#i made this sketch before i saw the rest of the scene play out so Sorry its emo and edgy
samzier · 1 year
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he shouldve taken that yellow kill when he had the chance
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Fresh Ink Part Three
Ghost x Tattoo Artist!Reader
You were always there for him. Would he do the same for you?
Tw: tattoo needles, kidnapping <3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four|
It had been about a year and a half since you had started tattooing Simon and about a year since you and Ghost had started seeing each other. You had worked on his sleeve until it creeped up over his shoulder and onto his back. You asked him multiple times to let you do his other arm, but he refused, claiming that he didn't want to run the risk of ruining a single piece with scars or wounds. You told him constantly that you would always cover it up, but he denied every wish. What you did manage to convince him of was to allow you to do a thigh piece; a giant portrait of Ares, the God of War and Courage, with a battle scene background. You had sketches drawn up in your notepad you kept besides your bed, not letting Simon get any early peaks. He always said he trusted you, not wanting any peaks any way, but you always caught him trying to look over your should while you were drawing.
The two of you tried to step up many appointments for Simon to get this tattoo done, but every time the appointment came around, he would get sent on a mission that would pull him away from you for weeks or even months at a time. You felt like you were being stood up, but you knew he couldn't control it. You saw in his eyes that he felt terrible about it and he didn't want to leave you. Whenever he did come back home, he came straight to you. You were his home; he never need to stop at his apartment, he had clothes at your house, and you were always waiting for him with open arms. You were the only home he needed. That and your shop made him feel happy and warm.
Speaking of your shop, you had expanded and you hired another artist to work in the shop with you. It lessened your work load incredibly and gave you the ability to see more of your clients. It definitely helped you relax a lot. Simon noticed the relief immediately, seeing you walk with less weight on your shoulders. You even had the ability to update your room even more; adding more decorations and pictures of you two. Emma made fun of you occasionally, but thought it was cute. Finally, Simon was able to get his thigh tattoo done. He was sitting in your chair, leg up and exposed. You were focused on the tattoo gun, dragging the needle carefully down his thigh. "You know, we've never had a real first date. Our dates consist of tattoos and movies at your place." Simon stated, hand resting on your back. You paused and leaned back in your chair, looking up at the man. "What? What do you mean?" You had a loopsided smile on your face, leaning up towards Simon who leaned back down in response. "I wanna take you on date. A real one where you dress nice and I bring you flowers."
Your face flushed and you gently kissed Simon's cheek before going back to his tattoo. "What were you think, love?" You pulled a deep line, thickening that side to add dimension to the piece. "I want to bring you to some fancy place where we make fun of the other people dining and I want you to wear some pretty dress that will make me drool all night and some heels that make your feel hurt so I'll have to rub them later." Simon played with a piece of your hair that fell out of your ponytail. You giggled and nodded along to his words. "And I would invite you in for a tea afterwards and you would come up with me. We would sit on my couch and drink the terrible I have because I don't drink it." Simon smiled brightly, the smile that only you get to see. "Exactly! Next day you're off, we're going because I don't know when my next mission is." You nodded, pulling another line, a thin one this time.
A couple days past and Simon had texted you that he was cashing in on his date card. He had texted you the day before that he was going to take you out so you had plenty of time to get ready. You treated yourself that day, a full shower, shave, and lotion. You spent the whole day focusing on yourself and getting ready. You knew that Simon would appreciate you taking the time to ground your mind. He wanted you to feel special, to know how much you meant to him. At half past 6, you got a text from Simon saying that he was outside your apartment building. You giggled and double checked yourself in the mirror before running out the door. You felt like it was a first date and you were still trying to impress each other again.
You met Simon in the lobby of your apartment, where he stood with a bouquet of fresh flowers. It was a variety of different flowers, from white lilies to pink roses. You took the flowers in your hands and your face flushed. “Thank you, Si. You really didn’t have to.” You planted a soft kiss on his cheek and he offered your his arm. He wore his usual skull mask, a pair of black fitted jeans, and a plain grey tee shirt that he had half tucked into his pants. Johnny must’ve given him some pointers on how to dress for this date. “I know. I wanted to though. You look absolutely stunning.” You had put on exactly what he had asked of you; a nice dark red dress that stopped right at mid thigh and a pair of heels that were already making your feet hurt, but nothing you couldn’t handle. You took his arm and gracefully walked with him to his car, smiling brightly up at the man, trying your best to ignore the stares you were getting.
The dress you picked out highlighted all of your tattoos, showing them off just how Simon liked. You knew it wasn’t usual for a woman to be completely covered in tattoos, but it was becoming more common. Most of the women who lived around you were clean and pristine, so of course they gave you stare downs whenever given the chance. Plus with Simon’s hulking figure and his mask, you two were like a show for these older women to gawk at. You felt slightly uncomfortable, wanting nothing more than to shrug on a jacket and hide in it. Simon must’ve noticed because he dropped his arm down and wrapped it tightly around your waist. He ushered you quickly into his car. “Ignore them, love. We’re gonna enjoy our evening, despite them.” Simon reassured as he opened the door for you, leaning down close to your face. You smiled, breathlessly nodding before sliding into the passenger seat. Simon reached over you and buckled you in and closed the door before quickly jogging around to the driver’s side and jumped in. You smiled happily as you wrapped your hand around his arm, leaning your head on his shoulder as he took off down the road.
"So we have two options; sushi or steak. Up to you." Simon kissed your head and you shrugged. "Choices choices choices....I think steak." You hummed and Simon smiled. "I like it. Let's go then." Simon quickly changed lanes and turned left. You leaned back in your seat and grabbed his phone to change the music to something you liked. Once you arrived to the restaurant, Simon opened your car door and you stepped out. You smiled at the place and Simon locked his car before guiding you inside. You guys were seated at a booth and you two sat across from each other, him reaching out to hold your hand. You squeezed his hand and grabbed the menu. "You want me to order for you, honey?" Simon looked at you, his thumb rubbing across your knuckles. "Yeah, whatever you think is good. I'm not sure what to get." You scanned the menu a few more times before placing the menu back down at the edge of the table. Simon nodded, before calling the waiter over and ordered a bottle of wine, two steaks, and an appetizer for you two to share. You smiled and leaned back, watching Simon check his phone before sliding it back in his pocket. Your smile faltered for a moment and your shoulders dropped.
"It's going in my pocket and not coming out for the rest of the night, I swear." Simon's hand came to rest on your arm and you nodded, smiling softly at the man. "You get called away any time we try to get together... Don't want to get my hopes up is all." You turned out as the waiter brought out the appetizer. Simon grabbed your hand gently as you tried to divert your attention to the food. "No no, baby. Look at me. I am here tonight and I am not going anywhere. I swear to you. Not tonight, You have me tonight." Simon whispered to you and you blushed, nodding. "Now let's enjoy the rest of the night without worrying about when I am leaving." You two were finishing up the rest of your dessert and you hand your wine glass in your hand, eyes practically in hearts. Simon was telling you one of his mission stories and his fingers laced with yours. When the check came, Simon immediately handed the waiter his credit card, not letting you even see the total. You blushed and finished the rest of your wine, rubbing his arm lightly.
The two of you decided to walk around the park that was down the road from the restaurant. You two held hands, walking past other people in the park. It was a clear night, relatively warm, and the sky was clear. You were just about to say something to Simon when his phone started buzzing in his pocket. Your shoulders dropped and your stomach plummeted. Simon squeezed your hand, before taking out his phone. You sighed as the man stepped away to take the call. The only reason you knew it wasn't good was he kept looking back at you with a familiar look in his eye; the look of sadness that he got when he had to leave you for another mission. You sighed and crossed your arms across your chest as Simon came back over to you after he hung up. "Babe..." Simon grabbed your arms and pulled you close to his chest. "Si. It's okay. It's your job, you can't control that." You casually shrugged and Simon shook his head, leading you back to his car. "I leave in two days. You and I are going to stay in your bed until then and I don't want to hear otherwise."
Those two days came and pasted and Simon stayed true to his word. The two of you stayed in your bed, minimal clothes and only getting up for food and the bathroom. When it came time for Simon to leave, you drove him back to base. You smiled at the man as he leaned over to kiss you deeply before getting out of the car. You rolled the passenger window down and Simon rest his forearms on the open slot. "Will you be here when I get back?" You nodded, knowing the hidden meaning behind the question. "Always." You reached your hand out and Simon grabbed it and planted a kiss on your knuckles. "Seeing you after the missions always make them go by faster. I now got something to come home to."
The mission had only lasted 3 weeks, but it felt like forever for you. You tried to make it go by faster by taking on more clients, but even Emma could tell your mind was elsewhere. You had just finished your last client of the day when you felt eyes on you. You turned your head to see Simon standing at the entrance of your room with his mask pulled up to his nose. "Oh my god! I didn't know you were going to be home this week!" You squealed and rushed over to the tall man. He was prepared for your weight, easily lifting you with one arm wrapped quickly around your middle. "Wanted to surprise you. Called Emma earlier to see if you were still in." You giggled and planted kisses all over the man's face. You tried to push his mask up more, but he stopped you, looking over his shoulder. He walked further into the room and closed the door, before finally shedding his mask. "There he is." You whispered as he sat down on your tattoo chair with you on top of him. You kissed his forehead, nose, and finally lips. "(Y/N). I need to have a serious conversation with you. You know that my job comes with risk, right?"
You got nervous and nodded, arms resting on his shoulders. "Have you seen anything weird? Gotten any weird messages?" You had never seen Simon so serious before. You thought back and shook your head. "I need to be open and honest with you, okay? We got intel that a suspect we've been chasing has touched down about 10 miles from here and I need to know immediately if you see anything weird or unusual." Your body got tense and nodded. "We don't think you'll be in any danger, but I want you to be prepared." You rubbed Simon's shoulder, feeling the stress he had been holding onto for the past few weeks. "Thank you, Si. I will let you know immediately. Pinky promise." You held your pinky out and Simon wrapped his around yours; you both leaned down and kissed your outstretched thumbs to seal the promise. A few days had pasted since that conversation, and you had forgotten all about the threat. You had just parked your car in the employee parking lot you recently opened and walked around to the front door of your shop to unlock the door. You were wrestling with your purse to find the keys when you noticed a note on the door. You grabbed the note and opened it; the paper had a black serpent symbol on it and that's when you heard the squealing of tires and you looked up. You gasped when you saw a black van pull up behind you and two masked men jumped out, grabbing your arms and covering your mouth. You cried out, kicking your legs as they dragged you into the van and driving off; not before dropping both the note and a black ace card on your door.
You were fighting the men off when you were injected with a drug in your arm. You felt your mind go fuzzy and the panic increased tenfold. Tears rolled down your face as you thought of Simon's words, knowing this would practically kill him. You closed your eyes, feeling the fight leave you as darkness over took. How would you survive this?
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ectocs · 3 months
The Dirubael
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What can I say. I think it's enjoyable to interpret things a bit strangely, as if I'm an alien who saw a handful of earth animals and has to guess the rest.
Fast doodles + some bonus stuff (gif warning) below :), plus the usual chatter:
Black, big as a horse, tail of an elephant. Easy-peasy, picturing a big ungulate thing. Jaws of a boar. Okay, huh. A few ways to interpret that, but I'm going with some tusks. Not too out there.
Unusually long horns that it can adjust... now that's something else. I wanted to imagine a reason as to why it could move the horns. This included any number of mechanisms -- literal horns that moved through strange muscle attachments in a socket? Interesting, but not sure how to convey that through art. Maybe 'horns' like a beetle has horns -- either part of their exoskeleton or as mandibles?
The description of how it fights is interesting. It obviously needs to be able to move its horns, then, or at least look like it's moving them.
I did a few very very basic doodles (by my standards), first of cattle... mostly water buffalo... to get a feel for their head shapes. In case you wonder what I'm doing when I'm not making 'decent', more complete sketches, it's this. Consider this extra behind-the-scenes stuff.
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With the last one I played around a bit with the horns, but only barely.
At this point I decided to switch to something more boar-like, with a dash of beetle, but I couldn't come up with anything I really liked:
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My issue was coming up with anything that could move, or even fake it. I started making that open-mouthed mandible boar, getting basically nowhere, when I had a thought.
What if we expand on that spiky bug limb idea. Bugs love having spiky limbs. More limb, less... uh... mandible or horn.
Inspired by mantids and an OC of mine, I created the first real sketch:
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It looks like horns. From a distance -- because who would realistically want to get close to this -- it would look like horns, and like they were moving. Personally I like to imagine that they charge or stab with them, rarely extending their 'arms' save for pulling down vegetation from higher. I mean... trampling things underfoot seems like a better defense mechanism really...
I took a few cracks at drawing it but has struggling to refine it. I drew it once in a basic form, but couldn't do it again. That's when I decided to take things an extra step.
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Yeah, so. I made them in spore. Modded spore, specifically. No idea if they can appear in my world, but they're in there now, so maybe.
I walked this guy around and took a few screenshots as references before leaving. I did ask for some animated avatars, though. And I'm glad I did. I love this thing.
Here's a failed screenshot where I accidentally whacked my spacebar while moving my meaty hands to the mouse.. truly, a majestic creature, this is.
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thepacifistrouter · 4 months
Blue-Blue (A Shrimperini's human AU based one-shot)
So, you read the title and here's the thing, watching some of @shrimperini 's Portal's Human AU (which I like a lot, is really good, by the way), I came up with this little story that… well, it involves Chelley (because I couldn't not involve that), but it's not the central point, as you'll can see.
Since this is not my AU, that means I don't know how things will go in the future or everything that is already planned for the story, maybe I'm not getting the personalities of the characters right, etc, etc, etc. So... I couldn't consider this a headcanon, just an idea I needed to get out of my head…
Still, I managed to sketch a couple of fanarts to illustrate a this a bit. I may do more in the future, since these only cover more or less the first half of the story, so... I don't know, we'll see… anyway, enough introduction, I hope you like it:
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It was his break time while this experiment was being performed, after many other experiments and calculations, he was finally getting to something.
He always loved cakes, but not only for the taste and texture of a well-made cake or the beautiful appearance of a symmetrically decoration; no, there was also the whole process behind i! the fermentation of the cake so that it reaches the perfect point of sponginess, the texture of the cream, the shine and firmness of the chocolate, etc. All fascinating things, but, ever since he had tasted the Black Forest cake from THAT company-affiliated bakery, that damn perfect Black Forest cake, it had become more personal than ever, he needed to unlock its secrets, he needed to get something as go- NO- something better!! It had become a personal challenge.
The good thing was that, thanks to his intellect and his great ability for science, his bosses allowed him to do these types of experiments as long as it did not interfere with his work - child's play for him, sometimes he even did work at night just to be able to complete and test his formulas in peace, as was the case now, a formula to obtain the perfect maraschino cherries, so that the sweet would not overshadow the flavor of the fruit and so that it would balance well with the rest of the ingredients in flavor and texture, that it had a good duration, everything was noted and was tested thoroughly and-
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He had done it! He finally had the formula he was looking for!!
He was so excited, he was over the moon with happiness and couldn't wait to try it that afternoon once work hours were over, when he could have the kitchen all to himself. For now, just to be sure, he needed to go there anyway to leave the sample there so he could be totally sure of his success once he returned and checked its properties were the exact same as when he left it.
He had to hurry, because he had to get back to work soon, but he knew he couldn't be too trusting in this place, so, once in the kitchen, he wrote a note "do not touch! specially YOU!! Arthur" to put it aside. He looked at the clock, he had to run, so, without wanting to crumple the paper, he left the notes with his formula on one side of the sample and left.
Unfortunately, his instinct was right, because once he came back… what he saw looked like a crime scene where the body had been taken away, but there were shards of glass.
There was cherry sauce on the table, and one red-stained paper, the warning note he had left, but the mathematical formula where all of his discovery was, that was gone.
He felt a small nuclear reaction beginning inside him and he could only contain it long enough to think, he knew he couldn't interrogate all the staff to find out who was responsible, so he rushed to the surveillance room, he knew he would find Rick there if he would hurry up and make him show him who had been in the kitchen, near his sample.
From the consistency of the spilled sauce, Arthur was able to roughly estimate how much time had passed since it was spilled (no more than 1 hour before he arrived), so they were able to check that time range, with Rick himself being the first to show, but he said that when he was there, that test tube was still intact and the tape proved that it had not been him.
They saw a few pass by, familiar faces, but the deduction was that the person responsible must be the last of them, precisely the one whom Arthur suspected the most, his brother. They saw him enter, leave the camera's view range, heard him read the warning note out loud and mutter (to which Rick laughed), shortly after they heard him called from outside by the CEO, which caused a sound of someone slipping and of breaking glass. Then, they saw him running, holding something that couldn't be seen on camera, but he had red stains on his shirt. It was all he needed to see.
Arthur felt like he wanted to explode, Rick was going to say something when they saw that on the screen that showed that same camera on live, the alleged person responsible for the crime entered along with his favorite test subject, they both were looking at the crime scene. He wasted no time and rushed back to the kitchen, followed by Rick who left Angus, who was passing by, covering him while he followed the blonde.
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Without giving him time to do anything else, Arthur continued
"It had to be you, who else could've been!!? You and your bloody clumsiness!!"
Surprise and confusion debated in the gaze of the shorter of the two, while Rick's face and a couple of other curious appeared at the door.
"Artie?! wha- what are you talking about? what happened?! I… wait, you mean…" he said looking at the stains on the table "wait, that wasn't me…"
"Don't you dare deny it!! I saw it on the cameras, you were here, you slipped right next to this table didn't you??! You leaned on the table and threw it!"
"Well, yes… I mean no! I mean!!... yes I fell! but…b-but I didn't throw your experiment! I was very careful with that and!-"
"Don't tell me! And how do you explain this?!" He points out wet, pink spots on his shirt, clearly he had tried to wash it with little success.
