#i mean find friends find a party get your quote dissolve if people can still do that ok yes they can
jade-curtiss · 1 year
Dumb writers with urls and amazon books: i wish i could be a politician and ch a n g e things, over...i don't know how fhat work...hm
My nepot ass: i mean the dude really went for the meme and deserve the county (i mean the name of the county is like a prevailed of all good people who try) and everyone try in the area but are blocked elsewhere it seems..so where do i move i mean is there even public transportation or i need drivers and be like have a survival estimate of about 2 weeks or maybe around that???
0 notes
amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
You know what just to SPICE it up a bit imma say zadr too bitch
This bitch tryna give me arthritis smdh. Making me out myself for my dual-ship on main, can't even believe a bitch.
1. How did they first meet?
School. We must never forget the infamous handcuffs scene.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Pure, unrivaled loathing.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Gaz said "kiss already" and throws things at them when they're getting too far away from "I want you dead" territory and well into "you want to fuck me so bad and it makes you look stupid" territory. Professor Membrane thinks they're adorable.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Dib. Hormones get the best of us all. You can only be obsessed with someone so long before motivations get blurry.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Zim would nearly break his PAK and commit accidental die trying to delete the emotions or install an emotional inhibitor. Dib would have a full mental breakdown trying to sort through it, which would manifest poorly in his behavior and negatively impact his ability to engage in their usual altercations. Pro tip: if you are painfully attracted to someone, being in a position where they pin you to the asphalt or lean over your desk to hiss insults at you is a bad idea.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
I stand by what I said on my ZAGR post in that Zim doesn't know what a soulmate is, or the concept of a soul, but given this is in regards to his arch-nemesis instead of a creature he's mostly indifferent too, he'd be pissed at the insinuation he was in any way bound to Dib. Dib's fragile psyche would not survive the revelation.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really empty. Their rivalry and parallel situations regarding neglectful authority figures is what keeps them going for so many years.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
As someone who thinks Zim doesn't understand even the concept of not being a possessive jackass, I think Zim just sort of concludes after awhile that, regardless of Dib's feelings, or even Zim's own feelings, whatever they have makes them wholly and entirely each other's. Just completely and hilariously misunderstanding the concept of a relationship, but still being incredibly presumptive in assuming they already have one. He also doesn't let Dib know of this revelation either, so eventually Dib explodes about his crush, and Zim's like "we are already together???? moron???" Dib could argue, and he kind of wants to, but he also never expected Zim to reciprocate, so he just sort of nods and is like "you know what, sure" and that's the end of it. They do not have an anniversary, but Dib's not really like that, and Zim doesn't know anniversaries are a thing anyways.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Again, stealing from my own ZAGR post, but I don't think Zim's really a 'date' person who would plan out that sort of thing. Dib is an awkward moron with arguably worse social skills than even Zim, and mentally comes to the conclusion that dragging Zim on investigations is basically like a date, and Zim doesn't bitch about it anymore than expected, therefore he is a master of romance, so it's fine.
3. What was their first kiss like?
Awkward, and quick. Dib is not a great communicator, nor is he great at explaining things like human demonstrations of affection, especially not when Zim's scowling impatiently at him through is fumbling and stuttering. He just goes for it, and it's quick and he misses his mouth almost. Zim is extremely surprised, especially when Dib makes terrible excuses about needing to be elsewhere and flees. Zim does his own research, and their second kiss is predated by a lecture about being better than Dib at everything/Dib being bad at everything. It is much more successful, even if afterwards Dib instigates a fight about Zim's tongue being weird.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
First everything, except kiss. Gretchen kissed Dib in high school as a dare. Zim will never forgive her for it.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
I'd die to make them the same height, but I think the image of Zim being average height while Dib is a gangly big boi is just too funny. Zim would be pissed, and Dib would be so smug but so uncoordinated.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Gaz interacts with them as minimally as possible, because they are loud and gross and annoying, but she's okay with Zim overall. They have a mutual understanding that Dib is stupid, completely reckless, and requires constant supervision to keep him from getting eaten by a ghoul or something. Gaz does genuinely trust him to skewer anything that tries to kill her brother, but she also knows that Dib isn't the only one with 0 sense of self-preservation. Dib was initially wary of Professor Membrane's reaction, because his dad is sort of unpredictable when it comes to his only son, but the Professor's only commentary is that he is glad his son finally made it official with his 'little green friend.' Dib then realizes that the implication in that perpetual comment about Zim had air quotes around that "friend" part all along.
Dib thinks Gir's gross and loud and doesn't get him, but he likes to team up with him and/or use him as a means to annoy Zim. The Base hates him, because now there's two morons with no sense of self-preservation that it needs to keep track of. Minimoose and Dib are bros.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim, if only because he is arguably more 'charming' than Dib's fumbling attempts at communication with non-paranormal parties.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Dib I think would have his 'HTTYD Hiccup moment' as he gets older, but still has that ingrained low self-esteem from years of ridicule and abuse. He is completely oblivious to the new attention he gets. Zim, however, is not. Dib never really notices the cause of his weird snarling and clinginess, but he shrugs it off as Zim just being weird and continues with whatever he was doing.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim is a slut, I will die on this hill.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Dib. He says it casually, in the dark, when they're on a stake-out to find some wood goblin or something. He says it like he's talking about something plane and unremarkable.
I think a ZADR relationship would need Zim to be a lot more independent in terms of researching how romantic relationships 'work,' since Dib's not a great communicator, and there's an ingrained rivalry that will never dissolve between them, no matter how many times they kiss, so Zim would be a lot more motivated to figure things out on his own. He would, in this circumstance, know the weight of Dib's way-too-casual admittance, and it would be a huge shock to him. He'd be pretty shaken about it for awhile, and Dib's not bothered when he doesn't reply. Dib would be pretty sure Zim would never admit it, but he does, eventually, because he refuses to be a coward about it.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Verbal affirmations. With their self-esteems firmly in the toilet in Zim's kitchen, being able to have someone validate them who they respect would mean a lot to them.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Dib. He uses it to start fights with Zim about linguistics and metaphors. Also, he's 99.9% positive Zim secretly is flattered by it, but hates that he is.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Zim is very clingy, but Dib's too on the move to really pin down for a good cuddle frequently. He's twitchy and his minds always racing, but every once in a while when Zim's completely fed up, or Dib's running on fumes but still forcing himself on, Zim will all but pin him to a cushioned surface and force him to sleep. Neither of them are PDA people.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Zim. Dib's really shy about it, and also normally too distracted to pay Zim the attention he so obviously deserves, and often misses Zim's 'signals.'
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
PAK not comfy against sternum. It's also easier to force Dib to sleep if he's the big spoon, because he can pin his limbs.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Paranormal investigations, and morally ambiguous and/or largely dangerous experiments.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Dib, which is hilarious, because he's about as smooth as a cheese grater, but he is very attuned to the person he's been obsessed with for years, and he can also relate to a lot of his issues. While Zim usually shrugs off the sentimentality and the empathy, dismissing it as 'pity,' the affirmation means a lot to him.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim. He has to anticipate his lover's stupidity to make sure he stays alive to hunt ghosts another day.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Verbal. Hormones are real, but there's something that eases the sting of years of abusive in a crooning praise or a sincere compliment.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
It is primarily age-old insults that lack the bite and sincerity they once had.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Dib. Zim isn't inattentive by any means, cataloguing all of Dib's weird habits and nuances and what not, but for all the compensating Zim does to keep Dib safe and healthy, Dib reciprocates in meaningful gestures. He remembers to pack Zim-friendly snacks on their road trips and ways to keep Gir entertained, if they have to bring him. He always checks the weather and has an extra coat, just in case. Never makes Zim feel bad about needing to check, just one more time, to see if he got any incoming messages from home.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
It's just Gaz, Minimoose, and Gir. Membrane is too far away to attend, but that was deliberate. Dib didn't want his tendency to make things about 'the Membrane line' effect the intimacy and importance of the ceremony. Also, Zim insists on incorporating some Irken rituals into it, so it'd be hard to make excuses and explanations to why Zim wants Dib to fuck with his weird pink backpack during their wedding.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
No kiddos. Neither of them would be interested, even if it was biologically possible.
4. Do they have any pets?
Seriously, Gir counts, right?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
Dib. Zim refuses to parent Gir when Dib is more inclined to do it, since he's more irritated by it.
6. Who worries the most?
Dib has perpetual anxiety. So does Zim, but he masks it better.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Dib, to prevent the gooey grossness that is Gir's bug-breath.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Just with Gaz.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim will strap Dib to a bed himself to get him to go the fuck to sleep, because it's been over 48 hours you insufferable human, and--!
10. Who’s the better cook?
Dib's idea of cooking is a microwave, salt, and pepper. Zim is forced to learn the wonders of human food to keep his idiot from dying of malnutrition.
11. Who likes to dance?
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parkeraul · 5 years
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boyfriend — prologue | s.m & t.h
warnings: cursing, smut, angst, drinking.
prologue | part 1
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The term that describes exactly what’s in between the boys is quite a mystery. 
They’re far from being friends, but they’re also not declared enemies. Well, that’s what Harrison or Brian would probably answer if you ever ask them what’s the problem between your best friends? 
Around the college, it’s rare to see them actually arguing or coming for each other by the corridors or in the few classes they have together. But if you want to see things heating up, make sure you attend to the ‘friendly’ football match the guys from the Empshire University every friday after 5pm — when classes are over and the pitch is ready. It sounds childish, just like any regular boyish action if you may, but the atmosphere gets immensely heavier whenever both of them are playing in opposite teams. With that, you cannot say that Tom and Shawn aren’t exactly very similar, actually. Both competitive, both popular among people in college, both intelligent and passionate about art and its different forms. Oh, both annoyingly handsome in a way it gets most of the girls angry for not having a slight chance to trap them up onto a tightrope and call them boyfriend.  They both love going to the beach, having two or three bottles of beer and spend the rest of the day watching random sports on the TV when the day is free. 
But there are certainly lots of things that drifts one away from the other. 
Tom is a golf stan while Shawn is head–over–heels for hockey, for example.
Shawn is a helplessly romantic type of lover, might show up at your door and promise your parents he’ll drop you back home by 9. Long walks by the seashore under the moonlight — after buying you your favourite ice cream and complimenting your beautiful sundress, how amazingly well it fits you and highlights the colour of your skin. Shy touches, random love quotes and mentions of beautiful poems. Talks with you about dreams, about life and family, plans for the future. Wanna know the bands you like and what’s your favourite song ever. ‘Where’s your last name from?’ ‘What’s the class you like the least?’ ‘Do you love what you study?’. Timid & indirect flirting phrases — so he knows if it’s mutual by the way you either melt or step away — and wears his best cologne, hoping it’ll spark something inside of you. Typical Shawn Mendes. 
