#i mean no. no midsummer nights dream au going on here. nope
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lohstandfound ¡ 2 years ago
jake and rich vs hermia and lysander & brooke and chloe vs helena and demetrius
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gotmilk5101520 ¡ 4 years ago
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia Watch Episode 14 Return of the Trollhunter
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Now we begin the second half of season 1 (It’s actually season 2 but we don’t talk about that)
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“Holy moly!”
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Toby survives that.
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“What the heck was-?”
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“Huh?” We now return to your daily schedule bizarre adventures.
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“Hop on!”
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“Adios, fire cat”
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“Hey, maybe save the jokes for when we aren’t gonna die” Well it sounded cool in his head.
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“I can’t believe you took that stupid rock to your science class!”
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“First, it’s not a rock. It’s a volcanic slag”
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“And how was i suppose to know there was a flaming monster hiding in it?”
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“You bought a magic rock off a troll named “Marvin the Monster Dealer” What did you think would happen, Tobes?” What happened before this moment?
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“Um, Master Jim, you said this was a luminaire”
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“When that is obviously an infernal hellheeti” Getting away with saying hell.
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“Should i punch it?”
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“Can i punch it?”
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“Yes!” “No!”
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“I was going to add, make sure you do not feed the fire by attacking it!”
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“Opps” Punching doesn’t solve everything.
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Jim uses Water Breathing. Tanjiro would be proud.
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“Uh, guys, the fire hydrant-”
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“Close enough”
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Just keep walking.
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Why is the opening still the same, even though Bular is dead now?
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“Morning mom”
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“Made your favorite breakfast”
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“Sorry, kiddo, in a rush”
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Should i be glad that Miraculous Ladybug doesn’t have something like this? It would be painful to watch. Fortunately, everyone in Miraculous Ladybug is stupid.
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“I mean, it’s been like a month” Wait it’s been a month since last episode? So what have they been doing in a month?
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“I don’t know how to fix this unless i tell her the truth”
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“But if i do, they’ll send me to the crazy house” Hey, you told Claire, and she didn’t send you to the crazy house. Well she was tempted to do that cause you weren’t making any sense, but she didn’t.
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“They fixed your tooth” Why did it take this long for Steve’s tooth to get fixed? I doubt all of the first half happened in a single month.
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“I heard he was run out of town by the mob”
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“I heard he got a mail-order bride and moved to North Korea”
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“As if. Where do you think Mr. Strickler went, Jimmy-Jam. After all, he was dating your mom”
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“Why does everyone keep bringing this up?!”
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“Guys, this is my brother, and NotEnrique’s driving me nuts”
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“You know how many times i have to change him?”
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“He knows how to use a toilet”
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“He chooses the diaper” “Yeah? Well at least you didn’t have to shove your hand in stinking diapers, and have it still stink to this day” “Ugh. Why does it still still stink? Have you washed your hands?” “Yes! 100 times since i got home with my cold McDonald’s French Fries” “Well excuse me, prince” “It’s well excuse me, princess!” “Are you two gonna kiss right now?” “Shut up Toby!”
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“You spend so much time with Lake, you’re practically swimming in him” That’s what she said.
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“We’re just friends. End of story” Wait, did- Did Claire just Adrien Agrested Jim? Goddamn it Adrien! Your Just a Friending made it’s way to Arcadia and got Claire. I hope you’re happy.
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“Okay, people, who can tell me what happened in the year 1989?”
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“No, seriously, i don’t remember. It was a crazy year” Let’s see. What video games came out that year.
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“Really, Palchuk? That’s it. I’m dating your mom” “No, no, wait!”
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Okay hold on. Why does it take a month for Claire to see Trollmarket? Out-of-Universe reason i can understand. You want to do a one month skip, and we all want to Claire’s reaction to Trollmarket. Could you imagine Claire going to Trollmarket off-screen? We get a few mentions of it here and there, but we never see her full reaction. I can understand the out of universe reason. But what i don’t understand is the In-Universe reason. Like Jim told Claire the truth a month ago. There’s no reason to keep anything a secret with her. Like why? A month to progress all of this? Cause i think it would take Claire a week at most to take it all in. Slower than when J- Never mind.
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“Now, you’re gonna want to start drawing a semi-circle”
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“Oh! You have it. Okay, never mind” Easier than me drawing an actually circle.
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“It’s... It’s lively. Shit that’s Aja’s thing!”
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He pets.
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“Jim told me you helped him face Draal”
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“And slay Bular” Wait Jim explained the entire first half of the season to Claire? Where are the fucking fanfics?
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“And that Vespa!”
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“Best birthday ever. Except for the part where Jim gets chased by a Stalkling” “That is something i want to forget”
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“You’ve read A Brief Recapitulation of Troll Lore?”