"That's not… it's not what it looks like! I was holding a jar of jam when I tripped! I got nervous so I picked up everything as quickly as I could!! I admit, I didn't do the best job, to be honest... but-but I was in a hurry and-!!"
"SHUT UP!!" shouts the tallest of the two, making the other cringe "just shut up for once, I don't want to hear you!! Do you know how long it took me to get that formula?! All the effort and sweat, the calculations!!? What did I have to do?!! More than you could ever dream of and you had to ruin it!!! You always have to be the one who screws up only to be a coward later!! can't you just admit your guilt to your brother who always has to be dragging you along, even at work!!?"
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Wheatley just looked at him in shock "But… but I didn't do it! I swear, I'm 100% sure I didn't… well, maybe a little less than 100, but…"
"And here it goes, seriously, can't you stop being a moron for just 5 minutes?" says Arthur with astonishment, "look, if you're not going to admit guilt, at least have the decency to apologize!! Can't you even understand something so simple?"
It was noticeable that the youngest of the two was upset, very upset by the anger, even when he seemed to have calmed down a little, it was only enough to stop screaming.
"It's late, so listen carefully, that sheet of paper that you took along with the rest of the tube was a very important formula with which I could recover what YOU ruined"
Wheatley was going to protest, but he wouldn't let him.
"I don't care if you have to go to the garbage incinerator to look for it, but I want that back, so maybe I could make up for at least some of your clumsiness," he said with a serious, almost defiant tone.
"I want it back by tomorrow morning, I'll be waiting for you at my desk or, if not, at the very least, a VERY good apology or else...!" Arthur didn't finish the sentence, he didn't need to, he just walked. at a steady pace back to the door, where the small group of curious onlookers hid or pretended they hadn't been looking, with a few exceptions, including Craig and Rick.
"But… but Art-"
"Tomorrow morning at my desk," he repeated, interrupting, not shouting, but sharply.
There was silence, Wheatley was nervous, Arthur sounded so confident that it made him begin to doubt whether he had actually voted for that test tube and the sheet of paper along with the jar of jam. He knew how seriously his brother took these things, he was sure he had been careful not to get too close to the thing, but he preferred to be sure.
He glanced at Chell for a second, who he had brought over to show her something he had ordered that day and left in the refrigerator, but they both decided it was best to leave it for the day. He said goodbye to her and began to walk to the place where he had threw away the jar to see if he found anything.
"Maybe... I must remember it all wrong… maybe I did throw that and didn't notice it because of the hurry… he-he's the smart one after all… and he saw the camera record… yeah, I better go to make sure"
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The very next day in the morning
Wheatley was walking to the offices, he was very nervous because he searched, he searched in different trash cans for that famous sheet covered with mathematical formulas and preserved cherry sauce, but he had no success, he did not find it, although he did find pieces of glass that looked like red test tubes with the smell of stale cherries and a broken jar of raspberry jam, just what he had no use for… still he looked for pieces of paper among them, again, without success, he only got a couple of small cuts on his hands from handling broken glass.
Defeated by the consequences of yesterday's crime, he only continued his way to the offices while playing with a pencil to manage his anxiety, after a walk through the medicine cabinet, he was ready to apologize, think of some way to make up for everything, he was still confused about what had happened the past day, but the tension managed to make him convince himself that he had mistakenly thrown his brother's work into the trash along with a jar of jam.
He reached the Arthur's sector offices door, took a deep breath before opening it, closing his eyes nervously (he knew he had to walk a bit before reaching his desk after all) and finally opened it and entered.
Arthur was clearly waiting for him with his best "I'm-still-as-angry-as-yesterday" expression, which made Wheatley quicken his pace a little, because of that and because he noticed several of the workers from other desks looking at him, the news (rumors) fly in the offices.
Arthur stood up from his chair once he was close enough to him.
"Well? Do you have it?" Arthur asks, still upset. It was clear that he didn't have what he wanted, maybe he didn't notice it or maybe he just wanted him to say it himself, whatever it was, Wheatley simply responded with his head down.
"No… sorry, I-I looked for it everywhere, honestly, I swear! Even in the big containers before they were incinerated! but… I didn't find it anywhere…" said while start to play with the pencil again.
Arthur sighs. "Of course, what else could I expect?" he said pointedly. "So?"
"So…" Wheatley looked at him, he looked askance around him, some pretended to continue doing their thing, but most had turned to look, especially those who were nearby, among them Craig and Calvin, who had gone to pick up some documents there that morning. They were all so distracted that they didn't notice the front door opening again.
Wheatley took another deep breath and just spoke "I… I'm really, really so…"
"I'm so very sorry!!" Suddenly he is interrupted by a childish and energetic voice that was approaching to them, they both turn towards the source of the voice, it was little Chris arriving, running towards them with a note board in one hand and a test tube in the other.
"Mr. Arthur!! I- Hello Wheatley! What are you doing here?" The girl asked happily, distracted by her own curiosity, but given the urgency of what she wanted to say, she didn't get too distracted this time. "Oh, wait, this is very important! Mr. Arthur." She turns to look at the youngest of the brothers. " I'm so sorry!! Yesterday I went to the kitchen to get my dessert and accidentally hit your test tube! I'm really very sorry!" she said nervously, the expression of those around her was priceless.
Before anyone could react to this new revelation, she continued, crestfallen with guilt, "I had to throw away the tube because it was broken, but, don't worry! here!" She hands him the tube she was carrying with her and her chart of notes. "I managed to transfer the formula to a new sheet, I just had to follow it to make a new sample!" said the little genius happy and excited.
Arthur quickly grabbed both things, giving them a quick look once over. Everything was correct, everything there and as good as new "It can't be!! Is all here!! thank you, thank you, thank you!! I thought I had lost everything! I…" He stopped when his gaze passed over Wheatley, who was standing there, as expressionless as never before.
"It was the least I could do! Angus says that, if you don't fix your mistakes, you deserve punishment!!" She says childishly quoting the words of her big brother "Well, I must go, I'm running late!! See you at lunch!" She walks briskly back to the door "Hi Chell! Hi Rick!! What are you doing here??… ouh, answer me later, I'm late!" The little girl passes by the two who had just entered and she leaves.
There was dead silence in that office sector for a couple of seconds.
"…Ehem" Rick was the first to break the silence, as he takes a couple of steps towards the brothers "Well… I think someone got ahead of me, but, after another someone convinced me..." says while looking at Chell for a second "I came to say that you can hear a second sound of breaking glass a little later in the tape, but you can't see who it was, so we figured it could have been little Chris, but… we were a little late… sorry, I lost my hat this morning and I don't work without him" he says with his normal pride that borders on arrogance while touching his hat.
Another awkward silence, but a little shorter, this time broken by Arthur.
"Yes well, I… anyway… the important thing is that nothing important was lost in the end, and…"
Wheatley turned his head to look at him in such a way that he gave the impression that he could have turned his head 180° without problems. Still expressionless, he just said "and?" to his brother's surprise.
"And… and… well, in my defense, you can't blame me…" Arthur says, slowly regaining his confidence as he speaks. "Yeah, I mean, you do that sort of things all the time, don't you? A misunderstanding was waiting to happen!! So… let's better just forget all this happened and move on…"
They hear a small *crack!* sound in the older blonde's hand, the pencil he had been fiddling with earlier had broken under the pressure of his hand.
"…that's it?…that's all you're going to say?"
"Well… well I… what else could I say??" the younger one responds, trying to sound as confident as ever "There's work to do and we…"
"…You!-" Wheatley interrupts with a look that he didn't seem to be able to express everything he wanted to say, but he is interrupted by a loud voice from with the CEO's voice demanding that all workers return to work from the offices speakers.
"See?" Arthur said as if the speaker was agreeing with him, he knew that no one there could ignore that voice, specially not Wheatley, who was visibly upset, but still was going to just leave... but after a couple of steps, he turned to look at him, he simply had to say something "You… after- after all this, after everything that happened.... Really, that-that is all you have to say?? was this all just a joke for y- no! No, you're not one for jokes, right? No, this was more just a nuisance for you, right?!... like a.... like a fly that flies over an... an important something for you, ain't it?!! like one of your experiments… like the one you just did and is being interrupted by an annoying something, right?! well, you know what? you know what?? it's fine! is fine for me, you don't have to say anything!… morover, since you have nothing else to say, little less any important thing to say, you Mr Perfect! I will make us both happy, because I no longer want anything from you!!… from now on, as far as possible... I mean, we'll continue working in the same company …b-but the idea is still there!! I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to talk to you!!! starting… starting once I leave these offices! So yeah, congrats! you'll get what you wanted, no more nuisance for you!! so excuse me, but I have to go back to work, have a good day, sir!!" With that said, Wheatley stomps toward the entrance, passing Chell.
"Let's go Chell, before the tests start" he said serious, but trying to sound friendly to her at least "Thank you anyway" it was difficult to distinguish if he sounded truly grateful or bothered.
"Oh come on Wheatley, don't be childish acting like that, you know I'm right…" Arthur said taking a couple of steps after him "What do you want to hear so much? I mean, well, okay, I think I know what it is" he said almost casually and almost reaching him "…but… but you know I'm still right about everything here!… okay, okay, fine, here you go, I'm s…"
He sees his brother turn sharply one last time towards him, with an unusual anger in his gaze, he had not seen him like that since he himself was 5 years old
"I don't want!- to hear it!!... Arthur…"
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Said that sharply, he walked out the door and slammed it, giving way to the last dead silence of the day, this time everyone else simply continued with their things when they saw that everything interesting had already finished, so this time, the person who broke the silence was even more unexpected, the Aperture's number one test subject, and only said one word just before leaving too, a word that fell like a bucket of cold water on the blonde "...Moron".
Rick, who was the only other one who heard, laughed as he followed her out of the offices.
Arthur walked, first with his mouth open and then annoyed and grumbling back to his stall "how dare her call ME an moron?! It's inconceivable, it's unacceptable, it's…"
"Artie" Interrupts his friend who was an expert in space stuff, but who could be surprisingly responsible and mature, hardly predictable from someone as enthusiastic as him, "I know you're upset right now, but I think a little talk for you would be good today at lunch, okay? you need to take it all out"
The man in question only looked at him for a second and responded "… talk about what?… I have nothing to talk about." He turned to his computer, leaving his experiment on his desk and got to work. His friends just looked at eachother and desided to just also come back to work for the moment.
A couple of days passed
Wheatley seemed to have taken his own words quite seriously, from the first day he seemed to actively try to avoid his brother, he stopped sitting with him at lunch, avoided looking at him if they ran into each other in an aisle, hopefully taking another one if possible, although that meant taking longer to get to his destination, looking for someone else to give him the documents with test results that he had to give Arthur from time to time during the week, and last but not least, he avoided talking to him as much as possible, not even indirectly, he sought to remain silent, do or look at something else, talk to someone else, etc.
Of course, the latter was especially noticeable to those who knew them, Arthur was usually the one who got the most of the talk from him or the few he sat with. Arthur's friends… well, actually only Calvin tried to ask him about it again, but
"And why would I care about any of this? This is just a tantrum, he'll get over it, you'll see how in a couple of days he'll be the same as always, I have no reason to worry."
"Heh, yeah, now you could take advantage of the peace and quiet around you for a change. You would increase your efficiency for a fact." Craig pointed out, he was super good with data, but he wasn't a great expert at these things.
"Yeah, see? Someone who understands, there's nothing to worry about here, might as well enjoy this" he replies with a little triumph smirk.
"*Sigh* If you're so sure…" Calvin knew, or at least sensed that things weren't that simple, but he also knew that at that moment he wasn't going to achieve much with him.
"Of course I am. Actually, I'm sure that if not now, he'll soon start having problems keeping this whole circus going, you'll see."
Unfortunately or fortunately, Arthur was right. Wheatley at the moment managed to maintain his position, talking to Chell at lunch when he could (avoiding talking about the subject as much as possible, although it was noticeable that it was on his mind, he glanced askance at where his brother was from time to time) and sometimes with the few who could stand him... temporarily. Basically, looking for ways to distract himself even with his work, but… his resources were limited since his lunch times did not always coincide with hers; In addition to the fact that he was used to talking to his brother, almost never getting any response from him, but at least he let him talk, so avoiding him was starting to become more and more difficult.
But he didn't want to thirst
This was something he really didn't want to give in to, or at least, not so easily, for once he knew it wasn't just a matter of pride, but he needed to make a functional strategy soon or everything would fall apart and he I didn't want that.
It had passed 5 days now
He was walking back to his room that afternoon, muttering to himself to relieve some of the anxiety of talking much less than usual. He wished he could last at least one more week (since he was having no results yet) so that it could be seen that he was serious, but the only way he could think of was to somehow change or extend his work hours, so that he would have a real, solid excuse not to see him or talk to him, but there was no way at that time, the schedules were fixed and no one would let him take someone else's because of his infamy.
He was beginning to seriously consider giving in when, suddenly, down the hall behind him, he heard a pair of youthful voices talking about tests. He turned to look and thus got the answer he was looking for. He looked at the clock in the hallway, if he hurried, he might still make it, so he ran back in his footsteps.
"Voluntary Evaluation of Volunteer Test Subjects?"
Calvin asked, repeating what Wheatley had just said.
They had found each other in the drinks machine.
"Yes, and it was all an idea from your server, being your server me, of course, computers joke there, it was my idea, and I start from today" the short one responded, taking a Blueberry soda can from the machine.
"So, you're going to be evaluating single and also double test subjects??"
"Yep... well, no, not exactly, to be honest, it's just those 2 who do tests voluntarily, just for fun, aparently and, you know, since they do tests at a different time than the rest, there was no one doing the comparative evaluation, so I offered my self and they gave me the pass! so now I'll just have a couple of extra hours of work, and is brilliant! the perfect excuse for-... uh, I mean, is not-is not an excuse! Pfff why would it be? I mean, this has absolutely nothing to do with Ar... rogance! Yeah! Arrogance, this is purely for scientific purposes..."
"Aalright, If that's the only reason, why you never showed any interest in cooperatives test before?" Said Calvin, taking an orange juice can from the machine.
"Uh!! Well... because... because... okay, heheheh, you cathed me there, there is one other reason... but is not what you think!! Is it because, well... those two are said to be as good as Chell when it comes to do tests, you know? I mean, can you imagine?? Uuh And, as you might guess, Chell is my favorite test subject, I mean, how couldn't? she is so... so..." he starts to blush while saying that, but he noticed that the guy with the orange juice noticed it "Ah! I mean, ehem she is so... my friend. Yes, she is a great friend!! and, to be honest I... I just wanted to check if what is said about them is true myself, that's all".
He takes a sip from his can
"Uhu.. sure... anyway, even that being true, are you sure you want to do this? I mean, the calculations for the cooperatives test evaluation are a little more complicated than the normal ones, not to mention the comparatives... are you sure you are not going too much out of your orbit?"
"Oh yeah, I considered that! I considered it and I'll be fine! Because I'll only be in this for 10 days" the blue-eyed man says with a shrug of his shoulder and a 'what-could-possibly-go-wrong' gaze.
"Trust me, I've got this under control, It'll just be a piece of cake".
"Okay, okay... but what about the things with-".
Wheatley sigh, interrupting him, he knew Calvin enough to know it, they were not super close, much less than that; actually he thought the space expert could be a little annoying some times, but, also noticed he could also be a mate (plus, they both were some of the few in Aperture who could handle a Chris's questions rant) and that, sometimes, like this very time, it would mean that he would not let the topic go, so the blonde decided to say something before leaving (deep down he appreciated the concern).
"Listen... I was serious that day, you were there and I just could bet, since uuh you are kinda friends with him and with Rick, aren't ya? yeah, then I could bet you already know what happened, so, as you might guess, I'm not steping back, I'm still not talking to him, I still don't want anything from him, except for one only thing and Mr. Perfect should know what it is, and if he is not coming to me with that only thing... then I have no reason to talk to him OR about him at all... got to go, see ya".
Wheatley takes another sip from his can and proceeds to walk away to his new temporary job.
At first it wasn't so bad.
Wheatley's normal job involved doing different types of calculations and equations, evaluating the results of some specific Test Subjects and comparing the results of different days of those same Test Subjects. It could be difficult for him to deal with them, especially on heavy days (or weeks), but normally, he managed to solve them correctly and on time, with some errors, but easily fixed (why did you think they haven't fired him yet?), he was far, very far from be the best at his job, but at least he was good enough to stay there.
This new parallel position involved doing something similar, but with calculations and equations that were a little different and more complicated as it involved evaluating 2 people completing tests at the same time instead of just one. Luckily, they weren't something Wheatley didn't understand or that needed more than a quick refresher, but he did need a little more time to finish them.
So the first two days, things seemed to be going well enough in that sense, plus, the plan was working, since his schedules changed a little, he and Arthur practically did not see each other in any physical space and the only exception was easily avoidable. Unfortunately this also meant less time to spend with Chell, but at least they could still meet each other a little, always Wheatley's favorite part of the day.
On Arthur's side, well… he didn't seem to be having a particularly bad time, in fact, at first, when he wasn't asked about the subject, he seemed to enjoy this new absence. He always wished he could have a vacation from his brother's constant chatter, especially since he found out they would be working at the same place. He was always the kind of person who enjoyed silence the most, so he could concentrate on his work or his hobbies. This was just another good reason to let things continue as they were without trying anything. "I could get used to this" he thought.
From time to time he would look out of the corner of his eye in the direction where Wheatley was in the dining room, convincing himself that he wanted to see if his tantrum had passed, then he would quickly look ahead to continue doing his thing, to see and listen to people who had more intelligent things to say - or that might interest him - more often.
Still, he couldn't help but notice the first two days in which he was not in sight all day, especially since it was strictly prohibited to eating in the work spaces. He even thought that perhaps he might be sick, but the answer came on the third day in the morning, along with Angus and Calvin, who brought the subject up in conversation. Basically, he could know about this extension of working hours.
"…Fact, he won't last" said his friend with the violet tie at his side.
