#i mean it was a cafe but it was also a grocer? it just has a bunch of italian shit on the wall behind it to buy
naochow · 4 months
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kind of shitty photo but i went a cafe today with my brother. he did lsat study and i did the equivalent of a drawing 1000 class. i find the differences in studying in our respective fields (humanities + law vs fine arts) extremely funny. was therapeutic except for my hand which hates me and wants me to die.
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hollythehills · 2 years
Chapter Four: Shortcake
Chapter Text
So loud.
That was the first though Oak had that morning. He swore he could feel his nonexistent ears ringing. And it was so early in the morning too. You'd think he would be used to this volume with his brother. But he's been getting better and better at keeping an inside voice, and Oak has gotten pretty used to that. He normally wouldn't be up so early, but he had some gardening he needed to get done. It was getting cooler and cooler outside and he needed to harvest all of his veggies before the first frost came.
But right then he had other things to worry about.
"I'M TELLING YOU I GOT THE POTATOES JUST LAST WEEK. THEY WERE IN HERE ON MONDAY." Blue waved his hand at the pantry, obviously exasperated. They had been going at this for a couple of minutes. They were all lucky that Edge was out of the house, otherwise he would've gotten involved and that would've been so much worse. Blue was right, Oak thought. He definitely bought the potatoes last week. And Oak definitely made some soup with them that he enjoyed for his lunches the last couple of days.
He didn't think it wise to mention it.
Black replied with a snide attitude, "WELL THEY AREN'T HERE NOW, ARE THEY?"
Blue ran his hands over his face in exhaustion. "LOOK," he said, "I'LL GO GET THEM LATER, I HAVE SOME STUFF I NEED TO GET DONE TODAY BUT I HAVE TIME AFTER WORK."
Oak cringed, feeling a little guilty at the tone of Blue's voice. He really didn't know they were going to use the potatoes for dinner. He figured someone would have told him, or made a note and put it on the bag. But they didn't and generally the rule is if you don't mark it it's up for grabs. However, Oak could tell that saying that wouldn't help the conversation. He cut in, "i can stop by the grocers today."
Blue looked at him with a mixture of relief and questioning, "REALLY? I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T LIKE GOING TO THAT MARKET."
That was... mostly true. He didn't mind going. It's just that the markets in downtown were almost all exclusively owned by humans. It just made him a little uncomfortable. He thought of the possibility that you would be there. It made his soul warm a little but he tried to put that to the edge of his mind. He didn't want to get his hopes up, just because he had seen you there a couple of times doesn't mean you were automatically be there now.
"naw, it's fine."
Blue took the save and thanked Oak, "REALLY, I APPRECIATE IT."
"no problem." He hoped it wasn't busy today, that would be a downer. But it was the least he could do, he guessed. He was the one who made those potatoes into a delicious soup.
Why was every single grocery store out of coffee creamer.
You didn't have any creamer in your house, and even though usually you would just use milk and sugar you were getting so bored, and so tired. This was the third store you had stopped at. And every single one was completely out of your french vanilla creamer.
You figured if this one didn't have it you would just stop at a cafe or something.
Of course you didn't just need creamer. That would be silly. You also needed a stupid amount of box cake mix and frosting. Story-time was getting a little crazy and you had the bright idea to promise a bunch of four year olds cupcakes if they behaved. And they did. Like little angels. So of course you do all of your grocery shopping, you can't find creamer and there are no good box cake mixes.
So you go to the last store this side of town. And finally you find what you need.
The only problem was that the cake mix you needed (double chocolate for half of them and vanilla for the other) was at the very top of the shelf. You were not a very short person. But this was a little ridiculous. You were pretty sure no person could reach that.
You were about to ask a manager for help, you needed that cake mix by tonight if you were going to be ready on Sunday, before a voice came from behind you, "you uh, you need a little help there?"
You turn around and are met with... well you aren't met with a gaze at all. Oak, the monster you gave a library card last week. In the flesh. Well. Kinda. "Wow! Small world." You chuckled a little before answering, "Yeah, that would be really nice but I'm not sure you'll be able to reach it."
You were so mistaken. Oak reached for the box, no tippy toes needed, and without a word put it in your cart. You could see his thick arm bones reaching, but even then they weren't at their full length. He didn't seem to struggle at all.
You noticed the bones in his arms weren't like any of the bones you'd seen in a human's arms. They were thicker, probably thicker than both of your arms combined. Monsters, especially boss monsters, were generally a lot larger than humans were. Some people think that because of their imprisonment in such a large space with such a small populace that they evolved to be larger over time. It meant that a lot of the infrastructure in Ebott was now just a little bigger to suit the populace from the Opening.
You knew he was tall. You were looking right at him, and you needed to look up to do so. So yeah, he was tall. But you don't think you realized just how large this guy was. At work you tend to ignore a lot of your patrons looks, just because it's a little easier to zone out and just listen to their voice when you're filling out paperwork. But he really did tower over you. He must be somewhere around six foot nine. At least.
"how many do you need?"
"Uh," You paused when he looked at you, his eyelight a bright red and oh so focused on your face. "Just three of each is fine." He turned back to the shelf and you coughed a little into your hand. Was it warm in there or was it just you?
"Thanks, thought I was about to have to go get a manager here. That would not have been very enjoyable so... thank for saving me that situation." You grinned and he chuckled a little.
"hey it's no problem." His sockets shifted with a humorous glint, "no skin off my nose."
"Pfft," You grabbed the boxes from him to put in your cart, "that was awful." You groaned.
"you're smiling." He looked so smug when he said that. And it's true, you were. How could you not?
"And you're a comedian."
"hey now, I could put these boxes back. what would ya do then, shortcake?" He was grinning down at you, his voice a low and gentle rumble but you heard him perfectly well.
"And here I was thinking you were some knight in shining armor." You said. "Picking on the human, who woulda thought."
That got a good chuckle out of him, his voice still a quiet rasp. He had a really gentle laugh, you realized. Actually, everything about him seemed very...soft. Despite his general size, he seemed like he couldn't hurt you. Not to say he looked like he couldn't do any damage. Just that he couldn't do any to you.
His eyelights seemed almost fuzzy when you met his gaze. You found yourself wondering about that, was it similar to human pupil dilation? Was it just cosmetic? And you also noticed something you hadn't before. Oak seemed to have what looked like the equivalent of a scar running down his eye socket, the one with the large red eyelight. A crack, you thought. You don't know how you didn't catch it before, maybe at the library his beanie was covering it? He was wearing one now too, and they definitely suited him. He looked very comfortable.
You didn't know much about monsters. Not because of lack of trying. When the barrier opened you cried. Finally something, something that could tell you what you were. It was next to impossible to find information about magic- real magic- before the barrier opened. And here was this entire civilization that thrived on magic, that were made of magic. It was exhilarating. But even now the integration of monsters into society is in it's earlier stages.
He had a quizzical look directed at the boxes of cake mix. "seems like a lot of cake for just you, havin' a party?"
"Something like that. Story-time at the library. Figured I should be the hero and bring snacks."
He nodded, "makes sense." His hand reached for a box on the shelf and read the directions, "only two eggs? oil? what is this?" He kept reading and you watched a little confused. He looked at you with a slight disgust painting his mouth, "no offense but this sounds awful."
Oh. He thought the cake mix sounded bad. You found that a little funny. "Huh, does it? I don't really know much about cakes. Bread is more my style."
He chuckled, "yeah, that's fair. but for these I would try to add another egg, replace the oil with butter and then the water with milk. should be fine, though."
You looked around and realized that you still had a couple more things you needed to grab. Some sprinkles would probably be nice. "Hey," he looked at you, setting the box back on the shelf. "Are you busy right now?"
His sockets widened slightly in confusion a little and he shook his head, "no, not busy."
"Do you wanna shop together? Might be fun." You smiled. "And who knows? I might need a tall person to grab things for me."
"yeah, that would be cool. Is there a lot you need?" Cool was an understatement but it was the first thing that came to mind. Oak wasn't the best with words, he knew. But he could play cool for a little. He was freaking out a little bit. Sure, he had imagined asking you out, asking you to go to that little cafe with him. But never did he imagine that you would be asking him.
"Not really," you answered, you looked at all the things in your cart, which was just that god awful cake mix and a container of coffee creamer. He knew from the cafe that you liked your coffee sweet, but now he knew that you liked vanilla too. Ugh. Vanilla. That had him thinking about Classic, which was not what he wanted to be thinking about right now. "Just some odds and ends."
He and Classic tolerated each other. He had an inkling that Classic was so uncomfortable around him because he didn't like to think about the fact that his 'kid' didn't let them out in another universe. He's a scientist, a philosopher even. He knew that there was a multiverse so vast and wide that every possibility of every choice has been committed somewhere out there. Guess he was just too much of a coward to look it in the face.
Turns out the 'odds and ends' you were talking about were baking materials. Just the basics, some flour and sugar, baking soda. You did get some cute little cupcake liners.
"Look," you pointed to some liners that had femurs all over them, "Isn't that cute?"
They were on clearance, since not too many people were buying cupcake liners with Halloween so far away.
"you think femurs are cute?" Oak said before he could really think about it. He thinks he said it jokingly enough.
Thankfully you laugh, "That's the arms, right?"
He can't tell if you're joking, but he chuckles. You probably weren't, humans never seem to know even the basics about their own anatomy so if you were being serious he wouldn't be all that surprised. But he'd let you have this one. "yep, got it in one."
You held your arm up in a flex, "Then yes," you answered, "arms are the cutest." You looked at his arms and then t his face with those big doe eyes, which only look bigger behind your glasses. You had a bit of a pink tint to your face.
You were blushing.
Oh wow. He liked that a lot.
He laughed at you, a quiet sound that he hoped didn't offend you too much. He was sure he could let you know later on that the femur was definitely the thigh bone, and he's spare you the misery of pointing out that cute blush on you. His eyes were led to the items in your cart, "you like to bake?"
You were looking at your cart too, and he watched a small smile light up your face. However it didn't seem very happy, there was sadness there. Not a fresh wound either, he could tell. Something old and ugly, something you had a lot of time to think about.
"I love baking," you said, "It was one of my grandmother's favorite things to do. That was how she showed people she cared."
Ah. He nodded understandingly. He did the same, and so did his brother. Though the reason for them was probably a little different from your grandmother. How endearing, that you started a hobby because it was something your grandmother enjoyed. He'd have to tell Poplar about that later. Poplar tended to have a soft spot for people who were close to their families, since they had to be so close to each other to emdure what they had.
"Although I'm pretty bad at it." He watched you grimace, "I try, it just doesn't make much sense to me. I feel like I follow all the ingredients to a T and it just... doesn't work out." You were smiling, obviously not too concerned with your abysmal baking skills.
Oak hummed in agreement. He could understand that too. Doing something just for the sake of it. No matter how useless it was, if it brought you some sort of joy or saved you from some sort of boredom then it had to be good for something. "i like to bake too." He watched your eyes widen and you looked at him while heading to the checkout line.
He raised his browbone at you, "what? think the big bad monster can't bake?" He jabbed, trying to gauge your reaction.
You laughed again, you seemed to be doing a lot of that today and Oak was grateful. Before then he didn't think he'd soon you laugh. He has to admit that it's a very nice look on you. Your smile was all teeth and grin, and your eyes crinkled to show crows feet. He heard that phrase from one of Edges soap operas and thought it was the funniest thing. Crows feet. He hadn't understood the name then, since the actress had no actual wrinkles. But on you he understood, the small crinkle stretched out a little, looking like the little foot of a bird. It was actually really cute. He didn't understand why humans had such a huge fear of the signs of aging. Sure, humans seemed to have a much shorter life span than monsters did, but he knew it wasn't the 'being closer to death' that scared humans. It was the fear of being ugly. Beauty seemed to be a big deal to humans. Which he found strange. Monster beauty standards were very different. If you wanted to be seen as beautiful, you generally were, but there wasn't a huge emphasis on it in general.
"We should bake something together. You can show me your sick skills."
You were joking, he was sure. But still, he felt his soul warm. The thought of you baking with him was very domestic, something he could have his brother join in on.
"heh. sure thing, shortcake."
You got to the front and Oak realized that he didn't grab the potatoes. He was still in line with you and there was a group of humans behind him. He groaned inwardly, knowing that he'd probably have to come back later, since it would very awkward of him to leave the line and then expect you to wait for him to finish. You looked at him with humor in your gaze before you saw him. Your face fell.
"What's wrong?"
He raised a brow at you. How could you tell something was wrong? He was usually pretty good at hiding his emotions, even if his cousins -and brother- hated it. "nothin' shortcake, don't worry about it."
"No something's wrong, what is it?"
