#i mean i probably can but ive spent more time trying to than i should have I HAVE THINGS TO DO TODAY
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what shifting (and manifesting) actually is. (longer post)
hi, you've probably heard that "shifting is so easy" 10000 times but you never got why. in this post, I'll explain what shifting really is and why most people struggle with it. if you start denying that and being like "NO!!! YOU HAVE TO PUT EFFORT!!!" or something like that, you have no idea what shifting is and you should stop limiting yourself. I - shifting explained. recently, I asked one of my friends who shifts more frequently than me to go to a place where he can get "knowledge" about how shifting works and get it explained in a very good way. he did that, and he came back with the following single sentence: "Shifting is all about matching your energy, when you align yourself with your "desire" and accept you already have it, reality just snaps and you become aware of whatever you want." I spent a LOT of time doing readings, asking my deities and more regarding this sentence and now I'll break it down to you! II - what is matching your energy, really? this is where loassumption basics come in - "acting as if". matching your energy with something is all about emotions, and accepting whatever is yours is there and you already have it. this is why most shifting "methods" require you to use your emotions or affirm that you're already in your DR, every single shifting or manifesting method leaves to one single thing - acting as if you already have the thing you desire. III - why people struggle with shifting. one single thing - overcomplication. whether you turn shifting into some big process where you have to do 1000 things to shift or you put weird limiting beliefs on yourself like "you can't do X", etc. it's all just overcomplicating it. shifting is not about “effort” in the way most people think of it. it’s about letting go and allowing. said effort should be put in fixing your mindset (which isn't needed but would help a lot), taking breaks, making shifting a healthy thing. IV - importance of letting go. if you're trying to force a shift (for example, trying to make yourself shift instead of just act as if you have your things) you imply LACK. if you keep trying to visualize yourself floating and magically teleporting to your desired reality and affirming "i am shifting i am shifting i am shifting!" you just imply to yourself that you aren't in your DR and create an useless resistance. this is why people who “give up” or stop trying often end up shifting. it’s not because they stopped wanting it, but because they stopped resisting it. they let go of the need to control the process and simply allowed it to happen.
V - how to "actually" shift.
so, how do you actually shift? it’s simple: align yourself with your desired reality. this means matching your energy, your emotions, and your assumptions with the reality you want to experience. here’s how you can do that:
assume you’re already there. this is the most important step. stop thinking of shifting as something you need to achieve and start thinking of it as something you’ve already done. assume that you’re already in your DR and act as if it’s true.
let go of the how. stop worrying about the process or how it’s going to happen. trust that it will happen and focus on how it feels��to be in your DR.
stop looking for signs and symptoms. signs are just a reflection of your current reality, not your desired one. if you keep looking for signs, you’re just reinforcing the idea that you’re not in your DR yet. symptoms are just your body falling asleep, ignore them since they have nothing to do with shifting. they do not matter.
focus on the feeling. emotions are the key to shifting. focus on how it feels to be in your DR and let that feeling guide you. the more you can embody that feeling, the easier it will be to shift.
trust the process. shifting is not about forcing or controlling. it’s about allowing and trusting. trust that your DR is already yours and let go of the need to make it happen.
that's all you need. you can apply these steps to any "method" or anything you want really, whatever feels the best for you. VI - final thoughts shifting is about conviction, not effort. just stop "trying" and let go. thinking as if you're your "DR self" and embodying that is enough and all you need.
#shiftblr#shifting motivation#shifting realities#neville goddard#reality shifting#loassumption#desired reality#loa tumblr#shifting
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can we get tsukishima and kuroo x figure skater gf headcanons pls?
ive always wanted to try figure skating but i am very clumsy 🙏
tsukishima kei
- figure skating requires great balance, especially when you spin into the air and land on one foot. luckily tsukishima knows all about landing
- obv bc he's a middle blocker so he knows how to land his foot properly to avoid falling down, so expect his presence during your practice
- sometimes he joins you inside the rink when you practice all by yourself. he's actually kind of clumsy there— he's all flimsy and gripping onto the sides 😭
- it takes him a while to get used to the ice, and he learned when you always grabbed both his hands and guided him into the middle, and then left him there
- you left him stranded in the middle of the ice rink and he was SO pissed at you he kept swearing as he fell down on his ass, almost crawling his way towards you
- though when it comes to serious practices, best believe he's even more nervous at your performance than he is at his own game.
- he's seen a lot of figure skating accidents that mostly include the blade of someone's skates stabbing their foot or slicing their face. he wasn't squeamish, but he'll probably faint if that happened to you
- tsukishima is always present at your competitions, silently watching— his only form of loud cheering was his claps and yelling at the beginning and at the end of your performance
- figure skating includes dancing too so sometimes he lets you dance with him off the rink to make your body even more languid
- when you're partnered up with a guy, he doesn't get jealous. unless that guy gets handsier than he should be, so it would always end up with your partner shying away when they catch sight of tsukki
- video tapes your practices and shows you what you need to improve like HES the coach
- but really he's just really observant and can catch on well on the dos and donts of figure skating (and he also studied it himself)
- figure skating is also what brought you two together
- he was walking by a public rink one day, though he realized it was probably rented out when he saw only your presence inside, practicing your movements. so since it was an open area, he watched you
- you caught him watching and he blushed, and he felt himself get burned alive when you skate towards him and introduced yourself
- anyway he's very supportive and prioritizes your figure skating too so you would never fight about majority of your hours being spent on the ice rink
kuroo tetsurou
- loudest cheerleader ever
- rink side (like courtside) bf
- knows jackshit about figure skating so when you tell him about this and that he's just nodding and taking mental notes
- knows how to ice skate so sometimes he joins you inside the rink and would practice with you
- and by practice i mean he's actually dancing with you
- since he's the captain of nekoma, he knows well how to prepare beforehand by studying your opponents. so he does exactly that with you
- trashtalks the living shit about your opponents
- he actually worries about how much time you spend on the rink because sometimes you come home with a fever or a runny nose from spending too much time in a cold area
- jealous bitch, HATES every partner of yours when it comes to pairings
- he panics so much too because, as aforementioned, figure skating accidents can be gruesome and he does not want you to lose a toe nor cut your face
- one time he brought his team to your practice and forced them to watch you, and you ended up inviting everyone inside the rink
- kuroo also brings them to your competitions so you could have extra cheerleaders
- says he doesn't threaten them with 100 laps but that's obviously a lie
- he met you through one of the figure skating magazines, and he's had a crush on your for a while before you'd gotten together
- he managed to watch you in the figure skating nationals in japan and brought kenma with him, and he was lucky enough to get your attention right before you performed
- anyway he thinks you look sexy in the clothes you wear for practice
- one time you almost got injured and he ran barefoot into the rink just so he could carry you and get you out of there to be examined
- you slipped and barely sprained your foot, he was always so dramatic
#haikyu x reader#haikyu fluff#tsukishima kei#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima kei x reader#haikyuu tsukishima#tsukishima fluff#kuroo tetsuro x reader#kuroo tetsurou#kuroo x reader#haikyuu kuroo#kuroo fluff
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doctor demon prince im in my 5th year of undergrad suffering from functional freeze and Cant Write Papers disease (subtype where i eventually write it 7 months later and its really good for how rushed it is). ive also been doing unmasking work and trying to make progress w my nervous system and my relationships, i still have a long way to go . im going to graduate eventually (who fucking knows when) but with a pretty shit gpa.
Anyway my question is why the fuck do i keep wanting to get a masters degree when i know this setting sucks real bad for me. i love 2 learn but either dont have a handle on my adhd/autistic workflow yet or simply dont have the combination of traits it takes to succeed in academia. and i have student loans. i probably wont be accepted to any masters programs anyway but i dont know what else to do !!!!!!!!!!! 🙃 seeing as this is the transgender autistic grad student website maybe u or some of ur followers have advice for me..... 🫶 ok thank u byeee
I'm sorry to have to say this, but why do you want to go to graduate school? It will drive you deeply into debt, cause you a huge amount of stress, subject you to a wildly inaccessible environment where student neurodivergences are often unfairly cast as signs of laziness and lack of academic potential, and, in a majority of fields, it doesn't lead to improved career prospects (typically, the equivalent amount of time spent working in your chosen profession will get you just as far, if not farther, than a graduate degree).
I don't recommend graduate school to almost anyone. Graduate school was a stigmatizing, exhausting, abusive, exploitative, traumatizing experience for me that left me profoundly socially isolated and physically sick, and trained me in an increasingly irrelevant and scientifically unsound field that basically does nothing but regurgitate neoliberal truisms back to the elites that already believe in them.
Some of the faults I've just listed don't apply to *every* academic field in the world -- but it does apply to most of them!
I think it's important for people to know that Master's degree programs are, by and large, created as a revenue source for universities. Undergraduate enrollment has hit a wall -- there's only so many more people who can go to college, in a world where college has become increasingly obligatory, college pays off professionally far less than it used to, and in times of low unemployment there's very little reason to go to school -- and so the possibility of growing undergraduate enrollment has become more and more thin. This means universities have been unable to turn growing profits for years. And that's what matters to them -- profits.
Left without the revenue source of more college students' tuitions, universities have turned toward courting repeat customers -- duping college graduates who are unhappy with their post-graduate career prospects by investing in even more school. In most Master's degree programs, there are very high fees, very limited financial aid, and very very limited mentorship (compared to, say PhD programs, where shepherding you through the program is at least an advisor's duty).
I've worked in higher ed administration for years now and I've seen how disposable Master's degree students are taken to be -- they're paying for a pricey credential and they get very little out of it, in the end -- in most programs, and most contexts. When we need to fill a budget gap, we create a new Master's program -- without regard for whether it is necessary, and without ever being able to prove it will aid our graduates in getting jobs, or even that the degree will fill a necessary niche.
