#i mean jeez his mom was raped and died get real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
atopvisenyashill · 27 days
Even Jon's fantasies and idolization of Young Dragon and Dragonknight, which everyone loves raving about, are about wanting to do something great to make Ned proud and get acknowledged as a 'true Stark' lmao.
"When Jon had been Bran's age, he had dreamed of doing great deeds, as boys always did. The details of his feats changed with every dreaming, but quite often he imagined saving his father's life. Afterward Lord Eddard would declare that Jon had proved himself a true Stark, and place Ice in his hand."
Boy! He is going to feel so disappointed when he finds out he is not Ned's son.
I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww, like from a Writer's and Reader's perspective, those comparisons are supposed to mean somehting and hint at something regarding his identity aka his mother and rhaegar. but when people are like "but he's a targaryen he's even sub consciously comparing himself to them!" that's like saying some random boy in oklahoma who loves roman reigns and naomi is secretly an Anoaʻi family member. no, that kid just loves the biggest names in wrestling!!! jon idolizes daeron, who is roughly around his age, and aemon, who is one of the most famous knights ever, because he's a fourteen year old boy and they're popular. it's always a means to becoming A Real Stark and taking his place as an equal amongst his siblings and his father. he's not gonna be excited about being a targaryen; he's going to be devastated.
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samuelkwinchester · 5 years
14.11 - Sister!Winchester
Warnings: Language, Gore (kind of?), Mentions of rape, Unwanted touching (isn’t super detailed and doesn’t get very far, but please avoid if easily triggered).
Summary: Hope Winchester is Sam and Dean’s little sister from a different mom. This takes place during the events of season 14 episode 11, “Damaged Goods,” when Dean visits his mother and Nick is searching for her so that he can get revenge. Unfortunately, Hope gets caught in the crossfire between Nick and his obsession to find who killed his family
(I know that the picture is not from the episode, but bear with me. Also, it is not mine)
Enjoy :)
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“Sam, I’m worried about Dean…” I whispered into the phone.
“What’s wrong, Hope?” Sammy asked, his breath hitching in his throat.
“Dean is getting real close with Mar- mom. Plus he’s been in the shed for almost an hour now. There’s a lot of noise going on. I think it’s a blowtorch and maybe some sort of power saw? I don’t know. Either way, he had a lot of books with him. And that’s really not like him. You know that, Sam. He’s just not himself. I mean, I know with Michael being stuck in his head and all, but really thi-”
“Hope. Breathe.” Sam commanded through the phone. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ll be over in maybe four hours, give or take. Stay there, stay alert, and stay safe. You have your phone, so call me if you need me. I’ll be there soon, okay?”
“O-okay.” I said shallowly. The phone went dead.
I got up from my curled up position on my bed. The sun had gone down, and the room was no longer visible. I shivered, remembering what dad had said about the dark. My feet touched the cold, bedroom floor. I carefully guided myself toward the lightswitch, finding the panel, and switching it on. 
The floor was pristine, obviously hadn’t been walked on in at least a few months. I looked in the mirror next to the doorway. There I stood, dressed in a simple pair of light denim ripped jeans (which Sam and Dean gave me a lot of crap for), a black short-sleeved undershirt, and a red and black flannel. My socks were black, warm, and fuzzy. Dean got them for me around Halloween, when the weather started to get cold. 
I quickly looked away from the mirror, and walked into the hallway, down the wood stairs. I walked into the kitchen, smelling something greasy and… familiar?
“Hope!” Dean smiled at me from the kitchen. “You hungry? Mom and I were making and old favorite- Winchester Surprise!”
I forced a smile on my face. “Of course! Let me go wash up real quick and I’ll join you guys.” Excusing myself to the restroom, I locked the door and leaned against it, doing the one thing I haven’t done in over a year.
“Castiel? If you are hearing this, I need you to stay where you are. I just wanted to tell you that I’m with Dean and Mary. Dean doesn’t seem to be doing well. He’s not like himself. I just wanted to tell you so that you could keep Jack posted. He deserves to know as much as I do, especially with everything going on right now. I’ll keep you up to date.”
“Jeez, Dean. I can’t believe you remember how I used to feed you and John this dish. It’s so… greasy.” Mary smiled, reliving old memories that I obviously wasn’t apart of.
“How could I forget? I love this stuff.” Dean smiled, stuffing his face with this interesting concoction. Meanwhile, I just picked at my food.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” Mar- mom asked.
“I’m just… Not feeling well. I think I might take a walk. Some fresh air might help.” I said, slowly getting up from the dinner table. Before I could get far, Dean grabbed my hand.
“Don’t forget your gun. I’m not letting you step out of my sight without it, okay? Especially out there.” Dean’s eyes glazed over, and I knew that something was eating him up.
“O-okay. Love you, D.” I said before grabbing my gun from the buffet table. Putting the gun in my waistband, I slipped my boots on and walked out the door.
The woods were somewhat of a sanctuary- especially where I’m from. I was raised in Seattle before Sam and Dean found me. Dad was on a case there and met my mom. I was conceived the night they met. Then Dad up and left, but came around for the few birthdays I had (before he died) and the occasional Christmas or Halloween (again, very few). I wasn’t completely special to him, but I was his child. And there was still love given to me from him.
