#i may kill megumi over her
kaes-super-hot-ocs · 1 year
☕ HOT BEVERAGE. for all of them
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE - do they prefer hot or cold drinks? what is their favourite drink?
oh dear gorsh. ok
hot- lucía, shiyo, mizuki, vicente, kagerou, kokoro, sakura, rinko, ukiyo, shinobu, kagari, kanade, nana, liana, hana, kaijirou
cold- chiyoki, deiko, yomi, yūki, megumi, ayaka, atsumi, runa, kagaya, guangming, sayuki, tetsuo, kihito, hiroshi, kayomi
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lxmelle · 21 days
Those letters for his students was like Gojo’s way of showing consideration for them.
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That’s what Geto Suguru, the “Gojo translator”, would say to them, if he was there.
I mean, there was a reason they were best friends - Geto understood him the best. He helped him learn how to (and the importance of) connecting to others - how to not be lonely.
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It was the same in the scene with Kuroi. Right before he shouted for Gojo over the time, he just instinctively knew how to connect with Gojo and helped others with sympathising with Gojo.
I didn’t play the JJK game but I think the undercurrent dynamics is similar. Their bond. The exclusivity. Love. The whole breakup was about their friendship. The change the new generation got was also due to the path forged by them. As it stands, Gojo is shown to be largely misunderstood and nobody aside from Yuta has shown much affection for Gojo. Maybe Yuji ... to some degree. But I digress.
Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but considering how Geto-centred Gojo’s GIGA Character book was, he was likely influenced by Geto’s strong protective love for his “family”.
It makes sense to me that Gojo thought it would be important to put the students’ minds at ease with any thoughts/questions about their family. Hence the letters to help tie up loose ends.
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Megumi was shown to be thinking about his father, whin he assumed was out there somewhere. Even if he didn’t want to know, there is a subconscious level of unfinished business from thinking this. And to know that Gojo killed him, may have helped him realise that his sensei had his back all this while. He was worth protecting all this while. That chapter of his life can truly close.
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And just how bloody typical of his sensei, who has no “delicate-ness” about him!
As a sensei, and as a person, Gojo always protected others from his own personal concerns. He and Geto both stubbornly lived & fought “alone” because this was just their belief as the burden of the strongest = to protect others. The line was drawn and Gojo only ever wanted Geto to understand him, hence his conversation in 236. Only ever needed Geto by his side: hence his only complex was Geto leaving him behind.
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We see this in how Shoko felt distant from them both. Stating in her inner monologue how she could never love either of them, but she was there - insinuating what they had between them was not something she could give (love) but her friendship was there if only Gojo let her in. And we see it in how, when she tried to connect with Gojo post-unsealing, by including Geto’s body as someone to be retrieved, he was a bit taken aback, starting his sentence with a long pause “……...” and keeping it simple / not elaborating (だな - it’s like the equivalent of a “yeah” but implies agreement).
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Also, the fact the students and others can joke and call him an idiot, etc. means he really hid it well. Gojo protected them all. (As a teacher and adult should, I guess.)
I’m reminded of this scene.
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Geto helped Gojo empathise & “not bully the weak”, but to also consider what else may be important... even if they may not think so themselves.
Until they receive what they thought they didn’t want, only to realise it was what they needed after all.
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Cuz… y’kow: people (especially children) don’t always know what they want or need.
Sometimes what you want isn’t what you need. What you need isn’t necessarily what you want.
Gojo & Geto lived through that too... didn’t they? On so many levels… wanting, needing, denying, losing, yearning. Carrying their burdens they had nobody to share with. Making decisions on their own. Giving to the other a piece of their heart. Sacrificing themselves. Accepting each others loneliness as their own. Thinking they were better off loving the other by being apart.
The painful lessons that shaped the way for the new world. Children given the protection from The Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern Era. Granted a world with fewer curses for 10 years due to the Strongest Curse User.
Children who had adults to guide, protect, and care for them.
Children who do not have to be killed for the mistakes of others, who were forced to commit sins, or for being born a certain way.
I think every single sorcerer who were adults helped the kids in some way. The layers and layers of this story is just... overwhelmingly beautiful.
Much remains to be seen now. I’m worried that Yuta will have to live in Gojo’s body and that Kenjaku’s eerie words of Yuta being “the next Gojo Satoru” will extend beyond that battle.
People on X seem to be speculating whether a world without curses will exist (going back to jjk 0 and Geto’s ideals). What of the barriers without tengen? Some question reality as we are being shown - is it an elaborate dream? Hm.
I hope for the plant/flower trio at least... Megumi and Yuji can use their shared tragedy as vessels who committed sins to bond and support one another. Nobara is a great buffer and heroine in her own right. Their dynamics are really amazing. Independent, yet so bonded.
I’d love to see Gojo & Geto at peace. I guess whatever happens, chapter 236 is a bit like salvation. And doesn’t Megumi’s smiling pic (above) look similar? If these two smiled as if they had no regrets , we can assume Megumi smiled sincerely upon receiving the letter, too.
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As long as Gege doesn’t do anything to change it.
Please please don’t. They deserve a reward for their hard work and sacrifice!
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seeingivy · 4 months
sweet irony
ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my best friend's older brother fic
previous part linked here
you stare down at your phone – the picture of you and sukuna cheesing into the camera staring back at you – as the quiet pulsating starts teeming in your head. 
he’s dead. you’ve wished him dead for years, hundreds of times in passing, and now he’s actually dead. 
and now you’ll have to tell yuuji. 
you take a beat before walking back into the sweltering hot air of the bar, the blaring music making your heart race as you push through the crowd. and it takes you twenty minutes before you reach the table where yuuji is again, standing still to watch as he leans his head against megumi on the stool, while nobara finishes off the last of his drink.  
you can’t help but pause, your heart sinking into the deepest pits of dread, as he digs the cherry in the drink out of the ice, as you walk up to his side, shaking at his shoulder. 
your dad is dead. 
“hey, you’re back! do you want the another?” yuuji asks, the stem of the cherry sticking out of the side of his mouth as he holds a shot glass in front of your face, almost tauntingly, 
“no, no. um –” 
your dad is dead. your piece of shit dad is dead and you have to leave. 
you take the glass from him, accidentally slamming it down too hard on the table to the point where it shatters, as yuuji looks over at you, eyes wide. there’s a quiet gasp as almost everyone around you gives you a weary look, before turning back to their own conversations. 
you look down at your hand, the smallest amount of crimson red staring back at you, as you ball your hand into a fist and ignore it. 
“jesus. you okay, she-hulk?” he asks. 
you look back up at him. 
“yeah, it’s fine. we have to go home.” you respond. 
“what? don’t tell me you’re going to start being a bore now that you’re old. we just got here and we’re not leaving until sukuna is dragging all four of us out on our asses.” yuuji responds, earning him a laugh and a smile from nobara and megumi. 
“just come with me. we can talk on the way.” you respond, reaching for his wrist as you start pulling.
“we’re celebrating your birthday! after someone ruined it, mind you…” yuuji jokes, pulling you back towards the table. 
“shut up! how was i supposed to know that maki and mai were going to make a scene?” nobara mutters. 
“you literally started the fight, nobara.” megumi mutters. 
“and i apologized for that!” nobara responds, reaching over to flick megumi in the side of the forehead. 
you place your hand on yuuji’s bicep, squeezing hard, as you feel hot tears in your eyes and an almost soreness in your throat – knowing that whatever you say next is irrevocably about to change something for him as you lean forward. 
“yuuji. your dad passed away, we…we have to go.” 
megumi and nobara turn their heads, the former spilling the drink in his glass all over the table. 
“what?” yuuji asks. 
yuuji subconsciously pulls his arm back, eyes incredulous as he looks down at you. 
“yuuji. really, i…” 
“what did you just say?” megumi asks. 
“i…i don’t know how it happened, sukuna was so brief on the phone when he asked us to come that..” 
“wait, what?” nobara says. 
“sukuna. he called me and asked me to bring yuuji back. or both of us, i don’t..” 
you watch as yuuji digs his phone out of his pocket – a plethora of calls from both sukuna and his mom shining on his screen – as he scrolls through the texts, before he looks back up at you and swallows hard. 
“i had more to drink than you did.” he responds, his voice stiff as gravel. 
the look in his eyes is haunting. his dad is dead. 
“i’ll bring the car around.” you respond. 
“megumi. go with her. sukuna would kill me if he found out i let her walk out there alone.” yuuji responds, his focus halfhearted as he looks down at his phone, dialing his mom’s number as he presses the phone against his ear. 
his dad is dead. he needs a second. 
megumi gives you a curt nod before linking in his arm with yours and pushing his way through the crowd, uncharacteristically rough as the two of you run out the doors. and you’re both speed walking down the block, hands shaking as you pull open the doors of the car, and shove the key into the engine. 
“oh god, his mom is probably losing her shit. she’s going to be a mess when we get there, megumi.” you mutter. 
you pull out of the spot, fighting the urge to honk at the hounds of pedestrians that cross, as you nervously twiddle your fingers on the wheel. 
“sukuna’s probably there, alone, right now.” you mumble. 
you feel your throat dry. 
“i hope that…that his dad’s not still there when we get there. i don’t even..” 
“i’m not coming.” he whispers.. 
you accidentally push the break too hard and the car jolts, shooting megumi an apologetic smile as one of the groups of pedestrians flip you off. 
megumi notes that what he said came out a little more harshly than he intended it to, but it’s only because of his frustration, and what the questions he knows are going to follow after. 
“what? of course you are, he’s…” 
“i mean, i can’t.”
you frown. 
“of course, you can. in fact, you should. he’s your boyfriend.” 
it takes a split second for you to realize why yuuji’s always so defensive when it comes to you and sukuna. surely megumi can’t be serious. 
“megumi. you spend like every waking second with the guy. what’s your issue now?” you seethe. 
“i’m not going to make things more complicated by meeting his mom for the first time on the night she became a widow, y/n.” megumi responds. 
you swallow hard, the soreness in your throat making your eyes water, as you give him a nod and clench the steering wheel so hard that it makes your skin nearly break. 
of course that’s why he couldn’t go. you’re an idiot. 
the stinging on your palm from the glass only gets worse as you pull up outside the bar, and honk twice for good measure. 
“one thing, y/n.” megumi states. 
“i know that sukuna is your person. but yuuji’s mine. please don’t forget to be there for him too.”  he begs. 
you reach forward, squeezing megumi’s hand in yours. 
“of course i won’t forget about him. i’ll send you updates, okay?” you whisper. 
he gives you a nod as yuuji and nobara come tumbling out of the front door a few minutes later, nobara pressing him into a hard hug before letting ago, and rubbing at her biceps in the cold. and it gets even worse as you watch megumi and yuuji – being so openly affectionate while not being black out drunk for the first time – as they lean their foreheads against each others, before kissing goodbye. 
the entire car shifts as yuuji sits in the car, eyes teary and sniffling as he looks over at you, and nods. 
“let’s go.” 
it feels wrong to leave megumi behind, but you do it anyway. 
it takes an hour and a half to get there. yuuji’s uncharacteristically quiet, leaning his head against the glass of the window, as you try to drive as fast as you can on the highway. your headache, the dread, the stinging in your hand – it all seemed to get worse as time goes on, as you get closer to your house, and to whatever’s waiting for you. 
halfway through you offer yuuji your uninjured hand, which he takes, and doesn’t let go of as the two of you walk to the porch. 
“wait.” yuuji whispers. 
“what? what is it?” 
yuuji pauses, heaving a sigh before he looks at you, eyes watery. 
“i want one more second of normal before…before i…” 
“of course, yuuji.” you mumble back, leaning forward to tuck yourself into his embrace, his arms shaking as he wraps them around you. 
and you get what he means – you can feel your heart sink as you hear the raised voices, and what you’re sure is mrs. itadori’s wailing, as you squeeze yuuji harder. 
“you’re always so warm, y/n.” yuuji mumbles. 
you give him a smile as you pull back and ring on the doorbell. and it’s a split second before 
sammy swings the door open, eyes wide as she wraps her arms around yuuji first. 
“hey kid. you okay?” she murmurs. 
“yeah, sam..” 
“the moms and sukuna are in the dining room. go, go.” she whispers, rubbing his back once more for good measure before pushing him in the right direction. 
and then sammy looks back at you, giving you a smile, before she immediately crumbles into a mess of tears. 
“holy shit, y/n. i’m so fucking glad you’re here.”
you open up your arms, taken aback by the mess of her braid and the state she’s in, as she tucks herself into your neck, her tears spilling onto your skin. and you rub circles into her back in unison with her panting breaths, before gesturing for her to explain. 
“he just collapsed out of nowhere. i was in the fucking bathroom for gods sake and i just heard them shouting before…before mrs. itadori literally screamed bloody murder…i just came out and..” she whispers. 
you squeeze her a little bit harder, her cries getting stifled into your shoulder as you whisper into her ear, trying to calm her down. 
“sammy.” you whisper. 
“his pulse was gone. i did cpr for twenty minutes before they got here and they said there was nothing i could have done. i’m a fucking nurse, for fucks sake, and i just…i don’t even…” 
“you did what you could have.” you murmur. 
you can tell that she doesn’t believe you. and that she’s in some kind of shock from the way her eyes are so lifeless – the only thing convincing you that she's still really there with you being the quiet breaths that leave her mouth. 
after ten minutes of holding her, she pulls back, wiping at her nose. 
“i can’t believe he’s dead.” she mutters miserably. 
“me too.” 
“is…am i shitty for being upset? he’s an asshole but…but he was around for so long and well –” 
“no, sammy. we’ve known him forever.” you affirm. . 
“you should check on sukuna, by the way. they asked him questions for a while when he got here, because…because mrs. itadori and i were too hysterical. mom helped but she didn’t know most of the stuff and..” 
you wonder if he had been afforded time to cry yet. though you knew how these things go and that somehow, he’d be the last one to get the privilege to process it all. 
“okay, come on.” you respond, the two of you linking your arms together as you walk into the dining room. 
you feel your heart pinch as you walk into the dining room – at the sight of both mrs. itadori and yuuji crying – with sukuna’s hand slung across yuuji’s chair. there’s an almost…gaunt look on sukuna’s face, devoid of any emotion, as he only locks his eyes with yours in recognition, before turning his attention back to yuuji.
you give a small wave to your own mother, who gives you a halfhearted smile, before placing a she places a glass of water in front of yuuji and mrs. itadori, and taking the seats next to them. 
sammy’s crying at your side again, quietly muffling her own tears into your shoulder, as you squeeze at her side, before setting her down in the chair before leaving to get her water. and  it’s only in the kitchen that you realize that the inner part of your hand is a bloody mess, with the stained red going all the way down to your wrist, as you walk over to the sink. 
“what happened?” 
you nearly jump to find sukuna at your side, leaning over your shoulder as he eyes the red in the sink, and you can’t help but wrap your arms around him, the wetness dripping onto his shirt. 
he doesn’t hug back. he’s softens underneath you, his shoulders less stiff, but he doesn’t hug back. 
“nothing. it was just a glass back at the bar. you…what happened to you? are you okay? what can i do to help because i know that…” 
sukuna leans back, offering you a halfhearted smile, before reaching for the closest drawer and pulling a glass box of bandages and alcohol wipes out. 
“let me clean it.” 
you frown before holding your hand out for him, watching as he quietly opens the packet, and gently cleans the area, before wrapping it in a white bandage. and when he touches the inner portion of your wrist, he looks up at you before placing the back of his hand against your forehead. 
“you’re running hot.” he states. 
“it’s warm in here.” you respond. 
“it’s not. you’re getting a cold.” 
yuuji’s comment from earlier makes sense now. you sigh, noting the soreness in your throat feeling almost swollen now, as you shake your head at him. 
“really. what can i do to help? i know this is a lot and…” you mumble. 
you’re unable to place the expression on sukuna’s face. it’s almost like he cringes. 
“i’m right here.” 
“can you stay with yuuji?” he asks. 
you pause. 
that’s not what you had in mind. 
“we have to do the funeral sooner than later. saturday is our best bet with everyone having work off so i have to pull shit together, really fast. and i can do it, but…but not while dealing with both of them. can you stay with him? please?” 
the question dies on your tounge. what about you? 
“yeah, of course i can, but –” 
sukuna nods, before placing a bottle of nyquil in your uninjured hand. 
“take this twice a day.” he responds, squeezing your shoulder once as he retreats back out to the main room. 
you don’t see sukuna for two days. or well, you do, but he’s always preoccupied. not really there. on the phone with the funeral planner, comforting his mom, or dealing with the hospital bills and belongings that were left behind. 
he declines your offer to sleep with him, because he sleeps on the floor in his moms room. he doesn’t eat the breakfast you because he has to go pick out the flowers – and doesn’t make any jokes about how he’d save himself from the food poisoning before eating your food. 
it’s just as well you suppose, because you really do get a fever, and staying with yuuji takes up enough of your time. 
unlike the former – a solid fortress of almost nothing – yuuji swings between two moods, either being awfully quiet and insatiably angry. 
you’re not sure which one is better. the lack of babbling from yuuji is haunting in every situation – but it’s so hard to discern what it is that he’s feeling that sometimes all you can do is crawl into his bed with him and stare at the ceiling together. 
you were half convinced that it did nothing until the second day, when yuuji offered you a thank you for the silence before trotting off to shower. 
the anger is a little bit easier to handle. only because whatever it is that he is feeling comes pouring out of his mouth so freely that you’re at least able to pinpoint what it is that makes him mad. 
that he’s dead. that he died without changing. that he won’t ever change and that in the grand scheme of things, yuuji’s history will always be murked by a shitty, homophobic asshole. 
“he’s such a fucking prick.” yuuji mutters, angrily slamming the door of his closet, as you readjust on his bed. 
was. he was such a prick. 
“and why the fuck is my mom crying so much? god knows how many bottles of wine she’s fucking drank trying to temper the fucking rage he filled her with. she should be happy that she doesn’t have to deal with him anymore.” 
yuuji looks over at you, quickly handing you the tissue that you were reaching for, before returning to his rant. 
“like grow a fucking spine. she’s making sukuna do everything. he’s only fucking twenty-five, for fucks sake. all i’ve watched her do is fucking ball her eyes out and lie down on that god damn couch while he plans the entire funeral and spends lal day calling god knows who.” 
yuuji’s nervous pacing makes the jacket of his suit fall off of the hanger, his irritation clearly getting worse, as you lift your hands, gesturing for him to take a seat as you reach for it. you lift it off the floor, sling it back onto the hanger and make a mental note to steam the crease before the funeral tomorrow, before turning back to him and taking a seat at his side. 
you lean your head on his shoulder, as he brings his hand up to your hair, tangling through the knots. 
“i wish megumi could be here.” he mumbles, voice quiet. 
“me too. i…sammy and i actually talked to your mom about it and..” you start. 
“i know. sukuna told me.” 
yuujji pauses, running his fingers over the pink skin on your palm, before sighing.
“it’s nice but, he’d probably roll over in his grave if megumi came.” yuuji states. 
“he’d probably get out of his casket just to yell at you one more time.” you mutter. 
yuuji laughs, the sound making you smile. 