You can feel free to write back to me if yours is a field where a master's degree is necessary or yields positive career outcomes for a great many people (social work and athletic training come to mind). But even still, I don't think you should subject yourself to a completely inaccessible environment that you are already struggling in and taking on more debt to do so. You deserve better than that. And 99% of graduate programs will not do right by you.
If you'd like to read more about just how exploitative graduate programs generally are, and why, I recommend Karen Kelsky's book The Professor is In, or her blog of the same name:
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ive done a lot of translating to high valyrian in my day and id like to think im pretty good at it sometimes (the way ive spent literal hours researching how just one piece of grammar works to change a noun to an adverb or something is maybe insane)
anyway all that to say i usually know what to look for and how to apply it, but i am struggling with this new bit im trying to translate. “i disdain all glittering gold.”
ive replaced disdain with hate cause there doesnt seem to be a word for disdain in valyrian and hate is the closest approximation. same with glittering — replaced that with shine, and had to manually transform that to an adjective (jehikagon -> jehikere? dunno if its right)
so what i have now is “nyke buqan unir jehikere aeksion”
(im not as concerned with getting the word order right as i am with the rest of the grammar)
ive learned from a previous answer “nyke” is potentially (probably) unnecessary here, so that leaves it as “buqan unir jehikere aeksion,” but the unir there in the middle kinda makes it feel off and im not sure if maybe that also needs to be part of a compound word like valar or how to make it one if so because idk what part of valar is all and what part is men and how to fit aeksion into that equation.
i lost track of what my question was originally meant to be but i guess im wondering if im on the right track and if theres some guidance you may have to get me all the way there.
thank you for your time 🙏
Uhhhhhh... Not to be that dude, but...maybe be more concerned with that...?
I'm not sure if you know about this site, but my wiki is exhaustively updated with respect to High Valyrian, specifically. There's a team of people that work on High Valyrian and it's massive. For example, you could go to the entry for jehikagon and see that jehikere is wrong: it should be jehikare. And, of course, it has to agree with āeksion (note the long ā), so it should be jehikarior. To get the sense of repetitiveness (with "glittering"), you might add ā- to the front, so ājehikarior.
Now for "all", why not use the collective? This is how you get "All men must die", so it should work for "I distain all glittering gold". That would be āeksior. Of course, it would need to be in the accusative, so altogether it would be ājehikarior āeksȳndi. By adding the repetitive you kind of get the aliteration, too, since they both begin with ā.
Finally you have "disdain", for which buqagon serves. Aside from sound a little more posh, the difference between "disdain" and "hate" in English seems to be one of duration. The words "disdain" and "loathe" seem to emphasize that this is a character trait rather than a reaction. If you disdain something, you've given it some thought, have experience with it, and may use this as a way of describing or characterizing yourself. You can do this with "hate" as well, but it's a much more common word, and so can be used in other more basic ways, whereas "disdain" and "loathe" tend to only have specalized uses. To try to approximate this, you could use the frequentative with buqagon to imply a lengthy duration. That would give you jobuqan "I disdain". In fact, you could even use the aorist if you really wanted to imply that it was a description of yourself, i.e. jobuqin.
Now that you have the pieces, though, I really hate to say it, but the words must be in the right order. I mean, you can change the order of the noun and adjective, if you'd like, but you simply cannot put the verb first and think you've created a Valyrian sentence. It's not just "kind of" wrong: it's completely wrong. It'd be like suggesting "I him saw" is close enough in English because the forms are correct. It's not. It's wrong. This is not a minor part of the grammar you can ignore. High Valyrian is aggressively verb-final. The verb must be at the end.
All in all, that gives you:
Ājehikarior āeksȳndi jobuqin.
Hope that helps!
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just finished reading mending warped designs and im so sorry bc you probably heart this a lot so i mean it in the most respectful way possible but... are you abandoning that fic? 😭 or are you just on an undefinite hiatus?
i NEVER read fics that are unfinished, but after finishing T&C, i simply HAD to venture into that alley. and im not disappointed. as much as i hate angst, your writing and world builiding is simply miraculous, for lack of a better word. the work you've done is a masterpiece, and i mean it. might be the best work of fiction ive ever read. it would be a real shame to abandon it, but i understand if you have things that are more important :) your health and happiness should be your utmost priority ❤️
that being said, i really do hope you choose to continue writing it. masterpieces don't just appear, they take a lot of work and dedication and im so, SO glad you took the time to put in the effort to create something so beautiful.
best of wishes xx
Thank you so much! I appreciate all the love and feedback I've gotten on my ML fics over the years.
With Miraculous I feel like I kinda grew out of the setting/fandom (doesn't help that most of my friends I met in it moved on) but overall T&C came from a place of frustration with canon I no longer feel. That and MWD had me with the worst case of writer's block that I resolved by writing something else (two something else's).
I have the last scene of MWD written but need to put together the connective tissue which I find it hard to get in a headspace to write. When I have time to write, I typically want to tend to The Games of Divinity or Devil Summoner: Akechi Goro. I do plan on finishing it...but can't promise when.
If you're interested, however, I do have the final scene below
Context: Marinette and Adrien are at a party with the rest of the heroes when Dr. Oliver attacks again, leading the pair of them to leave and take down their enemy while Team Paris rests.
Despite the crowds of people fleeing for their safety, Marinette was in a better mood than she had been in for a long time.
"Now this feels familiar," Adrien mused, tugging Marinette out of the way of a pack of panicked tourists. "Everybody in their right minds is running away from danger, and here we are running towards it."
"Must be something wrong with us," Marinette chuckled.
"Of course there is," Adrien said, tugging her into an empty cafe. "If we were normal, we wouldn't have volunteered."
Two flashes of light later and Ladybug led her partner out the other entrance and onto the rapidly emptying street. "I wonder what the venn diagram of lunatics and superheros looks like."
"It's basically a circle," Chat Noir said as some of the people fleeing for their lives slowed down to take a picture.
"Go get em Ladybug!" One person yelled as they ran to safety.
"Kick his ass Ladybug!"
"Good to see you're back Ladybug!"
"Oh my god Ladybug!"
"Ladybug, can I have your number-"
"Hey, you know what's cooler than Ladybug? Not being destroyed by dinosaurs; get to safety before someone T-Wrecks you," Chat Noir said, shooing a small crowd of pedestrians towards a bunker. "Go on, get! Jeez, you need to have a word with your fan club about personal safety."
"Don't tell me you're jealous of all the attention I'm getting," Ladybug chuckled.
"I've spent the last four years deliberately trying to avoid attention," Chat Noir sniffed. "Besides, Paris is kinda slow to forget; I'm sure most of these people still think I was up to something fishy with Hawky."
"I get the crowds of screaming fans, you get all the superhero clout," Ladybug said, awkwardly waving at a crowd of passing tourists all delaying their escape to snap pictures of the newly returned heroes. "Somehow I think you got the better deal."
"Now who's jealous?" Chat Noir asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "They'll come around…I'll make sure of it."
Ladybug nodded, noticing the furtive glances sent Chat Noir's direction. "Yeah…ditto."
Ladybug stopped in the middle of the street, watching Chat Noir's back as he stepped past her. "Hey…are you sure about this?"
"What, running solo against a guy with some lab-grown dinosaurs?" Chat Noir chuckled. "What's there to worry about?"
"No, I meant…" Ladybug trailed off with a shake of her head. "Forget it."
"I know what you meant," Chat Noir said, glancing over his shoulder. Somehow, the spectral eye that looked her over didn't seem as threatening as it used to be. There were glimmers of Adrien, her Adrien, under the overwhelming mantle of Chat Noir. Enough for Ladybug to latch on to as he smiled.
"I'm here because I want to be," Chat Noir said, turning around and leaning on his staff. "Because I want to try…I don't need to be sure about anything else."
That doesn't scare you? Ladybug thought.
Who says it doesn't? Chat Noir thought back with a wink. "You should spend a little less brain power worrying about me, Ladybug; we're gonna need those smarts to send these creeps back to the Jurassic period."
"I thought I'd let you take the lead on this one," Ladybug said, falling back into step beside Chat Noir. "Give you a chance to flex your own brainpower."
"And I thought I told you I have one strategy," Chat Noir said. "Everything else is just tactics. Besides, what is the correct strategy to deal with a man who has living fossils at his beck and-"
A pterodactyl shaped drone swooped low overhead, launching an electromagnetic rocket at the door of a nearby bank and blowing it clean off its hinges.
"Wait…those are the dinosaurs we're supposed to be fighting?!" Chat Noir huffed, glaring at the drone as it zipped away.
"Yyyyyeah?" Ladybug said. "What's wrong?"
"They're…they're robots!" Chat Noir said. "Just…just some stupid robots!"
"What did you think he had actual dinosaurs for us to-" Ladybug stopped short as she saw the almost heartbroken look on Chat Noir's face. "Oh…oh my god, you actually thought we were fighting real dinosaurs?!"
"I've seen weirder stuff than that!" Chat Noir said, huffing as Ladybug doubled over, clutching her stomach as uncontrollable peals of laughter echoed off the mostly empty street. "I was told this was a professor who uses dinosaurs to rob banks but apparently he's just a nerd with a Transformers fetish!"
"Oh…Oh, I'm sorry, is this beneath you?" Ladybug laughed. "What, you fight dragons for a couple of years and suddenly you're too good for robot dinosaurs?"
"I'm the apex predator; not some…some…ugh, I'm so disappointed I can't even metaphor correctly!" Chat Noir growled.
"His Majesty only deigns to sully his little kitty paws with real monsters, thank you very much," Ladybug wheezed. "Theeeeee Apex Predator needs worthwhile prey; none of this toy-aisle garbage."
"Shut up," Chat Noir laughed, completely oblivious to the dinobot stomping down the street behind him until the hot gust of steam from its nostrils washed over the back of his head. Something about the way Ladybug laughed had a funny habit of making him forget the kind of danger he was in, even after so much time apart.
