#i made this in 2 hours lmao sorry if it kinda sucks
hoetolegist · 1 year
Let me have a taste
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Summary: Getting married is not something you want to do right now but sucking off the son of your mom's boss is
Warnings: sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), face-fucking, semi public, 2 seconds of jealous Stefan, oral sex (f receiving), protected sex, dirty talk, language (y'all know I like to curse), y/n is a riding pro, slight choking, explicit kinda
Authors note: this story was low-key an excuse for me to practice my blowjob writing skills lmao so the sex and the ending wasn't really thought out much nonetheless I hope you like it. p.s there's more plot than I thought oop-
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Every time you flew down to Mystic falls to visit your parents, your mom always ended up talking about how disappointed she was about you being 24 and single. This time was no different. You sat at the round glass table with your mom and your dad, eating a casserole that your mom made a few hours prior to your visit. It hasn't even been 10 seconds into eating before your mom cleared her throat to speak, you mentally prepared yourself for what was to come
"Y/n" she began "you're twenty four. You need to settle down and start a family"
You inwardly groaned and rolled your eyes. This is a conversation that you were never able to avoid, not when you were 21, not when you were 22, not when you were 23 and not now. What your parents don't understand is that you are a very busy woman. It's not that you don't want a boyfriend, you'd love to have someone to come home to and talk about your day with but you just don't have time for one right now. Not only were you a young and attractive woman who just wanted to have her fair share of fun before she couldn't anymore but you also had a serious job that requires a lot of your attention
Your mom got married to your dad when she was 22 and then went on to have you at 24. She wants you to follow in her footsteps and start a family early so by the time you're older you don't have to worry about raising children. The thing is though is that your grandparents were millionaires, they coddled and spoiled your mom endlessly, to the point where she didn't need a job or to do anything for that matter so she decided start a family. Although your mom inherited her parents riches when they passed away, you refused to be spoiled rotten. You wanted to work hard for what you have and you did. You love and respect your mother but you refuse to sit around all day in a house too big, being a stay at home mom who does nothing but cook and clean
"Please don't start. I came here to see you and dad, can we not focus on my love life today" you said as you pushed your food around the plate with a fork, avoiding eye contact
Your mom placed her fork on her plate and sighed. "Honey I just want the best for you. I want you to start a family like me. What about that adorable Matt" she replied
"Mom no" you scoffed "wh- why would you even suggest that?"
Matt was a childhood friend of yours from middle school. You still hang out with him probably once or twice a year but you guys drifted apart a long time ago, there were no hard feelings, it's natural. Your mom loves Matt though, every time you see her she says "you and that Matt kid would make a great couple" or "he'll be your husband one day I'm telling you" but she hasn't even seen him since you guys were 18
The sound of your chair scraping the floor filled the room as you pushed back in your seat to get up. "I haven't talked to Matt in a while" you sighed and grabbed the plates before walking through the door that connected the dining room to the kitchen so you could wash your dish "and please stop telling your friends that I'm looking for a husband. If Mrs. Lockwood calls me one more time, I'm pulling my hair out" you said loud enough for her to hear
You began scrubbing the dishes as your mom walked in and leaned on the counter next to you, her brown bangs fanning messily over her forehead. "Okay I'm sorry honey. I just want you to find a ni-"
"nice guy and settle down" you finished for her "I know and I will. Just not now. There's so much I want to do for myself before I have to share my life with anyone else" you turned the faucet off and shook your hands before drying them on the kitchen towel
She sighed but prodded no more, just tapping the counter "okay honey, we have guests later today" she said before heading to the living room. Your dad leaned against the door frame and you knew he was going to say something, having heard that whole conversation. He shook his head before walking over to you and placing his dish in the sink. "She's just looking out for you in the only way she knows how" he kissed the top of your head "I'll talk to her about it okay?"
You nodded as he turned around and walked out of the kitchen. You released a heavy sigh and grabbed your phone off of the counter before leaving through the backdoor to get some fresh air. You had many messages from your friends, they must be worried since you haven't talked to them since you landed which means it has been two days now
Y/n, are you okay?
I said text me when you get there remember??
Bonnie is gonna spam call the group chat if you don't answer
Hey! Just checking in
I stg you better not be dead
I'm calling
[2 missed calls from Bonnie]
[4 missed calls from 'the girls who care']
You chuckled to yourself upon seeing those messages. You decided to three-way call the group chat so you didn't have to go back and forth texting both of your friends. You sat down on the rocking chair as your phone rang
"You bitch" was the first thing you heard once the ringing stopped. Caroline picked up first then Bonnie, they were both scolding you at the same time and you just sat back on the chair and sighed since you couldn't get a word in yet
"Do you understand how worried we were?!" Caroline shouted into her mic
"Seriously, we were about to pack and fly down there" Bonnie added on a bit calmer but you could tell she was just as upset
You waited for them to get silent before you responded "I'm sorry guys. I didn't think things were going to be hectic as soon as I arrived"
They sighed because they knew exactly what you were talking about. The first and last time you ever invited your friends down to visit, your mom embarrassed you endlessly. Not the cute embarrassment when she talks about your baby pictures and coo over your squishy cheeks. No, the embarrassment that comes with getting yelled at in front of your friends for not wanting to get married at 22, the embarrassment of your mom practically telling your friends that they might as well kill themselves if they don't start a family early
"You need to put your foot down y/n" Caroline said with a huff "just cuss her out or something"
"She's my mother Care, I can't cuss my mother out"
"Sure you can" you could picture her rolling her eyes at you "all because she's your mom doesn't mean you have to take the constant disrespect"
Caroline was the one you don't go to for advice and the times you do, you don't really listen to her much. This time, maybe she was right, maybe you do need to put your foot down but if you were going to do it, it wouldn't be today. You waited for Bonnie to say something, anything. She's the calm one, the one that talks some sense into them when things were going wrong and you needed some sense right now
Bonnie sighed exasperated "Y/n, don't cuss your mom out. Caroline, stop suggesting stupid shit like that" you nodded as if she could see you "just sit her down and talk to her about it, your dad is on your side so both of you could team up and make her see that you can make your own decisions about your life and you don't need to be hassled for it"
You face palmed yourself "I've done that already Bonnie. I can't- I can't talk anymore, I've done enough talking with her"
That's when Caroline decided to speak again "well..." she started. You and Bonnie were prepared for her to say something absolutely useless but she said something that actually kind of peaked your interest. "Why don't you just tell her you already have a boyfriend? To get her off of your back at least for the rest of your visit" she said nonchalantly
"Wait- say that again" you demanded, getting up from the swing and pacing the back porch
"Uh, just tell her you have a boyfriend already?" She said it like it was a question "I mean it might be stupid but it could work. Your mom just wants you to settle down, tell her that you will and she'll be excited enough to leave you alone"
"Care you're a fucking genius!" you shouted, you kept your phone stable by using your shoulder as you pumped your fists in victory as if you had the idea yourself. "Gosh I love you guys so much. I'll have to talk to you later okay?"
This plan was absolutely fucking genius. Caroline can be on the dumber side sometimes and her ideas were over the top but there are times where she has those moments that made you want to grab her face and kiss her silly and now was one of those amazing moments.
"Wait" Bonnie tried "Y/n think it through first you can't just-"
You hung up. Of course Bonnie was going to have protests and you'll call her to talk about her opinions later but for now you have a plan and you want to get everything in your head situated first. You texted the chat saying sorry for hanging up so abruptly then you put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans before flinging the back door open
Nobody was in the living room so you threw yourself on the couch and turned on the TV just for some background noise while you sat deep in thought. Deep in the back of your mind you knew this plan would never work but if it did end up working out the way you hoped, you'd have a relaxing rest of your visit. Now you're certain that she'll ask a shit ton of questions, things like "what's his name?" And "when did you meet?" Or "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" So you came up with an answer for all of those questions. Once you came up with your fake backstory and a name to go with it, you decided to go up to your room and take a nap
You knew that you should probably get started on dinner but you were burnt out from the day and the constant nagging you had to put up with. The stairs creaked as you walked up two steps at a time. Your bedroom was still decorated the same from when you were 17 years old. Tacked onto the pale blue walls were multiple BTS posters, a light brown, wooden desk was pushed into the corner closest to the window and right in the middle of the spacey room sat a queen sized bed with pale blue sheets to match the walls and a heavy black comforter because your parents loved to keep the house cold
With a heavy sigh, you closed the door and went to the bathroom that was connected to your room. After washing up and cleaning your face you threw yourself onto the soft bed and curled under the comforter. Later you'll think things through more but right now you need to get some serious shut eye
"Y/n!" You heard a muffled voice shout out. It was your mom standing at the bottom of the stairs calling for dinner. She had a phrase for waking you up when you were a kid "two shouts before I come in and throw ice water on you". You realized that was her second shout once you heard the stairs creak with every step she took to come up
You rolled out of bed, your butt thumping the ground pretty hard. "Shit" you grimaced and lifted yourself to rub your right ass cheek before you heard your doorknob turn. Your mom flung the door open and stood in the doorway with a big blue cup in her hand, no doubt full of the coldest water she could find. "Hi mom, I'm up" you said groggily as she eyed you like you were crazy. You were sitting on the floor half asleep with one eye open, just your bra and panties on, rubbing your bruising ass cheek while your blanket was tangled around your legs, you could be seen as crazy. She opened her mouth to speak but shut it right away, just nodding and shutting the door quickly with a thud
Okay, so not the best way to say hello to your mother but if she knew how to knock she wouldn't have caught you in such a compromising position. You placed one elbow on your bed and another on your bedside table to hoist yourself up with a grunt. "Jesus fucking Christ" you mumbled as you dragged yourself to the bathroom to make yourself presentable. Your mom was inviting one of her co-workers over for dinner and she briefly woke up earlier to tell you to dress your best because there was someone she wanted you to meet
You thought that maybe she was trying to get you to talk to one of her friends so you could get a job in town, you knew how badly she wanted you to move back in with her and your dad. So when you walk down stairs in your black, tight fitted long sleeved shirt, camaflouge print cargo pants - cinched at the ankles, and black, leather converse high tops, you weren't expecting to see one of the most gorgeous men you have ever seen before in your 24 years of living. Your mom was talking to a lady who you assumed was her co-worker while the man looked around the living room, smiling at family pictures and touching the plants
"Oh Y/n you're here!!" Everyone looked at you at the announcement of your arrival. You waved shyly then walked over to your mom with your arms stiffly at your sides. She introduced the woman as Vanessa Salvatore, the CEO of Salvatore inc, the largest car company in all of North America. Your jaw damn near touched your toes, when your mom had said co-worker you wouldn't have thought that she meant the CEO of the goddamn company she worked at
The woman shook your hand firmly and called over the man who was walking around the living room. "This is my son" she said as he walked over. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt, paired with a grey suit and brown shoes, his dirty blonde hair was gelled back, a missed curl falling prettily in front of his eye. As he planted himself next to his mother you noticed that his eyes were a beautiful emerald green and his jaw was chiseled to perfection, it could cut through diamonds if he tried. He was devastatingly gorgeous, taking your eyes off of him would not be easy
"Hello, I'm Stefan Salvatore" he held his hand out and flashed a beautiful, toothy smile. You smiled right back at him and took his hand, shaking firmly like your mom taught you. "Y/n Smith, nice to meet you" you replied, trying to sound professional, this must be something important, pertaining to your mothers job. You pulled your hand back while he stared at you, intensely like he was trying to read you through your eyes. You were starting to feel kind of hot under his gaze so you turned around to go help your father set the table
Your father greeted you with a smile when you walked through the doors "hey honey" he said as he grabbed a stack of napkins "help set these plates, will you?" He kissed your cheek then walked past you to set down the napkins. While you grabbed the plates you heard the kitchen door swing open, you turned around to see who it was and there was Stefan, waving hello to your father as he walked toward you
"Y/n right?" Stefan grabbed the glass cups that were stacked on the counter next to you "sorry if I stared a little back there, you are a gorgeous woman" he said, you could see a slight smirk on his face, he's confident, that's either a good thing or a bad thing. "Thanks, you're a very handsome man" you returned the compliment before going to set the plates down. He followed you to the connected dining room and set a cup down beside every plate you placed on the table. A comfortable silence wrapped around the two of you as you both worked to set the table
After the table was done being set up you called everyone into the dining room to eat. Your mom cooked since you had taken a nap (you reminded yourself to apologize for that later). She made baked macaroni, sliced ham, sliced turkey, yellow rice with gravy and baked chicken. You were ready to dig in but guests first was the biggest rule whenever you had company over. You waited until their plates were fixed then you eagerly stood up and placed some of everything on yours
"So Michelle, I heard that the idea of two engines was your idea" Ms. Salvatore held a hand to her mouth as she talked. Your mom nodded her head "I was quite shocked at hearing that but after learning so much about you I could see that you are a smart woman". You smiled proudly upon hearing this, your mom had been working on that two engine idea for the better part of a year, when she finally got the chance to pitch it to her higher ups she was a big ball of nerves, calling you every two seconds before she had to be in the boardroom
Your mom bowed her head shyly "thank you so much Vanessa" she said gratefully, a hue of pink faint on her cheeks
Conversations flowed perfectly after that. Ms. Salvatore asked you questions like where you worked and where you lived now and you had answered truthfully. You were the head photographer at the modeling agency you worked at in New York, Lights up studios
Mrs. Salvatore's eyes lit up "Oh! A photographer? My Stefan is a model and he lives in New York too" she pat his shoulder "It's hard to get him to come visit since his schedule is very tight but he manages"
"Me too, I visit whenever my schedule dies down a bit" you cleared your throat and looked at Stefan "a model? You are very handsome" you noticed the way your mom looked between you two with a big smile on her face. "Which companies have you worked with?". You wanted to know if he ever worked with your company before, maybe before you began working there he had done some shoots
Stefan shrugged "uh, nothing big just-" he looked at his mom and sighed, she was obviously very proud of his profession "Gucci and Louis Vuitton, places like that" he scratched the back of his head, for some reason embarrassed
Your eyes widened and you put your fork down "Oh wow that's totally big. I would love to see your pictures one day". You could tell he was about to decline but his mom already had her phone in hand and pictures pulled up. Stefan's photos were amazing, he was a natural and whoever his photographer was, they were so very talented. Your breath caught in your throat at one specific photo from an underwear photoshoot, it was hot but it weirded you out that you were looking at it from his moms phone. You sat back up and started chewing on a piece of ham while his mom showed more pictures to your parents
Dinner was great. After you and your mom had finished clearing the table, everyone gathered in the living room. After thanking Mrs. Salvatore for coming over, your dad went upstairs to his room because he had to get to work early tomorrow. Your mom sat next to Mrs. Salvatore on the couch and they seemed to be talking about something important. Stefan was sitting on a recliner, looking a little lost so you decided to sit on the one next to him
"Hey" you said as you sat down "I apologize, I wouldn't have asked if I knew you were going to be a bit uncomfortable". You were feeling bad about his obvious discomfort when you asked to see his pictures. He obviously didn't like talking about his profession much and you didn't mean to pry
He flicked his wrist dismissively "It's fine. I wanted to show them, I just uh, get a little embarrassed when my mom starts to talk about it" he lowered his head "it's stupid"
You shook your head "it's not stupid, I know how you feel". Hearing your parents brag about you is the worst, especially when it's about something as big as what Stefan does. You couldn't even imagine your mom pulling out pictures of you to brag to anyone she has a chance to brag to
"I'm surprised I've never bumped into someone as sexy as you up in New York" Stefan suddenly leaned over and whispered into your ear, deep and raspy. Heat immediately pooled in your stomach at the sinful sound. He's obviously not shy when it comes to flirting, is what you thought to yourself
You chuckled "is that so?". What you did next was bold but you didn't care. You turned your head his way, he was still leaning close to you so now your faces were only inches apart, you could see the shards of gray in his eyes and the way his lips formed a lopsided heart. "Well Mr. Salvatore, now you know where to bump into me" you whispered against his lips. His eyes flickered to your lips then back to your eyes
Just as he was about to reply, Mrs. Salvatore called you both over. You got up at the same time and walked over to the couch. Your mom was looking around nervously and that made you nervous but you didn't say anything, you waited for whatever was about to be said. "Uh, we think you two should go out and get drinks. Let the adults talk some more"
You looked at your mother and just like you thought, she wasn't making eye contact with you. No way was she trying to set you up with her boss's son. "Mom, can I talk to you in the kitchen" you said with a fake smile on your face
"Honey" she laughed awkwardly "we have guests"
"Just for a minute"
You turned around and walked to the kitchen, knowing your mom would be right behind you. "Mom what the fuck?" You whisper shouted once she walked in and the door was closed "your boss's son? Are you serious right now?"