“and then he’d see you sitting in between me and sukuna and slut shame you one last time for good measure.” he adds. 
“and then probably have a second heart attack when he sees sammy sitting there with mai.” 
the two of you stare at each other blankly before bursting out into laughter, albeit a little bit too uncontrollably, as you reach to shut the door to stop everyone else from hearing. 
“oh my god. i fucking forgot about that. he’d probably have an aneurysm if he found out sammy was bi.” 
“he would fully go into septic shock. he’d probably something strangely homoerotic and spend twenty minutes trying to convince her that everyone was a little gay.” 
“holy shit! i totally forgot he said that. and then he’d somehow blame me for it. like i made her gay somehow by rubbing it off on her.” 
you snort. 
“and naturally, he’d start yelling at our moms too. saying that they let us all be a little too wild when we were kids and that’s why we’re all ungrateful..” you add. 
“i believe his preferred term of endearment was ungrateful little assholes. and don’t kid yourself, according to him, the root of all evil can –  and always will be – traced back to me. ” 
the two of you turn your heads to the doorway, to where sukuna’s standing. you jolt up at the sight of him, his eyes red and tired, as you look up at him, giving him a smile. 
“hi sukuna. how are –” 
sukuna sticks the back of his hand against your forehead, clearly bothered by how warm you’re still running, before dropping his hand. his fingertips trail down your skin, the length of your elbow to your fingers, before he presses the bottle into your hand. 
“antibiotic for five days. if you still feel bad, then an extra two days.” he states, holding the water out in front of you. 
it’s the same as the time yuuji punched you. he’s uncharacteristically inexpressive, but still attentive. 
“when did you have time to go?” 
“i had to get his clothes from the hospital. and his phone and the car keys, they were all in his pocket.” 
“thank you. do need anything from me?” 
“still have nyquill?” 
he avoids the conversation, like he always does, in the rare seconds you’re allowed to speak to him.. you pretend it doesn’t sting. 
sukuna leans forward, tucking the stray hairs behind your ear, before turning to yuuji. 
“day after tomorrow, up at six both of you. the funeral starts at seven and we’ll be back here after for the condolences.” 
“got it.” yuuji responds and you nod. 
sukuna disappears as fast as he showed up. 
and while you felt like you were isolated in the feeling – that he was slipping away, on another planet from you when he was only two doors down – you and yuuji talk about it the night before the funeral. 
“does it bother you?” yuuji asks. 
you can’t sleep the night before and neither can he – the two of you cramped up in his tiny bed and staring at the tiny glow in the dark stars you pressed to the ceiling years prior. they’re peeling off, half of them already having fell into the crevices between the bed in the wall years ago. 
“your dad?” you murmur. 
“no. sukuna.” 
“what do you mean?” 
“does it bother you that he won’t let you help him?” yuuji asks. 
you sigh, mulling over the thought in your head. of course it bothers you. you felt like you were failing the most important test. 
“i’m not saying that in a shit talking type of way. i just meant…as an observation. as a friend.” yuuji adds. 
you smile. 
“i know. i guess it does. i just feel like we made really good progress and that…that i’d at least tumbled down most of his walls. but every time i see him, it kind of feels like they’re back up. maybe even worse than before.” 
“what do you mean?” 
“he was always a little reserved but it didn’t take much to get him to open up. he’d always give in when i asked. but he just kind of brushes me off now. i’m not mad about it, because i understand, but i wish i could just do more.” you respond. 
yuuji readjusts, leaning over on his side, to look at you. and you mimic his actions till the two of you are facing each other, cheeks pressed into the pillows as you try to make out the features of his face. 
“don’t take it personally.” yuuji responds. 
you sigh. 
“really. in my experience, he…he’s never been able to let go until things are fully settled.” 
“that’s what scares me. your dad isn’t going to stop being dead.” you whisper. 
yuuji nods. 
“he won’t leave you.” 
“i know that. i just need him to come back to me.” you respond. 
yuuji readjusts under the sheets. there’s a quiet beat before he talks again. 
“will you stand with us at the condolences tomorrow? i think he’d like it if you were nearby. and god knows i need someone to stand there with me.” 
“of course, i will.” 
almost every person you’ve ever known seems to cycle through their house the next day. the funeral was crowded and you luckily for you, you were stuck for the most part, with sammy on one side and yuuji on the other, so you were able to avoid it. 
but the house was different. in a swimming sea of black, you and yuuji have awkward sets of interactions every few minutes. your third grade teacher, the hostess who kicked the two of you out of the sushi restaurant once, and the weird guy who gets drunk every thursday at the district. 
this town was way too small.  
yuuji sees nobara at the door, giving you a go ahead to go find where sukuna was lingering, as you start making your way through the halls. and it takes a few minutes, but you find him in the kitchen, tucking the envelopes and letters into the drawer as he reaches for his tie and loosens the knot. 
you watch as he immediately stiffens, sharply turning his head to the left, before releasing. 
“oh. hey. i thought you were someone else.” 
“nope! just little old me.” you respond. 
sukuna pauses, slowly closing the drawer, before turning to you and cupping the side of your face. you welcome the touch – your chest panging at how long it’s been since you’ve even seen him, let alone touched him – before pressing a kiss to his palm. 
“do you feel better?” he asks 
“yeah. thank you.” 
he gives you a halfhearted smile, before dropping his hands down your back and securing his hand around your waist. you lean into his touch, pressing your cheek to his shoulder, and taking in the scent of his cologne. 
“i have to go back out.” he mumbles. 
“i know.” you respond. 
he looks down at you, giving you a smile, before pressing a kiss to your forehead. you give him a smile, before he leans down and squints his eyes at you. 
“been far too long since i’ve kissed you, hasn’t it?” 
“you’re blushing. and i just kissed your forehead.” 
you laugh, lightly trying to shove him away. but he’s too fast, hands on your waist before he leans forward, fully smiling this time and pulling you closer. it’s the first one you’ve seen in days. it makes your heart ache. 
“it’s normal to blush when your boyfriend kisses you.” you defend. 
he shakes his head, playfully poking at the side of your cheek before dropping his hand. 
“you’re always greedy. so greedy that you got so used to it. i usually have to rile you up in five different ways before i see that pretty flush creep down your neck.” 
“you’re a pervert. read the room.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes. 
“i am reading the room. you and i are the only ones in it.” he deadpans. 
“every person we know is outside.” you whisper. 
“come on. one kiss and i’ll go back.” he whispers back. 
you roll your eyes before placing both of your hands on his cheeks and leaning forward. and as many comments as you made about reading the room and trying to deny it, you’re way too excited to lean forward – nearly smacking your nose into his – as you lock your lips with his. 
but it’s nothing like you expected. 
because while he was joking a few minutes prior, the kiss is so soft, dripping with longing that it takes you by surprise. it reminded you of the quiet moments – when he’d trace the freckles on your cheek or press kisses to your knuckles before bed – so overwhelming, so intimate that you felt like he had creeped up inside of you. 
when you flicker your eyes open, his eyes are filled with tears. 
“i’m sorry for avoiding you.” he whispers. 
“that’s okay, you…” 
“i knew this would happen if i was around you for too long.” he responds. 
you pause, taken aback by his words. 
“i wouldn’t be able to keep it together.” he responds, voice cracking as the tears start spilling down his cheeks.
you frown, reaching forward to wipe the wetness away.
“you don’t have to keep it together.” you whisper. 
“we both know i do.” he responds, his gaze wavering to the floor. 
you feel your heart drop, at the mere premise, before pressing yourself closer to him, feeling him sag nearly his entire weight onto you. he presses a kiss on your shoulder that makes you shiver. 
“can we please talk when we go home? just a few more days before…” 
“yeah. just you and me, okay?” 
he nods, lifting your hands against his lips to press a kiss to your knuckles.
"don't be hurt if I avoid you."
"you could never hurt me. i know whatever you do, there's a reason for it."
sukuna groans, before leaning forward to press a lingering kiss to your cheek.
"you're perfect, you know that?"
you give him a teasing grin, before shrugging.
"i can't help it." you joke.
he smiles, before leaning forward to press another kiss to your lips. 
“make me a promise.” he whispers, a slight strain in his voice. 
he swallows hard.
“you can’t die.” 
you lean back, pressing your hand into the softness of his hair, before looking at his brown eyes, so full and expectant as they wait for an answer. 
“of course not.” 
“you’d take me right with you if you did. you can’t.” he begs. 
you give him a smile. 
“i won’t. i promise, ryomen.” you respond, reaching forward to cross on his heart.
he gives you a shaky sigh, before nodding and pressing one last kiss to your cheek before exiting back out. 
and you thank your lucky stars. he came back. 
you smack nobara in the back of the head when you make your way back to her and yuuji. because not only are yuuji and nobara nursing two glasses of red wine, but they’re also emptying her trusty hot pink flash into the glass when people aren’t looking. 
“are you insane?” you whisper. 
“do you want a sip?” yuuji asks. 
you immediately take the glass from his hand, earning you laughs from the two of them, as the three of you lean against the wall, watching everyone mill around the room. as irritating as the guy was, mr. itadori was really only all types of heinous and horrible with those closest to them. 
to the community, it was a grave loss. and there wasn’t a dry eye in the room – except from the three people it was probably expected from the most. 
you could hear the whispers. they were so strong. you fight the urge to laugh in their faces. it was the understatement of the century. 
sammy joins you on the wall after an hour of mingling, an awkward jostle between her and nobara, before the two of them were sharing their glasses and muttering under their breaths about how insane maki and mai were. 
“funerals are weird.” yuuji mumbles, leaning his head against yours.
“how so?” 
“these two idiots were fighting at your birthday like a week ago. and no one’s even batting an eye that mr. johnson is sitting with his mistress while his wife gets drunk in the corner.” 
“that’s not his mistress. she was blonde.” 
“bold of you to assume there was only one.” 
you shiver in disgust, earning you a laugh from yuuji, as you finish off the last of his glass. except that’s right when sukuna walks up to you, eyes panicked as he takes the glass from your hand and sets it on the table. 
“hey baby.” he whispers. 
“hi sukuna. want some of our conc –” 
“whatever happens, i’m right here, okay?” he says, the tone in his voice urgent. 
you laugh, looking over to give yuuji a weird look, only to find that he’s staring past sukuna’s shoulder, swallowing hard. 
“huh? i don’t follow.” 
sukuna pinches his eyes shut, almost like he’s pained, before moving to your side, when you finally see it. he squeezes your hand so hard you think he might have broken it. 
you suppose it’s ironic. 
yuuji and sukuna’s shitty dad is dead. and your deadbeat one is standing four feet away from you, with two little girls at his side.
next part linked here
an: yolo.
taglist: @porridgesblog @k0z3me @sugu-love @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha @rebeccawinters @shotenvinsoot @itzmeme @gojoswifeyyys-world @cutiejg @chilichopsticks @ghostreadersthings @charlie-xo @whoami-72 @heijihattorisgf @megu-meow @complexivelovely @multiplefandomthings @hoebuns @lzaj19 @glossygreene @ramluvr @sureconfused @najaemism @manduse @imhorn1help @gamergirl5125 @r0ckst4rjk @invisible-mori @isaacdaknight @wishmemel @gyros-cum-sock @suftsunshine @i0099 @cowgirlikets @haitanibros0007 @stuffeddeer @yoontaedotin @ec3lipsy @armani78 @awkwardaardvarkforever @kereseth @leave-rae-alone @ruruvia @princess-ackerman @jjkwritingss @lilkiwikiara @opchara @telepathicheartss @starriesworlds @raechu11 @exprimidordefresas @nxxrxm @aalloochaat @strangehuman101 @tzutology
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rishiimaa · 2 months
what kind of dad/mom would jjk men/women be (boy or girl)
I feel like he’d be a boy dad, 100%, Itadori would be the kind of dad that’d that is like one of the cool ones, like when you go over for a friend’s sleepover and he’s like just such a good dad 😭 and if this was modern AU, he’d definitely put his son in football, just a thought, though!
Megumi’s definitely a girl dad, I don’t know, I just see him being a girl dad, and I feel like he’d argue with her 24/7, but we both know that Megumi would kill for his daughter
Once again, Gojo would be a girl dad, and he’d spoil the hell outta her, like his daughter would have the best of clothes, best of toys, best of everything, EVEN if she’s grown up, she will always be a daddies girl.
He’d be both, a girl and boy dad, because you’d have twins, and Geto would be the most patient dad of all nations, nothing could penetrate him, literally both children could be kicking and crying, IN A STORE, and literally all he’d do is just pick them both by the shirt and sit them on his shoulders, calming them down, giving you the ability to shop in PEACE
That’s right chat, I remembered to add Sakuna this time! Anyway, girl dad, similar to Megumi, he’s always arguing with her, but instead Sakuna’s calling her brat, and threatening to eat her tiny ears and toes, he doesn’t mean it, he just likes to fuel her fire, and he’s proud to see that she’s exactly like him with a violent side to her, Sakuna would let his daughter kick, bite, push, punch, and all he would do is sit there with a pround smug look on his face
Boy mom, girl mom seems right, but boy mom feels right for Nobora. She’s always having her baby boy dressed up in the most fashionable outfits, from newborn to college, she will not raise her son around disgusting fashion taste!
Same thing for Shoko, boy mom! Except she’s just totally laid back and really is just a chill mom, sorta like a traditional household with ya’ll but Shoko actually puts an effort and helps you with her son and the house, I also headcanon that she’s terrifying when she’s pissed, like if your son talks back to you, he better expect a scary ass mom glaring behind you.
Choso! My baby boy! He’s a girl dad, twins to be exact, and may I add another girl on the way? Choso has a ball handful full of girls. Anyway, he’s a total softie for his girls, he’s never once said no to them, he just can’t say no, he hates seeing their sad expressions, so instead, he’d just tell them to ask you, because he literally lacks the ability to say no.
Yuta’s definitely a girl dad! But he’s not like the rest and he doesn’t spoil her…as much as the others, he still spoils her, but he’s a bit strict and doesn’t want her to grow up thinking she could get anything she wants, that’s why he’s a bit more mean to her if she gets disrespectful, his issue though is that he fails to put her on punishment for a long time, he just hates having to put her through that, so after an hour or two, when Yuta cools down, he’ll come in and say,
“Sorry for yelling at you, petal, just promise me you won’t do that again, okay?”
And he’ll give her a little kiss on the cheek and give her back her phone.
Maki’s a girl mom, she’s also strict like Yuta, but she’s not as easy to get though, she isn’t mean strict, she simply doesn’t want her daughter to grow up being a dumbass, so she simply asks her daughter just 30 minutes of studying everything, and then she can do whatever she wants, and if you forget? It’s fine, just remember to do it next time! And Maki is usually the one to give the punishments, simply because it just comes natural to her.
Apologies for making pretty much all of Jjk men all girl dads, it literally just makes sense for me, but of course, the whole fandom agrees that Nanami’s a girl dad, and I feel like he’d be a stoic softie. While he’s watching his daily show, he’d let his daughter put little pink hair clips in his hair and put little pigtails, if he’s in a really good mood, he’ll even let her put on makeup! (he’s always in a good mood when if comes to his daughter and you)
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saekkas · 1 year
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summary: you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional. that is, until fushiguro megumi comes and proves you wrong.
tags: 1.1k wc | f!reader | narration heavy | open ending | nobara and yuuji are the best wing men | strangers to potential lovers | very romanticized | megumi has green eyes here, as stated in the manga | for plot's sake, pretend it isn't weird to call him 'gumi' right off the bat
notes: megumi finally debuts on saekkas (clap clap). also, this may or may not be inspired by real life events hehe
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early mornings have never been your forte. the wind bites your cheeks, prickling your skin with goosebumps that range all the way from your arms down to your legs. even the hoodie you’re wearing– the thickest, comfiest one you own, doesn’t help shield you from the elements.
it doesn't help that the air conditioner is on full blast.
“i swear to god,” you mumble, expression souring as strong winds crash against the airport’s ceiling high windows. in the distance, trees sway around erratically, crashing against each other as the sky turns a bleak gray. “if a hurricane comes, at least let it hit after my flight takes off.”
the line to check in is unnaturally long and it takes almost half an hour until you’re seated at the gate, an hour early before your flight departs. better safe than sorry, your mother always said.
the seating area is nothing but crowded, and as pregnant mother tries to calm her baby’s wails by swaddling him in blankets, you curse yourself for booking economy. a private longue with wifi and food sounds good right now.
tucking yourself into the furthest seat from the wailing baby, you breath out a sigh. your legs have been killing you for the past hour and you have no one to blame but yourself for not choosing more comfortable shoes.
there’s minimal noise in the area, being that it is far more secluded from the others. the only sounds you can hear are of footsteps and bickering from the trio sitting right across from you. one of the boys, the one with pink hair and a red hood over his head, is in what looks to be the deadliest game of rock-paper-scissors you’ve ever seen with a girl that has short brown hair.
your eyes flicker towards the last of the bunch– a boy who looks like he’s around your age with an unruly mess of hair on top of his head. he’s calm, minding his own business with a book in his lap, and legs crossed elegantly. the sweater he wears is black, oversized, and the fabric looks to be so soft.
you’re not a believer in airport crushes. you think the theory that people look better when you’re bound to never see them again is delusional.
you might just eat your own words because he’s actually cute.
you don’t know how many times your eyes have gravitated towards him in the past hour, but you know it’s probably enough to tip his friends off. from the corner of your eye, you see the girl nudge him repeatedly before very obviously pointing your way.
at first, he ignores her– goes back to reading his book like she’s a fly buzzing around his head. he’s probably used to it, you muse to yourself, chuckling in your head.
and then you feel it. the pinpricks of his stare. so pointed and sharp now that it’s directed at you.
the notes app is your only friend as you type against the screen of your phone. you feel stupid– like a schoolgirl who’s just been noticed by her crush, trying to seem busy as if you haven’t been staring at him for god knows how long.
when he looks away from your general direction, you lift your head– trying to get a glimpse of his side profile for, what you promise yourself to be, the last time.
only to meet his gaze straight on.
you hear his friends snicker, nudge their elbows against him as you look to the side, too embarrassed to even think of looking in his direction again. you hear his voice, low and smooth as he snaps, trying to make them stop. they only tease him more.
you hear the name megumi, picture the shy smile that spread on his lips before stiffening, quickly getting up from your seat when the intercom calls your flight number.
the staff are quick to usher the crowds of people into a neat line, herding passengers to their respective gates. your feet move on autopilot, making your way towards the double doors that lead to your plane.
you only stop when someone calls your name, waving frantically as they push through the people to get to you.
megumi stands in front of you, hair even more tousled than before. there’s a bead of sweat on his forehead that slides down the side of his neck and into his sweater. his eyes are green, reminding you of the forest, a piece of jade, and the color of your passport holder in his hand.
“you forgot this.” he holds the official document against his chest before handing it over to you. his fingers brush against yours, delicate and neatly trimmed, before they clench into a fist by his side. “you left it on your seat.”
