#i mean i know for once he wont be the biggest prick in the room
300iqprower · 3 years
“Galahad is literally such a petty bitch he ruined Mash’s character arc” is technically a factual statement.
I love the potato girl as much as every other sane person but there’s a reason i never even leveled her until lostbelt 1: she’s a VERY hollow character for almost all of part 1, I’d say until halfway through camelot at best and not truly until her talks with Leonidas in Babylonia. Anf in hindsight it’s obvious why she felt so…”just there,” for so long. In addition to “early in a gacha game’s lifetime so we didn’t actually think we needed to treat these like real characters” syndrome (see also Carmilla, Geronimo, Erik, Boudica, Mephistopheles, Babbage, Hektor, Lev, Olga, Georgios, d’Eon, Artemis, Fucking David and Lalter, and no doubt several others) for a long time Mash’s only thing was “exist to give cute obvious canon waifubait must protecc sidekick/paradoxically and intentionally ironically be the one acting as the reason YOU dont die at any given moment as the obvious weak link” aka a character who wasnt even a plot device just a plot hole filler, is because for a long time her character arc wasnt even about her, but about Chaldea’s history, her between chapter bits being an insight in Romani’s motivations rather than her own. This would be fine if not for the other thing that makes her character about chaldea rather than herself: the big mystery of whose spirit origin she was tied to, IE Galahad.
But we didn’t get that solved until the SIXTH singularity and SEVENTH chapter in a NINE chapter story (technically ten since Dantes’ event is main-canon but fck that if they wont make it free content i refuse to acknowledge it as important) so for the vast majority of part 1 Mash’s personal arc COULDNT advance since they were too focused on keeping both her backstory as a homunculus vague to draw out Romani’s arc and her ongoing story as a demi servant completely halted because they didnt want to in any way give away Galahad i guess. Even though Galahad ended up fucking POINTLESS in every sense, doing nothing in Camelot asode from allow a few Dadcelot gags, let alone any other part where he didnt have remotely as strong a reason to do something. And then there’s the post part 1 dickery that leads to ortinax yadda yadda and HEY WADDYA KNOW SUDDENLY IN PART 2 MASH IS A FULL BLOWN CHARACTER NOW!…at the cost of a really shitty mandatory new skillset that the devs continuously try to force on you and even nerfed her stats in the sixth anniversary update to try and force it further because fuck you for trying to actually play how you want and not in accordance with Nasu’s half baked vision.
So in conclusion, Fuck Galahad. A little shit who even tried to (and for a while succeeded) ruin our beloved Kouhai’s character arc and proved she’s way more interesting without him.
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Fandom: Star Trek Characters: Bones, Scotty Relationship: Bones/reader Request: I love your fics so much!! If you're still taking requests, I'd love to see a McCoy/ reader fic where reader gets a minor injury but is afraid of doctors and doesn't want to go to the med bay. Thanks so much, have a good day!! Can't wait to see what you write next! :) You were new aboard the Enterprise, and it had been a good first few months for you. But as your talents across several sectors were shown, you were moved into try to fix one of the broken ships that had been damaged in battle. Unfortunately, another newbie hadn’t secured the loose section of panel and, while you were fixing some of the wiring, it fell right on top of you. Scotty rushed over, helping you out with the aid of several others before demanding you go to the medical bay. For some reason, you felt more fear about going there than you did when you realised that panel was going to fall on you. You had a deep fear of doctors and hospitals. You managed to stop Scotty from escorting you there himself when you said if you had had a broken bone, you would know it. No, you were just a little bruised, that was all. With reluctance, he had dropped his demands and given you a week off to heal properly. he noticed you walked with a limp and decided that you were stubborn as a mule but he needed to do something. -------time skip ------------- You sat in the canteen, your meal barely touched as you sat totally engulfed in the book you were reading. It was a little busier than normal, but you didn’t mind because you were able to drown out the voices as white noise. Until you saw someone approach you out of the corner of your eye. You glanced up to see a new face. A man, with dark hair and a strong jaw line. His features seemed set in a mild annoyance but he was certainly handsome to look at. “Do you mind?” He nodded to the free seat at your table. He was carrying a tray with a cup on it along with a sandwich. He was probably on his break. But he wasn’t wearing a uniform, which means he wasn’t on a break. Maybe he had not long finished a shift and decided to change. It wasn’t uncommon for staff to change into normal clothes to eat after long shifts. “No, go ahead.” You respond with a smile. “Are you new?” he asks as he sat down, taking the cup of coffee and plate off his tray to slip the tray down the side. The table was rather small and it would have taken up a good chunk. “Yes, Ive