#i mean i think its not a secret that i love the draenei and so im biased toward them
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mbat · 6 months ago
something i think is funny about all the talk i see online for the world of warcraft allied races, is that without fail i basically only see hate for the lightforged draenei for "just being draenei with fancy tattoos"
as if the entire list of allied races isnt:
elf, draenei, dwarf, human, gnome
elf, tauren, orc, troll, only original allied race (small furry)
and the newest being another dwarf
personally i like all of them but genuinely they all could be argued to be unoriginal and boring for one reason or another, i dont know why the lightforged are the ones i see the most hate for, unless its just from my own experiences and i happen to miss people hating on the other ones just as much
like i think ive seen some small hate toward the vulpera ("trying to appeal to the furries") and the mechagnomes ("diaper gnomes") but not as much as ive seen about the lightforged
but shrug i cant seem to find much in general when it comes to WoW discussions online that arent full of people hating every single bit of the game they supposedly love lol
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damien-ward · 4 years ago
Libera Me Arc Synposis
Two years ago I started an arc, or short story, for Dardillien called Libera Me that was supposed to happen around October because of Halloween and spooky time. However due to IRL stuff I sort of lot interest in stuff and unfortunately that included writing for WoW. It has been too long for me to pick back up writing the story, however I have decided to write a short synopsis for it as I do consider the story canon. Here is some mood music / a general theme for the whole arc while you read:
Part One - A New Opportunity
Can be read here
Synopsis: Dardillien gets a letter asking to meet with a man named Lucius Cross in regards to potentially hiring him as an investigator.
Part Two - New Case: Lucius Cross
Can be read here
Synopsis: Dardillien follows up with the letter and goes to meet with Lucius Cross, the man is suspicious and mysterious, at first Dardillien is skeptical of agreeing to accept his job over. However, Lucius explains everything, how he is seeking information for his research that can be gleaned from a journal, but said journal was stolen by his old associate before he could read it. His associate was not a good man, a low-life mercenary, but was cheap which is why he hired him. Lucius wants Dardillien to get the journal back by any means necessary, find the location of the Vrykul village in the journal and go there to find the artifact he seeks, afterwards returning it to him.
After Lucius explains Dardillien eventually accepts the job and decides to get to work.
Part Three - Investigation Russell Blythe
Can be read here
Synopsis: Dardillien, along with his shadow familiar, go to the SI:7 headquarters to in hopes of finding info on Lucius’s old associate, Russell Blythe. Along the way he comes across a Kaldorei woman frantically talking a guard in Darnassian as he tries to walk her somewhere to get help. Once at the HQ he heads to his father’s office and breaks in while his shadow familiar stays as a lookout. Since Russell was a bad man Dardillien assumes he might have a criminal record which has info on him that the SI:7 would keep. He is correct. Only he finds out that Russell was not just a low-life mercenary, he was in fact a deranged serial killer.
Dardillien then discovers that he has been dead for over a year. He surmises that can’t be right given that Lucius made it sound as if the events with Russell were relatively recent.. After talking to himself, and his shadow familiar, Dardillien formulates that Lucius knew Russell was a serial killer and helped fake his death in Booty Bay so that no one would be after him anymore. Afterwards the two began working together, until Russell decided to betray Lucius and take the journal and go into hiding. As to where? His old farm home in Duskwood. With everyone believing him dead, and the undead and mindless worgen, no one would suspect anyone disappearing and being killed would be the work of a serial killer, and Lucius never knew that is where Russell was from. After deducing as much, Dardillien decides to test his theory by seeing if Russell is in fact hiding out at his old home in Duskwood.
Part Four - The Truth About Russell Blythe
Synopsis: Several days after finding Russell Blythe’s file in his father’s office Dardillien heads to Duskwood to find the Blythe farmstead. He stops in Darkshire to ask those still residing there to point him the right direction and after changing to his Worgen form he head off and eventually finds himself at the Blythe farm. It looks abandoned but as he makes his way across the land he encounters several traps that were clearly designed to kill anyone who tripped them.
