#i may have forgotten stuff bc there was so fucking much but holy shit
gingersp1ce547 · 8 months
Q!Bagi has done all of this today:
-Getting the cords of the fed building (i cannot stress how important this is, holy shit)
-making agent18 think shes a friendly ghost after watching him do various things (and giving him a flower)
-saw the photo of elena’s kill
-saw q!foolish’s office and got a decent amount of info on his research eXCEPT THE ONE WHICH SAYS HE’S HER BROTHER DID THE MURDERS
-saw stuff from the fed’s going to purgatory
-found a holding cell from a warp plate in cuchurcho’s office with some black concrete around and in it
-found a lab under the fed building behind the sharestone mentioned above in wHICH THERE WAS INFO ABOUT WERE LUFFY WAS BEING HELD, WHAT THEY HAD GOTTEN FROM THEIR EXPERIMENTS AND A PAINTING HE MADE
-informed phil about the stuff concerning luffy
So yeah everyone say thank you q!bagi (and also fred for giving her the cords for the fed building in the form of a enigma)
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Falcon and the Winter Soldier Ep. 6 Takeaway
First let me say that I really truly enjoyed this show. I was so nervous at the beginning and I was so nervous for the end, and though there are things that I didn’t like (as to be expected with pretty much any media) my overall excitement was rewarded. I definitely give the show an A and can only hope that we keep getting things like this and WandaVision with their next shows.
Sam and Bucky (and Sharon) coordinating from their different spots. I always like seeing the tactical side of working together in addition to the badass fighting together stuff. 
The officer not questioning Bucky’s presence and calling him Sargent Barnes made me SO happy.
The facial mask thing-y that Natasha had in Cap 2 making a reappearance. Idk why I like that but it’s nice to know that these things are still being utilized.
Sam’s new costume is perfect like the comics!! It’s so often changed that it’s so great to see it on screen! 
“I’m sorry, wait. Who are you?” “I’m Captain America.” The parallel between this is Steve’s “Um...Captain America.” in the First Avenger. 
The subtitles saying “Captain America” now whenever Sam in uniform talks.
Bucky trying to talk Karli down, approaching from a different angle than Sam because it’s what he knows and honestly does want to stop her without it coming to a fight. Especially when he realizes it’s a trap and is all “oh fuck me” and needs to haul ass lol. That is Bucky Barnes to a T. 
“Seriously, Bucky, you had one job.” Omg, Sharon. lmao
Sam’s fight with Batroc was so cool. No serum. Just straight up ass kicking plus the au revoir at the end. Yes please and thank you.
Redwing!!!! Yaaaay!!!! (”a little birdie told me” lmao, Sam.)
Seeing the Vibranium wings in ACTION. Bouncing a freaking helicopter off them! FUCK!!!!! SO COOL!!!
I can watch Bucky Barnes throwing himself off a motorcycle all day long. 
Bucky stopping his fight to save everyone.
John Walker and his stupid Walmart Shield arriving just in time to add fire to fire. Thanks, bro. 
Bucky specifically being thanked for rescuing them. He’s spent so much time with so much guilt that having just one person say “thank you for rescuing us” actually made him pause. He’s spent so much time as the “villain” that he’s forgotten he can be the hero and it’s so good to see that finally hit him. 
The metal arm scraping across the ground. Good god. 
Sam popping out of the water and “Boy, you earned this ass whooping!”
That helicopter scene holy SHIT is Sam amazing. 
And some applause for Ayla, too!!!! 
John Walker ultimately choosing to save people instead of going on with his vendetta. Very comic book in character. 
Bucky watching in horror as the van is slowly going over the edge and then smiling in wonder and awe as Captain America saves them all. 
“That’s the Black Falcon there! I tell you!” “Nah. That’s Captain America!” Tears. Actual tears. SO MANY TEARS. Sam Wilson IS CAPTAIN AMERICA, baby!!!
Uh, yeah, so Bucky stopping weapons mid-air is one of my favorite things ever.
Okay, Batroc, go the fuck away now, we’re done with you. 
I do like that when push comes to shove, the mission outweighed their personal grudges and Sam and Bucky “teamed up” with Walker. Not that it was 100% trust on their side. I think Bucky followed Walker bc “eeeeh....can we really trust him?” and since he has no doubt Sam can handle himself, but also, we’re fighting the same thing right as of this moment so lets just keep our heads and do it. 
I am absolutely not thrilled with the direction they took Sharon. Like. Not at all. I’m...reserving full judgement for what I’m assuming will come in the future but like. No. Nuh-ah. Not happy with it.
Sam trying so hard to help Karli. The fact that he legit refused to fight her and she tried so hard to get him to fight back and he just wouldn’t. So beautiful and poignant. Sam’s fighting style. Sam perseverance. Just. Everything about that.
As good as the scene was (and I think it was great. The set up. How it all went down. The raw emotion) I’m kinda bummed they killed Karli. I was hoping Sam could at least talk her down first. However, the emotion and symbolism of her dying in his arms, and whispering “i’m sorry” was so heartbreaking. 
