#i managed to make a post without yuka and esora making out or something yayyyyyy
caramelmochacrow · 23 days
hiiii im back at it again w my d4dj headcanons, yeahhh. you know the drill. :)
(cut cause dude this is genuinely long)
yuka has a low immune system, but high stamina. vise versa for esora. yuka holds someone's hand that's sick and she gets the illness for a whole week and she cannot leave her bed. esora's fine tho bc she had to hold a few animals and stuff (also bc her parents didnt want her to be sickly and have a low immune system as a kid)
noa is terrible when it comes to jokes that involve an incorrect fact. especially when it comes to her interests. someone will say something like: "you sing so bad, crows look like song birds" or something and noa's like "but crows are song birds. theyre in the passerifo--" and then the person's like "i was joking noa jeez" especially when she was a kid.
people know this buuuut idc im saying it again. tsubaki is cousins w toya from prosekai. they were rlly tight when they were younger but then tsubaki's father had to move them away for his job. toya got sad abt it bc his cousin was the only person he had before tsukasa and saki appeared in his life. yay. he reconnected w her after he met vbs and they visit each other regularly now :) (usually tsubaki tho bc of toya's situation from what i understand but yea)
saki is hard of hearing bc of her synesthesia. (idk how her synesthesia works and sometimes the series likes making shit up so.... myeah) her brain fills in words sometimes from context clues and she usually guesses right. sometimes she doesn't, of course. she struggles w being almost mute at first when it came to speaking because of it.
towa's younger brother plays baseball and treats baseball players similar to how his sister treats idols. he's a little weirded out by noa but he's ok w her now. he's alright w ibuki, but wishes she wasnt so harsh on his sister and he thinks saki's kinda cool bc wow!! dj!
abyssmare speak full english when theyre by themselves, which unnerves some of the students at yoba at first, but now theyre fine w it.
marika's older sister was a clean freak, that's why marika struggles w cleaning. rip.
also marika had a six-month relationship w rei's older sister till they broke up because of Reasons (if you read her relations event w towa you know) :3 rika's the only one in m4 that knows this relationship yea
aoi started growing out her hair after the my prince event to at least be worn w a small ponytail :3 everyone in rondo loves it, nagisa likes pulling on it sometimes. tsubaki thinks it's super cute (she doesnt tell aoi) and hiiro likes giving aoi little ribbons so she can tie it up w it.
haruna's related to riko from love live. in what way? dont know. you decide~
ibuki is aro (questioning if she's ace but not sure) and saki is ace, but simply doesnt think of ibuki in that way. aroace solidarity i suppose.
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