She raised a brow "excuse me young lady? Watch your mouth" she sighed "now it's just to see how compatible you two are. He's a sweet young man and if you're going to get married soon then-"
You threw your hands in the air and interrupted her with a groan "I don't want to get married mom, what don't you understand!"
She was pleading with her eyes now "Y/n just try, you might like Stefan, he's a sweet boy. And he has seemed to take a liking to you already"
"Mom I don't-" You sighed tiredly, you have no more fight left in you and no more strength left to even finish that sentence. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other, you can't do it anymore so you just agreed. You glared at your mom one more time before leaving the kitchen, mumbling a quiet "nice to meet you" to Ms. Salvatore before snatching your car keys from the hook by the front door
"Let's go Stefan" you said with a little sass as you threw the front door open and walked out into the night. Stefan was right behind you, closing the house door and scrambling to sit in the passenger side of your black Mercedes E Class. Once in the car, you started it and exhaled heavily "do you mind if I bluetooth this?" You asked Stefan as you held up your phone, indicating you needed to make a call. He shrugged and sat back, buckling his seat belt
As you pulled out of the driveway the sounds of your phone ringing filled the car. You needed some sense right now before you angrily killed you and Stefan by driving off of the next bridge you cross so you called the only person who could give you some sense. "Hello?" A voice whispered, she was obviously sleeping and you would feel bad if you weren't completely pissed
"Bonnie, why the fuck do I put up with this shit? I can't talk to her and to hell with the fake boyfriend plan, that wasn't going to work anyway and I knew it wasn't the minute I put my head down to nap" you were going on and on, to anybody else the silence would mean Bonnie doesn't really care but you know she's just listening intently "I can't do this shit anymore. I can't keep coming down here and hearing the same shit and worrying about the next man my mom is trying to marry me off to in Mystic Falls. It's exhausting Bonnie"
You weren't even angry anymore just exhausted. You tried to understand your mom, you tried to sympathize with her, you tried to be angry with her but none of it is working. Nothing you do is going to stop the constant nagging and the constant questions about your love life and the silent judgement you get from her friends whose kids are already married
Bonnie hummed "what happened y/n? Did she tell another one of her friends that you want a husband"
"Basically. She invited her boss and the lady's goddamn son to the house for dinner then sent me out to get drinks with the fucking son" you chuckled dryly "she thinks I didn't notice her smiling at us like we were going to get married right there in the fucking living room"
Stefan was looking at you like you were crazy but you paid him no mind. He knew exactly what you were talking about because judging by the way his mom was smiling from ear to ear upon introducing him, she definitely told him he needed to start looking for a wife too
"Is he ugly?" Is what Bonnie asked, you saw Stefan smirk out the corner of your eye and this time it pissed you off so you said the logical answer
"Yes" you bit back a snicker when you saw his eyes widen "and he's shorter than a troll"
"Hey! You're a liar" Stefan said, pointing an accusatory finger at you
"IS HE IN THE CAR?" Bonnie shouted, you winced at how loud it was, leaning over to turn the car volume down a little
You released a laugh, high pitched and squeaky "yeah he is" you laughed harder "you should see the way he's glaring at me"
Before you knew it, all three of you started laughing. It felt nice to laugh like that and you felt less pissed. Bonnie then stopped laughing and called your name, you hummed in acknowledgment. "Just make the most of it okay? Don't think of it as your mom sending you off on a date, think of it as you meeting a new friend" she said
You nodded your head, she's right you need to think more positively. Stefan is funny and handsome, you won't marry him but you sure would fuck him if you had the chance. So why not make the most of it? "You're right Bon, thank you" you sighed "I don't know what I'd do without you". You said your goodbyes and apologized for waking her up then you hung up
"Great friend. Mine would've told me to push you out of the car and take the next flight back to New York" Stefan said once the call ended
You laughed and glanced at him "if I had called my other friend, she would've said the same thing" you stopped at a red light then leaned back in your seat "you're not ugly by the way or short" you said quietly, your joking demeanor long gone
"I know" he replied smugly. You scoffed in disbelief and amusement, so he's definitely not one to turn down a compliment
You shook your head as you started driving again "Salvatore you're something else" you replied, hearing him release a breathy laugh in response
It's a sound you've come to like, maybe a little too much
The music was blaring and you could barely hear the story Stefan was trying to tell you. You both agreed to go to a local night club called "Mindy's", great bar service and great bathrooms to suck someone off. Stefan was leaning back in the booth across from you, his legs were spread out and he had both arms propped up behind him, he threw his head back in a deep laugh at one of his own jokes and you swear it was one of the sexiest things you ever heard
You were still kind of upset about your mother trying to set you up to get married but you tried not to think about it here. You were with Stefan and more than likely going to get fucked tonight, why ruin that with complaints? You tapped on the table "do you want another drink?" You asked Stefan as you slid out of the booth to go get yourself your fourth one of the night. He nodded and allowed his eyes to roam your body as he handed you his empty glass. Your fingers grazed his as you grabbed the cup and you felt tingles from the warmth
You walked away confidently, certain that he was staring at your ass. "Two gin and tonics please" you said with a smile once you reached the bar. The male bartender smirked at you before fixing the drinks
"Here alone?" The bartender asked, his shiny black hair was messy like he had been running his hands through it and his eyes were a striking blue "I'm Landon by the way"
You hummed and replied "with a friend" then you let yourself stare at his plump, red lips as he ran his tongue across the bottom one. "I'm Y/n", the bartender looked at you with some type of intensity in his eyes, you knew he wanted you but you just wanted to flirt. Flirting always calls for a good time
He slid you your drinks then leaned forward "I'd love to take you out sometime" he whispered "I don't see many beautiful women like you in the falls". You almost rolled your eyes, these men don't seem to see beautiful women anywhere. You grabbed the drinks, lifting your brow at an extra he slid over, saying it was "on the house"
You smiled at him and thanked him for the drinks and compliment. "Maybe you'll see me around more" you said, knowing that you'll be leaving soon and not coming back for a couple more months. After telling him that you should get going, you turned around and headed back to your booth
When you got back to the table, Stefan was looking at you with his eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. You decided to sit next to him instead of across from him. "Got an extra!" you shouted into his ear. He smiled, tight lipped and his eyes were sharper like he was angry. You asked him what was wrong but he just shrugged and said nothing so you hummed and started swaying in your seat to the music
"I want to dance"
Stefan just looked at you and raised a brow as if questioning why but you just grabbed his hand and drug him out of the booth. "Humor me" you said, placing a hand on his chest "just one dance"
He stared into your eyes for a few minutes then he took your hand and walked onto the dance floor. He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest "hm, I think someone else was expecting a dance too" he whispered, his warm breath fanning across your neck. Your breath hitched as he pulled you closer, sliding his left hand down your left arm to intertwine your fingers
He was jealous. You realized it in the way he held you possessively and the way he chose a spot right where the bartender could see you guys. It's not everyday you find a man as sexy as Stefan that wants you so badly so you caught yourself from smiling and decided not to comment on his jealousy
Instead you pushed your hips back as he placed his other hand on your waist to guide your movements. You could feel his heart beating rapidly on your back and you reveled in the feeling, you were making him feel like this. Eventually you were grinding up against him faster and harder and you could feel his breath picking up from the constant friction. You put your head back on his shoulder and closed your eyes, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth when he started to leave feather light kisses down your neck. "Mm" you hummed as arousal swirled in the pits of your stomach, you needed to fuck him now
"I want you” Stefan confessed, low and deep in your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe. “I would fuck you so well” he added, nipping the lobe of your ear afterward
You let out a little gasp when Stefan released your entwined fingers then spun you to face him. You were drunk off both pleasure and alcohol, a dangerous combination. Stefan then kissed you, so deeply and passionately that your knees almost buckled from the feeling. His lips were softer and warmer then you could have ever imagined, not that you had much time to imagine since you just met him not too long ago
You panted as he pulled back just a little "show me then please" you begged. You weren't even going to resort to begging at first but every time he touched you a fire ignited throughout your whole body and the only way to put it out is to feel him inside of you
“Begging already?” Stefan said, his lips still against yours
You whimpered and closed your eyes as he kissed you again. You needed Stefan and it's now or never but before you could tell him to take you to the bathrooms, he was already letting go
“Come on then” he teased in a low voice, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands trailed lightly down your back, just a teasing touch, before he gripped your ass. Then the touch was gone and his warmth was gone. You opened your eyes to see Stefan walking toward the bathrooms, he walked with his head held high and the crowd parted for him like the red sea
Before you knew it you were booking it to the bathrooms. As soon as you opened the door, you were pulled in and pushed against it. Stefan locked it then connected his lips with yours hungrily. You melted into his touch, enjoying the softness of his lips and the taste of alcohol on his tongue as he licked into your mouth. Stefan slid his hands under your shirt to squeeze your waist and the touch sent a lick of heat through your stomach. You pulled back and scanned his body
"Let me suck your dick" it was a demand but a question at the same time
He nodded with a groan "yeah okay". Stefan switched spots so his back was against the door and you were in front of him then he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down enough to get his dick out. Your eyes widened, you almost wanted to slap him for having such a perfect dick – it was long, thick and his pretty red tip was already dripping with pre-cum
You quickly sunk down to your knees and stuck your tongue out, licking a broad stripe along the vein on his cock. Stefan released a drawn out moan, letting the back of his head hit the door with a thud. "Fuck" he cursed under his breath as you started to suck on the tip. He put a hand in your hair, not pushing your head but just keeping it there
This turned you on though, you wanted him to grip your hair and fuck his cock down your throat. And you let him know that by sinking down as far as you can, then looking up at him with tears pricking your eyes. His grip in your hair tightened and his breathing picked up. "Okay shit, I get it" he said, smiling down at you and boy was his smile beautiful. "Tap my thigh whenever you want me to stop" he added before pulling his cock out to rub his tip on your lips
When you opened your mouth he took that opportunity to slide in, slowly, just until he hit the back of your throat then he pulled back again and slammed in harder. Your eyes watered but you just breathed through your nose, you wanted this. "So good baby" he breathed as he looked down at you with half lidded eyes. The praise make your pussy clench around nothing, wanting him to fill you up
Stefan gently fisted your hair with both hands as he began to thrust, moving your head along with him. "Those pretty lips were meant to be stretched around my cock" he said as he started thrusting faster, moans getting louder. You're sure anybody who was waiting for the restroom could hear him but that made it even hotter
Drool and tears ran down your face as Stefan brutally hit the back of your throat with each thrust, you closed your eyes and thanked the universe for not giving you a gag reflex. You moaned around his length, hearing him let out a curse from the vibrations just like you thought he would. You continued to look up at him as he stared down at you, he was breathtaking. His forehead glistened with sweat and his tongue swiped across his bottom lip every few seconds. He smiled at you in between a moan and it was the sexiest thing you had ever seen
Soon his thrusts were faltering and his cock was twitching against your tongue with the need to release. "Fuck- I'm gonna cum" he moaned as he put his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. His grip in your hair tightened as he thrusted one more time, stilling with a loud groan as he came hot and salty down your throat. You swallowed it all quickly then sucked on his tip a little more until he was pulling you off from over stimulation
"You're a fucking dream" he breathed out, his eyes following you as you stood back up and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand
"So I've been told" you replied with a laugh as you turned around to walk to the sink to wash your face and fix your hair
After Stefan tucked himself back in and buckled his belt back up he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "I don't have condoms on me" he mumbled as he kissed your ear. You tried not to pout in disappointment. You were really hoping to get fucked tonight but you were fine with it, you didn't care much
"It's fine I don't need anything in re-"
"But I have my own place a few blocks away" he interrupted with a face as if he was trying not to laugh and coo at you. That was all he had to say before you were grabbing his arm and unlocking the bathroom door. Of course you cared, you wanted Stefan and he didn't seem like the blowjob and go type of guy anyway. You didn't care about the people staring at the both of you as you flung the door open and walked out
You and Stefan walked to the car in silence because if either of you spoke you'd probably just say fuck it and have the nastiest sex on your backseat. Electricity was buzzing through your veins and you were already wet from earlier, you know he could fuck you good and you're ready to be pinned down and fucked rough
Stefan had already typed his address into your phone's GPS so in just a few minutes you were pulling up a huge driveway. Your eyes widened as something akin to a mansion came into view. His house was fucking huge, there is no way he lives here alone and of course you talked first and asked that very question. "You live here? Alone?" You asked your car came to a halt by the entrance
He shook his head and replied "not alone". You raised a brow and asked with who and he told you that he has a three year old puppy named Rose that he keeps with him every time he visits Mystic Falls, giving the puppy to his parents whenever he isn't here. For some reason you felt a sense of relief at the confirmation of nobody else living there but you ignored it because what would you be relieved for?