"No, don't even bother!" Chat Noir said, ignoring the robotic snarl that came from the dinobot. "It's ruined! This whole day is totally ruined! I thought we were going up against someone worth our time but all we got is a model kit builder and his army of toys!"
"Hey!" A booming voice shouted as a large pterodactyl drone descended, powered by hovering jets that only seemed to piss Chat Noir off more. The top opened and out stepped an equally angry looking professor in a black lab coat and goggles.
"And I'm guessing that's our target," Ladybug said, flicking the gigantic T-Rex in the nose as it leaned in closer to her and leaving a divot in the machine's steel frame.
"Who dares question the paleontological engineering genius of-" Dr. Oliver stopped as he spotted Chat Noir. "...Chat Noir?"
"No, I'm a very disappointed kitty who wanted to chase lizards today," Chat Noir said.
"And…" Dr. Oliver pointed at Ladybug. "Wait, when did you get back?"
"Three days ago; haven't you heard?" Ladybug said, bumping her shoulder into Chat Noir's.
"I was in jail on bank robbing charges," Dr. Oliver said. "They only played football and reruns of terrible BBC baking shows."
"Well, here's the only news story you need," Ladybug said. "Ladybug and Chat Noir are back in Paris."
"And more than ready to stick our Little-foots up your tin can tailpipe, you tacky old veloci-loser!" Chat Noir spat, cracking his knuckles. "Get my hopes up, will you…"
"You got your hopes up," Ladybug pointed.
"And I'm taking it out on him!" Chat Noir said, brandishing his baton in the perturbed professor's face. "Come out of the Zord with your hands in the air and I'll see if we can get you some Land Before Time DVD's to entertain you in prison."
"But…how?!" Dr. Oliver stammered. "How are you…I-I thought you two were finished!"
"We were, but…" Ladybug spared a smile for her partner. "Life…finds a way."
The hiss of dozens of whirring servos drew her attention to the small pack of robotic velociraptors that closed in around them. At the far end of the street, a large mechanical triceratops angled three cannons in their direction while a small pack of pterodactyl drones whirred overhead.
"So…little guys are worth one point?"
"Big suckers are at least five," Ladybug agreed.
"And the big guy has to be a dime," Chat Noir said, teeth flashing as he snapped his staff out to full length. "No cheating now."
"I trust you'll keep me honest," Ladybug said, springing into the air alongside her partner. They hung for a moment in mid air, suspended above the encroaching crowd of mechanical monsters, before diving like twin falling stars into the melee, back to back as it always should have been.
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Hi, hi!!! I saw you have an inbox now omgggg, can i request mikoto, mido, and john (orekoto) x reader (siblings) just. Handling their sibling that almost committed suicide and has self-harmed themselves? I needed comfort :3
If you can't write for the three of them just pick one of ur favs! Thx for ur service and 👋 (i think u know me :3)
Kayano Mikoto, John, Midokoto & Reader
Summary : the worst thing to happen ended up happening.
Note : this is like. REALLY long. Maybe longer than usual idk that's rlly up to you guys
Mikoto :
"Are you feeling any better?" He said as he hands you some warm tea.
It's been a few days since you.. You know. The first time Mikoto saw you distressed was probably the worst memory he's ever had of you. His younger sibling, trying to go beyond the limit of hurting yourself.
The feeling of dread when he saw you starting to limp on the floor, and reaching out to him. That memory playing over and over again in his head while he was waiting for you at the hospital.
He was lucky enough for the boss to let all the workers have a few days of vacation. An odd order from the boss but he took it nonetheless. Imagine his shock when he finds you with a wound on your chest.
Were you okay? And why hadn't he seen the signs earlier? It should've been obvious.. If he truly cared and loved you he would've known why you wanted to do it. He should've—
"Mr. Kayano?" He looks to his side to see the nurse walking into your room. "Please excuse me, I'm here to replace the IV." Mikoto lets the nurse in as she changes the IV.
When the nurse walked out of the room you mumbled to Mikoto about something. Mikoto couldn't hear you the first and asked politely if you could repeat what you said. You apologized, for being such a 'burden' and making worry so much.
Out of nowhere, he embraced a hug with you as he tried to comfort you. "Don't say stuff like that.. You're still young. You haven't discovered yourself fully, and there's probably a lot of things that's stressing you out."
"I'm sorry for not seeing the signs earlier.. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you.. I'm sorry I'm always working late hours. I should've spent more time with you, everything's so stressful right? Let's just forget about it. What matters is now."
You hugged him back and cried into his shoulder, apologizing. He soothe your worries and apologized back, and tells you how you don't need to worry about 'those' things anymore. Everything will be alright.
John :
It's been a few days and you were finally discharged from the hospital. The doctor gave you some medication, to which you were a bit skeptical of, but he assured you how it won't cause further pain for you.
When you returned home, the smell of curry filled the entire house. At first, you thought your mother was home, and rushed to the kitchen to find your brother cooking in the kitchen.
You walked over to him and asked when did he get home, and why he didn't pick you up when you were discharged from the hospital. He turns around to look at you before realizing you were there at all.
"Oh, sorry. I wanted to come pick you up, but I got a call from the doctor telling me that you already went home." He stops cooking for a bit. "How are you." He went to the fridge and opened it, giving you a bottle of water.
"Sit down. It took you a while to get here didn't it? So you should rest first." You followed his suggestion and sat on the couch. Going back to the house didn't feel as relieving as you thought it'd be, maybe it's because mom wasn't here.
But there's no way you'd be upset over that. Sure mom isn't here for a bit but she's definitely arriving home earlier, I mean her child was just out of the hospital what mother wouldn't want to see their child then?
.. Right?
"Here." He puts a plate of curry and rice down at the table in front of you. "Eat up. You're going to need it after everything." His tone of voice sounded a little harsh, but his words were.. Nice? Maybe? You don't know.
He sat beside you as you ate your food. The quiet atmosphere was a little awkward, and you expected your brother to start talking more, but even he looked puzzled on how to start a conversation.
After a few minutes of silence, he opened his mouth and asked you a question. "Is there... Anything you want to tell me?.." You look at him confused while still eating your food. "You know, since you've uh, did that.. I was wondering if there was something you wanted to talk to me about. How is it going with mom? Are you two doing well?"
His voice sounded uncertain, as if he was asking himself if it was that was the right thing to ask. Then, your eyes started to swell, and tears were starting to build up in your eyes. You were about to cry, before stopping yourself and wiping the tears with your sleeve.
'Mikoto' noticed how you've hesitated on answering and looked down, he tried to look at you in the eye only to be met with the sound of you sniffling. He quickly grabbed onto your shoulders to make you look at him and see tears already running down your face.
"What... What happened? Why are you crying?.." You try to shake away from before he let's go of you, realizing how accidentally strong his grip was. "I'm.. Sorry. Did I hurt you? Did I say the wrong thing?.." You shake your head and told him how he's done nothing wrong, and that you were just 'sad'.
His eyebrows furrowed as he remembered his question from before. "Is it mom?.. She didn't do anything bad to you did she?" His voice started to sound slightly irritated as he finished his sentence. Why did he make it sound like he'll hurt mom if she did do something bad to you?
You told him no and gave him the actual reason on why you decided to do it. He looked at you in disbelief and kept on asking you on why you didn't tell him sooner. He saw how uncomfortable you got and backed away a bit, apologizing briefly.
"If there's anything wrong.. Just tell me, tell 'us'." He emphasized the us to you loudly, as you got confused. 'Mikoto' just sighs and hugs you quickly, before holding onto your shoulders.
"Listen. If anything happens, don't be scared to tell me. I'm your brother, no matter what kind of situation you'll be in I will always help. Do you get that?" You hesitantly nod your head.
"Good. Now go to sleep, I already cleaned your bedroom." You felt a pang of guilt stab your chest as you realized you left all the hard work to 'Mikoto'. Before you could apologize 'Mikoto' turned his head at you and glared. "Don't even think about apologizing."
You kept your mouth shut and walked to your bedroom, leaving 'Mikoto' in the living room alone.
"Jeez those two are exactly the same." John muttered under his breath.
Midokoto :
You slept on your bed, yet your eyes were still awake. You fluttered your eyelids from time to time, it felt so surreal. You nearly ended your life, and now you're here sleeping in your bed like nothing happened?
No one was at fault, really, it was just you. It's always been just you. Mom isn't usually home, since she's always working from day to night. Mikoto also works out side the city, you didn't even know he was home, you thought he went back to his apartment to continue working.
Don't even start with dad, that guy left the family like it was nothing. He was too busy with work and couldn't always be there with the family? Bullshit. Nothing but a two-faced bitch who's willing to make empty promises to his childre—
"Hey, you there?" A knock was heard coming from your bedroom door. It sounds like your brother but not exactly?.. You tell him to come in and he opens the door, strangely his bangs were shaped differently, like it was trying to cover one of his eye.
You brush off this 'new' look your brother had and asked him why he knocked on the door. "Was trying to check if you were asleep or not, turns out you weren't. It's 12 am you know? I don't think someone who was just discharged from the hospital should be awake at this hour."
You groan and tell him how it was because he knocked on the door when you were about to close your eyes. "No I doubt that. Even if you were about to sleep you wouldn't be able to hear the knock since you sleep like a log."
You ask if that was supposed to be an insult to which he replies by shrugging and sitting on the side of your bed. Now that you were awake you didn't know what you should be doing now. I mean your brother is just sitting on the side of the bed saying nothing.
What has been going on with your brother? He's been awfully quiet for the past few hours. You wouldn't be too surprised if he saw a cat got run over by some- "it's a weird feeling huh." You look at him, his back facing you.
You ask why. "Well, your life nearly ended, but you're just here trying to sleep. Is it not an odd feeling?" You stare at him for a while before staring back at the ceiling. "Sorry. Too harsh?" He looked through his shoulder to see you wipe your tears.
