#i mean come on i get that you focus on your ship but some things will never be about that
buckera · 2 months
it will never not be fascinating when i see takes like "that doesn't make sense, they are just reading into everything" and then scroll down and directly in the next post op is heavily reading into something else that objectively doesn't make sense lmao
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Since you've mentioned Scarlet Lady in one of your posts, what's your opinion on it?
I've mentioned before that I'm a big Scarlet Lady fan, which is the only reason that I'm comfortable answering asks like this one. I don't publicly criticize the content of hobby creators. That's wildly inappropriate! Punch up, not down.
The linked post was a general discussion of the adaptation process and how @zoe-oneesama did a fantastic job, so for this one, I'm just going to do some general gushing because I do actually like praising and enjoying things!
Scarlet Lady's chosen format (comic) allows it to have this wonderful conversation with canon where it can rely on the framework of canon to tell it's own story while also using canon for jokes and meta commentary. This means that Scarlet Lady is about as close as fan content can get to a direct reboot because it's able to have moments like this one from the comic's first post:
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[Image description: Adrien standing in his room after transforming into Chat Noir for the first time. He is beaming and his eyes are shining with excitement as he exclaims, "This is gonna be awesome!"]
A single picture that communicates everything we need to know about Adrien getting his miraculous. When I've done this same thing in fanfic, I had to write out the full scene because that's how novels work. You have to give the full picture. With a comic, you can just quickly acknowledge this thing that we all already know and then move on to the new stuff. A picture really is worth a thousand words! (Or, in my case, more like two thousand...)
This allows Zoe to keep the same akumas that we get in canon without her story feeling like a boring rehash because she can focus on what's different in her version. A novelization of the same content would have to show both the stuff that stays the same and the stuff that changes for it to be coherent. That's a lot less fun to read and write. It's why I basically never revisit canon akumas in my own stuff. It's just too derivative for the written word.
This is one of the big reasons that I loved Scarlet Lady. Because it was able to have that more directly conversation with canon, it was able to take canon and say, "hey, why don't we embrace the tone that you established in season one and retell the story with that vibe?" That's something that I desperately wanted to see, but that is totally unsuited to my chosen artistic form. It couldn't be a novel. It had to be a comic.
If you want to know what a true formula show version of Miraculous would look like, Scarlet Lady is it. It does everything that Miraculous should have done:
Sticks to a lighthearted tone where nothing is ever super serious
Keeps Gabriel entirely unsympathetic
Has slow character development and background hints at a bigger plot as the only serial elements, allowing the individual episodes to be their own story while never feeling incomplete or rushed
Allows characters other than Marinette to shine while keeping Marinette as the clear main character
Makes Adrien narratively important
Understands that Lila and Chloe can't coexist as antagonists
Reverses the love square, which is the best way to tell their story. Yes, I will die on my "love diamond" hill. It's a good hill. Come join me. I'll bring cookies.
I could keep going, but you hopefully get my point. While Scarlet Lady is certainly not the only way to do a formula version of canon, it's proof that a formula version does work! You don't have to go the serious route for Miraculous to be successful.
I want to take some time to gush about the ending, but I don't want to spoil it, so I'll put that gushing under a "read more" in case anyone hasn't seen it. I'll finish out this less spoilerish section with this:
I feel like some people are surprised when they learn that I love Scarlet Lady because - as some of you have probably picked up - it is quite different from my ideal version of canon. I'm not sure why that would stop me from enjoying a thing, though. It's important to remember that our personal ideals are not the only way to tell a good story. There are lots of ways to take what canon gave us and make something wonderful! It's part of the reason that I enjoy being in a fandom.
If I only wanted to see my ideal take on canon, then I'd stick to writing/imagining my own stories. But I don't want that! I like seeing alternate takes, too. Scarlet Lady is one of my personal favorites. It's completely different from anything that I'd ever think to write and that's why I'm so glad that it exists! I like being entertained just as much as I like creating my own entertainment and I don't want to only read stories that look like something I'd write. That's boring!
Spoilers below:
I've mentioned before that there are many, many ways to properly handle Chloe's character and Zoe did such a good job with her take on that! Chloe isn't absolved of all the things she did wrong, but she's also treated as a young woman with the ability to change.
While the comic bares the name of Chloe's alter ego, she was the never the main character. She never went on a journey. The story kept her to her shallow season-one self: a petty brat who just wanted attention. It did this because that's who Chloe was in canon and who Chloe needed to be for the comic to work.
The first time we see any complexity from Chloe is in the comic's final few episodes, which was absolutely the right call for Zoe to make! In a recent post, I talked about how the end of a formula show is the only time when you can break the formula in catastrophic ways and that's what Zoe did. She kept Chloe static until it was time to end the story and that's when the formula breaks. That's when Chloe gets depth because, once she has depth, the formula doesn't work.
That depth is not used to redeem Chloe, but to show us that there's hope for Chloe. That this petty brat who we've been dealing with has some serious issues and needs help. Help that she's going to get far away from the people that she's hurt because her issues aren't an excuse for what she's done. They don't erase the harm that she caused. At the same time, understanding her issues makes us hope that she can be better now and Scarlet Lady took a moment to give us that hope. To show us the START of Chloe's true story.
That is the kind of ending that I have wanted to see in so many properties!!! It was so wonderful to finally get one that did this right. A story that understood that full redemption to the team and damnation to death/suffering are extremes on a scale of possibilities. You don't have to go to extremes! You can fall in the middle and the middle is a perfect, natural place for Chloe to land in this kind of story. Fully redeeming or even fully damning Chloe simply doesn't work in lighthearted formula content. It's too big a lift as canon has already demonstrated.
I also loved Zoe's take on Emilie. I've mentioned that I don't like evil Emilie in part because it makes her revival feel like the start of a new story. She's back and she'd bad, so we have to take her down now! But I don't want that. I want the story to end when Gabriel is stopped. Zoe does this by giving us an Emilie that is another perfect middle ground. She matches canon's uncomfortable implications without feeling like a true villain who is a threat to society.
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
housewife || mary earps x reader ||
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mary makes a comment about you not doing enough around the house, tipping you over the edge.
"mummy!" dillion cheered as mary walked into the flat. you glanced over the back of the couch to watch as your wife took in the chaotic state of things. you had spent all afternoon loading up the things that absolutely had to be shipped to france, but waited to pack up other things for mary to get home.
"good evening my little prince." mary bent down and scooped dillion into her arms. you watched her set him down again and push him towards his room, muttering for him to pick out more toys to pack up. "you know, if you're gonna be home all day, you could at least clean up a bit. i don't work myself to the bone to come back to this."
"mary, i'll give you one chance to tell me that you're joking," you told her. mary looked at you incredulously, as if she couldn't believe your audacity. you matched her look, resulting in the two of you just staring at each other for a couple of minutes.
"i don't want to fight with dillion here," mary told you. it wasn't a resolution by any means. in fact, it was your warning that this was going to sit and simmer with mary for the rest of the week.
whenever you had met mary, you had lived a very different life. you worked for a big company as a marketing advisor. the lionesses had hired you for help, and once you saw mary, it was love at first sight. the two of you hit it off immediately, and within the next year, you were married. you still worked from home sometimes on various little projects, but nothing that would have distracted you from dillion.
he was your son from a previous relationship, and for almost two years, his father had been involved. mary had been very understanding in letting you take time to yourself to figure things out. eventually, she had suggested that you stay home and focus on family. you had been skeptical for this exact reason, but you had agreed anyway. and for years, it worked until it didn't.
you could see the cracks form almost immediately. mary's frustrations with united seeped into your relationship. she was a great wife, but she had grown angry and demanding. at times, you pondered divorce, but no matter how bad it got, you never even mustered up the courage to leave.
"what's with the box?" mary asked as she watched you carry one of the boxes from the hallway closet into the bedroom. most of mary's things were packed away and set to arrive at the new place in france, but you were still sorting through your things. you'd arrive with mary, and then collect the rest of your things when you flew back to england to finish up the last couple of projects you had left.
"i'm unpacking," you told her. mary looked confused, but didn't say anything. you could still see the anger simmering beneath the surface. dillion was tucked away in his bed, fast asleep. you were glad that he could sleep through anything because you had a feeling that mary was going to blow a gasket when you told her your decision. "i don't think that i'm going to france."
mary's phone clattered to the ground. you winced at the sound and knowledge that it was definitely cracked. still, mary made no move towards it. she just stayed frozen in her spot on the bed. mary had cooled down a bit since she had gotten home, and while she wasn't at the point of an apology, she was willing to talk things out with you and try to listen.
"don't be ridiculous, it's a done deal (y/n)." mary was spiraling, and while you wanted to stop it, you knew that you couldn't just give in to her. "i've signed. we talked about this. it's a big step, but i think that we're ready. dillion is so excited."
"mary, i've been trying so hard, but i can't. things were supposed to be different when you signed to a new club, but they won't be. this rough patch, it's not getting better like i thought. maybe we should take some time apart," you told her. mary's eyebrows furrowed and she sat up on her knees to crawl to the edge of the bed. "i think i'm gonna sleep on the couch tonight."
"no, please don't," mary pleaded with you. she followed you into the living room, where you had obviously done some unpacking after putting dillion to bed. "you're serious, aren't you?"
"yes mary, i am. some days, you're exactly the woman that i fell in love with, but most of the time, i don't recognize you. you're angry, and i get that it sucks, but you can't take it out on me."
"i would never take my anger out on you, never," mary said. she tried to move towards you, but you put your hand on her chest to stop her. "(y/n), i've never laid a finger on you. i wouldn't, no matter what."
"not physically mary. i spent all day moving your things around and making sure that everything was packed up correctly. i did all of this with a hyperactive four year old who is struggling to work through his french workbooks. not to mention that i'm also trying to learn this language for you because i know that maybe if i have a head start, i can help you too. i've been doing so much for so long, but all you can ever do when you're here is lay around and complain. i'm done, i won't live like this!"
the look in mary's eyes was nothing short of regret. she crumpled down to her knees, and if it was anyone else, you would have brushed it off as a performance. because it was mary, you just watched as the guilt took over and she began sobbing. the anger turned inward, and mary donned a look that you hadn't seen in years, not since you had nearly broken up before.
"go up to bed. i'll be back," mary told you. she stood up and began to walk towards the door, pausing when she was behind you. "i love you, don't forget that. i love you, i'm sorry, and i don't know what i'd do without you and dillion in my life. if i'm out of the house when he wakes up, tell him i love him too, okay?"
"mary, where are you going?" you asked her.
"for a walk love, go up to bed," mary told you. she didn't move until you were gone, but you could hear the front door shut from the bedroom. this wasn't by any means the night you had envisioned for yourself when you woke up that morning, but you knew that your relationship needed some space. all you could do was hope that you'd see mary in the morning when you woke up.
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OP smutty headcanons
Warnings: ⚠️no minors pls ⚠️
Just some fun headcanons I have for some of the OP men ☠️
OP men: Zoro, Sanji, Law and Luffy.
pt. 2
Roronoa Zoro:
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- he’s gonna be rough with you (are you really surprise???)
- but his aftercare is actually thoughtful. If thoughtful means getting you a wet nap to clean up and putting you to bed because he practically ruined your body
-he’s gonna be smirking pridefully when he sees you walking funny the next day
- degrading (receiving) tell him you think mihawk would be a better lover or that sanji’s stamina is stronger - he’s gonna be so pissed but he’s gonna dick you down harder. Call him weak and you’re done for, might as well save up for a new pussy.
- oral (receiving) he’s gonna sit back and relax while you do the work. Arms crossed again his chest the entire time, he’s not gonna let you know he’s enjoying himself -that’s for weak men.
- thigh kink: his favorite way to watch you get off is by riding his enormous thighs and you’re eyes have to be on him the whole time.
Black Leg Sanji:
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- Praise kink (receiving) tell him what a good boy he is!
- Hand kink (giving) he only uses his hands for two things - cooking and fingering you until your juices are all over his fingers.
- Food Play (giving) he wants to feed you chocolate covered strawberries while fucking you. If you allow it, can he please lick chocolate off your nipples???
- Nipple sucking (giving) His favorite thing is to lay his head upon your lap, your fingers in his hair as he sucks on your nipples. He can cum in his pants if allowed enough time. He got mommy issues yall.
- Missionary King: he wants to see your face at all times and he wants to treat you like a Queen. And queens don’t have to lift a finger! He’s gonna take good care of you and make sure you cum first before him.
- Aftercare includes cleaning you up himself, drawing a bath for you and making sure you have enough food and water.
Trafalgar D. Water Law:
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- you have to take the lead, he’s kinda shy….
- but once the ball gets rolling…he tends to be a little more assertive but polite. “Is this fine?” He’ll asks when he starts to move faster in you.
- he can’t handle how cute you look when he’s inside you that he asks if you guys can do doggy style instead. He can’t focus, so that’s his favorite position.
- he’s needy and stalks you around the ship. He won’t outright say it but he’s always down to fuck. Or maybe some foreplay? He has no problem sending you two to his room with his power, he can have you naked on his bed in seconds!
- praise kink (giving/receiving) he likes when you tell him how good he’s making you feel and in return, he will (under his breath, he’s shy!) how good you make him feel.
- aftercare includes telling you to use the restroom right after. He’s a doctor ya’ll he doesn’t want you to get a UTI. But then he’ll beckon you back to the bed because he likes to cuddle. Cuddling is mandatory for at least thirty minutes. He’s the big spoon.
Monkey D. Luffy:
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- he’s a little complicated, but he’s an eager lover.
- he’s a “I need it now and I don’t care where we’re at or whose around” kinda guy. There’s been enough times where the rest of the crew has come to recognize the look in his eye and quickly leave the two of you alone.
- he likes eating…so eating you out is his favorite thing to do. His head digs into your thighs and he acts like he hasn’t eaten all day. “You taste really good!”
- praise kink (receiving/giving) tell him he’s gonna be the king of the pirates and he’ll do whatever you want. Every time you make him cum, he always is thankful and rewards you with a kiss and a pat on the head. But you tell him he needs to do more than that! He does lol
- his stamina lasts forever. He can raw dog you for hours if you allowed it but most of the time you have to beg him to finish - your body can’t handle it!
- aftercare really is just him bringing food for you and him to eat in bed. Then a really long nap, his arms wrapped around you - even if you wanted to leave, you couldn’t!
Send me more characters to headcanon!