When you walked in the house you didn't even have time to process how big and beautiful it was inside before Stefan was grabbing your waist and smashing ypur lips together. You yelped as he picked you up and you quickly wrapped your legs around his waist. "You're so fucking sexy" he said in between nips on your bottom lip. He carried you up a flight of stairs with his lips still connected to yours, not pulling away until he threw you on a big bed in a bedroom way too big for one person. You sat still and looked around as Stefan went to go grab condoms out of his dresser
The room was huge but very bland like something you'd imagine a guest room to look like but you knew it was his room because of the single picture of him accompanied by a tall man with black hair that sat on his dresser. You wanted to ask questions but you didn't want to pry too much
Soon Stefan came back with three condoms, you lifted a brow and giggled. "Three? Are you trying to kill me?" You asked in faux disbelief. You can handle three rounds but you aren't sure if he can, not with you
He laughed lowly while moving to hover over you. "Just hoping you can keep up" he said before pressing his lips against yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist as you pulled him closer and kissed him back harder. You could kiss Stefan forever, it was like your lips were made to be on his
You both grinded against each other before Stefan pulled back to start kissing down your neck. "Tell me what you like" he said as he nipped a sensitive part on your neck "I'm open to anything" he continued, detaching his lips from your neck so he could pull your shirt off, you complied by lifting your arms
"Mm" you moaned as he kissed around your breasts, you indeed wore no bra. Your breasts are big but not too big so you were able to pass without a bra sometimes. "I like rough but not too rough, I don't want to bleed. I like to be choked and please don't hesitate to leave marks, it turns me on". You placed a hand on the back of his head as he started sucking on one of your hard nipples. "If you're too silent I might get up and leave in the middle of it" you laughed when Stefan softly bit your nipple trying to hold back a laugh. "I'm serious, be vocal, I like to hear how good you feel" you said, looking down in time to see Stefan wink at you
"Of course I'll be vocal baby" he mumbled against your skin as he was switching to the other nipple. You shuddered at the pet name again and closed your eyes thinking of more things to tell him
"If I say pineapple that means stop"
Stefan released your nipple with a pop "you better pineapple the shit out of me if you feel any bit of discomfort, got it?" He said with a small smile. You replied with a simple yes before helping him pull his shirt off
This man was carved by angels then double checked by the Greek Gods, you've never seen abs so chiseled and defined. Your mouth hung open as you shamelessly swept his torso with your eyes. Is it weird to say someone has pretty nipples? It probably is but that didn't stop you. "You're nipples are so pretty" you blurted, mentally face palming yourself once you said it
"Thanks" Stefan smiled then pinched one of your nipples "so are yours"
"Just fuck me already" you huffed with a playful roll of your eyes
Stefan kissed you again as he pulled your pants and panties off, quickly pulling his pants and boxers off as well. He stared open mouthed at your pussy and you were about two seconds away from covering up before he began to run his fingers along your glistening folds. He spread you open with two fingers "fuck you're so wet" he removed his fingers and brought them to your lips, you willingly opened your mouth to taste yourself like he wanted you to
He watched you with a hungry look in his eyes which spurred you on more. As much as you wanted to get fucked, you loved the foreplay, you know your orgasm is going to be so much more intense when he does get around to fucking you. You dragged your tongue in between his two fingers and you sucked hard, reminding him of the blowjob you gave him back at the club. "Shit" he whispered, voice heavy with arousal. You released his fingers then watched him move down so his head could be between your thighs
"Gonna taste you first" he said then he stuffed his face into your pussy
You arched up and released a sigh when he licked a stripe up your core and to your clit. He wrapped his lips around it, sucking hard as you grabbed the sheets on either side of your head and squeezed your eyes shut. It felt so good and you wanted so badly to hump his face. "So good Stefan" you whined when he swirled his tongue around your clit then moved to push his tongue through your pulsating hole, using his thumb to rub your clit
It was messy, you were so wet for him and you could hear the way he slurps on your pussy, it pushed you closer and closer to the edge. He pushed two fingers into your hole at once and it felt so good with just a small sting. He hooked his fingers, hitting your g-spot right away. "Right there" you whined breathily, pushing back on his fingers
He was so good at this, knew exactly what to do with his fingers and mouth. But you needed more, you wanted to cum on his cock. You tapped his head "fuck me" you looked at him through half lidded eyes and squeezed your own nipples "I want you so bad" you said, moaning softly when his pressed a kiss to your core
Stefan nodded and quickly sat up on his knees and opened one of the condoms. You watched as he rolled it on then pumped himself a few times. It was hot, he was hot. "Relax for me, okay?" Stefan whispered, rubbing circles into your thighs as he lined himself up with your hole. A quiet moan left you as he pushed in excruciatingly slow, his eyes stuck on where you two are now connected. He rests his hand down on your mound, thumb rubbing small circles into your clit as he rocked his hips into yours
"Shit" Stefan muttered softly to himself. He hadn't really set a pace yet, just lazily rolling his hips and enjoying the feel of your warm, wet pussy squeezing him so tightly. "Fuck you feel so good" he grunted out as he began to speed up his thrusts, fucking into you so hard that his neighbors could probably hear the slap of skin against skin
Stefan slid his hand up your torso to squeeze one of your breasts, rolling your nipple between his thumb and pointer finger. "Oh my God" your eyes rolled into the back of your head, his cock hit your g-spot with each thrust inside of you. You gripped his sheets to keep yourself from sinking your nails into his biceps. "Deeper please Stefan" you whined, not knowing how he could get any deeper but you need him to try
"Ride me" is what he replied "if you want it, then ride me" he challengingly quirked a brow and smirked. He was obviously teasing you but with no hesitation you put your hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, allowing his cock to slide out of you so you can hover above him
"You're so fucking sexy" He whispered as you positioned yourself above his cock and sunk down, he was just in you but the stretch was still there, it was a dull pain. His fingers dug into your sides harshly, hard enough to leave bruises and you'd smile about it if you weren't trying to fit his cock in you
You circled your hips a few times before lifting yourself up and slamming back down. You set the pace and made the movements quick and harsh. Stefan slid his hands down to your ass, helping you bounce up and down on him. "You ride me so well" Stefan groaned, eyebrows furrowing out of pleasure
You couldn’t help but clench around him from the endless praise, the action causing him to buck his hips as he moaned “yeah, just like that”. One particular swivel of your hips had you both groan in unison as you worked his cock to find your sweet spot. You locked into the feeling desperate to find it by grinding his cock deeper because it was right there, making your eyes roll backwards into your head. "Oh F-" you shuddered as you found the spot you were looking for
Stefan looked at you with eyes fogged with pure lust. There was no way he could close his eyes when you moved like that above him. He lifted his hips up to meet yours and although you weren't planning on cumming so quickly, that pushed so far over the edge, you couldn't even see straight as your orgasm knocked the breath out of you. Your vision was blurred, the dull ringing in your ears made your head pound and your body convulsed embarrassingly on top of Stefan
Your pussy fluttered violently around his cock, gripping onto it in a way that made Stefan's body shiver from pure pleasure. He’s moaning loudly, no longer being able to hold back. He brought a hand up to wrap around your throat as he planted his feet on the bed, sat up slightly and started fucking up so hard into you that you damn near saw stars
Both of you were sweating heavily and your skin was burning hot by now but you didn't want to stop, no matter how far you were pushed into oversensitivity
You could tell he was close when you felt him twitch inside of you so you used all of your energy to circle your hips to meet his thrust. "Fuck y/n" was the last thing you heard being whispered near your ear as he spilled inside of you, collapsing on top of you but not entirely as to not crush you
You both layed there for a few minutes breathing heavily. You tapped Stefan's shoulder to tell him to get off of you. With a sigh he pulled out of you and flopped onto your side, pulling off the condom and tying it up. "You're really a dream" he chuckled softly as he threw the condom into a small garbage bin by his bed
"So you've said" you looked at him and smiled. The silence was comfortable, just both of you basking in your post orgasm glow and waiting for your breathing to calm down. Suddenly your phone rang loudly, you sat up quick and felt around for it, picking your pants up off the floor and pulling it out of the back pocket
It was your mom calling, you looked at Stefan with wide eyes and put a finger over your lips. "Hello?" You stood up and paced the room, not bothering to even put your undergarments back on
"Y/n, where are you? It's almost one in the morning"
You bit back the scoff you so badly wanted to release "I'm with Stefan mom. Did you forget that you sent me off to get married to your boss's son?"
She sighed heavily, you could picture her leaning against the counter, rubbing her temples. "But that doesn't mean stay out all night doing God knows what! You still stay under my roof while you're here"
This time you did scoff, rolling your eyes as well "mom excuse my language but what the fuck?" You shook your head as Stefan looked over at you in concern "you begged me to leave the house with a random guy in hopes of me getting married so you can relive that through me, you don't get to lecture me when I don't come home for a couple of hours"
"Now Y/n watch-"
She tried to speak but you just needed to let this out so you interrupted her. "He could've been a serial killer or a kidnapper and if anything had gone left you wouldn't even be hearing my voice right now" you felt your eyes sting with tears, trying as best as you could to blink them back before they could fall "you're lucky that I'm with someone who actually makes me feel a bit safe. I'm not coming home tonight and I'll be packing tomorrow and going back to New York. I love you but I don't love the constant nagging about my love life, you don't respect me or my wishes mom. I'm sick of it" you tried to catch a tear before it slipped but it was too late "get some sleep okay? Goodnight, I love you" you hung up the phone and just stood there, butt naked and facing the wall with tears silently rolling down your face
You wiped your face and took breaths before turning around "uh, I'm gonna go" you walked to the bed and started putting your clothes back on and Stefan just watched. You didn't know if he wanted to say something or if he just didn't care but either way you just wanted to go. As you were putting your shirt on that's when Stefan got up, quickly going to his closet to rummage through a whole bunch of clothes. He pulled out a pair of black gym shorts and a white sleeveless t-shirt
"It's not much but if you uh, want you can take a shower here and stay here for tonight" he scratched the back of his head with one hand while he held out the clothes with the other, it even looked like he was blushing a little, you couldn't help but crack a small smile
You bit your lip to try to hold the smile back "are you sure? I don't want to impose or anything" you said while grabbing the clothes from him
"You're not imposing" he walked up to you and lifted your chin up with his fingers "don't let your mom force you to do anything you don't want to do" the look in his eye made you want to obey every word he said so you nodded your head. He searched your face "I'm serious y/n. I love my mom but if I had allowed her to force me into marriage I wouldn't be who I am today, doing what I love. You're a beautiful woman with a lot going for you, if marriage isn't what you want then don't do it"
Without really thinking about it you pulled him in for a kiss. Both of you were still naked but it wasn't a sex hungry, heat filled kiss, it was passionate and slow and it made butterflies flutter in your belly, you've never felt that before. You pulled away with a big, dopey smile on your face "I won't do anything I don't want to do" you whispered, biting your lip to conceal yet another smile
"So you wanted to kiss me like that?" He teased with a huge smile on his face. You turned away from him and began walking to the bathroom, answering his question by looking over your shoulder and inviting him in with a tilt of your head
"Come shower with me and I'll let you know what I really want"
He laughed loudly and you couldn't help but join in, it was so contagious. "Oh you crazy crazy girl" he said as he followed behind you, ready for whatever you had to offer him
Maybe you don't plan on getting married anytime soon or dating to be honest but Stefan has become a constant in your life and you'd like to keep it that way and when the time comes when you both want to settle down, it wouldn't be too bad if it was with him
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
A Gwen-Tastic Gift | Gwen Stacy
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Pairing: Gwen Stacy x Fem!Civilian!Reader
Summary: Gwen comes over into your place and gives you a little gift.
Word count: 690
Warnings: Fluff, established relationships, Gwen NOT putting her shoes on bed (/lh), just some cute cheesy shit going on here, pretend Earth-65 has Netflix lmao
A/N: Inspired by various Tiktok vids HCing Gwen as someone who makes loom band bracelets and bc I used to love making them, hey, why don't we make this a full fic?
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Hours had passed in your apartment and you didn’t even realize it because of how this particular movie you’ve been watching on Netflix got you really hooked. You didn’t want boredom to consume you so to prevent that, you chose to just watch a new movie this time because you wanted to try something new. Netflix and the various snacks you’ve eaten - including a bag of Cheetos you decided to eat with chopsticks to avoid getting Cheeto crumbs on your laptop - had been the main thing that’s grabbing your attention for the last 2 hours, until you heard a few knocks coming from your window. 
When you turned your head, you were faced with the familiar white, pink, and black suit of Spider-Woman, also known as your girlfriend Gwen Stacy. She waved her hand at you, and you waved back at her before walking over to the window and opening it to allow her access inside. 
“I missed the movie, didn’t I?” Gwen breathed out right as she removed her mask. 
“Kinda, but we can now watch another movie, right? You’d definitely love this one I’ve been wanting to recommend to you for so long.” you ruffled her already tousled blonde locks. 
She playfully swatted your hand off her hair. “Oh stop it, you’re messing up my hair!” 
“Technically it’s already messed up before I messed it up even more, sweet thing.” you pecked her cheek. 
“Hey but can I borrow your hairbrush, though?”
“Of course you can.” 
As you returned to your bed, Gwen took off her bright blue Converse sneakers and set them aside, just to not get dirt on your bed. She then picked up the hairbrush from your desk and combed her hair with it. Soon she joined you after tidying her hair up from its formerly messy state, immediately slumping to your side and looping her arm into yours. 
“You could’ve told me that you’re binge watching on Netflix, you know?” she murmured, discreetly taking off one of the bracelets in her free hand. “But I brought you a gift.” 
Upon hearing it, you turned your head to the side and saw a bracelet weaved from rubber bands on Gwen’s hand. You remembered it being a trend years ago, and you were one of the girls who joined the loom band trend before it eventually faded - like most trends do. So seeing a little fishtail bracelet made from rubber bands the same color as Spider-Woman’s suit being given to you by your girlfriend reignited how much you loved making various creations out of colorful rubber bands during that time. You put the bracelet on your wrist and admired it for a short while before turning to face Gwen, with a huge grin plastered on your face from how much you loved the gift. 
“I really miss this trend so yesterday when I found my old loom band kit from my room, I decided to make matching bracelets for us.'' 
She lifted up the sleeve of the jacket she wore over her spider suit, revealing another rubber band fishtail bracelet, this time made of your favorite colors. Your hand flew up to your mouth from the overwhelming amount of joy coursing through your body, and at this point you were suddenly unable to form words.
“Y/N, you okay? It seems like you love my little gift so-” she asked, a tiny amount of concern lacing her voice. 
“No no no no, it’s just, I really miss this trend too, and the fact you made these for me is just… Gwen-tastic.” you replied shyly, earning a playful chortle from her.
“Really? ‘Gwen-tastic’? I thought you’re way better at puns, you dork.” she nudged your elbow. 
You laughed. “Who cares, Gwennie, at least this is a really cute gift from you.”  
“So you still wanna go on with the Netflix binge?” 
“Of course,” you replied as you clicked on the movie of your choice - the one you had always wanted to recommend to Gwen for so long. “You’ll love this one, just buckle up and enjoy the movie, yeah?’ 
She nodded, snuggling closer to your form. “Mhm.” 
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tartigglez · 1 year
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"hear you?" part.2
zhongli x f!reader
・❥・smut with plot
・❥・16+ masturbation (mutual?), implied voice kink, degradation (light), explicit consent in multiple places, nipple play?, just a lot of making out, you get picked up, pull out method (wear protection guys), the knee thing (lmao i had to), fangs? (does that need a warning?), scars (on zhongli), kinda just mean dom!!li in places, biting/sucking but hickeys aren't mentioned, oral sex, he's a dom, very much a dom, i think that's it (lmk)
・❥・ i'm sorry this took so incredibly long lmao
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he was a patient man, zhongli, but he was reaching a breaking point with this. nearly every night, hearing his damned business associate in the back of his mind. it was so obvious you wanted him, you craved him, and he was starting to feel that way too. he had begun getting needy for you, thinking of doing unspeakable things with you. 
he’d been hearing it for days, which turned into weeks, which turned into it being absolutely unbearable to wait any longer…
saturday nights were when you were the loudest, and were when he was able to be the roughest with himself. zhongli could hear you already touching, and he honestly felt a little perverted, even though he ought to be accustomed to this routine of his by now. 
he would usually sit down at his desk in the early evening to read, glasses resting on the tip of his nose as he quietly sipped from a delicate teacup with one hand, the other holding his book. however, on this particular day, you seemed to be especially eager, as you had started your little nightly routine more than a few hours early. 
he was trying hard to keep his focus, not wanting to get distracted from the piece of literature in his hand, but archons it was hard. your sweet, playful voice was just so enticing. the way you spoke - the things you said about him - it was unlike the way anyone else had ever referred to him. it was, of course, more longing, lustful. but it was also melodic, in a way which he had never heard before. 
the sing-song of strung together moans and whimpers emanating from you proved to be overwhelming for him, his cock hardening, somewhat opposing the self control he had convinced himself he had developed… 
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archons, it felt so incredibly good to you. one hand in your underwear, gently swiping your fingertips over your clit as the other gripped at your pillow. the more you thought about him, the more you wanted him, the more you craved him. when was this going to end? he would be the death of you. thinking of him, his carved features, large palms, adams apple bobbing as he spoke in that entrancing, dark cocoa voice…  
the quiet moans escaping your lips quickly halted as a knock on the front door interrupted your pleasure. someone was seriously disrupting you at this time in the evening? have people nothing to do? 
at first you ignored it, and the person did seem to stop, but it started again after a few moments. you got up from your bed, sheets scrunched and pyjamas wrinkled as you made your way to the door. you would have sincerely hoped you didn’t look as though you had just been committing yourself to certain activities, but you were past the point of caring. 
you slowly creaked the door open, feeling rather passive aggressive at whatever this anonymous annoyance could want with you. however, these feelings faded as your eyes met his. amber irises greeting you, staring into your very soul. his usually tied hair was now draped over his shoulders, messy, but free. he was in a stripped down version of his normal work attire, crisp formal trousers being overlapped at the waist by an untucked black dress shirt, with several buttons undone at the collar. his jewellery had been removed, but his makeup remained. his plump lips were still stained rosy pink, and his eyeliner was sharp.