The way Bucky and Walker got the rest of the Flag Smashers was hilarious.
Sam carrying Karli’s body cradled in his arms and flying down with her like a literal angel? I mean. Just rip my heart out. 
“You have to stop calling them terrorists.” and “Your peacekeeping troops carrying weapons are forcing millions of people into settlements around the world, right? What do you think those people call you.” These first few lines of Sam’s speech. God, thank you.
Sam’s Captain America Speech. No fuck’s given. I’m so glad they didn’t hold back and just let him really give that powerful speech. Unabashedly saying “I’m a Black man carrying the stars and stripes. What don’t I get?”. Admitting the weight that comes with it and the judgement he feels. Not backing down. Telling the world he is Captain America “no super serum, no blond hair or blue eyes”. Defending Karli and trying to get them to understand what she was trying to do and why she was trying to do it. Sam was 100% born to be Captain America. 
Everyone watching Captain America’s speech. Bucky. Walker. Isaiah and Eli. Joaquin. Sarah. The world. Beautiful watching Captain America deliver his first speech. 
“Sorry I was texting so all I heard was Black guy in stars and stripes...nice job, Cap.” That back clap Bucky gives Sam there? ((#boyfriends))
“Can you help?” “Always.” 
Very happy that Zemo had another villain move up his sleeve. Didn’t really dig the whole “i’m so graceful feel sorry for me” thing. 
John Walker becoming US Agent.  
Oh and, excuse me while I geek out over Valentina, Walker, Zemo...@marvel, I see where this might be headed. Please don’t let me down!
Bucky making his amends with Nakajima. The overwhelming emotions. The fear of admitting it. I kinda wish we saw a little more but I’m also okay with the ambiguity of it and knowing that Bucky knows that he at least gave him closure and is coming to accept that his role as the winter soldier was not his fault. 
Also liked Bucky giving the book to his therapist. I know it’s an unpopular opinion, but I take no issues with her and I do think that Bucky felt she helped him.
Eli Bradley is fucking adorable. 
Sam’s conversation with Isaiah. All that hope he represents while not erasing the pain that Isiah and generations before them suffered. Still wanting to fight for what’s right just because it’s the right thing to do. Isaiah not condemning Sam’s choice. Beautiful and poignant. 
Um. The museum scene? Yeah, I had to pause for a good ten minutes before I could actually continue with the show. Isaiah Bradley and all his men deserved that ((and so much more)) for so long. The catharsis so visible when Isaiah hugs Sam so tight. The zoom in on the statue. Okay, I’m crying again. 
Yeah, so when Bucky’s boyfriend has a BBQ he shows up like dancing like a dork with a cake and plays with all the kids.
Honestly, happiness looks so good on him. It’s so nice to see that again. 
They really ended it with Sam and Bucky embracing and walking off together in the sunset. 
Again, still not thrilled with what’s going on with Sharon but clearly they’re setting up for something so...I’m putting a bookmark in to hold my judgement. 
Bc honestly, my biggest focus is:
Seriously though, overall, I think this was one of the best things Marvel has put out there in a while and I know I’ll come back to it again and again. Here’s hoping to more Cap to come!!!! 
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rahleeyah · 3 years
A little follow up to this post; Elliot's new partner comes over for dinner.
The next day, Stabler comes in looking a little sheepish.
"Doing anything Friday?" He asks.
They've only been working together a month or two, and they don't really talk personal stuff, as evidenced by the fact that Stabler introduced him to his not-wife and didn't even bother to mention her connection to him. Stabler's never asked him about his weekend plans. Mark is immediately wary.
Stabler laughs.
"Listen, Liv wanted to know if you wanna come by for dinner. The boys have sleepovers that night."
Idly Mark wonders if all six of their kids are boys and where the hell they found six families willing to host them for sleepovers. Maybe some of them doubled up. His first instinct is to say no, but honestly, he's curious about her. Captain Benson. Olivia. Liv.
"Yeah all right," he says.
"You should bring your girl. If you want."
Mark raises an eyebrow at him, and Stabler lifts his hands in a "don't shoot the messenger' kind of way.
"Liv said I should ask," he says, like that explains everything.
"You always do everything she tells you to?"
Mark just wanted to tease him about being whipped, but Stabler's face gets kinda serious.
"Yeah," he says. "There's a lot of shit in my life went wrong that would've been right if I just listened to her the first go round. Took me thirty years but I've learned my lesson."
Thirty years. That's a hell of a long time, Mark thinks. Thirty years, six kids, four grandkids, and working the job the whole time. He doesn't know how they're still alive.
"Her name's Kelly," he says. His girl. "I'll bring her."
Stabler gives him a smile that's all teeth.
So Friday rolls around and Mark and Kelly turn up at the address Stabler gave them with a bottle of cab bc he says Liv only drinks red. It's a nice little house in Queens, on a nice little street, two big ass black suvs parked out front. His and hers tanks.
"Are you nervous?" Kelly asks him. He wants to say no. Why should he be nervous? He spends all day, every day, and some nights, too, with Stabler. He likes the guy. But then he's never had dinner with a Captain before. She definitely makes him nervous.