Once he reaches the house the smell of blood begins to permeate the air from within, so carefully he sneaks inside concealed by his Shadow Familiar’s shadow magic. Following the scent of blood brings him upstairs to a large room where he finds a completely psychotic man holding knife, Russell Blythe, and torturing a Draenei in front of a Night Elf before gleefully killing the Draenei. Dardillien jumps into the action and stops Russell Blythe before he can harm the Night Elf, breaking his arm.
He then asks where the journals before stepping over to the window and smashing his head through it and threatening to drop him to his death if he didn’t reveal where the journals were. Blythe of which looks to a safe in the room but refuses to open it saying he cannot because it is magically sealed.
*Cue disembodied voice from behind Dardillien* Where he says that the man is telling the truth he can’t open the safe. Confused turns to look for the source of the voice only to see in the back corner of the room is a desk with a floating green eyeball of what looks like fel magic and a walkie talkie. 
Plot Twist! The voice reveals that he is the real Russell Blythe and that he knew it was only a matter of time before Lucius sent a lapdog to do his dirty work.  
Dardillien demands that Russell remove the magic seal and give him the combination to the safe or else he will kill the fake Russell Blythe, to which the real one tells him to go ahead and says that he had grown tired of his fake’s psychotic behavior and rashness. Russell Blythe then agrees to give Dardillien what he wants as he wants him to know the truth, he has grown tired of keeping this secret to himself.
The magic seal disappears and Russell gives Dardillien the combination before bidding him farewell, saying that for Dardillien’s sake hopefully they don’t cross paths again, with that the magical eye also dissipates. He then throws the fake Blythe through the window to fall to his death before opening the safe. Dardillien gathers the journal and then returns to the Kaldorei to help him, he unties him and gives him a potion to heal his wounds. Helping him walk the two of them leave the farmstead and head to safety.
Part Five - The Truth About Lucius Cross
Synopsis: A few days later Dardillien goes through the journal as Lucius instructed to go find the Vrykul village...Not only does he find the location of the village in it but also what looks to be pictures of the Vrykul shields that Lucius wanted him to retrieve as well as several notes. Russell Blythe had already gone to the village and gotten what Lucius wanted. 
The pictures and notes in the journal reveal what looks to be a story about a Vrykul that was killed and afflicted with a curse that requires them to consume the blood of the living, similar to that of the San’layn (like the one we see in Stormheim). Russell Blythe’s notes then suggest that he believes Lucius is looking to learn more about the curse, which he is afflicted with, so that he can spread it to others.
This revelation shocks Dardillien, but he is unsure if he can trust the words of Russell Blythe who he think is clearly demented, so he decides to contact Lucius and writes a letter to him saying he has completed the job. Lucius writes back overjoyed at the news and asks that Dardillien come to his manor in Elywnn Forest, giving him the location of where to find it, and when to come.
Dardillien agrees to the set time but with no intention of showing up at that time. He wants to arrive early as part of him doesn’t trust Lucius after everything that has unfolded, he wants to catch Lucius off guard in case he is planning a trap.
Arriving at the manor he sneaks in, the whole house is is silent until he hears what sounds like a muffled scream of pain. Following the sound Dardillien enters a room quietly to find himself in a giant study at the top of a set of stairs leading down into the main part of the room. As he approaches the stairs he sees what looks like a man embracing someone as they slide to the floor, the one embraced going limp.
Hearing Dardillien come in the man quickly turns around revealing it is Lucius. Blood dripping out of his mouth, his eyes a fiery red, skin pale as snow. Dardillien is shocked as he didn’t want to believe Russell Blythe and his theory that Lucius was a vampyr. 
Lucius is more surprised and panicked than angry to see Dardillien and asks why he is there, after Dardillien explains everything that Russell said and what was in the journal he begins to get angry, finding it insulting that Dardillien would listen to the words of a madman.
Dardillien draws his pistol and threatens to kill Lucius, thinking he is nothing more than monster no better than Russell Blythe. However, Lucius pleads that he be allowed to explain and tell the truth about what he is and why he needed the journal and information from the Vrykul village. He then asks if Dardillien has ever been in love and knows what it feels like to be willing to do anything for someone... Lucius then slowly moves toward his bookshelf where he pulls out one of the books revealing a secret room behind the bookshelf.