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eyelessfaces · 4 months
I don't love you like I did yesterday
poe dameron x reader
summary: it’s not because he, poe dameron, gives you more attention and affection than your own boyfriend ever will that you are in love with him — loosely inspired by this post.
warnings: angst, complicated relationships, love triangle?, mentions of marriage, break up, refusing a proposal, internal conflict, doubting your relationship, emotional infidelity? if that's a thing, alcohol consumption. reader wears a dress at some point
tags: f!reader, I don't wanna spoil too much and don't read this if you don't want to be but; mutual pining, love confessions, he fell first AND harder, fluff and,, more
word count: 5.6k
yes. mcr lyrics as a title. in 2024. I know. but don't look at me the lyrics strangely fit so,,
masterlist | taglist | ao3
updates blog: @eyelessupdates
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You don’t love him; you are almost sure of that. 
It’s not because you laugh at every single one of his stupid, lame jokes made just for you to laugh and because you blush everytime you catch him staring at you from across the room that you love him. 
It’s not because he, Poe Dameron, gives you more attention and affection than your own boyfriend ever will that you are in love with him.
It’s not because your boyfriend blames you for being too close to him that you are.
It’s not because you wish it would have been Poe down on one knee proposing to you that it is the reason you told Kass you’re not ready for this yet.
And it’s not because you question your situation every single night that it means you have to change anything about it. You should be happy with Kass. You are.
Yet, you wish you were certain of all of that.
It has been two days already, and the guilt keeps eating away at you, like a bacteria gnawing at your feelings, particularly starving for the reasonable part of you that knows you said no for your own well being. 
Kass makes it worse; the dark glances thrown at you whenever you bump into each other during the day and his lame excuses to ditch you whenever you want to talk to him make you feel like a monster, and though you know that it is exactly the way he wants you to feel, you can’t help it.
The situation is hard to swallow and bury deep in the back of your mind when you’re out on missions, and though you rarely ever get distracted because you know how important attention and concentration is in your job, the whirlwind of thoughts has been floating over the surface, and your focus has been off, you know it. And you’re not the only one who knows it.
Your head turns when you feel a light nudge at your arm, having dismissed Poe’s presence in your peripheral vision due to your distraction. His eyebrows raise when you look at him, and he gazes at you like the mist of your thoughts is still present over your face and he wants to shake you awake.
“You alright?” he asks before you look back at your squadron wrapping the mission equipment, setting it back in the ships.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, burying your hands in your pockets. You should feel alright. The mission went well despite your clear lack of attention, and you’ve given your life to the Resistance at this point, so you should be thankful that you succeed in most things you do in its name, right now even, considering the situation.
Poe looks down on the floor, kicking away a small rock there that dribbles down the hill. “You've always been an awful liar” he mutters under his breath, not buying it. 
“Right” you scoff, your head dropping to shake it. He looks back up at you and you can feel his insistent gaze upon you, which eventually makes you break. “I don’t wanna bother you with my stupid problems” 
He snorts, “Come on, you know I’m always here to listen to your stupid problems” he says playfully, nudging your arm with his elbow again. “That are often not that stupid actually” he adds. 
There’s a silence settling between the both of you, and right before Poe aborts and figures you don’t wanna talk about it, you sigh. “Kass proposed.”
“Oh” the sound slips from his mouth, and accurately represents his surprise, his voice dropping a bit from the shock. He doesn’t know what to say, not really. This situation would have been on the list of things he would have never expected or even considered to happen. 
This eventuality had never, ever occurred to him somehow, not yet, and now, all at once, the fear creeps in and becomes real; he is going to have to watch you get married, going to have to sit there amongst guests, he’s going to have to watch you be happy with someone else than him.
But he wants you to be happy, with or without him, so he will watch. It isn’t like he has the choice, anyways.
He lightly clears his throat, trying to dismiss the tight knot starting to form there, and smiles. The worst thing about it is the fact that it is genuine, he is truly happy for you. You deserve this.
Maybe Kass doesn’t, though. He doesn't deserve you. You’re too good for a half assed mechanic like him that, from a professional point of view, fucks up too often to still be there; but from what Poe hears around, it tends to be the same on other levels than just the professional one.
“Well, that’s great! Congrats,” his half cheerful voice wavers a little, but you don’t seem to notice as your lips form a polite smile that slightly turns perplexed, uncomfortable. “What’s wrong about that” he asks now, concerned when he sees your frown. 
Your teeth graze your bottom lip. “I said no.”
“Oh” he watches as you raise your eyebrows, nodding. “I’m sorry” he adds. “I mean–”
“Yeah” you exhale.
That is the real question. Why? Why wouldn’t you want to marry your boyfriend you are supposed to be in love with? Why did you feel so awful at the feeling of his hand over yours when he shot the question?
“I don’t–” you start, thoughts running around your head. You’re not really sure about what you want to say, you’re not even precisely sure why you said no. There were so many reasons, but you couldn’t pick the exact one. “I think I’m not ready.”
Poe doesn't say anything. You stay there upon the small hill you watch your respective teams from. They’re almost done putting everything back.
You think you want to cry. You’re not really sure why. You think you want to dig a hole in that hill and stay hidden there for the rest of time.
“Poe, I don't think I wanna spend the rest of my life with him.” you mutter, looking ahead as if your confession would make you feel less guilty if you didn’t look your friend in the eye. “Is that wrong?” you ask as you turn to him. 
“Yeah, well I don’t blame you” he scoffs, and you do too, knowing how Poe feels about Kass. 
You should have known, it should have been a sign. Poe is kind, compassionate, and when he doesn’t like someone, it is because he has reasons to.
“That’s not wrong.” he continues, his tone serious now. “It would have been wrong if you said yes even though you knew damn well you didn’t want to marry him” he nods. “It's not the end of the galaxy if you said no. He'll get over it”
“Yeah” you sigh. “He keeps acting like it's my fault”
“Really?” he asks, raising an eyebrow in astoundment. He shouldn’t be surprised.
“Yeah. He avoids me and sends me death glares like I murdered his family or something” you snort, realizing the stupidity of it all now that you say it out loud. Kass has always been somehow childish, but this exceeds everything you could expect from him.
“Wow okay” Poe shakes his head, a small exhale of desperation escaping his mouth before he speaks again. “Well, you know how I feel about him, sweetheart.”
“I know” you confirm, sending him a weak smile. He answers you with a pinched one, and as your squad finishes their tasks and starts to gather together, Poe reaches out and squeezes your shoulder reassuringly before turning to join them.
He turns back to you quickly, “You know what? My squadron is having drinks on Coruscant tonight to have some fun before we leave for the week. You should join us” 
You nod and watch him go, and feel the need to take one fat fucking breath before eventually joining everyone else.
Even though it is almost dry by now, the stain over your dress is still ridiculously visible. If the girl that had spilled it over you earlier hadn’t profusely apologized for it you would have most likely have had a go at her because of the awful mental state you were in – you were yourself surprised to notice how blatantly dismissive and weary you had been of that incident – it had been nothing compared to the past few days you just had. 
Poe looks over at you, your gaze planted onto your glass of Black Hole as your fingers absentmindedly drum against the table; your choice of drink says it all, and though you might want to get properly drunk, Poe is strictly against it if it means you plan on moping all night long. He finishes his drink, planting a hand over your shoulder as he leans closer to you.
“Wanna go dance now?” Poe shouts in your ear, trying to overlap the loud music blasting. You scoff and shake your head, “I’m not really in the mood”
“That's exactly why we need to,” he affirms with his usual charismatic grin as he takes a hold of your hand and pulls you to the middle of the room anyway. “Come on!” you give in when you realize he’s not really asking, dragging you through the crowd. “You know I'm leaving tomorrow morning, you owe me a dance”
“Okay” you laugh as you put your hands over his shoulders, his coming to rest at either side of your waist. 
You move stiffly at first, your eyes rolling playfully when Poe gives way more energy into it than you do, and despite yourself, you start to smile, and make an effort to match his energy.
Poe spins you around, his movements confident as he tries to cheer you up. "Just follow my lead, okay?" he says, his voice warm and encouraging. He twirls you under his arm smoothly, and you can’t help but laugh as he dips you dramatically, catching you with ease; he’s intimidatingly close to your face before he leans to your ear. “See? I’m not an awful dancer”
“Is there even something you’re not good at at this point,” you rhetorically ask as you both stand straight again, the movement making your head spin a little because of the alcohol. 
“Following orders, probably” he jokes, still swaying with you. You laugh and let your forehead rest over his shoulder, your eyes shutting as you take a deep breath; it might have been the only moment in those past few days where you genuinely let go of all your worries.
“Hey, we should go outside, it’s hot in here. And loud” Poe proposes as you both still sway, his hand gently cradling your back.
“Sure” you nod with a smile. “Wait– I’ll join you there, I’m gonna get us drinks”
There’s a grin plastered over his face and a glint in his eyes as he glances at you when you join him outside, your drinks in hands. The cool night air is a welcome change from the overwhelming warmth inside the cantina.
“What?” you scoff, looking down at yourself, trying to figure out the reason behind his amused expression.
“Nothing” he shrugs off, taking his drink from you, but not before you catch the way his eyes linger on you.
“It’s the stain, isn’t it” you whine and sigh as you pull at the fabric of your dress to observe it. “Didn’t realize it looked that stupid”
He giggles as his mouth is still full of his drink. “It’s stylish” he admits with a cheeky grin.
You scoff and roll your eyes, your giggle fading as you both take a sip of your drinks, the silence between you comfortable as the muffled hum of the cantina’s activity buzzes just behind you. Then, out of nowhere, just as you’re about to talk again, Poe breathes out your name, his expression changing, becoming more serious as you glance at him expectantly.
“I’m in love with you.” he blurts out, like words are falling out of his mouth from being held there for too long. 
You huff out a laugh. “No,” you laugh, the taste of your drink still warm in your throat. You frown a bit when you notice he doesn't waver, doesn't flinch, doesn't drop his expression to admit this is some kind of joke now that he knows it's not working on you. 
“Yes I am” he declares, as serious as he is when he needs to be in his job.
You chuckle, still not fully believing what he's saying. “Are you drunk Poe?” 
“Wha– no– no I’m not” he frowns, his eyebrows knitting together in earnest. “I mean it. I'm in love with you.” he affirms, his eyes searching yours with a seriousness that makes your heart skip a beat.
You pause, taken aback by the tone of his voice – he's sincere, he's not playing around. “You can’t.”
“I know.” he declares with a nod, his gaze never leaving yours. “I just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore” he admits as his expression softens. “I don’t want this to ruin our relationship” he says, his voice calmer now. “And I know you can’t feel the same” he nods, “And that’s okay.” 
You pinch your lips together. You're not sure what to say. You nod eventually, acknowledging it all, processing his declaration. “Well” you say finally, your voice barely louder than a whisper. “I, uh, I’ll go get another drink.”
Your glass is still mostly full.
Poe nods, swallowing with difficulty as he watches you turn and head back inside.
The sounds of laughter as you enter the cantina again make you sick to your stomach.
This went awful. He didn’t expect any less. He didn’t expect anything in the first place; his impulsiveness finally got the best of him.
Having to swallow it down and play it like it didn’t happen felt more humbling than every time he has had to admit he made a mistake. Jessika’s story about the maintenance issues with her X-wing is slowly starting to blur, and Poe isn’t even sure she’s still on that topic of that – at this point – one sided discussion, as he can’t help but glance over at you, talking to Karé until he eventually realizes you aren’t there with him anymore. 
“Poe!” Jessika scolds him, making him turn back to her. She sighs, “You’re not even listening”
“Sorry” he apologizes, looking around the room to figure out if you’re still there. “I gotta go, keep that story for later” he nods, patting her shoulder before turning away.
“I just finished telling it,” she huffs out in disbelief, Poe’s repeated apology fading with the music as he disappears through the crowd.
You’re not in the cantina, not anymore. Karé tells him you went out for fresh air, and he finds you on the flight of stairs on the side of the building, hidden from everyone.
"I was looking for you," he halts– you're crying; you're there, sitting on the stairs, looking up from where you were hiding your face in your hands crying. "What's wrong?" he asks, his voice wavering with surprise; he thought you were having a good night despite everything, having fun with Karé, he thought he had been able to make you forget about your problems for a moment. But no, and he obviously knows what’s wrong, because he managed to fuck it all up by confessing his feelings for you without thinking about it twice.
You pinch your lips, trying to repress new tears as you wipe away the ones rolling down your face. "Nothing," you mumble, shaking your head. "It's alright."
Poe sighs softly, walking up to you and sitting down with you. 
He softly nudges your shoulder with his own, “You're rocking that stain,” he says, a small grin over his face. “For what it’s worth, you could even rock a First Order suit, so,” he smiles as he watches you laugh between sniffles. “You don't have to worry about that.”
He sighs, and his tone grows more serious. "I'm sorry I said everything I said. I shouldn't have burdened you with my feelings" he admits. His voice is filled with regret. He should have kept that for himself, for now anyway. “I was caught up in the moment and I didn’t realize it would hurt you more. It was stupid. It was unfair to you." his voice weakens. He looks back at your face. You blink your tears away silently. “I do realize it was possibly the worst moment I could choose to tell you this” 
Poe gently wipes your tears away, before they can reach the bottom of your face.
“I don’t expect anything back from you, you don’t have to worry about that. This doesn’t have to change anything about us”
He kisses your cheek before leaving.
If you had to point out positive points about your indirect fight with Kass following his proposal, the fact that you weren’t living with him would be one of them.
The silence in your quarters alone was surely more bearable than the silence that would fill the space if he were there with you, you were sure of that.
And even if it’s been three days already since you rejected his proposal, you have barely talked to him despite going out of your way to try to; he has been hurt by your rejection, and he is keen on making you understand.
You can’t help but wonder if you would have been happier if you had said yes; maybe it would have been easier and maybe you wouldn’t feel so bad even though you still wouldn’t want to marry him, even if it is exactly the way Kass wants you to feel. Maybe saying yes would have been the right decision, after all, and maybe you would be set about your feelings for good with the prospect that you would allegedly spend the rest of your life with him.
Then there's Poe, his words. 
Poe and his words that keep rolling around your head over and over again no matter what you’re doing and no matter what time of the day it is; those about the confession of his love towards you, and those that assured you that Kass would get over your rejection, that it’s not the end of everything, not the end of your relationship with him even if right now, it seems like a deadlock. 
And almost as if it was staged, Kass steps through your door.