He’d tell me about my brothers before I had even met them. He said that Sammy was a genius going to college so that he could do something with his life besides ‘the family business’- which was what he would call it back then. Dean was described as the legacy of the family, the one who would continue the business.
I hadn’t met them before John died.
Sam and Dean had barged into my house the night my mom died. I was five years old when the demon was killed. That’s when I started touring with the Winchester duo, and I contributed as the final part to the trio. I went through it all with them but stayed with Bobby a lot. When Mary came into the picture, I didn’t know how to react. She wasn’t my mom, but I was Sam and Dean's sister. She accepted me as her own early on, and I love her for it, but I’m still adjusting.
As I walked away from the cabin, I noticed headlights in the distance. I had a bad feeling about it, but I walked away. I knew I would regret it, but I didn’t just how much. 
Continuing into the woods, I thought about Dean. What was he doing in the barn? Building something maybe? Or was he just releasing some pent up feelings? Either way, something was up, and I knew there was something he was keeping from me. I know he was possessed by apocalypse Michael, but he knows that at one point I was possessed by Michael from this world. I may not have been possessed for long, but it was still hell. I can remember that much. Especially because Michael only talked about wanting to use my brothers so that he could kill his own. He messed with my head too, and Dean doesn’t realize it. I want him to know I’m here. I need him to know I’m here. He shouldn’t go through this alone. He didn’t let me go through it alone.
I heard sirens coming from the dirt road, which made me feel a little safer but also a little more on edge. I didn’t think there was anything obviously wrong, so it was a shock to know the van was being looked for.
 I quickly returned to the road, the cabin nowhere in sight, and turned to see Donna and… Nick? They were fighting, and for a moment it looked like Donna had the upper hand. Then Nick pulled the taser out from nowhere and tazed Donna. I froze, not knowing what to do. I could yell, but that would bring attention to myself. I watched as Nick effortlessly lifted Donna, and put her in the cop car. As he finished up, he turned around and locked eyes on my distant figure.
My blood ran cold- and not because it was near 40 degrees.
I had heard about a killer roaming around the Pike Creek area in Delaware, but I didn’t put two and two together. I should have known- I should have said something.
Nick started to walk towards me, and my body kicked into fight or flight mode.
I started with a jogging pace, getting away from Nick. I started to sprint as I heard a clicking noise. While trying to run in a zig-zag pattern I heard a ‘boom’ and then pain spread throughout my hip. I cried out, the pain was sudden and unforgiving. As I fell, I could feel the blood staining my clothes and my waist. My left hand moved to the wound so I could attempt to stop some bleeding. Everything was in slow motion. I hit the ground with a hard ‘thud’, my head spinning. The pain was almost unbearable, but I’ve had worse. I heard running footsteps and I knew he was coming for me. I took my hand off of the wound and pushed myself back up. I suppressed a groan as I put pressure on my leg, which traveled to my hip. I started to run towards the cabin, praying that I could make it before I either bled out or Nick caught me. 
I could see lights, indicating I was close to Dean. Maybe not as close as I’d like, but it was something. Hope filled my veins and pushed me forward. I was so close to being home, so close to having the upper hand in this fight, so close to telling Dean that it was going to be okay. That I was going to be there for him.
Until I wasn’t close anymore.
Hands traveled to my hips, grabbing hard and intentionally pressing against my damaged hip. I choked out a quiet sob. I was caught, and I couldn’t see the light in this situation anymore. I wasn’t just scared- I was terrified. Nowhere left to go.
Game over.
“Where do you think you’re going, princess?” Nick sneered into my ear, obviously rubbing his victory into my face.
“Fuck. You.” I growled. I began to get defensive. I knew that he didn’t need me for anything, but he didn’t want his cover blown either. The worst outcome was that I’d be killed right now, leaving Dean with Michael and without Mary. I’m praying that he doesn’t go down that road.
“Feisty, huh? We can fix that real quick,” Nick pushed harder onto the bullet hole decorating my hip. I hissed at him. “Okay. That didn’t work… I could try something else. Something I remembered from when I was shacked up with Lucifer…”
Okay, I was wrong. Being killed wasn’t the worst scenario.
Nick ran his other hand, the one not putting pressure on my hip, down to my thing and squeezed just slightly. He started to move up, and he pressed up against me. He stopped right before he reached a place I definitely didn’t want him to touch.
“We have two options, Little Winchester. Either you give up, or I bring up some repressed memories. Some that haven’t seen the light of day since they were scarred into your pretty little head. But hey, it’s your choice.” Nick taunted.
My mind was racing a million miles per second. I felt dizzy and nauseous. I actually thought about throwing up on his shoes, but I don’t think I could aim for them. But in all seriousness, my mind was at war with itself. I didn’t want to just give up and be submissive, but I couldn’t risk being killed, or worse.
“Alright. I’ll behave. But you have to promise me something.” I said with the strongest voice I could come up with.
“And… What would that be, Hope?” Nick grinned against my ear.
“Keep Dean and Mary alive. They don’t need to be killed.” I was practically begging and he knew it.