“zhongli?” you questioned, attempting to straighten your posture upon seeing your business associate. what on earth would he be doing here when you-
“y/n. do you still want it?” he asked, mahogany voice coming closer to you as he leaned down a little, closer to your face, leaning against the doorframe. 
“still want… what?” you furrowed your brows, confused, yet somewhat worried by the question.
“me” he answered, thumb and index finger gripping your chin as he tilted your head up to him, coming scarily close to your face. “are you going to back out, dear? or will you let me take care of you?”
“w-what do you mean? I-” you could feel a swarm of butterflies growing in your stomach at his actions. puzzled, but not scared. had you fallen asleep? there was no way this was actually happening. you met his eyes once again, and witnessed a passion. a burning need that you had never seen from any other person in your life. it was inhuman. 
in that very moment, you found yourself nodding your head, approving his actions as he gripped your waist with his free hand, stepping forward and into your home as you took steps back. he kicked the door closed, banishing the cooling evening air from your home as he pulled you close to him, fingertips gripping you as he moved his hand from your chin to the side of your neck. 
“tell me if it gets too much, alright?” his stoic face softening as he caressed your cheek with his thumb. you nodded as he moved his head down to kiss you, lips meeting yours in an immediate rough, vicious kiss. his tongue made its way into your mouth as he moved to push you against the wall in your hallway, hands feeling you all over, making their way up the back of your pyjama top. he pulled away slightly, biting your lower lip gently as you felt the contact of his warm palm against the small of your back. 
he then moved his lips to the nape of your neck, not wasting any time and immediately biting and sucking, aiming to find a sweet spot that he could take advantage of later. he placed a gentle kiss against your skin, pulling away to place both his hands on your waist.
“so tell me,” he began, nothing more than a mere whisper against your skin. his breath was warm, but his skin was still a little cold, since he had made his way here in the crisp night air. “Which way is the bedroom?”
you pursed your lips, exhaling and pointing towards your bedroom door. he grabbed you by the hand, quickly leading you into your room, once again closing the door behind himself, before turning over and pinning you against it, wrapping one of his hands to the back of your thigh, just below the plush of your ass as he kissed you again. this time was somehow even rougher than before, tongues dancing as saliva dripped down both of your chins. his other hand suddenly moved to mirror the previous one, making its way to the other thigh, as you were picked up all of a sudden, and shifted to the bed. 
he laid you down gently, lips once again making contact with your neck as he hovered over you, allowing you to tangle your hands in the hair that tickled the other parts of your neck. his canines were so long and sharp you could’ve almost sworn they were fangs, nibbling at your neck. he moved his knee between your thighs, cock hardening as he heard you gasp at the friction. 
“is this okay?” he questioned, tugging at the hem of your pyjama top once he had pulled away from your neck. he helped you sit up as you nodded, slowly pulling your top off, exposing your breasts to him, perky nipples displayed in the evening sunlight coming through the shades. 
he smiled gently, his teeth being revealed, and you could’ve sworn you were hallucinating, but it really did look like he had fangs. “you're far more beautiful than i could’ve ever imagined” he let out a breathy laugh as he spoke, moving his mouth to make contact with one of your breasts. 
at first he just licked and sucked around the flesh, however he then moved his focus to your nipple, swirling his tongue around it. one hand was in use supporting himself, as the other played with the drawstring of your shorts. 
he wished he could be patient, and he was trying his hardest, but it was getting harder and harder to resist you after waiting for all this time. he kissed his way back up to your mouth, as you wrapped your arms around his neck. this would only be nice for a while though, you were both growing desperate, and the atmosphere between you - quiet whimpers and short breaths shared as the two of you refused to stop kissing - was becoming thick.
you moved your hands to the buttons of his shirt, never breaking the contact of your lips on his. one by one, you pulled each fastener out of its respective loop, baring his chest to yourself. he then broke the kiss, leaning up to pull his shirt off, displaying his top half to you. 
your earlier fantasies were true. his skin was clad with scars, beautiful etches of stories across his chest. however, you wouldn’t be allowed much time to observe, as he near immediately dipped his head slightly below your right breast, kissing his way down towards the waistband of your bottoms. his glazed eyes looked up to you for permission, calmly watching as you nodded your head. 
“i’m going to require words from now on, alright?” he whispered gently against the skin of your lower stomach, rubbing one of your thighs with his free hand. “please, zhongli… please touch me there” you whimpered, barely caring about how embarrassingly helpless you sounded. he pushed himself up, supporting himself on one arm as he hooked a finger into your shorts, pulling the waistband up slightly, before snapping it back against your skin. not enough to hurt, but enough to let you know that he was in control. 
“hm, where is that, i wonder?” he mocked, slowly pulling your shorts down, leaving you with nothing under, exposing your wet cunt to the air. “huh, nothing under? dirty girl” he chuckled a little, airy but somewhat weighted. zhongli moved his mouth to one of your thighs, blatantly ignoring your request for stimulation. he kissed and sucked gently at the skin, trying so hard to disregard his growing, painful erection, which was becoming ever the more problematic each time you let out a breathy whine. 
“is it here?” he asked, slowly running a finger up your slit, and back down again. “i asked a question dear,” the remark flew off his tongue, “it’s only polite to answer” he chuckled, moving up your inner thigh to get his mouth closer to your core. “yes, there,” you whined, tempted to buck your hips up to his face. “good.” he spoke, and that was the last thing he said before sinking his head into your sloppy cunt. 
you didn’t know it was possible for someones tongue to feel this good. he was so incredibly skilled, long muscle dipping in and out of your opening every so often. although his focus was on your clit. sucking and licking at the sensitive nub, zhongli only wished to see your reaction. he wanted you to say his name, the way you had been for all these weeks. 
“quiet now, are we?” he ceased his action, gently rubbing up and down one of your thighs with his thumb.
“come on my dear, let the whimpers out. say my name, like you mean it,” 
and so he returned his attention to your cunt, going much harder and faster than before, as you whimpered at him, moans flying in all directions as you writhed under him, bouncing off the walls of the room. “zhongli~ please” you whimpered, moving your hand down into his hair, gripping gently on the strands at the crown of his head. 
once again he stopped, staring up at you, eyes glowing. “please what?” he questioned, raising himself up on his palms again, crawling back up towards your face. he cocked his head to the side, watching as you eyed his lower half, witnessing the visible tent in his trousers. “why so quiet now, when you were so, so loud before, princess?” he lowered his head back to your chest, placing a few kisses across your breasts, repeating his earlier actions. “simply tell me you want me, and i’m all yours” he spoke, then stopping to suck on one of your nipples again.
"i- i want you…” you whispered at him, and nothing more was said, he simply got back on his knees, undid his belt, and pulled it out of its loops. He threw his belt on the floor, before getting up, unbuttoning his trousers and stepping out of them, then removing his boxers too. he was swift in his actions. in other words, he was done with wasting time. 
his cock was thick, girthy, long too. and it was made obvious by the shade that he’d been hiding his hard-on for some time, putting it off in order to please you. 
“it’s so…” you trailed off, as he got back on the bed, placing an arm on either side of your head before leaning down to kiss you. “i know,” he spoke quietly “we’ll go slow, does that sound alright?” his voice was soft, gently calming you as he lifted a hand to move down your body, stopping at your waist for a split second, before trailing down your thigh, and then on to his own body, grabbing his cock and giving a few strokes, before he lined up with your entrance. he keenly watched you as he slowly, but surely pushed himself inside. you felt perfect to him, fitting him inside perfectly. he finally bottomed out after some moments, keeping an eye on your face to ensure you felt okay.
the stretch was unlike anything you had ever felt before. it wasn’t painful, not at all, but it was so noticeably large. this feeling didn’t subside as he stayed inside, scanning your face for any sign of discomfort. it definitely got much more pleasurable though, when you gave him the go ahead to move, “i w-want you more…” 
he let out an airy chuckle at your words, before moving himself almost all the way out of you, then slowly pushing back inside. “you can have me, all you want. be patient.” he said, repeating this movement a few more times, silently checking to see if you were okay, giving concerned eyes down at you as you writhed below him. 
after you had adjusted, you quietly asked him to go faster, and he obliged. achieving a pace in his movement, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, pulling his weight down on you, glad to share such an intimate moment with him, after thinking about it so much. 
“you look beautiful, by the way” he added, between huffy breaths which punctuated each thrust. for some reason, these words made you blush more than any of his previous ministrations, but you were too caught up in the moment to think about it very much.
he was enjoying it too, loving the feeling of your walls enveloping him. the fact that he had spent so much time craving you made it that much more enjoyable to him, and whilst he wanted to savour every moment with you like this, his release was taking over his mind more. 
“can… can you go faster?” you asked once again, chasing your release, which you had realised was something only he could give you. “of course” he replied, voice gentle, placing a soft kiss on your neck before picking up his pace. 
it was heavenly.
your other fantasies were underestimations, as it turned out. he was far more ethereal in this act than you could’ve possibly imagined. the warm air between you both had led to his hair becoming a little more messy than when he had got here, bangs framing his face in the most perfect manner. he was beautiful.
zhongli could feel it picking up, his need for release that is. he was going to cum soon, and he wanted to make you do so with him. he moved one hand down to your clit, gently but quickly rubbing at the nub, giving you whole new levels of pleasure, arching your back, making you feel it all. 
he could feel every little clench that your cunt made around him, and could tell you were close. “do you feel it, darling?” he asked, obviously not wanting to be crude about matters surrounding your pleasure. “i do… please let me cum, zhongli~” you whined at him, seeking nothing but sweet release. “of course, dear” he picked up his pace, one last time, very nearly pushing you over the edge before bringing his mouth right to your ear, whispering but one word, one command. “cum” 
just as he spoke, he felt your walls clench around him, orgasm hitting you as you groaned. he quickly pulled out, before cumming himself, all over the folds of your pussy. he, of course, kept rubbing your clit, overstimulating you slightly to help you ride out your orgasm, before pulling away and collapsing on the bed next to you, giving you space to breathe for a moment, before moving a hand to stroke your cheek.
you looked beautiful like this, eyes closed, breathing heavy, dripping with his release. you turned on your side, opening your eyes, and meeting his as he faced you on the bed.
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nsfw masterlist
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© tartigglez, 2023. do not copy, translate or repost
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heartsoji · 2 years
kenma + cuddles + stormy weather + only one bed
a/n: writing more comfort for myself bc there have been too many thunderstorms i hate this someone move me to antartica with the penguins and no thunder ALSO sorry if the grammar is wrong or smth i didn't proofread lol
you sighed.
"this sucks."
kuroo, the outdoorsy one of the group, decided that it would be fun to go camping. however, knowing that the two of you preferred the indoors and hated bugs, he decided to rent a cabin. (which was actually kinda sweet and considerate gj kuroo)
however, he made a little misclick and accidentally ordered a cabin with one bed. for the three of you.
so he called up the owners of the cabin and asked if they had any futons or anything, to which they told him to go buy himself a bed or a futon lol
so kuroo, being the prideful idiot he is, decided to drive AN HOUR AND A HALF back to civilization to buy 2 WHOLE ASS BEDS when it was 1am (nvm kuroo ur an idiot)
now, the two of you were stuck in a tiny little cabin that kuroo was going to jam TWO WHOLE BEDS in
tbh at this point u were ready to just SLEEP and kenma was literally melting onto the floor
buuuut there was only one bed and the two of you were too scared to sleep on it bc ur both v observant people and noticed that the other looked dead
so after these like rly awkward 15 minutes where there was no talking and no sound, you both sat on the couch (that literally felt like cardboard wtf kuroo) and you watched kenma play games on his game boy bc there was NO SERVICE and also you genuinely enjoy watching him play games bc he has the CUTEST EXPRESSIONS when he plays games
however, at some point, it started raining and you two got a text from kuroo
from 'rooster' to you and 'kenma':
The rain back here is rly bad so I have to wait it out. Be back tmrw :)
the two of you decided to suck it up after joking around and insulting him for a good 5 minutes (were ugs rly joking ?) and grabbed a blanket and sat back down on the cardboard couch.
you liked the rain. it was nice that there was more sound in the cabin that just the sound of buttons being rapidly pressed.
however, at some point, the rain turned into a thunderstorm.
you were terrified, to say the least. thunder has always been one of your absolute worst fears.
however, you didn't want to make a scene. especially not in front of your crush.
but ofc kenma being the observant man he is, noticed that you were gripping onto his shoulder a little tighter, and that you slightly tensed up whenever the thunder in the background roared. (for context you were holding onto his shoulder to see his game)
when he eventually came to the conclusion that you were terrified of thunder, he wasn't really sure what to do. comfort you? turn off his game? have you go to sleep? play some music? like what was he supposed to do
lucky for him, you figure out what he has to do for him. when a particularly loud and boomy thunder (they're all loud and boomy but this one was VERY loud and boomy) roars, you instinctively curl yourself close to him, eyes shut in terror.
he knows what to do now.
he turns off his game boy, sets it aside, and gently holds you close as he rubs your back.
"it's ok." he whispers soothingly. "it's all ok."
you're veryslightly embarrassed by the fact that you're literally curled up with your crush right now, but you don't really have time to think about the embarrassment with the thunder in the background
however, he provides you the sweetest comfort (contrary to my thunder comfort hcs lmao) and just wordlessly rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair (bc he knows how good it feels lol)
his comfort is so nice that you end up falling asleep curled into him.
after your breathing steadies and he knows you're asleep, he lets his emotions show a bit more. the stupid smile that he's been biting back unleashes itself and finds its way onto his features. he gazes down at your sleeping figure, all curled up and snuggling into his chest, and feels his cheeks heat up a little. he lets himself drift of to sleep too.
you both end up waking up bc the couch is hard as cardboard about an hour later. he sighs and offers you the bed but you refuse immediately. the couch was uncomfortable af, the floor was worse and you were not about to let him sleep on it.
however, the same went for him. it would appear that both of you were incredibly stubborn.
kenma was the one to propose the "how about we both sleep on the bed? it's a queen so there'll be enough room.."
he may look calm and cool as ever when saying this, but if you look at his ears, they're bright red.
you nervously agree, and the two of you slowly climb into the bed.
the bed wasn't super comfortable, but it was much better than the couch. you slowly drift off to sleep.
you and kenma were both woken up at the same time by a rooster (not kuroo, an actual rooster) cock-a-doodle-doo-ing. when you opened your eyes, you were met with kenma's face about two inches from yours.