He gestures into the room, inside is what looks like a giant ice sculpture, but as Dardillien cautiously approaches with his gun still drawn he notices it isn’t a sculpture but instead a giant block of ice with a woman frozen inside. Lucius then explains that the woman is his wife who is also afflicted with the same curse, however she had him freeze her in ice because of her growing desire for blood and her not wanting to harm anyone as it goes against everything she stood for, she did not want to be unfrozen until he found a cure or way to break the curse. 
Lucius explains how he and his wife came to be afflicted with their curse and that the information he wanted from the Vrykul village was about the origin of the blood curse. He thought that knowing its origin would potentially help him find a cure, that has been his goal the whole time, to save his wife.
Eventually Dardillien believes Lucius, seeing him as a victim of circumstance and a person who is only doing what all he can to save the one he loves, something the Gilnean can understand and relate to. Dardillien then gives Lucius the journal and the two come to an agreement, Dardillien will not take action against Lucius and will even help him with his research as long as he keeps his condition under control and only hunts down “bad” people and not feed on innocents.  With their agreement set Dardillien leaves Lucius to look over the journal and continue this research.
Can be read here
That isn’t an epilogue exactly, it is just a quick short story that reflects Dardillien and Lucius’ relationship after the events of this arc. Dardillien helps him every now and then, bringing him supplies, names of people he can go hunt and feed, etc. 
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gascon-en-exil · 5 years ago
WoW really is losing steam now, with blizzard focusing on Overwatch now as their big IP. Overwatch is a MOBA fitting in with what I said.
I don’t know for sure what “you” said because all of this is on anon and I can’t distinguish them. In any case, Overwatch has been around for four years or so and hasn’t killed WoW yet. There’s also a new Diablo coming out I think, and WoW Classic which is technically its own thing as well as a remake of Warcarft III which is releasing very soon. Companies can focus on multiple IPs
How would you add actual moral grey?
See what I mean? Is this you? I don’t care, really; I don’t even know if it’s about WoW or FE since I’ve gotten asks about both today. I think there’s a great two-sided story to be had in the tension over the rightful control of Silvermoon and Quel’Thalas. The ren’dorei can argue that their experiments into the Void are of a piece with their people’s earlier work with the Fel and the holy energies of a Naaru, while the sin’dorei can retort that the very presence of Void energy threatens the stability of the Sunwell they still rely on for their magic. The blood elves could be themselves divided over genuine dedication to the Light as embodied by the Sunwell and an opportunistic pragmatism that sees M’uru’s sacrifice as just another means of ensuring their survival and that they (the blood elves) should be no more beholden to the Light or to the draenei who “redeemed” them than they were before. Meanwhile the void elves are now left to cope with no means to sustain their magical addiction but Void energy, which has got to have some kind of negative effect on them aside from some silly tentacle jokes. How will the Alliance cope with that? Hell, how will the Lightforged specifically cope with that, as they exist in direct opposition to the Void? Something needs to be done with that, even if it’s just two comedic relief NPC quest givers with gay subtext...Blizzard seems to enjoy them.
But I guess you referring to all the big names. Um...Anduin and Wrathion finally have sex and it’s amazing, but Wrathion is obviously manipulating him to some end so now the leader of the Alliance is torn between his ideals of justice and the needs of his dick. Also Tyrande is growing more murderous and Genn is kind of on her side but doesn’t want to be too open about it. Over in the Horde the council idea doesn’t work too well especially once Gallywix buys all the votes, but the elves don’t care because they’re off in Suramar swapping magic secrets and having wild drunken orgies and it’s all very lovely.
You should know BlizzardBearLove is a radical Alliance Stan who calls Horde players, "Nazis" for not liking the story, & is infamous on tumblr for coming in announced whenever a tumblr user expresses dissatisfaction with WoW's story. Heck just now they posted a rant saying people who like Sylvanas as feminists.
Oh look, I didn’t think I’d ever get one of those kinds of messages telling me about all the allegedly horrible things someone who’s interacted with one of my posts has done. I don’t make a habit of reading through other people’s blogs, because unless you’re one of the ten or so mutuals with whom I regularly interact I don’t care enough to do so.