Tom, however, seems to be a lot more direct. If he wants you, he’ll sure let you know — probably through a joke, with a playful tone that carries all the sincerity. Festivals and crowdy — yet cozy — hangouts where you can both have an amazing time. Wants to get to know you better, making sure you know he’s paying attention to every word that comes out of your mouth by the way he looks at you so deeply, eyes shining as his irresistible smirk draws his lips. Laughs and happiness are priorities; soft but assertive touches on your hand as he walks beside you so you can notice he wants to hold hands with you; takes you to watch the city lights and goes crazy with you as your favourite song plays on his car’s radio. Stares at your lips intensely and dies inside whenever you poke your tongue out to lick them. Such a sucker type of lover, but you’ll only find it out if you stay long enough for him to trust you. Will make up dramatic scenes out of random situations to earn a laugh and wave you goodbye at your door, watching you disappear inside as he hopes your perfume is stuck on his cloth. Typical Tom Holland.
In between so many similarities and differences, there’s still a thing that connects Tom and Shawn more than football games and college classes.
When her frame crosses the rooms, it’s game over for both of them.  It’s ridiculous the way that she gets two grown–up men drooling for her effortlessly doing nothing more than just being herself. Call her a liar, but she swears she doesn’t sway her hips more intensely whenever she walks in front one of them. But it doesn’t matter, she could walk steady like a rock and it’d still light up a fire inside their boxers — to avoid saying heart because feelings aren’t part of the deal. It took a good while for her to surrender and stop messing around, finally step up and  give them a try. She always found funny the way they’d always try to impress her or melt her heart with their most incredible skills and stronger personality characteristics during the parties, or outside class begging to walk her home — getting nothing more than just her number, and then getting nothing more than a quick single response. 
No wonder why Tom enjoys reliving so much the day she finally softened up. 
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“I’ve never imagined you’d be like this.”  “Like what?” Tom asks, moving tortuously slow as his grip strengthens.  “Kinky.”  She’s smiling so devilishly that he can’t help but do the same, squeezing the back of her thigh as he bends it more until the front part clinges to her boob. Like this, he gets more space to thrust into her deeper while he does his best to move closer, eyes glued on hers and lips brushing together with every push of his.  “Does that mean you had wet thoughts about me?” Tom whispers, feeling his mouth tickling hers as he rolls his hips unhurriedly. She gulps, enjoying the sensation of taking him inch by inch easily, once he’s getting soaked by her wetness and it makes his cock slide in and out deliciously.  Everything’s so deliberately intense that he can feel her core gradually swelling more, his length completely tightened inside of her warm heat holding him so delightfully. Even in his wildest dream, he’d never pictured this moment so perfectly with her looking so messily gorgeous under him. He’s sure amazed by her beauty, and now it seems to increase more his crush for her, if that’s even possible. She’s taken by surprise, noticing her throat going dry and chills taking over her entire body even though the temperature is hotter than hell. Tom never thought he’d see her weakening, but it’s not only real. It’s also priceless to watch her lips parting and eyes widening softly, pleasure mixing with the awe as he hits her g-spot with a forceful shove — which makes their skin slap together so loudly that it wouldn’t be unpredictable to get a knock on the door soon after.  “You’ve never answered my question, darlin’” He says sexily, capturing her bottom lip in between his teeth and sending her another hard stroke. She moans desperately, feeling the knot forming deep back in her pussy already supplicating for relief as it pulsates vigorously.  “Fuck, Holland,” Closing her eyes, she exhales sharply and takes a handful of the hair right above the nape of his neck. The other hand flies to his chest, scratching his flesh as it gets embellished by burning stripes of red. The strands of his chocolate hair are already a mess, making him look even more wrecked and sexy and his eyes are so dark that it matches with the atmosphere of the bedroom. “I just—”  “Just what?” And the bad thing is that his accent makes it all even worst. It’s impossible for her to resist the unmistakable sound of his voice — so unique and so sweet, but now washing her with desire as his tone falls one or two octaves and becomes low, raspy. Tucked deep inside of her, he makes quick and strong movements, knowing that he’s massaging her sensitive spot mercilessly by the way she starts squirming helplessly. Her moans turn into frantic cries, and Tom follows her because he can’t control himself and because he knows she loves when guys are loud also. He feels his cock throbbing just like her soaked walls around him and her hands instantly grab the headboard, while his fingers release her leg to curl around her throat. “Can’t even form a decent sentence, can ya?” He laughs under his breath and she swears she’s seeing stars beneath her eyelids. “Open your eyes, I wanna see you while I make you squirt all over my cock,” Tom demands, pressuring her throat a little bit more and as soon as she opens her eyes, it’s authomatic: they roll to the back of her head and flutter close again. “Open. Up.” 
With a huge effort, she does it lazily and finds his eyes already glancing at her. The moonlight breaking through the window is enough to illuminate their features enough for them to watch each other insanely dissolving in pure pleasure. There’s a glisten of sweat highlighting his defined abs and his hairline just like it’s also showing up on his lips, and she wonders if his tongue never gets tired of licking those pieces of plump skin everytime she clenches around him suddenly. Unexpectedly, Tom kisses her with a fiery craving and proves her wrong. From afar or licking inside her mouth, his tongue won’t ever get exhausted of teasing her. And she’s thankful, because the taste of sex stuck on their lips is insatiable. 
“Want to cum?” Tom breaks the kiss to ask through gritted teeth, feeling her gulping underneath his palm and she looks so damn beautiful all fucked like this.  But she only nods.  And he shoves his dick strongly at a point she thinks she’s never been hit this deep before, consequently letting her jaw fall in a silent scream.  “Betta use your mouth before I do.”  “Yes, daddy.”
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That was such the perfect way to start the summer vacation, and that’s something they both know for sure. The bikini marks on her body contrasting with the rest of her tanned skin would remind her daily of a steamy week on the beach, definitely warmer in bed than on the sand. 
But by the end of the hot days — not naughtily speaking this time — the summer rain came to say and brought her a calming mood. A calm someone. 
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She’s barely audible with the heavy rain pouring outside, drops hitting the ceiling harshly as she shivers  totally overpowered. Shawn’s tongue is lapping at her cunt devotedly, massaging her clit carefully, but not less intense at all. He’s savouring her like she’s his last meal, not believing his own eyes and, well, mouth too. It had never ocurred him that she’d taste this sweet and when he tries to reach her eyes, they’re closed and her face is serene. She’s got a defeated smile adorning her pretty face and her chest heavens beautifully, her hips moving delicately towards his wanting lips. 
It was hard to adapt herself to the softness at first, considering the feverish beginning of the season. But Shawn knew all too well how to ease her nerves with his skilled mouth, eating her out slow and passionate. She opens her eyes slightly to see Shawn’s lips moulding her pussy smoothly, taking her aching clit into his mouth and he looks like an angel down in there — flushed rosy cheeks under his hazel eyes, completely compelled by the sight of her splayed all over the bed so fucked for his mouth sucking on her now. Letting out a louder whimper, she takes his curls in between her fingers and rolls her hips provocatively. It obviously sparkles something inside his briefs and inside him, which leads Shawn to put one of her legs above his shoulder and circle her entrance with the tip of his forefinger. 
“Please, Shawn,” She begs under her breath, immersed in pleasure as her pussy swells under his control. “I need more.” 
And he can’t even pretend he wants to deny such a graceful requirement. 
In seconds, he inserts his finger all the way until it’s disappeared inside of her. He watches closely, forgetting to lick her purposely so he won’t miss this amazing moment. 
“More, baby.” 
He pushes the finger back and replaces it with his middle finger.  She thinks he might’ve probably understood it wrongly, but it’s just pure care.  He alternates fingers, one by one thrusting inside her soaked heat individually and she’s in the merge of losing her mind for fucks sake. Every move is too much and she’s not sure how long she can wait. 
When she considers sitting up to take the goddamn control, Shawn shoves the two fingers in a swift movement, making her back arch and a cry escape past her lips. This makes him smile, and he pumps the fingers with a certain strength as it gradually increases the wet sounds filling up the room. Every shove echoes throughout the space with smacking sounds and if she had ever felt her legs before, she doesn’t even remember. They’re trembling unstoppably as his mouth goes back on her sensitive bud, applying a heavier suction and flicking it with his tender, wet tongue. 
“Gon’ make you cum so good for me,” Shawn mutters against her, eventually switching from suctions to licks — from licks to suctions —  from suctions to kisses — from kisses to pumps. “So fuckin’ pretty taking me this well, eh?” 
And a lifetime would never be sufficient for him to compliment her enough. Even though he’s speechless to the view of her tanned body shaking more and more as she gets closer to her so–wanted high.
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The thing though is that none of them had a single idea of what happened before the college days were back. And it’s true that the walls do have ears. Well, not all walls are made of concrete or bricks. Sometimes they’re ginger and tall, sometimes they’re blonde with blue eyes and a british accent.
“Dude,” Haz elbows Tom as he holds his beer still. “Don’t you think that there’s something wrong?”  “Nah,” Tom scoffs, taking a sip of his drink as they both watch her on the dance floor of Eryka’s party. By dance floor, it means large living room filled to the raftors. “She said ‘no strings attached’, so what? All the beginnings are fucked like this.” He explains, shrugging his shoulders like he’s got nothing to worry about.  “I’m not talkin’ ‘bout this,” Harrison says close to his friend’s ear and Tom follows his sight when he tilts his head back, catching the sight from all the way across the room. “A blue little bird told me she’s been seeing someone else too.” 
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“If you keep staring they’ll know we’re talking about him,” Brian jokes, taking a single mouthful of his tequila shot.  “So what?” Shawn asks absentmindedly, toying with the empty beer bottle hanging in between his long fingers. “Maybe I’ll ask him to join us on some beer pong shit and finally check if what you said is true.”  “Wait, I didn’t say anything,” The ginger lifts his open hands in defeat. “Osterfield told me that. He could easily be fooling around.”  “Guess we’ll have to see, right?” This time, Shawn laughs. Maybe he doesn’t believe it at all. Maybe he doesn’t want to believe it might be true.
In between, there’s Eryka dancing with her to the beat of the music as she notices the fixed glare of the guys switching between her to each other.  “Don’t you wanna clear this up for these guys?” Eryka asks, grabbing her phone to check a message as she takes the last gulp of her drink.  “You know what do I really want?” She responds with another question, feeling the alcohol shoot some dirt and honesty to her intentions.  “Hm?”  “I want to suck him,” She comes closer to her friend and points to the left. “While he fucks me.” Pointing now to the right, she winks at Eryka and takes the empty cup from her hand, walking to the kitchen and hoping to be stalked by a very specific british guy and a very specific canadian boy.
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𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀: @lostinspidey — @goldenmndes — @shawnsunflower — @jawnjendes — @itrocksmysocks — @emilyxkate — @itrocksmysocks — @tell-me-when-ur-ready 
let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist.
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hope-for-olicity · 6 years
Fabulous Olicity Fanfic Friday - January 18th, 2019
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Happy Friday! So this is my attempt to both thank awesome fanfic writers for their amazing work and offer my recommendations to anyone who is interested. Here are the fantastic fanfic stories I read this week! They are posted in the order I read them. This and all previous Fabulous Olicity Fanfic posts can be found on my blog.
