill innocent kids. So far, we’ve only seen Jason and his friends trying to hurt the members of the Hellfire Club, but I’m sure that in S5 those people will go after them. I also agree that Eddie and what happened to him could symbolise Fear/Humanity. He wasn’t cursed by Vecna, but he died because of him.
I’m also thinking about what Eddie said in 4x01, about Vecna’s cult. He said: “The hooded cultists chant... Hail lord Vecna...” Then this: “They turn to you... remove their hoods... you recognize most of them from mackbar.”
I think it is possible that most of the people who think Eddie and his friends (actual heroes) are evil, could end up believing that Henry/Vecna is a savior. That they are being tested, and if they join him and kill the kids (conformity is killing the kids indeed), they can live in his new world.
I know, it sounds crazy. Monsters are invading Hawkins, and many people are going to die. But if people think it’s a test, and they’re not good people, they could easily believe they’re the chosen ones. Also, if in S4 Henry showed his victims his monstrous face, maybe in S5 people will have visions of beautiful, blond, blue eyed Henry, in his white clothes. I mean. He kinda looks like the western image of Jesus, doesn’t he? And since his body is gone now, I wonder if he’ll use these people, this cult, to build his new and final form in the second half of the season. Something similar to what happened in S3, only this time people would willingly join him, and his body wouldn’t be made with innocent victims, but with fanatics, bullies, homophobes. The dark side of Hawkins (and America) that was already dangerous and rotten, long before the first gate opened. 
And considering that this is the type of people who probably bullied young Henry because he was different, it makes sense if he used them like that. They’re not like Chrissy, Max and the other kids who were depressed and had problems. He wanted them to “join him”. In his twisted way. But these people would just be things he can use. If that happens, Will, El and the others wouldn’t just fight against Henry Creel and the MF that will spread into our world, but against Hawkins’ rotten heart as well. That’s why I think it is possible that at end of the show the town will be destroyed.
What do you think?
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