"Ah, right. You're.. A little bit more sensitive than 'me'." When you finished wiping your cheeks you look at him in confusion. He phrased the sentence really.. Weird? Maybe you're weird.
You both sat in silence. "Didn't 'I' tell you to sleep? You should sleep now." There's that weird phrasing again. He ruffled your hair before standing up, be looked back at you, smiling. "Don't sleep too late, you don't want to miss breakfast do you?"
You tell him okay, he nods and walks to the door, walking out and closing it behind him. You watched as the door closed, and the sound of silence fills the room, but this time it feels eerie.
Like there's really nothing, just nothing, no one to talk to... No one to feel the presence of.
God.. This is terrifying.
#milgram#milgram x reader#mikoto kayano#bittersweet ending#mikoto kayano x reader#john milgram#john milgram x reader#john x reader#midokoto#midokoto x reader#I have never been more slower than I am today
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I'm a sucker for angst 😭 I saw ur Quinceañera post and I wa wondering if you could do another part of "Taking it all in" where Pedro and Daughter!reader are planning for it or Daughter!reader is having the most fun she'd had in a while and then estranged mother comes in and things get angsty (with fluff in the end of it)
Taking It All In (Pedro Pascal x Daughter!Reader)
Pt. IV
Word Count: 3,404
A/N: Some of this I got the idea from One Day At a Time, but I was writing this already when I saw your request! Thank you for requesting it!! Hope you enjoy!!
Pedro Pascal Masterlist
Song: De Nina A Mujer by Janet Dacal
Warnings: Mentions of abandonment and mildly edited fic...
A Quinceanera, it was the last thing you wanted to think about, but it was one of the main things you were looking forward to this year. For years you had imagined your quinceanera, what kind of dress you would have, and the theme too. For years, you were excited for this day, the day you get to begin planning. Yet, it all came crumbling down. Instead of the excitement of the event, it felt more like a distraction from the real situation.
Over the past three months, your mother had been on a rampage, determined to take your dad to court over custody. After your little run-in, your dad mentioned how he had run into her as well. He never kept anything from you and with the threat she had made that day, he wasn’t going to start. He let you in on everything that was going on and you appreciated him being honest with you, even if sometimes you didn’t want to hear it.
You didn’t understand your mother's motive, why she suddenly had an interest in your life after all these years. You thought that if it were to ever happen if your mom ever came back into your life, you would be happy. Now, knowing what you know now, you couldn’t help but feel angry.
Somehow, your mother managed to get supervised visits on the weekends. They were couple-hour visits on Saturdays and Sundays, your dad wasn’t allowed to be in the area during that time, so you opted to have your aunt join. It was either her or the lawyers and you wanted someone you knew to be around.
At first, the visits were spent in silence, your mother asking questions and you responding in as few words as possible. Then she began to make luxurious promises. A nice vacation with the family as a whole on a cruise, Disneyworld vacation as a family, or even Cancun as a family. It was always ‘as a family’ and you didn’t know if she was including or excluding your dad in the phrase.
“I liked singing as a kid, did you like singing?” Your mother asked. You glanced at your phone for the fifth time in ten minutes. Only an hour left and you can go home.
You shrugged, “I was in the school choir in middle school,” you responded.
She cleared her throat, “So, you’re fourteen, that means we should be planning your quince soon,” she said with a big smile.
“Already am,” you stated. “Dad began planning a little before I turned fourteen, sometimes I think he’s a bit more excited than I am.”
Your mother’s face fell for a second, but she was quick to put a smile on her face, “Well, quince planning is no place for a dad. Maybe it should be our thing,” she began. “You know, to try and reconnect?”
Your tia could sense your uneasiness, “well, it’d be difficult to do, since it’s only a month away,” she commented.
“Only a month away? It can’t be that soon already,” your mother said as she pondered about it. She looked at her phone, “wow, I guess it is,” she commented. “So, um, that means you probably already sent your invitations out.”
You gave her a nod, “Sent them out last week.”
She nods, “That’s great.”
You sighed, you knew what she was trying to get at. Was it the right thing to invite her? Would that mean you would have to invite her family too? You hadn’t even met your siblings yet, let alone her husband. “Um, did you want to go?”
She smiled, “What mother wouldn’t want to go?”
You shrugged, “I mean, I’d have to talk to Dad about it.”
“Of course,” she smiled, “I just would hate to miss another big event in your life.”
You gave her another nod, “Honesty, I just don’t know how comfortable I’d be with… you know, your kids being there since I’ve never even met them.”
She scoffed, “But they’re your brother and sister.”
“Yeah, but, I’ve never met them and I don’t think I’m ready to meet them.”
She let out a dry chuckle, “They’ve been dying to meet you, Y/N, they’re your brother and sister after all.”
You sighed, “I know they’re my brother and sister,” you snapped. “I’m just not ready, okay?” You looked over at Javiera, who just gave you a nod.
She glanced at her watch, “We should get going,” she began. “Y/N, you have a big essay that you need to work on, remember?” You nodded, understanding what she meant. There was no essay, but your mother didn’t need to know that.
Your mother cleared her throat, “I’ll see you next week?” She said with a smile.
“Yeah,” you said as you got up from the picnic bench and walked over to the car.
Your mother looked over at Javiera with pleading eyes. Javiera, even though she didn’t like Gabriela, felt a little sorry for her, “Give her time,” she suggested.
Gabriela sighed, “How much more time does she need?”
“More than you can give her,” Javiera muttered.
“I know you don’t like me.”
“No shit,” Javiera stopped herself, “I can’t deal with this right now, I’ll see you next week.” Javiera got into the car, she was half expecting you to say something to her but wasn’t surprised when you remained quiet.
You continued to remain quiet for the duration of the drive, your mind wandering into an abyss that Javiera didn’t want to interrupt. Maybe you needed time to think about everything that had just happened and you were thankful for that time. For some odd reason, car rides were just the best time to just think. But, like all car rides, they come to an end.
Walking into the apartment, your dad engulfed you in a hug, it was routine at this point. He would bombard you with hugs as soon as you got home from a visit as if you had been deprived of it for the past few hours.
“How’d it go?” your dad asked as soon as Javiera walked into the apartment.
You gave him a shrug as you tossed your things onto the couch, “Gabriela wants to be invited to the Quince,” your aunt answered for you.
“What?” Pedro looked over at his sister in disbelief, “What did you tell her?” he looked over at you.
“I told her I’d talk to you,” you finally responded, taking a seat on the couch.
“Well, what do you think?” Pedro asked as he sat beside you, “Do you want to invite her?”
You shrugged, “I feel obligated to.”
He shook his head, “you’re not obligated to invite anyone you’re not comfortable inviting.”
You sighed, “I know, I just… I don’t know. If I invite her then I feel like she’d be upset because I wouldn’t want her… family to come along.”
Pedro took in a deep breath, “It’s up to you, Mija. You call the shots when it comes to your Quince.”
“What do you think?”
Pedro looked over at his sister, who stood nearby, she gave him a shrug. He then looked back over at you, “I think if she really wants to be a part of your life, she’d be fine with any decision you make. Whether that’s not inviting her or inviting her but not her… family. Whatever you decide to do, I support you.”
“Even if it’s a dumb decision?”
He kissed your forehead, “Even if it’s a dumb decision.”
You didn’t make your decision right away, as a matter of fact, you didn’t make a decision until two weeks before the event. Deciding was hard, but you decided that if she was really wanting to make the effort then she’d respect your decisions.
“You can come,” you said as you got up from the same picnic bench you had been meeting at over the past few months.
Her eyes lit up like a kid at a candy store, “Really?” She took a step forward, and you took a step back.
“But only you,” you continued.
“I’m just not comfortable with the idea of them being there… It’s an important day for me-”
“And you should want to share it with them,” she pleaded.
You were beginning to think it was a mistake, “I should if I had known them for a longer period of time… but I don’t. I only know their names and whatever stories you told me about them. I need you to respect my decision.”
She sighed, “Alright.��
You dug through your bag, pulling out an invitation. “Here’s the invitation,” you said handing her the invitation.
She took the invitation, giving you a small smile. “See you next week?” You nodded, before walking back to the car.
The day of your Quinceñera was everything you could imagine. Your dress was Y/F/C, it wasn’t as big as most girls’ Quinceñera dresses, mostly because you felt like you wouldn’t be able to do anything if it were. You wore a tiara that your dad had specifically picked out.
You made your grand entrance right after your Quince court did, you had a good friend from school to be your chambelan. Your Tia had teased you about it, but he was only a friend. Shortly after the entrance, some of your family members, including your padrinos (Godparents) which were Oscar and his wife, took the opportunity to say a few words.
Your dad announced that he would say something after the father-daughter dance, mentioning how he didn’t want to get emotional too early in the night. Even though he had been emotional throughout the day.
After your tia said a few words, it was time for dinner. You frantically looked around for your mom, you felt horrible that she wasn’t included for a good amount of the reception.
You spotted her at a table off to the side, “You look so beautiful!” she greeted you with a hug.
“Thank you!” you smiled. “I was thinking, I feel bad you’re being left out of-”
“Don’t worry about that, Y/N,” she smiled, “I get it, I wasn’t part of the planning committee, so doing things last minute would make things difficult.”
“Well, not all things are that difficult, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to do like a mother-daughter dance? Dad said he’s willing to give up the spotlight for a few minutes,” you looked over at your dad who was, in his terms, killing it on the dance floor. You couldn’t help but chuckle at his moves.
She sighed, “That’s sweet,” she wanted to feel happy about it, she really did. “Alright.”
“Great!” you grinned from ear to ear. “Also, I was thinking, maybe next week we can talk about maybe… um…” you let out a dry chuckle, “Maybe taking the kids to the park or something?”
Gabriela looked at you in disbelief, “really?”
“Let’s talk about it next week?” She gave you a nod before you walked off. Why couldn’t she feel happy about this? It was what she wanted, what she begged for, but now it was in her hands and she was having trouble feeling happy with all the guilt she felt.
