#i made this on my phone so hopefully its ok
yo9urt · 6 months
today i return to the sea
#mine#its my last first day of school (until/unless i go to grad school but thats way off if it even happens)#the rest of these tags are all just going to be complaints so keep scrolling if you dont gaf#ok first complaint. my schedule is stupid and awful i think#winters schedule was weird too. but this one kinda sucks#the main problem i see is that both of my main classes are in the middle of the day so theres probably going to be people eating#(i have mis0phon1a)#so thats number 1. 2nd problem is that those classes also have the grading scale where u need at least 95 PERCENT to get an A. girl!#they are also both 400 level spanish classes so theyre just going to be kind of hard and annoying and a lot of work in general#the next problem is that my other class is actually not quite a class it is a teaching practicum. which i didnt even 100% want to do#but the certificate could be useful so im doing it anyway.#one of the guys in that class (i know some of the students already from winter) eats like a hog for like the first 20-30 mins so thats goin#to be miserable i bet. also at some point im gonna have to teach a lesson myself#which is scary and also frustrating because again i didnt even really want to do this. WHATEVER#ok what else. ummmmm#oh i think i might be unemployed LOL normally my boss would have done schedule coordination stuff like last week but i havent heard from he#at all. this is because we are government funded and the government does not want to fund us anymore -_- suck my balls#and my hog too. so money is going to be a concern which is especially awesome because ive already been trying to save up#becaues im moving out this year hopefully so im gonna need $ for that and for probably upgrades like i might get a new phone and computer#and stuff etc. and i live in an HCOL area so even though i literally just buy groceries my bill is like $294358939358/month#SIGH. also of course the final problem on the list is the behemoth of them all: i have to apply for jobs#i made a little spreadsheet to hopefully make the process easier. but its going to be agony lol fucking resumes and cover letters how about#i just kill myself now -_- and fucking interviews too. fuuuuuck you suck my nuts and dick and balls#i dont know how im going to cope iwth any of this LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also as usual i have like no friends so its just me going it alo#alone* in this big awful spring. 2 and a half months of this.#i suppose i will need to go back to the dispensary.#fuuuuuuuuuck man
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lucy90712 · 3 months
Hey so for Jude Bellingham can you write like Jude cheating on reader, he is very distant with her and she tries to make plans or asks him things like how has ur day been but he either just gives her blunt replies or just completely ignores her. Reader finds out he cheated on her via his phone and she confronts him and she admits it. Then reader leaves him and moves on with someone else (not a footballer just someone random) and Jude regrets what he has done but it is too late. Like pure angst and please make it long! Thank you!
A/n: the timeline on this doesn’t really work but just ignore that
Part 2
Sitting in a restaurant alone waiting for someone to show up is embarrassing. It's even more embarrassing when people know who your boyfriend is and are very clearly judging you and thinking about what might be going on in your personal life. Then the most embarrassing part of it all is having to leave after sitting there for an hour. 
No text no call and no answer. After getting home from the restaurant I stayed up for as long as possible to try and wait for Jude to come home so I could ask him why he didn't show up to the date he planned and invited me on but by 3am he still wasn't home. The next morning he wasn't in bed but he had clearly been home and then left for training but he still hadn't even read the texts I sent him last night. He did post on his Instagram story which explained where he was, he was at a party with all of his friends. I'd love to say that's the first time he's done this but it isn't in fact he's done it countless times in the last few months. 
Valentine's Day
Two hours ago I got ready in a cute dress and did my makeup ready to go out to dinner with Jude. He's been so busy recently so we haven't spent much time together but he promised me we'd spend Valentine's Day together, he got us a reservation at my favourite restaurant and told me to dress up. That's exactly what I did now I'm sat here still waiting for him to get home two hours after when he said he'd be home. 
It hurts to be left just waiting I was looking forward to tonight and getting to spend some time together as I've missed having him around. He made this move to Madrid out to be the best thing for us but ever since things just haven't been the same. He's always busy and when he's not he chooses to spend time with his teammates instead which I understand but at the same time he's neglecting me and our relationship. I tried to bring this up but he shut me down and promised to spend more time with me which is how we ended up with this date but clearly it's not that important to him. 
Close to 3 hours later Jude finally came home and looked at me incredibly confused when he saw me all dressed up. 
"Where are you going?" He asked 
"On a date with you remember you said we would go out for dinner because it's Valentine's Day" I said 
"I'm so sorry baby I completely forgot this week has been crazy I promise I'll make it up to you another day but I'm so tired is a movie night instead ok" he said 
"Yeah its ok" I lied 
As always I woke up to an empty bed and Jude having left for training. Today isn't any normal day though it's my birthday so all my friends are coming over and we are going to go out for lunch together then hopefully Jude and I can do something together this evening even if it's just watching something together on the sofa. When I grabbed my phone from my bedside table I had loads of messages from friends and family wishing me a happy birthday and my social media was filled with edits done by Jude's fans which were all so sweet. The only notable missing thing was a text from Jude but that's ok he might've been running late and forgot. 
I forgot about Jude as soon as my friends arrived as they all spoiled me far too much but I had so much fun with them. It was nice to be distracted from real life and stop worrying about when Jude will be home, if he will remember it's my birthday or if he still cares about me at all. Once I got back home Jude's car was already in the driveway so I smiled and happily made my way inside to see him. I wasn't expecting Vini and Eduardo to be over but there they were sat on the sofa playing video games with Jude. 
"Hey y/n happy birthday" Vini said 
"I didn't realise it was your birthday Jude didn't mention it but happy birthday" Eduardo said 
"Thanks guys" I said 
"Where have you been babe?" Jude asked still not saying happy birthday 
"I was with my friends they took me to lunch" I said 
"That sounds fun" Jude said going right back to his game 
His friends tried to leave saying he should spend time with me but he said it was fine and that I wouldn't mind so they stayed. While they all sat down stairs having more fun than I was I did some work with tears streaming down my face. My own boyfriend doesn't care about my birthday his teammates cared more than he did. 
"Happy anniversary love" I said when I found Jude in the kitchen this morning 
"Happy anniversary" he said 
I tried to give him a kiss but he dodged it and went to start packing his things as he has an away game later today so he's leaving soon. 
"I'm sorry baby I've got to go I'll see you later though" he said as he left leaving me all alone yet again 
Today is a day I always like to forget. Both of my parents died in a car accident two years ago today so it's always an emotional day for me and my siblings, we would like to spend it together to distract ourselves but as I'm in Madrid we can't do that. Instead my friends invited themselves over so that I'd have someone with me which made me feel so much better. They came over early so early that Jude was still here as he hadn't left for training yet. He was doing his own thing as the girls all sat with me and let me get out all my emotions now by telling them memories I have with my parents. 
"You know they'd be so proud of you" one of my friends said 
"I just wish they were here to see all the things me and my siblings have done all thanks to their constant encouragement" I sniffled tears still falling down my face 
"Why are you crying babe?" Jude asked as he walked down the stairs 
"Just thinking about my parents it's the anniversary of their death so I'm just a bit emotional" I said 
"I'm glad the girls are here to make you feel better then I'll see you later ok" he said 
With that he left and my friends all looked at me with an expression I didn't quite understand.
"How long has he been like that?" My best friend asked 
"Like what" I questioned 
"Like you don't matter he didn't even hug you before he left even after you told him why you were upset which he should know anyway dates like this are important for partners to remember" she said 
"I mean it's been a good few months he missed our Valentine's Day dinner he didn't wish me a happy birthday until like 5pm and we didn't do anything on our anniversary" I said finally thinking about how badly he's been treating me
"Girl he doesn't deserve you he's taking you for granted and you don't deserve that" one of the girls said 
"I hate to say this but you need to break up with him clearly he's given up on your relationship and now I might be wrong but wrong but it seems to me like he's found someone else" another said
They were right for months now I've been at the bottom of his priority list and he's nowhere near the Jude I used to know and love. There is no affection there anymore it's like the love we once had is gone. He also has definitely been distant and he's never home so there is a possibility that he could be cheating on me. That's a thought that I'd put in the back of my mind and didn't want to think about but now that someone else that has mentioned it I can't let the thought go. Whether he's cheating or not things definitely aren't how they used to be and I need to get out of this relationship before it's too late. The girls all offered their support and said I can stay with them for as long as I need which gave me the confidence to actually talk to Jude later today. 
When Jude arrived home all the girls left and they wished me good luck which I definitely need as I'm nervous to actually have this conversation even though it needs to be done. Jude went straight to get in the shower so I decided to look at his phone because he told me the password but I have never used it as I trusted him at least until now. It took just seconds of looking for me to find texts between him and this one girl who he had clearly been seeing for months now. He kept saying he would break up with me but the time wasn't right yet and that he wasn't in love with me anymore which hurt to see. I wanted to cry but I held back my tears and instead just sent myself screenshots of everything and then deleted the evidence so he wouldn't know that I knew. 
After his shower Jude took ages to come back downstairs but when he finally did he was looking at his phone and smiling it made me wonder if he was talking to her the girl he'd apparently fallen for. He quickly noticed me staring at him and he just stared back not having a clue what was going on. 
"Jude we need to talk" I said 
"Oh ok is everything alright?" He asked 
"I'm just gong to say it I know what you've been doing and don't lie to me I have screenshots I just want to know when you fell out of love and why you did this instead of just ending things" I said barely holding back tears 
"I don't know it all just happened I'm sorry I should've handled this better I didn't want to hurt you but clearly I haven't done a good job of that" he said 
"Yeah you really have hurt me I should've known when you forgot about our valentines reservations but I was foolish and believed that you were just busy now I know you were with another girl" I said 
"I'm sorry" he said 
"I don't believe you Jude if you were sorry you wouldn't have let this go on for so long it's safe to say we are over I wish you well but please don't try and contact me again I need to just move on" I said 
With that I gathered my things and just left. I left my key, the memories and what felt like half my heart but it had to be done I had to get out of there before I got hurt any more. It's time to move on and start a new life with people around me who truly care about me. 
1 year later 
"Come on amor let's go" Carlos called from downstairs 
"Coming" I said running down the stairs 
"Oh wow you look gorgeous" Carlos said 
"Thank you you look good too" I said 
He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand so we could head out to the car that was outside to pick us up. Just a few days ago Carlos won the French open so we are going out to celebrate. I met Carlos not long after I broke up with Jude I wasn't even looking to date but I just happened to meet him on a night out with my friends and we just clicked. He understood that I wasn't ready to date properly but he didn't give up on me so when I was ready we went on a date and the rest is history. My plan definitely wasn't to date another athlete in fact I wanted to just have a normal life and date a normal guy but I couldn't just let Carlos go and I'm glad I didn't. We have been together officially for 6 months now and they have been the best 6 months of my life he always treats me right and he makes it known how much he loves me. 
Carlos has a lot of friends in Madrid so he decided to come here and celebrate his win with me and my friends as well as his before he goes back home to be with his family. There wasn't really any time to prepare anything so we are all just meeting at a club in town that isn't just open to the public so there shouldn't be lots of people there. All our friends were already there when we arrived as we got caught in a bit of traffic but they didn't seem to mind our lateness they congratulated Carlos on his win and we all went inside. 
As we walked down the stairs all my friends turned to me at once and I wondered what was going on for a second until I saw what they had seen. Jude was right there along with a few of his teammates. I haven't seen him since our breakup which is somewhat of a miracle seeing as I still live and work in Madrid and he has become part of the city. I knew one day we'd meet again I was just hoping it wouldn't be in a day like today I don't want to be thinking about him or to talk to him while celebrating Carlos as tonight shouldn't be about me or my past relationship. Carlos knows everything that happened so once he saw Jude his hand reached for mine and he gave it a comforting squeeze which made me feel a little bit better. The thing is I don't miss Jude at all I'm so much happier now but what he did still hurts me so seeing him for the first time since is a bit painful. 
"We can go somewhere else if you want" Carlos said 
"No it's ok tonight is your night plus he shouldn't affect my life now that's the past you are my present and future" I said 
"Ok as long as you're sure but you are sticking by my side all night" he said 
Jude's POV
"Is that y/n?" Vini asked 
Him saying that caught my attention so I looked in the same direction as him and there she was with all her friends and a guy by her side. I recognised the guy as Carlos Alcaraz the tennis player who just won the French open and a the guy y/n has been dating for at least the last few months. I found that out when late at night after we lost a big game I stalked her Instagram and saw a photo of them together on her private account that she forgot to remove me from. Since that night I have kept an eye on her Instagram I usually check it at least once a week to see what she's been doing and how happy she is without me. 
Since the night that she broke up with me I regretted making all the dumb choices I made that led to that point. Within days I broke things off with the other girl I was seeing and I have been alone ever since I just can't bring myself to see anyone else because they aren't y/n. It sounds stupid because I'm the one that ruined everything I'm the reason she's with Carlos and not me but she was the one I just didn't realise how much I loved her until she was gone. My mum has always told me not to take things for granted as once they are gone you'll realise their true value and that's exactly what I did with y/n I didn't realise just how important she was to me until I made some stupid decisions and let her go. 
I watched her with Carlos for a while and she seemed genuinely happy which made me realise that she hadn't been that happy with me for a long while before we broke up. It was clear to see that she loved him and I could tell that he loved her too because he looked at her the way I did when we first got together. It hurt to see her so happy with someone else because I know I could've had that but now I won't get to share any moment like that with her ever again. I deserve everything that has come to me I made bad choices and as much as I regret them now it won't change anything. 
I have to let her go because for her to be happy I need to not be in her life as much as that hurts. They say if you love her let her go and that's what I need to do let the one go because as much as she might've been the one for me I'm not the one for her. 
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sheastri · 2 months
Can I Call You Rose? ft. ln4
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Pairing: lando norris x fem!black reader
Genre: Social Media AU + Story
Summary: In which the reader grew up in a household where she was never able to express herself properly due to her father. Lando heals her inner child and helps her experience all the things she wasn't able to when she was younger.
Warning(s): None.
A/N: No specific facecast, just the gorgeous black girls of pinterest!!
Also please send requests, whether they're movie based, book based, song based, or even original. Spill your brains and I'll bring the ideas to life the best I can.
Dedicated to all the young girls around the world growing up with immigrant parents who they knew loved them but didn't know how to show it. You will find someone who allows you to express yourself and heals you inside out.
Flashback To Y/n's Childhood
13 years ago
Y/n had just turned 10 years old and was excited to celebrate her birthday. Her mother had suggested they all go out and grab dinner at a restaurant of her choice as her birthday treat. They were at home getting ready and just about to leave when her father had said something.
He had insulted her mother and she knew immediately that it would prompt a whole argument so she grabbed the car keys. She made sure to tell her sister, who immediately followed behind her, before she went outside to the car to wait for their parents.
When everyone had gotten in the car it was dead silent. Nobody spoke a word until her father attempted to break the silence with a joke, not an apology, a joke.
Her mother had laughed and went back to speaking to her father like nothing had happened. Y/n and her sister had looked at each other before going back to their phones. Out of nowhere her father begin to go on a rant, well yapping spree, about how this generation was always on their phones and started to talk about how his life growing up in Jamaica was.
Both her and her sister laughed as their mother commented on his very animated story and the atmosphere felt lighter, as though everyone could breathe again. They laughed and conversed until they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, Olive Garden.
It wasn't giving birthday dinner but Y/n's been craving it for weeks now, the only reason they couldn't go was because of her dad. He didn't like their food and made sure to make it known. He had eaten something before they left so she could hopefully enjoy just eating her food.
They ordered and while they were waiting her dad decided that he needed to complain more. He started with a joke about how she kind of left him to starve and how next time she should be more considerate. Her mother laughed and her sister spoke up about how she didn't like Olive Garden that much either.
Y/n eventually excused herself to the bathroom and went into a stall deciding to just cry. Safe to say her 10th birthday was ruined.
Alexa play "Can I Call You Rose".