He scratched the back of his neck, he didn't want you to feel guilty about asking to finish shopping, which he could tell you probably would. But he could also tell you weren't going to drop it and he didn't want to make the people behind him wait too much. "I just forgot to grab something," he waved his hand, as if to wave away your concern, "but it's fine, no big deal."
"Oh," you cocked your head in question, "What was it?"
"it was just some potatoes for my cousin, but it's fine I can get it-" He was cut off as he watched you leave the line, leaving him with your cart, and the one more person in front of him paying. You were suddenly out of sight and he couldn't help but chortle a little. No warning, no explanation. Just gone.
And somehow that seemed so very you. He couldn't explain it, none of your behavior before this was all that significant, but it just seemed so very you to make your decision quickly and carry it out just as fast.
A couple moments later he saw you come back with two bags of potatoes in hand, they weren't small either. Just as you came back the person in front left and it was your turn to check out.
"These good?" You asked, your eyes full of mirth and expectancy. You couldn't keep a giggle in though, it seemed, and it left you in a huff.
Oak shook his head in slight awe, "yeah. these are great." There was a goofy grin on his face and he began to reach for his card, but you scanned the bags and put them in your cart with all of your groceries.
"woah, what're you doing?"
You looked at him, swiping your card, "Paying for our groceries?" You said it like it was the most obvious thing, like you were offended he would even ask.
"yeah, I can see that. why?"
You rolled your eyes, "Because I want to treat you for doing my groceries with me." He stepped to the other side of you and began bagging your groceries, and he saw you smile at him sweetly, "I had a great time. This is thank you."
He guffawed, "you don't need to thank me, I wanted to come."
"And I want to treat you."
God you were so stubborn. That wasn't something he expected. You looked at him with rebellion and attitude, and for a second you reminded him a little of Black. He chuckled though, shaking his head. And suddenly he had an idea.
"well if you're gonna treat me then I'm obligated to treat you back."
You cocked your head, interested. He took the bags from you and gestured to the door. You chuckled, understanding that he wanted you to lead him to your car.
"Back to knight status, I see." You harked, "What a gentleman."
He was surprised you thought that, since he certainly wasn't. But he flushed all the same, embarrassment creeping up on him. You seemed to be good at that, making him feel big and safe. You didn't need to know yet that he wasn't nearly the gentleman you thought he was.
When you got to your car he carefully put all of your bags into the trunk.
"Well thank you for treating me, Oak." You smiled at him, your eyes soft and your cheeks a light pink. He didn't know if it was because of the sun or jut a natural flush.
"you didn't think that was the treat, did you?" You looked confused. He chuckled, "come with me to lunch tomorrow. there's a cafe downtown that I think you'd like. i'm going with my brother and i'm sure he'd love to meet you." You already looked excited at the prospect, but he added, "my treat."
You pretended to be swayed, "You run a rough race, bone boy." You pointed at him, "But you got yourself a deal."
You looked like you wanted to say more, but you don't. Until you glance at the bags in your car and your eyes widen. "Oh! Almost forgot."
You hand him the bags with his potatoes, "Don't want you going hungry."
His gaze softened even more, and he felt his soul swell with joy. You didn't know what that phrase meant to him. You had no idea. But he found himself wanting to hold you, to play with your hair. And in order not to be weird he restrained himself.
"thanks, shortcake. and here," He handed you his phone, "that way I can tell you where to meet me."
"Asking for my number?" You teased, he saw in your face that you were really happy about this. That made him really happy. "You're getting bold, Oak."
You were flirting with him, he realized. At least, he was pretty sure you were flirting. He'd been out of the dating game for a while. He might have to ask Red or Russ to help him out here. He wouldn't give details, obviously. They'd probably try to find who you were, then once they inevitably did they'd fall for you too. Maybe he could just ask his brother.
"hey," he said, "can't blame a guy for trying." He reached for his phone, about to take it back before you stepped away from him.
You were smiling, your fingers playing along the keyboard on his cellular. "There you go." You said, "Text me anytime, boneboy."
He shook his head a little at the nickname, then looked at your new contact. It was just your name, but with a down arrow and a cake emoji next to it.
He chuckled. Shortcake.
"i'll see you around, shortcake."
"See you, Oak." You smiled at him one last time before getting into your car and driving off. He watched while you did, a dumb smile on his face.
He blinked and felt the air shift around him, and when he opened his eyes he was in his kitchen. Well. The house kitchen. He set his bags on the counter.
That was definitely a success. He couldn't wait to tell his brother. But for now he was going to change, then get to his garden. It was still kind of early in the day, and he had time to kill before tomorrow.
Before his date.
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dessertgeek · 11 months
Let's talk where to find ethical chocolate!
Yeah! Because I feel like the hardest part is finding the dang stuff when you don't know what to look for. This is a not-so-quick overview, and I can answer questions if folks have them.
So the keywords you're looking for are "bean to bar chocolate" and "craft chocolate." Most bean to bar and craft makers will slap one or both of those labels on everything they make. And while the two terms are used relatively interchangeably by a lot of folks, myself included, because most makers of one are makers of both, they do differ.
Bean to bar chocolate refers to the manufacturing process. It's all about buying cacao from transparent sources (either direct from the farmers/cooperatives or from a group/coop like Meridian Cacao) and then making the chocolate in house. (There are also bean to bar chocolatiers, who work with pre-made bean to bar chocolate that they melt down and make stuff with, like Sugoi Sweets, and bean to bar chocolate makers who make their own truffles and confections, like French Broad.)
Craft chocolate is a movement within bean to bar chocolate, focused on small batches and high quality products. And yep, both Sugoi Sweets and French Broad are considered craft makers.
Still, if you asked me where to find either one I'd know what you're talking about, it's more nice to know where that's all coming from.
Generally you won't find bean to bar chocolate in grocery stores, likely because the demand just isn't there. (Though honestly most grocery stores aren't the best places to store chocolate anyway, but that's a side discussion.) You're mainly looking at buying from makers, bean to bar chocolate shops, and specialty grocers and cafes.
But if you ask me "Hey Jess, where can I get good chocolate?" you're going to get a kneejerk response of my asking in rapid succession:
What "good chocolate" means to you
What type of chocolate thing you're looking for
Your budget
How you like to shop
Because craft chocolate is a vast beast of options at this point, from craft white chocolate (it exists and it rocks) to unsweetened 100% cacao chocolate (it also rocks) to drinking chocolates to confections. Kasama Chocolate even has a durian white chocolate. You've got options, and that makes it hard to give quick and easy recommendations.
Still, if you're 100% just starting out, and you're in the US and you want to be pointed at the biggest online source with the most stuff, you want Bar & Cocoa. (I have a 10% discount code if folks want it, but since it's affiliate DM me for it I guess? But it's not sponsored, and they have flash sales and better sales posted usually on their mailing list.)
If you took one look at Bar & Cocoa's website and noped out from decision paralysis, I usually prefer to send folks to their closest in person bean to bar chocolate source, ideally either a bean to bar maker's physical shop or a bean to bar chocolate store like The Meadow or Yahara Chocolate. I personally prefer starting with shops so you can try a bunch of makers, but we lost so many chocolate shops in the pandemic and gained so many makers that there might more likely be a maker near you instead. The point is going in person means you can take your time getting recommendations, education, and learning how to taste chocolate. There will likely be cafes and specialty shops near you that carry bean to bar chocolate, but they will either have smaller stocks and/or not have the time to give education or information. If you can't go in person, most makers and shops have social media and generally love talking recommendations!
(And oh yeah, learning how to taste chocolate is a skill! It's neat! It's not half as intense as it sounds, and once you get the hang of it it's really fast to do. I've done videos on it and I really should make an update.)
So that should get you started! Just know that you're diving down a chocolate rabbit hole, and there's a lot more to bean to bar chocolate than I even hinted at here. It's so much fun.
0 notes
thewinenotthelabel · 4 years
David and I have some opinions on tea, and I wanted to practice writing.
David was particular about many things. Patrick knew this going into it. As creative director of Rose Apothecary, David curated the products, the placement, the “aesthetic pieces, not for sale” (“decorations” was too declasse for David). Their home was no different really. He picked the building, of course, but also the furniture, the decor, even had a hand in the landscaping. It worked well for them, as Patrick didn’t have much sense for design and quite liked David’s style. Sure, his handmade coffee table found its place in the cottage, as well as a few pre-approved pieces. But mostly, David had creative control.
In fact, Patrick was even used to David curating him a bit. Which shoes he was allowed to wear, which events he could and couldn’t sport blue button downs to. It might have bothered another man, but Patrick knew David was no longer what he once was. In the past, he might have required certain standards from his partners to maintain a visage of superiority and class. He would have needled and prodded until everything was perfect for the public eye.
But now, Patrick knew his husband loved him no matter what he wore or where he wore it. He simply had strong opinions and enjoyed doting on Patrick in this manner. David didn’t know how to contribute to the management of home and business in many ways, but he could express affection and support by treating Patrick as one of his works of art. A block of marble, beautiful and strong in its own right, as awe inspiring rough hewn as polished.
Thus, it was not unusual for David to express an opinion on something that, to anyone else, had nothing to do with him. This one, however, did seem a bit odd.
“You don’t even drink the tea,” Patrick complained in the aisle at the small Elmdale grocer.
“I do occasionally!” His head shaking slightly in disbelief and mock offense, David whipped his hand around to grab the box from his husband.
“The afternoon tea that I force you to drink from the Cafe hardly counts,” Patrick countered. “It’s utilitarian- just enough caffeine to finish the day without keeping you up. You don’t actually care for it.”
“That doesn’t mean there isn’t a correct and incorrect tea.”
“Oh, and this is incorrect?” He grabbed a second box from the shelf, scanning the label for the offending detail that had set David off.
“Are you really telling me that you think ‘Heavenly Seasons Tea Sampler’ is correct?” Patrick looked up at his taller partner, truly confused.
“Why not?” A smirk quirked his lip just a touch. “Is it the bear? Not classy enough for David Rose?”
Still wide eyed and scandalized, David scoffed. “Uh, well, it certainly doesn’t help.” Patrick chuckled, shaking his head. “But it’s also just not good tea. That’s why I made Twyla stop using it at the cafe. You get what you pay for, after all.”
“You’re forcing your whims on poor Twyla now, too?” Patrick’s fake shock did not fool his partner, but did succeed in annoying him, which, really, was the goal anyway.
“Okay, this is tea for grandmothers with dying tastebuds.” David’s waving hands threatened to knock the many varieties off their shelves. “It has poor quality control, is produced in America, and does more to color the water than flavor it. And yes,” he punctuated,” the packaging is tacky.”
Patrick continued to poke the bear. “And it doesn’t matter that I’m willing to drink it anyway?”
“But you’re not just drinking out of ‘utilitarianism’.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head, but a crooked grin betrayed his amusement by this game he and his husband played. “If you claim to enjoy the stuff, at least put effort into it. Like myself and pizza - I care about the ingredients and the process. Leave DiSera’s frozen discs to the layman.” He punctuated his point by poking Patrick’s chest with the corner of the cardboard. “It’s about respect for the product.”
Resigned long ago to his husband’s control, Patrick took the package from David and put both boxes of tea back on the shelf. Sigh melting into soft smile, he asked, “What am I supposed to be drinking, then?”
“At worst, something from Great Britain. They’re bland, but strong and have at least some respect for the drink.” David’s eyes returned to the many packages lining the wall, searching for something he’d allow to enter his home. “At best, something from India or China. There’s some interesting blends coming out of Kenya, too, but I doubt any of that has made its way here.”
In fact, other than Twine’s, nothing to David’s standard had made its way to Elmdale. They bought a box of Earl Grey to last Patrick until they could get some more variety shipped in, a process also filled with much good-natured bickering. Patrick was honestly surprised at David’s range of knowledge, which had apparently come from a late night of internet reading in attempt to engage in something his partner enjoyed.
In the end he was happy to admit the higher quality tea was far and above the teddy bear’s blends, but the process and cost still seemed a little impractical to the ever-grounded Patrick.
“Maybe it’s time we try to find a local tea producer for the store again?”
David smiled at the memory of the early tea fiasco that had led them away from such sales, but nodded to his husband anyway. Rose Apothecary exists, after all, to bring some culture to this small town, if nothing else.
on ao3 here
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koltarmi · 5 years
Things I liked/noticed about Amélie the Musical UK
Before the show:
• A friend and I watched Amélie at The Watermill Theatre in Newbury, which is absolutely tiny. (Picture below) It seats about 200 people and is in the middle of no where. It was a hour’s walk from Newbury Station, but he scenery was quite nice. We got two seats in the front and they were cheap (about £26) because there was a pole, but it was so skinny it didnt block anything.
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• Because it was in the middle of nowhere, the surrounding area was beautiful and nothing like a traditional theatre. There was a nearby stream and everyone was sitting on on these iron park benches and just enjoying the view.
