#i mean Athy has to take after Claude in more than just the eyes
coolingrosa · 2 months
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Hi have I ever mentioned my favorite straight couple ever
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Headcanon/ Crack theory: Claude was imitating Anastacius
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What if Claude thought that he could never be loved or respected as long as he was himself and he imitated his brother or more precisely, how he perceived him as a child, he copied the tyrant version of Anastacius?
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Claude and Anastacius didn't know each other for that long before things fell apart, it's interesting to see that Claude picked up some of his habits regardless like tapping his fingers on the desk when he is putting pressure on his interlocutors for answers and threatening them
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or the way he carries himself.
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Anastacius and Claude stopped being friends when Claude was little and still Claude walks like him and displays some of his habits like promiscuity and overindulgence in alcohol. He is even dressing like Anastacius at formal events and wearing his hair parted in a way that resembles the hairstyle Anastacius wore.
Do you ever think there had been a moment where Claude was close to breaking and he asked Penelope "What will it take for you to love me? Should I be more like Anastacius?"
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And then after deposing of the tyrant, he became the new tyrant because he knew no other way to secure his power. Kindness won't get him anywhere he has learned. To no avail he tried to fill up the emptiness inside himself with other people's desires. He couldn't have the familial love he yearned for and that's why he stole the throne and made Anastacius' dream his. If Anastacius could sacrifice his family for the throne then surely this must mean that power and fear must be better than love. That they were more than enough to replace love.
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I mentioned it before that Claude's behavious towards Athy is in some ways similar to that of a ML towards a FL rather than a father towards his daughter and it occured to me that Claude might be acting that way because he doesn't really know how to forge bonds or is too scared to open up emotionally for fear that he might be hurt by showing a state of vulnerability, and that is why he might be copying Anastacius' methods of interaction with women. He uses a method he knows for sure that will make a woman stay and remain loyal to him: He spoils Atha materialistically with sweets, dresses, accessories, flowers and money.
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I've always found it odd that Claude was called the savior of the nation when he fits the role of a tyrant much more. Anastacius was described as extravagant yet it is Claude who wastes extremely huge amounts of money for Athanasia and has no problems to use threats and torture to get what he wants. Claude demands respect the way Anastacius' demanded respect. In the end he even used black magic on himself which he had previously outlawed because of Anastacius' abuse.
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Claude thought he killed Anastacius when he actually killed himself and Anastacius lived on inside himself. He was resurrecting him every morning.
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Nothing had changed. The portraits of Claude's ancestors stayed on the walls of the Emperor. The lavish furniture remained even though Claude liked things simple. The tyrant on the throne was just replaced by another tyrant and the citizen of Obelia lived under the illusion that things would turn out better, because this tyrant hated the public eye and every terrible thing he did happened behind closed doors.
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
WMMAP's paper doll book review
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Ever since I got into WMMAP there was something I wanted to get more than anything else in the world. But no matter what, for some reason or another I could never buy it. My own personal Moby Dick, if you will... the extremely rare paper doll book included in volume 3's limited edition.
Today, my search has finally come to an end. Review under the cut.
It doesn't show that well in video or pictures, but Athy's eyes (and her tiara, jewelry and ribbon) are shiny! The holographic effect makes her eyes look truly jeweled. A very nice detail.
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The book's cover and back. My god, Athy is so beautiful... A close-up of this illustration is actually used in the manhwa! As well as the Blackie plushie.
After this there are some pages dedicated to the instructions for making the dolls. I can't include them because of Tumblr's picture limit, but they are pretty simple, nothing too interesting.
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Sorry the picture quality isn't the best. The book and its pages are very thick, so it's hard to open it and take pictures ; ;
Tiny Athys together! These figures show how the paper dolls are supposed to look once you make them. It's also a great reference for Athy's outfits.
Here is a fun detail. All the outfits have a "name" under them. In order, these are:
Chapter 7. First meeting with Dad
Chapter 9. Boating with Dad.
Chapter 13. Teatime with Dad.
Chapter 15. Lullaby for Dad.
Chapter 17. Lucas and Blackie.
Chapter 18. Blow~ on Dad's cheek. ("호오" doesn't have a direct english translation, but it refers to when Athy slapped Claude and blowed on his boo-boo lmao)
Chapter 21. Walking with Dad.
Chapter 21. Ijekiel and the angel.
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Teen Athys together! The outfits' names are:
Chapter 24. Dance class with Madame Pompidou.
Chapter 24. First dance plan with Felix.
Chapter 24. Lucas and the "wrong type of smarts" guy. (I translated the names just to talk about this lmao. The literal meaning is "smartdumb" and it refers to Lucas saying Athy is "only book smart" because she couldn't understand Claude's feelings. Other translations could be "not that smart guy" or "not really smart guy")
Chapter 24. The sound of me striking gold. (This one is also weird. Literal translation could be "the sound of my destiny unfolding"? Tapas translated it as "the sound of my life turning around". I kept Tappy's translation)
Chapters 29. Debutante.
Chapter 35. Boating with Dad.
Chapter 37. In the library.
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This is the "paper doll making" part of the book. Every doll comes with her pair of clothes, accessories and such. You are supposed to cut them, and use the little paper flaps and glue to make the dolls.
At the end of the book there are also some backgrounds to pose the dolls with. They are Athy's room, her tea room where she often has snacks with Lucas, the dance room from chapter 25, the outside of the Emerald Palace, and Claude's room.
I was thinking of actually making the dolls... but the book is so pretty that I don't have the heart to cut it OTL. Maybe if I'm ever able to get a second copy, though I doubt it because this book is very hard to come by.
That's all I have for you for the time being!
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alicehattera03 · 1 year
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Reading it after a while(and omg are the physicals so COLORFUL and detailed kyaaaa!!!), I was struck by how off-putting it must have been to both Felix and Roger.
Felix more so, because he's known Athy for a little while now, and he's seen her at her most vulnerable: wanting to know what her mother looks like, almost drowning in the lake, being caught biting on a gold statue by Claude, etc and he's only ever seen her be quiet or very cutesy. This behavior that was so unlike her "usual" 5 year old self that she shows around him, a lover of sweets and gold, was staring down Duke Alpheus just like Claude and saying things like, "Athy doesn't want a playmate who's dumber than her." Felix didn't think Athy could say a mean word for her life but here she was, challenging the duke, and he can see that she means every word.
Roger on the other hand has seen her only once before but even so it's a 180 degree turn from last time. She was a mostly useless pawn of a princess back then, offering him her candy but taking it back at the last minute, playing jokes as any child might. But the princess he saw today was... strange. Almost like her eyes had aged twenty years as she looked at him and spoke with her cute voice about how she wouldn't be intellectually challenged by J and how she wasn't a worthy playmate if she hadn't gone through Marx Beredinger and didn't know other languages. Even Ijekiel had gone through it all at an older age than the princess. They were all very long and complicated books, and she even spoke more than one language at the tender age of 5-6? Roger didn't know what to think.
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myearts-uwu · 3 years
Bakery AU!
Pairing: Claude x Felix
Featured characters: Claude, Athanasia, Felix, Lily (at the very end of it)
Genre: Fluff. Just... it’s pure fluff in here.
This was supposed to be a single one-shot but I somehow decided to turn it into a short fic that has... two or three parts?
It’s just an adorable AU!
"York's Bakery...," Claude read out the sign displayed above the front door of the cozy-looking bakery. He hummed in disinterest. He was not exactly a huge fan of going out to buy bread or random pastries at a random bakery, let alone a bakery that had been opened for less than three months.