Will Fate Allow? multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Seeing her parent's marriage dissolve at a young age made Felicity yearn for a healthy marriage of her own. She thought she'd finally found what she was looking for when Billy Malone showed up offering her what her heart desired. She thought she was happy and had everything she could want, but things began to unravel. Slowly she turned to someone who had become an unparalleled constant in her life...Oliver Queen. Oliver and Felicity are the definition of polar opposites. He is the mob boss that strikes fear in the hearts many, while she is seen as the sweet girl next door, but there is more to both of them underneath the surface. Along the way, they become connected to one another leading to their lives being intertwined forever. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16521596/chapters/38699951
And So The Adventure Begins multi-chapter WIP by @mindramblingsfics - Felicity spent her first year of college focused solely on her studies. In year two, with the convincing of her best friends Iris and Sara, she lets her hair down a bit. Oliver spent his first year partying with his wingman Tommy and living up to the status that came with his last name. He realizes he should buckle down focus on the most important part: actual school. Oliver and Felicity meet, and even though they are on different ends of the spectrum, they don't realize that they can each bring out hidden parts of one another. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15800025/chapters/36771018
Mine at Midnight - Oneshot: The Game Changer by @smoaking-greenarrow - Felicity and Oliver's push them together again at Caitlin and Ronnie's wedding https://archiveofourown.org/works/13131783/chapters/40510457
Mine at Midnight - The Things That Just Are by @smoaking-greenarrow - A lovely look into Oliver and Felicity's family time https://archiveofourown.org/works/13131783/chapters/40561988
give me something (to hold on to) (Season 6B) by @dust2dust34-reblogs - Felicity goes out of town for a few days and comes back to find Oliver's cut his hair. She is not happy about it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11888871/chapters/31505925
Succumbing to Shadows by @allimariexf - Wordlessly, Oliver lifted her hand to his lips, placing a series of soft kisses over her knuckles. Unable to stop herself, she looked up and met his eyes, but for once she couldn’t read their expression. He was probably just trying to maintain their cover. But what if he wasn’t? She looked back toward the driveway as the Ferrari pulled up, her heart beating fast. And what if he was? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17256743
Home To You multi-chapter WIP by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Oliver Queen has never done what his family expected of him. He took a gap year after high school instead of going to college right away. He quit his fraternity sophomore year to join the student newspaper, switching his major from business to journalism. He became a photojournalist for a wire service instead of taking a place at Queen Consolidated. He went missing after six months instead of coming home for his sister’s twenty-first birthday. He survived five years of captivity in a war zone when everyone thought he was dead. He came home. But home didn’t have a place for him in it anymore. His parents were both dead, casualties of their own mistakes and a city they had turned against them. His sister was all grown up, the CEO of Queen Consolidated with a fiancé and a dog and a life of her own. Oliver didn’t belong in his old life, but there was nowhere else for him to go. He was a man without a home, without any way of finding one, until he stopped by the IT department of his sister’s company to get files off an old, battered memory card, and found a woman with curly blonde hair and bright, intelligent eyes chewing on a bright red pen and swearing at a computer screen. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12613188/chapters/28734552
You Were Mine (Just For One Night) by @bri-617 - AU They met at a frat party in Boston. Two completely different people -the genius goth girl and the billion-dollar-heir fratboy- and yet, neither of them had ever felt a connection with anyone else like they did during their one and only night together. Ten years later, they meet again. And that spark from back then is still very much there. Will they finally act on their chemistry or will they let another chance pass? https://archiveofourown.org/works/17276699
It's the End of the World As We Know It by @imusuallyobsessed - It's been nine months since the zombie apocalypse. Oliver and John are just trying to get back to Starling. Back to their families. If they're even alive. But along the way, they meet Felicity Smoak, a genius with a mysterious past and an impossible power. One that people would die—or kill—to protect. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17273426
Olicity Dialogue Prompt: Oh My God, You’re In Love With Her by @originalhybridloverfics - From Thea's point of view, Oliver and Felicity are in a car accident https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/181659680109/olicity-dialogue-prompt-oh-my-god-youre-in-love
A Soul Lost at Sea multi-chapter WIP by @tinaday3w - MAGNIFICENT regency romance where Oliver is a pirate who had returned to his previous life. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8181362/chapters/22297091
The Mark of a New Year by @wrldtravler - Olicity New Year's fanfic https://wrldtravler.tumblr.com/post/181680095377/the-mark-of-a-new-year
Olicity Dialogue Prompt: Oh My God, You’re In Love With Her - Part 2 by @originalhybridloverfics - follow to Oliver and Felicity's car accident https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/181692439899/olicity-dialogue-prompt-oh-my-god-youre-in-love
Penned with an Arrow - "A" Game multi-chapter WIP by @faegal04 - This is the first in a series of drabbles for the Olicity fandom. I will mark where in the show they will fall. This first one is from Season 3, episode 2 “Sara”. I have a list of quotes that I have written down and this one just spoke out to me that it fit within this episode. https://faegal04.tumblr.com/post/181710087919/penned-with-an-arrow
Thriving in Low Light multi-chapter WIP by @allimariexf - I know who you are. You’re Mr. Queen. (Set sometime in the not-too-distant future) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17303984/chapters/40700315
The Queen's Mage multi-chapter Complete by @the-shy-and-anxious-fangirl - Words have power, and mages, those with the aptitude to draw on that power, are few in number. Thus, their services are highly sought after by anyone who has exhausted all mundane means of solving whatever problem is plaguing them. Felicity is reminded of this fact the hard way when she is hired by Moira Queen, the Lady Starling, to find and return to her son Oliver, who fled his family home five years ago following the death of his father. With a threat hanging over her should she return without Robert Queen's heir, Felicity begins her search. When she finds Oliver, and ends up joining his vigilante crusade while she waits for him to decide whether to return home, the last thing she expects to do is fall in love with him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14617068/chapters/33781269
Olicity Dialogue Prompt: You’re Too Good For Me by @originalhybridloverfics - Felicity gives Oliver an ultimatum https://originalhybridloverfics.tumblr.com/post/181752131519/olicity-dialogue-prompt-youre-too-good-for-me
P.S. Hong Kong: Was it Real?!? multi-chapter WIP by @cruzrogue for Olicity trope-tastic award: Fake Marriage - This is off season 3 Flashbacks. When Tommy goes to Hong Kong he doesn’t go alone he takes his friend Felicity as the best information system being to help him locate Oliver Queen. Tommy may leave empty handed but Felicity gets to be a bride… https://archiveofourown.org/works/15025697/chapters/34832747
From Somewhere Within multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow - Their connection has always felt natural to them, safe and secure. But others tend to fear what they don’t understand, and as far as their enemies are concerned, the world isn’t ready to accept two people who can know each other the way that Oliver and Felicity do. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16009244/chapters/37356257
Penned with an Arrow 2 - Red multi-chapter WIP by @faegal04 - This is the second story in Olicity drabble series. It goes back to the first season and our iconic meeting of our duo. https://faegal04.tumblr.com/post/181787920529/penned-with-an-arrow-2
Pieces of Always multi-chapter WIP by @so-caffeinated and @dust2dust34-reblogs - Life continues after Forever is Composed of Nows. Ongoing non-linear collection of family moments for the Queens. http://archiveofourown.org/works/8220479/chapters/18840356
Oliver’s Journal (Thoughts In Moonlight) by @geneshaven - Oliver's thoughts https://geneshaven.tumblr.com/post/181833376894/olivers-journal-thoughts-in-moonlight
Arrow Out of Context multi-chapter WIP by @smoaking-greenarrow -  “In case you haven’t noticed, I am not most girls" https://archiveofourown.org/works/14957309/chapters/40835960
Nothing Breaks Like a Heart multi-chapter WIP by @by-mintsea - Oliver and Felicity struggle to reconnect after they leave Slabside. There is a lifetime of hurt festering inside both of them, but with the events of 7x08 and Elseworlds turning their lives upside down, can they figure everything out between them in time for William's return? (All the in between things we should have seen on screen in 7x08 and Elseworlds instead of what the writers gave us). https://archiveofourown.org/works/17221298/chapters/40496489
Once Upon Starling Woods by @cruzrogue - The prompt: I really want to read: -"inset me" • “You laughed in a restaurant but you have an ugly laugh and I thought you were choking, so I spent the last three minutes awkwardly humping you while performing the Heimlich maneuver” AU 1. which leads to having to get married because it’s a custom ritual of some dry humping tradition. 2. The person does land up choking but someone else has to save them because it’s now an endearing noise. 3. The end! https://archiveofourown.org/works/17354903
seemingly impossible (but not untrue) multi-chapter WIP by @alexiablackbriar13 - Young genius historian Dr Felicity Smoak unknowingly and accidentally calls up a bewitched alchemical manuscript within the Oxford Bodleian Libraries - a book that has been lost for centuries. Descended from an old and distinguished line of witches, Felicity wants nothing to do with magic, despite her unruly and powerful abilities. But her discovery of Ashmole 782 sets the world of creatures stirring; with a mystery afoot and new, dangerous magical abilities manifesting for her to navigate, she is approached by the enigmatic vampire biochemist Professor Oliver Queen, who seems to have a deep interest in both the manuscript… and her. Based on A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16224353/chapters/37923743  
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gellavonhamster · 5 years
charles remembers
gen || Charles | Kit Snicket || pre-canon, Charles/Sir mentioned
ao3 link || originally posted in Russian
“Do you smoke?” asks the girl seated in the armchair opposite to him. Men’s trousers, a men’s shirt, and men’s cigarettes in a cigarette case. Charles’s eye catches the emblem at the latter: the same eye-shaped insignia is depicted on the stained-glass windows of the club they’re presently in, and the same insignia – he know that for sure – is tattooed on the ankle of his interlocutress. Suddenly back to his senses, he hastily shakes his head:  
“No, thank you.”
“Would you mind if I ruin my health a little?”
“Of course not, go ahead. Oh. I mean…”
He must be looking absolutely helpless at the moment, because the girl offers him an encouraging smile and does not hesitate to assure him that everything’s alright. Charles watches her light a cigarette with a glistening metal lighter, which then disappears down her sleeve. With one hand, the girl puts the cigarette to her lips, while using the other one to readjust the pencil she’s pinned her hair with into a messy bun on the back of the head.    
“Good thing you do not mind. Your future boss,” she lets out a wisp of smoke and watches it float up and dissolve in the half-light, “smokes all the time. Sometimes it’s difficult to make out his face behind those puffs of smoke, seriously. So you’d better get used to it.”  
“Oh,” Charles says again because he has to react somehow, doesn’t he.
“On the other hand, I am still not able to prepare you fully. He smokes not even cigarettes, but cigars. The kind that’s like…” she puts two fingers together to demonstrate how thick, at a rough estimate, those cigars are. “Quite a luxury. That’s why he, to quote my brother – not Jacques, but our youngest – smells like corruption. Those writers,” she throws her hand up with a wry smile. Charles remembers it two days later, having first met his new employer. He doesn’t know what corruption smells like, but soon he comes to terms with the fact that the scent that follows Sir around, that of expensive cigars and equally expensive cologne, is the one he’d love to bottle up and breathe in when no one’s watching.  