"If you say it because of the extra work, I think that idiot could use it, a little hard work from time to time doesn't hurt anyone, I tell you, that builds character and endurance!" Says Angus, who had met them for breakfast.
"Heh, you haven't seen how he gets when his usual job gets tough. And I said it because evaluating that type of test involves more complicated variables, I'm sure he won't be able to take it and will end up giving up, so, it's better for you to take advantage of the little time of peace that's left for you, Arthur" says Craig, nudging Arthur friendly.
"Heh, yeah, you're right…" responds the man in question with some indifference "I doubt he'll make it until the week… Maybe then he'll stop acting like a child..."
"Yeah, some people just doesn't know how to react to things" Said the red headman, causing giggles from the others around (except Arthur) while they start walking out the kitchen "What's so funny?!"
"Nothing, Mr. Walking Supernova" Calvin responded, smiling a little mockingly.
"What do you mean with-!" before Angus finished his sentence, Craig speaks up.
"Fact, you would go crazy if something like that happened with your little sister."
"Uh! but-but that's different! Chris is adorable and would never be like that, and I'll tear you to pieces if you even suggest at it again!!… Besides, if through some crazy thing in life something like that happened, it would be because I did something bad enough for her to get mad at me like that in the first place."
"Of course, because you couldn't be mad at her, the big angry fluffy bear" Craig says mockingly.
"But I can get mad at you, so shut up!!"
Arthur, for his part, seemed to be paying little or no attention to the discussion, he was just walking, Calvin saw him thoughtful, he had noticed it, and although the others had not said it, he was sure that he was not the only one. Lately he had been acting more …cold, even for him, evem although at first he seemed to enjoy the whole thing a little, what he called "having less annoying noises around", he also seemed to be a little bored, but if you asked him, he would say he was just concentrated on his projects.
They continued walking until they each reached his work area.
About 3 more days passed and the consequences of Wheatley's new responsibilities began to become noticeable. The complexity of the new calculations effectively made him take longer times to finish them and, therefore, gave him even less time to make comparisons, so he began to need to stay more and more time at his desk to be able to finish the daily reports. Of course, that meant having less and less free time and, therefore, starting to spend more time alone.
Luckily Chell came to see him at his desk sometimes, which was a great little relief, when it could, cause she sometimes found him too concentrate, murmuring, trying to complete the notes and calculations. And when she managed to find him after having managed to finish, it was noticeable that he was increasingly tired.
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((This drawing made by Shrimperini was part of the inspiration to make this idea, so I leave it here, since I think it fits the context))
She found him nodding off the night of the third day, so she asked him about it, if maybe it wasn't better to stop there, he said that he was fine, that he could handle this and that they wouldn't let him stop there even if he asked anyway, orders from the CEO, who agreed to let him do that job, but he wasn't stop until the 10 days were complete or else. Something told Chell that he wasn't lying about that, knowing that woman, it was possible that she did it on purpose, just because this would be something he could (or more like would) fail at within that time frame.
She knew, she knew well why he had agreed to this deal, even tho had originally been his idea, she knew that this motivation was still in his head, because the times they managed to spend together, he tried to ask indirectly (being so good with indirects as always) about his brother. They were questions that she didn't like to answer, because they always involved him pretending, annoyed, that he didn't care, so they quickly diverted the topic, usually something about the cooperative tests and how those brothers were really good, but he still thought Chell was the best.
On the fourth day, he found him asleep on his desk, with his notes half written. This had to stop.
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But, something told Chell that she couldn't just force them to talk to each other…or force them to stop this. Well, maybe with Wheatley she could, but that wasn't the idea either.
Arthur, on his side, did not seem to show much change in his attitude, or at least not to anyone who did not know him. To begin with, it was undoubtedly strange so much silence around him for so much time in a row, which at first seemed like a blessing, in fact he still thought it was, but in addition, it began to be… perhaps too silent once a week pass, he even started to feel a little uncomfortable. Listening to Calvin's rants about space never felt so relieving, even when he usually preferred to ignore them and think about something else, after all, space related science never caught his attention much; for him, the moon was just a big empty rock.
Plus, even though he was able to make progress faster and more often, almost no one asked him questions or commented on non-work related stuff, and if they did… they weren't bad comments at all, but… they felt so short.
They were all details, he thought, that he would forget, after all, there was no logical reason for this to happen. When his orange friend tried to make one last attempt to ask him about it, if he wasn't at least aware about not knowing anything about his brother in 4 days, he simply responded that he should be more concerned that, for the last few days (about 5) the formulas for his cake projects were not working as well as he expected or as they should when it came time to try them, something was always not good enough, the texture was not soft enough or the flavor was not sweet enough. That was, he said, without a doubt, a major concern. "Besides, if he has any problem with this new job… well, it was his decision to get into it, he should be able to solve it on his own, there's no reason for me to get involved. They're just a couple more little formulas, they're things I do in my free time, jee!". It was also strange to hear such long sentences from him.
Calvin finally gave up on trying to ask about it, he knew there would be no point. But this had to stop.
Luckily, as he walked back to his sector, he ran into the perfect person in the hallway to helpt him figure out how, especially since he suspected she might be looking for the same thing.
2 days left until the deadline
Luckily, Wheatley was free that day, the bad news were that he still had work to do, so he would use a lot of that time trying to get some of that work done and organize the paperwork. At least he was able to sleep a little better the last night and, best of all, he was able to spend that afternoon having dinner with Chell, it was an hour later than normal for most, so the place would be empty (friendly dinner yet, don't get excited… okay, do it, but not too much), he was happy about this, especially since she was the one who invited him, they even walked to the dining room together, but he couldn't express it as much as he normally would, he was still very tired for the work. They saw Calvin at the drink machine on their way, who seemed to have something important to do, cause leaved almost as soon as they passed by. Wheatley didn't give it much importance, he was a little distracted looking at gray eyes that were looking at him.
But the astrophysicist did not address anything related to his work or space this time. No, this time his destination was the kitchen, where he knew he would find Arthur looking for a couple of ingredients for his next experiment. He wasn't wrong. He wanted to convince him to accompany him because he needed to show him something very important; At first he received a refusal "Right now, if it's not something related to cakes, then I'm not interested", he managed to convince him by telling him that, in fact, it was related to cakes. Carrying him by the arm, almost dragging him, also helped.
His destination was the camera room, where Rick was supposed to be, but they saw him leaving to let them in (it wasn't difficult for Chell to convince him to collaborate). He also closed the door once they entered.
"Wot- what the heck is going on here, why did you bring me here??!"
Calvin manipulated a couple of monitors so that one of them showed a specific camera.
"Oh nothing, we just wanted you to watch something you might needed to watch"
Once he achieved what he was looking for, he made the blonde sit down. They heard a female voice coming from the monitor at first "come on, tell me, you can trust me" she said, but Arthur wasn't looking at it.
"I have no time for this, you kn-!" he refuted, but was interrupted
"And we are not leaving until you watch this" said Calvin, he was smiling, but Arthur knew he was serious, so he looked at the monitor reluctantly "it better be really important or...". He heard a familiar sigh come out of the monitor, followed by a voice that, miraculously, he had not heard for a week. It must have been because of that, or at least that's what he wanted to believe, that he abruptly interrupted himself to pay more attention to what the screen was showing.
"Well, I guess... I think you're right... and is true, I'm not really that mad at him anymore, I mean, I still am, at least a bit, you know, because of what happened and everything, but.... I think... Yeah, I think I'm more sad than mad at him."
Said Wheatley, looking down, he looked so tired, with dark circles in the eyes.
"Sad?" Said the girl in front of him.
"Yeah... uh I-I mean, I know I'm not exactly Arthur's favorite person in the world, to be honest, I do know that, but still! I don't think I'm asking for too much! Am I? And is not like he struggles to say other kind of things - like he doesn't mind calling me m... like must of the people here call me... or-or point out when I make a mistake, either with words or with glance or... well, you get the general idea" he takes a bite from a sandwich he was eating.
"But, you know? those are nothing! Nothing I can't handle, really, I can! Even that last one! For real!... or... at least I could... you know, before knowing the truth... I know how important those cake stuff are for him, it's been like that since ever! Is just something that makes him happy and... plus-plus he looked so sure about what happened and... a-anyway, I'm digressing - point is, I could have take that one too!! but, when it comes the time, the one time when he makes a mistake, the one time he was wrong with something , and by something I mean me! he is just... unable to actually apologies with me!" He takes a sip from a juice glass he was drinking with the sandwich, Chell was eating a salad, listening all he was saying and just, staring at him, as she use to.
"And yeah, I know he was about to say sorry, but that didn't count! you heard him there, the way he was talking, all self-confident, and arrogant and all treating-me-like-a-child! he didn't was actually sorry, that wasn't going to be a real apology! but that's all I want! because is not like he is too nervous or ashamed to talk to me because of what happened or anything, I know him, he is not like that!!... I just wanted one honest apology... or... at least... I don't know, something from him that make me see that he cares" He clinks his glass on the table, anyone would be wondering if there was something more than juice in that glass, but the truth was it was just juice, luckily it didn't spill much. At that point, Arthur was just whatching, without trying to get out of the room anymore or anything.
"...Is all I honestly wanted, not even asking for us to become the bloody Mario Brothers! or be like Angus and the little Chris or the test-for-fun sibblings!... uh, Atlas and Paige, I meant Atlas and Paige, a little local reference there. Back to the idea I was trying to say, I'm not looking for us to become best friends or super united or stuff like that, that'd be... uuh... just... it'd be weird, yeah, that's the word I was looking for; cause, we are so different, like, I don't think we have anything in common... uuh, besides the bad eyesight and being blonde, of course, you know... genetics" He says while lowering the pace and tone of his voice, he gives a small yawn, then continues one more time.
"No... I don't look for that, I'm not asking for that, but yet... now, I have starting wondering... after all these days, that maybe... just maybe... I am, indeed, asking for too much..." His voice begins to take on a sad, almost sobbing tone "be-because, I mean, after all this week that pass... after everything, I bet... I bet... he hadn't even ask for me, hadn't he? he didn't miss having me around or anything... right? probably being happier than ever and I just made him a favor by doing this while I'm all... all tired and doing this bloody jobs for nothing and- no, you know what? Not for nothing, all was for a bloody misunderstanding with cakes!" A small awkward silence passed as they both finished their plate, silent broken by Wheatley himself, who continued speaking one last time in the same, but sadder tone.
"Yeah… I always knew- I've always known that I'm not my brother's favorite person, probably not even in the top 5 of important people in his life… but" he clenches his fist a little, seeming to be trying to hold back a tear "but I never ever thought he hate… no, no hate, hate is perhaps a too strong word, too much of a term for our context, I don't want to thi… I-I mean, I don't think he hates me, but! Uuh, I do can say that …I never... not even considered… that cakes would be more important to my brother than... me…"
Wheatley stops talking, takes off his glasses so he can rub his eyes a little with his arm, and then yawn once more. Chell holds his hand comfortingly, she knew that he needed.
"Sorry, I just… I just got crumbs in my eye."
Arthur stands up from his seat, he didn't need to see anymore. He also realized that Calvin was no longer there, but he was fine, after all, what he was looking for had already happened. He opens the door to leave, Rick was waiting for him outside, so he can re-enter the room to his work, and he puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder and says in an imposing tone "Use the information you just received wisely, boy…" the young blonde stared at him for a second, then Rick smiles with exciting
"Omg! I always wanted to say that!!" The guard with the hat said excitedly, releasing Arthur and re-entering the room, leaving the blue-eyed man irritated, but at least now free to continue his way. He wanted to continue what he was doing, so he tried to motivate himself to go back to the kitchen where he was interrupted, but, mean while, he was still thinking about what he had just seen, he couldn't just not do it, especially because of that last part.
"Is that really the impression I gave him?" He thought "The impression I give him right now? That's absurd! He's not… I'm not…" he couldn't even finish the sentences in his thoughts because memories of what happened came to him. Of that day and that last week that happened.
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He reached the kitchen, started picking up the things he had gone to get automatically, mostly out of habit, but something didn't feel right, something didn't feel right at all, so he stopped as he opened one of the tall furnitures.
It was a complex situation for him, on the one hand, he didn't want Wheatley to think that, this time he couldn't convince himself that it was something he didn't care about, there were things that needed to be repaired, but, it was also true that this words, and even less apologies, weren't his thing at all. He was someone who hardly made mistakes, for him, praises from authority figures was the normal; for him, receiving apologies from others less successful and intelligent than him, those who did make mistakes was the normal. The simple idea of ​​him being the one to apologize was difficult enough, but for it to be with someone like his brother, who was capable of tripping over his own feet two or three times in a day or more, was… it was almost unthinkable, unbearable! Not to mention that he never had the gift of words, especially for such… emotional situations… but… it was fair, right? Independent of everything else or what he thought of his older brother, trying to be as objective as he liked to be, didn't he deserve it? After everything, didn't Wheatley deserve to at least to try? Was he willing? It was a decision that could involve everything returning to the way it was or staying as it is, or maybe there are just changes that are not visible to the naked eye.
He looked at the cabinet for a few seconds, it was full of different ingredients that he was allowed to use and store there, half of that cabinet were things that he kept there to have on hand for his pastry projects.
There were things that needed to be repaired, and he had made a decision; he knew that he did not have the conventional resources to accomplish the task, but, at least he could try with his own resources. It would take some time, so he just hoped he wasn't too late. He took some things from the cabinet and left
Afternoon of the last day, time and deadline.
Wheatley was walking down the hallway towards his boss's office, he was carrying a folder with several documents, all of them had to be delivered at that very moment and he was trying to finish filling out one of the sheets on the way. He should be feeling relieved that all that extra work was finally over, but he couldn't yet.
First because he knew that they had given him a kind of indirect ultimatum, he needed to deliver everything without errors or else… he didn't even want to think about what they would do to him, especially HER. He therefore had to go over each of the equations several times, finding errors and correcting them, which made him fall further behind with the other documents. At that moment he only needed to finish filling out the most important one, which came on a pink sheet of paper. He couldn't afford to stop, since they had given him a specific time to deliver, so he was going in such a hurry that he did not pay the slightest attention to what was happening or to those who passed around him in the hallways.
He was already close to it, so he put the document in the folder at his side and quickened his pace even more. After this, all that was left was to show the results to the siblings, but luckily, that was always the easiest part and it could be the next day, by then everything would be calmer.
But now he was anxious (and stressed) to finally finish this, he hadn't even had breakfast that morning. Not to mention that he hadn't been able to think too much about what he would do once it was finished, he didn't seem to have accomplished anything with this idea, but he didn't want to have to think about that right at that moment or he would get distracted.
Finally he arrives at the office of the CEO, Ms. Gladys, a truly brilliant, but terrifying woman who clearly didn't liked him much and made little effort to hide it, so he was very nervous. He stood as firm as he could, took a breath, and was about to knock on the door when it opened just before.
There she was, waiting for him. She didn't even let him in, she just asked him to give her the main file to review right there and, apart from it, the folder with the others.
"And I know I don't have to remind you… oh, wait, someone like you definitely needs to be reminded, so I will, if I find a single mistake in that file, I assure you there will be consequences, big bad consequences for you. I hope I made myself clear, because if not, I'll make sure of it by making the consequences bigger. Now give them to me."
Wheatley, who managed to be more nervous than before by those encouraging words, grabbed the file to take out the document, hoping, he really hoped he hadn't made any miscalculations, he finished it so hastily that it was more than possible that he had. But it was worst, because he realize that there was no pink sheet of paper between them. It must have fallen in the hallway in his haste to get there. The malicious smile his boss gave when she noticed that he was taking a while to find what he was looking for only made things even worst.
But before either of them could say anything about it.
"I think this is yours," said a familiar voice behind Wheatley, who turned quickly to see who it was because of the fright, "I told you to be more careful… here."
Wheatley was surprised to see his brother or to have his speak to him and even more of see the pink file in his hand. Gladys took the sheet of paper, which was undoubtedly his (it was crumpled) before he could and looked it over right there, very thoroughly. They both watched as her expression changed slightly to becoming more and more annoyed, she even gave them both a suspicious look, which especially scared one of them, while the other seemed more or less as calm as ever, anyway. Their boss's response was unexpected. "It's all right…*sigh*, fine, just give me the rest of the folder and go, now".
Wheatley, still in shock, managed to give her the rest of the documents while the CEO closed the door to her office in his face. At least that served to wake him up. Both brothers remained silent for a few seconds looking at the door, then they looked at each other, Wheatley noticed that he was carrying a small, neat cardboard box with handles. Surprisingly, it wasn't the short one who broke the silence this time.
"Oi…it's a little late…shall we get a cup of tea?" It was undoubtedly a question that caught Wheatley off guard, he was not expecting it at all, in fact he expected him to just walk away and that's it. Maybe that's why he didn't even try to question it and just nodded and walked to the dining room (Arthur used Low Guard, it was super effective!).
There was almost no one around in the place, so there were only the two of them at the table, with a cup of tea each, at first neither of them said anything because, strangely enough, neither of them knew what to say.
Arthur sighed and decided to break the silence a second time "Listen Wheatley, I'm going to tell you something and I want you to listen to it well, because I'm not going to repeat it, undertand?! This is not easy…okay, ehem... Wheatley I… I… for what happened that time… I'm sorry... I'm really sorry." It was something that clearly was difficult for him to say, so Wheatley did not interrupt him, but the surprise on his face was noticeable, it even seemed that he thought perhaps Arthur was sick, which made the matter more awkward, but he still continued.
"I was very unfair to you and… well I… at first I really thought it was fine because I thought it was you, okay?! Everything seemed so… and you… and...- aaagh! this is not working! this apologizing thing It's not my thing! I'm not the one who should be apologizing for making such a stupid mistake! I'm not one who does that kind of things!!… but..." for a moment he began to despair as he said all that, it was something he also needed to get off his chest "… but I did… this time I did...I was unfair to you, in several ways; you didn't deserve to be treated like that, not even for cakes, even less for pride and, well… I know that maybe it doesn't make up for much… or I don't know, the truth is I don't know much about these things, but… ehem... here… just don't get used to it!... and again... I'm sorry"
He puts the box that he had brought with him for a while between them, it was one of those boxes for moving rectangular cakes, and opens it. To Wheatley's surprise, it was not a square Black Forest Cake, it was a Chocolate Battenberg Cake, his favorite.