• The theatre and stage is tiny. So tiny it makes the theatre that I work at which only seats 50 people look like Carnegie Hall.
• The cast : Audrey Brisson as Amélie, Chris Jared as Nino, Johnson Willis as Collignon/Dufayel, Kate Robson Stuart as Suzanne, Sioned Saunders as Gina, Faoileann Cunningham as Georgette/Sylvia, Oliver Grant as Lucien/Mysterious Man, Caolan McCarthy as Hippolito/Elton John, Samuel Morgan-Grahame as Joseph/Fluffy, Josh Sneesby as Blind Beggar/Gnome, Jez Unwim as Raphael/Bretodeau
• Here’s the set:
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• The show starts with the subway light effect and a transit announcement in French.
• I really hope the UK cast records an album and that it includes the “Everybody’s Connected” song because I love it.
• All the actors spoke with a French accent and used French words when saying hello, goodbye, thank you and etc.
• So instead of having a child actor play young Amélie they used a puppet controlled by the guy who plays Lucien while Audrey provides the voice. And holy shit the puppet was terrifying. It had Dora the explorer choppy hair and had this wooden sheen. It also had the ability to blink which added to the creepiness factor.
• Because of the limited space the actors played their own instruments, ocasionally switching off with someone else when they were in the scene.
• The photo booth doubles as a door frame, the background of the sex shop, and a confessional booth in Notre Dame. The large sign that says “Photo Booth” has a light inside that turns on and which makes the inside of the booth visible from the outside and it looked super cool.
• Instead of it being a tourist from Brussels being on top of Notre Dame, they go back to a tourist from Quebec like in the film. The actor stood on top of the photo booth Instead of jumping, the tourist shoots himself and falls on to a crash mat, killing Amadine.
• Amélie describes her mother’s death using the word “squish’
• As they transition scenes, they straight up drag Amadine’s body off stage and it is hilarious.
• The garden gnome is used as an urn for Amadine’s ashes. Like they literally pour her ashes from the urn into the gnome.
• “Times Are Hard For Dreamers” was moved from the first act to the second act and is after “No Place like Gnome”
• I really want “Going Around Circles” to be in the album and I hate that it isn’t cause it’s a bop.
• Hippolito and Joseph smoke while in The Two Windmills, giving it a more Paris vibe
• A bit off topic, but I went to the Two Windmills cafe in France. The food is so good. If you’re a fan of the movie, I definitely reccomend you visit! (Some photos included below.)
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• The guy who flirts with Amélie in the cafe leaves his number on a receipt. As she cleans up his table, she stuffs the receipt into her mouth.
• After, Suzanne invites Amélie to go our for drinks with her, Gina, and Georgette, but Amélie refuses.
• The two pianos on stage convert into Georgette’s tobacco counter and the market where Collignon and Lucien work.
• The clock at the top doubles as Amélie’s apartment. The face of the clock slides open into two doors. There aren’t actually any stairs so to get up there, a pulley with a lampshade is dropped down and Audrey just grabs onto it and swings into the apartment. I kept getting nervous every time she went up because the pulley moved so fast, even though it says in her bio that she grew up doing several Cirque du Soleil shows.
• Speaking of Audrey Brisson, SHE IS SO TINY AND I LOVE HER. Like I’m a pretty short person and she was shorter than me.
• Dufayel has the camera to see the outside world like he did in the film.
• One thing they added was at the beginning if each scene they stated the date, time and occasionally the weather, humidity and etc which is a callback to the film. The whole story of Amélie (by which I mean the events that happen within the show) takes course over three months.
• Chris Jared, who played Nino was HOT, in my opinion at least. The headshots were in black and white in the program, so I didn’t know he was older until I saw a few grey hairs, but he was still super hot in a DILF kinda way.
• They make it clear that Collignon hates figs which is why he gets annoyed when Lucien sings “Three Figs”. He’s so disgusted by figs that he vomits in his hat before putting it back on.
• When Amélie starts her quest to do good deeds, she calls Suzanne and asks for a day off. Suzanne agrees and asks slyly, “What’s his name?” Amélie replies with, “Dominique Bredoteau.”
• They included the scene where Amélie goes door to door looking for Bredoteau, another callback to the film.
• Due to the inaccessibility of the second floor besides the lampshade pulley, if a character needed to stand out, they would climb and stand on top of the photo booth. Amélie stood on it in “Tour de France” and Nino stands on it during “When the Booth Goes Bright”
• When Amélie calls Bretodeau, the phone is held by an ensemble member who makes the ringing noise. When he picks it up, the light in the photo booth turns on, revealing Amélie wearing a scarf around her head and a pair of sunglasses as she speaks to him.
• Before “Goodbye Amélie”, as the report of Princess Diana turns into one of her fantasies, Amélie reaches into the TV and puts on a sparkling tiara as Elton John enters.
• She stands on top of the two pianos placed back to back as they serenade her. At the very end of the sing, she lies down across them with her arms crossed and her tiara on her chest as she winks at the audience.
• There’s actually an intermission.
• It starts with everyone on the subway. Amélie and Nino are on the opposite end of the train car and they sing a lovely duet. I don’t remember the exact lyrics, but there was metaphor of being lost at sea hinting at “Halfway”. I love the song and I need it in a cast album.
• At the end of the song Nino, stands in front of the audience as if exiting a subway car and Amélie sees him, but she immediately sinks into her seat so that he doesn’t see her.
• Nino leaves his photo album on top of the photo booth when he goes to catch his last train. Audrey Brisson is so small that even on her tip toes she couldn’t reach the top of the booth, so she climbed the door frame of the booth to reach the album.
• During intermission, the grocery stall is replaced with a display case full of different sizes and colors of dildos fo the sex shop scene.
• In the scene where Nino laments the loss of his photo album, (“years of his best work” as he calls it) his coworker is polishing a large black dildo with a cloth.
• Audrey plays the piano as she sings “Halfway” and its absolutely beautiful, so much so that I had tears in my eyes and I got a tattoo inspired by the song in Amsterdam.
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• What isn’t beautiful is the return of the Young Amélie puppet during “Halfway” who is visible through grown-up Amélie’s clock apartment.
• She calls Nino from her seat on the piano bench while he’s standing behind the piano, which I thought was brilliant staging. It shows how strong their connection was, but despite that, there was still an obstacle preventing them from meeting each other which was Amélie’s reluctance to reach out to him.
• She leaves him with the riddle of solving Xeno’s paradox along with a photo strip of her dressed in a Zorro costume, which is another callback to the film.
• They also narrate Amélie forging a letter from Gina’s late husband. She does so by taking some of the letters he wrote her before Amélie returning the box of letters to Gina.
• Collignon comes into the cafe, complaining about Lucien. Seeing a chance to get back at him, Amélie serves him a fig tart. As Collignon becomes sick, three people wearing nightmare fig costumes bust out of the photo booth and haunt him. The lights around him and the cafe go dark and turn nightmarish meanwhile Amélie is brightly lit in the downstage left corner by the cigarette counter, as she leisurely unwraps a mint and pops it into her mouth. Collignon is shaken out of his fig nightmare when Lucien enters the café to grab his attention. Collignon admits as a young man he wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer, but his mother wanted him to be a grocer and so he became one despite having no love for it. The reason he is so mean to Lucien is because he sees how much care and love Lucien takes when handling the produce that it makes him bitter. He apologizes to Lucien. Lucien replies he has no idea what he’s talking about and offers to close up the shop for Collignon, who agrees and says that Lucien is a good boy. I love this addition as it doesn’t sweep Lucien and Collignon’s plotline under the rug like the Broadway production does. It’s addressed and resolved before the end of the show.
• After the fig-induced nightmare sequence, Raphael rushes in to the cafe in distress. Instead of going into “No Place Like Gnome” they pause the scene in the cafe.
• They narrate that 275 km away Nino posts flyers of Amelié in the Zorro costume around the city and they move into “Thin Air” instead. Nino comes in from the side of the clock and stands on top of the photo booth. Again because of the limited space, the posters are just stuck around the metal framing of the clock.
• They return back to the café after “Thin Air”. After “No Place Like Gnome” as Amélie spray paints Hippolito’s quote below the clock, she notices the posters and panics ripping one off, but leaves the rest hanging. A took a picture of the set at the end of the show.
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• Amelié sends another photo strip to Nino writing, “It has come to my attention that you are looking for me. This Friday. 5pm. Montmartre Carousel. Bring five francs.”
• Amelié wears the Zorro costume in “Blue Arrow Suite”. The ensemble acted as the carousel and had blue arrows on the back of their instruments or on them. For those playing smaller instruments, they wore blue gloves and pointed towards the next “arrow”. The top of the hill was the photo booth and Nino pulls a red stand of binoculars out of fucking nowhere.
• Joseph says Georgette looks lovely when she’s flushed. She replies she’s flushed because of her gluten intolerance.
• When Nino and Amelié are set to meet at the cafe, the airline hostess is one of the customers there and joins in signing “A Better Haircut”
• They cut out the line where Nino says he loves Amelié and doesnt even know her name in “A Better Haircut” and I’m honestly so glad they did that. It works so much better Instead it just goes, “But you know I think she understands me/ I don’t know why she would understand/She may not even feel the same/But I don’t even know her name” with the “She may not even feel the same” part being dragged out a bit more.
• Georgette gets Hippolito to write down Amelié’s address on a page in his notebook that he tips out and gives to him.
• As Amelié sits in her clock apartment, the photo booth is turned so the side that is the door faces the audience. Nino waits below in front of it as they sing “Stay”. As they sing, Amélie moves from her apartment to the top of the photo booth. Again I love the staging, the use of different levels shows both the emotional and physical distance separating them.
• At the end of “Stay”, Nino realizes she won’t be opening the door. He looks like he gets an idea and walks away as the booth is turned to show the photo booth side. Amelié collapses in on herself and cries. From his window, Dufayel tells Amelié there is nothing to fear and shows her his new painting: it’s Amelié drinking a glass of water, making her the girl with the glass.
• Instead of opening the door, Nino climbs through a “window” aka on top of the photo booth (at least that was my interpretation of it, it wasn’t very clear how he got in)
• They sing the “Halfway (Reprise)” and do the the famous kiss on the cheek, neck and eye. Honestly, the tension between them was insane and had whole audience dying with anticipation as we collectively held our breaths. Audrey Brisson and Chris Jared have such crazy good chemistry. When they finally kissed it was like a sigh of relief washed over the audience.
• As the ensemble kneel before Amelié and Nino, Raphael stands, stating that he finally goes on a trip with Suzanne by his side, who then stands up beside him and smiles at him.
• In “Where Do We Go From Here?” one of Nino’s line is changed instead of singing, “Will there be sweet things?” It goes “Will you be with me?” and Amélie’s reply sticks to the original lyric as she answers with, “I hope so.”
• After bows, the cast sing a finale song that combines “When the Booth Goes Bright” and “Times Are Hard for Dreamers”. I cannot stress enough how badly I want a cast album of this show.
In Summary
• The show has improved so much and fixes a lot of the issues the Broadway version had.
• Overall, the UK production stays more faithful to the movie, including lots of callbacks and scenes from the film itself as well as the overall atmosphere of the Paris.
• I. Need. A. Cast. Album. Of. The. UK. Production.
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cannockweb-blog · 5 years
Rent Cannock Hotels
Cannock is the largest city in the Cannock Chase District within the county of Staffordshire. The town is positioned 32 km north of Birmingham. Cannock was identified for coal mining, Click here for Blog so the ambiance was conducive to the expansion of a number of industries. Also, as a result of its proximity to the Black Country, the city turned more dynamic and prosperous.
Cannock hosts a collection of cultural events for the mass. Cannock occasions are a part of individuals's lives. The town has an enormous city heart with renowned road names. The long array of public leisure services comparable to nightclubs, pubs, bars, and swimming swimming pools reveal the vitality and enthusiasm of the people in Cannock. Probably the most famend nightclubs are Silks and Stones. Other common nightclubs in Cannock include Forge, Piques, Academy, Bar 77, Ubar and Bar Spot. Maymies, Cannock's largest nightclub, was shut down in November 2005.
Apart from these clubs, Cannock also has obtained loads of entertainment facilities unfold across the town. They embrace swimming pools and an ice rink, generally known as Silverblades. Town additionally has out of doors and indoor markets and an enormous purchasing heart. Buying can be energetic in areas like Longford Island Industrial Estate and the Orbital Industrial Property, which are away from the town. A multiplex cinema hall is because of be constructed. The venture has gained approval from native planning authorities. Cannock affords you a wholesome meal as effectively. The town hosts various restaurants, which also embrace indian eating places.
Cannock events gain extra recognition during summer season holidays. These occasions give a aid to oldsters and kids from the weariness of summer time and provide them a cool break before they start their new session. A number of these activities Wikipedia here are particularly designed for youngsters. An example is the Bugsy Malone - Summer Workshop at Prince of Wales. Important upcoming music concerts embody Stars in your Eyes at the Ramada, Saturday Evening Fever Night time, and 80's Night.