“Fuck,” she muttered to herself.
Pedro, on the other hand, was slowly coming to terms with the situation. He saw how happy you were today and he allowed himself to be happy too. He walked away from the dance floor, looking over at Gabriela, she paced around by the exit. He wondered what she was doing, she had to be on the dance floor in a few minutes.
He looked around for you, easily spotting you at one of the tables talking to a family member. He let out a sigh, walking over to Gabriela, “Gabriela?” She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
“Fuck,” she muttered again, as she made her way out of the banquet hall.
“Gabriela!” Pedro exclaimed, following her out. “Que te pasa?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle, “You remember the night I told you I was pregnant?” Pedro nodded, “you asked me the same thing.”
“What’s going on?”
“I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered.
He shook his head, “No,” he hissed. “Don’t do this to her.”
“I’m sorry, Pedro, I really am.”
“Don’t do this, Gabriela!” He said louder, “Do you have any idea how happy she is right now and you’re just gonna tear that down!”
“I know, I know!”
“No, you don’t, because you won’t be the one picking up the pieces!” Gabriela let out a sob, “If you leave, don’t expect a welcoming party.”
“Pedro, please.”
“Don’t ‘Pedro, please’ me! You’re tearing my daughter apart, Gabriela. No puedo mirar la asi, (I can’t see her like that) you don’t know how bad she got because of you. You don’t know what I had to do just to see her smile again! I told you I didn’t want to see you do more damage to my little girl and I was naive to think you could have changed.”
“I deserve a chance to get to know her-”
“You had your chance Fifteen years ago and you gave it up.” Gabriela wiped away her tears, “Why did you even come back, huh?”
Gabriela crossed her arms in front of her chest, “My husband, he’s um, he’s running for Governor-”
“But I swear, that wasn’t the only reas-”
“But it’s the main reason!” Pedro looked at Gabriela with disgust, he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“I really wanted to get to know her and to-”
Pedro shook his head, “It’s a little hard to believe that right now, Gabriela.” Pedro could hear the announcement of the Mother-Daughter dance, “If you want to prove me wrong, you’d walk inside right now and dance with our daughter.”
“Pedro,” she pleaded.
“Demostrar que estoy equivocado, Gabriela.” (Prove me wrong).
She shook her head, “No puedo, Pedro. Necesito tiempo.” (I need time).
“Gabriela, has tenido tiempo.” (You’ve had time) Pedro watched as Gabriela turned around, pulling out keys from her purse, “Gabriela,” he called out, but she didn’t stop. “Gabriela, Don’t do this!” She got in her car and drove off.
The announcement had been made five minutes ago, and everyone had gotten off the dance floor so you could have the spotlight. The DJ announced the dance again, and you smiled as you looked around. Your heart dropped when you couldn’t spot her. Was it too good to be true? to think she would ever want to stay a part of your life. The intro of the song slowly began to fade in, and tears began to well up in your eyes. All you wanted was for your mother to finally step up and be a part of your life, but just when you thought you could forgive her she leaves you.
You spotted your dad walking back into the banquet hall, his heart ached as he saw you standing alone on the dance floor. You looked at him with hopeful eyes, but he shook his head walking over to where you stood in the middle of the dance floor. He noticed tears begin to well up in your eyes, “Hey, hey, hey, I got you,” he whispered as he took your hand and began slowly leading you into the dance.
He led the dance, slowly swaying from side to side, “Papi, she-”
“I know, Mija, I know,” he whispered, you leaned your head on his chest as he settled his gently on top of yours. “Don’t worry, Cariño, I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said softly. “Let’s just forget about it for the night,” he said in a hopeful manner.
It was hard to just forget about it, it was your mother. The woman who was so desperate to have you in her life threatened to take full custody of you, and now she was nowhere in sight. You let out a shaky sigh, “You know, you used to dance to this song when you were little,” your dad began to say. The song was close to an end, “telling me about how you wanted to dance with me to this song at your quince,” he let out a dry chuckle. “Now here we are,” he pulled away, taking your hand to give you a twirl, “De Nina a Mujer,” he commented.
For a moment, you forgot what had just happened, all of the anger and sadness vanished. You remembered the memories you had with your father and even though something was always missing, it was always filled with his efforts in trying to be both parents for you. The song slowly faded to an end and everyone began to clap, your dad pulled you in for an embrace, “Ya no eres un nina,” (You're no longer a little girl) his voice shook, “pero siempre seras mi bebe.” (but you'll always be my baby)He placed a kiss on your forehead.
The night continued on as planned, your court did an amazing surprise dance and your dad cried a handful of times throughout the other planned events. Finally, your dad took a hold of the mic, and the music slowly faded out as people made their way off the dance floor.
“I just want to come on here and say a few words,” he began to say. “I’ve been avoiding it because my baby girl is no longer a baby,” his voice shook. “I am extremely proud of everything she has accomplished in her life so far and I am proud to say that I am her father. She makes me proud every single day,” He looked over at you. “Mija, you’re gonna do wonderful things in life, you are my biggest blessing in life and I a grateful for you every single day.” Tears welling up in your eyes, “Soon enough you’ll think you won’t need your old dad anymore, but just know I will be here no matter what. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do in life. Feliz Cumpleaños, Cariño.”
You let the tears fall from your cheeks, you walked up to your dad and wrapped your arms around him. People began clapping and the music slowly began to fade in again.
“Bailamos!” your dad yelled into the mic. The Dj played Cupid Shuffle, which made your dad grin from ear to ear, “Come on, Mija! This is our time to show our moves!” you rolled your eyes, “Come on!” he groaned.
You laughed as you followed your dad's steps throughout the song, other people had joined in too. Soon enough it was a full dance floor, you danced with your friends and danced a few songs with your dad.
"What kind of dance moves are those?" You questioned your dad, as he did a little jump with his butt in the air.
"Am I not twerking?" You and those surrounding you laughed at his attempt, "Am I not doing it right?"
You shook your head, "No! God please, just stop!" And just for a night, you felt at peace. Everything that had happened was in the past or it was tomorrow's problem. Today, you are fifteen and enjoying your day with the people you loved.
Your Quince didn’t end until past midnight and you knew it was a successful Quince when it went past midnight. You said your goodbyes to your guests and friends.
You didn’t see your mother over the weekend, nor did you pick up her phone calls. Your dad told you what had happened and what had been said. Part of you felt stupid for even thinking that starting a relationship with your mom was a good idea.
When Monday arrived, you wanted to just forget about everything, and act like the past few months never existed. Your dad had enough to win the custody battle, the lawyers were confident in the win.
“Don’t forget tomorrow we’re doing a study group at the library after school,” One of your friends mentioned as you all walked out of the building.
“I know,” you muttered. “See you guys tomorrow!” you said as you began walking down the sidewalk.
“Y/N?” You heard a familiar voice call out.
You stopped in your tracks, your heart beating fast as you turned around, “What are you doing here?” you asked your mother.
“Can we talk?”
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @cilliansangel @change-the-world-someday @graciegoeskrazy @oggystine93 @t-stark35 @twkobii @picklehat3r @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @white-wolf-buckaroo @steadydragongalaxy @rooting4theantihero @soupinasock @tracysnook @Ilovehotdadsandshit @dzaga890 @marantha @emmasauger @marysucks-blog @pcotato @scrappybear89 @dlwrish @what-ever-man213
#pedro pascal platonic#pedro pascal x daughter!reader#pedro pascal x daughter#pedro pascal x you#pedro pascal x y/n#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal x platonic!reader#pedro pascal x ofc#pedro pascal x daughter teen#pedro pascal x daughter angst#pedro pascal x daughter reader#pedro pascal angst#pedro pascal dad#pedro pascal daughter#pedro pascal fluff#pedro pascal daughter reader#pedro pascal daughter!reader#pedro pascal x teen!reader platonic#pedro pascal x teen platonic#pedro pascal x teen reader#pedro pascal x teen#pedro pascal x teen!reader
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long post abt me thinking about my dom likes/dislikes. im musing. i feel like this is needed to get my thoughts straightened out since its been on my mind lately.
things i dont like when domming
- raw power/physically overpowering someone, roughness. for example i don't think i could ever comfortably facefuck someone Hard hard. id be too worried about hurting them and that would be on my mind the entire time. i also dont think physical force is my style. it doesnt really fit my personality
- 100% degradation. same as above. i don't enjoy being mean this way.... it feels bad to me and i would constantly worry they think i mean it
- certain power dynamics. i dont like the idea of someone subbing to me because im stronger than them, know more than them, better than them, have a position of power over them (eg prof/student rp)...
- making decisions for my partner. in general i don't think im looking for "no thoughts head empty" in this way.
- brats. i just really dont like the dynamic. a lot of the ways brats want to be dommed falls under rougher/harsher tactics and it more often than not annoys and frustrates me because it feels like im fighting someone when im just trying to cooperate. a GOOD brat dynamic requires a LOT of communication and even then i can only try and "tame" the brat (whatever its called) for so long.
- cnc. this is a super hard gray area to navigate between overstim/free use, which i can be into, but requires a LOT of communication and i would not just do it with anyone right off the bat. i still had hesitations doing this with partners i knew very well.
things i DO like when domming/the idea of when domming
- bondage. i like the look, and i like the physical helplessness it creates for a sub. i like honing sensation and this is definitely one of the ways to do it.
- experimentation/exploration. not in the literal sense - everything should always be discussed beforehand - but i like slow toying/appreciation. i dont like rushing to a destination and i think this comes out a lot with teasing.
- certain power dynamics. unlike the ones i listed before i REALLY like the idea of power in the sense of, "i safely led this person to this state of mind" and also "i can safely lead them to the kind of experience i want them to have".