Current Time
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liked by landonorris, whosimani, maxverstappen, and 246,789 others
Tagged: whosimani
y/nsdiary ya'll the view is next level 🤭
view all 13,729 comments
whosimani girlll you so fine, lemme take you out and treat you right.
y/nsdiary time and place babes username she is thirstyyy username shii I can't even blame her
username hold on a minute bc which view is homegirl talking about??
username idk but all of them are looking gooddd
username ik thats not a whole man up on my wife's bed half naked...
username no right... hope he knows hes sleeping in my reserved spot y/nsdiary hes just warming up the bed for you, trustt username nah bc im distraught
username its so much going on right neoww
username y/n and imani serving as per usual
username ok but what are max and lando doing up in these likes??
username i was js about to say... username i mean y/n's been invited to a race before maybe they're just friends?
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause you're sweet like a flower in bloom…
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, y/nsdiary, and 567,293 others
Tagged: oscarpistri
landonorris the view is just spectacular
y/n'sdiary this man is who i'd be if i never had an original thought in my life
username not her clocking himmm oscarpiastri GAGGED username lando are u js gonna let oscar and y/n eat you up like this??
username whos the girl in the last picture??
username are we not going to talk about how oscar is looking like a snack in that picture??
username now wait a damn minute...
whosimani whos the smoking hot chick in the last photo🫦
landonorris shes all mine ↪ username my heart just broke into a million tiny pieces ↪username nah wdym by this lando??
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause you're fragrance takes over the room...
I Wanna Plant You in my Heart, Oh, So Love Can Grow
Y/n and Imani had bought tickets to attend the Miani Grand Prix since they happened to be in town. Y/n wasn't so much as interested in formula one as Imani was so she was pretty much just tagging along for the ride. It was Thursday and they had come in for what was known as "a pit-lane walk" because Imani had wanted an oppurtunity to talk to some of her favorite drivers. Most notable were Oscar Piastri and Lewis Hamilton. Y/n, personally was a Lando girl. She wasn't a hardcore fan but she tuned in every once in a while and used social media to keep up with everything going on within the formula one community. They were walking around when someone bumped right into y/n knocking the cold matcha out of her hand. It had gotten over her and the opposing force. She looked up, feathers a bit ruffled and was jumpscared, mostly because she expected some rando, with the face of Lando Norris. They were both frozen for a bit before he helped her up. After he had helped her though he stared at her for a long time and she just averted her gaze before accidentally getting caught in his eyes. She let out a soft laugh at the situation before apologizing. Lando's eyes momentarily widened before he quickly began to stutter out apologies. Y/n just laughed at his nervousness before he offered to help her find some clean clothes. Y/n looked at Imani who had given her a thumbs up before giving her that look with her eyebrows raised which made Y/n let out a soft sigh. She took Lando up on the offer and they walked off. Many people looked up at them seeing them both giddy and drenched in Matcha. The upcoming weekend Lando had won and joked with Y/n about having her come and visit again along with a cup of matcha in hand.
Can I Call You Rose? 'Cause Your Thorns Won't Let Blood In Too Soon
It had been almost 2 months since the incident and since then Lando and Y/n had kept in contact. At the moment Lando was trying to convince Y/n to go to the beach and have dinner with him but as more than friends. Y/n had turned the idea down due to being scared of the prospect of a romatic relationship. Eventually due to a bit of convincing from Imani and communicating her feelings to Lando directly she had given him a chance. She had dressed up in a cute pink two piece in which she wore her swimsuit under. She had 2 gold necklaces stacked on top of eachother, one shorter than the other along with some lightly colored bangals. Her makeup was pretty light and she had on strawberry sceneted perfume. She heared the doorbell ring and rushed down with her purse before taking a deep breath and fixing up her hair. She opened the door and was met with a giant boquet of pink flowers. Lando angled the flowers in his arms so that he could make himself visable but also be able to take in her look. If the weight of the flowers hadn't kept him grounded he would've thought he had died, had ascended to the heavens, and had seen an angel. He took her in with all his five senses. His eyes had been blessed, his ears had the pleasure of being able to listen to her soft voice, his hands had the ability to caress and hold hers, his nose was able to take in the scent of strawberry that surrounded her, and his mouth was able to taste wonderful cooking. He never wanted to depart from her. She invited him in and had him place the flowers on the dining table until she came home later to figure out where to place them around her house. He held out his hand for her and led her to his car.
"What a gentleman you are tonight Mr. Norris." Y/n teased with a soft smile on her face.
"Only for you Mrs. Norris." Lando teased back earning him a soft slap from Y/n.
They ate at the restaurant first before going to the Beach soon after. It was late evening but the sun still had yet to set. Y/n wore a swimsuit but didn't plan on going in the water. She had brought a book. It was more out of habit since she was stuck watching her siblings play instead of being able to enjoy the trip. Lando had gotten into his swimsuit and wasted no time jumping in the water before coming out a bit after. He gave her a look with his eyebrow raised and she immediately got up, book long forgotten, and began to run. He chased her for a while, letting her think she was getting away before sneaking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her torso.
"Lando, no. Don't do this to me." Y/n had said dramatically while dying of laughter, already out of breath from all the running.
"Sorry love, it had to be done." Lando says laughing as he now moves one his arms under her legs and runs into the ocean.
After they were both soaked and tired but for Lando the most important thing was that Y/n had fun.
Current Time
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liked by landonorris, whosimani, mclaren, and 524,936 others
Tagged: landonorris
y/nsdiary meet mr. totally in love with me
landonorris and proudly so
y/nsdiary u tryna be the patrick to my kat? ↪ landonorris always baby username well damn, i love this for herrrr username glad to see that shes being treated like a queen
whosimani ya'll are cute ig
y/nsdiary like she didn't tear up when i told her the news
username ouhh i see you girl
username the famed caption stealer
mclaren can't wait to see you guys in the paddock again soon!
y/nsdiary cant wait to be back!!
username I js know he lets her embrace her inner child
whosimani AND DOES!!
username Can I call you Rose? 'Cause your roots have the power to consume...
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liked by y/nsdiary, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 736,927 others
Tagged: y/nsdiary
landonorris Meet Mrs. Norris. The woman of my hours, my days, my years, and hopefully my forever. There is never a day spent in her arms in which I lack love. I thank my God for you every time I think of you and I hope that you know that you are the pinnicale of my existence.
y/nsdiary nah because you have me over here trying not to sob, you couldn't have waited till I wasn't out?
landonorris nope, the world needed to know how deeply rooted in my heart you are ↪ username thats it, im never settling username girl js like me fr, i do not need those people knowing im a crybaby ↪ liked by y/nsdiary
username my girl just looked at me and sighed
username just looked at my bf and sighed
maxvertsappen1 my gf wants to hang out with your wife.
landonorris sorry shes never leaving the house again ↪ y/nsdiary Mr. Norris, dont make me beat you up again. y/nsdiary I WOULD LOVE TOOO
username I love them together so badddd
username I wanna plant you in my heart, oh, so loving grow
And that's all folks, follow for more amazing stories!! Remember to leave suggestions in my box!
Please like and reblog, not necessary but would help out!!
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mapiforpresident · 3 months
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How Could You Do This Part 2
Part 1
Claudia Pina x reader
warnings: angst
Summary: Claudia tells you the truth
Not proof read so let me know if you see any mistakes.
Patri was heartbroken at the sound of her best friends soft cries. She thought about what Claudia could have possibly done to make you so upset that you refused to even be in the same room as her.
"Did y/n find out about the surprise?" Patri asked once she heard Pina's crying turn into quieter sniffles.
"I don't think so. I know she doesn't like when I spend a lot of money on her, but I don't think she would have this strong of a reaction."
"Ok well when did she first show signs of being mad at you?"
"She was fine at the beginning of my interview. I let her tik tok on my phone and she was fine with sitting there and waiting for me to finish, but when I was done with the interview I couldn't find her until I heard her crying in the bathroom. I don't know what happened."
Patri realized that this was all her fault. You had seen her text messages from that morning. She had no idea that you would be on Claudia's phone and would be the one that would see her texts. She knew she had to fix this.
"I... I think I know what happened. I think she saw the texts I sent you this morning about meeting up with the agent."
"What texts? I didn't get a text."
"Yes, I texted you this morning that you should tell y/n before she finds out."
Claudia then went and looked and saw the two texts that her best friend had sent her and checked the time of them and it was in fact during the span of time that you had her phone.
"Oh my god... she thinks I'm cheating on her doesn't she. Thats why she was so upset. These texts look so bad. She didn't have any context about who you were talking about. What am I going to do... she doesn't want to talk to me and Alexia won't even let me near her."
"Ok... ok we will figure this out. It will be ok. Its just a misunderstanding. I will call Alexia and try to get her to listen to me and explain the situation. You get the surprise ready and you can show y/n and explain to her what was really happening ok. I will call you back in a little bit after I talk to Alexia," Patri said before she hung up with Claudia and called her captain.
"Patricia Guijarro you better not be calling me right now. I don't want to hear from you right now."
"Wait, wait hold on, let me explain please. Claudia did not cheat. She never would do that and you know her she is so in love with y/n."
"What happened Patri, and you better not lie to me or leave out a single detail."
Patri then explained the entire situation and let Alexia in on the surprise that started this entire mess. Alexia had no idea what to do. She believed Patri and deep down knew that Pina would never do anything to hurt you. Claudia was so in love with you and Alexia was beyond happy for the both of you. She knew she had to help Patri try and resolve this situation.
"Ok Patri, tell Pina to come over here in thirty minutes and plan a romantic date for them, I will take care of the rest."
"No problem, thank you so much Ale and I really am sorry for causing y/n to be so upset."
"It's not your fault, lets just fix this before it gets any worse."
"What did Alexia say, can I go talk to y/n. God I can't believe this is happening, I love her so much and I just want to make things right. Hopefully by telling her about the surprise now, she will understand what the texts were about," Pina said as she paced back and forth behind the sofa where Patri had been talking to Alexia.
"Alexia is still upset that we hurt y/n, but she said that you can go over there in thirty minutes and take y/n out on a date to explain the whole situation to her."
"Oh thank god, I'll call and make a reservation at our favorite restaurant."
Claudia quickly made a reservation at the restaurant where you both shared so many memories, including your first date where she was so nervous that she spilled her glass of wine all over you. Claudia thought back over all of her favorite memories with you and knew she had to sort this out quickly before she lost the best thing thats ever happened to her. Finally, it was time to leave, and she hugged Patri goodbye before she headed over to Alexia's apartment.
When Claudia arrived, she was met with a wary glance from Alexia. "She's in the living room," Alexia said softly. "Good luck, Pina and please don't hurt her anymore. It kills me seeing her heartbroken like this."
Claudia nodded and walked in to find you sitting on the couch, hugging a pillow tightly to your chest with old game highlights on the TV. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying. Seeing you like this broke Claudia's heart all over again.
"Y/N," Claudia began, her voice trembling slightly. "Can we talk?"
You looked up, hesitant but nodded. "I don't understand, Claudia. I thought we were happy, but then I saw those texts and..."
Claudia moved closer and gently took your hands in hers as she sat down. "It was a misunderstanding. Those texts were about a surprise I was planning for you. I would never cheat on you, ever. I love you more than anything."
You looked into her eyes, searching for the truth. Pina was always a terrible liar and looking into her eyes you relaxed slightly knowing she was telling you the truth. "A surprise?"
Claudia nodded. "Yes, a surprise. Patri helped me find a new real estate agent after the last one was not meeting any of our requirements. I was meeting a real estate agent because I wanted to buy us a home. A place where we can move in together and build our future. It has everything we both want, including the pool you always dreamed of."
Your eyes widened in shock. "A home? For us?"
Claudia smiled softly. "Yes, for us. I know you don't like it when I spend a lot of money on you, but this is something I really wanted to do. I want to build a life with you, Y/N. If its ok with you I was gone pay the down payment today."
Tears filled your eyes again, but this time they were tears of happiness. "Oh, Claudia. I was so scared. I thought I was losing you."
Claudia pulled you into a tight embrace. "You will never lose me. I promise. I'm so sorry you had to go through that."
You hugged her back just as tightly, feeling the love and sincerity in her words. "I love you, Claudia."
"I love you too, Y/N. More than anything. Now do you want to go tour our new home and then go to dinner?"
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avaf00rd · 8 months
Little shits pt 2
Kyra Cooney cross x teen!reader (platonic)
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actually finished this shockingly quick. (Not proof read). Submitting it now and going to sleep. So it’s bad.
I had a Leah fic that was pretty good but then half didn’t save in the draft. And rewriting is the worst. I’ll try to get back into it tomorrow if I can promise.
Enjoy bbys
“shit.” Kyra blankly said as she made a huge dent in the mcfoord new fridge. Don’t ask how.
“How the fuck did you manage that!” You exclaimed checking out the massive mark left right in the middle of the fridge.
You and Kyra had been in Baylor against Katie and Caitlin for a few weeks now. It was hilarious to all of you. You were also all getting great content for the Arsenal new YouTube channel where different players would do vlogs of game days and other activities.
“Ok everyone Kyra just broke the fridge” you sighed running your palm over your forehead looking back into the camera
“It’s not definitely broken. We can just undo it” she said. You grabbed the camera to point it towards her raising one eyebrow.
“It’s as big as a bowling ball” you said. Kyra turned to you and the camera with a blank expression.
“I say we grab the toilet plunger.” Before quickly getting up to find it.
“If I were Katie I would rather have massive dent on my fridge then have the fridge smell like my own shit.” You sighed as u sat down on the stool. You two were truly truly fucked this time. Some of your pranks included putting pictures of drunk Caitlin all around every second cubby at the training grounds. This round it was slightly lighter by super gluing the lids to their foods in the fridge. Lame right? Kyra somehow managed to pick up a random pot and accidentally charge it straight into the fridge. You forgot about the camera as you were lost in thought thinking about how badly you fucked up this time. Brand new fridge for their brand new place. It was over.
“Ok no plunge but I did some googling. We just need an ice cube” you guys were the definition of blind leading the blind. So of course you grabbed an ice cube and placed it on the large dent 10 times its size. “Is it working” Kyra asked holding the camera towards you and the ice cube. You slowly turned your head around to face her wiht a blank expression reading no you fucking idiot.
A knock on the door made you both share a look of panic. “The pantry” Kyra pointed intending that you just run away from this problem.
“No dumb ass” you said before getting up and walking to the door. You were nearly 100% it wasn’t Caitlin and Katie as you walked the hallway before twisting the handle.
“Hey tiny” Leah said in surprise to find you here.
“Hey Leah”
“What on earth are you doing here” she questioned
“We need your help” you said hopefully. Kyra peaking around the corner to be seen with a sad smile and a nod. Leah slightly chuckled before following you down the hall. Where you stood from afar with Kyra pointing to the fridge. Leah just bursted out laughing.
“Shit you did this” she chuckled checking it out.
“Yes what do we do!” You slightly yelled. Kyra still in shock from what happened.
“Don’t worry about it. They might be mad but Katie was telling me a new fridge and oven was arriving so it doesn’t really matter-“
“This is the new fridge!” Kyra exclaimed
Leah jaw slightly fell “you’ve truly done it again children”
“Leah please answer. What do we do?” You asked desperate for help.
“We wait until they get home” she said softly before filling up a cup of water for herself and sitting at the dining room table on her phone.
You waited around 20 minutes doing nothing. Kyra on her phone, probably researching how to fix it. And you now just sitting next to Leah looking out the window. It might not seem like a big deal. But a brand new expensive fridge, with a possible non-fixable problem was defiantly a big deal to your young minds. You just had a plan in your mind. Offer to pay to fix it. If you can’t fix it. You and Kyra will go halves on a replacement. Kyra tried to rebuttal when you brought up that plan, but quickly shut up when she realised it was the only option.
This was amusing to Leah. The panic in your faces made her laugh. The whole team was just waiting for something to go terribly wrong.
“Let me get this straight you were trying to superglue all of their food? Aha! That’s good” Leah exclaimed with a goofiness in her voice. You and Kyra just sat their blankly. Kyra soon chuckling at the thought of how this whole situation is kind of funny.
A rattle of keys on the front door made your heart completely stop. “Oh hey Leah. And girls. Oh shit what did you do” Caitlin asked with a smirk on her face kind of ready to see the next prank. Just so she could then plot her next one.