He looked at the cake, then looked at Arthur who had looked away, as if he was running out of words and he didn't know what to say and didn't want to try either. Luckily it wasn't necessary, it was a gesture that spoke for itself. To begin with, Wheatley knew that although it was not his favorite cake, his brother was much more into making his own cakes than buying them, it was a matter of personal pride, the only ones he bought were always from his favorite bakery and that store did not sell this cake.
Arthur managed to say one only thing more "…well?"
Wheatley's look was a curious mix of surprise, excitement, and disbelief, it was as if he didn't know whether to smile or not as he tried to process everything. Finally, he sobbed a little and smiled at him "I… I really don't know what to say, to be honest, I didn't expect something like this at all! I even thought that… well… a lot of things... nasty things, actually. I really thought that you… uh, well, you know what? you know what? Never mind, never mind now! I was wrong about those things and… god, I never thought it could feel so good to be wrong! There should be some kind of achievement for that in life!! hehe, I-I can't believe it! I... just.... thank you... Artie... is really- it was really all I wanted to hear... plus a surprise!" He wanted to hug him, but neither of them were big on hugs, especially not between them, so he stayed where he was. He knew that this wouldn't make them suddenly friends by any means, things wouldn't change much, they would probably stay more or less the same as before, but at least this made clear some things that were needed to be known between them.
"Now let's see, we have to try this before the tea gets cold, that would be a shame as well as rude for the tea and the cake!" The eldest says excitedly, taking a bite without wasting any more time, it was funny how someone could managed to be gangly and have manners at the same time, a fascinating phenomenon to some extent. Wheatley seemed surprised once he took that bite, in a good way.
"…You…you used nan's recipe! omg! so fluffy and soft <3 <3 <3"
His smile while eating was priceless
"Uh… yeah" his little brother responds with some surprise "… it's the only recipe I had on hand, I didn't have time to do a comparative research of recipes as normal… but how did you know??"
"Huh, no one else could achieve this texture, it's one of nans's super powers, like they all always know what to do when something hurts without having any medical studies, as if they have a… kind of… pre-integrated medicine chip or something! or how they always manage to make the coats so warm, but they still always itch as hell!! is like, you know, one of those… uh, mysteries of life and science" He says taking another bite "I can't believe you managed to replicate it so well, Mr Perfect, this is tremendous! you must be very proud, you should!… and don't look at me with that face"
Arthur had that 'you're a child' look, but he almost looked like he wanted to smile this time.
"Come on, if you don't believe me, try it"
"No, no, I'm fine, is yours and-"
"It can't be, Artie, I'm so disappointed! don't you know? It's a very important rule, a chef must always taste his creations!! And! And- in this case, you would be the chef and the cake is your creation anyway, so it's your responsibility! So, unless you put something like... uh like poison in this thing or you don't think you actuallt did a good job, it's your responsibility, so come on!"
He brings the cake a little closer to him. Arthur gives up because he was curious to try the results of this cake anyway, considering the circumstances in which he made it, he was afraid to find something disappointing again compared to his previous creations, as it had been happening that week and he was a perfectionist. He took a bite and, to his surprise, it was good, without a doubt he had measured up. It wasn't perfect, tho, but there was something with it, he couldn't explain what or why, but there it was.
"Heh, see? It's good right? You're not fooling me. I told you! you should be proud, you absolutely should!" He says taking a sip of his tea "now, come on and help me finish it"
None of them noticed that there were 2 persons looking at them from the entrance door, a woman and a man, who just smile at the scene and, knowing that thing would probably go back to normal soon, they decided to leave them alone, their job there was done.
Arthur just sighed and toke another bite, he did want to keep eating it anyway so maybe he could be able to descipher that something he cound't understand. For now, he would just allow himself to enjoy that unperfect something for this one time, that unperfect something that, somehow, made the cake this cake sweeter than ever.
Aaand that was it, thanks for those who did read it till the end, it was longer than I was expecting o.ou
Hope you also liked it, specially Shrimps, if she read this. I don't know if I got the characterizations well, I hope I did at least well enough, I'm accepting any correction.
Thanks again to everyone who read this, but now, I have to do a few stuff before my next plushing, so.... well, see you next time
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oscarsasylum · 1 month
@partymeow since it’s going to be undoubtedly long I had to make a post instead of a reply so here it is! im gunna start talking about erik on each one because hes special like that.
its gunna be a bit long:( guess how many times ive said the word love in this thread
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Bonus sketch for how I differentiate each adaptation via my style :3
Takarazuka Phantom 2004
Wao Youka’s Erik is, to me, remarkably one of the more serious ones compared to the rest of the takarazuka adaptations of phantom. He reminds me a lot of the 1990 phantom film with Charles Dance! How both of them appear so serious but has probably laid out billions of traps around the opera to prank people and can be quite witty. Wao Youka’s Erik is my favorite just because I’m a sucker for that dynamic wherein person A is cold towards everything else except for when it comes to everything about person B. He looks like he’d buy (or steal) a ton of what Christine just off-handedly mentioned she wanted to get once. I absolutely love how there’s a lot of moments wherein Erik just looks lovingly and proudly at Christine and that’s why 2004 has such a special place in my heart.
Out of bias I think that the best Erik and Christine chemistry still goes to 2004. There’s something about the way Hanafusa Mari and Wao Youka acted out on stage that just sits so perfectly with me. Before the climax, the way they’ve interacted on stage just made it seem as though Erik and Christine actually had some mutual feelings towards each other.
While probably unintentional there were several times wherein the characters actually shed a few tears on some really important scenes and I thought that made the performances all the more immersive because you can actually see the deep emotion that they’re feeling on that moment.. like Christine during My True Love :3
Also! For me, it also has the best Alain Cholet! Suzuka Teru gave him so much life, he’s so full of expression and just overall funny.
Takarazuka Phantom 2006
My second favorite Takarazuka Erik is one acted out by Haruno Sumire. To me, her portrayal of Erik makes him twice as angry as Wao Youka’s Erik. I saw him as a ticking bomb, a loser sewer goblin with anger issues. I absolutely LOVED when he shouted at Gerard to leave his lair in anger, because instead of him demanding him in a firm tone to leave, he quite literally SHOUTS at him and that was just (chefs kiss). Instead of full on appearing like a sopping wet dog after his owner left, he just stands there like a pouting little child and that was just hilarious to me. She’s got a bit of that ALW Erik in her.
I decided to put it here since she played both in 2004 and 2006, but I absolutely adore Izumo Aya as Carlotta! When I first watched the 2006 adaptation I didn’t expect to see her there (since it’s a different troupe) but I’ve always loved how she acted out Carlotta with the perfect amount of snarkiness and comedy so its a pleasant surprise!
Takarazuka Phantom 2011
The most hilarious transition from the angriest Erik to the youngest looking and emotional Erik. Ranju Tomu’s Erik looks like the direct descendant of Wao Youka’s Erik but instead of being serious and cold he is just up there on the sog factor. I absolutely love the carmen sabotage in 2011 because it really set the standard to make that moment as chaotic and silly as humanly possible and I’m so in for it; like Erik literally came out of the FLOOR. Ranju Tomu has such a fantastic voice too, not to say every actress who played Erik didn’t (they’re all so amazing), but I felt it to my core whenever she sings. 
His entire character plus the more stoic and cold Gerard of Sou Kazuho makes for such an interesting dynamic. I’ve never seen an adaptation portray him so serious, and I mean that positively:3
Takarazuka Phantom 2018
THE soggiest Erik out of all the takarazuka adaptations. Nozomi Fuuto’s Erik is by far the funniest and most pathetic one yet because of how emotional he is. Everytime something happens to him he just looks like the last panel from that ‘is that your fursona? thats cringe’ meme format. I just absolutely LOVE how miserable he is whenever he’s on stage. He’s always on the verge of crying and that just makes him all the more loveable. The mommy issues on this one is CRAZY! The way Nozomi Fuuto put so much expression into Erik is so cool, it was so clear what emotions he was going through.. even the really complicated ones like confusion and conflict (and most importantly, smitten).
Absolutely love Maaya Kiho as Christine! I just thought that the way she played her was so cute! She was so pretty and she really rocked that feeling that Christine really was just an honest and kind gal with no bad intentions whatsoever.
There’s also the beautiful improvements in costumes and stage effects and it was such a treat to see. Absolutely loved the special rendered intro of the show.
But that’s the end of my little autistic rambling! Thank you for asking, it was such a pleasure! I really can’t rate which is the best because each of the takarazuka adaptations are special in their own way. each adaptation is like the same size of cake on the table for me and im wearing a little bib and holding up my fork and knife
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naoknowswhat · 9 months
I made a Clover sketch tonight, look at him I love him (and i also really like how it turned out wth)
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and IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH I FUCKING LOVE THIS ITTY BITTY TINY MAN. i would NOT hesitate to die for him in a situation where such methods are needed.
Now before you continue I warn you the following is basically me rambling about how much I fucking love undertale yellow heheheh (Also a lot of spoilers ahead).
I have spent the whole day playing this stupid (fantastic, amazing, marvelous) game, I kid you not that I went from the end of the ruins to the fucking steamworks, which said out loud doesn't sound like a lot of time but uhhh for me it was if you consider that I've investigated EVERY FUCKING INCH OF THE MAP.
I'm not complaining, oh ho ho (merry Xmas) I'm not complaining because its been the most fun I've had playing a game in a WHILE, its made my life better and now im gonna spend the rest of the year (and probably more) obsessed over all the characters and their stories (mostly Clover and Martlet ngl).
But I gotta admit that even if I find the Ut yellow's characters a lot different than the ones from the original game, I can't help but love them the same. Look, I'm no expert on character design but I smile every time I see Martlet comment something or simply being on screen, I start laughing whenever I see a hint of Mo on any frame, heck you mention any of the characters and I immediately start smiling like an idiot, and the whole scene with North Star? The Feisty Five?? CEROBA?? I died, the moment I stepped on the town I fucking died.
I remember being really, REALLY into undertale when I was like 10-11 years old, and suddenly opening yt one day and watching my favourite YouTuber play the demo of this fan game, and i remember thinking "oh wow that game looks really cool!" Simply because of the concept of watching how it was like for any of the other souls to go through the underground, instead of Frisk. AND NOW, YEARS LATER I GET TO PLAY IT BY MYSELF, you don't know how special this game is for me.
For me it isn't only a fan game, or the story of another fallen human, for me it's getting an opportunity to enjoy the main thing that inspired me back the from zero, getting to learn about new characters, about new stories, and new perspectives. For me it's also getting an opportunity to meet them all, to be their "friend" and to live an adventure all by myself because back then i could only sit and watch everyone else do all the things i wanted to do, because back then i could only look at them all having fun, laughing with the good things and crying with the bad memories while separated through a screen.
Today I got to meet them all and to laugh with the unexpected dialogue, while learning that even in a fictional story not everything is painted in bright pink, I saw them get into trouble and also helped them overcome it, and it was amazing.
I also got to die and die and die again and again because I realised at the beginning of the game that I'm really bad at it (i cant blame the controller, I know it :( ), but it also made me promise myself that i would keep going no matter what, because i really wanted to see what's next. Heck you could say I kept going because of my determination ;).
I haven't finished the game yet, but I already know I'm gonna replay it over and over, I wanna catch every detail, investigate and discover every mystery, and i wanna make so many theories already, I CAN'T WAIT TO LOVE THIS GAME.
So for now have a not-so-quick sketch of Clover, the bearer of the yellow soul, the one who has quickly made way into my heart, and it seems the little shit is now living there rent free.
If you've read all the way to the end wth is wrong with you, and also thanks a lot for the attention, I was really excited to talk about this game to someone but didn't know how to do it, so I figured tumblr was the place pla to write for an hour, so the short-drawing post is now my review of the game hehehehe.
Anyway thanks for reading to the very end, I hope you have an amazing rest of the year, and most importantly a great begining of the new one <3.
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astra-galaxie · 5 months
🌙🤍❤☮️◾️🔻🔶☯️-Diego del Lobo (sorry if it's a lot!)
No worries! I enjoy the occasional headcanon challenge! And getting to talk about Diego!😁
☾ - sleep headcanon
You’ve heard of getting your beauty sleep? Well, that’s true for Diego! He enjoys getting a good night’s rest and takes the time to prepare himself for bed. That being said, he is also a night owl and likes staying up to watch the moon rise into the sky and the stars twinkle around it. He has always admired the beauty of the moon and night sky, and while it requires him to sacrifice sleep, he’ll stay awake to sketch or paint the scene if it is exceptionally breathtaking that night.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Even if Diego can come off as forward with his flirting, he is a true gentleman at heart! He treats his lovers well and makes them feel special in ways they will appreciate. For those who manage to truly captivate his heart, the highest honour he will give them is to draw or paint them. Creating art pieces dedicated to someone is Diego’s way of showing how important that person is to him; he doesn't paint just anyone, even if they're pretty!
♥ - family headcanon
Diego has a good relationship with his parents, but when he was young, they fell on hard times, which led him to begin stealing. His parents pleaded with him to stop before he got caught, but Diego found he enjoyed the thrill of thievery too much to give it up. This eventually led to him leaving Spain to steal bigger and better things, but he always sent letters to his parents whenever he stopped somewhere long enough to do so.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Given his criminal nature, Diego actually didn’t have many friends until he met the Flying Squad. Living a life of crime meant you couldn't risk getting close to the wrong person, so the list of people he considered friends was limited. Sure, he had trusted allies, but he wouldn't call them friends like he does with the Squad. So when he heard one of them call him their friend for the first time, he realized they were his friends, and he wanted to keep those friendships strong. This was one of the main reasons why he decided to give up his life of crime (mostly) and join the Flying Squad.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Diego’s home reminds people of an art gallery. His paintings are hung proudly on the walls, and other things he’s made, like sculptures, are also displayed for people to see. However, his more private art pieces are kept in his studio or bedroom. He keeps his house relatively tidy, but his art studio is always messy, with splotches of paint on the furniture and his supplies scattered around the room. Despite the mess, Diego always knows where his things are and can find anything instantly, while others wouldn’t be able to find anything even if they tried.
You’ll always find one of his art pieces in progress around his home, whether it be a sketch, painting, or sculpture; Diego always has something on the go!
▼ - childhood headcanon
As a child, Diego liked getting dirty. Most of the time, when he went out to play, he would come back covered in dirt and with holes in his clothes. His mother would always sigh when she saw him before sending him to wash up and taking his clothes to be cleaned and repaired. When he got older and adopted his gentleman thief persona, Diego avoided getting dirty and running his clothes. Still, sometimes, he can’t help but jump and splash in a rain puddle when he knows no one is watching.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Ignoring his drawing/painting hobby, Diego enjoys designing clothes. He has sketchbooks dedicated to his designs, from ball gowns and suits to casual wear and shoes. Many of his clothes are handmade by himself, and a few times, he was able to create some of his other designs for people. One of his favourite things to design is dresses, including sundresses, formal wear and even wedding dresses. He’s rarely been able to bring these types of sketches to life, but years ago, he did have a muse and people to make them for.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Beautiful things
Art-based history
Cheating (on people, I mean)
People who disrespect artwork
Sailing (he only does it when necessary due to his seasickness)
When people abuse the power they hold
That’s everything I’ve got! I hope you like the headcanons, and thank you for the request!
P.S. I have another smaller Diego ask in my inbox, so I’m going to see if I can come up with answers for those, too!
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
A Thousand Leaves
Part 1 - A Beautiful Boy
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Description: A local news reporter wants to know everything about the young man that has been found imprisoned in a basement. While she searches for answers, her relationship with the young man becomes more and more complicated.
Characters: The character Henry is inspired by several of Bill Skarsgård's characters but mostly The Kid from Castle Rock. The rest are my own original characters.
Setting: The story is set in the early 90s in a nameless town with several smaller villages surrounding it.
Warnings: 18+, mental health problems, violence, mentions of all sort of abuse, voyeurism (sort of?), sexual themes. This will be a dark story and this chapter can be provoking.
Notes: This story have an epilogue, you can read it here.
If you like what I write please reblog or give the chapter a like. Thank you!
His room was just as gray as the other parts of the hospital. Maybe not literally since the walls were light green, there was a light blue blanket on the bed and the plastic floor was a dirty yellow color but the whole atmosphere felt gray. The man before her was completely dressed in gray but instead made a colorful impression. His chocolate mop of hair shifted in all variants of brown, his lips were red as a Red Delicious apple and his eyes had all of a world map's colors mixed together. It was obvious he was beautiful. Beautiful in his own way. Irma sat still and watched him with a steady gaze, not just because she wanted to look at the man but also because of the pose she had chosen to be painted in. She felt a bit uncomfortable having his steady gaze on her every other second while he seemed to be totally comfortable with having her gaze on his face. 
Irma was happy he had started to be more and more comfortable. The first few times she visited him he had more or less just stared at the ground but after a while he had started to draw her hands in his drawing pad. She saw a little of his sketches and he was talented, it made her wonder even more who he was. Was he an artist? 
She took a fast look out the window, the rain was pouring so she stayed there with him for a while. But she didn't mind, in the beginning his presence made her nervous but she had gotten used to his big examining eyes and nervous ways. She had tried to ask the police to share some information about Henry or about the crime scene but they refused to even say who had found him. It was frustrating and she had a hard time knowing what to even ask Henry. For now they mostly shared blueberry muffins and played cards. He knew some games so he hadn't forgotten about everything. 
"Henry," he looked up from his drawing, busy painting her braid that lay on her shoulder like a golden retriever's tail. "Do you remember how you came here? To the hospital?" 