“Okay. We have a deal.” He smiled as he took his hand off my thigh. 
I let out a sigh of relief, before suddenly being spun around and lifted over his shoulder. He turned and walked towards the van. The back door of the van was opened and I was shoved inside. I held in a cry as I somehow landed on my hip (just my luck). Next thing I knew the van doors were slammed shut, and my vision was fading fast. My last thoughts were dedicated to my brothers, praying that they’d find me or move on if they didn’t, before I blacked out entirely.
*2nd POV*
“-Dean, he’s going after your mom,” Donna sighed into the phone.
“He who?” Dean asked, feeling very confused yet on guard.
“Uh, some guy named Nick.” Donna finally spit out, and Dean acted immediately.
Dean ran outside after hanging up with Donna, gun in hand. He was going to find that bastard before he found Mary. He walked out of the bushes and onto the dirt road, taking a faster pace. Sticks were broken behind him, and in less than a second his gun was cocked and pointed to whoever was behind him.
“Dean! Woah, easy!” Sam yelled, clearly not wanting to get shot by his brother. “Dean, what’s going on here?”
“It’s Mom,” he rasped. “She’s gone.”
Mary awoke in the van, her head pounding. Her head was resting on something… soft? She slowly opened her eyes to see the ceiling of the van. She pushed herself up and turned to see Hope laying on the floor, bleeding at a steady pace.
“Oh god!” Mary yelled. “Help!”
She scanned the back for anything that could stop the bleeding. She found an old cloth and some alcohol. Perfect. After she shredded the cloth, she poured alcohol onto it and tied it tight around Hope's waist, making sure that it was covering and putting pressure on the wound. Hope shot up, eyes wide open, and fear evident in her eyes.
*1st POV*
I shot up, my eyes wide open, and my heart beating out of my chest. I took in a shaky breath and saw Mary leaning over me.
“Oh, thank god.” She said, tears rolling down her face.
“Hey, Mary.” I croaked out. Smiling, she helped me sit up against her.
The back door swung open, and Nick was standing there with a smirk on his face. I’m not entirely sure why he needed Mary, but I could tell that whatever the reason, it wasn’t good.
“Morning, Ladies!” Nick sang, before hopping into the back with us. Mary pushed me to the far corner, trying to get me as far away from Nick as possible. “Oh, come on, Mary! I wasn’t going to do anything… yet…” He smiled viciously.
“Alright, what do you want?” Mary asked, clearly not happy with the situation she was in.
“You know… The demons, they know where you are,” Nick said, taking a seat across from me. “They keep track of you, you and your kids. They’re sort of scared of you. So wherever you are, they’re not. So that’s how I got to Hibbing. I didn’t have an address. Luckily, that- that perky little sheriff lady- what’s her name? Deborah? Debbie? Something? Whatever. She had some emails on her cellphone talking about you and her family cabin, so here I am.” Mary just glared at him while he rambled.
“I know that’s a lot to take in, but… And if you feel like screaming, you can- you can go ahead cause we’re pretty remote…”
“Nick,” Mary started. “What are you doing?”
Nick got up suddenly and moved right next to me as I flinched. Mary looked slightly afraid, but kept it in knowing that I was watching.
“Tonya Baker,” Nick began. “Yeah, you knew her. You saved her life. Her whole girl scout troop was murdered and she was the only survivor, thanks to you. These two demons were about to finish her off, and then you came in and chased one away but you faced off against the other one, a demon named Abraxas.”
“I remember. So?” Mary snapped.
“So? Abraxas murdered my family the same way he killed those girls- bloody, brutal, slow.” Mary's face fell at his confession, and even I felt bad.
“I’m sorry, Nick,” Mary started. “But you could have just asked me. This, shooting Hope, this is cr-”
“Crazy?” Nick asked, finishing her sentence. “What would you have told me?”
“That I killed him!” Mary raised her voice. “Abraxas is dead.”
“So you would have lied to me?” My eyes widened at his statement. “You didn’t kill him, you trapped him in a box. How’d you do it?”
Mary stuttered. Nick grabbed her coat and shook her. “Tell. Me.”
“Okay, okay. We put him in an Enochian box. He’s contained.”
“Do you have him?” Nick asked, clearly done with beating around the bush.
“No… but I can take you to him.”
Dean and Sam were pacing, waiting for a response from Donna’s radio. Dean was beyond worried. When Sam and him got back, Dean immediately went upstairs to look for Hope. He was praying that she got back while he was sleeping, but when he opened the door to her room, she wasn’t there, and he lost it. Sam was stunned for a minute but began to worry more and more.
Eventually Donna got a trace, and they sped off to Grand Rapids.
We pulled up to a storage unit that, Mary said, had the box containing Abraxas. Nick pulled Mary out of the van, then me. He pulled me along as I struggled to keep up. Mary unlocked the door, and he pushed her inside first before pulling me in.
“Alright, where is it?” Nick asked. Mary remained silent. “Listen, if you tell me where it is, you and little Winchester get to walk away.”
Mary sighed, obviously struggling with her decisions.
“It’s over there.”
Nick looked around while Mary stood still.
“Where is it?” Nick asked, clearly getting angrier by the minute.