“right,” you mumble, the sound wispy as if your own breath had been sucked out from your lungs. you bow your head in gratitude while simultaneously trying to shake away the daze clouding your thoughts. “thank you. i owe you one.”
the silence that stretches after is nothing if not awkward. you’re looking anywhere but him, and he’s doing the same. the staff guarding the gate watch– clearly gossiping about your little interaction with the male in front of you.
after a while, megumi nods once before turning back towards his seat, a muffled safe flight leaving his lips.
that's it?
you watch as he strides away, some parts confused and disappointed. his friends wear the same expression as you do, the girl practically screeching into his ear while the boy tries to push him back towards your direction.
megumi doesn’t budge, stone faced as he sits in between them. returning to his book as if nothing significant has happened.
maybe some things just aren’t meant to be.
you send the duo a wave, smiling when they do the same, before showing the staff your ticket and passport, heading straight down the gate, and boarding the plane.
you won't see him again anyway.
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it’s only when you’re seated on a train, a thousand miles away from where you were, gazing out of the window as it speeds across Tokyo that you finally see a note slipped into your passport, one containing his full name and number.
i think you’re pretty. my friends think you’re cool. would you like to get dinner some time? – megumi fushiguro.
your pointer finger traces his handwriting, neat and cursive, and you let out a giggle because for whatever reason, it feels exactly like him.
to: cute sea urchin
[13:57] hey. it's the girl from the airport. [13:58] is sushi okay? it's my treat! i owe you one after all.
from: cute sea urchin
[14:23] yeah, anything's fine with me. see you.
to: cute sea urchin
[14:37] cool! can't wait to see you again, gumi!
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hayakawalove · 6 months
Test of Love (Chapter One)
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Chapter One
Summary: Day in and day out, your routine has been exactly the same as a jujutsu sorcerer. You can't complain, honestly. You just wish things were a little more interesting. When you get propositioned by two men, you have no choice but to see what they have going on. Joining a relationship would spice things up, wouldn't it?
A/N: I've had this idea loosely floating around my brain for a bit. Fret not, my short fics will continue but I wanted to write this too. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you!
CW: Slight blood, there's no smut this chapter W/C: 5,560
Credit to @benkeibear for the banner
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‘The clouds part, a ray of sunlight shining down on the pair.’
Your eyes glide over the page, fingers strumming the back of the book. 
“What’re you reading?” Gojo’s voice startles you from the scene you had built in your head based on the words in front of you. 
You jump in your seat, turning to see him leaning against your desk. It was no surprise he was here, he often came and went whenever he pleased. But he could have at least knocked. 
“A Trial of Lovers.” You respond, bringing your eyes back to the words in front of you. 
“Sounds boring.” 
You hum, intent on not paying him any mind. Gojo could be a handful, but he wasn’t that hard to manage once you got to know him. You just learned to tune him out. 
“Why aren’t you paying attention to your students? Reckless of you.” He continues. 
Maybe you wouldn’t be able to ignore him. 
“They’re just studying today.” You say, turning the page. 
The room is quiet besides the two of you, the four students either glued to their textbooks or watching the interaction unfold in front of them. 
“A book can be a weapon. And you have a very talented weapon user in case you were unaware.” 
“Salmon.” Inumaki agrees. He always did like stirring up trouble. 
“What if she tries to kill Yuuta with it?” Gojo says, clearly trying to get a rouse out of you. 
“Maki, are you gonna try killing Yuuta with your textbook?” You ask, keeping your eyes trained down. 
“Not unless he pisses me off.” 
“What?” Yuuta responds. 
You look up at Gojo and smile. 
“Yuuta’s harmless, he wouldn’t piss her off so I think we’re good.” 
“Harmless? I wouldn’t call him that.” Gojo responds. 
“Where are your students?” You accuse. 
He was much more lax with his, often leaving them to fend for themselves when he went on missions. You couldn’t say you blamed him. It wasn’t like he had much of a choice, but still. 
“I sent them out to take care of a second grade. They’ll be fine, Megumi is with them.” 
You clear your throat, eyes focused on the book in front of you even though you were no longer reading. 
“He’s still a child.” Even as you speak, your nerves feel more at ease. If you were to trust any of the students, it would be Megumi. Even if that was the case, you still thought they shouldn’t be left alone. Gojo trusted Megumi which was good, but it bugged you that he may have trusted him a bit too much. Even the greatest sorcerers make mistakes, much less ones that were under 18. 
“And Nobara is just as, if not more violent than Maki. What if she kills Yuuji?” You knew she wouldn’t. 
“She wouldn’t do that.” Gojo responds slyly. 
You slap your book closed and set it on the desk in front of you. 
“What do you want, Gojo?” 
Your eyes flick across his body. His blindfold was on like usual, his ensemble completely put together as it always was. You would pay to see him look unprepared. 
“Are you busy after school?” He smiles, his body relaxed as he stares down at you. 
This was something he always did. Flirt with you, while you ignored his advances. It was the nature of your friendship, it didn’t bother you so much as it might bother someone else. 
“Class, you guys can leave early.” You announce, smiling as you watch them hop out of the room. 
You stand up and face Gojo again. He was wearing a cocky grin, no doubt waiting for your response. He thought you would say yes, even though you denied him every time. You weren’t opposed to going out with him, there were just other factors in the mix. 
“Gojo, in case you forgot you have a boyfriend.” 
Gojo huffs and leans back even more, seemingly prepared for your rejection. 
“I didn’t forget. We’re trying something new. Open relationship. He gets to see who he wants and I can see who I want.” 
The response stuns you a bit. He had never mentioned that before. The offer seemed more appealing at his revelation. You had fun with Gojo, and he was good looking. You just didn’t want to be the reason he was kicked on the streets. 
It seems he knows that he’s wearing you down, his grin showing back up. 
“Come on, let’s just go for a walk around the park. Promise I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that, of course.” 
An image conjures up in your mind before you can stop it. One where he’s on top of you, mouth open as he nibbles on your neck. You shake your head, trying to rid the naughty thought as best as you could. You awkwardly chuckle and grab your things, following him out the door. A walk would be harmless, wouldn’t it? 
The weather graced you today it seems, as clear skies shine above you and an acceptable temperature wraps around your body. You were at a park near the school, one that had lots of families and several street vendors. 
You actually were hungry. And Gojo being Gojo decided to jump at the opportunity to buy something sweet, assuring you that he would buy your food as well. 
While you wait, you find a lonely bench sitting in the middle of the park. It’s surrounded by large trees, trees much older than you. It’s refreshing to be out of the school for once. You can’t remember the last time you spent a normal day out in society. 
You loved your job, but it could be exhausting at times. 
“Order up!” Gojo’s cheery voice interrupts your thoughts. 
He’s holding two crepes. One with fruit, the other with chocolate. 
“We can share if you want.” He says, holding the fruit one out to you, mouth darting out to bite into his. 
You smile up at him and grab the treat, eyes flicking over the colors that lit up the food. When you take a bite you taste berries melting with whip cream, the flavor swirling around your mouth. 
“This is really good Gojo, thank you.” 
He offers a serene smile as he takes another bite of his crepe while sitting next to you. Chocolate decorates his lip and you giggle in response. He almost looked childish. It suited him, in a way. People might say he was immature, which wouldn’t really be wrong, but a part of you knew he grew up too fast. 
You make idle chatter as you watch families fill in the park. You spent so much time around sorcerers, you often forgot what it was like to be near normal people. Their carefree attitudes lit up your heart, putting your mind at ease. 
This is what you’re doing it for, this is why you fight. You remind yourself as you watch a toddler topple over before getting right back up, a grin across his face. 
“It’s weird, right?” You find yourself saying. 
You haven’t finished your crepe yet, but Gojo has been done with his for awhile; focusing on the brown syrup that muddled his fingers. 
He hums as he licks his finger, looking up in front of him. 
“The families. The smiles. The people.” 
You don’t have to elaborate, Gojo knows exactly what you mean. Sorcerers rarely have families and rarely smile. Their lifestyles were much different than yours. Your stomach turns as you wait for his response. 
“Yeah, I mean I guess so. It’s not much weirder than sorcerers.” 
You didn’t really expect him to feel the same way as you. He may look like an average man, but he wasn’t. While you couldn’t relate to average people, he couldn’t relate to anyone. Not people or sorcerers. 
Lonely, you thought. You wonder if the feeling keeps him up late at night. 
“Thank you for taking me out. This is nice.” You settle, attempting to divert your attention from the macabre. 
Gojo leans back, kicking his long legs out in front of him. His arms spread out on the bench, head facing the sky. He always took up so much space, not that you minded. You figured the world was too small for him, so you didn’t mind making more room. 
“It is, isn’t it?” 
You offer up a bite of your crepe which he gladly accepts, swallowing before saying he preferred his more. 
“I actually had something I wanted to bring up. You’ll learn about it later in the next meeting, but I figured I’d tell you now.” 
Your head perks up in interest, your attention completely on him. 
“There’s been a slew of random attacks at the school.” 
The words sink in your chest, creating a pool in your stomach. The school? That was your sacred place. Your home. It was all you had. 
“The school? I haven’t heard anything.” 
“Not really at the school, more so around it. They’ve been happening at frequent intervals the past week all within 5 miles of the school. It’s all been small attacks. But it definitely is something. One wouldn’t be a big deal, but with the amount that’s been happening… someone is definitely targeting Jujutsu High. Not enough to actually destroy it but enough to peak our interest.” 
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. It wouldn’t have mattered if it only happened a couple of times, but there was a pattern. Someone was clearly focusing on the school. 
“What does it mean?” 
Gojo taps his foot, his head in the clouds. If anyone knew what it was about, it would be him. 
“I’m not sure. It’s been relatively easy to handle so far. I’m just worried about the fact it draws our attention away. The more people we send out to watch the border means the less available sorcerers we’ll have. I don’t like it.” 
He rarely sounds serious, but you’re able to pick up on the dark underlying tone in the way he’s talking right now. He didn’t seem too stressed out, maybe inconvenienced at best. It wasn’t like there was much you could do at the current moment anyway. 
You finish your crepe, the mood dramatically shifting after the conversation. You hate to see Gojo like this, his mind swarmed with thoughts and unable to focus on anything else. 
“So, tell me about your boyfriend.” 
Gojo raises his head and looks at you, one of his eyebrows shooting up. 
“Weird thing to bring up on a date.” 
You scoff and nudge your foot against his. 
“If I’m gonna be apart of this I wanna know more about you.” 
Gojo’s eyes flick up as if in deep thought. You didn’t know much about his boyfriend. He and Gojo were longtime friends, having gone to Jujutsu High together. Over the years you learned he was the more responsible of the two. You also learned about his cursed technique. Rare and strong, curse manipulation. You were intrigued by the idea. Using what you fight against to help you, it was nothing short of incredible. 
“He’s nice. Almost too nice. He understands people more than me. Really strong too. A bit stern.” 
You keep your gaze focused on the side of Gojo’s face. You don’t spend much time looking at him normally, so you take advantage of the closeness you have right now to appreciate him. His white eyelashes flutter as he looks at the sky, bright pink lips parted as he speaks. 
Handsome, he was so very handsome. 
As the two of you were in public he decided to forego his blindfold and instead use a pair of sunglasses. His hair lay messy atop his head, but it still looked good. 
He cracks a grin as he notices you staring. 
“See something you like?” 
You quickly turn forward, the act of being caught embarrassing you. The only thing worse than an attractive man was a man who was attractive and knew it. 
“He sounds nice. Nicer than you.” You say, hoping to annoy him. 
Instead, Gojo lets out a quiet sigh. 
“He is.” 
It was odd to see him like this. Gojo cared for people, he wasn’t a robot, but he rarely admired them. With the few conversations you had with him you were able to tell he admired his boyfriend, he really loved him. 
Your lips part as you start to ask Gojo what his boyfriend's name was, but his phone cuts you off. 
Gojo clicks his tongue and looks down, noting a text from Yaga. 
“Can’t even leave for a few hours.” He complains under his breath. 
You know he’s trying to put on a show, but you can’t help but feel bad. He was right. He never had time to himself, always being forced into doing something or the other for the higher ups. His life wasn’t truly his own. 
Your relationship with Gojo was complicated. You liked to tease him, but deep down you knew he always got the shit end of the stick. 
You stand up, swiping your hands on your pants. It was starting to get hot out, your hair sticking to your neck.  You reach a hand out to Gojo, wordlessly offering help. 
He smirks at your hand, looking over the top of his glasses. 
You tear your hand away, not wanting to give him the satisfaction if he was just going to tease you. 
“Hey! What if I need help getting up?” 
“Stand up yourself, worlds strongest sorcerer.” You mumur, stepping away to start walking towards the school. 
Gojo whines behind you before jumping up, jogging towards you. The rest of the walk goes by fast, the both of you teasing each other back and forth. One of the good things about Gojo, although there were many (not that you would admit it), was that he was incredibly fun to talk to. As long as you were in the mood, of course. 
Your body chills when you step inside the school. The air conditioning soothes your skin the second you get inside. 
“You’re back.” Yaga says, looking down, shuffling papers back and forth. 
“Sadly.” Gojo responds. 
“What were you two up to?” 
“A date.” Gojo says confidently. 
You train your face to say neutral but you feel your blood simmer. You weren’t exactly planning on telling Yaga, but of course Gojo wouldn’t keep it to himself. 
“And Geto?” Yaga asks. 
Geto. That was Gojo’s boyfriend's name. His last name anyway. You wanted to know what his first name was, that’s what you were planning on asking before Yaga texted. 
“He’s aware.” 
Yaga heaves out a breath, used to Gojos antics by now. Anything that could be weird by someone else’s standards was considered normal if Gojo was the one doing it. 
“I need you to finish this paperwork before going home tonight. And don’t make someone else do it for you.” Yaga hands you both a stack of papers, aiming the last half of the sentence to Gojo. 
You knew it wouldn’t take you long, as long as Gojo didn’t attempt to get you to do his for him. Even if he asked nicely you were going to refuse. You had plans tonight. You needed to go to the book store to get the second book to the one you were reading this morning. 
It takes you two hours and your fingers are sore by the time you’re done, but you manage to finish all your paperwork. Halfway through you had to lock Gojo out so you could focus. You had fun on your date, but tonight was your night. A man wasn’t going to get in the way of that. 
You weren’t sure what happened to the weather. This morning when you were with Gojo it was bright and sunny, but now the sky was littered with clouds. You didn’t mind it, in fact you preferred it. When you were reading you much preferred for it to rain, finding it way more soothing. 
The bookstore was empty today, except for a couple of people that hid out in the shelves. You liked it here. It made you feel somewhat normal. There were no sorcerers, curses, or villains here. Just books. 
You had no plans for the rest of the night, besides having you time, so you decide to find the book you’re looking for to read there. There were chairs littered throughout the building, each soft and worn down after years of use. 
Curling up on a chair, you open your book and dive into it. The words capture all your attention as you grip the front and back of the book. It’s much better than the first, you think. The author has such a way with words. You’re so engrossed you don’t notice a man approaching you. 
He sits on the chair in front of yours, his own book nestled in his lap.
“That’s a good book,” he says. 
You look up to find a man sitting in front of you. He looked perfect. There wasn’t flaw on his body. 
Long black hair that was pulled up in a bun, caramel eyes trained on you as he wore a small smile. 
Normally, you would be pissed off that someone was breaking the bookstore code ‘no talking’, but you weren’t. You were drawn in. 
“It is.” You respond, trying to look away from him but finding yourself incapable. 
“I love the author, I finished all his books so I was here looking for something else.” 
You think you could listen to him speak forever, the way his voice rolls out from his lips causes your body to relax. 
“Me too, once I finish this then I’ll be done.” 
His smile spreads wider. Your stomach turns under his gaze. 
“I’m afraid I haven’t found any stories as interesting as his.” He continues. “I really liked his use of butterflies in that book though. Very beautiful.” 
You bite your lip and tear your eyes away if only for a second to gain control. 
“Me too.” 
He watches the way you fiddle with the book in your lap. 
“My name is Suguru, what’s yours?” 
You take a deep breath before telling him your name. Normal girls would be scared of a stranger talking to them, but you weren’t normal. You were sure if it came down to it you would be able to take care of him. After all, there were very few people stronger than you, and you were on a date with one of them earlier. 
You weren’t scared of Suguru, you were captivated by him. 
His smile morphs into something more calming after you speak. It sends fireworks off in your stomach. 
“You have a lovely name.” 
You clear your throat before darting your eyes away, unable to look at him any longer. 
“Thank you.” You murmur, fiddling with your outfit. 
After work you had gone home to switch clothes, wanting something more comfortable. You were glad you did, as the clothes you wore now were much more flattering. A loose sweater with yoga pants, perfect for lounging about while you read. 
“I didn’t mean to interrupt you, I apologize. I just saw what you were reading.” 
“It’s okay, is this your first time here? I’ve never seen you before.” 
Suguru wets his bottom lip, and you have to pry your eyes away from it. 
“It is. Normally I go to a bookstore in the next town over, but it’s under renovations so I decided to come here. It’s not far from my boyfriends work.” 
There it is. 
You don’t know why you expected anything different. Part of you was hoping he might be hitting on you. You did go on a date with Gojo earlier, but it wasn’t anything serious. 
“What do you do for work?” You ask. 
“I’m a freelancer.” 
Vague, you think. 
“And you?” 
There’s no way you can tell him you’re a jujutsu sorcerer so you settle on something close enough. 
“I’m a teacher.” 
“Noble, I like it.” 
The rain beats down on the roof of the book store, water running down the windows making it hard to see outside. It’s calming, Suguru is calming. You keep your gaze focused on him as the two of you talk. At first you were almost intimidated, but you were slowly getting used to the heat of his gaze. 
“I enjoyed the butterflies as well. It’s a shame we don’t have them around here. I’d love to watch them like they did in the book.” You say. 
“It’s probably because of all the people. There are places you can go to see them, would you be interested?” 
You pause and stare at him. Was that… A date invitation? 
It wasn’t, there was no way. 
Maybe he meant it in a friendly way. 
“What about your boyfriend? I would love to, but I just want to make sure before I agree.” 
You’d hate to get the wrong idea. 
“He’ll be okay with it. I can ask though if you want me to.” 
You fiddle with your shirt and watch as he pulls out his phone. Suguru types a quick message, not even a second later his phone vibrates with an answer. 
He turns the screen towards you, letting you read the words. 
Suguru: I’m gonna go on a date with this girl from the book store
Asshole: Alright
Asshole: Is she hot? 
Suguru: She’s beautiful 
Your heart stutters at the compliment, your curiosity slightly piqued at the name in his phone. Asshole? Maybe that wasn’t that weird. 
“Would you be free tomorrow?” He asks while sliding his phone away.
“Yeah, as long as it’s after I get off.”
“Nice, I can pick you up or we can meet here?” 
You trusted him, but you wanted to get to know him more before bringing him back to your house. 
“Let’s meet here?” 
“Okay. What’s your number?” 
You give him your number and he shares his. It’s close to closing time once you finish so you decide to head home, the encounter with Suguru still fresh on your mind. 
He seemed normal. Not in a bad way, but normal nonetheless. You mostly interacted with sorcerers, so going on a date with someone who wasn’t one felt weird. You wouldn’t have to be worried about work or anything else. You would be able to have average conversations. 
You couldn’t wait. 