He furrowed his brows and started to bite on the end of his lead pencil. He did that a while before he nodded and looked down at the drawing pad. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it but Irma just wanted something to write down among her notes. 
"Do you… remember the basement?" She asked carefully, afraid to upset him. 
"No?" He finally said with his soft voice while looking confused. 
"You know, where you were a prisoner." 
Henry shrugged his shoulders and continued with his drawing. Irma made a small sigh, it was probably the best for him to not remember but she, as a journalist, just wanted her story. Both of them looked up when they heard the door open. It was a nurse, playing with her key card nervously. Irma had noticed that most of the staff was nervous around Henry even if he seemed to be just as nervous himself. 
"It's time for Henry's doctor check… Because of the last incident we're wondering if you can be there as support for Henry. Isn't it so Henry, that you wanted her there?" 
Irma looked confused at the nurse, then towards Henry who looked at her nervously and nodded a bit. Irma turned to the nurse again. 
"What incident?" 
The nurse looked with worry at Henry who had turned his eyes down at the drawing. 
"Maybe we can talk outside about that?" The nurse motioned to the door and Irma tagged along with curiosity. Outside the closed door the nurse took a deep breath. 
"I don't really know your relationship to Henry but he has said he wants you as a support person, that we can call you if there is something we need help with and… The last doctor's appointment ended in chaos." 
Irma gave the nurse a thoughtful look but also had mixed feelings about Henry's request. Suddenly she was there to take care of him instead of writing an article but she didn't have the heart to say no to it. Henry was alone in the world and needed someone by his side. 
"It seems like Henry is afraid of men and when the doctor wanted to check his heart Henry hit him in the chest several times. Our doctor has worked here for a long time so he has been through these sorts of things before but he doesn't want to check Henry again without others in the room. It seems like you have a calming effect on him." 
Irma looked through the door's plexiglass window at Henry who sat with his legs up like a kitten by the little table. She couldn't understand how he could spread such fear. 
"Okay… So I just need to be there?" 
"Yes, calm him down. You get to touch him, no one else gets to do that." 
Irma felt quite special that she had succeeded at something no one else had.
Irma and Henry walked together through fluorescent lit corridors to the doctors office. Several of the lamps had broken or stood and flickered. It made Irma think about death row or horror movies. She looked up at Henry who probably was 6'3 in height but he hunched forward a bit so it was hard to know how tall he actually was. She wondered how he had become that way, if he had it for all his life or if it was an injury. One of his shoulders was pushed forward and she had noticed he didn't use that arm if he didn't have to. He also had a bit of a limp. His walking style was quite odd but was it enough for people to actually be scared of him? 
Outside of the doctor's office, Henry stopped and looked down the corridor they had just walked through like a magnet sucked him back to his room. 
"Should we go inside?" Irma asked carefully and pulled on the hem of her burgundy sweater. Henry looked at her with pleading eyes. Irma tried to smile a little. 
"I will be here the whole time, okay?" 
Henry nodded slowly and looked down at his chunky sneakers. She opened the door for him and with small limping steps he walked into the doctor. 
The doctor's examination room was much brighter than the others and the interior was mostly in white and green. Henry looked around worried and looked back at Irma who closed the door behind her. He swallowed hard, waiting for something to happen. Just then an older man came out from another door. He had a pair of glasses on the tip of his nose and carried a folder in his hands. He had a friendly face but looked also like that man that thought he was always in the right. Irma could see on Henry’s face that he became worried in the doctor's presence. He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands and he looked between the doctor, the examination bed and the floor. Irma stepped closer to him but smiled at the doctor. 
"Aaah! Deaver. With his fiancee, right?" The doctor joked and looked towards Irma. 
Irma gave him a strained smile and decided that she didn't like the man. 
"Just a friend. Irma Kiehl." 
The doctor sat down by the desk on a spinning chair. 
"I'm doctor Dean but everyone calls me doctor D. Oh not Henry of course, he seems to save his words for a better time." 
Irma didn't answer, instead she gave Henry a friendly smile and motioned to the chairs on the opposite side of the desk. He gave her a look and she felt his finger against her hand but he then sat down on the left chair so she could take the right. 
"So… How are you today Henry?" The doctor asked. Henry just sat and looked down at his hands and picked at his cuticles. He shrugged one shoulder without looking up. 
"I don't know."
"Can we check you today without you getting violent?" 
Henry looked at Irma who sat and watched him. She already felt some sort of caring feeling towards him and felt that she wanted to make him comfortable. 
"Let's give it a try. Shall we?" Said the doctor when he didn't get an answer. "Strip." 
Irma looked up confused at the doctor. 
"Strip? How much should he strip?" She felt her heart beat faster. She wasn't prepared to see a naked man today, especially not someone as innocent looking as Henry. It felt like she would make something wrong by watching his body. 
"All of it. It makes everything much easier." The doctor rolled around on his chair and waited by the bed. 
Henry looked at Irma then looked down at his hands. 
"Can you do that? Take your clothes off?" 
He nodded a little and stood up from his chair. Slowly he began to take his clothes off. The gray sweatshirt, the white t-shirt, the white sneakers, the gray sweatpants, the white socks. He stopped and looked at Irma. 
"Oh! Maybe I should turn around?" She said with blushing cheeks. She had seen the bruises on his body that now shifted in a yellow color on his thin frame. He was skinny but still had many manly attributes; broad shoulders, slim hips and muscular legs. 
"No," he said carefully. 
Irma turned around and looked at him. He looked at her while he pulled down his underwear. It was probably to get support but it felt like an erotic moment for Irma and she felt awful that she looked at his manhood while he pulled down the white boxer shorts. 
"Can you hurry up a bit?" Said the doctor with a sigh. Henry gave him a look and when he was completely naked he walked to the doctor. Irma was ashamed that she looked at him like that, still she couldn't stop herself from watching his little peachy bum, broad back and back dimples. He was beautiful in every way. 
The doctor examined Henry while he looked straight at Irma all the time. She smiled at him so he could see her support. The doctor looked at his bruises but also several wounds they had stitched. He examined his hunchback and shoulders but when he started to look at his back, following his back bone with his fingers Henry tensed up. Irma could see the shift in his eyes and body language. 
"Stop," she said to the doctor but continued to look at Henry. The doctor sighed and watched the two staring at each other. 
"Oh well guess that's enough." Said the doctor but he dragged his hand down Henry's back and asscheek in a way that didn't feel totally okay. 
"You can dress." He looked Henry up and down then looked at Irma. 
"It would be good for him to work out, that back problem can disappear with some rehabilitation. I wanted to check to see if there is sign of abuse but I guess he will not let me examine him." 
Irma could see Henry's movement in the corner of her eye but looked straight at the doctor. 
"Yeah, you know because of how they found him." 
Irma nodded a little. It was best to pretend she knew so they would tell her more. 
"Yes, of course. Have you heard more about that?" 
"No, they just wanted me to check him. They haven't matched the sperm with anyone in their database."
Irma felt her heart beat faster. Had someone raped Henry? Was that the reason for his fear of men? 
"It's awful… How could someone do that to him? He is so young." Irma said with a low voice. The doctor shrugged a little. 
"He isn't a child so it could have been consensual. You know, he is probably older than 30." 
Irma was shocked and looked at Henry as he put on his sneakers. But she couldn't say now that she didn't know that. 
"Oh yeah but that's still young. But there were other things that prove that it wasn't optional." She continued to speak with a low voice. 
"Yeah that fact that he sat in a cage is one thing," said the doctor with a grunt. "He had semen in his hair and on his clothes make it all so unbelievable. Noo, the boy was raped but unfortunately we can't check it." 
The doctor probably was as fascinated by Henry as she was, maybe even in a sexual way, just as she. Back in Henry's room she watched him sit on his bed and bent his body into a little ball, continuing on the drawing of her. The doctor wouldn't have told her all those things if he hadn't had such interest in him so he needed to talk about it. Irma thought about the doctor's hands on Henry but also his looks. It was probably the same looks she had given Henry. She thought about the look he had given her while taking his underwear off. How could he be sexy and be an innocent victim at the same time? Irma didn't see herself as a horny person or even a person that was that interested in men but she still couldn't stop herself from looking at his member under the examination. He was big, unshaved and uncircumsized. She looked at him again, he hadn't moved an inch, just sat and drew leaned forward like a vulture. 
Did he have sexual thoughts? Feelings? Had he thought about her that way? Did he touch himself when he couldn't sleep? Seeing him curled up in bed made her believe that he didn't even know what sex was. 
Irma walked through her parents' neighborhood. The neighborhood she had grown up in. The houses were big and so were the yards. The street was framed with big maple trees whose leaves shifted in orange and red. She had always liked the neighborhood; it was so clean and calm. Her parents' house was just as big as the others, a white two level house with a big ashtree on the left side of the house. The concrete was wet from rain, apart from that was the yard in perfect condition, just like her father wanted it. 
She was invited to dinner but didn't know what to talk about. Most of her time went to either being with Henry or doing research for his case. She knew her parents wanted her to meet someone and create a family but she didn't know if that was what she wanted. And 29, wasn't that old? She had all the time in the world to find a guy that could impregnate her.
She walked right into the house and was met with the scent of Shepard's pie. Her mother's signature dish. It was rich and homey but didn't take so much time. Irma's dad Eric came out to the hallway to meet her. He was dressed in a tennis shirt and sweatpants, looking relaxed. 
"Hey honey, cold outside?" 
"Not that bad. Just some cold winds." 
She took off her boots and her coat and looked down at her socks. Her boots were expensive and even though leather water still leaked in. 
"Do you want another pair?" Said her father when he saw the stains on her beige socks. Irma just nodded with a smile. 
Her mother stood in the kitchen, dressed in a green pattern blouse that made Irma dizzy. They hugged hello and Irma volunteered to do the salad. 
"Have you heard that Felix, Dana's son, has become single?" 
Her mother, Bea started at once. Saving time, Irma thought. 
"Doesn't he have two kids?" 
"Does that matter? You are in that age now where the men you will meet have history." 
Irma sighed as she took the seeds out from a pepper. Her mother put the pie in the oven and turned to Irma. 
"It can't be fun to live on your own in that apartment. If it even is an apartment!" 
Irma's apartment was a small attic with a leaning ceiling. It was cramped but she loved the cozy feeling. Irma just shrugged at her mother's words. 
"Are you working on anything special? My blueberry muffins are gone so I guess you're working on something?" 
Irma perked up by the question. She thought about Henry every other minute and she needed an outlet. 
"I'm writing about that kid they found in the basement of the old church. I've met with him a couple of times." She didn't say the whole truth to her mother. She would have worried too much. 
"Oh? That's an awful story. Have you found out something?" 
"Well, he isn't really a kid, he's probably older than me." 
"Really? Then why do they call him "the kid" in the newspaper?" 
Irma put the chopped pepper in the sallad and turned to her mother. 
"We need wine to talk about this," said Irma and made her mother smile knowingly. When they sat down by the kitchen table with a big glass of red wine each Irma felt ready to talk. 
"He looks young, or young is the wrong word… he looks more ageless? He is glowing I guess." 
Her mother nodded a little and played with her amethyst bracelet. 
"Is he charismatic?" 
"Not really. He is really quiet and nervous. Traumatized I guess. But he has an aura. A presence no one can ignore." 
Her mother smiled a little. 
"He is a pretty boy," she said knowingly. Her mother always knew what Irma was hiding. Either she had a sixth sense or she just knew her daughter really well. Irma felt uncomfortable discussing Henry's looks but she also knew that she couldn't lie to her mother. 
"He is. In a really special way. He had these big big eyes full of different colors. They are haunting but beautiful." Irma didn't look at her mother, she looked out the window towards the colorful leaves and thought about Henry's appearance. 
"He has an upturned nose that makes him look like an elf at some angles. And big pouty lips that contrast with his sharp facial features…" 
"And you are fascinated both by his looks and that nervous boyish behavior. Irma, he sounds like a fascinating man but remember to keep your distance. He is probably a victim of a really awful crime. And we know that you need someone more reliable." 
“Ugh,” Irma grunted and shifted uncomfortably on the high chair. "I'm not interested in him that way! I'm interested in the story." 
Her mother just nodded a little and it annoyed Irma because she knew that her mother didn't believe her. That was even more annoying because Irma also knew her mother was right. 
The three of them ate in the dining room. All of them watched the empty chair a few times with pain in their eyes. When they sat like that it was painfully obvious someone was missing but neither of them could talk about the sorrow yet. It was too early even though it had been several years. Maybe that was the reason her mother so desperately wanted Irma to meet someone. So that person could fill out the empty chair. 
Irma knew she definitely did not act like an adult. Not the kind of adult her parents talked about anyway. She wasn't organized, she didn't save money and she still put most of her energy on TV. 
That morning she sat in just her panties watching a rerun of 90210 and eating her breakfast sandwich. She should be at the office in thirty minutes but had decided she would skip doing her makeup so she could finish the episode. The only problem was that she would visit Henry after the office and wanted to have her mask of makeup on. She pretended it was to give a good impression to the staff but in reality she wanted to look good for Henry. Because of his drawing but also because she wanted to be that beautiful angel woman, saving him from the evil nurses and doctors. 
When the episode had ended she put clothes on and packed the make up in her backpack together with a sketch pad and new sharp pens. It was for Henry, his drawing pad was full of sketches and he needed a new one. Irma felt she was the one to give him new things now when she was his contact person, his support person. 
The office was impressed by Irma's work, especially that she had become so close to the kid in such a short time but she didn't tell them what the doctor had said. It felt off to talk about, especially when it wasn't Henry himself that had told it to her. 
Even if Irma liked her coworkers she just wanted to leave. She wanted to go to Henry and the feeling in her stomach felt a lot like missing someone. As soon as she was finished at the office she took the way through the closest café and borrowed the bathroom to put her makeup on. She didn't care if others needed to use it, she needed to look perfect even if it was a struggle to do the eyeliner wing. She saved the lipstick to paint on later, she had promised the café staff to buy something after using the toilet so the lipstick had to wait. 
She ordered a hot chocolate and drank it fast by a little table just by the big pumpkin by the door. She more or less poured the drink down her throat before she walked to the institution. The nature and the weather was idyllic, a perfect autumn day, with warm colors and fresh breezes. The ground was full of leaves and puddles but the closer she came to the institution more and more dark things showed up on the ground. They were dead birds. There were black crows lying on the ground, sprinkled like pizza toppings. Irma looked closer at one. It looked like it had died a natural death; no wounds and no broken neck. She looked at another one even closer to the institution and it looked the same. She thought it might be some sort of avian disease and stopped thinking about it even if several lay on the institution's ground. She had other things to think about. 
Henry was in the yard that day. He sat by himself, with just the wind as company which played with his brown locks. He leaned back on the bench, watching the sun that glowed bright without succeeding to spread her warmth to the institution. A nurse walked past Irma with quick steps and smiled bashfully like she was caught doing something bad. Irma gave her just a quick look before turning her eyes to the kid that showed off his perfect profile with closed eyes. Irma felt her heart beat faster, and this time not because he made her uncomfortable. 
"Hey handsome," she said and smiled brightly at him. Henry opened his eyes, looked at her and gave her a small smile. He had started to smile after the third or fourth time they had met. It was a nervous little smile that looked like it could quickly turn to tears instead. 
Irma sat down next to him and gave his arm a little hug even if she knew it would tense him up. 
"I have a gift for you," she said and took off her backpack and started to dig in it. Henry looked really curious and looked down at her bag. She took out the drawing pad and pencils and gave them to Henry. 
"To me?" He asked carefully and looked up at her. 
"Yes, to you silly. I said it was a gift." 
His smile became bigger and he hugged the gifts to his chest. 
"Thank you." He looked a bit nervous but then took her hand and gave it a squeeze. It was the first time he searched for physical contact and Irma felt like the sun really warm them up. 
She couldn't stop herself from giving his arm a hug again. 
Even if Irma was occupied hugging Henry's arm, her focus moved fast when she heard a woman clear her voice. Irma thought it must be a nurse, shocked by her close contact with the kid but when she looked up two women stood in pant suits in front of them. One of them smirked a little when she watched the two people on the bench, looking like a couple while the other female dug in the inside pocket of her jacket. 
"We're with the police and want to talk with Henry Deaver. That's you, right?" Said the one that had dug in her inner pocket. She showed them a badge. Henry watched them confused while Irma let his arm go. She swallowed dryly because she knew she would hear about it later on. 
"And you're Irma Kiehl," said the other one while still smirking. Irma sighed, it was obvious she was amused that a reporter now sat and cuddled a mental patient. 
"Yes," said Irma and tried to sound professional even if she was exposed. 
"Can we talk a bit while my colleague talks with Henry," the female police officer asked and motioned to the rest of the yard. Irma watched Henry looking back at her worried. 
"I will be right back, okay?" 
Henry nodded a little and Irma followed the cop through the colorful leaves toward the angel sculpture standing in the middle of the yard. 
"You work for the local newspaper, right?" 
"Yes." Irma gave the cop a short answer. She knew shouldn't speak too much with the police. They rarely wanted the same thing as a reporter. 
"How long have you… visited Henry?" 
"Two weeks I think." 
"A nurse said you have been here almost every day." 
Irma didn't answer that, just watched the angel and the gray sky. 
"Is that professional?" Continued the police. 
Irma sighed again and looked down at her boots and floral mid length skirt. 
"It wasn't meant to happen but he needed someone and he liked me." 
The police woman nodded and looked towards the kid. 
"We want access to the information you get from him." 
Irma looked up confused at the woman but then laughed a little. 
"Why would I give you that?" 
"Because you want to help," said the police with a hard tone. Irma nodded a little. 
"I want to have some information from you then, not everything but some information so it becomes easier for me to know what to ask him…" 
The police laughed and looked Irma up and down impressed by her. Irma looked so non threatening in her floral skirt and frilly sweater but it was obvious she was smarter then she looked. 