“Hey,” he speaks, hands in his pockets. You repeat the same thing quietly, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to say anything, apologize maybe. He looks around your place before chuckling, pointing and walking over to the table. “It’s just– I forgot my gloves last time I came here and I need them”
“Oh, so that’s it.” you snort darkly, following him close. 
“Yeah, that’s it.” he mutters nonchalantly as he picks up the pair. “What do you even mean” he frowns as he turns back at you, shoving his gloves in his jacket pocket. 
“I mean you've been avoiding me all week and you think it's okay to casually come here just to pick up your stupid pair of gloves?”
“Well, they’re still mine, so” he shrugs. “And again, what do you want me to do” 
You frown. “I don’t know, maybe apologize for your attitude for these past few days first. You’ve been childish”
“I’m childish? You’re the one who’s not ready for marriage.”
You chuckle in disbelief, “Yeah well, I’m sorry for not wanting assured long term with someone that behaves the way you do.” you say, looking at him in the eyes though you would rather be looking everywhere but here at the moment. 
“You know,” you start, readjusting your position onto your feet. “I’ve been wondering, asking myself all of those questions, what was wrong with me for rejecting you.” he looks at you, hand still stuck in his pocket, waiting for you to make your point.
“And that’s what you wanted, right? But the one thing I really asked myself was ‘Why did he even propose’, because you don’t even care that much about me, so I don’t understand” you shake your head. “You shouldn’t have asked the question if you weren’t ready for the other answer”
He sighs, eyebrows raising slightly as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, I shouldn’t have asked at all, you’re right.” he scoffs. “I realized that, and I should have realized when we started to drift away” you frown softly, waiting for him to continue. You’re not sure what he truly means beyond that. “I asked you to marry me to be sure”
“Sure of what”
He chuckles and huffs out your name like what he means to say is evident; “You’re in love with Poe” his eyes soften, his expression relaxing as yours hardens. “Don’t try to tell me otherwise or I’ll go crazy” he laughs nervously.
“Look, I get it. He looks pretty damn close to perfect. But you should have done something about it. I shouldn’t have been the one to realize it.” he says. You sigh softly, taken aback. “This is why I’ve been avoiding you. To try to come to terms with it. Accept it.” 
Knowing this is the reason Kass proposed somehow makes it simultaneously better and worse. But he’s right; he’s fucking right, you’re in love with Poe and that is exactly why you were crying on those stairs the night before Poe left for his mission, maybe it is time to face it for good and to stop trying to convince yourself that you’re just confused because of everything that has been happening in your relationship lately.
“I’m sorry” your voice is poisoned by guilt. If it feels awful for you, it must be even worse for him. He scratches his forehead awkwardly, not really knowing what to say to you. “I tried to deny it to keep it fair for you. But I think you’re right.” admitting it to him, the man you’re supposed to be with and have feelings for feels even worse than having to realize it yourself. “I’m sorry Kass.”
Kass pinches his lips in a defeated smile, “I can’t hold you back.” he huffs out in evidence. “He is too” he adds after a pause. “In love with you, I mean. It’s so blatantly obvious” 
You scoff, shaking your head. “I know” 
“So you can work this out” he declares with a weak smile. “I won’t be an asshole about it” he mumbles. “I should be angry but I’ve tried to accept it for a while.”
You nod, somehow grateful he is so understanding, feeling sorry that it’s been so transparent for him for so long. Not everyone would let it play like this. "Thank you, Kass."
He nods in return before sighing deeply, the weight of the past few days lifting slightly from his shoulders. “I wish you well. I mean it”
You nod again, tears welling up in your eyes. “You too.”
Your heart tightens when his look lingers over you before he turns away and exits your quarters; both relief and guilt weigh over you, and the silence that fills your room now feels much different than before.
You don’t love him; you are sure of that. It feels wrong and even though you still feel some sort of affection towards him, you’re not sure you can be friends anymore given how you left things off.
On the other side, when Poe hops off his X-Wing ladder after a week of being away, you don't know how to act around him anymore. You don’t know if you should go ahead and tell him everything you’ve ever wanted to tell him or if you should just pick the opposite option and avoid him as much as possible to try to ease your conscience a little. 
And you do. You busy yourself with work as much as possible, avoiding running into him as much as possible, but eventually, he doesn’t really give you a choice. 
“Are we okay? You didn’t even welcome me back. It’s been four days” it hasn’t even been twenty seconds since the meeting ended; the meeting you spent all your time trying to focus on instead of him. 
His stupid flight suit is opened in a way that reveals his gray tank top and lets the chain around his neck slightly peek, and suddenly nothing about the First Order supply depot infiltration matters anymore. 
“We are. I was busy” you affirm – you’re technically not lying. Though you were keeping yourself busy on purpose.
“I bet you were”
You frown. “Hey what do you m–”
“Kass talked to me.” he dodges. 
“Oh” your voice drops, the idea of that scene so unnatural. “What did he say”
He shrugs slightly. “I think you know” 
That’s a good thing they talked, somehow, no matter how much the idea terrifies you. It lifts a weight off your shoulders to know you won’t have to explain to Poe how you left things off with Kass, because you would almost rather get interrogated by the First Order than have to think about it again. “He was pretty mature about it, I’ll give him credit for that.” Poe affirms with a grin, causing you to huff out a laugh. “He also said he's resigning from the Resistance. ‘Says it has nothing to do with you, he's been thinking about it for a while” he nods with a pinch of his lips.
“Oh, okay” your eyebrows raise in surprise. “Well, ships will suddenly do better magically” 
He snorts. “I’m just glad I never let him take care of mine. I think Jess was complaining about that the other day” you laugh, and he smiles at you endearingly as he watches you. “So, are we okay?” he asks more seriously, though a faint smile lingers over his face.
“Yeah, yeah, we are.” you nod, weakly smiling back at him. “It’s just been a rough couple of weeks” you admit as he gives you an empathetic smile in response.
“I know what I want but I don’t know if I’m ready,” you eventually declare cautiously, not wanting to hurt him or make him feel like you're trying to push him away. “It has all gone so fast and I think I want things to slow down a bit.” he nods understandingly before being obliged to turn when someone in the briefing room calls his name; he holds his hand up to have them wait and rests that same hand over your shoulder when he turns back to you, his gaze holding yours.
“Look– I don’t want you to jump right into this if you’re not a hundred percent sure about it.”  he declares with as much conviction he has when he fights for what’s right.
“This is my thing– to jump head first into everything. That's why I acted the way I did the other night. And it was stupid considering the situation and some part of you probably hates me for it somehow so you have to be smarter about this” he insists. “And I know you will be. And even if it’s in one week or one year or five, I can handle it”
“Okay,” you mutter feebly, his firm gaze over you making your stomach flutter.
He turns back and glances at the person who was calling for him earlier, turning back to you. He hesitates, looking like he wants to say more but is unsure if he should.
“Alright. I got stuff to take care of” he eventually says with a faint sigh, like being teared out of that conversation with you physically hurts him.
“Okay Commander” you grin teasingly. He smiles and kisses the top of your head, your hand instinctively resting over his arm despite your decision to maintain some distance for the moment. 
"You know where to find me if you need anything," he says quietly, his hand lingering on your shoulder for a moment longer before he steps away.
You’re still not sure what you really want as you watch him walk away, sending easy smiles to his peers as he reviews details with them for the next mission. 
You think about it all over again, as you remain here in the back of the room, leaning against the wall; the way he looked at you, the understanding in his eyes, his patience and willingness to wait – it all seems so easy with him that jumping right in suddenly doesn’t make you so afraid anymore.
The sky isn’t particularly clear tonight. One could have picked a more scenic place to come rest to, one where clouds wouldn’t be covering D’Qar’s two moons like a thin, old veil ripped to shreds.
Poe turns at the unexpected sound of boots ruffling against the grass, a small smile growing over his face when you grunt softly as you sit down next to him.
“You lied when you said I’d know where to find you, because I’ve looked for you everywhere before finally finding you out there” you sigh softly, drawing a laugh out of him, his eyes crinkling softly.
He shrugs, “You still found me, so I technically didn't lie” he says with a smile.
“You've got a point,” you huff out, settling beside him. The air is cool, cooler than it has been those past few days. You can’t help your lips turning into a smile as Poe's face softly glows in the faint light of both moons, his gaze gentle as he looks over at you.
His eyes twinkle with amusement when he talks again, interrupted when you shift to press your lips to his, his words quickly lost on both of you. His voice fades into a small sigh against your mouth as his hand immediately, almost instinctively cups the side of your face. Your hands grip the lapel of his shirt tightly, gently pulling him closer to deepen the kiss; Poe’s chuckle vibrates against your lips as you pull away, a slight flush visible over his cheeks.
“What is this?” he asks amused, the look of surprise genuine over his face. This goes against everything you told him you wanted with him for now.
“This is me being smarter about this, being the bigger person.” you affirm in an attempt to sound confident, but you’re still slightly out of breath, your heart racing.
Poe looks at you with a teasing, feigned impressed expression before he goes in and kisses you back, the press of his lips soft yet firm against yours. 
Everything around you seems to fade away as you make out for a beat, losing yourselves in this, the soft breeze of the evening tickling both of your faces though your face heats up even more when his thumb traces your cheek.
When he finally pulls back, Poe's hand is quick to find your own, his fingers fiddling and lacing with yours, his gaze on you still intense. “So much for going slow, huh?”
You chuckle, “Yeah, fuck that” you reply with a grin, feeling lighter than you have in weeks.
You both fall silent for a while; it is rare for Poe Dameron to not run his mouth for longer than a few minutes, but the back and forth of his thumb over your hand and your head leaning over his shoulder seems to be enough for him at this moment.
You shatter the silence the moment the question crosses your mind. “What would you have done if I actually married him?”
He takes a deep breath, like the weight of the question takes a toll on him.
He smirks, “This would have probably made me join the First Order” he jokes in an attempt to lighten the mood. You huff out a laugh. 
“Honestly?” he asks, his tone serious now. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t really know. What would have been the best option? The least worst? “I don’t know. But I would have skipped the wedding for sure.” you softly smile at him with a look of compassion, momentarily rendered speechless by his revelation. 
He pinches his lips in a weak, beaten smile as he clearly pictures the scene in his mind again, just the way he did when you announced to him that Kass had proposed before eventually telling him you had refused. “Sorry. it would have hurt my poor loverboy heart way too much” he scoffs light heartedly though it’s barely a joke, just the truth.
“Well, next time I get married you’ll be the first person I invite” you promise with a light nudge at him, your hand reassuringly squeezing his.
“Next time huh?” he retorts with a playful smile, one that you mirror before the gentle push of his lips renders you breathless again. “Not if I invite you first sweetheart,” he jokes with one last kiss, your laugh barely audible.
Poe’s thumb traces circles on the back of your hand when he notices your gaze is there now, a faint smile remaining over your face. “Hey” he calls, urging you to look up at him. “One day at the time, okay?” he cocks his head forward, his voice barely above a whisper. “We don’t have to figure everything out right now.”
There’s no rush with him, no doubt, just the certainty that whatever happens, it will seem like the easier thing in the world; 
Because you love him; you are sure of that.
any and every comment is greatly appreciated!!
star wars taglist: @lockleysgrl @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @anightshift @whatthefishh @dameronshandholder @campingwiththecharmings @mintgreen24 @spider-starry @jakecockley @cocodiem @spxctorsslxt @friedwings @luxisluxurious @stvnnie @dowbastan @il0vebeingdelulu @hammerhead96 @unear7hly @pigeonmama
also tagging people who seemed interested in this from the post related to this, please ignore me if you actually don't care<3 @lotusbxtch @piptoost @klillaah @lounilu @moonpascal
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theglamorousferal · 4 months
Persephone's Binding Part 2
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(Things get a bit angsty here for a bit, but don't worry, it gets back to some of the cracky-goodness!)
After allowing himself to relax for a bit and actually letting his muscles loosen for once, Jason rose from the bath and rinsed himself off under a piping hot and strong shower. He finished the rinse off with a flash of cold water to focus back up and made his way to the vanity where there was basic hotel amenities. He attempted to style his hair and after at least drying it, pulled on the fluffiest robe he has felt since he first moved into the manor all those years ago.
Fuck. The family. The Outlaws...
Jason put his face in both his hands and took a deep breath, then allowed his shoulders to slump as he dragged his hands from his face to his sides. He marched in a lazy manor over to the end of the large bed where he flopped face down. Surprisingly, it wasn't as fluffy as he was expecting and he silently thanked whatever force there was that he wouldn't have to resort to sleeping on the floor or a chair for the familiarity. Though, he turned his head to face the windows, that little reading nook looks like I could easily fall asleep there.
No, stop it. Do I remember the Dimensional Code for home?
Jason contemplated. On one hand, it could be useful, on the other, they could have an entirely different category system here. He spent the next however long trying to remember the dimensional code for his Earth and tracing the swirls of purples and greens out the large windows. A knock startled him.
"Jason? Are you decent?" He stood quickly and pulled the robe tighter together, not quite ready to show his autopsy scars to his soul-owner? A literal goddess? He wasn't quite sure what she was yet.
"Uh, yes, come in, I'm covered." He tried to stand casually next to the bed when he had just been sitting, his hands now in his pockets.
"Hi, so one of my aides figured one thing out about the ritual that is somewhat concerning and also something I probably also should have brought up. Mind if we sit at the window?" She strode in and settled herself with a pillow against the window and waited for him to do the same. Once he was settled, she hesitated for a moment before sighing and looking out the window to the haunting site outside.
"The Infinite Realms has another name, one coined from my Earth." She licked her lips before she spoke again. "It's also known as the Ghost Zone. As the dimension between dimensions, it is also where beings known as ghosts, the Restless Dead, Neverborn, Gods, and all sorts of other beings that thrive off a substance known as ectoplasm reside. As such, I am current Queen Regent of Ghosts." She let him think for a moment before turning to him. "That means I can tell when someone is death-touched." Jason froze. "I didn't mention it before because I know it's super personal, but then my aide figured out that the ritual only worked because of the fact you are and especially since you had spent time here-" She cut herself off as his eyes just bugged out larger with every word that spilled from her lips. "Sorry, I just, I'm death-touched too. I haven't died yet, but I have been around death magic, or radiation, or whatever it is, since before conception. I don't know exactly what you went through, but I know it was deeply traumatic. I can have my healers take a look at your soul and see if it's alright because it kinda radiates a bit how traumatic it was." She bit her lip with one hand raised near her chin.