Cannock is connected to close by cities with an extensive network of native buses offering service to and from Cannock town heart. Arriva Midlands is the primary bus operator in Cannock. Cannock railway station, which was closed in 1965 as a part of the Beeching Axe, was reopened in 1989. It is now part of the Rugeley - Cannock - Walsall - Birmingham line operated by London Midland and runs two trains per hour from Cannock station to Rugeley, Walsall and Birmingham.
There are many motels in Stafford which means that guests can stay for a few days and discover what the realm has to supply. There is something for everybody in Stafford from shops and theatres to castles and gardens. Situated within the West Midlands region of England, Stafford is effectively served by the M6 and is inside a short distance of Wolverhampton and Stoke-on-Trent. The Trentham Estate and Gardens make a perfect time out for the family with procuring, eating places, a monkey forest and a excessive ropes adventure course and Shugborough Estate permits families to step again in time and enjoy the history brought to life by costumed characters. There are plenty of outdoor pursuits in Staffordshire that visitors can take advantage of including strolling and cycling and for extreme there is snow sports activities and driving experiences. Inns in Stafford also put their company within herniate sights resembling Stafford Fort and Historical High House.
These staying in lodges in Stafford can enjoy the award-profitable Trentham Property and Gardens. The Trentham Property is one of the nation's best garden estates and prime visitor locations boasting a variety of issues to see and do. For individuals who love the outside, the Gardens are a should see as they are absolutely gorgeous, even Alan Titchmarsh described them as 'one of the UK's must see gardens!' The Buying Village offers a mix of style, art, outside, health and homeware shops and likewise provides a variety of cafes and eating places. Children www/cannockweb.co.uk/ will fall in love with the Trentham Monkey Forest, set in 60 acres of gorgeous Staffordshire woodland and meadows. There are one hundred forty monkeys and visitors can enjoy hourly feeding talks and guides all through the forest. Also on the grounds is Aerial Extreme, a high ropes adventure course. Set throughout the Estate, Aerial Extreme is a superb household day out and no expertise is needed in any respect! There are numerous exciting events held inside the Trentham grounds throughout the year together with Halloween, Fireworks and Christmas events.
Booking motels in Stafford means that company have the chance to participate in quite a few outside actions in Staffordshire. Peak Pursuits in North Staffordshire offers an important time out for everybody with fun challenges and journey in a ravishing setting. Climbing, raft constructing, abseiling,Cannock Web canoeing, cycling and archery are simply among the actions you may take part in right here. Nearby in Cannock Chase lies Go Ape, a tree high journey for all the household. Positioned in forests everywhere in the UK, the distinctive adventure experience permits guests to deal with tree-prime excessive wires, crossings, ladders, bridges and ropes and at the similar time, enjoy the breath-taking surroundings. Snowdome in Tamworth provides the final word snow, ice and leisure experience from tubing and ice skating to tobogganing and sledging. Accommodations in Stafford will put visitors within simple attain of a memorable day at Snowdome stuffed with enjoyable and laughter.
It's a must to make a little bit of an effort to get to this very enticing little village on the Grand Union Canal. Moor by bridge 32, (Furnace Lane Bridge) take the track by the bridge, (opposite the wharf) and take the road into the village. It's a nice stroll, past a stables and enticing houses. The village is centered on the green a few basic shops/newsagents, a butcher and hairdresser. The pub, the Forrester Arms, overlooks the green. For those who walk previous the Forrester Arms, and take the subsequent turn left, you'll come throughout the very nice Rising Solar. Here's a delightful thatched a typical outdated England feel inside. Properly well worth the effort.
On the Shropshire Union, Brewood took us a bit unexpectedly. Beautiful winding streets, pleasant, very helpful locals, The Admiral Rodney Lodge, (one of many high pubs we've been in) and the friendliest hairdresser for miles. There Social Profile Here are a terrific range of shops, grocer, publish workplace, baker, and newsagent overlooking the outdated sq.. Gracious properly stored buildings make Brewood as good a spot as you'll find on the system. Idyllic moorins as properly!
The canal city of Braunston, on the oxford and Grand Union Canal junction has much to offer the canal traveler. Its delightful essential street, the Old Plough, the mariner, and lots of good mooring spots. The very best spot we cannock hotel apartments reckon is tucked in between bridge 2 and the mariner entrance. From right here one can watch the comings and goings on the mariner, wander right down to the Mill House pub by bride 91, or cross the Bridge and stroll into town.
One other traditional canal town. The moorings at Great Heywood have been assisted by the opening of the mariner close by. The spot we like is overlooking Shugbborough Hall, just below lock thirteen. A really pretty outlook, and near the village of Nice Heywood, and the walks round Cannock Chase. Leighton Buzzard We simply needed to go to here to see what a town with such a name seems like! It is an important place, plenty of good moorings, plenty of shops, and a Tesco's right on the canal. Some good pubs, including Roebucks, off Market Sq..
You most likely will not find Milton Keynes within the "Should See" listing of many canal travelers. I suppose we might by no means have ventured there had our boat not been moored at Blisworth for a couple of years. But enterprise to Milton Keynes we did, and we have been pleasantly shocked. It's a gorgeous cruise into the realm, by means of Nice Linford, Campbell Park, etc. and there are nice mooring spots alongside the way in which. Milton Keynes itself is a wholesome however never boring walk from the canal, and has every thing anticipated in a contemporary procuring space. The camera shop there helped us out twice; there are department shops, meals retailers and banks galore. But one of the best half is the area's to stroll round. Great Linford park, the lovely Nags head pub saved us amused for a couple of days.
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outfitandtrend · 2 years
[ad_1] Paris seems to divide people; some think it’s the best city in the world, while others think it’s an overrated hodgepodge of rude Frenchmen and dog poo. But TikTok user, Lili Debois thoroughly enjoys living in the City of Love and especially loves her apartment. In a TikTok video, Lili shows off her apartment which is tiny but has been decorated in a way that celebrates the space (or lack thereof). In the video – which you can watch below – you can see that while her apartment is small and has odd angles, it also features a working fireplace, an American-style kitchen, lots of natural light and a decent-sized bathroom.With the caption, “I’m no interior designer but I love my little home in Paris,” Lili has highlighted in her TikTok vid that she’s utilised the space carefully and while her apartment is clearly small, it doesn’t look cramped or unlivable. In fact, it looks cosy and homely. This got us thinking: despite the fact that Parisian apartments are notoriously tiny and expensive – perhaps there is a good reason they are still so sought after. Perhaps they are even…the best apartments in the world. Still not convinced? Well, we did some sleuthing on your behalf. Here are a few more reasons why Parisian apartments are the best in the world. They keep you fit: living in a cramped space in an old building with a barely serviceable lift means you will often find yourself taking the stairs. That’s a win in your legs’ book. RELATED: Living In Paris: What You Learn Living In A Tiny Apartment For Four Years Parisian apartments also make you more inventive and resourceful (and liable to eat fresh food). Why? Because you don’t have enough space in your cupboard to store heaps of food. So you may as well buy fresh from the grocers each day. Also, as Snippets of Paris points out, many Parisian buildings are historical and have “old-world charm.” On top of that, Paris is super walkable. In fact, in Paris, you rarely need to drive or take an Uber (an alien concept to most Sydneysiders or LA residents, and, we would argue, yet another reason Paris’ small, expensive apartments are worth putting up with). Image Credit: Shabnam Ferdowsi/Hip ParisPlus, in Paris, you can get extremely delicious baguettes and fine wines for cheap – and we mean cheap: for a good bottle of wine you won’t need to pay more than three euros, which is roughly US$4. Not to mention the abundance of cafes, restaurants, bars, shows, theatres and ballets you can go to in Paris. The trade-off to all these pros is that you probably just have to settle for an apartment that is barely bigger than a shoebox but hey, if you decorate it as nicely as Lili has decorated hers, you’ll be saying nothing but ‘j’adore’ about it. Read Next Did you enjoy this story? If so, subscribe to our daily newsletter to receive our top tending stories. [ad_2] Source link
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mayuuunaise · 7 years
fic post: a man for flowers (feelings)
a/n: /laughs into a ditch/ it’s within 3 months??? i’m?? overwhelmed??? 
read on: ao3 / under the cut
“How do you casually and passive-aggressively say, ‘fuck you,’ in flower?”
Megumi drops the scissors in her grasp, shoulders tensed and eyes open wide in horror. She must have looked so scandalized, judging from the amused look on Isami’s face. Her head snaps from right to left, her braids bouncing as she scans the room to check for anyone else in. Like always, miraculously, Isami is the only person in the room. And like always, miraculously, Megumi finds herself enthralled by this young man.
Isami has been quietly sitting down on his chair (his words, not hers, though she has definitely already come to associate the chair next to her work desk with the brunette coming in almost weekly to order up bouquets) for a few hours, storming in more than a little early compared to his usual time. Megumi had honestly been more than a little worried when he got in, continued to frown, before slumping down by her work desk and then doing absolutely nothing for the next couple of hours. Customers have come and go, and even Isshiki-san the grocer has whispered his concerns to her about the young man brooding by the counter as he picks up the basket of verbenas he has ordered for his shop.
He hasn’t said anything at all to her, and although it has definitely been eating at the back of her head and setting her nerves into overdrive, Megumi lets him have his space. He’ll talk when he wants to, she tries to convince herself, as Isami has never had a problem voicing his concerns and pushing what he wants.
Still, the question leaves her more than a little surprised and she squeaks out a little, “what?” as she stares at him incredulously, big amber eyes going even wider. The gesture seems to amuse the young man, and try as he might to still look furious, his lips quirk upward a little.
“Please don’t ask for details, today has been horrible enough already and I can feel you judging me, Tadokoro-chan.” Isami sighs dramatically, leaning forward and stretching on her work desk. He’s still in his chef coat, leaving the sleeves to ride up a little bit over his biceps at his movements. He looks so much like a child that Megumi is ready to actually give him the candy she keeps in her bag for the neighbourhood kids, but the defined muscles in his arms remind her thoroughly that he is a grown man who only just happens to be as cute as Kyoutarou-chan. Before she has time to defend herself however, Isami lets out a low chuckle, already knowing what she’ll say next. “Joking, I know you’re never one to judge,”
Isami sighs heavily still, arms crossing over the top of her desk with his head resting on them. He looks very, very tired; Megumi has to resist the urge to leave her store unattended and run to the nearest cafe to get him some relaxing tea.
“Can you explain it to me in detail, this time? What the flowers mean,” Isami says a little bitterly, head still buried in his arms but eyes trained still on her figure. “I want to be able to repeat it all to prove a point.”
“I…” Words are failing her a lot today. Megumi looks nervously at him; she definitely has never done anything like this before. Even when angry lovers storm into her flower shop to demand a bouquet so full of loathing it would make a grown man cry, Megumi has always managed to trick (a strong word, Shinomiya prefers the term coerce) them into getting a bouquet for an apology instead. Shinomiya-senpai had been the only one who found it funny enough to actually do one the last time Megumi had been practically harassed to do one.
“Are you sure I can’t convince you otherwise?” she squeaks out, fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater.
“Nope,” he shakes his head, eyes turning icy and reminding her that blue could also be very, very cold when it wanted to be. He’s closing himself off again today, she realizes with a little bit of panic. Megumi isn’t sure she can handle making a hostile bouquet in the quiet on her own and blurts out the first thing that pops into her head.
“Then, make the bouquet with me.”
Isami’s eyes catch hers with confusion. Megumi is also not very sure what possesses her to tell him so, and flushes red in true Megumi fashion. She tucks a loose strand of blue hair behind her ear nervously, unable to meet his eyes. “Uhm, I, uhm, my manager says that flower arranging has been very therapeutic for him and got him through some tough times.” The florist is sure Shinomiya-senpai will have her head when he finds out she’s sharing his tragic backstory. “If you’d like, we could work on it together and it could be more personal.”
She’s half expecting him to just act like she hadn’t said anything at all and is ready to play that part in a heart beat, mumbling a “never mind,” under her breath to spare her the humiliation. She’s embarrassed beyond belief at what she just said to a customer of all people, when Isami slowly gets up from his seat and shuffles meekly forward until they’re standing shoulder to shoulder. He stands a good head above her, she notices again, but his timid and tired posture make him seem smaller, more vulnerable.
“Where do we start?” he asks, looking over at the variety of flora across the room. Megumi feels oddly excited about the prospect of making a bouquet with Isami, and pushes the thought of why exactly he needs one anyway away from her head.
“We pick the flowers,” she says softly and gently, feeling more at ease the more awake he looks. “Just go ahead and choose whichever one calls you, it usually fits right.”