A little over half a year ago, Charles was kicked out of his house with a scandal, and found himself on the streets, having in his possession only a briefcase hurriedly stuffed with shirts and underwear, and some pocket money, in an amount that was much larger than in the pockets of many other young men his age but still not enough to rent a decent lodging at least for a month. Crushed not so much by his banishment as by the scandal that preceded it, and even more by the fact that a certain person, implicated in what led to him being kicked out and promised to be written out of the will, broke all ties with him, he was wandering the streets aimlessly when a taxi suddenly drove up to him. The girl in the front seat – the very girl currently smoking in the armchair opposite to him – introduced herself as Kit Snicket, introduced the driver – a young man looking remarkably similar to her, and good-looking even despite the mild case of unibrow – as her brother Jacques, and offered her help. Charles had nowhere to go and nothing to lose, so he got into the taxi.  
From then on, Charles has pondered time after time on what he signed up for, having let the Snicket siblings take him to the other end of the city and fix him up for a job at an insurance company – and having agreed to return the favour when needed. The favours he has had occasion to do for the Snickets and their associates – that was the word they used – over the last half a year included giving some strangers the envelopes he was strictly forbidden to open, and sending a telegram under someone else’s name. Never mind that time when he was tasked with taking a seat at the cinema next to some woman and putting into her bag a parcel (Charles still hopes it was just a trick of his senses) that was moving a little. And now they want him to leave his job at the insurance company and take up a position as a secretary at the lumber mill called…  
“Lucky Smells,” Kit repeats, flipping the ash off her cigarette into a bronze ash tray on the table. “It’s in Paltryville, have you been there?”
“Haven’t had the pleasure.”
“Well, you’ll have it.”
“Miss Snicket… Kit… I actually don’t know anything about the lumber industry. I have never ever held an axe in my hands.”
“It’ll be other people who shall hold axes. What you shall be required to do is to use a typewriter, answer the phone, make coffee – all the things you can do perfectly well. As well as…” Kit puts the cigarette into the ash tray, turns to Charles, and looks into his eyes closely, “to make sure that Sir – your boss – accepts the orders of our organization and declines those of… some undesirable persons and entities. You shall receive a list of those who there should be no business dealings with.”  
“To make sure,” Charles repeats with a frown. Throughout their conversation he has kept rocking his teacup in his hands anxiously, but presently he puts it on the table, having nearly spilled the tea on his trousers. “But you’ve said it yourself that he’s got a difficult disposition. That he’s stubborn and incompliant and used to relying on himself only.”
Charles remembers it two days later, having first met his new employer, and a month later and a year later and fifteen years later, when the arrival of three children to the lumber mill makes him try again to hold sway over Sir – what if after all this time he’d still be able to do this?  
“You got that right,” Kit affirms. “That’s why you’ll have to become irreplaceable, Charles. A model employee. You have to make him arrive at the conclusion that your opinion should be reckoned with.”  
“In other words, I have to bring him to heel.”
“He won’t let you. You’ll have to… guide him gently in the right direction. Ideally so that he would be sure he’s making all the decisions on his own.”
The members of VFD (that’s the name of the organization that Kit and Jacques and their younger brother and many other strange people Charles has made acquaintance with over the last half a year belong to) receive special training since childhood. Charles does not know exactly what kind of training it is but he’s positive that people who can shoot and spy and identify the cup with the poisoned drink by smell – the latter was done for entertainment at a private party he once had a chance to attend – are much more skilled in everything related to manipulating others than he is. He’s… ordinary. He doesn’t feel comfortable in the limelight, and he’s not good at debates. He’s not endowed with the looks of Gustav Sebald or the charm of Doctor Montgomery or the bravado of Captain Widdershins, yet perhaps the matter at hand requires something the VFD members do not possess – such as the skill of being ordinary.  
“All right,” he agrees. Granted, this conversation could not have ended in a different way, because deep down in his heart, Charles is afraid. He’s afraid of Kit and her brothers and each and every VFD member, their intellectual refinement and handsome manners notwithstanding. He still doesn’t understand completely the nature of activities of their organization, and he isn’t sure he wants to, but he owes them his job and money and the roof over his head. Besides, he’s got no one else: he has lost touch with his few college friends; he was betrayed by the person he trusted more than anyone else in the world; his father died in a fire a couple of months after kicking Charles out of the house. Charles remembers it years later, having suddenly realized how many people he knew, VFD and non-VFD alike, have died in fires lately.
What else is there for him to do, anyway?
“All right,” he repeats. “I’ll do everything I possibly can.”
Kit nods amicably.
“I’ve never doubted you, Charles. Some more tea?”
“I still have some, thank you.”
“There’s still plenty in the pot, just so you know. And as to bringing him to heel …” Kit gives him another attentive look, and Charles gets uneasy because he realizes she knows much more about him than he knows about her. “He likes women – hasn’t stopped ogling my cleavage all the while we talked – but he likes handsome young men no less. Use this information as you may think fit.”    
Kit Snicket knows much more about him than he knows about her – including the reason his father banished him. Charles shrinks under her gaze.  
“I don’t think that shall be necessary,” he says crisply. He certainly wouldn’t make much of a seducer, of all things. Charles remembers it three months later, down on his knees for Sir in his study, after locking the door himself. Then again, it’s up for debate which one of them was the seducer in that case.    
“That’s up to you,” Kit shrugs her shoulders and takes her cup. “Well, let’s drink to success, shall we? It’s not champagne, of course, but I am convinced that good tea is just as appropriate for such purpose as alcohol.”
“Yes, sure,” Charles forces a smile and raises his cup. His hand is trembling slightly, and a dark stain ends up spreading on his light-grey trousers. “Ah, damn it…”
“Don’t you fret so,” Kit says friendly, offering him a napkin. “You’ll make it.”
Charles remembers it many, many times over the following years – every time he finds anew that he hasn’t made it, not anywhere near.
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cathygeha · 5 years
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Making Up by Helena Hunting
Shacking Up #4
Cosy Felton is a college student working in an adult toy shop to make ends meet. When Griffin Mills stops by the store to buy a list of items for a bachelor party Cosy makes a less than fun shopping trip a lot less embarrassing. As Griffin is drawn to Cosy he returns later to ask her on a date...and though she says no they do eventually go out. For awhile the eleven year age difference seems it might be a stumbling block but not for long...nope...soon other things seem to pop up that cause problems. There are ups and downs in their relationship but throughout the story it is impossible NOT to see them together.
What I liked:
* Griffin: WONDERFUL book boyfriend!
* Cosy: a nice balance to Griffin and his soul mate
* The meet cute
* The way the two usually ended up talking things out rather than giving up
* The steamy scenes
* Griffin’s family
* Knowing how the characters were feeling and what they were thinking – first person dual points of view
* How it all worked out
What I did not like: * Imogen – Griffin’s Ex-fiance
* Armstrong – Griffin’s cousin
* The drama of the ups and downs though they did allow for a lot of making up
* All the comments about the age difference although there were times Cosy seemed younger than 22
Did I like this book? Yes
Will I read more in the series? Yes
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4.5 Stars
A new standalone, laugh-out-loud romantic comedy by New York Times bestselling author Helena Hunting.
Cosy Felton is great at her job—she knows just how to handle the awkwardness that comes with working at an adult toy store. So when the hottest guy she’s ever seen walks into the shop looking completely overwhelmed, she’s more than happy to turn on the charm and help him purchase all of the items on his list.
Griffin Mills is using his business trip in Las Vegas as a chance to escape the broken pieces of his life in New York City. The last thing he wants is to be put in charge of buying gag gifts for his friend’s bachelor party. Despite being totally out of his element, and mortified by the whole experience, Griffin is pleasantly surprised when he finds himself attracted to the sales girl that helped him.
As skeptical as Cosy may be of Griffin’s motivations, there’s something about him that intrigues her. But sometimes what happens in Vegas doesn’t always stay in Vegas and when real life gets in the way, all bets are off. Filled with hilariously awkward situations and enough sexual chemistry to power Sin City, Making Up is the next standalone in the Shacking Up world.
We’re a couple of minutes away from my apartment, which also means we’re almost at the end of our date. End-of-date protocol often means a goodnight kiss.
And I’ve eaten onions. Lots of them. What the hell was I thinking? I feel around in my shorts pocket, hoping I have a random stick of gum. I find a tiny square packet and pull it out, along with an old tissue. I shove that back in my pocket and sigh with relief as I carefully open the Listerine Pocketpak. There’s one strip left. I pop it in my mouth, wishing I had water since my mouth is dry and I’m suddenly super nervous.
Griffin pulls up in front of my apartment building. I swallow a bunch of times, trying to get the strip to dissolve on my tongue and glance out the tinted window, seeing it from his perspective. I don’t live in a bad part of town, but I sure as hell wouldn’t leave this car sitting out here for any length of time unless I wanted it keyed or stripped down.
Griffin shifts into park and turns to me, one hand resting on the back of my seat near the headrest. “I had a great time, Cosy.”
“Me too, thanks for dinner.” I tried to fork over my share, but he was quick on the credit card draw.
“It was my pleasure.” He leans in the tiniest bit, a nonverbal cue that he’s going in for a kiss.
I mirror the movement, giving him the go ahead. My stomach flutters in anticipation. I exhale slowly through my nose. Even though the Listerine strip should be doing its job to mask the onions, I don’t want to ruin the moment by breathing that in his face.
His fingertips skim my jaw, and I close my eyes. And then his lips brush my cheek. I wait for them to move a couple of inches to the right, but after what feels like a lot of seconds—and is probably only a few—I crack a lid.
Griffin is still close, a wry smile on his lips and a smolder in his eyes.
“Seriously, that’s it? A kiss on the cheek?”
His smile widens, making his eyes crinkle at the corners. He’s nothing like the guys I usually end up on dates with. College boys don’t take things slow. If I were out with one of the guys from school, I’d be sitting in a beat-up Civic with some stupid music playing, and he’d be all over me with his tongue halfway down my throat, copping a feel.
“I thought all the onions you ate were the equivalent to garlic for vampires.” Griffin fingers my hair near my shoulder. I’d really like him to finger something else. Wait. I mean I’d like to feel his hands on me. Not in my pants. Okay, maybe I’d like them in my pants, but not after date number one.
“I wasn’t thinking, and I really like onions. A lot. In hindsight, it’s not a great date food. I feel kinda dumb. And I guess at first I wasn’t so sure about you. How was I supposed to know you’d actually be kind of normalish?”
“Well, you drink club soda on purpose, so you can’t be all there.” I tap his temple.
Griffin circles my wrist with his fingers and drops his head, lips brushing over my knuckle. “We can’t all be perfect, now, can we?”
“I suppose not, and perfect is boring.”
“That it is.” He hums against my skin, and I feel it through my entire body. “I would like to try that kiss again, if you’re still interested.”
Buy-Book Link: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250253378
Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of PUCKED, Helena Hunting lives on the outskirts of Toronto with her incredibly tolerant family and two moderately intolerant cats. She's writes contemporary romance ranging from new adult angst to romantic sports comedy.
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Helena Hunting Blog Tour Q&A 
What inspired you to write Making Up?
I’d introduced Griffin in the previous Shacking Up Series novels, Shacking Up and Hooking Up—he was a bit of a mystery for readers because he was talked about, but not really present. I had a very clear picture in my mind of who he was, and the kind of woman who would end up being the perfect fit for him, and it was not his fiancé from the previous books.  
Introduce us to your main characters!