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sinafay-the-defiant · 6 years ago
The Branching Paths
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((Story co-written by myself and @thefugitivemango / @grakkar-gorefang / @argonas ))
The Orc stalked silently through the haunted woods of Drustvar. The entire region gave him a sense of unease… dark magic was at play here. It smelled the same as the depraved practices of a Shadowmoon void-summoner. That was improving at least, with the Alliance’s occupation of the area - but that only invited a more sickening stench of humans to pollute the area. Disgusting creatures. No matter… he wouldn’t focus on either for long.
Rarely did Sinafay send Grakkar a missive to meet. Once or twice, being harder for her to get some form of communication out than it was for him. But when she did, he was all too eager and pleased to meet with her. Today was no exception - it had been far too long since their last secret meetup! He found himself picking up the pace, excited to meet his dearest love again!
His eyes narrowed as he scanned the clearing. This was the place… but it didn’t look like she’d arrived just yet. He’d notice her, especially here - being Lightbound made you stand out in a lot of places. He knelt down beside a tree just outside the clearing, and waited patiently. Perhaps she found a place they could live together? Or perhaps she just wanted to fuck him again.
He was more than okay for either case.
Sinafay didn’t leave him waiting for too long, though her mood was evidently not the best. While her features couldn’t be seen under the hood of her cloak, her tail didn’t sway behind her as it normally did. She was dragging her hooves,exhausted. Even her lightborne tattoos didn’t glow as brightly.
Her mood perked up some as her golden eyes met his. Her eyes welled up and her pace picked up to a run, her hood falling back as she closed the gap between them. Arms wrapped around Grakkar’s torso in a tight hug as she buried her face in his chest. She wasn’t crying, but didn’t seem too far off…
Grakkar could tell something was wrong immediately. As Sinafay threw her arms around him, he held her close, protectively and comfortingly. He frowned, deeply - he hated seeing her like this! He stifled a low growl, reflexive when his beloved was troubled so.
"What's wrong, Sina? What happened?"
For a moment, being in Grakkar’s arms completely lifted her spirits. Even in the worst of times on Draenor, his strong and loving embrace made everything alright. It was enough to give her the courage she needed to say what needed to be said. Part of her wanted to wait, and enjoy an evening with her love before giving the bad news. She wasn’t showing yet, though her clothes were getting a bit snug around the waist…
She had to say it, though. It would be misleading not to. She took a deep breath.
“I messed up…” she managed to finally speak, “I am sorry, my Love… I should have taken better precautions…”
She shook her head, before tilting it back to meet his gaze.
“Grakkar… I am expecting.”
His heart sank, arms both loosening from, then tightening back around Sinafay. His expression didn't hide it; he knew what she meant. All the same, Grakkar shook his head, as if confused. Perhaps he interpreted it wrong? He could only hope.
"What… what do you mean?" He asked, voice barely above a grizzled whisper. "You're expecting what? Expecting a, a… an attack?"
His eyes conveyed the pain, despite his attempt to deny it. He couldn't give Neela a child - and that was back when he was young. And she was another orc. The odds of interspecies pregnancies were slim. Even he knew that. 
If Sinafay was truly expecting a child… it wasn't his.
“Pregnant… I am pregnant,” she all but choked out the words.
Her eyes welled up again as his expression hid nothing of the hurt he felt. They both knew Grakkar couldn’t have children. It had been the main reason Sinafay had never bothered with precautions before. So much so, that it hadn’t even been a thought when she’d taken Argonas as a partner again… 
‘Pregnant’, he repeated the word in his mind. What once was such a joyous concept cut him like the sharpest blade now - piercing his heart to its very core. How could this have happened? How could he let this happen? --No, that wasn’t fair to think… as much as he and Sinafay loved and cared for one another, she was her own independent person. He truly wanted her to find companionship for when he wasn’t around. 
But he didn’t want this. Wordlessly, he held Sinafay a moment longer. Comforting her. Comforting himself. A million thoughts ran through his mind. Some angry, others sorrowful… but they all looped back to one truth he knew he’d have to face. 
This would likely be their last time together.
“Argo was taking a herbal treatment, but…” she shook her head. Obviously, that hadn’t worked, “Grakkar… I am sorry! This… this is my fault. I should have taken precautions of my own…. I… I... “ 
What else was there to say? She’d messed up, plain and simple, and now she was carrying another man’s child. Her arms tightened around him, afraid he’d push her away.