You feel giddy when you wake up the next day. Your date would be later in the afternoon and you were having a hard time containing yourself. All you had to do was get by the day, which wouldn’t be hard. There was a small mission you had to take Inumaki and Panda on, but after that you would be free. 
As you stood there you watched the two of them work, paying attention to their form so you could give pointers after. It donned on you how odd it really was. 
If Suguru asked you what you did today were you supposed to tell him you fought monsters with a personified panda? 
Yeah, you would have to keep that to yourself. 
You would have been able to keep it all to yourself, that is until Panda accidentally scratches you with his paw, causing blood to leak from your cheek. You lecture him to pay attention to his surroundings as the red liquid pours from your face. It takes the rest of the ride home for it to stop bleeding, and the throbbing pain doesn’t go away. You were gonna have to figure out how to explain that to Suguru. 
The second the work day is done, you’re rushing home to put together your outfit. Suguru didn’t tell you really what to wear, only advising that it should be something light as you would be spending time outside. You settle on a flowy dress that cut off above your knees, you actually felt cute. 
You leave your house early, intent on arriving before Suguru to make a good impression. Unfortunately for you, it seems Suguru had the same plan. 
You check your phone, you had arrived ten minutes early and Suguru was already leaning against the bookstore, looking comfortable as he slouches. 
“I’m sorry! Were you waiting long?” 
Suguru looks up from his phone at the sound of your voice. His eyes drag across your figure, the action making the hair on your neck stand on edge. Those eyes. Were you ever going to get used to them? 
His lips quirk up in a small smile, putting his phone away. He was wearing a black shirt with black sweatpants, his hair half up, the top pinned behind his head. 
“No, I just got here,” 
You find that hard to believe. 
“You look amazing.” He finishes. 
You try to stave off the embarrassment, waving your hand. When Suguru walks up to you, you finally notice how huge he is. He was tall, with a structure that took your breath away. 
You wonder what he did to stay in shape. 
“What happened to your cheek?” His voice is dripping with concern, brows furrowed as he raises his hand up. His thumb brushes on the skin below your cut. 
“Oh! Um, one of my students was a bit reckless today. It didn’t hurt all that much.” 
His eyes dance across your face, digesting your answer before dropping his hand. He looked genuinely concerned. It was cute. He must’ve been the protective type. 
“I see. I’m sorry that happened.” He sounds remorseful even though he wasn’t the one to cause it. “Are you ready?” 
And with that the two of you set off. Suguru told you he was showing you a place with butterflies, and you weren’t quite sure what he meant by that. Excitement bubbles in your veins as you walk. 
The entire time he spoke you couldn’t help but put all your undivided attention on him. He was magnetizing. A natural born speaker, you thought. 
Suguru must notice your silence as he stops himself from talking. 
“My bad, I’m rambling.” 
“No! Not at all. I like listening, you have a soothing voice.” 
“Well thank you.” Pink dust settles on his cheeks. 
As you inch closer to your destination, your fingers brush against his, the movement causing your heart to race. 
Would it be weird to ask him if you could hold his hand? 
“We’re here.” Suguru stops in front of a building. It was a bit unassuming, grey concrete walls and few windows. 
There were butterflies here? 
Suguru notices your expression and chuckles. 
“Trust me.” 
You can’t find it in your heart to doubt him. 
He leads you inside, walking up to the front desk where a middle aged woman is standing by a computer. Her eyes are kind, hands weathered as she types. 
“Can we get two tickets for the observatory?” 
You fidget behind Suguru, appreciating the length of his hair cascading down his back. 
You kind of wanted to touch it. 
“Of course! Here you go sweetheart.” The lady digs around, grabbing two tickets while Suguru pulls out cash. 
The exchange is over as soon as it started, and Suguru is leading you down a long hallway. When he pushes the doors open at the end of it, you’re greeted by fresh air, a short path leading to a giant glass dome. It’s hard to see on the inside of it, but it looks like it’s filled with plants. 
“Let’s go.” He says with a grin, reaching his hand out towards you. 
Your heart skips a beat at the gesture. You grab his hand, interlacing your fingers together. He’s warm. His palm the perfect mix between soft and calloused. His long fingers don’t get past your attention either. Suguru pulls you along to the dome, holding the door open for you. 
When you step inside you’re hit with an overwhelming fragrance. It smelled like a mix between soil and flowers, the sweet scent covering you completely. 
It’s nothing short of amazing. There’s plants everywhere, you had never been to a jungle before but you were sure this is what it would look like. 
“Suguru, this is…” 
“Look!” He urges, pointing up. 
You snap your head up, following the direction of his finger. Above you was a small colony of monarch butterflies, maybe twenty of them flying around. They were low enough that you were able to appreciate the brightness of their wings, orange hues darting around as they flew. 
Your lips part in amazement and you’re unable to tear your gaze away. You were sure you had never seen anything this beautiful before. 
“Amazing, right?”
Suguru’s smooth voice floats over to you, snapping you back to him. When you turn around to look at him, his eyes are already on you. His mouth is spread in a soft grin, eyes twinkling as he looks down at you. 
“This is perfect, Suguru. How did you find this place?”
“After I read the book we were talking about I just had to know what it felt like to be surrounded by butterflies so I did some digging and found it. I come here every so often, although it’s been awhile since I have. I figured it would be more fun if I brought someone with me. I was right.” His eyes are glued on your smile as you look away, following the butterflies with your eyes. 
You find a walkway and set a slow pace, stopping every so often to read the metal plaques that were placed about, explaining the different types of flora and butterflies. You weren’t entirely sure what you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Your chest swelled with joy as you went on, listening as Suguru read you the plaques. 
“It really is magical, just like it was in the book. Thank you.” You can’t hide the vulnerability from your voice. 
Suguru’s eyes crinkle when he smiles, a cute habit you noticed, and he squeezes your hand. 
“Of course, thank you for joining me.” 
The two of you spend several hours there, a leisurely pace set between you. It was hard to want to go home when you knew the world outside was this beautiful. You wonder if colors will seem dull compared to this place. You were betting on it. 
When families begin to filter in you both decide to head out. You were glad kids were gonna experience the same joy you had, but you wanted more privacy with Suguru, even if you had to go home soon. If you could spend more time with him, you would. Unfortunately duty calls and you had work early in the morning, effectively cutting your date much shorter than you would have liked. 
Much like yesterday's date. 
You agree to let him walk you back home, if only to spend as much time together as possible. He never let go of your hand ever since the observatory, and you were grateful for it. His large palm provided some sense of protection, relief you didn’t know you needed. 
Your apartment comes into view far quicker than you were hoping. You could have lived on campus, but you instead opted to find a place elsewhere. Jujutsu High was your home, but you wanted to be able to separate yourself from it occasionally. You were able to find an apartment for a decent price, only staying there to sleep and change. Every so often when it was too late, you crashed in a dorm at the school, but you made sure to keep those occurrences low. 
“This is it.” You sigh out, turning to face Suguru. 
“I had fun today.” He stops and looks down at you, his body relaxed as he addresses you. 
“I did too! Maybe we can hang out again sometime?” 
Kiss me, kiss me, you internally beg. 
Your eyes focus on the way his lips morph as he talks. 
“I’d love that.” 
Please, kiss me. 
Suguru keeps your hand in his as he leans down, placing his lips gently on your forehead. 
That was different, yet it made your heart beat faster than a normal kiss would have. The intimacy of it all struck you like a freight train. No one had given you a forehead kiss before. His lips linger for a moment, before he’s pulling away all too soon. 
“I’ll call you?” 
Your throat squeezes as you try to force words out, but you’re all too flustered. 
“I’ll be waiting.” You say, trying to seem cool. 
Suguru chuckles softly before letting go of your hand. Your palm feels chilly the second he lets go. You’ll see him again, you remind yourself. Hopefully. 
You force yourself to make your way to your door, body trembling in excitement. It felt like you took all the butterflies home with you, their wings fluttering inside your chest as you close the door behind you. After a couple of deep breaths you’re able to cool down, although you still felt a tingle on your forehead where his lips were. 
Two dates in two days, not too bad. 
Hopefully the momentum will stay strong.
As you get ready for bed, you replay the events of the past two days over in your head, your heart swelling with exhilaration. When you drift off to sleep, your dreams are filled with crepes and butterflies. 
Tag List: @tojislittleprincesss, @dinolvrrr, @kimi01985, @constawrites
If you want to be added to the taglist just let me know, please specify if you want to be added for all my works or just this fic
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animehideout · 8 months
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Part 7
Gojo Satoru x Fem! Reader.
check out part 8 here 🆕✨
check part 6 here
A/n: Hi I hope you enjoy this part! sorry if it's not long or interesting enough, I tried to focus on the main events so not much drama included. Lemme know your thoughts tho 🫶🏻.
Warning: not proofread
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"Toji Zenin?" said Gojo and Nanami at the same time.
"Yea, the higher ups got some important information to tell, so that's why we need an urgent meeting, RIGHT.NOW"
"Sure we'll go to the meeting room" said Nanami.
"By the way Satoru! your wife, she shouldn't join this meeting, keep her out of this" said Principal Yaga.
"Huh? okay whatever" he answered, and walked inside the school to find Megumi.
"Hey Gumi whatcha doing? hey listen buddy, Um Y/n keep her busy will ya?" said Gojo.
"why would I? you gonna cheat on her while she's busy?" said Megumi with a cold tone.
"Come on Gumi don't say that, you know I don't cheat" exclaimed Gojo rolling his eyes.
"Then why?"
"We have a secret meeting and principal Yaga said that Y/n shouldn't join"
"Eh? w-"
"Don't ask any further questions, I don't have much time, I gotta go, and don't tell anyone that, not even Yuuji..and make sure to stay inside the school"
"Alright ugh"
"I'm counting on you Gumi" Said Gojo with a playful tone.
Megumi went to the common room to find you, you were there laying on the couch, playing on your phone.
"Oh Megumi-Kun?"
"Um I apologize if I'm bothering you, but Um, I feel like I'm lacking in some defense techniques–So I was thinking maybe you could help me with that!"
"Oh but Megumi-kun your defense techniques are amazing!!"
"You know, I really need some extra training, so I really hope you can train me?...please?"
"Oh- alright then?!? Um how about tomorrow morning?"
"Oh–! so you're in a hurry, okay then, let's go" you chuckled,
Megumi is a precious student of yours, and you definitely can't say no.
• In the meeting room •
Gathered in the wooden meeting room. Waiting for the higher ups to break the silence to explain and provide details about Toji's next moves.
"As you know now Toji broke free! and that's a great threat we're facing to say the less"
"How is it a threat? any one of us could finish him easily?" said Satoru with confidence
"I don't think you can easily Satoru! He knows a lot about our world, he knows a lot about Jujutsu, about your techniques! Him being back, means his new version is back, more powerful, more deadly and we can't risk that"
"So what do you suggest we do?" asked Principal Yaga.
"For the time being, I think all of you living in Jujutsu high dorms would be the better option, I'm sure he'll target you when you're alone, so it's better of you stick together"
"Funny! what a safety measure!!. Do you think we're scared of a non jujutsu murderer? do you think we can't defend yourselves?" exclaimed Gojo in annoyance.
"It's to ensure the protection of students, when you're away who's gonna protect the students from him? who's gonna protect Y/n?"
"Y/n?" said Gojo and Nanami in union.
With a sigh, one of the higher ups spoke,
"well the real reason Toji is back, is to kill Y/n!"
Silence fell over the room, letting his words sink in.
"Toji haunts sorcerers, why on earth would he haunt down Y/n, what threat she could possibly pose to him?, she's not even a sorcerer–"
"–yet! I think you underestimate your wife a lot Gojo! If I were you I wouldn't do that"
"haha and why is that? afraid that her fragile feelings may get hurt?–Ouch" mocked Satoru, only to get elbowed by principal Yaga.
Nanami glared at him, his mind racing with thoughts, why would Toji target you?so he said,
"can you further explain please?"
"I don't think any of you knows the real potential of Y/n!! once she becomes a sorcerer, she'll shake the balances of our Jujutsu world, she'll unleash an immense power. Toji doesn't want that to happen, that's why she's his main target."
"What do you mean immense power?" asked Gojo through gritted teeth.
"Is that what you care about now?? I think you should care more about her safety" said Nanami.
"If she has got that immense power as you say then all of this safety measure wouldn't be necessary, I think she could protect herself"
"I think you should be more responsible Gojo, it's your wife we're talking about! whether you like it or not" whispered Principal Yaga.
"We didn't figure out his plan yet, we don't know his next moves, he tends to be unexpected and full of surprises. He's like a ghost in the shadows. So you need to be careful, Y/n shouldn't wander alone, that's a must!"
"We'll do our best to keep Y/n safe" said Nanami woth determination, not noticing Gojo's death glares.
"Of course!! she's our hope!! by the way Gojo what's wrong with your face? did you get into a fight?"
"Yeah a fight with his wife!! she kicked his ass in their duel" teased Principal Yaga, it's been one of his purposes to make Satoru more humble since high school days and finally you managed to humble him.
"Oh you gotta be careful Satoru, if you wanna remain the strongest sorcerer, someone might snatch that title from you"
"Should we inform Y/n about the situation?" asked Principal Yaga.
"No! Don't stress her out! you can tell her about him but it's better if she remains oblivious that she's his target till we manage to solve the issue...and Keep. Your . Eyes. On .Her, she's your responsibility Gojo"
With that the meeting concluded, leaving them exchanging worried glances, overthinking, they dealt with Toji Zenin before and it wasn't the best experience.
"Bring your things here Satoru. From TONIGHT, you and your wife will start living here" ordered Principal Yaga.
"But sensei sh-"
"No buts Satoru, Y/n will be under everyone's watch, it's not just your responsibility, it's our responsibility as well to protect her, till she breaks the curse"
"Ugh sure"
"Why the curse didn't break yet, by the way?"
"It takes time and you know that sensei".
Principal Yaga nodded and left. He's genuinely concerned about your security, Toji is a vile man, no one can follow his attack patterns, he schemes and attacks the most sensitive spots.
"I know what you're thinking about Gojo" started Nanami "You're worried that once she gets her curse technique, she overpowers you"
"and your answer is ....TRUE, how long did it take you to guess this Nanami"
"you're unbelievable! if you're not gonna protect her then I will, Gojo" said Nanami with a stern expression, as he started to walk away, Gojo was too quick and grabbed him by his forearm.
"I told you a million times, stay away from her!"
"Why would I?"
"Cuz she's not your wife!"
"Look who's talking! If you're that jealous then I suggest you start treating her like a real wife"
"Hah jealous? Do you think I'm jealous? it's just I hate it when people stick their noses in my own business"
"I didn't know Y/n was your own business"
Remained speechless, Gojo knew Nanami's word were logical. Lack of words prompted him to burst into offensive laugher. Trying his best to cover his discomfort with humor.
"You're funny Nanami aah–but sure go ahead then and protect her....if you can" he said the last line with seriousness.
"Meguuuumi! enjoying your training sessions huh?" spoke Gojo with excitement.
"Sensei? y-yeah , Y/n-sensei agreed to help with with some fighting techniques"
"Good, I see Y/n-sensei is finally doing something helpful" said Gojo with sass.
You rolled your eyes, wanting to punch him, but couldn't since you're still injured.
"Wrap it up Y/n! we're going home now!" he added.
"Eh? I'm not going home yet, go ahead I suppose you know the way home"
He approached you, grabbed your hand and started pulling you with him.
"Well I'm.not.asking. You're coming with me"
He used all of his strength to pull you, you were moving like a fish from a fishing net trying to break free, giving him a hard time.
"Damn it Y/n stop"
He didn't find any other way, so he resorted to grabbing you by your waist and putting you on his shoulder.
In a matter of seconds you were home.
"What the hell?" you asked, still hanging in his shoulder.
He threw you on the bed like a ball.
"Full of surprises hm? I know, I know you don't have to say it"
"But h-how"
"It's related to my limitless technique no need to worry about it"
You were intensely staring at him, making him feel awkward.
"anyways, start packing we're leaving"
"Gojo Satoru are you fucking kidding me? you drag me home then when we're home you say that we're leaving? Are you mentally ill?"
"Damn my eardrums, you're so fucking loud! We're moving to Jujutsu High! Yaga sensei's orders!"
"what? why would we move there"
"To fulfill our duty as teachers! there's a murderer on the loose, he's targeting sorcerers and we need to protect our students!"
"A murderer?"
"What? Don't tell me that Y/n , the famous martial arts teacher is scared now? All talk no action?" he chuckled.
"Says who? the one who got his ass beaten and had to break the rules to land a punch on me? now don't make me laugh Satoru"
"I was going easy on you"
"Whatever – You want us to move to jujutsu high, then move your ass and start packing, enough of your gibberish" you rolled your eyes, it was useless to argue with someone like him, he's so full of himself and it annoyed you.
• At Jujutsu High, night time •
" Welcome to your new home Y/n!" greeted principal Yaga.
"Thank you sensei"
"I think Gojo informed you about the whole situation?"
"Yes ! we will do everything to protect our students"
"Good!! there's no doubt in that.. anyways, you had a long day today, I'll give you your time to unpack! let me guide you to your shared bedroom"
"SHARED BEDROOM?" you and Gojo exclaimed in union.
"Um yes" said Yaga-sensei awkwardly. "anyways here's your room have a wonderful night" he added and then left in a flash for both of you to handle the awkwardness that he intentionally put you into, just so you can work on your relationship.
Gojo reached the knob and opened the door..
A king sized bed, for both of you to share. You took a deep breath, you weren't ready for this, not ready for the long night ahead.
"fuck" you muttered.
"Alright here's the deal, we take turns, tonight I take the bed you take the floor" said Gojo
"Hah what? you wish ! I take the bed, you take the floor" you fought back.
"No I'm not used to the hard floor"
"Oh are you that sensitive? I thought you were the strongest? or it's all words no actions?" again using his own words against him.
Nobara interrupted you,
"I'll be sleeping next door, sensei so please don't be too loud–"
"Wait what? NO" you said in union, knowing that she meant being loud under other circumstances.
Nobara closed the door that was wide open, leaving both of you there in complete silence.
"I think we'll share the bed, I'll make a line with pillows and don't you dare cross it" you said as you placed your bag down.
Thinking of how you'll change into your pyjamas when he's there, in the same room as you. Not only for tonight but for God knows how long.
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lightlycareless · 2 months
If your main story followed canon, how would your Naoya handle the situations that canon Naoya was put in? Do you think Naobito still put in that thing about Megumi in his will and do you think Maki would’ve ended up killing the Zen’ins(she’d most likely spare Y/N and her children and maybe Naoya if Y/N asked) or do you think it would’ve never gotten to that point at all? I love your story and I find it fun to think about how your Naoya would handle the situations of canon :3
Omg this is such a difficult question to answer because I feel like everything would still continue on as the manga! With a few exceptions, of course. Let's get to them 👀👀👀
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Naobito would still select Megumi over Naoya to be his successor (if the clause regarding Gojo becomes effective) however, your dear husband wouldn’t go batshit crazy over it.