been here about 2 months now.” You nod, your attention distracted from your book to the gentleman sitting at your table. “I suppose that relatively new on this ship.” He looks to his right before taking a sip of his coffee. You let out a small chuckle before reaching for your empty cup. “Are you going to be here a bit? Could you watch my things while I grab a drink?” You shake the cup slightly and the man nods. Getting to your feet, you go over to the coffee machine and make yourself another drink. There was something a little intriguing about the man who had just sat beside you. You were more sure than not that if this hadn’t been a work environment, you might have allowed yourself to admit you were attracted to him. But you chocked back the feelings and returned to the table. “You’re limping.” He stated in a rather harsh voice that made you raise an eyebrow at him. “Slightly, yes.” You sip on your drink, a little taken aback by his words. “Have you seen the med bay about it?” He places his coffee down, his full attention on you. “Well, no.” You drop your gaze, unsure why he seemed to care so much. “Why? If you’re injured, isn’t that what they are there for?” He raises an eyebrow at you, seeming to question if you knew what a med bay was. “I know. I just, umm. Im not the biggest fan of doctors.” You admit, a little sheepishly as your cheeks flared up red. You didn’t know why you were offering an explanation to this stranger when you didn’t even offer it to Scotty, you had known for longer. “they aren’t a band, you don’t have to buy a ticket.” He frowns, apparently unsure of your meaning. But his response made you laugh. “No, no, no.” You giggle, batting your hand at him as you managed to calm yourself down a little more to put it into words. “I don’t like them. I never have. Hospitals, nurses, needles, they all make me really uncomfortable.” “Oh.” Was all he said as he sat back, his attention turning to his coffee. “Besides, im not badly hurt. Just a little bruised. Nothings bleeding or broken.” You defended yourself as you took another drink. For a moment, the two of you sat in a uncomfortable silence, broken by the sipping of liquid before the man spoke. “I got hurt a few missions ago. Got a nasty bruise on my back. I still have some of the healing cream in my quarters.” He spoke carefully, not looking at you but seeming more interested in the coffee at the bottom of his cup. “Healing cream?” You asked, a little unsure. “Yes, its meant to help with any swelling and calming bruising. I had a few tubes of it and I only used one. Ive got 2 unopened. They’re yours if you want them.” He looked at you, and you saw something in his eyes. He seemed to generally care and be concerned about you. “Well, that would be nice.” You nod. It would be good if you could get the bruising down quicker. The two of you finished your drinks and you closed over your book before realising you didn’t know his name, nor did he know yours. “Im [y/n], by the way.” You extend your hand to him as you two walked out of the food hall. “Leonard McCoy.” He shook your hand. ------- time skip ----------- “It will get infected.” Leonard chastised you as he looked at your palm which was slip open. “Im sure it’ll be fine.” You pulled your hand back, wishing you had never shown him your latest injury. After meeting in that café, you and Bones had grown rather close. It had only been a month, but you saw him nearly every day after your shift. “You need to go to the medical bay. You need stitches.” He stood up, forgetting about his own dinner. “No, ive told you a thousand times.” You turned back to your meal, eating it with your good hand. “Why not?” Bones collapsed back into his chair, thankful the hall was nearly deserted so no one could see him freaking out. “Because I don’t trust them.” You couldn’t hid the anger in your voice. you were annoyed at how he kept pushing you and pushing you. But there was a short pause as Bones stared at you. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his voice softer than before. It was no longer commanding you, but more becoming. You looked over to him, confused by his question. But you knew the answer nonetheless. “Yes.” You nodded slightly. Bones stood up and took your good hand. Without a word, he guided you through the halls towards the medical bay. You had never been there before and you fought your instinct to run in the opposite direction. Mainly because you were intrigued by Bones. Why had he asked you such a question? What relevance did it have to the slice in your palm. You were so preoccupied with the question, you didn’t realise you had passed through the first set of door into the medical bay. There were beds on both sides of you with sheet screens that some had pulled around. One bed had blood on it that the nurse was stripping. You froze as your eyes fell on some medical equipment. But Bones moved his hand to your back and stared you guide you through the area into the back office at a gentle pace. Inside was part office, part examination room. It reminded you of a doctors room from back on earth. On the wall was a few plaque and medical certificates as well as a book shelf with medical books. Bones motioned for you to sit on the examination bed in the corner, which you did without objection. Bones then came over to you with a small tray of medical things including antibacterial wipes, creams, a needle, the