“... Don’t be sorry.” he finally said, tone heavy with sorrow. “I know you didn’t do this to hurt me.”
He shook his head, slowly. There was nothing to be done, after all. He certainly wouldn’t wish her to be rid of her baby. Now, or in the future. It was a part of her life, now. And a part of Argonas’ life now, too. A life they should share.
“That’s… not saying it doesn’t hurt, of course.” he frowned. “But… I know you didn’t want that.”
He planted a gentle kiss on Sinafay’s plated forehead, before finally breaking the embrace. His arms fell to his sides, as he stepped back from her. He did what he could to hide his pain. His disappointment that everything - all they’d been through together, all the love they shared - was coming to its final moments. Weakly, he smiled.
“A child’s a wonderful thing. I’m…” he hesitated, choking on the word. “I’m… happy for you two.”
“Don’t…” Sinafay shook her head, “Do not say that! I am -not- happy! I do not want this… I never wanted this… not with him… I do not love him!”
She moved forward as Grakkar stepped back, reaching her hand out to take his.
“This is simply another obstacle… yes? One we can get through. I will have the child and leave it with Argonas… he wants this. He can have it. Then you and I… we… we can run away together! We will go to Pandaria. That is still the plan, yes?”
His brow knit further at Sinafay’s words. His hand reached out for hers instinctively, and he held it tenderly… but the look on his face had shifted to anything but affectionate. Concern still, of course. Sympathies, perhaps. But evident among all that was a streak of disappointment.
“Plans… change.” Grakkar grunted. “Circumstances change, Sina. This isn’t an obstacle… it’s part of your life, now.”
Every word pained him as it parted from his lips. It was true, of course… but he wished it weren’t. 
“Your baby will need a mother. I don’t know much about Draenei child-rearing, but I’m pretty sure they’ll still need that, at least.” he sighed. “And if Argonas wishes to father this child with you…”
He snarled some, unintentionally, as he spoke the name. Still, he shook his head.
“I… think this is something you two need to do together.”
Her shoulders slumped as it all sunk in. The meaning behind his words… the difference in how he looked at her.
“No…” her voice shook and her legs felt weak, “No! I cannot do this without you! Not after everything we have been through! Please…”
Words failed her as tears rolled down her cheeks. She stepped forward once more, grabbing his face to bring it to her own for a kiss. She couldn’t…- wouldn’t - let him go! But Grakkar could only suppress the hurt so long. He knew she never meant to do this - to hurt him in such a way. But the pain, frustration, anger… it was hard to contain! He pressed his arm out, keeping Sinafay from fully stepping closer into him. His frown deepened, eyes welling with tears. 
'It’s not fair,' he thought to himself. Not to her or to him. 
But what could he do? He wasn't the sort to break up families. And whether Sinafay saw it that way or not… that's what she, Argonas, and this baby formed. On Draenor, to divide a family in such a way was unspeakable. Unheard of! Most wouldn't even take widows or widowers as mates, as not to upset the ancestors. Honor dictated he step aside on this one.
And for the first time, he loathed honor.
"Everything we've been through…" he grunted, "... led you here. This crossroads. Our paths… they divide here, now."
He pushed Sinafay away - literally and figuratively - as he took another step back, himself. 
"Where your life is leading… I cannot follow."
“Regardless of what happens, you will never fight alone.” he whispered, fingers scratching behind her neck as they entwined with her hair. “I will be by your side, through any trouble.”
His head tilted upwards a bit more, bringing their noses together. His heart picked up pace as he stepped into her, bringing his chest to press to hers as well. 
“I promise you that, Sinafay.”
Sinafay did nothing to hide the pain and frustration his words brought about. Disbelief, at first, as she kept replaying the words over in her head. Then, anger swelled up inside of her. A frown formed on her features as she tore her now angry gaze away. She’d been certain that Grakkar would stay with her through anything… yet, here he was, backing away from her when she needed him most. She needed someone to hold her, comfort her… to tell her it was all going to be alright.
But in this crucial moment, her was leaving her. 
“Then you should have left me to die on Draenor!” She cried, before turning away and running off towards Arom’s Stand.