Instead, he’ll get to see how messed up it really was for him to become leader at 15 years of age. So young, unprepared, and the fact that he hadn’t spent time with the Zen’in, meaning he didn’t know how everything went down, just made it worse! This is definitely a reflection of him becoming a father; he sees Megumi as either one of his babies and the dangers and stresses of becoming clan leader drives him crazy with worry! It’s a tough job, that’s for sure, one he never wishes either of them to endure.
THOUGH the one thing I struggle with deciding the most is whether the Zen’in massacre happens or not.
It’s interesting to see how Mai and Maki would grow up to be in an environment where you were around; The easiest route to take is to say that Naoya remained the same jerk we know from the manga, everything continues on as planned, and that’s it! But then, I don’t think you’d be able to stay around for that long! Certainly not to tolerate a man that disrespects you constantly.
Though I do like to play with the idea that you were there ‘till the end, as the quiet, submissive wife Naoya always wanted you to be. Your relationship with him wasn’t the best, but as long as you kept to yourself, served him, and so on… everything was fine. Kind of. Until a baby came along…
BUT WE’RE NOT HERE FOR THE REALISTIC part, we’re here for my version of Naoya 😏 and so, I’d like to say that maybe, just maybe, the murder of the Zen’in never happens (I still struggle to accept it happened in the first place! I 100% believe Mai cursed her. Like, Maki never hinted wanting that but anyways) because you would’ve done your best to set a better life for the twins, persuade Naoya to use his influence for their benefit. I doubt anyone would’ve cared much since they were “irrelevant” to the clan so yeah sure, why not!
The one that would’ve put up much resistance obviously would be Ogi and their mom, Junko. Going as far as reproaching you about it, but you did not budge. Not after all the horrible things they’ve gone through. You couldn’t back down.
But of course, as much as you tried to stop the clan from being crude to them, some would still persist, more so when Maki eventually decides to pursue a career as a sorcerer (You and Naoya would have discussions about this; he still believes that people with no cursed energy shouldn’t be sorcerers, even if there were ways to go around that. You insisted otherwise.) making things worse for Mai with her inevitable departure.
I have no idea how Maki got to enroll in the school and whatnot, mainly because the Zen’in would finally intervene at this point, saying something like “We allowed you to act the fool, use the heir to make their lives better. But we draw the line at sorcery—back off if you know what’s good for you.”
Thus, for the sake of this ask (and my curiosity) I’ll make it as if you were the one to call Gojo intending to ask a favor out of him. Informing him of what was going on with her (specifically how talented she was!! So, he better not mess this up!) and make sure he gives her all the support she needs; because you knew damn well the Zen’in were not people to underestimate and would go out of their way to ruin her life. But at least they respected (feared) the leader of the Gojo clan enough to not intervene… that much.
As for Mai, you end up recruiting her as part of your staff; a kind of hidden, diplomatic solution to protect her from being forcibly enrolled as a sorcerer as well. The Zen’in hated you for it, but what could they do? They sure liked abusing the system, but when it was the other way around, they hated it. Talk about hypocritical…
Naoya, even though he didn’t agree with much of what was happening between you and the twins (mainly because it made you a target of his family, again) would still 100% remain by your side. Any snarky comments from them he’d shut down immediately, with the threat of retaliation if they persisted.
Unfortunately, there’s only so much you could do to protect the twins—so maybe that massacre does happen in the end. I’m still debating whether you die or not, but it’s most likely that you do, solely because I believe Maki was cursed by her sister. Mai told her to destroy everything and she did.
YET I DON’T FEEL HAPPY WITH NOT GIVING YOU A CERTAIN ANSWER, MORE SO WHEN IT’S A PESSIMISTIC ONE, SO: No for the sake of a happy ending, you don’t die. Mai is eternally grateful for the things you’ve done for her and her sister (you managed to ease the tensions between the two, Maki apologizes for leaving and Mai understands why she left) so, she doesn’t hold any grudges, and thus, she doesn’t ask her sister to destroy everything 😊
Instead, when you and Naoya decide to live away from the estate for a while, you invite the twins over with their mother, if they wished. Junko heavily decides against it, but since you take your staff and Mai is part of your staff, she has to go. (This is nothing but a formality, you let Mai do whatever she wants. She doesn’t really work for you) and Maki goes whenever she has free time at school.
Megumi ends up becoming the clan leader because of Shibuya, but he ends up giving the role to Naoya by… insistence of Maki! She trust him to do a good job now (and because she knows you’ll keep him in check haha) and since it’s a reformed Naoya, you can bet he will do his best to restructure the Zen’in into a better clan. I mean, do we honestly think he’d like to see those things, especially when they happened to you (with the fear of them occurring to his own kids as well), and not do anything?
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So yeah! There you got it. TLDR: your interference in Naoya’s life essentially changed everything that happened in the clan, to the point where they didn’t get killed for it hahaha. NGL this totally sounds as Y/N was some kind of messiah with all the work she did, but hey, that’s the power of love 🫣🤣
Thank you so much for sending in this ask! This touched a subject I’ve been wanting to explore for a while now, I might get to it later on :> specifically the did Y/N die at the massacre? OR WHAT ABOUT CURSE NAOYA? (That’s another ask I got on my inbox hehehehehe I guess we’ll have to be patient 😏)
Now, take care, and hope to see you soon 💖
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goatyuuji · 4 months
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AND I AM BACK TO THE FIC REC GRIND BABY...Hope you enjoy them and give love to all the authors <3
Short fics:
he slips in to relieve the pain by weeb_grass (M, 3.3k, Complete)
Yuuji cannot sleep now that he's got another soul picking at him from within his own mind. Megumi keeps replaying the moment Sukuna ripped his friend's heart out. Both find ways to cope with the pain of emotional manipulation. "You stupid boy, Sukuna whispered into the deep crevices of Yuuji’s heart. You stupid, love-sick boy."
My Love Mine All Mine by darlingscurse (T, 8.1k, Complete)
“Not to worry, Yoshino,” Gojo announces brightly and while Megumi can’t see his eyes he feels them flicker to him for the smallest fraction of a second and something in his stomach drops. Oh no. “I just know what to do. Don’t you worry about that, your teacher has it all figured out!” Megumi opens his mouth, impending doom hanging over his head like a storm cloud, but by then it’s already too late, lightning has already struck. Gojo, the biggest ass in human history, flashes thumbs up in the round and then goes: “I’m sure our brightest little shikigami user would love to help you.” (or: Yuji comes back from the dead, comes back from the dead with a shiny new friend and Megumi is totally cool with that. Everything's peachy. Really.) PS: this one for all the people (me) who LOVEE Megumi absolutely loathing Junpei for no reason except the fact Yuuji befriends him (sorry Junpei)
kiss me not him by tamarsilan (T, 9.4k , Complete)
Still, her mouth had nearly hung open in shock at the news. “Junpei and I are dating,” Itadori had said with a smile on her face, holding up her and Yoshino’s intertwined hands. In their shared college dorm, Yoshino’s socked toes had dragged against their carpet, unsure. Fushiguro had been glad that she was sitting at the time. Between her hands the bunny-adorned coffee mug, Itadori had made her, threatened to shatter Or: Fushiguro Megumi and the five stages of grief
Conbini Kisses by Anonymous (T, 2.1k, Complete)
Itadori’s anger, Megumi can deal with. His silence, however, is torture. ————— Now they’ve reconnected, Fushiguro and Itadori have a much needed conversation.
The Brotherly Code by awkwardtypeos (T, 2.8k, Complete)
He sighs heavily, and looks his best friend dead in the eye, and finally delivers the news. “You cannot court Fushiguro. He is not worthy of you. I must ask you to put a stop to this.” Itadori blinks at him once, twice, several times, and then absolutely squawks, high-pitched and certainly not manly, “W-what do you mean? Todo that’s-that’s none of your business!"
sweet disposition by Nicolefrickle (T, 3.1k, Complete)
Itadori needs touched, and Megumi needs to heal
Long Fics:
you may bury my body by movequickly (M, 32.9k, Complete)
In all the worst ways, Yuji is just like Suguru. PS: I could not sleep for 3 whole days after reading this...this fic is intense i won't lie, the gojo and yuuji scenes are hard to swallow, gojo and geto scenes even more but all in all this also feels like a love letter to Yuuji
Saving You by earthtodora (T, 73k, Ongoing)
Yuji dies in the battle against Sukuna in Shinjuku. When he wakes up in the infirmary, he finds that he's in the past, before the events of the Culling Game, and the Shibuya Incident. Yuji must try to avoid making the same mistakes, and find a way to defeat the King of Curses and save the people he cares about. But first, he must find a way to deal with his own trauma and come to terms with the future he left behind. --- "Sensei," Yuji spoke up suddenly, snapping Gojo out of his thoughts. Gojo looked over at him. "Yes, Yuji?" "I want you to kill me."
tears of a tiger (there is no night without dawn) by rugbratz (T, 53.9k, Completed)
Yuuji understands that most people in his situation would be excited for the promise of tomorrow and what it may bring. But that’s not him. Yuuji can’t even begin to explain the conglomeration of emotions that he feels, but he knows that all of them are horrible and that he’s not ready. He never is.
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mikobeautifulheart · 4 months
Well more like attempted kidnapper.
TW: Stalker/kidnapper and drug use (once)
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It all started when you and were sent on mission to an abandoned building, they suspected a special grade curse in there holding a few people hostage.
You managed to get all hostages out of the building but one, it was a risk but you had to make sure that if anyone died it was the curse or you. You fought and did kill the curse, helping the last hostage out of the building yourself.
You sighed and sat on a bench out side waiting to gather enough strength to walk home. It was then you felt a shadow Infront of you.
"Oh hey, are you okay? There is medical assistance over near that car there if your injured, maybe you should just get checked out instead."
"I-I'm okay. Look, I just wanted to thank you , I really thought I was going to die back there and if it weren't for you then I wouldn't be here right now."
Coming down from your adrenalin you took a closer look at the guy. He was slim and taller then you, but he looked weak like he hadn't eaten in days. That may as well have been the case; he could have been stuck there for days before they found the curses precense.
"Eh don't worry 'bout it, it's my job. And take this." You said tossing him a snack you had in your pocket.
He caught it and smiled at you.
With that you smiled back and began to walk back. As you walked you thought you felt an odd presence, not cursed energy but something else lingering on your skin.
It was probably nothing just you being tired...
As soon as you got back to the dorms you went straight to Megumi, your beloved boyfriend, who spent the rest of the night with you curled up next to him in his bed while playing with your hair.
You wake up to see Megumi getting dressed. That's right now it's Megumi's turn.
"Wait gumi, gimmie a sec and I'll go with you" you mumbled half asleep.
"No y/n today you should sleep in, not like Gojo is going to teach any classes anyway." He said sitting on the edge of the bed to tie his shoes.
"Just rest today okay? We'll talk when I get back." With that he walked out the door and you heard it lock behind him.
You had to admit it was nice to get some rest in.
After waking up late to class you were walking around the field yourself, waiting for everyone to show up for training. You felt you phone go off in your hand showing that you had a message.
Who was the guy this morning?
It was such a random message and when you inspected it further and saw that it was from an unknown number.
You nervously paced around in circles before you brought your thoughts together. Worst case sanario you get worked up and it was just a bad prank by Nobora and you'd have to beat her in your training session.
Is he your boyfriend?
No, you refuse to play along. For now you would just ignore the number.
Why won't you answer me?
"Y/N!" Nobora shouted getting your attention. You saw her and everyone else walk toward the field smiling.
So it was a joke.
Why were you so nervous, are those your friends?
But no one in the group was holding a phone...
You decided to forget about it, you were safe now that you were with people.
Teaning ended and you walked back to rhe dorms with everyone else before taking a shower and getting dressed.
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You opened the message to see a picture if you wrapped in your towel.
The blood drained from your face.
Is it okay if I come in?
You heard a knock at the door before the sound of the door knob being rattled filled the room.
You almost screamed before you heard Megumi on the other side.
"Y/n are you in there? I lost my keys on a mission."
You sighed in relife, finally you could be safe. You opened the door to see Megumi looking at you worriedly.
"Did something happen?" he questioned.
Was it really that obvious?
"Uh no? Anyway Megumi what about our mission this afternoon?"
"Yeah we'll leave for that soon, just give me 15 minutes."
You were glad you had Megumi on the mission kr it would ahem taken way longer. The vast part was probably the fact you got to go back to the dorms together.
"I'll go do a final check and then tell ichiji were done here." Megumi said gutting up from his spot next to you leaving you a water bottle that you were grateful for.
You were exhausted now, closing your eyes you listened to the breeze pushing the trees around. It was harmonic making you close your eyes and drift off for a moment.
A sting ran down your neck as you felt something poke it...hard. you sat up headooking side to side. You almost punched someone in the face when you realised there was a guy next to you.
"Hey y/n. Remember me? I was just wondering if you had anything going on with that other guy."
"What? Who are you?" Your thoughts become clearer and you did recognise the guy, it was the hostage you saved the other day.
"Oh you, you scared me." You went down to reach your water bottle before he handed it to you smiling.
"Yeah, so who is that guy your always with?"
"My boyfriend, Megumi? How do you know I'm always with him? I haven't seen you around since the abandoned building."
"I know. But I've seen you alot."
A shiver ran down your spine when you realised this guy is probably trouble.
"I think I need to leave now" you said standing up before falling to your knees.
What was going on. You looked at the bench before seeing two water bottles, you drank out of one that didn't have the same label as the one Megumi gave you.
Your body felt heavy and it became harder to move, the guy got on his knees infront of you.
He put his hand under your chin getting a better look at your face, eyes almost closed.
"You don't deserve all that's happening to you, or that rat your dating. He dosent appreciate you the way I do."
"N...no" you mumbled as he got behind you and tied your hands painful tight.
"Don't worry, you'll never have to see him again."
He threw you over his shoulder and walked toward the forest, your head was strong enough to hopelessly watch as the bench got further away.
You couldn't stay awake much longer, you were trapped panicking in your unresponsive body. All you could do was close your eyes as he carried you away.
A line of light slipped past he blinds as your eyes started to open. Your mind went straight back to the moment you were knocked out and immediately you sat up ready to fight. You took quick shallow breaths as you heard foot steps down the hall getting closer. Eventually the door creaked slowly before you shot up and kicked it closed hard sending g the person on the otherside into the wall.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" You yelled through the door.
"Y/n? Calm down okay, your safe now, it's me Megumi. Your in your dorm room see? Look around." The muffled voice said on the other side.
Not even hesitating you opened the door at the sound of his voice and wrapped your arms tightly around his chest.
"Megumi I was scared, I didn't want to leave. I didn't know how but I think he dugged me and-"
You started to sob into his chest as he embraced you back.
"It's okay now, I would never let you go. From now on if anything happens ir scares you I'll be here okay?" He whispered softly in your ear.
Just as you were being carried away Megumi came back, he summoned he demon dogs to track your scent before he found the guy a nearly beat him to death. He picked your unconscious body up, wiping a tear off your cheek before carrying you back to the car like you were as fragile as glass. He laid your head on his shoulder and pushed strands of hair out of your face.
He won't admit it to you but he nearly cried when you didn't respond to his words.
"I'll never let you go."
You nodded as he picked you up and carried you onto your bed, tracing circles on your back and pressing kisses to your head.
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Tagged: @hatake05 @pinkbunnysblog
AUTHOURS NOTE: got a little of track form the original idea soo..reblogs are welcomed and have a Good whatever time <3
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Hey, I read your analysis on yuuji sukuna and i loved it and i was craving for more so do you have anything more to add into. Like why sukuna is being this handsy to yuji Or keeps talking to yuji although yuuji mostly ignores him.. It reminded me how gojo was trying to do the same thing to sukuna but didn't get much response yorozu too But in yuuji's case their positions have been reversed to the point I am feeling embarrassed on his behalf. 😭😭
I think being embarrassed on his behalf makes sense. He’s really showing his emotions like that.
Sukuna didn’t respond to people who didn’t challenge his convictions.
He was used to being challenged by other sorcerers in the Heian era, they even ganged up on him then to defeat him and it seems like they failed then. And it seems that back then, like in the modern times the cult of strength was what governed the sorcery world. 
Sukuna was surprised that Gojou wasn’t the boss of the modern jujutsu world but Gojou actually misled him about that in a sense. Because Gojou kinda was the boss of the jujutsu world, not the official one but he could do whatever he wanted. Maybe what happened to Riko and Getou made him think that he shouldn’t take over by force. Maybe it was paired up with the thought that if he kills the elders he’d actually need to do some administrative work and take some responsibility for his actions which he avoids at all costs all the time. 
So maybe his plan to train devoted child soldiers to take over the jujutsu world stems from his laziness. Maybe getting Megumi as his first child soldier made him think he hit the jackpot because Megumi has the personality ripe to be turned into a professional bureaucrat. 
Sorry for the tangent, back to Sukuna. 
Sukuna was also revered in the past, like Gojou in the present. He also existed kinda on the side of the official power structure. Crowned the strongest and feared and worshipped, but not exactly in charge. Probably also because he didn’t care about ruling, he preferred to look down on everyone, like Gojou. 
Unlike Gojou he wasn’t worshipped from the day he was born. His mother was likely poor, she possibly was scared of him when he was born and abandoned him. Or the people around her forced her to abandon him. 
And he still ended up on top. He still became worshipped. He’s very much “what’s your excuse” towards the weak. But he also has no illusions about those who are strongish from his point of view. Those people suck up to him, want to add him to their power, want his attention and acknowledgement. He doesn’t respect that. He has no interest in their selfish goals.
Yuuji doesn’t care about him, so he feels like he needs to get to the bottom of that. Also Yuuji is now becoming a serious threat to him in ways that none of those selfish people ever were. 
Yuuji is of his bloodline but so different from him. He is something Sukuna surely has potential of being. 
I think Sukuna has always seen himself as the peak form of being Sukuna. That after absorbing his twin and possibly locking his soul inside himself, he has then perfected himself. He’s got exceptional knowledge of jujutsu rivalled and possibly surpassed only by Kenjaku’s and Tengen’s. His body is very strong. He’s an amazing strategist. 
But Yuuji has the potential of being more than him. And the difference is in personality. Kusakabe may dis Yuuji all he wants and pretend Yuuji has nothing special to him. But the fact that Yuuji is still sane after so many body swaps, or how quickly he’d learned everything before they figured out that he can be swapped into. Sukuna wasn’t fucking training him. Sukuna was doing everything to break Yuuji’s spirit. 
And he failed. The whole jujutsu world threw everything it could to destroy Yuuji and they failed. 
That’s why he’s so focused on Yuuji. That’s why Higuruma briefly caught his interest, because Higuruma also had convictions that weren’t in line with the jujutsu world’s norm. That’s why Maki also interests him, because she a) is curious for his jujutsu nerd side, b) she has also persevered and achieved incredible strength despite being rejected by the jujutsu world. The world that elevated and worshiped him, that bolstered his philosophy is crumbling in front of him and the people who are challenging him truly are the antithesis of that world. And Sukuna is nothing but curious. Especially of this kinda version of him that’s the first person that’s actually hurting him badly and is actually close to killing him. 
As to being handsy. 
What I think the canon reason to be: Sukuna is drawn to Yuuji and wants to see how he hurts Yuuji, wants to see his suffering but also wants to study him, understand him. 