“In the lockers…” Mary said. “Too bad I don’t have the key.”
I smiled a little at how dumb she was playing. I liked her style. Nick shrugged, grabbed a machete, and chopped off the lock, moving into the room with the lockers.
“Which one?” Nick asked. Mary just shrugged, not giving him a clear answer.
Nick grunted and shoved me towards Mary. He started to chop off locks again while Mary helped me keep steady.
“Just sit here, hun. Against the lockers.” I nodded and slid down the lockers onto the floor. I was losing steam, and I didn’t know when Dean or Donna would find us. I was rooting for sooner, rather than later.
“Open the box.” Nick said as I looked up.
“Sorry, but you need a host. It can’t be you, it can’t be me,” She lifted her shirt to show her tattoo. “And, it can’t be Hope.” She lifted up my shirt so he could see the tattoo on my side.
“Well, then I’ll improvise.” Nick said, before leaving.
Nick walked in with the security guard from the post out front. He sat him down and pulled the bag off of his head.
“Nick don’t do this-”
“How do I open this thing?” Nick cut her off.
“I don’t know.” Mary sighed.
Nick turned around while trying to figure out the box, which gave Mary a chance to walk up behind him and kick his knees out from under him. She attempted to grab the dropped box, but Nick got back up and kicked her over while she was laying on the ground. I tried to get up and help, but everything was still spinning, and I couldn’t see who was who at this point. I was useless. So I prayed that it wasn’t too late to save us all.
“I said I could handle it!” Nick yelled as he pushed her up against the fence. Nick continued to mess with the box, but then threw it onto the ground. Nick, frustrated as ever, picked up the drill and drilled into the box. Black smoke came from the black cube and flew right into the security guards' mouth.
“Heya, Blondie.” Abraxis cooed at Mary, then looked my way. “Who’s your cute friend?”
“Why’d you kill my family?” Nick demanded.
“Have to be more specific.” Abraxis smirked, clearly messing around.
“Pike Creek, Delaware.” Nick stated, getting emotional.
“Oh. Nick. Why are you walking and talking? I thought the big man had you on lockdown.”
“He’s dead. Now, why did you kill my family?” Nick raised his voice.
“Kill her first, then we’ll talk.” Abraxas looked towards me. “Mary here locked me in a box and I hold a grudge. But I want her to suffer instead. Kill the girl nice and slow, then maybe we’ll talk.”
Nick looked at me.
“Nick,” Mary started with a grin on her face. But Nick looked serious about going through with it. And I was terrified. “Nick! Don’t do it!”
Nick walked toward me slowly, and suddenly my adrenaline kicked in. I needed to get up and run. I tried pushing myself up, but Nick picked up his pace and pounced on me. He straddled my waist as he bound my arms together.
“You ready to die, little Winchester?” Nick sneered as he prepared his knife. He lifted up the knife, and was about to drive it into my stomach, but a gunshot cut him off.
“GET AWAY FROM HER!” Sam yelled, holding Nick at gunpoint.
Nick cowered away from me, and Dean came rushing over to me. His eyes filled with rage as he released my arms and saw my bloody hip. Sam was helping Mary out of her handcuffs while I tried to stand up against the lockers.
“Hey, De.” I said weakly.
“Hey sweetheart.” Dean smiled slightly, struggling to watch me keep myself up.
“Is she okay?” Sam asked, his voice wavering.
“Not sure, Sammy.” Dean sighed. Sam rushed over and gave me a bear hug. I hissed when he held me tight against him.
“What’s wr-” Sam saw my bloody hip, and his face fell. “No, Hope…”
“I-It’s okay, Sammy. I’ll make it.” I chuckled lightly. Sam gave me a kiss on the forehead before pointing his gun at Nick again.
“What are you doing?” Sam questioned.
“What I have to.” Nick said, before grabbing a knife and scraping off a piece of the devil's trap.
“NO-” We all yelled, before being lifted into the air and slammed onto the floor. I groaned out in pain as the cloth fell off of my hip. More blood started to pour onto the floor.
“You wanna know why I killed your family? I was following orders-” Abraxas started.
“From who?” Nick pressed, not giving up.
“Who do you think? Lucifer.” Abraxas smirked.
“I-I don’t understand.” Nick stuttered. “Why me?!”
“You were chosen, but you’re not special. We threw a dart at a phone book and-”
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica-”
“Stop,” Abraxas said as he forced Dean into one of the storage shelves.
“Dean!” I coughed, looking back to make sure he was okay. He groaned and tried to push himself back up.
“So. Who dies first?” Abraxis asked, before Nick pulled his head back, forced him onto his knees, and stabbed him in the chest.
Nick got up and started swiping at anyone who would come near him. 
“Take it easy!” Sam yelled, before Donna shot him in the leg and M- mom knocked him out.
“Payback, bitch.” I choked out a quiet laugh while trying to fight the darkness from taking over.
“Hope!” Sam and Dean yelled, rushing over to me.
“You gotta stay with us, sissy. Okay?” Dean asked, trying to keep me awake.
“N-no pr-omises…” I smirked.
“Even with a bullet in your hip and at least a quarter of your blood on the floor, you’re still a pain in our asses.” Dean chuckled, trying to make light of the situation.