“--Sina, wait!” he called out.
He started after her… but only made it a step or two. What more could be said? He looked beyond her, to where she was running off… where she was heading, he really couldn’t follow, now. A growl escaped him, frustration setting in. Frustration with her. Frustration with this situation.
Frustration with himself.
“I love you…”
The kisses and caressing stopped abruptly; Grakkar blinked. He knew on some level, of course. Their interactions over time had grown increasingly affectionate, much more quickly and intimately than a simple physical attraction or lust, or basic desire for companionship. He knew what it was… but never put a word to it.
And they’d certainly never spoken it aloud.
His eyes locked onto hers - so luminous and expressive, especially in this dim cavern. They reaffirmed her words, stronger than even the sentence uttered could convey. He smiled down at her, gently brushing a strand of her disheveled hair from her face. His eyes, too conveyed how he felt. That he felt the same.
“... I love you, too.”
“Dammit…” he muttered to himself, as he turned away.
Shoulders slumped, gaze dragging across the ground before him, he trudged off. He felt he was doing the right thing… and yet it made him feel so miserable. Moisture pooling in his eyes coalesced, as a tear ran down his wrinkled face.
“I’m… sorry.”
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larksinging · 7 years ago
talk about some of your wow ocs!!
this is always a weird subject, since... the friends i got into wow with always sort of ignored me, and my ocs more specifically, and just stayed in their own little corner with each other. so i always thought my ocs were the problem, and repeatedly remade all of them, even if they were fine. so a lot of them are kind of underdeveloped despite having years of attention on them
the first is skalla, my main! except she’s not one character, she’s like... 3? possibly 4 soon. she’s always been an alliance druid, but her character has changed with her race. first she was a worgen (basically a werewolf). her history involved some really tragic bloody stuff like having to kill her own brother, i think? it was a while ago. so she was very... disillusioned. she had a plotline wrapped up with a villain i made, a corrupted green dragon named ysibyl. when i decided to racechange skalla, i said that skalla 1.0 was killed in draenor, but ysibyl died too. killed by.... skalla 2.0! 
skalla 2.0 was a green dragon and i think i said ysibyl’s mother? i didnt have too much lore to her, though she exists as a minor background character for some of my other characters, skalra. shes just an old green dragon who likes mortals. i didnt have a lot of meat to her so i made skalla 3.0, aka current skalla. shes a night elf, and has this complicated backstory about getting seperated from her birth family as a child, being adopted, then her adopted mother disappearing. she was always kind of anxious and tightly wound but a talented druid, and eventually stuff happened (at one point it was that her ex and her cousin left to become demon hunters, but that was with a friend’s character, so...) and she ran off into the woods to live in isolation. when there she was eventually approached by ela’lothen, a wild god (read: powerful... animal... nature... spirit thing) who mentored her and brought her into the fold of a kinda secret druid order. she came back to civilization to help fight te legion, and was gonna have an arc about stepping up and mentoring some people in her druid order
skalla 4.0 potentially will be a kul’tiran druid. kul’tirans are this cool never race of humans who are all sea-based and live on an island but their druid forms are cool wicker beasts? anyway it feels more appropriate for skallagrim, named after a norse saga character and associated with wolves, should go back to a sea-faring people with wolf-y druid forms. kul’tirans also have a facial option to have scars over one eye, which is GREAT because one of the standing themes of skalla is having one missing eye
i think ive talked about catocala a bit in the past so ill skip over her for a few others
let’s see... oh, maive! she probably deserves a new name since shes RADICALLY different from maive at this point, and deserves her own identity. anyway. shes a draenei death knight! draenei are this... ancient fucking race of goat aliens. she spent most of her life on draenor, and was a warrior i think? she was kind of an asshole, but she wasn’t a vindicator (read: paladin) because she wasn’t down with the light as much. iirc she was kind of in love with this... priest? holy paladin? kerani, who was actually kind of a basis for cato. ANYWAY. they come to azeroth like the other draenei yadda yadda stuff happens wrath of the lich king, they both go on an expedition to northrend to fight the scourge (zombie) threat... and despite her efforts, all the expedition dies. maive and maive alone is raised to undeath as a death knight. she goes through the usual death knight stuff of being evil and then breaking free of the lich king and being good, etc. shes a bit odd for a death knight because shes both very aware and has a decent moral center. she doesnt like other death knights very might. shes... angry. and sad. and RED. her theme color is red, which was hard to get a decent transmog for, okay
who else... oh, beli! beliax/beliaxia is a young black dragon. black dragons (save for like 2 of them) are “corrupted” which means the old gods make them evil or... something. whatever. legion introduced this small group of blue dragons living on their own on the broken isles so i said “fuck it, all the flights have a small group like this”. beli was the leader of the black enclave, or whatever i called it. basically, when she was very young, she petititoned the other dragonflight enclaves not to kill her (despite being corrupted), because she was too weak to be a threat, and just wanted to survive! she managed to convince the others to let her live and let her rescue other eggs and raise them, so long as she... yknow... didnt cause trouble. so shes a teenage leader of a group of like 30 babies. she... is kind of evil, but its all driven by survival and ambition. originally she was gonna get recruited into another group of older black dragons and just get so enamored with power that she pulled some shit. beli goes back to the onyxia days of subtlely and scheming, but she just has an ambition to have power that comes from not wanting to feel powerless. i actually like her as a villain a lot and i need to weave her into someone’s storyline...