Griffin Mills is the oldest of the three Mills brothers. At thirty-three he’s had several very long term relationships and was formerly engaged, but that relationship went up in flames. He’s gorgeous, smart, loves the numbers side of the family business he’s part of—a chain of hotels he’s set to inherit with his brothers. Also, he’s a little awkward, which I love, because there’s nothing quite like a hot guy who doesn’t have all the lines and fumbles a bit when he’s dealing with someone he’s attracted to. It makes for some hilarious banter with his love interest, Cosy Felton. Our heroine is a twenty-two year old who has been a bit of a nomad for most of her life, but is finally finishing school and happens to work at an Adult Toy Store part time. It’s definitely not her favourite job, but it pays the bills. She’s sassy, not much of a planner and definitely more than Griffin bargained for.
Lots of aspiring authors out there. Any advice for them?
Just keep writing. Every day put words on the page and surround yourself with positive people who are there to support you. Ask questions, join book groups, be an avid reader and an observer.
How is Making Up different from your other books?
Making Up has a trope I’ve never really explored or played around with before, so it was a lot of fun to write. While I’ve written age gaps before, it hasn’t been a key part of the storyline, or had a significant impact on how the characters perceive the relationship. Griffin and Cosy are from two very different worlds and balancing their expectations and insecurities was one of my favourite parts of writing their story. Making Up has my signature quirky, sassy heroines and I love writing heroes that are sexy, yet a little awkward. While it’s a light read, there’s some drama, and some heavy baggage, which I think grounds the story and balances out the hilarity.
I know asking someone’s all-time favorite book is a loaded question so what’s your current favorite read?
I’ve been so lucky to read so many amazing books this year but I’m going to go with Broken Knight by LJ Shen which releases this August. I love YA/NA romance and angst, and she knows how to deliver both flawlessly.
Alright, the ultimate question: why should we read your book?
We all need a little escape from our own realities once in a while and Making Up is a fun, sexy romance that’s perfect for the summer. Also, Griffin is hot, and not particularly suave at times. I think we can all appreciate a guy who doesn’t have all the lines, especially if he looks like he should.
A famous movie producer wants to make your books into movies and they want you to cast your characters from Making Up. Which actors/actresses make the cut?
This is always a fun question and I’ll be 100% honest, I never actually look at actors prior to writing a story because I generally have a picture of the character in my head. But, I went on a Pinterest mission and Alex Morgan (she’s a soccer player, not an actress) would make a fabulous Cosy if she suddenly switched career paths. Hailee Steinfeld (Bumblebee) is super sassy, and could definitely play up the humor in this story, so she would be a legitimate actress choice. Gabriel Macht has a great smolder and can rock a seriously sexy suit, so I think he’d be great as Griffin.
Favorite quote or scene you wrote in Making Up?
Making Up is definitely a rom-com with some incredibly hilarious moments, but Griffin has some heavy baggage, which means there are also serious moments, and this is one of my favourites: “Talk to me. Fall apart on me. Show me your weakness so I can give you my strength.”
What inspired you to become a writer?
I’ve always loved to write, but finding time was a challenge during university and then afterward I was building a career and we renovated a house down to the studs—which takes up a lot of time and doesn’t leave much of an opportunity for putting down words (but it was an amazing experience). When I gave birth to my daughter she struggled to sleep—or rather stay asleep—and that meant I spent a lot of time awake in the middle of the night. So I started writing again during those late nights, and finally penned my first full novel.
What is a typical writing day like?
I usually start with a run and then copious amounts of coffee while I manage the administrative side of things—ie emails, social media posts etc. But when I sit down to write I have a playlist I put on repeat, more coffee, sparking water (so I can stay hydrated) and my cat Pumpkin generally lies on top of my closed laptop and supervises me for the day.
Do you have any interesting writing quirks or habits?
I listen to the same playlist while I write a novel. So if it takes me two months, then I listen to the same set of songs for two full months. I’ve destroyed A LOT of albums for my husband over the past several years. I just need the background noise, and listening to the radio or unfamiliar songs can be distracting.
What has been one of the most surprising things you’ve learned as a published author?
I’ve only been in the industry for five years and there has been so much change, learning to adjust and adapt and just staying true to your personal goal is really the most important thing I’ve learned. I think when you start out there are just so many unknowns, and taking risks can be scary, but if you don’t take those risks, it’s hard to grow as an author.
Can you tell us about what’s coming up next after this for you writing wise?
I have one more book in The Shacking Up Series, HANDLE WITH CARE, which releases at the end of August! Griffin’s cousin and best friend, Lincoln Moorehead, is the hero and if you didn’t know, he is also Armstrong’s brother. Lincoln is the polar opposite of Armstrong so it was so fun to write. I can’t wait for people to meet Griffin and Cosy and Lincoln and Wren.
How can readers connect with you online?
They can connect with me all over social media! (add links)
Website→  http://www.helenahunting.com/
Amazon → http://amzn.to/1y6OBB7
Twitter → http://bit.ly/HelenaHTwitter
Facebook → https://www.facebook.com/helena.hunting69/
Pinterest → http://bit.ly/1oQYRVN
Instagram → http://instagram.com/helenahunting Goodreads→ http://bit.ly/GoodReadsHH NEWSLETTER → http://bit.ly/HelenaHnewsletter
Bookbub → http://bit.ly/BookBubHH
Facebook Reader Group  → http://bit.ly/TheBeaverDenHH
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loquaciousquark · 6 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E15 (Apr 24, 2018)
Hello hello hello! As @eponymous-rose​ is away doing Important Science, I’m covering TM recap duty tonight! Tonight’s guests: Marisha & Liam. Tonight’s announcements: 
This Saturday is International Tabletop Day! G&S is running special programming all day to celebrate.
VM Origins #6 is out at all available online comic retailers. The final touches are being placed on the comic collected edition; details to be released soon!
Wednesday Club airs tomorrow at 7pm PST.
826LA hit the $35,000 reward tier this week! This means Matt will be hosting another Fireside Chat soon. (Liam reveals that the vintage robe & a tiger ring Matt wore in the last chat were gifts from him after a certain jazz-hands-related event in the last campaign.) As a reminder, all donations are doubled up to $40,000 thanks to a generous critter matching donations. 
Pillars of Eternity is out in two weeks! Reminder that the characters of VM will be playable as voice sets in this campaign; the new portrait art for Vax was released this week. Check it out at versusevil.com/criticalrole! Liam extols Travis’s voice acting and the “finesse” in his performance and hopes that fans will be very happy with it.
Reminder: Dani Carr hosts Critical Role Recaps every week. 
CR Stats for Episode 15
48 natural ones this campaign so far ($4800 from D&D Beyond to 826LA!)
67 natural 20s so far, even without a Lucky rogue!
Over both campaigns & 51 initiative rolls, Ashley averages only 9.5 on her initiative rolls. :( However, she’ll be on Talks next week! Yay!
Beau is super into working for the Gentleman right now. As long as she makes friends in high places, she’s happy (in part because she knows they won’t last long). 
Liam doesn’t miss trap duty at all. (He’s enjoying being a screw-up wizard.) That said, he still enjoys watching Sam bring his magic touch to his old class. 
Beau fundamentally trusts that people will always act in their own self-interest, which is why she told Jester to take care of herself first. To Beau, selfishness & survival are synonymous--most people want to make sure they aren’t going to get caught or killed. That’s how she can trust untrustworthy people to work for the good of the group, and why she thought Caleb & Nott needed to be part of a bigger conversation.
Sam, of course, very briefly FaceTimes into the show with the knowledge that Liam called him a comedic genius. He wishes everyone to know that this is accurate, does a remarkable Howdy Doody impression, and leaves.
Caleb didn’t have any experience with the Zone of Truth spell before and paid close attention while it was being cast, but “nobody asked him any questions, so I guess it’s fine.” 
Caleb’s one-on-one with the DM hasn’t changed his playstyle or character interpretation yet, since it didn’t reveal anything significant. He does think it might have given Caleb a mildly different outlook on certain things/his mood a little bit, but no fundamental shifts yet. Beau’s one-on-one shifted her perspective a lot--she doesn’t respect authority at all, so being put in her place was a good check on her personality & took the edge off her wrecking-ball habits. Both Marisha & Brian talk about respecting someone willing to call them out on their crap.
Gif of the Week: this glorious thing by @scottc_miller on twitter. Poor everyone. Poor drunk Nott.
Beau is officially warming up to Molly. Awwww, my heart. “I don’t know if Molly’s warming up to Beau, but...” Brian: “Self-preservation, guilty until proven innocent...an optimist!”
Molly’s amnesia reveal hasn’t really changed Caleb’s opinion of him. He does trust that Molly told the truth within the Zone’s context, but he knows that may not be the whole truth. The only person who’s changed in Caleb’s estimation is actually Beau; Liam talks about a low score he rolled on an arcana check on the magical symbols, which Beau surpassed, and in the moment Caleb realized that meant Beau must have had some formal schooling. “A little checkmark went ‘boop!’ in a box.”
Beau is aware of her own terrible flirting with women, & Marisha references Beau’s strong preference to be in charge in her interactions. Marisha also talks about some of her Meisner acting classes/acting methods in how scenes are structured and it’s actually really, really cool. Liam segues into his first week in NYU at his very first voice acting class where they laid on the floor and did “pelvic thrusts” to loosen the diaphragm. Marisha recalls her college voice acting teacher telling her she was terrible and shouldn’t pursue voice acting because she spoke from the back of her throat. 
All of Caleb’s spells have been selected for RP reasons over functionality/utility. Liam knows it’s not the most optimal build &, as might be expected, doesn’t care in the slightest. You go, boo.
Liam and Marisha giggle over fighting such a classic old-school monster as a gelatinous cube. Liam honestly wishes Frumpkin could have been dissolved; Caleb emphatically does not. Marisha remembers finding the old cube mini with Matt which could be opened up so other minis could fit inside, and they sat in their living room for some time putting minis inside it. The pair that slays together stays together. Liam also remembers a Comic Con that had light-up gelatinous cube minis which he attended riiiiight after meeting Marisha. 
Fanart of the Week: this by @sephiramy! Look at how good everyone looks, awwww. 
Liam jokes that he personally excluded Quebec from the giveaways and it’s inexplicably hilarious, especially given Matt’s apologies for it on the regular show.
Beau’s hand going numb on the cube attack didn’t phase her at all; she’s still in the “adolescent” phase where she isn’t afraid of any bad things that might happen to her.
In re: screwing the DM with in-universe D&D choices: “Path of the Duck for the fuck.” 
When it comes to HP management, the rest of the party is trying to make sure they can get people up when they’re down, especially since Jester canonically dislikes healing. Marisha reflects on the last campaign where she & Sam often filled the blanks around Ashley’s healing, and feels everyone’s trying to fill a similar role now. Liam and Marisha would ideally like another healer, but neither Beau nor Caleb are paying much attention to maintaining a balanced party comp. 
The cat’s paw version of Caleb’s spell was always planned given his attachment to Frumpkin.
Liam talks about pre-stream puzzles from campaign one, including a complicated hydraulic puzzle that Taliesin’s dragonborn paladin sidestepped with one brute force elbow. He also remembers a child’s square puzzle that took “a group of adults an embarrassing time to solve.” 