Jason closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and clenching his jaw tight and blowing the air harshly out his nose. He fell back against the window, allowing his head to knock against the glass. It was warm, as though the sunlight was gently shining upon it. "Yeah." He croaked. "Yeah, I died." He said softer. "I was dead for roughly six months." He dipped his head forward to block his face with his bangs. "Crawled outta my own grave." He laughed bitterly. "Spent a while wandering, a while more in a coma." He swallowed tickly. "Got picked up by my dad's vindictive ex and trained for a while to be an assassin." He looked up at her, making eye contact. "She dunked me in this pit of magic shit, we call it a Lazarus pit in my dimension. It cures those near death and kills the healthy. Fixed me up the rest of the way, or at least the scars and issues I had pre-death. I got to keep these." He allowed the top of the robe to fall away, showing the tops of the large y-shaped scar that ran the length of his torso. She gasped, both hands coming to cover her mouth, tears began to form in her eyes. She reached out as if to touch them and stopped herself, her face turning determined.
"I, Jazmine Nightingale, High Queen Regent of the Infinite Realms, the Mediator, the Caretaker, and all those other titles." She waved her wrist. "Declare that I will help you however you deem necessary. Whether that be helping your soul, returning you to your dimension, breaking this binding, or whatever. You are currently bound to you, and as such that makes you my responsibilities." She paused in her speech for a moment, thinking. "I mean, you're already technically one of my subjects because I think you qualify as one of the Restless Dead, but we'll figure out your classification when we take you to a healer. For now, it has been a long day. I will have one of my aides come to get your measurements for some clothes, I'm sure we have some around here somewhere that should fit you at least for dinner. The aides can get any style you like and it can be made quickly by the seamstresses we have on staff." At his hesitation she added with a smile, "They work in supernatural means, they will not overwork themselves by making an entire wardrobe in a few hours."
She patted the cushion in front of her and stood. "I will meet you at dinner, it's not formal at all, don't worry about dressing fancy, I'm just still in this getup from 'official queen stuff'" she said with air quotes looking tired. "I'll see you in a bit Jason!"
"Yes, um, your majesty." He stood to bow, the robe making it a bit difficult."
"Just Jazz please, for the love of the Ancients." She said with a pained look on her face.
"Right, sorry," he stammered, straightening, "See you later, Jazz." She smiled softly before leaving him to himself. He smacked his hand to his face groaning at himself before flopping face-first into the bed again. "She's the ruler of the dead and she's so determined and nice, what the actual hell? She's so earnest, it's so cute!" he sat up leaning his elbow on his knee. "Okay, operation Romance Plot is go. She isn't put off by the fact you died, this is good, I can work with this. Okay, so castle, let's go with that aesthetic. I'm thinking let's go with a poet shirt and some black slacks for dinner tonight." He claps his hands in front of him, decision made.
As if summoned by his words, there was another knock at the door. A man with bright sky blue skin and a deep plum butler's uniform opened the door, a measuring tape casually thrown over his shoulders.
"Yes, hello good sir. What aesthetic are we thinking for this evening?" he said in a posh accent.
Jason clasped his hands together. "What should I call you? Would you possibly have a poet's shirt and a pair of black formal slacks for this evening?"
"You may call me Jeeves. Yes that Jeeves. I am the personification of the trope of the helpful butler, and as such my power set includes anything and everything that could help me complete the duties of head butler of the High Family's home. We absolutely do have that attire on hand, it would be but a moment for someone to fetch it for us. Now did you have any ideas about future attire?" Jeeves snapped his fingers and a skeleton manifested in a swirl of dust to obey his silent command to gather the requested clothing.
Jason paused for a moment, considering. "How does the Queen usually dress casually around the castle? I know she said she was from an Earth. I don't know where in the timeline her Earth is from and she mentioned that what she was wearing earlier was mostly for special occasions, so I don't want to look like an idiot." He explained.
"Very good sir, she typically dresses in either a less formal toga if she's to be seen anywhere near the public areas of the castle, her armor whilst sparring with her knights, the High Princes and Princess, and if she is only going between her room and study then her far less formal Earth clothing which is a long sleeved blouse and lightwash jeans, typical of the late 1990's and early 2000's."
Jason thought for a moment. He didn't know how long he would be stuck here, but decided that clothes enough to last a fortnight should work. For all he knew, time flowed differently between here and his home dimension. Decision made, he told the butler what he wanted. Measurements were taken, the skeleton arrived with the requested clothes and Jason was left to change into his clothes for the evening. He still is wearing his combat boots because he forgot to ask for a pair of shoes.
Once changed, he realized that he still probably had a bit before dinner and he walked over to one of the bookshelves browsing the titles. There were several classics that he recognized, his favorite, Pride and Prejudice, was there. There were a few as well with Jane Austen's name, but not titles he recognized. He decided to come back to those later and pulled what looked like a collection of fairy tales from the shelf then settled himself lounging in the window nook to read for the next few hours.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
A short while ago you mentioned fic on AO3 that was written in the “AO3 style”, or something to that effect. I was wondering if you could elaborate on what that means/is?
Oh god. This topic comes around every 6 months or so. Others should feel free to help me out here, but basically...
A lot of fanfic sounds like the other fanfic and other stuff that the same communities consume. In a given era and sector of fandom, that leads to a samey style. It often has a lot of overlap with a specific sector and era of genre fiction with a heavy dose of watches-tv-does-not-read-books elements on top.
AO3 House Style is relatively similar to the height of LJ Western slash fandom. Other fanfic styles are often similar but start showing other influences the more distant you get.
There are some major strains, not always in the same works:
Transparent genre fiction prose that doesn't call too much attention to itself. It's there to convey plot, not make you notice the language qua language. You'll see something similar in, say, a Mercedes Lackey novel (along with the terrible editing and protagonist centered morality that are also common in fic, haha).
YA boom era YA vibes.
Kind of forced "snark" and samevoice from many characters in a way that tells you the author spent a little too much time watching Buffy.
World building and complex thriller/mystery/etc. plots that actually work typically take a back seat to pining, angst with a happy ending, and other more ship-focused, character interaction-focused, and emotions-focused things. The general idea of a mystery, vampire AU, etc. is often present, but it's more of a backdrop. (Depends on the part of fandom though!)
Huge focus on the internal psychological and emotional state of characters.
Lots of hurt/comfort, both physical and emotional.
Lots of serialized work that shows the traces of being written that way (dangling plot threads, inflated word count, returning to similar plot points in a way that wouldn't happen if the thing were completely written, revised, and then only posted serially).
Certain cliched phrases like "He smelled of __ and __ and something uniquely him", carding fingers through hair (thanks, commenters for researching this one a year or two ago and proving it's way more common in fic!), "Oh. Oh.", etc.
If the fic is more self-consciously literary, it's full of sentences that trail off to the point where you're almost not sure what actually happened.
Often lots of very short paragraphs and lots of scenes that are almost all dialogue
Frequently third person limited present tense. Some third person limited past tense. Less of other stuff unless you're looking at a fandom where canon is first person or you're looking at readerfic (which is on AO3 but is not really "AO3 House Style").
Honestly, some people would just say "sounds like fanfic", but if you go read primarily on SpaceBattles or something, you're going to find a lot of stories that don't sound quite the same as your prototypical AO3 fic.
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mysunshinetemptress · 6 months
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You see me
Leah Williamson x McCabe!Reader
Warnings: angst, feeling invisible, Leah’s ACL. Also I decided to split it into two parts this is a little background in part one part two is more your relationship development and then the downfall.
Leah wasn’t a mean person, she had never been mean to anyone in her life, until she met you the Arsenal signing who hadn’t had the opportunity to play for them in her first few seasons sent out on loan instead, Katie’s little sister, she was so mean to you though all because of a stupid bet your sister had made. Leah was doing the meanest thing she could possibly think of to you, you the quite and shy defender who only seemed to speak on the pitch, you who shied away from every fight on the pitch brought your way, you who was currently standing in front of her with tear stained cheeks as your eyes pricked with more fresh tears threatening to spill over, you who’s hands shook as you held on desperately to her present your signed Thierry Henry Arsenal jersey you had gotten as a kid. You whose eyes broke from their stare to look at Katie as she laugh “i mean come on pal hardly you actually thought that.” You who as Katie began laughing again surrounded by the Arsenal girls shoved the framed jersey into her hand quietly saying happy birthday as you turned to race out of the room. Leah was mean so mean to you a girl who didn’t deserve any of this. Amanda came pushing through the Arsenal girls before reaching her daughter “where is she off to then we are about to do the cake.” Leah turned to look at her mum cheeks blotchy and tears in her eyes “mum….i.”
You grew up one of the youngest of 11 kids, the younger sister of international footballer Katie McCabe and so the title of “Mini Mac.” Had been bestowed upon you when you first signed for Shelbourne FC. Only you where the complete opposite to your older sister quite, reserved and always ready to shy away from a fight on or off the pitch you could easily get lost in a crowd and often times that was the case. You knew growing up in a house with so many kids whether everyone was there or not you had to be loud to be seen but after so many years of trying as a little kid you got used to being quite and invisible and unsurprisingly that transferred into your football career and adult life.
You had made your senior debut for Ireland at 16 just three weeks before your 17th birthday and shortly after your older sister’s team Arsenal had come knocking looking to sign you in the summer transfer window. How could you pass on the opportunity to play for your childhood club, a top team in the WSL and better yet along side your ideal, your older sister.
But your career seemed to get stuck at Arsenal, getting loaned out after your first season of sitting on the bench wasn’t ideal and when you finally thought you would get to step out on to the pitch for your dream team you got loaned out again this time to Manchester United.
Manchester wasn’t always the best Marc Skinner ran a tight ship that often led to you feeling worse than before hiding away from his constant grief about the team not being good enough in your cubby became a norm, but at least you got to play a couple of games right ?. what you hadn’t expected was to be called back to your parent club. With news of Leah’s ACL tear hitting the media a few days later and her inevitable exit from the team so she can focus on recovery you some how still hadn’t expected to get a phone call from Jonas Eidevall informing you that Arsenal had requested your return to take Leah’s spot on the back line plus this time would be different you would get to play along side Katie for both club and country you would have someone who wouldn’t mind sitting with you just talking about random things.
Boy where you wrong, arriving at London Colony you where greeted with the medical staff who wanted to do a check before they let you in to train with the girls agreeing quickly as to get it over and done with you couldn’t help but tap your foot excitedly the thought of pairing up with your older sister in training and just laughing like you used to. Arriving into the changing room you turned looking for your sisters cubby spotting the shamrocks decor you smiled at the little sense of home no matter how cliche it was before setting your things into empty space beside her looking in at the photos that dawned the inside smiling at the family photo of all 11 of you before it waved as you spotted your face half cropped out of it only you knew it was you otherwise you wouldn’t have a clue who it was. You jumped slightly at the loud noise smiling at the familiar accent Turing to spot your older sister “Y/n.” You looked at all the other Arsenal girls smiling “hi.” Katie walked towards you eyebrows pinched together in confusion “wha ya doin here.” You looked at her confused this time “ I got called off loan I’m covering the centre back position.” The team looked at you confused “we don’t need another Centre Back Y/n we have Rafa, Lotte, Jen and Teyah.” You looked at Katie a little hurt at she brushed your position off of course you knew that Arsenal didn’t have a shortage of players that’s why you where sent on loan in the first place but now you where here to play for their senior squad for the first time at the age of 22 along side Katie and you couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t want you there “I know, but Jonas called me and he said that I would be taking over for Leah for the time being.” You were cut off by Jen “he said that to me and Lotte as well mate.” You felt delusional now of course you wouldn’t be the first choice not against Jens experience and Lottes longevity at Arsenal from being an academy player you where just Katie’s little sister the name on your back the reason you had gotten so far that’s what you had been told since your older brother Gary had you out playing in the road “oh yeah I’m probably just here to back up you guys then or maybe Steph I can play on the left.” Jen nodded moving to her cubby as the rest of the team dispersed “I’m really excited.” Katie looked at you eyebrows forward “why.” You smiled “I get to play along side you here, you know my dream club with my big sister I was actually wondering if you might want to….” Victoria made her way over jumping on to Katie’s back “partners for training.” You looked at the way Katie’s face lit up for the younger girl “who else would I be partners with.” Katie turned and began talking with the younger girl as you felt your heart sink you wanted to partner with Katie but just like at home when she would rather play with Lauryn or international duty and you could never drag her away from Rue or Louise.
You sighed walking back into the changing room taking off your boots before heading to the gym where you watched the girls separate into their groups as you headed over to the balance ball looking to start like you normally did at United. You couldn’t help look around at all the little cliques within the team and wonder if you would ever fit in, shaking your head you decided to try and stick with Katie you could at least count on her she was a built in buddy for crying out loud.
This happened for the first couple of weeks back at the Arsenal you following Katie and her friends around as you tried to fit into conversations or into training exercises but they never seemed to notice you often getting cut off or left to run a drill solo, match days were one of the worst getting dressed into your Arsenal shirt adrenaline kicking in as you hoped today would be the day you started or even got to come off the bench only to be met with a full 90 minutes of siting alone on the end of the bench freezing legs bouncing up and down.
Team nights weren’t any better often sitting alone just watching your teammates laugh trying to get in on the jokes and have a laugh but ultimately getting talked over again. You would often find yourself slipping out before food arrived.
Leah had been watching you over the past few weeks heartbreaking at the sight of your depleted emotions as you were either denied a conversation or training partner or the opportunity to represent Arsenal. Walking into the changing room Leah looked around smiling at you softly as you looked up catching her eyes as you tied your boots getting ready to head out for training “hey, we are having a team session at mine this weekend I was wondering what you eat from the Chinese to have it all ready.” You looked quite shocked at the older girl not once had someone approached you, you always had to put in the effort and asking what you wanted to eat at hers was even more shocking you knew you wouldn’t even last that long but the look on Leah’s face told you she wasn’t taking no for an answer “eh just some version of spicy noodles please.” Leah nodded smiling “cool it starts at 7 but come over whenever yeah.” You nodded smiling “thank you.” Leah squeezed your arm heading to the physio as you head out to train.