okay this post is long enough ill stop, but!
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daimonic-clown · 8 years ago
Death of the Rylak
Draenor: it was known for its conflict, known for the growing tension. The orcs were on a rampage, and the draenei had little time to react. Behind the walls of Shattrath, all prepared for the worst. There was a panic in the air that the stoic defenders did not breath in.
None less than the two who stood side-by-side, unwavering. Landres, a massive man, with a spear and bow on his back, and two blades on either side of him. And Vindicator Caahla, who while she was on the shorter end of her people, she seemed no less firm as the man beside her, her blade at her side, and shield on her back.
It was no secret, their love for each other. Even as the demons rained from the sky and battered down the gates of their city, they still wielding their weapons and fought with such might to make their enemies quake; inseparable, unbroken.
But even the greatest heroes fall. The demons were leaving nothing but ruin in the holy city. Landres and Caahla, they became exhausted -- but still, they fought with unbridled dedication to save their people.
Soon, it was to be the defenders would retreat from the city. Their wounds had to be licked and the Light communed with for aid. Times were looking dire for the draenei.
Landres, known as ‘The Rylak’, for a most interesting circumstance -- a story told among his allies -- may have not retreated. But his lover had convinced him to save himself, as it would mean they could fight another day and retake the city.
The remaining defenders had left the city, swift and precise. But it was to be that the heroes in question were trailed. Landres stood firm, his spear in hand. Before him lay a swarm of invaders -- his lover insisted to stay with him, and abate the flow of hell itself that came to end them.
Landres charged in without a word. Some were in shock to see such a massive man move so fast: for his lover could not even catch up. Dozens were slaughtered, and Landres was coated in demon blood.
But his strength wavered. He fell to the ground, and the Vindicator had stopped and cried out. The last words he said to her as a massive blade was driven through his chest and into his heart were clear to be heard to her.
“Fight another day.”
“That is not how it happened, you damned demon!” Landres planted a hoof onto the chest of a draenei man who struggled to free himself. “Caahla -- she died at Shattrath! You died from the savages’ barbaric weapons of war; your flesh littered the ground, I saw you die!”
“That was on our world, sir, do you not get it...? This... this all is an alternative circumstance... one... where you lived!”
Landres roared loudly. “And how am I to believe this? What, let you go and deceive my people?”
Silence. The pinned man had a hand on Landres’ hoof, and nearly started to try pushing the restraint off of him. Landres seemed to be thinking. He wanted to believe it was true.
He gave a cold gaze to the pinned man, and asked, careful, giving the sense he did not buy it. It was his apathetic tone that was so commonly evident. Though with something he truly could not help, as well; there was raw emotion littered in his words, barely noticeable.
“Did she make it?”
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wolvesdevour · 8 years ago
I’m still writing and developing the mythology for Ginnun and Balaeyg, but I think its becoming more and more a scifi / fantasy mix, rather than straight fantasy. I feel like they’re gods of many solar systems, and Ginnun is literally both the universe and an entity within the universe, so…. mmm…. ???? I mean he’s therefore quite expansive.