“Ok ok so” you put your hands on both their chests before they could walk much further. “We were doing a light hearted prank right. Then we made a mistake. Dear Kyra here-“
“-we both made a mistake ok! We are very very sorry and we will pay for this.” Kyra said. You both stood in front of the three older girls with your hands behind your backs. Apologising like a five year old who just stole lollies.
“Huh” Katie said confused towards the girls, while Caitlin walked into the kitchen to put her bags down.
“Kyra Cooney cross!” There was a yell across the flat. A somewhat fuming Caitlin voice coming from the source. Katie quickly following to see.
“It wasn’t just me!” Kyra quickly defended in panic.
“You did this!” You said to Kyra . Then looking at the two other girls
“I’m gonna head” Leah waved before leaving behind all of you.
“I’ll pay to get it fixed. Even though I didn’t do it” you said to them. Mumbling the last part, targeted towards Kyra.
“Bet your ass you guys will” Katie said
“This is new” Caitlin said looking at the fridge
“That we both know. And we are very very very very sorry a million times” Kyra said pointing between the two of you. You just nodded next to her.
“Sleep with one eye open. Next one will be serious” Katie said smirking. Plotting her next prank.
“You two can go” Caitlin waved you and the 21 year old off. Kyra nodded quickly zooming down the halls.
“Send me your bank details!” You said before walking out. Forgetting the camera on the bench. You went to grab it before heading out again.
“Bye gooners!” You said. Before turning the camera to Kyra who was waiting for the elevator next to you. Who turned around and poking her tongue out.
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Sweets ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Windows and Streetlights
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(Credits to @azriel.kk on tikok, my bsf ily gonna give u a sloppy kiss when me meet😋)
Pairing: Soft Yandere Nanami x fem! Bakery owner! Reader
Summary: Nanami just wanted to see what all the popularity about that one bakery in town was. He didn’t know he’d fall so hard for the girl who looks just as sweet as the cakes she bakes.
Tags: Yandere Nanami, Kind of coquette reader, no-filter reader, Kidnapping, Stalking, Obsessive/Toxic Nanami, Manipulation, Stockholm Syndrome, murder.
Wc: 1.4k
Nanami could not stop thinking about you the moment he dropped you off. His mind racing with thoughts of you. The way your eyes look when they shined, the way your smile was so bright. He ran his hands through his hair as he remembered the way your face looked when he wrapped the scarf around your face. He breathed heavily as he made another call.
A week had passed by since Nanami walked you home, and you haven’t seen him since. You felt sad for the most part. Baking cakes to distract yourself, you blocked out the thoughts of him. Proceeding to serve your customers before your thoughts distracted you. For the past week the constant feeling that someone was watching you made you go crazy.
By the third day you bought a pocketknife. You thought of buying pepper spray, but you opted for something more permanent. If someone did attack you a plunge of the knife to their neck would do it. Not some pathetic pepper spray that will only buy you 5 minutes at the least. You also turned on your location on your phone. In case you go missing hopefully the police will be able to track your phone.
Maybe being paranoid wasn’t healthy, but so is being too carefree. Once you served your customers, you went the kitchen and drinking a glass of water. You stood close to a window feeling the fresh air. You suddenly saw something on the corner of your eye, a blur. You leaned your head out the window seeing no one. You swore there was someone there.
Opening the backdoor, you walked outside threading carefully. Hearing a scratching noise your ear perked up. Going closer, your heartbeat pounding, you turned to the corner. You froze up, a sigh chuckle leaving your lips. There stood a small tabby cat. You walked closer petting its head smiling.
Suddenly hearing a click behind you, your head immediately looked behind. No one. You looked around anxiously. Giving the cat one last rub on its head, you went inside. The day continued serving customers and baking the sweets.
Your employees left, leaving you to lock the doors of the bakery like always. You wrapped the scarf that Nanami gave you around your neck. It really was comfortable, in your defense. You let out a sigh, why is the weather so cold? The hairs on your neck stood up as you heard another ‘click’. Looking behind you, you again saw no one. You stood in that street just looking around.
You sighed, frustrated. “Do you mind?!” You shout to the empty street, to no one. Maybe you really were going crazy. At that moment you didn’t know what came over you. Opening your phone you proceeded to text Nanami. It was stupid to think he’d text first, so you’re the one doing it. A week late. ‘Nanami! How are you?’ you texted, putting your phone back in your pocket.
As you texted him you continued to do it while walking. You thought of wearing headphones, but it was too risky. Not hearing anything around you. It’s practically screaming Netflix murder documentary. Your phone vibrated, a notification. You opened your phone looking at the notification. A reply from Nanami, ‘Good. You?’ you chuckled at the dry ass reply.
‘Hey Nanami, Can I call you?’ you asked the feeling that someone is still watching you getting stronger. You arrived at your house locking the doors and the windows. You bit your lip as you felt your phone vibrate again. You look at your phone knowing it’s Nanami, ‘Ok.’ Was his only reply to you.
Man, are you sure he’s really twenty-eight? He types like a boomer. You proceeded to press the call icon leaning the phone against your ear. “Nanami?” you said softly. “I’m here.” A deep voice replied. You laughed, “I’m mad at you.” you say. He hummed, “Is that why you called?” he replied. You chuckled, “You basically ghosted me, you know?” you say biting your lip anxiously.
“I’m sorry.” He replied quickly. “Make it up to me.” You say straightforwardly. “I’ll come by tomorrow.” Nanami replied to you his voice surprisingly soft. You hummed in acknowledgement.
Nanami sat on his office chair, phone against his ear. Your soft voice playing through the speakers of the phone. He ran his hands through his hair, he didn’t mean to ghost you. He was thinking of you every day! You haven’t left his mind for the past week. He touched the piles of papers on his desk drinking his whiskey.
Almost hundreds of pictures of you lay on his desk. Pictures of you walking to work, pictures of you baking cakes; pictures of you talking with your employees. The last phone call he made, he asked for a favor. A favor to know your background. From where you’re from to who your parents are. From your friends to your old school.
For the past weeks Nanami has been following you. Taking pictures of your daily life. You smiling, you looking sad, you looking tired. He has photographs of all of it. He sighs rubbing his hand on his forehead. You were like drugs to him. Like cigarettes, you can always say you’ll quit but can’t get enough.
‘I’m mad at you’ the moment you said that he perked up. Brows furrowed in confusion, The moment you told him why he groaned quietly. You liked him so much that you’re mad at him. He looked at a picture of you on his desk, rubbing the forehead of a cat. You looked so sweet.
‘I’ll come by tomorrow’ he replied planning to pick you up at your house. His eyes went over to the picture of you continuing to wear your scarf, the scarf that he gave you. His blood rushed somewhere else, making the bulge in his pants visible. He groaned standing up and going to the shower.
You woke up groaning. Fighting yourself to either stand up or go back to sleep, which you know you can’t do. You got up cursing yourself for having a sense of responsibility. You proceeded to get ready, drinking a cup of coffee and just planning to buy breakfast outside. You weren’t gonna get a piece of toast and just run out the door like those Disney movie characters.
Not having breakfast is practically driving with no gas. You left the door locking It, no Nanami scarf for today, it was getting washed. You look behind you surprised; it was Nanami. You rubbed your eyes tiredly thinking you’re seeing things. “Nanami?” you called out voice still groggy.
He looks at you glasses off his eyebags visible. He was wearing a blue polo and his yellow polka dot tie. You smiled at him happy to see him. “C’mon I’ll buy you breakfast.” He said waiting for you. Weird how he knew you didn’t eat breakfast yet. And how he knew what time you leave your house. Do you run and ignore the red flags or let the hot dilf looking man buy you breakfast?
You shrugged going over to him. Second option it is! “Where are we going?” you ask following him. “I know this cafe that sells good breakfasts.” He replied looking at you. You nod smiling at him. “Are you also gonna buy coffee?” you ask walking beside him. If people looked at the both of you side by side, they would see the plain height difference. ‘God is he tall, I wonder if something else is tall-‘ you shake your head aggressively.
Nanami looks at you eyebrows raised. You both arrive at the café sitting down at a booth near the window. The waiter gives you both the menu smiling at you, which didn’t go by unnoticed by Nanami. Nanami’s lips pursed into a thin line watching that interaction. You continued to look at the menu before sighing, “Nanami, pick for me.” You say giving him the menu.
He looked at your smiling face, his annoyance immediately leaving. He has to take sooner or later. Away from all of these filthy curse giving people. “You look nice today” he says giving you a small smile. “Are you saying I only look nice today?” You teased.
He chuckled to himself saying your order to the waiter, who was still looking at you. “Hey Nanami…can I tell you something?” you say looking at him. He nods listening, “I feel like I’m going crazy. There’s always this feeling that someone is watching or following me.” You say looking at him anxiously.
Nanami looked at you for a few seconds before answering, “I should walk you to work, and going back to your house.” He says sternly. You sigh in relief. “I’m sorry for saying this so early in the morning.” You say looking at him sadly.
He held your hand, running his fingers through it. “I’ll keep you safe”
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eightballspins · 3 months
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pairings : jongseob (p1h) x male reader
warnings : none, but like really pathetic pining and oblivious men not knowing how to act around their crushes (shota is sick and tired of yall)
rating : fluff :D
requested? : yesyesyes!!! thank u 🩵 anon, i don't think you were expecting a full fledged fanfic as a response to your request LMAO so do send in another one if you want a more simple headcanon version of this, i just couldnt help but go a lil crazy LMAO
a/n : strangers to friends to lovers, one of my favorite tropes. jongseob is definitely giving loser pining nerd in this one, but its ok bc hes so cute + this wasn't meant to be this long, but i couldnt help but go a little crazy + i highly suggest listening to the song while reading because it really sets the mood imo (summer by brockhampton)+ i had that ^ seob in mind while writing this btw hes just so heart eyes emoji in that video and i think light brown rlly suits him and gives off the strongest boyfriend vibes
wc : 6.5k+
"in the heat of the summer. yeah, yeah, oh, you know that you should be my boy. oh yes, you know. in the heat of the summer, you're so different from the rest."
jongseob didn’t expect himself to be the type to develop a crush on a first meeting, or more like first glance. but here he was: purposely keeping his head down to not draw too much attention to himself as you walked by him. he was looking down at his phone, swiping in random directions, even looking at the weather app and pretending as if that were interesting. it was really pathetic how shy he became whenever you were near, but that’s just you made him react — so it really wasn’t his fault…
“you’re kim jongseob, right?”
he flinched at your voice, not expecting to hear it call his name out of nowhere. locking his phone, and hoping you didn’t see him stare at the weather for the week, he looked up at you and nodded his head. his mouth went dry and he cleared his throat as an effort to make sure his voice didn’t crack when he spoke to you.
“the teacher told me to find you and let you know i’ll be the one tutoring you for math,” you take the empty seat next to him, pulling out your phone and holding it out to him, “we should exchange contact information so we can talk about when to meet up and what works best for our schedules,”
okay, hold on. everything was moving wayyyy too fast and jongseob still hasn’t blinked once since you started talking to him. it was as if his consciousness left his body. he forced himself to blink and then finally opened his mouth to talk. but you had cut him off, by accident.
“sorry, my name is [name], it’s nice to meet you,”
instinctively, he had bowed his head down and you mimicked the action.
“nice to meet you, i’m jongseob,”
”i know,” a kind smile on your lips almost sent him into a hyperventilating state.
your first meeting with each other ended with him saving your contact in his phone and vice versa, then you departing soon after as you had to go to your own class. that day, shota was wondering why jongseob was so latched onto his phone and staring at it with a blank look on his face.
— in the beginning phases of his crush, jongseob acts really, really reserved and shy. it’s almost as if he doesn’t even want to associate with you with how standoffish he is, but it’s just because he’s eternally scared of embarrassing himself in front of you. in the beginning, he tried brushing off how serious his crush was, thinking it was going to be passing. but when he realized that every night before bed he’d think of you, he knew he was in too deep at that point. it makes him so frustrated that he lets his mind be so filled of you and only you, especially because before you were assigned as his tutor, you’d never even properly spoken to one another. but hopefully now that you two will be forced to talk to one another, jongseob’s skittish and introverted behavior could change a little more…hopefully.
the two of you were sitting in the library, snacks and drinks surrounding you as the two of you were staring at the textbook on the table.
“so, what do you think you struggle with the most?” you kindly asked, pulling out your notebook and pencils from your bag and preparing to start. jongseob blinked at the question, feeling himself blush as he thought of how he struggled with practically everything related to math.
“i think…just everything,” he says honestly, a bashful and embarrassed look on his face. you almost cooed at the cute expression, but stopped yourself.
you didn’t expect jongseob to be so cute. when you had seen him in person the first time, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he wasn’t at all attractive. he had soft features and a cute smile, which was enough to make you interested in him. but seeing his equally soft personality was enough to solidify that initial interest.
lucky you for having the teacher pair the two of you up.
“well, to be honest, i struggled a lot too when i was taking his class before,” you confessed honestly, hoping your words would comfort him a little, “but, it’s mainly the way he teaches it that makes it so confusing. so, i think, i can try re-explaining everything to you in a more simple way and hopefully it works that way? does that sound good to you?”
jongseob quickly nods, finding the tone and sound of your voice a comfort and especially persuasive. you could tell him to jump up on the table and do something incredibly embarrassing and he’d probably do it.
yeah, he was in too deep.
“then, let’s start! i’ll set an alarm for a break in twenty minutes?” he nods his head in understanding, feeling unreasonably determined to not let you and your efforts in teaching him go to waste. so he leans forward, mechanical pencil ready in hand and his notebook open to the first blank page.
as you’re explaining things to him, jongseob already feels as if he’s learning more from you in the first ten minutes than he did from his teacher the past couple of weeks. also, he feels himself growing more comfortable, which is a relief. because before he felt as if his cheeks were turning bright red anytime you looked at him, now it was just the tips of his ears (he hopes…). he was able to properly speak to you and make eye contact without completely stuttering through his sentences.
after the entire two hour session, you walked together to the bus stop. jongseob was only accompanying you since he could easily walk home, but he wasn’t about to make you wait alone. plus, he finally felt himself growing comfortable enough and he didn’t want to leave so soon (even if you had just spent the past two hours together).
“so, what do you like to do outside of school?” you ask, sipping your favorite boxed juice as you waited together.
“music,” he answers quickly, correcting himself soon after with, “i like listening to and writing music,”
you blinked in surprise, not taking him as the type and an impressed look was on your face, “wow, that’s really cool. i wish i had a talent like that. do you share your music on any platforms?” you pulled out your phone, as if you were ready for him to show you, but he shakes his head.
“no, just keep them on my computer…i don’t think i want them out, it’s kind of embarrassing,” he scratches the back of his head, cursing the red blush that was definitely rising up his neck.
”i don’t think it is,” you deny, pouting at his self-deprecation, “confidence is the key, jongseob!” you encourage, hitting his shoulder lightly, “if you ever feel comfortable enough, i’d love to hear it some day,”
he blinks at the offer, wondering how to respond to such an invitation. sharing his music with someone is something he deems really intimate, especially since it’s you — the boy he has a raging crush on. but he doesn’t have to think of his response much longer as your bus pulls up to the stop.
“it was nice getting to know you better, jongseob! i look forward to our next meeting,” you smile, bow your head to him, and then board your bus not looking back at him.
he watches the bus leave, his knees going wobbly as he collapses into a crouching position with his head in his hands.
“i’m screwed,” he mutters to himself, shooting up in a second’s notice and running his hand through his hair, “he’s so annoying, i’m really screwed,” he calls you annoying only because he knows that on his walk home and all the moments he spends without seeing you, he’ll just be thinking about you.
he’s in too deep, there’s no way he’ll ever recover from this crush.