stitches and needle and a few other things you couldn’t recognise and he placed the tray beside you. he took your bad hand and turned it over so your palm was facing the ceiling. He then used a wipe to dap away some of the dried blood before picking up the needle. You went to yank your hand away from him but he looked up at you. “You have to trust me. I wont hurt you.” He said, his eyes pleading for you to believe him. And you did. You nodded and closed your eyes tight and gritting your teeth. You felt the small prick of the needle entering your palm in 3 places around the wound but never actually inside it. Once it was done, you felt your hand start to feel strange. “What…” you trailed off as you tried to move your fingers but they felt weird. “It’s numbing your hand. You wont feel a thing when I do the stitches.” Bones clarified for you as he pulled a office chair over so he could sit down. Your eyes moved across the room until they fell on the medical degree. “You, youre the head of the medical bay, aren’t you? you’re a doctor?” You breath, your eyes skimming the name on the degree again and again. “yes.” Was all Bones said to you as he rearranged the tray is if he was feeling awkward. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” You ask, feeling a little hurt. He must have purposefully have kept that information from you. “You never asked.” Bones replied a little too quickly. He reached to take your now numb hand but you pulled it back. “Earlier you asked if I trusted you. and I said yes. How do I know I can trust you now?” you felt the fear running through your body. Bones looked at you before signing and leaning back in his chair. “I wanted to say something sooner. But Scotty said you would be terrified of me. So I didn’t.” He explained, but didn’t answer your question. “What does Scotty have to do with this?” You ask, more confused now than ever. “He asked me to try and discreetly make sure you weren’t in too much pain or danger.” Bones said. “Oh, so the only reason you’ve been spending time with me is because of Scotty?” You ask, shocked as you blinked back tears. You had really grown to care for Bones, and the thought that it was all a ruse made your heart break in two. “When I sat with you first, yes. But ever since then? No, its because I enjoy your company. And the longer I left it, the harder it got to tell you.” He shakes his head, frowning to himself as he silently cursed Scotty. “Why?” You asked again. “I don’t want you to be scared of me or ruin the connection we have.” He paused before looking up at you, his eyes betraying him and showing how scared and anxious he was. His answer made you stop. It was true. The two of you got along like a house on fire. You could speak for hours at a time and never run out of subjects. You had heard a little about the head of the medical sector being grumpy and he didn’t like to socialise very often. So you had never made the connection between him and Bones. Maybe you should have paid more attention. Signing, you held out your hand to Bones. “I trust you.” You whisper, wiping away your tears on the back of your sleeve. “Thank you.” Bones nodded, taking your injured hand in his own as he set to work, stitching. You looked away the entire time, but before you knew it, he was done. He wrapped your hand in a bandage. “Ill need to change this in a few days and look at the stitches. But I can come to your quarters if you don’t want to come back here.” He looks up at you. “hmm, I think you should come to my quarters. But only because im lazy and you betrayed me.” You joked, laughing a little as you turned your now bandaged hand over and admired how well he had done. “I am sorry.” Bones said, the genuine apology portrayed by his cracked voice. “I know.” You nod, more to yourself than to him. You jump off the bed and stand up. Bones immediately get up from his chair, making sure you weren’t going to faint or stumble. It made you giggle. you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him before he could protest. “Thank you.” You whispered in his ear as you closed your eyes. Bone’s arms wrapped around your waist and he returned the hug, holding you close. “anything you need, I’ll always help you.” He whispers back. In that moment, you forgave the small white lies he had said, or at least that he hadn’t said he was a doctor. “Besides, it might be beneficial for me to have my own personal doctor. Im always in the wars.” You giggle, pulling back to see him smiling down at you. “so I’ve seen.” He chuckles as he starts to guide you out of his office again. “Where are we going?” You ask, sticking closer to him and avoiding looking around the medical bay. “to get something to eat.” Bones replied. “Ah yes, since you dragged me away from my meal.” You shot him a dirty look which you couldn’t keep for long without laughing. Bones once again chuckled at you. but he was also glad he still had your trust.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
In the Land of Gods and Monsters: Part Four
A/N: this story, as I said, will continually jump from past to present until eventually the storylines meet up and we figure out exactly what’s happened and how it all built up to that. It’s honestly the biggest writing challenge I’ve ever given myself, but I’m really enjoying writing it.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Cursing, Mild mentions of incarceration.