What my shipper heart says: he’s missing how close they used to be and he subconsciously wants to be close again. 
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momentomori24 · 2 months
Keiji is a character that I'm pretty sure every one of us can recognize is an absolute weirdo (ok maybe some are too hard on copium for the "weirdo" part) and sketchy as hell, but thinking about everything he's done it really feels like he's so much shady and ruthless than we give him credit for. So here's me bulletpointing some the moments that I haven't seen too many talk about, a little theory throwing his status into question and addressing the massive elephant in the room that almost everyone refuses to acknowledge. If there's something else you feel I missed or wanted to evaluate on, do leave it in the comments.
[Also, disclaimer: I will be discussing Keiji and Sara in a romantic light near the end of this post, so if that makes you uncomfortable please proceed with caution or skip entirely. This should go without saying but for my own sake I will say it anyway-- No, I do not condone their relationship in real life. No, this is not meant to be "shippy" or endorsement of any kind. This will simply be pointing out their dynamic as another example to prove the whole point of this rant. But if someone else does ship them that's totally fine. Fiction doesn't equal reality and if you harass a real person over fictional characters you will not see the light of heaven. Be civil, please and thank you. My block button is rated E for Everyone and if anyone decides to ignore the warnings and be an asshole I won't hesitate to use it. Thanks for listening. Disclaimer over.]
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*Being a murderer.
I feel like I should start with the most obvious and undeniable. I don't think this is debatable to anyone here. Mr. Policeman may have been an accident and kinda confirmed by Midori to have been set up, but he still shot and killed an unarmed man in a moment of panic and recklessness. Even putting that aside, there's no denying that he killed Megumi in cold blood to get out of his debt to her and covered it up to the group to preserve his credibility. Regardless of what you think of Megumi, he has no excuse here. Not only is he one more kill away from being a serial killer, he's the only participant in our group that has actually killed people directly aside from Alice. Another reason why I bring this up is cuz something that completely flew over my head is this:
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At the start of the game he had the audacity to complain about not having a partner or someone he knows with him like Sara does as if he didn't literally let Megumi get ripped apart by chains probably not even an hour ago Keiji what the hell--
*Throwing Kanna under the bus repeatedly.
Despite positioning himself as a protector and someone to rely on, he's far from above putting their youngest members in danger. Next to voting for the fourteen year old girl to die, he had the great idea of letting said fourteen year old be the one to babysit their biggest liability. Up to the point where they would stay in the same room both day and night. While I absolutely 100% trust that Sou would never EVER do anything to her, Keiji had no guarantee of that when he send her off. Hell, he literally just got done accusing Sou of setting Joe up to die (which I don't believe almost solely based on the fact that he said it, more on that another time maybe). He knew Sou was bad news, and openly acknowledges how adults can be terrifying, but he did it anyway. The dubiety of throwing the already traumatised little girl to keep watch on what they thought to be the most dangerous adult that had manipulated her once before is not lost on me, and that he didn't take any responsibility for her afterwards isn't lost on me either. To be fair, the Sou and Kanna thing doesn't just fall on him, it falls on everybody (Alice gets a pass because he actually swapped out with Kanna to watch Sou for her), but he was the one with the final say on the matter and who encouraged her to take the role despite Reko's rightful protests. The fact that he also voted for her to die in the Main Game, and is the only adult to do so, doesn’t help his case.
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*Attempting to frame Sou knowing Reko was actually responsible.
While you could argue he was trying to cover for her since he knew why she did what she did, trying to pin this act on Sou to cast more doubt on his is extremely shitty. Never mind the blatant corruption and the irony of a supposed man of the law abusing his power to knowingly frame an innocent person (in this situation at least), and him sowing more seeds of confusion and resentment within an already rattled group, and giving Sou legitimate reason to be suspicious of him (and by extension Sara)-- this makes it so difficult to trust him after realising he's done this. Literally every time he accuses someone of being or doing something suspicious (mostly Sou), I always have to think in the back of my head if he’s telling the truth or just telling a blatant lie. He's shown that he's willing to not only lie to cover for himself, but to lie to delegitimize someone else. And Sara never caught onto it (Sou and maybe even Nao likely did tho). She never openly acknowledged it-- No one did. The complete lack of mention of what he did here makes this action quite missable. Hell, I didn't even catch it the first time. Has he done this before? Who else has he lied about? Who else would he lie about? Who else would he knowingly pit against the group? You don't have to wait for that answer, because I will provide an example later. And with "later", I mean now.
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*Casting suspicion on Gin before the vote while hiding the fact that he killed Megumi.
While it's not as blatant as with Kanna, there are two instances where Keiji shows a readiness to either put or leave Gin in harm's way. The biggest one for me is in the Main Game. Like, how dare you. That is a furry child, sir. This kid’s like TWELVE. Even though he makes a valid point about calling out suspicious actions to clear them up so we can all trust each other, casting doubt on Gin of all people right there feels pretty screwed to me. This was before the preliminary vote. His words could’ve very well gotten Gin voted for if he couldn’t disclose why he did what he did for whatever reason and therefore being unable to clear himself from suspicion. It’s even more fucked when you realise that Keiji has literally murdered his partner and is currently planning to get Sou killed while giving this whole spiel about doubting others so that we can believe them and pointing the finger at a little kid to make an example to the group. But when Nao, Sou and Sara call him out on his suspicious actions that could rightfully damage his credibility, he tries to shut them down completely. My brother in Christ, you brought it on FIRST (don’t get me wrong I’m very much aware he didn’t really mean the whole “trusting each other” bit but come on dude)--
Speaking about not meaning what he says:
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*Letting the group think he’s Ok to vote for knowing he’s the Keymaster.
This kinda got to me because I thought this was Keiji actually being… vulnerable? Accepting the consequences of his actions and allowing them to vote for him in their distrust without protest even tho it could cost him his life, maybe. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I can’t remember a lot of times-- or any times, really-- where Keiji has willing put himself into the line of fire, at this point at least. He always finds a way to keep himself safe, give himself insurance, and I thought that this would be the one time he doesn’t do that. But this feels so ominous looking back knowing that he was the Keymaster the whole time. That our distrust and betrayal and his resignation to it all didn’t matter because he was going to be safe no matter what. That he knowingly allowed us to assume that he was a safe vote because he didn’t want his plan to kill Sou to be ruined, which narrowed down choice of people we can safely vote for even further. That this action is ultimately the reason why Sou and Kanna were our only options to kill off in the end. If he had admitted it there, we could’ve found someone else to vote for so our final options could consist of three people, not two. But he didn’t, and the rest is history. There’s a lot of things he’s done I can’t get over. This one ranks pretty high. The second Main Game is already a huge sore spot for me for obvious reasons; knowing that a lot of the things that happened were due to his inaction where it truly mattered and activity in all the wrong places doesn’t make me fee any better. He didn't say he was a safe vote-- he didn't lie-- but his words carefully omit that voting for him means a total party death, something he should've stated then (and before this, really).
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*Leaving Sara with the sacrifice card.
Despite making a big show about “always being by her side” and being her “reliable policeman”, he chose to look away when she was in real danger. He attached himself to her as her right hand man, made her shoulder the responsibility of being the leader, constantly manipulated and flattered her to win her trust and gain her favour-- but when she needed him the most, he basically left her for dead because it was the most beneficial to him. Keep in mind that not only did he know about her getting the sacrifice (he was also the sage so he'd have seen the trade happen), but he had the tokens to help her get rid of it. But those tokens weren’t for her life. They were for his. He used them instead to give himself the Keymaster as insurance for the Main Game (the Keymaster he stole from Sou/Kanna most likely to buy Sara’s trust btw). His desperation for survival outweighed his sense of obligation to keep her safe, and that’s the most subtle yet transparent he’s been about his selfishness. What makes this so much worse is that Keiji is our support character. He’s an ally, and our closest one at that, to the point where Sara burned her hands in a futile attempt to rescue him and signed her life away to save his. And yet his loyalty and protectiveness pale in comparison to other characters. Compare his actions to Sou’s: one of their many parallels and similarities is that both their girls get hit with the sacrifice card. As we’ve established, Keiji was fully aware of Sara being send the sacrifice by Sou, had 50 tokens ready to go and chose to secure his own survival than save her life. Kanna ended up doing it instead, attempting to trade the card off Sara with Sou realising what happened immediately. And what does Sou do? Completely bend over backwards trying to keep her alive. He lied about being the Sacrifice so the others wouldn’t suspect Kanna of having that role, meaning he could try gathering vote for her without anyone seeing his true intentions. He tried to stop her about coming out with the truth of what she had done so she doesn’t sentence herself to death. After everything he did to survive-- after how much he lied, how much he schemed, how much he hurt, and how he had thrown himself away to replace everything that made him Shin with the man that had traumatised him years before the game began to scrape together even the tiniest chance to survive-- he threw it all to the wind and was willing to let it all be in vain if it meant she got to make it out of the Main Game alive. The worst part is that Sou had never intended to make it through that Main Game. He confessed to already knowing that Kanna would choose Sara over him if she truly had the Sacrifice card. Yet he still did what he did all in the hopes that she could win. Because it was all about her survival first, not about them surviving together.
It also gives a different context to Sou's panic and him stumbling over his words trying to come up with any argument to get them to stop. At first I thought that Sou was afraid for his life. Which would make sense-- Keiji and Q-taro set him up to die and seemed pretty adamant on having everyone voting for him to get it all over with. But he was already prepared to die the minute he realised Kanna traded with Sara. So it means it wasn’t his life he was fearing for here-- it was hers. To him, if they voted for him there, it wouldn’t have just been his end but hers too. But we know that Kanna isn’t the one who has the sacrifice. It’s Nao, and considering how the Main Game can end either or both of them dead, I wonder if he regrets not having given up there, not letting Keiji get away with that shitty stunt he pulled knowing it would’ve at least guaranteed her safety than leave her fate in hands of a girl with enough reason to kill her. Ignoring the sounds of my heart shattering into pieces for the 100th time thinking about the Greenblings, it’s so fascinating that our biggest rival and most distrusted member has a greater sense of loyalty and responsibility for his ally than Keiji has for his own. Sou can be a liar and manipulative and selfish, but for how unpredictable he is something I can always trust is his love for those he holds dear (Kanna) and general desire to protect our most vulnerable (Gin). Sou loves Kanna, and so he’s fine with protecting her even if it comes at a price he never wanted to pay. Keiji surely cares about Sara, but unfortunately that is something I can’t say about him-- at least at that time (also the fact that Sou ended up taking more care and responsibility for Kanna despite Keiji having been the one to throw her on him in the first is so ironic).
*Continuously pushing Sara to take on the role of leader.
I think one of Keiji's biggest failures in the game come from his treatment of Sara despite positioning himself as her most reliable ally and her partner. From the very get-go, he was very adamant of making Sara be the one to shoulder the responsibility of the group. He, along with Joe (he didn't do anything wrong here), pushed Sara to be the Challenger during the Russian Roulette, despite Q-taro and Kai being readily available. He made Sara be the one to interrogate the suspicious convict while distancing himself from the situation. And he encourages her to lead them through the Main Game, lets her make the choices that steer them all forward and as a consequence take the fall for them as well. Rather than take on the role himself, or let another adult take it, he places his full trust in her and makes her shoulder everyone's weight so he doesn't have to. And he can see the effect it has on her: having horrific hallucinations due to the immense guilt she feels. But having Sara as their leader gives him a greater shot at survival and helps his credibility, so even though he tries to provide her comfort he still continues to keep her in that role. Again, the high schooler taking responsibility for the adults falls on a lot of the older people here, but Keiji was the one who kickstarted it rather than just go along with it like everyone else had. Gin, Nao, Kanna, Reko and even fucking Sou to an extent all have moments where they take the burden off her and relieve her of that pain she shoulders all the time (or at least try to). I need Keiji to take more responsibility for both the group and for her.
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*Pitting Sara and Joe against each other.
This is just another example of the previous point. This isn't as bad, and I could give him the benefit of the doubt that this might have not been intentional, but it's something I want to bring up regardless. I'll be the first to say that Keiji wasn't wrong here. Prying into everyone's votes is a very bad move, especially since no one knew that Mishima would actually die (it was introduced as a practice round, after all). I agree with him, Joe was being rash, but instead of leaving the conversation there, he decided to throw Sara into it to pick a side. Which is... not good. He already won the argument and already had Reko on his side. Bringing in Sara could not only make Joe feel worse and potentially strain their relationship (especially if she rightfully chooses Keiji's side like he was expecting and hoping for), but just puts Sara in the spotlight during something she doesn't want to be part of. While there's a chance he might've done this because he know Joe is more likely to listen to her than him, he should've known better than that. It again makes her take the responsibility of giving the final verdict that would've otherwise gone to him.
*Asking Sara to take responsibility for his life
I've got nothing other that the grown adult swearing his life to the grieving, unstable teenager to take responsibility for while asking her if she'd die along with him is weird as heck. Keiji's said weirder things prior to this, but this one is a different weird. I think Beanieman's post mostly echoes my thoughts on this on, so I'll link it here for this point. This part kinda bothers me:
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He shouldn't be encouraging her taking on anymore responsibility than she already is. He knows that the deaths that happened under her leadership haunt her. He knows that she's very much unstable enough already, to the point where he takes baby-steps to avoid triggering her trauma over Joe. He positioned himself as her reliable partner, her rock to lean on (quite literally sometimes). We see first hand how emotionally dependent she is on him. If he died, it would destroy her-- she'd destroy herself over it. He knows this (or should) but he still does it. His disappointment and dismissiveness when she understandably rejects him makes it worse. The guilt of potentially not living up to his expectations is not what she needs.
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*Potentially working for Asunaro
This is more ambiguous than everything else here and more a theory than anything but it's been on my mind for a long time that Ranmaru might actually be onto something here. We know that Asunaro has a strong hold on the police. Midori was able to infiltrate the force, and they were able to get rid of Mr. Policeman for looking into the corruption going on, first having Megumi fire him and secondly getting Keiji to kill him by planting false info about the suspect having a gun. Megumi was also able to get Keiji off the hook for murder, which I believe Asunaro had a hand in too (I theorize this might've been her wish). There's also Alice, who was arrested and sent to prison despite the fact that he (legally) didn't kill anyone since Midori was a doll. The police are connected to Asunaro-- by extension Megumi and extending further potentially Keiji.
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Something I've seen someone rightfully point out is that neither of the options you're given to say in response to the accusation... actually deny it? Both choices dance around answering directly, which is suspect as fuck. If Keiji truly wasn't with Asunaro, why not shut that theory down immediately? There's no benefit to answering anything but "no" when he's innocent, and he's lied straight to people's faces for less. So why not just debunk it? I think it's cuz there might be some truth to what Ranmaru was saying here. The biggest reason I think this is because despite the fact that Keiji quit the force, he and Megumi were still associating with each other years later. They were kidnapped together and partnered up for their first trial. One missable piece of dialogue is Keiji admitting that he was with his partner-- or rather a "coworker"-- before getting knocked out.
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That slip of the tongue and backtracking makes me believe this part to be true. Him switching from "my partner" to "a coworker", which is a lot more distant and impersonal, makes me think it's got to be Megumi. However, I don't believe that Keiji would wanna keep in touch with her after what happened willingly, so I can only imagine that it's due to that debt he has to her. My little game theory here is that after the shooting, the debt he owed her was a forced recruitment into Asunaro. It's the only thing I can imagine he meant by "the worst kind of debt", a debt he'd literally let her die for to get out of. And if this is true, then it could also explain away his instant attachment to Sara, since he'd know beforehand that she's someone he can depend on due to her having the highest chance at survival. Maybe he already knew about her beforehand, one way or the other. We know Hayasaka did (which I think we as a fandom moved on from way too fast btw). Kai and Sou did too. There's always a chance. And unlike Sou's victory rate and Midori's favourite number, it's not zero. One person made a comic about this idea I recommend checking it out, it's tastefully unsettling. But still very much unsetling and uncomfortale. Be warned that it's also Keisara-centred, so if that makes you even more uncomfortable they did the job right you can ignore it. Proceed with caution or don't read if you don't like.
*Being a predator
I have been waiting so long for this one XD For context: a while ago I made a longpost discussing the sanitisation of soushin and this kind of toxic attitudes in fandoms regarding "problematic content" (ships, characters, shows, you name it). In it, I mentioned that it's not only soushin that receives this treatment but a certain other dynamic too. It's not a rainy day, however this has been way overdue and if I don't get this done now I never will.
Something I've seen a lot, and I mean a LOT-LOT is this notion that Keiji acts "like a father" to Sara and that their relationship is a completely platonic father-daughter bond and that he's the resident dad of the group? Like, it's cute, but that's not at all what their relationship is. At all. Not even a little bit. We called Sou and Kanna siblings before the Greenblings reveal. The difference is that not only does half the fandom think this man is gay, but he's only ever been protective and caring and loving without any romantic intentions towards Kanna ever. His title as her brother was deserved, based on the genuine affection and platonic protectiveness similar to that of Alice's. Keiji has made advances tho, on many occasions, and his flirting is repeatedly acknowledged by other characters. Namely Sou and Reko.
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(Sou grills him for being a creep every chance he gets I love him XD) But yeah, these are not the type of reactions and comments you receive when being a "father-figure" to the teenager. You get all this when you hit on the teenager. Which he does all the time by calling her "cute" every time she asks something and his "cute little detective", swearing himself to her by saying that "he's always on her side" or something like that, asking her if she'd die alongside him, repeatedly claiming or insinuating that they're on a date, or ""having a moment"" and going to ""take the next step"" when in private (*cough* groomer *cough*)-- you name it, he likely said it. He's a walking-talking ladykiller machine and teenage girls aren't safe, apparently.
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(Quick note: The dialogue for the Russian Roulette one is a tad different now. In the new translation he says "cause you're so darn cute" now. I dunno if that makes it sound any less weird, but I felt like putting that out there. What I'm also putting out there is that according to the trivia he calls her cute 8 times throughout the game so. Yeah. *Cough* groomer *COUGH COUGH*)
Like, who tf says this?? Especially that last part 💀 Even if you wanna die on the hill that these are supposed to be "jokes" not to be taken seriously, we should all be able to agree that the (ex)police officer in his late 20s jokingly hitting on the high schooler he follows around is still weirdo behaviour at best and down right despicable at worst. The fandom seeing lowkey predatory/inappropriate behaviour from a figure of authority persistent for almost three entire chapters and dismissing it as "fatherly" and "platonic" is, well, concerning. It's very concerning. If your dad acts like Keiji, you should probably call the police. Unfortunately for Sara, Keiji is the police. And considering this guy got away with manslaughter, I don't think said police would do anything anywho. But yeah-- he uses flattery and flirting to distract her from prodding to much at him while simultaneously aiming to gain favour in her eyes. He showers her with reassurance of his loyalty and affirmation of his deeper attachment towards her and her alone every chance he gets to cement his position as her closest and most trustworthy ally. He insinuates a romantic partnership between them to others to mostly keep her to himself or the two of them alone (he always does that when they're investigating or going to investigate by themselves). There's such an obvious romantic undertone to their relationship and his actions that it going almost completely ignored in the fandom feels weird to me.