Cast- and staff-wide digression into puzzle-shaming Gandalf for flunking the Moria door riddle. Gandalf the Grey--more like Gandalf the Bad at Riddles, amirite
Beau’s ability to solve the magic puzzle feels to Marisha like the lessons your dad makes you learn as a kid, even though you never think you’ll use them--(such as being made to learn to change your own oil despite thinking you’ll always use AutoZone), but then you end up using the skill later on and resent it the whole time. 
Caleb’s increased participation in discussions lately is an intentional choice on Liam’s part. 
Beau’s improvement in dealing with the rest of the M9 is due to her becoming more comfortable with them.
Caleb recognizes Fjord’s arcane power, but doesn’t question it at all due to the magical nature of their world. (Neither Liam nor Caleb trusts Fjord to be neutral good: “He spat saltwater out!”)
Marisha makes a great point about how everyone in a D&D party is by definition magical and special, but everyone in the M9 right now feels like they’re still discovering what that means. Liam points out that VM very much felt like strong, special people with greatness thrust upon them; M9 feels like a troupe of random carnies. 
Marisha on why she’s playing a human in D&D when so many possibilities exist: “Some people like playing ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.” She likes going from an all-powerful half-elven archdruid prodigy to a schmo who can just punch things really hard. 
While discussing impostor syndrome, Brian quotes David Milch: “So much of the accomplishment in art comes not from the discovery of one’s gift but from its acceptance.” He likes that the leveling system supports the slow growth of a character in an RP sense and allows the character to learn and accept his or her strengths. He likes that it’s not straight escapism, it’s the combination of one foot in reality and one foot in fantasy.
Liam points out that since their group is very theater- and story-driven, they often use the leveling process to support story choices and character growth over class optimization. Marisha relates it back to the choices in Disney movies, where sometimes the protagonist discovers their innate power & embraces it in order to succeed, vs. where sometimes a protagonist must overcome an innate feature and rise above it in order to succeed. She loves that dichotomy. (Brian feels Scanlan represented similar principles in the last campaign.)
Liam’s favorite moment of the last episode was Sam’s small drunk goblin irritation. 
In re: the rising from the floor at the end of the last episode, Liam hopes there’s a way to talk their way out of any upcoming fight, since Caleb’s pretty tapped. Beau: “This is fine.”
After Dark: I Know What You Did Last Summer Edition
On transferring from the relationship between Vax & Keyleth to Caleb & Beau--both Liam & Marisha have had some disputes about everything that went down in the High Richter’s house. Marisha: “I wouldn’t use the word ‘disputes.’” Liam: “What would you use?” Marisha: “...Clarifications?” They both are struggling with how much their in- and out-of-game relationships have changed over the course of the two campaigns. 
The crew photoshops Liam’s hairy V-necked chest onto Marisha live. What even. How.
Marisha does miss some things about spellcasting, but enjoys watching everyone else struggle with concentration checks and saving throws. 
Liam and Marisha both enjoy building characters and then assigning the classes that fit their story, instead of deciding what class to play first & building a character to that.
Brief aside where both Marisha (not Beau) & Caleb (not Liam) talk about how much they love Jester. 
Liam discusses in- and out-of-player knowledge when it comes to Fjord. Liam knows there’s an eldritch horror behind him, but Caleb has no clue. Marisha sees him as the altrustic half-leader who’s hiding a lot. Liam hypothesizes that someone was about to die, and Fjord saved whoever it was by offering himself to Cthulu. Liam doesn’t think Fjord is good-aligned. Marisha doesn’t trust his smarts. 
Marisha tells a story about Taliesin’s hair at C2E2. They were doing group photos when a family with a little girl came up who asked Taliesin his favorite hair color. He answered “I’m really into the peacock fade with the blue and the fade into green and the purple and the emerald,” and the poor girl was a little overwhelmed. (Marisha once answered her second-grade teacher’s question about her favorite color as “iridescent” and feels the teacher was more impressed with her vocabulary than her color choice.)
If they were pulled into Exandria today, Marisha would like to be a wild magic sorcerer or a paladin; Liam would be a wizard. 
If the M9 were stuck in a cavern with no food, Marisha would eat Fjord first since he’s probably already a little salted. 
Beau’s martial artistry is inspired by Ip Man. 
Liam steps out for a moment after a coughing fit, then returns in order to stand very, very close to Brian. Close enough that Brian’s ear rests on Liam’s stomach. Close enough that Marisha feels left out and both of them cuddle on Brian’s lap to end the show. I’m glad I’m not kidding. 
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See you Thursday!
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smilinstar · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @bisexuallaurellance, thanks hun! <3
1. Post a quote or short excerpt from your early days of writing/ARTING.(I’m talking old fanfics/ART, slash fics/ART, original fic/ART, etc., that are barely edited and have a ton of technical errors and misspelled words.) This is the cringe part. Don’t edit anything! Let it be horrendous. Don’t Panic.
2. Post a quote or short excerpt from one of your most recent works/WIPs. Something that you’re proud of. Something that you’ve written/ARTED that makes you smile when you read it.
3. Tag a writer/artist you admire, anyone who you think is amazing, new friends, followers, writeblrs, anyone who you’d like to know more about. If you think someone is a great writer/artist and you want to see how they’ve developed their skills, tag them! Everyone started somewhere.
1. Okay, so I decided, if I think about it too hard, I’m gonna end up picking nothing because my early work was TERRIBLE. So, I decided the best thing to do was to just choose an excerpt from the first fic I ever published online back in 2004. It’s a Dark Angel, Max/Alec fic called Triangle, and I am cringing so much right now, I’m loathe to even link it, but here you go:
Alec sat lounging on Joshua's sofa, one leg hanging off and his head propped up on an old squashed cushion. He had been sitting there watching 'Big fella' Joshua painting yet another Joshua – 'Joshua no. 257' and after watching him for nearly three hours, he could officially say he was bored.
"Hey Josh", Alec called out, "Do you think – "
Joshua spun around and the paint still on his paintbrush flew through the air and landed on none other than Alec.
"Oops", said Joshua with his puppy dog eyes.
Alec just sat there staring back at Joshua, his previously flawless skin now splatted with blue paint. "I suppose that made things a little less boring", he muttered wiping away the paint, leaving blue streaks on his cheek.
"Sorry", said Joshua grabbing the X-5 by the shoulder and rubbing furiously at the blue marks.
"Hey hey, it's fine really", Alec said pulling Joshua's strong hands from off him. "Body paints all the rage now Big fella!"
"Rage?" echoed Joshua with the same Joshua–specific innocence.
"Um, well it means . . . um."
"I thought you took common verbal usage," came a cold familiar voice.
Alec and Joshua turned to see Max standing at the doorway.
"Hey Little fella," smiled Joshua.
"Hey Big fella," said Max dropping the attitude for him. She walked into the room and gave him a big bear hug, which Joshua of course returned.
"So Maxie, don't I get one," said Alec with a hint of amusement flitting across his face.
Ughhh. It’s terrible. SO many errors, wow. Pretty sure I didn’t even get a review the first chapter I published, but I apparently had thicker skin when I was younger and just carried right on despite it. LMAO
2. I like to think I got better. And I’m actually quite proud of some of my more recent work, so choosing something for this bit was difficult. But in the end I went with an excerpt from this year’s love, one of my time canary fics, cos apparently there’s a line in this bit that made Meg laugh, so yeah . . .
It takes her a little too long to realise just who it is she’s looking for. Despite making him promise to show up, she hasn’t spotted Rip once. She has no idea if he’s here, if he’s barricaded himself in his room, or if he’s (more likely) done a runner.
The easy smile dissolves into a worried frown. Hopping off her perch, she starts to make her way through the throng of people, past Lord Voldemort making out with the Blue Power Ranger to slip out into the hallway. There’s a light breeze coming in through the open front door, despite the number of people filtering in and out.
“He’s outside.”
She looks up at the owner of the voice, and finds Ray smiling down at her with a knowing expression that doesn’t sit so comfortably in her gut, but she tries not to read too much into. She shrugs a quick “thanks” as nonchalantly as she can instead, and heads for the front lawn.
The party has spilled outside but it’s not so intensely packed out here. There’s a movement of air that makes it easier to breathe, cooler too in the night breeze. The odd burst of laughter amongst the chatter blends with the steady beat and thrum of bass as the music escapes through the open windows.
She almost doesn’t see him.
But it’s the sing-song sound of “trick or treat!” and children’s laughter that draws her attention. And somehow, despite it all, it makes sense that this is where she’d find him.
He’s crouching down beside the kids, handing out the goodie bags chock full of sweets to rot their teeth, and it’s not that which freezes her in place mid-stride. Nor is it his tweed jacket and bow tie – and yes, it may have been a little low effort for a costume, but it’s more than she could have hoped for, and she’s not one to talk either (blood-stained nurse’s outfit isn’t exactly pushing any boundaries) – no, what it is, is the smile on his face. Kind and patient, and a glimpse of what he’d been. A father.
The kids wave their goodbyes, and Rip’s smile falls as they turn away, disappearing down the sidewalk. A deep breath in and out follows, as if that small upturn of his lips, the minuscule attempt at joviality and light-heartedness, had been enough to exhaust him.
And all of a sudden, Sara feels guilty.
A tidal wave hitting her as she pushes down the lump in her throat. Too much, too soon. She’d forced too much, too soon.
3. I’m tagging @qarciaflynn @theadrogna @riphunter @knives-and-lint @sarcasticfina - you’re all brilliant, and I would love to see a ‘then and now’ of your writing, but as always no pressure, and feel free to ignore if you like. I don’t mind :-)
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emilyelizabethfowl · 7 years
Lost In Translation
Day 16, prompt “shitty dp aus”. This idea came to me when my friend @kuro-misaki pointed out the difference between English and Spanish version in one line. S02E03, “Pirate Radio”. In English version Dash says: “You're one brave geek, Fenton. When I'm wailing on you tomorrow, I'll be wailing on a hero.". But in Spanish version, he uses “gemir”, so he basically says  "When I make you moan tomorrow, I'll be making a hero moan.". 
And that’s how the idea for, well, some kind of an AU was born. In this universe, Dash’s line was from the Spanish version. Enjoy!
When Ember and Youngblood kidnapped all the adults in the town, he knew he needed to save them. And if he had a whole army of teens he could use to help, he was going to do just that.
“Listen up people!” He yelled at the teens standing below him. “If you want your parents back, you’re going to have to follow my lead!”
Why should we follow you, Fentoad?”
Of course. The one voice of disagreement.
“You’re right, Dash.” Fortunately he’s got a counterargument. One that even Dash couldn’t answer. “Let’s follow the other kid, that comes from a family of ghost hunters and knows how to work all their gear!”
He saw the frown. Perfect. It didn’t matter, he got no shot anyway.
“No takers? Alright then, who’s with me?”
All of them joined. Perfect.
“Wow, Danny! How’d you do that!” Sam obviously never believed he would be capable of leading people. She probably thought she would get the job of a leader.
“You just have to know the right words.” He answered simply.
The task division was easy. He knew exactly what he needed to do, and who would be the best for what.