But there’s so many children of Ginnun, so I guess Balaeyg is pretty restricted to his own territory…
I haven’t decided how to winnow it down. Maybe I’ll just throw out “proper” science altogether…
Except I really wanted it to be a fantasy series. Ehhh….?? So its more akin to Lewis and Tolkien? Or Warcraft. Ahhhh I love WoW lore and how its secret scifi (rocket ships and aliens! – what else is the Demon Legion except a race of aggressive aliens? And the Dragons are too. And Draenei. And Orcs. Anyways…. my point: it can totally be done).
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larksinging · 7 years ago
hmmm talk about your fave parts of wow? what classes do you like playing the most? what lore do you like a lot? gimme the mmo deets
here’s the secret every wow player knows: wow lore is trash. wow writing is trash. absolute fucking garbage. you take the stuff you like, go “this is mine now”, and run with it yourself. 
that being said, there are some lore aspects i like, at least in the broad strokes. dragons! i love wow dragons. theyre intellgient and strong and can take mortal guises, but they always find ways to make a dragon to fight. theres the five main flights (red/blue/green/bronze/black) each with their own domain to look after and dragon aspect at the head. and then there’s the offshoot groups like the netherwings or the twilight dragons and everything... okay i could go on and on but wow dragons are cool! 
theres also stuff like... the inherent tragedy in the blood elves or the draenei, which i won’t get into much to avoid rambling, but! wow has a few races affected by some huge disaster that provides basically everyone a tragic backstory that are always prime material for characters. i like that. 
my main is a druid, and honestly wow druids are why i ever bothered to play it in the first place. you turn into an animal!!! you can turn into a big cool cat!! and that’s how you fight! i love that. on a more technical level, wow druids are a little special since they have 4 available specs instead of three, and so there’s a spec for each of the main roles: a melee dps, a ranged dps, a tank, and a healer. soo they’re really versatile and even if i play feral, the melee dps, it’s nice to know in a pinch i can swap over to one of the others. but honestly i love feral because i can just sneak through everything and get lost 
actually i should give it credit, the basic setup of the horde vs the alliance is pretty good. i mean, 90% of people hate it when the plot is centered around it (see why everyone is so >_> at the concept of BFA), but... there is something to be said for having to share a world with an enemy faction. and you know it’s hard to balance something like this and not make one side end up being strictly good vs evil, or for people to take a good vs evil conflict and soften the evil side too much where it because awkward and uncomfortable. its been like, what, 15 years? and its still hard to say that the horde is evil or anything. like okay maybe in BFA the horde is doing some baaad shit but that might be another garrosh situation where it splits into “the bad horde, aka the raid bosses” and “the good horde, aka the players”. i think the balance is maintained by the fact the two groups are just generally a collection of different races. like sure the warchief and the forsaken and orcs might be bad, but the tauren, troll, and blood elves? theyre chill. the draenei and the night elves might be good but the humans and the worgens are doing some shady shit! anyway its nice that... debate aside, the ever-running arguments never hardcore feel like apologism, if you know what i mean?
okay ive saved the best for last: the best part about wow is the world. people will tell you oh it’s the raiding, or lore, or social aspect. NO. its the actual world. blizzard is very good at environmental design. you can see this in overwatch too: they make locations that just feel good to exist in! and wow, being an mmo, is ALL about running around the world and doing bullshit. honestly i might even argue that wow has some of the most striking in-game locations in gaming, since they just... they just stick with you. 
and its not all just one kind, like you get all sorts of environments. theres pretty forests like val’sharah, or wide deserts like tanaris, spooky zones like deadwind pass or hillsbrad foothills, the alpine stuff of grizzly hills, weird alien zones like... hellfire pensisula, i guess, BC zones aren’t my favorite, but anyways. sometimes i really enjoy just flying around or running around a zone, doing something mindless, because it feels so good to just be in that zone! i have a few favorites that have some more subtle and obscure habitats (like aszuna, desolace, shadowmoon, most of pandaria) but yeah. even the old clunky vanilla zones with their square trees all have such a FEEL to them
this is getting long but anyway wow might be a trash game but it somehow manages
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