“I try, De.” I smiled, before slipping into the darkness.
I woke up to Dean by my side. I tried to sit up, but my hip was burning.
“Woah. That’s some kick.” I joked, pushing myself up to the headboard. The pain wasn’t nearly as bad, but it still hurt.
“Take it easy, kiddo.” Dean ordered, clearly not messing around. “How are you feeling?”
“Like hell, but I’ll be okay.” I tried to smile, but I just couldn’t. The fight was finally over, and somehow we won. The tears came right after, but I let them fall.
“Hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. It’s over now, I promise.” Dean climbed into the bed with me and held my head against his chest.
“H-he did so much more, De… So much more than just this.” I sobbed.
Sam quietly entered the room while Dean and I sat in silence. He sat down on my other side and kissed my head, letting me know that he was here too.
“W-when he shot me, he… He said he remembered something about me from when Lucifer was possessing him…” I stuttered, more tears flowing but I didn’t care.
“What’d he say, kiddo?” Dean asked, clearly defensive.
“H-he said that he’d use something against me if I didn’t stop fighting him… He moved his other hand to my thigh a-and…” I sucked in a breath, trying to stay calm even though everything in me wanted to scream and thrash. “He made me think he was going to touch me… He knew what had happened to m-me bef-fore… I thought he was going to r-rape me-” I sobbed, wanting to crawl out of my own skin.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Dean growled lowly, getting out of the bed and pacing the floor. “How did he know? Lucifer wasn’t even apart of that… That was another assholes fault…” Deans held his head in his hands.
Sammy comforted me as I continued to sob. My face was buried in his chest, but I didn’t care. Dean sat back down and held me.
“We’re gonna fix this, okay? We’ll get through it together. You’ll always have us. Always.” Sam choked out, trying not to lose it because he wanted to be strong for me.
“We got you, Hope. We love you.”
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stargleeksil-blog · 7 years
Criminal Minds s02e06 The Boogeyman review - or more aptly named, what the fuck are they doing to my emotions?
Episode 06 – The Boogeyman
Hey guys! So last time was super hard for me, because it’s rape and it’s gross and it’s degrading to women and I really hate that. This episode’s title suggests either kids are the victims, which I’m desperately hoping isn’t true, or it’s related to Hallowe’en. Which cannot be good, either.
Fuck. They’re just escalating in seriousness.
Alright, let’s see what happens. I’ve got my Pink Lemonade Schweppes on hand, I’m good.
Oh snap. So we’re still dealing with Elle’s issues. Good. I’m so happy with this season. I love you so much, Criminal Minds.
So Hotch is seriously worried about you, Elle, so fucking what? I’m seriously worried about you, too. And you should be taking a time off because you’re definitely off.
Why are those two terrifying those little kids? Why the fuck are they getting off on it? It’s seriously disturbing.
Fuck. That’s a dead kid. Damn it, why does it have to be like that? Fuck fuck fuck.
Wait. What? Elle had an evaluation, and she didn’t show up? Uh oh.
Plato: “We can easily forgive a child who’s afraid of the dark. The real tragedy of life, is when men are afraid of the light.” Damn, Plato.
Haha, oh my god, Gideon acting like the parent of the BAU team. Like, everyone is whispering about why Elle and Hotch aren’t there if everything seems to be all right, and he’s like,heads down, do your homework. I love this dynamic.
What? He’s killing boys and girls? Damn. Fuck.
Aw, JJ is afraid of the woods? So sweet. And Morgan is scared of the dark, well was, according to him. And Reid still is. Aww I love finding out about them.
Can I just say that I love Texan accents? Makes me all tingly.
So he’s both methodical and full of rage? Damn.
Fuck, he hit her even after she died? Oh my goodness.
So it’s a sick local. Yeesh.
The Buddy System. Sounds smart.
Oh my god, JJ and Morgan talking to the kids is just the cutest thing ever.
Wait a freaking second. Is that Elle Fanning? Damn! I love her.
Aw, she’s looking for her kid’s hat. Just a little reminder of him. So sad.
Wait what? They’re now daring that kid to ring a stranger’s doorbell and run, especially now? Oh god. I really hate the big kid.
Great. They abandoned him. Assholes.
Elle’s on the run. Lovely. Poor thing.
Wait. So another kid is missing. Damn. And the mom is already pregnant with a third son. Damn.
Aw, Gideon trying to talk to kids is the cutest thing ever.
Oh god. Thank you, little boy. I love you.
Seriously? Abandonment issues when they didn’t have no fucking clue about her? So she’s lashing out?  Oh my god. The poor thing.
Right. So they’re actually surprised that a ‘haunted house’ is dark, abandoned, and has no electricity? Where the fuck do they think those rumors stem from?
Oh shit! Poor Reid, that’s just a stuffed reindeer’s head.
Oh, he is there? He’s just not there at the moment? The paper is from today. Okay.
Oh my god, they found the kid! Thank god.