“Paulina, you’re good with make-up.” He addressed her standing at the top of the stairs. All of the teens gathered below. “I need you to disguise Tucker as an adult, so he can get aboard the pirate ship and disable it from within.”
“Ay-ay, Captain!” She saluted. “Though you still have no shot with me.”
Like he wanted to. The constant comments were 100% acting, because what guy didn’t have a crush on Paulina? He needed a disguise, and she was providing a perfect one.
But he got no time right now.
“Sam, keep scratching.” He said through the walkie-talkie. “It’s our only weapon against the ghost ship.”
Now, defense. Someone strong, but not an asshole. Or Dash.
“Kwan, you’re on defense.” He handed him a weapon, Fenton Fisher. “Protect Sam and keep her on the air.”
And if he so happened to know both Sam and Kwan had a crush at each other, well, it’s only better, right?
“Dash, you’re with me on offense.” No way he was letting him out of his sight. Dash might’ve hated him, but it still didn’t mean he would let him get hurt. “We’re going to spring the adults from the pirat ship.
“So I get to hit people?”
Ah, yes, the priorities.
“Oh yeah!” He said enthusiastically. He couldn’t help feeling excited at something Dash was excited about, so what, sue him. No, don’t, he had no money for a lawsuit.
Suddenly Dash grabbed him by the front of his shirt and he had to fight not to let the blush out. That would be catastrophic.
“Not me!” He quickly added, scrambling to get free.
“Sorry,” he actually looked apologetic. Weird. “Old habits.”
Danny moved a bit away, he couldn’t afford to get excited in the moment of crisis. He would get a lot of time alone when his parents ground him for using the Emergency OP Center. And they would, even though it WAS an emergency.
“Okay people!” He handed out the rest of the weapons and orange jumpsuit his father was storing in hundreds at least. “Let’s move!”
It went good enough. Tucker got on the ship with no trouble, and the OP Center’s activation button was right where you would expect to find it – next to the ham. Jack was quite predictable.
They flew to the floating ghost ship, and get through the ghost shield thanks to Fenton’s Whatever-The-Heck-The-Name-Was. The initial swing pushed around third part of the pirates out of the way, and the fight was quickly turning in their favor.
He tried to turn ghost, but the ghost shield was blocking his powers. He got a bit electrocuted, but as a cause of his death it had way bigger effect on him than it would have on anyone else.
Some pirates went his way, ready to attack, and he expected to get a cut or two in, no matter how fast he recovered. But suddenly his vision got blocked by a person in orange jumpsuit, and they fought the ghosts off.
Woah, he never even suspected he would one day get saved by Dash out of his own volition. Damn, he got the moves, the Jack o’ Nine Tails was perfect for him.
Standing quickly, he joined the fight. He was standing back to back with Dash!! And they were fighting together! Dreams coming true.  
"You're one brave geek, Fenton.” Dash said suddenly in between a swing.”When I make you moan tomorrow, I'll be making a hero moan . But I will make you moan."
Oh god. OH GOD. Danny used all the willpower he had had left not to get a boner right then. Make him moan? God, how else was h going to interpret it? He knew he meant a beating, probably, but still. That was going to be his wanking material for the next two weeks, at least.
But then they got separated, and Danny got the cool action with the skate board, and then Ember caught them in a dome of doom…
They pulled him out of the dome and placed on a board. Great. He was going to fall to the ocean from like a hundred feet because he couldn’t transform.
And he fell.
“So, where’s the splat?” Ember asked surprised.
Tucker did good job, the ghost shield got deactivated right when he fell.
He raised above the plank, his fist ready an glowing. He shoot the ghosts, catching Ember’s guitar in the commotion.
“Looking for this?” He asked mockingly. What? He was going to have some fun.
Ember tried to catch him with her flaming hair, but instead managed only to catch the ship on fire.
He heard her say something about “not the best idea” and “bon voyage”, leaving only him and pissed Youngblood.
The fight didn’t took long, he was down by his classmates dissolving the dome in no time. Paulina was gushing at him, but he focused on what Dash was saying.
“Hey, where’s Fenton?”
Oh god, was he worried?
“He’s, he’s safe,” he stammered, completely unprepared for the question. “I- uh, I rescued him.”
And, because he was a little shit who wouldn’t pass any occasion for auto-promotion.
“He sure is cool.”
“You should totally make out with him.” Oh no, no, no… He didn’t plane the second part! And he pointed at freaking Dash! He moved the finger more towards Paulina somewhere in the half, but what if Dash noticed? Well… The only good thing was he was in his ghost half.
Focus! It wasn’t the end yet!
The lack of prisoners, and therefore the lack of fuel caused the ship to start plunging toward the water.
“Everyone huddle together now!” He knew he could get them all safely to the ground.
“With you?” Paulina immediately hugged him. Ugh. “It’s my dream come true!”
Please, like she cared about anything but his fame. But he had to keep the game up.
“Seriously, you need to wrap your mind around the idea of Paulina Fenton.”
Okay, maybe his ghost half telling Paulina to date his human part wasn’t the brightest idea he ever had, but it had to do. Fortunately he had no time to think, with all of them huddling together and falling to their death.
With everyone safely on the dock, he transformed behind some barrels.
“Hey, is everyone okay?”
Dash punched him on the shoulder.
“Ow,” well, it didn’t hurt that much, but he had to keep the act. “What was that for?!”
“Abandoning us in the middle of the fight!” That look in his eyes… Could that be… Worry? ”That’s the last time I listened to you, Fentoenail!”
Yeah, back to normal. Dash stumped away, and the rest of the teens followed.
And he got grounded for a month. But he knew exactly what he would use that time for. Well, except for cleaning the mess after the party.
He still couldn’t believe he wasn’t invited at the party at his own house!
The next day Dash caught him after the classes.
He grabbed him by the front of the shirt, just as the day before, and pressed him against the wall. Only this time Danny couldn’t call him out on it.
But he could call him out on something else.
“What, came to make me moan?” He half joked, preparing for the hit.
Which didn’t come.
“And what if I did?” Dash practically purred. Oh god no, it went straight to his groin.
He swallowed hard, and Dash’s face split with a smile for a second, before it turned into surprise.
“Did you just get hard?” he asked.
Danny was terrified, he knew his eye were wide open, he was so not going to be fine after that one.
“I-, uh I… It’s not- um…”
He tried to explain, but what was he going to say? “Hey, Dash, my ghost side really appreciates our strength, and apparently you beating me up is an example of domination and now I desperately want to mate with you?”
Oh sure, that will went so well.
“Oh god, Fenton, we’re both such an idiots.”
Danny had only a second to be surprised, because the next thing he knew he was being kissed out of his mind by Dash.
Let me repeat, he was getting KISSED by DASH.
Quoting Pauline, a dream comes true.
When they finally separated, he was looking at Dash with a look that could probably be describe only as love-struck.
“Wha- What?” He managed to croak out.
Dash didn’t let him go, but instead of his t-shirt he was holding his hips, and… Was he nuzzling his neck?
“God, I had crush on you for so long!” the boy confessed. “But you were only ever with that Goth chick, and I thought I had no chance, I thought if I beat you up it might go away, but it didn’t, and yesterday when you fall to the ocean-“
Danny interrupted him by kissing him. God was he going to enjoy this.
He grinned widely.
“Would you like to go on a date?” He asked.
The only answer he got was Dash sweeping him of his feet and carrying him out of the school.
Yeah, maybe being grounded wasn’t so bad, if that was the outcome.
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twelvesignsrp · 7 years
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congratulations nicky, pisces is now cleo fairchild with the faceclaim ashley moore
  Character Sign: Pisces
  Character name: Cleo Fairchild
  Birthday: 1st of March 1997
  Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic
  Gender: Female
  Moon Sign: Virgo
  Faceclaim: I’m going to stick with the suggested face claim of Ashley Moore.
  Power: Invisibility. In short, Cleo loves to escape. Although she is very tuned in to what’s going on in the real world, that doesn’t mean she always wants to be. Sometimes there’s too much chaos, too much drama. It’s exhausting. She likes to escape to her own world - to dream. Unfortunately in this case, she can hide but she can’t run. Though she can vanish into the shadows, she can never physically enter the realm that exists in her mind.
  What do they study? English Literature. She has a soft spot for old- and middle-English texts. The ones that read less like the English of today and more like they come from a whole other world. The ones that sing with the sound of scratching quills and the smell of old parchment leaves even when read aloud. The ones that make her shiver under the imaginary fall of misty evening air and the soft blush of an open fire on her skin. Dark days in an unknown universe, when anything was possible, and yet it seemed like so little was possible. What a small, strange way to live, and yet even then, stories were told. The evolution of language and storytelling lives in the very heart of humanity, reflecting our capacity to change and adapt, and all the while never lose our ability to dream.
For as long as Cleo can remember, she’s been a reader. She knows that she hasn’t always been a reader (she was, after all, a baby once), but she may as well have been. As a small child she would read anything she could get her hands on in the London flat in which she lived with her mother and father. It didn’t matter what it was. She’d read books, instruction manuals, old greetings cards… you name it, if she was able to get a hold of it, she’d read it whether she understood it or not. Her primary school teachers saw potential in her and encouraged her love of books and learning. She had a happy, albeit modest childhood, at least for the first eleven years.
Then came the summer before she was due to start secondary school. Her mother and father, recognising that they had an exceedingly bright child on their hands, had worked tirelessly with her so that she’d get the grades she needed to gain admission to a good grammar school, and she’d done it. Uniforms had been bought, tube routes had been studied meticulously, and Cleo was already dreaming about her new classes and her new friends.
Then her mother disappeared. Gone. Just like that. One fresh, warm 4am in July, she was spotted leaving her night shift at the hospital on CCTV, and then never came home. Cleo remembers waking up the following morning to the sound of voices in her living room, and her father sobbing, an untouched cup of tea in his shaking hands. A police lady took her into the kitchen and made her some cereal, and explained that they were all looking very hard to try and find her mum. They never found her.
Cleo wanted to disappear, too. She wanted to dissolve into thin air and leave behind the chaos and uncertainty. And, as it turned out, so did her father. Two years into her secondary school education, something changed in Cleo’s dad. His tears dried. A stony determination set in his eyes. He worked more and was home less. One day, she came home from school and he finally said it. He’d gotten a better job, and they were leaving London. It turned out that Cleo hadn’t been the only one who wanted to escape. The problem was, her dad’s solution felt more to Cleo like giving up than anything. Cleo had always secretly maintained that her mother would come home. She still twitched with every knock on the door and every soft sigh of a car pulling up below their living room window. If they left, she wouldn’t find them. Her father didn’t believe she was coming back.
Exeter was fine. It was an old city full of beautiful old buildings, and Cleo liked that. But she still half-existed in her old flat, imagining her mother’s face as she arrived home to find that they were gone. Four weeks after moving, Cleo missed the bus to her new school and ran away back to London by train. She didn’t spend long there. Her form teacher called her father and he knew exactly where she’d be. When Cleo arrived at her old block of flat, the police were already there waiting for her and they took her home.