Summary: You knew what you were getting yourself into when you met Bucky Barnes. He was a known wise guy. A feared mobster. Everyone in the neighborhood knew his name. Funny, in retrospect, you think that might have been why you couldn’t help but be drawn in like a moth to a flame. This first and foremost, is a love story. Blood stained and littered with bullet holes, but the story of how you fell in love with the man none the less. Mobster!BuckyxPlus Size Reader
Interrogation rooms in movies are dingy, dirty and dungeonous. They were fearsome cells that police men threw criminals like you in; right before they water boarded you until they got the answers they needed. Hollywood has a way of skewing real life though, of taking just the best bits and pieces and glamorizing them. Because yeah; you’d rolled ecstasy on yachts’ and gone to parties that would leave most others starstuck. Been in homes that could fit three of the apartment you’d grown up in- their living rooms.
But at the moment, as you sit in the uncomfortable plastic chair; there’s nothing glamorous about it. The room you’ve been sat in is clean and clinical; plain painted brick walls and linoleum floors. Small enough to make you feel antsy, but not a hole in the basement of the station. But still- it feels like torture. You stare, blankly, only blinking when your eyes start to burn from drying out, at the wall. At the dull grey, at the little flecks where paint had begun to fleck. You’d been focused on the clock mounted on the opposite wall, but that had been even worse. You’d go stir cray if you kept looking at that, so now your eyes just flashed to it every once and a while, checking sparingly.
You’d been in this room for eight fucking hours, including that little drop in with Fury that had accrued a few hours ago.
You were exhausted, physically- but the prospect of sleep seemed ridiculous to you. You couldn’t fucking sleep, every time you even closed your eyes to blink, even for a moment flashes of the previous night stabbed through you. The room wasn’t all that cold, and yet you felt chilled to the bone. Your arms wrapped around yourself tightly, the shaking had stopped significantly, but small tremors still rocked you. You knew this feeling all to well: shock. Your body had gone through this a handful of times over the years. It never got any easier to deal with.
The door handle jiggles and then opens and you could cry when you see the familiar face, the head of red hair that’s knotted in a sleek bun on the back of her neck.
Jean is being led in by an officer, the moment she see’s you her face softens and you try to force a smile. It’s more of a grimace.
“I’m her lawyer” Jean tells the secretary cop who’s still fucking babysitting you from his place at the little desk “I’d like to talk to my client in private, please”
Her tone is even, professional- but commanding. The man gives her a wary look, his gaze flashing to you for a moment before he stands; telling her that there’d be two officers just outside if you “Needed anything, Mrs. Grey”
You clench your teeth and scoff. Two, huh? Who did they think you were, some kinda’ Capo?
When the door is shut and the two of you are alone in the room and she’s giving you the first soft, truly compassionate look you’d had all day, you accept her hug. Lean into her taller frame, your eyes pricking threateningly. But you refused to cry.
“We’re being recorded right now” She whispers to you and you nod. Yeah, you’d figured.
“My babies?” You ask, desperate. She’d tell you, Jean had always been a very straight up kind of woman. Which you figured was why she was the lawyer of most of the wise guys; She’d been Bucky’s lawyer for years, had gotten him out of a slew of shit. Kept him with you, fought hard for his freedom even though most of the time he was guilty of the crimes he was being accused of.
“They’re okay, I made a few calls. Child protective services has to release them to the safest next of kin- I called Bucky’s sister. Rebecca will take them until we figure this out” She assures you as the two of you pull apart and you blow out a breath. Okay, that was…okay. Rebecca might not have been your biggest fan, but she was a good person. She’d take care of your children, get them out of the city until all of this blew over of it came to that.
You sit back down, her across from you at the small table.
“Y/N, this is serious. They’ve got a decade worth of evidence and they’re just looking for someone to hang with it. RICO’s been all over this for years, this is a federal case-”
You’re trying to listen to her, you really are. As she goes through the listing of charges, just had Fury had. But now that you knew your kids were going to be okay…the question that you had barley kept behind the floodgates seemed to overwhelm you.
With a shaky breath you interrupted her.
“Are they alive?”
And you were worried; about Steve and Tony and Sam. All of the people who had been in that situation with you- but she knew exactly who you meant. And you were absolutely terrified of the answer that she was about to give you.