However, since his daughter was the one who asked if they could visit this new bakery together one day during the weekend, he had no choice but to say yes to her favour. It warmed his cold heart when her eyes lit up before smiling at him after he said that.
Why must he be such a softie for his daughter?
Upon hearing the shaky breath of awe, Claude looked down and noticed the seven-year-old girl staring at the bakery with awe. Her small and chubby hand was holding onto the pinky finger of his left hand loosely.
"You seem to be excited to come here, Athanasia," he commented nonchalantly with a stoic face. He was not the best at showing his true emotions. However, his daughter knew that he was being entertained by her. "I still don't know how you've heard about this bakery, though."
Athanasia just giggled. "Oh, I always see it every day when the driver drives me to school, papa!" she answered. Of course, he wouldn't know about that small fact considering that he had never personally driven her to school. As the CEO of Obelia's Enterprises, he had to go to his office early in the morning. "And since the driver has been to this bakery before, he told me that this bakery's pastries are to die for! Es... Especially the chocolate muffins!" she exclaimed.
"Hm, I see...," Claude mumbled before ruffling Athanasia's soft blonde hair. Compared to the colour of his hair which was a more golden colour, her's leaned more on the lighter side. "Well, let's see if what Mister Han said is true and the pastries here are indeed 'to die for'. Let's go, Athanasia. We don't want to keep standing here, do we?"
Athanasia nodded and skipped towards the front door, tugging her father by his hand. Some random passersby noticed the father-daughter duo and either smiled or chuckled at the adorable scene in front of them.
Claude was about to push the door open but his own daughter had beaten him to it. She had let go of the blond's hand for a few seconds just so she could both of her hands around the door handle. As soon as she pushed the front door open, there was the sound of a small bell ringing.
"Welcome to York's Bakery!"
The person standing behind the counter greeted the two newcomers with enthusiasm. Claude stole a small glance at the worker and the only thing he took note of was the messy bright red hair. As well as that large grin on his face that could make anyone's heart melt.
Besides that? He didn't look all that interesting to him.
All he could give the man was a curt nod for he was not someone who enjoyed talking to people.
"Hello!" Unlike him, Athanasia was a total ball of sunshine. She smiled back at the worker and waved at him. The man just chuckled and waved back.
"Why, Hello there, young lady," the man behind the counter said. "How may I help you on this wonderful afternoon?"
Claude gave the man a warning glance and he immediately tensed up. A sign for him to not act so close around the little girl. Times like these made Claude grateful that he had a natural resting bitch face. After that, he acted as if nothing had happened and picked up a tray to put the baked goods he planned on getting on.
Besides the one worker available in the bakery, Claude noticed upon entering the building the strong aromatic scent of freshly baked bread. It tingled his nose slightly due to how heavenly the smell inside the bakery was.
"Uhh... I heard that the chocolate muffins here are to die for! And I wanted to try one!" Athanasia told the man. She walked towards the front counter and pressed her face against the glass of the display case. "Whoa... you have a lot of delicious-looking desserts here."
"Hmm... they do cater a lot of baked goods here," Claude mumbled to himself as he picked out random bread he and his daughter would eat as light snacks. Sausage rolls, croissants, baguettes, buns, egg tarts, cookies... They were really selling a wide variety of baked goods. He grabbed the pair of tongs and started to do his own business.
The worker laughed at Athanasia's adorableness. "They're all freshly made, you know? Well, except for the cakes since we usually have them chilling in the refrigerator overnight." He looked around before winking at her. "But that's a secret between us, alright?" he said in a whisper.
'Someone seems to like that counter worker,' Claude thought when he heard his daughter laughing out loud. He stood in front of a tall basket made from rattan that had baguettes in it. 'Hmm... Athanasia would most definitely eat an entire long baguette as a snack in one sitting... I'm just going to get it for her.'
"You're funny, Mister!" Athanasia exclaimed while taking her hand out towards him. "My name is Athy and that grumpy man who's picking out the baked goods there is my papa!"
"... Grumpy?" Claude turned around and looked absolutely offended by how Athanasia introduced him to a random stranger. Him? Grumpy? Sure, he was not a huge fan of social interaction but that did not mean that he was entirely grumpy.
It only made him even more annoyed when the guy was laughing with her.
"Now, Miss Athy. It's rude to call your own father grumpy," he told her before gently holding her small hand to shake it. "My name is Felix, by the way. If you were wondering about my name, that is."
"Oh, I already knew what your name is," she said before pointing on the nametag that was pinned to the beige apron Felix wore.  "It's written on that nametag thingy."
"... Oh, I actually forgot that I had my nametag on me," Felix stated in slight embarrassment. He scratched the back of his head. "You have good eyes, Miss Athy."
The girl turned around to look at her father. "Yes, papa?"
"Have you picked out everything you want yet?" Claude asked while smirking. After placing the tongs in their original place, he put his free hand on his waist. "You don't want to return home without those muffins and cupcakes and cookies you were talking about before coming here now, do you?"
"Eh?! But papa, there's just so many things that I wanna try here!" Athanasia cried out. Her eyes darted around the baked goods inside the display case. "Ahh, I really wanna try those chocolate muffins... but the chocolate chip cookies look so good... Oh, but... but look at those macarons! And- And those chocolate bars with dried up fruits..."
Felix looked down at the indecisive girl and looked up at Claude. He laughed weakly. "I assume that your daughter has a strong liking to chocolate?" he asked.
"She's addicted actually," Claude answered before placing the tray on the front counter. He was going to have to pay for all these twice if Athanasia was still deciding on what she should get. "She actually had one of her teeth pulled out at the dentist last year because of a bad cavity. She kept denying that her tooth wasn't aching... but she always teared up whenever she ate anything."
Felix snorted while Athanasia looked at her father as if he had betrayed her. Which, in a way, he did.
"Papa, you promised you won't talk about that to anyone," Athanasia whined with a cute pout. She humphed. "I'm not going to talk to papa anymore!"
"Is that so?" With a calm expression on his face, Claude pulled out his wallet. "Well, good luck paying for all those desserts, then."
"Papa!" she whined again, earning more laughter from the man behind the counter.
He may not look it, but Claude knew how to be humourous... occasionally.
"M-My, you two are quite a hilarious duo," Felix commented while wiping away a tear from laughing too much. He went to the cash register to collect the blond's payment. The girl would eventually tell them what she wanted soon enough.
Claude looked around the bakery while Felix placed the baked goods he paid for into a large paper bag. "Are you the only one working here?" he asked, trying to make some light conversation even though he was not the best when it came to starting one.
"Oh, heaven's no. I'm way too inexperienced to be left working at a bakery all alone," Felix answered with a smile. "There are more people working here, believe it or not. The owner of the bakery, Lilian, is usually working behind the scenes in the kitchen. The same goes for the other ladies working here. Since I'm not that good at baking anything, I'm in charge of the front counter. Greeting customers, making sure everyone is content with the bakery's atmosphere, making sure no one steals anything from here... the usual stuff."
Felix was indeed a talker.
"... Uh-huh," was Claude's awkward response.
"Mister Felix! Mister Felix!" Athanasia called out.
Felix and Claude looked at the little girl. "Hm? Found something you like, Miss Athy?"
"... Can I get a chocolate muffin and those chocolate chip cookies? They look really tasty?"
"Of course. Oh, one moment, Sir."
"Take your time."
Claude looked at Felix who knelt down to grab a muffin as well as scooping out the cookies before putting them in separate smaller paper bags. When Athanasia approached him, he petted her head. "I thought you'd buy the whole bakery because of how indecisive you are when it comes to food."