Cleo grew older and, slowly, she had to start moving forward again or she was sure she would rot. She made friends, buried herself in school work, and even made Head Girl in her final year at school. With top A-Level grades in English Literature, Spanish, History and ICT, she was accepted into Durham university to study English Literature with the hopes of one day becoming a university lecturer herself. But still, she has never had closure, and her mind often wanders back to that balmy early morning on the steps outside St. Thomas’ Hospital. She knows she may never find out what happened, but she holds out hope.
  Five interesting facts about your character:
Cleo’s favourite book is her battered old copy of the Pearl Manuscript.
Cleo is a cat person through and through. Though she doesn’t own one, she’s the kind of person who will joyfully try to coax random cats on the street to come over to her. It gets her some odd looks from passers-by, but usually she’s too absorbed in trying to get the cat to pay attention to her to care.
She can’t play a musical instrument or sing to save her life, but she loves listening to music. Not a fan of pounding club anthems or guitar-heavy rock, she likes the simpler, more calming sounds of acoustic instruments, classical outfits, and soft, dreamy synths.
Sometimes, when she’s heading back to her room late at night and she doesn’t want to disturb people by turning on the lights in the hallway, she uses the function on her phone that allows her to flick it upwards to turn on the flashlight. If nobody else is with her, she likes to whisper “Lumos” before she does it so that she can feel like a wizard.
Cleo isn’t really into the party scene that seems to go hand in hand with university life. She can sometimes act a little high and mighty about it, as though she thinks she has ‘better things to do’, but in reality she feels desperately awkward among the huge crowds and loud music, and worries that this has isolated her from a lot of people who might find her dull.
  Character Quote:
And all these truths are sold With foundations below them that were dug in winter’s cold, When the world stole our young and prayed on the old. Well hope deals the hardest blows, Yet I cannot help myself but hope.
   -Foye Vance, “Two Shades of Hope”
  If your character had a patronus what would it be? and why?
A dove. Nothing dispels fear quite like a promise of coming renewal.
It was half past six, and the low September sun cast a soft, golden light over the busy quadrangle, warming the immaculately-kept grass and the top of Cleo’s head.
Normally, around this time of the day, Cleo would be putting dinner on, knowing that her dad would be on his way home from work. That was how they did things at home. She got home from school before he finished work, so she started the dinner. He cleared up and did the dishes afterwards. Then they’d both have time in the evening, whether it was spent together or doing their own thing. They did everything like that - as a team.
Except now they were both on their own. He’d started the drive back down to Exeter the evening before, leaving Cleo to face Freshers’ Week - and her first lectures - alone. Obviously, it had to be that way. She couldn’t very well drag her dad to events and classes with her.
“But still,” she had joked as he climbed into his car and she planted a kiss on his cheek. “Who’ll make your dinner for you now?”
“And who’ll do your dishes?” he’d shot back, his warm, twinkly smile sending a small shock through her when it occurred to her that she wouldn’t see it again for a while. “I’ll ring you when I get home, okay? I love you.”
And then he was gone. And now it was half past six and soon her father would be getting in from work and starting to cook his first dinner alone, all the way down by the southern coast. She felt stupid for welling up at the thought of him coming home to their house by himself, of them both eating alone tonight with nobody to grill about their day, or tease with some silly inside joke, or-
She jumped slightly as her phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out and unlocked it, and couldn’t help but smile at the picture of the McDonald’s bag sitting in the passenger seat of her dad’s car.
I promise I’ll start cooking tomorrow night! - Dad x
My favourite colour is lavender.
Also I haven’t done a tumblr RP before, so I might seem a little bit lost at first and might float for a day or two trying to get my bearings and figure out how this all works. I’ve obviously familiarised myself with the material for this RP in particular, but I'm very clever with the format yet. If you’re looking for people with a bit more experience RPing on this platform, I totally understand and I will absolutely not be offended at my application being rejected. Thank you for your time!
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alaruine · 7 years
Every time to time memories are awakened inside us. We do not have the ability to get rid of them. we cant say, we cant write, we cant understand and erase them
Every time to time memories are awakened inside us.  We do not have the ability to get rid of them.  we cant say, we cant write,  we cant understand and erase them
Our hearts are divided and our hearts are filled, we have stood speechless and silent among us, our hopes have been shattered, our tears have been torn with our eyes, we love them and we refuse to part, but we are willing to part, we will miss ourselves by their presence. We have grown up with us, but our destiny is stronger than we have moved away and memories remain reminiscent of them and increase our love and pain of separation, so here we present to you the most beautiful sentence that expresses love and separation: hard is the eternal separation, but we have to practice forgetting to be able to Live. In my memory is a tale of parting, I read it to my heart in the evening, and I whisper it out so as not to kill the pain. Do not wait for a loved one who has sold you a new hope that can sneak into your sad heart, bring back your days of joy and restore your heart to a beautiful beat. Wonders of this world gathered us and we do not know each other, and then dispersed after we became closer people. With sweet hopes, separation becomes a holiday. We seem good despite the separation you and I did not kill the dimension, we still practice life normally. You are the one who draws the path of separation with all accuracy, so do not get angry or return. Do not try to find a dream you are and try to make the refraction situation start a new dream. The parting of the beloved will heal the newborn and dissolve the iron. Even if the days take you away, and between me and you parting the size of a galaxy, will remain present in my heart and my memory. Do not be sad if a killer arrow comes from the nearest people to your heart, you will find someone who removes the arrow and brings back life and smile. Love is when the difference does not differentiate. If you are a man in the sense of the word do not allow a girl to cry, and if you love that girl do not let her absent from you, and if you love her do not allow her to leave. Do not cry for anything to do with life, because the one who cries for it does not deserve your tears and the person who deserves your tears never let you cry. And how the separation goes without meeting, but not a meeting without separation. In the war as in love in order to end it must be a direct interview. It is not manliness that all women love you, but manliness is to love and to be saved for one woman and to make her above all women. Love from the gate of the mind alone loses its arousal, and from the gate of the heart alone loses its balance, and the gate of agreement between mind and heart means eternity and survival. Meeting after a long separation is better than the wedding night. I loved a man even though he cried me and I cried a man even though he loved me. On Monday there was a terrible wound, love, but I do not want anyone hurt. After parting each party says that I am not wrong, perhaps he is the one who made a mistake, and perhaps she is the one who did so there is no room for repentance after separation. Between love and time eternal relationship love kills time very quickly and time kills love very slowly. God's abandonment is of fear of abandonment, and separation is fear separation. It is very difficult to give a person all your love and thinking and your life and he can not even give you some of his time to ask about you and your news. It is not great to never fall, but to fall down and rise again. If they ask you one day about me, say to them, I have left those who, while I am with others, will die a thousand times, and I will not know of them any more. We swear with hope that someone will come to prevent us, and we will fight with the hope that someone will come to divide us. Parting is small death. When we depart from love, and end our dreams after we had to achieve, then sentenced to death by a man alive. We should not cry over our friends, it is a mercy to lose them to death and not to lose them alive. When we bid farewell to them silently, and our words fail to go out to their tears and hold our tears in our hands, when our hopes are shattered and those pages that we have written are destroyed by our hands Life Quotes #Life #Quotes #Top #Famous #Best #Time #Collection #Love #Positive #Cute #Beauty #Quotes #Art #Romance #Amazing #Flowers #Winter #painteditmyself #Landscape #relationships #coloringbook #Naturephotography #Life #painting #Sunset #wedding #Quote Famous Quotes The Best Quotes of All Time Famous Quotes Inspirational Quotes Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Collection Love Quotes
wallpaper hd for #photo #model #fashion #fashionweek #photographer #popularphoto #hairstylist #makeup #instagood #bestoftheday #photooftheday #day #likes #good #female #world #beauty #art #style #photos #amazing #bride #travel #camera #canon #nikon #vacation #happy #farm #love #nature #naturelovers
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alaruine · 7 years
Every time to time memories are awakened inside us.  We do not have the ability to get rid of them.  we cant say, we cant write,  we cant understand and erase them Our hearts are divided and our hearts are filled, we have stood speechless and silent among us, our hopes have been shattered, our tears have been torn with our eyes, we love them and we refuse to part, but we are willing to part, we will miss ourselves by their presence. We have grown up with us, but our destiny is stronger than we have moved away and memories remain reminiscent of them and increase our love and pain of separation, so here we present to you the most beautiful sentence that expresses love and separation: hard is the eternal separation, but we have to practice forgetting to be able to Live. In my memory is a tale of parting, I read it to my heart in the evening, and I whisper it out so as not to kill the pain. Do not wait for a loved one who has sold you a new hope that can sneak into your sad heart, bring back your days of joy and restore your heart to a beautiful beat. Wonders of this world gathered us and we do not know each other, and then dispersed after we became closer people. With sweet hopes, separation becomes a holiday. We seem good despite the separation you and I did not kill the dimension, we still practice life normally. You are the one who draws the path of separation with all accuracy, so do not get angry or return. Do not try to find a dream you are and try to make the refraction situation start a new dream. The parting of the beloved will heal the newborn and dissolve the iron. Even if the days take you away, and between me and you parting the size of a galaxy, will remain present in my heart and my memory. Do not be sad if a killer arrow comes from the nearest people to your heart, you will find someone who removes the arrow and brings back life and smile. Love is when the difference does not differentiate. If you are a man in the sense of the word do not allow a girl to cry, and if you love that girl do not let her absent from you, and if you love her do not allow her to leave. Do not cry for anything to do with life, because the one who cries for it does not deserve your tears and the person who deserves your tears never let you cry. And how the separation goes without meeting, but not a meeting without separation. In the war as in love in order to end it must be a direct interview. It is not manliness that all women love you, but manliness is to love and to be saved for one woman and to make her above all women. Love from the gate of the mind alone loses its arousal, and from the gate of the heart alone loses its balance, and the gate of agreement between mind and heart means eternity and survival. Meeting after a long separation is better than the wedding night. I loved a man even though he cried me and I cried a man even though he loved me. On Monday there was a terrible wound, love, but I do not want anyone hurt. After parting each party says that I am not wrong, perhaps he is the one who made a mistake, and perhaps she is the one who did so there is no room for repentance after separation. Between love and time eternal relationship love kills time very quickly and time kills love very slowly. God's abandonment is of fear of abandonment, and separation is fear separation. It is very difficult to give a person all your love and thinking and your life and he can not even give you some of his time to ask about you and your news. It is not great to never fall, but to fall down and rise again. If they ask you one day about me, say to them, I have left those who, while I am with others, will die a thousand times, and I will not know of them any more. We swear with hope that someone will come to prevent us, and we will fight with the hope that someone will come to divide us. Parting is small death. When we depart from love, and end our dreams after we had to achieve, then sentenced to death by a man alive. We should not cry over our friends, it is a mercy to lose them to death and not to lose them alive. When we bid farewell to them silently, and our words fail to go out to their tears and hold our tears in our hands, when our hopes are shattered and those pages that we have written are destroyed by our hands Life Quotes #Life #Quotes #Top #Famous #Best #Time #Collection #Love #Positive #Cute #Beauty #Quotes #Art #Romance #Amazing #Flowers #Winter #painteditmyself #Landscape #relationships #coloringbook #Naturephotography #Life #painting #Sunset #wedding #Quote Famous Quotes The Best Quotes of All Time Famous Quotes Inspirational Quotes Motivational and Inspirational Quotes Collection Love Quotes
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