I want to make clear that there's nothing wrong with headcanoning Keiji as a father figure to Sara. It's cute. Keiji didn't have a dad himself, and the closest thing to a father figure he had was the man he shot dead. He's a damaged and hardened guy. But Sara's dad is involved with Asunaro and Gin's is an alcoholic, and in a situation where they both need guidence and protection he tries his best to grow and change, fumbling to become that decent father none of them got to have. It's nice, and a wholesome dynamic for our "characters with memorandum counterparts and only non-determined deaths" trio. But that's obviously not what their dynamic is. There's a difference between headcanoning something and erasing canon and the Yttd fandom leans heavily into the latter. Keiji's a creep, he always has been, yet 90% of people I see always portray him as a Mr. Dad Guy or completely sanitise him to hell when him being creepy and unnerving to be around is what made him such a fascinating character. Just like I said with Soushin, the sanitisation to make canon more digestible is one thing: harassing or insulting the people that explore canon is another. I'm gonna take a bullet, derail this rant and say it-- Keisara shippers get so much shit for literally being right it's so infuriating. Keiji does hit on Sara, a lot. He's creepy and weird like that. Him flirting with her isn't a "mistranslation" or a joke or anything like that; his dubious wording and antics are very much intentional. Yet the only people I see actually addressing and acknowledging that without adding fluff is keisara shippers and other ""proshippers"" only for them to get fucking sniped for it I cannot 💀💀 I have yet to meet a single eastern fan who calls this cop "fatherly". This really feels like such a western issue cuz the majority of the japanese fandom agrees that this man's a predator (correct me if i'm wrong but keisara is the most popular ship in the japanese side of the fandom, right?). Then again, eastern fandoms are more chill over there when it comes to separating fiction and reality in general anywho.
*Yeah, I think I'm done with the Keiji slander. Yay. Time to unceremoniously end this.
There's more to say about that, but this is a Keiji post, not another shipping discourse post (although it's hard discussing Keiji's predatory behaviour without bringing it up too). Before I do spiral from the original point, I'm going to try and reach some sort of conclusion here. While I did spent the majority of this post just reading Keiji to filth, and am very salty towards him in particular, this was not just to rake him through mud for my own sanity (tho it's part of it XD). Keiji's character is that he started off as someone who wanted to do the right thing, someone who wanted to be good and moral and protect others by joining the force only to kill all the progress he made along with the person who inspired him to become an officer in the first place. It heavily contrasts the Keiji we have now, a sleazy, unreliable and corrupt ex detective who flirts with underage girls and is willing to resort to the most bankrupt of decisions to save himself. A man that has long lost hope of his wounds healing that he lets them fester and his rot spread onto others. And while I headcanon Keiji to just inherently be a piece of shit, his former self tried his best to be genuinely good before he became so convinced he can never be better that he made peace with his shittiness in the end.
With all this I wanted to highlight some the shadier and bankrupt things he's done that I haven't seen much discussion around and refresh myself on them before the final part. Both so no matter how emotionally dependent and therefore rose-tinted Sara is about the man I don't forget what he's actually like and what he's done while also being able to appreciate how much he's changed for the better. Some of my favourite examples about how he's changed are these:
Before the second Main Game Keiji was willing to let Sara and Kanna die because it was the most beneficial option for him, but in Chapter 3 he takes the on the role of "it" from Kanna and refuses to tag Sara when he thought he was gonna die after failing to beat Midori.
Actually showing more sympathy towards Sou after the Main Game. He was very mean about dismantling his pretence of a cold front to Kanna's death, don't get me wrong, but he showed a lot more consideration and understanding for Sou's feelings and acknowledgement about his active role in it than he ever had beforehand.
He was genuinely fighting for everyone to survive the game, not just himself. While Keiji would prefer everyone making it out safely, he has a tendency to guarantee his own survival first through any means necessary. His plan to corner Midori in the banquet could've cost him his life if it weren't for Q-taro's final stunt, yet he still reassured Sara to save Gin even tho it could've resulted in his execution from Meister potentially finding him guilty of violating the rules.
Him hugging Mai and trying to be more cheerful was cute as heck. I'm sorry but him showing more vulnerability around his allies and being less closed off in a way he hasn't been before is something I'm very head empty about. That he was hugging and interacting with Mai without making any unwanted advances or ladykiller jokes and generally just having a more friendly vibe was nice. It makes his creeping on Sara more unfortunate, but I'll take what I can for now. The bar is in hell.
And that's it, I think. Overall, I hope they do address some of his actions here in the final part or make them have an impact on his and Sara's relationship. Especially that Asunaro part. The person who wished for Sara to join the death game is still unknown and so is Keiji's consent form wish (same goes for the Dummies, Hinako and Megumi), so I'm curious if they're related or not. If he's going to go down an even darker path or redeem himself as much as he can we'll see when the final part drops. He has the potential to go both ways. This is going to be kinda awkward if the next part reveals him to have been a decent guy all along, so hopefully that doesn't happen. Please be morally bankrupt, man. This post didn't end up the way I wanted it to, nor bring up as many points as I would've liked, but I know I won't finish it if I went full perfectionist on it (I already spent months on this writer's block do be a bitch) and it's looking kinda long already. Hopefully it's still decent enough as is right now. I'd like to say that this is my apology for the last longpost I made, but I brought up one of the most controversial and hated ships and traits of Keiji's character and defended them, so maybe I shouldn't 🙃 Anywho, hope you enjoyed and cheerio.
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kel-lance · 6 months
Jjk headcanons/fan theories/ random thoughts/random facts
I made this in a few months time so its prob repetitive
Tsumiki went into her year and 7 month long coma when megumi was 13-14 years old meaning tsumiki missed her sweet 16 :( (she’s a year older than him)
Toji was a good dad in the end (both times) bc he was already dead and told Gojo to take Megumi as a F u/later fix the alliance’s of the clans and to make sure that Megumi would be protected, fed, housed, and taught sorcery bc toji damn well couldn’t much less protect his kids from curses anyhow.
Noaya (and the men of the Zenin clan) abused Mai and maki bc they’re women (implied SA) noaya hinted at asking to beats em up like he used to (could be implied bc he called them hot & Mai has the same face) but he was also possibly teasing since Mai just 💀 but there’s no way he could have known that
It’s worse to be a male Zenin with no cursed energy bc then you’d be absolutely powerless, useless, worthless, etc. no other clan woman would want you and your fam would never coughed for you much less protect you bc why do they have to you were born a Zenin and yet…
So we know Kokichi Toji Mai n maki all were hit with HR but it was just a double whammy to also be twins? Yes. HR hit Toji so hard bc he was the first to be without cursed energy but then Nanako and Mimiko, bc they’re fraternal twins that that’s possible they’re able to both have CE?
Kenjaku stayed in Iori for so long that his stitches healed I’m guessing he planned it all (or saw hat happened which is why he chose Jin (bc there’s no way that’s random) and killed Jin and went to Geto when it was time (did Ken know about the KFC break up too??)
maki had no CE but still couldn’t get in tune with her full potential is bc Mai was there this the twin HR is f’d but there’s probably more chance one could 💀 the other to become powerful but in this instance it was about sacrifice and distance love. Different paths yet they were “the same person” so that’s only with identical twins?
sukuna loves to eat and is a cannibal and lactates and has 4 arms, 6 mouths or more, 20 fingers, many eyes, 4 legs, 10 toes, 3 heads, hopefully 9ft tall in his monster form…. 
stg toji had his divorced dad rock on religiously (nickel back fan don’t even start w me, weezer son nickleback dad)
nobara gonna be used in some way theres no reason to have her status as unknown of not to edge us istg I’ll even take a cursed spirit piloting her to mess with Yuuji more and she’s part of sukuna or some even worse group they gotta fight after the culling game arc
after chapter 253 are maki and yuta dead?? Hopefully Yuta was eaten but on Yutas birthday gege thats foul (I love it) 🫣🤩
It’s past ch253 and we’re waiting for 3/24 for the next chapter but I heard yuta yelled at Hakari to shut up with cursed speech? Or was that earlier 
Maki Mai and Megumi and Tsumiki met probably around the time tsumiki went into that coma/megs entered jjk no wonder hes so formal//doesn’t know them well he was under gojos protection for so long
some jsckass said mais first love is unknown or megumi are you dumb shes in love with her sister no sister kissed the other to give them a sword cooly and die she literally just wanted to be with her no matter what to go to the ends of the earth it didn’t matter as long n as maki was with her but maki knew Mai’s potential to be better than her so she tried to make herself better, leaving Mai behind in the process and they still never hated each other even after all the time away.
mai likes to take care of cacti/the clan favored her over maki bc she has at least some CE//weve only seen maki being affected by her family's rejection (jjk0 makis mom said shed wished shed never have given birth to her as she was a failure and same girlie but my mom chose any and everyone to compare me to) but Mai either didn’t see herself special in that way and put the blame on maki or dealt with it in her own way (maki vs the fam excluding Mai and Megumi // whereas Mai’s version US against the world)
if choso is yuujis brother and kamo is one of chosos distant family, that would mean Yuuji, Choso, Yuki, Todo, and Kamo are all "Brothers" I love the thought of them being super cool and scary together with their cute yuki & Yuuji golden retrievers in a Doberman family
the same people who ship yuki and choso also ship utahime and gojo or shoko and gojo yall have NO comprehension skills at ALL or cant believe men n women b close like Yuuji & Nobara/Power & Denji/ Sasha & Connie/ Nami & Usopp, Franky, or Luffy) 
Kenny planted the first finger by Geto’s twins to Yuuji’s school. they just had to get the finger to the occult club 
Does Kenny have a witch or oracle or even premeditative powers to know the future or did he just plan this out to a T and what is his damn goal 
Yuuji and Yuta are from the same home town bc gege said it’d be easier for the story but then todo also went to Yuuji’s middle school
Nobara dyes her hair lighter and I wonder how often she talks to Fumi back at home. And her grandmother if she’s like me w low contact
Megumi was alone with gojo for almost 2 years (no tsumiki) no wonder he’s so to himself he was probably always with tsumiki before, who decided everything for them (in a big sis way) and he respected it 
Yutas a pos for forgetting how Rika 💀 then trapping her w him bc of how traumatized he was like bruh you also yelled at her the first time u ever yelled at Rika was over another girl and he doesn’t do much else but manipulate like the Pisces man he is (I kin him/made an oc before I found out about his BITCH ass and he got everything word for word but is a dude I’m losing it) 
As an astrologer, I must say Gege’s planning with the character birthdays and everything else I can read from that is incredibly accurate I’ll give examples in the next points
geto’s mission was to go to remote village, he finds curse and exorcizes it, finds the twins the next dy, he kills everyone, he goes back to his pants to get supplies and kills them (prob no his first choice but once again was probably proven right) and runs has been gone for way too long and gojo doesn’t know what th ehhell happened. which is why he was so mad at kfc and geto just had to accept his new role while gojo was still in the past
Toji and Megumi (Kamo, Nobara, Todo) being cancer moons meaning they care about the heart, (todo has other placements making it seem a lil more “shallow” when he just wants a “straight” answer (lmao Megumi)
Yuta being a Leo moon and (outwardly asked) liking the chest
Yuuji being a libra moon liking butts all this makes sense (libra moons are indecisive, will weight out all the possibilities and still want the peaceful side unless there’s such chaos there’s no way for that to happen… then we snap)
Yuuji and Junpei would’ve been perfect friends we already saw but they both just didn’t ask for any of this and chose their own paths, they’re almost parallels of each other 
Geto’s birthchart shows a lot more of wanting to get humanity to evolve where gojos looks more like a POWERFUL cog in the machine 
Yap: Gege basically made this for women I’m sorry boys but why all the beautiful men & perfectly written women & relationships maybe it’s just a rare case where the mangaka actually knows women (or gege is a woman 🤗) & how all the dudes fit a Yaoi archetype & the women,,, they’re perfect & cute & not sexualized (other than maki in jjk0 & the glasses girl in ep 1 getting groped) but everything else is just hot w/o taking ur clothes off kinda energy & thats INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT w everything else going on 
You think something broke in Meimei when she said she wanted to be comforted and Gojo was like bruh I was joking 🙃 
Kirara and Uranme’s gender is yes 👍🏼 
Geto raising the girls as a 17-18yr old is insane same age as Megumi and gojo so for how long was Geto their dad? Inbetween 10 years but when did the girls realize that that wasn’t their dad anymore? I’m guessing Kenny can remember the vessel he takes overs memory or does something to their brain to replace it w him
I doubt a male mangaka can write good women (mostly bc of the stereotype that they’re shut ins but also from just reading/watching with my own eyes and being a woman myself) and add them in correctly, though the thing is in jjk they’re all just in a world but in Naruto and berserk and stuff she’s the add in into /their/ world where they keep fighting bc they miss each other and she gotta be used and a pillar for them or an excuse like Nobara and shoko weren’t used like that by satsug and itafushi they were their own ppl w their own sh like don’t get me wrong vasca and Sakura also were their own people but they really were given the bottom of the barrel sh bc of the dudes decisions. Shoko and Nobara strictly did what they wanted instead of falter to men
They’re literally all kids it doesn’t matter if some are weaker or useless, imagine a god/demon came here rn like the strongest will survive/fight you have to also apply the “weak characters” to irl bc I bet you they’re still stronger than most of us (miwa, Kamo, idk about momo still but she been w them I can’t doubt her skill just cause they had POWERFUL enemies
Gojo not being able to drink makes sense no drugs to impair his power and eyes (maybe lightweight maybe uncontrollable drunk and no one’s really ready or able to control that) 
Gojo isn’t coming back and he wouldn’t bc he half assed the fight and now he’s with his love and everyone has to fend for themselves now 
I like to think Gojo had Megumi and tsumiki, Geto had Nanako and Mimiko and nanami had Nobara and Yuuji in this preschool/parent AU (tojis gojos ex baby daddy) 
All of them are taller than me other than momo and Nobara. (Im 5’4” so gojos 10 years older and a foot taller 🫣) 
In one of Geges book covers it has Gojo in the winter w pink camellias and those flowers mean ily even after death and that flower is also specifically for the birthday feb3 (Geto’s) AGAIN WHY I THINK GEGES A WOMAN RAHHHHH
Maki, Mai, Toji, Kamo, Kokichi were all raised w no love like at all. Yuta had it good til 11, Miwa, yuuji and megumi never fully had it good, todo, Toge (?), Panda, momo, and nobara were just chillin.
Uranme and Kirara go by (they/them)
Gojo and Geto were soulmates no matter the relationship
Utahime, Shoko, Momo, Mai and Nobara all like girls 
Gojo knew Geto for the short amount of time but thought of him for 5x longer.
Megumi’s been without his sister for 1.5 years so she went into a coma when he was 13, his 2nd-3rd year of junior high)
  Mai and maki didn’t know about Toji and Megumi until that year (2018)
Kenjaku planted the first finger at Yuuji’s school by Nanako and Mimiko (they’re the same age) hence why thanking Satsuki for taking care of his son
The person Rika is gone, her cursed spirit is what remains (an embodiment of her love/the curse yuta placed on her)
Yuta is wrong for using Rika and forgetting about his promise and why she’s even there for 6 YEARS then yelling at her about Maki 
Shoko started smoking in high school and stopped about 5 years ago, but started again when she heard Geto was alive again. 
Sukuna has 6 mouths, 4 arms, 4 legs, many eyes, and lactates. 
Choso, Yuuji, Kamo, Todo, and Yuki are all “brothers” by blood or not idc i love their lil weirdo family.
Toji was a good dad, dealt the worst hand, everything going down so the best way to protect his kids is to give them to people who can kill curses and teach them about sorcery. 
Nobara and Yuuji have the same friendship as Power and Denji, Nami and Franky/Luffy/Usopp
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gojosbf · 7 months
why do you think that female char are no longer well written on jjk? /genq (i am caught up with the manga so don't worry about spoilers)
SPOILERS AHEAD!!! for me all of this began with nobara's death and it went downhill from there, now see I understand it might've been important to give yuuji motivation etc but when a roach naoya get's to survive again and again after getting killed but there is no hope for nobara who was one touch kill and had chances of survival but doesn't purely for shock factor, it doesn't sit right with me.
Okay, ignore even that maybe it's my attachment to the character talking so let's talk about other female characters: most of the fandom forgets momo exists that's how useless he made her, she suffered no serious damage (not as far as I remember) and her only active role was in kyoto goodwill arc and an appearance in shibuya we barely see her after that.
Gege treats female characters as a catalyst for mcs, either they're completely useless or get killed off or even if they're powerful enough they're barely mentioned or shown doing something useful.
Example for catalyst: We literally never really see Utahime in action except in Shinjuku Battle to boost Gojo's ct. Like really? That's your semi grade 1 sorcerer and all throughout the manga that was her only role?
Example for completely useless: I already talked about momo, lets about miwa okay, she put her everything to that one swing post-shibuya against kenjaku only for him to deflect it with his bare hands and what about her after that? Nothing!! She gave up everything and now she cannot do anything, just another cheap tactic to get rid of another useful character.
Example for killed: Listen I will accept Mai's death because it served the purpose and was one of the most impressive parts but other than that? Yuki Tsukumo, the special grade, the star plasma that rejected even tengen and cornered kenjaku, her death was so anticlimactic and unsatisfactory, she was practically winning but apparently "a miscalculation" caused her death, listen I like a shocking plot twist and death but that seemed like nothing but an excuse to get rid of another strong female character because gege had no idea how he'd use her in future.
More example for catalyst: Tsumiki and Yorozu (aka the same body but!) she was such a driving force for Megumi but after Culling Game arc hit we got a tease of her (or them) and that provided more motivation for megumi to fix things to work harder to bring his sister back but instead of seeing more of her gege killed her off after sukuna took over megumi's body because her purpose was served!! Done. She was there as long as she could be used as a beacon of hope for our poor boy.
Example of if powerful then they're barely shown: Shoko and Mei Mei, we know both of them are quite capable, they've proved their worth and aside from the fact that Mei Mei is a fucking pedophile she's still a great sorcerer but now she doesn't care about sorcerers and henceforth isn't present/doesn't provide much or any help at all other than the telecast. Shoko on the other hand, we're supposed to believe that her using rct is special and she's one of the most important characters mind you she's the part of the og trio but we rarely get to see her. Even know (the up to date manga chapters) they keep talking about taking the injured sorcerers to shoko but they never !! show !! her !! in !! action !! Like c'mon she's been working overtime but SOMEHOW gege can't dedicate more than four panels to her?
Now onto Maki, the only one standing, the only female character gege truly utilised gave her one heck of goal and arc and then very conveniently forgot her for next 100 chapters. She's great yes, and gege's finally back to currently giving her the attention she deserves which I am very skeptical about because if he just kills her off in next chapter to make a statement istg...but everytime she's mentioned they HAVE to mention toji, it's almost like she'll never leave his shadow, all her achievements are boiled down to FEMALE TOJI which, don't get me wrong I love toji but she's more than that, she's a monster because she wiped out a whole clan not because she shares same superhuman powers as her predecessor and dare I say she's already surpassed toji at this point.