"But papa, if I do that, then what will they sell afterwards? I don't wanna ruin their business!" Athanasia grinned innocently.
"... Well, isn't that nice of you?" Claude responded sarcastically.
Felix couldn't help but chuckle at them. "Here're your cookies and muffin, Miss," he said as he leaned forward to give the small bags to the girl after calculating the whole price of everything with the cash register.
"Yay!" Athanasia snatched the paper bags from Felix's hand. She immediately opened the bag with the cookies and pulled one out before munching on it.
Claude sighed. "Athanasia, can't you just wait for a few more minutes?" he asked her sternly. "At least eat the cookies once I'm done paying for everything."
"But... But papa. These cookies are amazing!" Her jewel blue eyes sparkled. There were a few cookie crumbs on her lips and her chubby cheeks were puffed out after eating more of the tasty snack.
Claude's shoulders dropped. "Athanasia... You're dirtying the floor with those cookie crumbs."
Felix had to stifle his own laughter. "That's okay, Sir. I can clean that up afterwards. Besides, your daughter here is obviously enjoying those cookies immensely, right Miss Athy?"
"Mhm!" Athanasia nodded her head, mouth still full with cookies inside.
Well, it was painfully clear to Claude that this worker was already smitten with his daughter... Which he couldn't really blame him for that. Even he had to admit that his daughter was a complete natural at manipulating people with her cute looks and personality.
Claude sighed and was preparing to pull out his money. "How much does everything cost... Felix?"
"That will be... exactly 13000 won."
Claude widened his eyes slightly. "... That's a pretty low price for this much we're getting," he muttered. "Especially for how high-quality everything looks."
Felix thought he had misheard something. "Low price? I... don't mean to be rude but that is a pretty high price. Not to mention that you're buying this many baked goods at once..."
"Papa could have bought everything inside this bakery if he wants to!" Athanasia chimed in. "Because papa is a big boss at a big company! A CEO!"
... Claude had to make a mental note for himself to remind him to teach Athanasia that she should not give out random personal information about either of them to strangers once they return home.
He was expecting Felix to pry more information about him being a CEO out of either him or Athanasia.
But instead, he just acted as if he didn't hear anything.
"Well, even if your father is a CEO of a large company, if he's able to sell out the entire bakery, I'm sure my boss would pass out from shock," Felix joked before pushing the large paper bag with everything Claude bought inside. "Funny story, she actually did end up passing up from shock after we were given our first ever large cake order for a wealthy child's birthday party."
"Well, I sincerely hope she won't end up passing out if more people end up ordering cakes and other pastries from this bakery," Claude responded. "She might have to go to a hospital if that happens a lot."
... Was that supposed to be a joke or something?
Claude cleared his throat from how awkward he suddenly felt and looked down at his wallet to pull out the exact amount of money he needed to pay for everything. "I'm... not that good when it comes to making jokes," he admitted.
"... Oh, that was a joke?" Felix asked.
Athanasia shook her head in disapproval. "Papa, you're terrible at making jokes. This is why people either think you're a serious grumpy man or a socially awkward man."
'When and where did she learn to be so sassy to her own father?' Claude wondered, trying to act calm.
"... Here's the money." He tried to ignore the quiet stare from Athanasia and gave the money to Felix. When he looked at him did he realise that this was the first time they made proper eye contact with each other.
For the first time since coming here, Jewel blue eyes met up with warm grey ones face to face.
Felix froze up all of a sudden, confusing Claude. He tilted his head. "Felix, are you alright?"
A few seconds later, Felix blinked multiple times before realising that he was still at work. There was a faint blush on his face and he smiled nervously. "A-Ah! My apologies," he apologised as he accepted the money. "I was... genuinely stunned at your eyes. I'm sorry if that sounds weird."
Ah, his eyes. It was considered a rare condition and the only people who had it were people in his family. The jewel blue eyes were always associated with the people within the Obelia family. His ancestors, his father, his older brother, his niece, his daughter...
Basically, they all had jewel blue eyes. The reason why? No one had any idea.
"It's alright," Claude reassured Felix. "I'm used to people being surprised by my eye colour."
"Oh, I see... Well...," Felix's words trailed off before putting the money inside the cash register. He then gave him the receipt with a warm smile. "Well, I just thought that your eyes remind me of sapphires somehow. It's nice."
"... Okay then?"
Well, this was a bit awkward.
"Papa, papa!"
"Hm?" After noticing the hem of his shirt being tugged down, Claude looked down and saw his daughter holding out a singular chocolate cookie in front of him. "... Athanasia, you know that I don't like desserts."
"But you might like it! You never know if you hate it unless you try it, papa," Athanasia told him in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice. That sort of statement sounded really weird when it's coming from a seven-year-old child. "The cookies are so delicious! Please, papa? Just one..."
Claude stared at her blankly before looking at Felix who shrugged his shoulders.
'... At least be glad that there are no customers inside other than us,' he thought begrudgingly before going down on one knee so he could be at the same eye level as Athanasia. He opened his mouth and his daughter happily fed him the single cookie. He then stood up and slowly munched on the sickeningly sweet and crunchy snack.
"It tastes... alright, I guess," Claude mumbled, his voice slightly muffled by the cookie in his mouth.
"See? What did I tell you? I knew you'd like it!" Athanasia said proudly with her arms folded across her chest.
Felix smiled at the girl's energetic demeanour. It seemed to Claude that he was wondering how such a small ball of energy came from someone who looked like he'd rather stay at home all day.
"Your relationship with your daughter is adorable, sir," Felix commented.
"It's Claude."
"My name. What? Since you did give my daughter your name and my daughter gave hers to you, might as well join in to not feel so left out, right?"
"O-Oh... Mister Claude?" Felix tried to say his name.
"Just drop the 'Mister'. Judging by your appearance, I wouldn't be surprised if we're around the same age," Claude told him.
"... As you wish... Claude... Ah, I'm sorry but it does feel a bit embarrassing for me to call you so casually like that when this is our first time meeting, haha!"
'... Hm. That's weird," Claude thought while he silently stared at the red-haired man who was running his fingers through his hair. For a moment he thought his heart skipped a beat. It was most likely his own mind playing tricks on him.
"If that's the case, then feel free to add in 'Sir' before saying my name," Claude said casually. He looked at his wristwatch and knew that it was time for him and Athanasia to leave this bakery. Annoyingly for him, his older brother Anastacius and his daughter Jennette were coming over soon in the evening and he had to... mentally prepare himself in order to deal with his brother.
"Well, Felix. We'll be taking our leave for today," he said before calling out Athanasia who was looking at the desserts in the display case. "Athanasia, it's time to go. Remember, your cousin is coming over."
"Okay!" Athanasia exclaimed before rushing towards him. She almost tripped but fortunately, she managed to grab Claude's shirt in time to prevent herself from falling. Giggling, she turned around and waved at Felix. "Goodbye, Mister Felix! It was nice talking to you!"
"Bye-bye, Miss Athy." Felix waved back.
Claude pulled the front door open and was about to leave the bakery but he stopped in his tracks when he heard Felix calling him.
"Sir Claude?"
Claude turned his head around and looked at Felix with a surprised expression when he smiled warmly at him. A smile that would make anyone feel comforted just by looking at it.
"I hope you have a wonderful day. And please come again!" Felix said. It was something he'd say to every single customer who'd leave the bakery.
But there was something about the way he said that made it sound like he was actually looking forward to seeing Claude again.
And for some reason, Claude felt a bit... flattered by that.
"... Of course," was all he could say before leaving the bakery with his daughter. After the door closed behind them, the father-daughter made their way to his Mercedes-Benz.