- exhibition. i LOVE taking pictures, videos, etc. i like posting certain things. i really like the idea of tying up/teasing/and/or fingering a sub in front of a small audience. i like the idea of showing off not only how well i can make this person fall apart, but also how pretty they are when they do.
things i find interesting reflecting on my past dominant experiences:
- i almost never ask for the things i like when domming, and i almost never make a decision when it comes to any sexual act. i always ask, "how do you want to be fucked" and never really say, "im gonna fuck you." i think this is kind of because of my aversion to "things i don't like" #1/#3/#4. no matter how many times a sub says "i want you to do whatever you want to me", or "just fuck me", i dont really adhere to that and i dont trust it. that might be because of bad past experiences with subs without specific constraints. it might be because its undefined cnc to me, and im really worried about doing something a sub doesnt want after they say, "fuck me however you want." thats almost definitely residual from subs with shit communication skills. more on that below.
- that being said, i think there probably exists a sweet spot in the above bullet point. i SHOULD, theoretically, be doing a little more of what i like and want, as a dom, and not just exist as a 2-dimensional service top. this isnt to say that i havent enjoyed past domming experiences - i really have. but looking back, i think ive spent a disproportionate amount of time asking subs what they want and like, and less time talking about what i like. this is partly because no one really asks, and this is partly because im historically bad at speaking up. if something is Working Just Fine, im not inclined to change it - partly because im afraid of the rejection of my desires if i DO speak up (ie, they arent worth anything, which gets back to a core belief ive been addressing in therapy, etc.). this has definitely happened in the past where i try to bring up certain things and a sub expresses obvious disdain, and i backpedal it hard to assure them its not a big deal and to just forget about it. thats almost definitely a result of domming subs with poor communication/sense of self issues, and certainly not my fault, but i need to get better about vetting people that will respond maturely in a discussion about desires/kinks/etc. my dom dynamic and style is fine, but seems incredibly passive when i think about it, and it shouldnt be like that. it should be a two way street, and my partner SHOULD be expressing curiosity and excitement about learning what im into.
- a personal priority of mine is figuring out what my needs are for dom aftercare. i spend a lot of time making sure a sub is okay after, and that in and of itself can SOMETIMES be "aftercare" for me - i get to check in with them, make sure they enjoyed what happened, and that reassures me what i did was okay, too. but outside of that i dont have a clear idea. i think subs asking or offering specific things helps a lot. cuddling is important. if someone just up and leaves or is like "alright lets go out" after sex i really dont do well with the transition. i need to speak up more about this, but also i need to prioritize finding people who just know to ask or check in.
#if u read all of that ur a champ#its just journaling for me rn#cause its kind of crazy to think how my dom style/dynamic has developed and i think it has developed in mostly unhealthy circumstances#so i think its good to reflect why and what i can do moving forward#slug.personal#slug.j
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stop using character.ai. i know youve heard it before, i know you want to keep using it because youre lonely, or scared of being called cringe or made fun of, or you dont trust anyone enough to open up about your kinks, or people posturing about ai have gotten on your nerves because all they do is shit on you for using it without addressing why you actually want to use it! i get it, ive been there. still, with all the love i have, i promise you, there are better options that dont dubiously scrape from other peoples work or use a metric fuck ton of electricity. or has a shitty ass filter that stops you from progressing beyond heavy petting 😒
1. at the very least, if you are still insecure about your writing skill or dont want to involve other people, you can run an LLM on your own machine. the less people use big websites like char.ai (especially those that try to monetise themselves and thus have an incentive to expand as big as possible), the less servers they will buy (and keep running all the time, unlike a locally-run ai that you only turn on once in a while!). everything is stored locally too, so trust, no one will judge you. but i know it requires a fairly beefy pc (though i think there are some mobile options too? your phone might also have to be beefy tho im not sure i havent tried) so if you cant do that, a secondary option is to use a smaller site which doesnt plan to monetise (as in large-scale advertising and premium plans. nearly all sites will have a paid plan to support their servers, but these should be like donations rather than something that locks major features behind a paywall) since that still reduces the demand for char.ai's servers. (and you might say well it just moves demand to another site but i think char.ai is probably the worst with its premium plan. its better than nothing!) not to mention most sites that dont limit your content generally arent looking to monetise. cuz advertisers would not really want to work with that lol
2. rp with someone. i knowww this is scary and a lot of people have bad experiences. unfortunately, such is the mortifying ordeal of being known. trust me, i did not grow up roleplaying, i have only rped with real people like, less than 5 times. but it still makes the best content: when you can find someone you agree with, you can share some of the thinking and planning workload with them, they might come up with ideas you didnt, and every sentence they send is thought out and intentional. but yes, finding that perfect partner is hard, and it may not last. something something friendships. (also if everyone has the same reasons to use char.ai, it means youre all kindred spirits! CRINGEred sprits! your cringe partner might be out there!!)
3. write it yourself. i know this one is hard especially for beginner writers. what you write doesnt match up to what you have in your head. but if youve used ai extensively youll know half the shit they say doesnt match up to what you have in your head either. you mightve spent more time editing their responses. thats a good sign that you want to and can write! and theres plenty of people willing to look over and beta your work, whether for grammar and spelling or to smooth out major plot points. of course its harder to find the latter, but i would say its easier than finding the perfect rp partner, since they dont necessarily have to be entirely invested in your story.
ai chatbots are far from perfect anyway. they make a ton of mistakes, not least because they learn from prompts given by the bot creator, which simply cannot encompass knowing the actual media in your head because bots have a limits to how much info they can retain. even in a single rp, if it gets too long, they will start to forget details. if youre an aspiring writer and dont mind fixing those as you go, you can definitely dive into writing your own fics instead. i believe in you!
and if youre still scared of being called cringe or exposing your deepest darkest fantasies, message me and we can work something out. im pretty open to the craziest stuff and im already like bottom-of-the-barrel cringe in fandoms as a yumejo (selfshipper), so trust, youre not getting ANY judgement from me. i also like beta'ing cuz it fulfils the urge to write without having to think of plot and shit LMAO. or you can pay me to write the full fic idk
so yeah lets get out of this ai hole together!!! 💪
(and if youre not really looking to rp or write seriously, or are lazy and just pop into char.ai for a short convo or two, i cant exactly stop you, but just think about what youre doing. there are better hobbies i prommy. love you)
#character.ai#character ai#char ai#c.ai#all my love to you#i hope this can convince some people on the fence about it#i think those posts that just say stop using char.ai can be unhelpful and push people deeper into it
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for the hot takes thing:
idk if they are hot takes on this blog tbh because the tumblr fandom has messed up my perception of what is popular and what is not but anyway here they are
i do not give a fuck about dorlene. i cant see it. it very often seems like forced lesbian representation to me. like, oh, lets throw them in here so that people dont say maybe i should have some sapphic women in my art if im trying to write about the queer experience. i read only one fic in my entire life that made them interesting and fleshed out characters. usually they are incredibly boring and i dont like it
marauderstok makes me a gatekeeper. i hate gatekeeping but then i see someone on tiktok talking about bartylily or sunkiller or moonrose or peter x barty and i just cant deal with that. they dont get them!!!! i dont even like most of these ships that much but i have moots that do and im overly protective of their blorbos. those people on tiktok dont understand bartylily!!! they are just into it cause it seems weird and unusual!! they dont see the vision of the pure hatred between barty and james that turns into sexual tension! they dont understand why barty would fall in love with peter and they try to make all of these ships into sketches!!! they are not!! those are my children youre talking about!!!
i am not a james fan tbh. probably because of how long ive hated him for. when i was a child and read hp for the first time the scenes with snape made me despise the guy. i spent years trying to explain to people that yes maybe he changed but he was still a terrible bully and nothing can ever excuse that. it got so bad my mom banned me from talking about james potter in our house because ive just said the same things over and over. 9yearold me was very determined. i know that all the marauders were involved but somehow it only affects my relationship with james. i know it unlogical but i just dont like him
on the topic of marauders and sev. i HATE the way fandom acts about it. acknowledge that your favorite characters were flawed! they weren't good people! what the fuck do you mean "i'm proud of james for bullying snape! someone had to do it. snape was just so bullyable"?? snape was a 11year old kid who was incredibly abused at home!!
again on the topic of severus. if i see one more joke made about his hair i'm going to go insane. are you guys aware that sometimes children are neglected so bad that their parents don't teach them things that are obvious to most of us, like how to wash your hair? have you heard about this concept of people not caring about their child and not buying them hygiene products? have your heard about poverty? have you heard about not having enough money to provide your child with all the things they need, including shampoo?