— after the first couple of meetings, you and jongseob become much more acquainted than a simple “tutor” and “tutee.” you became close friends, so close that you met shota and now often sit with them during lunch breaks or in any free time. whenever there was an open period, you’d stop by jongseob’s classroom and take a seat next to him and fill the rest of your time together with little chats. shota teases him endlessly on how lovesick he has gotten over the past couple of weeks, but jongseob lets it slide — as long as you’re nowhere near to hear it. shota has known of jongseob’s crush on you for the longest time and deep down he’s genuinely happy for his friend that he was making some progress. before, he’d have to bear with watching jongseob longingly stare at you from afar, so seeing the state you and jongseob were in was incredibly comforting to know his best friend was making some sort of progress,
“jongseobie!” your excited voice makes him look up from his phone and instantly smile. the nickname you had coined for him after a couple of tutoring session makes his heart race so very fast. he loves how it sounds, how you comfortably call him, especially when it’s in that excited tone you just used a second ago. “guess what i got!”
“what?” he says in an instant, looking at you with curiosity as you come to a halt in front of him.
“you’re supposed to guess,” you tease, rolling your eyes at him. you step closer as you wait for his response, but after he stays silent as he tries thinking of what it could be, you could barely hold it in anymore. “i got us tickets to that show you wanted to see!”
from behind your back, you pull out two stubs of paper and jongseob feels his jaw drop. he had mentioned it to you in passing, when you were talking about the music you each liked, one of his favorite, lesser known, artists was going to be playing somewhat nearby. he planned on buying the tickets, but the fact you had remembered and done it yourself was enough to get blood rushing to his cheeks.
“you- how- are you serious?” he asks, looking at the paper tickets as if they were god send.
you nod with a proud smile, showing them off, “i got them as a gift because you’ve been doing really well lately — your teacher even pulled me aside earlier this week to compliment me for how well the lessons have been doing, but it’s really been all you. you’re really smart, and a quick learner, jongseob. so i wanted to appreciate your hard efforts with these!” he blushes at your compliment, too flustered to notice that you were also blushing at how obviously you were gassing him up.
“you bought two?” he asks, wondering if this was what he thought it was. maybe you took the initiative and…
“oh, if you wanted to bring a friend, maybe shota. i don’t think concerts are that fun to go to alone, so i wanted to make sure you could bring someone,” you explain, handing the tickets to him.
before he even stops to think, he’s pushing one back into your hands and saying, “come with me, i wanna go with you.” it sounds more definitive than inviting, but you don’t seem to mind as a wide grin stretches across your face.
“really? you want me to come?”
“of course, i really want you to come with me,” he says with utmost certainty, “the only reason i’m doing well is because of you, i want us to go together,”
you smile and accept the ticket, stepping forward to loop your arm with his, “what should we wear then? tell me, what’s the artist’s vibe,”
jongseob, trying not to hyperfocus on the close contact, replies with a shaky voice, “i’m sure you’d look cool in anything,” he compliments, “don’t think too much about it!”
“but i wanna fit in with the crowd! hey, recommend me some songs so i can understand them more,” you insist, making jongseob pull out his phone to scroll through his playlist. you watch eager, leaning against his shoulder and at his phone screen as he searches. he tries to ignore how close you are and hopes you don’t see the way his hand shakes from the nerves.
what he doesn’t know is that you’re also sneaking looks at him with a smile on your face, basking in the affection you had managed to steal from him. it was flattering to know that jongseob wanted you to come as his “plus one”, but you tried not thinking too deep into it…trying to stop yourself from thinking it was anything like a date. because it wasn’t.
even if you both wished it was.
“here, i’ll send you my playlist,” he says, showing you his spotify on the screen and waiting for your approval. when you hum in response, he copies the link and goes to your messages.
“wait, what’s my contact name on your phone? have you changed it since i put it in?” you ask curiously, seeing something added to the end of your name, like an emoji, that definitely wasn’t there before.
jongseob blinks in stupor before realizing what you were referring to. he hurriedly locks his phone and turns it face down to hide it from you, laughing to play it off.
“what? why? why? what’s my name on your phone?” you tease, trying to reach for it, despite not knowing if he had a passcode or not.
“it’s nothing, it’s nothing,” he says, trying to distract you from that topic of conversation and goes back to the artist you two were going to see, “just make sure you listen to the playlist-”
“but i want to know what my contact is on your phone!” you cut him, laughing as you begin play fighting for the device.
“well, your bus is here so you won’t get to know, sorry,” he says, unfortunately speaking the truth as the familiar bus pulled up to the curb.
“i won’t forget this, jongseobie,” you say in a mock threatening voice, squinting your eyes at him, “you’re gonna show me it tomorrow!!”
“bye, bye, [name]!” he calls out, happily waving to you as the bus takes off in the opposite direction of the school.
he looks down at his phone and unlocking it to show the link of his spotify playlist that was sitting in the textbox, waiting to be sent. he looks up at the top of his screen, smiling softly at the contact name and photo he had saved for you. it was a selfie you had taken on his phone during one of your recent study sessions, showing an incredibly tired 0.5 angle of you, with his head resting on the table being seen in the background. when he was scrolling through his camera roll, he had seen it and immediately made it your profile picture. it was cute to imagine you sneakily taking his phone while he was dozed off, snapping the picture, then setting it back to its original spot.
the words underneath your photo reading as “handsome tutor 𖹭.”
jongseob would have collapsed in embarrassment if you had seen that. he sighed, hit send on the text, and locked his phone to put away in his pocket. he walked home with a smile on his face, thinking about you and the concert you two were going to together.
“so it’s a date?” shota asks him, chilling in his seat as jongseob explains to him everything that had went down.
“it’s not a date, shh,” jongseob says, putting his finger to his lips and glaring at shota for saying such a thing so loud.
“it sounds like a date, jongseob,” shota deadpans, not looking impressed, “you two need to get it together, the tension between you two is so suffocating,” the man shivers as if to physically show how unbearable the “tension” was, but jongseob doesn’t pay that any mind.
“it’s not a date because if it were, he would’ve said it was, but it’s not because he didn’t say that,” jongseob quickly explains, wanting to put that discussion to rest.
“okay, then it isn’t a date,” shota forfeits, rolling his eyes at his best friend’s antics.
“yeah, it isn’t…” the man confirms once more, “besides, i don’t even know if he even likes men — have we ever thought about that? he probably just thinks we are good friends, which i can settle for and is the most realistic thing, but still i wish i knew for sure! it kind of sucks not knowing if i even had a chance, y’know?”
“had a chance with who?”
jongseob freezes and shota sputters out a suffocated laugh at the timing.
you were standing right behind him and he didn’t know for how long you were, but he does wish that the ground would swallow him up whole right now.
“earth to jongseobie? hello?” you wave your hand in front of his frozen face, laughing slightly at his expression, “what’s up with him, shota?”
“i don’t know, he’s a weird guy,” the man answers with a shrug, making you laugh at the irony before taking a seat next to him.
“well, anyway! i listened to the playlist you sent me, let me show you some outfit ideas i have for us,”
“us?” jongseob echoes, wondering if he heard right.
”yeah, if we’re going together we might as well should match, right?”
shota looks at the two of you, completely worn out from how oblivious jongseob was and how shamelessly forward you were (whether you were aware of it or not was unknown to shota).
“right, right,” jongseob agrees, leaning in towards you and your phone screen.
“i think you have good style to begin with, so i tried finding something that would suit it. you’re handsome anyway, so anything you wear you’ll be able to pull off,” you ruffle his hair as you compliment him, successfully making him go red in the face.
shota once again wishes his best friend would open his eyes and end this tantalizing process already, hoping you two would just date already.
it was the night of the show and you and jongseob agreed to meet at a halfway point. the venue was a little far away, but nothing a pair of headphone and the bus couldn’t handle. you were currently binge listening to the playlist jongseob had sent you — you had been since he’s sent it to you — and were happily humming along to the song playing. if it weren’t for jongseob, you probably would’ve never discovered this artist, who actually suited your tastes a lot.
at the designated stop, you kept an eye out for him, grinning immediately when you locked eyes with him. his usually straight hair was done to be slightly wavy and that subtle change made your eyes falter and heart skip a couple beats. he really was so handsome. his eyes were wide, looking for you and when he finally caught sight of you, an excited smile broke out onto his face and it was so wide his eyes turned into crescents.
he walked over to you, taking the seat beside you and tried to control his excitement.
”how are you?” he asked first, trying to not stare too hard at your outfit and how good you looked. he was slightly envious, how you looked so good in everything you wore and how you naturally pulled off everything you wore. he also took note of how you both were wearing the same color-toned clothes, subtly matching. that only made him smile even wider.
“i’m excited, how about you?” you’re quick to throw the question back at him, smiling so wide it’s infectious.
“i’m really excited, i’m really happy we’re going together,” he says, nodding his head several times as he takes in this reality. if anyone had told him a couple months that he was going to one of his favorite artist’s concert with you of all people, he would’ve laughed in their face. this was all almost completely unbelievable.
“you brought your camera?” you said, motioning to the film camera that was strapped around his body.
“oh, yeah,” he takes it up into his hands, bringing the viewfinder up to his eyes and quickly snapping a photo of you. obviously, after the act was already done, you began complaining about how you weren’t ready.
“retake it, retake it,” you egged on, pushing him slightly back so it wasn’t so close to your face. he obeyed, leaning backwards and bringing his camera back up to his eye.
you smiled, holding the ticket up to your face and proudly showing it off. he smiled softly at how genuinely excited you looked, bringing the camera down from his face after he got the shot.
“your turn,” you say, gently taking the camera from his hands and bringing it up to your eye. “wait, how does this work?”
he chuckles at your question, moving close to show you how it works, nimble fingers pointing at the different parts of the camera, “here, scroll it to the right,” he says, watching you carefully, “and then when it stops, you can take the picture. just press this one,”
you get the gist, afterwards, looking up from the components of the camera and locking eyes with jongseob. you both didn’t realize how close he was until you looked up, making time freeze for a moment as you just sat there and stared at each other.
his brown bangs were slightly covering his eyes, but you were still able to see him so clearly. he really was so breathtaking…
“ready?” you asked after a couple seconds of silence, making him clear his throat and nod.
you pressed your back against the window of the bus as he leaned a little into the aisle so that he was properly spaced out in the shot. he held up his own ticket, pursuing his lips as he slightly smiled at the camera. the corners of your lips quirked up at his cute expression, taking the picture swiftly.
“it sucks we don’t see them right away though,” you comment, handing the film camera back to him.
“we can still take pictures on our phones,” he comforts, pulling out his own and immediately holding it up for a selfie. smiling at the opportunity, you lean close to his person, practically cuddled up to his side.
and even after reaching levels of comfortability with you that he thought was impossible, being physically close to you still flustered him. he liked it though, obviously. he liked you, so any affection you showed him was welcome in his eyes. which is exactly why he didn’t push you away or shift his torso from you. instead he leaned into your side as well, positioning the camera at multiple different angles for you two.
then you took out your own phone, taking pictures for your own camera roll. the last one you took was a silly 0.5 one that the both of you laughed at after seeing the finished product.
“these are cute,” you comment, scrolling through your own, “send me the ones on your phone!”
“okay, okay,” he complies, going to share them straight from his camera roll and sending them to you a couple seconds later. he doesn’t realize it, but his screen is clearly visible to you, meaning you were finally able to see what the contact name he had for you was.
you blushed heavily seeing it, forcing your head to look away to not be caught, trying to force the smile on your face down. instead, you took a comfortable resting spot on his shoulder, feeling a surge of confidence in your actions due to the revealed contact name.
jongseob’s shoulder stiffened at the bold action, but he tried to calm himself down to not ruin the moment. he looked anywhere else but you, not wanting to be caught blushing a deep red if you were to look at him. he didn’t realize you snuck one more photo in, smiling like a fool at your camera as your head rested on his shoulder.
after about a thirty minute bus ride, you finally were at the stop closest to the venue. you pulled the wired headphones from your ear, jongseob passing you the other pair, and both of you hopped off of the bus to walk to the venue.
you both weren’t particularly keen on getting there super early to be close, so the line wasn’t as long as you thought it would’ve been.
“wait, go ahead,” he says, motioning for you to keep walking without him. and you were going to question why, but then saw that he had his camera in his hand and wanted a shot of you walking to the venue, which had the name of the artist plastered in shining lights above the main entrance way.
he joined you in a couple of seconds, jogging up to your side and excitedly walking up to security to be let in.
you and jongseob were near the back of the pit, but since it was a small place, the view you had of the stage wasn’t that bad.
“this is so cool,” you say, stars in your eyes as you take in the environment. jongseob hums beside you, making sure to stick close to you to not lose you in the crowd. his arm hung loosely off of your shoulder, which made you more inclined to slot yourself into his side.
maybe it was the darker atmosphere and the fact you were in a bigger crowd now, where it was easy to hide away, but the both of you had gotten a boost of confidence in lingering touches.
jongseob didn’t think twice in holding you close to him and you weren’t as secretive in stealing glances his way. he didn’t feel as flustered and embarrassed as he usually did, which made him not think twice in committing to being affectionate with you.
he wishes he was like this all the time. capable of holding eye contact with you without looking away after the first five seconds. capable of looking at your eyes then your lips without feeling himself go red in the face immediately. a couple months deep into this crush of his and sometimes he was still acting like he hasn’t been seeing you everyday, as if he was still just admiring you from afar.
meanwhile, you were loving every second of this. seeing jongseob not hesitate in keeping you close and stare at you, it was infectious.
before you knew it, the main act had came onto the stage and now all of your attention was on them. jongseob’s arm left your shoulder to take a couple of pictures with both his phone and film camera, but he still made sure to be close.
the two of you were singing to your hearts’ content, sometimes breaking out into laughter at how horrid your voices sounded. but you were smiling and laughing together and that was all that mattered. the show went on faster than you both had realized and the singer was now announcing that it would be their final song of the night.
when the first chords played throughout the venue, you instinctively held onto jongseob’s hand and squeezed tight because it was the song you were hoping they were going to play. excitedly you looked at him to see his reaction, wondering if he was waiting for this song as well, but when you turned to him, he was already looking at you.
and you were happy you didn’t have the strength to look away because staring into his eyes as the song played in the background felt as if you were in the middle of a romance movie scene. one of those god awful cheesy scenes where the two love interests have the camera spin around them as they slowly lean in to kiss each other, or some other form of major affection. you almost laughed out loud at the idea of that being you and jongseob. not because it was actually humorous, but because it was so outlandish.
there was no way jongseob liked you back like you liked him.
that contact name on his phone was probably just a coincidence…
you swallowed the lump in your throat and forced yourself to look away from his dark eyes, that were pleadingly looking at you, begging for you to do something. the moment your head turned in the other direction, though, jongseob felt a wave of frustration and immense emotion crash down on him.
it wasn’t fair. he wants to kiss you, tell you how badly he’s fallen in love with you. he doesn’t want to keep sneaking glances at you when all he wants to do is stare at you all day long. and with the way the lights are reflecting on you, the fucking song playing in the background, there’s no reasonable way for jongseob to hold himself back.
he’s so frustrated at himself for harboring such strong emotions for you, but he wouldn’t want it any other way.
so he finally grows the courage to reach out and gently cup your face and force you to look back at him. he doesn’t give himself, or you, a second to properly react as he leans forward and smashes his lips against yours. it’s dramatic, desperate, and borderline aggressive, but it’s what he’s feeling — all those times he’s had to hold himself back from making you his. it was all released in this one kiss.
it took a couple of seconds to realize what was happening. and when you did, you could feel him beginning to pull away. squeezing your eyes shut to really bask in the moment, you brought your hand up to the back of his neck and held him in place, finally kissing him back.
the hand that was once resting on your cheek had now fallen to your waist, bringing you in closer to his person. his fingers were squeezing you so tight, as if he were afraid you’d slip away if his grip loosened even the tiniest bit. you were moving in sync with one another, hungry for that affection you were both restraining from each other before. your arms looped around his neck and you could feel him smile into the kiss at the action. it was infectious because now you were two smiling, kissing fools.
after pulling away, the world around you both was so fuzzy, the song playing being the only thing that you could sense as loud and clear. the both of you were panting from such an intense kiss. his arms were wrapped around your lower half while yours lazily hung off of his shoulders.