"Nah," he says, and kisses Kelly quick before they get out of the car.
Stabler answers the door in jeans and a black button down and no shoes. He's comfortable, in his own home, and Mark can smell dinner from the doorway.
"Elliot Stabler, this is Kelly (can't be arsed to pick a last name)."
"It's so nice to meet you," Kelly says as they shake hands. "Mark talks about you all the time."
"Back at you," Stabler says with a grin. It's bullshit, Mark hasn't told him anything, but he can't help thinking the man just did him a favor by lying. Kelly is smiling ear to ear.
"We brought this for you. Mark says your wife likes red."
"She's not my wife," Stabler says reflexively as he takes it. "But she'll love it. Come on."
There's bookshelves everywhere. Mark figures they must be hers, he didn't peg Stabler as much of a reader. There's pictures everywhere, too, but Stabler's walking too fast for Mark to get a good look at them. In the kitchen she's waiting for them, Captain Benson. Her heavy, dark hair is pulled back today, and she's wearing soft, casual black pants and a cream colored blouse. She doesn't look scary, at home like this. Stabler goes to her, passes her the wine with one hand and lets the other settle at the small of her back, lets it stay there while he makes introductions.
"Thank you so much for having us," Kelly says. "You have a lovely home."
Benson looks at Stabler before she answers, the two of them sharing a private smile.
"Thank you," she says. "With a seventeen year old and a ten year old in the house it usually looks more like a federal disaster area."
"You didn't have to clean up just for us, Captain," Mark says. It's partly a joke and partly a test, and she sees through him at once.
"Please," she says. "Just Olivia here."
"You're a Captain?" Kelly shoots Mark a dark look. He may have forgotten to mention that to her.
"She's gonna outrank me for the rest of our lives," Stabler says easily. His hand is still resting at the small of her back.
"And don't you forget it. Now, who wants a drink?"
They stand around the kitchen with their wine glasses while Stabler and Benson finish cooking. He does as much of the work as she does and Mark is kind of impressed, bc he didn't peg Stabler as a cook, either, but he can tell Kelly's taking notes. The conversation flows pretty easy; Benson is nice and she knows how to talk to people, and she keeps the conversation away from work, keeps Kelly engaged. But it's kinda weird seeing Stabler, who Mark initially thought was a grim son of a bitch, smiling so much at this woman he can't take his eyes off of. They carry the food to the table, settle down to eat, and at the first lull in the conversation he strikes.
"How long you two been together?"
Stabler told him thirty years already, but he wants to hear the story. He figures it's a good one.
They share a look, Stabler and his not-wife. Like they wanna get their stories straight before one of them answers. It's not a question Mark would have thought would require a dress rehearsal.
"Long time," Stabler says softly.
Olivia reaches for him under the table. She's discreet about it, but Mark can tell her hand has just landed on his knee, and it's not going anywhere.
"It's a long story," she says, and then she switches gears. It's a fascinating deflection. "I want to thank you for coming," she tells him then. "I wanted to get to know the man who's gonna be watching his back. But I wanted to wait until I knew he hadn't scared you off."
"He got a history of running off partners?"
She laughs, Stabler doesn't.
"What's the record?" He asks. He wants to know if it's true, if Stabler really doesn't work with anybody for long. There's another long, strangely communicative glance between the pair of them.
"Thirteen years," she says, very softly. Stabler reaches for her hand and kisses the back of it gently.
"Lucky thirteen," he says.
Holy shit, Mark thinks. They were partners. That's the story they don't wanna tell. They were partners for thirteen years, and now they're shacked up. It's kind of impressive.
"Mark says you have six kids," Kelly says then. She doesn't like being left out. "Is it just the two boys at home now?"
Benson's smile is a little forced. Under the table, Stabler covers her hand with his own, there against his knee.
"Yes," she says. Doesn't offer anything else. Like she's waiting for Stabler to decide how much he wants to tell them.
"My first wife-"
"Only wife," Benson says, so quietly Mark almost doesn't hear it. Stabler shoots her a wounded look. Apparently it's a disagreement they've had before.
"My first wife and I had five kids. She uh. She died. A few years ago. The older kids are grown. Maureen and Kathleen have kids of their own now. Dickie's getting married next year, Lizzie's…Lizzie. Eli's a junior this year. Liv adopted Noah when he was a baby."
It's a lot of information to take in all at once. He can tell that Kelly regrets asking. She thought it would be a safe topic of conversation; what mother doesn't want to talk about her children? She hadn't counted on the baggage. But Kelly is Kelly, and she is devoted to her optimism.
"You're like the Brady Bunch," she says.
Benson laughs out loud. Stabler relaxes, infinitesimally.
Mark can see it all in their eyes now, though. How Stabler was married to someone else, had five kids with someone else, while they were working together. How he lost her, how he grieved, how he and Olivia finally got together and made a home out of the wreckage but the memory of his wife lingers, and maybe Olivia isn't ready to assume the title she's always thought belonged to someone else. She'll live with him, fuck him, raise her kid with him - Liv adopted Noah, he said, no mention of his own involvement, like he wasn't involved at all - but she can't bring herself to be his wife. We'll get there, Elliot told him. He wonders if that's true. He feels kinda bad for the guy.