The trip to the car was quiet. Athanasia was happily munching on her chocolate muffin while Claude was deep in thought about something.
"... I suppose we can make time to visit the bakery from time to time every Saturday...," Claude mumbled, still deep in thought. 'That Felix guy is quite an amusing fellow to be around.'
"Eh?!" Athanasia looked up at her father in complete shock.
That was obviously wonderful news for the girl because she really loved the snacks there.
Ten minutes had passed since Claude and Athanasia left the building.
"I heard a lot of laughter coming from here," Lily said as she came out of the kitchen to check up on her employee and close friend. Felix was busy sweeping the floor with a broom to get rid of the cookie crumbs on the floor. The brunette smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "You're whistling. Did something good happen to you just now?"
Felix slowly turned his head around to look at Lily. There was a goofy smile present on his handsome face. "If you consider a pretty man coming in here with his cute daughter and he's like... really pretty that you can't stop staring at him as a good thing? Then yes, something good did happen."
"... Ah, so you're in love with a customer. That's a first."
Felix chuckled to himself. "Ahh... I really do hope that they come here more often soon."
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doomed-prophetess · 3 years
ohh! would kiel support athanasia in her overthrowing her father and committing war crimes! etc etc. or would he just be her consort? is he afraid of her (but also, it’s hot) or would he be an active supporter? and would she be closed off or would she open up to him?
it's complicated. In my mind Breaking Point (which I'll never write btw) is one of those convoluted plots with multiple parallel universes and literal world breaking involved.
In this AU Aeternitas is actually a terrifying villain. He kills Athy and resurrects her over and over again. His ultimate goal is to make the Obelias suffer. Just once won’t do it for him. His second goal is for Athy to reach a breaking point and make her agree to a deal with him in her desperation. In my mind possession magic follows the rule of similarity: Possession works best if the vessel and the magician in question are similar aka genetically very close (chimera!Jennette) or they share similar characteristics (Anastacius, the duke). Athy shares neither of these qualities, meaning Aeternitas has to create a situation where she has to develop similar characteristics to him in order to survive.
Originally the au started as the idea that Athy overthrows Claude and takes Ijekiel as a political hostage/consort. While Ijekiel isn't happy about his situation, he still sees Athy's point. This Ijekiel loves her and knows about her abusive family situation. This Ijekiel stays voluntary with her, he serves as her moral compass and tries to do damage control.
But then I got two anons who expanded on that idea and it got significally darker. In the new version Athy doesn't kill Claude. She tortures him. Athy got a lot of pent up emotions. Killing him wouldn't satisfy her. I guess we could also go the route that Athy still craves Claude's attention (though she'd never admit it). When she keeps him alive and forces him to witness her ascension to the throne, she’s essentially saying "look at me" I'm worthy of the throne, I'm better than Jennette, are you proud of me?. Athy wants a validation of her trauma. In some ways she still wants to connect to him. But every visit in the dungeon will just lead to nowhere. It's a torture for them both. This is their definition of family.
Now what about Ijekiel? Even though Athy tries to keep it hidden Ijekiel suspects about Athy's darker hobbies, but he is too afraid to confront her directly about it. Too afraid to destroy the illusion of a perfect fairy tale romance and see what lurks underneath.  Ijekiel got more or less coerced into the relationship. He is unaware of Athy’s many reincarnations and at times confused by her obsession with him. Yeah, he still loves her, though if  he clings to the image of her innocent past self and keeps making excuses for her current self who would kill people without batting an eye, does he really? (Eventually he wouldn’t be able to see past her crimes and it won’t end well)
I have 3-4 timelines where Athy overthrows Claude:
1. Ijekiel’s family supports Athy’s coup against Claude and he becomes her guard after she has ascended the throne. She uses him to execute the people who have wronged her and it really damages him psychologically. He dies before they could ever act on their feelings.
2. Athy takes power at age 15 while Ijekiel is away in Arlanta and makes quite the name for herself as the tyrant Princess. Ijekiel only knows about her from letters and is understandably creeped out by her obsession with him. The anti Emperor faction from the current timeline joins with the resistence. Ijekiel is aware that Anastacius has ulterior motives, but choosing between Athy and Ana is kind of like choosing between pest and cholera so he chooses what he presumes is the lesser evil: the anti Emperor faction. After Ana’’s death, Ijekiel becomes the head of the resistance. Like in any other universe Ijekiel is bound to fall for Athy but in this life he's disgusted with himself and his feelings for her.
3, this AU
The more power Athy gets the less agency does Ijekiel have. I imagine dark!Athy wouldn’t be able to relax if she’s not fully in control in the relationship but this has got to do with her powerless childhood + abandonment issues. She craves power, knowledge and wealth cause they are the only means with which she can protect herself against the world.
Athy and Ijekiel's relationship is dubious...at best. Especially in the latter timelines where Athy has had killed off her emotions and overthrows Claude. The AU is only an Athy wins AU at the surface. In reality it is an Aeternitas wins AU underneath. True Athy got everything she wanted: power, wealth, love but deep down she is emotionally broken.
The real cruelity behind Aeternitas revenge isn't that Athy dies and gets resurrected but also the emotional toll it takes on her mind. The futility. The fact that everything she has worked so far gets reduced to nothing (including the relationships she has build up).
I can imagine for example a timeline where she and Ijekiel died together (a la Romeo and Juliet), and Athy reincarnates. She wants to start where they left off, but the thing is: they don't have any basis to their relationship. In Ijekiel's mind Athy is practically a stranger to him to whom he was nice once. So when Athy suddenly starts to talk about true love he is weirded out. When she starts to murder people he thinks she's crazy because he doesn't know the context of her actions. He'd try to talk sense to her in the way you'd only talk to crazy people which would only anger her more.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
[7] in the back of my mind
Fandom: WMMAP Rating: G Ship: Eventual Lucathy, Felily, Calena, and more Note: the Twin Sibling AU that i tried so hard not to write, but i DID, so naturally i have to call myself out for writing it. will be cross-posted on ao3 and wattpad under the same title
note: until athy’s magic-induced coma that occurs in the 2 year timeskip, Verena will not be introduced anytime soon for those who were aware of my love for her character and eagerness to introduce her. this also means that i’ll still have to be canon compliant with the story until then
Arc 1: Beginning of the End 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |  4 | 5 | 6 | [7] | 8
Arc 2: Of Princes and Villainesses 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16
He was pretty sure he transmigrated into a fanfic of [The Lovely Princess] — after all, he would’ve remembered if Princess Athanasia had a younger twin who died.
// A retelling of WMMAP with a vital difference — Athanasia has a younger twin brother.
7. without a shadow of doubt
He finds a small creature in the forest on one of his few rare moments alone out in the woods. Its appearance was an awful lot like a white cat, with black and grey patches of fur and glimmering aquamarine eyes. They're not wary of him, nor does the creature run away — instead, it observes him, sniffing at him before curling up around his legs.
It seems familiar, oddly enough.
"Hey there, little guy," he greets, running his fingers through its soft fur. "I didn't realize cats existed in this world, too."
He stares at the small catlike creature, and weighs the pros and cons of taking it back to the palace with him. Athy was more of a fan of dogs, rather than cats — she would probably complain about him having his own pet. Claude wouldn't care much, although Athanase was fairly certain that he would probably hate animals for the mere fact that they were noisy.
So, it was fairly easy for him to decide to leave the cat behind. It should be fine if he shows up from time to time to keep it company. Cats can take care of themselves, but there shouldn't be an issue with him occasionally feeding them...