“[name], i really, really like you,” he says breathless, “even before you spoke to me, i liked you,” it was shocking to learn how long he had been harboring this crush on you, but you didn’t stop him from going on, “i’ve wanted to kiss you like that for so long,”
a weak bout of laughter was shared between you two and jongseob had to force himself to continue on, “please, give me a chance and be my boyfriend, please,”
you played with the hair at the base of his neck, making him shiver at the sensation while you grinned at him.
“you don’t need to beg for it. i’m already yours, jongseob,” you crash into his chest and he breathes a heavy sigh of relief, holding you tight. the two of you stand like that, rocking back and forth and just taking in the final song — that was now apart of one of your fondest memories.
after it was finished, you both pulled away and shared one more long kiss. it wasn’t as desperate as the first, but you could still feel that longing from him as he eagerly deepened it. the only reason why you two had to pull away was because the rest of the crowd was beginning to move and since you were in the back of the pit, you would’ve been in everyone’s way.
jongseob tightly held your hand as he guided you through the crowd, smiling so wide that his cheeks were hurting. the same could be said for you, too, as you followed him wherever he took you. waiting at the same bus stop wasn’t long and the entire time, you were just staring at each other with permanent smiles on each of your faces.
your hands were still intertwined, even as you sat on the bus.
“so wait, you knew who i was already, and liked me, before i even introduced myself to you?” you asked, grinning on his shoulder as you finally had the quiet environment to ask him about all the details. he blushed at the sudden question, using one hand to hide the bottom of his face.
“do we really have to go through this right now?” he asked, feeling incredibly shy at how close your face was to his (as if you weren’t sucking face a couple minutes ago), especially with that mischievous look in your eyes.
“no, we don’t have to, i just want to hear you talk about it.”
“so, you just want to have your ego boosted?” he teased, playing with your fingers as he smiled in amusement. you clasped your hand around his, chuckling and just resting your head on his shoulder. he leaned on the top of your head, wondering how things worked out so well.
it felt like something out of his dreams.
the man of his dreams was nestled into his side after seeing one of his favorite singers. kissing him during one of his favorite songs, finally making him his boyfriend. jongseob couldn’t help but stare out the window with the widest smile on his face.
taking in his surroundings, he cautiously reached for his film camera on his side. he could tell that halfway through your trip back you had fallen asleep so he wanted to be sure not to wake you as he took the photo. it was cheesy, but he wanted to have something to immortalize this night and the memory of it. he’d never forget it, he knew that for sure, but he wanted a physical token of what has happened and the deep meaning of tonight.
after taking pictures to his heart’s content, he simply leaned his head against yours and waited until you both arrived to your bus stop.
— a couple weeks later
“what do you have there?” you ask, rolling over in bed to look over jongseob’s shoulder.
there was no one home at the moment, so you were being as freely affectionate as you wanted. it had been a couple of weeks since the night of the concert and it has been nothing but perfect since. not only were the two of you finally out of school, making it officially summer (jongseob had passed his math final with flying colors, not to your surprise since he really was so smart).
the window was open, letting in the occasional breeze to cool you two off. but the both of you were laying in your bed, shirtless as you tried basking in as much cold air as possible. jongseob had told you he had something to surprise you with, digging through his bag with his back turned to you.
“i made sure to ask for two copies of each one,” he said, pulling out a thick envelope. your arms were wrapped around his waist, resting flat on his bare stomach and softly stroking up and down. he looked at you with a smile, presenting what was inside with an expectant look on his face.
when you finally realized what it was, you detached yourself from his back in a moment’s notice and took the papers into your hands.
“oh my god, jongseobie,” you gasped, taking in all of the photos your boyfriend had captured on his film camera and looking through them in pure excitement, “wait, i didn’t know you took a picture then,” it was the one of when you were sleeping on his shoulder. you smiled at the memory, fondly looking at your boyfriend and leaning in for a quick peck.
“you’re too handsome i had to,” he compliments, knocking his forehead against yours before pulling away.
“thank you, baby, but so are you — i mean, c’mon, look at you,” you squeeze his cheeks quickly while looking through the rest of the photos of the night. the memories were still vivid in your mind, “i like this one a lot,”
it was before you arrived at the venue, when you were riding the bus there. looking at it on a physical copy now, it was so obvious how deep your affections for each other were. jongseob leaning into your body that was unexplainably close to his, a blush on both of your cheeks, as well as wide grins.
“i love you,” he says quietly, kissing the bare skin of your shoulder several times over before resting his cheek against your warm flesh. you smile at the affection, turning back to face him properly.
it slips off of your tongue so fluently at this point, an easy, “i love you too,” directed to him and only him. and now you’re both smiling at each other like idiots.
— jongseob, who has a crush on you for the longest time and doesn’t know how to act on it. the type to ignore it at first, in hopes of it just dying down so he doesn’t have to worry about it since he already has so much on his plate. but once he realizes he’s in too deep, thinking about you in every passing second, he doesn’t fight against his feelings any longer. he’s content just being aware of them, not seeking for more in fear of rejection or ridicule. but once he knows it’s safe for him to show just how deep his adoration and love for you is, he’ll be as unrestricted as possible in showcasing it to you — eager to show you what he had been withholding.
"in the heat of the summer, you're so different from the rest. you know, you know, you know, oh oh. you know that you should be my boy, oh, yes, you know, oh yes, you know"
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athenasgotu · 7 months
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title: you're all i need.
pairings: teenage!ellie williams x female!reader
summary: after so many things happening in your life. a break up, sister passing away, and then losing half of your friends. only one person stuck with you and it was ellie. she never left your side, and overtime you grew feelings for her. but you can get your hopes up.
warning: mentions of suicide, swearing, and lots of angst. (minors dni!)
authors note: part 1 is more on y/n story and how she feels. ellie will be there to comfort her.
part 2
one more month. one more month and no more school, no more stress, no more fake friends. how could someone possibly be this sad? mom is over it, why aren't you? your boyfriend calling you a slut? no biggie. just act like you don't care then no one will notice.
you walk out of your room to brush your teeth. numb. that's all you felt. you have no one. no friends. no love. no sister. wait.. ellie. how could you forget the one person who hasn't done one thing wrong? god, she's an angel. she hasn't left me, yet. you can't even dress nice for school, just sweats. your mom tries to get you to be happier. therapy, not working. quality time, making it worse. talking to her.
communication was never good with her, will it ever be? how can you tell her how you've been craving death? wanting to be with your sister. she was your light. she made you smile on days you couldn't. i mean sure, you had your rough times. but that's how siblings are, right?
or did she secretly hate you?
faked it all?
faked her love?
no. she couldn't have, hah. its funny to think i even thought of that.
suddenly, the time changed late. twenty minutes in the bathroom? jesus. time passes, you're in school.
you see your old friends, teachers, then her. she smiles at you and waves.
"hey! you feeling ok?" ellie asks.
am i? i spent twenty minutes in my own thoughts earlier.
"i'm good." you smile. great acting.
ellie nudges your shoulder and hands you a plastic bag with a cookie, she baked every once in a while even though it wasn't the best. she knew i like sugar cookies. she's so sweet..
"thanks els." you smile, but it was real.
ellie was the only one who could get you to smile. not even your own mom could make you really smile. ellie was special. really special.
as you two walked in the crowded halls, she makes it to her class.
"see you later?" ellie smiles at you again.
gosh, that smile..
you nod and smile back at her "mhm." you mumbled.
you walked to your class, attempting not to be late again. but it was math, you were already failing horribly in math. school makes everything worse for you. tears your soul down. not always though, your sister made those long eight hours fun and exciting. too bad she's gone. you groan under your breath. these thoughts weren't helping. you take your earbuds out and put on a song.
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you sigh in relief. finally, you can relieve some stress.
╭──╯ . . . . . hours later . . . . . ╰──╮
you were finally at home, alone. your mom was still at work, she wasn't coming back until midnight.
long shift, as usual.
you laid down in bed sighing. everything is going to be ok. you kept telling yourself. was it though? your life was already fucked up enough. how could it possibly get better?
⇢˗ˏˋ beep beep !! 📞
you pick up your phone to see a message from ellie. you smile, she always messages you.
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she worried so much.
she's so nice.
you put your phone down and turn off your light. hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.
╰┈➤ end of part 1
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g1rld1ary · 3 months
hiiii🩷 i love your work and i wanted to request a drabble. i don’t know if you’ve done something like this before or not so… also im new to the whole requesting thing.
so it’s basically a lockwood x reader where lucy and george don’t know lockwood has a kinda secret gf. and one day she shows up to the door of 35 portland row and lockwood has to explain to them that he has a girlfriend. (he didn’t tell anyone to protect her or smth).
opening doors - lockwood x reader
wc: 1980
cw: mentions of an injury, one use of 'my girl' but otherwise gn i think?
an: thanku for requesting baby!!! sorry its taken a while but i lovedddd this request and writing this!! i know i changed the end a little bit but shh hopefully its ok!! xoxo
Dating whilst ghosts roamed the streets of London was hard. Dinner dates were a precarious decision and you had to be sure if you were spending the night pretty quickly for your own safety (against ghosts, men were still another question). Dating a ghost hunter? That was harder. Yes, he wasn't exactly a 'ghost hunter' but that was close enough from the stories your boyfriend told you; brushes with death were a common occurrence, much to your chagrin.
You couldn't count the number of times you'd sat up all night in your bedroom, waiting for a call to confirm that he was alright and alive after a case. But Lockwood was Lockwood and each time, just as your eyes were starting to close on their own, your phone would ring and you'd be startled awake, picking up as fast as your arms would let you. He'd open with an affirmation that everything was fine and he was sitting in the library with a hot cup of tea, ready for a chat with you.
This had been your routine for the six months you'd been dating, and while it had ruined your sleep schedule, you couldn't be happier. Lockwood had turned your world upside down after your chance encounter at your university while he was investigating a case, giving you adventures and the most love you'd ever felt. You were similarly obsessed with him, rambling on about your day over the phone and attaching to his hip whenever you could get together.
This was all true, except for the last four days. Lockwood told you on Sunday they had a high-paying case on Monday night and hadn't called you since. No confirmation he was alright, let alone alive, and it was killing you. He'd never forgotten, not once over six months. This ignited a panic in your stomach, anxiety clawing through your chest as you had to continue on with your week acting like you could think of anything other than your boyfriend.
On the fifth day, you'd had enough. And so, on Friday afternoon after your class had let out for the weekend, you marched to Portland Row for the very first time. Lockwood didn't want you around his business, saying he wanted to keep 'the best thing in his life' separate and as safe as possible. You didn't mind, you had a tiny apartment all to yourself that you were more than happy to host him in, but it did make your expedition more scary than it otherwise would have been.
Still, you steeled your nerves and rapped on the front door, picking your nails nervously as you waited for someone to answer. That person happened to be an unimpressed-looking boy who you recognised from Lockwood's tales as George.
"Can I help you?" He asked, wearing cartoonishly large rubber gloves that made you want to laugh.
"Is Lockwood here?" You took his lead to skip the pleasantries, none of it being even vaguely interesting to you until you knew your boyfriend was alright. George hesitated.
"He's not seeing anyone right now."
"Why not?" You all but cut him off, desperation making you forget your manners. He narrowed his eyes, clearly choosing his words clearly.
"He had a nasty accident on our last case. He's only gotten back from hospital today and is on strict bed rest. If you have a professional inquiry, you're welcome to return later or speak to me or my other colleague, Lucy Carlyle."
"Can I speak to Lucy?" You needed to talk to a girl. Clearly, George was not the most emotionally sensitive member of the company, and if you tried bartering a visit with him you had an inkling you'd start crying. If Lockwood's descriptions were anything to go off, Lucy was much more likely to understand you.
George let you in, clearly reluctantly, leading you to the kitchen. He awkwardly made you tea, leaving you to drink it silently as he went to fetch Lucy. You took the moment alone to take in the kitchen, a soft ache settling into the edges of your heart. It was so cozy, so lived in that it almost upset you. Lockwood and Lucy and George. They were the residents of 35 Portland Row, they got to wake up to one another every morning. They got to bicker over the jam and tea. You woke up alone, going about most of your days in silence unless you started talking to yourself, but you were really trying not to make that a habit.
It wasn't that you hated Lockwood keeping you a secret, it made complete sense. He was in a dangerous profession and had an even more impulsive nature, making for a risky lifestyle. And as he'd unwillingly told you, he did have people who occasionally came after him. Lockwood didn't want you caught in the crossfire and you understood, you were grateful, even. But looking at the life he led without you, you couldn't help but regret it a little bit. Portland Row was the kind of place you didn't even have to try to be able to imagine as your home.
You were interrupted by George returning with Lucy in tow, both clearly unprepared for a client. George was in some sort of cleaning gear, the aforementioned gloves and an apron over his shirt, and Lucy looked like she'd been working out but not for long, only a slight sheen on her features and her clothes still mostly light and moving.
"Hi, I'm Lucy," She greeted, a warm (if somewhat awkward) smile on her lips, "How can we help you?"
"I need to see Lockwood, please."
"You know we're not idiots, right?" George snapped, "Actually, I'm much more competent than him." Lucy shot him a dark look, elbowing him in the ribs as they sat across from you.
"What he means is that despite it being Lockwood's name on the sign, we're all fully qualified to talk to you and take your case. I'm not sure what George has said, but Lockwood is--"
"He's my boyfriend." You cut her off, unable to stand any more delay. You were met with dead silence, both agent's jaws dropped open.
"He's my boyfriend," You affirmed, "We're dating and I need to see that he's ok."
"That's not possible." George shook his head, "He's never mentioned you."
"Not that we don't believe you, but can you tell us more? We just don't want to let any random person into our house, I'm sure you understand," Lucy added and you nodded instantly, more than aware that Lockwood had made enemies during his time with his company.
You started speaking, spilling the exact timeline of your relationship, details of your time together, vague suggestions that he'd told you about his family, anything you could think of to prove that you were really together. Then, like a lightbulb illuminating over your head, you reached into your coat pocket for your wallet. Sitting on the inside was a Polaroid of you and Lockwood, him kissing your cheek as you laughed. George grabbed it, examining it in disbelief. Even Lucy stole a glance or two before turning her focus back to you, new sympathy in her eyes.
"Will you please tell me what happened to him?" You begged, reaching out for Lucy's hand. She held yours firmly, speaking in a soft voice as she explained the incident.
"We were on a case on Monday and Lockwood took a leap down some stairs to get away from a ghost. He fractured his patella. It's fine, the doctor said he got pretty lucky all things considered, no surgery needed or anything. He was just kept in hospital for a few days because -- as I'm sure you know -- Lockwood isn't good at following instructions, especially orders not to get out of bed for a week. He only got back this morning which I assume is why he hasn't communicated with you." You nodded slowly, taking it all in.
"Can I see him, please?"
They both nodded quickly, leading you up the stairs to where you assumed Lockwood's bedroom lay. Lucy knocked before cracking the door open, smiling softly at her boss.
"We've got a guest here for you."
"A client? Can't you talk to them? I'm not in my professional clothes!" You could hear him rustling in the bed sheets, presumably pushing himself up to be sitting and smiled a little.
"Better than a client, I hope?" You said, stepping through the doorway. You watched Lockwood go through a thousand emotions in an instant, but his face settled on elation, holding out his arms for you.
You rushed to his side, wrapping him up in your arms as tight as you could.
"What are you doing here?" He asked incredulously, a laugh escaping his lips.
"Someone didn't call me after his case," You replied, sliding into the bed next to him to hold his arm.
"And someone didn't tell his coworkers-slash-friends-slash-housemates about his secret partner he's had for half a year!" George cut in.
"Sorry, Georgie," Lockwood gave him a megawatt smile, "Had to keep my girl safe, you understand." You grinned, pushing yourself even closer to him. George grumbled something but Lucy was already pushing him out the door, giving the two of you some much-needed space.
Safely alone, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm glad you're okay. I was so scared."
"I'm sorry, lovely. I couldn't get to a phone in the hospital, but I thought about you all day every day."
"But now your friends know about us," You said and Lockwood nodded with a smile that made your insides melt.