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janiedean · 5 years
Do you think book!Bran will get the same ending he does in the show? I mean, if he does, it will obviously be better written (I was like "Does Edmure know about the Three-Eyed Raven? Is Yara going 'the hell did you smoke' at the 'he couldn't walk so he learned to fly' part? Is nobody going to go 'ok but shouldn't we look for someone older and better known through Westeros, with experience in both politics and military stuff' at Tyrion?" through the whole scene), but do you think that's that?
(I had another anon that went like:
i can't believe there are still bran is evil theories. im pretty sure that bran ending up on the throne is likely bc it doesn't make sense in the show. d&d don't know anything about bran, but they do know this is george's ending
so I’m answering both XD)
the short answer is yes, but obviously it’s not gonna be written the same way as in this dumbass show for a whole lot of reasons.
now: actually, bran on the throne makes in hindsight a whole lot of sense...... if you take into account also what tropes he’s there to deconstruct. (I’m gonna cp some older meta of mine on the topic that I did ages ago but it still holds up lol.)
as in, when it comes to bran GENERALLY:
bran is the first pov chapter in these books. the first. should hint that he’s important;
bran  has 90% of the magic-related storyline. I mean, if you don’t count the dragons/r’hollor + mel and the AA prophecy, there’s less magic in asoiaf than in regular fantasy for obvious reasons, but what there is of is all in bran’s storyline. all. of. it;
as it is right now, he’s arguably a powerhouse. possibly the most powerful powerhouse in westeros. he can probably warg dragons. he can time travel. if the show didn’t fuck it up, he can change things in the past while time traveling even if he shouldn’t;
the entire storyline is headed north/behind the wall and bran is the one main character who’s behind the wall rn. and bran is at a point where he basically is in direct connection with the north at least and when I say direct I mean literally. the guy can warg into anything. maybe he can’t walk but man he’s basically a hundred luke skywalkers put into one person;
he’s also tied to all the northern mythology - the trees, the children of the forest and the likes. him, his storyline, everything. and the north is arguably where this story started and will most probably end and he is the character more symbolizing that mythology, not anyone else.
when it comes to bran thematically.... guys. bran is the deconstructed fisher king. as in: the fisher king is a character from arthurian mythology who is absolutely fundamental in the entire scheme - also arthurian mythology is one of the basis people built modern fantasy on - and which has been rehashed and reinterpreted for a shitload of times since the middle ages. c/p-ing quickly from wiki because you don’t need to go in-depth to do 2+2 on this:
In Arthurian legend the Fisher King, or the Wounded King, is the last in a long line charged with keeping the Holy Grail. Versions of his story vary widely, but he is always wounded in the legs or groin and incapable of moving on his own. In the Fisher King legends, he becomes impotent and unable to perform his task himself, and he also becomes unable to father or support a next generation to carry on after his death. His kingdom suffers as he does, his impotence affecting the fertility of the land and reducing it to a barren wasteland. All he is able to do is fish in the river near his castle, Corbenic, and wait for someone who might be able to heal him.
+Many works have two wounded “Grail Kings” who live in the same castle, a father and son (or grandfather and grandson). The more seriously wounded father stays in the castle, sustained by the Grail alone, while the more active son can meet with guests and go fishing.+The Fisher King appears first in Chrétien de Troyes’ Perceval (late 12th-century), but the character’s roots may lie in Celtic mythology. He may be derived more or less directly from the figure of Bran the Blessed (!!!!!!) in the Mabinogion. In the Second Branch, Bran has a cauldron that can resurrect the dead (albeit imperfectly; those thus revived cannot speak) which he gives to the king of Ireland as a wedding gift for him and Bran’s sister Branwen. +The Lancelot-Grail cycle includes a more elaborate history for the Fisher King. Many in his line are wounded for their failings, and the only two that survive to Arthur’s day are the Wounded King, called Pellam or Pellehan, and the Fisher King, Pelles.
now, what I said last year in that meta was:
then there’s the entire part where galahad (or whoever else in his stead but it’s galahad most times) heals the fisher king and saves the land which turns fertile again, but whatever, point is: asoiaf is a deconstruction of tropes, right, well sorry but I’m eating my own hat if bran isn’t a fisher king deconstruction where the wound actually makes him powerful rather than weak and where he definitely won’t need anyone to *heal* him, while at the same time he is tied with the (his) land directly and he embodies it and most of the magic storyline. and the fisher king is one of the main tropes/legends in western literature/arthurian mythology, if you have that kind of character in your book then you are not planning for them to be a second-rate player.