Arriving at Leah’s you texted Katie who you knew had already arrived telling her you were outside and asking her to get the door as the anxiety built at the thought of ringing the doorbell but after 20 minutes you decided you where just going to have to push it aside and knock. Instantly the door opened as Leah smiled at you happily “hey you made it.” You smiled sheepishly at her “yeah sorry I…. Is Katie here.” Leah looked at you worriedly as you picked at your hand “yeah over there.” You turned spotting your older sister before walking over “hi.” You felt stupid as no one not even your sister seemed to acknowledge you as you looked around for an empty seat before opting to stand in the doorway to the hall. Hours ticked by as you watched your teammates once again laugh and enjoy each others company as you stood awkwardly away moving whenever someone had to get past, sighing you set your drink on the table before heading to the door before you felt someone grab your hand “where you off to then.” You turned eyes landing on Leah as she smiled at you “me..oh..I…well I was going to head home.” Leah looked at you carefully “how about one drink with me and if you still want to leave after it then you can and I’ll see you on Sunday.” Looking at her quizzically “ok.” You were shocked at how quickly you agreed but followed the older girl as she laced her fingers with yours pulling you into the kitchen “right pretty girl what would you like to drink.” You looked at the drinks spread out in front of you before agreeing to a bottle of Heineken as Leah popped off the top handing it to you “you know for a McCabe you’re awfully quiet.” You smiled halfheartedly “I know, I….its just the way I am I guess” you paused “I tried to be..but when you get left out no matter how hard you try you sort of just I don’t know adapt to it ya know.” Leah smiled at you softly “well I think it’s rather refreshing I mean I know she’s your sister but Jesus Christ Katie’s worse then Tooney and that girls loud.” You let out a laugh as Leah’s eyes lit up she had never heard you laugh before and to make you laugh caused something to stir within her.
You both didn’t seem to notice the time as the girls crowded into the kitchen to say goodnight to their host as you looked at your phone looking back up you realised Leah had been swept away by your teammates as you put the empty bottle you had been nursing for the last four hours and slipped out the front door before heading home.
Team nights continued on like this, the girls sat laughing in each other’s sitting rooms while you and Leah talked about anything and everything in the kitchen laughing amongst yourselves. You couldn’t help but smile at the blonde the fluttering feeling in your stomach worsening the more you both did this at team bonding nights so much so it had spilled over to getting the fluttering feeling every time you saw the older girl.
Playing at Arsenal was improving too, you had been pushing your self harder than ever hoping for Jonas to notice and give you some minutes and finally it payed off.
You guys were set to play United and you couldn’t wait to see some of your old teammates especially Mary who had taken you under her wing when you joined on your loan.
Walking out for warm ups you began lightly running before being pulled into a rondo and then taking shots at Manu. You began to make your way inside when you heard your name being called before looking to the family and friend section seeing Leah smiling you waved sheepishly making your way back to the changing room. Jonas had barged in ten minutes before kick off stating a change to the line up “Y/n you’re starting on the left Steph is out she has a problem with her hamstring.” You looked at the older man surprised as you nodded standing to make your way to the tunnel.
After a tough match that ended in a draw you turned looking at your teammates breaking into groups as they began making their way to the away stand to thank the travelling fans before you felt someone jump on your back “Maca.” You laughed trying to shove her off “Maza get off me.” Laughing Mary jumped off your back pulling you into a bear hug. You sunk into her embrace as you squeezed her tight “I miss you.” You hummed “I miss you too.” Mary pulled away “you seem happy, definitely happier what’s going on your new team absolutely adore you then.” You smiled halfheartedly as Mary felt her smile drop “hey you can tell me.” You shrugged “I don’t know I just thought this time would be different, getting to play at my favourite club with Katie is a dream I mean it’s all I’ve ever wanted but I just can’t seem to click.” You dropped your head feeling disappointed “oh y/n they’ll come around your amazing, quiet and shy yes but amazing nonetheless.” You looked up “I think I made a friend though Mary.” Mary felt her heart swell at the hope in your eyes “oh yeah who.” You smiled thinking of Leah just as she wrapped her arm around your shoulder greeting Mary who seemed to immediately notice your red cheeks “ready to head to then.” Mary grabbed your arm pulling you towards her “did she not tell you Williamson she’s staying at mine tonight then heading back to London.” Leah looked at you eyebrows raised as she poked her tongue into her cheek trying to not get annoyed at the way Mary’s arm wrapped around your waist and you leaned into the older girl “but it’s Katie’s night for team bonding.” Mary shrugged “we have had this planned for weeks Williamson I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait.” You smiled sheepishly at the blonde “sorry Lee, I’ll see you tomorrow though.” Leah sighed pulling you into a hug “alright but you text me as soon as you hit London.” You smiled nodding “Will do.”
You spent the night talking about Leah to Mary and the older girl couldn’t help but smile you looked so in love just talking about her and so happy that you had made a friend on the Arsenal squad that not once did she try stop you from talking instead smiling and nodding along and asking questions when she thought of them.
Leah spent the night feeling miserable sat on the couch beside Lia and Beth, your kitchen chats had become her favourite part of team nights and with you still in Manchester Leah felt slightly lost, that was until Katie announced a game idea “let’s play truth or dare.” Sighing Leah joined the rest of the girls sat in a circle laughing every now and again as she watched her teammates take turns choosing truth or dare and carrying out each task that was until Katie decided to ask her “right then Williamson truth or dare.” Leah smiled never one to back out “Dare McCabe.” Katie smiled wide “I dare you to ask my sister out and see how long you can string her along for.” Leah felt her smile drop “what.” Lia piped up “Katie that’s a bit far.” Katie shook her head “nah it’s not, it’s just a joke she’ll understand come on I’ll even make it a bet.” Leah looked around at her teammates, before dropping her eyes to the ground. She liked you more than a friend but you had never given any indication that you liked her back, maybe she could use this to see and then if you did you guys would end up dating anyway right. Looking up Leah smiled slightly “how much.”
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simplyjake · 8 months
Enha hyungs w / idol!reader !!
summary: tbh its pretty self explanitory, fem!reader
a/n guys maybe at one point ill write for maknae line but also idk so dont hold me to it, not proof-read
Let’s say ur in aespa
So rmbr the drama challenge they did
Instead of winter it was you and karina right
OUUUU ik he was giggling when you asked him to do the challenge with you
At the end of the challenge he puts his arm around u 
He looks at u like you hung the stars one by one
Heeseung pls this is gonna be posted later
When you are on screen performing 
He has the biggest heart eyes and a slight smile pls
Its like he dgaf if yall get caught
Definitely interacts with you in public when he can
He wants to see all those ship edits
Invites you to his concerts and you invite him to yours
Once bought like 500 albums so he can get all of ur pcs and inclusions
Ur honor he was being silly!
And in luv w you!!!
Okay stayc member i see u
He learns how to play ur songs on guitar
Such a cute supportive bf
You guys have sm matching things tgt
Phone cases, hats, jewelry and more
Surprisingly no one has caught on yet.
He lurks on stayc twt for updates when hes away on tour
Even tho he can just text u himself
You accidentally left your jay signed album in the open on live
“Omfg yall since when did y/n and jay know each other”
” Wait but the signed album? Do yall rmbr when we caught them w matching hats but no one batted an eye WHAT ABT THIS”
Call jake for the dating rumor damage control selfie
Anyways he has all ur albums and you have all his
He found out you voted for him during Iland days and sobbed
Staycs number 1 fan, will fight ANYONE for that title
Worse than heeseung when it comes to hiding things
Oh lord here we go
“My girl- i mean my friend” its rover.
On live streams he uses this to promote your group without looking suspicious 
“Have you guys heard le sserafims comeback? It’s so good”
“Oh Y/n? Yeah her part was amazing as well”
When he sings your part of the song it has u blushing on the other end of the phone
Once you were on a live, you forgot to let jake know
You were showing some photos that youre gonna post on instagram and all of a sudden
Is this love by Bob Marley aka the ringtone you have for jake
And his contact name “yunie<3” pops up
Quickly you decline the call and look sheepishly to the camera
Hoons time to do the selca damage control.
He accidentally liked a y/njake post on twt on the main acc tho
Ruh roh 
Definition of nonchalant 
Nonchalant king if u will
Well besides that one time when he was mcing
And your group purple kiss was with him and wony
He was definitely getting side eyed by the fandom after sending you quick glances and a smile!!
Other than that baby hes an illusion
He dont know you
Well at least to the cameras, he doesnt know you
Otherwise hes the sweetest bf to ever bf
Sends you flowers to your dressing room after performances
Always claps whenever you guys win an award
Once a camera was pointed on him at an award show during your song
But he pointed to ur group telling them to focus on yall instead
UGH i love supportive bf hoon!!
Ofc your one of enhas biggest supporters as well
No one knows this but you have a secret sunghoon fan acc
He thinks its cute, a way to publicly say u love him
Without it actually being public yk
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caws5749 · 26 days
You asked for inspo? How about a Natasha x Reader enemies to lovers? Set during Civil War, they are both on the run and they end up in Norway together somehow? I say enemies but what I mean is Nat is being cold because she's trying to hide her feelings and she's also worried (?)
This is a mess sorry
A/N: this is most certainly not a mess! This is a fantastic request and I sincerely thank you bby, I hope you like it! And listen, we all know I'm tropey so I know its in half of my fucking works but I can't not do the cute cold trope :)
You most certainly had not planned on this happening.
Being on the run, having not even a moment to grab anything that meant something to you. A brief 'goodbye' or a look was all you had time for for your teammates.
You had no idea where anyone had gone. Did everyone get out? Did some get caught? Were they together or alone?
You sighed, wind in your hair. What had made you think of heading to Norway, you had no idea. The cool air had a refreshing bite to it, keeping you uncomfortable, something that was a bonus while being on the run.
Your head turned, catching a glimpse of something familiar in the corner of your eye. Your eyes widened briefly in surprise; you'd know that red hair anywhere.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" you muttered, as half of you filled with dread and half of you filled with an emotion you couldn't quite place.
Natasha Romanoff stood at the other end, staring out at the water with a saddened and thoughtful expression. You moved towards her, leaning across the rail a few feet from her.
"Y/N," the woman greeted quietly, her eyes never leaving the water.
"Is there a reason you're following me?" There was no humor, no amusement to her tone. It was colder than the water.
"I'm not," you answered, feeling your own walls go up in defense.
The red-head didn't quite know what to say to that. In fact, she didn't quite know what to say at all. Natasha had been hiding her feelings about you for quite some time now. And when the Accords had come, she simply felt it was not the right time. And it most certainly was not the right time now. But she didn't know how to deal with that and she most certainly felt it was safer for you to be far, far away from her.
But that was the last thing she wanted. The widow wanted you close to her, so that she could protect you, do whatever it took to keep your freedom, to make you happy in such a dark and confusing time.
You shivered, pulling her from her own thoughts.
"Go inside."
Why was she being so harsh?
"I don't know what I ever did to you, but going on the run certainly makes you a bitch," you retorted, leaving her alone at the rail.
Nat sighed as a feeling of self-loathing washed over her.
You didn't go inside, heading to a spot on the rail at the complete opposite side of the ship, fuming. You shook your head, trying to focus on your plan once you docked.
You couldn't feel the emerald eyes staring at the back of your head. When you shivered for the fifth time, Natasha sighed in annoyance, at you for keeping yourself uncomfortable and at herself for being unable to not care.
You jumped when a jacket was placed over your shoulders.
"I'm fine," you said harshly when you realized who had placed it, though you couldn't help but blush at the flutter in your chest at the gesture.
"You're cold," the red-head said simply, though not unkindly. "I'm sorry."
You said nothing.
"I shouldn't have been such a bitch," she continued, using your words.
"Why were you?"
"I- I don't know how to deal with what I'm feeling," Nat answered honestly.
"What are you feeling?" you asked, your cold tone growing a bit warmer.
"Scared. A tad relieved and hopeful. Worried."
"Me too," you whispered.
Natasha had a feeling you were speaking about different things. Perhaps you were relieved to be with a teammate, but certainly you couldn't be feeling what she was.
"No," she shook her head. "I mean it differently. Y/N, I have feelings for you. Which is why I- I'm scared about that and where we are and what we're doing and that's why I was so cold to you."
"And why do you think I was so upset by the way you acted, Natasha? I feel the same," you said softly, your eyes searching hers.
Her eyes lightened a bit, the only bit of happiness you'd seen in her since the Accords. She moved a bit closer, whether it was subconscious, a motion of comfort, or for the cold, you didn't know. But you liked it all the same.
You moved to lay your head against her shoulder.
"Let's do this together, Nat," you murmured. Was it your imagination or did her lips ghost a kiss against your hair?
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sanjisjuul · 8 months
Summary:: Law's emo ass shows up and Sanji gets jealous
Cw: Cursing, penetration, pussy eating, kinda breeding i dont know its late
Major credits to @kibblz-n-bitz for helping me out ily
Word count: 4.4k
Mdni 18+
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the slight sway of the ship relaxes you as you lay out on the deck. above lies pale blue skies, the sun radiates down through the atmosphere, warming your tanned skin as a soft breeze gusts past, sweeping your hair off of your shoulders. the day couldn’t be any more ideal, as the chatter from your crew served as pleasant background noise to the otherwise emptiness of your mind.
zoro rests by a nearby railing, muscular arms crossed as he takes his afternoon nap. nami is caring for her tangerine bushes. holding hedge shears, she’s smiling and laughing with robin as she waters her small yet vibrant flower garden. usopp and chopper sit cross legged on the lawn, engrossed in a board game. luffy sits between them, tongue poking out of his mouth as he studies their every move. franky is nowhere to be found, most likely toiling with a new gadget in his quarters. brook is perched on a bench by the lawn, horse haired bow sliding along his violin strings as he plays a soothing tune. 
these are the days you cherish, no conflict, no marines, no enemies. just the days you get to spend with your best friends. the days where everybody is gathered near and most importantly safe. you smile to yourself as you relax your eyes, resting your arms behind your head, breathing in a sigh of relief. you begin to loose track of time, focusing your senses the serenity of the sea, before you’re interrupted.
“y/n,” a whisper comes from beside you. you open one eye, your peripheral revealing your smiling boyfriend standing over you, casting a shadow. you sit up in your chair, eyes lighting up at the view his charming, handsome face.
“sanji,” you reach your arms out for him. he kneels down to your level, resting his head on your shoulder, as his arms wrap around your figure. his large hands glide up and down the small of your back as he takes in the sweetness of your scent, sunscreen paired with your favorite shampoo. 