sorry for all that about sev. i am just very passionate about the way he's treated in this fandom. on the topic of characters being treated poorly by the fandom - dumbledore. some people truly believe that it's all his fault which is just so weird to me. he's obviously a deeply flawed man who made a lot of mistakes and i don't necesserily like him but i think we can all acknowledge that he's not the one who killed lily and james? like. he should've fought harder for sirius, obviously, but he didn't murder dorcas. he's not the ultimate villain that people make him out to be
i realise this is more about the fandom than the characters itself and i apologize it's just what's currently on my mind
whew lets get into it……
agreed. they often feel like the token lesbians that are just. already there. so might aswell just throw them into the story lmao and they wont have to flesh them out. i like my own version of dorlene, but yeah :/ people just aren’t interested in lesbians but what else is new
honestly i respect this so much... your mom banning you from talking about james made me laugh out loud…… Mad Respect
honestly. im very grey in this area. i like making fun of his hair unfortunately, but in other contexts i also think sevs greasy hair has a swaggy seductive lesbian flair. depends on how he’s being characterized. i saw a post today that was like ’cant help but laugh at people being angry about people objectifying fictional characters when they’re fundamentally dependant on being objects’ which i fully agree with. it’s part of litterature and film making that the (im gonna talk in film terms bc im a film student) that the mise-en-scene is an active choice, meaning that the way characters are dressed and presented is meant to, on purpose, reveal things about said characters. and often its driven by stereotypes that the audience has. severus is meant to look like a loser because he’s portrayed like a loser / and as someone who will be the victim of bullying. its simply the way his characters is canonically written and portrayed, and writers and viewers pick up on that. also im unfortunately one of the people who think bullying fictional characters is funny. it’s fictional and fandom, and never once have i stumbled upon a person who can’t balance the made-up fandom rules regarding fictional characters and their actuail real life morals. not saying these people don’t exist, but i certainly don’t kiki with them. fandom just doesnt affect real life issues in way some people sometimes seem to think. im personally a severus Lover and his biggest hater depending on the setting/hc’s/etc
i love albus, but i love him because i genuinely think he’s despicable. im not interested in his supposed reedming qualities and i personally dont think he has any….. he allowed teenagers to fight his wars and canonically didnt deny that he doesnt care for harry / and that he raised him like a pig for slaughter. its what makes him interesting. his childhood and early adult years make him one of the most fascinating characters in the fandom.. like i have so many feelings about him. he breaks my heart, he’s awful, he believes he’s good because he has good intentions, he yearns after grindelwald all his life and it was a 2 month summer romance, he killed his sister, his brother barely speaks to him. he’s a tragedy, but still despicable…… but i respect your opinion so much king thank you for sharing
MWAH loved these, thank you…. 🤍🤍
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☠️ 🛤️ 🌘
Most impactful death scean:
Probably Yellowfang. I really love mentor-y characters, and dieing is usually part of that. I think i did cry when i first read it as a child. Her acknowlaging Fireheart as more of a son to her than Brokenstar, and that having helped him grow to be a nobel cat, and mentoring Cinderpelt, are things that she can be proud of. And the fact that Fireheart saves Bramblekit over her, and the implications that has on their relationship going forward. And what it means Cinderpelt as well.... ahhh
I'm really excited for this one in the graphic novel, considering how much they've focused on Yellowfang and Fireheart.
Also Tigerstar being killed by Scourge. For completly different reasons. It's kinda one of the most interesting things the series has ever done plot wise. And the scean itself is so brutal and vivid in my mind.
Also Briarlight, though I dont think she should have been killed. Its just a heartbreaking scene.
Favorite journey:
I think the journey to bring all the Clans to the lake teritories. I like it when all the clans have to work together, and its the most extreme example of it. Traveling with such a large group also gives a lot of interesting dynamics and obsticals. An extention of that, probably one of my favorite parts of the new prophecy, is when Brambleclaw, Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, Crowfeather and Mistyfoot go on a scouting party around the lake to find locations for each camp. I like how it shows what they take into consideration for where they want to live, and the discriptions of each territory. Also, i love ThunderClan's quarry camp and Squilf doesnt get enough credit for being the one to find it.
I havent read River yet, but Im very excited to read about Frostpaw and Nightheart's Excellent Adventure.
Character with the most wasted potential:
Every. Character. In. Warriors.
I have a lot of inturpritations of various characters (Brambleclaw, Spottedleaf, Nightheart) but i know they probably arent Really Canon, so they do count as wasted potential in my mind, but they arent exactly counter to canon so....
Needletail. Her death was impactful, and im glad she spent some time as an angry ghost instead of immediatly falling into StarClan Wisdom mode. But she was the one of the Unruly Children to almost have a coherent understanding of the problems in clan society. She thought Darktail was the answer, because he positioned himself that way and she was inexperienced and lonely. I wish she had survived because it could have been really interesting to see her trying to reckon with her ideals post-Darktail. Maybe have her be the one to acknowlage that all of that happened because of Onestar and his prejudeces. To know that she wasn't entirly incorrect in observing that the Clan's devotion to tradition causes a lot of problems.
In my fantasy world she'd even become deputy under Tawnystar and eventually leader... and Violetshine could become leader of SkyClan... and Tigerheart and Dovewing stay with the gaurdian cats idk. Or form a new clan somewhere else. Tigerheart being her deputy could be fine i guess. But i feel like she'd do something wild and pick dovewing instead lol. Having a leader with strong opitions that run counter to clan tradition while also being kinda prickly and sarcastic would be really fun I think. And just in general i wish she got to live. I like her.
Related, ive been on a 'Tawnypelt should have been Tawnystar and its robbery that she didn’t" kick recently.
Also kinda related, Tree. I wish he had more influence in the clans, and that he was even more of a hippie. I wish the mediator role would be adopted by all the clans.
#warrior cats ask game#tawnypelt#needletail#tawnystar 4 lyfeeeeee#thnx for asking!!#sorry it took a bit it was my bday lol
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am i reviving this blog to ramble on about my tav bc ive been playing a bunch of bg3 .......maaaaaybe
i should really remember this exists and do more character writing in general buuut today im having seraphine thoughts aka a massive ramble under the cut
shes my little guy i love her so much look at her *points*
i went wild with the mods and customizations making her extra as fuck because i mean so am i when it comes to characters (ignore her eyebrow colors i couldnt do anything about them, also she has earrings but im not at the pc i play on rn i think this laptop would melt trying lmao esp on the high gfx settings to not have her face be unanimated and detached from her head)
as you can see shes a tiefling but shes also a silver draconic ancestry sorc! currently lv5 in the underdark act 1 and a gay idiot for karlach with hubris and little self preservation between her ice powers and innate fire resistance so they've kissed twice and she regrets nothing she's feral to get that engine fixed we've already got our second piece of infernal iron on standby
when she's not being gay as fuck she's pretty reasonable, wants to help people out and treat the world better than it's treated her, spent some time in the church of selune (acolyte bg) and she's no cleric but faithful and grateful to the people there who helped her. willing to kill for what's right but doesn't like being too brutal about it (she's willing to help the myceanids but she's not really in the business of taking heads so she's wary). tried the illithid powers once and got freaked out, wary of the dream guardian and resisted/refused any consuming of tadpoles by either active resistance and shoving it in a chest to ignore it or just lmao not picking that up from any of the goblin camp leaders
probably what's freaked her out the most recently besides the whole tadpole thing is the susur blooms taking away her magic, it's been a part of her her whole life, for better or for worse - it was a bit volatile and troublesome before she learned how to harness it properly but now it's something she holds close, and losing a part of herself that felt fundamental, a presence that was always there freaked her out a bit. she definitely ended up talking to gale a bit about magic and sat close (but not too close) to karlach cause she makes her feel safe and the underdark's starting to get to her a bit but these darn sidequests must be done and the shadowlands sound terrible!
she wants a hug but the only one she feels comfortable asking for that literally cant ;n;
also pet scratch and the owlbear ofc they're besties now its so cute
#astra talks#seraphine#oc#bg3 tav#this game has all my brainrot rn especially karlach#im just really really gay
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yamikage x arthur? :> (or if you want to rant, m/etak/irby?)
AYO shoutout to the like two people who ship this I SEE YOU QUANBLOVK respect
i know i just said id probably write something cute and fluffy but this ship is deeply hilarious to me as a concept. its divorce the ship. theyd be so ♠️♠️♠️♠️♠️ if that makes sense to certain people. i want them to constantly fume about each other in the same way where it can be interpreted as theyre the only thing the other person ever thinks about and yet if they were to ever finally get rid of the other they would feel sort of empty in their life. detective x master thief vibes. b. batman x joker even???????? anyways they should try to kill each other and then kiss
you know i know i Also just said that i would give people a very long very angry tangent but i think this one from a fandom perspective is very fascinating. in terms of the jp fandom in which we all know its the most popular ship by Miles i personally just try to turn my head and give them more benefit of the doubt due to cultural differences regarding views on fictional content and like. while its gross if they ship something weird i think theres something to be said about westerners trying to enforce their own views regarding purity onto other cultures does that make sense. thats just their own problem they need to work out and so im not gonna Inherently think someones an awful person for shipping me//takirby (unless its anime me//takirby or some shit obviously. take this whole paragraph as me operating under the assumption that theyre using game me//takirby. if anyone ships anime me//takirby im just killing you)
in terms of the western fandom shipping me//takirby..... oh Boy
ive just been ignoring the fact that people Could see kirby as an adult but likeeee. like maybe he was an adult in the past but nowadays kumazaki has Definitely been leaning towards making him much much younger. kumazakis taken his usual very vague open to interpretation stance with insisting that kirbys "wakamono" (which for people who didnt catch that interview, just very vaguely means "young person" which opens up the interpretation that kirby could even be as old as 25ish in canon) but cmon you cant keep making his face bigger in proportion to his body making him look younger and cuter and making him super super tiny in comparison to other characters and having him explicitly not being able to read and write even though other characters can and also having him draw like shit with not even coloring inside the lines and having his best friend be bandana waddle dee and then confirming the waddle dees are all children in forgotten land and then being like "Yeah he could be an adult". like i dont mean to make the assumption that adults cant have child-like qualities but all of those in conjunction with each other are kindaaaaaaaaa hm. the fact that he cant read or write is really the most egregious to the argument that he could be an adult. but anyways
me//takirby instantly gets an L in the western fandom because of how frequently its shipped by prosh//ippers to get a rise out of people full stop. i did know some people who shipped me//takirby purely because they had spent so much time in the jp fandom spaces and thus assumed he was an adult from the get-go or could not see him as anything other than an adult so uh sorry to those people but 9/10 times im just kicking you if you ship it
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not even the burnouts are out here anymore.
wanted connections listed below.
i. we spent what was left of our serotonin - the moment of peace. in the eye of a hurricane, there is a quiet kind of peaceful. they bring out this kind of stability in maeve. they don’t force her into it or make her feel bad when she has those days she feels like she can’t slow down, they just embrace her regardless. there’s always have a safe place to land, whether it’s controlled or a crash. taken by topher.
ii. just a wrinkle in your new life - the former friend. the walsh family were never well off, but they sure as hell were doing better than maeve trying to brave the world on her own. they knew maeve back when they were both kids. when maeve was fighting with her parents and running away from home, they distanced themselves for reasons maeve never cared to ask. when they started trying to talk to her again (closure or reunion, who really knows), maeve has made it clear she won’t listen.