now, admittedly back then I was envisioning a finale when bran was either king in the north or in some similar position and not as endgame king but if we take the show finale for granted because as the other anon said it made no sense for d&d but it was george’s ending and they had to make it happen without understanding it.... well. actually:
if bran - ie deconstructed fisher king who becomes powerful because of his wound and doesn’t have to be healed by a knight to make the land fertile again because that wound gives him power - becomes actual eventual king it’s the full circle of that trope’s deconstruction because his wound means the eventual salvation of the entire continent, which works perfectly to bookmark how that specific scenario is turned on its head;
the problem is that d&d can’t write bran for shit and turned him into the heartless robot/3ER who might or might not have schemed the entire thing and didn’t make him do shit for three seasons because they can’t handle the magic storyline and then at the ending mAGICALLY we have king bran first of his name, but in a coherent version done by grrm and not by them where bran has his eye-opening experience beyond the wall, doesn’t magically lose his personality when he becomes the 3ER, keeps his sweetness and empathy after risking to lose them (which was his adwd storyline), helps greatly during the long night thanks to the fact that he’s a powerhouse and is eventually recognized as a savior of the realm in its own merit, then......... it’s actually very much coherent with grrm’s themes to have him become king, but not because he knew all along and played mysterious until now and whatever the fuck else, but because it’s the coronation of his entire storyline which starts with sweet young boy who just wants to be a hedge knight and then ends up saving the entire continent making the best use of what he has after that’s taken from him while using his connection to the magic roots of the story/to his land/to his family for the good of the entire realm, and that was a damn good story - sadly it’s not what d&d chose to tell except at the end;
edmure and yara were badly written but that entire scene was badly written and well-acted sadly, like no one objected because no one will object in the book storyline, given that ^^^^ happens, in the show they just basically tried to find a way to make it halfway plausible but it looks dumb because it’s badly written and it’s copypasting an endgame for a story that d&d have not adapted, but basically you had to buy that bran was it. it made no sense but like... what made sense, this episode’s salvation was the acting and that since the endgame was half grrm’s it wasn’t as shitty as 8x05 but like within itself it was incoherent af;
that said I think that bran being king + the small council being more or less what it was in the show (because LIKE HELL that’s brienne’s endgame like brienne is def. not going into any kingsguard in the books unless george smoked weed when he was writing acok/asos/affc) as in made of all discriminated categories in westeros or discriminated people in westeros after the throne’s destruction is absolutely a thing grrm would do, because basically we’ve gone from badly suited kings with a small council that’s basically the westeros equivalent of old white republican men to a realm where the king can’t walk (but can fly! ;) ) and the rest of the small council is a) a disabled man who’s been abused to hell and back all his life (REGARDLESS OF TYRION’S FAULTS let’s just look at the strict facts here), b) a former commoner who has been a lord for years but couldn’t read when the series began (davos), c) another former commoner (bronn) [note that both davos and bronn are former *criminals*/come from a really poor background, not from the wealthy side of the commoners], d) a woman who is also a knight ie something that pretty much disregards the entire status quo from before (brienne), e) sam who let’s all remember is a noble but was sent to the wall by his father because his skills were in his brain and not with swords/fighting/whatnot and who also was abused to hell and back when he was young - like, both the only nobles in it that were born nobles were disadvantaged and felt that on their own skin so they aren’t out of touch with the rest of the continent (sam was at the WALL where the only nobles go there for lack of options but it’s basically a glorified prison X°DDD). like, that is an ending I can absolutely see grrm going for because it’s basically the revenge of our forgotten-from-s1-and-dnd cripples, bastards and broken things that start the show the way they do and end it on top of things. that is absolutely a thing I can see grrm doing (with some changes bc again I really doubt the books small council would include bronn and brienne). the problem is that d&d wrote it like crap.
but bran becoming king and that being the general idea? I absolutely can see it same as while I was on team jon gets the throne and hates it before if this is how it goes... well, since I’ve been saying that if he wanted to be happy he should have just gone back beyond the wall if that is his actual endgame I have no issues with it. hell, it’s way better than the one I had envisioned for him for that matter.
that said bran being evil is a theory that makes no sense, it’s just that d&d can’t write him and they managed to make him look like an ass if we assume he knew everything from before. but like. it’s them being unable to write that story, not the story in itself being invalid or making no sense, because with the book elements we have.... it makes a hell of a lot of sense.
they just had to write it and they didn’t.
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seizingfate · 6 years
CL Meta, S2E9: A World Without Circles
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So I just rewatched s2e9 bc i was trying to figure out what the hell the Moonlight Musik actually does, and holy hell the character interactions in that episode are So Good I felt the need to type words about them. The writeup will be mostly centered around Beet, tho, because, well, you know.
First we got Choppin’, the insecure shut-in who’s probably more aware than any of the Classicaloids about their legacy, because he’s so insecure (nice consistency! logical! i love it!!), discovering that people think he ripped off one of his Musiks, one of his essential parts of himself, from another Classicaloid, who he Does Not Like and Never Liked That Much in the past (as compared to literally every other Classicaloid who came after Beet lmao). And fortunately, no one in the mansion knows about it, and Beet seems to have forgotten about this piece, so it might be Ok? People online might shit talk, but no one he interacts with in real life is gonna think he’s a rip-off/fraud?