“Only that Finnegan’s house on the hill is like the Bates Motel of Ozona, Texas … Reid, seriously, people that go into that house supposedly never come out. Spooky!” “Garcia, could you at least pretend not to enjoy that rumor so much, since I’ve actually entered the house?” “Sensitive. Sorry.” Oh my god, Garcia, I love you so much! You are such a little tease, leave poor Spencer alone, wouldja?
Wait. What? His wife is missing? Oh my god, I love Kirsten’s spooky voice. That is amazing.
“I got two words for you, my friend: ‘rear window’. That guy probably chopped that lady into delicious little pieces. Think about it. She may have never left the premises. She may still be in the house …” “Garcia, I’m sitting here in the dark alone, thanks.” “While you’re waiting for a potential murderer to come home? It’s kind of dangerous! It’s kind of sexy!” what the fuck is wrong with you, Garcia?
“You’re having creepy fun, I wish I was there!” oh my lord, I needed that ice breaker, oh my god I love this, and I’m typing this half blind cuz I’m closing my eyes in laughter. Oh my god.
Whoa! Morgan, that wasn’t nice! Stop scaring my honey bunny, you hear me? Or I may never give you cuddles again!
There’s still evidence in the house? That sounds kind of stupid. Maybe it isn’t Finnegan?
“When this is all said and done, I’d like to hang his head on my wall.” You do that, Morgan, and then try to stare the guy in the face every time you take a piss. Gross.
A bear trap? Fuck. That’s dangerous, dude.
Oh shit. That’s Finnegan!!!! He’s dead!!! Fuck.
Wait. So he died right after the first murder? Damn.
“If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound if there’s nobody there?” and Morgan is all like, “What the hell are you reading over there?” and it turns out it’s only Spencer’s brilliant mind. I love you.
Wait what? Instead of disappearing she cheated on Finnegan? Damn.
He shut himself off and everybody thought he was a predator? Fuck.
Cream spinach? Gross.
“So we’re looking for a guy who really, really hates spinach.” “Who doesn’t?” oh Spencer, I love you so fucking much.
Hahahaha oh JJ you little bitch! I love you so much! She just spun this whole totally believable story about why she fears the woods, only for it to be a made-up fable? Oh my god, I just found myself falling in love all over again.
“Because of the inherent absence of light!” Reid, that is so abstract, even I don’t buy it.
“JJ, that was pretty good, just know that paybacks are a bitch.” “I’m shaking.” Lol, I wouldn’t want to get on the other end of the payback from Derek … or maybe I would, depends … XD
“I love our relationship, we hardly need words.” Oh my god, Penelope, you just freaking made me day, you gorgeous beauty.
“Oh, baby, that’s so yesterday. I already have the minions working on it. In the meantime, your intrepid hacker found you a match to the other set in the database.” You amazing tech kitten.
What the fuck? It’s the counselor? Shit.
Damn, the wife left.
Fuck! You see the FBI and you run? Guilty!
Oh damn! I love watching Derek tackling men to the ground. Hot.
Wait what! That’s the hat of the dead kid! What the fuck is he doing with it in his bag? What the fuck is going on here? I thought the dude had a kid?
Oh shit. I love Derek so much. He’s just trying to provoke him into confession like a boss! Fuck! Getting under his skin, trying to wheedle the truth out of him with questions, then playing on his insecurities, damn man.
Oh my god! He just broke him! And oh my god, Shemar is fucking amazing! I just can’t with this interview, damn!
Oh shit, Derek is intimidating and hot all at the same time and I love it and it’s not good for me.
What’s up with James’s kid? Why isn’t he at school?
Wait, he’s trying to goad him into confessing by implicating killing his son? Damn.
EpiPen? What’s that?
Why are all of the dairy products sealed with ductape? What the fuck is going on here?
Wait. The kid is the killer now? Oh shit.
Wait what? Oh my god.
Shit. The kid is killing other kids? Oh my goodness.
So the kid who’s supposed to walk with her home in the ‘buddy system’ just abandoned her. And Jeffrey just popped up to ‘help her’ and he has a fucking baseball bat. Shit.
Why did he just throw her book bag? That’s not nice.
Oh I love you, Tracey! You are amazing! What the fuck is wrong with you, Jeff? What the fuck is wrong with you?
God I hate that kid. I mean the character, the kid is probably amazing.
Oh my god, the poor little thing! Jeez.
Ugh, just leave her alone!
Find her! Find her!
Oh thank goodness. Fuck. Oh my god.
His dad is in such a bad place, I totally get him. Poor thing. Damn.
Wait, Spencer is blaming himself for not telling everyone that Elle was off? Oh babycakes. I love you Morgan, I love you for being so amazing to him. I love you.
Whoa! There’s Elle!
What! Elle is leaving? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Absolutely. Fucking. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you doing this?
Oh my god.
Of course you’re not, you nearly died! Of course you’re not the same person. God.
I can’t believe Elle is just going away. Oh my god.
 Okay, so this episode again was super hard for me cuz it involved kids dying, and it’s super hard for me. Also, the killer ending up being a kid himself? Talk about psychotherapy in major doses. Yikes. And Elle leaving the show? What? That’s not right at all! No. Absolutely not. I will not accept that. You have not just done that, fuck you assholes. I’m kidding of course, I love you guys, your show is amazing, I just get emotionally attached to characters and that is my own personal flaw. Keep doing an amazing job for the next 10 and a half seasons I still have to watch. <3
Alrighty guys, let’s see what they do with Elle’s departure next episode, kay? Laters!