“hi darling,” he whispers pressing a soft kiss into your shoulder before leaning back at an arms length, kneading your shoulders with his thumb. “i’m making some refreshments right now, would you like one?”
you smile in admiration, eyes wide as you stare up at your lover, “of course love, what did you make?” you rise to your feet, stretching your limbs and yawning loudly. you don’t miss sanji’s gaze as it rakes your body in its entirety. you’ve been dating for a while now, but that will never prevent him from admiring your beauty.
“your favorite,” he grins offering his hand for you to take. “raspberry iced tea.” you grasp his hand bringing it to your lips before you press a soft kiss his fingers. the cool metal of his rings causing a small shiver to chill your bones. “you know me so well.”
you stride hand in hand, following him towards the kitchen. just as he’s about to push the door open you hear a small racket coming from behind you. you snap your head around to find luffy, chopper, and usopp have abandoned their game. instead they are leaning over the railing of the ship, hollering and waving towards something in the near distance. you squint your eyes, just barely making out a yellow figure that slowly emerges from the sea. you release sanji’s hand, face lighting up as you bolt down the stairs. you almost skip towards where your crew mates gather, hanging your upper body over the rail alongside chopper. as you predict, it’s none other than the polar tang which means only one thing to you.
once the submarine fully surfaces, you direct your focus onto the front door. the doorknob jiggles for a moment before it’s swung open, revealing the familiar face of trafalgar law. you hear cheers from beside you, luffy jumps up and down calling out to the other captain, as chopper’s eyes light up at his entrance.
“tra-guy,” luffy bellows waving his arms back and forth dramatically as if law isn’t about 10 feet away. law rolls his eyes, before casting a room over the ship. you feel a gust behind you and all four of you pivot on your heels. law stands in front of you, long jacket open, revealing not only his tattooed torso, but the ab muscles etched underneath his skin. he adorns his signature irritated expression as he tsks under his breath. “straw hat-ya,” he speaks, avoiding eye contact all together.
“tra-guy!” luffy exclaims, marching towards him and wrapping an arm around his shoulder, pulling him in for an embrace. law’s expression becomes visibly more frustrated at the closeness. “didn’t expect to see you here,” luffy chuckles, arm tightening around law’s larger figure. law tries his hardest to distance himself, face as far away from luffy’s as physically possible as luffy pats his back aggressively. “well, whatever the reason,” luffy starts. “no-“ law attempts, but luffy interrupts . “lets’s have dinner!, sanji, food!” luffy cheers disregarding any protests from the irate captain. you hear a grumble from sanji before the kitchen door is slammed shut.
with the help of franky’s craftsmanship both your crew and the heart pirates gather around a large table for dinner. once sanji places both silverware and the dishes on the table, the heaps of food follow. as always it looks delicious, a colossal pile of linguini sits in a bowl along with various seafoods mixed inside. you lick your lips as this is your all time favorite dish, especially when prepared by your talented boyfriend. 
luffy immediately stretches an arm,, grabbing the bowl and shoveling pasta onto his plate, leaving the rest of you to eye the bread on your otherwise empty plates. luffy is interrupted by a kick on the head by sanji, “leave some for the rest shithead,” he growls before snatching the bowl away and placing it back at the center of the table. luffy frowns, but soon forgets his agitation while he shovels the food he did manage to grab into his mouth. 
you peer in front of you, law sits directly across the table, his eye twitches irritatedly as he awaits his turn. you can’t help but stare at the captain. you’d be lying if you said you didn’t find him attractive, and although you have a boyfriend, it’s not like you would ever cheat. plus with sanji’s antics you find no harm in looking. “y/n-ya,” your daze is broken as law glares at you, offering you the dish of pasta. you freeze, your breath hitching in your throat as you observe the way his tattooed fingers grip the porcelain. his icy eyes bore into yours as you reach a shaky hands up for the bowl, but you jump as it’s seized from his grasp. 
“let me,” sanji smiles. he scoops you a helping, before treating himself. “thank you baby,” you whisper before digging into your food. your eyes roll back at the flavor, nothing could ever compare to sanji’s cooking. the entire table is filled with only the sounds of chewing as everybody savors the meal in front of them. luffy wastes no time in grabbing seconds then thirds as everybody continues working on their first course. you finish your meal quickly, taking a small sip of water as you sit back in your chair. again, you focus your attention on law as he chews his meal. your eyes close in on his lips as he licks them clean after a bite. you feel a hand rest on your thigh and lightly squeeze, but you pay no mind as you continue to watch as he finishes his serving, leaving only the piece of bread in its wake. 
you hear the flick of sanji’s lighter beside you. he inhales the smoke from his cigarette and exhales it in front of him, letting the smoke cloud around law. “you gonna eat that?” sanji questions, pointing a finger at laws plate. law gazes up and makes eye contact with your boyfriend, “i don’t like bread,” he responds matter of factly before sipping the glass of water in front of him. sanji slams his hand on the table angrily, “i don’t give a shit,” he snaps, “you won’t waste food on this ship.” everybody falls silent around you as sanji’s eyes narrow. “i’ll take-“ luffy starts.
“no!” sanji yells slapping luffy’s outstretched arm, “he’s gonna eat it!” you reach your hand up and tug sanji’s arm, causing him to sit back in his chair. he doesn’t break his fiery gaze as you rise, snatching the bread off of law’s plate and eating it. “y/n,” sanji starts, disappointment laced in his voice, but he falls silent as you finish it. “see babe, no big deal,” you smile as you sit back in your chair. sanji takes a drag of his cigarette before aggressively putting it out on the ashtray besides him. “i guess not,” he says blankly, face expressionless. law breaks his gaze from sanji, rolling his eyes before speaking,,“thanks y/n-ya.” you feel heat rush to your cheeks, “no problem.”
dinner ends awkwardly, and everybody gathers on the deck. brook plays a tune on his violin as most dance and drink away. zoro sits alone, watching and smiling as he takes a sip from his sake. luffy, usopp, chopper, and franky dance away along with bepo, penguin, and sachi. robin and nami stand beside you as you sip on glasses of red wine. they converse, trying to get your attention, but it’s futile, your attention is once again trained on the captain of the heart pirates. he stands across the deck, leaning over the rail, long legs crossed as he peers up at the star filled sky.
your legs act before your mind does, as you don’t even bother to excuse yourself from the girls, and walk towards him. you approach him quietly, sipping from your glass. he turns to you briefly, before training his gaze back up to the sky. “i’m sorry about dinner,” you break the silence, “sanji can be a hot head sometimes, but he means well,” you smile. he merely hums in agreement, not tearing his eyes away from the view above.
you feel a pair of hands rest on your hips, before you’re turned around softly. sanji stands before you, his head leans down towards your level, “darling,” he smiles kindly, “i hate to ask, but i may need some help in the kitchen.” he presses a kiss into your forehead. you mirror his expression, “i thought i’d never see the day you ask for help,” you chuckle as he releases his grip on you. you follow sanji as he paces to the kitchen, oddly enough he doesn’t hold your hand as he usually does. you play it off as him being stressed. he does have to clean up after more than double the people as usual. 
he holds the door open for you as you enter. you halt and raise an eyebrow at the sight. the kitchen seems spotless, the table has no signs of previous use, there aren’t any dishes in the sink, and the counters are spotless. you open your mouth to question why he asked for help, but the sound of the door locking causes you to freeze.
you squeal as you’re lifted off the ground and swung over sanji’s shoulder. he marches down the hallway and into your shared bedroom before kicking the door shut so hard it almost fly’s off of its hinges. he softly rests you on the bed before hovering above you. he inhales his cigarette, flicking it to the floor and stomping it out beneath him before loosening his tie. you gawk as he leans over you, arms resting on either side of your head as he cages you in. 
“why?” he questions, hurt apparent in his eyes. you furrow your eyebrows, completely oblivious to what he was talking about. “huh?” you respond, gripping his forearm reassuringly. “don’t be so naive,” he starts, “you’ve been staring at him all night. am i not enough?” he grits his teeth. sanji practically seethes with anger above you as the heat from his body radiates onto yours. “i-.” he shakes his head, cutting you off, “don’t try to downplay it. this isn’t the first time this has happened.” you start to feel guilty, you didn’t expect sanji to pick up on your actions, but he clearly noticed, and it obviously hurts him. 
“sanji, baby no,” you start, cradling his face in your hands, “you are enough, i love you so much i would never.” you press a kiss into his forehead and you can feel his tense body relax under your touch. his face closes in on yours as he presses his lips onto yours.
your muscles previously taught, loosen beneath him as he tenderly kisses you. his lips cradle yours with admiration before he swipes his tongue past onto your lower lip. you part your mouth, granting his offering, mewling underneath him. his arm reaches for your leg, wrapping it around his torso, leaving no space between your bodies. you reach your hands up to his hair, your fingers tangle in his locks, as your tongues continue to fight for dominance. 
you gasp as his mouth leaves yours, immediately latching onto your exposed collar bones, nipping and sucking at the soft flesh. your leg tightens around his back, hands balling into fists as he grinds down onto you. you can feel him through his slacks, he’s warm and rock hard. “mine,” he growls, warm and wet tongue drawing a line from your collar bones up to your throat. “all mine,” he wraps his mouth around the skin, sinking his teeth in softly as he sucks hard, surely leaving a mark.
your body contracts, “that feel good?” he questions. you nod, lifting your hips to meet his as he repeatedly and slowly dry humps you into the mattress. his lips leave your neck and he cranes his head up to look at you. you audibly moan at the way he stares at you. the smallest rim of ocean blue surround the black of his blown pupils. his eyes reveal his emotions which are ones of lust, passion, and jealousy. 
he remains his eye contact as one of his hands slips past the hem of your shirt. he torturously slides his large hands up the expanse of your torso, starting at your hip, reaching your lower stomach, up your ribs, and landing on your bare breast. you hiss at the contact, the icy metal of his rings immediately stimulate your nipple, causing it to harden. his other hand follows , wasting no time to palm at your other breast. the tips of his fingers dance over your other hardened nub, refusing to give you what you want as he lightly flicks back and forth.
you’re pliable underneath him, squirming and whining at every feathery touch he gives you. he rarely teases you in this way, always giving you exactly what you want without asking. sanji has one rule and that is that he lives to serve you. however, that unwritten rule is tossed aside as he lets you crumble underneath him, patiently waiting for you to ask, to beg for it. 
the sensation of your juices flowing freely down your thighs puts you in a slight discomfort, but theres not much you can nor are willing to do. your mind clouds as he brings your nipples between his fingers, just barely tugging at the sensitive flesh, eliciting a strained moan from the depths of your chest. at this point you can’t handle his teasing, the faint whispers of his touch aren’t enough, you crave something more. “sanji,” you mewl, your tongue swiping the cracked skin of your bottom lip, “please touch me.” at your words he slowly removes his hands out from underneath your shirt, leaving a trail of goosebumps as the warmth of his flesh is replaced with the frigid night air.  he brings a hand up to your head, patting your disheveled hair from your face, before trailing his thumb down your jawline. he slows his movements upon reaching your chin, before trailing up and letting his thumb tug on your bottom lip. 
you freeze as his eyes scan your face, he’s searching for any signs of apprehension, to which there were none. you couldn’t be any more enthralled with the man leaning above you. nothing and nobody could compare to the immense joy and comfort he brings you. nothing could compare to the tingly feeling you get when he holds you, letting you rest your head on his chest as he sleeps peacefully beside you night after night. and nothing could compare to the way he satisfies you both mentally and physically, nobody could make you feel the way that he does. and although he’s aware of this, your actions previously in the day have him questioning it all, so he makes it his mission to remind you. to remind you that you’re his and he’s yours. 
you reach for his hands, interlacing your fingers with his, but are struck with a twinge of hurt when he stands up, slowly releasing your grip and letting your arms bounce back on the mattress. he continues holding eye contact, unreadable expression painting his features as he hovers over you. after what seems like hours, he lowers his gaze onto himself. he shrugs his suit jacket off, before untying his tie. he paces slowly over to the nearby desk, back turned to you he folds both pieces of clothing before placing neatly them down. he starts working on the buttons of his shirt, intricately popping each open before peeling the blue dress shirt off, placing it on top of the small pile.
you clench around nothing at the sight of his back, lean muscles of his biceps and deltoids ripple as he puts his hands in his pockets. he turns back towards you, silently eyeing you as he approaches. he resumes his position, leaning back over you, and this time you wrap both legs around him tightly, scared to let go. “my love,” he whispers, reaching down to pull your shirt over your head, freeing your breasts with a soft bounce. “let me remind you,” he tugs off your skirt, tossing it on the desk. “let me remind you how good i make you feel.”
any response you could come up with falls flat, your mind focuses on the hungry actions of your boyfriend who’s now positioned between your legs, kissing up and down the inners of your thighs. you attempt to squirm, but his firm grip holding your legs to the bed prevent any sort of movement. he licks a stripe up your left thigh, then right one, allowing himself to lick past your outer labia, but not where you need him the most. you’re sure he can see how much you crave him, there’s no way he can miss the way your slick seeps through the thin fabric of your panties, and coats your trembling thighs. 
his teasing halts, as he licks one last stripe, this time letting his tongue glide up your center and pressing a soft kiss to your clit. he releases his grip on your thighs, running his hands up your hot flesh and hooking his fingers around your panties, slowly pulling them down as he looks up at you. he stuffs your underwear in his trouser pocket, saving it for later, wasting no more time to dive into your sex. 
whimpers leave your parted mouth as he slowly licks up and down, making sure to flick his tongue against your clit every chance he gets. he groans into your cunt, the taste and aroma affecting him greatly as his cock twitches, beads of precum soaking his boxers. the vibration from his mouth reverberates through your pussy, causing fire to erupt throughout your entire being, and settling in your lower stomach.
his lips latch to your clit, pressing soft kisses paired with kitten licks in between, causing you to loose composure as your hips buck up into his mouth. sanji would take this over receiving any day. the way your flushed face contorts in utter pleasure is more than enough for him to get off to. not to mention the way you tremble, one hand clawing at the sheets as the other toys with your nipples it a sight to behold. he prefers it this way, after all theres nothing better than a satisfied lady.
you feel his finger prod at your entrance, his movements on your clit never seizing as he sinks his finger into you with ease. you whine as he tests the waters, steadily pumping in and out of you as to let you get used to the feeling. 
your core is boiling as he pumps his large finger in and out of you, hooking it up to hit your g spot each time. you’re already close, sanji knows your body better than his own. he’s studied any and all reactions you give him, keeping mental notes of what makes you feel good and what doesn’t. his expertise shows as he removes his finger from your entrance, his lips pressing one last kiss onto your clit before he grabs you by the hips, flipping you over on your stomach.
you cry out as he reinserts his finger, reassuming his previous pace while his tongue finds your clit once again. you sit up on your knees, back arching as he eats you out from behind. drool soaks your sheets, fingers twitching, and legs shaking as he works up his pace, rapidly licking you clean, and inserting another finger inside you.