"They do," He paused, "So d'you think it's time for you to finally spend the night here?" You grinned.
"Really?" You could almost feel the sparkle in your eyes. Lockwood nodded again, a matching look on his face. You didn't bother confirming, instead pressing your lips to his desperately.
Dinner at Portland Row was exactly how you'd imagined it; loud and chaotic and absolutely perfect. George and Lucy arguing over the tiny details of a case story they were telling you, Lockwood butting in with a flashy description of the action sequence. You laughed along, compliments spilling out as you tasted George's cooking. It was too easy to see it happening perpetually, and you had to stop yourself from getting too comfortable on your first visit.
You settled in for the night next to Lockwood. You were in Lockwood's bed with him. You weren't sure if you'd stopped smiling all night.
"I like being here," You said into the dark, looking at the vaguely Lockwood-shaped shadow next to you.
"You could stay here more often, the others love you already."
"Yeah. I mean, all that we've gotten out of keeping us a secret is worry. If people come after me, I promise that I'll do everything to protect you, but we shouldn't waste all our time being scared of something that may never happen. I love you," He said. You faltered, breath hitching slightly. He'd never said that before. Maybe it was slow, maybe it wasn't, but you knew Lockwood was so scared of committing to his feelings, this was everything.
"I love you too," You replied, hearing the smile in your voice as you said it. It was the easiest night of sleep you and Lockwood had ever had.
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petrssecrethideout · 5 months
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"Alright everyone, we are back. Now, for this episode I had to leave for work, so for the video I'm currently recording in the hotel I'm staying at, and hopefully Dale has his set up like I told him to so that.... Dale."
"What's that?"
"Oh my mug? That's empty I need to put it in the sink."
"That's not-- What's with the oil drum?"
"Oh, so you haven't been following my tiktok? Wooooow."
"Hey, listen I- I deleted Tiktok off my phone years ago I can't go back now. And honestly, all I've heard is that you've been causing trouble."
"Hey that wasn't me. The guy that I was talking about a month ago made a 'response video' to me where he- really all he did was call me a 'beta low-test cuck' ,whatever the fuck that all means, and then he went through my videos and said that I was getting smaller because of my 'masturbation addiction'."
"... I can't believe we're doing another cum episode."
"You better believe it brother! So, in response I've created a personal challenge for myself: Throughout the month of November, I'm going to cum so much, that I can fill a 55-gallon Oil Drum by the end of the month with my cum alone."
"...No fucking way."
"I'm calling it the Cum Drum Challenge."
"The Cum Drum Challenge?"
"Listen I couldn't thin of a good name in time I only had a week to think about it before the challenge started shut up stop laughing."
"Ok ok sorry it- it got me. And you're doing this shit on Tiktok? How are you not banned already?"
"Well, I'm not showing myself filling the drum dude, I'm just like explaining it, and alluding to it. The filling sessions will be on my Onlyfans link in the descriptioooon~"
"Ok sure, whatever, fuck it. People are watching you do this? and liking it? unironically?"
"The first video people thought was just a joke, but by day 4 they were like 'oh this guys serious'. So right now its like 75% people saying I'm crazy and making jokes and like 25% pure awe. Oh but like dude, you know who did comment? Fucking Current Mr. Olympia and my favorite bodybuilder Andrew Nelson! And his comment wasn't ironic either. He was legit like 'I hope this works because it sounds way better than the alternative'. He's on my side!"
"Bet you got quick load after you saw that."
"Fuck off you can't say that now. He knows of me! He might be listening to this now."
"Ok, ok i won't. So, god, this challenge. How are you gonna do this, like 55 gallons isn't a small number dude."
"Yeah, but my buddy mapped it out with my 'average load volume' and I have to cum at least 10 times a day."
"Yeah, I know that's a lot for some guys, so if you wanna just try to fill a milk carton this month and then you can work your way up, no shame in that my friend. This is not for the faint of heart."
"Only 10!? What the fuck dude you're insane!"
"I know, these balls can fucking produce! Actually, side note to listeners we're recording this on November 7th, so I'm a week in. My balls are huge now dude. Like I had some big balls before but these babies are HUGE. And, oh god my beard's gotten all thick too? like I'm giving up on shaving this month it will not be tamed. And the muscles ugh fuck dude I can feel myself growing, like the more i pump this beastly cock It feels like liquid fire in my veins. And ...mmhh gruuh, dudeI get this full body pump every time I CUUM--ugh, fuck yeah man. So huge."
"Have you been jerking off this whole time?"
"Dude, again!?"
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atwingeofcringe · 8 months
Just Like Mother Used To Make
A/N: i got bored on my lunch break at work and sat in a corner and wrote this on my phone lmao! hopefully its ok!
Summary: You decide to make Jason a recipe from his mom's cookbook!
Pairing: Jason Voorhees x Reader
Warnings: nothing
Word Count: 1,210
As soon as Jason stepped into the cabin he was halted in his tracks. A familiar smell wafted through the air. It was a smell that made him feel nostalgic but he couldn't quite but his finger on what exactly it was.
His eyes scanned the living room in search for you. There were signs you had been in there by the way a blanket was thrown across the cushions and the TV was on. Then a sound from the kitchen caught his attention, making him snap his head in that direction.
Jason peeked around the corner and there you were, pot holders in each hand as you took a large dish out of the oven and then set it on top to let it cool. The smell was stronger now and he was very curious as to what it was.
You turned around to head back to the living room but stopped when you saw Jason standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
"Hey, cute stuff!" You greeted him, smiling and excitedly bouncing over to hug him.
The little nicknames you call him always makes his heart melt. He gladly pulled you into a hug and squeezed you gently, letting you know he missed you. You kissed his cheek before pulling away to face him.
"I made something special for dinner tonight." Your cheeks were suddenly growing warm.
Jason tilted his head slightly to the side in curiosity. Maybe it was the answer to what that mysterious but familiar smell is.
"I wanted to do something special for you so I made something from your mom's old cookbook."
Jason looked at you in surprise. He had no idea you even had his mother's cookbook. When did you- His thoughts were interrupted when you held a fork out to him.
"It's fresh out of the oven so be careful." you smiled. "Or you can wait a little longer if you want."
Jason, still in a state of surprise, took the fork and shuffled over to the dish on top of the stove and removed his mask. You stood a little ways behind him, too nervous to watch him. He slowly lifted the fork and stabbed it into the dish, taking a sizeable bite. As soon as the food hit his tongue, it felt like a wave of emotions came crashing over him. So many memories of his childhood running through his mind, all involving his beloved mother. The fork slipped from his hand, making a loud clanging against the glass dishware and falling to the stove top. He could hardly compose himself. He was now hunched over slightly, leaning on the counter with one hand and his other covering his face.
"Jason?" you asked worriedly.
Does it taste bad? Does he hate it? Is he upset?
"I made this one because it has a note next to it that says it's one of your favorites." you slid the book across the counter. "See?"
It's true, he remembers now. He looked over at the book, his mother's handwriting littered the page, making notes of how she tweaked the recipe to his liking. You followed them to a T and managed to recreate something from his childhood. He looked at you, your eyes were big and full of worry, the corners of your mouth were tipped down slightly in a frown.
Your worries were soon put to rest when Jason pulled you into him. He leaned down, burying his face in the crook of your neck, one of his hands on the back of your head, making you rest your face against his shoulder, and his other arm wrapped around your waist.
You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. His shoulders trembled as you held each other. You guessed he was trying to hold back from crying.
"Hey," you said in a soothing voice. "It's okay, I'm here for you."
You are, and you have been for a long time. Even though Jason hates feeling vulnerable he knows he can be in front of you. He pulled away enough to then kiss you, trying to pour everything he was feeling into it. You felt something wet hit your cheek, making you open your eyes and pull away.
You gave him another smile and wiped his face clean of any tears. He pecked your lips once more before resting his forehead against yours, his eyes fell closed as he pressed one of your hands over his heart. His other arm remained fastened around your waist.
"If you want to," you began, still in a soothing voice. "You can choose dinner for tomorrow."
God, he would love that. Jason smiled and kissed you again, then looked at the cookbook. You had carefully separated some of the pages that were stuck together and removed as much dirt as you could. His mother's handwriting had faded a little but it was still legible. He turned a few pages, being careful with the now delicate paper. Finally landing on one, he pointed to the name of the dish. Beside it was another mark from his mom, stating that it was one of his favorites. Throughout the page were more notes on how she changed the recipe to fit Jason's taste.
"Sounds good to me!" You smiled up at him and rubbed circles into his back. "If you come home early enough you can even help me make it!"
He looked at you with raised eyebrows.
"If you want to, that is." You giggled. "You really don't have to."
Oh, he's absolutely going to help. Just tell him what to do and he'll do it. Whatever you need, just name it and he'll get it for you.
"Wanna eat and watch a movie?" you asked suddenly.
Jason nodded and turned to get a couple plates but stopped when you grabbed the pot holders and lifted the entire dish, carrying it into the living room.
"Can you grab a couple forks?" you called back to him.
Jason stared after you, amused. Then he grabbed the fork he ate off and another from the silverware drawer, then made his way to the living room. You had scooted the coffee table out a little so you'd both have room to sit, and placed a couple couch pillows on the floor to rest on.
Over the course of the movie you ate slowly, letting him have more of the food. Jason offered you the last bite but you told him you were full and insisted he eat it. He did happily, then dropped his fork next to yours into the now empty glass dish. You rested your head against his shoulder and smiled up at him as you wrapped you looped your arms around his. He looked down at you with a soft expression, his hand lifted to his lips, then moved it forward and down towards you.
Thank you
"You're welcome, babe." you leaned up, craning your neck and placed a kiss on his cheek, then laid your head back on his shoulder. He slouched down, kissing the top of your head and then rested his own head on top of yours.
Jason's thoughts drifted to his mom, knowing that if she was still alive she'd love you too.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
John Price meeting civilian reader scenario (part 1)
Ok, our beloved Cap got a lo-o-ng story of meeting the reader. But I guess, the man earned it. Both Price and the reader are just being grumpy but loving work-parents here. The reader is afab here. Part 2 is here.
You were practically counting down the days till your vacation. Of course, you loved your work, but the third year without proper days off and the pressure from constant responsibility for your team made itself felt.
You immediately fell in love with this place when you saw its photos. Each cabin here had its own small pier surrounded by trees and stones so that you can ravish in your happy solitude, even if the neighboring houses were occupied.
So when you finally got the keys to your rented cabin on a forest lake, you exhaled: for the next week it's going to be just you, nature, your gimbal camera and hopefully radio silence on your work smartphone.
You had to give it to your colleagues, they held on and did not call you for almost the entire week.
Two days before the end of your vacation, your work phone came to life. You sat on the pier with your feet in the water and watched the sunset. And why did Kevin need to disturb your peace at this perfect moment?
"Hey, Kev, I sure missed you, but I thought I told you to only call if our office was on fire."
You listen to your colleague and mentally regret that you did not choose the career of an actress. Because the composure and calm tone of your answers are clearly pulling for an Oscar right now. As in reality right now you are screaming deep inside.
By some miracle, you manage to solve Kevins difficulties without access to your laptop and notes. Somehow you even manage to be an angel and not to hint to Kevin that he could easily handle this on his own, because you gave him instructions for just such an occasion...
When he finally thanks you and hangs up, the sun is almost completely hidden behind the trees.
"Oh, the day, they stop acting like kindergartners on their work!" - you loudly groan, leaning back on your elbows.
"To that day I'd gladly drink" - a low raspy voice answers somewhere near you.
You turn your head and understand, that the voice belongs to your neighbor, who is sitting on his small pier, hidden from you by trees and bushes. You apologize for the noise and sit up straight, as if he could see you.
"It's fine, I get you." - he answers, chuckling, "I too have quite a bunch of those... Kevins..."
So not only he heard your last groan - he was there for the entire conversation. Somehow, it makes you feel ashamed.
"Just so that you know, I'm not that ass-type of a boss, who thinks, that their colleagues are just a bunch of idiots. I love my guys. It is just sometimes... I really want to finish them."
"Noted" - he grunts, "So how about that drink?"
"Come over here, I'll bring the glasses" - you say, stand up and head to your cabin, hearing something unintelligible like "Yes, ma'am".
When you return to the pier with two glasses, you are met by a man somewhat older and noticeably taller than you. His blue eyes seem to pierce right through you. A smile slowly blooms on his face.
"Nice to meet you finally, big boss" - he holds out his hand to you, noticing that you are walking down the pier barefoot and your feet are still wet.
"The pleasure is mine, sir" - you reach out for a handshake, but he catches your arm in mid-flight and holds your hand up, so you don't slip on the wet boards of the pier.
He takes the glasses from you and leads you to a bench by the pier. "Name is John" - he takes a flask from his pocket and pours some scotch into yours, and then into his glass.
"Nice to meet you" - you raise your glass and tell him your name, "Here is to two very patient bosses."
He grins and drinks to that, his eyes never leaving yours. "So tell me, what that... Kev of yours couldn't do without you?"
You sigh and start explaining your branch of work and what your team is working on right now. John seems pretty invested in your story. "Oh, you just let me talk to your muppets, I'll teach them..." - he adds quietly and softly, so that the harshness of his words is not lined together with the delicacy of his muffled voice.
When you tell him, it's his turn to share how his team pisses him off, he takes a sip from his glass and smiles, looking up. "Jesus Christ, just when I thought, I'd have one bloody quiet evening without MacTavish on my mind..."
He talks for a long time about his colleagues and curiosities that happened at his work. Somehow, by the end of his stories and the second glass of scotch, you have no idea where he works or what exactly he does for a living.
You don't mind, though. He seems like a decent man. And his smile... Oh, it does things to you. Things, that would ask for release later, when you're alone.
"So tell me, how do you blow the steam off here?" - he gestures around you.
"I'm filming my walks" - you answer guilelessly, "Then I'm releasing videos on YouTube, but I'm like... the only person watching them, so I guess, I could just keep them on my notebook as well."
"You mind?" - He shows you a cigar. You nod, but move further from him. He smirks, gets up, and moves behind the bench, so the smoke doesn't blow in your direction. He lights the cigar and asks, "So it's like those videos with travel-diaries? "Hi, today we are visiting this big-ass mountain, hit that like button and stay tuned", yes?"
"Not quite... it's more like time lapses, soundscapes and just silent walks without any commentaries. I like to keep it simple and minimalistic." - you smile, as you talk, feeling his eyes on your back.
And it hits you. Maybe it is two glasses of his fine scotch, maybe it was his piercing, yet soft gaze, but you say: "I'm going on a new trail tomorrow morning. You are welcome to join, if you want."
"Sounds great..." - He exhales smoke in chilling evening air, "Name the time and place, and I'll meet you there."
You name the time. To film a hike without meeting other tourists, you have to leave early. Not everyone will agree to such a wild adventure on their vacation. But this doesn't seem to bother John. He calmly replies “okay, I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow at the appointed time” and smiles as if you just invited him to dinner at a chic steakhouse, and not doomed him to an early rise and hike along a mountain path.
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.7
streamer abby x reader 🌿
its been a while hasn’t it :D anyways part 7 is here now ✨✨✨ has some sad stuff has some spice but hey the girls are seeing each other again <3333 TW: I have never been to renfaire as that sadly is not a thing in my country and haven’t been in the US either so :)))))) shit won’t be the most accurate unless I magically go on a trip next month or smt.
not proof read, probably will never be either
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“Treat me like I’m nobody’s daughter
Just put your hands around my throat, Ain’t been to heaven but I’m close”
Your phone was blowing up with notifications and as a result you were shutting down, drowning in pure panic. Why did Abby post that ? No caption no nothing….People already speculated things about you two but for them to now know she had visited you….
It wasn’t that you minded people knowing. Not exactly ? There was a part of you that feared public relationships considering the fact that your previous ones didn’t pan out so well. They all seemed respectful and understanding but the minute things went south they would fill their pages with bitter remarks and shady posts. You wanted to believe Abby was different than that. That she would be better than that or at least would try to be for you.