And then. Beet starts being weird about circles, and Chopin picks up on what Beet was trying to remember within, like, 5 seconds, when it takes Beet himself a day and a half and a Deus ex Mom to figure it out (although tbf, the “moonlight” sonata wasn’t “inspired by moonlight,” that was a music reviewer’s invention and the title stuck). Has Chopin been watching out this entire damn time?
And then there’s Beet’s point of view here - imagine how goddamn frustrating it would be to look down at your breakfast one day and be like ...do i remember something from my past life? what the fuck?? is up with circles??? No one around me will shut up for one damn second while i try to remember through a haze of memories to something that may or may not have happened in my past life? And now someone has stolen my goddamn breakfast?????
And then Chopin, in good ol’ panic mode, steals everyone’s stuff (sidenote I love how Liszt knows she can get him out of his room with his favorite food) and rains on first everyone, and then when he appropriately gets yelled at, just on Beet. What a good exchange for all involved.
Liszt: if u got shit with Beet have it out with him, don’t rain on us Chopin: ... *rains on Beet* Beet: Why Are You Doing This Chopin: ... Beet: Ok You Can’t Stop Me From Circles
And, contrary to stereotype, Beet isn’t really that angry at Chopin!
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Look at him this is just a 3 or so on the Beet Anger Scale. He’s more frustrated and determined to get to the bottom of this. It’s sort of the positive side of him not caring about people - even if you’re directly attempting to prevent Beet from reaching his goal, he’s not necessarily going to be angry at you, just determined to overcome the obstacles you put in his way. I mean, he’ll be irritated - he’s annoyed the scene before the Musik and when Mozart suggests forgiving Chopin and making peace he finds it ridiculous - but both times he shrugs off the irritation in pursuit of what he’s trying to figure out. Unstoppable force indeed.
Sidenote: Chopin’s music might be mostly triggered by fear, but he can control it really well (refining the target area, keeping it up for an entire damn night). 
ANYWAY SCHUBERT. One of the best parts of s2 were Classicaloids acknowledging each other’s Musik! and Schu is So Good here!! this ep almost singlehandedly makes me want to believe in schupin. Even when he doesn’t know that Chopin’s fear is basically exactly what Schu himself struggles with, he tries to help and honestly almost hits the nail on the head, it’s just that Chopin’s probably not thinking too clearly at this point seeing as he’s stayed up ~36 hours stealing stuff and Musiking.
And after Deus ex Mom triggers the climax, oh man what a resolution. Chopin’s voice actor pulls off a great performance of sincere panic and fear. And Chopin pretends he don’t care about the other ‘loids BUT HE DO !!!
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And then SCHU!
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SWEET CHILD...! Who’s struggled thru his entire past life of people calling him a rip-off! (i mean in classicaloid canon only, didn’t really happen irl BUT ANYWAY.) Now, if only someone could say the same to him or he could get some validation OH WHAT’S THAT, SENPAI ACTUALLY-
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Anyway Beet’s entire speech is 1. bangin’, because on a meta level it sort of works as an explanation of what Musik is? I mean, we learned that the entire damn reason the Classicaloids are, uh, themselves is Kyogo played them music pieces, which somehow imbued them with the composer’s soul and also Musik powers - so some of their souls *magically* transmuted themselves into the music itself, makes sense. 2. It shows Beet’s really pretty egalitarian theory of music in general, and 3. Beet’s music itself is a great example, from his general use of mastering and then bending sonata form and later tonality itself to greater express content, and also more specific examples of him using inspiration from another piece (Mozart 40!) to create one of his own (the Fifth!)! TL;DR I want to print this speech out and staple it to the forehead of everyone who shit talks sonata form!!!
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 Anyway Schu canonically brings Chop breakfast and worries/cares about him, thank u for your time here’s an extremely #blessed image of chopin with a lil bun
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bruhnushka · 7 years
let me love you (jefferson x reader x alex)
request : modern au??? angsty stuff !?? ooH basically ur eliza and Alex cheats on u and then u get pissed & break up w him and then go hook up w Jefferson to piss him off but then that becomes a thing and now Alex regrets everything (-anon)
warning : slight smut , angst, cussin, alex cheated so 
a/n : wooo writers block send me more requests. also its not v anon i know who sent this bc she kept on texting me to do it. 
“alex? what the fuck is this?” you choked, throwing your phone at him. Maria had texted you. is this y/n? im so sorry that i had to let you know this way. i just found out you are with alexander… we have been hooking up for about two months. im so so sorry he told me he was single. 
alex’s face dropped as he read the text. “babe you cant believe this theres no way she’s telling the truth.” he said. 
“you don’t get to call me babe. continue reading it.” you said, voice cold. i know you may not believe him, but the last time we met i gave him a hickey below his right collarbone. please, i don’t want you to find out in any other way. im really sorry y/n. im breaking this thing off with him.
“is it true?” you asked, a tinge of hope in his voice. “lift down your shirt.”
“you cant believe this- you cant-” he didn’t lift down his shirt, but kept repeating the same line. 