"Mrrp?" The catlike creature rubs against his leg before taking off for a tree branch, seeming to take a nap. Its fur was so soft... it seemed relatively friendly, too. Maybe it belonged to someone in the palace grounds? There wasn't a collar or anything, from what he could see.
'I'll have to come back later,' he absentmindedly thinks, watching the cat sleep up on the tree.
"Thank you for inviting Athy/Athan to tea," Athanasia said with a curtsy as Athanase bowed. He smiled, trying not to snicker as Athy internally bragged about her cuteness.
As always, their father remained uncaring — which is more or less what Athan expected. He could tell that Athanasia was mildly disappointed in the lack of response, even if she claimed to have expected it. Maybe he just understood their father better?
"Good morning, papa!" Athy cheerily greeted, clearly not at all disheartened by their father's uncaring attitude.
"Morning, papa," he lazily chirped, feeling somewhat sleepy as he rubbed his eyes.
Then again, he always did have a bad habit of trying to sleep past noon whenever he could. If it weren't for Lily and how their tea time with Claude was moved to the mornings, he would still be asleep! It was all Athanasia's fault — she just had to greet him with a "good morning", otherwise their sperm donor would never have made the change from noon to 10 AM.
What's the point in greeting him, anyway? He never responds to them, not even an acknowledging hum or grunt. All he does is stare at them blankly, as if thinking of something else.
His sister begins to ramble about her made up dream as he yawns, laying back against his chair as he tries not to doze off.
"And you, Athanasios?" Claude asked, causing Athanase to blink at the sudden question.
'What about me?' he dumbly thought.
'He's asking about your dreams,' Athy prompted.
"Athan had a dream where Athan went on an adventure!" he sleepily cheered. "Athan was a knight who fought against an evil witch and saved Athy and papa and Feli and Lily and Hannah and Ces," he rambled, "And Athan got to play with Athy and papa again. And, and, Athan got to eat lots and lots of yummy cake!"
'Huh? What's this?'
He glances over to his sister at hearing her thoughts, only to immediately perk up at the sight of cake.
"Cake!" he gleefully stared at the cake placed before him before diving right in with childish delight.
'Glutton,' Athy thought.
'I don't want to hear that from a chocolate thief,' he shot back as he hummed, taking a bite and savouring the strawberry shortcake.
Truly, cake is the most heavenly dessert, with its countless variations and options. How Athy preferred chocolate more than simple cake was beyond him. Delicate cream, with a smooth or fluffy texture...
"Papa, is that good?" Athy abruptly asked.
Athan whipped his head up with interest, thinking that Claude was eating cake for once. He was met with disappointment upon seeing that it was only tea. Strange — did their father dislike sweets? He called them for teatime on a regular basis, in which sweets made a regular occurrence...
Then again, tea sounded nice. He was getting sick of honey and milk.
"It's not enjoyed for its taste."
"Athy wants what papa's having!" his sister demanded, and Athan hummed as he took yet another bite of his cake.
"It might be too strong for you, princess," Felix spoke up, seeming somewhat concerned.
"I want it! I want the same one!"
Vaguely, Athan remembers something... but what?
"Let her have it. If she wants it, I won't stop her."
Athan blinked, looking up as his sister hums and smiles in delight at the teacup.
"I wanna try after Athy," he chirps up as Athy nodded, taking her sip. She visibly brightens up after her sip, handing it over for Athan to try.
"Athy likes it, too!" she cheerfully states as Athan takes a sip.
The tea tastes nice — it wasn't an overbearing scent, but it...
"It tastes like flowers are blooming inside my mouth," he says, right as Athy makes her own statement, and she gratefully takes the teacup back with a happy hum.
"Right?" Athy had cheerfully asked, turning to look at him, and was very much pleased at their similar opinion.
Even though he and Athy were strangers who suddenly became twins, it was amazing how some things between them would still be a perfect match, even word for word.
But Felix and their father stares at them, their eyes slightly wider, as if they were seeing a ghost right before their eyes.
And Athan... has a bad feeling about this.
'What's with this reaction?' Athy wonders.
"...I see you have taken a liking to it," Felix smiles, giving a mournful look as he looks at the table, at the tea. "It's called Lippe Tea. His Majesty enjoys it as well."
Immediately, Athan's head dully aches.
He remembers this scene from Toska — it was the teatime between the twins and their father, the one that caused the distance between Prince Athanasios, Crown Princess Athanasia, and Emperor Claude to grow wider because the twins wanted to hear more about their mother.
"And Lady Diana also enjoyed it. "It feels like flowers are blooming inside my mouth," is what she said."
But this wasn't meant to happen until later in their lives, when the twins turned seven.
And they were still only five.
His sister glances over at their father, briefly shifting over to make eye contact with him, before looking curiously at Felix, "Mommy said the same thing as Athy?" she asked.
This wasn't how the conversation had gone in Toska, though. In Toska, Claude had outright glared at Felix for even daring to mention their mother.
"Yes," Felix smiled, seeming almost delighted at the topic of conversation. "Lady Diana was the reason why His Majesty started to enjoy Lippe Tea. Lippe Tea's main ingredient, Sanyu, only comes from Siodonna."
Was... was he overthinking things? Athanase could have sworn this was a conversation that happened in Toska, but the details of Lippe Tea was never brought up. On top of that, Claude was letting Felix talk about their mother, while in Toska he shut that down relatively quick...
"Ah, the lady and His Majesty once had tea in this very place toge—"
"I do not have such memories," Claude coldly interrupted, staring at Felix with a dark look. "You are surprisingly chatty today."
Well, the details were different, but it was good to know that even meeting Claude two years early didn't drastically change the storyline of Toska too much... probably. It wasn't perfect down to the details, but it was still a useful guideline.
After this, Claude will definitely stop seeing them as often as before.
"You're being too loud. Leave us."
Felix politely bowed as he stared at the ground, "Blessings and glory upon the Obelian Empire," he murmurs before leaving the table.
'What?' Athy had thought, and he could feel her rising irritation. 'So she's just a girl you used to know? What a jerk. And he's still...' An image of a woman with brown hair flickered in the back of his mind, the painting of a woman in a golden frame from their father's room. '...keeping the other one's portrait.'
"You're both still too young for tea. It would be best if you drank milk."
Strangely, Athan thinks that their father looked... sad.
His sister giggled, "Athy likes milk, too."
"Mn," he slowly nodded.
'A mother, huh?' Athan absentmindedly thinks, wandering into his study and glancing over the books on his bookshelf.
The library of the Ruby Palace didn't have appropriate reading materials for him and Athanasia, so much that the library ended up being off-limits to the twins. Since the Lily and the other maids insisted on beginning their education long before they met Claude, they worked together to create a study room for their lessons.
He had his own personal bookshelf — his sister also has one, but it's a pink bookshelf with drawings of flowers. His bookshelf was a simple, standard wood with what seemed to be star decals.
Lily knew his tastes in aesthetics better than anyone, it seemed.
Athanase halts, his fingers resting on a book of the world's geography. He still had difficulties with reading some words — then again, The Lovely Princess was an online k-novel. He was fortunate enough to be able to read the online official English translation, but even then he couldn't understand a hint of Korean. The letters in the Obelian Empire's alphabet appeared to be similar, but that was just his assumption as someone who had grown up only knowing English his entire life — almost.
Well... oddly enough, he seems to have a better understanding of Arlanta's language. Strange.
"Siodonna..." he frowned, picking up the book and flicking through the pages to search for the country.
From what Athanase knew, Siodonna was drastically different from Obelia when it comes to culture and fashion. Enough that Claude actually wore the casual robes, which would be considered almost improper by the Obelian nobility.