Isami hums in response, slowly walking over to their collection of flowers lined up for sale. His gaze is drawn to the cluster of deep red flowers on a small potted plant and he picks it up to show to the florist. His lips quirk upwards at her grimacing face, undoubtedly amused by the mix of her reaction. His curiosity insatiable, he can’t resist asking, “What are these?”
“Geraniums,” Megumi answers in a little squeak. She clears her throat to try to seem less worried about his flower choices. “They’re closely tied to mean stupidity.”
For the first time that afternoon, Isami feels his lips stretch into an all too-familiar cheshire grin, “Perfect.”
They finish almost hours later, getting side-tracked by flower meanings and distracting anecdotes of Megumi’s first few failed attempts at flower arranging. It hadn’t come naturally to her, she explains, unlike her mentor and manager. She once almost sent a pesky weed disguised as a flower that meant a declaration of war to someone planning on proposing. Isami shares a few stories of his own as a child who first stepped into a kitchen, causing a small fire using a toaster and the three-month ban it incurred.
Megumi laughs softly at his stories, and beams brightly once she sees he seems to be feeling better already. Megumi has kept the stories they share to light topics and small talk, determined not to make him any more upset than he was when he first walked in.
“We’re done,” she says, applying the finishing touches as she makes an elaborate knot with the red ribbon tied around their ‘fuck you,’ bouquet. The comment seems to sober him up once more, the faint traces of a laugh slowly melting into a grimace as he gingerly picks up the bouquet.
He stares at the bouquet in his hands, looking awfully guilty once he realizes what he has done and what he has asked of her. “I’m a real jerk, huh,” Isami airs out, feeling his shoulders sag with the weight of the world. Megumi shifts her weight from one foot to another nervously, unsure if she should deny him - she does think it’s a bit mean to send beautiful flowers with a nasty, hidden meaning.
“Star of bethlehem.” Megumi doesn’t know what to tell him and ends up blurting out one of the flowers he picked at absentmindedly when she let him choose one that appealed to him. Isami finally looks her in the eye in a very confused manner, one perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised in question. Megumi has the decency to flush in embarrassment but carried on. “You picked a flower fit for an apology.”
Megumi takes in a breath and steels herself, unable to believe she’s about to launch in a pep talk about self-depreciation when she has been struggling with that all her life. She wants to try not to sound too hypocritical as the words flow from her mouth. “I don’t think you’re a bad person, Isami-san. Just very hurt, and very tired, I think.”
He stares at her, and she can see the warmth return to his baby blue eyes as they gloss over a little. It is sheer determination and willpower, she thinks, that Isami doesn’t burst out crying and she’s very, very impressed.
“The white flowers you insisted on putting mean starting over again,” she continues to explain, growing in confidence. “My manager always told me that we gravitate to flowers we resonated with even when we don’t know what they mean. That maybe some part of us just knows; and some part of you knows that you’re not really mad at this person.” Megumi takes a shaky breath, knowing well that she may be overstepping her boundaries in her weird point between acquaintance and friend. “I don’t know what this is about, but being mad at someone doesn’t make you a bad person. Especially when you still want to give them flowers that say you’re sorry.”
Megumi holds her breath as Isami continues to stare at her. She doesn’t know what else to say, and holds his gaze instead. He looks like he wants to say something, and she waits patiently until he bursts out with a nervous laugh erupting from his chest.
“You’re too good, Tadokoro-chan,” he sighs out. “Too good for me,” he mumbles distractedly, and Megumi honestly doesn’t know if she hears him right. It’s been a long day for the both of them and Ryouko has complained more than once about her selective hearing.
(Maybe she simply doesn’t think good things like this can actually come to her)
“May I be selfish again?” Isami quietly mumbles. Megumi realizes in that moment that he could ask for the moon and the stars and she would do everything in her power to give them all to him (she’s gone, so far gone). She nods instead of saying anything more, feeling oddly at ease with the young man in front of her. He shuffles forward, the bouquet gripped loosely in one of his hands. She squeaks in surprise again when she sees him lean forward to press his forehead awkwardly to her shoulder; the height difference makes it extremely difficult for him, and she tries to stand on her tiptoes before he’s chuckling softly at her ridiculous ways to compensate.
“Hold still.” His hands curl around her shoulders as he lightly pushes her down. Megumi can feel his warm hands even through her sweater and tells him as such. She tells him that he’s not a bad person at all; bad people so rarely had very warm and comforting hands that baked very good cookies after all.
“You’re impossible,” he mumbles against her ear and slowly wraps his arms around her shoulders, the stiffness in his shoulders giving way to exhaustion and a slow and small quirk of his lips. She feels her own lips tug into a smile and lets him hold her for as long as he likes.
Megumi cleans up later and finds a note written on her work desk along with cash and a cluster of star of bethlehems tied haphazardly with a ribbon. She isn’t quite sure if it’s tip or loose change but it’s enough to act as payment for a small bouquet that Megumi belatedly realizes is hers. Instead, the florist continues to stare and read and re-read the note written in his loopy handwriting.
“Thank you, Tadokoro-chan.
Yours, Isami.”
Yours, it reads. She wants to believe him.
(scientific name: ornithogalum umbellatum genus: ornithogallum colour: white meaning: reconciliation; purity; trust to start again)  
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torontotravelblog · 5 years
8 Things That Prove Toronto Is the Coolest City
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"When did Toronto get so great?" That's the question BBC Travel presented lately, questioning when this Canadian city became the cultural center it suddenly seems to be. The fact is, Toronto has been cool for a long time. It's simply that Toronto never speaks about exactly how great Toronto is. Yet with its indie coffee shops and also artistic bars, with every street edge birthing some yummy morsel or micro-roasted coffee, and also with independent style labels, roof restaurants, and also a bar that serves brunch with a side of fatality steel, the truth is that Toronto has a little bit of every little thing.
Wish to prepare a see to this un-self-consciously amazing city? Below are 8 picks to obtain you began.
Kensington Market
Modern and also lively: These are the best words to define Kensington Market, a must-experience neighborhood in the heart of midtown. Formally a National Historic Website of Canada and also a safeguarded area, Kensington was as soon as an immigrant territory in the bustling city. Currently it's a center for the still-thriving counterculture of Toronto (think Haight-Ashbury, however much cooler than San Francisco). In the cramped but neat roads, you'll discover vintage shops, document stores, independent coffee shops, ethnic grocers, and head stores. Pedestrians mill on the sidewalks as well as in the streets throughout festivals, consisting of a vivid Kensington Karnival to supplant the winter solstice.
Some of my picks in this amazing neighborhood are Guts My Love (high-grade vintage clothing for all sexes), Moonbean Coffee Business (a mini roastery and hangout), Graffiti's (a small rock bar with a black-metal brunch), and Sanagan's Meat Storage locker (hipster butcher extraordinaire).
Canadian Cuisine
Toronto is indisputably diverse, and also its cooking scene reflects the impact of hundreds of immigrant teams who brought inexpensive, passionate, as well as tasty fare to the cool continent. Yet, like many various other places I've traveled to recently, Toronto seems to be in the midst of uncovering its domestic active ingredients and culinary roots-- past maple syrup and poutine, obviously. The city's cooks have actually required to local produce, fish, as well as game, checking out ancient methods like fermenting and also smoking while updating Canada's distinct heritage recipes.
The fine-dining scene is dominated by restaurants like Canoe, with sampling menus that concentrate on one particular regional food and attribute parts like Lake Manitoba trout, Saskatoon winter berries, and also Northern Woods mushrooms. Likewise, contemporary Marben, with its bespoke alcoholic drinks and also local components in a diverse around-the-world menu, is right on pattern. Both deserve a go to.
And if you wish to go means down-market, the Slide carousel Bakery at St. Lawrence Market is the only area to experience a real Toronto original: a peameal bacon sandwich. Get in line early, choose a mustard, and delight in.
Toronto Islands
In spite of the cold weather condition, Torontonians are an outdoorsy number, and they take to the Toronto Islands, a tiny chain just offshore, to experience a few of the most effective metropolitan eco-friendly spaces in North America. These public islands have amazing views of the shining city sky line on one side as well as the similarly glittery Lake Ontario on the various other. Centre Island, the largest, is just an affordable ferry ride away from downtown. From the dock, visitors can rent out bicycles to discover the island's several routes; in summer, canoes and also kayaks are available to lease for paddling the surrounding lake. On the island, you'll discover a small theme park, coastlines, picnic locations with fire pits, as well as cafes. (Note that Hanlan's Factor Coastline is clothing-optional!) If you're not feeling the outdoors, a little musicians' area at Gibraltar Point houses workshops for painters, carvers, and also other imaginative kinds; it creates an enjoyable social side trip.
Distillery District
This neighborhood of Victorian commercial stockrooms as well as charming street indicators looks flat-out Dickensian-- yet completely updated. Given that being called a National Historic Website in 1988, the Distillery District has actually ended up being a shopping-and-nightlife hub for hip locals. It's now home to Toronto's relaxing Xmas Market, at which customers can drink mulled white wine, surf artisans' stands, as well as gather around for carols. Year-round, a collection of stores and restaurants brings site visitors day and night (I suggest Block Street Bakeshop's sweet and also savory bread or Mill Street Mixture Pub's prize-winning beers and patio area). Gallery area and also performance movie theaters contribute to the artsy however un-self-conscious vibe. Bring your best skinny denims.
Chinatown( s).
Several cities assert a Chinatown, yet the higher Toronto location has seven. The district on Spadina Avenue around Dundas Road West, frequently referred to as Old Chinatown, is among the best locations worldwide to experience Thai, Vietnamese, and also plenty of Chinese regional foods all at once.
Insiders say the very best times to try out Chinatown are late at night, after the bars close as well as when your tummy is craving affordable as well as delicious eats, and also early weekend breaks for first-rate dark sum. Any time, Toronto's dumplings and soup buns (xiao lengthy bao, or XLBs) are legendary, with areas like Mom's Dumplings, Rol San, and Asian Legend serving up exemplary resilient buns full of hot brew. (Pro idea: Poke the leading with a chopstick to slurp out the soup.) Family member newbie Rosewood Chinese Food gets my pick for the adhering to magical words: all-day dim sum. Each dish sets you back just $2.20 CAD on weekdays, making this set of the best dining sell an expensive community.
This glam Toronto community continually ranks among the globe's best for shopping, so if you're seeking to blow your spending plan (or if you do not have one), Bloor-Yorkville is the place to go. Right here you'll discover premium resorts like the 4 Seasons, the city's best medical spas and hair salons, as well as stores from Chanel, Michael Kors, and also Louis Vuitton. You can go shopping Canadian tags like Holt Renfrew and Harry Rosen, take a look at neighborhood and also international art at snazzy galleries, or sip alcoholic drinks at a roof bar. I assume the most effective method to experience this swank area is complimentary: Just park it on a bench and also people-and-Maserati-watch at your leisure.
Queen West.
Both Style as well as Lonely Planet called Queen West Toronto's coolest community in 2014, and it's hard to argue that this one-mile stretch could be anything however. Neat rows of art galleries, studios, style houses, stores, dining establishments, and bakeshops line Queen West, a former industrial neighborhood that's taken well to its newly found fame. Street-art addicts will certainly love Graffiti Street, where spray-painted murals are totally lawful. The fashionable collection will enjoy the material shops, bead as well as button shops, and also indie-label stores. As well as everyone can appreciate the artistic resort The Drake, where a rooftop bar supplies some of the city's finest sights and also night life-- as well as where you may spot a star or 2.
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO).
The engineer Frank Gehry is a Toronto native, so it only makes sense that when this city organization needed a refresh, Gehry pertained to the rescue. A $276 million remodelling later on, as well as AGO is now renowned not just for the art it has however, for its very own modern, airy design. Numerous professionals compete that its wide-open areas are among the globe's finest for watching imaginative work of arts, with a billowing glass outside as well as a sculptural wood staircase that Gehry really hoped would certainly inspire visitors to fall in love. The museum's collection absolutely motivates interest, from its irreversible Canadian jobs by the Team of 7 to turning exhibitions by Basquiat, Michelangelo, and so forth. If you visit, prepare a complete day and also build in a coffee break at the fifth-level Emporium Italia coffee bar (the sights of the city from the undulating wood-framed windows are magnificent).
The post “ 8 Things That Prove Toronto Is the Coolest City “ was originally seen on Smarter Travel by Dara Continenza
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shonarollo-blog · 5 years
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panning Kensington Market is not just a market, but a vibrant, living community, home to numerous waves of immigrants over the years.When visiting, I was struck by how many different people from all walks of life gather here to work, eat, live and play. With so many cultures and generations all layered on top of each other, the whole place has a DIY feel you don’t really find anywhere else.