"AH!" you both screamed and tried to jump away, but couldn't. you looked down and realized that the two of you had intertwined legs and hands at night in your sleep.
to say the least, you were embarrassed. you could feel your cheeks burning up, and you saw kenma's ears turn bright red.
"uhm.." kenma started. "i.."
"I'M BACK!! D'YA MISS ME?" kuroo (the actual one, not his twin who woke u up)
you both whipped ur heads around and tried to untangle yourselves before he saw, but it was too late.
"oya?" (I NEVER PUT ANYTHING DOWN IN JAPANESE BUT IT JUST FELT SO APPROPRIATE) he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"ding a ling ling! whoa look at that i have a call be right back~!"
that cheeky brat.
"so, um, kenma.." you started, not really knowing what to say.
he cut you off. "how about we have this conversation after the trip is over?"
"yeah. lets do that."
the rest of the trip was actually decently fun, especially knowing that your crush liked you back and that you could look forward to that conversation after it was over. and as much as you hated to admit it, it was all thanks to kuroo and his idiotic brain.
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dirty-bosmer · 1 year
The very talented @sheirukitriesfandom came up with this writing game. Thank you so much for the tag! I'm finally recovered enough from my trip to take a stab at all the tag-games I've missed. It was both nice and a bit challenging to revisit my old works. Forgot a lot of what I had written, honestly 😅
Tagging: @atypicalacademic @justafoxhound @elavoria @kookaburra1701 @nuwanders @thequeenofthewinter @skyrim-forever @gilgamish @chennnington @throughtrialbyfire @thana-topsy @mareenavee @paraparadigm @ladytanithia @nine-blessed-hero @wispstalk @sylvienerevarine @expended-sleeper
And as always no pressure if you're not feeling it. Also consider yourself tagged if you see this and are interested in joining in :D
The rules are to share:
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
lmao I don't think humor is a strength of mine, so I combed through very briefly and pulled at the first thing I saw that made me snort.
Mathieu swore he'd had conversations of more substance with mudcrabs while five brandies deep, and yet it always fascinated him how little his Speaker could say in so many words.
(from The Illusionist Part 2)
A line from your fic that makes you sad
If she could hold the quill steady, she would write it ten times over. She’d say, I miss doing nothing with you, being nothing but with you. If nothing were as blissful as those hours spent beside you, perhaps I wouldn’t fear it so.
(from The Illusionist Part 2)
A line from your fic you're proud of
The Midyear sun blazed high and proud above Kvatch. Below, the city scrambled on. Another Midyear, another Middas. Magnus rose, its ascent resolute.
(it's actually the first line of The Illusionist Part 1, and it has surprisingly remained unchanged since my first iteration of the fic??? Unfathomable to me lol)
A line from your fic you think could have been better
Only one? 😅 Truth is, I'm perpetually editing old chapters, so I could pretty much insert the entire series of The Illusionist here.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
Lucien gurgled or perhaps chortled, then spat out a mouthful of blood. “I thought you preferred silence, dear Sister.”
(Lucien sucks so baaaaddd and I get progressively meaner to him, sorry. Kinda hate what I've done to him, but he is a loser and someone has to bully him, and the burden so happened to fall upon me 🤷‍♀️)
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
Nim's hair draped around his face, shielding him from the dancing flames of the brazier, and when Raminus closed his eyes, she was the only light that existed in all of Mundus, brilliant and blinding. 
(Crying about my nerd Raminus Polus, what's new.)
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
The shop windows taunt him from his periphery, but he will pass one hundred more if that’s what it takes to prove his presence. His footfalls are heavy. He persists, learns how to walk again, how to exert his body upon the world if only to feel it press up against his feet. 
(From Treacle)
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
“If we’re such pious servants, then why does Nana always speak of the Daedra as though she drinks with them every Fredas?”
From Slither and Writhe. It is referencing an OC of mine so idk if its really an easter egg, but I just think it's funny how the protagonists in TES games go about collecting daedric artifacts like they're halloween candy.
A line from your fic that's shocking
And if her mother had only been more inquisitive about her work, she’d know the difference between the stench of decay and fouled wounds and that of flesh mending itself together beneath fresh stitches and salves that Sylawen lathered on diligently with deft fingers everyday.
(from Slither and Writhe. A lot of lines in that fic are kind of er... gross 😅 It is about a necromancer, after all)
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
Abrim is gilded in the torch flame. Every part of him is a different shade of brown such that Scar-Tail needs only look at him in flickering light to feel he’s travelled all of Tamriel’s woods, seen every kind of tree there is.
Ramble time. While trying to describe this character, I was thinking of my uncles, how dark their complexion, how different the shades of brown are in their skin, their eyes, their hair. Growing up as a latina I used to find brown so boring and so common because I was preoccupied with a set of beauty standards that women in my community paraded about, only to realize they were full of internalized colorism :D Anyway, that was a decade ago, and there's this line I remember reading, and I have no idea where from— somos el color de la tierra, we are the color of the earth, and I think more people should be romanticizing brown because it's so diverse and so beautiful 💕
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tea-and-secrets · 3 months
(this is so long i’m sorry lmao)
i hate this one friend of a friend and none of the friends in our circle like him either
so there’s this one girl i’m friends with and we have our own circle of friends, but she’s also friends with this one guy we all went to high school with (actually we all went to high school together), so we hang out with each other sometimes due to that connection. but let me tell you this guy sucks. he sucked in high school and he still sucks now. we’ve tried to gently tell her multiple times that he sucks but she still defends him 😭. he’s one of those egotistical, pretentious film major bros and he once told me that he thinks people who take meds for mental disorders are lazy. anyway, that’s the context, so here are some stories:
so in this story, there’s the guy (Star), our mutual friend (Astor), two other friends in Astor and I’s circle (Mango and Pansy), and me (all of these are fake names btw). Astor, Mango, and Pansy are all professional cosplayers and Star wanted to take pictures of them at this con we all went to to put in his portfolio. on the first day, Astor, Mango, and Pansy were supposed to run a panel, but Astor was running late, so that made Star late as well. we were all stressed about this (i was helping them as well), so when Star got there he was in a bad mood. you do not want to be around Star when he’s in a bad mood. one time when we were playing monopoly, he was losing, so he stomped on the ground and yelled about how the game isn’t fair (yes, like a toddler). after they got there and it was just Mango, Pansy, and i together, they would bring up how Star was lowkey scaring them with how aggressive he was acting. after the panel, Star wanted to take pictures and i was holding his tripod. this tripod was in a flimsy cardboard box with no case and i was in charge of holding it. apparently i was holding it upside down (it was hard to tell which way was up bc this cardboard box was really fucked up), so it slipped out and hit the floor. i felt bad for dropping it, but it was right side up and only fell to the floor like 2 feet, so i wasn’t too worried about it. most of it was still in the box actually. but the room went silent for a moment and Mango and Pansy looked at me with horror. i could tell they were scared that Star was going to blow up at me. he did yell at me a little bit but i knew he was overreacting so i wasn’t too fazed by it. after that, Mango and Pansy came up to me and were like “i thought he was literally going to kill you for that.” i think they were only half-joking
this next (and last) story happened sort of recently and reminded me why i dislike him so much. as i said, Star is a film major and he wants to be a director, but he is NOT a good director. i know this bc i’ve worked with him on projects before, but he thinks he’s big shit. awhile back, Astor asked me if i wanted to do a 48 hour film challenge with her and Star and i said sure. our film was a shit show. Star was supposed to be running it, but kinda gave up halfway through and even said he wanted Astor and i to direct some scenes. Astor and i are NOT directors. he literally just sat on a bench like 30 feet away from where we were filming for the last bit of the shoot. also, he was 30 minutes late TO HIS OWN CALL TIME. he blamed the complete failure of our film on another guy he was friends with that he invited on to do camera work and some editing. and while i agree that he kinda took too much on at once and oversold his abilities, it was just as much Star’s fault bc of his lackluster skill and terrible planning (i also think Star made him do most of the work). but he convinced Astor that it was all that guy’s fault and now they blame him. Astor even said that she never wants to work with that guy again. i am also never working with Star again, so i guess we’re in the same boat
sorry if this didn’t make complete sense, i’m not the best at telling stories lmao. and don’t worry, i don’t see him too often and i tolerate him well enough, so this isn’t a big issue between us or anything
i’ll leave off with this: for the film challenge, we were finally done filming and the sun had gone down. we still had to do voiceover work and pictures for the poster, but Star said he really wanted to go out to eat (he wanted us to be done filming that day so they had the next day to edit).
i said “we should just get something delivered, we don’t have a lot of time left today”
he said “but i want ~rEaL~ food.”
i said “Star, we can either get real food, or have a good film”
we eventually went out to eat that night, so i guess i was right
(there is someone on tumblr who might see this and know who i am based on these stories, so if they’re seeing this, um. hi lmao)
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ollythepikman · 10 months
harvey fan?? and also into ow?? that's so cool ‼️ you should totally just ramble about harvey (either headcanons or just whatever) because i love hearing what others have to say about the silly guy. please ignore how empty my main is i never post on here other than on my goofy sideblogs n that's it 😭 but i hope you're also having a good day!
Hello! I can totally rant about Harvey as he is my favorite little goober.
Also I’m very sorry if this comes out very randomly I’m not that good of a writer
Height: 6”2
Sexuality: pansexual, acespec, polyamorous
Gender: trans masc (he/they)
I’ve played sdv for about 505 hours at least and like I’ve married Harvey I think 4ish times here are my hcs!
I feel like him and Shane would have been friends when they were like 6-14 until Shane’s parents stop letting him visit the valley. When Shane goes on his ark I feel like Harvey would help him with his gender transition (I also hc Shane as trans masc lolz) which not getting gender affirming care would rlly affect his mental health. When Harvey was younger I could totally see him being super into Pokémon spending most of his time on it. Rlly weird hc I may be just self projecting but I feel like he would have been a Warriors kid trying to get Elliott into the books when they were younger. I do ship Shane and Harvey. Harvey would just suck at any type of video game. He would bleach the tips of his hair to look younger (it doesn’t work to well)
I hc his voice as three different voices: early transition I feel like he would sound like raggedy Andy from that one 1970s movie and then after his transition I feel like his voice would either settle as a John Mulaney type voice or he would just sound like the main singer for they might be giants. (Which I think fits him more)
He listens to Jack Stauber after Sam introduces it to him, his favorite songs from him would be buttercup, Doctor, and dinner is not over so basically only the rlly happy upbeat songs
Songs I immediately associate with him are Love grows, Doctor worm, Dinner bell, and Good old-fashioned lover boy
He would kinda hate PDA anything more than a hug, holding hands, or a cheek kiss he doesn’t like as he fears it may make him look unprofessional.
He is a victim of deez nuts jokes
He’s my lil goober with social anxiety and autism
His autumn outfit would consist of a baggy sweater with a beanie and gloves
Winter outfit would have a puffy jacket with a scarf covering his mouth/nose he would force Shane into wearing a coat
He would be the best father if he had kids
Shane convinced Harvey to smoke weed with him once and he immediately greened out lmao
He loves to cuddle with whoever he’s dating especially in the cooler months
A bit of self projection with this one but he HATES the feeling of foam like that crafting foam
He’s vegetarian
He would be a musical fan and a theatre kid
Depending on like the timeline I’m playing/the oc I’m using I hc see him a bit differently like if I’m using my oc named Soil he’s 35 he’s on HRT and he hasn’t gotten top surgery, if I use Abraham I hc him as 40ish he’s fully transitioned, and if I’m using Book he’s 35 and fully transitioned
And please please PLEASE if you wanna hear any more hcs from sdv or ow or unicorn wars please ask! I love to rant about things!
Edit: here’s a playlist I made for Harvey Art by dustlicious on tumblr https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7JvpKTQkbebOfh2996jYOh?si=AF4_I1fbS6-k6tuc1sHXyA&pi=u-V7ByQUHVS0i2
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Ider if i told u but i got my wisdom teeth removed today and that shit was the worst experience of my life ohmygod
The actual procedure went okay, though like i took an anti anxiety med that was supposed to knock me out but i was Fully Conscious LMFAO AND SO I ASKED THEM TO GIVE ME THE OTHER ONE BUT THEY WERE LIKE "naur bro ur fine" BC I WSNT FREAKING OUT A TON DJFKGKF WHICH I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR (tho it turned out to be a good thing bc those meds ended up making me . Hashtag emetophobia tw ifykwim)
Ahem sorry for yelling i was just very . Upset bc i wanted to sleep or even just drink fucking water man
BUT I DIDDD EVENTUALLY I DIDD WE REJOICEEE i think there was still a little bit of blood but i couldnt taste it anymore and i was really thirsty so shfkfkf and food (literally just broth lmao) made me feel a lot better so that's good
But yeah . -1100000 experience i would literally never recommend it (unless u have to, also from who I've talked to almost everyone else has had a better experience than me so if u are scared, do not worry king it won't be that bad. And even if it is like me, im here!! And alive!! And the nausea wasnt that bad, it kinda just came and went. Much better than migraines bro fr, migraines suck BALLS)
Like everyone kept telling me to watch a movie but that was stressing me out so what i ended up doing wss putting on a podfic (passerine podcast on yt woot woot, i listened to change fate by sircantus) and man it's actually wild how much it helped me. It helped calm my anxiety AND distract me from the pain. Once i did that existing felt less like suffering and more like an annoyance ahahah
Anyways ty for letting me get that out of my system LMAOO
oh man this sounds literally horrible I'm so sorry icy 😭 that sucks that you weren't able to knock out even a little bit but at least the procedure itself wasn't horrible
god that sounds terrible though just sitting there for 6 hours waiting to be able to take the gauze out. that's so strange that it took so long. but at least you were able to listen to passerine podcast that's nice!!
everyone I know whose gotten their wisdom teeth removed had a better experience than this I am so sorry you got so unlucky.
I'm very grateful that I'm never gonna have to get my wisdom teeth removed. I had soooo much horribly painful dental work done to my mouth throughout my entire teen years that I now genuinely get bad anxiety anytime I'm in a dentist office even if I'm not there for myself, I straight up was getting anxious when I took my grandma there for a cleaning the other day 😭 and I keep putting off a recommended (minor) procedure bc of this anxiety it's badddd
I hope you're feeling better now though!!
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haruhey · 2 years
chronological thoughts of twd 11x18
- melissa mcbride intro 🫶🫶🫶
- omg daryl tribute
- also if this is how all the episodes start im gonna start getting annoyed fr fr
- oh my fuck that slash was so scary
- omg daryl looks good with his bangs a lil swoopy
- yeahhh f bomb daryl
- omg carol 🫶
- carol looking back at pamela pls 😭
- oh but where r u going that knife is so nice bby come back
- ok but i think i would have done the same lance is so pathetic
- oh my god theyre making lance take the fall for sebastian what the fuck
- “anybody else?” stares straight at daryl
- oh my god i knew lance would be a little shit hostage
- he just like me fr 🫶
- omg pamela’s fit kinda fire ngl
- why is this scene so charged its making me so uncomfortable
- “friends and allies” pls they look like they wanna die
- omg celebrating corruption and nepotism!!