Then again, Claude was too frightening of a man for anyone to protest against his choices.
Siodonna was a hot and humid country, where it seemed to be summer all year round, much like how Obelia experience spring year round. He wasn't much of a fan of hot weather, but he did like a nice sunny day... still, perhaps Arlanta would be a better choice in terms of a country to escape into. Claude certainly wouldn't try to search for them there, right? They even had a prestigious academy that he could always ask to go to when he turns eight.
Since Claude doesn't care much for him and his sister, he should certainly give it a try. Plus, Obelia and Arlanta were on relatively positive terms, and while he wasn't fond of the idea, Arlanta would probably try to aim for a royal marriage between Athanasia and Prince Dice, who's only two years younger than them.
Still, he'd like to visit Siodonna once in his life. His mother didn't have any family, if he's remembering correctly. She missed the warm summer breeze and Siodonna cuisine, but she was genuinely happy that she was going to bear a child, especially because the father was the love of her life.
But did she even know that she was going to have twins? She only properly named Athanasia, after all.
'My mother was neglectful in my previous life,' he thinks, fingers tracing the pictures of Siodonna, 'I guess I just assumed Diana would've been, too. I'll have to remember this to avoid that kind of mistake again. Did I really forget that she was my favourite minor character?'
A mother's love... he wishes he could've met Diana.
He was sitting on the sofa, drawing a scene of Lily and Felix who sat beside Athy, as she simply continued to doodle with crayons. Humming, he observed them, adding in the background details. If Athy was considered a literary genius, he was the artistic genius — while he hated being called a genius when he was just cheating because of his previous life skills, he was rather proud of his art skills.
"What are you drawing, princess?" Felix asked, glancing over his sister's drawing with simply curiosity. It's been a while since he drew an image of someone's back. Thankfully, he didn't have to worry too much with the details, since the cloak Felix wore covered all the complicated-to-draw lines.
'It's bad enough that Athy's dress has so many ruffles,' Athan internally groaned, huffing as he erases the charcoal marking with bread. 'Why do I do this to myself? I dropped out of my art classes in college because of this!'
"Lily, Lily," Athy piped up.
"Yes, princess?"
"What does mommy look like?" his sister asked, causing him to look up with interest. "Athy wants to draw mommy, but Athy doesn't know mommy's face. Is mommy's straight-straight like Lily's, or wavy?"
'Oh! Athy, I know what Diana looked like,' he excitedly thought, putting his charcoal drawing down on the table as he wiped his hands with a towel. 'I saw a lot of fan art of Diana on Tumblr, so I could try to recreate that for you. She was really, really pretty.'
'Really?!' Athy looked at him with glittering eyes as he grabbed a clean sheet of paper and plopped down beside her, picking up the crayons.
"She had shimmering platinum blonde hair, just like Princess Athanasia," Lily had smiled gently at them.
'And she had pretty rose-coloured eyes!' Athan hummed happily, setting off on his task as he thought back to the days of glancing through the little fan art his side of the fandom had.
"Hmm. Was it this long?" Athy hummed, moving her arms out wide in a gesture.
'Not sure — the side stories were never clear on the details, so everyone just assumed it was really, really long,' he absentmindedly thought.
"A bit shorter than that," Lily answered.
'Think you're gonna grow your hair out as long as she did?' Athy wondered, "What about the shape of her face?"
'Fuck yeah, I am! I look too much like Claude right now, even after growing my hair out like you. I'm gonna go to sleep with braided hair to try and get that wavy long hair... although I'm gonna rock the dead anime mom hairstyle and end the trope. Although it probably won't count since I'm a dude...'
'The dead-what hairstyle?' Athy incredulously thought.
"It was..." Lily began to explain, distracting Athanasia who listened to their nanny attentively.
'Oh yeah, everyone in the community kinda just unanimously decided to draw Diana with a kind of heart-shaped face,' Athan absentmindedly thought. 'I never really thought about it too much, to be honest.'
'Okay. I can draw her now,' Athy confidently thought.
"She was a beautiful person, just like Princess Athanasia and Prince Athanasios," Lily gently spoke.
"Like Athy and Athan?" his sister asked aloud.
'That doesn't cover half of the fan art I saw of Diana!' Athan grinned, adding in him and his sister, sitting at Diana's side. 'She was so pretty! I swear, she looked like she came straight out of a movie, Athy.'
'I guess that would be true. In "The Lovely Princess" she was described as a beauty you couldn't take your eyes off of,' Athanasia considered. 'I wonder how pretty she was. They say that I look just like her, but I'm only a kid.'
'Guess we'll just have to wait and see,' Athan shrugged. 'Maybe when I learn magic, I could figure out a way to share my memories of Diana's pictures with you?'
'Yeah!' Athy looked at him with excited interest. 'Come to think of it, even our jerk of a sperm donor liked Diana, right? She was that much of a beauty.'
"Mama must've been a fairy," he cheerfully concluded, ultimately deciding to include Claude as well, having the man sitting next to Diana and Athy. It was a pretty cute family drawing, and while it wasn't much of a realism artwork, it was pretty good for something drawn in a short amount of time.
"I want to see her, too," Athy smiled, and Athan finally drew in the giant tree by the lake. At this point, he couldn't help but get carried away by making his own fan art of their mother — he can always draw Diana later, but right now he ought to do the best that he can at the moment.
Suddenly, the room had gone silent as Athan hummed, continuing his drawing as he finally began to colour.
In the drawing he made, he and Athy were both napping on Diana's lap on a picnic blanket, with Claude sitting on Diana's left, where Athy was napping. Really, it ought to be unfair how good-looking their family was — then again, not once had he encountered someone with bad genes.
'Eh?' his sister thought. 'What's with this heavy silence?'
'Hmm?' he paused in the middle of colouring Diana's pink dress.
'Athan... did I just say I wanted to see mom out loud...?'
'I... wasn't paying attention.'
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alvacchi · 4 years
I want to ask about Who Made Me a Princess does the FL and Lucas end up together if so then when? I loathe love triangles so hopefully we don't have any in this manga is it also based on a novel? Anyway, I hear the FL and Lucas are so cute together which makes me ship it before I even started it lol
OwO! Hello anon! It's a bit surprising you came to me for this information, as I am more of a WMMAP manhwa (aka Korean manga) reader than a novel reader (yes, WMMAP started off as a novel), but I will answer your questions to the best of my abilities!
Your questions aren't necessarily answered by the manhwa but I can hint at them from the novel.
For one just simply answering basing off the ongoing manhwa alone, the ship hasn't become canon and there is certainly a love triangle going on, as much as you dislike it. But as for favorability, Lucas seems to be the more likely choice.
I'll start off by directing you to sources in case you want to have a further look at the novel:
MTL novel translations after WMMAP Season 2 (which is where the manhwa is at while on hiatus)
(Take note that this translation is incomplete at the moment but it's the best I can find in English for the novel that's actually ahead of the manhwa)
Lithium-15 on Tumblr also provides some information on certain novel spoiler scenes, so you may want to check them out!
Spoilers ahead on WMMAP novel:
In the novel canonically, FL (which is Athanasia or aka Athy) and Lucas do end up together. Their relationship builds up with a some fluffy scenes, some of which are only interpreted in the novel. They have at least two children I believe, one being a black-haired daughter with blue-jeweled eyes named Atheia.
As for pinpointing when, I'm not exactly sure. Lucas shows signs of affection like getting jealous and making a half confession of telling Athy not to accept flowers from anyone else.