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“Volumes 1 through 47 It took me a while to decipher the symbols”
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“But once i got past the Fifth Declension, i started to get the hang of it” It’s embarrassing when your (Not yet, almost, but not really, not for another season) girlfriend knows more about Troll Lore than you.
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“She read the book!”
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“She read the book! Master Jim, i love my daughter in law!” “Wait what?”
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“She’s a flower” Mood.
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Always have a drink before you continue.
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“I accepted a human Trollhunter’
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“And allowed the pudgy one to stay for moral support” Toby is the moral support boyfriend. Claire is the moral support girlfriend. See? Two different roles.
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“But this? A third?”
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“It’s an infestation!” Hey they’re not rabbits where they multiple every 5 seconds. Then again, Jim and Claire- Never mind again.
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*Talks in Troll*
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“She speaks Troll”
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“And Trollmarket is honored to have you as well”
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“Oh, Blinkous! If only the amulet had chosen such a learned and delightful fleshbag”
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“Hey!” Trollhunter Claire au.
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“That was awesome, Claire”
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“Vendel loves you and he hates everyone!” I said it once, and i’ll say it again: Vendel is the most relatable character in this series.
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Where did this light came from?
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“Hopefully, this will give the girl some closure”
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“She does understand why we cannot allow the bridge to open?”
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“Well, you said it yourself, we’d be fools to open the bridge and risk letting Gunmar out”
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“Right, Jim?”
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“Oh, of course”
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“We’d be crazy to do that“ Yeah... A crazy fool, heheheheh...
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“Hey buddy, it’s your sis”
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”Don’t you start thinking i’ve forgotten about you”
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“We’re gonna get you back. I promise”
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“See you soon, little chicharron”
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*Cries in Troll*
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“I need to share a word with our Trollhunter” That’s what it’‘s like when dad wants to talk to you alone. Then again, i don’t have a dad so...
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“Hey, Draal? It’s strange, but i feel like i’ve seen you before. Have we met?” “Uh...”
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“No. You must’ve mistaken me for someone else”
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“Hate to be there when we have to rebuild Jim, right?”
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“What a mess”
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“Well, i just grossed myself out” We’ll see about that in Wizards.
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“You fight in an arena surrounded by the remains of dead Trollhunters?”
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“That is...”
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“The most heroic thing i’ve ever seen. If their ghosts talked, then it be like Mulan”
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“Sometimes, the heart leads you down paths you should not cross”
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“How did you-?”
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“Figure it out?”
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“Your devotion to this girl is as obvious as Marinette’s feelings for Adrien. WHICH IS STILL DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!”
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“But you know the danger”
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“If you went in alone, you’d be killed”
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“Which is why we will answer every call”
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“You said i have to answer every call. Now-“
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“Wait, did you just say “We”?”
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“Aaarrrgghh and i discussed it. We knew you were going in, with or without our approval”
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“But... If Claire’s brother is important to you, then he’s important to us”
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“For folly or for fraught”
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“We are a team”
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*Cries in Troll again*
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“Is this normal?”
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“Nothing’s normal around here”
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“Get used to it, sister” Translation: “Welcome to your new life”
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“But only a Trollhunter can wield Daylight”
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“We are Trollhunters!”
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“Oh, man! Now, i’m dead!”
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“That stupid Soothscryer killed me in the Forge” He thought Bular would kill him. But nope, instead it’s the fucking Soothscryer.
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“What do you mean, he’s in the Void?”
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“The Void sounds like a very empty word. A bad word” I hear the Void is very welcoming.
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“Yeah. And are these happy ghosts we’re talking about here”
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“Or Mulan’s ghost family?”
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“He is now under the spiritual guidance of”
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“Master Trollhunters”
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“Ghost guidance counselors?”
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“So, it is like Mulan”
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“Wow! So trolls and ghosts exist”
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“What’s next? A Midsummer Night’s Dream?”
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“Fairies? Preposterous!”
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“Fairies lost the war to the pixies centuries ago” Hate to meet these pixies, right?
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“But if we’re going in, they said the only way we’re getting out alive is if we kill Gunmar” Well that’s a bigger lie than any lie Lila can make.
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“And with Strickler gone, maybe we have a chance”
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Speak of the devil. Or changeling.
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If i ever seem dead, be sure to throw rocks at me to be sure.
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“Who has awakened me?”
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This is me and my sister.
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“You know my name”
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“A shame i will never know yours”
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Angor Rot had to deal with the goblins wrath.
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“My ring”
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“My flesh”
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“Yield to me!”
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“For i wear the One Ring”
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“You have killed thousands”
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“You are chaos incarnate”
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“And you”
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The second half of season 1 (Actually season 2) is off to a great start.
Shit, what do i say that has something to do with next episode? Uh... See you next episode?
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