- eugene pls this is so sad i want them to be happy pls
- caryl scene caryl scene caryl scene 🤞🤞🤞
- omg i forgot about oceanside
- omg girl talk❣️❣️
- oh
- oh um
- wow uh
- awww daryl and lydia 🫶🫶🫶
- i love them so much its crazy
- omg denying the grimes legacy (dying)
- omg she really is michonne’s kid
- i love ezekiel so much ❤️
- is ezekiel still in love with carol thats so unfortunate
- max should be president instead
- need him to die fr fr fr
- ugh fuck off i hate the miltons they need to die
- this is giving me flashbacks to when i had to get a ultrasound of my uterus and they told me to drink a litre of water an hour beforehand and i almost pissed myself the second i felt the transducer press against my stomach
- nobody cares negan shut up ur like 67
- ewww they kissed that’s disgusting i do not wanna see that
- been through war fr fr
- thats so sexy of him fr
- omg the siblings b scheming
- carol telling him not to compare himself to rick <3
- love them <3333
- omg r they going to see lance
- lmao his dumb hand
- omg lance telling him to use his words
- why is every scene with lance so charged
- why is he soloing his sermon
- look at little coco she looks so cute 😭
- rosita’s shirt looks SO COMFY i need it
- oh god pls le
- omg daryl here to pray 4 forgiveness
- yo jc u taking any suggestions
- why is he grunting so hard calm down daryl
- nooo his backstory pls
- no no no please im in too much of a fragile state to handle this
- daryl is literally just trying his best </3
- he needs a hug :(
- every time sebastian comes on screen i throw up a lil
- kill him max kill him kill him
- she has so many hb pencils omg
- oh wait sebastian kinda served (minus the whole him being an asshole thing)
- oh serve max
- eugene’s little stupid cowboy hat 🫶
- um what in the wwe is going on here
- it’s giving woodbury fake walker fighting
- omg sebastian going off script
- oh slayyyy max slayyyy
- the shot of sebastian running through the crowd pls thats so funny
- wow rip to the commonwealth ig forever in out memory
- oh they found each other slay
- oh thank god kill him fr fr
- let him die
- he deserves this fuck him this is so slay of angela kang
- oh this is gonna be a slay season perhaps
- ngl the hand stabbing was kinda hot
- i also wrote about this happening in one of my fics so um am i actually angela kang
- yeah he does deserve a bloody end fuck him
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xumoonhao · 2 years
rant abt queer as folk under the cut <3 read it if you wanna hear abt the messiest show ive ever seen. youll regret it.
ok. right. so queer as folk…god im still so mad abt it lmao but like i need to get all my thoughts out bc how can one show turn out so bad….like it is LITERALLY 8 episodes that are all less than an hour. its probably only ~7h30m of content and so much of it just fucking sucks like. literally. ok anyways it does start off pretty strong, yknow?? first episode is standard for first episodes. introduces all the characters, gives some insight into their relationships and how they know each other, sets up some things yall know how it goes. and then like idk midway thru the ep is like the catalyst for Everything that happens is a shooter goes into babylon (babylon is the club that was a huge focus for the original series and was tied into the reboot) and kills and injures people because its a hate crime. it involves 2 of the main characters heavily (brodie gets shot in the arm protecting mingus who is performing a drag act on stage) and kills brodies best friend daddius, who is also '''dating''' (i use this term loosely, idk if their relationship was defined as this) noah, who is brodies ex boyfriend/fiance (i think??? idk man noah proposed to brodie with a small toy duck or something and then brodie abandoned him to go to med school bc 'oh no commitment is hard :(((' like fuck off actually but w/e) but it affects most of the main characters overall bc like…ofc it would. anyways the ep then kinda goes much of the way the first ep of the original series did w/the lesbian couple having their babies (twins who we dont know the genders of who are named flotsam and jettsam, named bc of mingus which is what the original series did w/justin naming the lesbian couples baby) who are fathered by brodie via sperm donation, and then everything sucks bc we find out daddius died in the shooting :/ which is like definitely a lot for one episode but its just how it is sometimes. also sorry for recapping the Entire first episode but its like literally the only episode that has a coherent storyline so. yeah.
anyways, this made me think the series would focus on like the characters and their healing from this traumatic event and trying to fondly remember their friend and just in generally trying to move on from it and like. it really…isnt like that at all?? like it is for a couple of eps, dont get me wrong, but after the main people spread daddius' ashes the show really moves away from like anything meaningful in terms of the characters healing or literally doing anything good for themselves or each other. like its really incredible. so many of the eps have absolutely MEANINGLESS relationship progress (except julian and noah. theyre the only solid couple) bc literally. none of the relationships fucking matter even a little tiny bit.
i will give a small rundown of things. please bear with me. brodie is the 'main' character (main in quotes bc most of the characters are main characters but brodie is definitely the focal guy bc all the characters are more or less connected thru him) is just a complete asshole. like literally the worst character which is shown to us a bit by way of how he treats mingus (mingus is 17 going on 18 btw. they fall in love w/brodie bc, and this a direct quote, 'he ate his ass in the bathroom' at the club so now theyre in love bc mingus is a teenager and everything is love at that age) which is completely blowing them off (instead of being the mature one bc hes an adult) rather than telling mingus how he feels before he and mingus end up having sex. like wtf?? literally hated that but anyways brodie gets WORSE bc at that point hes just shown to be a fuckboy which yeah definitely sucks but w/e its standard. he could be redeemed from that. but then he just goes on to show how much of a bad person he is by verbally abusing all his friends, manipulating them, lying to them, taking literally ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY for anything, and then apologizing to ppl in the worst way bc when they dont fall at his feet to forgive him, he starts a whole new fight and just ends up being even worse. like i hate brodie so much…god….like he literally did one good thing the entire season which was saving mingus from getting shot. thats literally IT hes a piece of shit the entire rest of the time!!! AHHHHH it makes me so MAD why is the main guy i cannot stand him.
god. it also makes No Sense bc there are scenes that show him and mingus to be like…a thing kind of bc mingus likes him. they really likes him but brodie simply does not care so mingus does end up being with other people which is like…i think at first an effort to make brodie jealous but it literally ends up in nothing which like…alright?? it doesnt really serve a purpose other than being an excuse for mingus being diagnosed with HIV at the end of the series :/ anyways back to mingus and brodie, theres a scene between them in the last ep of mingus being framed by angel wings (parallels a scene from the first ep) which make me think they were going to be a couple, yknow??? like yeah its gross and i hate it but, thru whats been shown, it would make sense. from a storytelling perspective, it makes sense.
but fucking SIKE lmao bc brodie is in love w/ruthie </3 ruthie and brodie do have history tho, so like…ok. they dated in high school before ruthies transition but then broke up bc yknow. things were hard. ruthie was confused back then and wasnt out as trans to anyone yknow how it is. but the thing abt everything that is so. SO confusing is that brodie is gay and ruthie is. a lesbian. but they are in love bc of feelings they never dealt with when they were kids??? EVEN THO RUTHIE HAS A PARTNER AND CHILDREN WITH THAT PARTNER??? but it gets even WORSE bc hey. hey guess fucking what. ruthies partner is cheating on ruthie WITH. BRODIES. MOTHER.
literally…i could not make this shit up if i TRIED. it is absolutely WILD and i hate it all i hate this show it is the messiest show and all of the characters SUCK like brodie literally deadnames ruthie to her face in the middle of a fight they have but they still get their dumbass fucking romantic moment, ending out the series by kissing in the rain like oh. my god. i wish i were dead i wish this show didnt EXIST.
idk if theres anything else to say. i dont wanna think abt this show anymore. kill me
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oflgtfol · 2 years
sorry i feel like after every single migraine i have i need to do a self reflection afterward
holy shit so i woke up. at 2am like i said i would and my migraine is gone im still kinda weird so im gonna go back to sleep to make sure its entirely gone bc being on my phone again is making me wary of it returning but like. my 2am estimate was spot on LMAO
But anyway uhm my real holy shit moment is the fact that. this was the very first migraine ive ever experienced where i never got sick. which kind of made it miserable because i normally cope with migraines by, uhm TMI + emetophobia warning, but i normally cope with the pain because puking makes the pain stop for a few minutes, and thats normally when im finally able to fall asleep, so i normally spend the entire migraine mostly sleeping and then just waking up briefly to puke again and then go back to sleep, and then over the course of the next 6 hours each time i wake up the pain gradually weakens until its gone. but when i dont puke its just pain and pain and theres no relief it took me two entire hours to finally fall asleep today and i was even like rocking bakc and forth trying to make myself nauseous to puke to get some relief but it just wouldnt happen im surprised i even fell asleep within two hours but i did and i slept right through until 2am and now my migraines gone.
this sort of happened with the last migraine i had except if i rememeber correctly i did puke, but only once, and it was after that one time that i was able to sleep the rest off, and that happened about an hour into it but it was still a miserable hour. and again even just getting sick only one time is an outlier for me
i did take excedrin right at the beginning of my migraine today, which my mom has been using for her own migraines, and she also got me to take it last time as well, so im wondering if the excedrin is whats making my migraines less intense in terms of getting sick. and also the pain hasnt been as bad as it normally is, but again its still a migraine so its still Bad, so i still kinda wanna get sick just for relief. bur when the pain is its normal level then i like NEED to get sick so i can get relief. so i guess in exchange for not getting sick, i get less pain as well, but its like, it kinda makes it more of a miserable experience than a normal migraine because i dont get any relief. so i dont know i have mixed feelings about excedrin if its gonna make it harder for me to sleep off my migraines which is my main way of coping with it
bur then the other part of me is wondering, this frequency of migraines is really new and abnormal. im normally on a strict 2 year schedule, my last on-schedule migraine was in fall 2021 i wasnt scheduled for another migraine until fall 2023, but then i got one in october 2022, i think i got one again sometime a month or two after that, and now here i am again in march 2023, like three migraines in a row in a year that i wasnt even scheduled to have a single migraine in. some part of me is worried it might be an effect of accutane but hopefully since im off it now and its getting out of my system i’ll make my way back to my old schedule (if it even is a side effect of accutane) cuz like it sucks getting one this frequently, although its still not as bad as people who have like actual chronic migraines like my mom who gets one every 2-3 weeks, or others who get them even more frequently than that. but it still sucks yknow lol
the only other thing i can think of that might be causing migraines more frequently is that like. either my chronic sleep deprivation is catching up to me, or like. shits so bad im seriously wondering if every little thing wrong with me lately can be like a physical side effect of having severe depression like im seriously about to google if depression can make migraines worse cuz i dont know anything anymore. especially because i was in such a shit ass fucking mood this morning and then lo and behold migraine
so anyway im also wondering if maybe just the fact that these migraines are off schedule might be making them weaker than my normal ones. like my 2 year schedule ones are the mega migraines the things that last 6-8 hours, the ones that cause the huge entire, UNMISTAKABLE auras that cover my whole vision (rather than my wimpy ones lately that have me doubting if its an aura at all until its already almost over), the ones that have me bedridden within minutes of the aura ending, the ones that have the worst pain of my life and make sick like every 20 minutes, etc. And then maybe these off schedule ones, since theyre off schedule, might be weaker, have me sick less offen and with less pain, and tend to be slightly shorter than normal, etc? but i dont know it probably is just the excedrin causing the difference
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collarful-clover · 4 years
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Self indulgent lineless art of ya boi
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kenma + cuddles + stormy weather + only one bed
a/n: writing more comfort for myself bc there have been too many thunderstorms i hate this someone move me to antartica with the penguins and no thunder ALSO sorry if the grammar is wrong or smth i didn't proofread lol
you sighed.
"this sucks."
kuroo, the outdoorsy one of the group, decided that it would be fun to go camping. however, knowing that the two of you preferred the indoors and hated bugs, he decided to rent a cabin. (which was actually kinda sweet and considerate gj kuroo)
however, he made a little misclick and accidentally ordered a cabin with one bed. for the three of you.
so he called up the owners of the cabin and asked if they had any futons or anything, to which they told him to go buy himself a bed or a futon lol
so kuroo, being the prideful idiot he is, decided to drive AN HOUR AND A HALF back to civilization to buy 2 WHOLE ASS BEDS when it was 1am (nvm kuroo ur an idiot)
now, the two of you were stuck in a tiny little cabin that kuroo was going to jam TWO WHOLE BEDS in
tbh at this point u were ready to just SLEEP and kenma was literally melting onto the floor
buuuut there was only one bed and the two of you were too scared to sleep on it bc ur both v observant people and noticed that the other looked dead
so after these like rly awkward 15 minutes where there was no talking and no sound, you both sat on the couch (that literally felt like cardboard wtf kuroo) and you watched kenma play games on his game boy bc there was NO SERVICE and also you genuinely enjoy watching him play games bc he has the CUTEST EXPRESSIONS when he plays games
however, at some point, it started raining and you two got a text from kuroo
from 'rooster' to you and 'kenma':
The rain back here is rly bad so I have to wait it out. Be back tmrw :)
the two of you decided to suck it up after joking around and insulting him for a good 5 minutes (were ugs rly joking ?) and grabbed a blanket and sat back down on the cardboard couch.
you liked the rain. it was nice that there was more sound in the cabin that just the sound of buttons being rapidly pressed.
however, at some point, the rain turned into a thunderstorm.
you were terrified, to say the least. thunder has always been one of your absolute worst fears.
however, you didn't want to make a scene. especially not in front of your crush.
but ofc kenma being the observant man he is, noticed that you were gripping onto his shoulder a little tighter, and that you slightly tensed up whenever the thunder in the background roared. (for context you were holding onto his shoulder to see his game)
when he eventually came to the conclusion that you were terrified of thunder, he wasn't really sure what to do. comfort you? turn off his game? have you go to sleep? play some music? like what was he supposed to do
lucky for him, you figure out what he has to do for him. when a particularly loud and boomy thunder (they're all loud and boomy but this one was VERY loud and boomy) roars, you instinctively curl yourself close to him, eyes shut in terror.
he knows what to do now.
he turns off his game boy, sets it aside, and gently holds you close as he rubs your back.
"it's ok." he whispers soothingly. "it's all ok."
you're veryslightly embarrassed by the fact that you're literally curled up with your crush right now, but you don't really have time to think about the embarrassment with the thunder in the background
however, he provides you the sweetest comfort (contrary to my thunder comfort hcs lmao) and just wordlessly rubs your back and runs his fingers through your hair (bc he knows how good it feels lol)
his comfort is so nice that you end up falling asleep curled into him.
after your breathing steadies and he knows you're asleep, he lets his emotions show a bit more. the stupid smile that he's been biting back unleashes itself and finds its way onto his features. he gazes down at your sleeping figure, all curled up and snuggling into his chest, and feels his cheeks heat up a little. he lets himself drift of to sleep too.
you both end up waking up bc the couch is hard as cardboard about an hour later. he sighs and offers you the bed but you refuse immediately. the couch was uncomfortable af, the floor was worse and you were not about to let him sleep on it.
however, the same went for him. it would appear that both of you were incredibly stubborn.
kenma was the one to propose the "how about we both sleep on the bed? it's a queen so there'll be enough room.."
he may look calm and cool as ever when saying this, but if you look at his ears, they're bright red.
you nervously agree, and the two of you slowly climb into the bed.
the bed wasn't super comfortable, but it was much better than the couch. you slowly drift off to sleep.
you and kenma were both woken up at the same time by a rooster (not kuroo, an actual rooster) cock-a-doodle-doo-ing. when you opened your eyes, you were met with kenma's face about two inches from yours.