There's a side story scene at Athy's birthday party where Lucas reveals himself in his adult form to everyone so they know who he is now. And then Lucas and Athy reveal themselves to be in love to Claude (which Claude of course isn't super happy to hear lol). Claude reluctantly accepts their relationship though after Lucas gives Athy a dragon as a birthday gift.
WMMAP definitely vibes a love triangle (both manhwa and novel) because Ijekiel (aka Kiel) has fallen in love with FL Athy. And Lucas experiences jealousy from his competition 😂. If it helps though, as I mentioned, eventually Lucathy wins.
So yes the manhwa is based off of the novel but it's an adaptation and therefore there will be differences. That means some scenes from the novel may not show up or the storyline can stray from the original.
Since the manhwa is still ongoing, there's no guarantee of what will be exactly taken from the novel. I feel like there's more development from Lucas than Kiel so I think it will eventually become Lucathy.
I'm also a Lucathy shipper so we're on the same boat, anon! ^^
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softbrionne · 6 years
@shawyee sure!! under the cut bc it’s long
about the brooch, jennette’s sister first buys it for athy in the market. this is right after lucas and athy find jennette and ijekiel in the restaurant, and ijekiel, having kind of a hopeless crush on athy, runs off and leaves jennette alone whereas the guy i’m gonna refer to as claude’s brother, because i’m pretty sure that’s who he is, catches her alone and offers to pay for her. he asks “May I take a look?”, comments on the workmanship and then a pink sparkle effect occurs when he touches the sapphire in the middle (CH.41), which has always indicated magic usage, SPECIFICALLY magic usage from claude when he grants athy memories of diana. (compare for instance to the glowing eyes when lucas uses magic and athy’s glowing aura when we see her magic from lucas’s point of view). 
jennette gives the gift to athy in CH.42, in the scene immediately following the marketplace scene after lucas and athy come home. they’re on a boating ride in the lake and jennette offers the gift to athy. it’s also pretty clear she has no idea that a spell was put on the brooch, since when she’s giving the gift, she’s shaking and all she can think of is how cruel claude was to her when they met alone. athy notices this, accepts the gift and promises it wear it. fast forward to CH.45 where athy hosts a tea party and she’s wearing it on her head, which is when the accident happens.
honestly, i have no idea what to make out of the accident that happens. personally, i think it wasn’t entirely just her magic overloading, sure she was around blackie/raven at the time, and the interaction with her dog is what makes the brooch react, but i blackie/raven has always been an extension of her, and i think it was trying to protect her in some way, sensing that there was bad magic attached to her. i think it might have backfired and activated the spell, causing athy to fall into a coma.
i think another instance where something similar to this happened is when lucas was in his “regular” form in CH.17 when they first meet. he’s obviously shown as capricious, disinterested, and possibly a villain at that point in the story. he shows athy a parlour trick with the bubbles, which, being in a five year old body, fascinates her. she chases the bubbles around and pops them while lucas watches with the same distinterested (and slightly villainous) expression. athy continues chasing and popping them, noting in her inner dialogue that something doesn’t feel right: “for some reason... it’s getting hard to breathe”. i’m pretty sure lucas was if not outright trying to kill her, then testing her limits. blackie/raven immediately responds to the danger by growling, using its own magic to pop all the bubbles to which lucas becomes annoyed.
i’m still not sure of what exactly the latest coma entailed, but i’m pretty sure it has to do with claude’s older brother’s spell on the brooch. i don’t think it was athy’s magic overloading, but rather athy’s magic trying to protect her and either 1) backfired and ended up actually activating it or 2) managed to protect the spell from outright killing her.
though if we believe that it’s her magical overload that put her into a coma, then we have to turn the blame to lucas. imo, he’s grown a LOT as a character since he was first introduced, and he’s even shown as a weaker almost childlike/rebellious teenager figure in the most recent chapters rather than the all-powerful potentially evil magician he was introduced as in CH.17. so i find it harder to prove that it was him behind it. then again, if we do believe it was purely her magic then this is what i think could have happened, in two scenarios:
1) lucas and claude’s brother are working together, and lucas conveniently leaves for the world tree in athy’s moment of need. we can interpret lucas’s final season 1 scene differently then. rather than lucas rejecting what appears to be a dead magician’s ghost (possibly even his mentor) and reminding himself that athy is his friend & that he’s not alone, lucas instead means that ‘athy is really pathetic huh, thinking i’m her friend even while i’m scheming against her. don’t mock me about being pitiful because i know exactly what i’m playing at.’ we also don’t know for sure what lucas does in his free time, so he could literally be meeting up with claude. if we agree to this reading, then we also agree that lucas left athy with an overload of magic enough that any contact with blackie/raven could leave her in a coma. alongside of claude’s brother (who has also been noted as someone who is obsessed with magic from his monologue scene on the rooftop after the debutante ball), lucas schemed the plan so that claude’s brother could work his malevolent magic and lucas can make sure athy’s own magic reacts against her rather than fighting back.
2) same as scenario 1, but lucas and claude’s brother has no idea of each other. i think if we go with this reading, this is more likely. they both happened to try to take her out at the same time, which might have caused her condition to either be worse than before (amnesia effect) or neutralized each other and prevented each spell from killing her.
personally i find these scenarios really hard to be believe because there just isn’t enough evidence for it. i do still think that lucas has the potential to do something really terrible, but i’m just a sucker for lucas’s character lol. besides their initial meeting, lucas has never really done anything bad towards athy, and he really is shown as some who became affectionate towards her. in CH.38, after the meeting with ijekiel, he’s even shown that he’ll recklessly use his (depleting!) magic just to prove his point to athy and one-up ijekiel. i find it hard to believe the same person would scheme so thoroughly against athy.
then again, he could be using false affection to disarm her (making her think he was her friend and making her weak to her emotions for him and therefore unable to see clearly if he was actually trying to kill her). though this also kind of falls apart because she’s shown to be someone who will call him out for his bullshit no matter what  (CH.44). 
another possibility is that claude’s brother already knows about lucas and waited for the perfect opening when lucas was gone so that her own magic could work against her.
to be honest a lot of stuff is still in the air so a lot of this is just speculation of potential scenarios lol because i think the biggest chance of betrayal stems from lucas at this point of the story, and his final season 1 scene could also be read ambigously (above, where i offered the different reading of that scene where he’s actually Evil instead of Learning How To Be Nice). claude’s brother - or if he’s not claude’s brother - still is a big mystery so it’s hard to know exactly how he fits into the puzzle. though one thing for sure is that he’s clearly using jennette (his actual real “dark magic” daughter) as a pawn to get claude’s guard down, and i honestly think the original jennette comes to realize this in the scenario after the end of the story.
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alicehattera03 · 2 years
Here I am standing at the buffet overwhelmed by options: yandere Ijekiel...yandere Athy...yandere Claude...so many flavours to pick from what shall I choose?...this one is a bit of a challenge, do think you can make Felix a yandere? for Claude? He is too nice. But he has the name knight of crimson blood for a reason, that means he must have a ruthless side. He fought valiantly by Claude's side during the dynastic revolution and killed many people. What if he was the one to manipulate Claude into becoming the cruel tyrant he is now who only cares about himself and keeps no one but his loyal knight by his side? Felix thinks he is in the right too when he is making Claude paranoid of others. He grew up watching Claude's family mistreat him and got convinced that everyone was their enemy. Claude needed him and no one else. When Ana proves himself to be rotten to the core he' decides to be the one who would become Claude's knight in shining armor. He'll be his hero.
OMG I actually have dark! Felix saved somewhere in my drafts fjhslfkd linking brain cells is so fun ehe anyways, let's get into it~!