“alex, just, your shirt” you started to choke on your own tears at his reluctance. you already knew it was true. you were just holding onto this last piece of evidence, hoping and willing with all your heart that it wasn’t true. 
“babe please don’t do this. baby. babygirl-” 
“SHUT UP” you yelled, ripping his shirt down. there, was a healing hickey, couldn’t have been more then a week old. you only came back three days ago. you couldnt have done this. 
“alex? why? am i not enough?” you collapsed to the floor. alex reached out to touch your arm, flinching as you jerked away. 
“do not touch me. you are disgusting. get away from me. we are done” you spit at him, seething. he ran out of the apartment. you knew he would come back. you just needed to leave. you cleaned out everything that was yours, putting it into a few boxes and calling angelica. you told her what happened, and she drove her pickup truck to the apartment. you loaded the boxes into her car, and drove to her house. it was there when all your emotions reached you. you were going to act. then it came to you how. 
this was a bad idea. what if he had a girlfriend? then you’d be just as bad as alexander. you couldn’t call him alex anymore. he lost that privilege. what if he was with someone at the moment? what if he didn’t actually want you? what if it was just something to piss alexendar off? all these questions flew out of your mind when he opened the door, his signature smirk dropping. 
“y/n- what- what are you doing here?” he ran his hand through his hair and regained his composure. 
“shut up” “finally realized that hamilton was-” he was cut off by your lips. you, the ex girlfriend of alexander hamilton, were making out with thomas jefferson. this would surely fuck alexander up. thomas wasted no time in kissing you back. you were pushed to the wall inside his house, jumping up and wrapping your legs around his shirtless waist. it wasn’t very long before you were both naked, mindlessly fucking all of your anger and sexual tension out.
“fuck fuck fuck Y/N” daveed yelled as he came for the last time, then collapsing next to you. 
“you wanna explain to me why youre not with your boyfriend-” “hes not my boyfriend” you muttered, wiping any tears away before they could stream down your face.  “what did he do?” thomas said, concern lacing his voice. 
“hes a dick.”
“i agree” “he cheated on me”
“ooh. so you decided to act out with his worst enemy? smart. thats a dick move.” he laughed. 
“thats why i did it” you chuckled. wow. you had never realized how hot thomas was before. all you had seen was a cocky arrogant asshole who kept trying to undermine alexander’s achievements. now you saw them both in a new light. this was just- holy shit. he was practically glowing. 
“are we gonna do this again?” he smirked. 
“oh most definitely”
alex, at the very least, pissed off. he fucked up, and he fucked up so much that you thought that Jefferson was a better option than him. he saw the posts on instagram and Twitter. you had unfollowed him but hadn’t unfollowed you. god, he had fucked up. with every post you two went from close friends to in love. every trace of him was taking out your life. and god that hurt. when he had finally come home to apologize, you were gone. every part of you was gone. you had forgotten one thing- his hoodie you had claimed as your own. it still smelled like you. he brought it up to his nose and started to cry again. the latest post on instgram. that’s when it was enough. you moved in with Jefferson. he grabbed his keys and drove to jefferson’s. this was too much. was this to spite him? he could handle that, that meant you still cared about him. but if you did it for yourself, that was just. you had given up on him. he was so stupid. it was supposed to be a one time thing but he missed you so much that he needed to replace you. “jesus” he muttered. he could see you through jeffersons window. you were so… happy? he had never seen you like this, at least not in a while. it made him smile, but then he realized why you were smiling. and that broke his heart. he walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, his heart started to beat against his chest. “oh.” was all you could get out. “hey ba- y/n” he stuttered out. “hamilton.” was all you could manage. your eyes glimmered for a second. “I’m sorry.” was all Alex said. you ran into his arms, hugging him and crying against his sweater. Thomas watched from the stairs. he knew he was just a distraction. but damn did it hurt. because through all his facade, he really did care about you. his heart fell as Alex rubbed his thumbs against your ears. but as Alex reached up to kiss you, you pulled away. “Alex-I-im sorry. we’re done. you fucked up. I can’t just let you get away with that. I’m so-so sorry. just go. don’t think about me. that would just be” you smiled sadly “that would just be easier”. he let out a sob and walked back to his car. he really did fuck up this time. you turned around taking a huge breath and exhailing. “Thomas I’m sorry-” “for what?” “I almost kissed him.” “but you didn’t, that’s enough. thank you.” “for what?” “for letting me love you.”
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alibaeba · 8 years
TIME TO FIGHT ME BITCH PVP. ATLA, Fruits Basket, SAO, Magi, Harry Potter, Nardo
Send me 5 shows/books and I’ll tell 5 things Id change about them.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
2. Mai and Zuko’s relationship was really fucking shallow at least Katara and Aang’s had the entire fucking series to build on it.  Zuko deserved better and honestly do did Mai.
3. The whole thing with Jet and Katara was fucking bogus and shitty writing
4. Sokka had way too many love interests, Toph included.
5. Zuko and Aang needed a fight together like Zuko and Katara had.  They trained together which was awesome but holy shit could you have imagined Zuko and Aang going against the Fire Lord holy shit man.