As a destination for art, global street food and community events, there is so much life tucked into every corner of this bustling neighbourhood. It’s nearly impossible to take it all in at once… so, where to start?
Make the Most of Kensington Market
Golden Patty
Eat your way through a world of food
Although Kensington Market has some finer dining establishments such as Grey Gardens, more casual spots that only specialize in one or two items are really where it’s at. True to the market’s immigrant roots, you’ll find mom and pop restaurants serving quick street food and authentically cooked meals that bring a taste of their home countries to you.
Seven Lives is a neighbourhood favourite for getting Baja-style tacos, and they’re in demand. This cash only counter has mouthwatering tacos loaded with all the right toppings, and lots of hot sauce options to pick from. Another popular street food, empanadas, are perfect for a quick and affordable snack. At Jumbo Empanada, you can get a taste of Chile for as little as $1.75 for one of their mini pastries.
Fish and Chips from Fresco’s
As a Montrealer I also have to mention NU Bügel. They serve classic Montreal bagels wood fired to perfection and topped with the works, if you wish. Fresco’s Fish and Chips has meanwhile mastered and upgraded a British classic with an optional extra crispy batter made from Miss Vickie’s “crisps.” Then, Golden Patty will deliver on all your flaky, spicy, delicious, beefy needs.
Kensington Market also has a lot of options for vegetarian and vegan eats. Options like Urban Herbivore,  Hibiscus and King’s Cafe are sure to make your little plant-based hearts sing.
Kensington Market & Chinatown Toronto Food Tour exploring the back alleys
Take the Kensington Market and Chinatown Toronto Food Tour
If you’re new in the area or want to get to know it from a different perspective, taking a tour can be the perfect way to connect with the place. You’ll get to know the stories and the history that helped make Kensington Market the way it is today, and get a taste of what a community like this really means. Plus, it’s clear there’s a lot to taste in this high density foodie destination.
Food samples on the Kensington Market & Chinatown Toronto Food Tour
On the Kensington Market & Chinatown Toronto Food Tour, you’ll have the chance to visit 7+ different food stops to taste delicacies that are inspired by global cuisines, and yet take root at a small local business, each with its own story. No single restaurant could bring you a seven course meal this diverse! You’ll definitely get plenty to eat, but you’ll also be enriched by the guide’s insider knowledge as they take you to explore off the main streets and into the real heart of Kensington Market. Have a look at Local Toronto Food Tours.
Outside FIKA
Take it easy at a local cafe
You might need some extra energy to soak in as much as you can of Kensington Market, so why not treat yourself to a delicious cup of coffee, and maybe a scone?
My favourite place to refresh as I explore the market is Moonbean. The locally owned coffee shop and roastery brings the streets’ energy inside with a sprawling chalkboard menu, loose leaf teas lining the walls, and a cozy art-filled room in the back. They also have two patios, front and back, plentiful baked goods, and just about every drink you can think of, even smoothies. Plus, if you need to make another kind of rest stop, you’ll find kind messages from strangers scrawled all over the bathroom walls.
Another great coffee shop is FIKA, a bright and stylish Sweden-inspired spot that’s a favourite for studying, reading a book, or simply taking it easy. They serve specialty drinks such as a spiced cardamom latte, lavender white hot chocolate, and a mean iced coffee, too – perfect for enjoying on their airy patio in the summer.
Other local favourites include famed Toronto chain Jimmy’s Coffee as well as i deal coffee, Cafe Pamenar and Livelihood Cafe.
Exploring the alleyways of Kensington Pl.
See where creativity spills onto the streets
Music, street performances, murals and more fill the streets of Kensington Market with endless inspiration and photo opportunities. With so many artists around, you’ll be pressed to find wall space that doesn’t boast even a speck of paint. They’ve truly made Kensington their own.
Some of my favourite murals are a photo collage on Kensington Ave off St Andrew and a huge Alphonse Mucha inspired mural at Augusta and Oxford. Parked in front the latter, you’ll also find Yvonne Bambrick’s infamous Garden Car, a teeny tiny city park/community art project which has been sprouting in the same spot each summer since ’07. Make sure you keep your eyes up as you explore hidden corners and back alleys, you never know what else you’ll find!
Street performers
While street performers and pop-up concerts may be a little harder to track, if the sun is out you’re sure to stumble upon some talented buskers at Bellevue Square Park. To increase your odds, come by for Pedestrian Sundays. The whole market is blocked off from traffic on the last Sunday of every summer month, opening it up for people and their experimentations. Support artists directly, too, by checking out the Kensington Market Art Fair.
The Winter Solstice Festival also takes over the market annually on December 21st, lighting up the longest night of the year with creativity and passion.
Lanterns on display at Dancing Days
Shop around for locally made goods
Naturally, the storefronts in Kensington Market sell products by people just as diverse as its residents. Creativity is concentrated at a few charming stores offering handmade and locally produced goods that range from artwork to accessories to home decor, and more.
First off, Kid Icarus is a sweet, stylish screen printing studio and gift shop all in one. They focus on paper products like greeting cards and stationary, but you’ll find pins, soap and other creative crafts, too. Everything in store is made by Canadian artists and artisans, and it’s irresistibly cute.
Painted house
Outside of Dancing Days
Another good place to pick up Canadian-made gifts is The Blue Banana Market. The giant store is practically a warehouse for locally made goods and novelty items from around the globe. Then, for comic book lovers, manga fans, and graphic novel enthusiasts, there’s The Beguiling. You’ll find the famed comic book store just a couple steps from the market on College Ave. Even if you weren’t looking for any of those, there’s something about it that just draws you in.
Finally, if you’re looking for some unique jewellery, you’re in luck. One Love is one man’s tiny storefront selling handcrafted goods and jewellery, with a smile. You can also find other similarly handmade pieces displayed on tabletops around the market. Follow your instinct as you stroll the streets and see what speaks to you!
One of Kensington Market’s many fruit stands
Pick up some specialty ingredients
Grocery shopping might be an underrated form of entertainment, but one of the big draw-ins of Kensington Market is its high density of specialty grocers. There’s nothing better than treating yourself to some of the freshest ingredients you can get. Whether you’re cooking up a special meal or just having a snack, you’ll see the difference that freshness makes.
Even if you don’t have a kitchen at your disposal, these spots can help you feel right at home. There’s nothing better than fresh bread from Toronto’s favourite Blackbird Baking Co. topped with your favourite creamy delight from the Global Cheese Shoppe just around the corner.
Global Cheese
For carnivores, Sanagan’s Meat Locker is your local go-to. They emphasize building relationships with farmers, meaning you can trace everything in store back to its source. All that’s left to do is let the helpful staff guide you to picking the perfect cut. Next, you’ll find fruit and vegetable stands all around the market to add a little colour to your meal, while House of Spice will help bring the flavour. You’re sure to discover something new while you’re in there, too.
If you’re looking for place to shop that’s a little better rounded, 4 Life Natural Foods has it all when it comes to organic goods. With spacious aisles, wooden shelves and so many ethically sourced food options, the whole experience of being there is simply a pleasure.
Kensington Mall
Discover the wonder of thrift shops
Kensington Market is truly a haven for lovers of vintage. With shops selling unique finds around every corner, its no wonder the area’s residents all look so cool. Plus, buying secondhand clothes is a simple way to take it easy on Mother Earth.
Perhaps the most well-known vintage shop in the area is Courage My Love, a cozy and colourful store perfect for finding cashmere pieces, theatrical accessories, beads, buttons and other DIY necessities, as well as the perfect pair of cowboy boots. Another favourite is Sub Rosa Vintage just next door, which boasts a hand picked selection of clothes more in line with today’s fashion trends. Meanwhile, Vintage Depot has top tier threads in just about any shape or colour, including some designer finds, Exile delivers on the costume department and Bungalow mixes the old with the new making it a one-stop shop for any lover of retro style.
If you’re in the mood for a little shopping spree, you’ll find the highest concentration of other vintage shops on Kensington Ave around Courage My Love and Sub Rosa.
CN Tower seen from Chinatown
Explore neighbouring Chinatown
A mere block away from the heart of Kensington Market is another bustling urban community. Chinatown is full of family-owned business of all sorts, but the main attraction is definitely the food. While the number of restaurants serving different variations on the same cuisine was a little overwhelming at first, after a little exploring I’ve narrowed down my favourite spots, depending on what you’re looking for.
Chefs working at Mother’s Dumplings
Dumplings? Try Mother’s Dumplings, and watch the little bundles of flavour be made right in front of your eyes. Noodles? Despite the name, Chinese Traditional Buns serves some awesome Dan Dan Noodles, without the frills. Soup? Phở Hưng has all you could want, and more. Sandwich? Banh Mi Nguyen Huong serves Banh Mi that’s quick, cheap and most of all delicious. Buns? Now, those are top-tier at Mashion Bakery.
The post What to Do and See in Toronto’s Kensington Market appeared first on To Europe And Beyond.
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topfygad · 5 years
17+ Brilliant Issues to do in Kensington Marketplace Toronto [Full guide]
panning Kensington Marketplace is not just a current market, but a lively, dwelling neighborhood, dwelling to several waves of immigrants around the years.When going to, I was struck by how a lot of distinct men and women from all walks of life get below to work, take in, dwell and perform. With so quite a few cultures and generations all layered on prime of each other, the whole put has a Do it yourself truly feel you never actually obtain anyplace else.
As a desired destination for art, world avenue food stuff and group activities, there is so a great deal everyday living tucked into just about every corner of this bustling neighbourhood. It is nearly not possible to acquire it all in at once… so, in which to start off?
Golden Patty
Even though Kensington Current market has some finer dining establishments this kind of as Grey Gardens, additional relaxed spots that only focus in one or two things are truly wherever it’s at. Accurate to the market’s immigrant roots, you are going to discover mother and pop eating places serving quick road meals and authentically cooked foods that convey a flavor of their dwelling international locations to you.
7 Lives is a neighbourhood favorite for having Baja-fashion tacos, and they are in demand from customers. This income only counter has mouthwatering tacos loaded with all the ideal toppings, and lots of sizzling sauce possibilities to decide on from. One more well-known street food items, empanadas, are great for a speedy and affordable snack. At Jumbo Empanada, you can get a style of Chile for as very little as $1.75 for one particular of their mini pastries.
Fish and Chips from Fresco’s
As a Montrealer I also have to mention NU Bügel. They serve basic Montreal bagels wooden fired to perfection and topped with the operates, if you desire. Fresco’s Fish and Chips has meanwhile mastered and upgraded a British classic with an optional excess crispy batter made from Pass up Vickie’s “crisps.” Then, Golden Patty will deliver on all your flaky, spicy, delightful, beefy demands.
Kensington Market place also has a lot of choices for vegetarian and vegan eats. Possibilities like City Herbivore,  Hibiscus and King’s Cafe are absolutely sure to make your little plant-dependent hearts sing.
Kensington Industry & Chinatown Toronto Food items Tour checking out the back alleys
If you are new in the place or want to get to know it from a various perspective, using a tour can be the perfect way to link with the position. You will get to know the stories and the historical past that served make Kensington Industry the way it is nowadays, and get a flavor of what a local community like this genuinely suggests. Furthermore, it is clear there’s a good deal to flavor in this substantial density foodie place.
Foods samples on the Kensington Market place & Chinatown Toronto Food Tour
On the Kensington Marketplace & Chinatown Toronto Meals Tour, you are going to have the chance to go to 7+ various foods stops to taste delicacies that are inspired by world cuisines, and however consider root at a compact community enterprise, just about every with its individual tale. No solitary cafe could deliver you a seven program food this diverse! You are going to surely get lots to consume, but you are going to also be enriched by the guide’s insider know-how as they acquire you to check out off the main streets and into the genuine coronary heart of Kensington Sector. Have a seem at Regional Toronto Food items Excursions.
Outside FIKA
You could possibly will need some excess power to soak in as a lot as you can of Kensington Industry, so why not handle your self to a delightful cup of coffee, and possibly a scone?
My favourite place to refresh as I take a look at the industry is Moonbean. The domestically owned coffee shop and roastery brings the streets’ power inside with a sprawling chalkboard menu, free leaf teas lining the walls, and a cozy art-loaded space in the back. They also have two patios, front and again, abundant baked items, and just about every consume you can think of, even smoothies. Plus, if you need to make yet another kind of rest quit, you will obtain form messages from strangers scrawled all more than the lavatory walls.
Another wonderful coffee shop is FIKA, a vivid and stylish Sweden-influenced place that’s a favorite for finding out, examining a guide, or only taking it quick. They serve specialty beverages this sort of as a spiced cardamom latte, lavender white hot chocolate, and a suggest iced coffee, as well – best for experiencing on their airy patio in the summertime.
Other nearby favourites involve famed Toronto chain Jimmy’s Espresso as nicely as i deal coffee, Cafe Pamenar and Livelihood Cafe.