“sanji,” you whine, your body starts convulsing, muscles twitching as he pulls your orgasm from deep within you. he only hums as a response, never daring to stop his actions in fear that your high will be ripped away. the rumble of his voice causes you to let go, mewling and crying as your orgasm overtakes your body. you come undone on his face, and although he tries to savor every last drop, your juices coat his beard and drip down his chin. you pant feverishly, arms working their absolute hardest to keep you upright as he laps you with his tongue.
he wraps his arms around your stomach, gently helping you lay down before kissing your shoulder tenderly. your hear the metal of his zipper slide down from behind you, the rustling of fabric follows before you feel his length rub your core. “you ready darling?,” he questions as he coats himself with your juices, shuddering at the warm feeling. you merely nod and whisper a small “yes please,” and he takes that as his cue to enter you.
he slowly grinds into you, stretching you to capacity as he bottoms out. he fucks you slow and deep, making you whimper every time his tip kisses your cervix. “my god,” he groans gripping the fat of your hips for leverage, “it’s like you’re made for me.” you struggle to respond, too lost by the fire that fills your body with each roll of his hips. his fingers dig into your plush skin, he grips you as if you’re about to melt away through his palms. 
to your surprise he picks up the pace, his hips speedily pounding you, the rough sounds of skin slapping satisfy him to the fullest. sanji isn’t the type to fuck hard and fast, he usually savors the moment for the longest he can, but you have awakened something inside of him. he wants you teary eyed, screaming his name for everybody to hear. he needs everybody to know you’re his, especially that emo fuck. 
and to his utmost pleasure, your whimpers turn into loud wails. shouts of his name leave your mouth, his cock churns your insides in the best way possible. “that’s right,” sanji smirks, arms snaking around your chest, bringing your back flush with his chest. his lips hover over your ear, causing shivers to traverse down your spine. “need to hear you, need to hear how good i make you feel,” he bites down on the shell of your ear, soft hands grip your breasts and tug your nipples through the tips of his fingers. “let everybody hear, don’t hold back.”
chants of his name are followed with profanity are spewed from your mouth as you try to cope with the immense pleasure he gives you. a loud knock on your door almost distracts you as you snap your head in it’s direction, but that doesn’t stop sanji. he can’t stop even if he tried, the way you suck him in leaves him pussy drunk, completely intoxicated by the spell you have him under. 
“gonna cum baby,” he grunts, his hips sputter as he jackhammers you. “want it inside, please,” you beg arm reaching up to his head, pulling it in the crook of your neck. sweat drips down both your bodies before you hear a loud hiss come from your boyfriend. with one last deep thrust, he keeps it in, filling you with his seed. the warm feeling of his cum coating your insides drives you insane, but also brings a new sense of closeness. his cock twitches as rope after rope of cum is pumped inside of you, his body pulsates as small whimpers leave his lips. 
you both gasp for air, his arm still tightly wrapped around you as he nuzzles his head into your hair. you cherish the moment as the seconds tick by. your sticky bodies in their most vulnerable state are glued together, the humid air surrounding was not only proof of what just happened, but a reminder of the passion you share for each other. 
he moves your hair off your shoulder, kissing the exposed skin, “i’m sorry,” he whispers a small apology nuzzling himself into your back. you part your lips to speak, but are cut off, “i just can’t stand the thought of you… being with someone else. you are my world.” he finishes, voice cracking at the end of his sentence. 
droplets of warm tears flow down his cheeks, dropping on your back and slowly sliding down. you muster up all your remaining strength, turning to face him. “hey,” you soothe, thumbs wiping the tears from his watery eyes, “you’re my world, i never want to picture a day where you aren’t mine. i love you sanji and only you.”
he sniffles, wide eyes meeting yours, “promise?” you lean in, kissing him softly on the forehead, “promise.”
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tags: @leakyweep @stardustcrustaders @leftsidebonfire @kibblz-n-bitz @pileofmush
love, bia ૮ • ﻌ - ა
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ollycohens · 3 months
oh no you guys. i’m going to spew things i’ve realized while rewatching umbrella academy. I’m realizing were all being too sucked into fanon things after being stuck without canon content for so long. We have convinced ourselves Five acts like a mean mean dude to everyone but rewatching, i’ve realized he’s only stressed and is saying things out of panicked anger, especially in s1 with the apocalypse dooming over them. he acts soft to his siblings multiple times, he’s really not as mean as we write him in fanfiction. he is a little crap though, that’s for sure, and i love him for that <3
also realizing that the siblings don’t hate five. they just literally don’t know him at all. he came back a completely different person after 17 years for the siblings, they don’t know five, he’s a stranger so of course they’re gonna be cold to him. it’s like, “i don’t know you well, but you’re always going to be my brother in the end”.
ALSO. for those who ship some of the siblings, uhm… i’ve seen a lot of you guys try to prove that they don’t see eachother as siblings and more like academy students, but they very much say in just about every episode that they see eachother as siblings. they don’t actually SAY that word by word but they say things like “she’s our sister”, or “our dad”. if they say OUR dad… bro. i’m not even going to continue, you can put it together yourself. But, i do realize why people ship the siblings. I am not defending incest shippers but with umbrella academy i can see why people have resorted to it. only 3 of the characters in the main sibling cast has romantic partners. people like shipping people, people love writing romantic relationships, but with only diego/lila, dave/klaus, and sissy/viktor, (i’m not going to count five/dolores for now) people are desperate with the need to ship the rest of the siblings with someone, and since there are only a few actual canon characters in the show that interact with our main 7, people start shipping them together… yikes. anywho, that’s all for that peice. i blame the show writers as well for shipping luther/allison, they did not have to do that, but i’m hoping it was only to convey the severity of what childhood trauma does to people.
ALSO THIS HERE SHOOK ME. I actually think Reginald cares for the siblings. i hate to say it, but it’s true. caring for them does not mean being good, though. he was a horrible father, and person, but he genuinely did care for the siblings, in a like, “being the best is the best thing for you, i will make you better, for your sake, even if you don’t know it now, you will see that i am right” kind of way.
also why has NOBODY MENTIONED THIS. in season 2 when diego first reunites with five in the asylum, while he’s walking into the visitors room, he’s staring at five with this heartfelt, soft look, and then says “five…” in the most soft spoken voice ever 😭 your honor i love them
ALSO UGHHH THIS. IM GOING TO FREAK OUT ABOUT CAMERAWORK AND METAPHORS HERE SO BARE WITH ME. we as a fandom complain about the lack of flashbacks five has due to his ptsd. we’ve seen his first flashback since getting back to his family in s1 during the van scene when he gets triggered by those kids playing and starts thinking about his own childhood, i’m guessing. i ate that scene up, and was sad to see that be one of the only deeply vulnerable scenes he has in the season, and during my first watch i thought they’d never bring it back up. but they do!! i may be stupid for not realizing but whatever. in season 2, when five is trying to explain at elliot’s with all his siblings around that another apocalypse is coming, everyone starts talking about each other. as someone who studies film and camerawork, i love this scene. we see the camera focus on five as it slowly zooms in. it doesn’t switch scenes at all as the siblings voices overlap and echo over eachother. this whole scene conveys him getting overwhelmed and he starts to zone out, starting to think of the nuclear war he saw his siblings in. the scenes of the war start quickly switching through, showing many different scenes of it before it switches back to five, who says “guys, you all die. i want to forget it but i can’t” which just UGH its so well done there. if you think about it, he was starting to slip into another flashback. he was triggered by talking about their deaths in the war but was handling it well until the siblings started fighting, where we see the overlapping voices happen. it portrays him losing control and being unable to pull it back together with too much going on for him to focus on grounding himself. we DO however, see that five was able to pull himself out before he fell too deep into the flashback. i love how they show this through them still having the scene showing the war, but then fives voice starts talking over the scene which is still focusing on the war as if he was pushing it back and forcing himself to come back to the present.
thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far, i will continue to freak out another time <3
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
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A shoulder to cry on
Shanks x reader
Summary : Shanks was older than you,with lots more experience. But when it came to the love between the two of you,age never really mattered.
Warnings : none really,hurt/comfort (my favorite),mention of phantom limb and arm lose, age gap relationship (i mean,its Shanks,who wouldn't want him),pet names,reader is referred to 'baby girl' and 'princess',fluffy and happy ending!
You always loved Shanks.
Ever since you joined the crew;and saw how awfully kind the older man was,there was a little feeling in your heart that you couldn't shake.
Shanks was amazing;he never fought unless necessary,he was always kind toward his crew and even strangers. He gave you a home when you lost your own and shared his food with you when you didn't have much to eat.
You always loved Shanks. But you hated how selfless he always was.
You remember the day Shanks came back to your ship with his coat hanging loosely on his left arm. When he sat down with pale skin and cold sweat running down his forehead;the blood pooling around him,you remember crying your eyes out.
But Shanks only laughed and patted your head, telling you 'its just a scratch.'
And you were too young back then,but the mere sight of Shanks biting down on a dirty rag to keep himself from screaming while the others tried to stop the bleeding by tying bandages around his severed limb,was enough to make you sob in one of your crew mate's arms.
After that,you became attached to Shanks by hip.
You wouldn't let Shanks go anywhere alone;he was going to the market?you were there. He was going to deal with some other pirates? You were fighting back to back.
You grew up with Shanks,around him and others until you forgot how your life even was before meeting the man. And to be honest,you didnt want to think about a life without Shanks.
It was one of those days again;where the weather was slightly stormy, dark clouds covering the sky and forcing you guys to berth and a chance to reload. As your crewmates take this opportunity to get drunk shitless and have fun,you stay behind on the ship to watch out for any unwanted guests.
It was a day like this when Shanks lost his arm-
A loud sound of something crashing to the ground and breaking made you jump to your feet as you rushed to the source; stumbling on your steps,and your heart beating out of your chest. Only one thing on your mind.
Shank Shanks Shanks Shanks Shanks Shanks Shanks -
When you finally reach Shanks bedroom,you dont even think about knocking before bursting through the door,your heart almost jumping out of your chest when you see the state the man you love is in.
Shanks never really told anyone about his Phantom Limb. On days like this;where the weather was stormy and the skies cloudy,the pain of his lost arm would always come back.
But Shanks was Shanks. Never even once telling anyone about it;just smiling and going on with his day. And you,who were hopelessly in love with him, noticed every little detail about him.
So seeing him like this;sitting on the ground while clutching to what was once his arm under his coat;his face pale,sweat coating his skin and his breaths uneven had your heart tearing apart.
Because to you,Shanks was a god,and gods weren't supposed to kneel,or feel pain.
But you weren't anything if not a devoted believer.
There were glass shards of his favorite bottle of wine on the ground were the dark red liquid was spilled.As your knees hit the floor at his side,Shanks raises his head shakily and when his eyes finally manage to focus on you,he gives you a pained smile.
Just like that day-
"Hey princess," and your chest hurts when his voice breaks slightly, "what're you doing here?"
Your hands hover above his shoulders before finally resting them on him;your touch ever so gentle in fear of hurting him.
"Shanks," and when you see him smile at the sound of your voice,your eyes blur with tears, "Oh, Shanks..."
As your name spills from his lips in a whisper,you finally break.
You sobs are loud and tears stream down your face,when your fingers start to card through his sweaty red locks.
Shanks pulls you in his lap with his other arm around your waist;his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your hip as he rests his face against your palm.
"Baby girl," his voice is gentle,like he's scared to make you cry more, "why are you crying,my angel?"
You shake your head and since you cant form a coherent response,your eyes drift to his hidden severed arm.
And Shanks, immediately understands.
His hand moves up and wipes away your tear;his calluses fingers making their way to the back of your head to pull you closer. When your forehead hits his shoulder,Shanks starts combing your hair soothingly;while you feel his lips press against your temple.
"Baby girl, princess,my love... I'm alright. I swear,it doesnt hurt anymore."
"b-but," you take a deep breath,trying to talk without breaking down again, "you always get like this when the weather gets bad."
Shanks raises an eyebrow and looks down at you, surprised.
"how do you know that?"
"i always know everything about you,Shanks."
That has him quiet down and his hold tightening on you slightly.
"oh," he breaths "baby girl,how long were you keeping it in for my sake?"
You only shake your head and dont reply. But its enough for Shanks to know.
Since the very start. Since the day he lost his arm.
"beloved,listen to me." When you raise your head and meet his eyes with your red ones,he gives you the brightest smile, "there's my beautiful girl." He kisses your forehead,and then rests his own against yours, "i love you so much. More than you could ever imagine."
The confession has your eyes widening,before your cheek flush deep red. Shanks only chuckles and pulls you impossibly closer. He eyes your lips and wets his own with his tongue,and when he speaks next,his voice is barely above a whisper.
"can i kiss you?"
And a single nod is enough for him to press his lips to yours.
The kiss is sweet,just like Shanks. And although short,its enough to take your breath away.
It was everything you ever dreamed about.
"y'know," he tells you as soon as you pull back,a small grin on his lips upon seeing your dazed expression, "i know a way to help with my pain,if you're willing."
"yes," comes your immediate reply, "anything for you."
Shanks laughs and his eyes softens,and the sound makes your heart beat faster but lighter.
"i desperately crave some cuddling,now that i know my feelings are mutual."
The request has you giggling as you both lay on his hammock, with his arm protectively around you and yours resting on his chest.
To feel his heart beating. Safe and alive.
Shanks closes his eyes and lets out a content sigh that has you kissing his cheekbone.
"i love you Shanks. More than the seven seas and the whole universe."
And when with closed eyes,he once again locks his lips with yours,you know you'll be ok.
You wont ever let anything happen to him. Ever again.
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uraichievents · 6 months
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UraIchi Week 2024
Monday, July 1st, 2024 - Sunday, July 7th, 2024
AO3 Collection
Full Prompts List Submitted This Year
(Click images to enlarge. Alt text under the cut.)
What is UraIchi Week?
It’s a week-long fanworks event to promote the Urahara Kisuke x Kurosaki Ichigo ship. There’s no sign-up, it’s just for fun, and everybody can participate. Completed works and wips are both acceptable, and any type of fanwork (fanfic, fanart, gifsets, etc.) is welcome. NSFW and/or potentially trigger-y content is allowed, although please remember to tag your works properly.