iii. i swear i'd burn this city down to show you the light - the soft spot. maeve is is tough shell to crack, but they have managed to do it. she feels this intense protectiveness over them. definitely more of a soft, sunshine type character. taken by abril.
iv. can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid - the antagonists. everyone in town assumes you guys hate each other. it’s only half true, really. there’s something about someone that will be just as snarky to your face as you are to theirs that can build a lot of trust. she didn’t see it before, but now that everyone is a suspect, maeve is paying a little more attention to who she thinks she can trust. somehow, they made the list. taken by nax.
v. i thought i loved you, but it was just how you looked in the light - the ghosted. maeve doesn’t play with other people’s feelings. truth is, she has never really cared enough to. if she doesn’t like you, she doesn’t care about the people pleasing niceties that say she should pretend to. you will know. which means she did really like them when the sparks started to fly. things just moved too quickly and running away was all maeve knew how to do. convinced herself those feelings were fake and avoided anything that reminded her of that near relationship.
vi. take this sideshow & all its freaks, turn it into the silver screen dream - the friends. maeve’s go-tos. could either be a small group that all kind of hang out and vibe together or just a handful of friends that maeve has and hangs out with all separately. ( open to 2-3 )
vii. you wanna hold my hand. i make a fist - the ex. one of maeve’s most serious relations. still, she struggled with being open and vulnerable to a partner. she’d always push them away, usually for them to return. one time they didn’t, and maeve is trying to put on a brave face and act like being left doesn’t feel like a knife.
viii. i need a new partner in crime and you shrug - the partner in crime. young, wild and free; that’s always been the goal. these two are a match made in hell. though they probably bring out the worst in each other, they have so much fun when together. something that burns this bright is bound to burn out quickly, but it’s going to be one hell of a ride until you crash.
ix. this is our place, we make the rules - the roomie. maeve cut off her family and ran away <3 she’s got very little money so it wouldn’t be the most flash place ever, but roomies that are just pure chaos vibes in a small apartment PLEASE.
also anything any everything else <3
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I hate being stressed about money. Its always "we dont have enough money" "do you have the money for that?" "You dont have any money" "should you really be spending money on that?" My mom has been saying this shit to me since i was a kid.
It makes me incredibly annoying to other people. Constantly repeating what ive been told. saying 'i dont have money' 'i dont know if its worth the money' 'ive already spent money today' 'the money, money, money, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY-'
My brother hates it. "Shut up and just enjoy the fucking food" hes told me (not verbatim but smth close) multiple times. I dont think she said it to him as much growing up. 'We have a bit of money but its better to save it' 'you cant throw it away your relative spent a lot of money on it' 'here have this gift its expensive. What do you mean you dont like it. Do you have any idea how much it cost? We spent so much money on this. You should like it. Use it. Wear it. Why arent you touching it? Its a waste not to. Dont you feel grateful? She/I/They spent a lot of money on you. What do you mean the shoes dont fit right?'
I want to stop. Nobody talks about money as much as i do. Does anyone have the same worries as me? They seem to be fine. They dont seem to talk about it as much. Perhaps they simply manage it on their own. Perhaps when they dont have the money they say other things. Is it 'i dont feel like it right now' or 'maybe in a couple weeks, im not free atm' or 'nahh im good, you guys go ahead'
I try to shut up about it. I barely have any money but i live with my mom who buys me food and have relatives nearby that will pay for other necessities if i cant. But i cant ask them, either. 'Dont ask for money, [name].' 'Never bring up money to your grandma, [name], and dont accept what she tries to give you' 'your aunt may have money but shes sick and will give more than shes willing to give if you ask. This is your problem. Dont ask.' Dont ask. Dont ask. Its rude. Its inappropriate. Its selfish. Its manipulative.
'You can ask me if you need some help' another aunt, my dad's sister, tells me. 'Dont ask her,' my father scolds, 'ill do it instead, ask me'. 'Do you have any idea how much of MY money ive spent on YOUR dental bills?!?!' My dad's 2nd wife blows up at me. They share an account. I never ask him for anything again. I dont bring it up to my aunt.
I have friends. But then i feel guilty. They dont have money either, do they? I cant ask. I try to manage on my own, balance any debts. It seems to work. They seem to manage. They dont seem to mention it as much as i do. Is it just me who feels the pressure?
My boyfriend and i go to gamestop. 'Id like to get a ps5 once i save up some,' i mention, for probably the 5th time in 2 months. Ive been thinking about it recently. My playstations are hand-me-downs from my brother, which i appreciate and have never been bothered about, but buying my own for once fills me with anticipation and excitement. It wont happen for months. Maybe over a year. 'I could buy you one' my boyfriend says. 'No. Dont.' I immediately say. 'I want to get my own' i quickly add. Its the truth, but its said for desperation and not for sharing. 'Dont get me one, i dont want that'. $500. Its so expensive. Its so much money. How much does he have? He doesnt seem to worry about it.
We go on a date and get food. 'Ill pay' he tells me. 'No, let me', i say. I have some change left over from christmas. He paid for 5 times in a row. Then 6. 7. 'Ill pay' i say, desperate. It feels unequal, unfair. When my brother was in high school, he had a well paying weekend job. He spent hundreds on dollars on his girlfriend. He had nothing left when they broke up just before graduation. I love my brother. Why is this engraved upon my mind? I dont know if ill like my boyfriend forever. I dont know if itll even last a month, or maybe a year. What about when it ends?
I dont want him to spend money on me.
Today he bought me a bouquet for valentines day. It has many flowers in it. I set it down on the counter when i got home, i was tired, i didnt want to prepare the stems and water and vase. There were over a dozen, i think. Or maybe im wrong. I didnt count. 'Ill put it in the vase later' i tell my mom when she asks. Hours later i havent done it yet. 'Your boyfriend spent a lot of money on that bouquet' my mom opens my door and tells me angrily. I know. I got a cheap single rose for him at target. It was $5. My first stop had been a florist. They had a dozen roses for $80. At Target, the nicer bouquets were $25. I dont know how much he spent. I tried not to think about it. 'Youre just going to leave it to die?!' She says. 'He spent good money on those flowers!!' Why do you care, i want to ask. Why are you angry about this. Why are you guilt tripping me over flowers my boyfriend bought me. Why is everything always about money, and not that he bought them while thinking of me?
For a brief moment (but not the first one today) i wanted to wish my boyfriend was poor.
I finally got a job. 'Now go buy those expensive things you need but have been putting off' my mom tells me. But its expensive. I can last longer without them. Its cheaper, easier, safer. My car oil seems fine. My bras just need to be washed, my back doesnt hurt too bad. Later, later, later. Its better not to spend money.
Today my mom was home on the couch. I came back from date semi-early. We dont hang out often. I wanted to be around her. I tried to lean on her on the couch while she was watching TV. 'Get off' shed told me. I left the room. She said nothing. One thing led to another. 'Why dont you just leave?' She asked. She didnt mean it. Shes stress from work. "Maybe I will" i mutter. I meant it.
I have a job now. They arent giving me many hours. I need a second to make up for it. I need money. For car maintenance, for bras, why do i always feel guilty buying a pair of shoes? My feet hurt. Surely ill get used to it. I dont need new shoes. Just wear another pair of socks, ill be fine. I think i used to be less annoying about this. I think i used to be more reliable, more secure. Back before college, back when i still had money.
Why? Why does it always tie back to money? I want to shut up. I want to stop worrying. It wont happen here, i need to move out- but. Ha. Haha. You see, i just. I cant afford it. I dont have the money.
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hi chat were back in sky islands I ACTUALLY DIIIDDDDD PLAY RAINWORLD FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS just was too lazy to post abt it lol BUTTTT
ok so when i made that post last time i was in farm arrays righth so yk even though i dont have the pearl that 5p ripped out of my body im STILLLLL gonna go through sky islands and probably just relax and explore a bit cause thats probably more fun cause sky islands goes to the wall and then 5p so i can just get the pearl back there (pretty sure theres a popcorn plant too so for whatever reason i end up starving itll be fine) one of the main problems is. getting that pearl. to moon. and then bringing that same pearl back to sky islands HW Y WHY/.? ILL HAVE TO USE ONLY ONE SPEAR TO FEEDAUDIOAUSPO cant even use a passage to fast travel even if i wanted too cause i DONT HAVE A STOMAOHCC;AH[0AUAU anyways screenshot time here is a reindeer with the smallest horns ive ever seen in my life

heres a reindeer with the largest horns ive ever seen in my life who STILL GOT STUCK IN THE WORMGRASS


killing an enemy in front of the scavengers is such a good feeling too lmao there was also this broadcast that caught my eye for a while which took me like what 20 cycles til i actually got it because how the hell are you supposed to get up here easily

and it make me go D:

I DIDNT KNOW THESE BROADCASTS WERE HAPPENING OVER SPEARMASTERS CAMPAIGN ASWELL THIS IS SO SAD oughudlshgfidsjlj now im so curious if its anything different if you go here before delivering the pearl earlier i also fell down to a lower part of this area and spent so much time trying to go mback up oh my GgGOGHGFHDSLIG AND THIS ASSHOLE GOT STUCK IN HERE SOMEHOW AND COULDNT LEAVE AND STILL MANAGED TO KILL M

i got the shelter on the higher levels at some point though and made it to sky islands

CURRENTTLYYY got the sky islands karmagate shelter sooo yaaa officially in sky islands as for thoughts ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI IIIII MIGHTTTT BE STUCKKKK delivering the pearl like throughout. ALL OF THAT. doesnt sound fun. honestly theres probably a different ending (ascension) thats way easier than what im even doing but the sole reason why im not doing that is cause im too lazy to find all the echoes LMAO maybe i should actually try ascending instead that might be easier.................
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