As much as you loved to delude yourself that you had control over you throughs you knew the gesture had gotten into your head and there a small voice repeating the words like a mantra
“Mine, mine mine”
You didn’t like who you were when you were in love and you hated yourself even more when you dated someone but fuck, you were so ready to go through all that again for Abby. You did love her and the tension when you saw her, the chemistry you had and the heated nights made you dizzy with euphoria. It felt like you were molded to heal and fit each other’s missing parts.
You tapped the reshape button and posted the photo on your story and decided to be a bit bolder than before with the small caption beneath
“I won” and a pink heart.
If she would have an issue with it you would delete it and maybe your career would reach new peaks with a stylized apology video in your lavish living room. If she appreciated the gesture though…that would kickstart a fruitful new bond between you two. Hopefully.
Most likely
“Man it feels…empty over here. Alice is wayyyy too happy to see me though”
“Yeah no shit you’ve been gone for half a month” You said laughing all the way through as you watched Alice bounce all over the place and more from Abby’s left side to her right and bark occasionally. Abby had to shove her face away while she tried to eat a miserable bowl of soup that she cooked with whatever leftovers hadn’t rotted in her fridge.
“Half a month huh ... .Felt like its been barely a day” She said with a melancholic sigh and you just fawned at the sight of her staring at her dog lovingly and giving her a few good rubs on her chin.
“How are you doing over there ? Back to sewing?” She asked and turned to look at you through the camera. Its been around a day since you last talked yet it felt like it had been so much longer and it was a pleasant feeling to see the feeling reciprocated. Abby didn’t hesitate to jump on FaceTime the second she came home reassuring for the first 30 minutes that “its ok you can keep me company while I unpack” and “no its cool you can watch me while I cook my dinner” and so on.
There was a significant change in your attitude and in the way she talked to you. She was comfortable.
It made sense. You had eaten each other out 24 hours ago so to be shy on call would be weird and uncalled for.
“I haven’t done much in that regard but…I did deep clean the house and all. My neighbor brought me cake as well. Was pretty cute”
Abby groaned
“You have a neighbor like that and she never once made her gracious appearance to give cake when I was there ?! Fucking unfair”
“I think your loud moans scared her off Abs”
You said and bit your tongue a second after in shame. Oh you were growing to comfortable
“Fuck off. I know that you like that I’m loud”
She quipped with a shit eating grin and you blushed and buried your face in your palms
“Shut up. I- I don’t know why I even said that”
“Oh come on babe. We are way past that stage” she said calmly while eating another spoonful of her colored liquid.
“You would have a point but I…Give me some time” You mumbled and heard her laugh. You grabbed a wet wipe and started wiping your coffee table from the cigarette ashes. Your heart was beating in your chest content by the fact that she didn’t brush off the fact that you two were entangled like that and more than that, she seemed to want to remind you as well that things were happening between you two
“Ah also about the story sorry I didn’t ask before posting it. I’m not gonna say anything about our relationship yet. Not unless you want me to of corse”
You blinked and pursed your lips. Your brows shot up and your eyes turned to the camera
You asked and felt dumb the second the words left your mouth. She looked at you and seemed equally nervous. It didn’t exactly show but you picked up on some signs from the short time that you got to experience her up close. Her tongue rolling in her mouth and that half smile trying to hide a laughter of awkwardness and embarrassment. Her hand at the nape of her neck as if she was straightening the flow of her braid
“Yeah. I mean now that we are a thing I thought I’d ask you how you wanted to handle it regarding our…publicity because we do have quite the platform”
Her words were rushed.. You were quick to realize that this was her way of saying she wanted the two of you to make whatever you had official. And you smiled discreetly and turned to face her
“Let’s take it slow with our audience, yeah? Think we should take our time figuring each other out before we let anyone else do that for us” You reassured and she nodded her shoulders easing. She took in a deep breath visibly relaxed now and took another spoonful of her shitty soup.
Abby got you another gift. You didn’t know when did she even make the purchase but you were woken up a week later from the delivery man with a large box of items from your wishlist with an additional two things that she probably added in there herself. You were used to being the one making such gestures. Being the dominant and the one providing and over endorsing the other person in every way so to receive such…princess treatment was new and made you sit on the floor with the ugliest grin
“You are so fucking creepy now”
June spat with an equally big smile being quick to put two and two together.
“I can’t believe this is my life now. Can you? Like…she is too good. Too sweet”
She rolled her eyes and went back to her phone scrolling through posts and messages. You looked at the package and scratched the cardboard with your fingers,contemplating how to phrase your proposal.
“oh so what if I got her a gift too? Like something big?”
“big like…say tickets to visit her?” she said and cocked a brow
“no june i'm serious-“
“So am I”
you stared long and hard at each other. You weren’t sure when to even propose that to her. Things were going well but you didn’t like the idea that you could possibly seem needy or too eager. Which weren’t bad things per say but they did stupidly bruise your ego. You weren’t one to endorse such games and thoughts but you held Abby to such a high standard that you hated that any “strong” emotion that you would exhibit would scare her off
“As much as I would like to do that, I think I'll take my time. It's only been a week you know”
June shrugged knowing that even if she said something in the moment it wouldn’t change your mind.
You grabbed the box of gifts and made your way to your workshop.
“Hey june wanna come in here ? I could use your help with the chainmail”
“about our stream by the way…I have one scheduled for tonight. You can join and see if you like the whole experience . I remember you mentioning last year that you wanted to get into it”
her eyes opened up in awe and a big smile stretched her lips.
“fuck yeah Im very sure I wanna pursue this thing with you so if I’m not really throwing you off schedule Im in”
“I was just going to catch up with my viewers and have a chat since it's been a while since I last had a stream. Perfect time to introduce you”
You held the box of rings and continued working on the armor grabbing your tools in silence and left June to rummage through your makeup supplies to fix herself up. In truth you saw your friend's light falter while she contemplated her future with her uni and you were equally happy to make a collaborative streaming channel with her. You two were close -obviously- and you had the type of familiarity and humor that would translate well on the screen.
You loved working alone. always being your own model and your own manager. However working with Abby as your model for a change of pace, and having a friend to stream with didn’t sound so bad. In fact you finally felt like you could trust people more in ways other than shallow or superficial.
“Just act like Im there” Abby rasped, her tone significantly lower than usual and with the way she guided you throughout the call made it feel that way as well
“Touch yourself for me baby” she whispered tenderness laced with lust, her neediness visible through her voice. Your hand ventured beneath your underwear with your fingers sliding through the wet folds of your pussy with ease that had you blushing in embarrassment . It was relieving to know that Abby couldn’t see how terribly horny you were for her and you felt that she would be dangerously powerful were she to find out about the affect her voice alone had on you
You circled your clit with slow movements, struggling to keep the pace that Abby demanded of you the moment you heard her soft moans. heat pooled in your stomach again and every stroke sent jolts through your entire body as she indulged you with endless praise that eventually escalated to raunchy comments that made your spine arch of the bed
“you are doing so good” turned to “You are such a whore I can practically hear how wet you are from here, oh? You liked that didn’t you?”
You didn’t think you could actually cum from a phonecall. Hell, with your past partners you hardly even got wet when they were present and went down, yet now all it took was two fingers in and you came undone seconds later breathing heavy and covered in sweat.
You checked the time and realized that this whole foreplay had gone on for 40 minutes.
“Damn you…no wonder you are at the top 0.1% on onlyfans” You said mindlessly and heard her huff out a chuckle on the other end of the line
“That’s not what I do there. These one on ones are for you only and…and I'm just glad it went this good”
you rolled on your stomach and held your phone in your clean hand
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never done this before and I was really nervous not to fuck up”
you smiled. You wanted to see her again. You missed her
she -mmhd- still too dazed probably from everything that went down a few minutes ago
“I wanna see you” you said and cringed the moment the words left your mouth
“Oh, you wanna facetime?”
you could hear the “????” as Abby tried to put the pieces together. You despised how much of a coward you were. Abby so far had carried the entire construction of this relationship. You could do this much
“I mean I’d like to see you in person, I..I missed you”
“Me too” her voice softened
“fuck I, I miss you already and it has only been a month I know but…Do you think you’d maybe wanna visit for spring break?”
Your lips stretched and cracked with a smile. You wanted to scream in excitement. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal that Abby wanted to see you but it was, because she also wanted you to visit her soon. She wanted you
“Yeah that’s what I was going to suggest actually..I have been saving up ever since you left and..I could get tickets by the end of the month”
“Fuck yes that would be amazing and you can meet Alice and since its two months in advance I can look around for events or things you’d like to see?”
your chest swelled and your eyes started to sing. You muffled a whimper and lowered your head to swallow back your tears.
“love? are you alright?”
“ye-ah” you choked out and tried to wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater. You were in love with this woman and you were so content with that feeling that you allowed yourself a few moments to calm down before you spilled your emotions too fast
“Sorry, I'm just happy. Yeah we could arrange to do some stuff”
“alright cool anything that comes to mind right away?”
You looked across your room at your wardrobe with all the victorian gowns and costumes you sewed for class
“I got them”
“For how long?”
“17 days as promised”
You heard Abby yell excited and smack her desk
“fuck yeah! I get to be my girl for half a month”
“your excitement is truly adorable and deeply appreciated” you teased while walking down the wet pavement to get to your afternoon lectures
“fuck off you prissy twit. As if you aren’t happy”
“No need to get all hissy at me. I am just as excited”
Abby started rambling about every event she found and asked twice on whether you were certain that making your renfaire costume’s wasn’t too much pressure which you reassured-twice- that you were building a portfolio this year so if anything you needed the extra work
“Not sure if you'd be into that but Ellie will be throwing a party and we were invited” she said not even trying to hide the destate she had for the woman.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but I won’t lie, I always wanted to see how you hold parties over there in the US”
“Again, you watch too many movies”
“Let me dream” you whined and she laughed
“Alright Im outside class and late as fuck”
“-as always” abby cut you off
“so I’ll call you later” you said, ignoring her remark
You hung up and walked in quickly making your way to your usual seat on the pattern table.
“Work?” the teacher asked and you raised your brows faking an apologetic expression. work- as in you were too busy double and triple checking the tickets for your flight and that they were on the correct airport and then you had to triple check that the airline company you choose would handle switching your luggage between flights and-
“yeah work” you answered and she nodded in empathy
You slumped in your seat and pulled out your phone scrolling through your list of things you had to finish working on and things you had to buy before leaving. This would have to be the biggest trip you’ve ever planned. not just in the matter of your stay but also regarding the distance of your flight. You chewed on your lip. The tickets required an emergency contact and you had put your mothers number. Someone you hadn’t even told her you were leaving the country yet.
You had to mentally prepare yourself knowing she would pull every fault and harm you’ve done in your 22 years of life to guilt you out of that trip due to her co-dependency issues with you. Such were the struggles of living with a widowed mother.
the role of the father and the “male protector” was forced on you. You started to suffocate and felt angry.
repressed anger that came and went in waves.
what if you were to permanently leave for the US?
Could you afford it ?
Would she support it?
Would you be finally free ?
at what cost though?
you opened your contact list and scrolled far down to your therapist's number that stayed there neglected after months of ghosting. therapy never helped. You doubted one quick session would solve years of abuse and trauma anyways but you were all out of options. You thought of Abby. Could you open up to her about this ?
You were filled with a familiar dreadful feeling of emptiness. Had the two of you ever even talked about anything serious ? You talked yeah, but if you were about to fall apart would she be there to support you while you tried to get back on your feet?
You locked your phone. This endless cycle of self pity was getting you nowhere.
During break you went to the schools cafeteria and got their shitty overpriced coffee for the sake of having limitless time to sit on the bar by the windows.
cottoncandy: Abby can I talk to you?
staygrounded69: Whats up babe? Missed me already?
cottoncandy: No I think I'm having a meltdown
you confessed without thinking twice and seconds later your phone lit up with her name. You picked up the call and raised your phone to your ear
“Abby I-“
“whats going on? are you alright? are you safe?”
she asked and you wanted to cry at how tender and careful she always was with you. You nodded even though you knew she couldn't see you
“I'm safe just…Abby there’s this issue that I'm not sure how to deal with… see my mom…I haven’t told her yet about my trip and she..she is very possessive and protective and Im scared”
abby was silent for a few minutes considering what you had told her
“Can she do something that will hurt you? physically or emotionally?”
“Her words have a strong effect on me abby…if she says something..she can change my feelings about anything. she can make me angry about things I wouldn’t be angry about and she can make me second guess everything. I want to see you and Im scared that if she says something off I will cancel everything and ruin this-“
“hey hey relax love, I got you” she soothed and you started tightening your fists your nails digging in the flesh of your palm deeper and deeper trying to calm your nerves.
why did I say all of this God Im so fucking pathetic and weak
“Sorry ignore everything Ive said Im just stressed with essay admissions and-“
“please don’t shut me out…you do it a lot and..I never want to push you but I notice when your mood changed and when your thoughts get the best of you” she said which caught you off guard and completely by surprise. So she noticed ? she noticed you?
she saw you?
“Does she know you are..dating a woman?”
“Oh yeah. She’s over that much at least. She doesn’t complain about that anymore now her issue will be that Im traveling so far…”
“Are you scared to make a trip like that?”
“No. I love flights and I know I will have a good time with you there” I trust you
you thought
“Then try to remember that when she tries to talk you out of it. These are your feelings. whatever happens after she finds out is about her and not about you”
You nodded and noticed your breathing pattern was starting to even out.
“Don't be”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I'm here for you. Whichever way you need me to”
you nodded silently. Abby probably knew as she trailed on how her day went and complained about Isaac being a bitch which made you laugh and loosen up
the three months that you were apart Abby fell endlessly in different slumps of misery and self loath. Her manager was making it exceptionally hard to continue their partnership
“You can’t post your girlfriend. Your income relies on been everyones sweetheart and you are fucking it up”
“oh am I? Cause I haven’t seen a fall in my profits and if anything things are going better than before. Isaac for once I don’t need to see my therapists twice a week and Im motivated to make more content”
He groaned and rubbed his temples trying to control his anger
“Abby this is insane. Right now things are well because majority of your audience has no fucking idea you are tied”
Abby got out off her chair and paced around the room running her hands through her braided hair and resting them on the nape of her neck. she clenched her jaw in anger. She wasn’t willing to sacrifice this
“Im not renewing our contract”
“excuse me?”
she turned around and stomped all the way to his side making him take a step back intimidated
“You heard me. Find someone else to leech on. There’s a month left right? Enough time for you to find a new pet. Im through with you”
She left his office shaking. Panic clogged her throat. She called Manny repeatedly till he picked up
“pendejo what do you want?!”
he sounded man and Abby guessed that she interrupted him from a date
“Im changing managers”
“huh? Wait, so you left Isaac?”
Manny asked and his tone changed immediately from angry to concerned and confused. Abby got in her car and turned on the engine while putting him on speaker
“Yeah I, fuck I dont know what Im gonna do with finances and all but he suggested I break up with corton or that I straight up break up and I wasn’t having it”
she said in one breath and started driving to nowhere in particular. she wasn’t ready to go home yet so she decided to go on a long afternoon drive till the sun set at least
“I'm with you but are you sure it was worth doing this for her?”
“I did it for me Manny. He has been controlling every aspect of my life for too long”
Manny knew that well enough by now. In fact he had also tried to suggest she switched agencies. Manny worked with Isaac as well but he wasn’t as affected by his antics as Abby was.
“Then you did the right thing Abs”
A week later she received a series of furious messages from Isaac calling her every name in the book all wrapped up with the statement
“I made you and you will be nothing without me like you were before I met you”
Abby took a screenshot and decided to use this as a way to terminate her contract sooner
That day when she went home a parcel was waiting for her. it was soft and heavy wrapped in brown paper. She recognised the sender immediately and ran inside to tear off and see the contents. It was her knight costume for renfaire. You had finished it and sent it to her.
she bared her teeth in a grin. The fabrics were expensive and you had the brilliant idea to make the shirt from feathersilk. A light fabric that looked like water and had the most beautiful flow with every move she made. You had handcrafted chainmail pieces along with leather belts and armbands. She held the pieces that looked like metal only to find out they were made out of leather and painted as well. She admired the finer details and every brush stroke of baroque details that you added.