"Fine. Then I can say this to you. Henry isn’t missing at all, throughout the whole country and there is no Henry Deaver that matches his description. So your first assignment is to find out his real name." 
Irma looked back at Henry who sat on the bench with the other cop. He must be remembering wrong or remembering someone else's name instead of his own. 
"Has he been raped?" Irma asked carefully. 
The police hesitated but answered, 
"We don't know. He had someone else's semen on his clothes." 
Irma continued to look at the man she called Henry. He had his regular gray clothes on and the chunky white sneakers. His body language made him look like a boy but now when she knew he was older she could see it. The kid looked up from his hands and met her eyes. Irma smiled a little and suddenly he stood up and started to walk, in his limpy weird way, to her. Irma looked at the cops but didn't have time to excuse his behavior before he had embraced her in his arms, close to his body. 
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Hey everybody! Here's another
Post! This time it's Coach Z's turn, and I figured I might as well add his picture above the cut this time for no particular reason! Here goes...
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He's technically a siren (which are their own species in this universe) but he doesn't have the power to lure people. More info on his backstory will be below the cut as usual, and I can only hope it's sufficiently traumatizing this time around.
If this is as much as you care to investigate, then Rock On! \__/,
If not...
...then here's his backstory!
Coach Z (real name unknown) lived his life in a swamp with his group of sirens, where they resided in relative peace and quiet. Sirens naturally love singing, but Coach had aspirations to travel and sing around the world, which developed after meeting and befriending Champeen the Nomad (a young and inexperienced bard). Unfortunately, due to the sirens' already tainted reputation among sailors and Champeen's less-than-stellar description, others started going to the swamp to harrass and/or hunt the sirens. Thus, Coach was exiled from his group for causing the chaos, sent out in a suit full of water to live out the rest of his days being hunted by those who hated what he was and shunned by those who knew the truth.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans. As Champeen was making her way to see Coach and tell him about the new lute she had obtained, the sky grew darker. By the time she reached him...
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(I'll be honest, this isn't accurate to how the scene actually plays out but I made this sketch at 12 am so whatever)
It was already too late.
Coach was sent to Free Country for endangering his entire species.
So yeah, if you've read my other posts on this AU, you may have seen "[Character] was sent to Free Country for [reason]" and wondered what that meant. Free Country does not exist as an actual place in the world, instead serving as a sort of playground for higher beings where those few creatures seen as truly dangerous are sent. There's also a second determining factor for people to get sent over, but that's for another time.
In essence, the banishment works like this; once someone is sent over to FC, they get erased from everyone's memories except for one person: whoever the person involved was closest to carries the burden of their memory (though it's such a recent phenomenon that only a few people have been sent, and nobody, not even the creator of FC knows what happens after a memory bearer dies). For Marzipan, only The Hurricane remembers her; for Strong Sad (along with all the Brothers Strong), their parents remember, etc. The last full piece of info on this will mist likely be shared with Homestar's description.
Oof, that was a lot of non-Coach Z related info there. Here, let's get back on track!
Main Ability: Water Breathing
Secondary Abilities: Hydrokinesis (very weak), Regular Breathing (developed in Free Country), Swimming Boost.
And some extra fun facts to end things off!
Coach's accent comes from the fact that he lived his life underwater, where sounds don't travel the same. However, his particular speech patterns are quite exaggerated, even for his species.
Coach and Champeen had developed an almost familial bond before being separated: Champeen saw Coach as a father figure, while Coach always felt a sense of pride whenever he could help Champeen get some rhyme or tune just right.
Homestar reminds Coach of Champeen, which has lead to sobbing sessions by the lake.
Speaking of, this version of Coach spends much more time at the lake and much less at the track field & locker rooms. Smells much more fishy too.
Champeen misses him. A lot. If only she knew how much he missed her too.
Yeah, that's pretty much it for Coach! Next time I'll either be sharing sketches of plot points (because yes, there is an actual plot) or talking about The Cheat. Stay tuned!
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Continuation from [x] with @yesfxckyxu
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Sitting in the garden-like part of the park, Nunnally enjoyed her own company. She definitely should not have been there, especially unchaperoned, but she was tired of meeting some important and unimportant men in suits, giving them fake smiles, and pretending she was interested in their words. So, if whoever was responsible for the security, let her sneak out, well, that was not really her problem. She sat on the ground leaning on the tree and admiring the flowers around her. She was not entirely sure it was allowed to rest on the grass in the actual flower bed, but not that she really cared.  She wanted to go through some notes in her notebook, but she ended up sketching random plants or small scenes she saw in the park.
She was not paying any attention for her surroundings, too used to being on her own. Perhaps therefore Nunnally didn't notice the man approaching her until he spoke. It took her a few moments to understand what he was saying. His voice sounded nice, and although she considered his first question a bit blatant, the remarks that followed made her laugh.
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“I suppose they will not end up talking and complaining. But I guess you might be right. They might not appreciate the unwanted gazes equally as we don’t like others staring at us. But both us and the flowers sometimes have no choice but bear with it. It is surely a disturbing idea you just presented.” – she replied closing her notebook so that he was not to see the sketches. She neither stood up nor invited him to sit next to her, but her smile was friendly and perhaps was an invitation in itself – “But yes, I was looking at these roses, when you approached. I was trying to draw them, but I lack proper skills.” – she admitted, but if Jack was able to have a peek in her notebook before she closed it, he would have known she was overly critical about herself.
“Am I not supposed to be here? You’re rather observant, aren’t you?” – a faint pink painted her cheeks – “But do you really think so or is that just a nice line to peak my interest?” – she smiled to him – “But I will not deny I should not. Come on, let’s play a game.” – she suggested, this time inviting Jack to sit next to her – “Take a guess, why and if you’re close enough I’ll tell you why. But you are surely interesting, Mr…Who do I owe the pleasure to talk with?”
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Nunnally liked him. She could not deny he was different than most people she was meeting in the last days and the remarks about the flowers were fun for her to listen. She was not sure, however, if he was joking she did not fit there, and if her reply was not a joke as well.
“But you'll also have to tell me something… What is it that you are listening to? Will you share some music with me?”
She paused and hesitantly added: --
"My name is Nunnally. It's nice talking to you."
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gpedia · 2 years
Lonely Memories
87 year old Sameera walked slowly up the alpine trail, before resting painfully against a large rock. Time had certainly treated her well, she mused. All her friends had stayed behind at the lodge, much too frail to attempt the climb to their yesteryear playfield.
As she leaned back and gazed at the sky, memories long forgotten came flooding back.
She had moved into this quaint little valley in the foothills when she was five, staying with her aging grandmother. She was a quiet, shy girl, then, never talking to the other village kids or mingling in any way. She first made the climb to the lowest meadow when she was seven, mostly looking for a place away from the noisy confines of the village. The meadow had been in full bloom then, as it was now, a carpet of reds, blues, and grays covering the field. It was also there she had first met Rudra, a pale scrawny kid with eyes the colour of nightshade. It had been he who had finally dragged her out of her shell, making her talk and laugh.
“You have a sweet laugh, Sam. You should let it out more.”
For months he had been her only friend, as she still refused to play in the streets. Then, one day, he showed up with another girl, dark as he was pale, with gray eyes the colour of yarrow flowers, and pearly white teeth nearly always showing through her grin.
“Sam, meet Nii! Nii, this is that will o’ the wisp I told you about, calls herself Sameera.”
“Hi! My name’s actually Indraa, but you can call me Nii, Everyone else does. Come on down, I’ll race you to the square!”
She slowly got to know the rest of the village kids, though the names and faces mixed in the head; Robert, Khanna, Miya, Suresh, Suryaa, Saaryu, Chandra… but Rudra and Nii were always closest to her.
Soon, no matter the challenge, she and Rudra were neck and neck at conquering it, and beating each other. One or the other was always first in class, with the other a close second; fastest runner, their competition extended even to such petty matters as who collected the most flowers for Nii on her birthday. Sameera smiled, remembering how she had barely beat Rudra on that one, pulling the rose out of her hairband.
No surprise then, when she found she had a knack for drawing in 11 grade, and Rudra none, he must needs show her up by learning to play the flute so well, nightingales sang duets with him.
The meadow was still her haven of choice, and she spent long hours sketching scenes from the field, Rudra and Nii were almost always there, when they weren’t off wandering alone together, him above her on a branch, teasing the birds with his flute, her lying in the grass at her feet. She spent more time talking to them than any actual drawing, really.
Sameera blinked, and sat up. The sun was overhead now, and she had spent nearly an hour sitting here.
“Hey, Sam.”
She looked up and saw Nii standing over her, a sad smile playing on her face.
“Scoot over, I’m not as young as I used to be, and my legs are tired.”
“Finally worked up the strength to come up here, huh?”
Looking at Nii now, in her mourning clothes, Sam was reminded of the last time she had stood on this meadow – Rudra and Nii had gotten married right here, sixty three years ago. She had been maid of honour. She had left for the States shortly after, pursuing a Creative Arts course in Carnegie.
“I still miss him, so much, Sam.”
Nii was at the brink of tears, her gray eyes stormy and dark. Sameera reached over and squeezed her hand.
“So do I, Nii… Come on, let’s go over.”
At least Rudra got to rest now, where they had had so much fun together. She got up and helped Nii to her feet, and they walked over to the old spruce they had spent so much time around. They buried his ashes at its feet.
“Goodbye, Rudra.”
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flowersforbucky · 2 years
The Love She Wears {one-shot}
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem reader
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: reader gets a special tattoo for Eddie. reader is an adult 🥰
Warnings: 18+ only, language, description of getting tattooed/pain, kissing, SMUT, oral sex (female receiving)
pretty please reblog if you enjoy 💕
A lot of people thought they knew Eddie Munson.
Kids that went to school with him knew that he was a metalhead– that he liked loud, heavy music and he played the guitar. That he was into Dungeons and Dragons and wore too many rings and that he wasn’t the best at math– or biology, or English, or physics.
The townspeople of Hawkins knew him to be associated with a satanic cult– that he was accused of murder and despite having been proven innocent ages ago, still gave him dirty looks in public and shuddered anytime they saw his van driving down their suburban streets.
You were one of the lucky few that got to see past the surface.
You got to see him first thing in the mornings, when he was still in a dreamlike state as he’d pull you closer underneath your shared plush comforter. No one would guess how delicate he was as he’d trail his fingertips down the curvature of your bare spine and lazily kiss behind your ears, making all of your senses come alive before you even opened your eyes.
You were the one that he made mixtapes dedicated to, the one he’d plan picnics for at Lover’s Lake, the one he’d cook breakfast foods for at eight o’clock at night because that’s what you were in the mood for. You were the one that got to help him up the stairs to your bedroom when he was sloppy drunk off of whiskey sours and the one that would massage shampoo into his dark curls when you’d shower together the next morning.
Another quality of Eddie’s that he kept to himself?
He was a ridiculously talented artist.
He mostly stuck to sketches, black and gray with basic number 2 pencils leftover from high school, but they made your jaw drop when you first found a stack of them in his bedside table. Eddie was in the shower when you rifled through the drawer looking for a lip balm, stumbling across the papers on accident.
The first thing that caught your eye was you. You, in a tiered, ruffled sundress, wild hair that appeared to be blowing in a breeze, and a daisy stuck behind your right ear. You were gazing off in the distance and there was a smirk on your face. You recognized the scene immediately – it was just a few weeks ago, an early summer morning that you and Eddie had gone canoeing on the lake. On the walk there, he had stopped to pick the flower which he placed behind your ear.
Your eyes were locked onto the drawing, taking in every intricate detail. He had perfected the furrow of your brows, the singular dimple of your cheek, the squint of your eyes in the early morning sunlight –
“I can’t tell if the look on your face is due to being impressed or being creeped out.”
Eddie’s voice snapped your attention away from the papers in your hands. He stood in the doorway to your and his bedroom, propped against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest and a bath towel hung lowly on his hips.
“I didn’t know you could draw like this,” you said dumbly. You flipped through the rest of the papers, finding sketches just as detailed and lifelike as the one of you — one of Lilith, the black, long-haired cat the two of you had adopted together, one of a dragon breathing fire, one of his guitar..
“These are so good, baby,” you said sincerely. “When did you even do these? We’ve been together every day for nearly a year and I had no idea.”
“Usually when you’re at work,” he shrugged, walking over to join where you perched on the edge of the bed. His hair was still dripping from his shower and he smelled like Irish Spring soap and spearmint toothpaste. “Just didn’t really think they were worth mentioning.”
You scooted closer to him, wrapping your arms around his midsection and pecking a kiss to his collarbone. “They absolutely are,” you assured him and he blushed– he was always so easy to fluster. He’d melt anytime you so much as complimented his guitar playing or called him honey.
“Well, thank you, sweetheart,” his voice was shy, but he gave you a kiss on the bridge of your nose in return. “I’ll start sharing them with you from now on.”
“Do you think you could draw something for me?” You looked up at him through your lashes, a pleading look on your face.
“I can certainly try,” he smirks before leaning in closer and giving you a short kiss.
“What do you want me to draw for you?”
Eddie had been confused when you asked that he draw the Hellfire Club logo, but he obliged your request nonetheless. He had been even more confused when you specified the size that you wanted the drawing to be, but your wish was his command.
One week later, you laid completely flat on a massage-style table in the one and only tattoo shop in Hawkins. The loose, baby blue cotton shorts you had worn were pushed down to your knees to allow access to your upper thigh, and you tried not to focus on how vulnerable you felt– this was your first tattoo and you’d never been so exposed around a complete stranger. Sure, you’d worn bathing suits at public pools and on the beach, but neither of those activities required a burly, heavily tattooed man with a nickname like Anthrax to pound ink into your flesh.
Part of you wished that Eddie was holding your hand, but that would have ruined the surprise. That’s why you were here while he was working a shift at the video parlor– he thought that you were at home on your day off; tending to your garden, reading a book, making a peach cobbler, catching up on laundry..
All things that sounded much more relaxing than the scratch and burn of a searing tattoo needle.
“So what made you decide that a devil should be your first tattoo?” The man called Anthrax asked you as he was close to finishing up.
“My boyfriend drew it for me,” you said, gritting your teeth through a particularly painful few scratches. “It’s something that means a lot to him.”
“Well,” he started as he sat the tattoo gun to the side and began cleaning up the excess ink on the skin of your thigh. “I hope you’re committed for life, because this tattoo certainly is.”
You stood up, taking a second to look at the finished piece in the reflection of the full length shop mirror. You loved it even more than you thought you would — the black and gray that you’d opted for over the normally bright red logo was the right choice. You were impressed by the intricacies and details of the horns and felt that the piece was just the right size — about six inches long from the chin of the devil to the tip of the his horns and about four inches in diameter, spanning from the center of your mid-thigh and stopping right under your bikini line.
“I’m not worried about it,” you told him, pulling your shorts back into place. “Fully committed here.”
You breathed a sigh of relief when you arrived home to find that Eddie’s van was nowhere to be seen. You had made it home before him, barely.
You quickly changed into an oversized Iron Maiden t-shirt that came down to your mid-thigh, ditching the shorts that you’d been wearing so that he had easy viewing access if he pushed the edge of the t-shirt up ever so slightly.
Just as you were about to gather the ingredients to throw together the cobbler you’d promised him, you heard the sputter of the old van’s engine as he pulled into the driveway.
“I swear, Henderson showing up to bicker with Steve is going to be the death of me—” You heard him mutter as he took off his boots in the foyer.
“I can’t decide who you’re more jealous of. Steve, because Dustin adores him, or Dustin, because Steve adores him,” you smirked at him from the kitchen doorway.
“I’m not jealous of anyone when I get to come home to this,” he gestured towards you in the band tee. “You know how much I love seeing you wear metal shirts.”
He all but skipped the rest of the way to where you stood, holding open his arms for you to jump into. You put your arms around his neck and he picked you up off the ground, earning a squeal of mixed excitement and surprise from you. You latched your legs around his abdomen as he walked you to the edge of the kitchen counter.
“I missed you today,” he sighed, plopping you onto the granite. “You’re the prettiest thing to come home to.”
He held your face in his hands, rubbing the pads of his thumbs against your cheeks. You hummed in response, sitting up slightly to meet his lips.
“You’re not the worst sight either,” you murmured into the kiss.
He suddenly froze, going still for a moment before looking around the kitchen in confusion. You followed his gaze, wondering why he pulled away from you when you realized what he was looking at.
Approximately a dozen peaches and a sack of flour.
“You didn’t make me a peach cobbler?” His tone was laced with faux disbelief.
“I did not,” you confessed. “But I do have a surprise for you.” The sudden wave of nervousness that washed over you was irrational— you already had the tattoo, there was no going back now. He’d see it sooner or later.
But you couldn’t find the words to say I love you so much that I could never be with anyone else in this lifetime and I got a tattoo of a devil that you drew to prove how true it is, so instead you simply glanced down at the space between your two bodies, slowly pulling the t-shirt out of the way to expose the freshly decorated skin.
“What the fu—” Eddie took a step back, squinting his eyes at your lap. He paused for a long moment, processing what he was seeing.
“My drawing?!” he exclaimed. “You got.. my drawing on you? Like for.. forever?”
“Yeah,” you agreed. “Like for forever.”
He was silent. You couldn’t quite decipher his reaction — whether it was pure excitement or pure horror.
He brought one long finger down to the top of your thigh, trailing the very tip along the outline of the devil’s face; your skin still puffy and tender.
“Holy shit,” he breathed.
“Holy shit good or holy shit bad?”
The answer he gave wasn’t one of words, but told you everything you needed to know.
Eddie had always been a passionate kisser. The kind of kissing that made you feel tipsy — a tongue that was both greedy and giving and hands that couldn’t be everywhere, all at once, fast enough.
But this somehow felt even more intense than his normal fervor.
He gave your bottom lip one last tug with his teeth before pulling away.
“I love it,” he affirmed. “I love it more than you could imagine.”