The ship itself can be written romantically or platonically, as lovers or friends or even enemies, so long as it stars these two characters together in some way. Poly ships are also fine so long as Ichigo and Kisuke are still the focus of the fanwork. And crossovers and fusions are also allowed even if it isn’t one of the given prompts for the event. Basically, anything goes, and the only criteria is that it has to be UraIchi-centric.
UraIchi Week is hosted here on Tumblr and on AO3. For posts on Tumblr, remember to ping @uraichievents and tag #UraIchi Week 2024. For AO3, you can add your work(s) to the collection linked up above. You are also welcome to join the UraIchi Discord server if you haven’t already and come and talk about what you’re working on!
July 1st, Day 1: i've met you before / i'll meet you again / this is the first time we've met.. right?
Time Travel / Dimension Travel
Identity Porn / Hidden Identities
“I've suffered from traumatic dreams of my past lives since I was a child, and I'm just now realizing that coming up to a beautiful stranger who looks like someone I've seen die a thousand times in a thousand different ways at a bar and asking if we've met before sounds a lot like a come-on haha no wait come back that doesn't mean I'm not desperately attracted to you please kiss me again” AU
July 2nd, Day 2: It's fact that killable problems are not real problems.
Murder Husbands
Ichigo is Deadpool / unbreakable / any other accidentally immortal being who is really kind of annoyed about it (because it’s boring, and he’s still young enough to be within his lifespan, but it sure takes the fun out of fighting).
All the times Ichigo died, he ACTUALLY died, he just came back. Every time he comes back, he comes back Wronger.
July 3rd, Day 3: Things I Should've Told You / Things I Don't Tell Anyone Else
The skeletons in your closet are about to overflow. Would you like me to tidy it up?
Ichigo is experimenting with self-expression, a hobby, etc., making up for lost time as a regular teenager. Urahara is always the first one (sometimes only one) to see or hear about a new idea.
“The person I trust most is you.”
July 4th, Day 4: Sword and Shield
I am yours to command, use me as you please.
Shiba!Ichigo and Second Division!Kisuke
Summoner/Mage AU: Paired summons who are good apart but unmatched together.
July 5th, Day 5: That One is Mine
Hollow Instincts / Feral Protective
Possessive!Kisuke: He stepped aside for Sui-Feng because Yoruichi was always master first and friend second and love interest never, and because Yoruichi wanted her in a way she's never wanted him. But Ichigo is different, and everyone soon realizes that when Kisuke truly wants something, he always gets it in the end.
“Death can’t have you. You’re mine.”
July 6th, Day 6: Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Some are born, some are made, and some decide being a monster's pretty fucking cool.
Visored!Urahara Kisuke AU / Vasto Lorde!Kurosaki Ichigo AU
“Ichigo forges a friendship with his Hollow in the Shattered Shaft” AU
vs. Gotei 13 AU: Ichigo time travels back from a future where he was chained to the throne as the next Soul King by the Shinigami.
July 7th, Day 7: Creator’s Choice!
As always, the above prompts are all optional, and you’re free to come with your own ideas. You can also find an excel sheet with all the prompts submitted this year linked up above, so feel free to look through that if you want, and you can also make a copy for yourself.
And that’s it! We’re looking forward to what everyone comes up with!
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portgasdwrld · 1 year
Hello! I read older posts where you mentioned you weren't a fan of your writing. I think you're awesome though! Love your work. c:
I have a suggestion, if you happen to like it. Could we get Zoro (and any other characters) with a shy and aloof female reader who can't figure out they're being flirted with, even though they share the same feelings?
👩🏻‍💻Hey!! Thank you so much for your sweet words it means a lot to me🫶🏻✨ I’m super happy you love it! And yes ofc no problem!! I love the idea 🤭
📂 Zoro+ oblivious shy/aloof reader to his flirting
Featuring: Zoro+ f!reader Warning: none, fluff Note: I rewrote it and very much prefer this version, I hope you do as much as me
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Zoro was never the type of man to be outspoken about his feelings
His flirting is somewhat a bit clumsy and he gets frustrated with himself easily. He gets embarrassed by being open with how he feels.
It doesn’t help when you are clearly not reading in between the lines...
He even wonders if you are doing it intentionally to mess with him, but when you just give him a confused look or go on about your day like nothing happened, he questions himself 😭
A sigh leaves the swordsman's lips as his back leans against the railing of the deck. His thoughts wander and they always come back to one thing bothering him: you.
He starts to doubt himself as most of his flirting attempt were fails. A week ago, he complimented your outfit ,but you simple threw a short thanks with a smile as you walked away. Wednesday when he sat next you for dinner and brushed his arm against yours, you just apologized with a blush and slightly took your distance. Yesterday, when he asked to talk to you, but you stuttered a bunch of words and got away from him by grabbing Nami's arm.
He knew better than abandoning. In fact, ever since his feelings for you were revealed to him, all he could think of, was you. You occupied his mind when it wasn't focused on training, he found himself longing to hug you and smile when you do. Although, he thought about not pursuing you, scared it would ruin his focus on his goal. It was in vain, as he realized you were always very supportive of his goal and even cheered him to train harder and achieve his dream. He appreciate it a lot.
The sun is slowly setting on the Sunny, the golden light illuminating the boat. He looks far away, a hand on his swords and his head turns in your direction as your laugh echoes through the ship.
You are playing a card game with Robin, killing time before its time for supper.
His lips naturally curve into a discreet smile as he observes you complain about some move Robin did. You were accusing her of cheating with her ability, sulking over your lost as she quickly denies it with a chuckle. As he watches you, he notices that you did something different with your hair and decide to use it to his advantage.
He approaches you with his usual blank expression, but he slightly hesitate in his steps which caught Robins attention. You smile noticing his presence.
-What brings you here! Wanna play?
You ask him as you show him quickly the pack of cards in your hands with your infamous grin.
-Nah, I’m good. You..you did something new with your hair?
-Oh, yeah! You noticed? Robin said it looked good.
You reply in an excited tone as you touch your hair.
-Yeah, you’re pretty.
-Thanks! I appreciate it
You say with a slight blush due to the compliment, but an awkward silence falls. Zoro stays silent for a moment as he thinks of what he could ad to the conversation but you open your mouth first.
- By the way,..umm I'm sorry about yesterday, i hope it wasn't something important?
You trail avoiding to stare at him as you remember how you embarrassingly ran away too nervous to talk to him. When he pulled you to the side, his eyes staring deeply into yours, you felt like you couldn't breath for a moment. You didn't want him to obviously figure out you like him...
Robin gazes at Zoro before looking at you a small teasing smirk appearing on her lips.
-Oh...Yeah...I was hoping to talk to you, but...uh.
He says as his face gets red. He clearly hates the facts that Robin is here enjoying the little show while you are still oblivious to his advances.
-It can wait
-We can talk now if you want. We were done with our game anyway.
-I have to do something first, but you can meet me in the crow-nest in about 5 minutes?
He lies trying to give himself some time to think about what he's going to say. You nod agreeing with your usual smile that he loves so much.
-Alright then see ya
You watch him leave, curious about what he wants to speak with you. You shrug your shoulders ready to leave too, but Robin is looking at you with a small teasing smirk.
She retorts sweetly before waving you off.
The dark sky slowly sets over the head of the Strawhats as the delicious smell of the food fills everyone nostrils. You enter your room to put away your card and as you are about to leave, you take a moment to breath. You didn't notice how nervous you are until you felt your breath getting a little shaky.
Arrived at the location, you open the door and see him sat not too far from the window. He’s looking away but as he notices your presence, he invites you to sit besides him.
-The food smells good
You say breaking the silence. He nods and looks outside again. At around the same moment, an insect fly inside and run directly in your face, making you panic a little. Zoro is quick to catch it and throw it away, making sure you are fine at the same time.
-You’re okay?
-Yeah, it’s just a small insect, I'm good.
He gets closer to you and clumsily fix your hair with the use of his fingers.
He concludes with a small satisfied smile as he finishes placing your hair. You look up at him with a blush, eyes connecting with his. Zoro clears his throat as he leans back while you stare at your nervous fingers. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you stare now at your friend.
-So, what did you want to talk about?
You see him hesitate as he opens his mouth but close it quickly. His gaze shift from you to the view outside. He sighs and with a blush spread on his tanned cheeks, he finally speaks.
-I like you
Your eyes widen at his sudden confession, not expecting this at all. You furrow your eyebrows as your hand naturally covers your pounding heart.
-What??Since when!?
You ask completely confused. He chuckles a little astonished to your true shock to his confession. You really didn't notice his flirting tactics.
-I thought I made it obvious
-No?? How??
-Uh...with compliments.
-I don't compliment anyone like the cook, I genuinely think you are pretty.
You gasp a little hiding your face in your hands, half of you not believing this is real and half of you realizing the cause of his strange behavior. You let your hands fall on your laps as you giggle.
-You're so bad at flirting
You joke to try to calm yourself down. Both of you start laughing as he admits it with a nod.
-You are so dense though
-Pfff, not at all
-You clearly can't take a hint
-Y/N SWANNNN, It's time to eat!
You are interrupted by Sanji's scream that startle you a little.
-Look like dinner is ready
Zoro concludes as he prepares himself to stand up, but you quickly grab his forearm pulling him down. You close the distance and give him a quick kiss on his cheek. He looks at you surprised, but he slowly start to smile.
-I like you too
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alexa-fika · 5 months
hey I'm so so sorry but can you make nifty reader a female? I'm so so sorry I didn't clarify 😭 you don't have to at all I'm so so sorry
Menace Ahoy (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!reader)
A/N Absolutely no problem! Thank you for asking!
Talking about this post with male!reader
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which means Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“You lost her?!”
“The hell do you mean me?! You were also supposed to keep an eye on her!”
“That’s enough the both of you! Right now, we need to focus on finding her before she sneaks into the kitchen or the training areas.” The first-man yelled, scolding his crewmates
“I swear I had her by my side a few seconds ago. I just I blinked, and just like that, gone! It’s like she just up and vanished!” Ace said desperately, looking around
“That’s why you can’t take your eyes off her; she is quick like that,” mutters Vista, thinking of where the little menace could have run off to now
“She wouldn’t get off the ship, would she?” He questions
“Unlikely, she will only get down once she sees one of us has deboarded, and despite looking for trouble, she won’t leave our side unless we tell her she can,” Izou pipes in
Their discussion is quickly cut short as two voices join their conversation
“What have I told you about sneaking into the kitchen?” Thatch grumbles, holding a girl by the scruff of her shirt walking closer to the men
“But it was a mess! I needed to clean the mess up!” She fusses, looking up at the chef
“No, uh, Kitchen is a big No, No, don’t trust you not to steal one of my knives again.”
“It was dirty; I need to go back and clean it; I need to make sure it’s clean, so much mess, I need to clean it,” she rambled on as she began to spiral on the thought of the kitchen and all the tools and areas that needed to be cleaned up
“Hey, Hey, I get you want to clean, but you can’t just barge in and start cleaning; you could get badly hurt if you touched one of the hot surfaces. Please don’t go back in there without one of us,” He said, lowering the child to the ground
“Just don’t sneak in there again, got it?”
“It’s okay; I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried you could get badly hurt. How about you come to ask me first, and I‘ll let you know if I help clean?”
She grins, nodding excitedly
“Hey, Dokucha, are you coming with us?” Called Vista; Marco and Izou already waiting for the pair at the port
“Yeah!” She exclaimed, running her way but skidding to a stop and looking at the two behind him
“Are you not coming?” She asked, looking at Thatch and Ace
“I’ll stay here; I have some things to attend to in the kitchen,” Thatch replies; he takes a moment to sigh and rub his head
“Someone has to keep this idiot some company,” quips Ace with a grin, only to groan as his comment was received with a hit on the back of the head
“What the hell, Thatch?!”
She snickers at her brothers' antics and resumes running her way to Vista, joining her as they go down the gangway
“Where are we going?”
Marco looks back at the two
“I need to refill some of the medical supplies; after that, we need to stack up on drinks,” Marco answered, looking down at the list he held in his hands
She jumps her way to Marco, hanging from his shoulder to take a look at the note
“What’s gunpowder? And what the hell is whetstone?” the girl asked, squinting at the words in the note
“Language,” muttered Marco, giving a side eye to the kid on his shoulder
“Whetstones are used to sharpen swords, Dokucha; I need it to sharpen my swords; the one we have has grown dull,” Vista answered
“Hehehehe, Can I have the swords when you sharpen them?”
“Certainly not.”
“Just for a little bit, just want to test them; how do you know if they go through the skin if you don’t try it?” She grinned, a maniacal look growing in her eyes
“Who are you trying this on?!”
“I can find people to stab real quick; you won’t miss them.”
“I can use the blood of our enemies.”
“Still no.”
“Bah, what about gunpowder?”
“It’s used for firing weapons like my pistols,” Izou replied, showing the kid his pistols as he said that
“Din’t even ask!”
“Don’t need to; you wouldn’t be allowed.”
“Ugh, party poopers,” she whined, sticking her tongue at the two
They roll their eyes at her antics, a chuckle escaping Vista as he shakes his head
“You’re quite something, Dokucha,” Marco stated, putting the note away and beginning to make his way into town
“I wouldn’t trust you with a wea- Agh!” His words were cut off as one of the locals knocked into him, causing him to stumble slightly in surprise
“Watch where you’re walking, dumbass,” they growl, continuing their way deeper into town
“Stab, Stab?” She said, not taking her eyes off the person as they walked away, an ominous-looking smile growing on her face
“Leave them,” Marco groaned, brushing himself off
“But they deserve it to have their blood splattered!”
“They are not worth it,” Vista sighed, shaking his head
“It’s fine. Let them have their rude ways; they hardly deserve any of your attention,” Izou added
“Don’t let people like that bother you, Dokucha; people like that enjoy pushing people around. It’s best not to waste your time with them,” Vista finished
“They were rude; come on, just one stab! I’ll make the prettiest painting with their blood.”
“No one will mis-
“Absolutely not”
Everyone would be hap-
“Just drop it.”
“Come o-
The three stated their answers firmly, all three sharing a similar tone that told him there was no room for discussion
“Party poopers”
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Again thank you for asking nicely, I have no problem publishing a piece again with the pronouns changed for you guys as long as you guys asked nicely! So don’t be afraid to ask, it’s an easy fix!
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