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My OC's!!
(Before I start, I just wanted to warn you that these guys curse a bunch sometimes, and they make a few sexual references so if you don't like that, just don't read it.) FIRST OC!! (WARNING! MENTIONS RAPE, SO IF YOURE EASILY TRIGGERED BY THAT, I SUGGEST NOT READING THIS) Opal (Undertale/random OC) -girl -incredibly shy -unknown age -long brown hair (usually down, she doesn't like to "waste time styling it") -blue eyes -mostly human, but with wings (a guardian angel I guess) -can change her size (not like Jake from Adventure Time, she can just change her height) but she prefers to stay very short -Likes to make bad puns and dirty jokes -only has one outfit, (the outfit is magic and can change size with her, that's why she only has one)a blue hoodie, a red tee shirt, sweatpants, and slippers. -not athletic at all -asexual -if you piss her off enough, she will leave the whole "shy" thing behind and become a snappy, witty, sassy asshole that can basically win any argument with facts and shit -stuff about her past: she actually has a really abusive past. She doesn't like telling anyone about it, because she grew up in a very abusive "home" with a bunch of old guys that liked to get drunk a lot. The guys there would beat her a use her as a toy, even for sex . Because of this, she was never really comfortable with "doing the dance with no pants" again, and became asexual (no, she doesn't "reproduce like a plant" she just doesn't like doing the do ) . She could never do anything about it, because she's so week and didn't learn how to change her size until way later in life. She died, and was just thrown out of the place she lived into the streets. An angel found her, and saw that she had a pure heart of gold, revived her and gave her wings and all of her powers. She actually knows Gaster personally, because at some point she was kinda like his lab assistant. She stayed with him for like a week, but then he turned on her and tried to do horrible experiments on her because she told him about the whole "dying and coming back to life" thing. Ever since then, she's never trusted anyone. -random quote: "that's what she said! What? I can make dirty jokes too ya know." -Birthday: she doesn't actually remember, she was never told as a child. She doesn't even know how old she is. She just decides to celebrate the day that she escaped, which was June 14 (my birthday =D) (also, she only knows this because she saw a newspaper while looking for a place to stay) (heck yea i got most of her personality from Fluttershy, but that's just who she's a lot like) Next OC! Nopal (Opal's alternate self) -obviously a girl -very murderous -long and messy brown hair -red eyes (that's how you know it's her) -she has wings too, but instead of normal wings, they're bat wings (that's also how you know it's her) -she can also grow and shrink -can actually talk to Chara, and made friends with her -HATES jokes -She has the same outfit as Opal, except it's usually covered in blood. -she's also asexual, but is a huge flirt -she doesn't really have a past, she just kinda appeared when Opal left Gaster. She possessed her and made her kill everyone at the place Opal used to live. Ever since then, she's just been in Opal's mind, constantly insulting her and trying to get her to kill people again -Random quote: "hey Opal, why don't ya kill that dude? He looked at you weird. He might be a guy we missed from that place you grew up at" -she has shark teeth (if you didn't know, that means that her teeth are hella sharp) and likes to show them off by smiling a lot -she was created when Opal left Gaster, so I guess technically her birthday is on June 31st Next OC! Kasai or "fire" in Japanese ( random OC) -guy -sporty and a brat -23 -naturally his hair is blonde, but he dyed it dark red for unknown reasons (no, he's not Josh Dun) -green eyes -human -very short, and gets teased about it a lot -hates when people talk about his size -usually in a tank top and shorts, because he loves to workout -he's straight, but can never find a girl that's as athletic as him -owns a German Shepard named Flash, and loves to run and train with him. -his past: when he was 10, his mother was killed, and him and his father were left to die. they both swore to get revenge on the person that did it, but nobody knows who it was. All he remembered if that the person had a missing thumb on his left hand. Him and his dad have been training together ever since then, so that when they do find him, they can make him suffer -random quote: "fuck you I may be short but I can still kick your ass" -he can lift things that are up to 50% heavier than him (hot damn :0) -his birthday is on March 17th NEXT OC!! Kalia (random oc) -girl -kind of shy, but mostly out-going -20 years old -slightly long light brown hair -bluish-greenish eyes -4 feet, 11 inches (same dude) -she's so chill about everything, she has the power to make even the most stressed person calm, just by hugging them -she always wears a dark blue and black jacket, and keeps it halfway zipped with a light blue shirt underneath and she usually wears jeans or shorts and any random shoes (sometimes she even walks around with no shoes, and just mismatched socks) -she's straight, and is actually in a relationship with (the next OC) Josh -her biggest secret is that she makes dolls of everyone she meets, and has a secret room somewhere in her house that not even Josh knows about, where she keeps the dolls and a short summary of everyone. If someone that she has a doll of dies, she gives the doll of that person to someone that's very close to them, and tells them to never tell anybody about it. -her past: she lived a pretty normal life, with a mom and a dad, but when she went to school and met Josh, her entire life changed! Nah jk, this isn't a cheesy ass Young Adult Novel. Kalia just grew up as a normal, but really chill and quite kid. She's been best friends with Josh since third grade, he was