He crouched down in front of you, kneeling in between your legs on the hard linoleum of the kitchen floors. You looked down at him from where you still perched on the edge of the countertop, your hand instinctively lacing itself through his curls.
His arms hooked underneath your legs, hands coming around to dig into the squish of your thighs, carefully avoiding the freshly scarred patch of skin.
“Can’t believe someone loves me enough to get a tattoo for me,” he mumbles, lips trailing up your inner thighs. He alternates between the left and right, one kiss so soft you’d barely feel it and then the next sure to leave a mark.
“Really can’t believe that someone is you.”
Taking one long finger, he hooks it through your panties, exposing your center as he pulls them to the side.
Your breathing hitches when his lips first make contact with you.
He starts soft - languid and slow - as he usually does. He likes to take his time with you, heavenly yet torturously gentle flicks of his tongue that gradually become more eager, more giving, as you grind your core against his mouth.
He moans into you and it makes your toes curl - he wasn’t afraid to vocalize how pleasuring you, pleasured him. He knew the worshipful sounds spurred you on by the way you’d clench around him.
His lips lock around your throbbing clit, pulling away with a pop that almost sends you over the edge.
He looks up at you. He’s nearly as disheveled as you are; curly hair in disarray from your tugging and pulling, juices glistening over the lower half of his face, his naturally plump lips even more swollen from friction.
You thought he’d never looked more beautiful - this raw and messy version of him that was yearning to make you feel good. To make you feel as loved as you made him feel.
“My baby,” you coo from above him. “You’re so handsome.”
“Wanna make you come,” he murmurs against your cunt. “Want you to come on my face.”
“Then make me come,” you challenge him. You know that he will - he never hasn’t. He might take his time and tease but the payoff is always more than worth it.
He slides in one finger, followed by a second. You’re ready for him - already sopping from his tongue.
Your walls contract around his digits as he fucks you. He knows you’re close, he can always tell by your labored breathing and the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
He snakes his free hand underneath your t-shirt, palming at your breast with calloused fingers. The cool metal of his rings makes your nipples pucker as goosebumps spread over your skin.
His lips dart back to swollen bud at the apex of your sex, sucking until you’re mewling beneath him.
You tried to give him a verbal warning of your oncoming orgasm - let him know don’t stop, right there, keep doing that - but it hit you before you could get a word out.
The tight coil in your lower belly snapped and a bright, white-hot wave of pleasure radiated from your center and out, until every one of your limbs is limp and you go slack against the countertop, only being supported from where Eddie rested between your legs.
“I guess that means holy shit in a good way,” you laughed, still out of breath.
He stands up to kiss you again, this time sweet and short. You taste yourself on him, still, salty and a little tangy.
“The best way,” he clarified. “I think I’ll get a matching one. Or, if you wanted to draw something for me, I could get that tattooed—”
“No, no,” you stopped him. “You don’t have to get a stick figure tattooed on you, honey.”
He looked relieved. “Matching devil it is.”
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
I have been thinking of this scenario for a while. So in an alternative season 4 MC was in the Devildom with her/his Brother. MC, Mephisto, the brother and Solomon took part in comidic sketches produced and directed by Mephisto. All the lines were spoken in one of devildom's languages. This was Mephisto's birthday wish and he promised that the material would not see the light of day.
The scethes mocked the seven brothers. Lucifer was an idiot who thinks he is a genius, levi is a complete coward etc. Satan's and Belphie's pranks were a lot more cruel. Ruining Lucifer's birthday, puting laxitaves on his drink before an important important meeting etc. Mephisto played Lucifer, the brother played Satan, Solomon played Asmo and the rest were played by Mephisto's co-workers in the RAD newspaper. MC was the cameraman.
When the exhange year was over the brother "accindently" leaks the sketches on YouTube. The sketches become an internet sensation. People were impressed by the strange unknown language and the performances. They could also turn the sketches into new stories by adding subtitles (think Downfall parody). Brothers and datables react.
Your blog is amazing! Happy 1000k
Hello! Thank you and welcome back. I hope you like this!
the obey me cast reacts to viral videos mocking the brothers
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: videos poking fun at others, insecurity and self deprecation, crying, angry phone calls
lucifer is not happy about this at all, not only because it hurts his pride
these videos could have serious effects on him and his brother's statuses in the devildom, but it's probably less bad than he thinks, the people watching will know it's all jokes
he is disappointed to find out you filmed everything, solomon, your brother and mephisto better run
mammon thinks all scenes without him are funny, especially the ones mocking lucifer but he'd become a chandelier if he ever found out
he gets defensive when you show him a caricature of himself though, mammon goes on saying that it's nothing like him
also, he'll try to get back at solomon, your brother and mephisto by joking about them, but that video flopped
this isn't good for his self esteem, as he genuinely believes the exaggerated depictions of him are the truth
you better go comfort him because the poor guy is crying about it to his fish, you now kind of feel bad for filming all those videos
levi doesn't want to speak to any of the actors in the videos for a while, and he's upset with you but he forgives you
anyone knows it's a terrible idea to get on satan's bad side, you bet he will get back at every actor
while he was watching it all, satan had to turn it off multiple times because the anger was getting too dangerous
satan hates lucifer, that's true, but the pranks do have a limit
asmo is so angry he doesn't talk to everybody involved for a good while, only you he forgave easily but he did act more distant at first
he can't believe solomon would do him so dirty, one night at 2am, asmo called him to let him know exactly how he felt, the call took three hours
he also addressed the videos on his socials, he's scared his fans hate him now
beel doesn't take offence to mist of the content in the videos about himself, it's just something silly some people made after all
he's more upset at the clips because they mock his brothers, and it hurt their feelings
he's the most angry with your brother, because he was the one who published everything
the videos are really offensive, but belphie doesn't pay much attention to them
the people who saw it will probably forget about it in a week or so, and anyone can see there's almost 0 truth in the clips
but the fact that the videos seem so well made kind of ticks him off, why put so much effort in stuff like this?
he knows the videos will really bother lucifer and the others, so he tries to put a positive twist on the situation
'come on, these sketches make you seem more relatable to everyone! maybe even more likable'
that doesn't mean he's not upset about it, and he will let the actors and you know it
he probably didn't even watch it at first, he thinks there's more important stuff to pay attention to
barbatos only watched a little bit after it had become such a big topic in his circle
and, let's just say he's disappointed everyone put so much effort in this pure slander, but he keeps that feeling to himself
he thinks it's funny at first, but then it just felt like he was watching unfriendly roasting
despite being an angel, he could actually understand what was being said in the videos and it's rude to say the least
he tells solomon he needs to apologise to the brothers
he doesn't understand the language, but he knows it's about the brothers based on the costumes
simeon stopped him from watching everything multiple times
luke didn't think the videos were all that special, but now that simeon doesn't let him watch them he's curious
he is not happy with the fact that your brother published them, it was just for private fun
solomon tried to play it off like it isn't a big deal, but the phone call with asmo shook him out of that fantasy
he tries his best to take the videos down, but that's kind of hard with viral stuff
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Ayato Sakamaki- My Only Human
Can I make a request from your x -rated prompts. 36, 40, 57 , With Ayato Sakamaki. >.< if you can.
Idea: Maybe the reader, catches a student at the night school flirting and touching him, but when she thought he would shove her off, he doesn't. She gets super mad at him and doesnt talk to him the rest of the day until he comes in her room after school demanding to the what the readers problem is, and it leads to some rough sexy time??
If you cant thats fine >.<
36- That’s it, grab my hair. Yank it, pull me back into your pussy.
40- How do you ride me so good? God damn, you’re gonna break me!
57- Fuck! You’re mine. You’re fucking mine and I’m fucking yours.
“Yui, question.” you walked through the halls with your favorite adoptive-cousin. 
“Y/N, Answer!” she giggled in reply. “What’s up?”
“I needed help! Me and this math thing is not a thing.” you glared down at your folder.
“18, 42, 6.9 and X=17.” she instantly filled in the blanks to the questions you hadn’t answered.
“Have I ever told you I loved you?” you faked crying.
“Only always.” she shrugged. “I see the boys beat us here.” she mused, noticing the Sakamaki AND the Mukami brothers in the respective groups by the lockers, right across from each-other.
“Always beating us here, but never offering to drop us off...assholes.”
“Aren’t you the one insisting on Ayato and you arriving at different times?” she raised a brow as you two slowed down in pace.
“I told it it would be better if I arrived a little bit after him after his gaggling fans dispersed.” you half-shrugged. “The last thing I need are his fangirls trying me.” you rolled your eyes.
“Like that girl flirting with Ayato?”
“Exactly...Wait WHAT?” 
Yui pointed in the direction of the Sakamaki brothers. A girl was standing in front of him. Holding her books to her chest with one hand while twirling strands of her hair in another. 
“Julia.” you growled. “She always does this!” you motioned to how ridiculous it was that she always flirted with one of the Sakamaki brothers. Especially the one that was TAKEN!
“Ayato won’t let her even touch him!” Yui tried to console you. 
“You know what, you’re right.” you smiled a little. Everyone knew you two were an item. She wouldn’t dare.
“He loves you and he wouldn’t let her-”
You two watched as Ayato put on a flirtatious smile, crossing his arms in amusement as he leaned against the lockers.
“Maybe he won’t even entertain-”
Julia trailed a finger up his arm, laughing like a hyena.
“Maybe he’ll embarrass her?”
You watched as he took her hand, raised it to his mouth and gave her knuckles a short peck.
“Yui I love you, but I’ma need you to stop talking.” your voice kinda cracked. 
You had transferred from day school to night school for him. You had transferred SCHOOLS for him. You dealt with the burden of having to take care of a human girl who was allergic to her own skin (you loved Yui to bits, but damnit if she didn’t get you into trouble all the time) on some days along with dealing with a bunch of perverted, self-important, assholes for him...so why..WHY was he responding to Julia....like he was single.
“I’m going class.” you grumbled. “See you later.”
“Y/N WAIT!” 
Ayato needed to pass his English Lit. Class project, so of course when that Julia girl offered to type his report for him, he couldn’t say no. He had to pretend he wasn’t disgusted by her if he was going to remain in the top 5% of people with an actual brain. Fuck being like the other students.
“Y/N WAIT!” 
“That sounded like Yui.” Reiji commented. They were surprised to see you bolted down the hallway at full speed with Yui on your tail. She skid to a stop to glare at Ayato.
“You’ve really done it this time.” was all she said before she ran off. “Y/N!! COME BACK!”
“Smooth move, moron.” Yuma called from the other side. “Looks like I get to play knight in shining armor.” he winked.
“Ayato~” Julia got his attention, “make sure to meet me in the library so I can give you your essay.”
“Yeah, sure whatever.” Ayato watched at Yui chased you down the hall.
... (Lunchtime/Free Period)
You sat in the courtyard, sadly staring at a sketchbook page You liked to paint or draw school life in the quad. You had started with a sketch of the Sakamaki brothers, but it didn’t feel right.
You’d probably get in trouble, but you just had to draw Yuma Mukami who was sitting by the fountain. You looked up every so often, hoping he didn’t see you. 
“Y/N!” You heard. You turned your head to the side to see Ayato sitting with his brothers. “COME OVER HERE.”
Wordlessly, you grabbed your sketchbook...only to walk to the other side of the quad. You sat at another table, focusing back on your artwork.
“Hey...”A shadow was cast over your work.
“Do you mind?” you grumbled. “You’re blocking my light source.”
“Hm, I was just thinking you’d wanna see the reference up close.”
Your head darted up to see Yuma, standing in front of you. “May I sit.”
“Do whatever you want.” you grumbled. “I don’t care.”
Ayato watched from the other side of the court yard as that smug playful bastard took your sketchbook from in front of you and began flipping through it. Why hadn’t you sat with him today?? That Mukami dickwad had better not touch you.
He watched as Yuma flirted with you, and thankfully you didn’t seem to fall for his charms. Though that half smile you gave when he gave you a flower that had been growing nearby was enough to make him angry. 
“AYATOOOO~” Julia practically threw herself into the spot where you usually sat when you sat with him. “I finished your report!”
“Great. Sure, whatever.” he glared potholes at Yuma.
“So...do you wanna eat lunch together?”
“That’s nice, Maria.”
“It’s Julia...”
“Sure whatever.”
“There’s that smile.” he winked as you looked at the flower. 
“Thanks, I guess.”
“Also, next time you draw me...let’s have it be a nude painting huh?” He winked, getting up.
“Gross.” you scoffed, standing up yourself. “See you in Biology.” you cringed.
“Y/N!” you heard Ayato’s voice call again. Just ignore him...(Read more below the break)
... (Smut warning)
When you got home, you locked yourself in your room. You had told Yui to not bother trying to make you feel better, because it wouldn’t work. You had just finished your homework when-
“Y/N! LET ME IN!” Ayato angrily knocked at the door. When he didn’t hear anything back, he decided that the window would have to suffice. “FINE! YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE.”
“Oh shit!” you began to run towards the window, hoping to shut it when Ayato practically appeared out of nowhere with a frown on his face.
“Why have you been ignoring me?” he glowered. When you didn’t answer, he grew more agitated. “Y/N, Don’t make me ask again.” Still nothing. “Y/N, You have three seconds to tell me-”
“Why don’t you ask Julia!” you finally snapped. “You sure seem to like flirting with HER.”
“What? I’d never flirt with that disgusting-”
“SO KISSING HER HAND THIS MORNING WASN’T FLIRTING! Yui and I saw you! She touched your arm and you didn’t even move!” you accused. 
“Y/N, let me explain!”
“YOU DON’T NEED TO! You don’t love me anymore!” you pointed. “So go be with her! Go flirt with her! Go and spend time with her because that all you seemed to be interested in doing today!”
Ayato gasped, he finally realized what Yui had been talking about when she said ‘You really done it this time.’ He hadn’t even realized it, but he had been busy with Julia all day that by the time he got free time. He thought-
“You gonna let me talk now, Human?” he used the pet-name he coined for you. “I don’t love Julia. And I wasn’t flirting with her because I don’t love you.”
“She was doing my English Lit. paper and I had to make her think she was worth my time.” he explained. “She had to think I was actually interested in her or else she’d make a scene. She knew what this exchange was. A litle bit of attention and that A+ was as good as mine. I passed by the way.” he winked.
“S-so, you don’t love her?” you wiped your eyes.
“Of course not! How many times have I told you that my heart only belongs to you?” He asked. “Idiot.” he shook his head with an amused smile. “As if that plain, lowly human could ever compare to my own personal descendant of the goddeses that made this wicked world.” he bit his lip. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I was running out of time. I would have told you, had you sat with me at lunch today.” he rolled his eyes. “...Y/N, please accept my deepest apology. I wouldn’t hurt you...unless you asked.” he wiggled his eyebrows at the last part. “Now come here.”
He grabbed your waist and pulled you towards him, taking you in a long drawn out kiss. He purposefully moaned in your mouth, laughing maniacally through each peck.
“Me, and that disgusting excuse- how laughable.” he began kissing down your neck. “I guess I’ll have to show you that you’re mine and will only ever be mine.” 
“Ayato~” you whimpered. 
“Shush.” he kissed you again. “ Fuck! “ he kept kissing your lips “You’re mine. You’re fucking mine and I’m fucking yours. .” He backed you up towards the bed. “Usually I’d ask you to suck my dick first, but I want everything to be about you.” he made you sit down. “Aww, you didn’t take off your uniform, so I can take your panties off right now.” he smirked.
Had he lost his mind?!?
“Have you lost your mind?!?” your legs shook as your panties were discarded who knew where. 
“I’ve always wanted to defile you while you were wearing it, so you can think of me every single time you put it on. Mmmmff-” he buried his head between your legs, exploring your depths with his tongue.
You took in a sharp breath, instantly arching your back in his favor. Good, that was his invitation to go forward. “Y/N, you taste so fucking good-” he laughed gleefully. “I wanna bite your clit and taste the blood right from your naughty place.” he moaned, lashing his tongue against your heat. 
“Ayato, It feels so-” you mewled. “M-more, please?”
Hearing this, he went feral. He dug his nails into your thighs, sucking harshly at your slit. You had to hold the back of his head to stay vertical, your hands tangled through his lush hair.
“ That’s it, grab my hair. Yank it, pull me back into your pussy-mmm. “ he couldn’t even finish his sentence. He was so hungry that not even a snide comment could leave his lips while he tasted you. He’d never do this with anyone else, love anyone else. He was having too much fun worshipping his beautiful human. 
“Ayato- I’m gonna c-cu-”
“Cum. Let me taste you. Let me feel it against me, let me drive my fangs into your thighs while you cum so you can feel what true ecstasy feels like.” 
You felt yourself unravel, only to feel those fangs dig into your left thigh. “Ungh! Ayato!!” you cried. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” he lapped up your blood. “It tastes even better when you’re cumming.” he bit his lip. “I wanna feel you wrap around me.” he crawled over you, capturing your mouth in a long, messy kiss.
You were surprised when he moved you two so you were straddling him. “Undo my jeans, take what’s yours, Y/N.” he bit his lips. 
You shyly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled then down along with his boxers. You were welcomed by a very obvious hardon. 
His cock slapped against his stomach as it was set free. 
“C-can I, touch?”
“It’s yours.” he winked. “Do whatever you want to me.”
You began stroking him, coaxing a low satisfied moan from your lover. You wanted to be mean and leave him but who were you kidding, you both needed it.
“Is it too forward to ask you to ride my cock?” he asked, biting his lip. “Please?”
He caressed your thighs, coaxing you to slip his dick along the perimeter of your slit. You met his eyes, but could only shyly look away.
“Oh Goooodd-” he sucked in air as his dick slipped inside. You shy rocked your hips, coaxing another moan out of him. His hands rested on your thighs. “Shit, Y/N, Why are you so fucking- Ungh...Shit I can’t take much more.” he thrusted his hips upwards. 