“I don’t know, Y/N, the hospital’s keeping everything pretty locked up. I know he’s still in critical care, but there hasn’t been any reports of deaths. I’ve been checking, I promise”
That makes you bury your face in your hands.
Don’t cry, you command yourself. Don’t cry-
But how could you live without him? You and Bucky had built everything together; he was the foundation to your life. How the fuck could you be expected to go on living it if he wasn’t there?
“Just…give me a minute” You tell her, without lifting you head, muttering it into your palms.
“We might not have a minute, we need to lay down a game plan because Fury will be back and he’s not going to stop until he’s convicting someone. The man’s a fucking bloodhound” Jean has never sounded this worried before and you take a deep breath and remove your hands, running them through your hair instead. Pushing the locks away from your face.
“You’re going to get out of here soon, they don’t have anything on you, you know they don’t-”
It was unsaid, but you knew exactly what she was trying to communicate. Bucky had always fought tooth and nail to keep your name clean, he’d made sure to keep the “business” from touching his family to the best of his ability.
-“They can only hold you for 48 hours without pressing charges- and you’ve already been here for nine. You’ll get out, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get away. They’ve got everything frozen- all the accounts. They’ve got taps and eyes on everyone- this one isn’t going away, Y/N”
Your stomach churns and you swallow the bile that rises up your chest.
“What do we do?”
She sighs, folding her hands on the table before looking you right in the eye “We need to start thinking about taking one of their offers. Fury’s offering you immunity for your cooper-”
Your face skews up and you reel back at her words.
“Excuse me?”
“I know, it’s not…ideal, but it can end up keeping both you and Bucky out of prison”
“And what? Condemning everyone else? Fuck no, I’m not doing that” you shake your head vehemently.
“Can go to hell”
“Y/N, think about your kids. What are they going to do? Grow up with both of their parents incarcirated? Rebecca works at a diner for Christ’s sakes, she cant provide for them. And your accounts are frozen, they might stay that way forever. It’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do to save your family. Your husband- and not everyone else”
This was hard, you felt cornored and wild and like you were about to be thrown into a panic attack. How could you make a decision like this?
“He would hate me”
Bucky would, he’d be so fucking upset. Because first and foremost; your husband was loyal. Known for it.
“He would get over it eventually. He’d get to watch his kids graduate from school and grow up-from outside of a 6 by 8 cell”
Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.
That’s your mantra once more. You cling to it.
You hadn’t been born into this life, or grown up in it…but you’d been accepted into it. It had been all you’d known for so long. And the first thing you learn, the first lesson this lifestyle had taught you was-
That there was no dishonor above disloyalty. The absolute worst thing you could do was snitch-
“I wont rat, Jean. There’s no fucking way” There’s stiff resolve in your voice and she deflates. She’d heard those same word out of various people. People who’d chose this honor code over their freedom. It was hard, and sad- but she knew there was little chance that you would be swayed.
You were loyal to your husband, undyingly so. And he was loyal to the mafia.
And both of you were about to go down with this sinking ship.
@buchonians @papi-chulo-bucky @geekyweed @kelly96q @missrobyn81 @iamwarrenspeace @docharleythegeekqueen @beccavesper @buckysforeverprincess @yslbucky @prettybubblesintheair @4theluvofall @huntressxtimelady @crazyplantladyy @welcometothelordsden @jacks-on-krack @peacefulwriter88 @thejenniferincident @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @eshia16 @shayla-markele @xotaku-baekx @rcsgcld @manlyflower @grande-and-thediamonds @xplussizereaderx @carryonmyswansong @quinntwilight @crazyplantladyy @badassbaker @honeydrippin-cutefattie @sophiealiice
Okay so I know I’m probably overwhelming everyone a little bit with all of these updates but I want to get as many in as I can before school starts back up(I’m in college and it’s a ball buster, guys) so while I have the time to write in really going to try and let the creative juices just flow. As usaul, let me know what you guys thought if this one! I absolutely love Jean Grey and I knew I wanted to incorporate her in this fic somewhere.
The more mob/organized crime films and docs I watch the more I realize one underlying theme. No one wants to be a rat, and I think in all her years of being in the life she would have had that reidderated to her. So it’s not surprising that she’s so adamant about it.
I just want to thank you guys so much for taking the time to read this story. I love you all so much! Let me know in the comments if you’d like to be tagged in upcoming parts of the series! Give me some feedback if you can! You guys are the best. And ps. The next chapter is where the smut starts😉😉😉
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