#i made this post partly out of love for felsi
Why Felsi is the Future of Jeturk
The Jeturk company almost collapsed before Guel finally took up the helm and received Miorine’s support, however it still stands on shaky legs. However, I believe I have found the best way to evolve the company and let it regain its pride, and the key to that is Felsi Rollo.
First, let’s look at the reoccurring flaw of Jeturk, impulsiveness to action. Vim, Guel, and Lauda all suffer from anger issues which then cause preemptive actions. Vim is a man quick to anger, with most of his scenes consisting of him yelling or slapping his son. Guel had a hair-trigger temper early on in the series and constantly jumped into fights, only to then get kicked in the dick by the narrative. And Lauda, while coming off as less reactionary at first, when things become unstable he becomes vindictively angry and gets even more aggressive than Guel.
The only time the narrative doesn’t punish Guel for acting impulsively is when he does so to save Seethia, and even then, there still isn’t a happy ending. It’s only when Guel acts to protect someone that his character arc starts climbing again.
We also see the same idea in the Jeturk mobile suits. The Darilbalde and Dilanza both put up with a lot of damage, the Darilbalde especially taking multiple point blank murder shots from the Michaelis. It’s also thanks to the updated AI that Vim implemented that Guel managed to block the shots and survive, protecting his son from the grave.
Overall, what the Jeturk company needs to do is go from a company that produces weapons to fight, to a company that protects others.
Now we haven’t seen what actions Guel has taken with the company yet, with the Schwarzette being a Vim created project that he wasn’t aware of until he became the president. However, due to his partnership with Miorine, who’s in charge of the medical company GUND-Arm, and his refusal to kill Shaddiq, it’s shown that Guel wants to take the company in a more pacifistic direction.
However, Guel still suffers from his impulsive actions and words, as well as his inability to properly communicate as seen in his fight with Lauda. He’s also stuck in a sort of delusion concerning his father. In order to motivate himself to act, he’s almost deified his father in his mind, even more than he already did at the beginning of the series. He spends the second season in a sort of limbo, moving forward to new future while trying to ignore the abuse and guilt he feels about his father. When Lauda, his only remaining family, rejects Guel, he loses the desire to live and accepts his coming death. Guel is still struggling and he needs to work on himself first before he can move the Jeturk company in the right direction.
And that’s where Felsi comes in
Felsi has shown that she embodies the ideal of acting to protect others. During the Open Campus event, she shields Lauda’s Dilanza with her own to protect him and then jumps out to make sure he’s okay. In the second terrorist attack, she goes out by herself to protect the other students and stop Norea from her rampage, even working with Chuchu. After Petra is injured, she sits outside her hospital room and waits for her to get better before asking to join Earth House so she can do something to help others. Finally, she calls out Guel and Lauda’s self-centered battle, saving Guel by using a flame retardant (or something like that).
Felsi is the pilot the Jeturk company needs. Someone who acts to protect others instead of acting to satiate their own personal grievances.
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