A small gasp hitched in your throat, followed by many as he thrust himself in and out of you. You wanted some sort of control too, so you rolled your hips even more against him. “Shit. Ayato~” you moaned. “Fuuuh-”
“Why would I want anyone else when you’re here with me.” he spoke. “Why would I NEED anyone else!” he growled. “You’re mine! I’m Yours, that’s how to fuck it should be!” he seethed. “Fuck your pussy feels so good.”
He was absolutely right, you didn’t think even washing this uniform would get his essence out of it.
“Shit!!” Ayato threw his head back, moaning like you had never seen him moan before. You didn’t even think he could even make such a face. “Y/N!!! “ he cried. “I fucking love you so much, Fuck, S-shit!! Fuck say it back, please.”
“Ayato,” you felt his cock twitch inside. “I love you-haah-aah!”
“ How do you ride me so good? God damn, you’re gonna break me! “ he cried, digging his nails into your thighs. “Fuck Y/N this is what you to do me!!”
You both were loud, sensitive, and on the brinK of breaking.
“I’m gonna CU---AAAHH FUUCCK!” you felt his warmth spill inside you. You were taken aback by him wrapped a hand around your neck and pulling you down to kiss you abruptly. He moaned loudly into your mouth, crying in euphoria as he bottomed out inside your wetness.
“Y/N!” he cried once more. “Fuck I love you.” his face twisted in pleasure, those usually stern eyebrows going soft. “I fucking love you. My human, My only human~.” he hugged you close.
“Ayato~” you replied just as wantonly. “I love you.” you whimpered.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook for ignoring me today, now it’s my turn to get revenge.” you heard his breathless laugh. “Shall we continue?”
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apompkwrites · 3 years
reader impact || first meeting
series masterlist characters: xiao, albedo genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: have i read a few genshin impact x game character reader stories and impulsively decided to make one too? maybe. you can't prove anything. i don't know if this will be a series but we'll see :D
xiao's playthrough -
xiao, named as alatus on his streaming platform, has made himself known as a gaming streamer with an awkward personality and blunt words.
he's the type of streamer who wouldn't have a set type of game and would, instead, play whatever his viewers recommended.
valorant? sure, he'll try it out.
hitman? why not?
animal crossing? it's a complete 180 from the other games, but sure.
when one of his viewers recommended genshin impact, he was quick to say yes and search for the game.
once the game finishes downloading, he quickly begins the game.
once the opening cutscene passes, he compliments the overall aesthetic of the game, pointing out the smaller details such as the footprints made by his character and the sound their clothes make when they move.
as always, his expressions are quite monotone to a point where it seems nothing draws his attention towards the game.
one of his mods, however, knows xiao well enough to where he knows which character he would like.
they convince xiao that the game is worth sticking with towards the second half of chapter 1, act 1.
he doesn't understand but he trusts his mods so he promises to continue.
it takes a few hours, especially because of the grinding, but a few streams later he's finally made it.
after fighting a one-sided argument with cloud retainer, he immediately begins his trek to the wangshu inn. and yes, trek, he enjoys walking/gliding through the world of teyvat rather than fast traveling everywhere.
he walks up the stairs to the top floor of the inn, resting his hands in his lap as the cutscene begins.
"to the blind, everything may not be as it appears..."
xiao is normally stoic during games, even ones with scenes made to fluster the player and catch them off guard.
but not this time.
once xiao's character is faced with yours, he just stops. his chat is spamming messages, asking if he's okay and if he's actually emoting for once.
he just stares at your character for a good five minutes.
and trust me, at least half of his viewers clipped that.
"... who are they?"
that was his only question after those minutes of silence. never before had he been attached to a character within the first few minutes of meeting them. his mind is racing and all he can think about is how amazing your character design is and how nice your voice is and how cool your character is and--
oh right, he's streaming right now...
anyway, the more your conversation goes on, the more he loves your character.
you're just so sassy and snappy but he loves you either way.
once you turn away with your back towards the camera, he just stares.
he stares at the intricate tattoo on your exposed arm and the mask hanging off of your belt.
and then you're gone.
his face drops so quickly and his viewers are very quick to point it out. he grimaces once paimon starts talking and he's very tempted to just speed through her dialogue.
he just wants to see you again.
once he hears from verr goldet that you've never smiled (at least around her), he immediately turns to the camera and says, "we better make them smile in this game."
once he finds out about your favorite food, he's already asking his viewers if he's able to get the recipe for it.
the next time he gets to talk to you, his face just lights up once he sees your character standing on the balcony.
however, once his characters tell you about rex lapis's death, his heart sinks when he hears how sad your voice becomes, even if your tone is still as harsh as before.
he gets all sad again when the quest ends and he has to wait to unlock the next archon quest.
he ends the game there and decides to spend the last few minutes talking to his viewers.
"i'll stream genshin again soon."
his viewers all know it's only because he met you.
albedo's playthrough -
albedo often does art streams and the occasional science-y stream.
if he does games, he mainly uses them to admire the art/mechanics of the gameplay.
genshin impact was one of those games he decided to play on his own solely because of the beautiful scenary.
(and the opportunity to draw more characters).
he's definitely the player that cares about elemental reactions above all else. pretty much every character he uses is built for elemental damage instead of physical.
most of his genshin streams are him walking around teyvat and pointing out the scenary.
he was definitely excited for the dragonspine event because that meant a better view of teyvat!
what he wasn't prepared for, however, was the reveal of a new character: you.
he isn't too into looking at the updates for genshin on his own, so he didn't find out about who you were until his stream asked about it.
he decided to react to the newest updates live since his chat seemed excited to hear his input.
once he pulled up the latest update details, he spent a few minutes talking about the new subzero mechanic.
but once he scrolled down to the characters... OH BOY
he's able to keep his composure but he definitely spends longer talking about you.
he almost gasped when he saw you were the chief alchemist of mondstadt.
combine that with the fact that you rely on elemental damage instead of physical...
your honor, he's fallen hard.
he'll put a countdown on stream to when your character and event drops, even on his non-genshin streams.
speaking of those streams, on the week just before your event, his streams will all be based around you and the information he's seen on you.
his art streams will consist of you and how he thinks your attacks will work just based on the description (he purposely avoided all pictures of your attacks for this stream).
his science-y streams would probably be based on your element.
once your event drops, that's the only thing he'll stream until it's over.
your assistant used to be his favorite character to play as but they just never clicked. it's not like he hates your assistant, it's just he didn't immediately fall in love with them.
his party definitely has your assistant in it, though.
he would have normally taken his time to look around dragonspine and admire the new scenery, but he couldn't help but speed through it until he finally gets to see you onscreen.
once the cutscene officially introduces you in front of a canvas, he's internally panicking.
you like art too?! and science?! how perfect can you be?!?!?!
he will genuinely feel bad when he scares the hilichurls because he knows that that's what you were sketching.
"who are you? why did you alarm them?"
even when you tell him you've finished sketching, he wants to make it up to you :((
if he were able to, he would've lured more hilichurls to let you sketch more.
some people in his chat would probably spam him to skip your dialogue because it's so wordy, but that's the exact reason why he listens to it all.
he likes listening to your character ramble on, especially because you have a soothing voice.
anytime your character does their idle animation where you give life to something, he will always let it play. even if your dialogue is finished before the animation, he would not progress until it's completed.
once your character asks for help, he would immediately agree before you finished your sentence.
man just wants to spend more time with you.
he likes staring at the tattoo on your neck whenever the camera is close to you. he just thinks it's really pretty on you.
once your other nonplayable assistant begins talking, he'll skip through the dialogue. he doesn't care if it goes more in depth into this world's alchemy, he just wants to hear it from you.
"hmm, looks like the potion's ready. i'll try a little first."
"please don't..."
he doesn't want you to try it just in case it hurts you :(
anytime he is allowed to walk freely with you around, he'd definitely put his traveler character next to you for a few minutes and just let you two stare at each other.
someone asks him why he spends a few minutes doodling on his desk when you talk.
he shows them the notebook that he had been writing notes in. it's filled with little doodles of you and some more information you give on the world of alchemy.
for future streams the involve you, he'd set up another camera to show the notes and doodles he's making about you.
sometimes he'll spend a few minutes on a single section where the camera is focused on you just to recreate the picture in the notebook.
he absolutely loves whoever planned out the camera angles because of how cute you look in every one of them.
he definitely gets a bad vibe from rosaria when she hints at the fact that you may be using alchemy against him.
he will defend you and alchemy to his grave!
that one scene where you create a flower in front of you is one he will always treasure.
he makes sure someone clipped that moment just so he can draw that, make it a print, and put it on his wall.
since most of his viewers most likely consist of artists, he will encourage them to draw you and send him fanart. he will put them all on a wall and dedicate every picture that goes there to you.
"if i one day lose control... destroy mondstadt... as well as everything around it..."
"will you be there to stop me?"
"wait... no."
if people were only listening to that portion, they would still be able to hear the pout on his face.
he'll end the game there but change his stream into an impromptu art stream.
he will only be drawing you in nice situations to distract himself from the fact that there is something going on with you.
"hm? what do you mean something's wrong with (name)? i have no idea what you're talking about."
poor boy's in denial...
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digital-corruption · 2 years
Unrecognisable Part 31
After two days of the uncertainty and stress of being on the run, all I wanted to do was lounge around in Jake’s hoodie on a nice, cushy king-sized bed and never get up again. The wall-mounted television was on, but it was just noise that I wasn’t really listening to. I had relocated to one of the spare rooms of the penthouse, one in which I had a clear view of the home office across the hall, where Jake sat working at the desk. I had no idea what he was doing, but it must’ve been serious because not only had he gotten fully dressed, but he pulled his hood over his head and put his earphones in to focus. I had to admit I was watching him more than the television because he was so intense. It made me wonder what he was getting up to, but I didn’t want to bother him, so I never asked. Occasionally he would glance at me and catch me staring. I'd blush and look back at the television. He smiled and went back to concentrating on his work.
An advertisement for the evening news suddenly caught my attention. It brought up the two international fugitives that held up the local prison while promising updates to the investigation at 6 o’clock, which I found curious as we haven't moved since last night. However, the advertisment had an updated wanted photo of me, which was obviously taken from the prison when I signed in for the hearing. This concerned me - my short, black hair was no longer going to work. I'd have to make use of my new wig, but would that be enough? What else could I do to change my appearance? Using a different makeup style, even going goth would probably confuse the casual observer. Would that be enough? Jake had it easy with that lousy police sketch and for that I was a bit jealous, but at the same time, having a license to experiment and not caring what anyone else thought for once had its own allure. It almost felt like I was a kid again, playing with my appearance to pretend to be someone else.
As soon as the next commercial started, I checked my phone again to see if there was any word from Lilly about Richy’s parole, but there was still nothing. I closed my eyes and let the scene replay again in my head. There was something about the way Richy looked at me that I just couldn’t put my finger on. The twisted man had done everything to Amy, Hannah Jessy, and me so selfishly just to remove his own guilt. Yet the man I saw the day before was so different. He was vulnerable, exposed, beaten, tortured, and even humbled - as if he had already punished himself to the fullest extent. I started to have second thoughts. Maybe it wasn't a lie. Maybe he was honestly remorseful. Maybe it was time to forgive him and move on. It wasn’t his fault that Hannah received the time she was given. It was out of his control, even if he did testify against her. It wasn’t like he would ever be able to forget the wrongs he had committed. He had to carry that weight wherever he went. Find a place where he would be accepted would be a struggle and maybe that was enough. Maybe it was time to let it go.
I opened my eyes and found Jake standing over the bed watching me. I subconsciously averted my eyes.
"Is something bothering you?" He questioned.
"Ah no, I was just resting my eyes," I lied. I couldn’t bear to admit I was considering accepting Richy’s remorse.
"You keep checking your phone," he commented. "It is stressing you out and it's definitely stressing me out."
"I was just wondering if there had been any updates regarding Richy," I explained.
"Lilly will let us know when it is time. Checking your phone will do nothing to hasten the outcome," he frowned. "You’re not reconsidering your stance, are you? I saw his pathetic pleas as well."
"No, of course not," I lied again. "He is guilty of far more than what he was convicted of. He should see out his time."
Jake said nothing and just stared at me for a bit. I felt like he was trying to determine whether I was lying or not, which made me uncomfortable. I squeezed my hand to try to keep myself from faltering.
"Then let's get your mind off of it," he smiled. "Go get dressed. I have arranged for you to meet with my tattoo artist."
"Oh, I had forgotten," I was caught off guard.
"You forgot?" His eyes widened.
"Yeah, with everything going on, it slipped my mind," I responded honestly as I sat up. "It’s fine, I still want to do it of course."
"Good," he nodded a bit apprehensively. "Let me know when you're ready to leave."
"But I thought you didn't want us going in and out too much?" I asked.
"I don't want us coming and going carelessly. This is important though. We don’t know if we'll get another chance," he answered rather morbidly and started to walk away. He paused and turned back, "Well it is important to me. Clearly not to you."
"Jake!" I stood up aghast. "It is important, ok? It's been very hectic! I was really enjoying not worrying about anything for a change. You know, for a while there, it was just us and the rest of the world disappeared."
"Then you checked your phone to see if there was an update about another man," he gritted his teeth.
"Oh, wow, and here I thought you cared about his parole too," I narrowed my eyes.
"Let me worry about him. He doesn't deserve your concern," Jake shook his head and walked off.
I stood there flabbergasted for a while, then turned off the TV and went back to the master bedroom to get dressed for going out. I didn't really understand him. Why was he bringing this back up so suddenly out of the blue? What was his rush? He mentioned it was the same tattoo artist that did his dragon tattoo. Did that mean he was in Colville back then? Maybe he wanted to make sure it was done by someone he trusted, and he wasn't sure how long we'd be able to stay in Colville. That had to be it.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I slipped my new wig on. It was a bit of a mess after everything that happened, so it needed some fixing up. Looking at my limited makeup supply I did what I could to change up my usual style. It wasn’t as big of a change that I wanted, but it would have to do until I could get my hands on more.
After I finished getting ready, I went back to the office where Jake was still working. "Strange, crazy question - How are we getting there? I mean with everything that happened, maybe we shouldn't walk the streets or ride the bus."
"I was considering taking the Maserati," Jake responded nonchalantly as he turned the computer monitor to show me the CCTV of the apartment building's parking garage. Sure enough, there was a Maserati parked down there.
"You’re not serious," I frowned. "That's got to be impossible to steal."
"For an amateur, sure," he grinned.
I took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Even if I believe you, and you can hack the security on that thing, it's not really, you know, low key, is it?"
Jake’s expression soured, "You’re ruining my fun."
"Maybe next time?" I offered with a smile.
"Fine, but I'm taking the Roadster," he insisted.
"Why? For all of that top-down driving we're going to do?" I laughed. "Actually, that would be a terrible idea with my wig. Don't do it. Why can't we just take that Fiat?"
"You can't be fucking serious," Jake looked at me like I had three heads.
"Low key, Jake!" I pushed.
"Garage of fucking expensive cars and you want me to steal a Fiat 500!?" He exclaimed. "You’re so lucky you're cute."
I stuck my tongue out at him. He stood up from the desk and walked over quickly to me. Defensively I retracted my tongue. 
"Go on, stick it back out," he teased. "What’s the matter? Not so brave now, are you?"
I stuck my tongue back apprehensively. He leant down and held it between his teeth while looking deep into my eyes. I could feel my willpower draining under his gaze. He released my tongue and sucked it lovingly in what then became a passionate and heated kiss.
"We should go before we get too distracted," I said sheepishly.
"Yes, I need to go steal a Fiat 500 for you," he mocked.
"You do like to impress," I teased.
Jake slapped my butt, then led the way out the apartment door to the elevator. As soon as we got into the lift, he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall for an intense make out session, blocking me from the security camera’s view. When other people got on, he shifted to ensure they couldn’t see me. If they became too curious, he tickled my side to make me squeal and the strangers averted their eyes.
As soon as we reached the ground floor, we got out. Jake held my hand as we walked to the front doors, outside of which the valet's booth was set up. Jake asked me to distract the poor teenager working it that day. Not really having any creativity on the matter, I did the very thing I used to groan about in movies - I picked up a pen I noticed on the ground, went outside and pretended to fall near the valet station.
"Are you all right, ma'am?" The teenager came over to help me. 
Ma'am!? He was lucky I was putting on an act or else I would've given him a mouthful, "Oh, I'm so clumsy! I completely missed that step. Ah! My favourite pen! Where is it!? I simply must find it! My late grandmother gave me that pen!"
"What does it look like?" The teen asked as he looked around.
"It is long… narrow… with a cap…," I tried to drag it out as long as possible.
"And says 'Get lucky at Lucky’s Casino and Bar?'" The teen read out the side of the pen to me.
"That's the one!" I replied cheerfully. "My grandmother got a royal flush with that pen in her pocket, she did!"
"Oh, wow!" The teen responded impressed and handed it back to me. "Better not lose it then!"
We stood back up and I brushed myself off, "Yes, I won 200 in the lottery when I used it to fill out the form."
"That is lucky," the teen started to back away from the conversation.
"Hey, there you are," Jake walked up and put a hand on my shoulder to cut in. "I looked everywhere for the ticket, but I couldn’t find it, love. Hey, you're the valet attendant, right? So sorry, I lost the ticket, but I remember the number. It was 51. For a white Fiat. And, uh, our keychain has a small silver panda on it, which is ridiculous since it's not a Panda, it's a 500, but that’s my girlfriend for you. Could you get the car for us?"
“Oh, it’s a bit of a problem if you lost the ticket,” the teen answered nervously. “Do you know the plate number?”
“BE1337,” Jake added. “One I’ll never forget.”
"Yeah, that should be ok," the teen nodded feeling a bit unsure of himself. "I'll bring your car around right away, sir. Try not to lose the ticket again, though. My manager really hates it when people don't bring their tickets back."
“Thank you,” Jake smiled.
As we watched the gullible teen walk off, I whispered to Jake, “It’s scary how easily you fool people.”
Jake scoffed, "Just think, I could have taken the Maserati."
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