"AH!" you both screamed and tried to jump away, but couldn't. you looked down and realized that the two of you had intertwined legs and hands at night in your sleep.
to say the least, you were embarrassed. you could feel your cheeks burning up, and you saw kenma's ears turn bright red.
"uhm.." kenma started. "i.."
"I'M BACK!! D'YA MISS ME?" kuroo (the actual one, not his twin who woke u up)
you both whipped ur heads around and tried to untangle yourselves before he saw, but it was too late.
"oya?" (I NEVER PUT ANYTHING DOWN IN JAPANESE BUT IT JUST FELT SO APPROPRIATE) he had the biggest smirk on his face.
"ding a ling ling! whoa look at that i have a call be right back~!"
that cheeky brat.
"so, um, kenma.." you started, not really knowing what to say.
he cut you off. "how about we have this conversation after the trip is over?"
"yeah. lets do that."
the rest of the trip was actually decently fun, especially knowing that your crush liked you back and that you could look forward to that conversation after it was over. and as much as you hated to admit it, it was all thanks to kuroo and his idiotic brain.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 7: Somnophilia (+Double Penetration - 2 holes)
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Words: 2,397
Warnings: Somnophilia, double penetration, anal sex, sex toys (dildo + plug), dom!Roger, protected sex, light degradation (slut), edging
A/N: This was kind of inspired by a couple of different posts I saw on a (now deleted) porn blog. I’ve been wanting to do something with the concepts for a little while now and this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
I guess I was picturing 70s rog since its a flatmate/fwb type relationship but go nuts imagining whatever you want lmao
It hadn’t been Roger’s idea to set up a friends with bennefits type arrangement, but he’d liked the suggestion when you made it and before the end of the night was out you’d sealed the deal, so to speak. He’d been a touch tispy at the time, as had you, but when he woke up in your bed the next morning he hadn’t believed it to be a mistake, even if you were his flatmate. And so the arrangement (or as Roger dubbed it, The Fuckbuddy Pact) stuck. In an effort to make sure neither of you would feel weird about what happened and to avoid anything becoming too much like a relationship, Roger suggested that you should get all your kinks and weird fetishes out into the open straight away. 
“That way we’ll both know what we’re in for from the jump,” he said, looking at you from the opposite end of the couch, “None of that getting to know you shit, or taking our time. We’re both here for sex so let’s just figure out what sex we’ll both like and get straight into it, right?”  “Sounds excellent,” you’d said, cheersing his bottle of beer with your glass.   It was how he’d discovered your interest in somnophilia (a term he’d not heard before and had needed a thorough explanation of). But once he knew what it was, Roger had been keen to try it out with you. There were other things too but the somnophilia was the newest to him and, thus, the most exciting. Before the month was out you’d figured out a system to incorproate it into your sex safely. The main rule was that if either of you was asleep and naked, it was okay to initiate sex. Eventually there ended up being a few exceptions or addendums added to that rule – it was still okay if the sleeping party wore a top of some kind as long as they were pantsless, and once or twice lingerie had been deemed to not count as clothes, but only on special occasions when you’d prearranged it. It became a regular part of your sex lives, which was especially useful for Roger who often didn’t get home from playing gigs until the early hours of the morning. If you were in bed and undressed, he’d take the opportunity to blow off some of the adrenaline without having to use his hand which was underwhelming compared to your cunt. But, more often than not, you’d do what most sexual partners did and got it out of your systems before bed time.  
Roger already suspected that you were hoping for a quick tumble when he heard the knock on his door, but he had other things on his mind too as he told you to come in.  “Hey, Rog, you busy?”  “Uhhh yeah, sorry, running late for rehearsals but I can’t find my fucking drumsticks,” Roger said, moving things around his desk as he searched for the missing sticks.   “Oh, damn.”  “Let me guess,” he said, pausing in the hunt and turning to face you, “horny?”  “My friend recommended a porn thing and I kinda got worked up.” You shrugged, unembarrassed to admit what you wanted.  That self-confidence was enough to make Roger wish he could stay and give you what you wanted but he was already late and couldn’t afford to be later. Instead he laughed and turned back to double check his backpack, “I would but, I’m leaving as soon as I fin- Aha! Bloody things must have rolled off the bed. Sorry, Y/N.”  “Oh, no worries. I’ll take care of myself.”  He smiled at the thought, “Well I better go. See you tonight?”  “Yeah, see ya. Have fun.” 
It was later than he’d expected by the time Roger got home. Part of him (the part in his pants mostly) vaguely wondered if you’d still be up for something but the bits of him controlled by his brain thought it more likely that you’d have had a nice couple of orgasms on your own and called it a night. Still, he thought he might at least check in on you once he’d dropped his bag in his room. To his surprise though, his bed wasn’t empty like it should have been. He jumped when the light from the hall softly illuminated you, on your back and deep asleep, but his shock quickly turned to delight as he realised you were naked.   “You little minx,” he muttered under his breath, impressed by the invitation you were giving him. But as he walked closer he paused again, noticing something he hadn’t been able to see from the doorway. There, beside your hand, was your favourite glass dildo, as if you’d passed out after using it.  “Oh you are naughty,” Roger chuckled. He traced one hand down your body, between your breasts and over your stomach, and softly said your name, checking if you’d rouse. But you were deep asleep and not likely to wake up any time soon. A plan for what to do with you forming, Roger stepped away from you for a moment to strip down to his briefs. His cock was already beginning to stir at the sight of you. He reached out to touch you again, less cautiously this time, palming your breasts before dipping his hand lower and lower, down to your cunt, pleased to find you still wet from whatever you’d been doing before you fell asleep.  You let out a soft hum as he explored you, thumb teasing over your clit as he wet his fingers between your folds.   Roger paused at the sound, not ready for you to wake up yet, but once it was clear you were still asleep he sank two fingers into you. Slowly they penetrated your heat, pausing to make sure the sensation hadn’t roused you at all. But you slept on. Carefully Roger partially withdrew his fingers before sinking them in again, gradually working up to a consistent thrust that had your unconscious body sighing and spreading your legs wider.   “Good girl,” he whispered, watching you carefully. The hall light was still on but his door wasn’t open fully so the darkness was only dimmed slightly. He twisted his fingers inside you, easily finding the spots that usually made you scream his name but which now just made your eyebrows knit together. By this point in your relationships Roger was quite confident that he could understand your body. He’d made you cum enough times, awake and asleep, to know what you liked and just how much you liked it. And he knew what it looked like when you were close to orgasm. Which is how he knew to stop, to still his fingers and wait for you to calm down.  
There was no real reason to edge you. If anything it just made it more likely you’d wake before he’d got his dick wet. But he had fun with it. Watching the way you’d shift, your chest rising and falling more rapidly, your lips parted as whimpers fell from them, your hips automatically rolling to meet his hand. And then he’d stop again. It made him chuckle quietly to himself. Knowing he could control your body so easily was thrilling. It made him want to do it more. So as soon as your face had relaxed again, your limbs loose and limp, he’d settle into the rhythm once more, curious how much you’d take before you woke up and begged him to finish you off. It was tempting to just keep going. He pictured you waking with a moan, your first words a plea for release or better yet for his cock so he could fuck you properly. Roger groaned. In the time he’d taken to edge you a handful of times his dick had well and truly stiffened and, as much as he enjoyed toying with you, what he really wanted was to cum in you so when you woke you’d know you’d been used. With that thought in mind he withdrew his fingers fully, taking a second to suck them clean and enjoy your taste. Having you on his tongue just made him want to fuck you more so he carefully knelt between your legs, shifting one to give himself a better angle. He was moments from finally taking what he so wanted to take from you, when something caught his eye.  
It didn’t glint as much as it did in the day but he could see it’s outline all the same. And when he double checked that he wasn’t imaging it, pressing his thumb against the hard end of it, you groaned.   “A dildo and a butt plug?” He asked you, knowing you wouldn’t respond, “Is that a surprise for me? Or is it just because nothing satisfies you like I do?” Roger’s hand slipped down to his underwear, pushing his briefs down enough that he could get his cock out. He hissed as he spread his precum along his length, contemplating how he should use you. “Could fuck your cunt now and hope you stay asleep long enough for me to get back there. Or maybe I should just go all in, have your arse straight away. That’ll mean wearing a condom though. Or would it?” he shook his head, now was not the time to try anal raw for the first time, “No, condom definitely.” He was still trying to decide what to do when you shifted in your sleep, rolling onto your side. The new position you lay in made it much easier to reach your arsehole.  “That decides it then,” Roger said to himself, shedding his underwear and opening his bedside draw for his lube.  
Carefully, he settled himself behind you and slowly began to remove your plug. It took a few stops and starts, pulling out and sinking in, almost fucking you with it, as you whimpered in your sleep but you seemed to press yourself back towards him as if trying to encourage him.   “Just can’t get enough of me, can you?” he chuckled as he set the plug aside and spread the lube around your hole. He rolled the condom down his shaft and spread the lube along it too, humming at the slick friction of his hand, knowing he was about to feel something a hundred thousand times better. And then he lined himself up, pushing the head of his cock into the ring of muscles you’d so generously stretched out with your plug. He went slowly there too, partially so you’d sleep on and partially so he wouldn’t cum embarrassingly fast.   When he finally began to fuck you, you moaned into your pillow, able to feel it in your sleep.   Roger bit his lip to keep his own moan from getting too loud.  You moved in your sleep again, your legs opening more as you half rolled onto your front. It let Roger fuck you deeper and gave him better access to your pussy too.  “You’re a bit of a whore when you’re alseep,” he said softly, reaching for the dildo. You were still wet enough that it sank into you easily, like it remembered where it had been earlier and fit into your cunt perfectly. The way you lay meant he didn’t have what he’d call easy access to you but it was enough that he could thrust the dildo somewhat rhythmically. He faltered here and there as the feeling of fucking you distracted him but he didn’t feel too bad about the slips, knowing it was keeping you from reaching your release. Your sleepy sighs and moans got louder as he filled both your holes which just made him fuck you harder, enjoying the sounds you were making and wanting to hear more.  
You woke with a broken moan in your throat, jerking under Roger’s hands but he shushed you, his palms warm against your skin and his voice familiar and reassuring.   “Stay right there, baby. Being such a good set of holes for me to enjoy.”  You couldn’t do much more than moan again, dazed from the sudden way you’d been pulled back to consciousness and realising what you’d felt in your dreams had been very real indeed.   “This was what you wanted wasn’t it? When you fell asleep in my bed.”  You nodded, the sound of the fabric of the pillowcase loud against your ear.  “Uh uh, words Love. If you’re going to be a slut the least you can do is admit it.”  “Yes, Rog. Want-wanted this.”  “Good girl. And how do you feel now?”  “Oh god, close. So close.”  Roger slowed the pace of the dildo, putting more effort into thrusting into you, his hips slapping loudly against your skin.   You keened at the loss of friction.  “Slut-s don’t com-complain.” Roger grunted as he used you, “They t-ake what they’re giv-en.”  You whined but that just made Roger laugh, louder now you were awake but broken by groans and moans of his own.   It didn’t take much more for him to cum, stuttering out, “Fu-ck Y-Y/N,” as he did.  
Roger was panting as he eased himself out of your arsehole, replacing his cock with the plug and giving your hip a light tap of thanks. The dildo was still inside you, but he’d not been moving it at all as he reached his climax so it wasn’t much help.   “Did you cum?” he asked, his breathing still heavy as he flopped onto the mattress beside you.  You shook your head and sighed, “And after I waited here all night to surprise you too. Thought you’d be home sooner.”  “Is that why you had the toys? You got bored waiting for me?”  “No, I was expecting you to come home while I was using them. Only then I came and fell asleep.”  "Of course,” Roger laughed, “you still got your shag though, don’t know why you’re complaining.”  “I’m really fucking horny still, that’s bloody why. What are you smirking about?”  “Nothing. Just nice to know edging you in your sleep works just as well as when you’re awake.”  “Prick!” you squealed though unable to contain your smile at the idea.  “Don’t worry. Give me a few minutes to clean up and get my stamina back and then I’ll make you cum as many times as you want.” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
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blxkwxrl-blog · 3 years
i never thought of making smuts lmao but i kinda wanna, so i hope you'll like it.
yn - your name
yfn1 - your friend(1)'s name
yfn2 - your friend(2)'s name
ycn - your crush's name
ybn - your boyfriend's name
ycgn - your crush's girlfriend's name
summer is almost over, yet youre still not done with all this school work.
you sighed as you scroll past the photos your classmates posted from their vacation. its been long since you met your boyfriend too,
so you called him up, to plan a meet. he didnt pickup.
you saw your phone beeping from texts from your friend.
yfn1: hey yn, wanna go out tomorrow? a new club opened nearby.
you: sure! will it be just the two of us?
yfn1: no no. it will be me, you, yfn2 and ycn.
you felt your heart beating a bit faster.
you: ycgn wont come?
yfn1: no shes busy.
you: okay then.
but you couldnt stop your heart racing, just by the thought of his presence near you. the guilt of having a crush on someone else, whilst being in a relationship was eating you up. but luckily yoir boyfriend was pretty understanding, so he understood your problem and let you go to the club.
you knew it was wrong,
The next day;
you got in his car, as he took the shotgun. you couldn't help but stare at his veiny arm, and his hazel eyes. "so yn, are you done with school work?"
you were so distracted by him, that you ignored the question your friend asked.
"yn are you okay?"
you startled, and nodded as a response.
you all reached the club after an hour. the music was loud, your felt your whole body vibrating, as the music blasted at its full volume.
"hey yn, do you want a drink?" he asked, you nodded, and said "just order a beer for me, i dont want to get drunk."
he nodded, and ordered two beers for him and you. your guilt was haunting you, as your boyfriend's face came to your mind. 'i shouldnt, why do i like him? i shouldnt...why..why..no.'
you felt your stomachs forming knots. a sudden nauseous feeling took over your body, just from imagining your boyfriend's face. 'i shouldnt, and i wont.'
"yn are you okay?" ycn asked, he looked concerned. "hm" you said, as you gulped down the beer. the sweet taste of the beer filled your mouth, as you talked to ycn about yourself and other things you were curious about.
"ycn look, he looks like he got laid or something" you laughed as you saw a random guy passing by, who looked extremely proud and happy, judging from his facial expressions.
"how did you know he was drunk?" ycn asked smirking at you. "experience." you replied, taking a sip of your beer. "well what kind of experience?" ycn raised his eyebrows, as he smirked at you. "ummm blowjob probably. ybn and i didnt go that far yet"
you looked away as he smirked at you more,
"show me the kind of experience you have.", judging from his words and tone, you thought he was joking. so you laughed and played along. "sure, unzip and i'll show you my godly skills."
"oh yea? then get down the chair." you were a bit shook, but you didnt show that. "sure mister. open up first."
"hey yn and ycn!" you heard your other two friends calling you. you two talked to them, and ordered food.
you and ycn sat beside eachother. "feed me" ycn said. you laughed and took your spoon. he stopped you and said "no no, with your hand"
you were a bit shy, but anyways you fed him with your hands, but there was something strange. you felt him sucking your fingers slightly. you pulled your hand out, and blushed.