Let's not forget Uro and Angel/Hana whom gege brought in once for one job and then we all completely forgot about them. (I am mentioning them last because he's done this with many other characters so they're truly not an unique case in that sense)
Returning back to when jjk first was fairly new and we had these panels
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it was hype we thought FINALLY!!!! she doesn't denounce her femininity but isn't used as a fan service material through them either and she's fucking nuts and strong FINALLY!!! only for gege to go well now that you've had the crumbs you're getting neither, not the pretty ones nor the strong ones and even if they're strong I am going to act like they don't exist so have fun!! And that's why I think he's really downgraded.
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lxmelle · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder to myself, what did Yuta hear from Miguel about Geto, seeing as they were from the same “family”/group/cult/side. They did train together for a few months in Africa.
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Headcanon/Speculation post under the cut:
After events in jjk 0, considering how hurt his friends were, and Geto’s motives that would’ve been at the expense of his life, I wonder if he ever changed his mind about Geto or even warmed up to the idea of him as a person. I mean, he ended up being friends with (or should I say, student of?) Miguel and also Gojo? People whom we can safely say were close to Geto.
Nevertheless, he looked past that and in the Culling Games, he put his respect for his sensei (Gojo) above any personal feelings he might’ve had for Geto. Still pictures Geto like an evil dude though, LOL.
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So Yuta expresses his desire to spare his sensei from killing his best friend again.
At some point, he must have deduced that Geto was the one who Gojo was referring to in jjk 0. He was perceptive - below are snaps of the light novel translations and the manga. What does Yuta surmise from this?
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At some point, Yuta seems to have a strong idea that Geto is someone really irreplaceable Gojo, even if he personally cannot relate; hence, I guess, still viewing Geto as a villain. Yuta also encapsulates a philosophy surrounding friendship and empathy:
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There is no confirmation to my knowledge of what happened to Geto’s body that allowed Kenjaku to inhabit it. All we know is that Shoko wasn’t given his body for a proper... processing, and that it could either be to spare her, or spare Gojo’s feelings or thoughts about what Geto would’ve wanted, I’m inclined to believe the latter is more probable. Because Geto’s principles were self-sacrificing as such: for his family to escape - even if it meant HE DIED as the cult leader, that their safety was his main priority. He was kind (albeit selectively). And I guess his legacy could go on - somehow. I don’t think he cared too much about himself.
Anyway, Gojo’s returning of the body to Geto’s family may be what he opted for: as these people were important to Geto, they are therefore important to him. This may have put him in contact with Miguel, and led to Yuta training under him too.
But this is all speculation on my part. Yuta does have a very strong sense of comradeship/kinship and it is no surprise he thinks like this, whether or not Gojo had a part in shaping this. Nevertheless, it seems clear that he has an understanding of what Geto meant to Gojo.
This is partly light-hearted, but whatever Yuta concluded, Gojo isn’t likely to have a girlfriend (LOL).
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Miguel doesn’t want to see Gojo for some reason (LOL) was he a bit traumatised from the battle? Or was it also to do with Geto being killed by his hand? Oh, to be a literary fly on the wall within the series to hear all these conversations!
And just side-stepping here:
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Gojo has been trying to adopt these to/be-executed kids to change the world, hasn’t he? Gojo carries on his trial-and-error form of delivering a form of justice (in a much much more pardonable/acceptable and measured way compared to Geto), delaying execution orders for people whom he takes on as students. But this is also quite typical of Yin and Yang energy they each represent which I’m in midst of gathering my thoughts about… for another post.
I think we can speculate easily that he was seeing if there could ever be an opportunity for Geto to “come back home” to their side. He tolerated a lot; both parties thinking of each other like a game of cat and mouse where the cat permits and allows the mouse some ground to wander, until lines are crossed and his hand is forced.
Satosugu dynamics and their shared goals and their yin&yang and how much they needed each other... brainnnnrotttt...
Anyway, this is kinda all over the place but I wanted to add this nugget too:
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The panel is referring to playful cloud. At first glance, it read to me as if Gojo saw cautioning Megumi because it was a precious item. It sounded like a threat: don’t you dare lose it. In Japanese, there is also emphasis on “absoluutely don’t (lose it)”. Of course Gojo lightens the mood with making it about a monetary thing (which is comparatively safe territory) rather than giving other reasons why.
I like to think he was a bit sentimental, but also happy to share this tool with his precious students, knowing that the shared memory within this object can also help make them stronger. Much to maki’s distaste though, lol. It was the last tool that Geto had used, and was now in his possession. He was happy for making to use it; despite her reservations over it, but her emotions may encourage her to become skilled at it. As Gojo says, tough love!
And Yuta’s ID - the last thing Geto gave him (aside from his life - ouch).
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I wonder how long it took him to return it? By this time, Yuta has a new uniform that is now not a special grade (but it apparently just takes him 3 months to get promoted again).
In my mind, it seems clear that Yuta was perceptive enough or was told by others / heard from people around him about Geto and the relationship he shared with Gojo. He respected his sensei enough to share the sentimentality over his relationship, and from a reader’s perspective, there are so many parallels in jjk 0 that are impossible to ignore.
Anyway, as I’m writing this, there are so many things popping into my head, it’s no wonder fans call this obsession BRAINROT.
I hope this post made for an interesting read, even if some of it becomes repetitive if you consume a lot of what many other writers put out there! I can only hope I have some of their talents in articulation.
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hxnbi · 7 months
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synopsis: love is a beautiful thing, but so too can it bring indescribable pain
— pairings: fushiguro megumi x gn reader
— disclaimers: profanity, angst, death, no comfort, gn reader
— word count: 2.9k
gojo version | masterlist
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Megumi knew that his life was at risk each and every second he was out on the field. He knew what he was doing would potentially kill him one day. He was a jujutsu sorcerer. This was what he signed up for the moment he agreed to that idiot Gojo's offer.
But he didn't think that you would be involved as well…
There was no way he heard correctly.
That's right, this must all just be one sick joke.
"...C-Cursed?" Megumi repeated.
No… he had to make sure. His ears were just fooling him, right? Right?
Ichiji nodded. "I-It appears so…"
Hah. Of course not. Life was never on his side. It may as well just be mocking him at that point.
Yuji, seeing Megumi's unusual silence, decided to chime in. "Is it the same one from Yasohachi Bridge? In that case, we can just go, find the source, and then do the same with the one from the bridge, right?"
"I'm afraid it's not that simple," Ijichi interjected in his typical fragile tone of voice. "Unlike with your sister Tsumiki, we don't know what exactly Ms. [L/n] is cursed with…"
"Hah?" Megumi scrunched his eyes. "You're telling me that even the school doesn't have a single fucking clue about what happened?!"
"Fushiguro," Nobara reprimanded, her arms crossed over each other. "Calm down. We’re in a public place here"
"Tch… How exactly can I calm down when [Y/n] is at risk of dying?! Huh?! Has that thought crossed any of your minds!? You're telling me that I should just stay here and do nothing and wait for… for whatever fucking thing to take them away from me!?!"
Ijichi, Nobara, and Yuji all exchanged silent looks. They had never seen Megumi like this—not even during the exchange event—with that level of pure anger and rage.
When it came to you, nothing was "too much."
You were everything to him—his other half.
So, to have that other half practically ripped away from him… was unbearable. The void that would be left by your absence seemed almost insurmountable. That thought alone was enough to swallow him whole.
“F-Fushiguro,” Yuji scampered. "[Y/n] might be able to hear you.” 
Your hospital room wasn't far from where the four were discussing—or arguing, by that point.
"I don't fucking care. I'll do what I want—"
"Fushiguro," Nobara snapped, interrupting with more force, making even Megumi stumble backward. "You stay with them and protect them. That's… all we can do right now. For their sake," she said in a softer tone.
He walked away, bumping shoulders with the poor, confused Yuji.
"Fushiguro! Wai—"
"Itadori, let him be. He needs some time to himself to think," Nobara interjected, making Yuji stop in his tracks. "This kind of news can be hard for anybody to accept. What we can do for him right now is give him space."
Yuji solemnly nodded his head. "I hope he'll be okay…"
This time, Nobara was the one who agreed. "Yeah," allowing their gazes to rest on where Megumi had just stormed off.
Everything felt muted outside the hospital rooms in the dimly lit hallways. It was painfully silent, broken only by the faint murmur of distant voices and the soft shuffle of footsteps. Megumi angrily slammed his arm against the wall, almost certainly bruising his hand, but he didn't care. 
You were dying—you could be killed at any time, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. A sense of helplessness like never before, all too familiar. Why were people leaving him again, one by one?
…Does no one want him to be happy? 
Was he just doomed to live in a world of black?
What would it take until he was finally free from the shackles of faith? Was he just condemned to wander through life, forever haunted by the ghosts of loss?
Only when he inhaled a breath did Megumi's gaze finally fall on his arm, and the crimson stain blossomed on his sleeve. You wouldn't want to see him like this. So he wasn't going to allow you to, and instead, he pulled up his sleeve, concealing the evidence of his pain beneath the fabric.
He needed to see you again, to be by your side while he still had the chance...
With each step back towards your hospital room, his heart hammered in his chest. What if you were gone? What if it already took you? What if—
"Megumi?" you asked in your sweet tone, but it was weaker, much weaker, barely more than a whisper.
His breath caught in his throat.
Megumi's heart couldn't take this. It hurt. It pained him to see you like this, so frail and fragile, robbed of the life that once defined you. His heart clenched in anguish.
You weren't a jujutsu sorcerer. Hell, you didn't even have the ability to see what cursed spirits were. But you accepted every part of him—his flaws, quirks, and demons. But all that love you had for him would be for naught, and here you were, cursed with the exact type of curse, except no one had a clue what was the cause of it or who was the one who never did it. You weren't able to handle the curse as well as Tsumiki could.
Even still, you would put up with it "for him," as you would tell him, reminding him and yourself as well... 
"Megumi," you said, resting on your hospital bed, your voice hardly audible from all the machinery attached to you. It was disgusting—all this to supposedly "save you." A fever dream. 
"Can you come closer for a second? I want to see you."
But without hesitation, he answered your call without a second thought. You cupped his cheek, your eyes locking onto his.
"Look at you… You look horrible."
Indeed, he did look awful. He hadn't slept in days, nor did he get many chances to eat or drink. The toll of sleepless nights and neglected meals etched shadows beneath his eyes, starkly contrasting the rigid routine he would follow before your curse. Each passing day seemed to weigh heavier on him, dragging him further into the dark, empty chasm of exhaustion and despair.
You gripped at your covers, feeling the weight of your words, and Megumi's anguish settled heavily on you. "I know that I'm not going to live…"
"Don't say that!" Megumi interrupted, his voice fraught with emotion as he sank back, his eyes reflecting that of desperation and fear. "I'm sorry… I don't like it when you say shit like that."
"Fushiguro Megumi," you whispered, reaching out a hand towards him and feeling a deep ache right in your chest.
All this was so unlike the stern, aloof, almost borderline arrogant boy you have grown to love. So seeing that facade shatter, all because of you… felt awful.
He avoided your gaze, his fingers tracing invisible patterns on the hospital bedsheet. "I can't lose you, too," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
There was then silence, interrupted only by the noises of the medical equipment on your bedsheet.
You mustered up all the strength you had left, and with a smile, "I'm still here, Gumi," you said softly, your voice barely audible over the beeping monitors. "And I'm not giving up without a fight."
Megumi finally met your gaze. "I know," he whispered hoarsely. "But… I can't lose you. I won't…"
You squeezed his hand, a silent promise passing between you.
"You… should go home."
"I'll be fine, 'gumi. Don't worry about me."
He could never find it in himself to argue with you. So he did what you asked and walked home by himself in the dark.
Alone in your shared home, the emptiness in the walls, the decor, and all the photos of you and Megumi reminded him every day of the future—and once you did pass, so too would the void also be stretched—left in your forever absence.
He dreaded every bit of this moment—every aspect of this fact. Because every moment that you weren't here confirmed an even bigger reality. That, someday, this will be the new norm. 
His home… not, your home, never felt so lonely. 
Only when he was watching you would he actually put something in his mouth after you told him off and heard the silent insistence of your gaze.
"You have to eat something," you scolded before coughing once again, the pain lingering without a moment of respite. 
Even in your own sorry state, you were worrying about someone else… 
Megumi knew what he was doing was unhealthy, borderline self-destructive even, but that was of little concern when you were slowly losing your own life.
And you saw that. You saw that he was neglecting himself, and you would scold him for it. 
"I'll be okay, Megumi. You know that."
'No…' he thought. 'I don't.'
You always said that. 
Days passed, and all Megumi wanted to do was stay with you. Nobara, Yuji, and Gojo even visited you more times than once, and you all ate hotpot together. Yuji even brought a plate of his famous meatball recipe that you asked him to make "before you die," which made Megumi crook a smile the best he could. 
It terrified him that you would even joke about a topic like that, but it was your own way of coping—he knew just from the fragile facade you would put up.
These small things kept both you and Megumi's minds off things.
…And perhaps a little too much.
"Gumi… I can get it myself."
You tried standing up, only for your legs to give and collapse right into Megumi's arms, which he held out in case such a scenario happened.
"Please… [Y/n], I'll get it for you. Please just rest."
It wasn't just Megumi anymore, but you had gotten much weaker, both physically and mentally.
The toll of your curse had left its mark, etching lines of exhaustion and pain upon your once vibrant pupils. Your once lively spirit now seemed dimmed, overshadowed by the weight of whatever was breaking you apart, one day at a time…
You found yourself unable to walk or to properly eat. It was almost like you were beseeching for all this pain to end. And it hurt him more than you could ever think—that his selfishness to keep you alive and just hold on was keeping you in despair.
Together in the hospital room, Megumi was brewing the tea you always drank alongside the so-called medications the hospital would provide.
That is, until Megumi eyed something on the countertop. A glass bottle collected dust with all the other useless medications that the hospital provided. 'What was that?' He didn't remember that bottle being there the last time he came—
"[Y/n]?" he tried again. And once again, no response.
Turning around, he confronted the harsh reality of the circumstances. The air seemed to thicken around him as he dropped the plate to the ground, the clatter of ceramic shattering the oppressive silence. He dropped the plate to the ground. 
It couldn't have been today, right? He immediately rushed to your bedside, your eyes now closed shut. His trembling hand sought out your pulse, but it came as nothing but a futile attempt to deny the truth. 
The word escaped his lips in a whispered plea.
This couldn't be real… But it was. This was it. Today was the day.
But why was he so shocked? Didn't he prepare for this moment? He had known this day would come and had braced himself for the inevitable farewell, and yet… even he was unprepared for the magnitude of his grief.
Several hospital personnel burst into the room, only to be met with a sea of red, their faces contorted in horror.
It was a sight akin to a scene in a tragic drama, but this was no drama, nor was it a fantasy. This was no scripted fantasy—it was a stark, harrowing reality.
The sight of your lifeless corpse lay before them.
There was only the raw, unfiltered agony of loss, embodied in the form of your lifeless body cradled in Megumi's trembling arms, his cries echoing through the sterile walls of the hospital room. Megumi held you deathly close to his chest and his arms. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he was horrified. That if he let go, that final fire of warmth in your body would disappear forever.
"S-Sir," one hospital personnel tried reaching his arm. "They're—"
This was where you belonged. Yes. Right in his arms. With your head on his lap and his hand over your cold hand. You already looked to be deathly and inhumanly cold.
Despite everything happening around him, Megumi's focus remained solely on you, his grip tightening on your hand as if trying to defy the inevitable.
The hospital personnel persisted in their attempts to pry you away, but Megumi's resistance only grew stronger, his voice echoing through the sterile walls of the hospital room for them to leave.
Blaring lights and noises came from all directions, but Megumi couldn't hear them anymore nor see the person he cherished and loved with all his heart in front of him. Several figures were all crowded around, ripping him away from your corpse.
"Sir, please!" the staff tried again, this time with more force. "You need to calm down…"
His voice broke. "How can I calm down?! You’re taking them away from me! They're…" He choked back a sob, hiding away how he really felt—pure desperation. 
His arms ever so tightened on you as the hospital staff all exchanged looks; the question of whether they should intervene or give him a moment of privacy lingered in the air.
Because you were everything to him…
"We understand, sir, but we need to first—”
Megumi's protests grow louder, bordering on hysteria. "You don't fucking understand! How can you possibly understand?! She's…" Again, his voice broke. His mind raced, overwhelmed with grief and disbelief.
But how could he calm down when the very essence of his world was being torn away from him? How could anyone expect him to just stand there when the love of his life was lying there, cold and lifeless? How could he remain composed when his heart was shattering into a million irreparable pieces? How could he ever even begin to forgive himself if he were to just stand here and watch them take you away?!
But that was the inevitable, and it was all happening in front of his very eyes. 
Megumi's heart sank as he saw you being pulled away from him by the hospital employees. His hands clenched into fists.
His words broke up, and all he could say were stuttering sounds. Hot tears streamed down his face, and he squeezed his eyelids shut in the hope his tears would stop. His choppy breathing and watery eyes remained unmoving for quite some time, and he stood there.
He had time. All the time in the world to take it in…
At that moment, a flurry of footsteps came from outside, in the hallways. Yuji, Nobara, and Nitta rushed in. 
"Fushiguro! We heard what happened! Is it true that—"
Yuji didn't finish that sentence. Oh. 
Their voices trailed off as they noticed Megumi with no expression, his gaze fixed ahead as he walked out of the hospital room.
With his usual stoic facade, the boy continued to walk out of the hospital room without a word, leaving his friends bewildered.
"Wait! Where are you going?!" Yuji called out, his voice tinged with urgency.
"Away from here," Megumi responded curtly, his tone brooking no argument.
Only then did either of them truly get a look at Megumi's face. He looked close to tears, if not already.
Yuji physically stepped back. “...U-Uh.”
"....." Silence fell over the room as they watched him leave, his figure disappearing into the bustling hospital corridor.
But the second he was alone, without a soul in sight, he broke down. Every ounce of pent-up emotion surged forth, manifesting in sobs that wracked his body uncontrollably. 
Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Megumi bent forward as he stood against the hospital walls. Pressing his fist against the solid white wall, he began to tense. Just the pure and utter weight of everything—the loss, the emptiness, that final look in your eyes—all of it crashed down on him like a relentless tidal wave, leaving him shattered and raw, like a corpse with no spirit.
He couldn't cry again. You would never like that…
Whether he liked it or not, time would continue its march forward. It didn't stop—it never could—nor could it go back into the past—as much as Megumi wished it could...
Time after time, the people he loved would disappear. Always.
His parents, Tsumiki being cursed, and now, you. His one and eternal love. And no one could ever replace you—and definitely not that hole now in his heart, left by the loss of you.
Megumi clenched his fists tightly, the pressure enough to draw blood.
"I'm sorry."
But all the apologies in the world could do jackshit. It would never bring you back.
Megumi would never know what kind of being snuffed out your life…. It could've been a cursed spirit whose identity was never found by Jujutsu Tech.
And that angered him to no end. To be so useless, to never find out what creature poisoned and took away the only thing he ever wanted and needed in his life.
He had you, but there was no longer a spark, no sign of that vibrant life you once possessed.
For you were long gone—your body beyond cold.
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
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