Exploring the alleyways of Kensington Pl.
Tunes, street performances, murals and far more fill the streets of Kensington Current market with countless inspiration and photo chances. With so several artists all-around, you’ll be pressed to discover wall room that doesn’t boast even a speck of paint. They’ve certainly made Kensington their personal.
Some of my favorite murals are a photo collage on Kensington Ave off St Andrew and a substantial Alphonse Mucha influenced mural at Augusta and Oxford. Parked in front the latter, you will also obtain Yvonne Bambrick’s notorious Back garden Car, a teeny very small town park/local community artwork task which has been sprouting in the exact spot every summer season since ’07. Make absolutely sure you continue to keep your eyes up as you examine concealed corners and back again alleys, you under no circumstances know what else you are going to discover!
Road performers
Though road performers and pop-up concert events may perhaps be a little more durable to monitor, if the sunshine is out you’re certain to stumble upon some talented buskers at Bellevue Square Park. To maximize your odds, arrive by for Pedestrian Sundays. The whole market place is blocked off from targeted traffic on the very last Sunday of just about every summer month, opening it up for folks and their experimentations. Support artists instantly, as well, by examining out the Kensington Sector Art Fair.
The Winter Solstice Competition also normally takes above the market yearly on December 21st, lights up the longest night of the year with creativity and enthusiasm.
Lanterns on display screen at Dancing Days
Obviously, the storefronts in Kensington Sector market products and solutions by individuals just as assorted as its inhabitants. Creativeness is concentrated at a number of charming retailers providing handmade and domestically manufactured goods that variety from artwork to components to dwelling decor, and extra.
To start with off, Child Icarus is a sweet, trendy display printing studio and reward shop all in just one. They target on paper products and solutions like greeting cards and stationary, but you’ll come across pins, soap and other creative crafts, far too. Anything in retail store is manufactured by Canadian artists and artisans, and it’s irresistibly adorable.
Painted house
Outside the house of Dancing Days
A different superior area to pick up Canadian-manufactured gifts is The Blue Banana Sector. The giant store is practically a warehouse for domestically designed merchandise and novelty goods from about the globe. Then, for comic reserve lovers, manga supporters, and graphic novel fanatics, there is The Beguiling. You’ll obtain the famed comedian book retail outlet just a couple methods from the current market on College Ave. Even if you weren’t hunting for any of those, there is anything about it that just draws you in.
Lastly, if you’re looking for some unique jewelry, you are in luck. One Appreciate is one man’s very small storefront marketing handcrafted merchandise and jewellery, with a smile. You can also come across other likewise handmade pieces shown on tabletops close to the market place. Adhere to your intuition as you stroll the streets and see what speaks to you!
1 of Kensington Market’s numerous fruit stands
Grocery browsing may possibly be an underrated sort of amusement, but just one of the large attract-ins of Kensington Marketplace is its high density of specialty grocers. There’s almost nothing far better than managing oneself to some of the freshest ingredients you can get. No matter if you’re cooking up a distinctive meal or just having a snack, you’ll see the difference that freshness makes.
Even if you never have a kitchen at your disposal, these places can support you really feel appropriate at dwelling. There is practically nothing better than contemporary bread from Toronto’s favourite Blackbird Baking Co. topped with your favorite creamy delight from the World wide Cheese Shoppe just all over the corner.
Global Cheese
For carnivores, Sanagan’s Meat Locker is your local go-to. They emphasize developing relationships with farmers, this means you can trace almost everything in shop back to its source. All which is remaining to do is enable the practical workers guideline you to picking the ideal slash. Next, you are going to find fruit and vegetable stands all close to the marketplace to incorporate a minimal color to your meal, whilst Residence of Spice will assistance bring the flavour. You are guaranteed to uncover a thing new while you’re in there, as well.
If you’re seeking for place to shop which is a tiny superior rounded, 4 Life Purely natural Foods has it all when it arrives to organic and natural items. With roomy aisles, picket shelves and so several ethically sourced foodstuff options, the complete experience of currently being there is just a satisfaction.
Kensington Shopping mall
Kensington Current market is genuinely a haven for lovers of classic. With retailers marketing distinctive finds all around each corner, its no ponder the area’s residents all glimpse so amazing. As well as, buying secondhand clothing is a straightforward way to get it easy on Mom Earth.
Potentially the most perfectly-known vintage shop in the spot is Bravery My Love, a cozy and colourful store best for finding cashmere parts, theatrical components, beads, buttons and other Do-it-yourself requirements, as perfectly as the great pair of cowboy boots. Yet another favourite is Sub Rosa Vintage just up coming doorway, which boasts a hand picked choice of apparel much more in line with today’s style trends. Meanwhile, Vintage Depot has leading tier threads in just about any condition or color, which includes some designer finds, Exile delivers on the costume office and Bungalow mixes the outdated with the new generating it a a person-halt shop for any lover of retro type.
If you are in the temper for a little buying spree, you will discover the best concentration of other classic shops on Kensington Ave close to Bravery My Enjoy and Sub Rosa.
CN Tower witnessed from Chinatown
A mere block absent from the coronary heart of Kensington Market place is an additional bustling city community. Chinatown is entire of household-owned small business of all sorts, but the major attraction is undoubtedly the food items. When the number of restaurants serving diverse versions on the same cuisine was a tiny overwhelming at 1st, immediately after a minimal discovering I’ve narrowed down my favorite spots, relying on what you are hunting for.
Chefs functioning at Mother’s Dumplings
Dumplings? Test Mother’s Dumplings, and enjoy the small bundles of flavour be created right in front of your eyes. Noodles? Inspite of the name, Chinese Common Buns serves some awesome Dan Dan Noodles, with out the frills. Soup? Phở Hưng has all you could want, and additional. Sandwich? Banh Mi Nguyen Huong serves Banh Mi that’s speedy, affordable and most of all mouth watering. Buns? Now, people are major-tier at Mashion Bakery.
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/31yXmF9 via IFTTT
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michaelfallcon · 6 years
New City, New Problems: St. Louis’ Sump Coffee Finds A Home In Nashville
Though the cafe celebrated it’s one year anniversary on September 18, the story of Sump Coffee’s arrival in Nashville started more than three years ago. Their involvement in the striking oneC1TY development was, according to owner Scott Carey, a case of “dumb luck.” The developers mentioned the idea of including a coffee shop in the complex to Gerard Craft of Italian eatery Pastaria, who opened his own location within the development. Craft suggested Sump as a candidate, and a representative was dispatched to St. Louis to check out the brand and the coffee. They liked it, and hands were shaken.
But the coffee climate in Nashville changed a lot in the intervening years. New cafe after new cafe opened, leading Carey to question more closely how his cafe should fit into the growing community.
“The market here is very mature and so we have to ask ourselves what are we doing? Who are we? And how do we communicate that to people?” says Carey. And like many business owners have found before him, even the best-tested practices don’t always translate city to city.
Sump owner Scott Carey
At first, Carey expected that what worked in St. Louis would also work in Nashville. “But that’s not what the market wants or what the location is dictating,” admitted Carey after Sump Nashville’s first year. Though Carey tried to bring the “slow bar” mindset of his St. Louis location to Tennessee, demand forced new methods. His team has had to quickly adapt in ways they hadn’t previously planned—like implementing a Ground Control II batch brewer. Other issues, like finding a consistent quality milk supplier, have taken time to perfect. However, just as the cafe has changed over the course of the year, so has its surrounding neighborhood.
As the area has thrived, Sump Nashville has come to draw an early-morning crowd of commuter-regulars—hence the batch brew. This part of Midtown Nashville has drawn restaurants and grocers that are themselves magnets, allowing Sump to fit right in as a coffee destination. “How we’re thinking about the model and how we’re thinking about the coffee goes hand in glove with how this part of the city is growing,” Carey says.
To that end, a stage has recently been added to a grassy area just outside Sump’s doors for live music, movie screenings, and other events. And in the coffee-specific realm, Sump hosts brewing classes and other coffee events, like open sessions for customers to bring in coffee from any roaster and learn how to brew it better. “We don’t sell a finished product,” Carey says. “We have to do a better job, without being pedantic, of providing accessibility and a doorway to go home and have a good experience.”
Functionality and volume were at the heart of the equipment choices for the Nashville location. They eschewed the Slayer espresso machine that is used in St. Louis for a Kees van der Westen Spirit, which boasts volumetric programming capabilities. This promotes consistency while freeing the barista up to engage with the customer. A Poursteady automated pour-over coffee machine fits this mindset as well. “If you’re manually brewing, you can’t really create that engagement,” says Carey. “It’s more like being a sommelier. They don’t make the wine, but they know a lot about it. So their goal is more engagement.”
Opening a shop five hours southeast from his original location brought about unseen challenges and insights, Carey says, but he appreciates the challenge. “It adds so much depth to how I think about the coffee and the business that I didn’t have before,” he says. These insights, although hard-earned, have been rewarding. He’s committed to the two existing Sump locations, but still has his eyes to the future. “The goal is just to figure it out, and if we get this figured out, I’d like to open up in another market.”
For now, Carey is focusing on what’s already in front of him and learning everything he can. “Opening here has definitely broadened my worldview and caused me to reevaluate some thinking and maybe some of the absolutes I have.”
“It’s still an exploration,” he says. “Maybe I was more naïve than I thought… but I think sometimes being naïve and not completely digesting all the details allows you to do something risky. And now I’m figuring out what that means.”
Sump Coffee is located at 8 City Boulevard, Nashville. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Josh Rank is a freelance contributor based in Nashville. This is Josh Rank’s first article for Sprudge.
The post New City, New Problems: St. Louis’ Sump Coffee Finds A Home In Nashville appeared first on Sprudge.
New City, New Problems: St. Louis’ Sump Coffee Finds A Home In Nashville published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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epchapman89 · 6 years
New City, New Problems: St. Louis’ Sump Coffee Finds A Home In Nashville
Though the cafe celebrated it’s one year anniversary on September 18, the story of Sump Coffee’s arrival in Nashville started more than three years ago. Their involvement in the striking oneC1TY development was, according to owner Scott Carey, a case of “dumb luck.” The developers mentioned the idea of including a coffee shop in the complex to Gerard Craft of Italian eatery Pastaria, who opened his own location within the development. Craft suggested Sump as a candidate, and a representative was dispatched to St. Louis to check out the brand and the coffee. They liked it, and hands were shaken.
But the coffee climate in Nashville changed a lot in the intervening years. New cafe after new cafe opened, leading Carey to question more closely how his cafe should fit into the growing community.
“The market here is very mature and so we have to ask ourselves what are we doing? Who are we? And how do we communicate that to people?” says Carey. And like many business owners have found before him, even the best-tested practices don’t always translate city to city.
Sump owner Scott Carey
At first, Carey expected that what worked in St. Louis would also work in Nashville. “But that’s not what the market wants or what the location is dictating,” admitted Carey after Sump Nashville’s first year. Though Carey tried to bring the “slow bar” mindset of his St. Louis location to Tennessee, demand forced new methods. His team has had to quickly adapt in ways they hadn’t previously planned—like implementing a Ground Control II batch brewer. Other issues, like finding a consistent quality milk supplier, have taken time to perfect. However, just as the cafe has changed over the course of the year, so has its surrounding neighborhood.
As the area has thrived, Sump Nashville has come to draw an early-morning crowd of commuter-regulars—hence the batch brew. This part of Midtown Nashville has drawn restaurants and grocers that are themselves magnets, allowing Sump to fit right in as a coffee destination. “How we’re thinking about the model and how we’re thinking about the coffee goes hand in glove with how this part of the city is growing,” Carey says.
To that end, a stage has recently been added to a grassy area just outside Sump’s doors for live music, movie screenings, and other events. And in the coffee-specific realm, Sump hosts brewing classes and other coffee events, like open sessions for customers to bring in coffee from any roaster and learn how to brew it better. “We don’t sell a finished product,” Carey says. “We have to do a better job, without being pedantic, of providing accessibility and a doorway to go home and have a good experience.”
Functionality and volume were at the heart of the equipment choices for the Nashville location. They eschewed the Slayer espresso machine that is used in St. Louis for a Kees van der Westen Spirit, which boasts volumetric programming capabilities. This promotes consistency while freeing the barista up to engage with the customer. A Poursteady automated pour-over coffee machine fits this mindset as well. “If you’re manually brewing, you can’t really create that engagement,” says Carey. “It’s more like being a sommelier. They don’t make the wine, but they know a lot about it. So their goal is more engagement.”
Opening a shop five hours southeast from his original location brought about unseen challenges and insights, Carey says, but he appreciates the challenge. “It adds so much depth to how I think about the coffee and the business that I didn’t have before,” he says. These insights, although hard-earned, have been rewarding. He’s committed to the two existing Sump locations, but still has his eyes to the future. “The goal is just to figure it out, and if we get this figured out, I’d like to open up in another market.”