She carefully put every part and smiled at the handmade page of instructions that you added in the parcel of which part went where. The fabrics had your scent and that alone aroused her to an unhealthy extent. halfway through getting dressed she leaned back against her couch that was facing a mirror and took a topless pic. She could use that later. she put on the remaining pieces and let her hair loose, admiring the complete costume. she hated that she had no idea what you were sewing for yourself. Would you make a dress ? were you also going to be a knight? She didn’t dwell too long on those thoughts as she shamelessly eye fucker herself cause hell, She did look hot.
That's my girls work
she thought proud like a bird puffing out its chest and spun once more watching as the cape dances behind her. Your reply was humble
“Im just glad it fits properly and that nothing got torn yet :’) I tried to add a double stitch to make sure the pieces would be sturdy but I'm still new”
She would have strangled you for your self demeaning attitude and then given you the messiest eating out session to show her gratitude, spit and all
“You are fucking gifted, and your paint job? This is insane”
“You deserve the best <3”
you said and she blushed. she sent you the topless pic where she only wore the pants and shoulderpads. She watched as you typed and deleted your text again and again until you settled for a
“We are fucking before,during and after renfaire. Otherwise I'm tearing your costume to shreds”
and she took that as a win
Abby all but leaped when she saw you and ran to your side wrapping her arms around you in a bone crushing hug. She was scared of many things. There were many ways a trip could go wrong before it even began but now that you were here in front of her she felt at ease. she took her time breathing in your scent and her hands entangled in your hair pulling you in closer. She feared she would cry if she extended the hug any longer so she leaned in to kiss you briefly before cupping your cheeks and asking about your flight
you smiled, lips streched with your cheeks a tint of pink
“It was good Abs. I'm happy that Im here now”
and she nodded biting her lip and leaning down to kiss you again
“me too my love” she whispered between the kiss and felt you slide your hands around her waist and melt deeper in her arms
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swifty-fox · 5 months
lmao. It's coming along sloooowly. I'm really low inspo for writing rn so everything is going towards kfak but this WILL be posted
“How would it make you feel if I called you names?”
John clears his throat, finds the grate in the ceiling suddenly quite interesting. “Like what?”
His face heats and he twists his mouth, picking at a thread in his pants and bounces the name around his head.
“Ah… I… don’t think so.” 
“How about if i said you remind me of a needy panting dog?” Gale’s gaze was so intense, slipping from the easy expression from before to something more real, more present. As if John was his only focus in that moment. “Shaggy curls and pretty gangly body, like a puppy that needs to be put in its place.” 
John’s ears hollow out a bit, he sucks air in through his teeth and lets out a high-pitched laugh. “Jesus.”
“Better?” Gale says, smiling and leaning back, types on his phone for a bit, “So, maybe a little bit of that if that’s okay? How did it make you feel?” 
“Isn’t this about you dominating me, not how it makes me feel?”
“Like I said, this is all about what you need and what John. Just my job to make sure it’s done safely and you know what you’re getting into. With some surprises.” 
“It made me hard.” 
It feels a little strange to say, and John feels oddly shy. Usually things are more intense when he expresses his desire. Pinned against a wall or falling into bed; not lounging on a couch discussing degradation as if they were discussing the weather. 
“Well, it’s supposed to.” Gale sets his phone aside and holds his hands out, palms up and bony wrists crooked handsomely.
He had such nice hands, John wants them in his mouth.
After a moment he slides his fingers over Gale’s palms, holds his hands in his own and finds they’re of a similar size despite the difference in their bodies. 
“Do you have any questions for me?”
John examines the white lines of long healed scars, the faint freckle on one thumb. The bony knuckled curve of his hands and the milky white undersides of Gale’s inner wrist and elbow. The skin looked soft their, void of any hair.
“Did you bring the gloves?” He asks, holding his breath hopefully. He surprises himself with his desire.
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Texts from the Ex
Pairings: Weems x Reader
Word count: 1.1K
Summary: Reader is a fairly new teacher, and you have a panic attack at school luckily not in class.
TW: implied past abuse, stalking, panic attack
A/n Hi guys sorry I disappeared for a hot minute there I just finished the last of my exams and have been very very busy. I’ll be back to posting as per normal (hopefully) now. Thank you all for your support with my exams and to the people who wished me luck with them your all very sweet. Again, sorry about the random ghosting haha.
Also, this fic is Larissa x reader. I know I said this was a platonic fic of oneshots but it was requested (I won't be doing any more romantic pairing for weems or Thornhill in the foreseeable future), this is just a one off so… live with it. (Dw as per usual its SFW)
Your phone screen flashed again as you did your best to hide it under the table and out of sight. The panic swelled in your chest as you pushed the tray of food away.
It had started that morning in your first class. You had been teaching about the renaissance when your phone buzzed in your pocket. As per usual you ignored it, you had a class to teach. The buzzing happened again ten minutes later while the kids were doing some still life sketches. This time you pulled it out, feeling the blood freeze tight in your veins.
How did she get this number. Your ex-girlfriend had managed to track you down, most likely due to your response to the ad for this position a few months back. You had responded with your number like an idiot and now she was onto you again.
She was awful, she ignored you and she had always possessed a special talent to make you feel unwanted and small.
You quickly shoved the phone back into your pocket and drew some deep breathes trying to quell the rising feeling of panic. You had managed to stave it off until the class left. It was only then you had let yourself collapse onto the floor and sob. She was trying to get back into your life to ruin it again.
The messages hadn’t stopped all day. Each one had made you feel closer and closer to the impending panic attack and now you were sat here with Ms Thornhill trying to hold a conversation. However, she was doing about 90% of the talking while you sat there nodding. You were close with the botanist. After all she was close with your girlfriend who happened to be the principle. None other than Larissa Weems herself.
Realising you had zoned out you tried to tune back into what was being said around you. Your phone buzzed under the table again and you began to feel sick. What if Marilyn saw? What if Larissa found out? What if your Ex found you?
Your chest began to feel tight. Constricting slowly and making it harder to take a deep breath. Your head was pounding and your stomach roiling. Your hands were shaking and clasped tight under the desk. Your body was overwhelmed with fear, and it was getting harder to hear Marilyn. It sounded distorted, as if it was under a layer of thick liquid like juice or honey. Things were moving weirdly as well, almost slowly but also too fast.
You thanked God that you had agreed to have lunch with Marilyn in the conservatory away from students. They didn’t need to see the new art teacher having a breakdown over some silly text messages.
“Y/n?” Marilyn asked as she laid a hand on your shoulder. “Honey, are you ok?” She said softly. You recoiled from the touch, and she quickly withdrew her hands into a surrender. “Ok. Ok. Its ok. Im not going to touch you sweetheart. What do you need?” She said and you shook your head, taking shaky breathes which weren’t helping ease the nausea. You curled yourself into a tight ball.
“L-leave me al-lone pl-lease.” You begged. You couldn’t see past the haze of tears and your head hurt so bad.
Marilyn stood back for a second, seeing she was getting nowhere. Suddenly she had an idea and whipped out her own phone.
“Honey? Do you want me to call larissa?” She asked softly. You hesitated and then gave a small nod. “Good. Good. Ok? Take some deep breathes. You're doing great Y/n.” She encouraged and began to dial your girlfriend.
The whole time she was on the phone she studied you closely to make sure you were still breathing and not at risk of passing out. After a few seconds she nodded and said something you didn’t hear before hanging up.
“She’ll be here in a second. Come on Y/n. You can do it. You're doing such a good job sweetheart. That’s it.” She gushed and you let out a shaky sob as you saw a pair of heels enter your vision.
Looking up at her with a tear-stained face Larissa’s heart broke for you. She quickly sat on the floor beside you, uncaring about her expensive suit and pulled you into her arms. She pulled you into her chest and tucked your head under her chin, her arms wrapped around your back. One of your legs either-side of her as you straddled her waist. She rocked the two of you side to side as she brushed her hands through your hair.
She exaggerated her breathing as you listened to her heartbeat and slowed your own. After a bit of just sitting there you took a deep breath of her perfume and released a shaky sigh.
“Hello darling.” She said cooly and with a tender tone.
“Hi.” You said almost shyly. She chuckled.
“Oh, my sweet girl.” She pressed a kiss to the crown of your head and rested her cheek thereafter. “Your safe baby. Your safe. Ok. Im here.” She said still rocking the two of you. After another brief silence she shifted slightly, and you let out a whine.
“Hush. I’m not going anywhere sweets.” She said and you let one last tear fall onto her blazer before playing with her broach and starting to speak.
“She texted again.”
“Who texted?”
“My ex.” You said and you felt her stiffen. You had told Larissa of your time with your Ex and she more than disapproved of her.
“How many times sweetheart.” She said softly.
“Seven.” Larissa sucked in a breath.
“Im buying you a new phone.” She said and you gave a half snort half laugh which made her heart warm.
There was another short pause before you let out a content sigh. “I love you Issa.” You said and closed your eyes and nuzzled into her neck, you were emotionally and physically drained and in desperate need of a nap. Right here would do, you decided as you began to drift off.
“I love you too my darling girl.” She said and kissed your cheek, smiling at the small snores you were making into her neck. She wondered what the students were going to think when she carried you through the hall on her hip like a toddler, fast asleep. Maybe a little bit of a distraction from the students would be good for you she decided.
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monin1ca · 2 years
Hello!:) May I request for an angst with Chamber x Reader (might end up happy haha) but was thinking in a way of a reader having a crush on the agent but seeing him flirt/or getting flirted with another agent - seeing them and closing off to Chamber! (Hopefully it is not super complicated! and of course if you don't want to that is okay <3)
Thank you!! Your stories are a really nice read:> and sorry if it is a bit confusing english is not my first language and it is my first time sending a request haha >.>
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: Cursing, Slight Red Flag Chamber ( But that's ok, hes a red flag and were the flag poles... *wink wonk*), sad and tired reader (female), I didn't really follow some parts of the request forgive me≡(▔﹏▔)≡
Synopsis:"A-are you sure? I thought you had eyes on Viper-" "I don't know why I do these things; perhaps it's my bad habit." The male lies; he knows why.
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"Viper, you must let me take you out sometime. Dinner, dancing, I know the perfect place~" 
"Chamber, I would rather drink my own poison."
You were in the distance, watching this interaction go down; The French man’s thick and caramel-like voice rang through the earpiece.  Your heart aches; you want to be in Viper’s place. Receiving all the flirting and playful banter, you’ve thought of millions of responses to all his classic pick-up lines. It sounded like you were a lovesick puppy following its master because it was true.
You clutched the ghost in your hand; the thing would break in half if you weren’t aware of your strength. Neon immediately noticed your mood gone sour, she looks over at the place you're staring at and rolls her eyes. "Hay nako (Oh my gosh), don't mind him. As much as you fawn over him, you need to focus at the mission on hand." The duelist remarks, "Get to your position," she points her lips to the backsite. "We're about to start." You trudged slowly to the area, setting up your gadgets.
Unbeknowest to you, Chamber was watching your reaction. He left his earpiece open for you to hear. He chuckles at his actions, he shouldn't be showing signs that he didn't want you. It was the opposite. He wanted you badly, so badly. Chamber himself was confused why he was doing this. Perhaps it was the habit of this fake persona he's made.
"Many sightings of enemies going to my site, please send reinforcements." Your voice pierced through the earpiece, catching everyone's attention. "Roger that, your 'lil gadgets should hold 'em back right Y/N?" Phoenix jokes, "Shut up and get over here." "Woah... Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."
The mission took forever the finish, you were sleepy and tired. Your backpack was extra heavy, because your gadgets were destroyed by the enemy team; plus the samples Killjoy begged you to put in your bag. You were practically stumbling on your way back to the helicopter. " You alright, Y/N?" Phoenix inquires, "No," You whine. "I'm so sleepy and tired and-" You slump down on the floor, "My bags extra heavy! I can't move anymore..." Neon sighs, "Akin na bag mo (Give me your bag)." You drag the heavy bag to Neon. She lifts it up without much effort, "The fuck? What's in here? Rocks?!" "I'll carry you then, after all you held down an entire site on your own! You deserve it!" Phoenix hums, as he lends you a hand. You mumble a small thank you and grab the mans hand. He carries you piggyback style, and the team continues to walk to the designated rendezvous point.
"Brimstone said the 'copter wasn't clear for take-off," Viper sighs, "Why, tho?" Phoenix chimes. "Let me finish my sentence." The controller states coldly, "The reason why is because there was 'air traffic.' Bullshit." "Ah, Viper! My offer still stands," Chamber hums, "I know this place very well. Let me treat you guys to dinner!" The Frenchman pulls out his phone and promptly orders a cab for all of you.
You all arrive at a great place with gold and diamond chandeliers intricately decorated on the ceiling. Rhythmic music plays in the background, setting the mood. Loud chatter and laughter overlap with the music. "Uh- I feel underdressed." You say as you gawk at the place; many beautifully dressed females with pearl necklaces and expensive purses eyed your party with judgemental eyes. With only Chamber dressed for the occasion. "Don't worry, I do too." Neon groans, "I think we all do." Phoenix sighs. The waitress comes and helps you with your table; you sit beside Chamber because "coincidently," there was no other chair available.
One look at the menu and you wanted to faint. "20 DOLLARS FOR ONE TINY LOBSTER??!" You screeched in shock. Chamber snickers as he wraps an arm around you. "Don't worry my friend, It's my treat after all ~" "This is a scam, fam..." Phoenix breathes out shakily, who was also flabbergasted at the prices. You all hesitantly order your food, and some small talk begins at the table.
"So that's how your tattoos work?!" You say, intrigued at Chamber's abilities. "But- Does your trademark also work the same way?" You stop; Chamber was staring at you. With a soft smile on his face, you immediately cover your mouth. "I'm Sorry- I must be annoying you-" "Ah, don't worry, Cheri. After all, I love talking about myself." He giggles as he places his hands on his palms. Chamber feels a slight tap on his shoulder, "Uhm- Hey there, sexy," A well-dressed woman drawls. You internally cringed at her approach, "my friends and I thought you looked absolutely ravishing... We were just wondering if we could get your number?" You thought Chamber would allow his ego to get stroked and entertain them, but no. He turns them down politely and looks back to continue explaining his abilities. The lady looked like she was bitchslapped across her face, clearly not accepting Chamber's rejection. "I will have you reprimanded, young man! Do you know who I am?" "You're an entitled bitch that can't handle rejection." You scoffed, and Chamber was surprised. He hasn't seen this side of you before; perhaps you didn't like how she flirted with him. "Now, excuse me, you're blocking the way of my food." You dismiss her, waving your hand away to shoo her off. The embarrassed woman runs back to her seat, holding off tears. The whole table laughs, and you begin eating.
The night ends well, and the helicopter arrives soon. You all leave the restaurant and go back to the pick-up point. You were at the back of the group with Chamber. Relishing the feeling of being with him, your fatigue catches up with you, and your legs begin wobbling again. Chamber offers to carry you, and you accept graciously. 'Chamber smells so good.' You thought you felt his muscles flexing under his suit and tie. You were gushing so much over his figure you didn't even notice he stopped walking. You only came to your senses when he said, "Cheri, I like you." Panicking at the sudden confrontation, you buried your head in the crook of his head. The air was cold, yet you felt so hot. You shakily breathed out, "A-are you sure? I thought you had eyes on Viper-" "I don't know why I do these things; perhaps it's my bad habit." The male lies; he knows why. "But I'm willing to do anything to make it up to you." That's the truth; he would burn down this godforsaken world for your happiness. He puts you down and faces you, slowly caressing your cheekbones.
"You think they're alright?" Phoenix whispers to Neon as he stares at the two sentinels at the back. "Yeah, I'm sure they are." She chuckles as she witnesses the party kiss. "Jeez, she took long to say it; I don't know how long I could bare their tension." Viper gags, and the firebird shouts. "Ay! Could yall hurry it up?! I know you're having a moment, but Brim says the 'choppers there now!"
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