Fruits Basket
2. All of the stuff I’m gonna say is small and petty bc in actuality I LOVE fruba and one of my favorite things was the art progression and improvement from the artist but the style in the beginning of the manga rly wasn’t my thing.
3. As a series that appeals to younger children, this is spot on but now that I’m older I am so sick of love triangles holy fucking shit please give Yuki someone who isn’t some nondescript NPC girl I mean christ I’d rather he ended up alone.
4. The whole misunderstanding trope was rampant throughout the series which got annoying
5. Again, as I got older, I realized the whole sex reveal thing with Akito at the very end was...weird.  Like after we found out their sex they grew their hair out and immediately was portrayed as feminine and paired with the womanizer trope character.
again, these are things that I, as an adult, find issue with.  But as a child reading the series, I had nothing bad to say which is good
Sword Art Online
6. you know what? delete the anime.  Delete everything.  There was no Sword Art Online.
2. Let! Arba! Die! Oh my god this isn’t rocket science and I’m honestly sick of her being the main bad guy jesus how many times does Hakuryuu have to blow her fucking head off?
3. This whole thing with David and Sinbad is an awesome dynamic but I think making one of the most purposefully popular and beloved character is unnecessarily cruel?  Then again, Ohtaka is that kind of author.
4. Delete Alimor.  It’s shallow and shoujou and I hate it.
5. This is stemming into SNB but for the love of GOD change Serendine’s DESPICABLE CHARACTER.  Unless the purpose of her is to be hated, Ohtaka messed up with her.  And jesus h christ hanging on the cross sinsere is cancerous to the planet delete it too
Harry Potter
1. If.  There.  Were.  Gay.  Characters. Make.  It.  Known.
2. The movies bastardized Ginny’s character and it made my heart hurt.  She’s spunky and confident and sassy and athletic.  The movies ruined it.
3. General  movie grievances honestly.  Harry didn’t looks right, Dumbledore didn’t get a funeral etc etc
1. Sasusaku should have never been canon as well as 90% of all the end game ships but Sasuke ending up with Sakura was utterly laughable and the biggest slap in the face to his character
2. I don’t even know how to describe how sexist and insulting it was for all the women of Naruto to be reduced to housewives and baby factories at the end
3. Naruto should have gotten a good-bye with Jiraya
4. Too.  Much.  Filler.  I want my life back.
5. Too.  Many.  Flashbacks.  I want mY LIFE BACK!!!!!
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deythbanger · 5 years
Comedy: Bible 6
By DeYtH Banger Fourscore?… What the hell… who the hell tells  which team gets score? .. 6 years Abraham.. How about go grab a large cup of … sip of object. "I am almighty God" - Yeah you… you selfish… disgusting prick! "Be thou perfect" - What type insecure asshole are you? Betwext… what the hell… foreskin… sacrafice… what type disgusting God are you? How about stop setting stakes and rules… okay… I already hate you… I don't need mistakes… to double my hate. "Thee" - What the fuck? Really… concept of money… what the hell… this modern type of bullshit in the early ages of the world we were giving chicken for bread… eggs for milk… that  was basically economy and definetly bible needs update of God… giant lizards… really? This is your argument for dinosaurs!? Rest your soul… wash your feet … what type of modern bullshit is this? "And make cakes upon the heart"… - This shit does not make sense..  you fucking disgusting flesh eating bacteria… go stop alcohol… it's  definetly here… high levels of alcohol. "They stood… they did eat"… How about go ambolish this bitch! I hate  moms… what more nasty and disgusting creature than a mom… in the holy grail and spirit… wise people have excuses to do terrible stuff. I don't know… I don't say I know and I am not as ignorant as theists… but those tents and tent doors are like going on the road of wrong facts… "Waxed old… should I have pleasure that my lord being is old…" How about go on the road fuck you…and what type of pervert is to let humans to be with certain set of fantasies and in the same tine pervert out… above is watching… what's wrong with this dude… that dude… definetly needs a sentences… to pervert to be taken seriously… and people to respect him. Sorry, but child molestors… don't respect! "Shall I have son" What the hell… permission about multiplying... wasn't saod in the begining be fruitful and multiply… why now ask for permission… the world in that BC is too much… to much people are alive? What happen with the other characters? Oh yes… I know the answer… God ognorant and so far he has forgotten! "I laughed not".… - This shit is contradicting… also learn grammar you disgusting pervert… that's my vision… old fat bearded…fuck… who is jobless. "Lord… may… and lord say" - Definetly… in all languages or whatever you look it like… looks like god is trying self-depication. You either may or say… you can't go with finishing sentence… probably the host with the vision … is some kinda bad…grammar student witha horrible grammar + probably blind and not ready for proper logical argument… religion is based on faith..  science on arguments… on logic. "Abraham Stood… before God" - This shit is crazy… you can't stay before a higher supreme being. Righteous… means good people so far from what I read and understand there is destroy good people. Why God wants 50… what's with the fetish wotj big numbers…. 50… 45 .. 30… is that some kinda sell… God isn't as wise as we think he is!
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