For now, Carey is focusing on what’s already in front of him and learning everything he can. “Opening here has definitely broadened my worldview and caused me to reevaluate some thinking and maybe some of the absolutes I have.”
“It’s still an exploration,” he says. “Maybe I was more naïve than I thought… but I think sometimes being naïve and not completely digesting all the details allows you to do something risky. And now I’m figuring out what that means.”
Sump Coffee is located at 8 City Boulevard, Nashville. Visit their official website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Josh Rank is a freelance contributor based in Nashville. This is Josh Rank’s first article for Sprudge.
The post New City, New Problems: St. Louis’ Sump Coffee Finds A Home In Nashville appeared first on Sprudge.
seen 1st on http://sprudge.com
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barinacraft · 6 years
Whisky Mac / MacDonald Cocktails
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A Great British Drink
The Whisky Mac, short for Whisky MacDonald, is a classic cocktail made with Scotch whisky and green ginger wine. Half 'n' half is customary, but ratios of 3 to 2 or slightly higher have become the modern standard.*
Behind The Bar - How To Make A Whisky Mac At Home
Whisky Mac Drink Recipe:
1 ½ oz blended Scotch whisky
1 oz green ginger wine
Add both ingredients to a glass and stir together without ice. This drink is meant to be a warmer. In fact, depending on the weather, some add a wee bit of boiling water much like a Hot Toddy does.
The MacDonald Cocktail / Whisky Mac History
A Golfer's Favourite
Certainly in chilly weather Scotland anyway, where the Whisky Mac is a staple at golf clubs throughout the country, famous and otherwise. For example, after professional golfers were first allowed use of the clubhouse in 1946,
Participants in the 1950 British Amateur were given free run of The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and were warmed with sincere hospitality and an occasional Whisky Mac-Donald (whisky and ginger wine).†
This makes the Whisky Mac perfect as a British Open golf themed drink.
Charles Blair MacDonald
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Armed with this knowledge, you might be inclined to think that the Whiskey Mac's namesake was World Golf Hall of Fame member Charles Blair MacDonald. After all, he was born in 1855 to a Scottish father, went to St. Andrews University, was tutored by Old Tom Morris and competed against Young Tom Morris back in the day.‡
His accomplishments include helping to found the United States Golf Association (USGA), winning the first U.S. Amateur Championship and building the first 18 hole golf course in the United States. Being considered the father of American golf course architecture certainly sounds deserving of a signature drink and (as you'll find out later in this article) that may well be the case. However, another source claims otherwise. So...
Who Is The Whisky Mac Named After?
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According to Crabbie's, one of the oldest producers of green ginger wine in Scotland, the Whisky Mac was named after then Brigadier-General Hector MacDonald during the British Raj of the Indian subcontinent (where ‘rāj’ means ‘rule’ in Hindustani).1 Colonel MacDonald was seconded to command the Sirhind district in the Punjab Province in October 1899, which happened to be one of the sources of the sixth cholera pandemic (1899–1923) which spread to Europe via Afghanistan, Persia and southern Russia as well.2
Early treatments for cholera included laudanum and calomel as well as camphor and ginger with the latter two both having had extended use as Bengallee medicines and were very popular as local remedies.3 Legend has it that the General mixed green ginger wine with whisky as a means to help ease symptoms of those suffering from the cholera disease where he was stationed.
MacDonald's Drink Ingredient Inspiration?
Along with its storied medicinal properties, ginger also had a long history as a flavoring in alcoholic drinks. There were countless recipes available at the time for rum & ginger, ginger beer, ginger brandy, ginger gin and of course ginger wine, which dates back to at least 1740 London and the Finsbury Distillery Company's brand called Stone's ginger wine named after grocer Joseph Stone who was an important customer.4
By comparison, ginger and whisky combinations were few and far between. One early example is Robert Burns favourite recipe for a hunting flask (so pre 1796) which included whisky, lemon rinds, bruised ginger, ripe white currants and powdered loaf sugar.5 However, true liquid inspiration for what would become the Whisky MacDonald may have come in 1882 from humor magazine Puck when reader Freddy W. wanted to know a cure for sour apple cholera.6
Take a little Jamaica ginger7 and about half a hand of rye whiskey. Mix the two pretty well and pour them down. Five minutes later take a little Jamaica ginger and about half a hand of rye whiskey. Mix the two pretty well and pour them down. Then you will feel better; but, if you think you are not thoroughly cured, take a little Jamaica ginger and about half a hand - well, that is the way to cure sour apple cholera.
Additional cocktails previously recommended in connection with other cholera treatments at the time included Brandy Mint Juleps, Hot Toddys and Fernet-Branca.8,9
First Published
Its popularity in England prompted inclusion in an American cookbook in 1900 which appears to be its print debut.10 The MacDonald Cocktail which later became the Whisky MacDonald a.k.a Whisky Mac was originally listed simply as being made with one-half ginger wine and one-half Scotch whisky. No specific type of wine or whisky (i.e green or blended for example) was actually specified.
It was noted that although ginger wine was little used in the U.S. at the time, it was readily available at export houses and that Crabbie's was a popular brand on the other side of the pond.
The MacDonald / Whisky Mac Recipe Iterations
Looks like there may have been a long lapse in print visibility, but this style of The MacDonald cocktail (see below for others) reëmerges, becoming the Whisky Mac to differentiate itself as brandy and rum versions are also introduced along the way. Rye whiskey replaces Scotch whisky in a couple drink formulas as well. Here's the original MacDonald recipe's early historical milestones and timeline.
1920s - Fifty-fifty Stone's Ginger Wine and Whisky (voted the drink of drinks by thousands of golfers)11
1930 - ½ Sandy MacDonald whiskey + ½ ginger wine12
1933 - 1 part Scotch malt whisky and 1 part ginger wine.13
1934 - ½ ginger wine + ½ rye whiskey14
1934 - ½ jigger whisky or brandy + ½ jigger ginger wine15
1948 - 1 measure rum + 1 measure ginger cordial16
So, What's The Rub?
Although they cited cold weather was coming,10 - suggesting the book was released later in 1900, even a December print date with a last minute edit only allows just over a year to go from being created in India, to becoming popular in England, to having the word spread to America, etc.2 THAT'S MORE THAN HALFWAY AROUND THE WORLD! Way back when?
Even though there was limited telegraph and telephone service available at the time, this was BEFORE the internet, television and even radio. While it's certainly possible, when you consider all those factors, that time frame seems too short to be realistic.
Alternate theory: Sandy MacDonald was an old Scotch whisky blend from 1840 Edinburgh and Stone's reported an increase in ginger wine sales after the 1832 cholera outbreak.17 Could these two have paired up much earlier than their 1930 listing, say during the third, fourth or fifth pandemic, w/ Sandy Mac being the true namesake and the combo predating 1899?18,19
You'll have to decide. However, as always, when and if further research suggests otherwise, we'll update our findings. Cheers!
Old MacDonald Had A Farm
And on his farm he had some drinks,
With a MacDonald drink here,
And a MacDonald drink there,
Here a drink, there a drink,
Everywhere a drink-drink.
OK, enough already. As you've probably guessed, there are lots of other Mickey D cocktails. Here's what the genealogical records show in the Mac family tree of mixology so far, oldest to youngest:
Kindred Spirits
Little Mac - lemon juice, bitters, syrup, Tom gin and fizz.
Mac Donalds Cocktail No. 1 - whiskey, Torino vermouth, curacao and Angostura bitters.
Mac Donalds Cocktail No. 2 - Scotch whisky, Italian vermouth, gum syrup, Angostura bitters and Chartreuse.
Sandy MacDonald Drink - rye whiskey, orange & angostura bitters, granulated sugar and twisted lemon peel.
OH! OH! MAC - brandy, Kina Lillet, Cointreau and lemon.
Johnnie Mack - sloe gin, curacao and absinthe.
Mac-Donald Cocktail - rye whiskey, Benedictine, Secco vermouth and Angostura bitters.
Jock MacDonald Drink - rye whiskey, Lillet, lemon juice and apricot brandy.
Flora MacDonald - ??? (1937 Cafe Royal note: obtain from UK Bartender's Guild post free)
Cocktails Similar To The Whisky Mac
Bishop's Cocktail - Stone's green ginger wine and gin.
Commonweal Cocktail - blended Scotch, ginger wine, lemon juice and maraschino liqueur.
Danny's Delight - Angostura bitters, ginger wine, Irish whiskey, lemonade and sweet vermouth.
Dark and Staurmy - ginger wine, soda water and spiced rum liqueur.
Empire Glory - Canadian Club whiskey, ginger wine, grenadine and lemon juice.
Fireside Shot - Benedictine, dark rum and ginger wine.
Gin-Gin / Gingerbury Cocktail - gin, ginger wine and Angostura bitters.
Grenadier - brandy, ginger wine and grenadine.
J.B.'s - orange bitters, curacao, ginger brandy, green ginger wine and french vermouth w/ a squeeze of lemon.
Rosy Rapture - a Whisky Mac w/ Angostura bitters.
Sticks and Stone's - green ginger wine and vodka.
West Indian Ginger Swizzle - Angostura bitters, ginger wine and rum.
Related Drinks
Astringent - Jamaica ginger, port wine and brandy
Cholera Cocktail - brandy, blackberry and cherry brandies, Jamaica ginger and port wine.
Penicillin - blended Scotch whisky, lemon juice, honey syrup, muddled fresh ginger and Islay single malt Scotch.
More cocktails that begin with the letter ‘W.’
* - "Whisky Mac." Difford's Guide. Web. 10 July 2018.
† - Wind, Herbert Warren. The Gilded Age of Sport: 1945–1960 (New York City: Simon and Schuster, 1961). Print.
‡ - Charles B. MacDonald. Retrieved July 15, 2018.
1 - "Crabbie’s Green Ginger and Freemasonry." Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76 lectures page. Web. 12 July 2018.
2 - The London Gazette 21 June, 1901. https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/27325/page/4186
3 - Harrison, M. "A Dreadful Scourge: Cholera in Early Nineteenth-Century India" Modern Asian Studies
4 - "Our History - Finsbury Distillery" Stone's Original Green Ginger Wine Web. 11 July 2018.
5 - Cups and Their Customs (London: John Van Voorst, 1863), 50. Print.
6 - Agricultural Editor. "Our Agriculture." Puck. May 3, 1882. Print.
7 - Jamaica ginger extract, a.k.a Jake, contained between 70 and 80% grain alcohol. This was well before Prohibition, so there was no tri-ortho cresyl phosphate (TOCP) being used as an additive yet which caused tens of thousands of people in 1930 to lose muscle control and be the subject of songs like "Jake Walk Papa" by Asa Martin, "Jake Leg Blues" by the Mississippi Sheiks, "Alcohol and Jake Blues" by Tommy Johnson, "Jake Jigga Juke" by Iron Mike Norton, and "Jake Liquor Blues" by Ishman Bracey.
8 - E. B. Hammack, M. D. The Family Physician and Guide To Health; A System of Domestic Medicine Including A Treatise On Midwifery and the Diseases Peculiar to Women (St. Louis: Southwestern Book and Publishing Co., 1869). Print.
9 - C. F. Lawlor, The Mixicologist Or How To Mix All Kinds Of Fancy Drinks (Cincinnati: Lawlor & Co., 1895), 136. Print.
10 - Jennie Day Rees. The Complete Cook Book (Philadelphia: David McKay, 1900), 313. Print.
11 - Stone's Party Book (London UK: Stone's Ginger Wine, 1920s). Print. via GingerWine.com
12 - Charlie Roe and Jim Schwenck, The Home Bartender's Guide and Song Book (New York: Experimenter Publications, 1930), 45. Print.
13 - And So To Bed - Revised and Enlarged Edition in Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Samuel Pepys 1633-1933) (Montreal: Distillers Corporation, Seagram's Limited, 1933). Print. via Elemental Mixology.
14 - Tom and Jerry, How To Mix Drinks (Washington D.C.: Maxine Publishing Company, 1934), 7. Print.
15 - “Cocktail Bill” Boothby, The World's Drinks And How To Mix Them (San Francisco: Recorder Printing and Publishing Co., 1934), 105. Print.
16 - Eddie Clark, Shaking With Eddie at the American Bar (London: The Albany Club, 1948), 51. Print. Named a Rum Mac here, later called a Rum & Ginger by Stone's Original Green Ginger Wine in 1950s advertising.
17 - "Our History - Ginger's Medicinal Properties" Stone's Original Green Ginger Wine Web. 09 July 2018.
18 - There's also a separate Sandy MacDonald Cocktail.12,14 Ingredients are listed above under the "Kindred Spirits" heading.
19 - Many websites claim the Whisky Mac has been around since the 1860s, but we haven't been able to verify.
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