the only person she talked to. When anyone ever made fun of her or was mean to her, he would come and beat their ass. After a while, they started to like each other. They're dating now, and both really want to, but they're both too scared to get married -random quote: "whoa calm down Joshie. You need a hug?" -Her birthday is on October 22nd NEXT OC!! Josh (random OC) -male (obviously) -oh jeez, where do I even start on his personalty? well, he's incredibly sexual for starters. he always tries (and mostly succeeds) to make Kalia blush. he's very kind, but also incredibly rude. it's hard to tell. -23 years old -short, messy brown hair -green eyes -human -6 feet, 2 inches -he doesn't really have any kind of special power. he's just a normal dude -he usually wears a black tee shirt, jeans, a jacket, and casual shoes. -bisexual -he gets in fights ALL THE TIME. like, not one week goes without a fight. it's pretty bad. -his biggest secret is that he doesn't actually have a job, but instead he wins money by going to illegal bot fights. he wins almost every time. also, he's secretly played all of Huniepop -his past is basically the same as Kalia's, but he was a little more aggressive. he met Kalia, and she helped him with his anger issues. -random quote: "hey can you take your shirt off? i wanna see how an angel hides its wings~" -random fact: once made a robot named George and accidentally gave him too much personality, it didn't want to fight so it ran away and no one knows where -birthday: the 12th of April NEXT OC! Flash (yes I'm telling you about Kasai's dog) -male -happy, upbeat, and full of energy -no one actually knows his age, all they know is that he's way older than any normal dog, and will probably live for a very long time -when you think of a German Shepard, you usually think of a big dog, with light brown fur, and a big black spot on their back & snout. Well, he's a little different. He still has the same colors, but they're reversed. Most of his fur is black, and he has a light brown spot on his back and snout. Also, his chest is colored to where it has a design on it. It's completely natural, and it's actually how he got his name. Yup, you guessed it. It's a lightning bolt. But not just any old simple Harry Potter's forehead Z looking thing, it looks like an actual real life lightning bolt, cloud and all. It's pretty fucking cool. -dark green eyes -he's a really big dog. Like, almost like a Great Dane. He's a beast! -he wears underwear. He literally walks around in underwear and he doesn't even care. Basically, a long ass time ago, Kasai said that it was "unfair that he could walk around with his dick hanging free all the time and no body yells at him" so his dad suggested that he put underwear on him. So now, he wears underwear all the time. He's not even bothered by it. Birthday: no one knows XD NEXT OC!! Hannah (Undertale OC) -Female -she's like, all about fashion and popularity. Because of this, she's best friends with Mettaton. -22 years old -really long blonde hair -hazel eyes -part mermaid, but only when she gets in the water -5 feet 3 inches -she changes her outfit like every five minutes, but when she does, it's usually something really bright and sparkly -straight -her biggest secret is that sometimes, when no one's around, she walks around her house either completely naked or in really baggy clothes that are really unfashionable, but hey, she walks around in all that itchy uncomfortable stuff all the time so it's nice to let loose sometimes. -her past: she grew up at home with her rich parents, but unlike most stereotypical rich people, they were all actually really nice and generous. They donate to charity as often as possible, and give homeless people money. She decided to move out when she was 20, but only because she was sick of her parents waking her up really early in the morning with loud "old people" music. -random quote: "oh my goodness Opal you're hair is a MESS! Come here darling, I'll fix it for you" -random fact: absolutely LOVES Opal and Kalia's hair. Both of they're hair is know for being soft and long, so it's really fun to play with a style. Next OC!! Mike (random OC) -transgender (not a male or female, but leans slightly more to the female side) -sass master 3000. Literally you can't get in a fight with this person, they're so sassy you'll be dead halfway through the argument (it's hilarious when and Opal get into a fight with them) -shoulder length jet black hair -green eyes -again, sass master 3000. They can win ANY argument, no matter what it's about. -5 feet -they likes to get fashion advice from Hannah -bisexual -biggest secret: has actually seriously considered killing his parents. He told Opal, and was really surprised when she said "oh don't worry I understand, I killed mine." But then she explained her backstory, and even if she had a serious reason for doing it, she's regretted it every single day of her life and if she could, she would go back in time and try to stop herself. -past: they grew up pretty normally, until they came out as trans. They're parents yelled at them, saying that they were born a guy and they were gonna stay that way. none of his 'friends' supported him, until they met Opal. She completely understood why they didn't wanna be a guy, with her being a feminist (and you know damn well why). They became fast friends, and later met Kalia, Josh, Hannah, and Kasai. They live in Opal's house now, and she really doesn't mind that they can't pay a lot (no good jobs would accept them because they're trans. It really sucks) -random quote: "the day I have a gender is they day Opal dies. Get it? Cause she's an immortal angel? Haha I'm sorry." -random fact: they don't usually like being so sassy, and usually apologizes after, but it's just kinda natural. Welp, there you have it. I promise, this is the last of them! Here they all are, so really, if you wanna leave an ask or dare or drawing, I would love it. Thanks!
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