Tumblr media
Felix grows up by Claude's side because of his mother, but after getting rid of his unhappiness of his mother taking care of another child besides himself, he devotes his entirety to Claude.
His selfishness that is.
He catches glimpses of Claude being tormented by the maids because his mother was lesser than the Empress, and when their backs are turned, he kicks the back of their knees and makes them kneel. His eyes, colder than the North's winter snow.
The maids don't dare to try anything in front of him anymore, to which was an improvement. But Felix keeps making adjustments away from Claude's bright eyes, and makes sure none of the people working in the palace disrespect the prince.
Claude was more open when he was younger, more innocent of the world to accept the medicine the crown prince gave him when he was sick.
But Felix narrows his eyes at the herbs floating in the bowl of murky liquid, taking it from Claude's hands and replacing the cloth on his head with a warm smile before turning away and sending for the Robane's doctor.
Someone with heavy lips and talent that was worth the exorbitant price they charged.
Felix brings in a plant the next day, its leaves all dark and withered, its roots black and shriveled to dust and proclaims, "I poured the medicine from yesterday into the dirt and found it like this in the morning, your highness."
Claude wriggles under the covers and pipes out in a wretched voice, "Felix...I can't trust anyone anymore..what do I do?"
Claude's frightened eyes burn into Felix's mind and he tosses the plant away before sitting on the bed. "Not to worry, your highness. I will always be by your side."
And he was.
The famous Knight of crimson blood hacked away at the foe's soldiers as red sprayed from either direction, the sword feeling light in his hands as the moon's light reflects off his armor.
He finds himself staring a little further up the hall and sees Claude swinging a sword almost the size of himself, gold mana sparking at the edges just like his hair.
Felix smiles, undeterred by the blood splattering onto his cape as he makes his way to Claude who stands over the body of his elder brother, and levels a hidden sneer down at the person who turned for the worse as he grew older.
He had to watch Claude return back to his chambers the night after witnessing Penelope in bed with the crown prince, been invited to tumble with them. Making Claude feel inferior and unworthy- how dare they all.
Stealing away Claude's fianceé, stealing away the limelight, stealing away his mother, his chance at love.
So Felix would give that everything back to Claude. The one he had chosen to rule over all else, and be the Emperor he would serve.
Felix pulls off the crown and Claude trails over the bloodied carpet to balance himself on the throne, but with a hesitant glance at Felix, he sits more comfortably before Felix places the crown over Claude's head, crowning him emperor.
"...Thank you, Felix." Claude looks up at him, the crown glinting, the perfect accessory to his perfection. "For being always being there for me. Through all this."
Felix kneels, the burn of pride in his chest as he feels the sword tap onto his shoulders, looking up with a wide smile.
"Of course, your majesty. For you? Everything."
Darkness smoldered in his heart, for he really did mean: everything.
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starlit-dreaming · 3 years
me, several hours ago: no. just because you would gladly die for "characters reacting to their series" type of fics doesn't mean you're going to write your own story following that same concept. even though you made this doc several months ago you're NOT going to work on this fic since you have more important wips
me, almost 30 mins ago: most importantly, you're Not going to edit an image of athy when she was a child to have a good idea of what the youngest lucathy child is going to look like
me, now: and that's what i said. you know, like a liar.
look down below if you wanna see my notes on the 5 lucathy kids ive decided on making for my au's
  Ambrosine & Emrys de Alger Obelia
• Amber and Emery are their respective nicknames
• the 1st princess and prince, the twins, and the oldest of the lucathy kids
• 17 years old; Ambrosine was born 5 minutes before Emrys
• they're both considered to be the "suns" of the obelia empire due to their cheerful personalities and bright smiles
• in my modern au, their counterparts are Ariadne/Aria & Aurelius/Elias Hwang -- Ari and Eli
• Ambrosine and Emrys both take after their parents, with Ambrosine having Athy's wavy hairstyle while Emrys has Lucas's hairstyle
• unlike Ari and Eli who both have black hair and different coloured eyes (Ari had red, Eli had blue), the twins both have blonde hair and jewel blue eyes
• however, whenever they sneak out of the palace, they both use magic to have black hair and red eyes to sneak out more easily (although Emrys would most likely keep his eyes blue)
• their fake names when they're not in the palace grounds are Aria and Elias, as a nod to my modern au's and cause i like to think i'm clever lmao
• they're both disinterested in the crown and are willingly acceding their right to the throne if Attheia decides that she wants to be the next empress after their mother
• Ambrosine intends on being a knight while Emrys is interested in keeping tabs on gossip and ruthlessly tearing people apart via words. if none of their siblings want to become the next emperor/empress, Emrys would most likely take the crown purely because he's the most capable of navigating through political mind games
• finds being a noble to be troublesome and often gets roped into some noble-related events. however, Ambrosine absolutely LOVES hunting competitions because it's her chance to stomp on noble know-it-alls and asshole dudes
• also, Ambrosine ends up making all the noble ladies swoon and is 100% oblivious to the fact that she has fans
  Attheia de Alger Obelia
• uses Theia as her nickname
• the 2nd princess and the unofficial crown princess of the lucathy kids
• 14 years old and recently just had her debutante
• considered to be the "moon" of the obelia empire due to her calm demeanour and her seemingly unapproachable beauty (when really, she's internally screeching when Athy was her age and is just as asocial as Lucas)
• due to her parents being the most powerful magic users in all of obelia, she aspires to be a magician just like them
• the inspiration for her personality comes from Athy in LP, when Athy meets Claude at 9 y/o, which caused her to learn as much as possible in order to gain Claude's acknowledgement. naturally, Attheia pretty much grew up on her parent's love, but by age 9 she decided that she wanted to become a magician just like Lucas
• Attheia has straight black hair and jewel blue eyes
• her best friend is Ollie, aka, the son of Jennette, Oliver Iraine (i haven't given it too much thought so it's just a wip for now)
  Athanasi de Alger Obelia
• goes by Thana as a nickname
• the 2nd prince who and 2nd youngest of the lucathy kids
• 12-13 years old; he's younger than Attheia by 1 year and a half, and will be turning 13 soon
• also considered to be the "moon" of the obelia empire, but unlike Attheia it's because of how cold he is (he get's his behaviour from Claude and Lucas) and hates socializing with nobles
• due to how close he is to Attheia in age, many often believe that he's Attheia's twin brother
• like Attheia, he wants to be a magician, however he's much like Athy in the fact that he loves studying and would often coop himself up in the library spending hours reading and writing
• short black hair and jewel blue eyes
• out of his siblings, he's the conspiracy theorist and research-obsessed. Thana would 100% embody this image:
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  Erica Luce de Alger Obelia
• Eri is her nickname
• the 3rd princess and the youngest of the lucathy children
• 5 years old and a total mama's girl
• considered to be the "star" of the obelia empire. she was born prematurely and many believed that she was going to die, but she was considered a miracle for survival (when really, Lucas just had to look through some old magic scrolls for healing-type spells to save their baby)
• unlike her siblings, Erica is the quietest when she's around strangers and would often cling to her mother's dress/skirt and try to hide. she's incredibly skittish and shy, and isn't very talkative, but when she's around the people she adores, she'll often cling to them. like a koala.
• tends to climb into Claude's lap and get into staring contests with him and whenever she wins, she'll giggle and cheerfully go "i win!" whenever Claude blinks. sometimes he'll blink on purpose
• wavy black hair and jewel blue eyes
• loves to follow her siblings around like a duckling following their mama
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i probably couldve made her ribbon match the color of her dress if i tried long enough even while using a mouse, but,,,,,, i started liking it cause its a close shade to the red that lucas wears
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