"my turn!" he fed you, but to your reflex, you bit his finger. "that hurts moron", he said hitting you playfully. you hit him back. he accidentally touched your thigh, you blushed a bit,
"that was by mistake. im sorry" he said
"its okay, dont worry about it" you smiled at him.
"hey guys do you know where the washroom is?", you asked.
"i do.", ycn replied. "shall i escort you milady?" he said.
you laughed and nodded.
"hey" ycn said,
"yeah?" you replied from the washroom.
"do you want me to come in?" he joked, you played and said.
to your surprise, he did actually come in.
"what are you doing ycn?" you asked. he pinned you against the wall, you could feel his alcholic breath, hitching against your neck, as he stared deep into your eyes. you felt him leaning in closer, 'this is wrong'. 'i shouldnt do it'. 'i cant hurt ybn, but it feels weirdly right'.
for a second you gave in yourself, after battling in your mind. "haha gotch ya!". ycn laughed, as he smiled in victory.
"god youre such an idiot." you said. "noo youuu." ycn snickered back at you, as he laughed at your flustered face.
you were glad he didnt do it, but deep down you wanted him to.
"what took you two so long?" your friends asked. you laughed and said "oh we were having a quickie."
ycn nodded and smirked at you.
"hey yn" ycn called you, "mhm?" you said as you feasted on the noodles on your plate. "how are your legs so smooth? what do you use?"
you almost spat out your food, you replied "eh i dont use anything, except my razor."
ycn nodded in response.
"hey dont waste the food" you said, as you saw few pieces of meet on the plate. "do you want it ycn?" you asked.
"yes" ycn replied, "but only if you feed it to me.......with your mouth."
you were kinda flustered. there was a sudden rush of excitement, to feel his lips, but the guilt held you back.
"no no" you said,
"then", he took a piece of meat in his mouth, and put it in your mouth. you blushed hard, as you felt his lips brushing against yours.
"do you wanna take pics?" he asked. you nodded.
he wrapped his hand around his shoulder, and pulled you in. you felt warm, you could hear his heart beating rhythmatically.
it was around 8pm now,
"hey, my mom will kill me if i dont go soon. wanna go together?" you asked.
he nodded and booked a cab for you two.
"hey, you know.." he said, and leaned in closer, and kissed your cheek lightly. "youre attractive, the most attractive person ive ever met."
he leaned in, and slipped in his tongue in your mouth. you savoured every inch of his mouth, as he slid his hand under your shirt, and squeezed your breast. "this feels right, but..."
"ma'am is this your stop?" the cab driver's words broke the heat in the air. you nodded, and opened the door for yourself.
"i'll miss you yn" he said, kissing your lips for ome last time, "i'll miss you too", you whispered, as you hugged him as hard as you could for one last time, before bidding him a final farewell.
you took a heavy breath, as you walked towards your house, the guilt of cheating and being in love with someone else, made you feel sick.
but at the same time,
it all felt so right.
The next morning;
you were having the worst migrane ever, you sighed as you snuck in some aspirins in your bedroom.
the memories from last night, made you feel light, as you gulped down the bitter aspirin.
you: hey! did you reach home safely?
ycn: yeah. you?
you: yeah. sorry for not asking sooner, i passed out.
ycn: its cool.
you: so you remember last night?
ycn: what about it?
you: what you told me?
ycn: ??
you: no nevermind, my bad, i mixed you with someone else.
ycn: hm, take care.
you: yeah, you too.
you felt your heart breaking,
you felt nauseous,
you were numb.
you fell in love,
you lived your dream.
but whats the price?
a bittersweet after-taste of the alcohol.
no memories from the night,
you two confessed.
A/N (author's note):
Hey guys! hope that you will like it. comment if you want a part 2 or a continuation,
or another imagine. i can do custom imagines too,
hope that you'll like it,
have a good day<3
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Hands | Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Bakugou learned from a young age to keep his hands to himself, even when his entire body longed for touch and his eyes filled with tears at the loss of a comforting habit.
WARNINGS: hurt/comfort, angst, touch starved bakugou!!, kind of a character study? i think about him a lot, one kiss, cursing, consensual hand holding (PFFFT), mitsuki fucking sucks but what’s new
I hope you like this!! please remember feedback is always appreciated and all that. thank you for reading!! sorry if it sucks LMAO I DID MY BEST AND I KINDA LIKE IT
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When he was a child, before he even cared about quirks or rankings or strength, Bakugou Katsuki loved holding hands.
No one knew exactly why, but that was just something he liked. He would hold Izuku’s hand while they talked and ran around the neighborhood, he would take his teacher's hand in his ever so softly whenever he walked over to their desk to ask a question. Katsuki would latch onto his dad with the most loving, tiny grip he could muster, and he would even interlace pinkies with his mom when she was having a good day and didn’t deem his manners “too soft”,  “too weak”, “too foolish”. Those were nice days in the Bakugou household.
Bakugou Katsuki was five years old when he had his heart broken for the first time. It was a few weeks after his quirk manifested and he was just so excited to play hero (with a quirk, this time!) alongside his friends after school that he didn’t even hesitate before grabbing Izuku’s hand exactly like he always did, jumping up and down with energy and happiness, rambling about how he was gonna be the number one hero one day — until Izuku screamed, pulling his hand away with a painful expression. Katsuki furrowed his eyebrows, confused at his best friend’s antics, and then he saw it: the raw, burned flesh of his palm.
Katsuki had hurt his best friend.
It’s very easy to fix objects, his dad used to tell him while stitching up one of his ripped shirts, you just get a bit of glue or yarn and you put it back together, a smile graced his lips at the feeling of his son taking his hand immediately after he let go of the sewing needle, but people are a lot harder to patch up, Katsu. People can’t be fixed, sometimes.
He wasn’t exactly sure of when he started shoving his hands inside his pockets, when he started opening doors with his feet and touching people with his shoulders to get their attention. It took him a while to understand that that first occasion wasn’t an accident, and that controlling his quirk when he got too excited or just overly happy was too hard and the security he got from all those tender touches he so eagerly searched from everyone in his life wasn’t worth the risk. The best thing Katsuki could do, for himself and for others, was to keep his hands to himself, even if they felt cold and empty and his big red eyes filled with tears at the loss of such a comforting habit.
He told himself it didn’t matter. You’d have to overgrow that over time, anyway, his mom reminded him at some point. Such childish, silly bullshit. Only softies hold hands, Katsuki, and we both know you’re not a softie.
It was easy to pretend he didn’t miss it. After a few years, the lack of touch was simply another part of his life he consciously chose to ignore, another longing he conditioned himself not to think about. It wasn’t like many people noted his abrupt change in behavior either — there were other things about him that were much more worthy of attention than that, like his killer quirk and quick brain, like his determination and ambition. Who cared about the fact that little Bakugou Katsuki didn’t want to hold hands anymore? Who cared about the fact that little touchy and clingy Bakugou Katsuki now barely touched others? 
Such childish, silly bullshit. Only softies hold hands, Katsuki, and we both know you’re not a softie.
He met her during his second year at UA. Y/N was mostly quiet, but still friendly and hardworking, fighting hard for her place as the number one student in Class 2-B. A project involving the two classes put them as partners, and project meetings soon became sparring sessions that turned into study group that led to study dates and then real dates and, by the beginning of his senior year, Katsuki had gotten himself a girlfriend.
He wasn’t certain if she noticed the way he purposely kept his hands out of reach when they walked side by side, or if she ever saw how he always made sure his palms were pointing away from her skin whenever they hugged or cuddled. He didn’t think anyone would ever pay enough attention to him to the point of perceiving his hesitancy. It didn’t matter that Bakugou had gained complete control of his quirk, it didn’t matter that he still felt his skin and his hands tingling with the urge, the craving for touch — the satisfaction wasn’t worth the risk, not the stupid satisfaction he didn’t even need. Such childish, silly bullshit. Bakugou Katsuki was doing very well with letting go of old customs, no doubt.
But Y/N noticed. God, of course she did — she noticed all the longing gazes, all the small flinches. She noticed how he never let his hands touch hers and at first it made her worried. Didn’t he want to touch her? Had she done something wrong? Her boyfriend wasn’t the best at communicating his feelings, even though he had been putting in the effort to talk to her whenever he felt a bit under the weather or bothered. 
However, this seemed like a bigger problem, like something he would never speak of unless she brought it up. It seemed deeper.
He lifted his scarlet eyes from the book in his hands and turned them to her sitting figure. They were both on his bed, despite curfew starting in less than an hour and the knowledge they shouldn’t be alone in his dorm. To be honest, Aizawa was quite used to watching the Class B girl sneak out of his student’s room every other night, wearing one of his many hoodies and those shorts that she always left in his closet. As long as they weren’t causing him any trouble, Eraserhead didn’t cause them any trouble, either.
“Yeah?” his voice was clearly tired after a day full of training and studying, a hint of sleepiness dripping from his tone.
“How come you never let me hold your hand?”
Katsuki froze on the spot, feeling his heart pick up its pace until it was beating so loud he could hear it by his ear, throbbing. He gulped harshly, sweat immediately gathering up on his hands from his own anxiety. She had noticed?
“What do you mean?” he tried to laugh calmly, but his chuckle sounded forced and nervous. He put the book away.
“You never let me hold your hand,” Y/N’s cheeks were tinted red with shyness. She had been pondering on how to talk to him about this for days now, yet seeing him so flustered made her surprisingly tense. “You avoid touching me with your hands in general, actually,” her chuckle sounded as forced and nervous as his, “is… Is there something wrong? Would you feel better if I stopped touching you so much? Does it make you uncomfortable? Because I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Katsu. You can talk to me about things like that, you know it.”
He couldn’t get himself to answer, unable to move or truly process her words. He really thought he had been slick, huh? He really thought she’d never notice, he really thought she’d never care. How would she feel if he told her he was afraid to hurt her, that he was afraid he would lose control of his quirk and burn her somehow, like he had done with Izuku all those years ago? Would she think he was childish and silly, too? Such childish, silly bullshit, Bakugou Katsuki scared of holding hands with his girlfriend, scared of touching her and holding her like she deserved to because what if it went wrong? What if he fucked it up? The best thing Katsuki could do, for himself and for others, was to keep his hands to himself, even if they felt cold and empty and his big red eyes filled with tears at the loss of such a comforting habit.
People are a lot harder to patch up, his father told him. He didn’t want to be guilty of screwing this up, didn’t want to destroy the relationship he cherished so, so much. Would she think he was weak for being this reluctant? Would she laugh at his stupid antics and tell him to grow up and stop being such a softie? Would she get mad? Should he even tell her?
“Katsu?” her soft voice relaxed his muscles like it habitually did, and he sighed deeply before meeting her worried eyes. “Talk to me?”
Y/N had always had this amazing talent of making him feel at ease. Ever since they met, so many months ago, she had this blinding quality that urged him to be quieter, calmer, less defensive. She didn’t even have to try tearing down his walls — they simply melted away when she smiled at him for the first time. He had never really talked about this issue with anyone else before, and he didn’t know how to even start, but Y/N made him want to try. Still, the words felt heavy on his tongue.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he muttered so quietly that she leaned in to hear him, furrowing her eyebrows in disagreement.
“Come on, Katsu. Please?”
He inhaled deeply. She stared patiently, waiting for him to organize his own thoughts enough to explain the thousands of things running through his mind. When his eyes met hers again, he felt warm all over. Katsuki loved the way she looked at him — there was no fear, no ulterior interest, no nonsensical admiration. She looked at him and she saw… Katsuki. Just that. And, strangely, that seemed enough.
The boy averted his eyes from hers. “I don’t want to hurt you with my quirk.”
Oh. Oh? That, well, that was definitely unexpected. The crease in Y/N’s eyebrows deepened. 
“Why would you ever hurt me, Katsuki?”
The future hero lifted his head to look at her instantly, confusion swimming in his red gaze as he answered, “I mean by accident, Y/N. I—,” he almost stopped himself right there, yet her expression caused him to continue, “I really liked holding hands when I was younger, you know? With my friends, teachers, family, and all that,” his ears were bright pink with embarrassment that subsided when she smiled softly at the new information, “it made me feel safe or whatever. Then I—then I got my quirk and, sometimes, when I held hands with people it just—,” he exhaled heavily before letting out a sad, defeated laugh, “I have burned a nasty amount of people. I don’t want to do that with you, too. I’d never want to hurt you.”
Katsuki was hardly a vulnerable person. He tried to be, yes, because he wanted this to work and for it to work he had to meet her halfway somehow during certain moments, but it was so, so difficult. It was so difficult for him to open up and talk about one of his biggest insecurities of all time, about one of the things he most craved for. He didn’t want to scare her away.
“Katsuki.” Her tone was serious and she stared at him with such intensity that he lost the ability to breathe for a second. “I understand where you’re coming from, but that’s bullshit.”
Bakugou blinked. “What?”
“You’d never hurt me, okay? I know you wouldn’t. I trust you, Katsu, so much. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you about this before,” she bit her lip thoughtfully while he could only stand there, dumbfounded with her reaction. 
Out of all his imagined worst-case scenarios, this was a surprise. 
“Katsu,” the girl called to him again, smiling lovingly in that way that made his world spin in its axis when they first met, “do you trust me too?”
“Of course I do,” there was no hesitation this time. Of course he did.
“Can I touch your hands?”
Once again, he froze on the spot. She looked at him expectantly.
People are a lot harder to patch up. She was trying, though. She was really trying to fix the ripped pieces of himself he tried to bury under anger and seclusion, pretending there was nothing wrong and that this was just how things were supposed to be. 
Bakugou looked down at his own hands, studying them carefully. With a last shaky exhale, he nodded.
She took his hands in hers, letting her fingers interlace with his cautiously so as to not startle him. Her thumb caressed his palm ever so softly and he fought the instinctive flinch that threatened to push her away. After years without it, this type of touch felt too intimate, too close, too new.
He liked it. 
He smiled.
“See? Nothing to worry about.” Y/N smiled back, grinning when he took it upon himself to squeeze her hand in appreciation. “You’re fine, Katsuki. I like holding your hand.”
His smile grew wider and he leaned in to kiss her, living for the feeling of her fingers squeezing his while their lips moved slowly. They had kissed a million times before, yet this felt different. If given the chance, Katsuki probably wouldn’t mind being stuck in that moment forever, with her lips on his and his hands on hers — Y/N had melted away all his walls and defenses from the start, and he was incredibly glad. He was incredibly glad for her.
His heart was beating fast inside his chest, especially when she pulled one of his hands up slightly to let it cup her face. A shiver went down his spine as he felt the curve of her jaw under his fingertips, the softness of her skin touching his. When there was not any air left in their lungs, they parted from each other. She turned her face to kiss his palm affectionately and his entire face seemed to burst with love and gratitude.
“I like holding your hand, too.”
She giggled, and, for the first time, Bakugou felt like it’d be alright if he decided not to keep his hands to himself. Such childish, silly bullshit, waiting around when he could’ve been holding hands this whole time.
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A/N: so that was it!!! i hope you liked it!!! hehe hello
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all: @kiedhara @wingeddemonclub @thedemigodsarealivebitch @ray-ofmoonlight​
also tagging @tsuhika bc i am: a fan and you gave us permission to tag you in shit SOO KJSFBIUEFB LMAO SORRY
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